I r : " : "" 1 1 n .3 ilia - cT"e""" I R3 n The oaly Hue COMPANY CONTESTS POLICY Omaha Girl Hating Trouble Collecting from Insurance Company. NEBRASKA TO BE LAUNCHED ON FRIDAY Fasto Parties File Their CertlBcatea f Xonlaatloa with the Seete tarr ( State ilaader. iaoDg UotUh (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 27.-(Special.)Kate Buchtel, a former Omaha girl, whote home woa at 712 North Sixteenth street. Is hav ing considerable trouble In realizing upon a Ufa Insurance policy In her favor upon the life of her uncle. Joseph Buchtel. who was killed In July, latTJ, near Porthlll, Kootenai county, Idaho. Klvo months be fore his death be had taken out a $30U policy In the Continental Casualty com pany, naming his niece, Kate F'lcliul. as the beneficiary. Tho coroner took posses sion of his effects and months afterward located Kate Buchtel In Omaha, where she llvtd with her mother. He sent the policy tv her and steps were at once taken to provide proof, of Buchtel' death. The company rejected tier claim on the ground that proofs of death hr.d not been fur nished within thirty d;. , as provided In the policy. Suit was brought against the Company In Lancaster county and judg ment was obtained for The company has J out filet! a petition In error in the supreme court, setting up thirty-six reasons Why the loner court erred In lib Judgment. Kate Buchtel is 20 year old. So Afraid of Friday. Superstitious people are marveling at the seemmg defiance of the powers of evil manifested In the preparations for the launching of tho battleship Nebraska at Seattle tiext month. Elaborately printed Invitations have Just been received by state officers. They are printed from an engraving upon heavy while cardboard, half of which is taken up by a picture of a battleship steaming along I'uget sound just unJr Mount Racier. In the upper corners of the card are engravings, of the seals of the state of Nebraska and Wash ington, t'r.drrneath Is the invitation and the announcement that it will be christened by Mi i Mary Naln Mickey. The fearsome part of the announcement is that the cere mony Is set tp occur Friday, October 7, at 1 13 p. m. Considerable speculation ha been In dulged in k to why Moran Bros., builder of t!ie vrscl, have selected both Friday and ::U p. ro. for the1 auspicious event. FOR AND 1 3 f ANTS n INVALIDS Cwect sleep comes to the baby who is properly fed with a proper food. .. Mellia' Food babies sleep wcl!. A imtmi Mecot Mil bring s , af lash bu s rtd ni)t i. your hum. UaXUM'6 rowu SO, bOaTOM. MAM landing all Its passengers at its own station, main entrance World's saving extra car fare, time and annoyance of crowded depot. READ DOWN 7:45 A 31. 6:30 P. BiOO A. VL 6i45 P. 7i35 P.'iW. 7:00 A. 7:50 PSm. 17:13 A. Oomparo This Tim o With Other Lines. All ALL WORLD'S FAIR MAPS SHOW WABASH WE HAVE OTHERS. CALL AT WABASH CITY HARRY E. M00HES, G. A. " ii iwwgSM'll'iiqfrlHf-l 1 1 ii iinimiLuuiiMi im iimi rfiaai 7 j'ltf ' i'fr Wi mm Deputy Labor Commissioner Bash explains the last point tit spwrtilaf tno by dKlartng that it Is customary to launch battleships at odd minutes In the hourly calendar.. While there la enough of superstition In the makeup of the average inmate of the state house to marvel at the twin omens of evil, it la very probable that the coinci dence doos not occasion half a much un easiness as the fact that those who attend the launching are expecting to be required to pay railroad fare and other expenses aggregating about (lift each. Fa.lon Certificates Filed. Certificates of the nomination of the fu sion state ticket were filed with the secre tary of state today. There were two of them. Each set out the full Joint list of rtatn candidates for offices and Its own party list of presidential elector"!. Each wa signed by the offljer cf the conven tion nominating and the1 two certificates were sent in together from fusion head quarters. Considerable amusement Is being enjoyel around the offices of the chief deputy game warden over the arrest lat Sunday near North Platte of Harry Lamplau, a resi dent of that vicinity and a prominent so cialist politician and candidate, for viola tion of the game law. The arrest was