Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1904, Image 12

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llotr to Win Woman.
1 1 h ltur-4t itn Ian fr hnor wn-nfn DM
I I moHt easily won Is always intcr
A I estlng Icrsiwi It Is never settled.
At Mount Vrrrion, N. Y., a very
wealthy woman married an cx-
n tamer whoso life and pors mal habits
re not such us the ordiniry j erson
consider attractive to a vu-r.un of
Yet sho marric I him anil
gi vn tho best
I'Vcl Jim. A
reason In tlx: world she
1 I i:n. A Nhw York irtrl of 17 nn-
imUMcrs her marriage to u physical culrure
t -.1 1 who ti:t been glln.; lesions.
1 In; mini wus wholly nut of her sphera
find an impossible person generj.lly, but
fV married hi ai because. Men of Iriwn
riinl musc le seem to have a slnijgc fasri
l: :lio-i fur a certain kind of women. 5-"u;li
li ; n l:;ome nnd por ul ir act ra as Favc--nhiin,
I;us:l:i Kuruham. KJu-rd Courte
l.a;. , Tommy Koss, itc, Bay they would
111 c lo find a presi liption to make the n
Im iiiinr from foolish (rollers nf affertion.
Herbert Kelrcy, the ll.-gest i.nJ h.n I
s must at tor In the u hole world, lias hit
(.vn tiouLlcs In decking tlictn, but he li
not 'oath to ten how women :re won and
li i.v thiir aflcslions are r talked. ono
of Lis reasons ure so rrlsply fxp.eie.l
th :t they are worth quoting. Ite saya: "re-fun-
yiiu marry her kis lur as tliou ;h
r o were your wif; after your mirrlige
kis-i her an a sweetheart. i:e cinsrde-Jtc
of h r in amr.ll things 3 ns:il thlrgi rn.tke
a woman's life. Need J or und let her
know It. Women undir-t-nd hrst that It
Is nuiio 1'Ii s. e l l i give tit in t.i rivelv.s.
Never abusj lier confidi n e."
Ill-lie Wnii el Clothes.
After running away to New York nn I
getting niurried. Mr. and Mrs. C'lnrlei S.
VVi ed of llolmesbui g. I'a., rilurn-l ho ..o
for u supply of I'lothl ig wi.icii ;h. y hid
failed to tike with tl.o.n in ll-c'r hut
flight. The groom Is 13 ;c;:n i 1 !, ; n-1 t .e
bride, who wan Miss Mmy cries t o-'i'all
Lloyd of T.itony, l only 17 yinrs of a-;e.
A difference in r.ll'ilou3 belief :.inl th?
opposition of relative 3 w-i the iiiiiho of
their HK.kinii a runaway match of it.
Miss Moyd lived with hrr aunt, Mrs.
Mary C'avanaush, at Ktale road and Mad
ison street, Tacony. Kfie had tjet-n ac
quainted for some lime with Weed who is
a telcirriiph operator nnd u r;nin''.Hnn of
Chief KiiKineer 8nilth of the 1 ii'Hr o:' cor
rection. The opposition of rel-itlvei to tlio
mariliiKo was ttmriK. however, and t Ha
yiriiiK couple decided to run i.way. ll lifT
tin. Ido to tuko any Iiukikc ulna, ll;ey
lioarded u train at Hnal Ftre -t t tati in.
Mill irlelphla. with rn y what they wie.
After JiaviiiK been married in New York,
the newly made Slr. Wcnl tel idvMed ti
lier aunt, tel. ms: Jur of the maritime mid
r..kln that her i lotli-a be si nt to -tu r.
Mis. a vanauprh refused to sen 1 them,
lio.vevir, and the happy pair e m e.pi.-ntly
ri'tii'lied to Tlieony, no that the 1 li le et ui I
pit la r attire. '1 IiIm was r,iei h. r, it ml
i-l'.e Is now llvlup v.i'ii hi r youthful lii.a
liatid at J lolmpid.iirr;.
