Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat Opened Euy, but at Occe Rallied
on Short Buying.
Prices for All Speculative Deliveries
Pelat Higher either Gnlai Sot
Materially hanged C ora
merrlal Gossip.
OMAHA. September 27. 1904.
At the owning of Iks specu.ntive mar
ket there wn a continuation of toe general
selling movement so mucn in evluence
Monaay. The team were encouraged by
Jower Liverpool cables In r-sjiiae to
efforts in tnat direction yestrusy arid for
a time it looked ai U' lower prices were
within the probabilities. Thi continued,
for the tuai half hoar of the session and
then there wa another pontive change.
The enormous liquidation Monaay clearel
tr.e situation very materially. It relieved
the market of many a long line of wheat
and It aid morn than this for It eatab.ished
a short line of fairiy good proportions
wltnout which the specuatlve market la
aure to SHg. There was yet anoiner factor
of considerable and that wa
the tempting of Armour & Co. to cover
short. The tig break of yesterday was
the tempter and Armr ur Co. bought
very heavily. These were the chief in
fluence on the market, but the reported
Icciase In the Argentine sunly. the ur-
f:ency of the demand from miners and the
(M favorable weather map also Influenced
values, me latter Vpi either of the
other cuifi hhul that has In-en coming
to umalu Indirstch that quality Is poor,
most of the cars gradinar No. 8 witn quits
a lerga percentage- of low gride No. 4.
In Chicago September optr.e 1 Se lower
St SI.1, and th.e. proved to be the low
figure of the session, the recovery conse
quent on the renewed demand lor December
end May carryinp this future to I1.0.-S-December
opened at 11.1' V c off, and loft
a little more, afier wcioii It advanced
Sharply to 1 i-'V May sold at : IIS to I
ll.ii. The strength -if the various fu- I
tures was maintained right up to the close
cf the session.
Corn waa a trifle firmer at one time,
but the weather la too good and the crop j
out of danger, so that it is hard to bull
the grain. Late prbes showed steady
prices tin September; Slightly easier on De- .
cember and Mir. I
Omaha Gisli inspections In. 1 car No
2 hard wheat, IS cars No. 3 hard wheat,
7 cars No. I hard wiieat. 1 car no grade
wheat, t car. No 4 string wheal; I cars
No. 1 corn. I cars No. 3 corn. 1 car No.
4 corn..l rir No. .1 yellow corn, 1 car No.
3 white corn; 2 cars No. I oats., 7 cars No.
5 white oata, 1 car No. 4 white oats; 1 car
No. t rye, 1 car No. 4 rye; 4 cars No. 4
barley. 1 car No. 5 barley, total, 63 cars.
Out, 1 cars No 3 corn.
Omaha cash m!: i ctr No. wheat. M
lbs., Jl.Wi; 1 enr No. S v. heat. Mi's lbs.. If':.
1 car No. 3 vheat. h" :h.. Jl.f2; 1 car No.
t white, onts, 30 lbs., SV.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. i hard. (i.t.5; No. 3 fcarJ.
(1.02; Nc. 4 herd. KM; No. 3 spring. $1.0.
CORN No. 2, 47-c; No Z. 4-v.c; No 4,
4.TC, No. 2 yeilcw. V; Nn. :, yellow. 4TV.C;
No. i white. 47,.e: v J wMte. 4"Sc
OATS No 2 m-x.-V :.-. N--. i 1.
Tie; No. 4 mixed, :7c. No. 2 white, "-?: No.
3 white. a'.c; No. 4 whit'. .!:. n ii dir t,
Omaha Futures.
Artlcles.l Open. Hljh.; Low. l t'loie. ; Yej'y
Wheat. 1 I I I I '
Dec... 1.07 A1.W4A1.C4 A l.Oi A. I
Corn. I I I I ...
Dec.l C, 4; CS' 4.', 4S
Car Lot Ilcrclpts.
. c-
Chicago 134
Duluth 6'.)
Kansas City 440
St. Louis ::
Omaha 1.7
" I
Bradstreei's Kieurrs. j
Bradstreet's visible showed t.iat wheat j
Increased 3,uS.(w bu.; coin. ti.fAj bu.; 0.11s,
i SoO.Oif bu.. las: year wheat Increased 7,-!
Ooj.vxv bu ; corn, l.-LlAv bu., and oui de
creased Si-i.OoO bu.
Grain iiirkc r:ie Here.
Closing prices of grain today and Mon
day at Lie uurKeta .lamed were as follows:
May ,
Ct 1 11
Oaia -September
December May
December May
December May
December May
December Wheat
December May
December May
Today. Monday.
ST. LoLla.
. 1 17H
1 U
itaotatlosia of the day on
NEW YORK, Sept. 27 FLOUR Receipts,
XAiti bbia ; expona, 12.4' bhls. ; sales. i,rfi
pkgs. The market was itrmly held with
business light; winter patents, 15 2,,
60. winter straight., plilij j.a! Minnesota
patents. 18 Kir 6" : winter extras. t:fr
4 Hi; Minnesota bakers. 4jvy4fO; winter
low grades, t3;;'2' Rye flour, firm; sales
2&j bola.; inlr ti Mod, 4.4i.tii; cnoice iq
fancy 4 HQ 4 &S.
Ci ti. M t.Ai Stcadv : ve'iin-.- ptin
tUll.lS, city, tl-L-'ulU, klln-drled. 13.14
BARLBY Nominal; feedlr.(?, 43c, c. i. f.
New Y'ork.
WHEAT Receipts. 12 5"0 bu. ; sales, 4.2X1..
004 bu Market for Mt firm; No. 1 north
ern Diiluth, 1123',. f o. b afloat; No 1
hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat.
Options opened easy unJer foreign sc,lr.g
and weak cables Later rallied and In the
afternoon turned very strong on light
southwest receipts, rumors of drouth In
Australia, local covering, and heavy sup
port In Chicago, closing S'V" net nlghe'
kales Included No. 3 red, May. II 12rW
1.14V closed II 14H; September. II Hft
closed II 16',;. December, tl.UP.4fr i closed- II 15V
Ct iRN Kecelpis. 52 160 bu : exports. 1"5.
T41 bu.: sales, It bir futures, 61, bu.
spot Ths market for spot was barely
steady: No I. sic, elevator, and ITS. f- o.
K afloat; No. yellow, t; No. 1 white,
I7c. The option market waa quiet, being
easy at flrst with a late rally, following
wheat, and the close was ''uV.C net higher.
Miy closed Dt'sc. September closed i"c,
December. S6T,iiC7c, closed 67c.
OATS Receipts. 155.SUU bu. ; exports, t.259
bu. The spot market was steady: mixed
oats. M to 32 lbs . ilrjtSV.c: natural white.
to 32 lbs.. 3sVj3,u-c: clipped whits, 3i
to 4' lbs., 3HSi4oc. Options nominal.
PEED Pteadv; nr'rr Iran, U0.15; mid.
dllngs 121 7S; cltv. '.'2 (r,57 an
HAY-Dull; shipping. 67c; good to
Choice. s24e.
Hi"PB Klrm: stats, common to choice,
1CM :4tl'3'; olds. 14alSc pacific coast. 14.
rfi32o: ld :frl3!r. olds, Hjlsc.
HIDES Ste&d ; Qalveston, 20 to 25 lba..
17c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas
(dryl. 24 to lba. He
I.KATHKR Firm: acid. 24l26c.
PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family, til O)
Sit 50; mess, W o,tr50; beef hams 121 0 it
V; pai ket. tl'i uiill.V: city, extra India
mess. J14 ;.tfl" iv Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies. ISw,giiuo; pickled shoulders,
7X)lU. pi-kled hums. b,,-Tl0S
Arm; western steamed 17 V September
closed at 17 M. nominal Refined, firm;
continent. t South America. IVWI; eom.
pound. Pork, firm: fftmllr l'&;
short eiesr. Il rti mes. I'.of-31150
T A LL4 VQ uiet ; city, 4'o; cotintrv, 4'i
HICEJ Firm; domestic, fair to extra. V
C'c: .1 aoan, nominal
fllTTER-FIrm; street price. extra
creamery, 5i;io. Cirnclal prices: West
am fcir. common to choice. USAier.
niEESK Strong; state ru;l creams
small colored, fancy, t'-sic; small white, r
to fancy Tsc; large colored. go-J to
fancy. 0c; jrgs white, poor to prime.
FOGS Pulls westers fancy, selected tiv,
(SV - .
POT"LTRT-Allva. steady; western chtck
eoa, 12j fowls. IJir; turkeys. Uc; dressed.
rju'.et; western chickens. UffUHc; fowls,
L"c; turkeys, 145 lie
Features of the Trading aai Closing
PHea-s a Board of Trade.
CHICAOO, Sert 27. AcUve support by a
bull leader was perhaps the principal fac
tor Imparting- strength to the wheat market
today. At th close the December option
waa up mc. May was up luc- Corn snows
a giln of ic. oats are off Sc. iTovislona without decided chnnge.
