15 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE F0R SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALEREAL ESTATE THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1904. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1609 Farnam St.; Ground Floor. Phone 1606 H ICi Manderson St, I rooms, all modern, 11ns shad trees, very fine home, i3,5"0. IOCS N. 23d St., Bemia Park, 6 rooma, modern. $2,lcO. tfth and Ohio. fine T-room house, nearly new, aouth front, 12,350. 24 California Et.. 7 rooma, nearly mod. rn. on oar Una, $2,400. 101 Locust, k rnofT all modern but fur nace, a snap at $2,400. Davenport and i-th 8t near Boulevard, rooms, part modern, S2.J00. 2616 Ames Av. nearlv new 8-room mod. rn cottage, $2.1). mt N. i'.th St., -room modern cottage, tl.SOO. .' ALL NEW HOOSES We can build you a home to ault. If we have not got Just what you want. Look at these: 1106 8. 27th St., new, ( rooms; all modern but furnace; price S2.6TO; easy terms. 1615 Evans St., Bluff View, new 6-room house; all modern but furnace; bath room down stairs; this Is n benty; price $2,660. 1517 rinkney St., Bluff View, new square house, rooms; ell modern; built by day'a labor; we Invite Inspection: price $2.ri. 24o7 N. 27th Ave., new 6-ronra, attractive house; modern but furnace; 'j block from Dodge Bt. car m Lbke; now rented $? a month; price 12,409. 25th Ave., near Cumin St.. new, mr.dorn cottage on very lnrge lot with room for another house; Just finished; price $2.3.V. 2228 Maple St.. 7 rooms; all modern: nuth ironi; electric iignts; a nne imuie, j.wj. On N. 21th St., close to Sprag i. new -room, all modern home; full cellar; on .raved street: permanent sidewalks and jMir; only $8,100. HASTINGS 1809H Farnam St. W. FAfcNAM SMITH & CO. We are offering for a nonresident a . choice 7-room MODERN RESIDENCE built for a home, la walking distance, on Dodge at. Price, $3,350. A desirable home In CLIFTON HILL 8 rooms, fine grounds, shads and fruit, barn. Price, $2,300. Double brick flat building in HANSCOM PLACE Owner will sell at a bargain; rentals, $840 per year; this choice INVESTMENT will pay 16 per cent or better. LOTS All prices lota for everybody. Get prices. FARM The Davis farm, on paved road, only a few minutes from Omaha; 145 acres at $10) per acre. Big bargain. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. HE- FOn BALES OR RENT. A farm of 10 acres with 1 t'cre of grapes and 1 acre of cherries and apples. Plums and garden, fine place for chicken farm. witn goou 6-room nouse nna Darn, or win (trade for city property, close In. Arnly 1S09 Douglas. 2x Illiia. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-120 AK-SAR-BEN BARGAIN. That substantial three-story brick building, Nos. 1921-1923, XeaVenworth street, with cottage adjoining, No. 1915 Leaven worth street, and ample vacant ground upon which to duplicate he brick. BE WISE ?Vnd put yourself in shape to profit tame time have a good income producing investment. " FOR SALE BY , Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Building, Phone 722 WHY DON'T YOU BUY? Om of those beautiful lots on Lafayette are. or Hamilton street. They are the BEST BARGAINS IN BEMJ3 PARK. New houses all around. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. Sole Agent. 1802 Farnam Street. Tel. 53. RE-291 a VIF TOU want to buy. sell, rent, borrow I s, money, sell notei or account, call at R. 3, I iM 'Phone 133. Glover Son. I c FbR SALE t Several , , Bargains i On Farnam St. Bet tfth and 16th Sts. u STRICTLY MODERN Real Estate Men should investigate. ! Price $20$40 For particular see JpSHER, The Trj H 83U Myrtle (Bemls Park), 4 roomt; mod ern; south front. $3,n00. We are Jusl fretting ready to build five new houses; If you want one call and wt win mow yuu pians. LOTS J5f0 P-emls Pnrk, southeast corner 24th and LAiayetie ta. $1S0, northeast corner 23d and Laird. $S6, northwest corner 17th and Ppruce. $o. east front on lHth 8t. boulevard. $5w0. west front on K'th boulevard; small lot. $sv will buy 7 lots, all together. In rjrnm mercy Park add., near Walnut Hill car line. BLUFF VIEW The best and cheapest Iota In Omaha for the money on North l5th atTeet, Just north and ent of Kountze Place: $500. $550. $iW0 and 1650. Paving paid on 16th atreet lota. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS $8 and $9 an Acre An eastern mortgage company has In. trueted us to sell about 50 100-acre pieces of land In Hand county. So. Dakota, for $S and $3 an acre, on terms about (2 and S3 an acre down and long time on the balance. These lands are slightly rolling and close to railroads. This country Is about 90 mllea north of the Rosebud reser. vation. Low railroad rates to look nt these lands. Write for further Information. FINE DOUBLE CORNER In Hanscom Park Addition 100x150 feet on Georgia Ave., paving paid In full: will divide Into S lota. Price for cash, 11,900. & HEYDEN "Phone 1606. RFV- WANTED A newly married couple to buy 951 North 25th ave.. a new G-room cottage. Just finished and ready to move in. Lot 5-'xHO, nicely graded and sodded, permanent side walk. Owner will sell on payments. CHOICE" LOTS On West Harney st., $30 per foot. FINE CORNER LOT 36th and Dodge $1,250. ' On Capitol Ave. and 30th St 900 SPECIAL The lnte Judge Ogden home on 39th St., near Farnam. Is being offered at a very low figure. This Is u beautiful home in Oman 8 best street. Look at it. Uur sign 18 THE BYRON REED CO. 212 So. 14th Bt. REV- LOT AT BIG SACRIFICE. A lot. 35 feet frontage, on South 20th street, near lastellar street, paved street, paving all paid, sewer, gas, city water, electric light, sidewalk. Only $426. CHEAP. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 420 2 by Omaha's growth and at the Rffi- AK-SAR-BEN REAL ESTATE Wa welcome all visitors to our city dur ing carnival week and cordially invite you1 to make our offices your headquarters. If interested in city real estate, we ahall be pleased to give you any information de sired, and would especially appreciate an opportunity to ahow you some of our choice bargains, a few of which we list herewith: 41' Lafayette ave., a beautiful modern eight-room house, with fine shade, south and east front, paved street, for $4,500. 41'62 Harney st, eight rooms, with fins bath room, open plumbing, gas, hot and cold water, with two lota, till kinds of fruit, chicken houses, chicken yards, prop erty in fine condition; only $2,500. On S. 16th St., a fine property with ground 8SxijO. five-room cotiHte, lots of fruit, fine garden tract, Immediate possession; owner removed to California. Price, $1,800. S61!4 Charles St., a nice cottage home, with fine shade, large lot. 00x127, three blocks from the Harney car line; only W.X. Easy terms. Fine Investment In Hanscom park dis trict, new house with eight living rooms, strictly modern, gas and electric light, relating for $35 per month. Price, $3,600. - VACANT PROPERTY Fine building lot. south front, wilh sewer, water and gas in street, one block from car, three block from Crelghton college: only $tiu). Two east front lots near Dodge, In KJlby Place, for $750. turner lm in Pemls park, $TM. Ten acres, well Improved, with all kinds of fruit, wall located, to be sold on reason able terms. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sixth Floor N. T. Life Bldg. RE MUST SELL GOING TO LEAVE TOWN BUT I WILL BETBACK AGAIN. A GREAT MANY PEOPLE ADVERTISE) THAT WAY. BUT THEY ONLY OO TO COUNCIL BLUFFS AND TAKE NEXT CAR BACK. I have more houses thsn money. This Is unfortunate for me, but it will be to your advantage if you get one of the modern 6 to lu-roum houses I am offering In West Farnam district at large discounts. "Are you from Missouri?" I have sold two houses within one week. Price, house and location must be right. ED. O. HAMILTON, , m B. 17th St. KB CALIFORNIA HOMF8 ANDflfPWT. MENT Choice fruu, poultry, truck, dairy; alUlfa ranches adjoining town. up atarta you. Free trip with purchase. BiUUmC Realty