Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1904, Image 20

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    P. diets of (he DriHurnxkm.
II 12 straight front corset has coino
to stay. It will never go. This
is Ihu text of what Miss Klizu
both A. O. W hile, president of
tho liesmakcrs' Protective as
sociation of America, tried to impress on
the (100 delegates to the convention helJ in
Masonic temple, Chicago. ,-lt is hygienic,
it is healthful, it li hcaulif ill," explains
Miss White. These straight fronts," she
continued, "uro to he improvi d in cer
tain ways, lie sure, but it will be the same
straight front. All this talk In the papers
about their going out of style is wrong."
Miss White is not a little woman, iind
when she stamped her foot on the floor to
emphasize hei last word in this rcntmre
Boir.o of the ono-legged mod. lis nearby
nearly toppled over.
"Why, It Is ridiculous the way some wo
men dreys," she went c n. "Notice th it
middle-aged woman in the corner who cer
tainly hud a shape like an old-fashioned
"Now," said Miss White, seriously, "If
She would only wear a straight front cor
set with the improvement we aie recom
mending she could appear as charming a.s
that Uiuutlful young blonde by the table."
The new feature w hich is to be udd d to
tho straight front is to double line It with
rulfles u round the breast, thus making tha
lll-looklns comely and the thin plump. It
tho corset can bo laced as tightly as do
el. ed, actoidins to Mifs White, If only tho
belt lin; cf the victim be below the floating
ritw. Of course, a woman witii a conspicu
ous circumference will have to put a mili
tary extension on the upj er arm und shoul
der of her gown, thus making the propor
tions right.
Miss White told the dressmakers what a
transformation could be accomplished by
menus of Innumerable little tucks taken In
the lining of a womnn's gown. Pile p.lso
warned her flock against tho unpaidunable.
but popular error of giving a woman too
arrow a back.
"Formerly." said Miss White, wo
men cut of 1.010 had no diaphragms at n!,
r If they did no one knew It. Now fnttr
indies' difference miiit bo made in tbo lin
tng of a gown because "of the cVarg.- of
Shape. Most dressmakers look nt a wo
man's front, but thry oon't look at b r
tmefc. Likely a.s not tin y'll cut cut tho
tiaek tir.d make the s!coe fit, fird then
what happens? Why, n woman meanderj
n!or,g the t-treet (ringlrg. und you wonder
what is the mattpr with her. Yuu think
she mtirt bo hunchbacked. stooji-Fiioj'.i'errd
rr have tumors, dropsy er the MYc, when
It's nothing but th.- cut of th? arinlule."
Wiinnn Ad o ! lv laitl . ns.
rill; unu-ual rnJ piciurerrpie cere
mony of b.-ln-v adopted by an In
dian trite is the novel experience
that came during the sumnor to
one Rochester young worn :i.
b iiiw i mti
.tiss Marj' Jameson, the pastor's nssNt
atit at tho Third Presbyterian church,
IvK-ltcyter, N. Y., has jut rettirnrj fr
her summer home at Lotus Point, I. tike
Krie, which Is seven m!!e fron t!ie Cat'.a
raitgus res;rvatlon. There for the List few
summers Miss James m has been aeeus
totned to visit the Indiuns and conduct
services for them on occasional Fundays.
llecause of her Interest in them ai.d lur
friendship, which they have observed f :
several summers, tho Indians usktd if l!i-y
n li;ht not adopt her und give her h:i In
dian name.
Aeoordingly, the day was art and the In
dian rites were gone through with I 'rat In
1:1 '.tod her into one of their clans. he wu
V- i ni-ii..,.. -r :
Tif ii
adopted Into tho Peer clan of the Peiv-ca
tribe of the Iroquois: nation and given the
name of Ah-wae-ngwas, n name mciinlns
"Picking tlowcrs out of the water." f it
her consenting to become their "sister"
two tall Indians stood one each shl ; ef her
and discoursed at length In tho ianuiio.
of the Seneeas to tho assembled company
of Indians. Then one of them took her by
the hind and walked her up and I'own be
tween the rows of Indians, sinking i n la
diui song, after which be rnpduc(rd hit to
her seat and announced that hen.' "forth
she was Ah-wae-agv, as, their sister.
A few days after the ceremony she wns
visited at her cottage by a company of In
dians, vho presetited her with an .indent
Indian silver brooch. l'aeh tribe of the
Iroquois is divided into eight clans, 1-t own
as Wolf, Lioir. Heaver, Turtle, lieer, Snipe,
Heron nr.d Hawk, and eai !i tribe i. a sort
of t-eeret fraternity. In which the Members
stand by af h other In s arrow or jo;-.
