0 t- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PA TURD AT. OCTOBER 1. 11 jL'NClL BLUFFS. OMAHA WEATHLR REPORT Saturdar Fair 2nd N 2Trr.tr iR TROUBLE ON LIBRARY 1 ASSIST THEY CO fcGT PAY IV, CN C-I , j Caarara Drar the (kirr ti f Ar r!4 Utrrtiri- for All Ott Kisbt Htr-tlM eai Iaatt-i tsar . ti board rt lr-" ci ti.- f r'- putic i;3rary an4 W li.'. b-t. ! - "be i.r, tt:r. Cbe near Cr--c:- lu.;i.-g 'iat ti Cciw.: B.." Trafe. at.i 1 trisWf, cm otttSTi! r f if 10. .! C?rr - T union, had ai -Ji-? .". t. ; t. v A Mammoth Sale of Walking Skirls on Big Bargain Square, Center Main Floor UVEi: THKEE IICNDI.EI SKIRTS MELTONS, CIIEV- 3.95 i t 7" Try ani the o-r tractor. r. tr.e "a- I 1 ir" !- T twrrj.? a'.ao h-tic " C art-oa tr tte Carj-rter a r. i: Jsre !"''. Wra.. the b rr. cf tb ft' ra -. t ;r a be v-jttlrg arp the hni,dir.g IOTS AMI l ANCV MIXTURES All col- rs. all sir-- Nt olh of them wnrth le.s tLcn .( all at rn.- t-ru-e Saturday .... YoCNH INDIES" SUITS i n sale Saturday. nt apt- 12 to 1" years, all the new misTi: i-s. very cobby style- prices f 14.50. 11.'. ". and WOMEN'S TTOX FLEErE WRAPPERS j-lka dots and fitrures. dollar quality will z 2t 'ur sei-on 1 8.95 75c "To C-TV"- "'' ct.j-.t! et c; tbat A '-ti uhkiC arB arf t . :.g errpkiej c t it inn! i.f -;ci- tir ic Another Big Boom in Handkerchiefs I int. iub( rota that a that t: -4 ' it if-B -r two i'Ttrt r.if.i. t 7 fv fir crrrr.r'.!nt Kr siH TTj faf-t lef 'b matlrr 1 that e l.-aJ Cir;-a;i jualoa i laUrtr.(r t:i.6t a ir.a rrtimr-irT, let th fjirtr I La'- li t J:r.;:ir" 1 .r.r rar 1" froaa Jairvi; aril .., cr.y oa J frata t)x y tr-- t r t-nt k rrcTtr 1 an I Mnar Juan a a. 3 rtf ftTt-tri'-'T in tM M ritf Aa 11 iJ r;r t r- ;"T'-4 ' ta ark,fl fan :t l.ar? 3'-r vrI Uirtr id hir rt-c-Tea T tor ertra tim "v tr 6 'lra' fTrr- Ftolnar w ctn to a- 't vrjdf-r Hulla anan. I frraafl i-it,mifr ir: re- 1 a hi city. eia ccinc;-rfa to i I b frniB nr i !- tcn Tf 'm-ri.J -tot fcav lem sca kai tit-B atu to lcxr a rufTiT.t rcrnhtrr ff itxu h-e. I Mmttii f tb llbrarr rwra b) JrardaT ;ajd tty t4 Kit Ijd t;m to ibe tnatln- Jtorb artpTiOoti. l-t fjr3! hat tb7 bad J-&rr:d tby tm rf Lbf "fktKi that rarjrtfT- cr.nn hafl no j for cotnjltixt- Tht-y arrr r.f t at all UFprenal - that tb acuor: of Tract t.4 Laiwr aowtctly irnuiJ -.t wcrk m 2m dzn Ladif?" Samj-lf HaEdkrcLif-f liuu at J Swiss. Lt-mstiirfced aci fmbrt'idf red and lacf elj:-s. Fan-'y la-- truten? and noTf-lty Ixrd-rs. Valu in tte 3f t worth up t tLirty-nve drzx Satur day"? sale prue. -2cli 10c Latest Novelties in Ladies' Neckwear About Kt doren new ilk nI linen ernbrt id-rel turnover collars, in white amd roior-l silk and linen embroidered newe-st styles of button Lle effects "and Huster