Known Wed d I i; Mo c'i hy Men t.
Mrs. Mary Murtin -Nevi li'iiiS '-HiniKe-njn-nlster
- ltofTsietter - Keaudry - l'ratt -Call
la l& years old and it a
d:-essniawer at Deiutr. Mary Martln'3
first call to th aKar wim wiien s'u wra
barely 10. In her home tov.-n vt iJalveoto:!
nl.e met nnd loved F.'ank NewJoitse, a mi'.l
wrlKlit. and with lilui went to Ma'aniora.4,
Mexico, where the,v pleiii d their troth.
The ttrst experience in doubla bl.a.i ai Iho
Ipngnst nnd mnst rureeeRful, three cl I'drcn
beliiR horn to the union, two of which are
still alive. Tho di irlli of Newhouse left an
attractive, young widow on the eliglbk? list
Of Nashville, III., where she went to live.
Alexander Uur-iie, a ia:pontr, was the
second man to dl.-cover the charms of Mary
Mart In-New -hnuv the. pretty widiw with
the thrro b:.l,es, nnd to his hr. ast he took
the::i ull. l-'ul Uurge was u man who
avoided manual labor. The bride soon dis
covered the. fal ir.p;i of her recond sponre,
and with the nid of Ui-i divorce court sent
him on his wny.
In Topeka, Kas., a year or so later O.ivcr
Uar.i-.lsLcr, a mu'.hinist by trade, lowed to
the teauty and fciiueof Mrs. Mary Martin
N?w . A brl-.f partnership thli
proved to be. Discord came Into the family and, profiting by her rapidly f plead
ing expei lence, the hasteniil the end, pay
ing for and pcrmi.tii.g tho husband to have
tho divorce.
Once more fre-, M:iry Martln-NowhoiiFe-Runge-Hannl.'ter
hied herself wertwanl.
s eking for a perfect man. Settling herie'.f
in Denver, sh? noon had a comfortable
burlr.css, hut the cverlng were lonely, nnd
when Christopher 1 loffstetter paid her court
whispers of lovo so inded fair to the htrolno
of three marriages, lloffstetter proved a
bad match. A f.-w years of weary night
v.'giis for the unsttady step and the c:oss
greeting sufficed, (nice more her earrTngs
vpnt for a divorce, and apain she found
herrr'lf frre from the rharhtes cf ir. a trillion)-.
A short rest cave her new hopi for
another he';imnte.
AlonjT came John It. IV rji.'d y, pa;er
hanifcr by trade, unci hy far tin most likely
looklii;; candidate for the effeefons of
Flnce the passing of h-r 11 tt
f1uno. Hut Iteaudry did not, after u trial,
cuilo fill the bill of p?rt:c'.ihrrs set down by
Mary Martln-Newhouse, etc., and he, too,
v. as ient sway with a illvoree.
Next came Thomas Pratt, nnd cftT a
brief s;ell of cooing he tool: Mary Mnrt'n
Nev.ho'is - Runeg - JIanrls'.er-lI.rtTstf tter
HeHiidry to ho his wedded wife till t!
them did part. This proved nnothr 1 rl -f
experience In the yoke fur the woman f
many names. The phorteorrlngs of hus
bii'.d No. 6 were held up to his fuc. aid
he, too. wa. sent forth forev-rmore with a
dec-rre of Plriclcners
Then along came Thomas Call, an old
re idem of Iienver nrd himself of p'entiful
mn trlT-nnl'il eTpeilnee. Call had two
grown daiirthters. who vigorously i ppo ed
the match, hut neither tliese mr rel'f.1 'n
could deter the widow, and soon hi;r--lanl
No 7 was brought into camp. He nNo
proved not up to the specific;' tlnpR, i nil
soon joined the colony of cx-hushan's, only
to lie t iken by death a yenr l iter.