A strange rule among the el.ins Is that
members of the same clan cannot nr-jry.
The children belong to tho clan cf the
mother. They not only call her mother, but
they call all her si-tors molIiT, nod II. i y
o-all her sisters' children bnnh-rs and sis
ters. This Is the reason they do not ma ry
In their own clan. If nianligos ere un
happy, the parties are at liberty to n.arry
again, and tho mother has th sole right to
the disposal of the children.
Strum II, Antli-ny'N Hrro:? Turf.
pT'rii' there was ever any fad In thcra
j I poutii-s to which Miss Anthony
iitX I gav? attention it wns the water
?Sjb cure. Sho has the highest regird
i'ZFmi'Zt'ii fi)r the virtues of cold water rs a
remedial measure. Many years sgo. when
she was lecturing In P'.attsburg. N. Y., she
happened to got h-r fort frostbitten. Sin;
put them under n faucet in the kitchen to
tb-MV out. which wis successfully accom
plished, but th? next morning sVie awoke
with a frightful rin In ''r back. Fhe
c u!il f( nicely get out of l ed, but she In
sisted on keeping her lectur. engageaier. t
that nlgl t. Th- next liy, iillhough sh"!
had to bo earrfe.1 to the sh-igh, sa? drovo
Seventeen miles witli he.- 1 neen do'.ihVd up
to her chin, and leclurod that nljht. Ris
Irg at 4 tho nxt morning, rhe rod? tea
rrlles by stare. rd then we;it by train to
WaUrlewn. At that city she cng.ii;ed a
Frills of Fasli'ion
rr ir.ish bropfo is the Int'fl
I'lum and rrulbcrry are re v r
1 ."overs a:e a fcatur? of the
t m'-s.
i .v f 3-
K efietta b.ave l e :
in ,i 'i at'd
t ! I'lmi eiii.e r.iabcs t a - 1
re r wn Cf. , ,
hi i res-y huts the high c r . v.-re.l t. p- is
t! e r iv.e. lie
In in ve'W
Semi !! cor!':
C-in i r i
leathers Is a e.ilf tu:".tud lo 10-
II!-. i:i to be used fo." trlm-
m I g r:u!ii c-i- iiirr.eT.
'f. i'. ii eil ruekwir !s tha co:r;""t stle
wtii tilnrd costunis.
I.iaeoln g. ceii rinks l.lfh oa the seawn's
list of fhsnhnvihle i j'.o s.
Kpmgled robes In S'):nle effects have
r.iai! ti.cir appearance In l'Bris).
'upper and leather r'-ipdoj. o:o bu:nt
C! ion, to le veay popular.
A now shad? i f rvl 1." c n the copper o: oor
sujrg fcting a l leudipg of rid and 1 roun.
Large fruited bcaets are among the rlr ss
and millinery in naim r.l;i favoie.l la Pali;.
Drapery veils ate nvco if pompadmir
gauze, border;! by triple liands of narrow
Id. tell velvet ribloiu
A new (Mimpnclour comb is a combination
cf celluloid i lid Ii c. tho latter i.iatiriul
forming the 'Tut." while the comb Is farh-io-ied
from ceilnloid.
Hi lit 1
rut n n v m m u j t hi :? i! t
4 lull ' '
room nt a hotel and took her case In hand.
Hh." instituted measures that, to s i.v tho
least, may be called sirenuous. Sao calle I
for several bueketn of Ice waler, which k'io
had a m ild pour d-libei ately over iier back.
Then she wrnppcil up in hot blankets and
went to l e.l. 'I he next morning she awoku
a well woiuaii. Woman's 1 loan; t'oaipauioii.
llevtcfM for Iiliit;. M n.S' I vof .
CI .AXCK at the new iflorings
fo nal la house famishing slote.i
sliiiwi that the ie.ani.fai tun r of
l.ovilMis is do'ni; all ill li s piwo"
to solve the cleat queMli u of do
mestic si rvice. lie has pr.-vld d the house
wire, who b.i.c given up the s:r.igs with
lneomre'.ent i rvantr. a ntiml er of new d
vli es wl.a 'i will n t only simplify her !,ou--e
wo:k. 1 ill r'l.ft her to r.e cienplish it with
out suiting lcr clothes. 'ne oT I lie trlil.i
of doing en n own wont Is the constant
soiling if tie ilns-os worn In tho Kitchen.