liruwn refrular fiftj--eEt qualitifT Saturday's price, earn Twenty-fiT pvrs embniderd o-llar tops, all Ptyl, all wLit- value up to twenty cents Saturday's price, each 25c 5c Ladies Kid Gloves for Saturday .00 DP IJUL 1 1 Jl r 11 r 3 cmnr TJJT Great Doings in Shoe Dept. for Saturday MORE SAMPLE SHOES 4f 0 pair? cf laiies txLe fhoe?, patent kid. enamel calf, rici kid. up-todate ttv!es, worth up to 4 vo. And KUy (5.00) Little Grt-"?n btickers. rj 0i0 pairs mtu'i fine arr:p!e sh, vici kid, rel-j &a our calf, worth 3. io at 2A8fm i iixm And Fifty f?5.00) Little Green Stickers. l.JjlE?.V C-.-Vi :3 c1ick; ftboea, bcx calf aod vie. kid. rcick oak en- iCC fu.f-t at ". at- 1.50 1.50 2.00 Our "Ijeli?." llace Kid .;ioves iReynier niake) ia all tLe newest shades. Pris p.int stitching regular $IJ3Z quality Saturday's price Every pair of kid plove sold at Bente'jt " is fitted and warranted. 7 11 c Blcai 11 Ps-c Ball. Frvctexis ti raua dcx- x ir-irrfprt. tb foot toaJ leuc -of tb CounctJ Kjct cboeJ rX play ita trrt rusf of Uw : ott tiSa aftmiws at LJtt llunn vitti tit OmaJia High trbool rtr A lijf-r I aa cocBSerable rrraUry Ifrrera the tar acbooia, tlia a-kj&e prviri to i aji i&ier ART PYROGR API! Y CRASH Satnrcar ctljr a str atf i f .r bnrtajjr ouC; csar as3 iaryer pcitt tbaa rer; two toe practice ta&.. det.fied wood bii ijr ibe aateria'. Price pushed down to And fifty (?5.0C) Little Green Stickers. THIS IS A GOOD STANDARD t3.O0 VALUE. C L79B1 Your Eyes Perhaps they are trcmMinff totj. or other troubles head ahe jerhapg are pKt-eling frv-iu defectively fitting plasse? Better n-e our cjitician at onc-e. Price cut clojse. Our T2bl2 DHOIE DiNNER UicrZiy Eeninj 5:J0 to 8:00 o'clocL Quite the best Table D'Hole in tbe city. Price. 50c KAUFMAN'S Superb ORCHESTRA in To Concerts SATURDAY EVENLNG. Cafe ft to 7:25. Balcony to 10:00- 1 Some Grea.t Crockery Doings C.'.z. S:BVft;r Vi.-irs f Ctr.a . a. tt I ofi". C-.iy HaJl tM 25c laifMtifcl I S-,'kn rtr vi:-js it Sie'ir.a. Irr.na OiMfir. Vif t-t r. S vrr ry itT' Grrti 6ucit-r Ga 5i .ar t.)--Jt -trbei. 2C 4Sr. S.t. Sta. .T enfi ...- Atji tf.y id U:tj G!'t. Ftj'k-t.- -tr f.i.(5 abde. o ti;i it) cia ia ta. G:&w 1-Trca J;ir Zx- Z. tra r a:-fc -7 Ana srr. t. i Ut1t Grfa SUck ert t t n trj Ci 5ii.-t T'siit" ff.; p Bfi:"! j-ni. ir .. ...OC7W B K Roiiod Ti".;k Nukei lncfc -rh:if oi'ine ti.i.ca, " At& tfiy T-. Ijtii Gric. St.ti- Ltr'TE Gii't" N fifi-very. t-Lh fi'tt ar;2 Sau'-f f-acls 2c Saturday; the Grand Finale of Green Trading Stamp Anniversary The ouTenir table t ill b- r-pleniL.d w ith attractions that are rnore-interestiEc than evt-r. Make your pun ha m- from any of thea 4irtry. Candy. Stationery. ,Tw-lry. Men's Fumishicp, Cr-kery. Ladi' Htks, Art and Japans I. pirtnients and pt seventy i$T) of bse stifkrs and a nw K-'k with thirty $3) raore in all ten dollar with y-ur suvcrir purchase. Hers- Show and Ak-Sar-IVn visitors are .