Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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,' Bewitching Modes in " -T 1 "" Elaborate Display ' J
V lP& Fall Millnery fS ilfiii 1 Ladies' Suits yiif
life 1 for Ores, and 3 JL BJ USg J) Elegant Cloaks
lis&W WWMmJ Street Wear and Costumes ffi-.
K-t r - . , Ni'if'i'. iin i'tn ejt.f war j imm
A superb array of the choicest millinery, confections many of
them specially designed for horse show wear the newest and
most graceful shapes, the designs of renowned
French and American master milliners charm
luff confestions in the new Parsifal blue, ball cuir, coque de roche, etc. remarkable artistic
assemblage at
Exclusive and Original Millinery Conceptions
Scores of magnificent hats freshly imported to this country millinery gems from the most renowned arbiters of
Parisian millinery fasliion the correct new shapes artistically conceived and cleverly finished by the hands of
adepts never was such nn assemblage of beauty in a millinery (P C f C C . (fc ft Z C
store in the west we mention spepial prices at
The Renowned IJratideis $5 Hat
The prettiesf hats ever made to sell at five dollars every
one bearing. the mark of distinction so pro
nounced in Brandeis millinery the latest
shapes and the most fashionable garniture
wide assortment at... -...
A matchless variety of the finest tailored suits for fall ever shown
becoming designs in the newest style features the new Pircc-
toire, Paquin, Parsifal, Blouse and Tourist styles, made of the new
broadcloths,' tweeds &9C) CCCCd A C
andnovelties-at $&JyJO $JJ uptovpU
Pretty Trimmed and Street Hats at $3.50
Jaunty street hats and very stylish trimmed hats
wrought by our own skilled designers after high
class models splendid CO
Beautiful Costumes and Dresses Demi cos
tumes and the ultra dressy suits, made of silk?, crepe
de chine, messalines, peau de soios, $Qi Q Q
veilings, laces, nets evening shades'- U lad
Dress and Opera Coats Also the beautiful driv
ing coats in white, onion peel, JOC ln
velours, etc. prices from IV UKJ
Clever New Tailored Suits A splendid showing
of about 200 suits, of which about half are samples
ma iy exclusive designs, very fashionable 24"50
material and color, worth up to $40, at
A New Suit Idea at $19 Swell fall suits in the
season's mo f.ivored styles and ma
terials, worth upto$OOt
Up-to-date Tailored Suit at
butcher tout 1st styles; Norfolks, Directoires
and Blouses all new materials,
$14.85 New
Popular Ladies Suit at $9.98 Pretty tourist
coat suit also Norfolks, blous, etc., in the QO
most fashionable materials and actually made y0
sell at $16, at .
The Favorite Tourist Coats The most popular
coats of the season
all high grade,
many exclusive.
A Stunning Street Hat at $1.98 The prettiest little
street hat ever sold at a popular prices all the most
favored shapes cleverly trimmed
fit w'J' WjS t
Girls and Children's Caps at 49c
e hats are the
A splendid line of children's fall hats and caps the hats are the
' red, blue and brown felt sailors the caps are
j flannels and corduroys in the pretty Tarn
. O'Shanters fworth as high as f 1 each,
l at, each :.ifcw Yn :mjt
A Basement SpecialLadies' Trimmed Hats
-great a8ortnient ol. ladies' trimmed hats-epecially made for
' this fall wear late shapes and pretty trimming on display
in the basement, for ff f f jf
Saturday sale, J 30' OC'h 53
Gloves for Horse Show
The Irene The best kid glove
that ever sold for $1 in
white, black and all the lat
est shades for dress, evening
and street wear, J 00
EeynlerX Perrln's and Monarch, highest
'cIhks kid gloves Fome with mr
two large pearl clasps,
special, at, pair JU PV
Readjf made veils all silk chiffon nnd
fancy crepe fancy in g
spots, new colors. 4oCU7C"pl
Imported Horse Show 'Belts studded with
, steel points raj., tan, rtjan and - .
. brown, at .. ,'.
Ladles' Crushed Velvet Belts in all tho in' ne
most fashionable new bhades for fall, at.... 4 7 C" I DC
Imported Opera Bags in fanhionable Dross.."" t r
den designs, all the dainty evening shades,!' iD'I.OV
Coats, Suits and Dresses for Girls
Our new. enlarged children's department
now occupies double Its former space far
greater than any similar department In
Omaha flllod with up-to-date apparel for
littlo misses.