A reiily l rae: ieal dishw her Is offered
for a 1 1 elm.-:" t to t' e ordinary st nt ioiviry
sink. It co:.sist: of a ruk for hoi ling the
dlsber. anil a cjl'ndor which nnit be nt
tselnd to the hot water sr.;ot. The roil-d
dl'-lns r.r- k1 hi the laeks. ::nd tho eylin lor
Is ouipli' l with v.-is'iltig powd r. Wlieii
the hot water is tur.ied on t'.e eylinTt-r
revolv s, strong Fin'a are forr.iol an l
whir'.e T i avi- the e!i-'ii s. When ti e cum
parti.or.t In Ming the w.iilln; pow r be
removed, civir water Is prnyel over th
dishes, ntnl if It Is very 1 t if"1 the 1!sJi-i
arr- i fper'.y p'.ired, (hev It left to dry
ot"d will b? just rs e'ean and sv.ect ss If
wl-"1 wilh a towel.
I'or vising tip the fioir th-re camos i
scrtibl Irg nvst of v.-iekcr with a l-iim- or
f.niior In front cf it to keep witrr from
running back and .'--oiling tho garment of
th- ejea.'ii r.
A new i in vrpte clip not only takes cut
the eyes, but throws Hi m uway.
An egg 1-c.ilcr shape 1 like a large cigar
e-ittor. with iarp teeth, cuts ufT tli- to"
of a reft boiled e-g, or a raw one. far Unit
matter, ttr.d eves many a t-;l leel it ii.
A won-tin wi:o tikis lamp light In her
drav.irir rooai mi l !! big r o:n wl'l nppre
eiite n new oil lan with a movable faucet
wlii-'i whiils rrrund and runs Into tha
op'T.ii'g of t linost an;. Ftjle of 1 imp.
New kitchen cilirets and tut ! o'en
binel h ri of'orcd almost ev. ry s"i.son. Th'
latest has a mcrble top lor iastry, belo.y
Gossip About Women
Miss Flora Wi'son. daughter of the seo
r.'taiy of : :rie'.ilt urr. v.lil spend til- win-to-,
er i i-rliat s a h ng -r tl ik-. In Pirl 111
the study of ntusic.
Mis. A. 1). T. W'hitio-y. the uiilhoress,
vl.o liv s at Millo.i, Mass.. was to yearn
eld reeiT.tly. She is Just about to puo.ish
her tweiii.i -seventh look. II i fir .-it book wiiili-a forly-oae ytnr ago
.M:.s I.iiy I.. Hi. ebe. t lie liist (oTaiaii
wo i. i:n b : lias the degree of dael ir of
philosophy gr intcii in Ikt na.ive ciuntiy,
.' cone to Aaieiiea to teach. Tins iiv.ui
end dead e nirii i trvs i l.e Is able t use loako
u il le list.
In (5 rent 1'ritaln nin'ing wo nen wi rkc rs
there are: All -t ioaeers, K i; .iri hltecta, Ii;
I i i'kmnkfs. Il.l.l; butchers, 3.S0"; chilli. ey
swee; s, it; : el; libo.-tr, I; g V.dsuil: lis,
t.liO; rrinlers,'SJ; railway porters. Vlj;
tailors,, und veterinary siirgeoins, S.
Alls. CI rove.- 1'Vveland has b k no un ex
I rt in photograph? and the f.iselnutiug
in eupation Is her cbi- f diversii n. In hT
hcimiilul bo ne, Westlmd. Princetnn, fhr
his a e-oioj Ii te ei;ui;oni lit Hiid tie liaisli
e f Iier pietun s sLows how painstaking she
has been In studyin;; the use of the camera.
M s' e'aroiuie I.. O. liansime of Waslt
Ingion Is th - lir-t woman fron whom the
i.'oitid f-' government purch.- id a
paii.tipg for the v.;il!s of the i.ap'.tol. Miss
it ilisonie. who has lived in the luitioniil
i-alilnl for upward of a score of years, 111. ilislii etiiai of hitving iwilnted
the portraiti of more statesmen than any
other woman artist.
AH 'Mr feR
r . -- -
which are two bins for pour, upon which
n -I t.' lirr.ers oia enough for
Above the p.-Mrv board, ilk" pi ;e onla l. s
in a d'.-sk. are tows of i ompartnieiits wit'l
lirawer.i cleirly marked for s U . s, salt,
linking imwdiT und hounekeeplng sundries,
even to siring and wrapping paper.