-specially invited to visit Omaha's preat men handisicc exposition. Engraved Cards Fifty engraved cards and cop per plat,' any style script type, best wedding Bristol stock, regular pric $1.25; special Fifty cards printed from your plate 59c 28c antKm-im-iita. t W infBt j'.-n lxi .-.rt ryk- aud djifry at uu- Ti.- rj S.arurlT aoJ M '&! y otly. S-eiid jn your .n3fT ty ci.l. Tbtrc vill It doings" io cr Fruit Dept. All Day Saturday. Kr a- a ff of tb "OT'isa; P.Daj . . N-;caaa Orr-r.'.i.g iuo. ... B ir maar cf Jsr.ut 25C Ar 6 t-o f: "r'wj (ULiei :i-fi ebci: :it' H-r a- a far nr. 5w-T F'ia"rR. I - p.r t'-y-i'i 1 -a Frt Vfffit r--T--a d: j Tfi VIT I'tPAhTKtXT -BASEliENT 15c 40c I5i GROCERY V. t ar mir..j- ba6wutrtt-r f-jr lit in 2nr.ir.' caall:r.. 7ri 'C' "S H" Gra,. Traaj-f iatipf arllh -at-t . p-.. . : - - 1 Tr.:rtT tan 'jrrx ij TTi.r.c St-ac ants b I 5&clt t-y li)d T-r. Ti "S H" Orw.t , Traits Fti-!-.t aritfc ,t pat B-TH-'.i a TBr i Ca'ivc. jKira ... W or: t'"ir Sa-uc. U'.t tLT-j- Jca Pui. J-i fti -- Corr, 2-1 b rar, . Kt; Crarr, caa a4MMMMMaV 7c 10c 10c 10c 5c 10c Candy Dept. ISpfj 7r. r.'C - aV H" i3r-i " i Trar.r.r ftan-p -itb park- iSScigJ ' RAXZIX Oiirir. Gum. Lard! Lard! To farther lotrotfaca oar aew special bra eat f tarm. il ftr ior Sat ar Aa 5-lb. pafU of BeBnett'k lor JJC ana rntr Ctl lrja G-m Sr.jcaii-. Fp"t-iaJ ltrij t,t ti..,ui.t pure. irh Hi iaa - ME.T SPECIALS Frb yc-utic rautt'it pr It Ir It Perk roAtt. JK'-Dd - -- jK.und t"t r4 ff 5irv rrc!si'ja harrifc. prut j FT.ESH I'REFfEP TC'l'NG CHiCK-af 1 -ENS. ali Jwiia. -riJ ! pt una - 7ic . 2ic ...8ic 6c 13 ,c Tic 1 7icJ Aiott a fc.t ab:T? trraflfc. a.afl a wait 1 afi tc tar r-mert ir:e.a of brick in tun of beai-y ra-n maitT if tfcrc-arn frcmi ' at lu.Li Jajc arouufi tit biIdix oaca&aT iw cwmr cii.paty n at- j im Bim cmic- linr abc:ure vroirvy and rajiaw ta run ran 4irrt from Prar! aid i tot the ct iarr cf ti ti.uj Cchtj-lai. fBndwar to tb ltke flurtna-the afieraoon bailutii of taV- tracks. It ia aaid. hai 1 alTi,-"arr4l Am sfciieA i a ckk ug j rain-i thrta a f"o'. there tte rrade rf :b 41 SA tolicrarinaj aril fee the (2BciitUa: JUietx ICbeotBia; noipirc Ca.ni:: tme k.