12 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1904. NEW ROW AMONG DEMOCRATS Frtsh Tnrmoil Engendered by Jackioniapi Haming Eegistration Officer!. COUNTY DEMOCRACY UP IN ARMS Kennedy, fonrorf, F.lllck aad Dave O'Brien Accused of Tirilai Which Canard ThU latest Breach. ttnmyi turmoil has beset the democracy of 3n.aha, already broken, battered and fight ing one another's shadows. This time the War ialnt has been smeared because of a flrw cuto tricks turned by the Jacksonlan brethren In getting- the ward workers de aired named as supervisois of registration by the city council. Lcputy County Attor ney Kennedy, Deputy Comptroller Cosgrove suid Second Assistant City Attorney Elllok gaanlpulated the deal and whether Coun cilman Dave O'Brien saw through It or not (! was a party to the scheme. The county committee, antl-Jacksonlan, had carefully arranged that Its supporter should be cared for In the majority of wards. The Job Is worth 19 for three days' toll wealing- out chairs and Is greatly de sired In some sections. A list was prepared by Secretary Ileugun and carried to the city hall to be delivered to Dave O'Brien, the single democratic councilman and charged with protecting the Interests of the party. One member of each of the seventy-six registration boards must be a democrat. How It happened Is not clearly explained, but Deputy Comptroller Cosgrove'a list of supervisors was acuepted by Councilman O'Brien and ' promptly approved by the council, which courteously left It all to O'Brien. Thursday the Douglas County braveH woke up and one, D. Mulcahey of the Fourth ward, made an earnest inspec tion of the records. Then he' called up Councilman O'Brien and called him his false friend and a few other endearments. O'Brien side-stepped and Is still trying to explain. But the braves are out for gore and propose to have it from someone. POLICE HAVEJYE ON CADETS Say High School Boys Are Getting; Unruly mod Mar Be Chas tised. According to statements of police officials some of the Omaha High school cadets will be held up to the community as examples unless the present excessive hilarity of the cadets stops. The particular cases in point occurred Thursday evening during the progress of the electrical parade. While running after a number of the cadets at Fourteenth and Farnam streets Thursday evening Sergeant Hentfrow slipped and se verely sprained his ankle. At the time of the accident the streets were crowded and the parade passing along Farnam street. About twenty-five of the cadets were mak ing their presence felt In a disagreeable way, the police officials say, and the ser geant started for them to make them be have. Captain of Police Mostyn said this morn- ln: ''Thursday evening I saw a gang of edu cated hoodlums wearing High school cadet uniforms knock a baby out of a mother's arms. The cadets have been giving the po lice department more or less trouble, par. tlcularly with their class rivalry and by forcing their way through the crowds In bunches. Unless the conduct stops a few wagonloada will be brought to the city Jail." Chief of Police Donahue and Sergeant Dempsey also spoke of the disorderly pranks being Indulged of late by the cadets. New Color Magazine with nex( Sunday' Be. FUGITIVE GOES FROM OMAHA Ed1 Gordon, One of Escaped Slons Fall's Prisoners, Only la Since Jane. Ed Gordon, one of the escaped prisoners, was taken to the penitentiary at Sioux Falls from Omaha June 17 last' to serve four years for robbing the postofflce at Newcastle, Neb, on the night of December I, 190S. He was Indicted at the May term Sf the federal grand jury. His trial came ft June 8 and he was found guilty, sen tenced to pay a fine of $100 and to serve four years in the penitentiary in Sioux Falls. The amount stolen by Oordon was 493.78 in stamps and 1193.28 In money. BABIES JN FIRE With Itching. Burning, Scaly Humors of tha Skin Instantly Relieved by Baths with Guticura Soap And Gentle Applications of Cuticura Ointment. Instant relief and refreanlnf sleep tot skin-torturad babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, In warm baths with Cuticura Soap and genii anointings with Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure, and purest of emollients, to be followed In severe cases by mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent. My niece's little baby boy, two years old, was so badly afflicted with ecsema that he needed constant watching. It wss all orer his face and he scratched the sores constantly. Mornings his clothes would be stained with blood, and his face and bands would be cov ered. His family never could take him oat, as his face was always full of large sores. They had medical treatment, . and tried everything they heard of. She commenced using the Cuticura Remedies last spring and found that at last she had a wonderful healer. The sores left his face and he was entirely cured, and now his face Is as smooth and rosy as though no sere had aver been there to mar It." Mas. L. J. ROOT, Jerusalem, N. T. fan. IS, 1898. On March 7, 1903, five year later, Mrs. Root writes t " I received your note of kind In quiry and am pleased to Inform yon of the permanent cure of my little boy. He Is now a healthy child with pink and white skin free from all blemish. It has been a marvellous cure and brought about In a short time after all other medical aid failed." HfVwl Mm wartd. Cattm HawNaat, Ma. I L.mi.l. Laal rtlU. at.. Mr vtal bf fctk CHataat, f , Swp. It. lapatot Uaua, V faartap ut I rarU. A Kut a la raiai Sawa. IS lluaS ISMar liv a I L.aiu.l Corp.. IM PiagaaMaaa, Mia 4 iaf Tat lUaa Sal 1 Overcaf, LOlPOSTgNgbflS g Men's ii5 Suits Overcoats at 7 and THE CROWNING AK - A a Boys' Clothing Specials Boys' $4 Knee Pants Suits, pecial , Boys' r Knee QQ I Boys' 6 Knee Pnnts I CIQ Pants Suits.. .-6.0 Suits, biy values, at.. .J, JO "Buster Brown" Suits, very popular, at . , POSTAL CLERK. IN TROUBLE Thomai J. Marshall of Gre.nwood Arrested as Alleged Embezzler. CHARGED WITH TAMPERING WITH MAIL Old and Trusted Employe Finally Caught by Decoy Letter W hich is Found la His Possession. Thomas J. Marshall, a postal clerk in charge of the railway mall service between Bdgemont, S. D., and ' Lincoln on the B. & M. railway. Is in Jail at Lincoln on the charge of embezzling and converting to his own use certain mail addressed to an "Egyptian fortune teller" at St. Joseph, Mo. He was arrested at the Instance of the United States postofflce Inspectors Thursday night and a deputy marshal was sent to Lincoln for aim yesterday morning. There had been numerous reports of mis carried mall on that division for some months, and Postoffloe Inspectors Ck A. Leonard, Q. R. Slusser, A. J. Moore and B. J. Sinclair were put on the case to In vestigate. Caant by Deeoy, Marshall finally was suspected and Wednesday night decoy letters were sent from points west of Edgeraont, Including the one to an imaginary "Egyptian for tune teller" at St. Joseph, Mo. The train on which this letter wae due at Lincoln was several hours late and the Inspectors were In waiting at Lincoln for Marshall. The decoy was found on his person. He had already abstracted the contents, $2.50, and being confronted by the officers he virtually confessed to tampering with the malls, bis peculations extending for about a year. Marshall was regarded as one of the most trustworthy postal clerks on that division and had been promoted to chief clerk in charge over a number of clerks. He has been In the postal service for six teen years, His home Is at Greenwood, Neb. He is married and has a family of two or three children. SAD TOKENS 0FJHE CARNIVAL Several Valaablea Stray from Owners While Good Klnsr Makes His Advent. The homes of Charles Koran and A. Sampson, 2318 and 2220 Grant street were entered Thursday evening by burglars. From the Koran home were taken a coat, pair of trousers and a ring, while nothing has been missed from the 8ampson place. During parade time Thursday evening the home of A. Kalpin, 1814 Webster street, was ransacked and $25 taken. Peter Hlgby, secretary of the Omaha Base Ball club, has reported the loss of his purse containing $40. He thinks his pocket was picked on the carnlvsl grounds Thursday evening. Matt Hoover of 1003 South Thirty-eighth avenue reports the loss of his vest and