3.50 to 7.50
Children's sailor wool suits,
Children's Russian blouse dresses, 2.Q8
Children's nuster
Brown suits, at..,
Children's long heavy cloaks, f KQ
at .w
Children's swell Peter Thompson A Qfi
coats, at .J
Children's highent grade cloaks from
24.50 down to 9.98
A fine showing of the newest and prettiest ideas for fall
stunning all wool waistlngs in choicest colorings, from
9.98 down to 1.50
9.98, 1250 up to $35
Two New Tourist Coat Specials Saturday
An extraordinary value for Saturday's selling the new long
coats newest style features correct A,98 QLld 7.50
materials, at
Special walking skirts-made
of meltons, etc. 12 distinct
styles and seven shades t)8
tomorrow at... &
New model walking skirts
meltons, cheviots, panamas,
date at'
Special Display of Splendid Furs
Fine furs of every description scarfs in mink, squirrel chin
chilla, sable, fox, Canadian marten, 98 MptO $7 J
A Fur Scarf Special--
. Selected scarfs of brook mink,
fox, marten, imitation lynx,
A Fur Special
Double fox scarfs, with cord
and tassel, Isabellas and
sable, two brush tails, CI 98
etc. finale end double J CIQ
scarfs, worth up to $10, 14, J J
Prisons! Caught by Detectives Fronoiuioad
Dftflperate Charactn
Boind Oth lino for Allrsjed Buclsrj
ad ClMlmed by Dodr Comnty
. v OffloM for Anotlie
Charles Ward, aJloa Eddl Davis, arrsated
Tun day by Detectives Mitchell and Davis,
was bound over from tha police oourt to
tho dlatrlot court on tho charge of burg
lary, bond vaa placed at JS00.
A few hours after tho prisoner was bound
over Chief of Polios E. E. Daugherty and
roliMman J. F. Conof of Fremont arrived
la tha city aoj Conof Identified Ward as
the man who stabbed him a number of
tJraeai On th eight of September ft. County
Attomey KngUsb and Chief of Police Dona
hue were consulted and It was arranged to
allow, the Fremont., authorities to take
Ward to Fremont for trial on tha more
serious charge, and falling In being con
vlcted there he wlU be returned to Omaha
to await trial on the burglary charge.
Ward was taken to Fremont at 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
Mr. Conors story of the stabbing affair
"About 1J:30 on the night of September 8,
I was placing under arrest Ward and his
pal. Ward put up a KtifT fight, stabbing me
twice and cutting my coat In seven places
when the knife did not strike me. Ward's
partner ran without offering any resistance
when Ward started the attack. As Ward
ran I fired several shots, but I was weak
and my aim untrue. Ward was a stranger
at Fremont, but his actions aroused my
suspicions at the time I was trying to ar
rest him.?
Conors more serious stab wound was on
the left side not far from the heart, and
Fremont surgeons said at the time his es
cape from death was close.
Chars; of Bargrlary.
Ward was yesterday arraigned in
polios court on the charge of burglary,
said to have been oomrrAtted last Sunday
, j&k Jem
night at the home of John Popa and John
Sherbeck, 101 North Ninth street The arti
cles claimed to have been stolen were the
suits of clothes found in the gunny sack
carried by Ward at the time of his arrest
by the Omaha detectives.
When taken Into the police station Tues
day morning Ward created something of a
6cene and had to be forced Into submission
by Detective Mitchell. Ward Is well known
to the police of Omaha, South Omaha and
surrounding towns, where he has lived for
years. The police records show that on
December 20, 1900, he was committed to the
Douglas county Jail for six months on the
charge of burglary. It Is only four weeks
since he returned from the Illinois peni
tentiary, where he served a two-year sen
tence for burglary, so the authorities say.
Since the arrest of Ward Detective Sav
age has identified him as one of two men
who made their escape from a North Six
teenth second hand store on the afternoon
after the stabbing affair at Fremont.
Much credit Is given Detective Mitchell
for his part In the arrest of a man who Is
considered one of the most dangerous
characters that the Omaha and South
Omaha police have had to contend with in
recent years.