-wr. K. ti. CUUcr; bead llrieeisax. PVatk Ziircui- I Tfcla wfH bo lh ttsrup tf ihe l:KaJ JfcAxcJ lft end. JTirboU; left ta-k Jat kr; -ft rsard. Lffj-t; cer.tn-, Et,iuie; y-.tAt rarl Rcfer: r.iifct ia tie. Cr;aT- toe; raa-sT nam. aaaaaa-s: q j-iniafjr . ita-'-anaa: Wl kaiftiark. Cartaia ClLtjer: fuii- Vw. XlcE: r.orr.t haJftiak H'l'.er. utw itotoav Ol FBEit.. F. fc" StwMja. Ekifd jrra axad Havkina. .tiers. A ciznizi: wDJ prtet lie matter at the nrt in-t:ri5 the rity council arJiii a -riev tc tna.1 Uot-y takinc kilc ao- ti-.'a iooicizx to ti relW ihkri f ar. X. T. F3-r:btT:p Co. Trt. 2Wi XiTtt. FW. nroK Emov. Mr r-arlBar lnlitlai. AMerm Wearer irJl. at ta nua-tii of I J i efty uicil Bert MooSay r.iarfct. irtro- l-oa a iwoJTO! prtmiiEr for the parirc tli TaLiworlriAT reta: Ertlh arrr--e. . roam Bin to ijit; lntf; rrret. from u Vlkiiai w d Firrt atnii;. to Carfcth aveti.e. Fcn-rta J I- Jiatif-ia to Sauti Icas: ?'Art . a'TLUft frcai Eith re t Trr,z v.nx: i , . ri'.'r.. r w.-.; Ter.tk amr-t. frr.ni Hrial'oray t B-rrtji t-d, lt 'Ji Wr-rk 11 Fst.y.tr o . . vsu-: Strh Firrt rrrcrt. frt.m G'tna i 3-bn L W-nicb and w.ie to WJ. .,. tc t, trm ,.t , v.--- ,- I i-ani BaiM 1 i a, t. I u! fc. ' V . t.icck it. Wtin-t. v i anuK inn iok" kwi may rwrerre a:me aoc; tlraM tn-fore the unci: tetlr.a; aa riie aMertDee may flerire amree.a in tbeir re rOvt baJ9'k-k t te pa rod. ririteIU rcc - Wm'i raaves fit. " drctckest wiia c&xpeta, laneaa tieUa thr tt arhrxil tbon. Opes Sunday. Tsxker a E War tuc For rrrt. S-raoa Louat. 72J Sirtk are. Imncan 3:t- tbe b-at rejiairti 13 JCaun at. W'eRro loira oLiffe fli terai m cai. N-rrst aK-b.c cfr.i Hendry tlit at WeMem loara cobere. Sbaoi pairta la-utiin ad paper. m-Lwi An t.ore. w ;rcia.Garky. ' aliaafr; oat firr fr.--'i a. r-r.-i .'-r-. Siat- MatiLr-r Frar.lt Jt.r;: f (istli ia oraTri-B-:.f a nr ittdfe oi Bta iir ia Lut cjty. CANNON TOURING HN IOWA Ckitpkifa ill De Httaei if attad wii.t a ' i Largely Atleidi Itentrf . ATJ-PrF.kXR HAELE IS BL'SY S 10 A Xew Color liaa!oe arita cxt Sunday a Bt. - raaatatlalai mt Ttlm- Trarka. B.eldt aa Atue B. 1kw n Tarenry toank aad TWrty-oieTer.tJi rtrw;., complain tkat the trarka cf tb roclor p(Tc;jy art Beavl Elatafe T rm a Irra. Tne tranfft-ra ere rtpuned SfTtetrbw Si' to Tfct B-e by the TiUe. G-aranty aia Trui ccn.;a.r y of Cunci! EuCa: Dri T. SnJti and ar.fe la Li.-lae Ever, lot a ana 4. biork L FTtifjoct I'iace w. d -4 8 t Tm A W iaiajr.a ard tu-tiid io J. 1 ajtd K 1 t.:r.r.ifcr 1 " 4 and L ba'k k JadJK a aod.. Neo:a w. d. 11 ox.te nfxi ilocav n.a-f- Sfjer.i aio-jjc W i.am fcaurs ana i:e tc W I .nro.t nday it; r-:;r2ij vtj.f 8 to Fraui i-ti-t.'. act-d 2. cl my, i ano a i.unti. a.sea i. ei iiar.- M . t.v.ri,--f,, Jitsa. I iJ . t?J icft lt erer-'g J:r Cfaj- raarc. rie a .ki tn-aa t'r a I ' hic fom tttr (j tc Kc" rjf.F-w. N. J, id j...n i. pi.:e:. .r ai rit. roittt ' Tt B0' : ttcn ei Ujeit l.-i.ra tl.:a -it. U I Coiitcu fc!a;j aerie cf i.tri neid jta rl tciaU h-jfica of tte w.i.-.w a-uv-n 4iti i";.!!-! J- cub rcK.Ci ji tr Hrcara . - . wM ar.ciLit ana Flumtina; and hearnx. Kxtr Boa. 7?..'It I-r"F"ait ar.