made by Stat Deputy Smith and Special Deputy Dolson of North Platte. Ha s.li be thought that the officer ought not t bother farmers that way. as the law was not Intended for them. But the officer, remembered that Lamplau himself had been heard to complain frequently about violations of the umt law and had bee-i not only warning huntsmen off his Ima. but hud complained of some of his neigh bors. Irrlsratlon Delegates. Governor Mickey has appointed the fol lowing as delegates from Nebraska to the National Irrigation congress to be helJ at El Paso. Tex., November 13 to 18: Sam D. Cox. Minatare; F. V. Measley. Lex ington; W. H. Wright, Scott's rluff; O. W. Gardner, Gerlng; C. H. Meeker, Mc Cook; Q. H. Payne. Omaha; W. II. Fan ning. Crawford; Adna Dobson, L'mo n; E. F. Seeberger. North Platte; 8. E. Solo mon. Cuibertsoc; Page T. Francld, Craw ford. Disease A m n n a Lire Stoek. This morninp Stats Veterinarian Thorra sui! that he had received report of more glanders case within the paet few week than he had ever known before In th? history of the state. He attributes the in crease In the number of ho: sea affects I with the disease to carelessness of horce owner in rot exercising clo.or scrut ny a. to the health of newly purchased animals which they Introduce into their .tables. He will leave this evening for El5in. a here several cK'i. have betn rep rtej. He tated that there were several o.htr cases demanding Immediate attention. Dr. Thomas said this morning that ha feared a repetition of the comstaik d.s ease epidemic which lat year destroyed fjtio.COO worth of cattle In the grate. Ills Investigations have convinced him that thj disease la due to the fact that animals af fected are turned out to feed on tre stand ing, stalka. Last year 3u.C00 ci'tle died from this cause alone. The state cfhclal maintains that the lose could be wholly prevented If the farmers took the pair. to cut the corn scd cur the stalks prop, erly. He stated that he had knwn of casr similar to tho; ar :i:g from th. feeding of coin stalks due to the pastur.ns cf csttle an prairie grats which had bees Bleached by rtcusve fall tola. . Nebraska Athl.i.a to Compete. Nebraska ail' send men to St. Louis to compete In the athletic games oen to the athlete of th acrid. . Dr. K U. Clarp. physical dlreetor at th Stat university, ha derided to seed a team and come urr.o this weak will ' call fur candidate and T17E OMATTA FAST TRAINS Lv Omaha Arr. Lv. Council Blaffs Arr. Arr. World's Fair Station Lv. Arr. St. Loute Lv. will lssje to them instruction to appear Monday 'on tbv Held for raek work. The team will be entered for the cross country run. which will take flace Novem ber 17. It will be an eight-mMe run. one mile on the track, six miles across the country and the finishing mile on the track. Gold, silver and bronze medals, em blematic of the championship of the Vnltel States, will be given to the men coailt g in first, second and third. First, second and third team prire will also te given. At least five men will be required to com pete for the team prize.", as the rfcirds of five men will be considered in deciding the event States, Havens, Winchester, Smith anJ Heath have signified their Intention cf trying for places. Benedict is good ma terial, but foot ball work will prf-bably keep him ou: of the race. There is said to be several long distance runners among the freshmen who have Just registered and Dr. Clapp exoects to have some good mate rial from which to select his learn. Prac tice will begin Monday and the candidates will be pu: through some hard worit for the few weeks before the meet. The team w' l he 'sent also to compete in the western intercollegiate cross coun try championship meet, which will be held Ir. Chi' ago in the latter part of No vt inner. All the Mg nine team? are mem bers of the association and j radically all other of any conse. iuer.ee tn the midJl.' west- fltate Ftlr AC missions. According to the lru.1 report of the su perintendent of gales of the Nebr. sk i state fair, as compiled by E. M. Searles of Oga'-alla. the .attendance at the fall this year v&a not so great as it was last year by 2.91. but there was an in crease of l."24 in the paid attendance aid a decrease ot in free tickets, or about 25 per cent. The actual attendance this year was 2.38; on Monday, on Tuesday or Dan Patch day, 20.1S8 on V, ednesday, 12.CS1 on Thursday and 4.937 on Friday, the total being (B.tCl. as agajnst to.iftf In 1903, 59.411 In lnu2, In lae.1 and ,i3 in 19)U. There were I".'