10 THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1904. WHISKY OUTDOES IDE TRAIN Liquor Zilli Man Who is AMe t Low Zotn Legs and Lit, SUCH IS STATEMENT OF THE SURGEONS Few Dart Ckarln Astderaan'a Htm Filled with Trade Clr eiait(i-Mi Dies at Hospital. - The hat few days of the Ufa of Charles .A nO arson. Thirteenth and I lamer streets, Here filled with strange tragedy. The man had both legs cut off by a train and lay on the tracks two and a. hU hours before ti9 ai aware of the horrible accident. He had teen drunk, ao thoae who exam ined hla case reported, and all ha knew when found, limbless, waa that he waa "nick at the stomach." Then, on top of thl strange freak of nature, the man sue. cutanea, not to the accident, according to the statement of the attending physicians, but, strangoly enough, to the effects of the drink he had taken and which so terribly stimulated his system as to render him Oblivious to killing pain and unconscious to the loss of both legs. "Delirium tremens" b the cause of death, This was the surprising declaration of the Surgeons who attended Anderson at St. Joseph's hospital, where he died. "tie could have survived the accident," It was snld, "but tho effects of the liquor, never. He was getting along splendidly, so far as the loss of his logs was concerned.' Lives Four Days. Anderson sustained the loss of both legs on the railroad tracks at Thirteenth and Jones streets last Thursday morning and died at 8 yesterday morning. He was an employ at the Swift packing plant in South Omaha and it la not known yet what relatives. If any, be had in Omaha. Anderson was found about 6:t0 last Thursday morning by D. W. Clark and Edward Schultz on the tracks, with both legs cut off below the knees and also suf fering from the effects of a spree, so it was reported. When the two men ap proached Anderson be told them he was sick at tho stomach, but did not know bis legs had been cut off. According to reports of trains passing Anderson laid where he was found at least two and a naif hours. Arrangements for 'Anderson's funeral have not yet been made. Having no known relatives in Omaha, his remains will be taken to Ueafey & Heafy's under taking parlors. IN THE BASEMENT TUESDAY Ixtraordinary Bargains 5c 10c balls of ice wool, at each ff 15c drapery U I I denim, per BIG DEAL BY FORMER OMAHAN Victor II. Lacdcrlclt Bays Iut for One Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars. The Kansas City papers of Saturday give the details of the sale of a forty-eight-foot lot occupied by a business block at the corner of Tenth and Main streets, that city, to Victor H. Luederlch, formerly of Omaha, the coimlderatlon being 1175,000 cash. Mr. Laederlch Is president of the Central Vlavi company and formerly had his offices in The Bee building. The property Just ac quired bv Mr. Loederich is a modern six story business block and Is bought by Mr. Letderlch for an investment. The Btar gives this account of the deal: A forty-eight-foot lot occupied by a busi ness -block on Main street was sold yester day for I176.UOU. John rrv. fnrmurlv uf Kansas City, but now living In ingunoY sold to Victor H. Laederlvh tue property at tuv vuuiueusi corner 01 1 until alia JVluin streets. The transaction was a cash deal. The property is a modern six-story busi ness block and Is occupied by the Uoley Clothing company. Mr. .ferry has owned It for seven years. He received a little more than tiMH a foot for the property, Including the improvements. The closing of the deal was deferred until today upon the request of William C. Perry. While Mr. Perry had full power of attorney to act for his brother, and while the papers had all been made out and the check In payment drawn, Mr, Perry finally decided that ha could not close tho deul until he had heard from his brother. A cablegram was sent to