TIIE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1904. CRAIS AND PRODUCE MARKET .rreffular Isrlj, Followad bj Sharp Ad tancfitTOTig Close. MAY WHEAT 15-8C ABOVE WEDNESDAY Cora Easier Rrpurli of Mnely Per Cent of Crop Frost Proof Oat Mrmr'ommrrrlil Gossip -Vote. OMAHA. Sept. 22. 1934. Orain markets were rather ;ower thl morning, the trade lacking mt.cn of the vitality that hn been audi a marktJ char, acteriatle of the lant day or two. There w.-m no special disposition on the P'trt of tho bears to force price clown and the demand was not ot sui h a character us to hold them steadily toward higher figures 'Ihe weather map In still mixed, bill there are Indications nt a return to more normal conditions. T;ie Cincinnati Price Current la satisfied that there Is to be a corn crop of over ii,Mi,iji,0"w bushel and that 80 pur ctrt of It la safe from frost at thl time. T!ie opinion among other IS that Jones la as nearly right ns he haa been all fnll regarding wheat prospects. The matter of receipts of wnent at northwestern points, Kansas Cltv and St. Louis Is watched with considerable easiness, and. according to- some or the gossips, the dropping on or these receipts win be the signal for a sharp upturn In wheat prices. There la something of a disposition on the part of certain speculative Interests to await Anal returns on the crop, farmer In the northwestern section have full In formation as to the state of matters and are expected to hold wheat for higher prices. The dropping off In the receipts will be the signal that they are holding back. Liverpool markets were somewhat firmer, but Liverpool hns long since ceased to Influence this market America dom inate the price range, of the world on wheat and corn. One of tho strongest op. ionents of higher price for whent is found in Armour A Co. of Chicago. Valentine, dictator of the policy of this great Arm, Is on the bear side. He Is such an old trader that, he cannot ace the damage side its badly as has been reported and he believes that all estimates of the crop prospects are wrong. There were fewer outside or der on the Omaha market, but at other markets the demand for cash wheat was Jus' a eveellent a It has been nil along. At the Immediate opening of the speculate- market prices were steady nt about Wednesday' closing figures. Almost 1m mdltelv show o? covering on the part of the p-hrrtra started the buying and ad vanced September c, December Jo and May a point. This condition lasted hut a few minute nd then there was a gradual reduction until 11 .;. 11 W4 and ll.lftN was reached In Chicago. Thereafter there was a steadier tone and some little recovery In price. . Prosper! of warmer weather and assur ance of fe!y of large percentage of corn caused a los of H'STie In corn futures. September held relatively better than either of the more deferred future During the last hour of tho aesslon there was a decidedly better tone to the wheat market. St. Louis became very bullish and plnced liberal orders. Armour finished hit selling anr the urgency of the demand .ohnnged the whole situation from apparent weakness to real strength. September wheat, which had sold down to tl.W, turned nnd closed at 11 07; December from 31.08 to 11.104 and May from 11.10 to 11.12'i. Shorts were uneasy and covered freelv. and the speculative element seemed lo ciimlder Iho bull position Ihe better for the Immediate future nnd for the more de ferred deliveries as well. Omaha Orsln Inspected Two cars No. 1 hard wheat, 1ft cars No. S hard wheat. 7 cars No 4 hard wheat. 2 cars no grade wheat. 12 cars No. S corn. 1 car No. 4 corn. 7 car No. 2 yellow corn, 6 cars No. 3 White oata, 1 car No. 6 barley. Total, 47 cars. Omaha Cash Bales One car No. 3 bard wheat. 57 lbs.. 11. ro; 1 car No. 4 corn, 45o; 1 car No. 8 yellow corn. 47Hc; 1 ctr No. 3 oats, 2!)c; 1 csr No. 4 oats, 28c; 1 car No. S tfhlte oats. 2Vfee. Omaha Cash Price. ' No. 2 hard wheat, H.04; No. 11 hard wheat, r 00; No. 4 hard wheat, 90ffi6c; No. 8 spring ...wheat, 11.04; No. 2 corn, 4CMic; No. 1 corn, 4fle- No. 4 corn, 46o: no grade com.42c; ' No! 2 yellow corn. 48c; No. 8 yellow corn, 47Hc; fit. 3 white corn. 404e; No. S white corn. 45o; No. I mixed oat. 29c; No. S oat, SSc: No. 4 oats, 27c; No. 2- white oats, 8oc; JIo. 3 white oats, SSc; standard,2fK&30c, Omaha Fntartt, Open. High. Low. TocayWed'y Corn . ' Sept. ....WB 4RB UBfrJlK-l x Dec 43 B 43 B 43 B 43 B 4lrt May 42V 42B 42VB 2VB 3 Car Lot Receipt. Wheal. Com. Oats. Chicago 121 169 180 St. Louis W M Kama City Mi 24 11 Minneapolis 5 :i ... . Uulutri 3 Omaluv... 2) 11 1 Grain Market Elsewhere. Closing price of grain today and Wednes day at u markets named war as follow; CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Wed' jr. beptember 1.07 v 1.06" December 1 Wf l.W May l m l.lv Coi ii (September 62 62 December 60 504 May 48 4W Outs September SO1; 80 Decet.ibcr 81' 31. May svH 34 ST. LOUIS. V heat December 1.14 1.12 Mxy 1.16 Corn December 47 47 May 47V 47 KANaAd CITT. Wheat Ducember 1.00 88 May 1.0U Cpru December 44 44H May 44 44 tiKW YORK. Wheat December 1.14 112; May 1.U4; l.U. Corn September 66 StH KW YORK 6EXKRAL MARKET tluotattona of the Day on Varloa CommodKlea. NEW YORK. Sept 22.