Co., Fresno, California. RE We tx SWEET 61 N. Y. LIFE. We offer today a few properties at once, almost without reference to price. If you are looking for a bargain, read the following and see us im ediately. wo cash and balance easy monthly payments for new 6-room cottage, porcelain bath, closet, enamel sink, gas, east front, large shade trees, lot 53xK, fino location north, near car and school; prices, only $1,600. See us Monday for this. $1,000.00 for a good 6-room cottage and full east front lot near 24th and Ames. THIS 13 A SNAP. $2,600 will buy an S-room all modern residence, reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, 3 bed rooms and bath; best nickel plumbing, underfeed furnace,- corner lot, oh car line and near school. Excellent lo cation and a great snap. Be sure to look this up. $2,900 for a pew S-room modern, except furnace; Bemls park. THIS IS A BARGAIN. LAND 320 acres of land, living water, nearly level, near Holyoke, Colo., worthbout $4.50 per acre, but we can deliver it for 2.25 per acre IF SOLD AT ONCE. v . SWEET Tel. 1472. TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE On a corner lot, in a good location in the retail district of Omaha, we are authorized to dispose of an investment property earning almost 6 per cent net on $40,000 for the sum of $li?,000. The. building is of a substantial is always rented to ood tenants $25 per month if desired to place joining. I ntlr-r tli'1 tcuns ni trie trust we ore permitted to sen this property, as stated above, for 18,000, ?9,000 cash, the balance to run along at .6 per cent. We regard this as one of the most attractive of bargains, combining as it does both the ture. The property is really a In the West Farnam district, we can sell you a 9-room house, completely modern, erected about three years ago on a cor ner lot in a good location, for This would be a safe purchase West Farnam district it is what To the prospective purchaser: Keep your eyes focused on this central spot in The Sunday Bee and you will see a bargain every time. Each property advertised must pass the test of a close scrunity both as to desirability and cheapness before we will have anything to do with it. And as to values, our judgment1 in that regard has been tested enough ing the past few years, we have Omaha for the following named concerns, among others: Crane Company, Lee-Glass-Andreeson Co. Kingman Implement Co. U. S. Supply Co., Orchard-Wilhelm Co Hygeia Creamery Co. The Omaha Auditorium Co And The Creighton Law School. DENNEY, TRUSTEE,- 524-5 Paxton Block. DESIRABLEHUUSE FOR SALE $2,500. n $604 South 20th street. 8 rooms, strictly mod ern: two mantels and grate; combination fixtures; house newly painted and just put in first-class condition; house alone cost over $3,000. Easy terms. GEORGE St CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE-i7S a ' FOR SALE $7,000 First-class Double House, Rentals pay 6 net on $10,000. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved City Property. W. H. THOMAS, First Nat'l Bank Bids. GREAT BARGA INS CORN, WHEAT and ALFALFA LAND In OIL BELT of eastern Kansas at $15 to Ua per acre. Splendid fai tulng and stock raUlng country. Excellent markets, good school. One road, nice climate, produc tive soli. Terms one-halt cash. For list or additional Information address Ililanl P. Lockwood, Kansas City, Ma. RE-M347 t NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. T -room brick cottage, store building and cottage atiachvd. lot Jlxiu. u ear liue; rents $26; ti,b"), hall cash. Auply to owiMtr, lul NVT. life. Rii-iltt; & BEST TEL. 1472. that we are instructed to dispose of $2500 l-room, modern except furnace, on South itn near Vinton, paving raia, joi wxik. tIAKUAlN. $4,000 will buy a sp'endid new modern residence, almost new, on 19th near Burt St.; right down town ana a splendid investment or home. VACANT We hare some beautiful residence lots at low prices. we are going to sen them Make us a proposition to submit. :4th and Manderson, Maxysville add., fine new homes, big trees, paved streets, south iront lot tx.xi- tor only .'u. Another, S. W. Cor. 24th and Manderson, $KX. n..xl3D. Grant St., between 14th and 25th. $300. T 4Jxl32. Templeton St., $180. fluxllO, California and 3uth. east front, $00. J luts nt S. W. Cor. 33d and Gold, 52x112 each, only $Pi0 for all or $300 each. SNAP. 6xl3'i at 47th and Chicago, $2S0. tfxlUS at 27th and Spraffue, $160. 