Mr, Perry In Knglund yesterday. W. A. Hoy t, a real estate dealer in the iNew xorK l.ue building, made the deal. O. A. Sundernon, a real estate broker in the New York Life building, represented Mr. Laederlch In the deal. Mr. Lacderlch came to Kansas City from Omahu. He Is president of the Cen tral Vlavi company In the Century build ing. Mr. Laederich bought the property for an investment. JUDGE DOES NOT SEE JOKE Police Magistrate Fines Fellow Who Takes Blind Man's Watch "Just for Fun." H. C. Albertson of Cleveland, O., has been fined J-5 and costs In police court, where he was arraigned on the charge of petit lar ceny. It was charged Saturday evening he took a gold watch belonging to Harry Burke, known as "Blind Harry." The evi dence showed Albertson took the watch from Burke's vest at a lunch stand at Ninth and Capitol avenue and went to Council Bluffs with the timepiece. Albert sou claimed the whole thing was a Joke, but Police Judge Berka failed to see the Joke and maintained that going to Council Bluffs, where Albertson wan arrested by Detectives McDonald and Patullo, was car rying the Joke too far. "Blind Harry" la a musician and supports his mother and child, who live in Council Bluffs. The watch In the case is without crystal, Burke being able to tell the time by locating the position of the hands with hla fingers. yard 5c cambric dress lining, tier vard all per yard 8Jc apron check gingham, yard x j yard Yard wide heavy finish bleach ed muslin, yard $2 60-lnch couch cov ers, each 98c I 15c white drap- 3c 3ic Yd wide heavy black inter lining, yd.. . Ladies Fall Neckwear at 10c-15c-25c Entirely new lots of very pretty and stylish fall neck wear in stocks and lace and embroidered turnover collars many elaborately embroidered flOp 1 O'lP with silk and worth up to 50 o each 9jmlJmtJ Fancy Dress Buttons Cloak, buttons, jack et buttons, etc. A wide variety at, per dozen 2v JC Wash Laces Trimming laces, all kinds of dreBS trimmings, braids and bead trimmings, Cn worth up to 25c yard, at, yard .2C 06 DC Specials in Silk Department Fine dress silks, foulards, mousselines, crepe de chines shirt waist silks yard wide peau de soie 27-inch heavy peau de soies and taffetas C At i Q worth up to $1.60 yard, at, yd JeJC-.7C-0.7C Silk Faced Velvets In every shade includ ing blacks positively worth 75c and $1.00 Cli at aA a yard on bargain square t Watch Our J Windows S Watch Our vtv.sm OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Tuesday Fair. Dry goods, ladies' suits and cloaks advertised in Sunday papers are good for Tuesday's selling. The carload book sale lasts all week. Hooks by all the novelists of the day; books that have fired the reviewers with enthusiasm and have made localities and characters famous. A rousing sale of books all this week with Double Green Trading Stamps thrown in. Artists material section is a new addition to our Art. Dept. Everythiug you need for your art at way down prices. Second floor. Grocery Dept. If you purchase your groceries at IJennett's "you are right," always satisfac tory. Bennett's Capitol Oats, 1f)r 2-ponnd package IvJi Baking Soda, 1-pound package, Macnronl, 1-pound package 10c Imported Sardines', lflr per can lJ Corn, 2-pound can, IOC Bnked Beans, 3-pound can ' J(Jq nixriZ Thirty (W) "S. & H SrJsrSJ j Trading Stamps with 'jH 5 three pounds, finest Java PmW atnd Mocha Coftee $i ifonraia ' Twenty (2) "S. & H." iarHTT"fl ) Green Trading Stumps RHiTfl ny kind UOC rfe&ji Ten ($1) "S. & H." Green J-TOM; Trading Stamps with dozen boxes parlor Matches 2jC Five '(Sic) ' '& ' H.'" Green ' Trading Stamps with two pound pkg. Hr Rolled Oats 'WW Candy Dept. Five (SOc) "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps with eaeh pkg. fresh- S&r made Butter Scotch Windows MANUAL ' TRAINING SCHOOL Rw Dcpartmeat at Cass Will Be Opened to