gold watch from a barn at Thirty-first and Leavenworth streets. FOOT BALL ATJMNTON PARK Crslffhton and Fort Crook Flay en Champions' Diamond as a Gridiron. The local foot ball season will be opened this afternoon at the Vinton street campus, where the Cretghton university aid Fort Crook teams will Una up. Thsae teams are said to be stronger than ever this year, and as considerable' rivalry ex Ista between them, Saturdays game prom ises to be an exciting one and the attend ance large. Manager Rourke has arranged to have all the Crelghton home games played at Vlntor street The Crelghton eleven will play st Via- SAR - BEN BARGAIN great clothing bargain such as no other house but the Boston Store could ever offer. We bought these suits to sell for $12.50, ancUthey are worth every cent of that price. Swell, new, perfect fitting clothing sold at popular price all wool suits, patterns and styles that are right up to date an extraordinary chance for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors to take home a $12.50 fall or winter suit, at , $J.50 Fall B Men's High Class Clothing at $10 The man who buys one of these suits or overcoats at $10 gets more than his money' $ worth every garment gives good satisfac tion, holds us sluipe and looks well wlterever you wear it, a great assortment, worth $15 and $16.60, at.... $10 Bis BASEMENT SALE Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's $8.50 Fall Suits good quality' at Men's 12 60 quality Odd Pants at Boys' 13.00 Knee Pants Suits your choice, at 5.00 1.00 1.50 1.98 5.00 Shoes for the Small Ones The little ones need good, stout shoes now. Storms are apt to come any day, and the chil dren must go to school, rain or shine. Protect their health by protect ing their feet from the wet and cold. Bring them to the Fry Shoe Store, where you get the correct styles and the right shape for any child shoes that look right, feel right and wear right satisfac tory shoes at satisfac tory prices. 50c end up for the smallest. $1.60 and up for the largest. FEY SHOE CQ I ton street as follows: University of Ne braska, October 16; Bellevue. October 22; Nebraska State Normal, October 29; Lin coln Medics, November 6; University of South Dakota, November 12; Cotner uni versity, November 19; Iowa State Normal, November 24, Thanksgiving day. BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE SUES Sydney W. Smith Brlnsrs Two Actions Asslsit alllaneo Parties for Fdsr Thonsand. Sidney W. Smith, trustes In bankruptcy. has brought suit in the United States dis trict court against the First National bank of Alliance, asking- Judgment in the sum of $3,923.14. The suit Is the outgrowth of the volun tary bankruptcy proceedings of Mollrlng Bros, of Alliance, which petition was filed February 4, 1904. It is alleged In the petition that Mollrlng Bros, assigned to the bank stock valued at $2,500 as security for Indebtedness they owed the bank prior to filing their petition to be declared bank rupts, and that the bank knew or had reason to know that at the time of the assignment of the stock In question Moll- ring Bros, were Insolvent. A like suit Is brought by the same plain tiff against A. F. Mollrlng of Alliance for judgment In the sum of $300, which Moll- ring Bros, paid to ths defendant in Jan uary, 1904, at a Urns when they were In solvent, thus making him a preferred cred itor, when they were Indebted to other creditors to tha amount of more than $14,000. Mortality Hlatlat . Ths following births snd deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday: Births Moses M. IJywelyn. 