THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1904. 20 LILLlPCTlaK BAZAR DELIGHT! CHIL DRF11. Kaelnslv JsTenlle Store Attracts T(itn, mmt Heaee Talmas Ara UTrlr There. There la one business house in Omaha where the children are supreme. Ever effort Is made to suit their fancies or the tastes of their parents. Here the boys end Klrla and the little tots can go shopping just like grown folk and can find as be iTllderlng an array of goods as their par ents can find In the big stores. Conse (.sently the Lilliputian Eaiar at 1515 Doug las street has made a special appeal to and has won a particular popularity among the children and their parents. Shopping scenes have an attraction for rren the casual observer, and no more In teresting scenes are to be found than those which are presented at the Lilliputian bs t&r every Saturday. This Is the day of all days In the - week when the bazar Is tlironged with little folk. It Is their free ty and they are made acquainted with ' the joys of shopping In a store devoted exclusively to them. On Saturdays an army of children Invades ti e bazar, running to and fro In the aisles between the long tables heavily laden with, gnods, stopping suddenly here and there with cries of surprise and delight to note something that particularly attracts them, hurrying back to their parents to draw t) sir attention to the favored article or dlicuaslng it with rapture among them selves, they present a picture of childish enthusiasm, interest and happiness which never falls to prove a source of pleasure to tholr parents and their attendants, snd as well to the clerks who wait on them. It Is the only store of the kind in Omaha anj indeed weat of Chicago. Its achieve ment of popularity has. been rapid. There Is a growing tendency on the part of par ents to buy apparel for the children In a store which caters exclusively to children's It is such a simple, easy and at ti active way of buying and there are so many styles to choose from in the well or dered departments that shopping becomes less and leas of a task and more of a di version. Moreover there Is so much to choose from, suoh an abundance of chic, neat and catchy fashions that the parents hrtve begun to look upon such an emporium as absolutely the beet place to buy satis factory outfitting ofJl kinds for the chil dren. The Lilliputian Bazar, therefore, was established to supply just this need, to fur nish for boys, girls and for the little tots ai:d for Infants as well, all manner of elolhlng, furnishing goods, hats, caps and e-. cry useful and beautiful artlcleof ap pa'ol. 'I' 'ie Lilliputian Biear began business in Omnha on September 1, 1901, at 1415 Douglas street and remained at this stand for nearly two years. On July 15. 1903. the Bazar re moved to more commodioui quarters at 15!3 Dougles street. The increase In the volume of business proved to be so exten il'. o during the past year 1.200 feet of floor rr.i''e has been added to the etore. New I'i'i have constantly been added as the and developed, and now outfits'' can be fftred, not only for Infants and the frailer chfidren, but for young men and i-i isles up to the age of 18. The proprletcr.1 of the Lilliputian Bazar sr A. T. Benson F. W. Thome, to v-hrse management of l". 'i exclusive line or 'rade the -growth of the business has , l'r-i due in as large a measure as to the f'i-1. that te Bazar ruppllrd a long-felt v.T-.t snd met a demand which of la to years grown Imperative. These able busi-rt- men have also developed an extensive mn:i order business, and now sell their ff'tf' far west as the Paciflo coast. To advertise this phase of the business, h'and rovia Illustrated catalogues are Issued twice a year one In March and another In Sep tonber. For this catalogue the firm re-"f'-es numerous Inquiries, and Just now N tfusy mailing the September catalogue t- 'iundreds of points In western and south ern states. , Tills catalogue contains a complete list of all goods sold, and clear-cut Illustra tions showing the style and make of the paments. A larger Illustration than any of the others shows a scene in the fac tory where the baby clothes are made. - en a clothing, hats, shoes, ladles' suits, its. wnlsts, millinery; cash or credit. Tn-iple's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. rnnrlnc. Morand's.lMS Harney at. Lessons p-'wte a- rlm, Junior or nrtnlt. Tel. W. ff dgs FtTstusort removed to 807 Paxton blk Have Root print It. I Eiib s I It Will Fay You To see our overcoatings. vv v navn mnie oc ine nne-sc ma terials ever brought Into Omaha. Our prices are as low ss is con sistent with good quality and work manship. m Helgren & Gradmann Tailors. 