.j3 admissions this year on railroad coupon tickets, as against 15,775 last year, and 33,112 general paid admis sions, as against 36.1ii last year. The railroad coupon admissions and general paid admissions this year therefore aggre gate 53.1K. aa against 52,171 last yejj", a gain of 1,024. FISIOX GOES 1 JOHSO COl.NTY Denaoerat and 1'upnll.f. Divide Leg islative Ticket. TECVMSEH, Neb., Sept. 27.- Special Telegram.) The fusion forces of Johnson county, now dwindled to few in number, held their respective 'ounty conventions in Tecurnst h today. The attendance was small. Dr. A. P. Kltislmmons presided ov.r tho democratic body and Clarence Wright was secretary. According to prevli u arrange ments with the popuflsts W. A. Aprnrson, democrat, was selected as candidate for representative In the Fourth district and D. d. Snyder, populist, was endorsed for representative in the Fifth district, which is Johnson and Nemaha counties. As there was no attorney in the party who dared face defeat for county attorney the place was left blank and the central c mmittee empowered to gu among the faithful and rind a candidate for the slaughter if pos fibie. The memlu ri from the precincts composing the First commissioner district selected Lawrence Murphy, the man who o'lg'naliy ownel the prize steer Challenger, as candidal for commissioner. Tb" populist convention was presided over hy Dr. E M. Crumb and A. O. IUau ser kept the minute. All the business transacted was at tb same time being done in the other bod-. Following the meeting ef th respective convention a mas meeting and love feast waa held, in. which all rand'.J ites -were unanimously endorsed. TU:n followed DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. DAILY READ UP 8:20 A. M.9s0O 8:05 A. 8t4fl 7:45 P. U-9if5 7:30 P. Mal-9.00 Agents Can Route Your Via Wabash. STATION AT MAIN ENTRANCE OFFICE !601 FARNAM, OR ADDRESS P. D., 0ma,ha, Neb. - ;,-ef r -- -v speeches by Hugh LaMsster. candidate for congress In this -dlstrlc. oy the candidates and by Judge W. M. Morning cf Lincoln, who gave a tiresome tirade on everything that was not. democratic. JOIT DEDITE It OTOE COrJITTf Bersre and Some Hepnblleaa to Be the Orator.. SYRACUSE, Nab.. Sept 27.; Special. ) G. W. Berge, fusion candidate for gov ernor, and some prominent republican will debate the state issues in the present cam paign at this place some time in October. Such was the decision reached last night at a nonpartisan meeting called for the purpose of making arrangements for the most enthusiastic political meeting -to be hell in Otoe county this year The demo crats and populist promised that Mr. Berge could be depended upon to deba'.e the state Issues here, although no definite date could be determined upon. Everything was conceded to the fusionists. The repub licans expect to havo their Inning on the date of the big rally. Bands and fire works will furnish noise and confusion and thq show will close with a grand ball. The meeting comes as a result of the reso- j lution adopted by the Otoe county demo I cratic convention, declaring that the reve 1 nue question was the Important issue in I the state campaign. That Roosevelt will carry Nebraska is conceded by local fusion ists. TWESTY YEARS FOR ASSAl'LT Harold Bailey Plead Guilty and Get Limit of Law. FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 27 (Special Tele gram.) Harold Bailey pleaded guilty in the district court tills afternoon to the charge of felonious assault upon Pearl OUon and was sentenced by Judge Hollen beck to twenty years in the penitentiary. Bailey was brought to Fremont from the penitentiary, where he has been kept since his arrest, this afternoon by Sheriff Bau man and driven at once to the court house. A number of people saw the pair going into the court house and were present in the room. Prosecuting Attorney Stlnson read the