Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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Advertisements tor tfcesa eolnnma
will ba taken until IS m. (or the
evenlnsr edition nnd ontll ) p. m. for
tko marnlnsr and Bandar edition.
Hatee 1 1-Se n word trnt Insertion,
le a, word there fte. Kethlnst take
far less than 2r for tba rut Inser
tlon. Their- ailvertlsemen's must bo
ran ronaroottrelr.
Advertisers, by reflneMlnar n
lere:l eboolr, ma bar answers mA.
dressed to a nnmbered letter ,ln ear
af The Ilea. Answers ao addressed
will bo delivered on presentation of
The Van Sant
. 716-717-713 N. Y. Life Bldg.
A specialty school for the training- of
stenographers. Equ:pmmt and me hods
first class.
Students pej-llolpate In actual work and
receive the antira compensation thne.or.
If for any reason a student deflies to
leave the school, money for unexpired tul
lion will ba refunded upon request.
A trial week la offered free to all. Th'a
give j an opportunity to see ths met ho. s of
teaching, equipment, the class of smuonta
In nttendunce and the results attained be
fore enrolling.
C VAN SANY , Proprietor
CUT-RATE TICKE'ltS everywhere. P. H.
Phllbin. 1504 Farnam and opp. Union sta,.
tion. Tela 7M and 16M. . K 97s
CITY HAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, nccommoda
lliig; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
R nSl
ANTI-MONOPOLY Qorbage Co., 821 N.
16th. Tti. )7.. R-W2
Bldg. H-.A
SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas.
POULTRY Success Dept O. B Spring,
field, O. ; ltth year; 82 to 80 pages; beau
tifully Illustrated; bttt wnUr; 50c fair;
specla'. introduction offer 1 year 2ic In
cluding large Illustrated poultry book
free; 4 months' trial loc; aomple free.
i R 3.3 2x
while in town visit the plant of the Omaha
Plating Co., which ! the ilnest and best
equipped west of Chicago. It will be Inter
esting to investigate tli. process of
The Omaha Plating Co. replaies anything
made of metal regardless of slse. There
are many sources ot economy, but none are
more important than the one developtd
through the art of Electro Plating. It U
now a simple matter to overcome toe ruin
ous effects of rust and tarnish and articlea
wnich have heretofore been ihrown away
because of the condition they get Into alter
a few years' use can be made guod as new
In Gold, Sliver, Nickel, Brass or Bronse.
Note the following list which may srve
aa a suggestion:
Electrical Supplies, Coffin Trimmings,
Furniture 'trimmings, Bucklea.
Uaa Fixtures, Grains, Buttons,
Wire Goods. Grill Work, Bicycles,
Harness Trimmings, Cutlery,
Ornamental Iron Work, Watch Cases,
Jewelry, Locks, Spoons,
Plumbers' Supplies, Saddlery.
Steam. Fire Engines. Stair Rods,
Stove Trimmings. Had Irons,
Shears and Scissors, Hardware.
Sewing Machines, Safe Trimmings,
Scales, Skates, Typewriters,
Soda Water Apparatus. Hells, Ji
Arms and Ammunition, SlIverwawM '
Builders' Hardware, Braes GdVds.
Butts and Hinges. Brlttnnla Y,,r'
Carrlnga Hardware, Bar Trimmings.
Car Trimmings,
Toilet and Ornamental Articlea Cleaned and
Bronze Statues, Clocks, Etc., Repaired and
Brass Beda Polished and Lacquered.
First-Class Repairing of Every Description.
Omaha Plating Co.
Tel. eUt. 1508 Harney St
LOUI8 SLAV IN. prop.
H. W. M'Vea. Plumber, 1124 N. ?6th. Tel.
2747. R-9$
U01 Farnam. R-9M
VL r0. LOT Doug. Omaha blove Rep. Wks.
B 10
P. M8LCHOIR, machine works. 18tb and
Howard. R Ml
XHH Omaha Warehouse Co., 609 Jones;
phons Hut); mdso. storage ana forwarding.
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tail musical instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged. US B. 17th aU
Omaha, R
sale and retail. Send for catalogue 46.
Omaha, Neb. It
Morrlesey, Mgr. Res Tf. 8914. R-MsjO
Ol 8. UTH. 'PHONIC tH.
Vihv carrv your soiled linen? Our wagons
call and deliver aame. Bills colleuled
monthly. K-M224 Oli
' rt m
MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail
road fare upon our fullure to convince
Von of this being the BEST and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United States. Write for catalogue
today. Weatern Barber's Institute,
Omaha, Neb. B UN
WANTED Four hoye with bicycles; steady
work; good salary, tin South 13th Ht
B-ffts on
WANTED FOR V- H ARM Y Able-bodied
Unmarried men, between ague of XI and Je;
nltlaena of United States, of good charac.
tvr and temptrato habits, who speak,
'read and write English. For information
npply to Recruiting Officer, 13tb and
i'ougtaa Sta. Omaha. Lincoln, Neb., or
bloun City, la B-MW
WANTED 'Two city salesmen at once. C.