50xL28 at 43d and Emmet for $126. X & BEST 613 N. Y. Life RE brick build, is in splendid repair, and the rents may be increased same on a par with those ad investment and speculative fea safe buy at 30,000. $4,650, all but $1,800 to be cash in any portion of the city, in the we should call a snap. times now to be trusted. Dur selected and bought sites at RE COTTAGE FOR SALE-EASY PAYMENTS Sl.SM for 9fl6 N. 26th st, 5 large rooma, city water, gas. etc. Fine yard, barn, lot 62x125 feet. $600 cash, balance $15.00 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-298 J KU BRICK biota oo Ktb st., cost over $10,000 to build; will rent for $70 a, month; east ern owner will sell for $0,000; easy terms. Neat cottage and good lot on Blnney sL, only $1,000; $200 cash, balance monthly pay. meets. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bide. p.Z -jail HOUSE NEAR 17TH AND CUitINO 8T3.. $2,600.00. s No. 1 N. 27 th st.. Wt 12x126 ft-, 7 rooms, newly falnled, abundance of .fruit and shade trees in yard. QLOKGH COMPACT. MCI FAT.NAM ST. ME-I O .1 THE ABBOTT- COWAN CO. Tel. 3to& Room First Xftt. Bank Bldff. Why pay rent any longer? Why not buy a home with that rent and then have something rto show for your money. - Call on us tell us just what you'd like to have and see how hearly we fit your idea of a home. $9,000 A beautiful, almost new, modern home in West Farnam, across the street and facing the most beautiful home in the cltv. $5,800 44th and Flurney, 8 rooms, oak finish, modern in every way. An elegant home. $3,500-Mth and Harney, a little smaller than aDove house, thoroughly mrxiern and good. Choice properties in west ar nam are nellinr fast, lletter buv now. $4,500 42d and Parnam, 1'i-room house, mod ern in every rxirtlculnr: nice lawn. driveway and barn. Good substan tial home. $4,J00 35th street, south of Dodge, 7 rooms ana Data, almost new. $1,200 J4th ave., S rooms, entirely modern. Near All Snints' rhnrrh. $4,100 2tSth ave., 7 rooms, built about I years, within one block of All saints church. $3,800 36th and Jackson, 8 rooms, all nice and large, modern throughout. This must be sold. See this, you'll say it's cood. $3,(C0 Across from Rlvervlew park, 1 block irom Dest car line in town, i rooms, modern, built for a home; beautiful lawn and view. $8,000 $1.50M each, 1 block from car, 6 rooms. raruy modern, inese are in excel lent condition. $2,000 2oth and Wirt, 8 rooms, modern, larjre lot, driveway and barn. A splendid home. $2.!10 Bluff View, 6 rooms, modern. $2.860 Bluff View, 6 rooms, modern. 2.6o 27th and Pierce, 6 rooms, modern. $2,450 2Sth and Woolworth ave., 8 rooms, moriern, in good condition. This is a SNAP. H,?00 I and Ohio sts., 6 rooms, modern. large lot and barn. Hot water heat ing plant; requires only 2 tons semi anthracite coal per winter. Must be sold. $1,600 Within few blocks of town, S rooms, nartlv modern. This is ciean. $1,800 North at end of Ames ave. car line,. 6-room, modern cottage. A cozy home with nice large lawn. Bha1e In front and fruit trees in back. This is not old It's good. Owner would rather sell at sacrifice than rent. $10,000 $400 for lots. Ask us what we have. You'd better buy that home this fall before prices advance again. THE ABBOTT- COWAN CO. Tel. 3906. 304 First Nat Bank BMg. RE KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS One-half block west of Sherman avenue, on Locust street, full two-story house, electric lights and gas, porcelain bath, full south front lot. House Is very well built and BRICK LIKED, making it very warm. Price, $3,800. Owner Is very anxious to sell, so look at this at once and see me. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 388. RE) Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Telephone 1781. 17th and Canton sts., a neat 6-room cot tage, good repair; can be bought on easy terms. 26th and Burt sts., 6-room cottage, south front, nice shade trees; price, $1,250. 29h and Leavenworth, 2 cottages, rent for $47.60, can be purchased so that they will be a good Investment. All special taxes paid. . 4i Cuming St., 7-room houce. gas, city water and barn; price, $2,000. Easy terms. On. N. 24th, fine brick 2-story building and two residences; rent for $121 a month Price, $12,000. Easy terms. 4324 Corby st.. 7-room house, barn, chicken house, 3 lots; $1,800. r ' VACANT 100 feet east front on 16th St., which ex tends through to 17th st., not far from the Her Grand hotel. Price, $20.0CO. It is the cheapest piece of inside property on the market. There ia a .chance to make some money on It. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. reiepnone l.si. RE BEMIS PARK BARGAIN 1420 Hawthorn Ave., 8-room modern house with furnace, porcelain bath and gaa, cemented cellar under whole house, con crete walk. phalt paved aircet. All special and regular taxes paid. Owner leaving the city. Possession at once. Price. $3,100. J. H. SHERWOOD, 37 N. Y. Life. 'Phojie 38S. FARMS NEAR OMAHA 10 acres one mile from LaPlatte $60 per lOeacres ten miles N. W, of Omaha-$65 per acre. to acres four, miles south of Blolr $65 per acre. 40 acres 3H miles S. W. of Calhoun $67.6) ner acre. 160 acres Ave miles S. E. of Gretna- $75 per acre. $20 acres one mile from Springfield $75 per acre. $0 acres near Irvington, on Military road $80 per acre. 10 acres SV miles S. W. of Calhoun $30 per acre. J37 acres 6Va miles south of South Omaha $90 per acre. 40 acres 7 miles X. W. of Omaha, post office $126 per acre. GEORGE ec CO., 1601 Farnam. RE 280 1 MEYRS-DILLON Paint Department eOLB AGENTS FOR Lowe Bros. "High Standard' Paints, Murphy's Varnishes, M and M Creosote Shingle Stain. JOBBERS OP i (jlass. Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Brushes and Painters' Supplies. lilt HARNET ST. TELEPHONE 8426 OMAHA. ' RB D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N. Y. Lite. Owners Want to Close $1,060 5-room house, 47-ft. lot, near ISth and Corby sts. Bargain. $1,150 Neat 6-room house nnd lot near 24th and LeAvenwnrth st. $1,250 $1.5m. $1.9 for choice of three houses and lots nenr Zilh and JIasnn. I hese are cluee in, walking distance and improvements gointc on In this vicin ity: nrettv sure to IncreHS $2,000 2w I'lercw St.. i-ronm porcelain bath. water and gas; corner lot. 4-jXIM It. Fine rcnalr. $2,500 Near lMh nnd Iocust, new 6-room house, striotlv mod.. llh ftirnare. $2,600 Corner on Boulevard near 7th and Bancroft, nearly new, tine ,-rooin house, strictiv modern. Very choiov. $3,0001212 go. 17th St., 9-rmim, 2-story house, city water, good repair. $3,300 Near 27ih and Pnppleton ave.. nearly new 9-room house, mod , j-f t . lot. Owners anxious to cluse out quick. See us about it. $3,400 New 6-room house, Kountze Place, strictly mod., furnace, tine lot, 63xlJS feet. $3,650 Near 2Cd and Maple sts., fine, new, handsome 7-room house, mod., full lot. Choice. $ 1112 Bo. 31st St.. finest section Hans com Place. good 9-room house, strictly mod., fine oak finish, txautl ful oak floors, fine east front lot. Inrire barn, stone walk, steps, etc. Owner expects to leave the city. Want to make quick sale. This la , first-class. t S. W. cor. 2th ave. and Farnam, beautiful grounds, 137x142 ft., street on three sides, fine shade, fruit, shrubbery, etc., modern 9-room house, beautiful home and the grounds are extremely choice. Investigate quick. VACANT t 7650x132 ft., 3 blocks north of Country club and BenBon car line. $ 125 5xl3;S ft., east front, 41st. 150 ft. so. of Marcv. 