THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, OCTOREK 2, 100. it PERSONAL GENUINE BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY rteautlful Chlekerlnir upright, otily....fK5.f Kimball upright, ebony case, only.... 116 00 Knabe, rosewood case tw.00 Kimball, golden oak, bnby grand, al most new sridrt) Kranlrh ft finch, rosewood grand. ... 3:.00 Conservator, upright, good fur begin ner IS. 09 Square pianos and organs, all makes, $10, 115, $26 and up. Terms to suit buyer. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, 1318 Farnam St. Tel. K.25. U-443 2 ER. ROT, Chiropody, R. 2 A 3, 1 Fr!m MAGNETlCtW n.u.W TRT KELLEYS LAUNDBtTPHONK SKM Li 1U ' O. M. eT Tel. 611 unishes MESSENGER BOYS Day or Nixht Baggage and Parcel Delivery ani Checking. Omaha Messenger & Express Co. Tel. 611 or 780. 1613 Farnam St. u- TRU8SES made nd fitted to men. women nd children. 14Ci8 Fnrnam st. THE 11. J. PEN FOLD CO. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturer of paste for all purpose. Tel. AiC52. 2210 Cuming. Established 1W6. U-384 2 "VIAVL" way to health. 310 Bee Bid? U 1M TUB, vapor and alcohol batb. 720 a nth. WANTED By a gentleman of means, n young Indy correspondent, for amusement. Address B 66, Bee. U 361 ix LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no Other. Bend 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mull. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DON'T fool with your eyes: be careful who examine thorn; we test eye free for glasses and run ran tee satisfaction. THD H. J. FKNFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 1403 Farnam. U 160 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLBAT1NG, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES, GOLDMAN PLbATJNG CO. 209 DOUULAS BLK. TEL. 1936. DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr. Case Art Class; studio 4 Union block, lath and Farnam. U Mo47 WANTED The deaf to test instruments for the deaf at the branch otlice of the i Hutchison Acoustic Co. of New Torlt City, m New York Life Bldg., Omaha. U MM UM OMAHA Stammerer' ItialltUM, Ramge Blk t U-M226 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rate. Bchraoller &. Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tele phone 1625. U M486 OS E. D. KECK, voice teacher. 1802 Fat nam street u M532 obx LARSON ft JOHNSON, cut rate to all point. 140tl Farnam. Tel. B2118. Mem bers American Ticket Broker' Ass'n. U-iliUT LADIES "Never Wiggle," that' our new patent eye glass. Can't shako 'em off." We grind our own lenses, make our own frames optical headquarter. Huteson, W B. 10th at. U M876 O10 MARRIAGE PAPER, 20 pages, 10c, sealed; 4,000 members; many weulihy; (BlabllBhed 1696; incorporated 1902. K. L. Love, Dn ver, Colo. U 3o2 2x 1 SEEK, husband for Kentucky maiden aged 21, worth tlC.OuO and beautiful stock farm. Widow 3b worth $40,000. Maiden 22 worth $9,ooo and beautiful cottage. Widow 28 worth $10,uo0. Address Lock Box Ml, Hammand, lnd. U 337 2x SUPERFLUOUS hair, wart and mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and contidentl&l; all work Iuaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Ife. U-MS98 3x LBTOVSKY'S orohestra. Telephone L 2984. U-M99S PROMINENT physician, fine practice end 1100,000, longs for good, honest wife. Ad drea Mr. B., 86 Hudson Ave., Chicago. U 4U 2X MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address iL -A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tukonsha. Mich. U 410 2x A PRETTY TYPEWRITER GIRL'S Experience, With Chicago Buslnes Men. 80 Pages Typewritten M. 8. SOMETHING GOOD. Sent In Plain Wrapper Prepaid. Sent in Plain Wrapper Prepaid, for 25o liver or stamps. Box 14. Jefferson City, Mo. U-3S0 2x THE CREIOHTON COLLEGE! OF LAW. FALL TERM BEGINS MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 10 A. M. Special Information furnished on appli cation to T. J. MAHONEY, DEAN, E. F. M'CARTNEY, REGISTRAR. CUEIGHTON COLLEGH OF LAW, Fourteenth and Davenport St. u- SJCND tl and get $10,000 worth ot sutlaf ac tion out of our Invaluable physician' tuaxantee oure for catarrh. Layman iedloul Pub. Co., 1U Fifth Ave.. New York. U-366 iix PRETTY and Intelligent widow. VERY WEALTHY, want Immediately able, In duatrluu