I'or the pastry work there now coined a
rolling pin of heavy g'liss,
I'pi lied at one end. showing
der to be till d with ice.
A biush for i; cut
to three tections, uilai; fine
end, to lire bristbs at the
which can !
a hollow cj 1 i ii-
glass I t ma dit
bri ill s at ons
other, and an
or.iinary 1 r i --1 1 1 In the i eiil
r. Tho uliapo
l: not unlike that of the h of the sh"-.
A small ot.,to nms icr, tufted an l pad. lei iii'io.s. Is i e(IIeiit for poll.-.'.lng the
bowls of tiller s a .rs.
The leeii Fit reftii: eta !i l for winter use tit
tr.aee of st lit rereialng or perfor ited
metal, and can be I on:-, in the ee l ir or In
th-- oNleni i u v h re liie 1 coo!. Il Ii is
n lock and key. ami will hold a goodly
supply i f I tie. i mI.t.
A new hiiller liv id tor IndtvUbial i"rvict
coir.e.i in the fni'in if a n:il::;v I'" vith i'. :-r. K' inns in us in my r in: pes,
laeii.uliii; the four i.ies ; nd liie, . A si ill
cf bu'.ter. o: i -hi lf l:.ih thick, is liid cut
the pastry tulle and tho r i'.ing pin run
it. to i lit out ll;e i imp. s.
n a; em.:, i mixer l: In in lo in ot a
with a lie.!.-- in t gg belter bl
ind a f.iia.l att"(h"l to the edge.
throngh wbl ll the nA Is driqip d.
n-.ixer turns with a emnk and the edl fails,
drop ly riop, tl rotiph th.- runinl.
la th piient bread bakers and small but
ter makers i re fold In giniiy liU.iutities
in the city shops. This fact is due, no
eloul t. to lie puhlli!r.d i (-counts of dirty
bul.e s'.u ps and i.dultcru1 ions of butter.
Willi the i onveiiii nee men'.ioi.ed a Kenian
w ho has a una '.I family ran m ike both her
(iv. ii bread end butter. 'I he lr. ii.l innl er,
which (n-ts ::
a tail line! ct
ere im fu ezt r
nre put in fl:
la wl.l th."
I ."il. is of un und looks bk
uith n handle like ii rt lee
The water or mliH
st. Hi n the Hour Is turned
ennk moves around, until
II Is thori urrhl.v
ntk'irg t! e crank
r.iiMil. Aft.;- tho llrst
Is tiirneel tbre- n Inutes,
h tlie human arm.
kniuftl ig I ho done!
BnJ iciivirg It in a
big. tidy roll, reidy to
bo cut Into ei'.ht loaves.
Tli" tailtir irr.1 i look-. r.Vf a (.! ! fruit
Jar, hid ling a pyramidal spring, o.-er whh h
Is a perfir.itel !l-ik. Th coring dashes
tli- c earn (liroirh holes In the disk, and
rr"'l! quantity of butter can be miu'o very
& .
rrIiij find Fonvj' Wnmri,
,'u.i;, a'way.-. of t:ie fussy or
n'igg'ng v.oir.on You will ktv n
l-cr on ong a thooi'nd hy b r 1 '.
of utt'r dcj"el'on, corn r: .' tha
liiontii ('raw ii do'.-, n. .and 1Kb eye
that look ii; (in every llvlner thing as ells,
hiiest. din'onl and nntr'i'it wort hy. AVoa
nml ml- ( ry are ca r nt her lioeln lie slia
inis'.Tss er sirMin!. If th 1 itt-r. h-r work
v.ii! always be lai''T. her pastry will be
heavy, and her br.-id as sigTy as her dls-"i'-lt
ion. p!o" will malic constant troublo
with the otler s-ervan's. anl ke(" t !ie en
tire househi Ul n turmoil until she In gotten
rid of. If it ! the mistrofPJ of tho house
who U Incline, 1 towarl this un'nrt urvitl
In hit. affair i of 1h: home will lnde-d !ki
pitiable. Bh will whin- nt everything, and
prove herwlf to Ik one of the most tire
some creatures on earih.
The fuss.- wMnxn Is generary idle ini
l-izy, ."ihI one of the bpst cures In the worU
for fiissliies Is work. Iet In r Is; made ti
do for herself what of-ers ill so unsatii.
factorlly for her. V'n, noes Van Klten in
Ixs'lc'n Weekly.