Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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roiNULAND, per . a. -Siberian, (rum
rhllsdlphia. i
SATl'RHAY (th At t a. m. for BER
MUDA, it a. a. Trinidad? at 1:30 a. m.
supp!-m--n.ary a.-m ) for -CHRA-CAO
and VELNEZL ELA. per a. a. Mara
ealbo mn II Tor Colombia, via Curacao,
muat b directed "per a. a. Maracslbo") :
at a. m. for PORTO RU.'O, per a. a.
Ponce, via San Juan; at S:20 a. m. ('7
ptemontair 10;J0 a. m.) for FORTJ'NB
except Magdalena Dep't, per a. a. Siblrla
(mall for Costa Ilioe, vla-Limon. muat
be directed "per -a. a. Bltiliia"; at 10 a.
m. for CVBA- per a. a. Mexico, via Ha
vana; at 10 a. m. for OBENADA. TRINI
per a. a. Mrvl; at 11 a. m. for AR
per a. a. Welsh Prince; at 12:30 p. m. for
I.Ot'r'E, per a. a. Proclda (mall for Bar
bados, Trinidad and Guiana muat be di
rected "per a, a. Proclda").
Mall Forwarded Overland, Ete., Ei
-pt Tranaparlfle.
CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, cloee si
thla office dally, except Thursday, at
5:M a. m. (the cormeotlna; mails elosl
here an Mondays, Wednesdays ana Sat
urday), v
MEXICO CITY-Oterlanfl. wnleer specially
addressed tor despatch by aleamer. close
at thla office daily, . except Sunday, at
149 p. m. and 10:80 p m., Sundays al
1:00 p. m. and 10:0 p. m. "
KEWFOI'NDLAND (except Parcels-post
Malta) Hy rail te North Sydney, anj
thence by steamer,, close at this office
dally at 8:30 p. m. (connecting- mails close
here every Monday, Wednes
ana DBl
tirrtu y ).
JAMAICA By rail to- Boston, and thence
by steamer. close at tliis office at :3t
p.' m. Tuesday and Friday.
MIQCEI.1ON By rsll to Boston, and thence
by steamer, close at thla office dally
at :J0 p. in
roast) and OUATEM A La By : rail to
New Orleans, und tnence by steamer,
cloae at thla office dally, except Bun
day, at 1:S p. m. and 0 :30 p. m., Sun
day at 1:00 p. m. and 10;SO p. rn. (con
nectlng mall closes here Mondays at 10:M
S. m.). . ..
ST A RICA By rail to New Orleans,
and thenee by steamer, close at thla
office daily, except Sunday, at fl:M p.-m.
and 110:30 p. m., Sunday at 11.00 p. m.
and 410:io p. m. (connecting moll closea
here Tuesdays at 510:30 p. m).
NICARAGUA (East Coast) By rail to
New Orleans, and thence by steamer,
close at this office dally, except Sun
day, at fl :30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sun
days at 11:00 p. m. and ;a- p n. (con
necting mull closea, here Tnursday at
J10 20 p. m.). - , , .
RBc;iSTERED MAIL closea at 6:00 p. m.
previous day.
Tranapaclfl.0 Malta, Forwarded Over
land Dally. '
' The Scheduled! closing of Transpacific
malla la arranged rn the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit to port
of sailing The flna, connecting mails tex
cept registered Transpacific malla, which
close p. m., previous day) close at the
genxral postoffloe, New York, as foliowa:
cisco, close at 6:30 p m. October 2d for
despatch per a. a. Siberia. '
HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at :30
p. m j October 3d for despatch per a. a.
' A1nmedn.
JAPAN. COKEA, 'CHINA and specially ad
dressed roall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS,
via Taeeirna, cloae at :30 p. m. October
: th for despatch per a. a. Hero.'-'
.. West), and NEW CALEDONIA. Via Van
couver and Victoria, B. C, -cloae at S:30
p. m. October th for despatch per a. a.
Aorangl. ; .-.
cloo. close at 6:30 p. m. October 8th for
despatch par a. a. Mongolia.
San Francisco, close at 6:80 p. m. Oc
tober 16th for despatch per a. a. Mariposa.
WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran-
Cisco, cloai at 6:30 p. m. October 15th for
' despatch p.- a. a. Ventura. (If the Cunard
steamer carrying the British mall' for
New Zealand does not arrive In time to
connect wl:n thla despatch, extra malie
closing a. 6:30 a. m.. 8:30 a. m. and 6:30
p. m.; Burdays at 4:30 a. m. and 6:30 p.
m will be made up and forwarded until
ih arrival of the Cunard steamer?
JAPAN, (except Parcels-Post Malls). CO
REA, china ana rHtL,ii-r-iiNEi in
LANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B
C, close at 6:30 p. m. October-. 26th for
despatch per s. a. Empreae of Japan.
San FraoelncJ, .close at 6:80 p. m. October
27th-for despatch-per u. . Tranaport.
M ANCMT'RI (except Newchwanir), and
EASTERN taiBEHIA la at present forwarded-via
NOTE- Unlnea otherwise, addressed, West
Australia Is forwarded via Europe:- New
Zealand via San Francisco, and certain
placea In the -Chinese provinces of Yun
nan. Kuelchow, Sxechwan and Kwangsl.
via British India the quickest routes.
PhlllDDliiM specially' - addressed "via
Europe, muat be ully prepaid at tha
foreign rates, mwni is rorwaraaa via
Ban Francisco exclusively.
-. Postmaster.
Postofflee, New Tork. N. T., September
W); lr4.
Sealed blda will be received at the office
of secretary of atate up until 13 o'olock
noon or yctooer ijmh, ror me construc
tion of a tunnel, -. sewerage connection, sit
ting: of steam heatlnrr -apparatus and enn-
nectlon of same with sewerage and water
supply at the Soldiera' and Sailors' Home
at Minora, rueo., according to plana and
,. The board reserves the right to reject any
'and all blda. GEO. W utfian
-') : - Beoratary of Board.
;:aJVW.E. Tel, 611 ,
." V xssssNasR "and baooaob. .