..Many of you are suffering from physical weakness and loss of
rrxaal visor, your nvrvnu system la being depleted and your
mind weuaen.d nnd Impaired. IJfe is not what it should be. De
spoiitlenry and gloomy forebodings have taken the place of bright
lronp-oi3 ana nuiiy uniDiuon. nou no longer enjoy your d.uly
labors or dutii-a. your nights are resells and unrerreshUia and each morning
you awaken again to tho cheerle.s recitation of your'aj Impedimenta
and weaknesses, and yuu have neither the ambition nor the power to maintain
your position among your fellow men, drag through a miserable existence,
often wishing for d-ath to end your troubles, in many cajut self-abuse, nigbt
loasvs and day drains are the cause ef your condition, while In others ft is
some sei n-t disease. Gonorrhoea or Contagious Blond Poison, or frequently the
result of neglected or Improperly treated private diseases, which cause Stric
ture, Varicocele, Prostatic, Kidney and l.Inditer These diseases (or
symptoms of disease; ci rnot l cured until ttrst their causa is removed and
ri:red, which lies in the usep nervous and physical centers. MEN. PON T
DT31.AY. Don't give up If others have failed you. Come today to the MKN'S
THl'K SPISOIALISTS and learn your trua coculitlrm. (1t tha right treatment
and be cured Quickly, safely and thoroughly. We cur
Stricture; : Varicocele, emissions, Nervo-Sexoal Debility,
. Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
v Kldocy en J Urinary Diseases,
and all ' rfrteasag' and wknai of mn due te Inheritance, evQ habits, self -attune,
excesses or the result of specific er private diseases.
ff1Nv.HI TiTinn ffiFC " ou cannot call write for symptom blank.
fcUnaULIMIUJI IBtC omce hours; I a. to. to I p. m.; Buudays. 10 to 1 only.
. IMS Parti i ib St.. Bt tStU an! 14th 4ir9t. Onabs. Nt. : -
Visits Federal Dnlldlng and Assents
to Improvements Asked by
Captain Palmer.
"I had Secretary Shaw visit the postofflce
building when he was here the other day,"
said Postmaster Palmer. "He had only
five minutes to give me, he said, but we
put that to good use. Ills attention was
called to the miserable lighting facilities
In the main corridor, and he concurred In
the Idea that an improvement was due
there, and at once. We also called his at
tention to the slate roof over the main
workroom on the main floor of the office,
and he was convinced that very little sun
light could get through those slate shingles.
The result was that he signified his wish
to take up the matter Immediately after
the election and he Invited me to remind
him of It in a personal letter."
As a consequence Postmaster Palmer Is
elated over the prospect of these needed
Improvements being put under headway in
the near future.
Illinois Central Straetnre Over Mis
soarl River to Be I'sed Within
K I net r Days.
Work is progressing very rapidly on tho
new Illinois Central bridge over the Mis
souri river.
Victim of Strike Melee Longs for
Quiet and Rest In Noiseless
' Town.
A remnant of the recent pncklng house
strike appeared before Acting Police Judge
Bachman in the person 6f C. M. Hodges of
Uncoln. Hodges was arrested on the
charge of being drunk and was discharged
by the police Judge nnd tola to go ms way
rejoicing, although Hodges did not look as
If there was another rejoice in him.
The man's story In police court was that
while working at one of the. packing houses
durirc tho recent labor trouble he was
badly beaten up and had Just been dis
charged from a hospital. Hodges' appear
ance did not belle his words. Hodges said
he was anxious to return to that dear old
Lincoln, Neb., and would give up the meat
business for good.
Monger's Hulina I In Favor of Gov
ernment as Opposed to Security
Judge Mimger handed down memoranda
opinion yesterday in the caso of the
Natlonnl Security company against J. Al
bert Davis of Omaha, giving Judgment In
favor of the government and another In the
case of the United States against Walter
1m Painter in which the demurrer Is over
ruled. The Davis case Is one wherein the gov
ernment brought suit against J. Albert
Davis, a former employe of the government
postofflce In this city to recover on certain
funds amounting to 1100 or more alleged to
have been stolen from one of the subpost
office stations In Omuha several years ago,
while Davis was temporarily In charge of
the station. Davis was acquitted of the
charge of appropriating the money and
afterward suit was brought by the govern
ment to recover on his bond.
afternoon was given over to a continuation
of the discussions of the various reports
and amendments.
At the close of the services Thursday
evening nearly $300 was obtained from the
collections, of which t'J was contributed by
the ministers alone. These collections were
for the dollar fund, which Is a general fund
derived from single dollar subscriptions and
Is devoted to all general purposes, being a
sort of sinking fund to replenish any spe
cial funds. Rev. George A. Griffith, treas
urer of the conference, reports there Is
now about $2,300 in this fund.
"We expect to have the bridge In use dltional
Street Railway's Establishment Is
Completed nnd Prepared for In
Itlnl Service Next AVeek.
The new power house of the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway company I
practically completed. One engine and one
generator have been placed In position and
the steam has been turned on. It Is In
tended to use this power to help out with
the large traffic Incident to the festivities
of next week, after which the machinery
will be shut down pending the Installation
of three engines and three generators ad-
wlthln ninety days at the most," sold John
R. Webster, the company's general agent,
"at least we are promised this by the con
tractors. Of course we expect to have ten
ants in time, but all roads now coming to
Omaha are provided for. When tho growth
and importance of Omaha shall warrant the
entrance into the city of other roads we ex
pect to be able to land them as tenants."