F. Adams Co., lull Huward St. B-J37
WANTED, a collector and solicitor. Call
fc.1-2 Paxton bluok. 11-WV4
WANTEHTwo laborers at onoe. Apply
eg kupcstdact. Be Bldg. U Mi l
Plain Business Talks
On Building-Brains forBusiness
No. 8.
A Ptrnfllvflrtug Violin coMg $1,000. Hut you can srt a violin for $iV!15.
A Boylp ColloKe Course in RusinuRS or Slioithiind toKts $Ti0.uv. Vou might
posstlily got a course for less money.
But chnnp Is chcup. And good Is (tood. And erer will be.
A Uoylss ColleKf Course la worth every penny of '$30.00.
If it wasn't, Boylaa Collejce wouldn't lmve tlie Inrjrest nttendanef In Omnua.
If it wasn't It wouldn't have been ouccrsBful In placing more graduates In
lucrative positions Inst year than all other Omaha schools.
If It wasn't, the tone of the class cf young ladies and young gentlemen
attending Uoyles Collego wouldn't le so high.
If it wasn't, Boyles Collego conldn't by any hook or crook obtain the repu
tation that It has nmong Omaha business men for producing Stenographers and
bookkeepers who are so thoroughly trained, nrl'led and discinlined timf ti.
usual tedious "breaking In" process Is avoided.
You know that Just as well as we do,
Don't you?
Every day now Is our enrollment day.
Night School three evenings each week,
Catalogue free.
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.,
WANTED, an Intelligent boy for work lu
railroad ottlca. Addre.s B It, Bee oiilce.
il-Moi 3
WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let
ters at home, spare time, and return to
us. Good pay; materials s.nt free. No
mailing or canvassing. Enclose rfddre s d
envelope foiN particulars and wages we
pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 44S. Phi a
uelphia. Pa. J.16 2x
We prepare you quickly as Illustrator, car
toonlet, lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer,
bookkeeper, Journal!:, ad writer, corre
spondence man, banker. Write for free
book, ''Profits of Knowing How" tells
everything. National Correspondent
Schools, ti When., Indianapolis. C. a. A.
WANT government appointment? Prepare
for examination with Field's Civil Service
Correspondence Institute, Washington,
D. C; 2e,6tl appointments last year; only
common school oducatlon required: posi
tions guarantee. 361 2x
WANTED, a few more live, energetlo men
and two women for special work in Ne
braska. Route to World's fair and re
turn of desired. Expenses advanced and
salary paid weekly. Write, with stamp,
S. H. Smediey, Omaha, Neb. 360 2x
WANTED, an intelligent man or woman to
make a special trip to the World's fair;
expenses paid, also (9) rash; perrmneit
salaried position If satisfactory N. D.
Thompson Co., Thompson Bldg., St
PLUMBERS Two good plumbers wnntcd
at once union or nonunion, $3.60 per day
of ten hours; steady work until summer;
no union here; no labor trouble. Symms
Powers Co., Sioux Falls, S. D.
B-M382 3
WANTED, men everywhere, good puy, to
. distribute circulars, ndv. matter, tack
signs, etc.: no canvassing. National Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. B M242 2x
DRUO clerkft-Knlest, R. P., N. T. L. bid.
"FOR age and want save while you may:
no morning sun lasts through the day."
Start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sons, bankers and receivers. 4 per
cent Interest on your savings. B
WANTED An experienced pile drlvfr fore
man. Must be a hustler. I I Bennett,
Trenton, Mo. B M-374 Ix
WANTED, responsible man to manage
office and distributing depot for a large
manufacturing Co. Salary, $125 per month
and commissions. Applicant must furnish
good references and $750 to $i.0fl ensh.
Address Factory, 12th & Johr.Bon, Sis.,
Chicago. B
Ak-Sar-Ben Is King!
After you have had a week of fun and
frolic, you'll have to recuperate your depleted
purse. You can do it by
Doing Business.
We tender our services to make your
business better by giving you good printing
at popular prices.
Great Western Printing Co.
DETECTIVES, everywhere; experience un
necessary; $5 per day earned. LnLed
States Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis.
B-34) ix
AGENTS and managers wanted every
where; exclusive territory. "One dollar a
year protects you." We issue more acci
dent and sickness policies than any other
similar company in tlio world, because we
issue the moat popular and cheapest in
surance written; new plan; $1 a year pays
for toOO policy; no assessments or uutu;
other amounts In proportion. Death ben
efit; weekly Indemnity ; specific Indemnity
for loss of limbs or eyesight; free medical
attendance; many other original and pop
ular features. Issued to cither sex w.ui
out regard to nationality, color or occu
pation. All clalma promptly and libeially
settled; Insurance assets I500,00u. Reliable
representatives wanted everywhere; good
terrltury still open; liberal, permanent
contract to capable aganta; previous ex
perience not necet. ary. lnternatlcnul
Company. 231 Broadway, New York.