-FI-OCR-Recelpta 17.6UI) bbls. ; export. tt.VJtl bbl. ; sales. 3.1U0 )kv. ; the maiKet was slow at unchangrvl price; Mlnneaota patent, ' ltf.u0fiU.5u; Min nenota bakers, $4.o(XiH0; winter patent, 16.26ft6.(i0; winter airalght. 16.1ikii6.35; win ter' extra. 14.3!ig4.4u; winter low grades, Mlf.4l4.tfO. Rfc tioui. firm, saleo, 400 bbls j fair to good, 14.4 4. 1X1. choice to fancy, t4.(S 4jtH5. CORNMEAIy Quiet; yellow western, 11.11 61.13; city, 11.1241.14; kiln dried, U Mli lO HI Nominal. h A RLLV Steady i feeding. 47o In New York. WHEAT Receipts', 4.000 bu.; sales, 4.I00, 000 bu. futures. Spot. Arm; No. 2 red, 11.154. f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, f 1.24V. f o b. a lion t. No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f.o.b. afloat. Opticus opened lower on tho Improved weather and liquidation. After a rally on hear western bull support and rln In the northwest they broke again, only to recover In the lat hour on report of locusts In Argentine, the clone being l'vil' IV: net hlghtr. Sale Included No. 1 red May. IM'-iu 1.131. closed at 11.13; Septem ber Plotted at ILifi-V December, 1.12t-(j l it l-iii. closed at 11. H. CORN Receipt. P.HTS by.; sale, 16.000 bu. futures. . lifc.uuO bu. aiiot; market for spot e:iy; N 2, ato, elevator, and 671r. f.o h. adout; No 2 ylli'w . Hc; No 2 white. B.Sc. Optlcn were neglected all day, closing Hu o lower, following Chicago; September closed ot 6K c; Dtcrniber. 661,'y 'ic, closed atbt-H'-- OATS-Re'elrt, 94.600 bu. Spot market eav; mixed. 2(i to Si! lb., J Vq ;!.".('; naluml white. 31 to 36 lbs., 37c; clipped white, 30 lo 40 lbs.. 3i4j37c. f'KKD-lrregular: spring bran, 1-0.65; mld dllnga, tit; city. l:'2.0nca .7.u0. HAY Dull; shipping. 67Hc; good to Choice, ttc. Hul B- Krm; state common to choice 1904. CMiS'Jc: 19. 17ti36c, old. 10c; pacldo noast li04. i71i3Jc, .i3, 2iva31c; oids, luyUo. HIDKS-Steudy; tialveston M to 26 II., 17c; California 'J to X lbs.. 19c; Texas dry 4 to SO lb.. 14c LEATHER Steady; odd. 24W2WC I'KOVISIONS Heef steady; family. 111. OH till 60; mess, .H.SOnU.jO; beef hams. 4ri:jc; packet. tlO.OOf U.oo; city extra India meal, lit imt 00. Cut metits. firm: pi. ki d bel lies i.lill.0! pickled hoiillers, 7.:'5; pickled bums, U0.UWIO !6. Lurd, firm; west ern steamed, 17. tin; Septriuber cl. e j. I;.ti0 tiemliial; eonliuent. 17.7.: retlned ateady. 1'ork. steadv: family. 115 60, short clear, 114 SOoli v: niem. H.l.nOjjfi.l.Jfl. TAI a iv -,Milet. POl'LTRY- Steady; olil.'ken. 12c; fowls, 12ttc; turkea. Uc; ilresyed, Irreguhir; west err, rhlcki-ns, 12c; fowl. K'Vi turkeys, 14 tll.'C. . s lll'TTER - l ti-m; (rt price, exira creamery. l'lt4,c; omclal price, stat dairy, comm. n to extra, llulH'i. !,. e.e.Mi, small col. orwa. taacy, c; uiail whit, good to fancy, 8'y3c; Isrre colored ana white, goed to fancy SH'nstcj. FXitift r Irm; western fancy, selected, 220 22H; verag best, f I V. CHICAGO GRAINS AD PROVISIONS Prleea aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Pept. 22 Improved demand for flour In the northwest wss largely re sponsible for strength In wheat here today. Another vital factor was higher prices for cash grain In southwestern markets. At the close the December and May deliveries of what showed a gain of iy. Corn I oft Hc. Oats are aown H&'tc. Provision are steady. . L'nder the Influence of lower cable and favorable weather throughout the corn belt, wheat opened a trifle easier, Decem ber and May eich being unohsnged to c lower at ll.OSTjl.ca and tl.UAMjl.10V re apectivly. Moderate liquidation by locnl traders resulted In an additional decline, December selling off to tl.oMk and May to ll.lteV4i-l.10V. The decline apparently was due more to a lick ot demand than to selling. As the session ndvnnced trading became more brisk, prospects of rainy weather In the northwest bringing out a number of buying orders from commission houses. An advance of 3c In the price of cash wheat at Kansas City accounted for much of the late bullishness In speculntiv trading here. The market closed practi cally at the highest price of the day. The high point on December waa reached at tl.io4. and final fig-urea were at tl.loVi. Mav closed at 11.12V. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 4,700 bu. Primary re ceipts were 1.162,fiO0 bu.. compared with 974,300 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported recelpta of o4 cars, against 4G Inst week and 715 a year ago. Higher temperatures throughout the west were the main factor In pruduelng ft weak corn market. A report 'taSa Cincinnati trade Journal, however, hnd much to do with the general liquidation that was in ev idence during the entire day The report claimed that 90 per cent of the corn crop la now safe from frost. Ihu Insuring- !o i cerlalnty a lotal yield of 2.30n,000,o0i bu. The market was weak from start to finish. December opened n shade to lowsr at 60WIVC sold between and 60 Vic, and closed at 60c. Loral receipts were jr,9 cars, with 31 of contract grade. Heavy selling bv cash houses nnd liqui dation by local longs caused weakness In oats. The declining tendency of corn and the Immense stocks of high class oats were factors that could not he resisted. Decem ber opened unchanged to 'c lower at Slff 31V. sold between 31Vc nnd 31e. and closed nt 3131V4c. local receipt were 1) car. Provisions were steady In sympathy with hogs. Owing to n strong cash situation them was considerable bullish talk on lard, and this had some effer-t on the gen eral market. The weakness of corn in duced a little liquidation by outside hold ers. At the close Januarv pork wss up 2t4c at 113.12V, Itrd was off Wc at 17.27V. Ribs were a shade hlnher at 11.80. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 97 cars; corn. 354 cars; oats, 16 cars; hogs, 14.ono head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ye'y. Wheat a Sept. b Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dee. May C):its Sept. Dec. May Tork Oct. Jan. Ird Oct. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 1 09Vj 1 10 1 06Nj I 1 Otrti 1 07' 1 0SV41 1 W 1 07 1 10V4 1 09V4 1 0dV4 1 f 110 1 06H 1 08 1 10 1 0814 1 lwvwi i 1 ItHsW 1 lOVtl 1 12V4 I 52 52V4 611 a 60 &'60y'qil 491 60 50Vie, I . I ..... S0V4 tovil 30' SOU 30 81-4 31 '4 81V 33H 31 V&H 33Tb 34V 3!V 11 37V4 13 10 11 60 11 50 11 27Vi " 30 13 20 13 95 13 12HJ 7 17V4 7 10" 1 7 1241 7 32 7 25 I 7 27VI 7 67H 7 50 7 65 6 85 . 6 76 I 6 80 13 17V4 7 17Vii 7 30 ' 10 IS2V 6 83 'No 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patent. 15.30(g) 6.50; straight 14 905.20; spring patent. I5.40ft4.00; atralghta, 14.706.60; bakers, 13.40 &3.90. WHEAT-No. I spring, 11.18; No. ft spring, $1,0511.17; No. 2 red. $1.inl.13V4. CORN No. 2, 611462Vic; No. 3 yellow, St's-No. 2, 30V4503j,c; No. 2 white, 33 S3Vc: No. 3 white, 31TV4o. RYE No. 2. 74c. BARLEY Good feeding, 3636c; fair to choice ma!tlng. 43fj50c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.09; No. 1 north western, H.15V&. Clover, contract grade, PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 111.80 H.40-Lard.-per 100 lns 17.lO0i7.16. Short ribs sides loose. 17.6CKg7.E6; short clear Sides (boxed). 18.50ffi8.75. Receipt and shipments of flour and grain were aa follows: , Recelnts.-Bhlpment". Flour bbl 23,100 8,000 Wheat, bu 110,000 S8.5iX Corn, bu 267.M0 621,901 Oats, bu 234. 292.100 Rye, bu 9.000 2.100 Barley, bu 178.000 11.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 143n0V4c; dairies, 1316Vic. Eggs steady, at mark, cases Included, 14(U'17c; firsts, 18c; pilme firsts, 20c; extra. 22c. Cheese, 8V4OV4c St. Louie Grain and Provision. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22. WH EAT Higher ; No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 11.13V4: track, 11.18; December, 11.14V; May, 11.15V! No. 2 hard. $1,1041.11. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 61c: track, 62VJi'S63Hc; December. 47V4c. May, 4i c. OATS Lower; No. 2 oaah, 31c; track, 32Mic; December, 31Hc; May, 33c; No. 2 White, 34V4&35C. FLOL'R i'lrm: good domeatlc demand, red winter patents. $i.00!5.80; extra fancy and straight. $1 Oofff.VSS; cleir. 14. 55.00. SEED Timothy, ateady, 12.654f2.86. CORNMEAL-Steady, $2.76. BRAN Easy: sucked, east track. 89-58.Sc. HAY Very dull; timothy, $5.00812.00; pra irie. 14.6049.00. IRON COTTON TIES-965. BAGGING 7Vl7ic. TWINE Hemp, 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $11.40. Lard, unchanged: prime steam, $S.87V. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $9.12H: clear ribs. 19.25; short clear. 19.5a. POULTRY Unchanged: chickens, 10c; springs. 12c; turkeys, 14'u 15c ; geeae, 5c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1520c; dairy, 12gl6c. EGGS Higher, 18c, case count. Reoetpt. Shipment. Flour, bbl 9.000 10.000 Wheat, bu 91.000 97.000 Corn, bu 40,0o0 ?9,noo Oata, bu 61.000 80,000 Kansas City Grain and Provjslon. KANSAS CITT, Sept. 22 WHEAT Strong; September, 99V4o; December, tl.OOVA; May, 11.0C&1.024; cash, No. 2 hard, 11. (1 I. 06V; No. 3, 9c(&$1.03; No. 4, 9lj98c; re lectl, 85iS90c; No. 2 red, $J.08Vi; No. 3, II. OT.HTl.Hi; No. 4. 96cf4l.02. CORN Lower; September, 46V4c; Da comber. 44Vc; May. 44Vi&,c; cah. No. 1 mixed, 4i"ti48Vic: No. 1, 48648Vc; No. 2 while. 48Vc; No. 1. 48c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white. 32333c; N0. 2 mixed. 320. HAY flieadv; choice timothy. 19 60; choice pralrli. t7.00ff7.50. HV Nominal at 70o. BUTTER Creamery, 1517c; dairy, 12S 13c. EGGS Pteady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 1 whitewood ctscs Included. 17Vc; case count, 18c; enses returned. Vc less Hecelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 14.1.B"0 218.4ifl Corn, bu 19.200 41.000 Oat, bu 11.C00 8,000 Phlledeliihla Prodnea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. tl -BUTTER Firm; Ve higher; extra weflH-rn creamery, 2t"4c: extra nearby prints, 21e. EGGS Steady, fair demand; nearby firsts, iMffjClVic at mark;, western firsts, 22n at mark. CHEESE-Firm, fair demand; New Yortt ful creams fancy, Vc; choice. i9Vc; ,fnlr to good, KVVc THilnth Grata Market. DULI'TH. Sept. 22.