At the opening the wheat mnrket showed
signs of weakness, the December delivery
b-ing V,c lower to Wc higher at II l"Val 1"V
May was unchanged to So lower al I1.11S
'41 US- The main factor affecting the sit
uation at ti.e Ftart was a decline in foreign
wheat markets. S-'Mlment during the lat
ter jrt cf tt.e session waa quite bullish.
Primary receipts were much smaller than
the corresponding day a year ago and a
report was received from Minneapolis stat
ing that country offerings (here were de
ci easing Advices from abroad prophesy a
big reduction In wheat shipments from
Australia and Argentine In the near future,
the claim being made that the' exportable
surplus from those countries was prac
tlrally exhausted. Higher prices for cash
whent in all markets of the I'nlted States
was an Important aid in buoying up specu
lative prices here The high point on De
cember whs reached at II 11" May sold
up to tl 13V Although all the advance was
not mnintained the market closed strong,
with December st II 13 Klnal quotations
on May were at 11 13V Clearances of
w heat and flour were euutl to 17, (Ci. bu.
Primary receipts were 1.2M.31"' bu , com
pared with l.i"4."0 bu. a year ago. The
w orld s visible supply, as shown by Prad
street's. Increased S.oaS.OOii bu Minneapolis,
Duluth and Chlcngo reported receipts of
) e.' cars, oeainst MJ cars last week and
1.133 cars a year ngn.
Sentiment In the corn pit was Inclined to
benrishncss. but the strength of wheat pre
vented any de-line. Trading was rather
inactive, and fluctuations were within a
narrow range. December orned 14c lowr
to Sc hiahcr at ji'JjoVc. sold up to 6c
ar.d closed at 5trc Ih al r ints were
Mi cprs. with 36 of contract grade.
Announcement of a big !n re;s; in the
worlds v'sibie supply caused an easier
ton in o.its The volume of business was
extremely llitht. December opened un
charged to 'c lower at 3"S6s'c. sold be
tween 3 'nl'Sc and -c and closed at
Local receipts were 174 cars
Provisions were steady on a good demand
from pit traders. Small receipts of hogs
ai.d firm prices at the yards were the sup
portms features. At the close Janunry
port was off be at II 3o. lard was up tc
at 17.47 and ribs were unchanged at Iti-Vi
Ijttliii.'it-d receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
!2 cr; corn, 116 cart; oats, 145 cars; hogs,
J hc.ul
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. 1 High. Low. (Close.! Yes y.
a Prpt.
b pt.
S pt.
1 1.12HI 1.13H 1.12-' 111',
l."ss 1 1 -p. LOSS l i'.'H 1W
;l-loS'0 LI21 l.lf-4, 112 1 l.ui,
I 1.1'V I I
ii.iivt.: i.i3 1.11s; 1.13 1.114
5" I
,6 V
4k,i3" 4S I
I K'V 30 I
;iVlt "3 S0V 32'.J j
I i ' j
I 11. e:1 ii63 1 11 B7w 11
I, 1J.4J 12.30 I 13
7.0 !
C.Si i
7.45 ;
7.50 j
7. 82'
6 9i ;
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cah quotations wera as follows:
r lv.iLit aieauy, winter patents, t5.S3
i.M. str;g..ts 4.frrJ.jki; tpnui patenu,
soi.-astA); .iraiglus, A-sjiui,, pkir, m.4u
W3 iu.
WilEAT-No. 2 spring, fl.U; No. J, i.(j
1.1-; No, 2 rd, tl.Lsj;.ljv
COK.S No. i, ev; No. 2 yellow, 54V.
oAiS-Xo. 2. 9jHc; No. 2, S2c;
No. i white, 3-3Jc.
uYE No. i. ,ji.c.
iiAttLtV Good feeding, iiOc; fslr to
choice mailing, iCifi-c.
SLLDS-No. 1 1109; No. 1 north
wiBttrn. 11.16; timothy, 2.0if2.i5;
tluveV. contract graae, .lt.
PKoVISlONS ilesi pork, per bbi., U To
fcil.w. Lara, per 1 ios . 47.0. tho.t nc
u.ucs (loose;. ,.TotivOj; short ciear fiita
(boxeu) S.U&8.75.
l.ccelpts ui.d s.iipmenls of fluur and grali
were as lO.lowa;
,,, Receip-.a. Shlpme-t .
F.our. bbls 12.523 ls.tSJ
M heat, bu la.ow) lli.4oj
turn, bu xto.n.) 4U3,.
Oats, bu 400,
: I'AO MftO
Larley bu u2j0
On the Produce today the but.
ter market was nrm; creamery, 14'n'Aic
au. ry. lr.i. cheese, fl.m. eV4fi34C. Eggs
steaoy; at mark. cae., iiioludTa Uaic;
nrsu, lac; tr m:, lice; extrar. 2c.
St. Lonls Grain and I rrvlsloi:s.
VE,Ts eL?L'ISVS lt WHEAT-Hlgher;
Si w? ic1- CUl!h- ll( Vnt"''. 11.17-v irack, II. IS
t?-rd.: tV.!,,,:i?:r-May- uti7-
.December. 47c; Mav 47c.
uais Weak; No. 2 casn, .tic; track. 3214c
r'ptl.'?Kw' ?-C; Ma.v' No ' w,'- 34c!
L.UI K Urm; red winter patents. ,..5
, ; "i1 jaiicy and atraUht, lo.sjj.ta;
clear. J4.50&6 tu.
SEED 1 Imoihy. quiet. 2ofiJo
COHNMEAL-Steady. 2.7ii.
S6c Steady ; sacked, ea.t track, 84
l5.o.4I)Duni tlmothy' P-W'S-OO; pralr:e.
V?V1?1?Srp?'k- uncharged; fobbing.
Eurd. higher; prime sieamed J7 0
I aeon, steady ; b. xed. extra shorts, tt.124';
clear ribs. t9.l.; short clear bj
i,.POFL!rKY-Dull; chickens. c; springs,
1(kf,: "itfJ;. 13!14c; geese. 5c. P "
d&irly"fic" gL"eti creamry. 16 304c;
EGOS Firm, 18c, case count.
trin-,. Rec 'ipta Eh'pmenis.
Plojr bhls jo 00 v i8 ww
t!. bu 27,0X1 ,5.Cwu
Kansas Cits- Grain and Provisions.
Hieher; beptember. CM; December, II
!;,47: May. II.034. Cash: No. 2 hard.
Tl onjl.d. ; No. 3. Il.t2ifil J; No. . Mry
3. ll ''3fll.og; No. 4. !C6I1 C4.
OH'S't;d'; f"'tniher. 4Hc; Decern
HT' ""V- 4.14J-,e. Cash: No 2
U'sV't"- 47c: No 1 mh"p
i"iTqV i,wif, . Jr. -
HAT S'eady; choice timothy. 19.50: choirs
pniiele. IT.J5-u7.75
RYE feteady. 70c.
EiGS Ste-idy: Missouri and Ksnsas
new. No. whitewoo.1 ca-'es lncl.iried l!c!
t3,"JE0iir,t' ltk-'- ca( returred Wc Uss.
laT rth-i reiui.i r,,
. Receipts. Sh 1 men s
Jheat bu S52.0jO 20).(j)
torn- r?u 44.5 m an,
bu 10,(0! 7 rj
Visible appl) of Grain.
Nr.VT YORK. Sept. 27. -Special cable and
telegraphic communhstions received bv
Pradstreet's show the following changes In
available supplies, as compared with last
account :
Wheat, rnited States and Canada, east of
the Rockies Increase. 2 4.:,(ii bu ; afloat
for and In Europe, l-icrease, S.OiiO bu.; total
supply. Increase. SOPe.CHO bu.
Corn. United Slates :md Canada, east ef
the Hockles Increase. 641 v bu
Oats. I'nlted States and Canada, east of
the Rockies, increase. IsfJOuo bu.
Among the more Important Increases re
ported this week are the folic wing: Five
hundred and eighty-six thousand bushels
In Manitoba, &j.ts at the northwestern In
terior elevators. 123 0r at Chicago private
elevators, loticrt at Milwaukee private ele
vators and M.On at Syracuse.
The leading decreases are: Ninety thou
sand bushels at St. Joseph and it.OuO at
Milwaukee Grsln Market.
ket lo higher: No. 1 northern. tl.l; No. 2
m.rthern 11 14pl 17; M, ll.UW asked
RYE Firm; No. 1, 7Sc.
PARLEY Dull; No. 2. Kc; sample. Jia
C-ORN'-Dull; No. 3. slHflCJc; May, 4rt,
Philadelphia Prodare Market.
Firm: western creamery, lii:nc.
lvUGS Firm; nearby flrsis. ii623c. at
mark: western firsts. JlHtitlo, at mark
CHEEcH--Strung and higher: New York
full creams, fancy. UiHc. J'ew York full
cr tarns, rholce, sSVii-Sr; New York full
creams, fair to good, titc,
Liverpool Grsln Market.
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 27. WHEAT-Ppo:.
nominal. Futures, steady; Sipiemter. 7s
7V1; December, 7s 11.