B-3o 2x
DETECTIVES Can you spare part of your
time for profitable det.etive work? No
experience needed. V.'ilie American De
tectlvo .Association, Ind an ipolis, 1 ml.
B 3m ix
WE will make you a vrtnt of $110, give
you a splendid suit ot c.othcs every ninety
days, enlarge your plo ure free and pay
rou a salary of $8fi per month and all
raveling expenses to tu'.:e orders for the
f rea list and most reliable portrait house
n the world. All this v. 1.1 t o guaranteed.
Address R. D. Martel. Depl. 67, Chlrsgo,
III. B-36ti 2x
SALESMEN wanted; high grade, expe
rienced specialty salesmen to handle our
computing' cheese cutter, soiling to the
grocers and general nierrh cits. Btlmsoii
Computing Scale Co.. lelro:t, Mich.
B-307 tx
WANTED, two first-class real (state sales
men on building lots; only men of good
appearance with references I. red apply.
K. D.. Room ISOi. No. 101 Full n rt . New
York, U
WANTED Cleric for office work; must be
quick and accurate at figures. Address
C 6, Bee. D 429 2x
PERSON to travel for well established
house In a few counties calling on retail
merchants. Local territory. Salary $25
per week; expense money advanced.
American Manufacturers, Star Bldg.,
Chicago. l) Jtii 2x
WANTED First-class adv. and Job print
ers; married men preferred; none but
aober men wanted; state wages; stendy
Job to right man. Dunlop Reporter. Dun
lop, la. B-M444 4
WANTED 10 men In each mate to travel,
tack signs and distribute samples and
circulars of our goods. Salary, $;0 per
month. $3 per day for expenses. Kunl
rnan Co., Dept. US, Atlas Block, Chicago.
B 844 2x
WANTED Men to learn bnrber trade.
Few weeks completes. Special induce
ments to distant applicants. Can earn
expenses before finishing. Graduates
make $12 to $15 weekly. Positions wait
ing. Call or write. Moler Barber Col
lege, 1303 Douglas St. B-M341 7x
WANTED Young man to take private les
sons in bookkeeping. Rare chance to ac
quire a fine paying profession. Address
E. C, this office. B
EARN a better salary and position. Study
electrical or stearr engineering at home
by mail. Thousands su'cotjful. Students
helped to positions Hook, "Can 1 Become
an Electrical Engineer, mailed free.
Electrical Engineer Institute, New Yoik.
I EXPERIENCED paper salesman for
5 Office men (must take examination).
10 Traveling salesmen (typewriter).
3 Clothing salesmen.
1 Experienced hat men.
2 City salesmen (typewriter).
3 Al solicitors (good commlsrlon).
5 Salesmen to sel! from wagons.
6 Grocer salesmen (Bell to consumer).
2 Young men for clothing and collecting.
2 Traveling salesmen (specialty).
2 Snlesmen for wholesale Jewelry.
25 Phonograph salesmen.
Experienced shoe salesmen.
2 Neat young men for furnishing goods.
Hart. 62tf N. Y. Life.
B 431 tx
Managers, salesmen, bookkeepers and tech
nical men. Salary $1,090 to $.',000. Write for
free list and plan. Business Opportunity
Co., 1 Union Square, N. Y. B 321 2x
WANTED Local branch office manager;
$S0 and commission. Send stamp. God
frey Co., St. Louis. B 338 2x
Every business enterprise wante men.
Men, MEN; the bigger the enterprise the
more men It wants. We have positions for:
8 Electricians.
1 Manager for wholcsule firm.
2 Stenographers.
1 Btonogrupher and bookkeeper.
I Man for groceries.
1 Hotel clerk.
1 Jewelry salesman.
1 Watchmaker.
3 Dry goods salesmen.
Call or write the Western Reference &
Bond Association, 840 N. Y. Life. Open
Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
B-477 1
A POSTOFFICU examination will be held
In Omnha November 16 to secure cl-rka
and carriers. We prepare a large shire
of those appolntej In all the leac'tng
cities, information a''u el civil servlc
examinations and questions recently ul
by the government free. Columbian Cor
respondent's College, Washington, D. C.
U 322 2x
$21 WEEKLY and ell expenses to energetlj
man to represent manufacturer of stwpie
linn In Nebraska; txterlence not r quired:
enclose addressed envelope. DfTt. F. 82
Deirborn St.. Chicago. B 326 2x
An ad in The Bee's "FUKNIfcllEL JiOOM" COLUMN will rent your rooms.
An nd in The Bee's "FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS" COLUMN will bring you a buyer
for what you have for sale.