complaint and Bailey answerej "Guilty." Judge Hollenbeck then explained to him the effect of his plea of "Guilty" and asked him if he still wanted the plea to stand. "Yes." was his reply, "I want to be sen tenced and taken to the penitentiary right off. I'm afraid to stay here." Judge Hollenbeck then sentenced him to be confined in the penitentiary for twenty years, the full limit of the law. He was taken over to Lincoln this afternoon. The Olson girl is improving and has al most entirely recovered. Bart Coanty Campalara Oaena. OAKLAND. Neb.. Sept. 87 (Special.) The republicans of Burt county opened the campaign In this city Monday even ing with a rousing meeting when Hon. Frank Nelson, former state superintendent of public instruction of Kansas, delivered one of the finest .political speeches ever he::rd here. Mr. Nelson is a forcible, logical orator and held the undivided attention of the audience from start to finish. The opera house was packed to the door and many were unable to gain admittance. The Oak'anl band played several piee-es and the Oakland male quartet sang a number of Its new campaign songs, which captured the crewd. A large dek gallon was present from Tekamah, Lyons and Wtat Point. Dave Heaaeasey Kills Iliaa.elf. Hl'MBOLDT, Neb.. Sept. 27. (Special Word has been received of the death cf Dave Hennessey, a former resident of this section, who, it Is said, whfl intoxi cated, shot and kil'.el himself in the I rest uc of his aril aad children, th-1 SEPTEMBER 2S, 1904. P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. tragedy taking place at Concordia, Kan., where they were making their home tem porarily. Hennessey was raised In this section and his pa-ents Uvsd near here for a number of years. Cause of Death ot Fixed. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 27.-(Special Telegram.) The co-oner's Jury at Wymore brought in a verdict today to the effect that C. Carlstrom, whose dead body was found east of that place yesterday, came to his death from causes unknown. The two men arrested suspected of knowing something about the case, were released. of Nebraska. PLATTSM OT 'TH . Sept 27 -Mrs. George W. Fawell died at her home in Llncon. She was born In Plattsmouth, January 14. 15. and was the daughter of the late Hoi. T. M. Marquette. BEATRICE, Sept. 27 A. D. Schermee horn. division engineer of the I'nior. pa cific read, arrived in tho city yesterday to Inspect the work being done in this vicinity on the Manhattan branch. BEATRICE, Sept. 17 The assault case of Mrs. Mary Schlagel against Mrs. Lena Gr.inetzki was called in Juden Inman s court yesterday and dismisseJ because the complaining witnes failed to put up se curity for costs. , NEBRASKA CITY. Sept 27. -Burglars broke into the home of Henry Markel last night and secure-d a valuable gold watch and a small amount of money. The burg lary has l-en reported to the police, but so far no clue hua been found. GRAND ISLAND. Sept. 27. The fall ses slon of the district court was begun today, with a lUht docket. -There are four crim inal cases, but it is expected that all of the four will plead guilty; three men charged with burglary and one 'with for gery, having been caught In the act. . GRAND ISLAND. Sept. 27. Vaughn For.to. son of Mr. and Mr. W. O. Foote, residing near Wood Hlver. was kicked in the stomach hy a horsa. and is in a dan gerous condition. While attempting to fasten a cl.ain to a mule's leg, in order to pasture it with security. Fred Moeller received a vicious kick in the face, break ing the cheek hone. BEATRICE. Sept. 27. The Wymore Con crete company tiled article ot incorpora tion with th county clerk yesterday. Th. capital stock is placed at Slft.ou and the in corporators are E. N. Kauffman. George T. Stephenson, J. R. Jackson, S. 8. Soei-r, A. D. McCandless. The concern will man ufacture" concrete blocks lor building aiki sidewalks and handle stone and cement GRAND ISLAND. Sept. Z7.