,1 w TIIE OMAITA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER .24. 1904. I 4 . 1 1 1 i H 1 1 i t mm H II IrrTl TI l ri o mil u i. u u 1 . II r H lM.ftlllJL.IA HLg.8 I f a French creations nnd ninny niannllicent c-rpittloini of OUR OWN that v! with the FHKN'CII can be found nuionff Miss Knowlton's selections, at Benwtr. IO.VT .TUST JLAN('E OVKIl AND READ THIS HUIi HIEDLY, HET ( ONSIDEFt THAT WK WISH YOU TO CALL AND HE CONVINCED., We lire sti re we en n surprise you, n8 we agreeably sur prise people every day with our HORSE SHOW HATS. WE DO NOT DISPLAY OUR DAINTIEST IN THE WINDOW. Come to the Millinery Department and inspect them for yourttelf. ASK TO SEE Til EM Hats worth $45.00 35.00 Hats worth $35.00. . . . . . 25.00 lints worth $2o.00 ; 15.00 A velvet French Turban very chic ro:i of rim, trimmed with Ince, ap- Ef) pllgue and feathers, in bhick. brown and navy, worth &S.0O. at A velver French Sudor, trimmed with wlrfss, ribborVs, ornament lots ot 'J QQ style to the hat, worth $",.(), at t-.w Street hat the best in the marhet-at I2.W, $160, $2:5. fl.SP, $1.75 OtS and ,6C, Children's hats-5.C0, $2.25. $2.00, $1.26 and Q8C Saturday a Cap special worth fifty cents at 15c OMAHA WEATHER REPORT SATURDAY Showers ntid Cooler. Saturday Series ii Pry Goods Saturday Sale in Ladies' Kid Gloves. Our "Keynior made" Lclia in nil the seasonable shades, at . 1.00 Our Pita "Iloynicr made" Htreet (Jloves, is a heavy pique, in tan, mode, gray, brown, white and black, at, per pair . 1.50 Our Fnnchon Fuede, is also made by IJeynier, in white, black, grays, brown the soft evening shades of fawn and dove colors, at ..... 1.50 Our "forld renowned" Keynier in nil shades of all colors, at, per pair .2.00 Every pair of kid gloves sold by the Dennett Company is fitted and warranted. Lndies' fine quality Chiffon Veils, taffeta bor ders, 1$ yards long, in black, brown, bine and white values up to 83c Saturday, ench.50c New Neckwear for Saturday New Point Venice Stocks, 35c, 25c and . 10c Embroidered Linens and Pleated Chiffons, 50c, 35c, 25c and '. . , l9c New Windsors and four-in-hands, each . . . 25c Handkerchiefs 150 dozen ladies' "all linen" handkerchiefs, "hand embroidered" initials, "unlaundered" value up to 20c each Saturday price, each. 5c Special Sale of Blankets and Com forts at Our Bargain Section Harney Street Aisle. Cotton Dlankets 500 pairs extra fine quality medium, light and heavy weight cotton blank: ets, in grays, tans and whites, all full bed sizes, at, pair, fl.95 to 95c, 85c and ; 69c Bed Comforts 200 dozen fine quality, full size bed comforts, made of pretty silkolines filled 'with the finest pure white cotton, all knotted and tied a pretty soft fluffy comfort. . . 1.25 For dowh-to-the-minute activities come to Bennett's Saturday. The thing tha tgives snap to the enoyment of great events the opening of the Horse Show and the starling-in of Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival is the UNBROKEN ROUND of snappy bargains in NEW, CLEAN DESIRABLE MERCHANDISE, always on tap at BENNETT'S Specially so Saturday. Comin'? CLOTH HG DEPT. 75(D) iaturday ShoeSaJe COO noire InHic cnmnU chnoc fpS made in patent kid and vici kid, welt soles and gum soles, .48 worth up to $4.00, at..!.,. and fifty ($5.00) Little Green Stickers. 260, pairs men's sample shoes made of vici kid a'rid velour calf English fl.93 welts, worth $3.50, at & and fifty $5.00 Little Green Stickers. 400 pairs ladies' warm lined LCtlft slippers, all sizes ifZr and ten ($1.00) Little Green Stickers ' 1,500 pairs of the best boy's shoes,. J.50 made all sizes?, at 100. pairs of girl's school shoes, stylish 1.50 And good to wear, at I8B-35HH5B! A Crockery Break-Up Heavy plain whits handled Tea Cups and Saucers, set of six of each ..i 8 dot. straight tumblers, very heavy bottom, with lnrge cut (l)r stars, each , Heavy plain glass Mustard Dishes, ... r each Jr Lantern Globes, each i No delivery limit two. Johnson Bros. Royal English Porcelain, 100 piece dinner sets nice delicate spray of pink Dresden Roses, gold handles and (J 7tt knobs for Saturday r , a O Old English blue Doulton ' DO Pitchers c Good supply of