-tifcO tj iaavarl. laoltaaa aa4 Otker Slatea t B fclTea Arteatiea fcy Taio Or taaitirlaa lraa Dr-aae- rrata I raje4 ta Bait. a lv jt.t-riK n F:er liiz-.sen. Ht . block BhjL Id a44 ar. d. Serea trtarf tra. loiaJ . . . LEWIS CUTLER foimcxAj Paafiak. Co-nnol. Biafa. Fbaarr. lit rnienaii.nt-Lt i.-c.n.Eii. t. rwiralt. ( rkM Batialaf. ' r,Pr,V..C'L .1 ;'! 'i t-1" . - - , , . . I OE ,0 a-i o! t.it clrt tree .rr Tbt W i tod Improvement cltb ha a p- . tramta j.i:i..u.aTrapr of ine cavcf tt il poltted a c.irr.TTiritee cc-ctwtiEa- of IrraeJ : uan fr- j t- jic-.jjt-a a-rt LAkt-c iztt Lcrert. WT. H Hdncka and W. C. yer -'"i "" vr, itrnea 'he jaiaic 19 career -tib tr Bntrd of E3oet.Oi altfc r , - T. JL,t"t " f"' t rjw to aJTaiiriT:g appropriate nmwi i rtjaict of re.! eia;e aert tjt-a in ire fjr tbe oitir.ai tl the remoiei aod en- ; t''e.' j te coi.t:y i-c.rirr. -ru. a ioia. ; rrie pm it: yttr j: omj n acre Afr.-t-aAic riutrkuut oj ; larrM Jlm-j B acboo! buiida;. Tbe and it ir tbe cw.re of tbe rrjoer.t of Lbe ' -.-ii4.': a-eterB i.art of tbe cirr ttat it be formally : Aitiiouti. tbe jibc-e iia : ;neJ and dedicated. Tbe board aii alao tr.er.jr trk. 71 THESE PRICES SAVE THE DIMES FOR YOU... h mktaal laria, lk.... V: la-r, taio. ia flar llaa, Ik Tcaal tteak, la Veal w. la Jaaaav. aw-aralar. Ik...... lraaa lieak. X 1am rarlrraaaM llrak, S IWa mb4 hnk S 1M...... IMaa, Jka...... . .IXe r laaat. Ik . .ITr BUiac aVret b-0U a , ..i, aia HaM IkreL lot ' aaaaaa. kaaaaaa4r, X I k . . ,Br r.rW laaat. la Park .. la , .IV Lar. kaarsaar. lb , , .tie rwt Salt Park, la , . .XA? ear Saaer laraat. ait.. . , .Z'-r rmh raaairr eaoca. olfft..... .nareaari arta( kirk raw. lb.. .- . . i . .lie . IS . Iter .lie -ITe ! The Orvis Tularket. FISH. OYSTERS AND CELERY. ! - ,p37 BROADWAY TELEPHONE 46 3IE HELLO, CENTRAL! !ive me No. 24 t-r wme duwn to the only place in town where they s-ll the bt of Meats and Groceries at the lowest prion. Good Beef Boast. jt'und.... 5c Good Bet-f Strak. youuJ 5c I'orterhous- Steak, pound 10c Sirloin aSu-ak, jtund ICc Breakfast Bacon, .und lie Tlood Ham, iwund ; Qj W- Cl.s. on SundaT. nfral Grocery and Msaf r.larbel. liU.Nfc 4. UKMkt BBOADWAV. r t ute tw it a as rn-et-uil' siiirt."rf lAt zif p;ti ol 'WA.i.t i3 . crarrj e rf tn-n t-ca r...ra i:j k f.rrr C':yre i tea- p.-r-par-i-ar a pj.t au-.ii, I atitn cB-Pirteo. a-j 6y uicd ana rc-uT dt.d i Ificary Pa.:ia of Sj.ckant, Wt-t. j.jji ; a-rtr,a a:.nt prFjtLt o: toe i raternai t tf a aa in ibr Ci; jfter- at' . nj-o:5 bne Irons tbt nrrii.j of lit f-tno aene in Li-jdi-.v. t m , tte cr.j Lt a aa etbrrtAii tj . B nta aorxn and oiner a.t-ii. t .- ji u.e iucaJ ar-rjt j idr. and lira. H. W. Brard! tre tnt I r-- vs S t- Tjrrei. ar.J Jtir:i Try i at-re ma.Tjti Tt.