TI1E OMAITA DAILY nEE: SATURDAY. OCTODEU 8. 1904. Sam o)0 fo)c Y J 4 1 Ladies Fall Cloaks, Suits A Handsome Tailored Suit at $12.50 These suits era specially made in the most fashionable fall materials in all the new styles, I !...- . .......... IA,.UI m f H a rlrr. IlL'iUUMiy V. 1 1 piChby IVUI 191. wt w..w - - - toire, the Military and the ail around blouse styles in tne new ooiors; every one morougmy lauoreu diiu Lh mmt nnnrnvd attrle for special selling Saturday. ...... , nnd wlnti WOiRllt tM't'lol at. ill around blouse 12.50 Walking- Skirts $2.93 In Juet the right Ipngthi for Ktrwt wrnr In th fioixiliir mannish mixture. now aide pleats, etc.. fall nter 298 Cravenette Coats The most useful oont for nil out-of-door wenr per fect protection mmlnut rain the new est Irtpus In the new fall ( lintlcw at. . . . New Fall Waists $1.50 I'leated waists In the new colors made of Flannel, Alhatroa, etc. at 98 1.50 Splendid line of new fur scarfs the choicest furs fashioned by the best designers. Children's Cloaks and Dresses In our large children's section we show specially for Saturday fashionable l'etcr T ftO in Q QQ Thompson units J, JO 0 J, JO Children's Vary 1QA4rkd,Qfi cape coats ItJKj IU vJ Children's Wool Presses, blouse and sailor styles 1.19 to 2.98 Tomorrow is the last day of the great Ak-Sar-Ben sale at Boston Store. Even the wonder ful bargains that have been the talk of the town this week will b3 surpasssd -Saturday will be the greatest money saving opportunity ever known in Omaha. . YOU CAN BUY MORE CHEAPLY RIGHT NOW THAN AT ANY TIME THIS FALL. SVn - ,. iwmnrfiit i inmiwiMiiin.il n iLjiuwrayBo 9 . . " '-1 Tim 1 ml i ' aijvnfcai mm, r3 Big Sale Ladies' Underwear h Ladies' Fall and Winter Underwear - in vests, pants and drawera made or fine Egyptian cotton and part wool-special Satur- 39C-49C-69c Lad U Union Sult-in ribbed and heavy fleecy "dw?nterrreci wei?hZ . 49c-69c-98c Hisses', Children's ana' Boys' Underwear all sizes some Munsing underwear Ladies' Kid Qloves Fall Kid Qloves AH size and styles for dress and street wear, at, per pair OJ Highest Qrade Kid Qloves CI 150 vya-a Wool Qloves 1C .JV 25c-49c at, per pair plain, fancy v. Hen's and Ladles' Hosiery Men's plalu fast black iunl fancy colored socks, at, pair Ladies' and misses' cotton, lisle hose, some open work, A i'J lilm-k n ml colon!, at... I""'' Indies' ready made vt'"8 Aft all colors, at rtO 15c thread J-I5C 69c Men's Warm Underwear Men's 75c Heavy D3rby Ribbed and Fleece XO Llnsd Underwear-worth 75c. at MM tt Wr.jht's Health Underwear- fleece lined 'J P will go at J Men's Fall Underwear latest styles and OlZgt 4n swellest nsw lane pa-torm. at IU $ 2.00 Brandeis' Special Hats -Stiff and soft shapes a 13.00 hat. for Ladies Swell Shoes a.t Special Sale pointed toe In fine sui-pass kid and patert colt skin all sizes and widths at The new flatiron last with raised 3.50 The new Phit. Easi Shoe in light, turn and medium welt Z AA solbs JJJ All the ladies shoes from the Du buque factory worth up f yrtQ to 3.00 at i JO 300 pair.-" ladies' flue Dongola shoes on bargain square in f CA basement lt Brandeis Millinery A $lO trimmed hat. at $3. These are the most beautiful hats that were ever . I T'l-.A. n a a 1 ela $ um h b vicn prices, m.y i a iuno 01 r e nowned Parisian moneis ana aeigns rrom . . ..i.r.a . . milliners. The most attractive fall models in ll the late shapes of Cnvalter, Friticri Sailor, Tur ban, eic,, q genuine $10.00 Hat, at v iV i Saturday Specials, Jewelry Dept Entire sample of ladies back tombs, side combs, pompadour combs, hair retainers, etc regular price 25c all go nt Campaign Novelties metal fobs Koosevelt or Parker , Ladies' Samnle Wrist Bags and Purses b.-aiiii handles at, each.. 5c 25c 60-Inch Pearl Strand Beads at Elastic B.I ts - buck and front buckles at 10c 25c 25c Stunning New Street Hsvt Special The highly fash ionable street haU of the fall shade in scratched felt,many tailor made haU. They are worth up to to and 7 each, at 98c and $.50 BASEMENT Ladies and Children's Hats Ladies' and children's ready to wear hats, new styles and colors, also a choice line of school caps and Tarns. Ris special sale in basement Saturday Special Sale Birds and ma merits All the moat fashionable feather trimmings, birds, breasts, band painted wings, feathers and ornaments on third floor at vis, aiou a cuuu.u lino ui 25c-49c !0c SPECIAL SALE OF BLANKETS - Largest Line of Strietly High-Grade Blankets Ever Shown In Omaha. We have a large and varied Hue of Pendleton's fine blankets, and offer Saturday their 72x84 white fleece wool blanket .5U 15 at. I This is equal to any $12.50 Blanket shown. We also have their striped Indian all wool robes, no hand- ft. 98 somer rohe blanket than this made at, each 3"r We have the l'endleton (58x78 Chinchilla blanket, this is a very heavy-weight white blanket, extraordinary value at $ J per pair r XXX fleece wool fancy tinted blanket-" this is an extra $ large size and very fine quality at, per pair. A new feature of the Pendleton blanket is the 'Wash Coupon" All .blankets roade by the Pendleton Mills can be sent to the Penjtlleton Mills factory, where they will be laundered free of charge, and returned to you like a new blanket. 