BATES 1c I'EB WWBD; 10 worfls 3 times 30c. No ad tnkon for less than 20c.
Omaha Commercial College
14th and Douglas Sts,
Day and Night Sessions.
COURSES OF STUDY npRulnr BiiglncRg, 8lorthnnd, Typewriting, Tries-rap-liy,
rcnraanship and Ten Art.
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Larcest and best fnnlpped In th gtat. Expert
teachers In charge, comprehensive course of atudy, Including Office Prac
tice, l!a uklng, Hoard of Trnde, etc.
TENMANSIIIP DEPARTMENT In cbarpre of professional penman who haa no
euperior. All phaace of renmanahlp and Pen Art taught Send for spod
equipped. Modern ayatema of Shorthand and Typewriting.
TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT Thorough course of study, expert operator in
chnme, modern equipments, latest methods of Instruction and abundant
positions for graduates.
NIGHT SCHOOL Four nights each week on Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday
and Thursday nights. All day branches taught In Night School. Tuition
rates low.
ADVANTAGES Thorough courses In all depart ms-nts. Men grade teachers,
l.lternry Society, Lecture Course, Tublic Entertainments, Uyniuasluui,
Board of Trade, Foot Ball.
Catalogue Free to any addresa free.
WANTED, to know If you will distribute
advertising mutter; reliable speclnlty
company; $13 weekly and expenses. Tri
umph Co., Dallas. Texas. B M5tC dx
ACTIVE man to represent manufacturer;
local territory $36 paid for 12 days' trial;
promotion if satisfactory. Henry Eng
wall, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago.
YOl'NO men wanted to learn bsrger trade;
constant practice; expert Instructions;
short time completes: positions awaiting;
terms the very best; write todny. Ameri
can Barber College, 12th and Douglas
sts., Omaha, Neb, B M500 2x
$0 GIRLS; Canadian office, lBth and Dodge.
O. K. Amcrlcan-Gormai employment office.
Oldest, most reliable In Omaha. 1624
Dodge. C-M380 OS
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted,
Balduff. 1520 Farnam. C M3M
WANTED Sleeve maker. 1G23 Douglas.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 8128
Chicago st. C 204 Sx
WANTED At once, experienced mnld for
general housework: liberal pay. nice room.
See Mrs. Payne, 8830 Seward St.
C-227 S
WANTED, experienced sales ladles In mil
linery department. Apply J. L. BrnnrVIs
& Sons. C M250 I
8 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers: none
others need apply. Balduff, 1520 Famam
St. C-220 t
WANTED A woman to do general house
work. 1307 Capitol ave. C-567 t
LADIES to do plain sewing at home on
collars, nothing to buy. material eent
everywhere free. Send addressed envel.
ope. National Mfg. Co., 2i8 W. 116th St.,
New York. C STS Ix
LADIES having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, Battenberg and drawnwork;
also to do order work; stamped envelope.
Ladles' exchange, $4 Monroe, Chicago.
C 400 2X
WANTED Young lady to take private les
sons in stepography; fine chance. Ad-
areas t. ., tins omce. t,
LADIES $30 thousand copying letters; no
mailing to friends or furnishing addresses.
Btamped envelope particulars. Gem Art
Co., Dept. 83S, Chicago. C 329 2x
WOMEN to sew at home, $9 per week,
materials sent everywhere free. Steady
work. Plain sewing only. Send addressed
envelope for full particulars. S. E. M. Du
Pont, Philadelphia, Pa. . C 334-2x
LADIES $7-$10 earned weekly, plain sewing
at home. Material sent free everywhere.
Experience unnecessary. Send stamp for
particulars. Union Co., 1215 Filbert St.,
Philadelphia, la. C 330 2x
LADIES $20 per thousand copying letters
at home; no mailing or canvassing; ma
terial sent free everywhere. Send stamp
for particulars. Howard Co., 1260 Broad
way, .ew lorn. tj H3i zx
HOl'SBKEEPEU A lady as housokeener
and competent to care for children. Csll
or nddress J. N. Beach, 4315 Grant St.
C-432 2x
LADIES may obtain permanent employ
ment selling hosiery direct to consumer;
for full particulars and sole opency ad
dress Pequot Mills, Hartfurd, Conn.
C-322 2x
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Apply to Capt. Palmer, Quarters 11. Fort
Crooit. C-M453 4
WANTED Girl for light housework. An
ply at 1440 S. 13th. C Mt24 3
A COMPETENT iflrl for general house
work, family of 3- city references re
quired. Mrs. Victor White, 2S06 CMIforn'n.
C M12S
LADIES to do a few minutes pKasint
work at heme, no c-invis-lra: or roiliiting.
I'utlcU- Chemical Co., S9 Costland (it., ew
York City. C 304 2x
LADIES to do piecework nt their homes.