-A stranger who gave his name aa Lewis Manning ap plied at police headquarters for attendance, being in a badly crippled condition. He was suffering from an injury to the upper portion of the spine, which he claimed to have revived by being thrown off a moving train, by employes near Cozad. He has been taken to St Francis hospital for treatment OSCEOLA. Sept. 27. Great preparations are being made for the meeting to be held at the Auditorium on next Friday evening Flags have been purchased, bands of music engaged and nothing left undone to make' it the grandest political meeting that has ever bee-n held In Osceola. The speaker will be Hon. George W. berge of Lincoln, the populist and democratic nom inee for governor. PLATTSMOl'TH, Sept. 27. The funeral services over the remains of Mr. Mary M. Lutz, Ted jit years, who died in a hospital In Omaha yesterday, wr held in rh German Presbyterian church in this city today by the Rev. A. F. Ploetz. pastor of the church. The body was taken to St Jacobs, 111., for burial beside her husband Deceased leave six sons and two daughters, all grown. GRAND ISLAND. Sept r.-Ernst Llnde man, aj(ed 33, died at the home of his mother in this city. Mr. Llndeman, who for the last six months has been in the drug business at Stcinau.r, was taken the home of his brother in Beatrice when first taken ill and later to the horn of hi mother in this city. He was unmarried and leave two brothers and a sister, be sides his mother. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and carried old line Insurance. GRAND ISLAND. Sept. r. Chief of Po lice iot lln had the hardest Job of split ting kindling he professes ever to l.av. hid. The department recently secured a gambling wheel in the saloon of Mr. Peo ples. It waa not In operation, but .inc. t.iree years ago th opposition to tb pub lic gambling house carried the day at th elections, even the ex'tiie of uch para phernalia has been eschewed and the wheel In question was battered into a thousand piece., yesterday afternoon In th. pres ence of the police Judge and several other witnesses. The confiscation of the prop erty was upon th order of th mayor. Fair, USURIOUS NOTES WORTHLESS Father Schell Wins Complete Victory Over Men Accused of Fleecing Indiana. WILL NOW GO AFTER LAND GRABBERS Priest Who Forced Thla Condition on Reservation Sow 1st Sloax City Hospital Taklac a Rest. SIOL'X CITY, Is, Sept. t7. CSpeclal Tel egram) -A lone priest, aent by Mother Drexel. a millionaire nun of Philadelphia, to reclaim the Winnebago Indians of Ne braska from the degradation and debauch ery which has been rapidly devouring them, ha woa a complete victory against as thor oughly organized gang of grafters a ever looted shamelessly. Father Joseph Seh"U of Homer, Neb., wbo has accomplished this, Is now In St. Joseph's hospital here, re cuperating after his long fight. As a result of hjs triumph the gang that ha been robbing the Winr.ebagoes of from fcXiO.OOO to t-Go.uOO annually for twacty years has been thoroughly broken up and thirty of them will be ordered never to show their faces again on the reservation. One hundred and twenty thousand dollar in usurious noted secured by the grafters from the Indians are not worth the paper they are written on. Mother Drexel, In ap preciation of Father Schell's work, will build schools on the reservation. When Father Schell arrived at Homer, less than a year ago, after exposing th Oregon timber frauds after two year ol effort, the grafter at Homer laughed at Lis effort to stop the sale ot liquor to the Indians and th theft of their money. The grafters. Including a number of storekeepers, bankers and saloon keepers, Induced the Indians to sign notes for out rageous sum In payment for their supplies. They would then collect these notes on pay day by shoving ready cash for balances Into the Indians' hand. Stops Paysaeat of Sotes. Now, as a result of Agent Wilson's re peated demand of the Washington authori ties, and after his refusal to accept offers ot better government position elsowhere, after Father Schell secured agreements from score of Indians that he should handle their money; after Father Schell visited Washington and had a stormy ses sion with Indian Commissioner Jones, who lr silted be was powerless, an order has come from the Department of the Interior authorizing Wilson to disburse all the money received by the Indians. Wilson has accordingly notified the grafters that H20,i0 of spuriou