2 blocks from car. Sightly view. SNAP. t 200 55xl4i ft., itth and California, below grade, but a snap, f 225011x15 ft., on Dupont St.. H block from Geo. ave. car and paved street, perfect greile, sewer nnd water in; $25 cash, J10 per month. 275 Si'xllO ft., 41st. between California and Burt sts.. lyinp fine. Choice of sev eral lols, the htft bitrgains in the city FOR' RENT 8301 Lincoln Blvd., Srooms, new, all mod ern, $40. 34th ard Harney sts, 8-room modern brick nat, $35. 23JO N. 28th ave.. splendid B-room house, modern, in fine condition, $25.00. Ww Marry ft.. 7-room house, modern except furnace, $25.00. 222S Maple st., 7 rooms, new, VERY FINE, $35.00. S51D Lafayette ave.. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $20.00. 2758 Webster, 7 rooms, $25.00. 29th and Dwey ave.. 7 rooms, flat, $22.50. 12 h N. 24lh st., Kood brli k otora building, city water inside, 1 block from new shoe factory on Hamilton, $15.00. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone 17S1. RE 435 2 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1,800 and the other $2,450. FHI.MER & CHASE. , Builders of Modern Houses. RE MGll WANTED To rent, farms for season 1906; cash or shares. List your land with me and get choice of tenants for coming year. Will M. Donelan, Glenwood, la. RE 391 2x THOMAS BRENNAN Room 1, New York Life Bldg. ' W. H. CRARY, Manager Real Estate Department. 613 North 82d street, cottage and barn, lot 60x114; price. $1200 8026 Charles street, two-story house and loi; price ...,. $1,500 1237 South 13th, good cottage, all special taxes paid; price.. ..$1,600 33G North 3Gth Ave., 2-story house and full lot; rH" - $1,500 1254 North 27th street, lot, house and barn; price ..... .$1,500 1010 North 27th .street, 6-room cottage; price .$1,500 204 North 44th street, 2-story brick house and full lot; price..... ....... $1,500 2412-14 South 17th street, 1 brick and 1 frame house, full lot; price... ...$1,600 1335 S. 30th Are., fronting Hanscom park, 0-room cottage full lot; price.. .$2,000 - 614 South 35th, 2-story brick house, corner lot, 66x124; price $2,000 825 S. 34th, 2-story house, newly painted, lot '&0X128, fronting the Boule vard; price $2J.0O 1114 South 28th street, neat modern cottage, full east front, lot In Han scom Place, paving paid; price ......$2,200 2613, Davenport street, modern, 7-room cottage; price $2,200 1911 South 15th street, 2-story frame house, modern except furnace, good ' lot-; price ....... ...$2,300 704 South 36th street, neat modern cottage; price 702 South 36th street, neat cottage and barn, corner lot; price... $2,500 1815 Cass street, nice 7-room frame residence; price ......$2,500 2212 North 10th street, 8-room modern house, on the Boulevard; price. .$3,000 And Many Others SHIMER & CHASE, ' Builders of Modern Houses. $3,000 Six-room house, all modern, furnace, latest plumbing, cemented cellar, shade trees, south front on Farnam street; fine home. $3,300 Seven-room new house, 19th St. boulevard, east front, walking dis tance, all modern. $2,200 Seven rooms, modern except furnace; close in; a snap. $2,600 Nice 8-room house on Tempelton ave.; soft coal furnace, bath, guod barn. $3,600 Eight rooms, modern except furnace; barn, paved street; Hanscom park dls'.rlct; a desirable home, and cheap, $3,300 9-room residence, thr.?e blocks from court house, paved street, a certain bargain. See ua quick about this. $4,750 A very fine new house with 8 roi mi, hardwood finish, good new barn, best property on West Farnam FOR THE PRICE. $2,700 Six-room new house, all modern, well located; a dandy nice home. $1,700 Five rooms, new house, on car line; modern except furnace. $1,150 Five-room cottage, city water, sewer, meter, closet. Bargain. SHIMER & CHASE, Ground Floor, 16C9 Farnam St. 'Phone 3S67. RE- SNAP S brick stores and rooms above, all rented; will sell on monthly payments. 