We furnish all materials and pny from
$7 to $12 weeldv. Send stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago.
C-412 2x
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng.
manicuring or facial massage. Few
weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex
penses before finishing. Top wages paid
grednates. Call or write. Moler College,
1302 Douglns st. C-M310 7x
GIRL wnr.trd at once for hourework. 31
So. 29th Ave. C 291 2
WANTED Experienced fnlcSlay; good
salary and expenses naid; road work.
Address the Ti ttle Valley Advert sins
company. Grand Island, Neb.
C M46I 3x
WANTED A nest and experienced girl
for tecond work. 1724 Dive.-.p"rt
C-Mi61 4
WANTED A g'rl for kitchen wnrk, where
other slrl is kept. Apply S. W. corner
17lh and Douglas ft. C 492 2x
WANTED .An experienced necond girl.
-"ly mornings, S:"8 B. 32d t.. telephone
77. C M467 4'
STENOGRAPHER wanted; one with some
experience preferred; permonent position.
Write P. O. box 537, Council Bit
C-M503 4
WANTED, experienced sale-dtdles and
eewlntr women. Cloik deprtmnt Hay
den Tlr"" CATi Pi
Johnson Institute. 515 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1 t.
MRS. JOHN R. MISICK. Osteopathy Phy.
slclan; olflce, Douulus block. Tel. 2?2.".
-17 r
DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous dlses-'e.
04 Paxto-. ITS
WANTED Salesmen to take orders from
merchants fur consignment goods; small
sample rase; easy money; we are paying
the boys $12u.00 and upward in commis
sions each month; no other side line as
good. If you want outilt by return ex
press prepuld, give territory you cover,
Kind ot goods you sell, and have one re
sponsible merchant to sign with you,
agreement to return us samples or Day
for them. Value of samples, $30.00. Uet
busy. Aiaer Aug. uo., Memphis, Tenn.
-M224 2
SALESMEN WANTED -Most profitable
staple; side line; no samples; best propo
sition ever offered for live men; write
qtiicK tor territory. Holland wnlte Lead
Company, Chicago. 40!) 2x
SALESMEN wanted, capable of Interesting
architects and building trade. In metal
Celling and "Enametlle. Liberal com
mission. Metal, 641 W. 24th St., N. Y. City.
313 2x
SALESMEN John Sexton & Co., Importers
of teas and soffees and wholesalo grocers,
16 to 22 Stato St., Chicago, want experi
enced, honest, energetic, high-grade men
to sell farmers and other large buyers.
We are the largest grocery house in
America engaged in the business and the
originators of honest and modern methods
of conducting It. We handle the finest
goods and gunrantee quality nnd quantity
of every article. No capital required; ex
clusive territory given; In each an estab
lished trado insures fine Income. We are
Farmers' Headquarters In Chicago.
402 2X
PROPRIETARY medicine salesman, by es
tablished, advertised line; salary or com
mission; references required; permanent
territory. Box 655, Chicago, 111. 816 2x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska by
large wholesale house; good paying perma
nent position to right man; references re
quired. Drawer "S,"' Chicago. 401 tx
WANTED Salesman, to sell manufactur
er's line of cigars in Nebraska. Only
those in dead earnest and that are seek.
lng a line of good goods and straight,
honest house, offering permanent position
need apply. Stato age and reference.
John h. Hanson & Co., 861 Milwaukee
Ave., Chicago.
894 2
WANTED First-class specialty salesman
to sell attractive proposition to general
trade; commission of one man for one
month over $750. Barton Parker Mfg. Co.,
Cedar Rapids, la, S'Jt Ix
WANTED Three specialty salesmen, call
on druggists nnd general merchants; good
legitimate proposition; reliable house. In
business thirty years; opening new terri
tory. "The Little Doctor," 112 Pine St.,
' St. Louis. Missouri. 397 2x
ACTIVE traveling salesmen. Good men
are now earning $3,uuo annually In com
missions. Best side line offered. D. T.
Weir White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo,
346 2x
SALESMEN Local or traveling, to sell
nre proui saiea lu uuniueaa men bjiu
farmers. Experience unnecessary ; Quick
sales; big profits. Alpine Safe Co., Cln
clnnat, O. 338 2x
WANTED By an old established Chicago
crockery house, salesmen for the states
ot Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Wisconsin. Only men of ability need
apply. First-class references required.
Answers should be addressed' to C 7, cure
of this paper. 434 2
for each state; experience unnecessary;
Just hustlers; permanent; good pay; lib
eral running expense account, h. M. Ar
thur Co., Detroit, Mich. 357 2x
WANTED, by manufacturers of perfumes,
toilet articles and flavoring extracts, an
experienced traveling salesman for Ne
braska. Address B 00, Bee. 364 2x
WANTED, reliable, active, hustling travel
ing salesman to carry as a side line finest
se.llng article on earth. Liberal commis
sions. For particulars address Blaikmon
Stock Remedy Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
40S 2x
SALESMEN Fast selling side line. Staple
ertlcle. I.arga commle-dons. Minall sam
ple. Bells at nil seasons of the year,
liish Novelty Co., South Bend, Ind.