A grand ball will be given by the For
esters of camp No. 'Ji. Modern Woodmen
of America, Sunday evening, September
26, at the hall of the Metropolitan club,
Twenty-third and Harney streets.
' The power house has been under con
struction for some months. It is situated
at Fifth and Jackson streets. With the In
stallation of the full batteries the plant will
be one of the most complete in the west.
Bee Want 'Ada
ai U Vost Business
Disrnsslons of Various Business Mat
ters Occupy the Day.
Yesterday wss a busy one for
the conference. Tho reports of the com
mittees on temperance, state of the church
and . the state of the country were sub
mitted and discussed.- The discussions were
full of animation and particularly along
tb lines of educational developwsat. The
Testimony by Broadwrll In Contest
Case Will Be Heard In Dis
trict Court.
Judges Day, Sears nnd Redick will hear
the parole evidence In the Blngham-Broad-well
case which Mr. Broad well's attorneys
sought to introduce in order to prove
O'Connor was an election Judge and not
a clerk when he signed the ballots In
the First precelnct of the Fifth ward of
South Omaha. The attorneys for Bingham
spent the greater part of Thursday and of
Friday morning in arguing against the in
troduction of this evidence, holding the
poll books were the best evidence. The
Judges consulted for some time at the end
of the argument and Judge Redick de
livered their opinion. They held, on a
limited consideration of the question, the
parole evidence should be admitted for
the purpose of making a full case if an
appeal should be had to the supreme court.
They believed the evidence perfectly com
petent because the poll books and other
election returns were not provided under
the law to be record binding and con
clusive as to who were Judges, for such
purposes as had been contended In the
argument, but was Intended to show rather
who were elected.
After the decision tho attorneys for Mr.
Broudwell began their case Insofar as the
First precinct of the Fifth ward In South
Omaha Is concerned by reading the testi
mony given nt the former hearing of
Frank Madura. Other similar testimony
Is being Introduced to show O'Connor
acted as Judge at the Instance of the
election board.
Announcements of the Theaters.
On the bill that opens at the Orpheum
Sunday matinee, September 26, comes the
"Four Madcapa" cute and winsome little
dancing girls, that have entertained Euro
pean and American audiences, as the head
liners In the leading vaudeville theater.
Among the varied other acts embraced In
the program are: Techow's educated cats,
another European Importation; the Del
more sisters, refined entertainers; the
Hughes Musical Trio; Harry and Kate
Jackson, presenting a comedy sketch en
titled "A Bachelor's Home;" Lillian Shaw,
comedienne; Les Olopas, musical equili
brists, and the Klnodrome.
Pennsylvania's Donate Rout
Washington and Xew York.
The Fort Wayne, through Pittsburg,
Harrisourg and Philadelphia to New York,
Is the shortest line to the east, standard
fares. The Pan Handle route, via Colum
bus, Pittsburg, Harrisburg and Philadel
phia to New York, Is the lower fare route.
Philadelphia and New York tickets, via
Baltimore snd Washington, with stopovers,
cost no more than direct line tickets. Ap
ply to T. H. Thorp, T. P. A., United States
bank building, Omaha, for details
$3.50 : $2.50
nil g are surely leaders
VHI . Ira i style and value.
WJavA-VJ They are carefully
mnde without any possible economy at
expense or labor; made on foot-formed
lflBts molded like the human foot, of
material the best obtainable In the
No shoes are the Genuine Resent
Shoe Co.'s Shoes unless they beat the
Onlmod trade mark.
We have no branch stores In Omaha.
You will find us at the same old place.
SOS So.l3TSti?ecf.
and umv
Sportsmen will find in scores of localities along the
game worthy of their skill, such
as Bear, Mountain Lion, Coyotes, Elk,
Deer, Antelope, Mountain Sheep, and
feathered game of all kinds. On this line and
its connections are
well stocked with trout The lakes,
while full of attractions for the angler, are
also the haunt of millions of ducks, geeso,
and other wild fowl.
Inquire of
City Ticket OlUen Far nam Street.
lepboae 310.
v lVa Al AT 4,11 lUl jr morn. Uilijhiful l.n,.n. Nua.fVrllu.ltMi. Hi
a w ftM-ulty. ThoitMicn mlhtrf 4 o4eUi dai
Upper Alton,
offers enulp.
.ml. Loo&l nforoiKww.
Cel. A. M. JACKSON. A M . Bnpt.