husband. Address M., Ohio Block, Chicago, 111. ' U io tlx I GUARANTEE to teach you French and German In a short time, using my own text book. F. Peltier, 1TM DoJge t. U-M7U OctlOz THE Oag Pattern Hat at Pennell', lit B. 15th st., upp. old postofnoe. U M3M 0 WANTED, to correspond with young Udy who'd like good home and not objeot 11 v Ing on ranch. Box 141, Gordon, Neb "i-, u-ariix '3j - . . . i1. one who can in prererra. to V 'l with a renned xl.lbltlon going to lJa fop the wluter. Ull at the Mll- m iirimine anavr. nit riklvul nmir.l. PERSONAL CHARLES PETERSEN, voice; perfect tone production; German diction; students given opportunity to appear In public Studio, til W. O. W. bldg. U-MM7 OJx YOUR nnms put on your Ak-Bar-Ren sou venlr po ketb".k In gold leaf for 25 cents, at National Printing Co., U'O South l-'lli st U M221 2 MASQUERADE coMumes, wigs and mask at Mrs. Sacks, 2318 8. loth st. U 263 7 WANTED The nddres rf the heirs nf Pat rick 11. O'Connor, who cam" to Texas about 1835. Addres T. L. Wren, An -tin, Tex U M390 4x ANYONE Interested In estate of L. H'rts- horn, who riled In Bavsnnan, a., au u ten years ago, please communicate wkn J. W. Huger, Montgomery, A.a. INFORMATION wanted of rsrenrs and relatives of William Moller. born D-cem-ber 1, 1S74, In New York City; adopted by family in Illinois from foundling asylum, 176 li. GKth St., New York City; nyj0'. matlon gladly received. William Moller, 2916 Lawton ave., St. Loul, Mo. INFORMATION wanted of James or lfenry Black or sisters; answer through this column; important. 8. XI393 5x hnlr. warts and mol permanently rt moved by electricity; con iultatlon free ard confidential: all work guaranteed. Mis Allender, 422 N . Y Li . a. WANTED By young lndy, flrst-clnw tutor In stenography for evenings. Addre' c 11. Bee office. U 467 2 WHY NOT BE HAPPY? get Ay Edison Latest Improved Phonograph from Flescher. It will please you. A concert and eutertain ment at your honie. Absolute reproductions by the best Musi cal and Vocal Artints in the world. Also the best Band Fieces. Gold Moulded Records 35c. Bicycles, Gas Mantles. Louis Flescher 1622 Capitol Avenue. u- HENRY HE DON'T KEEP STATIONERY HE SELLS IT 1607 FARNAM ST. u- JO, meet me at the Collins Piano company, 113 S. 17th st., near the Douglas street entrance to the carnival and llnten to the Zon-o-phone. Jennie. U M473 8 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnull, Omaha. 182 LADIES Sanderson' Royal Regulator never falls; relief quick and sure; by mull, 11; sumple, 6oc. Sun Medical Co., Room 7, 829 Nicollet ave., Mlneapolta, Minn. 360 2x LADlES-AvoId trouble by using "Perfect Protector." Always reliable; no exposure. Particulars for 2o stamp. Sun Medical Co., Room 7, 229 Nicollet ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 307 2x Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A written guarantee given In every case treated by DK. MAXWELL, 624-6 Bee bldg., Omaha. 3S3 2 DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist of women and children; to year' practice. Oftlce, 22u6 Cuming. Residence telephone, Sotoo; odlce, I6C7. BISTERS IN DESPAIR-Speedy relief. Ab normal atippresslon any cause. Write for remedy. Safe, sure. Dr. Martha Walker Co., 163 State, Chicago. 301 2x LADIES When In need send for free trial of our never failing remedy. Relief quick and safe. Pari Cheiuloul Co., Milwau kee. Win DR. PRIES treat successfully all disease and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, lttlft Dodge St., Omaha. 161 PRIVATE home fluting confinement; ba ttel adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluff. Ia. Tel. 771 -626 EXPERIENCED nurse; references given; Ama ..ii.iui.hU 'nknn. 1A.QR Up. Oerlsch, 623 N. 2uth St. 07 8x PRIVATE home during confinement! babies boarded and adopted. Mr. Oar dell. 