THE 0MAI1A DAILY feEE: THURSDAY. OCTODER 6, 190i. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET SJ. oentrol Whflat Traft on Accumu lated Baoaipta." PRICES CLOSE ABOUT ONE POINT LOWER Corn ana )ats Sicnay Little (kaafH-Oaaht Baslaess I Light Commercial Hew nasi '- Qosslp. OMAHA. Oct. 5. 1804. Large receipts at Minneapolis, lower price at Liverpool and an apparent In dl Terence on the part of the old line bulls proved encouragement to the bears and they made a rather furious onslaught on Ir Ticen. It was apparently a maticr 01 nu mcorr In I ho hiillx and thev stood aside and let the bears sell themselves short whether thtV will be equally inainerem when the'tlme rows for covering remains to he seen the genera sentiment being that the jKisltion of the bulls Is Just as (avorahlfl today as it ha been at any time since the short crop was an admitted fact. There was a large scalping movement la Chicago, and It must he admitted that thorn la Jitllf murii rilsnosltion on the S; art of thi -asrt buyers to let ma seuer o mors crimlnir. Close observers notice hedging by elevator people. Indicating free arrival Ths rec pints at some of the primary points, notably at Chicago. Kansas City and Bt. Liouls, doea not promise any great Increase In supplies. The Canadian Pacific Railroad company lias Issued an estimate of the damage by rust and frost In Manitoba at not more than 10 per cent, a very different estimate than that mado by statisticians. .According to Its figures, the yield will be about twenty busheU to the arre and the wheat will grade No. 2 northern. F. - W. Thomp son of the Ogllv'a rnllls. wires: "Have covered several hundred, miles of territory and find fine yield. Should think Canada ought to have 4O,0(iC.00O bushels for export.' Indications from abroad are less favor able and large exports from Russia are confidently expected. Kansas City has 200 cars unsold at the close yesterday. These Influences were sufficient when not Interfered with, by the Hncup of the bulls, to cause a sharp decline at about ac a bushel tn speculative futures. 1 In Chicago December opened at 3M"H. broke steadllv to 31. lO and rallied to 11.11 H, May from Jl.l.'a to $1.11, recovering to 11.113:.- The lower prloes Indicated some covering -and brought the rallies. . Corn was a shade firmer early, nut the market eased off, but showed little actual change. Omaha Inspections 14 cars wheat, cars corn, 8 cars oats, 1 car rye; total, 24 cars. Out, 5 cars oats. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No." 2 hard. 11.08; No. 3 hard, $l.O2&1.08; No. 4 hard. Mo; No. 3 spring, $t.0S. CORN No. 2. 48c: No. 8. 4e; No. 4, 4Mic; no grade, 43c; No. 2 velloW, 49'ic; No. 3 yel low, 48c; No. 2 white, 48c; No. 3 white, 4T4c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 29c; No. 3 mixed, 28c; No. 4 mixed. 27c; No. 3 white, 30c; No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 28c; standard, 29(o 30c. - Omahn Cash Bales One car No. 4 wheat, 62 lbs. 9c Omaha Futures. W heat , . ,- k Open. High. I-ow Close. May 1.0$, 7 1.46 l.OSVti 1.0SH Carlo! Receipts. , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 41 126 47 Kansns Clly 127 12 13 Bt. Louis B3 27 28 Minneapolis 774 Luluth 293 ''J rain Markets EUewtiere. ' Closing prices of grain today ar.d Tues day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. -Close- Wheat December .. May July C iii December . Mny Oats - December ,. May Today. Tuesday. .. 1.11 l.IZft l.UI. 1.1HS 61 61 H 4M 33T4 8T. LOUIS. December ... May Cnrn December ... , 1.15H 1.15 1.164 47 47 .A. 46,o,47H .1.. , KANbA8 CITY. Wheat-- , i r December 1.01 May 1.01 C' ' - ... 1.02 ' 1 03 December 44 NEW YORK. May Wheat- -December May ...... Corn December Wheat - December May Wheat December May ...... 114 1.12?I ' 1.15 1.14 87T4 57S MINNEAPOLIS. 1.12 12H 13Vi 113 114 1 DULUT1L ' 1.124 1.11 1.14 Commercial Gossip. Minneapolis wheat stocks Increased 660,000 bu. In four days. John Anderson and R. J. Akara of lloldrege. F. A. Bryant of Lincoln. R. Cnxlcker of Norfolk H. T. Rolfs of Oretns, B. K. King of Frm. J. J. Kroeker. I. Peters and D. J. Kroeker of Henderson and M. May of Shelton, Neb.,- were on 'change today. Edwards. Wood A Co, say; Weather bureau s crop summary with reference to threshing of spring wheat, the report says triu t there has been another delay by ruins, but this work Is now generally well advanced in Minnesota ana progressing rapidly In the Dakotas. Borne complaint of too dry soil for full plowing In south and the Ohty valley state, also In the Rulf district, tn gther sections seeding as advanced favorably Early grain Is germinating nicely and coming up to good stands. Market for. flax at. Dulnth . was dull; offerings werejlghter and the mar ket for cash' was cleaned up early? The unfavorable weather In the northwest and the prospects, for a sharp dcrease in stocks here should give us more than a steady market fo- the baWnco of the week. , . . , i ill,. i ; Flaaaclal Gossip. Plenty of stock In loan crowd. Chicago banks mark up rates on demand loans. , American stocks In London 'strong, above parity. Trude authorities report good demand for southern Iron. . . . -Nashville St Chattanooga report shows 20 per. cent earned on stock. ... ... No confirmation of anv rumors current affecting Northern Securities. President Iree of Rock Island resigns; General Counsel Mather succeeds to presi dency. Seven million dollars Australian gold will be deposited In Ban Francisco Monday and be transferred to New York, Atchison declared . 3 ,per cent on com mon, regular semi-annual dividend, paya. BT.V LOUIS Oct. 6. WHEAT Lower; longs liquidating; No. 1 red cash elevator, 11 loS; track. $1.18,rl.204; December. 3116.; May, ll.loWl.16V, No. 5 hard, 31.13&n.l4., CORN Firm; No. S cash, 62e; track.1 54 tf.VH,e; December. 47c; May, 4M4',c. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash. 31c; track. 22 ftSJKe; December. 31c; May. 33Tc; No. 1 white. 83l34c. FLOUH-Weak. lower; red winter pat enta. $S.6ii8.0; extra fancy and straight. 6.'Jifi6 &6, clear, H1M 66. 6KED Timothy, ateady, 12 5662.76. KiKNMKAI, Steady, 2.76 BRAN Heavy; sacked, east track. 80ii 3c. .. . HAY Firm; timothy, t6.00(j66d; pralrto. M'VuSI.W. ' tuN COTTONTIES-SRc. ;AGOINO-7t7c. , , rlKMP TWlNJi 7e. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; jobbing, f"J2Mi. I.ard. unchanged; prima steam, l. Bacon, steady; extra shorts, IS.87; clear ribs. ;i.61'; short elear, 88.76. t-UI'LTKY Firm; rhirkens, c; springs. Mkflc turkeys, liijl4e; ducks. c; geese, n'ilTTTER Firm; creamery, 16021c; dairy, "tUtitf Firm; lte rase count ' . Receipts. Shipments. Klour. bbls s.Ono 18.0n0 Wheat, bu M,i0 am.tuiO Corn. bu..i ..27. mo .16 Oats, bu 4,OtiO 27,000 Philadelphia rraaaaa Market. PHILADKI.PHIA. fVt. i. BUTTER Firm, good dVmand; extra creamery, 21o;' extra nearbv prints. 23c. KUUH -Rteady. fair demand; nearby nrt, Jic-'le st mark; western firsts, ) '.lc at murk.. ( CHKKHbV- Firm, good demand; New York full creams, (anoy. 1 0S tJ cholca, 8ti0c; fair to good. ISii9c. Dalath Grala Market. Dl l.l'TII. Oct. I -WHKAT-To arrive, No. 1 noithern. 