... , 16U Farnm Street.,
wire ost tour baooaob therb
' . M238
ChleMfjot Roelc Islaaid Paclfla
Bast. ' ;. . un.
Thleaka Oaytialir ;utr.?.?;.,.:.m t il am '
inie.go urnt Loo I b 7 CD am a I ts nm
Chlcaso Eiprcn, .......;.kli:0i pm 15 J
ba 'Molnsa Kxpntt .wv......a ;M p kU go am
Chloaio a-ut Eiprtu a t:et pa a 1 to mm
Rocky .Mountain- 1X4. ....... -.a T.H q - n
Llnooln. Colorado Sprtngv Da
. yrr. Purblo and lut a:tea l;Qapa
Ckleaco A Northweateraw
Faat Chlcaso ....
Local Cblcaao ,..
( SO pm
,.w,.,ali4) am
-l pm-
..a T:to am '
a 4 .V) sm
T:I0 am
I Mam
14:00 fm
11 60 pm
. II am
1:10 am
1-na .
larll(ht B. Paul ,
Dntht ( btcf ......
Limited C'hlcaao ...w..
Local Carroll .,..
kait St. Post
Local Bloux C. St. P
Fam Mall .....
Chlrato Eiprl
Norfolk BosttMl ...
Lluoola A LonR' Ine ...
lt-dwood Lincoln ...
('par a) Wyomlu j...
Haallasa-Alblaa -I
alon Paeiflc.
..a lits pm
.b t JX am tM m
- ; a 1:41 PBI
a t to am 10 u am
.kT:44am am
.a 1 60 fry t It pm
. t to pm 1 1:11 tn
k I M pm - 11 pa
Tho Ovarland Ut .... vl......a m a I 01 pm
Colo, and Cla. Kip... ........ .a 4.10 pm a 4:4 am
Chluio-Portland Spoetal a it pm '
E.iern . ICtpi.M ..... a I M pm
Cutunitua Loaal .,.. .......k 4:00 pm bIJI is
Colorado Special. 7 4t m .
rklcaao gilal a I. Mam
Boatrlia Local ,,v..kl Mpm k 119 pm
Past Mall ; .a t.-M tn 0 pm
Miasunrl Paclno. , . . ' ..,
SI. Loula Capnas' ..'.. .'......el0:4 am a d ip pm
Kan. cur at. L. Bx.'M....jiil:& pm a t M pm
Warld'a Pair tpaelal ........ '..a ) pm all 10 pm
Chicago Great W eat era.
at. Paul A Mliua., vLt4. a I K pm' t:t am
l. Paul Mlaa. bp.-..'. a t it am a i pm
vnicoio umi'n , i pn a 10 10 km
rhlttu tmrpy ..'.
......a it in a 01 pm
...... a 4:10 pm l.fO am 1:44 mm a t M pm
a 4-14 am a :M pm
St. U Caauea Ball I
Maba.h. -Kaw
Wrld'i 'Pali ..,
Local troiOyC siafts
lulasls (tia.
... ... .
'Cotraaa Eiprem .!,..... a t pm alO M pm
(blcago Limited ....-. .a 1.6v pm a I Ot am
Mian. St. Paul ftUp ,i.tT:lta kit M pm
Mlaa. V Paul Ltd tio pm a M pm
Chleag. Mllvtanke A St. Haul.
ekliao Darllskt . cap.....' a t 41 m all :00 am
(Jalllornla-oroaoa K ......a t tl pm a I II pm
Orulaiul Ltmilod - ....kt.lupm a t M am
lf M. m .LULStielt. ata. a I H am a I II pa
C hicago, armrllagtemdk Qalaep.
Cklcaae pciI ............ ....a 1a am a I N pm
Ctalcasa Vaatibalod k.i ... .a i uo tm a T li am
kuao Local vv....r- t ut am all 00 pm
t hicado Llmllod .....v.,...y..4 I H pm a T 40 pm
Paa Mall ...i V. 1 I a pm
ltarllagtaa dk Mlsaomrl Rfver. '
Wrmore, artoe Lhla,.a I'M am kit 0 pm
KbMka Kipraaa a I 0 am a t 40 pm
lu.r Ua,u4 4 14 pm a I 44 am
H. ktilla a ru(4 a. ICap all :10 pm a I 04 pm
tola. Vottaulod Flrar. .,"lMpm
Llncola .'am Mall k l:f pm all "4 pm
twit Crwk dk fiaiUMBuih...k I U pm , 14.4k am
Davta Bella drug.
Leffert'a glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpets.
Duncan ae)Ja the beat school ihoea.
Night achooL Western Iowa College.
For rent, -rdom house, 72S Sixth ave.
Duncan doea the beet repairing 21 Main at.
Office boy wanted, Dr.Woodbury, 30 Pearl.
School palnta. bruShes and paperAa
ander a Art Store, 331 Broadway.
Justice Oeorge Carson arrived home jrea
teruay from an extended western trip.,
Picture frames made to order. Borwlck.
211 South Main. Buy your palnta here.
Missouri 'oak dry cordwood cord deliv
ered. Wm. Welch, 16 N. Main at. Tel. lis.
Masquerade suite, wig', beards a roaaks
for. rent. Mr. M. PfeirTer, MI Broad wuy.
Qeorrfe II. Gotli'tl 1 announced to apeak
on 'Socialism'.' In thla city thla evening at
8 o'clock. ... '
The Modern Brotherhood of Atnerlca will
meet this evening In regular seaalon In
Grand Army ball. , - 1
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Selfert o( Avoca arrived
In the city yesterday to take part In the
German . ecleoration.- -1
Mrs. C W. Millard left yesterday for a
two weeks' visit to friends In St. Louis and
to take in the exposition.. 1. :
Mra. A. Darraugh and daughter, Mies
Patricia, have gone to Loa Angeles, Cat.,
where tncy will spend the winter.
Mrs. John T. MulJueen arrived home yes
teruay from a two months' visit with rela
tives and friends In eastern points.
J. E. liollenbeck has arone to Providence.
R. I., to meet his son George, who waa one
of tne pupus on trie stranded achoolahlp
Pennsylvania. -
The Ladles' Aid society of the Fifth Ave
nue Methodist church will hold Ita regular
business meeting this afternoon at the
homo of Mra. Landis, 2019 Seventh avenue.