Jelly Tumblers, Flower Pots, Stoneware, etc now on hand. w 29c 3c Decorated Bohemian and Austrian colored glass water sets, nicely decorated price from $2.48 to 88c And One Hundred ($10) Utile Green Stickers If SECOND FLOOR , Youf Eyes They need our IMMEDIATE attention. We are better fixed out to fix 'em than ever.' Ask for the Optician. Couch Covers and Window Shades 60 in. Bagdad Couch Cover, 3 yds. loDfr, frlupe all around C bpecial, each t,tO 50 in. Persian Stripe Portler. ext heavy, t ring's top and bot- rn torn special, porpair U Window Shades 3x6 ftrood colors, special, each 19c For Saturday and Sunday Pastime Kodaks, Cameras and all Photographic Supplies at cut prices HERE. Everything for the fullest enjoyment of the art Films, Film Packs Solutions Solio and Velox Paper, Mats, Albums, everything for photography. Developing and Finishing; done expertly, money-savingly and on time. Send u your plates to develop. , Southeast Corner, Main FIo r. jl 10c Box Paper Sale 10c We have just received a large shipment of fine box paper, which we bought below man ufacturers' cost. Thi? paper incuidin,? linens, bumls, wedding plates and ail the best grades papers in as sorted colore and sizes sells regularly for 25c and 50o per box Saturday.. We have enough tolast through Saturday, fcit advise that you come early. The 50o paper will so fa-it. ! . STATIONERY SECTION. 10c Men's and Young Men's Overcoats 100 of them, worth up to $25" good for Sa turday ONLY. .New styles, up-to-date goods, this is to introduce the latest novelties of the season think of it.... See those 20, 1 5 1 0 Suits Most high priced STORES get DOUBLE FOR THEM. Boy's suits and overcoats from $3.95' and upwards and' a Boss Printing Press. Meats and Provisions Chlckrna, all lirni, lb...llC 7ic 25c Frenh Drraad nooatrri, . lb Good Round Steak, 3 pounds for Good No. 1 Shoulder Steak, 7$C Good Shoulder Roast, 7c and 5c Young Mutton Legs, Qg Mutton Chop, OCn 3 lbs. for OV No. 1 Rex or Winchester 40lr Sugar Cured Hams, lb I3W Good Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 124c 13ic Morell's Iowa Prido Bacon, lb FKESn AND SALT FISH 5ECTI01. Full line of Cod FJsh and Mackerel, a large shipment of New Holland Herring, .all guaranteed, 7Cir keg J- OW " Try Some of Oar Home Made Saasaajes. all kinds. Table d'Hote Dinner, Satur day , Evening In Cafe. Best, Table d'Hote In the city. Beautiful table, fine silverwear, in telligent waitresses andimu- Crt sic by Kaufman's orchestra JUC ' Grocery Dept. Away in the lead, selling pure foods for the table, for the least money. 1.00 )lJ7nmrTn31 C Thirty 3) "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps with three pounds finest Java and Mocha Coffee Twenty ($2) "8. t H." Green Trading Stamps with lb. Tea, kLTd 58c Tin ($1) "8. A H." Green Trading Stumps with pound OEn Mixed Pickling Spice Ten ($1) "B. & H." Green Trading Stamps with two pounds , Ar Tuploca Ten (tl) "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking '" OAn I'owdcr H( Five (Mc) "8. H." Green Trading Stamps with 2-lh. pkg. lflr Pancake Flour tVJV Bl'TTF.R. Received dally from the best dairies In the country. Fresh Country Butter, ' pound Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound V New 1MU Pickles, r . f ea h CAKDT DEPT. Fresh made vanilla flavored delicious Chocolate Creams, lb. 12c TRADE CONTINUES TO EXPAND Cool Weather Stimulates the Demand for Fall and Winter Clothing. MERCANTIU.,C0liECT10NS. LESS TARDY ' '" ,i . prodartloB ot Uvn and 6teel Steadily Iarresslna I.esa Idle Machinery Than at An) Heeent Date, f , NEW TORK.'SepL 23.