Pupils In Three Weeks. The new manual training department at the Cass grade school will be opened In about three weeks, according to Superin tendent Davidson. The nonarrlval of ma terial Is the only thing keeping back the opening at present, as two rooms have been fitted up and prepared. MUs Catherine Th beat Wealth U Hftalth." and Jaeger underwear I h notsu maliar and 6BVf Ol health. K U therefore the most profitable In. vestment for your mon ey, far what profit any gain If health be lost? BHoaratadti fey leadln rhyslelaas cTerywher. For Sale by Lux, the teacher engaged for the work, hat recovered from an attack of appendicltli requiring an operation and has resumed her duties arranging for the department. KITTREDGE ON THE ELECTION Sooth Dakota Senator Says His State la Sire to File t'p Itepabllcan Majorities. United States Senator A. B. Klttredge of Sioux Falls, 8. D., was in the city for a short while yesterday, registered at the Millard. He said: I am simply here between trains enroute westward on private business. There Is but little to say regarding political matters In South Dakota, other than that the elec tion will be all one way there, and that will be for the republican state and na tional tickets. President Roosevelt is very popular in South Dakota and will carry the state by a big majority. No factional differences exist between the republicans In the state and the republican state ticket will run along about even with the na tional ticket. Souih Dakota Is enjoying great prosperity this year, especially In ag ricultural and live stock lines. We will be a little short on wheat, owing to tha rust In some localities, and where we were fig uring upon an approximate average of twenty-five bushels to the acre, I am afraid we will have to content ourselves with from fifteen to twenty bushels to the acre, taking the state over. The good prices for wheat will help matters out greatly and our farmers and ranchmen are not complain ing any. I regret very much that urgent business reasons will prevent my remaining over to hear Senator Fairbanks and Sena tor Dolllver tonight at the Auditorium." SIXTEENTH STREET PAVING BaaassaaiaBBi Contract at Last is Let and Work Mast Be Hastened. BARBER COMPANY SECURES THE JOB 0DELL STORY IS REVAMPED Rumor that New York Gorernor Will Become Union Pacific's Presl. dent Fanned Into Life. In view of the annual meeting at Salt Lake City today of the Union Pacific di rectors, that ancient rumor of Governor B. B. Odell's succeeding to the presidency of tha Union Pacific once more Is revamped. But as usual It receives little credence In the west, and particularly at Union 1'a clflo headquarters. The rumor traverses much the same ground as in bygone years, saying the governor of New York, who Is a close personal friend of President Harrl man; will he placed In financial charge as president, with his offices In New York, thus relieving Mr. Harrlman of much of the Intricate responsibilities resting upon him, who Is not physically vigorous. When this rumor waa In circulation some two years ago, about the time Governor Odell was making a touc of the Harrlman aystem, both be and Mr. Harrlman were given opportuntlea for confirming it, but they signally failed to do so, both main taining there was positively no truth to the story. During the last twenty-four hours several eastern representstlves of the Union Pa cific have passed through the city on the way to the meeting, among them James Hellen, assistant secretary of the executive board. William R. Kelly, general solicitor for the company, has left Omaha for the meeting. Albert Calm Airs. J. Benson Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued up to noon October 10: Name and Residence. Age. George William Perkins, Los Angeles, Cal 29 Nancy Anna Olsen, Los Angeles, Cal..., 24 James C. Johnson. South Omaha 21 Katie Martin, South Omaha 16 John B. Green, Walbach, la 8) Gertrude C. Shaw, Fullerton U) Richard A. Hummel, Hot Springs, 8. !.. 