309 S. 16th St. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 150-1521 DOUGLAS ST., Most cordially invites you to make your headquarters at their store while In the city. Bundles checked free. Wash and dressing room at your disposal. All sorts of Information cheerfully given. We are agents In Omaha for Alfred Benjamin's Fine Clothing and defy any body to show better made or more stylish suits. Benjamin's suits starts at JU.B0 and run to $15.00, 118.00 and 819.60. SPECIAL SUIT VALUES J. AT $5.00, $7.50 and SIO.OC. For those who do not wish to spend much and still like to have good clothes we have special values at 85.00, 87.60 and 810.00, In every Instance equally well made suits that would cost ' you from 82.60 to 87.60 more per suit elsewhere. OVERCOATS. No store In this olty shows a larger as sortment of Overcoats than we 'do. They start at 83.90, for a coat not at all bad. Then they run up to 86.00. 87.60, 810.00, 812.50, 816.00 and $18.00. Here you find short top coats, long Cravenette coats, overcoats with belts, ulsters, etc Tou certainly do yourself an Injustice If you buy an over coat before you look us over. PANTS. We have now on sale a pure all wool oasslmere pants at $1.90, the like of which has never been offered by any house in the country. They are as heavy as a board and will wear like a rock, every stitch of sewing and every button guar anteed In every way. Other pants at 82.50, 83.00, $3.50 and 84.00. . HATS. Our latest bargain In a hat Is a corker. Seal Brown, the very newest drooping front, our price 8190, others ask all thi way from 82.60 to 83.00 for the same thins. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Our Furnishing Department Is conceded by everybody to be the largest and busiest In Omaha, Here you get ribbed under wear (or 35c same kind Is 50c all over. Genuine Cape Oloves, 45c. Dollar Shirts, 48a Shawknlt Hose, 20c. President Sus penders, 45c. Wright's Health Underwear, 87V&C. Linen x Collars, 9c, and hundreds of other equally good values. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 DOUGHS ST. IT'S THE SAME CLD STORY the people will go where they can do the beetl That's why all 'Our old patrons come back and bring new ones with them after they have tried to And a better place. Many of our friends from out of town are taking advantage of the AK-SAR-BEN RATES and bringing lists of their win ter's drug supplies, saving enough to pay their expenses to Omaha's greatest Carni val. bee the way we sell 'em 26c Grave's Tooth Powder 10 26c Mennen's Taloum Powder 16 $1.0" Ilei's Malt Whiskey .64 tl.ft. Pure Canadian Malt Whisky ..... .75 60o Pozzonl Face Powder 27 A brand new, line of rubber goods, water bottles, fountain syringes anu everything new in the rubber goods line no old stock to dispose of write or call for prices. Remember we have three large stores to buy goods for and we have to buy right that's why. SGIIAEFER'S STuSSSRE E. T. GATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, Phones 747 and 787. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha, Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., Coun cil Bluffs, Phon 333. All goods delivered in either city absolutely free. AK-SAR-BEN. The symbolio word and the meaning of It brings forth our tenderest and at tfce same time most aggressive feelings. The enter prise, daring and dash that are behind the name applies with equal force to the BARKERS RESERVE LIFE COM PAST of Omaha, a financial enterprise which has grown from Infancy to a young giant dur ing the period that Ak-8ar-Ben has made famous this fair city and state. The able, aggressive managers of the company with rlde remind Nebraskafis that the present business of the company amounts to $100,000 preferred Insurance written every week. The premium receipts exceed 81.000 dally. The company has the finest insurance offices in the city now occupies the entire second floor of the Ware Wock, 15th and Farnam streets, having entirely outgrown Its former quarters. The company is oper ating in fifteen states and territories and has about 810,000,000 of old line Insurance in force. The new policies are meeting with univer sal favor with agents and the insuring public. THE TWENTIETH CE3TURY POLICY, a guaran&ed dividend contract, la the most liberal, attractive and yet conservative policy that has ever been devised by any company, A cordial invitation is extended by the president to the citizens of Omaha, as well as those residing elsewhere In the state, also to strangers and policy holders to visit the home offices and get acquainted with the management. The Bee is informed that many first-class Insurance men are joining the able field staff of the company, being attracted by the aggressive management, also the lib eral policies and plana offered by the company. 