11-4 strictly all wool scarlet blank- C C ets, excellent value at, per pair.J Extra heavy mottled black and white California blanket. This blanket is especially made for hard, out-door service. There la no warmer, bet- ter or heavier blanket made at any price they are big value at , Excelsior all wool white $C blankets at, per pair. . J 11-4 fancy plaid blankets, pinks, blue reds, white, black, C etc. that are equal to any 17.50 . blankets at, per pair 10 ts. l.'nen CT C at J Trunks and Satchels i Very Special Bargains A great gale of sample trunks, stilt cases and valises Saturday. Canvas Trunks Large b:'x, f ur hard wood Blots, wrought Iron clumps, brass Monitor T IT lock, worth $5.50, ut J.3 Brandeis Special Trunk Olive colored, tlppe slats, brass Dump ers, large No. 4 bolts. faced, worth $7.50, Oenulne Cowhide Suit Case Linen lined with shirt fold, solid lea ther handle, a $7.."0 suit fl C case, all sizes $sJ Imitation Alligator and Grained .85c-l.00-l.25 Rubber Cloth Suit Cases Strong corners, brass catch and QQ. lock, worth $1.40, at JOC Leather Suit Cases Mixed colors, strap and bras catches, ff t brass looks, a 95 case, at.. . . fJ A large assortment high-class trjinks and traveling bags at greatly retftjeej prices. Wa can save you from 26 per cent to BO per cent on each purchase. . Carpets and Rugs On Special Sale 25 rolls of best half-wool in grain carpet regularly sells at 00c a yard. Salur- C day, per yard, J f C only ,,v 1000 samples Wilton, Axmin sterand Velvet carpets up to one and three quarter - "W f yards lodg, a good $11.00 JC value, at v 9x12 Smith's best (Brussels rugs floral and orient a. I patterns, no miter seam, worthy 1 C OQ ;-f2a ' Sasurday a'tOv.. JJO 8 3"xl0'6" best Brussels ru? r!h...;A..::13.S0 .69c 75c OIL CLOTH SQUARES 8-9-,x3'9". at OIL CLOTH SQUARES 4ti"x46", at OIL CLOTH SQUARES- ( i: 6xf. at ...,..... l.AO Sale of Curtains 1,000 pairs fine lace curtains, Arabian, Cable 1 Oft Net and Irih Point, t! " worth to a pair, at, a JJ pair 1,000 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, regularly sell at $3.00 a pair Sat. 11 25 nrrlav onl v a la 11 29c pair Window Shades Any color, 7 feet long, a v. 50c .value, at " each. ........ Handsome Couch 'Covers Fringed all round, full eize, Roman stripes and Bagdad pat- g Q terns, $2 value yi0 of. ci a 1 1 fc gg-cial Basement Bargains One blpr table sam ple cups and sau cers, worth 25c, at, each One bis: table sam pie cups & sau cers, thu 35c &, 5( kind, at, each lOc Saxony Yarn, l5o Zephyr, Shetland 10c Wool in every color per ekein -will go at; 5c 98 Good quality ready Cmade pillow cases would be cheap at 12,'o each, at Full size Roman & French striped and Bajrdad couch covers, at . 50c Lithographed Pillow Tops, each 15c Standard Amoskeaj? mg Girls' Tarn O'Shan- apron check glng- lUtt ter Caps tho 50c ham. per yard s. P kind, will goat, at each 9c 15c Ribbon Sale m Basement All silk ribbon in all widths and a great variety of colors fine quality, on big bargain square in C tfn 1 basement, at JL"IVt-IsJU BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE FUNERAL OF HENRY C. PAYNE Simplicity Marks Final Ceremonies Over Body of Lato Postmaster General, PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IS PRESENT Representatives ot Different Depart ments of Gorernment Pay Liaat Honors to Head of the Pos tal Department. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-A!though an om clal funeral, the services in Bt. John's church today over the body of the lata Henry C. I'ayne, postmaster general, were marked by linproaxlve simplicity. Ofltclal Washington filled the nave ot the church, and brilliant as wars the uni forms of the large representation from the army, nary and marine corps, the so The Chocolate Girl TELLS THE STORY TRADS MARK Yoa will find her on every genuine package of BAKER'S Breakfast Cocoa THE FINEST IN THE WORLD 41 HIGHEST AWARDS I -L in Europe and America Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. EUMIh4 trie POECHKSTEK, MASS. lemnlty(of the scene was only enhanced by the sharp contrast of color with tha deep mourning; of the family and personal frlenda of the dead cabinet officer. Side by side with Mrs. Payne sat Presi dent and Mrs. Rooswevelt, both In deep mourning-. In half an hour tho funeral procession was winding- its way slowly down Pennaylvanla avenue, escorted by the postal carriers of the city of Washington in uniform, to the Pennsylvania station, when the body wUl be taken this after noon on a special train to Milwaukee. The Interment will be In that city, the boms of Mr. Payne. Prominent People Are Present. An hour before the services were to begin, mounted policemen grouped them, selves along II street for a block, above and below the church to keep back the rapidly gathering crowd of people along the sidewalks. The doors of the church were opened a half hour later and those attending were seated by ushers from the general staff of the army, of the navy and the murine corps. The entire right side of the church was occupied by the officials of the Postofflce department, headed by Robert J. Wynne, the acting postmaster general. To the left of the church sat the diplomatic corps, the chiefs of the bureaus of the Navy department, the commandant of the marine corps and officers of the navy and of tho marine corps. In the center of the nave, in the order named, seats were reserved for the su preme court, the admiral of the navy, the chief of the general staff, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the com missioners of the district, senator and members of congress, the anaistant sec retaries of departmenU, officers of the general staff of the army, the chiefs of the bureauH of the War department and army ofneers on duty in Washington. This left the front pewa for the president and Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Payne and the family and personal friends of Mr. Payne, and seats to the right for" the cabinet and the body beurers. ' The president and Mrs. Roosevelt ar rived at the south transept door, where they were met by Major Charlas McCawley of the marine corps, who was In charge of the services and the ushers and asslgnej their seats. Accompanying them were the president s aides. Colonel Charles 8. Brom wcll, superintendent of public buildings and grounds and Commander Cameron McR. Wlnslow of the navy, and Mr. Loeb, secre tary to the prettdent, who sat Immediately behind the president. The funeral ii-ty arrived a few minutes later and were met at the door by Rev. Roland Cot top Smith, rector of St. John's, and his assistants. The procenlon formed at the traneept door, the rector leading the wuy and reading the scriptural selections from the burial service of the Episcopal church. The casket was borne to the chan cel by eight uniformed postal carrier. After them walked the pall bearers. Beet, retary illy, Secretary Hitchcock and Sec retary Wtlnon. the only members of the cabinet who were able to reach Washington for the funeral. Mra. Payne entered the church supported by Charles S. Jones and bis sister, ,Mlss lul3 Jos,., the nephew aud uiau of Mrs. Payne, and followed by a few personal friends. The service- was read by Rev. Mr. Smith and hla assistant, Rev. Mr. Dunlup, the only alteration In the regular order of service being the offering of a special prayer for Mrs. Payne. The hymns sung during the service were "Lead, Kindly Light," and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." For the recessional tho vcBted choir sang "Hark, Hark, My ,SouI." Tho selections were made by Mrs. Payne and are her favorite hymns. The chancel was fragrant with flowers sent by friends. The only flowers on the casket were thoss of Mrs. Payne, a large shear of Kastcr lilies, a' wreath of white roses and carnu tlons from the president and Mrs. Roose velt and a cluster of violets, gardenias and palms, the offering of Miss Jones. The members of the diplomatic corps, out of respect for the dead cabinet oftlcer, weri dressed in black and practically every dip lomat in Washington was ut tho church. After the funeral party had left the church the congregation remained standing until the president and Mrs. Roosevelt had en- , tered their carriage. Mrs. Payne and tho relatives of the postmaster general wero driven to the Arlington hotel, where they remained until train time. Taken to Milwaukee, At the Sunday mullnee and night Stetson' The special train carrying the body and the funeral party left the Pennsylvania station this afternoon. .Secretary .Hitch cock, who had expected to go to Milwaukee on the train, was unable 'to go und tele phoned his regrets. Secretary Wilson Is tho only cabinet officer w ho went with the train, but the plans contemplate that Secre tary Shaw and Secretary Metcalfe will join the funeral party later. BUSINESS OUTLOOK BRIGHT Situation Steadily Improving, with Large Buying for Future Needs. MERCANTILE COLLECTIONS MORE PROMPT Now Color Magazine with next Sunday's Bee. HOW TO GAIN FLESH The life of food is the fat within it the more fat the more real benefit from the food; that is why cod liver oil is a powerful builder of flesh. Scott's Emulsion of pure cod liver oil solves the problem of how to take cod liver oil. That is one reason why doctors have been pre scribing Scott's Emulsion for all wasting diseases, coughs, colds and bronchitis for almost thirty years. W.'B etna fan temple hm upon rcatnt SCOT' i 'WA.' 'Mi! SUett, in VwA. Railway Earnings Are Larger and Foreign Commerce Is Increasing Better Conditions Reported Everywhere. NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-R. O. Dun's Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: With the crope almost beyond danger, prices of securities at tho highest point since May. 1903, und Idle machlnfry resum ing at many factories and mills that have heen closed for months, the business out lnok grows steadily brighter. By lur the !-st feature of the situation Is the confi dence manifested by an increased disposi tion to provide for future requirements. This is by no means general, but it is noticed at pig Iron furnaces woolen mills and among dealers al! widely separate! points, particularly those lo'atfd in the agricultural sections. Mercantile collec tions are also more prompt and railway earnings for the month of September were 3.8 per cent larger than in the same month last year, while foreign commerce at this port for the last week shows Increases of 11.061.528 In Imports and (410.748 In exports as compared with a year ago. Dispatches from all cities are almost unanimous in te ling of improved conditions. For the first time- In many months it Is possible to report that sellers of pig iron apptur to have a slight advantage. They have been able to dictate terms as to de livery In some cases and nt the south, where the miners' strike is still In progress, only part of the orders were lllleu it Ik still mure dlilicu't to ttnd evidence of Increased movement In steel, although a fair tonnage was taken by the railways. Wire mills will nit accept contrart.-i for distant delivery on account of a growing belief that better terms will be secured In the near future. Pip Is quiet and structural shapes are not eagerly sought, but merchant steel Is active and the ton nage of p ates Is encouruging. Actual bus' neg of finished steel is restricted, hut the improvement In sentiment Is unmistakable and might be followed very soon by some thing more tangible. Export trade Ii also promising. Coke ovens are resuming and current movement Is heavy, but prices are too low to make long term contracts at the low producers. Soft coal also feels the stimulus of Increased activity at manufic taring plants. Hides have shown ununuall actlvitv at agency higher leva', of prices arid the leather market is also in u better position. Footwear factories report a lirgo demand for quick shipment of fall shoes, machinery hting fully occupied for a time on this business, but there is some un easiness regarding the future bec-tuss spring orders come less freely. A :t'le better drmand appeared In primary market) for cotton goods, but It was checked later In the week, when manufacturers fai d to make concessions. Duplicate orders for men's wear, woolens and worsteds are n'so coming to the mills, which are busy makl ig deliveries cn old contracts. BR ADSTHEKT'9 RKV1KW OP TRADE Wholesale and Retail Trade Expands a Cool Weather Approaches, NEW YORK. Oct. 7. Rradstreet's tomor row will say ! . Popular estimates of lending 'Ton yield continue to rnlurge, com has passed out of d&r.ger of serious frost damage in the west Hnd distribution, both wholesale snd retsll expands as eooler weather approaches. A. Uiuuudi, iavwraOle feature are the coi ( tlnuance of the good tone In pig iron, freer buying by railways of material and rolling stock, and heavy general crop movement hclpl'ig collections north und south. While the buying of dry goods, hardware, gro ceries, shoes and clothing continues of good volume, particularly in the west. The transportation movement is heavy and rail way earnings show an expanding