3ol 2x
WE have an exceptionally good proposition
for traveling salesmen desiring a side
line. Call on newspapers only. No
sa nples to carry For particulars uddress
tilO Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas Pity,
Mo. 38 2
WANTED Salesmen. Exclusive territory.
Permanent poslrlon. Prompt pay. No
trlflHrs. Herrlck Seed Co., Rochester,
y 300 2x
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen
wanted; new Cleveland Jobbing house,
with larne capital, wlnhes to employ a
corps of llrst-chiss salesmen. High com
mission with J!! weekly. W. 8. Merje
& Co., 90 Proppect St., Cleveland..
CAPABLE salesman ,tp, over Nebraska
with nt-iplc line. Hit'JV commission with
advar.c-j of $1 motrthly. Permanent po
sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit. Mien,
303 2x
SALESMEN wanted, capnbli of Belling
lithographed inetnl advertising sirrns;
mike sood sldo line; liberal commission.
Signs. 5a7 W. 2ith St.. N. Y. City.
. 312 2x
SALESMEN make $100 a week. Best staple
side line carried. No experience required;
pocket nample; good testimonial'.; title ui
days for test after arrival of goods. L.
W Merck White Lead Co., St. Louis. Mj.
HEb'S U BWullODA, 1415 Farnam. -116
L HENDERfON 1M9 Farnam. Send for
price list of cut flowers and plants.
Tel. KXI. " ,.
URASS nnd nlumlnum ousting, nickel plat,
lng nnd finishing Fperlslty Mfg. Co., 41
N Main st.. Council Bluff.
Nebraska Business College .
A. C Ong, A. M., LL. D., Pres.; A. J. Ixjwry, rrln., 17th and Harney Sta, )
Alumni of N. B. C.
No better evidence Is there of the thorough and most satisfactory work beJng
done by a school thnn the loynlty of Its nlumnl. Through the Influence of our old
students n large rer cent of the nltendnnce can be traced. The mans semen t appre
ciates this, and Is ever ready to assist the old graduates along the line ot promo
UnLUQ SHORTHAND is the only system by which any ahgxt cn be writ,
GREGO SHORTHAND Is used In more first-class business college! than ejjy
other three systems combined.
GREGG SHORTHAND, as being demonstrated at the World's fair, prove It to
be the most perfect system ever devised.
QREOG SHORTHAND is easier to learn, easier to write, and easier to read thaa
any other system.
(TRKilil KlliiHTHAVn la tnuirht In the K. H. C. nnd FOR VERY GOOD REAS
ONS; 11 Is the only school in oniaiia mat muxes tins evsie nm specuuiy.
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. PROPOSITION
Every student who takes out a full term scholarship Is given a year's member
ship in one of tlie uliove associations without extra rhurge. No such proposition,
was eve r before made by uny institution. The value of this membership can soaxoei
be commuted. 1
It is self evident thnt no school can rise above the character of its management.
It would be well for parents to Investigate nnd learn something of the history ot
the management of the school thev select tor their sons and daughters. A nilstske
here may mean the mistake of a life time. Character is everything. INVESTIGATE.
Apply for cutuloguu und collego literature to the NKBRASKA. BUSINESS
AGENTS WANTED We want an agent In
Omaha and every town In Nebraska to
sril UUI new ui uuiri utiiuci , unni ill tmj
lanuiy; me price is iuw unu guuu mum1?
can be made selling this up-tu-date liltie
wonder; information free. Tlie Champion
Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. J M604 Ol
WANTED Representatives for sick, nccl
dent and life society; salary nnd com
mission. Call between 8 and 11 a. m. at
2401 Leavenworth st. J MISS 5x
WANTED Representatives for slok, acci
dent and life society; salary and com
mission. Call between 8 and 11 n. m. at
2401 Leavenworth. J M199 6x
BIO MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $2 to
$6 a dnspn- cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write for our free hook about this
rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
289 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J--
OUR PLAN for starting beginners In proflt
gbls Mall-Order Business Is very success
full. We are pioneers in this field. Some
we started three months ago receive 100
letters dully and are making big money.
Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup
ply Co.. Kansas City, Mo. J
LADY AGENTS A chsnce to moke money,
and plenty of it, is what Mme, Yale, the
celebrated beauty specialist. Is offering
women of good address: opportunity for
traveling or home work, as preferred;
many ore making $S0 and upward weekly.