1104 South Thirteenth, boy; A. H. Rudal. US23 North Twenty-third, boy- M. L. Baas. 428S Far nam. slrl; Frank. Brlardy, tii4 Lake, boy: y m WMBWBIIIHIIII IIHI I III II I II III lMWmmlm.WawaJUilM Shoes for Men ad Women $2.50 For Saturday we have gathered some of the most powerful shoe values. Ak5arBen visitors will be wise to lay In their supply. Shoes at $2.50 that your home merchant charges you $3. SO and even $4.00. Shoes for Men They are made of box calf, calf llnod, lace, good double soles also velour calf lace shoes made on the new London toe and plain glove toe. This Is undoubtedly the best shoe value we have ever r CA given at MiOU Shoes for Women Mnde of genuine Paris kid, GoodypRr welts, In lacv, button and blucher styles, with dull tops and bright tops very pretty and stylish. Sold by your home merchant for $3.50 and $4.00, and then we doubt whether you get anywhere near as stylish and snappy a fy fij f shoe as these for $4, our price aaar.O J Men's New Fall Hats Fair Prices for Fine Hats The "Nebraska's" hot section In itself the greatest men's hat store In Omaha Is brimful of the new fall fashions, displaying all the newest blocks and latest ideas in coloring, emunatlng from the most successful hat builders In the world. In addition we ore the authorized Otnnhn agents and headquarters for the celebrated John B. Stetson Co.'s hats none better made. We are better equipped to supply your needs In headwenr and save you money on your fall hat than any store In America. Our Nebraska Special stiff and soft at $1.50. Our popular grades at $2.00 and $2.50 cannot be equalled for the price. Stetson hats at $3.50, stiff or soft. Prices for Underwear Are the Lowest Here for Saturday. Don't Delay Sup plying Your Underwear. The Cold Days Are Upon Us. 45c Men's Underwear 75c Men's Underwear $1.00 Men's Underwear ur Long Lasting Steel Range All we ask for itris 5.00 down and $5.00 per month. j jT ! Mrs. Neckel. 1444 S. 18th says: "The steel range we bought of you is by far ! the finest baker and takei the least fuel of any range that I ever saw. 1 re commend it in the highest terms to every- . body." Mrs. Lemley, 2610 Itres, says: "My ranse takes so little fuel that I can buke bread with newspapors." ! We ore selling the longest lasting and ; finest working steel range sold In Omnhn. ; The better a judge you are of a steel range, i and the more you know of what kind we ! sell, the quicker you will buy of uh, bo- ! cause we don't ask as much by J 10 as you ! have to pay elsewhere. j The Sioeizei Stove Co Only Exclusive Stove Store in Omaha. 714 South 16th Street. John Johnson, SfiRO Parker, girl; August Carlson, 2317 South Twentieth, boy. Deaths F. K. McCloskey, St. Joseph's houpltal, home iFremont. 47; C. M. McAlul-. len, Bt. Joseph's, SO: Peter Anderson. 3119 Webster, 61; Mary K. Moore, 812 North Forty-fourth. 66; Anna M. Jones, 2718 Doug las. 23; Hnrvev silmcr. 33 Pratt, 66; Mrs. Jennie Oubhirt. !o8 Nurlh Sixteenth, 28: Ixiulsa D. Saunders, 2118 Wirt, 77; Fred Seifiled, St. Joseph's, home Nebraska City, 68. Kennedy Endorsed Free. Gilbert M. Hitchcock and Howard Ken nedy, Jr., democratic candidate fr congress and republican for Judge endorsed by the democrats, have filed their expense ac counts with the county clerit of Douglas county. Mr. Hitchcock takes oath his total expenttes for nomination were 16, which he paid to F. L. Weaver, chairman of the board of trustees, for rent of the Koyul Arcanum hall, where the convention was held. Mr. Kennedy states his expenses for the democratic nomination were nothing. Foreclosure of Mnrtaasre. The hearing In the foreclosure of mort gage proceedings for $15,000 In the esse of waiter K.. r. Vila, aguinsi ine urn Inland Electric Light and Cold Storage company and others, was held before Judge Munger In the United States circuit court. The plaintiff is represented by Attorneys Wharton & Bnlrd of Omaha, while the In terests of the defendants are being looked after by former Supreme Judge T. O. C. Harrison. W. II. Thompson. Charles (i. Ryan and R. C. Glanvllle of Grand Island. BaUdlng- Permits. Building permits have been Issued by the city as Tollows: O. W. Vanoman, ItnuO frame dwellings at 719 sod 721 Bouth Thir tieth street; N. I.. Kyan. liuu irame awwi In. at 2''"4 Manle P. McCann, fl.ouo frame dwelling- t su3 North Thirty-fifth lienry Bachman, $1,600 frame dwelling. lhs. vt::sLows SQOTKJaG SYRUP BaSMMSasadby Millions of Mothers for thalr eLlldran walls TeelUiuK for ovnr rift? Years. It auutOoS the eliliil. auTtoua tba suiua, allay, all iHxlo. auras wluil ouUu, ana la tl UhI raDi.,1 fur c tarrfc J iwviwrsirb KMTV-f IVK CEWTS A BOTTLE. 