-R, G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade, tomorrow will Trade expands steadily as confidence In creases with the harvesting of the crops, and mercantile collections are less tardily met. Lower temperatuVe Htlimihttes the demand for fall and winter w.'ari.ig apparel and there Is more disposition to prepare for the future rather than to conlinu opera tions within the limit of Immediate re quirements. Tills improvement Is extending to all departments of manufacture and on the aggregate there is less Idle machinery tlmu at any recent date. Settlements of labor disputes have helped In the develop ment of this condition. Railway earnings for September were 6.7 per cent larger than a yenr ago and foreign commerce at this port for the' last week shows a gain of i2,945,(S7 In exports as compared with 19u3, although- imports decreased $713,670. There is no evldenoe of an anxiety among consumers of Iron and steel to place large orders or to setiure quick delivery, yet the toiimige gradually expands and it is evi dent that tho lowest point of the depres sion has- passed. Production steadily lnJ creases, 4rleeB are more reHdlly main tained and the number of pending con tracts promise well for the future. It Is dithcult to point to any one division as the ieader. improvement being of a general character that Is most wholesome. Start ing up coke furnaces augurs well for the future, and the better demand for bitumi nous coal Is encouraging. Tin Is erratic in response to London lluctuatlons rather than any domestic Influence, but copper is strong because of heavy exports. Moderate fiulns continue to be mado by the textile ludustrins, particularly as to woolens and worsteds. Staple lines are quoted sojnewhnt higher and prompt deliv eries are uived by purchasers Increased activity at the mills lias helped to sustain the eastern markets for wool and brisk competition at tho London auction salso was 10 factor of importance. Irregu larity in votton goods must be utlrllmted to an eifutlu demand that emanates from uncertainty regarding the raw material. Activity Ik greatest ilk cases where stocks lire low and this urgent business is done at full prices, but cuncexxionK occur on other sale that call for future delivery. Firmness Continues in packer hides, lnde- Iiendeiit tanners making liberal purchases, .arge sales of branded and Colorado hides lire recorded and there Is the usual conces sion on hides taken off during the strike by lnexperlenctd mem Country hides are weakeiv but receipts of foreign dry hides are quietly absorbed Lower grades of hem Jook vole leather are still active and other jines fire steady but quiet Floot and shoe Jot,brs are seeking to place supplementary orders for fall snoes. stipulating quick de livery) which indicates that their holdings urf small Korthirrs thi. week aggregate 225 In the t'nlted states, against 232 ImhI year, and 30 in Oil nu da. compared with 19 a year ago. , . BHAUsruecrs ncriGW ok trade fuel Weather tlinalatea Wholesale t and Hetnll lluslnraa. " NEW TORK, 8cpt. S3. Eradstreefa to morrow will aay: -' Cool weather, while retarding or injuring some lata crops, has been stimulating to fall trad both wholesale and retail, which shows an- apparent Increase in volume over a ear ago. Tho Improvement U most marked In dry goods, clothing, groceries, shoes and hardware. Distributive trade is better In the northwest, portions of the east and very generally throughout the south. The central west also shows a continuance of the improvmnt noted last week and a widespread moderate better ment in collections is a feature deserving special mention. A disposition is shown on the part of farmers to hold their prod ucts for bettei prices, this being true In many sections, notably the south and southwest The labor situation Is rather quiet on the whole, though many large strikes continue unsettled.- Wua! has been firm this week, the ststlstlca' position being a strong one, and the firmness being aided by reports of further contemplated advances in the finished product. Press woolens have been and are in good demand, but men's wear fabrics have hardly moved as fast as desired. 1 Business failures in the United Btates for the week ending September 22, number 203, against 167 last week. 1S5 In the like week in 1903, 172 in 1903, 197 in 1901 and 169 In 1900. In Canada failures for the week number 27, against 28 last week and 18 In this week a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports for tho week ending September 22 aggregate 8fi4. 673 bushels, against 935,834 last week. 3.0fi0. 430 this week laat year. 6.077,070 In 1902 and 4.470.352 In 1901. From July 1 to date the exports aggregate l!l.2t'0.490 bushels, against 8i;.:'14.