-OA m tia-.i.a kra I B.-andt an formeny aifA Ai.r 1-unA.iey i ajk: tKtt an and nr tHiana ar f-rnier I rn.iict-r.ia oi ciij. r:c bt-rt tmy au ' tu i-inouin. Ntti. aart Ja.r. Brunei im ' rzmca iii buNtiak j Kiaa KateW xatAjB tf ttua cltj. a bo trea Su. in tne Bvtttiei ..nd JUi- I ter, nA rt i.rr1 ont 01 m f.; t -a fia.k 1b in rec.'-Atn.ri 02 tte tuEitra taitj to in j.r of tt-Aty t u.e. Kj:t- a aa tnt en i.a and ac mcc 11 u. ittui a a'."ii clA-.a mat n. ann oit iuvjkf ty tHne-ra auneaa ber An afntu-tTAi and b.jruc--.:raj tibial arj be tuaoe it orai.fe t.a-i in jn.er l"ann on Friday ata Mi.rui.) vtt ix4,k. trtorr . and a a-T.ar a-u. n aaaroffl tt a-U brat aipcor.d atj tb.:j c-aaa eutituiA. Xne ciucng een-i 01 tije ti kimt, me cjipiAa m-.ju o 0.10 11 ua bciicil of liie Aid ietj K- trt-i7-nia a.J o aent-j Ana ia mLtr- atarui pjoa-ran. a-, vet ea-a ticif County ii'nty ik:pAt a., to a non. tin ciA-tc aaa r:mri t ir t -ard c-i ii jLir J enper HK.ra. bAA ret oa.:iieiiaea tb: A-.tr-3 "urn r ot Ai.ki ne paia toe t-e oe- mAOiOea by nim ttT bi arvi.-a it oe j titzi:.c Li StnxiB me nt-rt t: rfj j ana acuraer. Tbe a Lin u-c aiiuai, 01 A& AT-.trny i ajcr. cuet ai a- a o , ia tb- CAirit.'t. And a larfr um ii tbe aw- l-rtat court iar. Ii.ri.tr CArr.ec ln cak j u.tfuaTb u.aa courta ad in iouniy a.- be a.ota.e cs.iiiuiijil I .Froai a Sia.fr Corroft-Jent.i I I'Et VC'IKES Sept. 3(. S;t:-aJ Tb ' CAH.pA:t-n a aj f;bed. n a cnaimit- tef and fptakpr cab cprx a cull Ain ph$n a I:a-A ti-i aftf rr.at and even- . ia. al.ri Speaker Cat-n-'n .;. trt at CJ:f:ia ar.d lattr In Iea Jfiuine Tbe , fpAtr a--r:ved in lie. Mxne ai p Ei hk-'E kt.e3 ty a :arpe oeJrfration from ai-r.f tbe line tDd t-y CbAinnA'! -Sjt-not Atd otber mt - Vn of ibe rtat. c-oainutte, . abo bad f crte t idh bm. He au met at tb nation by "Jk. it 3'Jb moi-ried men . in ar.if Circa arjifc izL-rj kAla. rtprofKirt iz.f Ure ootntry fiiFtntt cf 11. e:i.Ety, and by r.' rsez a larpe mkjcr.iy rf ibeto bein aitb (ray Uie and caxTyAU btLf cane Tbe erert a a . tiaerefore i tbia aray tued into a dmorj-tn.T):in for tne JkAer At tbe ADirriruai ;n tb eren- 1 ing:. atere Senator C. C. lK'eB prde'd. tbe fcall a-a f..' d. oesjiit tbat It a as ax uniavorabie eTen:nt. "itb aaaa rain la ; tie ajiiecre arere US rtiuT.g w"t. seated ' in a irr-.Hip. ail dreed in ai.ie and tcb one wilh a email Kllk a( for aarir-g . Tber a-aa nnurac asd mart ertirt-staFm. A tbit a-aa tbe f rat cf-t-tlbg of tbe cam- . pairn. siucb effort aaa nut u bare It a t'xj Kt Tbe ctir-j:a.ijrr. it o CTse-sldfi In Icaa tr.at tlere can na r-ekt ib--ret.t are in tbe S-ror) d.srnct. SrEker Cat Bon and riir.ffii Wats a-U gn or. to e?