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2618. . tot I CAN break any dlease In one day. I want you wealthy people to give mo tl to help advertise. Drop me a card. Who will glvet Prof. Johnson, 10th and Jone. 466 2x PATENTS PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS securea or fee returned. Send - modal or sketch for free opinion a to patentability. Snd for Uluatruied GL1DU LOOK and list of Inventions wanted; finest publication Insued for free distribu tion; contains valuable information re garding patent, trad marks and copy rights, how to obtuln and sell them, 100 mechanical movements, etc Patents se cured by us advertised free In the l atent Record; sample copies free. AUu:e Kvan. Wlikliui A Co.. Registered Attor neys, ioi F t., Washington. U. C. V PATENTS H. A. Sturgl. registered attor ney, Patent, trad marks, copyrights. No fee unless successful. .ol7 New York Life building. Omaha. Nel," M10ia TOU can't afford to start to take nut a pat ent for a valuable Invention without first writing me; you can save money and get a better patent. A. W. Croesley, tul F fit., Washington, D. C FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS Since the HORSE SHOW We have 20. line high-grade Carriages, Stanhopes, Runabouts used in the ring only for exhibition. "We wep paid 'for their use." We cut the price on account of this Harness as well. DRUMMOND'S 18th and Harney Sts. An Up-to-Date Livery Buggies Surries and Carriages Boarding and Sale Stables MR. HENRY O. SCHWAQER OF CALHOUN, NEB., HAS LATELY ASSOCIATED HIMSELF WITH OUR FIRM. MELCHER & 501 So. TELEPHONE 2382. Bargains in Vehicles! Most complete stock in the city. We will meet any price and guarantee better goods. More style and better finished Vehicles for less money. Special Cut Prices for Ak-Sar-Ben Week. Andersen Millard Co. 1518 Capitol Avenue. IF YOU NEED A milch cow, horse, buggy, wagon or har ness, find what suit you and I will buy It end well It to you on monthly payments. I have a large stock always on hand. If you cannot find what you want I will pro cure it for you. BOWKN. 7W N. Y. Llf bldg. P-385 3 GOOD 1,100-lb horse, buggy, harness and lap robe. Address W. 11. Nlchol. 603 N. 18th. South Omaha. P M191 tx HIGH grade, rubber tired, Watertown, easy riding buckboard; an eastern novelty good as new, at a big sacrifice. Johnson Dan forth, S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones sts. P tin FINE 8375 pneumatic Stanhope, nnarlv new, 1126: open pneumatic runubjut, ttJO. Drum mond, lSih and Harney. P M418 NOT a horae shower, but a wagon fixer, Harry Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-171 FOR SALB A-l family horse. 1318 Far nam. P M181 4 FOR SALE Horse for city driving or de livery. Your livery trade solicited in either buggy or carriage work. Mel choir's Livery Barn. P M20 tVy."3 e6 00 FOR 1 CENT. Our Red tvi'Jrl Doolt and Rel Estate Catalog I 1W4 JUBt 'rom tn Printer, 1 worth ta in cash to you. Your name and address on a nnstnl ml card Clu) mailed to our address. or u call at our office will get a copy so long as they last. It contains a map and treet directory of Omaha and beside a whole lot of information of great value, duscrlbes several hundred money making Real Estate Bargains, city and country. It fit your vest pocket. To our Visitors: You need this book and the little map. From 10th St. depot Farnam car take you to our door. From Webster St, depot take 13th car. Make our oftlce your head quarter. All the convenience of a mod ern office, right on the street floor, at your service. CHAS. E. W'L' IAMSON CO.. Sales Dept., Geo, MuTETXT. J. M. Wel shan. Mgr. Ground Floor V. B. National Bank Bldg. (A nloa place to see the par ades.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bid will be received at the offlr of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock roon of October 16. 1904, for the construc tion of a tunne', sewerage connection, sit ting of steam heating apparatus and con nection of same with sewerage and water supply at the Soldiers' and bailors' Home at Mllford, Neb., aocordlng to plan and speclllcatlnns. The bord reserve the rt? ht to relect any and all bid. GEO. W. MARSH, I beomary of Hoard. J S&dioua FOR SALE HORSES' WAGONS r- Livery Our rates by the hour for our handsome carriages and other ve hicles, with or without drivers, are very reasonable. You will be pleased with both our horses and service. If you will call, you will like the looks of our barn, our way of doing business, our prices, and after we have taken care of your horses you will be even more pleased. SCHWAGER 19th St. p MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Have there not been time when It would have been worth more than lou cents to you 7 It la our business to supply you with money when you need it and al low you to return it in smalt weekly payments, a may best Suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and other chattels, and we make salary loans. Our terms are a good as any and better than many. We are the oldest concern in our line In the city, with all-around consistent deal Iiiks to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Kstabllsbed im) to 3. 