1W H iCr'fey aft . afft a, W r"-'11 'Lui'mm Mas mmi I Men's medium weight derby ribbed Egyptian cot ton, In natural ecru iii incy colors drawers with heavy sateen bands, s-lmcs with soft and silk trim med fronts, with French neck a regular 75c qual ity, 43c all sizes. Men's medium and heavy weight natural wool un derwear for early foil and winter wear also heavy plush back regular $1.25 value at 75c. Men's fine quality Australian wool and French me rino underwear In natural, red, tan and white well trimmed and properly made best value3 ever shown regular $1.50 qualities at $1.00 all sizes. n m w . n asr ta. a v tfM avass rr sts b as m r - m mM m w m u ana iriiu ifj Hi Market Values correctly found by Quality & Price We never quote prices before giving due consideration to that which implies true economy. That is what keeps our scales constanly working; Spring- Chicken per pound Spring- Lamb Legs per pound Pork Loins per pound Pork Roust per pound , ...m ....9hc Pork Chops 111 per pound 2t Pork Sausa a ge nu. 7k per pou For Saturday Only Quaker Oats 3 pkgs. for Saratoga Flakes 2 pkgs. for Shredded Biscuits per package... , Best Rice 4 pounds for , 25c 25c JOc 25c FINK SIFTED EARLY JUNE PKAS-per can l5C Tasting quality remarkablj good and will satisfy the crav ings of most any palate. Jersey Sweet Potatoes. Snow White Cauliflower. Superb Head Lettuce. Curly Leaf Lettuce. Crisp Celery. Fresh Mint. Rocky Ford Canteloupes. Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Telephones 736, 1329, 1331. IB I J a-T.L W '.I a a, L'J1t y.ftJHWJIa HlEtalllTJ A Mistaken Idea Dur?-otiT.J)rev11 that ONLT THOSE ,i..wr 8TS. wh?se names appear under rt'Htments certain patent medicines have those remedies In stock and you have to go to them whether you like it or not. This is certainly a mistake, as we carry n stock every Blaple article In the drug line for which there is any demand, und we get all the new ones a soon as thev f!2,1VS!!,'',('ALI" 'phone on write VS. fOU TUB BEST PRICE . OBTAIN STORE L?NENyTHINQ 1N IJKLti 60c Liquosone 430 $1.00 Liquozon.4 7u0 Medical Lake Salts r,o 26c Cuticura Soap , ;iu 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder lie $100 Hossack's Sarsaparllla the guar anteed blood medicine 650 1 dozen 2-grain Quinine Capsules 07o 1 dozen 8-grain Quinine Capsules l.c 1 (litZetl f. L'raln ilninln. fuunl i c $1.09 Peruim 79fi j $1.00 l'lnkham'a Compound 7:10 25o Qulnace.ol guaranteed cold cure.... 16c ! $1.00 Butler's Female Remedy gtiaran- I teed 7Be , t " I Hi !.... ......... b 1 Din- a, ! $1.00 Mother's Friend .". 7Sc Mall orders filled promptly. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB DKUd 51 ORE E. T. YATES, Prop. v 16th and Chicago Sts, Omaha, Phones 747 and 797. 4ih and N Sts., Kouth Omnha. Phone No. 1. 6th Ae. and Main tt., Coun cil Bluffs, Phone 333. All goods delivered In either city absolutely free. 4rs"jrs PARKER'S Hair Balsam UiawUuw'j i i'roiuouss the growth of tha bair and S gives It ths lustre and aUklaeasof youth. When tba bair Is gray or faded it BRINGS BACK THI YOUTHFUL COLOR. It preyenU DaadrufX sad hair failing snd keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Oft Oar Prlrrs rrmsm bk. These money savers, sample Iroa beds at low coat. yam THB RKMAPLB STORSk sT Copyright 1904 by Hdrt Schaffner &? Marx ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS. The nobby styles will please the boy the quality will please the parents and the pow prices will please all all ages. In almost unlimited IOC variety of color and fabric at $10.00 to l.JD Exclusiveness in style, excellence in workmanship, beauty of patterns and fabric, perfection in fit and low price, distinguish our clothing a the best values to be found fh Omaha. HAYDEW BROS. City Savings Pays 4 per cent interest on all deposits. Deposits made this week draw interest for the entire month. All deposits subject to withdrawal at any time. If too far from' the bank, our "Banking by Mail" sys tem will accommodate everyone. Write for complete information. Oldest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. S. E. Cor. I6tli and Douglas Sts. C. W. LYMAN, Tres. JNO. P, FLACK, Treas. J. G. SUNDEKLAND, Johnson & Goodlett Co., Pbones 1S7S and 4743. nonncDicc escmtc daitcdY UI1WU talalla?) INhHltf UMIthll Business cannot- and does not stay away from sucli values are we are offering. "Be in the swim," and stretch your dollars to their limit. A FEW MONET SAVERS. COItN New, sweet 1S 3 cans for afidb RICE 10c quality jep 4 pounds for "--, SALT 6 pound sack tS- best table for "V COCOANUT Fine, fresh lAn per pound ........ ! SHREDDED WHEAT BIS- (fir, CUIT-per box .U CLOTHES PINS f per dozen w OAT MEAL 25c a packnge OCc "Yankee" for aVW BUTTER Good, irweet dairy 20c per pound aajvk BUTTER Fine separator O.Xc reamery per pound aS IW SPRING CHICKENS Our own lOlc dressing per pound LAMB STEW fc per pound "-'" POT ROAST Lean and. tender Q per pound 6c and RIB ROAST Best stew ribs IOC per pound, 12 too and ,u" CAKES 3 layer white, nut, orange, car amel, chocolato or cocanut Til"' quality unexcelled each w BREAD Ours has no equal Rp per loaf w FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Large as sortmentlowest prices. POTATOES Beat quality ARc1 bushel 'OW JOHNSON & GOODLETT GO. 2th and Lake Sts. GriOCEHIES. MEAT lBd BAKERY, An Office In The Bee Building: For $10.00 Per Month W have a Tsry deslrabls small office, that Is vacant today, at tha pries mentioned abovs. There ara only a few of these smaller offices In the building, but In point of comfort and desirability they are vsry satis factory to anyone who needs only a small floor spe.ee. Tills prtos Includes all the advantages of tha building perfect Jani tor service, all day and all night and Sunday elevator service, sleotrlo light, water and heat ' - These little offices are usually snapped up quickly. Better oall today. R. C. PETERS 0 C0.t Rental Agents Mea's Priws Sample Shoes fa all leathers. Worth ap ta S3 at 91.SM. wm Special Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats $15 to $18 Men's Suits at $12.50 and $15 Stylish in cut, perfect In fit, of the best and most popular fabrics, and hnnd tallorod throughout by the most skilled workmen. The most complete Hue, the best values ever shown in the city, at so small a price. Your choice of either single or double breasted. In either plain or mixed colors, as special C C for Saturday, $12.50 and pinJ $15 to $18 Men's Winter Overcoats, $12.50 & $15 With or without belts, In long or me dium lengths, the medium or loose backs, In fancy browns, gray mixtures, plain blacks or oxford grays, an Im mense range or styles and splendid rub rics your choice of any of these costs, at our special prices C C Saturday $12.50 and 4IJ $3 to $3.50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits. $2.50 Tour choice of Norfolk, sailor blouse, Russian blouse, double breasted or three-piece styles. In all the most pop ular colors and fabrics our special price Saturday for $2.50 V-fres. W. S. II ILLS, A.-Trea Money Saving Prices on Drus and Medicines. You can save a little on almost anything and a CONSIDERABLE on a great many Items by buying at the CORNER OF 16TH AND DODGE. $1.00 Llquozone for...., 79o $1.00 Newbru's Herplcide for 79o $1.00 Squlbb's Sarsaparllla fur 7fo 60c Beef, Iron and Wine for 2Do $1.00 Pe-ru-na for 7So fcuc Syrup of Figs for 4.'o $1.00 Wine of Cardul for 79o Small bottle Abltena for loo $1.00 Baker's Barley Malt for 7fo Small bottle Apenta for 15o White Ribbon Bath Soap, six for 2io 6'ic Colgate's Pansy Blonsom. we sell, 'iua VINTOL. the great Nl'TRIENT and RECONSTRUCTION TONIC, always,$1.00 $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Root for 7So $1.00 Malted Milk for 67o 6uc Anil-Germ, the BEST DISINFECT ANT, for 0 LIQUOZONE FREE, If you have a coupon from the manufacturers. $1.00 Mull's Grape Tonln for 790 Best Blueing, will nut streak clothes.... loo Ruby Floor Oil, quart 4oo 60c Olycothymollne for 43o WRITE OK CAM- FOR OUR CATA LOG I'E OF 10,000 DRUG ITEMS AT CUT PRICES. Sherman McConnel I Drug Co. Comer 16th at.d Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. 1 Bank PEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN; r CITY VKTERIHARIA!. H. L RAWACCIOTTI D. V. S. OMAHA. NEB. Telschons $39. Office and Infirmary. Wth and Mason Sta, Cro und Floor, The Bee Bu tiding. 1"