-WHEAT-To arrive In Stptemher. No. 1 northern, $1.15: No. 2. northern. $1.11; to arrive, No. 1 north ern, ll.l-'i: No i northern, $1.11: on track. No. 1 northern. $1.15.; No. I nrrt'-e'-n. $i.u; September, 11.1544, December. $1.11; May, $1.1SH. OATS On track and to arrive, J0T4o. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 22 WH EAT Firm; No. 1 northern. $1.20; No. I northern, 11.15: Mav, 11.13,&1.V aked. RTE Firm: No. 1, 77V, HARLBV 8tdy; No. t. $7c; samp. S3 ft'55e. CtRN 1c lower; No. 1, 62ft53V4c; May 4V0 asked. Mlnaeapells Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Srpt. 22 WHEAT fiep temper. 11.14V;; Iccember, 11 L'-w-ol.l2V: Ma?'. $1.11 V No. 1 hard, $1.V; No. 1 northern. lll'; No. 2 northern. $1.12V FLOI'R-Goid Medal. $J0.n$i; rtraight $il.0iHjil 10; first clears, $46.V4.75; second clear, $3.0f.ft$.24. URAN in bulk. lll.0ueiS.2t. Pearl Market. PF.ORIA Sept -cilRX-Steady; No. t, 61' V; No. 4, ilVjC; no grad. KP,c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS BpecalatiTe MisgiYings Carry Prices to Lower Lerel and Curtail Trading. FLUCTUATIONS IN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Crop Hew Sot Against Stock, bat the Market Contlaaed to De cline Money a Trill Easier. NEW TORK. Sept. 22. Speculative mis giving obtained Ihe upper hand today and carried price to a lower level. The rate of activity of the trading w much cur tailed In spit of the Inordinate activity of Union Pacific nd Southern Pclflc espe cially In the earlier part of th day. The misgiving were not due to ny ac tual condltlona of affair, regarding which the day's new was rather lavorable than otherwise, but bore on the doubtful statu of some of the rumor lately prevalent and which had been made the basis of opera tlona In the market. Thl wa especially tnie of those bearing on Union Pacific, which have attained uch number and .iety aa to offer their own refutation by their Inconsistency, one with another. Tho reeult w to increase the atisplrlon felt toward them. The one most prominently advanced thl morning was that dividend en the Southern Pacific preferred stock are' to be promptly Inaugurated and soon to be followed bv a distribution on the common Stock. This would he of equal benefit to Union Pacific, with the expected distribu tion on Northern Securities, which w used to lift the stock yesterday. A long a Union Pcifle advance the rumor seem to be given a certain amount of credence, at least by the Intimated shert In the rock. This strengthen the suspicion that the campaign is primarily designed for the discomfiture of the short. But when Union Pacific today began to run off In face of Southern Pacific 1 point advance the conclusion Immediately suggested Itself thst the actual condition in the stocks must be out of Joint with the rumors, and doubts and caution ensued. The -Influence of the cron news wa not gainst stocks. A favorable Influence was caused by the Price Current's estimate of 2.300 000,000 of corn nasured and 90 per cent of the crop beyond the reach of damage. Warmer weother In the corn belt was a re lief to apprehension of frost damage, but the reports of rain were received with dis appointment, owing to the need of warmth to hasten the ripening of the grain. Money waa a trill easier, although quotations were not perceptibly altered. Sterling jex change also continued to decline. The existence of appeals from two parties amongst the stockholders for proxies for the annual meeting probably accounted for the sudden demand developed late In the day for Ontario & Western. Slight effect WA produced elsewhere and was lost again before the closing, which was eaay. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 13,790.000. United State bonds were unchanged on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged aa follows: Sales. man.LOw.viose, .29.400 8114 80', 81 Atohlson do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... Chicago A Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western )0 99 9-SVi 9HV4 6.200 884 87 v 87H iOO 94 4 93 1,200 127V4 12 127 177 1,700 43 41V4 H S9,4 81 700 IfiV 16 164 184V4 156 182 614 15' 7SV4 l!Vi 61 lOtivt 280 214 81 30 65H 44v4 78 87 138 22 42 24 cnicago N. w 200 1R6 185V4 C. M. & St. P.. ..16.400 167V 156V4 do pfd Chicago Term. & T... do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d Pfd Del. & Hudson D. , L. St W Denver & Rio Grande 8"0 100 100 6,300 l.OiiO 1,600 KiO 200 2"0 200 6 16 78V4 204 61H 27 106V4 280 29 81 4 30 66 45 78 64 16 78'4 19V4 61 2tiH 106V4 278 28V4 81 4 29V4 66 444 77 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd .... do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern 14,900 300 600 800 600 138H 138 do pfd .... 200 46 123V; 45U 45 ixiule. & Nash 44,500 121 122 154 153 Manhattan L 1"0 Met. Securities 2,400 Met. St. Ry 8,8(11) Minn. & St. Louis 154 81 80V4 811 122 U'1 121 .... 