16tb St. X-121 LOANS mad on alt kinds of chattel - curlty, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Term. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X-1U 3 P. C. YEAR FROM tlOO to $,000 loan on your personal note at PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loan wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L, Eastman tk Co., U04 Farnaui, Omaha. LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. If you wish to save money see us. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 807-8 Paxton block. Tel. 1411. X M202 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS Sometimes need money. We can supply the need without publicity and at lowest rate on salary or on furniture, pianos eto. Dealings talrest. See us before bor rowing elsewhere. Open every Tuesday and Saturday evenings until t o'clock. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., M4-B16 Paxton block. X-M2So MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal clUea, Tolman, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-Ua READY CASH to loan on furniture, pianos, horses, eto. BOW EN, 703 NEW YORK. LlFiJ. X-6C9 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horse, cows, eto. C F. Reed, 318 tf. Utb. X-138 PRIVATE money loaned; low rates, easy terms. C. R. Blnns, 923 N. Y. Life. X-949 O10 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton. 218 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X-127 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-U3 SEE FULLER 426 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-140 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1S04 Farnam Ht. X 120 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, insurano. Ring wall. Barker blk. D ue TWO, modern, T-ronm houses, en California st.tU and 8T4 er mo. Apply 607 N. 19in. D Mm BE 1 CHHI8 BOYER. 22d and Cuming. D Mltil O20 MODERN 7-rootn dwelling, one block from Hanscoin park 1-4. 'Phone 621 D 233 HOIJFS kn ' ,Pr' o' he city. The I1UUOW o. F. Davis Co.. 6ot Bee bldg D-m FOR RENT, 256S Cuming St., 6-rooni mod ern cottuge, IIS. Knuuire next door. D M262 fx FURNISHED 4-ronm cottage; furnace; all modern; 8-6. 1020 N. 22d st. D-M 447 Is FRONT room en suite and other rooms; modern, lli Ho. Doth, D M4M ia FOR RENT ROUSES GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. HOUSES FOR RENT. M?l Lake, 10 r., all modern; choice $40. 1914 Locust, 9 r., all modern; good 827.60. 2M2 N. th. t r bath, barn; nice $2J. H8 Dodge, 8 r., all modern &6.SO. 1340 8. 27th. 8 r., modern except turnace $24. t44 park ave., 6-room enttaae 8Z2.6". Inl7 S. frith, 8 r., all modern; barn $22 50. Ohio, 7 r., modern except furnace $22. 2916 Shirley, I r.. modern, except fur nace $J0. If Stantonl Circle, r., bath 117. 34-3 Mason. 6-r. cottage 811. 4616 Franklin, 6-r. cuttuge $10. 3i '111 Amen ave., 8 roumM'J. 1038 S. 18th, i rooms $8. D-23 I THE Omaha Vsn and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. II. good Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Oftlce, 16UH Fsrnam. Tel. 1569. D 128 Hpl'SFS, J rooms and up; also INSUR ANCE. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 14t9. Otrice 171$ Webster St. D-134. 14 O I lP in all part of the city. R C. nUUOUa Peter Co., Be Building. D 126 SPECIAL 242t ETfklne, cosy 6-room cottage, strictly all modern, will paper up in line shape, $22.50. 646 8. 26th ave., good 7-room home, modern, paved st., walking distance, $25.00. 402 Cuming, 7-room strictly all modern, a little gem, $30. 3831 Franklin. room, city water, good barn, only $20. 1901 8. 2h1i ave., 8-mom, all modern, large lawn, good barn, $35. 