Abe Lincoln Relief corps will meet In
regular ees.ilnn Friday afu-rnoon In Grand
Army hall. A Joint social "session will be
held Saturday evening with Abe Lincoln
pom. -v i '
Sliaduklam temple No W, Dramatic Order
Knights of Khrtrassan, will meet In regular
session mis evening in-' toe nan over tne
Commercial National bank building, M
Vvest Broadway.
The case in police court against Manager
Beyerle of the gas company, charged With
obstructing South- First street and causing
the accident to Fire Chief Nicholson and
ids driver, Marian Stevens, was again con
tinued yesterday, the date of hearing to
be fixed by the attorney a
Jamea Mlchelaen and Mtss Louise Lef
fert .were married yestelrday afternoon at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. T.
Leffert, 326 Eleventh avenue. Rev. O. W.
Snyder, paitor of St. Johna English Luth
eran church, officiating. Mr. and Mra.
Mlcheleen left in the evening for St. Louie,
where they , will spend tholr . honeymoon
visiting the exposition. On their return
they will make their homo in South Omaha,
where the groom Is engaged In business.
Mrs. George K. Stone of 645 Fifth av
enue la visiting relatives at her former
home, Dubuque, la. ?
Peter Knecht, Indicted by the grand Jury
at the September, 1H03, term of the district
court, waa brought back from Washington,
la., where he was arrested a few days
ago,' by Sheriff Cnhning, and placed In
the county Jail. Knecht la charged with
breaking Into a freight car In the yards
or the Illinois central rauroaa on tno
night of August ,i!H)3, and stealing q
quantity of liquor. . "PiH't Of the case of
brandy' and' whisky Wert later found hid
den under a pile of ties, while It Is alleged
that a portion was found In Knecot'a
bouse. Ilia ball waa placed at,. 1600..
Real ' KatatTraaiere.
These "transfers were reported 'to The
Bee October 4 by the Title, Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs;
L. I. Hooker to H. H. Bryant, part -
wtt. nwH, 14-74-40. w. d ,..'....12.900
Iowa Townalte Co. to Bertha Kemp
keo, lot 11, block 11, MoClellanU, '
w. d 6S
Bertha Kempkeo and husband to John
M. Burna. part lot 10, blk il. McClell- :
and, w. d. 60
Elvira Miller to Julia E. Officer, lot i,
Porterfleld'a. aubdlv., w. d 1,600
Patrick Ronan and wife to H. L. .i
Kamaoclottl, lots 1 to 8. block 4, part '
out lot 2, Crawford's add., w. d.... LOOO
P. W. Cramer to John' M. Burns, part
lot 11, block 2, McClelland, w. d 66
Six transfers, total
N.' T. Plumbing Co.; Tel. 290. NUfht. FW7.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued to the fol
lowing: Name and Residence.
. Age.
....... 31
....... 36
...'.... 21
Charles Hall! Clarerice. la......
Mrs. L. J. Brown, Clarlnda, la..
Flovd Brown. Stanton.. Neb...
Cora May Fields, Stanton, Neb
Christian Clausen, rboveland, I&.. ....... 22
Lucy Machan, ' Loveland, la..... A.. 1
C.'W. McCauley, Council Bluffa 24
Veronica M. Wlckham, Council Bluffs... 24
Ephralm A.. Carter, Omaha... 24
Mabel E. Allen Omaha
C. H. Loney, Beemer, Neb
Pauline Klttell, Beemer, Neb
. . f
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
j - - Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were' Issued yesterday to
the following: . . - - - - - 1
,- Nome 'and Residence. ' . ' ' Age.
Waftet- L.5 Harper, ' Pa'rkv'llle, Mo. 27
Florence E. Anderson, Council Biuffs.v..-20
James "Mlchelseiv South Omaha.......... 40
Louise Leffert, .couticll Bluffs 36
''ves't Estate Transfers.,,' -;
These- transfers were reported to The
Bee Octo'ber & 'py 'ihe Tftlev 'Guaranty and
,IU8Vcompany, of. Council. Bluffs:
Henry Schlnoter and 'wife 'to Martin .
Tetxraft, eft, twit 21-74-40s w.df . ..... . .16.000
Grimth Jones and Wire to B. C. Solo-
mon,- lot 11, Auditor's sub., ne"4,
se'4. '24-76-44, W. d . . ,'. .U .r. 278
O. W.' Gordon to L. C."H6iarteld. lot
Jl, block . -Pierce's fin?."M.' A. I,. "400
Iowa; Central Building aim Ixmn as-
sociatlon to Mildred A. Baldwin, lot-
- 4, block 1. Van Brunt Rice n. add., .
- w. d. .r..v.'. ............. '. .".'V... '....:.. 8C0
Oeorge -W. Jenkins "and"' wife" 'toWki-' . '
' lace Benjamin, lots 23 and 24. block
Jl, f'lfming Davis add., w. a
C. H. ljuber and C. D. Wall era and
wives to Consolidated CiHistructJon.
company, lot . 1, .' Iluber . A . Walter's
terrace, w. d.....
Anna Marcus to Sophia Marcus, lot
, block I, uuyiiss let add.; lot 1,
block IS, Beers', sub.; lota 1 and 4,
block 1, Mullln's sub.: und. H lota (
and 10, block 16; lot 7, block 1; lots
7 and B, block II. and lots 1 and 2,
, block 1, Mullln's sub'.; alio party
wall on lot 1,- block t, Baylisa' 1st "
add., w. d I
Harry V. Warren and wife to M. Mar
cus, lot t, block 12, Crawford's add.,
w. d 100
Mary A. bamaey and husband to J.
H. Owena, lot ' IS, block 2. . Wllaun'a
k Ernest, E. nKrt and wife to I. JM. Rol- '
ion, iols 1 ana i, uiock a, central
sub., w. d... 1,000
Ten transfers, total
Batlavue- Paa. 'Jiaaetloa
kcllariM dt paa. Jauallsa
. I'M pm a I II am
. .a I as am .
hvaaaas City, M.-Jee da t'oaacll Bluffa.