1 DffL SH6i Q - Now for the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Tour shoes are as an Important part of your dress as your gown or suit Both must necessarily be of the proper style. We are showing all the new ball shoe novelties for the men and women all the way from $2.00 to $7.00 a pair. Patent leather and kid. High and low cut. Oxfords, in French bronze, black and brown castor, as well aa patent kid. Among the swell styles Is the low pump. Do not wait until Friday to get your shoes. , Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Up-to-Dala Sim Horn ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE, H Bennett's Is The Place Just Now TO Buy Pianos We are offering for sale Just now the entire stock of Frank J. Gulick, piano dealer, 115 No. 15th St., Omaha, representative of the Sohmer, Bailey, Newman Bros., King, Schaff, and other pianos. This stock was bought at a big sacrifice enabling us to sell it at sensationally low prices one-third to one-half below regular values. New pianos as low as $120. Others at $145, $1G5, 175 and $200. Celebrated eastern makes of pianos old and established reputations celling every where for $350 to $450 offered this week for $295, $270, $255 and down to $220. R The Ivcrs Pond Piano Used Exclusively in the Sousa Concert Special money saving price reduction on our well known Jines of pianos. Iver iVond, Everett, Packard, Stair, Harvard, Smith & Barnes, Richmond and other celebrated instruments. Our Terms of Payment are within the reach of Everybody. GREAT DRESS GOODS VALUES MONDAY. SEE AD ON PAGE 9. II GREAT DRESS GOODS VALUES ' MONDAY. SEE AD ON PAGE 9. LATEST FALL FASHIONS IN 3S3SZ3 Magm Men's $12.50 and $15 Suits We are showing for Monday the largest and best assortment of men's fine hand-tailored suits ever 6hown in Omaha at the price. Come, in all the best fabrics in great va riety of colors and patterns. Snappy, exclusive styles that are pleasing to the wearer, worth from ax? atd 1kJ llanrisnmft Overcoats M M W V 1 x In the new browns, fancy gray mlV nlnin KlopL-a and (Ivfnrd L tUlCCi Ulttiu " " grays, with or without belt, in med ium or loose backs and long or med ium lengths. They cannot be beaten for style, and it will cost you $15 to $18 to duplicate them in $10.50 $ and 15 Cop Hart y right I 904 by Schaffner Marx duality elsewhere n s a speo- dal ror Monday. Boys' and Children's Knee Pants Suits- In Norfolk, sailor bloue, Russian bloue, rfnnhl-hrastod and threo-plece stvies an immense lino-worth I3iud $.50 3.00 special Monday at We have In stock ready for your Inspection a moot complete line of boys' and Child ren's Overcoats and Reefers, in all styles and colors in price $J.Q5 tO $JQ AYOE BROS. 1 1513 1H BODGE ST. N DEPUTY STATS! VETERINARIAN. H. L. RAMACCIQTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETEIUXAIUAJI. OMAHA. NEB. Teicchone 539. Offlce and Infirmary, 2Sth and Mason Sta 400 Shaves Outhoui Using a Sirop Simply lather and shave that the feature of THE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR It is a safety that isn't like other safeties. It has 12 double-edged blades as thin aa paper, tempered so hard by a new process It takes diamond dust to grind them, with such edge-holding finalities when sharpened each blade will give thirty perfect shaves without attention. No more stropping, honing or bother no possibility of cutting tho face. With the best common razor there Bhould be one sharp edge; with the GIL LETTE there are 24 keen cutting edges 12 razors in one. When one blade begins to pull in the slightest. Insert another. We sharpen the twelve for 50 cents, or supply twelve new Wades for tl.OO. Guaranteed to give a smooth, delightful shave to any face under all conditions. After first investment EO cents a year keens the razor in perfect condition if you shave DAILY costs one-eighth cent per shave. The price of the Triple Silver Plated Set, in handsome case, small and all compact, Jg 00 J AS. MORTON SON CO. 1511 Dod Street. Hflrdware and Cutlery Novelties. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS WOOD'S CELEBRATED ICE TOOLS. TV re TnE99CEriraORr IS 13 0DGE5T. IN TTME OF PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR In the fall prepare for winter. We do not think we are going to have a war, at least, not in the near future, but we are positivfe the cold winds of a Nebraska winter will soon be with us. The lady who has taken time by the forelock and placed her order with us for her winter needs in furs, will be the envy of her lees thoughtful-neighbor We extend cordial invitation to all strangers in Omaha to visit our display rooms and inspect our splendid assortment of fur garments every one of them fresh, new and up to date. Special Low Prices on All Kinds of Scarfs During Ak-Sar-Ben Week. VISITORS TO AK-SAK-tStN Are invited to visit this odd store. Odd in being un like any other store in this great Transmississippi region. Odd in the magnitude of it's retail trade odd in being the better store because of so mttch more than a store. It's buyers have ramsacked the best markets of the worlu to collect the stock we 6how. Nobody is ever asked to buy, but a corps of help stand ready to serve, visitors in telligently and civilly. ' , You will find unequalled values in China, glass an lamps, fancy goods, pocket books, etc. Jewelry in aL the newest novelties, every article guaranteed at one third the price usually asked. Novelties, games and toys in endless variety at prices that have made our name a household word throughout the west. Don't fail to come in, if only to look. H. E. a E. HUBERMANN Room 9. Second Floor Continental Block, Fifteenth and Douglas . Take Elevator on Fifteenth Street Entrance. I Was Mary's Little Lamb... That had fleece as white as snow. Which kept it nice and warn Ths same degree of heat will be produced in your Inside pocket If you have a nice account with the Omaha Loan and Building Association 1704 Farnam Street Bee Building J1.00 per moth per share or larrtr lump sums will draw six per cent, per annum dividends. All business may be transacted by mall. a W. LOOMIS. Pres. Q. M. NATTINQER, Sec'y The Larsen Ice Machine Go. 1406-1408 Howard St., OMAHA, NEB. Ice Making and Refrigerating Machinery . . . J The new Uathers and lasts f I hi''-,"!!! .' 1 shown in our street shoes this fall III OuIt' ' 1 ill The Cheapest Skirts in Omaha. Are not the ones for which you pay the least when you buy them. Made To Order Shirts Cost more at the start, but they last so much longer they look and fit so much better that they are really cheaper than a low priced shirt Albert Gahn, Shirt Maker. 219 5. Htb Street, Omaha. Stylish Street Shoes The new leathers and lasts shown In our street shoes this (all are certainly a splendid combina tion of taste and utility. . Gun Metal Calf, Manila Calf, Chrome Calf and Horschfda En amel are among- the best of our new leathers for street wear. And our New Fraak. Tramp, Crttlo and .Parfecto lasts are very correct for style and just right for comfort. Shiny leathers of all kinds on new and correct lasts, for both street sad dress wear. SPECIALS ' $3.50 $4 and $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. ! il5UlcOilAI!l ! HN HUSSIE HARDWARE GO. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY of this week, Cct. 7lh andSIH, we will give a dem onstratlon at our store of COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST HEATER HUM I tV Acorn Steel k-rc. Cole's Mot Blast. IN USE WITH DIFFERENT KINDS OF FUEL. Saturday, at 8 p. m., we will give one of these fine stores . away. Tickets are free. When we say FREE we mean FREE. Tou do not hare to buy a penny's worth'. T his Is not an Indian gift Tou may have a ticket any day for the asking;. We sell stoves for cash or payments, and save you from 10 to 20 per cent , JOIliJ HUSSIE HARD. VARE GO. 2407-2409 Cuming Street. "II You -iiy It of Mussle. It's Right." itove: Mvays Please " .-.HI? "vary The Handy Way to BroiL The JJing-ed Top furnished with MOORE'S RANGES the handiest thing1 Imaginable. Just pull a chain and up goes the whole front section of the top, making the entire firebox accessible. Then you can broil or toast, lay kindling, poke the fire, Just as you want to, with none of the usual annoyances. The raised top forms a hood which creates a positive draft into the range that carries otf all smoke and smell. These ranges have Moore's Accurate Oven Thermometer, Controller Damper, and are nearer perfection, in many ways, than any you Jiave ever seen. Please call and It will give us pleasure to how you what a modern up-to-date range Is. ' Nebraska Futnitutc & Carpet Co. f 4tt4J5No. 24th St, South Omaha. v SVj-' alii. i. 1 - !"ai T 4 - I