8343 Harney, (-room, strictly modern, shade furnished, $3,1. We huve others. See our list before you move. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D-M237 I PAYNfi-BOSTWICK CO., choice house 601-603 New York Llf Bldg. 'Phon KHi. D-121 IF NOT sold this week, 1314 B. Slst street, 9 rooms, modern except furnace, t'il, and water. Key next south. J. W Burgner, Attorney, O N. Y. Life. D-43J 2x 2S20 DODGE, 7 rooms, modern, $30. 1914 North 27th, 8 rooms, 317.60. 801$ South 10th, 2 rooms, $4. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-43d 2 215 8. 29TH AVE., modern, $25. 120 N. 26th St.. 8 rooms, :IS. JOHN N. FRENZkR, OFF. OLD P. O. D-287 2 MODERN brick house, 412 North 22d St., within two blocks of High sohool. In quire at No. 410. 607 MODERN 8-room new house, 1923 Locust St., corner 20th. J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. D 130 2x 2018 WIRT ST., twelve-room all modern brick house and barn; nak finish; hot water heat; excellent condition. $46.00. A. O. Elllck, 802 City Hall. D 902 1943 S. 11TH, 7-ROOM house for rent after October 10; percelain bath, gas; $'0. D 274 FOR RENT, the eight-room hous situated at 3ui S. 8Sth street, near Farnnm; price $45 per month. Immediate porsedsion. Also Iho nine-room residence at 308 8. 88th Ftroet; price &0 per month. Possession November 1. Inquire owner, 3U12 Farnam. D BEST rental bargain in Omaha. An 8 room house, corner 44th and Dodge sIb. All rooms Just rtpapered, bath, hot and cold water; two lots. On Dundee car Hue. Cheap at $22. Reduced to $19, BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. D 422 2 DESIRABLE 6-room, atrictly modern house, in tirst-class condition, centrally located. 830 S. 21st. D M967 SEE M'CAULEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery, 609 B. 16th, Tel. 1454. D-MlStf 4911 CHICAGO ST.. very fine, strictly mod ern house; hard-wood finish; 2 lots, with barn; cheap tj responsible parties. D 913 FOR RENT 8-room house, 1618 Dorcas. D-978 2x 9 ROOMS, modern, and email barn; large yard; 502 So. 35th at., $25 per month, or less to right party. Inquire for key 161S Farnam St. D 97$ LESS than t blocks from postofflce, 10 room modern house, In good condition, rent $40. Walter Breen. Room 416 Kar bach block, Omaha. Neb. D M218 FIVE rooms, 2547 Rees st. Clyde C Sund blad, county court. D 266 2x 1816 N. 1STH 9 rooms $27. B0 3328 S. 24th 7 rooms 4.0) 314 S. 15th- rooms 85.00 1054 8. 20th-4 rooms 12.00 4012 Farnam 7 rooms 20.00 1710U Burt S rooms 8.10 1420 N. 2th 6 rooms 20.03 THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14th St. D-iSl-2- 824 North 35th st, 4 rooms $ 8.00 1915 Vinton St., 3 rooms 10.00 1019 Vinton St.. 6 rooms 1200 3417 Jackson St., 6 rooms 12.00 1222 South 27th St., 6 rooms, modern.... 18.00 2820 Capitol ave., 8 rooms, modern except furnace 20.00 2310 Webster St.. 9 rooms, all modern.. 80.00 420 South 2fith t.. 8-room flat, modern 40.00 2728 Harney sr., 14 rooms, all modern.. 6) CO N. P DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam St. D-283 t 6-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace; best of repair. Inquire 2107 Grant. D-490 9x 10-ROOM brick house, modern and In first e'as condition, 618 North 19th st: five minutes' walk from P.O.; rent $40 Wnltr Breen, 416 Karbach Block. D M496 Good Houses for Rent. 31S S. 86th, 5-room cottage, city water, two lots, plenty of fruit, only $14. 312 S. 8iith, 6-room cottage, city water, paved street, only $15. 2423 Ersklne, cosy 6-room cottage, strictly all modern, will paper throughout and paint, $1:2.60. 1208 N. 24th, good 7-room house, city water and gaff, on car line, $20. 646 8. 26th ave., good 7-room house, modern, paved street, walking distance, $26. 40i8 Cuming, 7-room strictly all modern, paved street, etc., a little gem, $30. 8831 Franklin, 8 rooms, city water, barn, $20. lOul 8. 29th ave., 8 rooms, all modern, large lawn, good barn, close to park, $35. 4102 Lafayette ave., 8 rooms, strictly all modern, corner lot, paved street, reduced from $40 to $36. 8243 Harney, 8 rooms, strictly modern, $35. 