Kansas City Imj Kzpv.'. a IK am a l ot pm
si. Maia riyr j , . pm ail aa km
kanaaa City Nlskt gap... aul a pm 144 km
. , " V
Mlaaoarl Paelgc." . '
Mabraika Local U Wakplai' "
Wai.r ' k 4:11 pm 'al:M pm
Chleago, t. Paal, MlaneapolU -A;
Oaaualta.-' , ,.-
Twia cur raaaaar I ao am k I fit pm
ioa ti.v rumfir ...a w pm all aa ata
Ookur.d ksoal i k4 41 pm k 4 14 am
a Dally, t k Dally eaaap Smaaai I Pally axcapt
MWMf. e amiiy aaBapa aaoaoa
ens. vmsLovrs
hMkeadby Millkmaof Mottwrafor thotr
ouudrsa wblle TocUuoa toe over Plrty Tsars. 1
It auuaiias tus oujid. sutwus U suma, allars i
all pale- eurae wlu4 euata. tal m tAefcaat
pouiady tor dlarrhiM.
i ajdfKJ4TT.Fl Vgi gfam A BerTTXl.
BUrt tU Iffalr with t Big Trohligbt Fro
ceuion in the ETenbg,
Tr laterestlng Pregrama Arraaged
(or Tharaday aad Friday, Wkea .
the Cf lebratlom Will Com
t am Knd.
Two hundred and twehty-one years a o
the Brit emigrant from Germany landed 6n
the shtires of North America. Last night
the German-American residents of Council
Bluffs. Pottawattamie county and adjoin
ing towns of southwestern Iowa, reinforced
by large numbers ffom Omaha and South
Omaha, captured the city and re
n aln In posaessTon of It until the clock On
the Bloomer schoolhotise tolls the hour of
midnight Friday. , In Other words "Dcs
Deutschen Teges," of theAree days' cele
bration by the Germans, commenced last
night and wllj last over Friday.
Every train entering the city yesterday
brought In Its quota of German visitors and
by evening several hundred persons had
been added to tha population of Council
Bluffi for the time being. At the different
depots committees were In waiting to escort
the visitor to Teutonla hall, at the corner
ot Broadway and Scott street, where head
quarters have been established. This and
other buildings are more or less gaily
decorated with national colors and the red,
whits and black of "der vaterland." Aa the
different delegations marched to headquar
ters with their bands "Die Wacht am
Rheln" and other 4jrell known German airs
filled the air' and made the German heart
swell with pride and pleasure.
The celebration opened last evening with
a torchlight parade, followed by an old time
"feat" at the opera house. There have Tjeen
tqrch light parades In Council Bluffs before,
but It Is a question whether there waa ever
as big a one as last night's. With four
bands, 1,500 persons In line and over 1,000
torches, the parade was a sight worth see
ing, and thousands lined the streets to
watch It go by. " ' .
Mnkenp of Parade.
Heading tHe column were the. mounted
marshals, J. J. Klein, S. Adrian and Henry
Sperling, resplendent In 'German, military
uniforms and helmets. : Behind them came
the column In the following order:
Albln Hunter's Band. v
. ' German Societies of Council Bluffi.
Olson's Band of Omaha,
Omaha German Societies.'
- ' ' Orpheus Society of Omaha.
' Landwehr Vereln of Omaha.
Franek's Band of South Omaha.
Schwaben Vereln.
Neumann's Juvenile Band of Avoca.' .
. , Avoca German Societies.
Llederkrans of Manning.
Delegations from Treynor, Quick, Clarlnda
- and Adjoining Towns.
The column' formed on Scott street, wlh
the right resting on Broadway, and the line
of march was south on Pearl street to
Story, east to Fourth street, ' north- on
Fourth to Broadway, east on Broadway to
First . street, north to Washington avenue,
west to Scott street, south to Broadway and
welt to opera house, where the parade dis
banded. . , .
With the exception of the mayor's ad
dress of welcome, the exercises, at )he
opera house were lh German-. The stage
was pre'ttll decorated and Immense clus
ters of roses adorned the speaker's table.
The audience filled the lower floor and
balcony. ' Aloli Becker, editor of the Coun
sel! Bluffs Frele Presse, presided and after
a lew introductory remarKs introduced
Mayor Donald Macrae, Jr., as "the best
mayor we ever had."
Welcomed by Mayor,
- Mayor Macrae, who by the the way. Is
of Scotch descent, started out boldy wfth
"Melne Damen und Herren," but that la
as ..far-as he got in German. - Alderrrran
Maloney whispered In the ear of the city's
chief executive and the mayor then In
formed the audience that he had been re
quested by his fellow city officials not to
make his speech In German and to limit
it to three and a half minutes. Continuing,
he bade the visitors welcome and "assured
them that Council Bluffs .felt honored by.
their presence. "ConsMer the town yours,
and If ydu see anything' you cannot get,
ask a policeman and he will ten you aU
about it" He paid an eloquent tribute to
the Germans as a cltlien, and concluding
hoped they would enjoy their stay In the
City. -i'
Addresses were made by William Schill
ing, ex-mayor of Avoca, and pethold
Kraus, editor of the Manning (la.) Herald.
The Manning Llederkrans, under the lead-,
erihlp of Charles Lyden, sang a number
of songs dear to the German heart, while
Ruster't Orchestra furnished music for, the
evening. Miss Edna Boyaen contributed a
pleasing piano solo and M. Eiseman, -director
of the German theater in Omaha,
closed the entertainment with a declama
tion, "Des Bangers Fluch."
. . - Parade Today.
Tha festivities today will begin with a
parade at 10 o'clock. The column will
form In front of Teutonla hall on Scott
street at 9:30 as follows:
First division. . ,
. . Marshal J. J. Klein. - ,' "
Heralds. .
-" Platoon of Police.
Huoter'a Band. ,
' Uncle Sam and Escorts.
Float, Columbia. - -Herman
the Great and Kscort of Thirty.
,, - Float, Germania.
v. Kaiser Wllhelm and Body Guard.
Second division: , ,
i ' Band.