24 Cleva H. Cross, Hot Springs, S. D 23 Zacheus M. Man, Fremont..- 23 Mollis Coffey. Fremont XI U K. Wedding Rings. Edholra, Jeweler. Bnlldlne rVrmlte. Ruildlng permits bsve been Issued as fol lows: Dr. M. A. lipjolin, brick flats at Kighteenth and Cass streets to cost tti.Otlu; l.ornao Anderson, frame dwelling at Nine teenth aud Spencer to cost t.uuO. General Manager Carpenter Assur Omaha He Will Wipe Ont This Eyesore as Quickly as Possible. By tha Board of Public Works yester day tha Barber Asphalt company was awarded the contract for paving Sixteenth street, from Douglas north to Izarti, and General Manager Carpenter of the suc cessful bidders declared immediately after ward the work would be begun just as soon as possible and rushed through without unnecessary delay or Interruption. Three bidders entered the competition, the Barber company, the Nebraska Bltu lithic company and Hugh Murphy. The Barber company was the lowest bidder, offering to do the work at $1.49 a square yard; Hugh Murphy came next, with a bid of $2, and the ltaiithlc company's figures were 12.39 per square yard. The entire Job is to cost $46,793, and tha contract calls for a prompt piece of work. Wlthnell waa absent, but Lobeck and An drew Rosewater, the other two members of the board, were at one in the letting of tills contract to wipe out of existence the dreadful eyesore to all Omaha which North Sixteenth street, in Its present state of dilapidation, has been. The Season's Sale of Stoves You save money emphatically save money buying a stove at Bennett's. Every merchant knows but one way to secure rock-bottom prices. That one way is to buy in car load lots. This we do! Teninsular Stoves are the perfection of stove building.' Here's a base burner of perfect build, of beautiful finish, with grateful heat-giving, coal-saving Sk.)A qualities. All sizes,up from. V T The Teninsular Heating tove A first class oak, the biggest and best for the price. It's a hot blast - smoke consumer (any fuel); has tricks and turns in its make, that brands it a triumph. You O J? A must see it. Up from UJU Note When you make choice of the Feninsular you make choice of the biggest and best line of stoves in the world. Fact! WBilHIffllill Ilia's & ' WEDDING GIFTS We desire to call your attention to our magnificent display of silver, particularly appropriate for wedding gifts. This store has a reputation for Its exclmMvenpHs in wares, and much so in Sterling Silver. The collection of serving pieces Is most exquisite. Spend a few minutes in our store. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1S16 Douglas St. DONAHUE PRAISES CROWDS Chief of Police Says Carnival Attend ants Were Orderly Considering Larger Numbers. Speaking of the general behavior obtain ing during the carnival. Chief of Police Donahue sad: "Considering the large crowds on the streets, particularly Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening, It may be said that the general conduct was excellent. I wish to say that every member of the police de partment worked hard to preserve .order and Is deserving of no small amount of credit. Of great assistance to the police department were the dally newspapers, in announcing from time to time what would be considered by the police as disorderly conduct. All things considered, It can be aid little crime was committed in Omaha during tha fall festivities." TAKES BACKTHE PRISONER Sheriff Hall of Holt County Conies to Omaha for Alleged Horse , Thief. Sheriff Hall of ON ell. Holt county, is In the city to take back Bennett Cartwright, arrested by Detectives Drummey and Ma loney, for trial. It Is said Cartwright la wanted at Belle Fourcbe, S. D., for horse and