4U'!2 Izard, choice 12-room. strictly modern house In Al shape throughout, $00, We have others. Bee our list before you move. Payne, Bostwick & Co., PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Ulvlk l.Mrvns. XT V T lA TltA.m BtAllI ev (vvg . A 6lltl UlUg, D MODERN 10-room house, one block from car line In vicinity of Hansconi Pnrk. Apply to J. A. Scott, 315 Omaha National Bank Bids. D 49o ii FOR RENT Six-room flat; modern, ex cept beat. 3d. 3129 Farnam St. GEORGE & CO. D-4u9 i FOR RENT 8-room house. 1340 So. 27th St., modern except furnace; perfect con dition, storm doors and windows; $24. See this place. GARVIN BROS., 1H Far- . nam. D 455 2 AN 8-ROOM house with bath and all mod ern Improvements, 2'1 Harney. Apply at No. 633. Allen Koch. D 476 $ HOUSES FOR RENT. $50 New 8-room bouses, Douglas near S4th St., modern In every respect, $40 10-room modern houses, close in suit able tor roomers. See us. $J0 10.11 8. 38th St., 10-room modern house, t6 CM S. SPth st., 8 rooms, modern, A m 8. 38th St., 8 rooms, modern. Hci 115 8. 3Mh st new, 8 rooms. (.IS 9 N. SUth st., new, 8 rooms. $:t5 633 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern. $25 ?113 Locust, 7 rooms, modem except furnace. $34163 Perk ave . 8 rooms, modern. R. V. PETERS c CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg D-471 t 2? houses, different locations F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St D 469 I ALL or most of six -room house, larg rooms, city water and sewer connection. No children, iuii N. tfta. D-o4 ix SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES. MASONIC A5SOCSC EMEtTs. Masonte Temple, Cesser llxteesta and CaW tol Areoiae. NKI.ilASKA LODGE NO. 1. A. F. A. M. Regular meeting Tuesday evening, Octo ber 4, at 7 80 p. m. Vlslti-s welcome. Charles L Bhovh. Master. W. C. McLean, Sec y. CAPITOL LODGE, NO. S. A. F. A. M. Regular meeting Monday evening, Octo ber 3. at 7:30 p. m. R. V. Cole, Master. COVERT LODGE. NO. 11, A. F. Ai A M Regular meeting Wednesday evening, t)0 tober 6, at 7:8j p. m. Visitors welcome, i Allen Romano, Master. F. W. Buyer, Sec y. 8T. JOHN'S LODGE, NO. 25, A. F. & A. M. Regular meeting Thursday evening, October 6, at T 80. Albert P. Johnson, Master. Carl E. Herring. Secretary. OMAHA CHAPTER, NO. 1, R. A. M.-Reg-ular convocation Tuesday evening tcto ber 4. Hugh A. Hippie, Secretary. BELLEVUE CHAPTER, NO. 7. R. A. M Regular communication Wednesday, Octo ber 19, at 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER, NO. 162. O. E." 8. Regular meeting Saturday evening, October 8, at 7:30 o'clock. Carl E. Herring. Patron. Ada 'Thomas, worthy Matron. VESTA CHAPTER, NO. 6, O. E. 8-Ppe-clal meeting Saturday evening. October 15, at 7:30 p. m. Visitors wo. come, W. Wallace, Sec'y. MT. CALVARY COMMANDEHY. NO. 1, K. T. Regular conclave first Friday In each month. Eben K, Long, Recorder. KMUIITS OF PYTHIAS. NEBRASKA LODGE NO 1 Special meet ing 7 p. m. Monday at Myrtle hall. Con tinental Mock. ;th and Douglas, trom which all present will attend street fair in a body. 'All "K. l'. s" Invited. H. B. Anderson, C. C. Roy A. Dodge, K. R. and 8. TRIANGLE IX3DGE NO. 64-Meets every Thursday evening, Castle hall, 22 d and Cuming. Visitors always welcome. Spe cial social se;slon for members and their families October 20. Refreshments. D. B. Stein, C. C. J. R. Stein, K. R. and 8. I. O. O. F. STATE LODGE, NO. 10 Meets every Mon day In I. O. O F. hall, northwest corner Fourteenth and Dodge streets. C. M. Coffin, Sec'y, 1614 Dodge. BEACON LODGE, NO. 20. Moot every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m., In 1, O. O. F. hall, Fourteenth and Dodge street, E. C. Burkett, N. O. J. L. Alvlson, Sec'y. ROYAL ARCAM'M. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL, NO. 1039 Meeting second and fourth Mondays each month at Arcanum hall, northwest oorner Sixteenth and Harney. VisKor welcome. Alex Reed, Regent. Harry B. Morrill, Sec'y. PIONEER COUNCIL. NO. 118-Meets in rccular session Tuesday, October 11, in Continental block, Fifteenth and Douglas. Visitors Invited. Thomas G. Magrane, Sec'y. CLAIRVOYANT AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS I Should all avnll themselves cf consu'tlng Omaha's favorite "llf reader," MME. GYLMER Scientific Palmist. This wonderful womtn ha been In Omaha for more than 7 years, during which time ah has practiced palmistry continuously and her work has been eminently satis factory. This woman's