CORN Spot. Amrlcan mixed. qule 4s
.il. Future, steidy; September, 4s id;
December, 4s V,d.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Bert 27. CORN Steady; No.
t, fcc. No. 4, sic; no grade, sic.
Market oa Wall Street Exchange U Again
Broad and Active.
talon Paclsle and I sited States Meet
Consplenonsly Stroag Atrhlson
Weak oa Disappointing;
f taiement of Earnings.
NEW YORK, Set. i7 Another day of
broad and active demand for stocks was
experienced at the Stock exchange, lifting
stul further the average of prices. The
movement showed some variety and Irreg
ularity, the upward movement being de
cidedly uneven and Interspersed witn oc
casional small reactions.
The selling wss ot a character which
made its Impression on sentiment and was
called "good,'- which In block exchange
pariance means that It appears to come
from sources presumsbly well informed
either on the Inside news regarding prop
erties, on the plans of campaign ot large
speculative operators, or for some similar
reason qualified to Judge wifely of the out
look for values in the market But this
selling, however well infoimed snd impres
sive, was well absorbed snd wss not al
lowed seriously to affect the rising tend
ency of prices. This fuct proved even more
Impressive to the sentiment of the msrket
than the supposed good character of the
selling. Union Pacific snd I'nlted States
Steel preferred were conspicuously strong
and active and two stocks so representative
of general conditions and dependent upon
so widespread interests necessarily had a
large Influence In determining the general
tone of the market by the sympathy their
strength exerted.
There were some rather conspicuous ex
ceptions to the general advancing tendency,
made the more so by the notable strength
which has characterl-d them recently.
Atchison was a marked example. Its move,
ment being narrow throughout The stated
need for additional capital In the annual
report came in for much discussion. The
August statement of net earnings was also
disappointing. Rumors of a strong forth
coming statement of August net earnings
br the Pennsylvania also figured in the
dav's market. Cotton Oil Buffered from In
timations that the common dividend would
be passed. There were reactions running
to a point In some of the leaders before
the day ended and the clos ng wus heavy.
Sterling exchange advanced, although the
prospects for easier mor.e;- In London, and
cotton bills are iiilte plentiful in the ex
change market. London also bought stocks
freely on balances here today. Money n
distinctly easier In this market In spite of
the continued heavy outflow to the interior
The strength of sterling Is believed to be
due to a demand on account of the matur
ing ninety dav loans tvg.ilnrt which aggre
gate bills were sold at the time they were
made. . , ,
Bonds were firm. Total Bales par value
15 335,'kO. I'nlted States 3s advanced H and
the new 4s declined . rer cent on call.
The following were the closing quotations
on the Stock exchange:
Salcs.High.Low. Clos.
Atchison 3&.W0 M 3 ,S3
do pfd 8.4O0 lolS 1"'
Baltimore & Ohio 15.SM) K K'V "
lo pfd M
Canadian Pacific 6.ti 1&S li lf
Central of N. J 4-J 1W, ISO lfv
Chesapeake Ohio.... 2.7'jO 43 4iS 4-'i
Chicago at Alton liW 4trt 4u
do pfd '
Chicago Gt. WeFtern.. 1,100 17 16U lo's
Chicago 4i N. W l" If, 17V ltw
C. M. 4 St. P 1S-"J l-'-'S If1 I"
do pfd 1"0 185 155 156
Chicago Term. At T... icv 6 ti" 64
do pfd 1V
C. C C. & St. L l'i 8o S0H 'i"x
Colo. Southern 4,. l.0 20 W1 lfS
do 1st pfd a 6m El'- t
do 2d pid 1.400 274 26 26
Delaware Hudson.. I. 1T4 1W4. 1ST
D. . L. W LiOO 25H 254V, &4
Denver ec Rio Grande iJ 1K4 ii"
do pfd 3 824 S2V, Si
Erie SS.O 31- 31,
do 1st pfd l.'M t)TS 74 CT
do id pfd 1.00 46 46,
Hocking Valley 5uO 904 80 80
do pfu l.&O 84 S9
Illinois Central 1.&"J 13H 13v lisV
Iowa Central 3.5-j 24S 25
do pfd I,4u0 47S 461,
K. C. Southern 24
do pfd 46
Louis. & Nashvll!,... 3.:".0 13k, 124V l-
Manhattan L 4'J li.5 1544 1544
Met. Securities IZ.bM 814 7, K-4
Met. St. Ry Sb.SWO lioi, 11D 1W,
Minn. & St. Louis ti
M., St. P. & S. S. M. . l.OX' 76 7 7';
do pfd 1.401 133 124 133
Mnikiur. Pacuio H.i
Mo., Kan. k Tex I.40.1 244 24 24-,
do pfd 1,6U . 45", 4 4S4
N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 39
N. Y. Central 5.309 LSH 127 127
Norfolk c Western.... 1,7oj ts tb-
do pfd W1,
Ontario it Western 20. 36 354 35
Pennsylvania 43.3 O 13-' Vii 13j
P.. C C. & St. L 69
Reading 54.600 6S 66H 67'4
do 1st pfd S"0 K54 85 84",
do 2d pfd SO 77 75 76
Rock Is. and Co 24 J 2 284 284
do pfd 3.:i0 7:"4 7! 72
St. L. & S. F. fd pfd.. 2-0 fi4 59 B84
St. Louli S. W 7f) 214 214 21
do pfd 3.1C1 45 44 444
Southern Pacific ri.w) 57 57 57
Southern Railway ....lO.Eo) 31 8i4 32
do pfd f") 91 92 9.
Texas A- Pacific 31 31 31
T.. St. L. & W 1") 31 SIV 31
do pfd 2 0 61 51 504
Vnion Pacific S2.1' h0 1"1 HI
do pfd 3n0 !'3 93 9-'4
Wabash 50 1 a 2t'4
do pfd 1.7iw 42 42 41
Wheeling A L. E 1(0 18 18 17
Wisconsin Central ... 8.800 21 20 20
do pfd 1.2O0 46 45 44
Mexican Central 1,200 1 13 13
Adams Ex 23
American Ex 3
I'nlted States Ex 115
Wells-Fargo Ex 235
AmaL Copper .90 5S 58 tsi.
Am. Car it Foundry.. TOO 24 23 ill
do pfd S14
Am. Cotton Oil S.21 Sf 3114 3i
do pfd l') 91 91 90
Am. Ice " 7 7 7
do pfd 4,C) SO S"4 .3"V
Am. Linseed Oil 114
do pfd 3,1
Am. Locomctlve I.) M ft;j 16
do pfd i0 96 954
Am. Smelt. & Refng.. 31 6T4 -67 CT
do pfd j p..., 1(9, I'm
Am. Sugar Refng ....28. 1"J 132 1?2
Anaconda M. Co 3) 94 84 92
Brooklyn R. T 24,Pi 564 55 FT,
Colo. Fuel A Irr.n an rc-.
Consolidated Gas ?,3i0 ;06 16 205
Corn Products SOX) 1", 14' I
do pfd 5o 79 BS 70
llistiflers' Securities.. tXt S", 00 3-:
General Electric 1.M0 171 17H4 in
International Paper.. 400 17 17 17
do pfd ?ii
International Pump... 300 32 32 32
do pfd 7714
National Lead iofi) 244 n' ivt
North American wm 95, ft-". 4 t",C
Pacific Mall r.o t J4
People's Gas 2.1V1 W " 10'.'4
Pressed Steel Car ln 3,;4 3! "1
do pfd loft 1 8-1 TS
Pullman Palacs Cr., I'M 218 218 216
Republic Steel l.Hirt 9 s 9
do pfd 7 0 45 444 45
Rubber Goods 4 Si" IS ;0
do pfd 3no 83 S3 83
Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 100 is 47 4T.
V. S. Leather .4i) 10 9 "
A ' A , , - .
" B.-t r,'
. S. Realty & Imp... 2,300 K K 55
T C r., ..... .... .... .... r
- " 1 u4 . 'J
do pfd 74
U. 8. Steel Jl.r0 14 17 17
do pfd H.310 70 a 70
Westinghouse Elec.... 8.7-1 1T4 15 l.'.
Western Vnion luO 0 gvij fjaZ
Total sales for the day, 752, iaw shares.
Pore Ira rinsaelsl.
NEW YORK. Stpt, 2T. MONEY Market
stronger today and the suppllea were large.
lOscounts a shade easier. Trading on thu
Slock exchange opened cheerful and mod
erately active. Contangos were stesdy.
Home rails advanced and I'ttderprounda
were In request in view of the earlv elec
trification of these systems. ,' Americans
opened steady and with a firmer tendency
on the favorable crop reiorts. hardened
later on continental support and closed
Grand Trunk rose sharply cn hear cover
ing In anticipation of the revenue state
ment. Japanese were Arm. Imperial Japa
nes government os of IM were quoted at
RLIr. r Prices on the Bourse
faely firm.
PARI' Sept 27 Prices on the Bourse
today ened firm, but subsequently weak
ened a..l closed feelle Rns!n Imperial
4s were quoted at 2 faj and kusaian bonds
of 11M at 5.2.