50 M.. St. P. & S. S. M. do nfd .-..i 100 . T3V4 73 78 120 6 23 47 3 125V4 67 90 84 130 70 65 84 76 20 70 58 20 43 55 32 95 30 3014 49 99 91 20 41 16 18 43 13 Missouri Pacific ......10.60 97 Mo., Kan. & Tex 1,200 244 do pfd 1.700 47 N. R R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central 1,300 124 Norfolk & Western... 9o0 68V4 do pfd 95 23 46 Ontario & Western.. ..34.1CO 85 Pennsylvania 46,800 131 82 130 P., C, C. & St. L '. Reading 19.700 664 'do 1st pfd 100 84 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co........ 8.900 27 do pfd 200 70V4 St. L. ft S. F. d pfd. 400 59 St. Louis S. W 200 21 . do pfd 600 43 Southern Pacific 124.700 67 Southern Railway ....13.700 824 do pfd 700 95V4 Texas & Pacific 700 , 31 T.. St. L. ft W 4M 31 do pfd 800 61 Union Parlflo 64.500 100 do pfd 200 93 Wahas 4 20 do pfd 1.000 41 Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central , do pfd 400 43 Mexican Central 1,100 13 65 84 ' 70 5R ) 43 65 31 9.-. 30 80 49 99 93 20 40 43 13 Aoams ull American Ex 203 United States Ex 115 235 Weila-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry.. do pfd Am. Cotton Oil , do pfd Am. Ice , do yfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd , Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. 17,600 900 400 58 22 80 6714 22 80 67 22 80 32 90 7 ?s 81 25 9! 64 106 129 91 64 83 202 14 70 2 17', K.Vi 74 80 75 23 91 8? 101 82 79 214 K 43 19 81V, 46H 9V, 86 62 19 74 16 67 10 2.100 1.800 7 28 29' 9 1,500 200 2f. 96 25 96 64 106 1?9 90 64 31 203 1,000 64 ao pro 300 107 Am. 8ugar Refng 1.600 130 93 64 34 03 Anaconda M. Co... 1.10a Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel Iron... Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do rifd Distillers' Securities General Electric .... International Paper. 6.900 100 1O0 200 OilO $.400 2 168 17 75 28 167 16 75 00 pru International Pump... . do pfd Nntlonal Lead !00 TOO 13.90f 800 23 M 33 ?3 32 'si North Amerlcnn .... Pacific Mail , People's Ga , Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car Rrniihlio. Steel do pfd Rubber Good do pfd , Tenn. Coal A Iron.. I. 8. Leather do pfd , V. n. Realty ft Imp. V. g. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do nfd "'stlnBheiiee Elec, 600 82 600 Ron 200 1.600 900 900 41 19 -45 10 87 "?o" 74 16 87 I'll 8 43 19 'in" 9 86 'jo-' 74 16 66 1O0 inn J4 000 64.T-O0 roo 200 western Union 90 90 90 Total sales for th day, 680.300 hnre. London Stock Market. LONDON, Sept. 22 Cloaing: CohmU. mon.jr la (4 K. T. Central 1J do tr-rounl HI Norfolk & W tt Ancord 4 in pfd it! AichlMti Ontario A W it to PH lflW Prnnirlrunls 7S4 Bultlmoro Ohio.... M4 Hand Mluei lftH Cini4Hn Pspiflo 11114 Hndln ii I ht. A Ohio 4.1 14 do lit pfd 49u c Mr tn Ot W It I do Sd pld U C , Id. A St. P !IV Bo. JUIIwar 2 I . ...mrs IB1, On pTq IB D. ft R O r1 So. Parltle M4 o prd fii I'rlon Parlfle li)t Erla SI1 do pfd .-u no 1st pfd fa '4 U. . Steal 1'4 !o Id pfd 4t do pfd 4 Tllinola rntral 141 ,Wahah siu Leula ft Naih !V do pfd ! K. ft T tl gpnntah 4 I74 SILVER Bar. steady. 27 7 16d per ounce. MONET liSl per cent The rate of discount in the open mnket for hort hills Is t 5-16 per cent; for three month' hill. 2 per cent. Forelara rlaaaelal. IINDON. Bept. 21 Money wa abundant In the market today and rate were easy. IXacount wer falrlv ileadv. Trading on the Ptork exchange wa quiet with no spe cial feature C.naolu were dull and home rails suffered from profit-taking and dlxiD polntlng earning. Americana opened firm In resoonse to yesterday closing ton In New Tork. n1 after ini hardness went bc!ow parity and cloaed weik. Iorelgneia generatlv r-t f.rmar. Japanese and Rus sian securll weakened Imperial Jsnsn ea govraiuoC 4 of 130 i wer quottd at 9. Rhodea.ma eased on ft new Issue of a.i,ofio,uoo In ordinary share. BERLIN. Hem. U Lading On the Bourse today wss extremely quiet. PARIS. Bert. 23. Price on the Bourse opened firm, but weakened, especially In ternational, and closed feeble. Httslan Imperial 4a were quoted at 9310. and Rus sian bond of 19(4 at 501. The private rat of discount was 14 per cenu Sew Tork 1oer Market. NEW TORK. Sent 22. MONEY On call. firm; highest, 2 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruiln rate. 2 per cent; Inst loan. 2 per cent; clcslng bid. 1 per cent: offered at I per cent. Time lon, steady; sixty days, SW per cent: nlnetv days. !j43 ner cent- six months ':V'fi4 rer cnt PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4tju per STERLING EXCHANGE Weak; clolng eteadv. with actual business In Dan He: 3 bills t 14.8575'1i4.8GH for; demand and at 14 ,834.r'64.8rfVi for slxty-dy bi'ls; posted rates, lt.S4VtT3 4.S7; commercial diiis, aio-yau 4.M 81 ILVER-Bar, 67c; Mexican dollar, 45o. 1 BONDS Government, steady; raJliond, Irregular. ... ... The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: 1 a rer rrm lftavi Manhattan o. . 