8118; No. S nonhern, l.ub; oo tranlt. No. 1 norlnsru, II. U. No. 2 northern, $1.0; December, tl.119 1.12. OaTB To arrive, 0c; on track, oc. CHICAGO GRAIN Ann PKOTIIIOS Featares of the Tradla sal Closlas; Prices aa Boar 4 of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct, &. Constantly Increas ing movement of wheat from farmers was the main cause of lc decline In specula tive prices here today. Corn arul oats are both off a shade. Provisions ars down 3 61Ke. . Continuance of a liberal movement tn the northwest and lower prices tn foreign grain markets gave wheat an easier tone at the start. December was unchanged to c lower at l.l:!Vql.12H. while May was unchanged tc fS"c lower at II.12H0 1.13 to ll.UV- A prominent commlrelon house was a heavy seiler of the Decern oer option and started active selling by the pit crowd. The low point o December for the session was reached at $1.1i- May In the meantime sold off to 11.1". Dur ing the last lew minutes of trading some recovery waa made on buying by shorts, but the market closed weak, with De cember at 11.11. May cloeeii at l.if 1.11. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 132,400 bu. Primary receipts were l.M64,3 bu., compared with !WM bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 1.108 cars, againsi l. cars last week and 547 cats a year ago. Bmall receipts and an official forecast of a cold wave tonight held corn prices firm early In tha day, notwithstanding the weakness of wheat. Later in the session sentiment became somewhnt easier as a result of moderate selling due tollie break In wheat. The Irtwa crop bulletin, also ex erted bearish Influence, the claim being mule that fully W per cent of the crop of that state Is now safe from damage by frost. December opened 'rjViC higher at 61'f4jl. sold between nO'jc and 61Vu.'l; and closed at 51ifi61c. I.ooal receipt.) were 12 cars, with 4 of contract graue The oats market showed a tendency to follow the course of corii. Trading was extremely light, the procpect of a still fur ther Increase In stocks being a check to outsidn business. December opened a shade higher at 31c. ranged between 31c and 31o and cloned at 31c. Local re ceipts, 147 cars. Provisions were weak as a result of the selling out of a large line of January lird by a local trader. The weakness of wheat was an additional bear factor. Buying by shorts ws the only support of the mar ket. At the close January pork was down 12Wfrl5c at 13.. Lnrd waB eff 2c at 7.oa. Ribs were 7c lower. at 86 9 Estimated receipts for Tomorrow: Wheat, 92 cars; corn, 119 cars; oats, 192 car.'; hogs, K.noo head. The leading futures rawf jd as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh.iDw. ( Close. Yes y. Wheat Oct. , Deo. May Corn Oct, ' Dec. May Oats Oct. Dec. 1.10 1.1014 1.12 'L12H 1.09 l.orrv l.KIS 1.119s: 'i!i'o i!iiir l.lOf 1.12 '1.12 1.12Vff 1.12W 1.124d 1.129 62 62 62 62 62 60v.'6151! 51 617 4Wf . 4 30Ts 31 30 " 31 U S1 30'.i' 31 aiVuH 3333Sl I 31 31 May Pork Oct. Dec. Jan. Lard Oct. Dec. Jan. . May Ribs Oct. Jan. May S3(Si. Zi 33 11.70 11.86 11.70 11.85 13.30 11.50 ll.ttt ll.52 11.75 11. 8 11.87 13.47 13.47l 13.27i 13.26 I 7.62! 7.f,2 7.67! 7.45 J 7.50 I 7.57! 7.60 7.45 7.70 7. .15 7 tift 7.65 8.00 6 97 7.10 7.60 7.6i 7.S0 7.2 7.5J' 7.t3 8.07 7.02 7.06 7. 6 j ' 8.07' 7.02 7.05 7.67 7.92' 6.9 1 7.S0 6.90 6.95 6.97 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR-Jirm; winter patents, $5.30y 6.50; straights. UMntW, tpring patent-), 15.4(36 0u; straights, 4.utf6 6v; bukerx, 83 4U 63.W. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 3112(1.16; No. 3. Jl.10oa.13; No. 2 red. CORN -No. 2, 53c; No. 3 yellow, 56c. OATS No. 2. c; No. 2 whlta, 32'fl33c; No. 3 white, 30i&.!2c. RYE No. 2, 7tic. BARLEY Good feeding, 37c; fair to choice malting, 4iJj4Hc. SEEDS No. 1 flax. I1.1C; No. 1 north western, 81.18; clover, contract grade, 112.26. PROVISIONS Mess porl", per bbl.. 111.60(11.70. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 3i.fiOt37.ttt'. Short ribs sides (loose). 88.0W6S 25; short clear sides (boxed), 88.50(g,8.75. Receipts and shipments of Hour and grain were as ionows: Receipts. Shlpnie"t.. .... 38,000 18,7001 :.. .165.100 10l,50fl .. 236,400 . 852.(0) ....272,60) " 249.50H .... 8,(i00 7,901) Flour, ,bbls!. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu. Oats, bu..... Rye, bu...... V ! Barley, bu. ...811,400 87.600 On the Produce excha:iee todav the hut. ter market, was steady; creameries, 14&20c; dairies, 13017c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included. 14gl4c; firsts, 18c; prime firsts, 20c; extra, 22c. Cheese, firm, 10 &10C. . HEW YORK OEMSRAL MARKET Quotations of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. B. FLOUR Receipts. 18,119 bbls.; exports, 12.8H2 bbls; sales, 4.200 pkgs.; market firm but dull; white patents. 6.ii6.5; winter BtrHlflUla, 85.0i.46; Min nesota patent', 85.154MMM; Minnesota bak ers, 4.ti04i4.85; winter extras, 33.45(34.15; winter low grades," IS. Rye flour, firm; sales, 400 bbls.; fJr to good, 14.404.60; choice to fancy, $4.66'ii4.90. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western, II .uvi.U; city, Il;iaal.l4; kiln dried, 83.10 3.25. RYE Nominal. . . '" BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 42c, e. I. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, 22,000 bu.; sales, 4,750, 000 bu. futures;' spot market easy; No. 2 red.' 31.1) f.' o. 'b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth 1121 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Except light at the opening, when steadied by local covering, wheat acted weak all day. The principal selling motives were heavy northwest receipts and the poor cables, foreign selling, and Increased estimates of the spring wheat 'crop. Final prices showed Hilc net decline. May, $1.12t'1.14. closed 1.1'-V July closed 31.0294; December, 11.14 frl.ft9. closed 31.16. .' CORN Receipts, 33,325 hu.; eaporU. 186.903 bu.; sales, 60,000 bu. futures; spot market barely steady; No. 2, nominal, elevator, and 67c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 2 white, hQr Option market waa quiet but held steady all duy on cold weather west, closing Unchanged; May closed 64c; December, 6ili67c, closed 67c. OATS--Receipta. 48,600 bu) exports. 12,731 bu; spot market dull; mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs.. 36ri36c; natural whites, 30 to 32 lbs., StH37c: clipped white,- M-to 40 lbs., 37 40c. Options closed noaitnaL FEED Firm; spring bran,. $20.00; mid dlings, 121. 00;, city, 120.00(528 00. H0P8 Firm: state, common to choice, 1904,- ao37c; 1908, 28!ii36c; 'olds, 14'cijl8c Pa ciflo coast. 1904, 28j33c; 1903, 27fajc; olds. 146il8o. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 85 lbs., 17c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. lo; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER Firm: acid, 24(J26c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 2 ftt4c; Japanese, nominal. PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family, $1060 (fill. 50; mess, 8.60(i9.60; beef hams. $14 04 15.(0: nncket, $ 5fi 10.50; extra India mess, 814.0OfiJ16.0O. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel liee. iM.iiyuU.UU; pickled moulders, 87.60; pickled hams, tlfl iKVri 10 26. Lard, steady; western steamed. $8.15; October closed $8 15. nominal; refined, easy; - continent, $8.35; South America. $8.76; compound, $ 26. Pork, quiet; family, 815.60; short clear, $14.000 17.00; mess, $6.12. TALLov Steady; eountry. 4(r56o; BUTTER Weak: street price. extra creamery. 20tj21o; official price, . creamery, common to extra, 13(iroe. ' CHEESE Strong; state full cream, small fancy, colored and white, 10c; large, col ored and white, good to fancy, 9910c; large white, poor to fancy, 7flj994c. ECJGS Weak; western fancy, selected, 21Cn'22c; average best. 20r$21c. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, 12c; fowls. 12c: turkeys. 12c; dressed, steady; western chickens, 12313c; fowlsv 14c; turkeys, 16316c. Kaasaa City Grala aad Provlsloas. KANSAS CITT. Oct. 5. WHEAT Lower: December, $1.0141 01, :May, $1.01,! 01: cash No. t hard. $106&l.ijg; No. 3. $1.01 104: No. 4. SOciit.62: relerted, 85fi0c; No. 1 red. Il.10tjl.12; No. 8. 81.0&&1.08; No. 4,95c crst.os. '.' CORN-Stead v: December, 44fi44c; May, 4444c: cash No. 2 mixed. 48'n4'; No. 3. 48c: no. 2 wnne. uy; no. 3, nic. OATS Weak; No. S white, 31032c; No, 2 mixed. 80i31o. HAY Stead yj choice timothy. $8.75(69.00; choice prairie, $8.09. RYE Steady at 70c. EOU8 Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. I white wood rases Included, lKr; case count. 16c: cases relumed c less. Bl'TTER-Creamery. lW18c; dairy, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu HW.Joo ' l.U.toO Corn, bu 9 0 i0 Oats, bu 2.000 13.UU0 Maaaapolle Grala Market. MINNKAPOU8. tVt.- 5.-WH BAT De cember. $112; May. $1 .18; No, 1 hard. $1 L6V- No- 1 northern, $1.13; No. north ern. II bV FIX")UR-Flrt patents. $(&. 30; e-ond patents. KLu54il5i first clears, $16lNjl.i0; second clears. $. ( l J. '.0. BKAN-lu bulk, 16.UOtfU.25. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it FereriBh and Excited All Day and Volume of Bmiieu it Large. ST. PAUL IS ERRATIC, BUT CLOSES NlGHEhS Gossip Coanect the Erie Rosli with Xortaera ecarltlea lettlesneat aad leads Thesa I'p e eral Polats. NEW YORK, Oct. 6.-There was an eg cited and feverish market tor securities ail day today and the volume ot business somewnat exceeded yesitraay's large iouiI in spite of Intervals of decided auilness In the trading. '1 ne movement of prices waa so wide and the fluctuations so constant and conflicting as to keep speculative hen tlment unsettled ana to puisle the traders who sought to follow the market. The o c&lled room trading, however, was on an enormous scale and operations of this character changed often during the nay from the long to the short side. Such news as became known tn explain tne movement of prices seemed quKe inade quate to account for the violence of fluc tuations. The widest movements were without any news to sccount for them. 8t. Haul ope. e i 1 point higher, relspsfd to a fraction un di r last night, shot up to 169 and fluc tuated constantly between the extremes, with more or lees sympathetic effect on the whole list. The stock was affected solely by rumors, with no definite con firmation, or, more properly, the enormous and mysterious volume of the dealings and the erratic fluctuations kept up the flow of rumors. United States Steel was sub jected to further heavy selling, but shows 1 evidences of support and recovered vigor ously In the later market, but not before a number of independent stocks had weak ened in sympathy. Trade news to ac count for the movement was as much lacking as on the advance In the group. The trunk lines were heavy at first, but moved briskly upward later under the leadership of Pennsylvania. The asserts 1 abandonment of the lead merger plan helped to depress the lead ana smelter stocks. Some of the day's rumors asso ciated Krle with St. Paul and Northern Pa cific in the supposed plan of settlement of the Northern Securities contest and were supposed to account for, the rise in the Krlrs. The regular dividend declarat on on Atchison was followed by the advance In that stock. The unprecedented expert of copper has been remarked for many weeks, but it was the ssslgned cause for thi strength of Amalgamated Copper today. The day's news seemed to be little consid ered. The cold weather In the west was discussed, but the amount of corn to be harvested la diminishing to such a point as to lighten apprehensions of dftmago to It. St. Paul's final price for the day was 1 higher than last night and only a rem nant of the day's plars showed St the closing, which waa irregular. Many prom inent active storks ended the day lower than last night. Bonds were Irregular; total sales, par value, 84,760.000. 1'nlted States 3s declined per cent on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sa Irs. HlBh.Low. Close. Atchison do pfd .49.400 84 82 s 6.200 100 100 100 Baltimore & Ohio 8.800 91 91 do pfd 100 94 Cnnndian Pacific 8,800 19 Central of N. J BOO 181 Chesapeake Ohio.... 6,600 46 Chic ago & Alton do pfd 100 80 Chfrago Ot. Western.. 1,900 lii Chicago & N. W 6.H0 190 C. M. g, St. P 154. 90) 169 do pfd Chicago Term. AT... 100 6 do pfd 00 14 C. C. C. & St. L 6,000 82t Colo. Southern 600 19 do 1st pfd . 200 61 do 2d pfd 94 132 180 44 '80 in 189 165. "6 14 82 18 50 93 132 180 449 89 78 K 190 167 182 14 82 18 60 25 170 290 2r; 8H4 Delaware & Hudson.. D.. L. 4 W 6,800 170. 170 Denver & Rio Grande 10) do pfd 500 Erie 77,300 do 1st pfd 9.500 do 2d pfd 6.400 29 81 32 68 4.; 12 69 47 33 68 47 81 Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd ... 1.500 89 8S 89 ....11.200 143 142 143 2,100 2i 25 26 .... . 100 46 46 46 lDQ 24 24 24 4V4 5.4O0 128 127 127 1.40Q 154 153 153 Louis. & Nashville. Manhattan L Met. Securities .... ri2.3Hif84 82 tax ..f3.6t 121 120 120 Met. St. Hv.. Minn. & St. Louis... M.. St. P. & S. 8. M ..... ..... 00 600 77 77 '99 26 50 40 126 71 92 84 133 71 - 68 86 '28 714 68 21 47 68 82 " 94 32 77 do pfd Missouri Pacific 28.800 M.. K. & T 1.600 do pfd 6.I0O N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 500 N. Y. Central 26.900 Norfolk & Western... 9,500 do pfd Ontario & Western.... 6,6X1 Pennsylvania 164,400 P.. C. C. & St. L 400 39 1291 71 S1 133 71 69 86 Reading 90,3o0 do 1st pfd 200 do 2il prd Rock Island Co .. 2.800 .. 2.000 .. 400 .. 1.900 I do pfd ' St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd I St. Louis 8. W 1 do nfd 72 68 21 48 58 82T, 94 31' ..10.700 ..66.700 ..10.:ia0 .. r .. 3.000 H. faoinc 8. Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. E... Wisconsin Central , do pfd Mexican Central ... 30 300 61 mi 60 88.900 104 103 108 93 5,200 20 20 20 2.600 42 41 42 200 17 17 17 700 20 20 19 600 46 44 44 1,200 14 14 14 Adams Ex , American Ex United States Ex Wells-Fargo lSx Amal. Copper j Am. Car & Foundry.. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd t Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Anaconda M. Co Brooklvn R. T Colo. Fuel Iron..,. Consolidated Giis .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers" Securities. 1.200 3,900 (16 6 106 100 131 131 58 3-Hi 212 15 71 28 General Electric 1 2.000 174 172 171 international Paper.. do pfd 1.... International Pump., do pfd National Lead , North American ..... Pacific Mall People's Gas .. pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Bteel do pfd Rubber Goods ........ do pfd 1 75 200 100 300 3,900 100 1.30.1 1,000 1.400 ' 200 . 2.3o6 ' 2,500 600 84 103 . 34 79 10 61 20 Tenn. Coal & Iron..., 5.500 U. 8. Leather 600 do pfd ... 6t) U. 8. Realty A Imp... 710 V. 8. Rubber 7( do pfd 400 U. 8. Steel ..45.JOO do pfd 175.600 1 ,18 (4 76 Westlnghouse Elee... 2,ono Western Union 600 165 ; Total sales for the day, 1.354.200 shares. Bostoa Vtock Market. BOSTON. Oct. 6. Call loans, tw pereenf Time loan". 4t&'J ner cent.- OfflcHl closing of stocks and bunds: Atrhlson stjust. 4s. Wmtlsibouw com , II AtrklMD U 101 Advantur r Mrilran Csatrsl 4s. M Ab-hlann US Amalgamated 4 pfd Boston 4V Albany.. Hoglon A Mal".. floitrn Elavatad . F'trhburg pt4 Maatra Cantral .. N. T.. N. 11. A H loot A marl ran Clno .160 Atlantic .ttt Blnaham 11 U .164 raluinat a Harkla . aM .l Cantanalal j; . ii i-oppar Hang .11 Paly Waal ... . 74 Pomtnlnn Coal .. la ::S :: .. 41 .. IX .. ... It .. 14 .. n ... ..111 .. tu .. !' '. . n .. 41 .. I .. N rpra Marquetta ... t'nlos Pai-lnc! Amir. Arga. Cham do pfd Aaitr. Pnou. Tuba Anrki Sugar .. do pfd Amr. T.. Tal. A mar. Wootan .... do Btd iMuilnlon I AS .. ..10SH Pranklls .. 1 Oranry .. TT Ula Rorala ... .. 4S, Mm Mining . ..W Mlrhlgaa . .11 Mokut . . 1M1 Montana C A .. 16 Old Oomlntns . . II ' Om-oI 4 Par Kdlaon Klar. Ilium tM yulwy ovr.arai p.iectnc , stiarnon miii,. Kl"lrlc .... Uli Tniin 13S Ttmarark do nfd ' . n tislted rruH I'nMtd Shoa Mark. 4o pfd r. S S'aal do pld Bid. "Asked. 1 ITrlnMy f a Mining I" v s nil .... ' tub f Viriorta 11, Wloana IH Wulv.rln .... Trestarr Rtstrtnvnt. WA8MINOT0N iw V-T.lnv's stste nuru dt thf treasury bilio--s in the gfn tt? lunU. t-xoluulv of. lh. 810),Jv).w) giolj r serve In the division of re-lemptl, n. e.mws: Available rjsn t.nlsnc). $153 -43, go'd 875.767.088. , ' New Vark Msaer Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-MONF.Y On rail, steady st 1B2 per cent; lowest. 1 Per cent; ruling rates. Ias4 lean, closing IJ and offered. per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty deys. 8 per cent: ninety days, 3 per cent; Six months. 244 per CPRIMB MERCANTILR PAPER-44H per cent. 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills at 14 853oj 4 8636 for demand and at 84.8S80i4 8336 for sixty day bills; posted rates. 84 84!4 84 and $4 8'IJ4 87; commercial bills. 84 83. SILVER Rar. 57Tc: Mexican dollars. 4c. BONDS Government easy, railroad Ir regular. The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: l'. 8. rrnn. Is, rag. W Mis. con. gold 4....J0 do coupon ll Mn. ('antral U ' f f la. raglstrad..1(MV M. Can. at Ine.... Ill do coupon ldKH'M. A It b. 4 MV V. K. Nw is, rg....lltS !.. K. a T. 4 toi do roupon U1H do Ma 11 I'. S. M 4. reg 104niN. R- ef M. t. 4a "7t do coupon.... Atrhtann gen. 4i do adluitmant Atlantlr '. L. ' B O. 4a An IS Central ot O la do 1st Inr.. C O. 4Vk.. inV n. T. I. n. !',. ..ii" 4a Ill iN. J C. gn. 114' 4.. I Northern Facile 4s.. 1044 1.... MS' 4o tM IN. W. eon. 4 ...10O4 K .O. 8. U 4a and par. li: Pans, cionv. Ia too IS 'Reading gMl. 4n 100'4 !( St. U 111 C. a A IH C B Q 11 1 st. i. a s. r. ig. new 4 Vlm U S'weatern lnU. I4 C, M. A St p. 4a 10A saanoarn a. u. C. N. W. eon. 7l,.12'(( Southern Paclflf 4.. v C . R. I. A P. 4 7H'Southern Railway 6all7i4j do eol. la T. P. Bull lo C. C. C. St.t.g.4s.tflJ T.. SI. b. W. 4s.. Tl Chicago Ter. 4a 77V4Vnlon Pacific 4a 1'4 Con. Tobacco 4a...... 7I do eonr. 4 17 Calo. a Sontharn 4. M If 8 steal Id 6s 14 p A R O. 4a ino.'abaah lata til Brie prior llan 4 MHI do Dab. R Erie genaral 4a 174, A b. K 4a SO F W. A P. C. tat. .110 Wis. Cantral 4a l Hocking Valley 44. .lMHj'Colo. Tuel cony. Ba. 71 L. A N. unified 4..101',' Bid. Offered. London Stork Market. IONDON, Oct. 6.-CToslng: Ccnaoli. nion)r...M 11-UIN. T. Cantrik. do account MVNorfolk A Weatern. Anaconda tl do pfd Atrhiaon IH "nurlo A Weatarn. do pfd 10-.'VPnnylanll Baltlmor A Ohio l Rand Mines Canadian Pacific ' I3S Reading .111 . . li . I5i . . ion . aS" . 4IH . II Chaaapaaka A Ohio.. 444 do lat pfd. Chlnaao O. W 17UI do td pfd. C, M. A St. P Da Bear D. A R. O do ptd Etia do lat prd.... do Id pfd minoli antral L. A N M.. K. A T... ..171 gcuthcrn Railway .. 1111 do pfd .. 30 Southern Pacific .. .. HVt'nloD Pacific ..14 do pfd ,. .. 7114 f. R. Steel .. 41 do ptd ,.HSWabaah ..lass, do pfd . 14 . t"1 . 0t .1071 . M . 11 . T7a . tl . 41 .. Bpanian SILVER Bar, quiet, id per ounce. MONEY 1(5C1 per cent. Tha rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 8 1-18(32 per cent; for three months bills, 2e per cent. New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, Oct. B. The following are the closing prices on mining storm; Adams Con to Little Chief .. 0 ..160 ..166 .. 14 .. 16 .. n .. a .. ti ..IrO Alice Ontarl-j Onhlr Phoenix Poioet B&vago Sierra Nevada Small Hopea . Standard Breaca Brunawlck Con Comatock Tunnel., Con. Cat. and Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver ,. Leadvlll Con .. ll .. ot .. to . .to) ..160 ..176 .. 01 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Oct. 5. There was conslder plle cash movement In the mirket tiday, owing to the maturing and payn.-nl of 7, 000,000 In treasury bills and the lepayment of over 85,000,000 to t'ie Bank i'f England, besides being consols settling day. Pres sure was obviated, however, by the releas of 836.000,000, mainly In .government divi dends. The abundancs of money and Ihe absence of bills tended to lower discount, though the position of tha contingent at exchange and the keen bidding for gold In the open market more than counter acted this disposition. On the Stock ex change business was quieter and trading was Irregular and scattered on profit tak ing. Consols were firm. Home rails were rather easier on disappointing traffic re turns. Americans opened Irregular, moved generally to above parity, became active in sections, eased later and closed Irregular. Japanese were fiat on the prolonged defense of Port Arthur. Imperial Japanese gov ernment 6s of 1904 were quoted at 95. Kaffirs were dull. PARIS, Oct. 6. Prices on the bourse todav were firm throughout. Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at 93.81 and Russian bonds ot 1901 at 505. The prevalent rate of riiufcnn wns 1L. Three ner cent rentes. 97f 2c for ths account. "Exrhange on Lon don. Zfif loe ror checks.- 1 t BERLIN, Oct. p. Exchange on London, 20m39pfff for ehecksr Plscount rates: Short bills, 4 per 'cent; tTiree months' bills, 3 per cent. On ths-ibourae today quota tions weret maintained. .Business was dull. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 5: WOOLIV-A'free move ment of wool continues In the Boston mnr- Ket. some stocss or wool nave oecome sur prisingly low for this early In the season. This is especially true of medium. Terri tories were active and prices firm. Pulled wools are steady. There Is little doing In foreign wools on spot. Quotations: Ken tucky, Indiana etc., and blood. 29 29c; territory. Idaho fine I8?18c heavy fine. 1516c: fine medium 1818c; medium, 19iJr20c; low medium. 21(Q'22; Wyoming fine. 16(ftl7c; heavy fine. 1516c; fine medium. 17 B18c; medium. 20iff21c; low medium. 222Sc; Nevada and Utah fine, 1717: heavy. 15 16c; fine medium. 17g18c; medium, 20W21c; low medium. Z223c; Dakota fine. 17(Q18c; fine niediiim. 