THE OMAITA DAILY BEE J THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10M. 10 STORM PLAYS WITH TRAIN Tornado Makes Mere Toy of Huge Can ted Hbman Freight. DUMPS THEM EASILY OFF THE TRACK Fuirnirr Circa Graphic Oc.crlatloa, Telling- of Mlracolon. Escape from Any Injury of All 1 Hoard. A train on a Burlington branch In the mithem pnrt of the state wai lifted bodily from the trark Tuesday evening and hurled with titanic force to one Bide, where It fell In a heap of wreckage after making several revolution. A tornado was blow ing at the time and the train, which waa an accommodation running between Or leans, Neb., and St. Francis, Kan., waa a toy In the teeth of the storm, which over took the ears near Wheeler, a small sta tion on the Una. The rear coach waa filled with passengers, but the fact that they escaped without Injury la one of the mirac ulous features of the phenomenon. The train, which left St. Francis at 7:30 o'clock, ws.s making about thirty miles an hour. The sky was overcast with dark clouds when the train left the station. A It neared Wheeler the sky lightened up In front and the passengers noticed a fringe of copper-colored clouda In the northern horlron. The clouds were edged with a constant play of lightning. A traveling man named Albert Kahn waa a passen ger on the train and gtves a graphic de scription of the storm. He says: "We were making about thirty mtlea an hour. I should think there wera ten or twelve passengers on the train. As we approached Wheeler we noticed the sky suddenly light up, It did not seem more than five minutes after that when we struck the atorm, head on. The train trembled Ilka a plaything and then alowed down. Finally It came to a stop alto gether. Several women were on the train and they wera almost frantic. I tried to talk to one of them, hut the atorm made ao much noise I couldn't hear my own voice. The roar of the storm Increased and the coach awayed. It had again grown dark as night. Everybody Is Seared. "Everyone was frightened and naturally we thought of the Colorado accident. A thousand rnllroad trains would acarcely make more noise. I saw from the llpa of some of the women they wera screaming, but couldn't hear a sound. "Then we felt the Jar of the coach as It left the track and waa dragged along over the ground. There was another Jar. The coach shook violently from aide to side, then righted Itself and stood still. The storm passed over aa suddenly aa it came. After It had quieted down the passengers got off and looked around. The engine had remained on the track and was puffing like some frightened monster. The freight cars, which were partly empty, had been torn from the rest of the train and lifted bodily from the track, dragging our coach with them for a few feet. "The freight cars had rolled over several times and had fallen at the side of the trnck a few feet away. Most of the cars were more or less wrecked. Our coach was uninjured and the engine and tender remained Intact After a long wait another train waa made up at ' Wheeler and the passengers continued their Journey. The Burlington did all It could for the people. It lu a singular fact that not a passenger nor a member of the crew was Injured." Big Ak-Sar-Ben number next Sunday's Bee. II., K. A Co. Get First Prise. Major R. S. Wilcox, manager for Brown ing, King & Co., 1b receiving congratula tions over the information that the first prise, a gold medal, has been awarded to Browning, King & Co. at the World's fair at St. Louis 'for their exhibition of cloth ing. The garments upon which this award was made by the committee were taken from the regular stock of the St. Louis retail store of Browning. King & Co. and are such us may be had at every one of the firm's sixteen stores throughout the country. End of Meek Excursion to Clear Lake, la. Via Chicago Great WeBtern railway. For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be Bold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning on any train until the fol lowing Monday. For further Information apply to S. H. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Fa'rnam street, Omaha, Neb. Buster Brown in next Sunday's Bee. Try Edholm's watch repairing dep't. Announcements of the Theaters. The regular midweek matinee will be given at the Orpheum this afternoon. The coz vaudeville theater Is the only local playhouse with an afternoon attraction to day, and It la not exaggerating one bit to Btate that the program this week ranks among the best and most pleasing seen here. Lillian Shaw, the clever little com edian; the "Four Madcaps," frolicsome and pretty dancing girls; the talented Delmora Sisters and every act on the bill contrib utes to its excellence. George Ada is well known as the most representative of modern American humor ists and his writings have been enjoyed by many millions of his countrymen, lie brought the best of his understanding to the construction of "The County Chair man," a comedy in which ha blenda the old love story with rural politics, and which wtll be presented In Omaha for the first time tonight. The company having It In charge is under the direction of Mr. Henry W. Savage, a sufficient guarantee of its merits, and Is headed by Theodora Roberts, a well known character actor, who will be remembered In Omaha for his fine performance of "Pudd'nhead Wilson" a few years ago. George Thatcher, the well known negro delineator, has one of the leading roles. The engagement Is for three nights and a matinee on Saturday. i i ''The Factory Foundling," the great 1 ar bor play, which cornea to the Krug for three nights and Saturday matinee, starting tonight, la one of the best labor plays now FrnA B a , j a r 4 4 if j 1 f Ladies Myusii ran nats s.zv Fresh New Millinery Creations From Our Own Workrooms. A fall hat with lots of style these hats are specially d e signed after first-class models they have all the little touches of correct style the newest shapes T and most charming color effects in P33 aamiture on sale at . 9 W A A Fretty street nais ai $1.98 Jaunty felt hata trimmed withwiuge, buck les, etc. , all the lat est and best shapes at Millinery Specials Basement Trimmed and ready-to-wear hats made in this fall's pretty styles, a great assort-., ment hats that are worth aa high as $ jC'leDU 125 H3) 15 rvn rn ITT 12) LS Ul lAJ IS THE PLACE JUST NOW TO Ladies 50c Embroidered Collars at 10c Thousands of the daintiest embroidered and lace collars in stocks, tabs and turn-overs scores of the prettiest patterns very attractive for Btreeet and house wear etewefwch Oc Ladies' Tailored Suits made in the latest styles, new cloths & T QQ color 13k'' special Specials in Ladies' Fall Suits TAILORED SKIRTS AND TOURIST COATS Coif Skirt In new mixtures, just right weight sz F8 Walking Skirts at J3.93-Very styl- ish new skirts in all the Dew ideas fy Oft for fashion- dbt.0 able autumn U wear, at. ... . Tourist Coat The most popular coat in years stylish and right IJfl New Fall Suits In the pretty browns, blues and mixed cloths all e.7 tl .50 High Class Suits new Directoire. Parsifal, military & tourUt styles samp- lea at . . . l Biyies 17 J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. up-to-dMte a big varie- 4 j ty, at I J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. I The entire new piano stock of Frank J.' Gulick, 115 N. 15th St., purchased by us at our own price, is now on sale in our Piano Department - - - - The Most Remarkable Piano Bargains Ever Shown in Omaha. New, large size mahogany pianos, good tone and action, usual price flt T) $225, will be sold as low as-S V Pianos of well known reputation, new, large size, handsome cases, regular price $250 to $275, &j C going for vpJL-r Pianos of unusual merit; durable, fine tone, beautiul case designs; ought not to be sold for less than $300, at this &t H C sale will be, Celebrated eastern makes of pianos old and Established reputations sold everywhere for $350 iftS d to $450 will be offered to you for $295, Jr I 1 $270, $255 and down to y J The Terms of Payment Will Be With in the Reach of Everybody. We are under the impression that you want. a new piano in your home: If we are correct, we advise you to take advantage of this sale, and do it right away. Such bargains cannot last long. An Attractive Sale of Sheet Music Creat Sale W. B. CORSETS Friday. Watch Thursday evenings papers TBI REUABLI ITORK, Creat Sale W. B. CORSETS Friday. Watch Thursday evenings papers On His Recent Trip to New York Our Cloak Buyer Purchased SAMPLE SWTS AND CLOAKS. .About 1.800 sample carmenta. Including handsome opera cloaks and exquisite ever. lug costumes, from the very best fnanufao turers of both Europe, and America, Na two alike but all distinctly stylish, up-to. date garments. Secured at shout on. the dollar. They are now here and will bn placed on sale Thursday, Septembat 2fth, at enticingly low price. 1(.VT M1S3 THIS BALK-- 66i SAMVI.hl 8LITS-In 26 different ma. terlaJn, no two sllke, but all handsome garmentx, lined with Skinner's satin an4 lilvernaud's taffeta. The greatest collec tlon ever shown In Omaha manufactured to sell at 125, 3o and Uo In order to sell quickly, rrlced at " 4 TR 114.75, 1K76 and O 50 SAMPLE COATS From the leading New York manufacturers nearly all length, and come In fancy mixtures and, plain colors, trimmed with burnt oransf", ' green and red velvet trimmings, woiid from $10 up to .'K, divided Into four lots, to move them quickly at Ofl ti 7.o0, J9.90, tl4.5o and V.UVJ 11ANDHO.ME NEW WAISTS In silks, a. batross, lienrlettits, poplins, mohairs and many other fabrics In the richest weavas and most stylish colors, including an elegant line ot evening OEt fi waists at 4.9i. 7.i0, $10 up to... -M-' 8AMIM.R SKIHTS All newest styles and best fabrics, the most Immense collection ever shown In the west, worth from M.00 to 18. 