-im Iti t In tbe morrJr.g. a here tbe hare a bif Scott tocmrv ralif at Ed reCF. lall-Pirkrr lei far Wark Tbe rpub"Jear Ftate committer bld a bntf rnorriT tbi eTer.Jr.g and n-afle on charge ir. tbe elect nra- ticket. Oforge L. Juty r-i Cbtrief C.tj bed resig-ned b-rtce ur.de-r to n.le of Cbt-rsia Cortel; oc one a-o ir fijector in a na-Junti hxrik Otgbt not '.a be cm tbe elertoral ticket and the -.att rotnTnirte na.3-d w. j T-rrer of Cb'kk.ia c-ur.ty in bla FtAd Tbert a-aa oorju3'rirble d--bt ir. tbe minc of cralitrs of tbe c-rrr.mJtT" arbe:ber th'. sri-f r.eoeBary. t--.t ot.t of Scferebc to tie r-ttional committee tb bange a a rr.adf Tb on-'y otber eieTcr abo a-a lneLf-bi aba E-mlrted a-tj A I". Clarke cf Ai F'.nt abo aa a director of ar.d pr'icSer.t cf tbe Cittke NaT.K-r.aJ tiar.k of Mir.ne aprui?. but be re.rr.-i b bark pos;lon ratatr tbta to c5 tb rcaet. and a ne contj-ois tbe bank can be re-elected after the carr.;iEit-r. ia over. Cme cf lb oemo craiic cibd; dates for rttr abo 1 a bank . t-rector rfu 10 go otf tbe ticket and ! say be i n-t afraid of 114 elecied. ; A. W. Maxa-eii cf 6tyB"'.i, Wtj r ' couiry. forEDer'.y Figttn dirairt rafm-t-er 1 fi Tb fleoocratic "Ate comzaJtve arid '. r ArTjffi by tbe democrtur tate kcvto ! tion for ci.airaxiAB of tb Halt cotrrrnTTee. 1 la ia tbe c5ty in t.ie ir t-re-. of tbe AnT3 1 Parker letgTc arhirii aa formed lart FY1 day ia CiuoAar. and of a-bcb be ir tbe 1 jirerident. He repcrru ibat tbe jeag-ue if i now bard at arwrk. fcas btadQUArttrs rij-i '. and 1 in touch a-nb 3i.Kif democrat of ' tte nortr.a-ertera Ftate abo tre oprx-wd to tb eiec-rJot of Parker Mr Jlata-eii has bec-r maaring Fjecft in Misa.'uri and ! bad good meetjig and be rr;.'rT.r that tbe ' rPT'Bt'!)cajis hare a rhenoe of carrrtr.g that ta'e for Rwaault He an!3 Dike ctriT a;bc ia tbat naT and also in N bruat and Indiana and trge tb F;rj an J deanocrat to tot for Rooterelt. aaalaai ( a a aV a aeat. ! Tb- ajpreia court today tor-k a'-uon of j arreat lrteret in erery ci-y ft tbt a.ate in le-iperJbg tbe pavmg ce of V trua aalnt tb City cf Oskalocma. ia ahicfc it ara beid virTuaJy that a city ccuncil btf no r.gbt to tama for partng and otber imprcremeata by a correc-tire reaotutlon a here an error baa bs coertrtiTted "r for try reason tba onanna! a imtuf at ia -cud. Whiie rte cm a-a fio3-d ar fran Ckalonsa CSty attw ntyt ia I-. M-inea and ttbtr atlea took it rp nd d'manded a recper-.rr.g of tie case that tb-r irarM b terrd- Tbey tbt if 1) d-'-irion jftrd an tb citie cf the Fiat am bt- irarb rriopled- Debaae a Brrnery. A bOTt.ty . propoM-d at tieta-eeta Fier. It. 1. X. McCarh, Flat r-jrer--r.-.f ndt-nt for tbe Arrj-SlcK'n 1-atarje tad B-n Parker. o-ntr cf tlK'-.t ta-erry aa.