Weekly Statement Diatk ajf fieraaany.
BERLIN, Sert. 27 The weekly bank
statement of the Imperial Bank of Oer
mnv shows the following changes: Cash
in hand increase. 2 fJ"' mnrk; tiwasurv
notes decrease. 1.7"Ms' rnarka: other Se
curities. Increase. 15 3 f a n nirk.'; nutts in
circuit, t. on, Increase, "..'i.U'O tnr.rks.
Treasary rUlrmral.
WASHINGTON. 8e t. r -Todays state,
ment of the treasury Ii. lunces In the gen
eral fund, exclusive t.f tho il.'e ..' " ,i,
reserve in tt.s division of rt-4i:ipu,n,
shows- Ava""ble cash balances, I14I.577.Ot4;
gold. I6s.017.303.
yrn lork Moner Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 7-MONEY-4ln call,
ltilW t-er cent; closing t,t r,rd offered st
14 per cent. Time loan? slightly easier:
sixtv and ninety dv iT per cent; six
months, 34 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bsnkers' Mils at 14 509
4 for demand at at H Vti5r 4 for
sixtv-dav bills. Posted rates. 14 8410444
and 4 8o4li4 87. Commercial bills, 14 849
SILVER Bar. 58c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, Irregular; railroad,
The following are the closing quotatlona
on stocks and bonds:
V. s rf U. m .. ' Minhaittn c. g 4a...ln(4i
do ceuron l"f Mfi rTil 4T
V I. Is. reg oe 1st Inc.. 6 If
r tosses l'14iai. St. L. 4s... SH,
to new 44. rf ... 1J1S M. K 4 T tl 1
do coupon i;i:.l do SO
do old 44. reg l'S X. R R. of M f 4 77
do coupon 1"S N T t. f tv, ... IPS
Atihison gen. 4t l'HS N J r es ll'
do adj.. 4s M No rr!c 4s. 14H
Atlantic T. L 4i ... ! do ! 74S
Hal. A Ohio 4s I0J' N. W. t 4 1"4
do M 0 S L. 4, par.... r-S
Centnil of Oa. t ...111 ftrn ,on v "
do 1st nr M", RsaJIna fs 4t I7
Ches A t-4 St L i I M t t IPS
(hlrafo A A. Is O'-a St. L S F 'f t MS
C . B. Q B 4a.... K'a SH 1 S W is n
C. M. A g P t 4 los Seibord A U 44 ...
C. N W r. 7a....:t So PmlSr 44 M
C. R I. A P. 4s.... 744 o naiiwar t 1!'4
do rol. 47 Ti4 A P. : :i
cr. st L. g 4 l"i4 T . St L w. 4a .
Chl4fo ler 4f 7i I nlcD Pirlfi 41 1M
Con. Toticco 44 73S do cnriT 4i U4-4.
Colo A So 4a M t' S Steel Id fa.... 7'
P A R C 4 HS Wita.h la 117",
trio prior lit, 4i ... no deb. B tt
do ten 4 TS W A- I. B. 4. SO
r W A I C la.. 1" Wlf Central 4a 1
Hotklrg Vai 4',a ..Kivt Colo. Fuel t. 6s 7;Vt
L. A N. am. U ICS
Boston stock - met.
POSTON, Sept. 27. Call loans. 2','5?4 per
cert, time 10.1ns, 430 per cent Official
ck-s'rg of stocks nrd herds:
A'rhlon ad. 4s Sfi Westing tofnmoo ... S3
do 4a I4 A4 enisre I '4
Mrr Central 4a 4' Allouet IS
Atrhiaoti fc3 Arr.alramatel i,4
do pfd lo-, Amer.ran tine lis
p.oton A Alhnr 57S Atlafir
Doaton A Mimt f-rl-'K
tiestna Eleva-.rd 151 -, Cel. A Heels .S2
Fltrhtiurf pfd lr;! Centennial 2
Meitt-an Central 13S orper Ranaa 47
N Y . S H A H .141 I'aiy Weat 14
Pere .Marquette 74 I-eir'n'on C04I 67
I'moTi Pacific 1014 franklin I
Amer. Arre. Chero... 1? 'CJranT . I
do rtd 71 lle It orate 2:4
Amer Pneu. Tubs. I-S Mass Mining
Amer. Sugar 13!'. Michigan 4
do pfd l?t 'ilil 44
Amer T A T 14 S "Ment r A C a
Amer Woole, 14 ,oti Dominion 17S
to rtd SIS Oseeol, Ht
Pomiiln-, I. ft s.... 1? Parrot ti1
Fola-m Eloe. Illu T44 Oulncjr KS
c-"'e-al Eletrif 171 Shannon 4
Viet Electric II Ta-rnxacli 115
do r'd M Trinity 4
Vl'l C,. 47 f 6 Mining S"4
tnited Fruit ll'i 1 "' S Oil 11
In'.ed Sboe Mach ... 77 - Vtah KS
do tt Hei. Vi-torla 4
V S FW1 I"S Winona
do pfd TO'. Welmrlcs M
Hid. Asked.
tendon flock Karkst,
LONDON. Sert- 27. Closing:
Conaola. money. . . . t J-,4 N T central 1304
do ar.ount aa s-14 Norfolk A
Anaconda 4 do pfd 'l'
Ati hia-jn w'a ciotarlo a W S44
tlv pfd If'-- Pennsylvania Ca
Btltlsiore A or'o f: Rand Mlnea 1
Canadian pacific U-Ta Heading -4S
rr.ea. air Ohio 4.S do lrt pfd 4J-,
t hirago Gt W 17 du Id pfd
C M. A- St. P lt-S Bo. Rallwar U '
DeL.-era JS do p'd t'
tenrer A R. O '.'4 So Pantle iS
do p.'d .-Vnion Patlflc 1"4S
Ena S2i do pfd sis
do 1 pfd lrS V. 8. Ota! las
do Sd pfd 4c j do pfd 7!S
I'.linoia Central 14j-t Wabaah 12
Louia. A Naih UbS do pfd 4a
M.. K. A T S Spantth 4a 7
SILVER Bar. firm. 26d per ounce.
MONEY 1443- per cent.
The rate 01 discount in the open market
for short bills Is 2 5-16'jC per cent, for
three months' bills. 2HS2 7-l per cent.
ier York Mlttlss Storks.
NEW TORK, Sept. 27.-The following are
the closing prices on mining atocKs:
Adama Con 0 (Little chief I
Alice " ICintirlo !W
Bre-a lo I Ohplr
Brunawlck Con a Phoenix II
Comstock Tunnel 1" ; Potoal H
Con. Cal. A Va 1"; Sirage !
Horn 8.1vr IM Surra Nevada
lrcn Sliver ISO .frmall Hopea
Leadrllle Con 2 (Standm! 15'J
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
Staple and Faaey Prodnrc.
EGGS Receipts moderate; candled stock,
LIVE POULTRY Her.s, 8c; roosters. 5c;
turkeys. 10&12c; ducks, 7ic; geese, 6c;
eprlrg chickens, 4c.
BUTTER Packing stock, 12c; choice to
fancy dilrv. inc; separator, lac.
FRESH FIFH Trout. Pt: nlckere!. 8c;
pike. 10c: perci. 7c; blueflsb. lie; whlteflsh,
10c; salmon, "'c; redsnapper. 11c: lobs'er,
....'-i. .'!, .er. boiled. 30c: bullheads,
lie; catfish. ..c; black bass, 20c; halibut.
10o; croppies, lie; roe shad, 11; buffalo, 7c;
white bass, lie; frog legs, per dot, 25e.
RR4.N Ter ton. tlfi.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' oseoclaticn: Choice No. 1 upland,
7 ir; No. 2. In 50; medium. K00; coarse.
15 Rye straw. I5.Wi These prices ar.?
for hav of good color and quality.
OY'STERS New Y'ork counts, per can.
45c; extra selects, per can. ,".7c; standards,
per can, 32c: hulk standards, per gal.. II 35;
bulk extra selects, per pal.. 11.75; bulk New
York counts. r"r gal . I- fo.
ORANGES Valenclas, sizes 6, 112, 126,
4 26; small sites. 4.50.
LEWI 1N8 California fancy. 270, 350 and
SCO, 14 0-54.25, choice, I': ,VSi75.
DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs.. 12 00;
Hallowl in 7-lb. box. per lb , 5c.
I. IM ES Florida, per 6-basket crate. 14 50.
FIGS California, per !0-lb. carton. 76?
8Sc; Imported Smyrna. 2-crown, 12c; 5
crown. 14c; 7 crow n, 16c.
BANANAS Per medium sized bunch,
12 ; t; jumbo, 2.7if3.50.
CAYENNE PINEAPPLE 1 and 20 size,
per crate, II 00.
APPLES Home-grown, p-er bu. basket,
WjWc; per bbl.. t2.0("&2.25.
i'EACriKS Honie-tsrowr) seedlings, per
bu., SOciil (0; Colorado, per 6 hat-iiet crate,
81.6; Colorado, per box, 70((j75c; Llalh, per
box, 65i70c.
fL. .i i'tah and Colorado plums and
prunes. 75ij45c.