10u Capitol ave. RE M9&1 4x W. H. GATES' 07 N. T. Life. Phone 1291 Southeast comer 18th and Grace streets, 4-room cottage and lot 33x140; can be bought for $1,250. (-room, new, modern except - furnace, I rooms upstairs and 3 downstairs, nicely arranged, up-to-date, well built, nice lay ing lot, located In northern part of city In good neighborhood; party who built the house has died' and the place must be sold this coming week. LOT nice corner on Dodge street. In West Farnam district, is offered at a very low figure for quick sale. Only $1,276 for a 6-room cottage, city water, gas fixtures, cesspool, good ' order, full lot, fruit gad shade, one block from car and paved street; owner la leaving city and must sell fcU week, RE Telephone 49. These Properties Out I of Omaha. Choice neighborhood. Buy one of these lots quick. The are seliins fast. t $00 West front on Kid at., 40 ft. so. o Central boulevard. Big snap. $ 70o ixl24 ft., so lront, l.ocut st be tween itilh and 17th. SNAP. $1,200 S. W. corner lMh and Spencer, 74124 paved and rald for. H.S30-N. K. cor. 26th and Emmet, 74x124 ft. Very choice. $1,800 SoxIim ft., east front on S6tb, 137 ft, "so. of Jackson. $2,250 ooxln) ft., no. front on Dewey eve bet ween 39th and 4oth. $4,200 24xl25 ft., east front. SSth ave., 254 ft. no. of Farnam. Very choice. NORTH BOULEVARD East front lots bo. of Clark St., J5 to 60 ft. front by 140 ft. deep, at tJ per front foot. Choaprst lots in walking distance of U. P. shuiig. BRIGGS SUB On ?1t between Mason and Pieroe sts., new addition. Just toeing put in sliape. Fine levul ground. Lots 3o to 60 ft. front by 132 ft. deep to alley, from $40 to $1.3U rep lot. Easy walking distance. These lota are sure to advance. Railroad improve ments in this vicinity are crowding out owners east of 30th and this ground will double in" value. Call at the office foe plat, prices, terms, etc EXCHANGE One of the finest residences in the city of Omaha, with beautiful grounds, all clear, cost over $25,000, to exchange clear for a, good farm. Would pay a little cash differ ence. An opportunity for somono wlsulnf to mve to Omaha. A three-story brick block. K stores and 19 flats, well located, close In, costing ovef $45.ui0. W11K exchange olear, valued at $-'7,.ii0, for good clear land, improved of unimproved. Block can be made to rent for $4,000 per year by spending a llttl money. RKAL ESTATE IB tOOKINO CT. NEXT YEAR PROMISES TO BB THE BEST YEAR IN REAL. ESTATE CIRCLES SINCE THE BOOM DAY 8. IF Y"Ot? ARE IN THE MARKET OR HAVE) MONEY TO INVEST, SEE- U& RB H 5150 Cash H Balance $17.50 er month, wffj trey a nice new 7-room bouse and it lots. 100x120 feet. Price, $1,200. 10 Cash Balance on easy monthly payments, will buy a nice 4-room cottage with large lot. 60x120. Price $500. Price $800. Hastings & Heyden, ' RE W I LOTS! LOTS! LOTSl We still have a few choice lots In our Mills Park addition, on car line and paved street, adjoining park. $100 up. $6 down and bal ance to suit. BEMI8, PAXTON BLOCK. ' RE421 S CHAS-UilliomoAn f U. 8. Bk Bid. at. iiuuauuuHww., 1st Floor. re ni NORTH SIDE BARGAIN, -room, brand new house, oil finish woo4 work, bed room finished in white enameU South and east exposure, large lot, near car line. Good neighborhood, near 24ta and Fort streets. Prloe. only $1,00. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. , RB-M I KB FLORENCE BOULEVARD, 50x330 FBEJTt ALtO FRONTS WEST ON 34ra STREET; $5 JO. BRICK HOl'SQ, CLOSE IN, $1,S50. 1714 S. 13TH ST, RENTAL $240; $1.00, 215 S. 29TH AVE., MODERN, $2,300. S. l'.TH ST., 4 HOUSES, RENTAL U0t $4,5t0. E,r, ACRES. 7-ROOM HOT'SE. $6,600. 7S ACRES, NEAR GRETNA. $5 600. 6 ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD. $., 107 ACRES NEAR IRVINGTON, $7,000. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE 286 1 FOR SALE Property near Hanscom Park addition, known as "The Howe - Place.' ten, twenty or thirty acres; section Sh 15-13. Address M. Howe, oaxe B. Hughes, South Omaha. RE 887 3 Full Dress Furnishings and Hats DUNLAP SILK HATS DUNLAP OPERA HATS IMPORTED OPERA HATS FULL DRESS SHIRTS GLOVES,- TIES, pC. C. H. FREDERICK CO., 1504 FARNAM ST. ! 1 . I. H if