17a18c; medium. 2021c; low medium, 22K3; Montana fine, choice, 2021c; fine, average. 19020c; fine medium, choice, 20i6!21c: average. ISigiflc; staple, 2ig23; me dl""i choice 22if??3c: averngre. 81(fi22. ST. LOriS. Oct. 5. WOOI Steady; me dium grudes combing and clothing, 2026o; light Pne. iRtaOc; heavy fine, 1216c; tub washed, 27ff35c. NEW YORK, Oct. I WOOL Market steady; domestic fleece. 32350. ' ' ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. B, METALS The London tin market was again higher, with a not mioted at 129 5s and futures at 129. Locally the tone la firm, with spot quoted at 88.2528.60. Copper was also hleher, closing at 58 17s 6d for spot and 58 18s 9d for futures, but showed no material change In the local market, where lake Is quoted at 312.8713.00. electrolytic at 312.7&612.87 and casting at 312.62fljl2.75. Lead was un changed In both markets, closing at 34.20fli 4.30 In New York and at 1118.4 94 in the Ixindon market. Spelter advanced to 22 15s In London, but was unchanged In the local market at 86.1O5,30. Iron clored at 50s 64 In Glasgow and at 43s 6d in- Mlddles borougb. Locally Iron was steady, but without ouotable chanse. No. 1 foundry northern Is held at 33 754H4.25; No. foun dry northern, 313.25(ptl3.50: No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, 13.5lVafl3.75. ' ST. LOl'18, Oct. t. METALS Lead ateady, 8412; spelter firm. 84.85. v ' ' Oils and Rosin.' ' NEW YORK. Oct. S. OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 3(K&3ic. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York, 87.25; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 37.90. - Turpentine, dull at Sfc'uufcc. ROSIN Dull; strained, common to good, 82.80. OIL CITY, Oct. 5.-OIL8-Credlt bal ances. 815(1; certificates, no bid Shipments, 69.232 bbls.; average, 67.833 bbls.; runs, 86. 3t8 bbls.; average. 52.041 abls. ; shipments, Lima, 69,998 bbls.; average, . 63.322 bbls.; rms, Lima, 109,108 bbls.; average, 41,254 bbla 4...VANNA1I. Oct. 8. TURPENTINE Firm. 62c. ROSIN-FIrm: A; B, C, 82.40; D. 32 46; E. 32.50; F, 82.66; O. 82 00: H. 82.70; I. 32.85: K, f3.66: M, 84.05; N, 14.80; W a. 84.50; w W, $4-77. , ' Cotton Mark. ... ' NEW YORK, Oct. COTTON-Spot closed quiet, So points advance; middling uplands, 10.80c; middling gulf, 10. 85c. Saies, balea. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 5. COTTON - Spot, 5ood business done, prices 10 points higher; .meilcan middling lair, 6.92d; good mid dling, 6.7d; middling. 6 C4d; low mldd Ing, 6.8od; ood ordinary, 8.14d; ordinary, 4.90d. The sales of the day were lO.OuO balea BT. LOUIB. Oct. 6. COTTON Un. changed; middling. 10c. Receipts, none; shipments, none: stock. 8,168 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 6. COTTON Firm; sales, 9,000 bales; ordinary, 7c; good ordinary, (U-16c; low middling. ? 5-16c; middling. 97c; good middling, 10 l-16c; mid. dllng fair. 10 6-lac. Hecelpts, I3.1U) bales; stoik. 83,734 bales. Caffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 5. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at tin-chana-ed prices to s decline of S points. The world's visible supply statement showed an Increase for the month of 774,074 dm a. Prices were finally steady at a decline of 6 4fl points. Sales were reported of 50 VO bags. Including: October, 6 tf?jt 70c; No vember. 8.8uc: December. 1g,Vjju (fto; v j,,n., t ary, 8.96c; March, T.lMjT.HOc; May 7 35 T0c; August, 7.65c. dupienilj.r, 7 hoc. Hn ,t Rio. steady, No. i Invoke, t' e. Mild, s.i i.dy. -e- I Dry Caoda Market.' ' NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-DRY OOOD8 The market I appreciably quieter and buyers eem more or less at sea. t'J rea on of ihe fluctuations in the raw colinn mark't. No evidence of sny weakntas on the part of the msnufacturers or thtlr agents la reiorted. the . arsumest- 4vlng presented that cont'nued cur a 1-nent nwl nave an ultimata, salutary IwC . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Moderate Receipts of Cattle Ctnsed Prices to Strengthen on Deiirtbla Grades, HOGS OPENED FIVE HIGHER, BUT WEAKENED Fat Sheep anal Lambs Active aad Fally Dteady, Beat Feeders Steady, Otkers a Little (low svlth the Feellag Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 6. 1904. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Offlelsl Mondav 7.116 3.oJ& al.biti Official Tuesday 6.3eO 6,441 17,iwl Official Wednesday 8,000 7,000 lH.oo Three days this week. .20.495 16.976 55.777 Same dsys last week . . . .M.8il7 18.S'7 70.751 Same days week before.. 22.678 14.i7 61.2U) Same three weeks ago.. 14.1:15 16.910 t. Same four weeks ago. ...11. 440 15.448 30.1M Same days last year. . ..U.SM 11.931 7o.bS RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparisons; . , 1904. 19-iS. Inc. Doc Cattle 73.4,'9 780.941 lo7.4i.2 Hogs l.TW.utiS 1.780. 409 18.5 8hfep 1,231.657 87,7 K) Tim following lame t-liuws Hi average piles of hugs at fcuuth Oma.ia tor ths last several days wuli conipansuns: Pta. 1904. I1908. 02. 11901. 1 1 900.1 18. Ill 8ep:. 19. Sept. 2t. Sept. a. Sept. 32. Sept. 23. Sept. 24. Sept. 26. Sept. 28. Sept. 27. Sept. UH. Sept. 29. bept. 30. Oct. 1... Oct. 2... Oct. 3... Oct. 4... Oct 6... Indicates Sunday The official number of cars of stock Drought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs.Sheep.H'r's. C. M. & St. P Jo .. Missouri Pacific 2 2 Union Pacific System. 64 23 60 1 C. & N. VV v 4 F E. A M. V 79 19 10 8 C., 8U P.. M. A O.... 6 8 B. A M 129 26 8 I C. . B. A Q 2 C R. I. A P., east... 1 8 C, R. I. A P., west.. 18 Illinois Central 4 Chicago at. Western. .. 2 Total receipts 286 112 62 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 60 454 400 Swift and Company 1,181 Cudahy Packing Co 708 Armour A Co 1,3k Armour A Co., from S. C. ... Vansunt A Co 55 Carey A Benton 212 Lobman A Co 94 McCreary A Carey 189 W. I. Stephen 290 Hill A Huntilnger 12 Lewis A Underwood .... 92 Huston A Co. 61 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 228 L. F. Husc 267 Squires A Co Wolf A Murnan 753 Sam Werthelmer 8 Mike Haggerty 22 J. B. Root A Co 361 Bulla A Kline 146 8. A 8 66 Other buyers 692 1,489 1.555 1.543 1.231 3,092 1,662 1,762 614 181 14.469 Totals 7,601 7,017 21,385 CATTLE Receipts of cattle at al! the big markets this morning were not exces sive, snd as a result prices held fully steady on all desirable grade3. Trading at this point was quite active and the built of the offerings was disposed of in good season. There were Just a few cars of cornfed steers In sight this morning and none of them were of the good to choice varictv. The prices paid, though, were Just about ateady. From the way buyers act it la very evident that they are all ahxiou for well finished cornfeds and that there ore not enough to anywhere near fill their orders. .. The market on western range beef steen was also active and steady to strong. The general run of cattle sold In much the same notches they did yesterday, but the choicer grades could be quoted strong with the demand In excess of the supply. As trad ing: was fairly active It waa not loner be fore the bulk of the cattle was disposed of. Only about sixty cars of cow stuff ar rived today, and with a continued liberal demand the market ruled active and strong to a dime higher all around. Buyers were all out early and trading was brisk from start to finish. Prices have moved steadily upward all this week, so that most of ths decline of last week has been regained, or, in other words, the market is nearly back to where It was a week ago last Monday. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold readily at fully steady prices. Best veal are now selling up to 85.50, or the same as week be fore last. Heavy calves are 25 50c higher than the low time last week. - The demand for stockers and feeders was again active this morning and any thing at all desirable met with ready sale at stronger prices and some sales looked a little higher. Light cattle changed hands without difficulty If the quality was at all good, but common kinds were more or less neglected. Representative sales: BEEF BTEERB. No. Av. Pr. No. at. r.. M 711 I 71 It 111! 8 00 (lis IN .NEBRASKA. 2 steers. 5 steers. 4 steers. .1106 . 966 .1132 2 90 1 cow 850 2 60 2 60 3 80 260 2 80 3 at) 2 40 2 36 2 00 2 60 1 86 3 00 1 60 3 10 2 60 2 66 2 90 2 60 2 66 2 25 2 00 2 90 2 26 3 10 2 50 1 75 8 75 2 75 2 85 2 20 3 66 3 55 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 40 3 40 2 55 1 00 3 00 1 45 2 45 2 46 3 2 1 66 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 00 2 00 8 00 8 55 3 16 2 36 8 70 2 26 250 2 65 2 90 2 60 i 63 2 56 2 26 2 36 2 65 3 10 8 10 2 HO- 1 75 3 16 so 2 20 2 00 55 2 00 3 60 2 76 3 60 3 60 3 40 2 90 22 steers.. ..1102 6 steers .1076 6 steers.. ..1136 2 steers.... 910 2 steers.. ..1175 1 bull 1060 1 cow 1160 17 feeders.. 841 12 calves... 341 14 feeders.. Mil 1 bull 1310 75 feeders. .1114 17 cows 879 1 cow 1220 9 cows 930 2 cows 1043 1 cow 1U00 2 cows.. ..1090 ..1120 .. 976 .. 900 ..1306 ..1320 2 steers.., 14 steers... 2 cows.... 2 bulls.... 1 bull 7 calves.. 814 feeders.. 931 7 feeders.. 841 l bull llio 7 steers.. 714 Z cows.., 2 cowa... 8 cows... 1 cow.... .. 930 . 835 . 803 . 940 2 heifers.. 865 1 cow. .1.100 2 cows.. 856 1 feeder... 770 6 cows.. 1 cow..., 6 cows.., 2 steers. 10 steers., 1 feeder. 1 bull.... .. 902 .. 840 ..1170 ..lino .. 876 ..1020 ..1310 1 cow... 10 steers, 1 steer.. 7 steers. 1 steer.. 1000 ..1027, .. 760 .. 872 ..1040 1 bull ...1250 tS feeders.. 1142 21 feeders 919 3 feeders.. 919 8 steers.. ..! 6 feeders.. 848 49 steers.. ..1257 26 s leers.... 1228 1 feeder... 700 9 feeders.. 713 4 feeders.. 6V) I feeders.. 620 11 feeders.. 970 59 steers ...1132 8 feeders.. 1021 1 bull 1490 46 steers. ...1291 1 bull 820 21 feeders.. 6M 1 feeder... 660 3 feeders.. 763 20 feeders. 14 feeders. 644 875 778 6 feeders. 46 cows 4 feeders. DAKOTA. 1 feeder.. 863 S! 943 36 feeders 14 steers.. ,.10ii6 3 15 SOUTH 8 steers.... 703 3 20 4 rows 846 1 65 980 810 1 rows 49 cows 810 2 46 1 cows 1120 t cows 790 1 46 3 cows 1023 1 steer 900 3 ) 1 steer 10, 0 1 steer 1100 3 20 1 cow...,,. 900 ,. 810 . T90 . 900 .1100 .1040 B. . 920 . 250 . 230 . 966 . 720 . 934 . 894 . 870 . 950 . 710 1 hull 104t 1 60 nummen iveD. 1 steer... 2 calves.. 1 calf t cows.... 1 cow 5 cows.... 9 cows.... t cows.... 1 cow 1 feeder.. 1 75 1 calf 830' 2 o 1 cow 1060 1 75 I cows 846 1 90 1 bull..... .101 1 80 1 calf 340 2 60 7 calves... 326 60 1 hull 13:0 2 10 t cows 976 . 1 76 1 heifer... 710 ' 2 60 2 00 2 60 2 15 1 75 1 90 1 90 1 15 2 15 3 60 Z calves... 286 8 cows 1116 2 60 2 60 1 calf 210 2 00 I cows 1357 15 Charles O. 18 feeders.. 1046 3 60 Ammon, Nab. 1 feeder. ..1070 8 00 WYOMING. 64 steers.. ..1137 9 rows 1036 I cows 616 I cows 1130 89 cows 1062 Wtlsen 8 steers.. ..1246 1 cow 1020 F. 69 steers. ...12(4 1 cow 880 1 steer 1260 1 steer 1130 W. 3 15 2 26 2 80 63 steers.. ..1113 16 8 feeders 8 feeders 21 feeders 726 !M0 1064 3 40 3 15 3 85 3 06 2 60 A W 3 75 2 26 Lanat. Wvo. 66 steers.. ..1049 II. Scars. 8 3 76 2 rot X). 995 2 76 8 76 3 7i 3 2f 1 steer ..13ii0 3 76 1 steers.. ..1333 8 SO tt. Wilson-Neb. 26 cows .. hs i O. Morgan-Neb. ..10S4 2 60 M. M. Rye Neb. .121! IW 341 vows 113! 2 65 ..1282 8 CO V. Mollnes Neb. ..10f 2 60 I row 1000 3 80 ..1020 3 6 19 corns.. 22 steers.. 3 steers.. 26 rows.,. 1 row...., 11 steers.. 1 row 2 cows... J. E. Utterbsrk. R. t. .1270 3 80 8 steers.. ..12M 8 80 .1330 3 00 3 cows 9M6 2 71 .1010 3 tO cows 1176 2 60 73 6 70 7 88 6 19 4 38 J .4 80 7 89 6 77 6 22, 4 31 J Jl 6 81 6 81 6 86 6 23 4 31 3 71 6 76 s 60 7 49j 6 U 36 3 .3 6 (b s iSi 7 ii 6 89 I 4 4i, m 8 7S ( 74 7 68 6 84 6 14 T7 I 8 68 7 66 8 80 6 16 4 41 r 6 68 7 37 6 75 6 16! 4 ifl J (1 tssiZl 7 M 79 C 15 4 8fi 7! 5 (4 ; 6 69 - , 6 cii u iu M 8 4 6 72 V 33 6 17 4 87 3 64 6 69 5 il i U I 8ii , 4 . a -. 6 74 6 tW 7 16. 75. 5 13. 8 71 ! 6 61 7 20 6 68 B 18 4 39 B 71 6 65 7 30 6 59 6 19 4 C 3 M 6 74 7 32 6 871 6 301 4 37 3 64 6 67 6 62j 6 16 4 31 3 64 4 SS 2 00 t 00 5 3". 4 10 8 46 8 25 2 00 I 80 8 40 8 3 20 feeders.. l'W 3 SO 23 feeders.. 1009 A. Wrsger Wyo. 4 10 14 steers.. ..1195 Seaman Wyo. 2 75 22 feeders.. 914 3 45 6 steers.. "..1 J. I feeders.. 1S 10 feeders.. 175 E. 12 feeders.. 914 C. Fisher Wyo. 8 2S 1 feeder... 730 1. Mills Wvn. 26 steers. . 18 feeders. I steer. . .. Swsn I steers.. .11) 3 AO I feeder... 640 . 758 3 40 W. H Htyes Wyo. 10W 5 60 2 cows inoj Ijind and Cattle Co. Wyo . 950 8 00 5 steer.... 9X2 Oeorae Down'n Neb. 9 feeders.. M I"J 21 feeders.. 971 3 feeders.. 954 8 75 A WcMer-Wyn. ?o feeders. . 101 3 M Corona Cattle Co. Colo. 44 feeders. .1o?S 3M 5 feeders. .10"3 7 8 00 8 cows. 1 steer 1330 931 t W A. Perber Wvo. 95 2 o 8 steers.. ..1047 43 cows. . 20 steers... 7 rows.... 1 bull t 7B 1 75 mro 1040 2 "0 1 cow 910 2 00 T. 30 steers.. ..1122 1 calf S40 1 steer 1070 1 won A. Allen Wvo. 3 55 8 75 2 Ffl 2 00 2 steers. ...1" 8 00 J n.1 M a rn 7 cows lof i 1 h-i'l .K-en HOOS-The upplv of ho In s'gl't tM morning was rather smnll snd the market nt this point opened fairly active and moetlv s nickel hlcher on the bet'er grade and particularly on the choice lleht nnd butcher weights. It was noticeable, how ever, that biivcrs were not nsytng much at tention to the commoner londs. nnd after the better hoars had been nicked up the market suddenly came to n standstill with naokcr blddlns no more than steady prices for what was left. Salesmen sll wanted a nickel advance and ns a result but little business was transacted. The earlv sals of rood Hs-ht b-itcher wels-Ms were mod r"otly around 850 and frnri that un to 85 85. Oood mixed nnd medium welrhts went from 85.75 to 83.80 nnd heavy hogs from that down. The sttiistlnn did not Irrmrnve as the nvrnlne advanced and t close "-n s'nv with prices no mne 4han -tendy with vesterdov. Renresentstlve sile- 2 cows ... I1B I Oft 83 steers.... 1349 4 cows 1fS6. 2 f 1 bul! 1210 7 steers... 1262 4 10 1 bull 1300 William Revnrlus rt o. S)a A S. rt . A. S. Kl Ml 41 t 70 71 7 110 M :ns 40 I 70 41 141 ... 4 3?7 ... I 7 . 71 Ill ... 17 .174 ... I 70 IS 11 10 S4 171 I.. I 70 SSI ... H 171 ... I 70 77 ISO 110 fit 171 40 B 7! 71 117 ... C4 11 ... I 7!4 M 14 10 14 5.'.4 ... I 7! II !M ... It IS4 ... 17? 0 141 10 7(. s 10 I 77V 71 t'l ... 41 ISS ... t 71 71 1M ... M J-.I SO I 77 II Ml 10 70 W4 40 6 7i n 4I 1J0 BO..: 2M 10 S 7J, 17 '4 ... 10 941 ... I 1V !I7 ill M0 II .-.fl ... I 73V 7. ...... .141 1J0 i 2S4 10 B 7' II IM 10 M v!44 ItO I W4 Tl til ... II M4 . ... I 7tt U 121 ... 