00 Special Thursday Q Qf at 13.95, $05. $7.96 and .fJ SILK UNDERSKIRTS 500 garment la Mues, blacks, browns, reds, greens, changeable, etc., made to sell at $6.S as speolal for Thursday 1 choice .....- 75c flannelette and eiderdown sacques at M $1.00 flannelette wrappers at 1. 00 sateea underskirts at .. (Wi $5.00 SILK WAISTS In peau de sole and - 2.98 98c taffeta, as a special Thursday choice .... $2.00 black moire underskirts at 09c 49c 49c on the road. The piece abounds in humor and pathos and portrays truthfully the strenuous life In the east and graphically describes the everyday happenings of those who reside there. The bowery girl, the Irish washerwoman and the Jew pawnbroker combine to make it one of the most Inter esting as well aa humorous of the metro politan plays. The producing company is said to be faultless and Includes the clever little actress. Miss Leslie Bingham, for whom this soul stirring drama was writ-ton. New Color Magazine with next Sunday's Bee. READY FOR SEATTLE TRIP Governor Mickey and I' arty Prepare for Launching; of Battleship Nebraska. Preparations practically have been con cluded for the departure of Governor Mickey and party to witness the launching of the battleship Nebraska at Seattle. The only member of the governor's staff In Omaha is Colonel Joseph W. Thomas, cash ier of the Union National bank, and press ing business engagements will prevent him from attending. The launching will take place at 2:18 p m. Friday, October ,7. Invitations have been received by a number of Omaha people, among them Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McCul lough, who have accepted and will accom pany the party. Those of the governor's staff who have thus far signified their Intention of going are: Colonel George E. Jenkins of Falrbury, Colonel C. D. Evan of Colum bus, Colonel H. P. Shumway of Wakefield and Colonel J. S. Dew of Tecumseji. Ad jutant General J. H. Culver will, of course, be of the party. The cost of the trip will be about $110 per member. Miss Mary Nain Mickey, daughter of Governor Mickey, is the sponsor of the occasion and wtll christen the ship. The gubernatorial party will comprise about thirty persons In all, according to the pres. ent program. The party will leave Lincoln Monday morning, October 2. 'tgffir i The Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis; Blue Bells, Seminole, Kamara, Gondolier, Lovey Mary, In the Village by the Sea, Down on the Brandywine, Under den Linden each .' . . , And 10 ($1.00) Little Green Stickers Thursday Only. 25c Dennett's Sheet Music Dept for the Latest. Boys School Shoes A Drexel special "Steel Shod" the best shoe ever made for wear. Every sole and upper Is selected with a view to the wearing quality. They are as near water proof as a shoe can De maue. Boys' sizes 2 to 6V4 Youths' sizes O OR 1 to 2 f Little Gents' sizes 10 to 13ft Get them now and be ready for school days. NOTE To our mall order customers: Add 10 cents to above prices and we will prepay these shoes. 2 50 2.00 Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAU STREET, iennetf Company Great Carnival Grocery, Cracker and Fruit Sale. Large sacks cornmeal Hand picked navy beans, lb Good Japan rice, lb Breakfast rolled oats, lb Funcy imported macaroni, pkg The best laundry soap, bar Best bulk laundry starch, lb Fnncy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina, lb Oil or mustard sardines, can Fancy Alaska salmon, can 2-lb. cans fancy wax, string or Lima beans 8-lb. can Boston baked beans, with or without sauce Fancy highly perfumed toilet soap, S bars In box, for 12Hc .Sc 3o ...3c i .8VSC ! .2Vc 3c .3c ...4c ! ..Ap I .7V4c 8V4C 7c GREAT CARNIVAL CRACKER SALEJ- Fresh crisp ginger snaps, lb Bo Fresh crisp butter crackers, lb ........ ..6a Fresh crisp oyster crackers, lb ..........ha FreHh crisp milk crackers, lb 5o Extra special for Thursday all our Una of 12Hc sweet crrtekcrs, on sale at, lb..8Ho OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT Fancy Colorado freestone peaches per case ....dOafj iMige juicy lemons, dozen ...120 Larue baskets real blue or yellow Washington plums ..20a FREE DEMONSTRATION Of fancy sweet cookies, and breakfast co coaall this week. H&YDEN BROS: Omaha's Up-to-Oati ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. A SENSIBLE MOTHER Shos Hoiuj B I1 AK-SAR-BE1V CANDY GIFT BOX Our Own Manufacture. Purity and Excellence Guaranteed Proud of her children's teeth, consults a dentist and learns that the beauty of perma nent teeth depends on the care taken cf the I f" Qrst set. SOZODONT Liquid and Powder should be used. The Liquid to penetrate Into the little crevices and purify them; the Powder to polish the outer surface and pre vent the accumulation of tartar. I FORMS I LIQUID. POWDER. PASTE. Perfect ff T J ujiiuerwear Fitting In our line you'll find all fabrics, but only on grade the best. Then tie Sterling and Merode no more popular garments are made. Merode, all cotton or mercerized and cotton; union suits, $1.00 and $2.00; two-piece suits, 50c per garment The Sterling Is a reinforced full fashioned, regular made (no aeam to hurt) garment It opens across shoulder or from neck to waist line low neck, no sleeves; or high neck, long sleeves; ankle length only; In lisle, part and all silk, mer cerized silk and wool, and all wool. Two-piece suits, $2.25 to $4.60 per garment; union suits $300 to $10.50. Try the uy good underwear, you know. MRS. J. BENSON. 212 South 16th St. I ONCE TRIED ALWAYS A AVORITE A single time ts all we ask. ao better beer brewed than Tfcer la CABINET THE BEER YOU'LL LIKE It Is Invigorating and healthful aa a tonic. None better for a beverage. That's why our sales Increase so enor mously each year. Quarts or Pints In cases either. old es Dlafasr d Ballet Out, Fred Krug Brewing Co. iTelephooe 430, rewsw. OMAHA I mwseta 1 1 h ami $1.00 DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. Send a sweet remembrance to your out-of-town friend. BALDUFF, ...1520... Farnam St. THERE'S NO RING knowledge unknown at Lindsay's jewelry store. Every dainty setting and combination la to be found in our col lection, and that means no end of styles to choose from. We have sorted for quality, we have sorted for beauty, we have made It easy for all to be' suited. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. MASONIC Covert Lodge No. II, A. f. 4 A. M. Special meeting Friduy evening, 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. All members requested to attend. Special niuslo. ALLEN 8. ROMANO, Master. F. W. COYKIt, Secretary. Dandruff is a conlariout disease caused by a mlcrobe.l NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL remedy that LIKE THE PARDON Nwbro' Herpicld can eom too lata. If the da ad ruff micro ba haa dtroyad tna hair fol lclaa and laft tha scalp bald and shining, all ramadlaa ara wort But. Ilk lha pardon, 'klllftthe Dandruff Germ." if Herplclda comi whlla Ufa still remains In tha folllclva, tha hair Is fraed from disaaaa and bagliia Its nstursl growth again. Don't Dug 1 set dandruff or falling hslr. Wonderful results follow tha usa of Herplclda. It Is an asqulslts hslr dressing. Stops Itching of tha scalp Instantly. GOlN&l G-QIIM&!. GONE 111 HERPICIDE WILL JAVE IT HERPICIDE WILL WE YT TOO LATE FOR HERPIQD2 Drag St.Mt. II M. Ui tOc. !nD. to MttriCIDE CO , Ucpi. I. Dti,t. Us.. tor SHEKMAN & MeCONrsELL DRUG CO.. Special Arnti APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT P.AHBER 8HOP8. $8.50 ONLY $8.50 COACH EXCURSIONS TO ST. LOUIS, MO. Sunday to Thursday Inclusive of each week. Sixty Day Tickets - $15.33 Fifteen Day Tickets - $13.80 Coach excursion tickets will be on sale every Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week limit of seven days from date of sale. Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This is a delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. Ample Hotel and Lodging House accomodations for all. REASONABLE RATES. See local agent for full particulars. TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. Aft. T. F. GOODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Aft S. E. Corner 14th and Dsuflas Sts., Omaha, Nebr. H. C TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Aft. . St. Louis, Mo Of acres of land situated along the line of the UNION PACIFIC RICH in Soil ADMIRABLE in Location, with ABUNDANCE of Water, and IMMUNITY from Malaria And at ao altitude where every sort of product, not tropical, can be grown FOR INFORMATION about that vast region travened by the Union raciflo and iti connectioni drop a letter or poital card to SCHOOLS AKD COLLEGES. Western Military" Academy Upp.r Alton, I Ilia. I.. 1Mb Nr. flrwprtiuf buildings Urxlrr. wiutp. uieitt. l.ltwblfuj iiictlna. h u ai tir 1 1 a. it Ml. htrong merit. Loci i.f.rt'i)c.. C.I. A. M. JACKSON. A M . flupt. City Ticket Office 1S24 Faraaa Talephoa. SlOw IttMl, Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST Teeth Extracted With out Palo. Plllla. SOc CrVWB. 1140 ap Brtds W.f..... S2.SS up raurlMN Yars ftama Location 'PHONE 1756 The moat aenaltlvo nerves removed with, out palo. Loom tooth mado olid. Writtoa QiMra4o 1 a ! t I! 1