tendency, the gain for St. Paul promising 6 per cent over lsws. There ar some flaws In the situation which stamp this as an off year, when compared with previous periods of great prosperity. Relatively most activity in cur rent distribution, whether of dry goods, shoes, clothing, lumber, hardware, or build ing material, exists in the west and north west. Business failures In the United States for the week ending October 6 number lflo, against 179 last week, 197 in the like week of l'.MiS, 170 In 1902, 1X3 In 1901 and 210 In 1900. In Canada failures for the week number 19. as against 21 lust week and 19 In this week a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending October aggregate 1.105,928 htiBhels. against 1.12,33 last week. 1378,7.' this week last veor, 6.1.-15.779 In 1902 snd 4. 719.89H in, 1901. From July 1 to date the ex ports aggregate 18,517.711 bushels, against 42,li7ti.004 last war, 71,526.492 in 1902 and 850, 042.752 ill 1901." Corn exports for the wek aggregate Ii52,811 titiHhels, ag ainst 700.Rfi2 last week, l.ini.ns a year ago, 1K0.358 In 1902 and 78.24fi In 19el. From July 1 to date the ex ports of corn aggregate 8,190.312 bushels, against 13.K:in .2I9 In 1903, 1,313,608 In 1902 and 12,810,8ii2 in 1901. French Milne at New York. NEW YORK, Oct. 7. The French cruiser, Jurien de la Gravlere, arrived today from Sydney, Cape Urrtnn, to Join the other French warships which have been here for several days. Attention, German Republican C'Inb! There will be fli meeting of the Gerniuu Republican club of Douglas county on Sun day, October 8, &t 3 p. m., at Washington hull. All members are requested to ba present. Business of importance. HERMAN TIM ME, President, MAX FEIENNAB, Secretary. Kna-ar Factory for Wyoming;. LOVEDL, Wyo.. Oct. 7. (Speciul.)-Hon. Byron Sessions, president of the Mormon stake hero, makes the announcement that his people will next spring build an $800,000 beet sugar plant at or near Lovell. The Utah Sugar company, which this year ex perimented with the growing of beets and also made a test run with 500 pounds of beets grown here, is behind the enterprise. It Is stated that the tests showed that the beets grown In this section contained 14 per cent saccharine matter, a much higher percentage than Is found In the beets grown In Utah. Sugar beets in northern Wyoming mature six weeks earlier than they do in Utah, permitting the factory to run a much longer time. Dakota Methodists to Meet. MITCHELL. 8. D.. Oct. 7.-(SpeclaI.)-Next week, commencing Wednesday, Mitchell will entertain the Methodist min isters and laymen of the church in the twentieth annual conference, and an un usually large crowd will be In attendance. Tho conference will be presided over by Bishop John W. Hamilton of California and there will be a number of leading Methodists from other parts of tho country In attendance. The Laymen's association will be held Saturday and Sunday, for which a special program has been arranged. Democrats Chanae Stale Ticket. TIERRE, 8. D., Oct. 7. A formal with drawal of the name ot Olaf Rldem as the democratic nominee for attorney general, was filed with the secretary of state yester day. At the same time the secretary of the democratic state committee filed the name of Edmund W. Fiske, of Redlieid. to nil the pluce on the ticket ma do vacant by the withdrawal of Eidem. Christian Science Lecture. At Boyd's Monday, October 10. nt I p. nr. Judge 8. J. Hannn. for many years editor of the Christian Science Journnl and first reader of the First Church of Christ, Scient ist, in Boston, will lecture on Christian Science. The Judge Is an able lecturer and speaks with authority. Admission free. Be sure to get The Uee next Sunday. New Color Magazine with Buster Brown and all the popular favorites. V. M . fill I I I II L I 1 i'-'.'.ll'.fi m "VI IMiSMlDiaiLILI i. IROTUBJIO) (DEKOCOIIinriSi Do you know that cocoa outranks lean beef in nourishing value at every point ? Are you aware that one cup of GlSirardelli's Ground Chocolate yields enough force to carry you comfortably through the most exhausting day ? That means there is enough available nutri ment in a cup of Ghirardelli's to supply the nerve tissues of body and brain with the food they nwtd to work on. It is not only the most nourishing, of beverages, but it possesses a smooth, rich, delicious flavor, pecu- Harly its own and fascinating to tne most iasuaious taste. Ths bet tiidrnc of lh tupfriority of Okirardtlti'$ it aliened by lh fact that Ui taU in California, if Kom marttt, u doubU that cjall other cocoa preparation comoxma. i t 4 4 ,