4s... 107 do coupon 1' Jei. Contral 4a 4S'4 do la, rex l'V oo ibi inr - A. 1-f-u VL ft St. L. 4a S V. . a 4a. WI ...Ui M.. K. ft T. 4a If) do roupun 13H, do la " do oM 4a, rf 104S N R. R. of M. c. 4a. do coupon 1'7H N. T. C. f. 1'is Alchlaon n. 4a 10144 N. J- C. (. a 1Mj do adj. 4a No. PaclBc 4a U Atlantic C. L. 4a VS . do 4't B. ft O. 4a 1014 N. ft W. e. 4s lut do I"4a u. ,! par.... rmtitrml Ar tlm Ka liiti i'ma. onv. Saa do lat lae M" !l'dln ,cn. 4a 104 Ctica. ft Ohio 44a....lH i. l, at l. . c. oa iit- rhi.... a a -A.m . 71; Ht. L. ft . y. fx. 4a. ta C., ft Q. n. 4a rt. U W. la " C, M. & St P. (. 4a.l0 Seaboard A. U C. ft N. W. con. 7a..l3l. '.4o. fad 1 4a C, R. I. ft P. 4a. .a 8". Railwajr Is 117 do col. b M Tcxaa F. la :i CTT. ft 8t. L. . 4a..luHf., 8t. U ft V. 4a K rhlco Tar. 4a fnlon Pacific 4a W rM TnhtMi aa 72 do conv. 4a G4-t Colo, ft 80. 4a if 8 Steal M la D. ft K. O. 4a 11 vvabanh la 11 Krle prior Man 4a.... tW I" eb. B 3'4 do fen. 4a 174 r.. a F. W. A D. C. la. . .W Wla. C entral 4a 0l4 Hocklni Val. 4a....l"Hirolo. fuel e. 6a 1tH Im. ft m. uni. a -.i)vi Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Sept. 22 Call loan. 23 per cent; time loans, 4Cfrt per cent. Oltlclal closing of stocks nnd bond: Atchlaon adj. 4a 6 west in g. common ... 7 do 4a iuih AQventure .... fist Allouoi BPW Aiinr.eainatrd Mex. Central 4a... Atuhlaon do ofd li- .. H .. 11 .. 12 .. 14m America-i Zinc Boston ft Albanr 141 Atlantic Uoaton ai Maine 14 j Bingham Boaton Elevated loJ lal. ft Haul.... Kltchburg p(d 137 Centennial Mex. Centra! iSi Copper Kanga ... N. Y., N. H. ft H...19US, Haiy Weat . .Illl .. 4a .. 14, I'ere Marquette V4 uoinlnlan loai .. aa I n ion Pacinc II Amer. Arge. Chain.... ill do pld 71 Amer. Pneu. Tutx. ... b IKranklln .. 1 .. Urancjr I,ale Koyale .... ataia. Mining .. .. is .. 4. .. Amer. Sugar . ...13l,Mlcaigmo MuhearK . ..U1 Mont C. ft C. ... 13 014 Dominion .. ... ISi Oeceola do Did .. .. 4b Aiser. T. ft T. Amer. Woolen do old .. 4 .. It Dominion I. ft 8. ll I rarrni Edlaon Eleo. IUu....S0o Uulncr .. 1 Oeuaral Bloctrlo 14:4 Shannon .. Maaa. Electrlo .... do pfd Maaa. Oae United Krult United Shoe Hach do pfd C. 3. Hieel , do pfd ........ Bid. . 12 Tamarack , 6vTrlDlt)f . 42 II'. 8. Mining. .106 Iv. S. Oil . ilS Utah . Ii) Victoria . lSa Winona . II IWolrarla ..110 .. .. lit. .. 7 .. 4 .. 1H .. Va .. Ml Blew Tork Mlnlag Stock. NEW TORK, Sept. 23. Tho following are the closing price ou mining aiocaa Adams con .... . to Little Chlal .. ... ( Alice 40 reeos It Brunswick Coo ....... Comstock Tnoaal 14 Cos. CaL ft Va 10 Horn Blhrar lto Iron Sllrer lit LcadrUla Coa I Onurlo JSO 1U 1 II M 11 ti It Ophir rhotnix Potoal tavage tierra Nevada tmall Hopes .. .taodard London aad Paris Bank Statements. IONDON. BeDt. 22. The weekly state ment of the Hunk of England show the following changes: Total reserve, increased 319,O0i; circulation, decreased 2S2,000; bul. lion. Incrensed 230,611; other securities, in creased 135,000; other deposits, decreased 161,000; public deposits. Increased 836,000; notes reserve, Increased 500,000; govern ment securities, unchanged. The proportion of the hank's reserve to liability this week Is 5R.15 per cent; last week it was 68.6 per cent. PARI8. Sept. 22. The ; weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ln chances: Notes In circulation, de creased 33,275,O0Of ; treasury'' accounts cur rent, increased 24,070,OOCf f. gold in hand, de creased l,728,ouor; bins aiscountea, aecreasea W,m0u0f; silver ,)n Mod, ...decreased 600.000f. . Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the' $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division- of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $148,164,851. gold, 161,350,141. Wool Market. LONDON, Sept. 22.-WdOL Th offer ings at the wool auction sales today num bered lS.Sflti bales. Fine grades were firm and at times sold at an advance of 6 per cent. Medium and faulty merinos were occasionally 5 per cent lower. Americans bought a fair supply of medium and fine merinos and some superior cros-bred, paying extreme rate to secure suitable lots. Home and Oerman buyers secured the bulk of the offerings. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wale, 2,3(0 bales; scoured, C'dtils 10'd; grea.sy, Sd-la lHd. Queensland, luo bales; scoured, lOilfils hd; greasy, tttyailttd. Victoria; 2,400 bales, scoured, lsfd Wd; greasy. Bdfels 2d. South Australia, 36 balea; greaxy, 6'4'tilOd. Tasmania, 3n0 bales: greasy, Ud la 2d. New Zealand. 6.600 bales; scoured, 8diyis 9d; greasy, 6Vfcd(l 2d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1.500 balea; greaay, OrrilOd. ST. IOUIS. Sept. 22 WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing. 23 21c; light fine. 1rKr20c; heavy fine, 1617c; tub washed, 34 30c. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, 8ept. 22.COTTON Spot market quiet; middling uplands, 11.30c; middling gulf. 11.66c; sales. 666 bales. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 22. COTTON Spot In light demand, prices 2 points lower; American middling fair, 6.96d; good mid dling, 6.80d ST. LOiriS. Sept. 22 COTTON Quiet, c higher; no sales, receipts or shipments; Btock. 