17 tS4 ... 6 7J II t!7 ... 1 7(4 140 17? . .124 ... M 24 110 I 72 M 117 ... I tm ... I 7B II 2 CO to 71 !! ... B 71 41 1l ... Bl m 40 B 71 SB. 234 ... (I HI 40 B 71 II m 110 M 241 110 6 7 II f ... Bt. ...... t4 40 B 71 IT ill ... Id Ill 120 I 71 BB :'t 40 IB J 200 I 7B II 221 10 II 244 110 B 71 71 131 ... 9 141 10 6 7f 12 141 40 71 210 40 I 71 Id 171 ... II U4 i40 I 71 14 ! 80 M 2J7 10 8 7ft 70 Ml ... 11 211 ... B 71 247 ... B4 310 ... B 71 71 8 M 11 !! 0 I 7B IT. Ml ... Id 241 10 B 7B 6 73 5 71 I 77 ' 6 77' t 77H I HI 7T ( 77 77 I 77 I K t 19 M I 10 I 10 6 10 I 10 I in I 14 I to so I 10 I M I 10 I 10 I 10 I M I 10 M 6 10 I 10 I 10 8 10 1 1 t t 16 I 16 I K I II SHEEP There were fully as many sheep here today as arrived yesterday, but the de mnnd was equal to-the occasion and n good active, steady market was experienced. Packers evidently all had liberal orders to fill and nnythlng at all good In the way of either fat sheep or lambs changed handn freely at good steady prices. As high as 84.80 was paid for western lambs. The quality of the bulk of the offerings was not very good. The feedet market showed but little chnnge from yesterday. Desirable grades of both sheep and lambs could be quoted steady with safety, but in sume cases the common kinds were slow and weak. Quotations for arrass sheen and lamba: Good to choice yenrllnars. $3.633 85: fnlr to good yearllnars. 83.40360: good to choice wethers. 83.25(93.50- fair to good wethers. 33 00S2.: good to choice ewes. 33.OfVft3.SO: fair to a-ood ewes. 82.753.00; good to choice lambs, 34 5nnM.90: fair to good lambs, 34.25 4.60; feeder vearllngs. 83.50(H3.85: feeder wethers. 33.25(93 50; feeder ewes. 32.002 5: feeder lambs, 83.25(94.40: breeding ewes, 83.00 C3.2S. Representative sates: No. Av 140 Utah wethers 160 Pr. 8 65 3 65 2 75 2 76 3 00 3 00 3 50 3 60 3 60 4 40 2 25 2 25 3 00 8 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 3 75 815 Utah wethers .107 181 Wyoming cull lambs 38 310 Wyoming cull lambs 33 19 Wyoming cull Inmbs 52 2'i5 Wyoming feeder lambs 47 195 Wyoming feeder lambo 47 296 Wyoming feeder lamba 46 8 Wyoming feeder lambs 45 341 Idaho feeder lambs 68 21 cull ewes 81 16 cull ewes 80 239 Idaho ewes 87 193 Idaho ewes 96 149 Idaho ewes 96 77 Idaho ewes.. 94 613 Idaho ewes 95 161 Idaho ewes 95 46 Nebraska ewes 100 46 Idaho wethers 91 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARK.ET Cattle steady and Higher, Hogs Higher, Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 5. CATTLE Receipts. 21.000 head. Including 7,000 westerns and 600 Texans: market steady to 10c higher: good to prime steers, $5 41X16.50: poor to medium. 83.76&6.40: stockers pud feeders. 32.2&&4.28: cows, 31.3(K&4.50; heifers, il.mi 5.60: canners. 31.35(92.40: bulls. l2.0Ob4.RII; calves, 83.00(37.26; Texas fed steers, 83.60 6.50: western steers. S3.0O(fi4.76. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head; market 6(3 10c higher: mixed and butchers. 35.65(96. 30; good to choice heavy, 3.0O(96.3O; rough heavy. 35.50(96.80; light. 85.70.20; bulk of sales, 85.95ca6.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28.000 head; market for sheep dull: for lambs, 1016c lower; good to choice wethers, $3.70 f4.26; fair to choice mixed, 83.25(93.70; west ern sheep, 83.00(94.26; native lambs, 34.00 5.76; western lamba, 33.90f&6.45. Hew York Life Stock Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 5 BEEVES Rerelrts 1,712 head; goad steers steady to strong, medium grades more active, common slow but steady, bulls weak, cows slow; na tive steers, 33.WK95.55; half-breeds, 83.80cd 4.40; bulls, $2.00(93.20: cows, $1.20(93 25, Ex ports today, 4.900 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 2,597 head: veals Arm to 26c higher, grassers easier, westerns dull but steady: veals, 14.60:8.50. a few choice at 88.2(rf8.75; little calves. 33 90(94.26: grassers. $2.00(9;?. 75: culls. $1.75; westerns, $3.00. Preaaed calves steady to strong; city dressed veals, 17.51913.(0; country dressed, 87.0tK911. 60; drtssed grasscrj, 34.00ift.00. HOGS Receipts, 6:933 head; market steady; state and Pennsylvanl 1, $6.256.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8 044 head; sheep steady, rams 104t15c higher; sheep, $2.Mstr4.0O. choice at 34.25; culls, $1.75 tM.25; lambs. $5.4(Yu4 12, chrles at $125; culls, $3.004j4.60; Canadian lambs, $5.62S 6.70. Kansas City Live, Stoelc Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 13.500 head, including 1,600 southerns. Market steady to lOo higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.00(941.10; fair to rood. $4OO&5.00; western fed steers, $4.0mft 50; stockers and feeders. $2.504.26; south ern steers, $2 50(93.75; southern cows, $1.60f(i 2 76: native rows. $1.50(93.76; native heifers, $2,504)4.50; bulls. $1.7503.26; calves. $2 60f5.50. HOGS Receipts. 8.600 head; market for heavy hogs strong; Hsrht weak; top. 85.97; bulk of sales, $5 6iS4.92; dieavy. $5.8S(&o 97U; packers, $5. 7003.90; pigs and lights, $5.65(31 o.82!. SHEEP AND LAMB8 Recelhts. 8 (VO head; market for sheep steady: lambs weak; native lamns. 14. mart via: native wethers, $3.2663.85; native ewes, $3.003 30j western lambs, $4.095.15; western yearlings, $3.6h9 8.85: western sheep, $3.26413.75; stockers and feeders, $2.75(94.00. t. Louis LUl Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Oct. I.- JTATTLB Receipts, 4,000 head, Including 1,600 Texans; market steady to higher: native shipping snd ex port steers, $5.50(96.10; dressed beef snd butrher steers, 84S5!&6.80; steers under 1 OtXt lbs., 83.80C5.25; stockers and feeders. $2 Sf'fl; 3 56; canners, $1.2692.i6; cows nnd heifer. $2 2564 26; bulls. 82.KOtf3.60; calves, $3.76f 8.60: Texss and Indian steers, $2.603.60; cows and heifers, $2.0O(a2.80. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head: market steady to strong and higher: pigs and lights. 3l.764i6.tM; packers, 8&76r4.05: butch ers' snd best heavy, $5 9o4t4.l6. SHEEP AND LAMHR-Recelpts. 1700 tiesd; rnarkft active and strong: native muttons. 13.75(14 16: lambs, $4.20550; culls and bucks. 12.1.. (3.76; Blockers, $20Xq3.10; Texans. $3.00(j4.00. Stock In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yesterday; Cattle. Hor. 8hen. South Omahn 8.rcs 7.00 16,50 Kloux Cltv 90" 8000 Kansas City 1.15C0 8 5(4) 9.0CO St. I.oiil 4 O00 8 fV0 1.7o St. Joseph 3 673 6.718. 60 Chicago 21. Mil I6.0I.O 2R,W Totals 60,973 48,718 6tV7IO Sloas (It Mrs Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Oct. f mpe.-Mi Te'-srim 1 -CATTLIi-lmeir ts, 9uu htBd, market steady; stockers strong; beeves. 8J9fJftss; cows, bulls snd mixed. $2 8003.1 '"): stockers and teedrrs, $2.;j.3.f0; calves and yearlings, $2.2513 26. I IOUS Receipts. 3.000 head: markst Strong; selling. $5.6015.86; bulk. 85166.70. St. Joseph Lire oev market. ST. JOSEPH, Vt. i. CATTLE Receipts, 3.573 heed; market steady to lc higher; natives. ViMspiZh; cows and heifers, 81.2&-J 4.60; stockers snd feeders. $2.ti'i(3 85. 1UM.M4 Receipts, 6.718 head; market steady to 6c higher; light, $6 otia.92: medium ahd heavy, is. 756.87 SMKEP ANi l.AMBS-Rccelpts, 610 head; market lOo higher. . OMAHA WHOI.KSALB MARKatT Condition ot Trade? and Quotations oa Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts moderate; csndltd stock. 