Mayor and Cfty Oltlclals In Carriages.
Excoutlvs Committee of Des Deutschen
t . . Tagea In .Carriage.
. Avoca Juvenile Band. v
Children of German Parochial School.
' Local and Visiting German Societies.
. Third division:
' ' 'Band. ! ." ' '
Floats and Decorated Wagons. , ,
' ' ' Merchants' Displays.
The line of march will be south on
Pearl to Intersection with Main, north on
Main to proadway, east on Broadway to
Flrat atreet. countermarch on Broadway
to Eighth street, south On .Eighth street
to First avenue, esst on. First avenue to
Baylies park and disband.
In the afternoon the scene 'of the cele
bration will be transferred to Lake Man
awa, where a lengthy and Interesting pro
gram ot sports or all kinds will be en
Joyed. Friday morning there will be a general
meeting In TeueonU, hall, where arrange
ments for another similar gathering next
year will be made. In the afternoon the
visitors will be given a trolley ride around
the city snd a visit' made to the different
parks and other points, of Interest. A
tall In Teutonla hall in the evening will
bring tha three. days', celebration to a close.
New Reslatratloa Reonlred'.
This year every voter wlihlng to cast bit
panot at the general election on Tuesday,
Novetnter 8, will be, ojfd to regUter.'
Previous reglstrstlons will not suffice. The
lona cods provides that n new. reft tratl'3a
of rolen shall be tuken In.xltles of, 3,V
l'Kiiaiion hk cttr In v each ytar of a
preuientjl election.
As It ban to .Cin bell Bluffi ia the only
l' PcUavitauili vou. ty uww
registration this yeax is required. Tha
registration 'boards will he In se-slon on
October 27, 21 and 21, wben every voter
must register In order to be able to cast
his ballot. ' .
Republican headquarters . bars been
opened in the vacant store building at
ths head ot First avenue ahd have been
phaced In charge of Major Wallace Mc
Fadden, Open house will be maintained
there until after, the election.
Ths headquarters hsve been furnished
with chairs and tables for the convenience
of callers and a liberal supply 'of repub
lican literature baa been placed there for
distribution. County Chairman George 8.
Wright expecta to establish, his offlc there
fn a few days.
Matters la District Coart.
The libel suit of A. A. Dorn and James F.
McGlnty against Oeorge L. Cooper, result
ing from an advertisement published by
the defendant In a Neola newspaper, is still
occupying the attention of Judge . Macy
and a 'jury In the district court. It Is,
however, expected to go to the Jury some
time today. . .
The following assignment of law causes
for this term of court was made yester
day morning by Judge Macy1:
Thursday, October Farrell -ngalnat Chi
cago, Rock Island 4 Pacific Railway Com
pany. Friday, October T Wilmes against Gun.
Mondiy. October 10 Hunter egnlnst Chi
cago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway Com
pany. Tuesday, October 11-In ' re insanity of
Bertha Llbbecke; Ctmsugny against
Knowlus; Jenks against Hatch (two caaes).
Wednesday, October 12 Smith against
Motor Company: White against Motor Com
pany; Hall against Jennings (conditional).
Thursday, October 13 Young against
Motor Company; Fuerhauken against Ene
wald. -
Friday, October 14 Roberts against
Moore; Pennington against Thomas; Price
against Coyle.
Monday, October 17 Turk against Illinois
Central Pallroad Company Cspecial); Smith
against Dixon; Baughn against Napier.
Tuesday, October IS Olson et at. against
City; Day against City; McNamara against
Gegfln et al.
Wednesday, October 1 ft Bates against
Northwestern; Carter against Roberts et al.
Thursday, October 20 Lnrkln against
Hutchinson: Hutchinson against Larkln;
First National Bank against Larkln; Potter
against Gorman et al.
Friday, October 21 McKtbben. against
Gorman et al; Consigny against Carter;
Conslgny against Knowlea et al (two
cases). .
Saturday, October S3 Bolen ajalnst
Motor Company; McRaven against Motor
Company; Hayes against Clark.
Monday, October 24 Wade agalrfst City:
Wolfe-,Lovett . Eloctrio Company against
Griffith. -r
No Commercial Clab Meeting.
No business was transacted at the regular
monthly general meeting of the Commercial
club last night owing to the fact that there
waa not a quorum present. The Omnha
street fair nnd carnival, the Oerrhan cele
bration and the revival, meetings are aald
to have been responsible for the lack ot at
tendance on. the part of the members.
A request from President Ftancls of the
St. Louis exposition that thlsdlty name a
Council Bluffs day during Iowa week at
the great-fair was referred to-the executive
committee with 'power to act. The com
munication from President Francis was ad
dressed to Mayor Macrae, and by him re
ferred to the Commercial clnb.
Revival Meetings Contlnne.
The attendance at 'thfe revival meeting
laat night was about' the same as on the
previous two nights. Evangelist Williams
spoke on 'TW Appreciative Church Mem
ber," showing haw. a f hurrh member can
a sal st the preaher.-eYnd how a- preacher
lost by lack of appreciation -on the-part'of
the members of his chnrthf'The music again
proved a pleasing feature of ttr meeting.
I r '.'.J ' I'l r. -, I
Be E
Thomas Seeks. Hls Release oa
Writ of Habeas 4'erpna.
LOGAN, la; Oct. 6. (Special Telegram.)
', Yesterday Frank Shercllff- was arrested
by Deputy Sheriff V : N.- Barnes of Fair
field, Jefferson county for robbing A. J.
McFarland, , a Chicago, - Burlington &
Qulncy ticket agent, at Lockrldge. In 1&90
he was indicted, arrested and Jailed, but
broke Jail. The Indictment filed with the
Jefferson county clerk -was lost, bat was
found this week, returned to the docket
and the warrant Issued,.