PEARS L'lah Bartlett. per box1 119??
2i": Colorado Flemish Beaut i-. II .: Colo,
ntdo. Utiih and Oregon Lartktt. 1.5052.0'i;
California B Hardy. 11.05.
CANTEI.t.'UPE 'i-nuine Colorado Rocky
Fords, p-r crate, 12 CO.
NV Te'M i iSe re- IK, crated, 1c.
CELERY Per doi , 2?fr.
UKAPKS- Home-grow 11. per 6 to 5-lh.
banket. 15(il6c; California Tokay, per case,
il. Soft 1.15.
CHAHAPPLEP-Per bbl.. dSSSOO; per
market basket. re. Krlh1" Cape Cods, per bbl.,
14 50: per box. 12 26.
QUINCES California, per box, S1.C0.
POTATOES New home-grown, in sacks,
per uoj , Vc.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., 11.02 00.
ONIONS Home-grown, In sacks, per bu..
50c: Bpan'.sh, per crate. 11.75.
TOMATOES Home-grown per market
basket. J53ie.
CAI UA'Ii; Home-gr5wn, per I"1 lbs. SSc.
WAX BEANS Per market basket, 6-ic.
SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per
market basket, tuc; Virginia, per bbl., 1.1.75
(it (
GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket,
i-OUASH Ho-?e-srrnwn. per des . 5oc.
BUfi PLANT Southern, per do., tiki.
HONEY Utah and Colorado, per case of
V. frames, 8303.25.
MAl'Lr. b' 4i.K Ohio, per lb.. V.
HORSERADISH In cases of 3 du. bot
ties, per dox., S0c.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block
Swiss, new, 15o; old, ltfgl7c; Wisconsin
brick 124f; Wisconsin limberger, 114c.
N L'TS Walnuts, No. 1 scft shell, per lb ,
11c; hard shell. r lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lu., lie; No. 2 hardshell, per lb.. 12c;
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.,
itic; peanuts, fer lb. 7c; rousted p.-4nuta,
per lb., ac; Chi: walnuts, per lb.. UQ134c;
almonds, soft (bell, per lb., 15c; huid shell,
Minneapolis Grrln Market.
September, 1113; December. 11.13; May,
1.i4'-.ii1 14'.: No. 1 bird, No. 1
northern. Il.l4; No. I ricrthein. 4US-:
FLol'lt First putents. (ti.A.iie.4 ,; teonl
pat,., in. Iolo2i; fnfl 1 leara, H.Smu j if;
ate" d clears Hltii3...
b KAN in bulk (15 vjl 2S.
DaUntk Grain Msrket.
DULUTH. Minn . Sept. 27 WHEAT To
srr,e in rv ,iemter: .". 1 northe n, 4115;
No 2 northern, (i.ll. To No. I
northern. J1 10: No. 2 no th r. 111. On
ir"U. No. 1 northern 41 H. September,
11.13: r-cember. I' 11; M ty, 11.13.
OATd To sn nl n raik. 3 c.
Toaar . i-Ue.
TOLEr0. Sept. SEEPS-Clover. rash
sr.1 (Htotxr 17 22; Marcr, 17.47',; a I
"niter, l 00, til; tlm j hy, B ptim-e.-.
n 3v
Cattle Rftcoiptt Liberal and All lai I'om
ffd Mi::y Ten Lower.
Good Raw ef (keep and I. a sab, kal 5ot
as Maa, as oat Maatbr, find avitk
Good Deanaad Killers Italral
Stroag, Good feeders Steady.
SOUTH OMA i.V, 6-?pl. 27, 1M
Rcipts were. Cattle. icj;s. M.-ep.
Official Monday lo.era l.'joaj a. 137
07".:al Tuesuay .u) 1v,i4a)
Two days this week. ..IV-i-i 11 iM 54 137
Same days last week 13.4 40 4i.h'l
S iire das week beforeV . s.1,7 It .c 4u m
Same three weeks ago., a.lxi li."4-i Lii,i
Same tojr wetas ag j H'.'Jit 14 il ' 24 .'
Same days last year 15.3it k.ii3 S1.3SV
The following table shews toe receipts of
cattle, bogs and p at fcouik oroaiia (or
the year 10 aaie. w-itta compaitou with las;
104 1V1 Inc. Dec
Cattle (36. so KK.436
Hog, l.,out,j 1.7J1.4.7 H75
theep 1.141.315 l.oej.'iol 100 oM
Late. 1 1904. lJU.,lu2..1iajl.il0u.ilS.,'lS
Sept 15.
Stj.t. I.
Sept. li.
6ept 18.
tept. 1.
Sept. W.
Sept. 21.
Sept. ii.
Sept. 24.
Sept. A.
Sept. -".
Sept. 27.,
SeiJt. ..
Sept. 2..,
Sept. ..
Sept. 4 .
Sept. 6..
Sept. ..
Sept. 7..
Sept. 8..,
Sept. ..
Sept- 11. .
Sept. 12.
EepL 13.,
tpt. 14..
Indicstes 1t"'.ay
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each rtod was:
Car.e. r s.
C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 3 ..
W abash Ry 1
Missouri Pacific Hy... 2 8
Lmon Pacific system.. HI 14 4. 4
C At N. W. Ry 4 2 .. -
F., E A M V. Ry.... 87 27 5 i
C, St. P.. M. 4 O 5 U - 1
B. 4 M Ry 160 80 15 23
C. B. A Q. Ry 6
C. H. 1. A- P.. east ... 2 7 1
C K. 1. 4 P.. west... 1 I
Illinois Central Ry.... 1
Chicago Great. West.. .. 1
Total receipts 3;( 123 47 21
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number ot head Indicated:
Ruvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
jOmana Packing Co MJ i4S 1.2 o
'Swift and Company I.oo4 l,.4a
jCudahy Packing Co 1.4 1.4v i 6
Armour A Co l.iw 3..' '2 1.33
lAinwur, Sioux City 674
Vansant & Co 17
Corey v Benton 1.7
1 Lcbman or Co 30
' Mccreary A Cary V1
I W 1. Stephen 50
Hill a iiuntxinger t2
Lewis & Underwood 1".
U. Rothschild
L. F. Husx US
Wolf & Murnnn 7SI1
Mike Hnggerty 22
Sol Degan .. 4
Leighton & Co 231
J. U. Hoot 4 Co 235
Bulla A Kline 87
Hamilton 31a
oilier buyers 1.166 12,31
Totals 6.678 7.9" 1S.21
CA f 1 Ltl There were nearly a.-i minr
cattle on sale this morning as arr.ved yes
terday, which makes the receipts f-r the
two days considerably In exces of the
same d&ys of last week and ao of las:
year. The table rbove will show the exact
Only a few cars cf corn-fed s'cers arrived
and they met with ready rale at good.
st:ady prices. Seme of them were of gool
quality, as will be seen from the ra 91
below. Anything et all derlrable changed
hands very freely, but, of course, the
common kind were more or less negkc:ed,
the same as usual.
The quality or the western ransers was
very common today, so that In spfe of the
big receipts there were not manv desl able
killers on hand. Packers claimed that they
were willing to rav steady pr,cs for chol-e
grade', but the kinds that arrived wrre no:
very desirable and as a ru'e were around
a dime lower snd slow at the dccll-ie It
wss late before even the bulk of the of-fe-inea
was dl"-oed of.
There were fully V0 cars of b-itcher "toe
on sale teviav. so thnt th- supply was suf
ficient to meet all the requirements of th
trade Packers naturally took advantage
of the lit run following yesterJav'a lib
eral reee'pts and the market was gen rally
a dims lower than yesterday. SonetM"?
very choice mav not htve been off o iite
that much and In fnct it was the meilu-n
clsss of cows that showed the grent-st
Bu'ls. veal calves snd stags cmild al' be
quoted a trifle lower snd not very active.
There wso an enormous supply of e'ock
era snd feeders here today, for, as men
tioned above, the qualitv of th Wfs'ern
was not very good and few of the-w culd
be c!ased sj desirable k'llers Th de
mand from the country vesterdsy aed this
morning for feedlnar cattle was not nuite
as brlk a ome thought It ought ti h
and cs a result roeeulators were heari'n
end a'l Kit some-hlne- very rholce In the
wsv of besvv feeders ws fullv a dime
lower. Common cattle were very ard to
turn st anv rrlce and n he tl-ne cf going
to rrcK there wre r'ill 1 rood many
cf that kind In first hards. Representa
tive sales:
Sa. Ar. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
1174 3 0 li IM 4 00
II 1640 4 U) tl 144 4 U
i4 1144 4 40 71 ld ( TO
U H7i I VJ It 14J (
1 130S I HO
tl Ill 1 M J 1014 I M
I to I t it i;: t t
i K'2 t tt) I i:m 1 M
I i4 I 14 1 12M
CwWS AND HEiFfcrts.