cattle stealing, and at O'Nell for the theft of a horse, on which be made his escape from the sheriff after having been arrested. It is said Cartwright Is one of a gang of rustlers which has stolen nearly 2u0 horses In the Belle Fourche country during the last year. The catUamen'a as sociation has offered a reward of $400 for Cartwrlght's apprehension. aBBBsmnBtnSaaOK sBBBBBBBa ' It's the Time of Year When you should take the best of care of your health. A welt sole shoe should be the first consideration. We have a Woman's Welt Shoe at (2 60 that Is a world beater equal to our men's welts that have gained such a reputation. we have them in all the sizes and widths and can give you a comfortable fit. For an all-around every-day shoe we recommend It to our customers. Your money back if you are not satisfied. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAU STREET, Omaha's Up-to-Dali Shot Honn ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE CATHERS FILES THAT SUIT Defeated Aatt Leader Briars Hath Mooted Action Aarslnst Mayer and Other Officials. John T. Cathcra, one of the unsuccessful Fontanelle club aspirants for state sen atorial nomination, has filed hla long-talked-of suit In the district court against Mayor Moorea, Comptroller Lobeck, Treas urer Hennlnga and tha members of the city council for CS,48S.7 which ha claims was Illegally paid out for street labor done la April and June of 19W.- It was tha May, 1804, pay roll and Is the result of the old fight precipitated after the spring elec Uon of 1903, when the antl faction, to which Cathera belongs, was defeated. Mortality Statistics. Tha following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Hvalth dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Aionoay: births Henrr P. Dross. 1416 Pierce, hnv: Bert Williams. 816 North Fifteenth, girl; ieis r. reierson, juu noum neventeentn, Paul Ilamske, 26U2 South Twelfth, boy; John PostalwelghL East Omaha, girl; J. L. unirer, fl Ohio, boy; VTeaerick W. Lai 22ii7 Dodse. Deaths Mrs. Llsxie Meyer, 1 North Sev enteenth, iH; LAura M. Klmhall. ISS, South Seveuth. U. eei si m poia sth iml fen siwuvs "Vlltt aiX iutd "t u(ifii T XJUU lili'IXNial VliqO M snnoa I dflUXS CS.IHJLQOS S.AOlSSslA sun W Moore's Stoves Always I The Happy Woman Is she who has one of Moore's Ther mometer Ran ccs. No other combines so many good points. No chance to ro wrong by guissing. The thermometer shows the exact neat of the oven. The thermometer guide shows how hot it ought to be and how long to bake, and the controller damper enables ber to keep the fire just right Ask your rlrhbor who kas Moon's Rang how sha Ilk It. Also, how shs likes tl. hlngsJ top fur broMlnr. O call at our sto t and lat ua ehnw yoj thas add mumy tlrJ vmtmgu which pica particular housakaapara Nebraska Furniture and Carpet Co. 413-415 No. 24th St., South Omaha A BEIUTIFUUVOfJAr. b dliWM by JJ m tt Hasr. Imporlal Hair Regenerator k Dm aaJr earn a4 hamkua rma hrfftW. Ii a 0a"Mlr fU.fm, Hlwa. 4 Um tU kaW ana ai- " ua.ouaW it aa m Mai. owe Afrucnos mil aua f u. MultalMciaWfci. rmar aaaurva. awia ror pavipbkal. Mfjsica!. r t w ycf.tv.. lMriM , , Bherman tt McCoonall Drug Co., Omaha. PKPUTT STATS VliTEKiNARlAJM. H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. cm vKTmiinritituai. ClUHi, NEB. Taleubone S3& OMc ad lalnuaxr, 28 tA gad alasoa It A Few of Many Bargains for Tuesday. 1HI Kit II A Pi-Si ITVRH, A Few of Many Bargains for Tuesday. 