(Wl laxt year, 59,010,135 in 1902 and 74, 145,175 In 1901. Corn exports for the week aggregate 617. 399 bushels, against 429,158 last week, 779. 2M a year ago. 74,952 In 1902 and 6S5.708 In 19ol. From July 1 to date the exports of corn aggregated 6.R36.669 bushels, ugalnst ll.G0K.2ii0 In 1903, 99U27 in 1902 and 11.224,692 In 1901. ' GUARD AQAIXsT PRAIRIE FIRES sought after trophy at the Country club ana the match is creating much interest. Wyniore Races Close. WTMORB, Neb., Sept. 23. (Special Tcle eram. ) Touav markea the closing of ih8 ! Wymote races and the attenuanca was very large, several nunareu coming irom Beatrice. Summary: 2:20 pace, mile heats, best three in five: Major S., 2 3 4 4 Omega 2 2 3 2 Sly Coon 3 1 1 1 Povertv 4 4 3 3 Time: 2:26V. 2:27, 2.27V 2:6. Free for all, pace, best three In five: Jsck Mont 1 1 1 I Fred H 2 2 2 Time: 2:26. 2:26. 2:21. 2:25 trot mile heats, best three In five: Mabel L 3 13 2 11 I McConqureor 2 3 1 1 2 2 I Cleln 1 2 2 3 3d I Time: 2:30, 2:31. 2:33, 2:33, 2:32, 2:32. Half-mile running race: Montezuma 2 Ico 1 John M 3 Time: 0:55. Players Will Sell Souvenirs. The Bee has been requested to give notice that on Sunday afternoon the Omaha .play ers will sell for 26 cents each souvenirs con taining u group picture and individual pic tures of the players, besides the records, etc Residents of South Dakota Take Steps to Protect Property. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept. 23. (Special.) The rank growth of vegetation through out the state this season and the fact that thus far the fall has been a very dry one, renders It necessary for extraordinary precautions to be taken against the start ing of prairie fires. One of the leaders In the movement to guard ngntnst these disastrous fires hi Charles E. McCheaney. ITnlted States In dian agent at Rosebud agency. He re cently Issued to his subordinates In the various aubdistrlets on the reservation in structions to construct Are guards In each aubdlstrlct and for every white person and Indian to turn out promptly, either day or night, to prevent any prairie fires which niay be started from spreading and sweep ing over adjoining districts. The 'subordinate officials are authorised to employ Indians, at the rate of 11.26 ner to plow fire guards, and a large num day, ber of the red men are now engaged In the work. In the past prairie fires have dons great dariiage on the Rosebud reser vation and Agent McChesney proposes that the losses from this source this season shall be reduced to the minimum. Similar precautions are being taken on the other Indian reservations and at various points throughout the central and northern parts of the state. Some damage already has been done in the agricultural, portion of tha state by prairie Area. A fire which waa started near Weselngton Springa by aparka from an aali pile left by a threshing crew swept over quite a extensive area and destroyed a great deal of hay, pasturage and fencing before it waa extinguished by armere, who turned out by tha score to fight tha flumes WIKSLOV'S SOOTHIKQ SYRUP aastwwaased by Millions of Mothers for tholr ulilklrrn wlaUe TnUUut fur over ntty In. II suotuta u oblld, iunas tha gutu., HM nil pkiu. ouras wind euliua aud is (Ue but rtftuciy for ilirrh . iwiMTY.rivn rrxTi a bottle. Golf at the Field Clab. A novelty in the way of a golf match win be pulled off (his afternoon at the Omaha Held club. The match will be an eiKhteen-lmlu one am) old fashioned gutta lurcha balls will be used. The balls can bo had t the grounds. A box of clgais, a' sweater and a Bprague putter will be given away as prlaes. At the ('uuntry club the Diets cup will be played for the fourth lime. The present winners of the cup are:. 11. T. Lemlst, W. I. Ranrker and J. E. Buckingham. If any of these thrue win the match this after noon the cup will belong to him, but should a fourth htxoii win it the four will have to yuy a g ,ii n. 'i'ho DUu.cuv la the must FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Partly Cloudy and Cooler In Nebraska Today Showers In East Portion. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23,-Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska-Partly cloudy and cooler Saturday, showers in cast portion; Sunday, fair. I For Iowa Showers and cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair and cooler. For Missouri Partly cloudy Saturday; Sunday, fair and cooler. For South Dakota Cooler Saturday with showers, except in the extreme western portion; Sunday, fair. For Wyoming Partly clear Saturday and Sunday. For Kansas Bhowers and cooler Satur day; Sunday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WKATIIKR P.UREAU, OMAHA, Sept. 23. Official record Of tem perature mm precipitation coiupureu wun me i orrettponuing aay or me last truje years: Maximum temperature, Minimum temperature.. Mean temperature Precipitation Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, I'M: Normal temperature fit Excess for the day 10 Total deliclency since March 1 303 Normal precipitation 09 Inch llellclency for the day 09 Inch Total rainfall slm-e Mareh 1 21 ?7 Inches Deficiency since March 1, 1904.. 3.77 inches Excess for cor. period 1903.... 4.74 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1)2.. 2.22 inches Report from Stations at T P. M. ' ' " r Fall Opening Today! 1901. 19A3. 190?. 1901 . 84 70 66 86 63 50 61 tin 74 60 63 73 T .00 .29 .00 -i it jIT i ! s& CONDITION OF TUB ' V Z5 a WEATHER. p, 7c g . j i P" Omaha, cloudy f0 841 .00 Valentine, partly cloudy 74 8i .00 North Platte, partly cloudy... 7N two .00 Cheyenne, partly cloudy ) ) 6X T Salt Lake City, cloudy toil 72: .00 Rantd City, clear 7(i! .00 Wllliston, cloudy 6 60 r Huron, cloudy 761 ati .01 Chicago, cloudy 7l' 7i .Co St. Loula, clear 741 82, ,uo St. Paul, cloudy 6', 86 .02 Davvnpurt, partly cloudy 741 7 T Kansas City, clear 74 7X T Havre, cloudy 4X 6i .00 Helena, cloudy 6x1 66 .0) Bismarck, cloudy 64 06 T Uaivestou, partly cloudy f 82 8i .00 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. . T Indies Us trace ot preclultatlou. FT 1 Our.Fall Opening takes place today and continues Monday. We take pride in making this announcement because we have never in this Store's history displayed such a large and worthy stock.' of Clothing, Hats and Shoes for Men, Women and Chijdren. CAnd best of all, it's new stock, just as stylish and up-to-date as it can be. CAnother point worthy of your consideration is this ! ' We sell on most liberal terms of Credit at exactly the , same orices cash stores charse. CChat does that mean to you ? It means that you can obtain Stylish and dependable Clothing now at the beginning of the season and enjoy the benefit of it at once. Don't hesitate to say Charge it" it's our business io give Credit. Ask for Trading Coupons and get valuable Presents Free ! MM t I II Ladles Tailored Suits Men's Nobby Suits Every Women will express admiration See the Snappy Fall 'Styles in Fancy for the h an d to m e Tailor-made Suits Cheviots, Black Thibets, Unfinished which we are showing this season the Worstedst Fancy Worsteds, Single and variety of styles, colors and materials is Double Breasted. We can guarantee a vary large. perfect fit; ' $10 to $35 $7.50 to $20 Ask (or Trading Coapona Ash for Trading Coapona Smart Fall Coats Men's Stylish Hats Coat effects this Fall are extremely smart Want a good stylish Hat then come our showing embrace all the new and here Derbys and Fedoras just coin clever styles. pare our prices with any hat store. $7 to $22 . ' SI to $3 MILLINERY Such charmingly trim med Hats aren't found In every store put together in artistic fashion by the most skillful fingers. $2.50 to $10 Gel Tradlai Ceapaae BOYS' SUITS The new Suits for Boy's are here three piece suits, two piece suits Long Pants suits strong -stylish durable. $2.30 to $7 Cat TradiaJ Caapaa GOOD SHOES We sell stylish Shoes for ' Men and Women our assortment is large and the quality in every shoe is guaranteed prices are as low a any shoe store. $1.73 to $4.30 Get Tradta- Goapoaa TOPCOATS Every man should have a Topcoat especially when we sell them at low prices and on easy terms Good stylish reliable Topcoats. $10 $12 $13 Get Trading Cenpoaa ' 'ji u s m.n x-fr ...l 1508 Dodgo St. mm 7