44 1C37 I 40
I too t no
1 ao 1 au t 441 i (0
34 feelers.. 1305. I - tredtrs. .1263 8 50
a leeaera.-lA-o 3 3o o leeoe l..,.ti 8 75
4 iCeuel a. .1-4. 8 OO leu --. . .ijui t ul
, iecdtr. Le.-4 3 "u (0 .eeaer.. hj 3 &j
a sleet . ...luti ku iv cows 1jo j m
i teeoera.. M IM 1 CO a 04 2 j
2a tew. tin 1W 1 cul: Lm a
iJ cuws S 3 00 IM Cows i j
6 aucra. ...lull 3 U ,1 uWj....1,, lei
24 cows K4 3 3 coo. iu-m it (Al
I bull 13J0 liv U OuWS 8.4 3 4K
1 cow lw 3 40
26 cows ri4 3 M 13 feeders. .1054 2 49
cows J 3 uo U feecsrs..lua3 (40
lu ecus H., ll 4i ieea.-.j.. o-Mi 8 3j
1m eews ,1 I w (eiders., tsu i la
8 cow 114 t u V) Cj W 2hi
2J fee dais.. IrA 1 16 ( It), Uers., U 3 W
Z leeuers.. Wj lb 1 lew U, lw
4 feeders. .117 tih tJ cwi lv.4 46
41 teeuer..U3 3 tj , tows 11. u 4 vj
t cows i 2 4o
I tows wo t Jt IS feeders.. 188
4 leeaers.. V-0 2 J)
John Hopkins Idaho.
I feeders.. V-o 2 , feeuera.. (24 J T3
8 leeaera.. 8 3 is 13 teeurrs.. e,4 2 tu
J. Herman Neu.
19 cows 16, 2 7v u le.oers.. 1194 (45
i cos a luxo t
C. Jones Neb.
44 Steers.. ..1111 8 3a
100 steers... 87 s M he.feri.. Bit I 2o
12; neers... i" 3 (w 1 Ue r.... luoo 2 iu
1 ktrH tJH 3 I CUWS illi i M
H gieers.... sJU 3 to
awan Lend and Cattle Co. Wyo.
104 cows.... 847 2 7 .5 ieelers..:Ou ( 75
Ku tows M1 3 JO 'A a.eci ...jiJ I s
F Belti-Wyo.
14 steers. ...10f I. U cows ftSl 2 75
N. O Uriltis 4 Co. Wyo.
11 steers.. ..luo led U s.cers. ...PM 350
J. L. Louk-. U.
10 cows.... 87 2 tO 12 la.der... 8T4 ICS
I'emuerton 4 Lewder 8. D.
14 atfra....,i 4 08 M is;rs. ...1113 1 0 j
lw sierra. .11.3 06
W. E. Hargraves-8 D.
27 steers... l'lOa' I 14 ateers ...10&S 120'
11. i. Tbompsun Nob.
53 feeders.. o two i le.drra. . t-90 3 24
r: L Harper-Net,.
14 2 ( il fe. de-a . 7' 2 f
t cows.... sou ! 00 1 teed r... : 21
1 cow 710 1 -j I cow )34ti 3 28
Fox Live Stock Co. Neb
e feeders.. it 31 111 14 fe-ders. lf52 1 73
4 fw-Utr..l'Ml 2 75 16 aiean. I 00
F. I. Johrajn-Neb.
15 feeders.. Wl 2 7a 2 heiieri., (25 1 15
1 Stag ISoP I Ot
J Kolar-Nek
It feedera.. 77( I 4w
I i 65: i C3 7 (7 I I 0 4 U, l
I s ao 1 i; ; u ( 56. 1 a ill 4 o
1 I ("4 1 t. Hi I tl i Hi i''"'
64 ,7 41, ( TSi I Hi 4 U;
I i 7-JHi e .0, 1 , 1 i 1 4 31, J .4
i (sj , 1 J s. 77. - 4 31, J 71
al. 5 SI I 16 & 21, 4 111 I Jl
1 t 754 s SO, 7 41 I i Xi, 4 Jb t .3
I 0 "a j i5 (' . ( oil 4i, S
I 5 7SS 54 7 So 4 6 14, I 3
1 6 Sd 7 65, ( 50: 5 16 4 41
I 6 17 OS 7 II ',. 5 lb 4 ai S 71
I 6 M I 7 34 6 7i 4 15, 4 li. I 7i
1 s is 1 n, V aa , s wi 4 sui I si
5 ;:S 6 ai, 7 4. ( lti ; 4 141 I Ct
a Si 5 7 sSj t I ; I Vi
6 42 7 i, lii i 0 4 13,
S Hi.' t 471 7 4oi ( A. 1 i tft 4 33 1 I 2
( 24 5 47 7 461 M 5 06, I
t 214, 44l I SOI 5 Ui 4 0i
6 5t, 7 4j is llll 4 0
t as, 441 7 til 171 I
I t (4 7 47 ( 40, b 22i 4 IB,
I 1, 5 56, i 661 SK i Mi 4 Ki, 3 11
( 5 614, I 7 k' 4; j W, 4 2b, I 79
1 o & 55 1 t a-'. 4 t6, 4 j 3
P H Kellett-Neb.
heifers.. r 1 so 1 cslf
1 rs
2 2
1 ;0
2 M
t II
t 55
1 heifer
jw 1 1 bJ I
fo 2 I eedera.
".15 2 on 4 fe.xiers.
K3 2 00 4 feeders.
E. Ormehe r-Neb.
2 41 13 cows....
John Mumford-1 Js
2 he'fers..
t ccwa
17 cows
15 SeTS ...
4 t
. 7i2
,. 7
11 3 15 It cows .
Ii03 2 so
I steers .
Arkermann A B. S.
2 fteers....l'S7 I
V. Coleman Neh.
24 cows
1 cow . .
4 rows.,
1 cow...
IS cows .
...: f.s 2 buns..
... 40 2 I" 1 stag ..
. . 15 I in
George Crinklow Wyo
. ..IT 2 W 14 s-eers... 1192
l'HO ? 1 bull 1400
F. tV. Hemlnghause Neb" I 4f' 1 stag 11"
...1106 2 10 - 2 eowa....ll
.. 12?0 2 fWl I cows lUUJ
Punn White -8. P.
...lOlo 20
M Riordan Wyo.
S "
2 09
! 4n
: an
2 40
2 cows...
1 cow
51 cows. . .
24 steers, .
1 feeders
1 feeder.
18 cows...
2 cows ..
, .121 3 45
J V. Ralley-S P.
. .l''T S 5 cows .
948 I 45
.10TO 75
A B. Pers1rger-Neb.
. !4i ! 41 I feeders.. lo
. J1.1 2 4" 1 feeder ..1240
2 M
J R Nicholson Neb.
.1112 2 40 11 feeders.. 771 170
,. !S5 2 40
B Ores thottse Neb.
27 cows
2 cows ,
I cews.
1 cow...
tl cows
4 cows ,
9! 2 45
35 feeders. .1113
4 feeders.. 1111
1 steer 12ln
1 bull 1200
Pros Neb.
2 bulls 14.VI
12 feeders.. I'M
3 feeders. .1000
I 55
1 2"
t to
2 11
3 10
3 10
t 25
..imo 2 1
. .lTO 2 45
....1119 2 45
.... ! 40
....Her : 40
. . . f"f 2 4"
5 cows
Oec-e H
ISmreaux-8. !
96 stteers . 1V4 4
5 steers 1136
Fmr.k Hanev Neh
feeders.. W S no g heifers.. 5
i . - 7, i cow ireo
7 feeders.. 1W KM 1 feeder. .. 740
1 feeder... 3 Pn
O V Thorler-Neh.
"1 .rs PVT 3 25 S'feed-rs. .IfTO
2 50
2 75
2 75
HOGS There was a small run of hogs In
s'ght this morning at all points, but in
spite of that fact the feeling was weak.
In view of the unfavorable reports from
other markets packers here were rather
!es.r!sh. They all seemed to want the hogs
however, and as a result started In and
bought the better grades at prices only a
shn-Je lower than ye.ter.lay, sales going nil
the wsv from steady to 5c lower . l.lgnt
wl:hts rhnnged han!s freely enough, but
te common and heaw kinds were either
'alow and showed the greatest dv!tnv
Hc.ivy hogs sold largely from to .n to ..,
with some of the common stuff beiow thnt.
Medium and mixed lad went from I".
to 85 .Sal. while choice Mg-ts and butcher
weirhts went from $5 to C.SJ. with a
smr 11 bunch at A
The latter end of the hog marVt was
very sl-.w snd mean. Prck'rs semed 10
have rhlr more urent onl -rs fill- d -nd
as a le'ult pourded the mrrket 'o nu te an
etent and st noon there were still sev
eral loads unsold ard no one semed to
b st s!l anTlous for them. The close
could be oucted verv dull and fully a nlrkal
lower. Reprewntatlve ale:
. ar. s. f-r No. A. k. Pr.
:i o .. 4 75 r 140 t s
14 J?", . i 75 67 tMI 0 I 1j
r: 73 12C j n4 41 tad .. K
:i !'T .. t M (4 ttl 40 I a.