25c Children's Vests and Pants Nations! Klbhed gray Jersey in alt sl7es. choice Tuesday ier Der garment low 1.50 to 1.75 ladies' Wool Knit Skirts rialn and sssorted col ored borders, your chrk'o Tuesday Qq Children's Wool Knit Skirts In fanry assorted bnrd ers worth up to 11 60 choice Tuesday 50c Men's White Shirts, ua- laundered, 11.00 Men's t'ndersliirts I'rawers, CO, at, each O-'C Wool and 50c to 65c Cor set Cover Em- broidery-Extra wide, OCi. at, yardsweala Special lots of Embroidery strips, at, yard 15c, 10c, C 7ic and. Vt 85c Black Chif fon Taffeta for dresses, 19-in. wide Tuea- wd f day, at llH f yard asw-.w Be sure and attend our famous two hour dress goods sale From 9 to 11 a. m. We will mil 600 all wool drasa atterns 46, 54, 68 and 60 In. wide si lor bultinirs worth from CI. 50 to 3.00; Voiles worth from 1 .60 to 2.50; Novelties worth from 11.00 to 3.50; Cravenottea worth from 11.60 to $2.60, and other goods worth up to 60 a yard, and only T one pattern to a customer sU f at, a yard A V From 2 to 4 p. m. We will sell 64 In. extra weight Sicilians In brown and navr blue worth 11.00 a yard, only mTf 6 yards to a oustomer at, " J C yard 10c Children's Collars on sale Tuesday f f 3 for. lUC 50c L eathe r Belts 10c 15c Embroidery Hand- fl kerchief. U4C 75c Hose Sup porters, heavy satin pad front, best qua! A f lty elaatio Jf at No Peddlers or Dealers sold on this Sale. 35c and 50c Hose Snpporters, an odd lot of pad front satin belt support- 3;?..:. 15 c 1.25 Black Rustling Taffeta Pure Bilk, 27 in. wide, Tuea-ifQ-day at, yd.. OmL 200 yd. Spool Cot ton, at Gold Eye Needles, -fy. A W best quality, pkg 100 yards Beldlng Bros. Sewing Silk 1.75 Black Peau De Soie All silk, 86 inches wide, Tues- Q O -day, at, yd.OC Grocery, China and Hardware Specials Never In the history of California was the fruit crop so good and ao plenty, the quality ao line and the prices so low. Fine California new crop Peaches, lb. ..., 80 Fine California Prunes, lb 8VjO Currants, new crop, cleaned, lb. 60 Apricots, new crop, lb. . Co Nectarines, new crop, lb 8o Ulankberries, new crop, lb. ...... Vfao Loose Muscatel Raisins, new crop, lb 3Ho Morgan's Sapollo.-.. ........ so Arm and Hammer Soda, pkg...... 5o 4-pound package Gold Dust........ lta Yeast Foam, pkg 2o Peaxline, pkg - , - 2o TEAS AND COFFEES. Royal Blend Coffee, lb . - 14o Premium Ulcnd Java Coffee lb. 15o Nectar Blend Java Coffee, lb 4.74c Epicure Java and Mocha Coffee, lb e Sun Dried Japan Tea, lb -- 8S0 Hasket Fired Japan Tea, rb... S&o First Picking L'ncolared Japan Tea, lb. ........ iSo Choice Sun Dried Tea Slftlngs. lb.UUo CHINA SPECIALa Oas Globes, each.' Uo Fancy H. & ii. Decorated Fruit Plates, steppled, gold finish, at.. 8V4o Crystal Sugar Pawls, at Ea Crystal Butter Dishes, at 60 Crystal Cream Pitchers, at 8o Crystal Spoon Holders, at SH Crystal Sauce Dishes, for 80 Flint Blown Tumblers, each SHa Thin Tulip Tea Cups, each io Art Pottery Water Pitchers, 4- quart, very fine, worth lie, at.. 2So HARDWARE SPECIALS. 6-Inch Stove Pipe for ., to No. 8 all Copper Hollers for. $l.f3 2SxS Stove Board for S3o 2-burner Gasoline Stoves for ..$2.13 6-Inch Elbows for 60 Nice Oak Heater for .....Jt !'5 Range Tea Kettles for 16a Double Mincing Knife for........... 60 Wood Bait Boxes for 7o Tin Wuter Pall, 10-quart for loo Kindling Hatchet for Do 18-inch Hand Saw for 2&a HAYDEPn3 BROS. Cal ifornia S2S 1 Every day until Oct 15. Daily Tourist Care through Colorado or through New Mexico. Othjcr bargains In tickets to Pacific Northwest and many points in Arizona, Utah, Montana and Idaho. Call or write today for full information and free booklets. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D.P.A, 1323 Fnrnam Street, Omaha, Neb. FAST TO CALIFORNIA ARE OVER Union Pacific And r Omaha nach th$ir dettination tlxtttn tour quicktr than any ottitr lint. TWO HROUGH RAINS DAILY Handaomety Kqulpped with Pullman Pl. Sleeping C.r. Free Recllnlna Ch.lr Cir.. Bullet Smoking and llbrar, Car. TourW Sleeping Car. a Spec laity. Dining Cart, Meal, a la carle. PintKh Light-Steam Heat, etc. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS Fall Informatloa Cheerfully Purnlahsd on Application to I'liona am. Bee Want Ads Produce Results