Kit nearly four years Mrr. Mary Mar tln
Newhouse - Uunse - Haniilftrr-Hoffs'e'.'.er-I!eaiidry-rratt-Cnll
lived singly. Tie n lone
liness w!ld upon h'r. Ti tie hunt unci
mor e. The buple sourrdeil and the wld w
r'sortel to a matrimonial eeiney. Out of
the sunny clime of snmh r l Ca'lfi m a
came n hold Iocl Invar, who worsh!ed,
by mall, at the shrlno whoro Mary had
Fserlfleed, nnd tv, too, li rpredlng tnwnrd
the fluttering heart from his snug Ios An
girles home.
flowing over the prospects. Mary Martin
ft nl. at fi8 Is preparing one more fo- a
nuptial day, r-onsoled In the thought that
the ample menrs of her ew-fnund hus
band pronilso a, reverse nf form for the
widow who has crossed so many turbulent
mali.nrinrl ses.s.
Card Game (or a Widow.
Ron. .. ... , g.iu.e oi penueMe
will Ik; pia.ved ill ti e piirlorH of --t Hudsnn
avniie, (Suttenhi rg, N. J., between two
suitors fur the hand of a widow who owns
the house. The widow, who is to nbl !e
by the result of this game, is Mrs. Amelia
Arklanl, who la styled hy her neigblxirs
as "fair, fat nnd forty," nnd admits the
forty. She has been married three times
end weighs 200 pounds. She is worth $li,'00.
One of the suitors Is lte'nild Van Riesl
ing, a carpenter, 33 years old. He has been
courting the widow for some time and Is a
good hand at cards.
The other man is Captain John Taylor, 3
years old, who Jias command t.f a tramp
steamer. Ho also is a giKid cird player.
Captain Taylor was well acquainted with
the whlow's last husband, Arkland. who
also as captain of a tramp steamship.
Mrs. Arkland thinks a good deal of both
men, and was undecided which to take.
Van Blessing had, if anything, the better
of the contest, as lie was at home near the
widow all the time.
Recently both men have becsn so urgent
for the widow to choosa between them that
she did not know what to do. Finally she
said she would let a gime of nenucJilc
decide the natter. She said that ICO.tVX)
points would be the game.
tli'ii. Arkland is a lover of tlie game, nnd
is lurvrlf no mean player. The contest,
Eho stipulated, must bo played in the p.xrlor
of tier home in the presi nee of the friends
of ail toncumed.
Midget to Wed.
When Will Arth'e, the forty-four-lneh
ii-id tret, who i laya the part of Sheridan
Grant Cireene, one of the children of Smiley
Gnino, in "ilird Center." culled ut the
marriage license dirk's jfilcv in Chicago
he was un ible to look over the counter.
lly standins off a'ideru'jle distance,
so as to get the pr.iper perFpectivu, how
ever, he was nlilir, by shoutlnr?, to iittrp.ct
the ut'.ention of C lerk Saltnt ns m, to wliorn
he exflainej he wanted to get married.
Archio w;ii invited into Mr. S litnonson'H
oI!i' e, whiro Ire announced tho name of fie
brid-to-be as Miss Lorettj JtacDonald, nn nie:nl,er tif the "1 SI r J Centir" car-t.
Mis; MacDonald is C feet 7 inches !n Ir.'ijjhl,
but the tiivrrpaney In size between heis If
iirni Im: and Is n t to be ulloweel to
stand in the way of matrimony.
Archie mid Miss M leDon ild nvi in I'eo'In
about a month no, when the lir.-t ir iUin.'
tion of "l;ird l entir" was singed. Tlie
continued ass.rchition erf the ynrii.g p-o;.io
b::iKht iiborit the i nrigi ment, which wis
nr. n nrneed to n few friends a few days u'Jro.
Archie's Jiome Is In New York City. Miss
MacIonali lives In Brooklyn. Ho Ia SI
yens old nnd she confesses to the Butiitn
number ef yeari.
Young Cotlflp Wed at Mlinlgbt.