11 so an i so 44 rs irs I 47-v
71 lf,B aI t Ui 71 J44 IM I r7,
H f4 41 i 0 ( 44 .. 4 474
14 74 40 I as ;i ZS1 40 S 474
il Sit .. I 40 4 tto .. I rt
7 ',7 IM f, M Ill .. I T
; w .. 1 -. T4 14 v im,
4 l:t 24 " .14 It 4 47V,
(A !72 4" , II t.'S 41 S 7V,
',t. 711 so I ;u. . 111 4 474
' t.: I4R I4C l ' ts 4t 41' I 414
1 !7 tit 0 f a. M IM 40 8
Hi, IM .. 14 t IlT 4' 4 44
j 41 .. 5 If. 75 74 So an
' 41 149 41 8 a5 71 714 SO 8 SO
J 11 Its IM I as 7 144 .. (
"4 ! 120 S n fS 144 11 4 M
71 74 H ID 4S 141 120 I 60
! 144 ... 4 w 7 r,4 40 4 40
41 114 . . 4 SS 71 141 ltn 4 SO
H I4t 120 4 U t. IM 49 I M
14 1s . . I a", 44 40 I So
! 7 40 4 as 71 124 Ml 4 40
40 ! . I 47 44 I I 140 I 40
I 44 774 IS 141 14 -. 4 40
j 44 m 40 45 14 HI 40 I M
I 44 Ir.4 140 5 IS t"4 40 I 44
Ci ISJ ao ft aj 75 S 40 I 40
: r, ,..:1 120 4 as HI 174 .. I 4?
I C4 IV 40 6 16 '1 MS . . 4 40
I It ;e" 40 4 m 77 f04 10 I 414
I 71 17 . . I K 4. ifT .. 5
7 I: fi I 45 1 .. . . ." .. 6 41
SI ? 4.1 as 70 I"S .. I 44
71 74'. .. I 48 74 .. 8 4
I 71 i SO 6 4 44 170 .. t 44
,71 ! . . 4 44 a I- .. 4 00
SHEEP There was another liberal run of
sheep and lambs this morning, though a
compared with yesterday s record-breaking
I run of 3. 13" hend today's receipts of 16.0i
I heud seeinej riuite moderate The quality
of the offerings was not very good ana ns
packers al! seemed to have liberal orders
the market ruled fairly active on anything
at all desirable and steady to Ftrong prices
were paid. The commoner kinds of killers
were not so brisk, but still they sold fully
as well as they did vesterday. This was
true of both sheep and lambs.
There was also a good demand for feeders
of desirable quality and such kinds could
be quoted fairly active and steady. Com
mon stuff was more or less neeleeted In
view of the large number on sa' and in
some enseal such kinds may
nave rjeen a
little weak.
Quotations for err"s sheen snd lambs:
Good to choice yesrMrtr". 3.7.r.(4 0": fair to
good yearlings. 8.1.50: 3 75: good to choice
wsthers. t3 2..73.fVl; fair to g,.X)d wether".
f3 0ftfi3 25; good to choice ewet. 83 .0fKfi3.fl;
fair to good ewes. t?.75'33.00; good to cnolre
lambs. I4 5u4i5.O0; fair to pood lambs, 34
4. 50: feeder veirllnes, n."A173 S5: feeder
wethers. IS.EWiJ.fin: feeder ewes. i;.00ii(2f":
feeder lambs. V. 'mi.W: breeding ewes. 13 .00
W 25. Representative sales:
44 Utah cull ewes
1 western owe
5 Utah culls
3 Wyoming ewes
179 Utah ewes
5", Wyoming feeder wethers.
i'7 Wyoming feeder wethers.
234 western arethers
8 western wethers
54 western ewes
t?5 western we; hers
.... S3
.... &o
. . . . 74
.... S3
.... 110
.... 101
.... 105
.... MS
.... 118
.... lo,-
.... 104
.... 1"5
.... w
.... l'O
.... 60
.... 71
. . . . 73
I; 30
2 51
3 00
3 25
3 35
t 40
3 40
t 60
t 60
1 60
t 50
S 75
3 75
4 00
4 2U
4 75
4 75
5 "0
4 35
4 31
4 50 .
4 11 1
3 J
2 "0
t r-
8 V,
3 33
t 4"
8 4"
3 4',
3 Ti
8 (T,
8 7
t 7"
4 25
4 74
4 IK
4 SH
1 5f
1 54
1 50
1 no
, 25
2 30
1 30
t 4"
t w
2 TS
t 25
8 25
3 91
3 50
5 7
t Vi
3 A
4 "0
4 9S
4 78
17 western wethers
227 western wethers
34 Utah wethers
1 western yearling
83 Utah feeder lambs
3:2 Utah feedjr lambs
(51 Utah lambs
f9 Utah lambs
36 western lambs
330 Wyoming feeder lambs ,
S3-) Wyoming feeder lambs
41 Idaho lambs
679 Idaho lamba ,
5 Montana bucks
3 Montana bucks
13 Idaho ewes
16 Idaho eses
300 Idaho ewes
ff Montana wethers
64 Montana wethers
145 Mnntpna wethers
92 Idiho wetheri
2TS Idaho wethers
422 Wyoming yenrllntrs
(M Wyoming vearlinrs
P3 Wyoming feeder lambs
134 Idaho feeder lambs
73 Wyoming feeder lambs
40A yVvnmne f-r lambs
11 Wyoming cu!) ewes
4 Wyoming bucks
t Wyoming cull ewes
.... 62
.... 54
.... li
.... 133
.... K
.... VI
.... 83
.... 97
.... 101
.... 92
.... W
.... 93
. . . . W
.... 5.
. . . . M
.... 50
. 7"
Wi Wyoming bucks
l'"4 Wyoming cull ewe
?5 Wyoming cull lambs ...
30 Idaho ewes
1" Wvnmlrg cull ewes
H Wyoming feeder ewes.:.
' Idaho cull lambs
8 Idaho ewes
l?e Idaho cull lambs
11 Idaho ewes
M Idaho ewes
Jhn Wyoming ewes ,
14 Wyoming yearlings ,
21 Idaho ewes.,
4 Idaho ewe ,
J, Wyoming lans
II Wyoming withers
t Idaho yearlings
176 Idaho wethers
ITS Wyoming feeding limbs
15 Idaho feeding lambs ,
26) Wyoming lambs
Kansas Clla- l.tvc JtneV Mrke4.
K4N4 CITY. 3ert f7 e ATTt FA
eelnts, !t he"d. (e1iir""e 400 bead south
erris; rriarkft r4,jr ajnel dr....rt
K-ef steers. If "rr fe : fair t eood nr"
8 00; western e4 strs W 1SiS fl stod -
se4 feeders t2 ?5rlOO: aniitsr- sesrs 9" ea
Or ( 50; "o,itb.-r( cos 41,Vvrr4C'
-s. e-,e7'; r-tlve h 9 Vsfjf4 75:
b.-ii. at 74S fA- calves t 50" 'a
ttrvrri Receipt" 8 via p'-or1' ivV.'
r rer ed st".dv swd dosed 8c lo"'r
KtrTVt: bit'V 84WHW0A: hsfvr t Wr,
r.-ekera. ISSVafJnOTH: pigs snd llrlfts 15 75 W
4 OA
RI'FFP A x"r t.AMrtq.r.r.t 1 VY
beset: Ismbr 'o hi-h' -n - - v - .
tva IsreKs. 94 (vtsi : ,i.. w.,k,r,
a ei-,. e . t1e9A- western hm
94AASS9 9S: wr'"" .-erlr. r m
''- -'"-o. f3 2',4;S'"o: stotkers and feed
ers. ir.fAfifoo.
M. Lonls Live lrk Market.
ST LOl IS Sept. 27 - "ATTl.t" Receipts.
Id" heid (trcludlng 401 hd Tessns; mnr
ket stesdv: native shipping snd export
ateers; 4 h''i " ; dreaswi beef and butdter
steers. I4.254nfi.75; tter cder 1 nvi lb" .
WwjH: "t"-kers snd feeders. 92 0o9evi;
r'T.s stid heifer,. 9J 'V4ta:; erne's 41 r.n
ITS; l ulls. I: fr-aftl 50; v-lvta 14 aj(i .4j0 ; Texas
and n'l- eers, $2 5043 50. rows tu.d
heifers 2.'v&2.65.
HOGB-heeeipt,. 4,00 head: msrket
atee.'lv; pigs and lights IrtViMKl; puke's.
8J4',3, 25; outchers and best heavy. 8LCH
SHEEP AND LAilBB-Rtcelpts. t.iX)
head, market stdv: native muttons 8 r0
i4; Ismhs. 14 Tfvi.", on. eu'ls snd bucks.
I2i'fc IV ; stex kers. I. ( f. J ri . T'xsns, H 0
k,4tJ. - .
CattK- 4iteaely. Hogs t-ealT tea lower, ate-ely.
CHICAGO. Pept IT -CATTLE-Recet'ta.