note held by them will not be paid anj hereafter only Itemised and proven bill will be allowed Wilson vflll also, rout th graf:rs from 10.000 acre of land to which they hold Ille gal leases nd aecur genuine farmer In their atead, and he will ee that sales of Indian land ar attended by genuine buy ers, who have heretofore been kept away by th machinations of the grafter. Every effort ha been mad by tn gar.g to defeat Fathor ScolL They have ma ligned him to Bishop Scanncll In an ef fort to secur his removal; they hav tried to bribe blm and threatened hi life, and lately they hav sought to turn the In diana against him by refusing to glv tho Indians food. Their loyalty to Father Bcaell Is attested by th fact that many of them ar near starvation rather than be unfaithful to the man whom they regard a their best friend. Now th gang ad mit defeat and ha laid down completely. Alleared Thief Skips. HTMBGLDT, Neb.. Sept. J7 (Special Considerable comment waa occasloacd Bat. Obi H 11 '1 and urday by the swearing out of a warrant for Mose Thompson, a young colored man who has been for the past two years work ing for Will TJadsn on the farm north of the city. The offense charged was stealing some live stuck from the farm, where he labored and selling It to a local dealer. The farmer had for several days been looking for the animal, supposing It had strayed away, and only accidentally stumbled onto the fact that the dealer had purchased and shipped one answering to the description from Thompson. The latter at once left town, evidently reviv ing a tip from some "friend when the war rant was Issued, and although the officers followed him to Table Reck, no trace of hlra could be found. His friend claim that he came by the: animal honestly, but feared that his color would prejudice peo p e against him and took leave until the matter could be adjusted. He baa been raised from childhood here and ha always been regarded aa strictly honest, so th feeling is strorg that he will likely clear himself of any intentional wrongdoing. Beaml. Charged with Forgery. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 27 (Speclal.)-C W. Beam Is. wl was taken to Fairoury several days ago on the charge of statu tory assault, was arrested yesterday on a complaint sworn out here by his father-in-law, Mr. Dlller, charging him with forgery. While in Beatrice some time ago with his merry-go-round a draft amount ing to J10, made payable to Mr. Dlller, was endorsed by Beaml, who secured the caVa on the paper. Beam is is also charged with tampering with the malls and open ing a number of Mr. Dlller's letters W" In Beatrice without his authority. d(ro vided Beaml Is not convicted at Fairbury on the charge preferred against him he will be brought to Beatrice for trial. Former Xebraskaa Cwaatsilta Salclde. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Sept. n. -Special.) Word ha been received In Tecumseh of the death by sulcid of Lyman Smith, son of Fred Smith of Kansas City. The fam ily formerly lived In thl city and Pawnee City. The young man was aged about 1) years and waa a laborer. When the family lived here the deceased, bore a very good reputation, but it seems he bad of late fell In with evil companions and It la said had drank some. Young Smith was in an alley In Kansas City when he shot and killed himself, living leas than lira t utea. Militia Guards Prl.oa.ra. JACKSONVILLE. Fl.. Sept J8. UttAVr guard of tb. Jacksonville light Infantry, the men accused of murder and other law. leas acts in connection with th Aultmar. Duncan fued in Biker county. In thl. states were taken to MaeClenny. the county seal of Baker county, today for a pre 11 miner trial. Pale. Thin Pale cheeks, white lips, and languid step; tell the story of thin blood, impure blood. Doctors call It "anemia." They recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ask them and they will tell you just why it makes the blood so rich and red. It w. ABSratsists. Anemic people are almost always. constipated Their liver it aiJezlab. Tney headi Tney have frec-aest attacks of slci- lacbe. nausea, biliousness. Just one of Ayer's Pills each slyJM vfil cor rect tnese troubles. acssav 4. CAYS CSV, 9