E. E. Thomas of the Omnha Civic fed
eration, got out a writ of habeas corpus to
keep Shercllff here. It waa argued this
afternoon before Judge Thornell and taken
under advisement. :
':' Suae His
SIOUX CITT, la,, Oct. 6. (Special Telo-
gram.) Declaring tha his wife's a (rec
ti onp were alienated by her father, Fred
erick Schmidt of Los Angeles, Cal., Wil
liam J. McCrurrt. is suing Schmidt in the
.United States' court here- to recover 116.000
damages. . Mrs. McCrum -is Schmidt's
daughter and she has been residing, at his
home since July, 1902, when, It Is declared,
Schmidt and his" wire enticed her to their
home. The trial of the' case was started
Today before a Jury.1 McCrum is ao years
of age and lives on a farm in .Cherokee
county. The trouble came about over deeds
to same' property. McCrum has been mar
ried eight years and has' a boy '7 years old,
-who also la In the custody of the Schmidt's.
Board of Health Registrars. -
MISSOURI VALLBY ' la,, Oct. 5. Spe
cial.) The State Board of Health has. ap
pointed Dr. J. I Tamlaica and. Dr. Hugh
Tamistea as local registrars ot births and
deaths in. Missouri Vu(e.y. According to
their figures twenty-seven births snd five
deaths occurred during' the month of September.-
L ! 1, J- .i. . ' . . u'-ia i .i i i ii- . jj
-.' ' - - '- - - . '...'.'..
v " - 1 ...SBmns uai iNMna egpiiaiiia aanmsnman '
The product of healthy covs !) '
pastured in sweet meadows. A JfCrA - ' I V
fresh, pure, wholesome butter. Ci jSL m K I
unequaled in flavor and quality. -Z F rb' a
A perfect example of 20th cen- x-J'lAYii
' tury butter making. Try it to- Qjk V
day you'lJi want it to-morrow . V?j4 7
- IJ ' : in airtight, odor-proof tatks&s, bhith kstp , Vjil 'J J M il Hi J . jfkVj)
: V j ;;.'. I I A1 k!CB CREAMERY COMPANY. XVWI 7 fei lf F (ft v
" I-' Ifllh mw,A H.l . lit I f .Wit Hi' . W ' I i
J: , J - v
Lands First on Corn, Wheat and Grasses
and Wl. Up on Cattle.
Flaal Brhedale for Fairbanks Meet
lags la Iowa Is Glvea Oat by
the Repablleaa Nallaaal
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
' DES MOINES, Oct. 1 (Bpeclal.)-Super-intendent
L. G. Clute. In charge of the
Iowa exhibits of grains, grasses and apiary
products at the St. Louis exposition, today
reported to Secretary Simpson Of the State
Agricultural department that Iowa had
taken high honors In the exhibit of grain
and grasses. In regard to cora and wheat,
Iowa led all other states and made an
excellent record In other thlnga. . "Iowa
took highest score," he wrote, "on corn,
also on grains and grasses, of any state
In tha building. We also took grand prise
on wheat, Canada, Kanaas and North Da
kota notwithstanding. We made a score,
of 99 on corn, 89 on collection ot grains
and grasses, 99 on wheat tha three highest
ot all the states 'In the building." The
Iowa exhibitors have also been winning
some good prises on cattle, especially on
Angus cattle. In which this state excelled,
The last collection of butter for the ex-
position Is now being made at Waterloo
for shipment to St. Loula and the dairy
men are confident that again they will be
able to lead all other states In the quality
of butter shown. ' '
Eaeaped from Hoepltal.
The State Board of Control today re
ceived word that Dr. Henry L. Green of
Muscatine, a patient at the state hospital
at Mount Pleasant, had escaped last night.
Dr, Green is a finely educated man and
was sent to the hospital several years ago.
He has enlisted much sympathy for him
self by writing to newspapers and to
friends, recounting the outragea that
been committed against him. He aroused
sympathy with the former students of the
State university who had known him and
they ralsdd a fund to go Into court and
have him released on writ of habeas
corpus. Judge Smythe heard the case last
week and largely on the testimony of
Oreen himself decided he waa not suffi
ciently sane to be trusted outside the hos
pital. His own family . feared htm and
employed a. lawyer to fight the case. Last
night, having failed to get relief from the
courta, he made his escape from the hos
pital. Passenger Died on Train.
Pierre Berthune was the name of a pas
senger northward on the Minneapolis & St.
Louis train bound for Minneapolis. He
changed cars at Fort Dodge, having come
from the west, and when the conductor
came, through the train and asked for a
ticket he found the passenger was dead.
He had expired suddenly after getting into
the car. Governor Cummins and Solicitor
of the Treasury M. D. O'Connell were in
the car and the conductor invited them to
investigate., They found the man's name
and that he waa on his - way home to
Winnipeg from a Journey out west. Ths
body was taken from the car at Homboldt
and relativea in Manitoba notified.'
A British Complaint.
Vranela Tt. Tinmla ' artlna- seeratnrv nf
.1.1. . Wn, ho, vrill.i nnr.crnnr
Csrrlmln. galling attention, to a complaint
ot the British authorities that the treaty
relating to reporting deaths of foreign resi
dents of the state Is not complied with.
The treaty provides that where a British
cltlien dies without heirs' ths nearest
British consul muat be notified by the local
authorities and it is stated this has been
Ignored entirely,
: ' ' Filing Nominations,
The secretary of state has received many
of the nomination papers for state officers,
but not all, and the time for filing Is at
an end on Saturday. The Eleventh dis
trict congressional nomination for ths re
publicans has not been filed as yet. Ths
republicans, democrats, socialists, populists
and prohibitionists all have their state
tickets filed.
Revised the Schedule.
Manager, McNeeley of the speakers'
bureau of the republican state 'committee
today . received from Congressman Tawney
the revlaed schedule of time for the 'meet
ings of Senator Fairbanks In western Iowa
October ll.-The arriving time at each place
Is now fixed:' Council Bluffs, 7:50 a. m.;
Logan, 8:10; Dunlap. 9:45; Denison, 10:18;
Rockwell City, 11:47; Fort Dodge, 12:18 p.m.;.
Webster City, 1:28; Iowa Falls, 1:22; Water-
loo, 8:60; leave Waterloo for Marahalltown
mi i.fcv. A 1 1 rj iiaiiuiwi uuimuum i iu.du iu
sanction stops at Gladbrook and Relnheck.
Home Finding Agent.