When Dr. V. A, Wulnwright of Win
chester, III., nird Miss i:ilen Robertson of
37LS bist t)live street, St. Louis, u iuir-:a
at tlio St. John's hospital, were married
at the re-sklenee of Rev. James Sliulla of
Clayton. Mo., on the ISth. at mitlnight, a
romance evtending over several years was
Dr. and Mrs. Walnwright have known
each other since ttiey were at college in
St. l-oiils. Ho was a student of the Marion
Bima college, and she was a student in
the Rebecca Training school In 1903. They
have been engaged tlnce last Septemler
and their marriage was set for this fall.
Dr. Walnwright came to St Iuis le
ccn lly. His visit wus ono of sightseeing
at tho World's fair, but after CJilling uimj
Miss Roberts-oil one evening he decided
that he could not put the wedding oft
longer, so he asked her to go with him ti
Clayton aJid be married.
To this Miss Rolertpon consented, antl
the young couple took a car to that place.
It w.s some time after 11 o'clock when
they arrived at Clayton, but, with the hel
of a resident ot that town, they found
the home nf Rev. James Shu! tit, who is tha
pastor of the Methodist church at Clayton,
and were married.
Only two witnesses were present, Mrs.
Fhults, and the man who had guided them
to the minister's house.
Change In Thirty nintm.
Married, divorced, marriett to a iecond
woman, again elivorced and remarried t
the Erst wife within thirty minutes after
the second separation la the record de
veloped in a d.vorce case tried at Klkhora,
Wis., by Judge Helden. Some years s
Loren II. Baker, a well-to-do young farmer,
married a buxom country lass. They were
divorced and he then married a Chicagei
woman. Recently she packed her trunk
and do-arted. He brought suit fur separa
tion, and when the cjse came on for t.ial
the first wife with her two children was
in the court room. She said she would
remarry Mr. Baker tho moment the di
vorce was granted, und s-he did.
Ktertrl? Wo;tiI!iiHr Car.
A car for wedding parties may he tht
next move that the- Aurora, El;;ln & Chi
citgo electric li:;e may place on Kre rails.
The records of Geneva show that there
have been 1,GJ m irrl ig.- license-; is: uc 1 In
Kane county In the last two years ;.nj
the number Is em the inore ise. Hun Ire 2
of Chicago teople go Into the Fox ilef
valley to pet married nnd to mjiy the pic
turesque scenery r.long the route.
Ti e clortlic 'ines are beinaf u.'el t .1
great extent in making short wcddli g ,rl a.
A large number of contracting jar.!-; itrj
taken to Rockford, where there arc i.o.v
three inlerurban lines. !n that tow.i tlorM
is r.n ave.-i'R:- of one Iseeiirin wed ir y, t
day, the couples coming acrts the 1 or ,!', f
eei the Janevville and ISeloit line. Au ori
is soon to hive an ndiitionil tl-ct ic 1 i.e.
s i that the nri-ribe r of m.irri g.' I. e.i ei
of the Ka'.e county cripitrU way ba a. HI
lur reused.
Itor-tanee m the I'l'.e.
Tjlttlo did ."'is i Minnie Sawdey diwi a
when siie diseoverej the los r of her pjr
eiri the; I'ike at the World's f.ilr tint sli
v.ould marry the man wiio found it, lrit
SL'ch frove'd to be the rns , and rhi- be
cartio the wife of K. '. Siwdey, 1 ea i i
the same n in-.e, hut not u no-ir re'ative.
Xlisi Siwdey Is the dieghter of I'r.nll
R:'i!ey, enee a preacher, but for the tat
few eirs a lurmir, owning a raneii four
miles out fr.jin'nount, t'olo. She left
her horro for a visit to the World's fa r
several weeks ago and ihirtly after I.e.
nrrhul there she lost her purse; on th
I'ike. It contained nil of her money, li r
calling caiMs un'd tho address where ti
was staying in St. lxiui
The next morning after breikfast sh
was Informed that u gentleman wished t
eo her. Fawuey was there with tho parser
Thf similarity of names made tkeni ao
quainted and strong fji.tidsM.) rcsj'ted.