--rna tn tbt city, in a Joint ciebatt ri-ran tbtn ia j-ubLc over Tbt ri tbHiTy of giving conant ! eiatujir.2)er.t of a brew err ii:a F'a.rkT and oicT propoee 10 eatabiiFi. It. k!c Cs.fb etc tb cbtlleTjre and Parker ac cepted it or. condition it tbc-uld l Edited tc CnancjjJ ft-ttiir- of the prcpoaaj. Petl ticr. tre sora to be ctrc-uitted tskirg for rigtt to eriAilifb a b-eaery aa lbr baa tes none Ik re rtnc beiure ""okaDataua day a Treaaarr ftaltaraf. Wa5KIX'3TCX St St Ttiday't arare. n.er.l of me T r-a ciry bAJLT.:-- an tbe a a-t-rtl fund, ttr'aicvt cf me tiH !' r-' 1 rTTt in tb divxarn) vj iwk.ier-xia, aacwf Araiatua cakb bxlajioe. at-jB.aTr.'; gcud. rt-i4.:t. Special iFor Saturday 1 1 Oa Trial tar tCaaaa-taaa. ATlaVTIC. Ik.. aWpi. Jtt ,6;t3Ai -Tb BVarenaiuB cae a aa a, i -c ta tb jury Iac xugti and tl.t y nave boat bwn out taenty fcour aitbcn.t -oskjr.g ta a agrea-anent Tbic caa iM to ouct-oacna tt a atttax re ceired by Banlur Siaupavui of At atu annie au.ilr aa aa atuia f A arrner t treat -md to a td uct in backer a h tti a jc Ab4 buna ewt kia ) aitb a bat pr ktT and eatroy Lia a-if a ea attk auid anieaa b piauwd t.uut at a awtnt -gr-Atei. Tbt bacatr a-n-ployed oletectiiea and Tfco&a awiracaawoa 0 klArn aaa atrreaia and ac cuaai tf arnuug cb tbraaier irg letter. BROUCJ'S C. 0. D. 128 H. Croa.wi). TeL 65. ME We 100DBDRY COJ TELEPHONE New grocer' department opens Saturday morning with great values for Saturday, demonstrating the power of this store to furnish you merchandise at right prices. All of them exceptional bargains, and guaranteed pure and excellent quality. Whole Jap Paice, regular Tc quality l(n 10 paunds for :5c 4 poonJs for.e..IU 15c 19c ...3c lie 21c 50c '2ZfC sise lare package Banner Oats 0 pounds bt-st cane surar, at 10 bar Diamond C Scp, at S5c large pint bottles imported Olives 10 bar White Busman S-jap. at Uneeda Biscuit, per rtackage Wisconsin full cream cbeese sells LVH-. Ltre Gallon can fiae svrup. at :. ..." 10 pounds best cane -upar, at 1.00 25c 25c 1.50 IS 'b porterboua rteaa ... tt it rirlcna atA . . 7? fp .v.j a t J: Uri . I lb bo:Ll bf GENTS Pillsbury's Snpa-rlative flonr, sarku T0 p.tunds Pillsbury's Suj-rLative flour, one- Lalf Nack. l!5 rounds m jC 3 cans Sardines, in oil at Genuine imp-orted Sardines, in oil a 15c can earlv June Peas, 3 FOK.... 10c 6c 25c 8 A Full Line of Lunch Meats aad Spring Chickens Al ways on Haul II u ti Hundreds of other articles in this department all at money saving prices. Saturday we will demonstrate the quality of our line of canned goods, fruits and vegetables, and cut the cans to show superiority of the line. Will trt coffee to show you tbe xcellmt quality aai valuts. You are invited to attend thU opening IT PAYS TO TRADE AT WOODBURY'S Ititwar imaa ia max a.ni.y -a -