For particulars address
Flatlron Building. Broadway and Twenty-third
St., New York City J
a winner: agents wanted everywhere- 2oc
for samples, both candidates. The Eas
ton Co., $1 K. 5th St., Dayton, O. J
AGENTS WANTED, to sell our $1 bottle
Sarsaparilla for 6c; best seller; 200 per
cent profit; write today for term and ter
ritory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake Street,
f'hlcnirrt. J
AGENTS $50 a wek guaranteed. Automatic
washers, sell themselves. Agent writes:
"Exhibited sample to ten women; took
ten orders." Time, 46 minutes. Profit,
over $50. Guaranteed to do a washing In
SO minutes; furnishes Its own power; re
quires no labor; costs less than any other
machine; free samples and exclusive ter
ritory lurnisnea. Auiomauv """'"li
station U, Chicago. J 371 Zx
OUTFIT free; Holiday Books; retail prices
reduced one-half; commission 60 per cent.
Ferguson, 704O, Cincinnati. J 413 .x
LADY agents making less than $25 weekly
should write for catalogue and. terms. Vve
start you in business and make you in
dependent. Outfit prepaid. Women s Ap
parel Supply Co., Chicago. J 80S 2x
AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle
"Novelty Sign Cards,'' every merchant
buys from 10 to 100 on sight; WO va
rieties; catalogue free. Bull van Co, U39
Maplewood ave., Chicago, 111., J o' ix
TWO new household necessities. Hot sell
er Big profits. Exclusive territory.
I. Edgren Co., Milwaukee. Ws
OUR MEN make $3 to $10 per day fitting
glasses; our 24-page free eye hook tells
all about It. Write Jacksonlan Optical
College, College Place, Jackson Mich.
WE START you selling diamonds. Don't
fall getting our liberal offer; $5 dally
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse,
N. Y. Mention paper. J 346 2x
AGENTS The Buyers' Guide, showing the
most complete line of campaign goods and
agents' supplies, sent free Deal with
the manufacturer. I. Whiteson, 240 K
Madison St., Chicago. J 345 .x
SELL perforated dome skillet covers, pre
venting grease spiasnine "'""".
tide fries nice and brown, bell boiler
protectors. Two dandy articles. tat.
free. Am. Nov. Worka, Reading. Pa.
AGENTS wanted for Hayes Metallic Rub
ber tires lor rocaers, cnano. u. .
418 Eaat Locust St., Le Moines, la.
J ootf
AGENTS WANTED A snap for hustlers.
Don't tie up wun n)u i'""t, j "
us. Something new, qul'-k Keller. Rodes
Sunlturv Co.,, 4;18 Granite Block, St.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS can sell our Christmas goods In
every home; no cash or experience neces
sary; write for free outfit. Illff A Co.,
Chlcugo. J-317 zx
AGENTS wanted for our complete line of
new househo:d specialties. Good profit.
Exclusive territory. Domestic Mfg. Co.,
P.acine Junction, Wis. J 32S -x
WE pay $36 a wed! find expen.-eH to men
with riffs' to iMroduce poultry compound;
j yell's contract. Imperial Mrg. Co., D")t.
64. Parsons, Kan. J
AGENTS wanted to handle our "MAM
MOTH Advertising Box of Fine Toilet
Hours;" something new nnd original; sells
on slKht; $lo a day easily made; don t
miss this gulden opportunity: write today.
The Williams Soap Co., lndinniipotK U
S A. " 4u ZX
WANTED. AGENTS Political Purzle Pic
tures; quick feller; prices free; 10 cents
for samples. F. Butcher. Box 677. Bufhlc.,
N. Y. " '
AOENTP Something new; $2"0 to f.i.OO per
day selling our Novelty Photo Holde-s;
too per cent profit: sample 5 cents; cir
cular free, rmvls Novelty Mfg. Co Tit
tle Creek, Mich. J ..J Jx
POBITION by experienced coachman; ref.
erent os. Address U 6, Bee "I'Jjj x
YOUNG MAN desires r'ace to work for
board while (joins 10 school; experienced.
Uoylos College, 1084. XM
SITUATION wanted by steady young
printer in Nebra'kt; work must be
steady or no go; four yeurs experience:
tobacco and booso barred. Address H
G laser, Peru, Neb. A M-,i9 4x
SITUATION wanted, good stenographer
and bookkeeper wishes permanent por
tion. Address A 4s. He. A-4.8 2
POSITION wanted as child nurse by a
thoroughly experienced lady of middle 1HU N. 2fcth St., 'phone
A-Mlw 4
FOUR light housekeeping rooms. M'idirn.
1S03 Grace. G-M2S5 it
FOUR desirable unfuruUhed rooms. Klj
Bo. Iktu. U-M4t) 4
the youngest court reporter In, Uw
ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th Chicago.
E luj
DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam.
Ml It hi
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms,
ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights,
E 10
Midland hotel. 16th & Chicago; reasonable.