12 " head, incl.irlir.g .VT T'Xtrs sr.d 7 'K
westerns: mnr'K.t ara,U ; gco- to prime
steers i '!!(: ror to 14 Oiit
&2T-: ocke-s srd feere- ll;..i: 0; c'-w.-.
llJiJd.1"'. hel'ers ctr,nr. I' It
2 ?i; bulls 3." i 4 T ; calves. l3 0ffv-:
Texss.f-d steers. J4.5fr . we'frn st e:s.
8? iisbi w.
H' GS Peceirt. 1 .w heed: marker
stes.v 5- 1 n---: -'t, 1 ae,l Vufi-hersj.
'" ""j4 IT: roo.i to chel -e hcavv. ,.
; r.tugh h-xv, r 4.'.i 75: 1 ght. t" 45T
4 2: b-i!k of . i.. 45 ae7, f
SHEEP ANI LAMSrt-Ke e'pt.s. "2 ww
bead; msrket steady; yvd to rh lce wefh
era t-t'ieitS; fur ti c-rce m xed. 1 f'"f
t: we'tern she?p. 3i'0l'4: n-1 ve lambs.
14 iC .41; western lamb'. N.f'i-i S.V
4. Joseph I lie ltrk Mirket.
ceipts. 8.575 hesd: T"srket stronar to lie?
higher: nat've ISfiffiSI; cws srd heifers,
ll5o(4S: st,cke-rs ard feeders 82 !V 11 8 78
HCGS-Rece1r's 44 head: marker 5ilt
lser: I'ght, 8", H5&i 10; medium and heavy.
to Of
SHEEP NP I.AMnfA-Receipts. .S4
head: market strong to lc higher; western
lamb." 85 lit
Inns City l ire tek Market.
SIOUX CITT. la . ept 27 -(Special Tele
gram 1 CATTLE--Receipts t..V head;
market, slow, steady; beeves. 8.1 547 o":
cows, bulls and mixed, t! 25; sfockers
und feeders. tCC'i?3'"'; calves and yearlings.
31' i"t 26.
UOGS-Recelrts. f.Oil lusd: market. Be
r'grer: selling at Jo.Tfia.iio; bulk ef sales,
(5 806 90.
Stork In 'l-zfit
Follcwirg were -he re rip s cf live eeV
nt the six principal wes,-e-n el l s vet-r-day:
e'a'tle. Hng. Shee-..
South Omaha 8,o.. '."-ai ltk
S'oux Cltv 1 jv, J a ..
ns City " fro IK.'
k-T fxus 7 SoO a cn
St Joseph ?.575 4 "-44 P.Ti
Chicago 12.ofo 10 rax 12.0 0
Totals 5(i.5 44.544 . 64.174
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Sept. 27. WOT,-Lrge and
sm.ill rilns hive been biryti g wool during
the i a.t week. The mnrkei Is strong, wl ti
a buoyant inovtm-nt apparently under
way. A feat ure tif tne trading haa been
tho satisfactory demand f,r wotstets. All
grades of wool are rrl,l-g. Tertl ry con
tinues to move freely nt average prl'-e..
pjlled wools aie firm. Fn-ein grades sra
the least In demti.d. Qi.o atlotis: ferr -tory.
Idaho Fine. lMli..-c; heavy fine, I5'd
ic; fine medium. l-lv.c; medium. ISff
ioc; lew m'tllum. tl'cj.'r. Wynm'r.g F ne,
lOilTr; heavy tinr, j.olc; fine; meUl im, .521c: l"w mellum. il'a7
23c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 17'3,74.-;
heavy fine. j.VjfltV; fine mc'lurti'i llVci
medium yZtiir- low nvdlum, KZSc. I'a
knta Fine. 17'TilKc; mellum. I'il'c; me
d'um fine. '-Kc: low m-dium, 22rj23c.
Montana Fine cholc-, 2i2r; fine averagn,
Wu2nr; fine mc num choice. itft'Tlc; aver
ase. i';i-; stai b-. 1241-c; mc-cium cholcay,
2,i"i-.h'; .iverag". eli'i-,'jc.
LONDON. Se-pt. 27.-WOOI-Th nffr
inx at the wool miction ailei todav
amounted to 8.701 b-le. Fine comblrg
creasy and first half-bred tr-asy were In
strong rtemar.d snd eeve-ral ), ts wte taken
f ir Amerb-a. Coars cto'B'itc is sold read
1 y to home buyers at unchanged ratea a
g ,od eunnlv of slips met with a br sk de
mand, chiefly frcm Oerman buyer". Puntx
Arenas and Falklard lelardi prices we e
teady on a good demand 'rem r,ome and
cor tinental buyers. The follow ng a'e the
anlea In ro'ali: New South Wales, 1.20)
bal.-s; scoured Mff'aM; grassy iVilsld.
Queensland, 'l bales: scoured. Is 2dQ a d;
greasy. l'"4d. Mctorta. 400 bale: scoured,
lWltfls ld New Zesalind, 4.fO) bales:
scoured. lsMjCs84d: areisv. fi,d. Pun'
Arenas. 1 Soo hale": scoured. 1 s 4-? Is 2 d ;
gretsy. flld Falkland Islands. 40 fcal
grensn-. 7'710d
ST. LOUIS. Sept 27. - WOOL Stead v to
firm; menlum grades. ccmMng and cloth
ing. 2"3.'Gc; light fine, l('(f2i.c; heavy fina,
L'jl6c; tub washed. 22535c.
Wlilaky Market.
PEORIA. Sept. 27 WHI8J4T On baala
cf 41. "6 for finished goods.
CHICAGO, rent. 2T.-WHI8KT-On basis
of f'-r finished g'jodi.
ST. LOUI3. bept. 27-WHI8Kr-On basis
of 11.324.
tillers' goods active on the tasls of $1,264.
Leeds filed for record September 27, as
furnished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust conn-any, bended abstracter. 1614
l' street, for The Bee:
P. G. Hofe.ot and wife to O. Pfelffer.
part cf se of nw 12-16-10 ( 1.000
Mary Kilker to E. O. Connor lot 11,
block 11, South Omaha, and other
land 3,500
W. G. Meeltns and wife to W. P. Mel
ten. jr.. lot V. block 148. South
1 Omaha 1.600
Lyron Reed company to Alice 8.
i'orbes. lot 14. llffy PHce 80J
A. C. 1; rat nob r and wife to J. Horst
man, lot 24, block 1, Armour Place 60
Nellie Campbell and husband to R
E. Blvlua, tot 4, block a, Lipton
Place TOO
J. snak and wife to J. Zujlwiski. lot
1", block 245, South Omuha 860
Amy E. Parr et al. to M. Z Forsutt,
pirt lot 15, blorf 9. E. V. Smith's
add 1
P. t hrlstianscn and wife to H. A. M.
and W. J. A. Kroeger, part of s
e.f se and nw of aei, H-1F-12 8,860
Georarla A. Merrltt and husband to
J. 11. Harvey, lot . block 4, Gram
mercy Park 200
M Peterson to II. Peterson, lots t to
. Inclusive, block 3, city, and other
land 2,400
W. G. Shrlver and wife to R. A. Rog
ers lot 14. block 2. Kill.y Place ... 1.400
J. M. MeCormirk et al. to W. Flti
rntrlck. lot 4. block 8. Potter 4
Cobb's 2d add 1
Sirah P Atkins ct at. to N. P. Dodge,
Jr., sublot 18 e,f lot 2 Cipitol add... 1
N. P. Podge. Jr.. to Arnbel M. Kim
bll, part subiot IS lot ?, Capttt'J
add 4 W0
main orricc
Uih and Robert Sts.,
DtALtaa in
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Bought and soU. .g cask ot carried .sa n 1 eosabte
SBargmemtuun vhkh tierawid beacaaigtt9Kaai
grain, l on stocks
Writs lur oar rnarkctieittt.
Ship Your Grain To Us
BtHT FtCaiTirt. PSOMFT RsTfjEMla.
LisssAt, AovaNca-a.
Branrb Offlee, 1111 TlnarH af Trade.
IMinre r71l 1141 4t. ?H.
Tile Alcrchants
National Bank
of Omaha, Neb.
U l D'gtults-r
Capital and Surplus. $600,030 .
riAit HbtftV. 9ra.
1X7818 H94II. Caiklir.
F4A4 , H4M1LT0V Aitt. Caskke.
Rarelra arruuata ef lull fcaaars. turgor
Situs, teraa a. .4 ii.OivUuaia as Uim-,Us
Jfurvigi Ea-haaca bcmrti ao4 ael4.
' lttr.-a af er,iil 1m-4, availabsa la all
pana of th artirl.t
Inter, aa aa,4 at Tlrrva rerttSratea of IVvosSt.
C-ilicetlee.a Biaea sreaipt'v aa4 acoaoai,L.lir,
w a ajsojat aaeTeawaeWbcs.
GEO. A. ADilKS CRAIfi 00.
Members: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas CUj
and b'. Lcuis
Transactions for future ' dtllrsry dvea
careful silent on. ,
SI Board Trade Bids. Tel. 100.