Miss Clara Lundbeck Of Mason City, who
has been elected state home finding agent.
operating under the direction of the Board
of Control, will begin her duties hers next
week. The appointment Is under, a new
law -and she will devote herself -to flndlnc
homes and looking after the cars of per
sons who have been discharged friendless
and alone from the various state Institu
tions. ,
Prosecution Too Expensive.
It Is probable that Dr. Crefford of La
monl, who at one time was convicted of
murder In ths second degree for the death
of Maud Stone at his sanitarium In De
catur county, will not again be-tried. . Mis
attorney. M. Lv Temple, secured -a reversal
of the claa and a new trial, and now the
Board of Supervisors ot .Decatur county
has a petition with about l.ono names ask
ing that the county go to mv further ex
pense In the prosecution of the esse.
Oallaagber Trial Octeber lv
IOWA CITT, la., Oct. l.-(Speclsl.)-The
notorious Gallaugher case has been set for
retrial on October 11. The ase will be
tried before Judge Bylngton'i court at
Marengo, la. Mra. Gallaugher still claims
through her attorneys. Holbart A Holbart,
the right to have her ease dismissed finally
and absolutely, sin'-e the supreme court
called ths Indictment defective, and the
conditions under which she secured a rul
ing were peculiar. The lower court does
not agree with her and the state's repre
sentatives contend that this theory Is en
tirely wrong. The supreme court will take
up this point within the next few months,
but the original perjury case will be tried
before ths supreme court is heard from.
In resettle Des Moines court derlsres that
she ought to be free, she will be freed,
even if convicted on the specific charge.
Presbyterian Pastor Resigns.
CRE8TON, la.. Oct. 1. (8peclal.) The
members of the F"lrst Presbyterian church
at this place were surprised to receive the
resignation of . their pastor, Rev. J. E.
Oroendyke, ar the morning service Sun
day. Rev. Groendyke's rrnson forMeslrlng
to dissolve (its relations with the' church Is
because of his poor health. For a number
of years he has been a sufferer from ra.
tarrh, which has grown worse each year,
and his physicians havs advised a change
of climate and a change of tiling. While
Mr.. Oroendyke will for a time leave the
ministry, be Intends to return to It some
future time When his health will permit
Mm doing so.
Iowa Banker Inder Arrest.
"DAVENPORT, la.. Oct. 8. Arnold Beu
thien, cashier of the New Liberty (la.)
Savings bank, which failed last week, wns
arrested here today on a warrant sworn
out by the bank directors, charging him
wlttr'erabesslement of 11,760. - Besides this
specific charge, reports say that the In
debtedness of the cashier to the bank may
reach 146,000. Beuthlen, hearing he was
wanted. Surrendered himself. He say he
can disprove the charges.
' Harrlaoa, County Fair Open.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Oct. .-(Special.)
Yesterday the three-day session of
the Harrison ' county fair opened, but as
this was 'entry day no large crowds were
in attendance. The floral hall is mag
nificently decorated and la rrnwded with
,xh,blt8. Many Urmera- club. throughout
the county have separate bootha In the
hall. Mora horsea and cattle are on ex
hibition than ever before.
Workman Seriously Injared.
CRE8TON, la,, Oct. 5.-(Speclal,) In the
unloading of a car of ballast at Haatiags
Monday, a workman by the name of Calla
han tell into the car aa it was being turned
out and was burled In the ballast. Work
nien hurriedly dug htm out, but the fumes'
from the hot ballast almost smothered him
and It Is thought his Injuries will be fatal.
Callahan was taken to the hospital at
Counoll Bluffs.
Revival at Creston.
CRESTON, JLa.. Oct. 6. (Special. )-Mrs,
Haaelrlgg of Topeka began a revival meet
ing at. the Christian church at Murray.
Sunday morning, with a .large attendance
and splendid Interest.. Mrs. Haselrlgg held
a meeting at Creston two yeara ago and la
a speaker of Intelligence and eloquence
The meeting la expected to result in much
good Tor the church at Murray.
I WSVnt Woman tO RetSrS, 1
P SOUX CITY la.. Oct. 6.-(Speclal Tele-
gram.) From eight to a dozen prominent
business firms of Sioux City which ' have
lost from 11,000 to 11,500 in goods sold on
credit to Mrs. E. Klotzv a face powder
manufacturer, who operated a business
here for three months, 'will make an ef
fort tp bring the woman back here from
Counoll Bluffs, where she took the goods.
W. C. T. V. Delegates.
,' MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Oct. 6. (Spe.
Clol.) Ths following women have been
chosen as delegates to the state conven
tion of ths Woman's Christian Temper
ance union, to be held at Marahalltown,
October 11, 12, 11 and 14: Mrs. Ida B. Wise,
Mrs. C. a Bachelder, Mrs. A. H. Living
ston . and Mrs. R. Robinson. '
Buster Brown In next Sunday's Be
Mayar MeCIellan Removes Officials for
Manlnnlatlng Park Jobs for
Political Purposes.
, ,f 1 - .
NEW YORK, Oct.5.-r-W11Jlam P. Bchmltt,
commissioner of parks for the borough of
' Branx of Greater New York, and the five
members of the civil service commission
were summarily removed from office today
by Mayor McClellan. The removal was
made after an Investigation of charges laid
before the mayor by the Civil Service Re.
form association. ' Theae charges allege that
Bchmltt exploited positions In his depart-
ment for political purposes by discharging
certain employes and employing others in
violation ot the civil sen-Ice rules, 'wlth
the,' co-operation of the civil service com
mission.". - The men removed from office besides
Bchmltt 'are John'rI. McCooey, prealdent of
the board, and hla Colleagues, Jerome Slegel,
Bhigene F. O'Connor and B. A. Crownln
shield. Hat Bell, the other member of the
board, had already realgned. In a letter to
Mr. Bell, Mayor McClellan says that at the
time he accepted his resignation bwsi not
aware of the seriousness ,ol th raart.
otherwise he would have refrained rrom
acting upon It. that all the commissioners
might be treated alike. Half an hour after
these officials were removed the appoint
ment of a new board wns announced, with
Bird 8. Coler, former comptroller, aa presi
dent. In appointing the new board. Mayor
McClellan exercised the discretion permitted
by the chnrter, and reduced the. number of
the commission to three. Mr. Coler'S ol
leagues are Alfred TaJley, a lawyer, and
Roes Appleton of Brooklyn.