advice is always a factor for gocd. If In trouble she can help you. Don't hesitate to see her. Par lor. 715 N. 23d st. S-449 GYLMER, palmist, 718 Noi-th Twenty-third. Telephone B3245. S 149 Don't Go Away Before You Consult Omaha's Renowned PALMIST Mme. Gylmer is conceded to be the great est of all life readers. This wonderful woman ha been in Omaha for seven years, during which time she has been consulted by thousands and not one dissatisfied person can be found. She is the master of palmistry and her life reading are always absolutely accurate she can tell you anything you desire to know. If In trouble she can help you; her advice Is beneficial; her Instructions are consoling, for she informs you how to overcome the difficulties you have to contend with. On October 9 Mme. Gylmer leaves for the coast on a recreation trip and will be absent from the city for several weeks. Those who are contemplating a consulta tion should see her this week. Parlors, 716 North Twenty-third street. B YOUR FUTURE FREE. If slcknma, dea.tu, accidents, law busi ness, speculations, love, courtship, mar riage, uivorce or any aftalr of Hie interest you, take advantage ot aoove oiler FREE. Send ten cents expense ot correspondence, sell-addressed slumped envelope and six most Important questions. Address Patri cia Adams, clairvoyant, asti'ologiet, iDoi Drexel Blvd., Chicago, ill. b 3,0 ix YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants; send blrthuate, dime and tamp. Prof. Carl & Roliui, 490 N. Clark bu, Chicago. 8318 2x MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY yUKhN OF CLAIHVOVAN'lS; every thing to. a, past, present and future; satisfaction or no puy; also a wonuerlui magnetlo healer. 60 N. 1Mb St. S 603 3x USUAL NOTICES. BOND SALE. Office of the cny Cleik, South Omaha, iicD., September 2u, 19u. beulcd uius auuresoed tu the undersigned ana marked "Prupcwala tor liouus," wtu be lecelvt-u until 8 o cluck p. m. ui ociobur 3, A. D. 19o, at the oitlco OX lite cuy clerk, South (juiana, Nebraska. For the purchase ui the following Issutg of city bonds: First of renewal bonds, In denomi nations ot oo0 eacn, ujiea October 1, isivt, puabia iwuiity ouis tutor uuu-, luieiest at 6 per cent per annum, payuule keuii annually, optional alter nvo yeurs, Tiieje are bonds to reut-em certain butslanuli.g ulstrlut and improvement bonds heretofore Issued. (Second $-'1,000 in District Street Improve ment Bonus of the city of South Omuha, issued tor the purpote ot paving, curbing and Improvement in improvement District "C," Paving District il, i,p.,uii: urcer live years; interest u per tent, paabi annu ally, dated Stplemoer 1 I;! and numbered from 1 to 4u, boiu Inclusive, inua bonds are geneial obligations of the citr Said bonds shall te Issued in such de nomination o as thai one-ten Hi of the above named prlnclpul sum rhull mature and be payable in one year from date, one tenth th.reof ahull mature uuu be pjyi. two years Ironi Out, and likewise io the residue of the principal sum, one-tenth ma turing on inch of tne following tears. Third $2.4uO In "District Stieet improve ment Bonds" of the city of boulh Omaha, Issued lor the purpose of paying fur th curbing and impiovjninita In Improvement District "D." Paving District Is, dated Oo tober 1, 194; Inttrvst 6 per cent per snnutn, payable annually, n umbered rota J to 10, LEGAL NOTICES. bvth Inclusive; options! after Are years. These bonds are general obligations of lbs city. 8ald bonds shall be Issued In such d nominations so as that one-tenth of the principal sum sh.ill be due and payable In one year from date, one-tenth thereof shall be due and payable In two years front date, and likewise as to the residue of said prin cipal sum. one-tenth maturing on eaca of the following years. Each bid shall state separately the amount offered a "Principal" and "pre mlum;" and that "Aocrued Interest" will be paid to date of delivery and payment of bonds. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a national or state bank. In the sum of $1.6onL and made payable to the city, as an evidence of good faith on the part of the bidder. The City Council reserves the right ta relect any or all bids, or waive defects. By order of the City Council. JOHN J. GILL1N. City Clerk. S26d7tm O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. I I 1613 Farncm Street. WILL GET TOUR BAGGAGE THERB ON TIME. MS RAILWAY TIME CARD. I'MO.N STATION TKS Til AND HARCY. Chicago, Rock Island Paetfle. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Ltd.. a 3.66 am Chicago Daylight Local.b 1:00 am a I $6 pns Chlctttfo Expre: bl2:0i pm a 6:16 pru Des Monies Express. ...a 4 :80 pm bll.M mil Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:40 pm a 1:90 pa WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7 JO am a 8:60 Llucuin, Colo, bpiliigs, Denver, Puebla and west a 1:30 pm a 1:01 pa Chicago A. Northwesters,. Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm 7:30 turn Local Chicago all:80 ain Mail a 6.10 pin 8:90 ant Daylight St. I'aul at.ftam 10:00 pm Daylight Chicago a 7:10 11:60 pro Limiud Chicago a 6:26 pm 1:16 am Local Carroll a 4:oo pm 9:30 au Fast St. PauL ...a 6:16 pm 7.06 ana Local bloux C. A St. P.b 4:00 pm a 8:30 am Fust Mall a 9:60 put Chicago Express a 8:46 pm Norfolk & BonesUel....a 7:40 am 10:36 am Lincoln t Long Pliie.;..b 7:40 am 10:36 am Deadwood k Lincoln. ...a 2.50 pm 6:16 pm Casper & Wyoming d 2:50 pm 6:16 pm Hastings-Albion b 2:60 pm 6:16 pm Union Faolfie. The Overland Ltd a 9:40 am a 8 .-06 pm Colo, and Cala. Exp a 4:10 pm a 6:40 ta Chicago-Portland Spec. .a 4:20 pm Eastern Expresj a 5: JO pm Columbus Local ,b 8:00 pm b 9:t6 am Colorado Special a 7:46 am Chicago Special., a 6:60 am Beatrice Local b 3:60 pm b 1:16 pm Fast Mail a 6:60 am 1:30 pm Missouri Facia. St. Louts Express.. j.. ,.al0:46 am a (:30 pro Kan. City Ac St. L Ex..all:46 pm a 7:00 pm World's Fair Special. ...a 5.30 pm allA) pm Chicago Great Westers. St. Paul & Minn., Ltd. .a 6:30 pm a 7:15 am 6t. Paul & Minn. Exp. .a 7:36 am a 6:20 pm Chicago Limited a 4:60 pm all): 30 am Chicago Express a 4:30 am a 4:06 pm S. L. Cannon Ball Ex. ..a 6:30 pm a 1:30 am Wabash. New World's Fair a 7:46 am a 1:00 pm Local from C. Bluffs... a 6:16 am a 1:00 pm Ulluols Central. Chicago Express a 7:60 am al0:38 pm Chicago Limited a i oO pm a 8:06 am Minn. A St. Paul Ex...b7:60am hl0:35 cm Minn. & St. I'aul Ltd. ..a 7:60 pm a 8:06 pm Clilcauro, Milrraakee SV St. PaaL Chtcugo Daylight Ex.. .a 7:6s am all:00 pm California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited 8:20 pm a 7:36 am Des. M. & Okoboji Ex.. a 7:t6 ain a 1:10 pm BURLINGTON STATION-10TH MASON Clifoasro, Bnr'lngton A Qntacjr. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:55 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:36 am Chicago Local a 9:16 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:40 pm Fast Mall 1:4 pm Barllnston A MIsonrI River. Wymore & Beat & Line. a 8:60 m bl2:06 pm Nebruska Express a 8:60 am a 7:40 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am B. Hills & Puget S. Ex..all:10 pm a 6.08 pm Colo. Vestlbuled Flyer.. a 8:80 pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:67 pm al2:06 pm Ft. Crook & Plait b 2:62 pm 10:36 am Bellevue & Pao. Jet. ...a 7:60 pm a 8:26 am Bellevue & Pac. Jet. ...a 8:30 am Kansas City, St. Jom A Coameil BlvsTa, Kansas City Day Ex... a 9:15 am a 6:03 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:26 pm all: OS am Kansas City Night Ex.. a!0:46 pm a 6:46 am WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH WBBSTHR. Missouri Paciflc. Nebraska Looal Ma Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al2:35 pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.... b 1:30 em b t:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm oll:30ara Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Daltjr except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. K you want anything in the vehicle line, especially nice and stylish, it will certainly pay you to look over our line. We have without doubt the finest line of pleasure and business vehicles ever brought to Omaha. Save money by buying direct from the manufactur er's agents. Johnson & Danforth, Sattley Building. 5. W. Cor. 10th & Jones Sts., OMAHA, NEB. F.ntrauco from tlio West Bid of Tenth Street Vluduot. V4 It DICPUTV STATE VETERINARIAN. CITY VlSTKRINARIAlf. H. L RAMACCIOTTI 0. V. 8. lUFFOU i DATE OMAHA. NEB. Telecbone 8M.