19c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7e; roosters, 5c; turkeys. 107jl2c; ducks, 89v; gecte. eo; spring chickens. 99C. Bl 'TTEH Packing stock, 12c; chole to fancv dalrv, 15ol6c; separator, lv. FRESH FISlI-Trout. 10c; pickerel, 80s pike, 10c: p'r;h, 7c; blueflsh. 12c: whiteflsn, I0c; salmon 14c; redsnapper. 11c; lobster, nrreen. '-'0c; obster. boiled. 30c; bullheads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut, 10.' ; croppies, 12c; roe shad. $1; buffalo, 7o white bass. 11c; frog legs, per dos., 2ic. BRAN Per ton. 616. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whnlesala Deslers' association: Cnoics No. 1 upland, $7.00; No. 2, 86 50; medium, $6.00; coarse, $6.60. Rye straw, $5.00. These prices ars for hsv of good color and quality. OYSTERS-Niw York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can. 37c; standards, ner cm. 32c; bulk standards, per gal.. 9185; bulk extra selects, per gnl., $1 .76; bulk Nsw Vors counts. pr gnl . $' C0. TROPICAL FRC1T8. ORANGES Mexican, sizes MS, 176, 200, 216. 250, $4. tin. LEMONS California fahcy, 270, 200 and SCO, $4 0r4.25; chi.lce, $3.6eU3.75. DATES Per box of 30-lh. pkga. 32.00; Hallowl In 7o-lb. box. per lb., 5c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 75fl 86c; Imported Smyrna. 2-crown, 12C; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch, $roow2 50; Jumbo. $2.76(93.60. FLORIDA PINEAPPLES 24 and 80 sic, per ertte, 83". 7S FRUITS. " A TPLES Home-grown, per bu. basket, tOiitt'c; per bbl., $2.011412.50. PEACHES Home-giown seedlings, per bu., WciK$1.00: Colorado, per box, 7dQ&c; Utah, per box. 7l(ij;5c. PLL'MS Ltan and Colorado plums and prunes. TorTtSc rEARB-Utah. Colorado and California fall varieties, per box, $1.3'Qf2.HO. - CANTELOCPK tenulno co.orado Rocky Fords, per crate, $2 00. CELERY Per dot., ISlJ50t. GRAPES Home-grown, per 6 to 8-lb. bssket. 15tfl6c; California Tokay, per ease, $1.50tr1.85 CRANBERRIES Cape Cods, per bbl., $0 60: rver box, $2 26 QUINCES California, per boy, $1.60. . . VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-growt, In sacks, per bu.. 40o. . NAVY BEANS Per bu., 31.73tfl.90. ONIONS tiniiie-sr wn " sack, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, 31-60. TOMATOES Home-grow n per market basket, 251i35c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., Se. WAX BEANS Per market basket, 60c. SWEET POTATOE8 Hoine-f-rown, ner market basket, 40o; Virginia, per bbl., 32.5 GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basatt, ' 50c. SQUASH Hoeo-grown. per dos., 60c. EGG PLANT Southern, per dot., 3160. 'MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY I tun and Colorado, per case of 24 frames, $3.00. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America i2c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old. 16tfj17r: Wisconsin brick, 12o; Wisconsin llmncrger. llc. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 sort shell, per lb . He; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. t hardshell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb:, 12c; small, pur lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 7c; roasted peinuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., I2313c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, 10. ininr and Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-SUOAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal 98 test. 4 6-16c: molaw-es sugar. 3c. Refined, unsettled; No. , 4.tfcc; No. 7. 4.60c; No. s. 4.60c: No. 9. 4.45c; No. 10, -4.40c; No. 11, 4.30c; No. 12, 4.25c; No. 13. 4.20c; . No. 14. 4.20c; confectioners' A. 4.90c; mould A. 5.40c; cut loaf. 6.70c; crushed. 6.75c; pow dered. 6.15c; granulated. 6.05c; cubes, 6.3V;. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, SKfKtfe. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 6. -SUGAR Strong: open kettle, 3(93c; open kettle centrifugal. 44No; centrifugal whites, ' 4 16-liic; yellows. 4-Vl&4c; seconds. 2(9,4c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle. 20 25c; centrifugal, I0(915c. Syrup, nominal. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Frnlta, NEW YORK. Oct. 5. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues quiet; common are quoted at 4fl5c higher: prir.iC. 6(95c; choice, 6i(fi6c; fancy, 6(ff7c. CALIFORNIA DRI3D FRL'TTS New prunes are beginning to rrlv9 and are said to show an Inferior luallty; old crop sup plies ere limited and .ire iel,l at about for mer prices, which tange from 2c to 6c, ac cording to grade. Apricot are in HRht sup ply and steady, with choice minted .tt f'AW 10c; extra choice, WiTT-OVx': fnncy, ll913i'. Petches show rlnn'ie-i. i-ith chol.-r at EH) 8c; extra choice, 8c; fancy. nc9l0e. Milwaukee brain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 5 WHEAT lo lower; No. 1 northern. $1.1; No. 2 northern. $1.13(91.15: May. $1.11. bid. RYE c hlaher; No. 1. 80$nuc. BARLEY Slow; No. 2. 65c; sumple, 34(9 . ' 62c. CORN 8teady; No. S, 62tjf63,c; May, 48c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 6 WHEAT-Spot nominal; futures quiet; December, 7s J.1. CORN Spot. American mixed' quiet at 4a 54(;d: futures harslv -ateadwi TiMmh.r 4s 6d. . . ... .. Toledo eod Market.'.,' TOLEDO. Oct. 5.-8EED8 Clover, cash and October. $7.52; December, $7.57; March. $7.67; alslke, $8.26; timothy, $12.60. Steel Company Reduces Wages. JOLIET. 111.. Oct. 6. A new schedule of wages and readjustment of working hours was put In force at the Jollet plant of tfl United States Steel company today. The scale has been accepted by the workmen In Jollet and the departments are all run ning. The reduction In wages amounts to from 20 to 40 per cent and In several Im portant departments working time has been Increased from an eight-hour to a twelve hour flay. . Steel blowers, who formerly received $300 per month, will receive no more than $200 on the new seals. Suit to Qrrak Will. . . PEORIA. 111.. Oct. 6. The trial of tha suit to break the will of the late Washing ton Corrlngton, who left his entire -estate as a trust fund to found a university in this city when It should nave reached $1,000,000. has commenced In the circuit court here. The heirs were cut off without a dollar. Among the witnesses called to testify as to the dead mun's condition of mind was Prof. Albert W. Small of the University of Chlcaao. The estate con- slsts of lands In the vicinity of Peoria. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA ; t MAIN O'NOC ) tfth and Robert St., iT. PAUL, MINN. (iMCOBPoaarto) DIALERS N , Stocks, Grain, Provisions dought and sold l - caah or carried .a n t aon able uarlna,iipoti which t tar ra will beacaargaulHoa ,ralo. H on stocks . . Writs kar our market icttw. ' COMMItSIOI MERCHA.TI II CAR 10TI ' Ship Your Grain To U BaT PaciLiTtra Psompt Rstuiks, I.1SSBAL IflVlHCU. - . rvm.Tw WINNIPEO nraneh omee, IIO-111 Boarit of Trade I'boao arvtt. itMAiia, xkh, 0H07ArA9aMS GRAIN CO? OlIAHA. GRAIN BUYERS and SHIPPERS klembcrs: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City and ait. Louis Kavbanges. , ,p J ramactlons fur future delivery J kflrea' farelul attention. tlS Hoard 'Irade Bids;. Tela lOOs. t7ood i