The president of the hoard Is the snly
salaried member and receives 1!S,000 fer
yenr. . , ,
New Color Magaslne with next Sunday's
Moderate Gala Ikawa In the Market-
lag ot Hoga Dartag tha.
Past Week.
CINCINNATI. Oct. R.-(8pe,la Tele
gram.) Price Current says tha week has
seen a moderate gain' In the number t.
hogs marketed. ' Total 'western' rac',ng
was 330,000, compared . with 300,000 tne pre
ceding week and 296,000 lasV yar.v Pthca
March 1 the total Is ll.ftSO.000, against ll.
736.000 a year ago. . Prominent places com
pared as follows:
.1. 820,0110
.1,2211.0(10 "
,. 890 .000
.. fno.ono
.. 674.000
.. i.0H
.. 814.000
,. SM.OnO
., 836.000
,.' J19.000 ,
.. 892,000
. 8SR.0OO
' f,000
Kansas City ..
tiouin mnana
St. -Louis
St. Joseph ....
Indianapolis .
Milwaukee ...
Cincinnati ....
Cedar Rapids
Sioux City .i.
St. Tsui ......
tl- m..wm . a Tha TMm r.,1 Hunrl.V. Maw
Color Mngkslne with Buster Brown and all
the popular favorites. "
Who arc sickly and nervous and in need of
a medicine' to strengthen their treak
orirnna would only try one bottle ot the
Dltteri they would be oonvlnoed that It
Is the remedy they Deed to make them
well again. -1 ' '
. .Stomach
Is. aoklowlodged
by thousands to
be the , best wo-
' mani ' ' medicine
before the public.
Therefore we urge
you to', try . it at
onco. - It cures
'Sick Headache,
, Nervotu 5pels.
Nausea, Cramps,
Backache, . .
' Dyapepala and
IndiKestloa, .
.Don't accept a sub
atltute. The genu
ine has our Private
(limn ' tvan f h
kZZSZg- neck of the bottle.
Hemovea Tan, runplea.Frecllea,
smn i-imm. naan, ana Bin
ntaaasas, ana avsry bletnUli
son DtaaiT, ana
JleaMdeteotloD. II
m toad tha taat
jot 60 years, and Is
v timi in I w
taate II to be aura
It la properly mad aw
Accept no ooun tar
felt et aim liar
name. Dr. L. A.
sarre aalii to a
ilady of the haat-
)ton (a patient) t
'Aa yoa ladlea
will nas them, I
reoo ramesd
- 'Biunud'i Crura'
a tba leaat harmful of all tha sktn preparatlona.'
Koj aal-by all Iirugftata and Fanoy Ooods Dealers
In the U. 8.. Canaruut. and Europe. . . -
KP T. HOPKINS, Pnp'r. 87 Smt Jones ii, ft. I
TO look well take ea-eef year
complexion. Do not allow un
tlehtly plnplea, blackheads, tan,
ar freckles to blemlshyyouf skin.
will remove-thess like marie,
Curea Ecieina and Tetter.
Used wlitt Derma-Royals
Soap, a perfect akin is
Insured. . A . . , -SOLD
ee my be ordeiad dlMct. -
Derms-Boysle, ft psr bottle, express paid.
Derma-Royale Soap. 23 Cents, py aiaO.
fleth In one package, $1.18, express paid I
rortiela aad testimonials aent on reqaat. '
THE DERMA-ROYALE CO.. Cincinnati. 0.
Sehaeter'a Cut rriea Draat Storey
' Omaha. Nb.
Quioker and for
than ether
Cures all special diss
eases ot men kidney,
blaader and diaeasaj
of women.
f!0ud PO.SMI mr,d tor Boon every
BIUUS rUISUB ,1, ,mptom, sores oa
body. In mouth, tongue, throat. -hJr and
eyebrows (falllnar out! diaaDtiaiLr snniiilat.l.
forersr. - " ' '
Virlcoss Veins IWXlZUlL".
cutting-, pain or loss of time. Mover fails.
Quickest ours In ths world.
Wllk. a mOlll Men '.'' ehat;stion.
. . - w mm 1 1 il m , wMKnai,
ervous debility, early decline, laek oi
or and atrength.
reatmentby mail, 14 TV AM OF .WOe
Saaa- af 14U and
Evory Toman
It LpteniUd ma snonia kdov
MARVEL Whirling Spray
rvow "sstwi syitsw. iytm
ion and Hue t ion. htAmM
t he cannot auaolv tho
m H IL, auxapt uo
other, send autinp fo
UlUktiated boukeWa.
full oartlculara and dltertl.Hia tn-
Valuaute to ladies MAS.Vfcl.CtX,
mmm aeriu
For sale by
inU'O STORES. 16th and
Chicago its.; Bo. Omaha. 24th and N StS.1
cil UluffM, 6th and Main aU.
CO.. 16th and DooKkas street.
i .lr.l. ..A rt... ,
IrusfwiHePjitiirrii Pa ut . mImmqu.
IAIl.Sl3m y jaanran-SU,
-A- ? T saatia lala vraM
l7 eiprtM-i. rrvaaia. aw
SI .OS. or I bottlui M il
trueauw aaaa taaaadl.
t v ; -i-(,'m4T
w()1 I -"', - ';- I
H5"fij i?LJ
1 V 'i. V 1 i5v 1 roe
'dk x -iTa- -'- tM,ii connieii
- I'a ' mTr mti. m i ln.jjM.Uav
aakyeardrMfleilarH. 7 Z1;m
if he cannot auaolv tho . 'W9W ,.
T (TtajtaS I ITkeBIiforaunatnral
J si 4 lan. 1 dlaokarsea.taflamaaattoatw
0afaaai M Iriltetieae at loarailuaui
laa-s m uruiera. of jaaeosa maaabraaaa.
- - - . ..d Id Ulrtt.
at ay-i . 4.. . II