K 110
TWO front rooms, elegantly furnished:
largo modern stone bouse. 'f,"oneV.H-J?jt,
24 Cass. , aiiue
Mrs. E. K. Mivckey. 'Phone. Dclmar 1945.
Direct car line to Fair,
THE UTOPIA Furnished Rooms
3P16 West Belle Tlnco, St. Louis, Mo.
Take Laclede car nt Union Station west,
transfer to Vandeventer north to Went
Belle 1'laco.
On the Pike. Home cooking. First-class
In every respect. il 388 2
NICE comfortable room for one or two
gentlemen; very reasonable; modern. 142t
N. 17lh. E M914
DESIRABLE transient room. 17 S. lfith
(3d floor). E-M93S I
CONVENIENT transient rooms. Every
thing modern. 1220 Jackson. K M933 I
DESIRABLE transient rooms, 1821 S. 19th.
E M9G5 2x
BRIGHT and sunny large front room, mod
ern; first-class accommodations; break
fast If desired, 514 N. 23d. E M963 2
NICELY furnished rooms, single or en
suite, modern, 1817 Leavenworth. Flat .
EM964 2x
Rooms $1.00; permanent brick building.
Write for booklet 10 minutes to World's
fair. E M9G0 027x
ACCOMMODATION for six during Carni
val week; modern; 1438 N. 20th.
E M194 2x
DESIRABLE furnished rooms, 1611 N. 20th,
B-M19t 2x
LARGE, well furnished room, with grate.
Board if desired. 820 S. 21st St.
B-948 i
FURNISHED rooms; also good barn. 2019
Cass. E M254 3
1712 Davenport, pleasant furnished room
for gentleman. E M25S 8x
1816 Dodge, nicely furnished room. Tel.
A 2407. BJ M267 Sx
2707 FARNAM. two newly furnished rooms,
all modern. E M243 2x
PLEASANT, nicely furnished rooms, mod
ern. company: gentlemen pre
ferred. 2051 N. 19th st. Boulevard.
B M251 ?X
FURNISHED room for light housekeeping.
1623 Douglns at. B-S1J
A NICE, comfortable room for one or two
gentlemen; atrlctly modern. 253 Dodge st
E M449 8x
THREE plensnnt. partly furnished rooms,
modern: cm be arranged for housekeep.
lng: references required. 2701 Woolworth
Ave. E-M446 Sx
3 ROOMS: grts nnd water and good loca
tion; $8.00 month. 3318 S. 20th St.
B-8S9 J
TRANSIENT rooms: clean; everything
modern. 324 N. 15th. E-208 7
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, mod
ern, 2101 Farnam. E M488 4
CONVENIENT transient rooms. Everv-
thlng modern. Tel. ZMa. l-m
NlfELY furnished rooms.
E-M479 4x
modern. 516 So. 22d.
FURNISHED rooms; board If desired.
ivn iea'enworin.
FURNISHED rooms, reasonable for win
ter, 2117 Hurney. K w
PLEASANT furnished rooms, everything
modern, 313 8. '-''tn. r-nnsu tx
ACCOMMODATIONS for 10 during carni
val, 2013 Hurney. mhihi
HOME cooked meals.
2162 Bt. Mary's.
F t Oct. 2
O. M. E. TEL 611.
IT "111
THrilSTON HOTEL: cool outilda room.
p.. tut n.cnlr. I.nuril 1!1 fJl
ftl.DV lO fi MW.W, JSJJJ
Midland hotel, 16lh A Chicago; reasonable.
it "J J J
VICINITY of high school; modern south
front rooms, inciuuinir hubiu, u
24ue Cass. 'Phone. A-iiM. V -
LARGE front room and alcove; board if
wanted; 1134 N. Uih. F-Mlto 2x
FURNISHED rooms and board. Every
thing modern, 618 S. lUth. fc Mtfoii 2
BOARD and rooms, private, 714 8 lth,
3d floor. F-M9o8 3
DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot snd
coia waier in rwme.
board: fatea ressoi.uble. t.18 B. W"j,5M
BOARD nnd rooms; private famllv 2214
Culifornii I' -M253 1
LA ROE front room and board. 1F23 Cap
itol ave. F Mi x
ROOMS snd good board. $4 a week and up.
6C5 So. 2lst ave.
TWO front rooms with excellent board, for
three refined people. Addresa 25 J I
Marv's ave. 'Phone L 2724. l-i0
ROOM snd board In quiet modern home;
,,r'. r i-ie-.l ie: refurtneus exehstigeil.
Aldress B 64, Bee. Z." IC
ONIC furnished room In new, modera.
house, new furniture, 2816 1!lond27j
lTsT'l odge. Flrsr-cl.iss in cv"lS'
BOARD "nd roon
626 Ho. lft h.
Everytldng modern
1st c
"'"Uir.pv"-' .-4.1,
in every renot. i - "
TMK MKIliAM. a&tb and ckU
w .
La FAtisTtf UULfei.