3,':S7 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 22 COTTON Pnsettled; sale, 5.i0 bales; ordinary. 8V4c; ?;ood ordinary, t 9-lSc; low middling, 0 8-16c; middling, 10c; good middling, 10 15-16c: middling fair. II 8-16c; recelpta, 6,724 bale; stock, 44,911 bales. Oil nnd Rosin. NEW TORK. Sept 22. OILS Cottonseed, firm; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, WfiCHe. Petroleum, ateady; retlned, New V,.1. e?Cf;. nV.II.lt.hlB anil YJnliltnnra 7.Wi;'ln bulk, 4.9.. Turiientlne, quiet, 64',i p.4c. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common t3 good. $285. SAVANNAH, Sept. 22.-TI'RPENTINE 65V.C ROSIN-FIrm; A. R. C, 12.60; D. 12. SV, E. S2.7CJ2.io; F. I2.75'52.80: O. t?.S0?n.&; H. 12.85; I. 3.0Ofc!t.0.S: K. 3 75; M $1.16; N, $4.40; W. 0.. $4 70; V. W. $5 01. OTI. CITT. Sent 22. OIL Credit ba'snce". $1.B8; certincnte. no bid. 8Vpmntr, Penn- sylvanl'i. M.HoO nois.; avertge, nsi; runs, f9.173 bbla. : averngo, 83. KJ. Shl-irrents, Limn, S2.104 hhls. ; average. 70, bbl.; runs, 82,624 bbls.; average, 68,358 bbls. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Bept. I2.-METAL8-Tln wa slightly lower ngiln In the London market, closing at tlM 12s fid for spot, and 127 6s od for futures. Locally the market wa quiet and also slightly lower, spot being quoted at $:7.SO'fl27.76. Copper was also a little lower in the English mar ket, where spot closed at 58 and future at 58 1 3d, but w. unchanged locally. Lake Is quoted at $12,754)13.00, electrolytic at $12.75'tfU'.K7'4. and casting at VIM', 12.K. Lead wa unchanged at $ In the local market, but wa a little lower In London, where It closed at 11 6 3d. Spelter was also lower In tendon, closing at 22 7s d, bur. like lead, remained un changed here at $6.1ofl6.20. Iron cloed at 50s Sil in Glasgow nnd at 43s in Middles- borough. Ixoaljy Iron 1a unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted st $13 7&tfrl 4. :6 : No. 2 foundry northern, $1$.Mil3.7t; No. 1 foundry southern end No. 1 foundry south ern oft, $13 S031...75. i ET. LOI'IS. Sent. 22. M FT A 1.8 Lead. steady; MH'i; spelter, tendy,$4-96. Dry Goods Market, NEW YOriK. Kert. 22 ORV GOODS Market quiet and little has been don In the way of new hufftness. In the cotton good market advances have been an nounced snd these, fol'owlng so closelv on the recent reductions, hnve unsettled tv.iv er' Ideas, causing added coneervatlsm on their part. Jobber continued fairly ac tive. 1 WMskr Market. ' CHICAGO, Sept. a.-WHI8KT-8teady, on basis of $1.28. PKOHIA. Se,t. !2-WIU8KT-On baa's of 1.2S for finished goods ST. IUIS. Sent. 2l WIH3KT B'id, on basis of 1 S?u. CINCINNATI, rept M.-1U5KT-Cra taal of $1.3 for tnl-hj-d gucda. (OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Better Grades of Cattle Steady to Strong, Others Abortt Steady. HOGS SOLD MOSTLV FIVE CENTS LOWER Pat Sacra aad Lsanb Ae.lv aad Fall Steady, While Feeder Were la Fairly Good Desaaad at Inehanaed Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 22. 1904. Ueceipt were: cail. atog. kutep Olhcial Monday S,u4 x.ojo ,6 OIlKial lucfOuf b.SiO o..V Oincial ednesday 6, .47 13,io Ulnciai Tnuisaay u.iw lo,tw Four days thl week.. 28.478 21,107 74.803 8am day last wee .ldl i4.(. .ii Hame a week betore..io.v4 xv.jsd o,o.4 Mam three weeks ago.. Ron 9,.J Haina (our weens agu....l0.w4 M.ta JU,10 tame day last yur....a,4ui UAt bo,M KiCElfib rUh lliii 1LAK ig LAXlC. Ine following labia mow th receipt ot cattle, boa i.nd k-i.etrp at nouto omauiA tor me year to un., who compa.uon Kli Inai year! U04. 1801. Ino. Cattl 614, viS 7M.MI4 Hogs l.i-ni.144 l.'Ju.at l,il siu-ep l,0,4,iiJ l,uiy,io 6.1,567 Avarant Dilcta ooid im iuii ai Dvjc. 108, 256 siuth Omana tor tli last several days, with com parison.: .- IDate. I 1904. luus.l!X3.18ul.UO0.Un). 1SM. Sept. oept. pt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. bept. Sept. sept, tfept. Sept. bept. Sept. dept. dept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1... I. .. 8... 4 ... 6... ... 7... .. .. II. . 11 . U.. 1.. lo. 16.. li.. 18. 19.. W. il.. 22., Ill, I SUI .l u: 42 4,l 6 47 S 44i 5 60 l 6 64 1 I 5 ixi, 63 a ) 0 Oil 6 4 biOl 6 8l 6 8U 7 Ml 7 44 t 1 Mil 7 4U 7 4s I I 0l 4 Sty I tl 141 b II. 4 11 4 Ml t 4 'J M 4 ISJ, 61 i 8U 1 W 4 Svl 1 6 4 Hi J 77 4 V 7 e w -i j 4 SS 8 72 a 4. 1 03 , a M 4 82 4 881 I 74 4 Sli 8 71 81 I 71 4 86 I 7 111 I o lii ifcl 84 JUI .VI 40l i 4i v,l 6s 9 e8l 6 76 I I 0J t vt U ts t Vol 6 lUl I 22 6 -ui u w Kl t ov 6 l.lj 6 13 b l!l 6 2 i m S 11, I 6 2t l 6 81 i 6 o i ClWi b W'411 0 t S 661ii 7 46, 7 61 7 4 7 bb 7 tu 77 7 oi 7 41 7 431 7 8o I !0 I 6 o 1 7l 6 80 I 5 814,1 6 ai6Vkl 6 85 7 49, Indicates "!t-.,vay. Th official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. V., M. & Bt. P. Ry 8 11 1 Union l'ucitic system 36 11 43 C. e N. W . Ry I K K, U. A M. V. R. R 101 29 9 C, St. P., M. & O. Ky 14 B. dt M. Ry 94 1 C, d. & Q. Ry 8 .. K. C. & Bt. J 1 C, R. 1. P. Ry., east.... 18.. C, R. I. & P. Ry., west 1 2 .. Illinois Central 2 .. Chicago Great Western 2 Total receipts 20 1U4 63 The disposition of the day's receipts was a follow, each buyer purchasing, tne number of head Indicated: Cattl. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 614 8 ,5 Swift and Company l.iii Cuaahy packing Co l.ut'l Armour & Co 1,1H Layton Armour A Co., S. C Vansant At Co 'M Carey & Benton 876 Lobman A Co 40 W. I. Stephen 13 Hill 4 Huntxlnger n6 Lewis A I nderwood 167 Huston St Co 64 Livingstone St Shaller.... 212 Bulla St Kline 4 Hamilton & Rothschild... 79 U F. Huss 144 Wolf St Murnan 101 McCreary t Carey H)S Mike Haggerty 99 S. & S 71 Other buyer 673 l,4o6 2,068 1,M 121 624 l,bU6 740 tail 6,874 I Din, v,uua u,iu.? iVi.w CATTLE There wa another fairly lib Total a cjlu 6,633 10.368 eral run of cattle here this morning, tnough not as many arrived as were on sale yes terday. The demand waa in good shape from all source, and an active and gteauy to strong market was experienced on all desirable grades. The earn as has been the case of late, there were only a few cars ot - cornted steers on sale, and with a good uemand the market was fully steady on anything; at all desirable. Ther were some - good cattle offered, as will be seen from tne sale be low. Common stuff was non too brisk, but till everything changed hand without much trouble at steady price. There was also a brisk demand for west ern range beef ateers and the better grades could be quoted steady to strong, whi.e the general run were about steady. The liberal receipts of course gave buyer an oppor tunity to discriminate against the lmerlur kind to eome extent, but while they were a little slow, the price paid did not show any particular change from yesterday. 'the cow market wa also fully steady and In some casea strong. All th buyer seemed to be anxious for supplies and the demand was generl for ail kinds from canners to the choicest grades. The bulk of the offerings was disposed of in good season. The same as usual, there were very few cornfeds, most everything being from the western ranges. Bulls, veal calves and stags are all selling In much the same notches they have lor aome llttlo time. . The demand for stockers and feeder was again brisk this mointng, at least so far as the more desirable grades were con cerned, and good heavy feeders could safely be quoted steady to strong and activ. Me dium weight cattle and also light stockers were none too brisk and no more than steady. Representative sale: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. I 71 41. ..mi ..14t ,. (71 . .12!0 ..10(1 a 70 H tan I 70 COWS. i 10 10 (70 I 10 17 1UM I M 10 10M t I 40 I 60 t K 1(1 t tt . HTUCh.fc.tld AND FEEDERS. UO t 46 II m t 00 NEBRASKA 30 cow.... 948 931 ' 887 81 feeders.. 1022 16 feeders.. t&6 126 3 W 1 40 i 16 , 2 60 2 00 t 70 2 60 2 60 2 40 2 40 2 86 2 85 2 66 2 00 4 20 2 20 2 60 2 26 2 70 2 00 t 00 2 70 2 70 2 80 2 90 18 cows.... 27 cow.... 28 cows... 8 cows... 17 cows..., 11 cows..., ( calves.. 12 cows.. . 14 feeders ,. 984 . 961 . 964 . 881 . 811O . 970 . 838 .1100 6 heifer.. 16 feeder. 10 feeders. 14 feeders. 106 cows... 16 feeders. 8 steer... 1 steer.... 13 steers... 1 steer.... 1 steer..,. 1 heifer,.. 1 heifer., 13 steer... 4 deer... 11 feeder. 838 900 730 C60 967 1007 , 860 880 , 962 1000 '60 . 940 , 826 , 991 , Sh 7 1057 7 cows.. 1 cow... 9 cows.. 1 cow... 1 bull... ...1160 ...1012 ... 920 ...1240 ... m ...1193 ... 80S ...1150 ...1010 ... 900 1 cow... 3 cows.. cows.. 1 cow... "1 cow... 1 cow... 1 cow... r -calves 3 feeders.. 850 S feeders.. 878 1 calf , 3i0 1 calf 129 980 210 t CoWs 993 20 feeders.. 906 6 cows 960 tt cows 948 1 feeder... 8W)I 1 feeder... 80O 1 cow. 1100 2 cows f'-'6 1 steer 1180 1 steer 1340 1 steer 10SO 8 heifers.. 706 1 heifer... 060 1 steer 1160 8 06 2 80 2 86 2 00 2 60 ! r 1 o 2 10 2 10 2 00 2 60 2 00 2 90 1 90 2 CO 2 25 2 46 18 feeder. 820 a cow.. .1041 . 486 , 610 . 983 16 . 880 , 810 , 980 ,1010 , 830 , 996 , 941 2 16 2 feeder. 1 60 1 (teer 2 16 22 cow.... J li $ cow.... 1 76 1 steer 3 25 1 steer COLORADO. 1 heifer... t80 4 heifer 1 bull... 1 calf.... 672 630 270 30 cows. . 913 i 40 2 cows.... 964 2 26 1 cows 910 2 46 6 cows..., SOUTH DAKOiA. 6 cow.. 6 caw.. 6 teer., 916 2 76 4 steers... 4 steers.. ..1017 2 90 12 steers 1JJAMU. 18 cows... . 976 2 40 2 cows 102S James sarriil Neb. ,lu67 8 46 24 feeders.. 1098 . 780 2 10 21 cow joutf K. Psrson Colo. 31 cows 1 cow. 175 steers. j. li I 7 William Lamreaux 8. D. 38 feeders. 1174 t 6a 2 Wed era.. 1075 I0J i (5 8 84 8 U i ti 150 1 feeder... 1040 8 00 8 reeditfc.. iOI8 12 feeder.. 1077 8 46 ( feeuera.,1114 J feouer. .118 It I ieuer..iwj(j standard uatti io.-kj 156 heifer. 818 I 65 (tl cow., 613 A J. Plumr Neb. 3? ateera. 1318 $60 l attars.. ,.ueo 18 steer. 11 cow.. .1258 8 70 D Crulcksbank-Neb. . 965 2 60 J. W. Bpaulding-Neb. 18 row. mj i 10 4 Holier. 682 tio 115 1 25 4 60 2 10 I 23 t 00 i 60 1 15 2 75 I II i 18 1 14 J. Mttm Neb. 80 feeders. 8 01 IS fetden.. IS) H. Swan Nab. ! 40 2 cow 1175 W. 20 cow 1017 8 cow 1026 2 10 Ruf. Hany-Neb. 1 cow....10f0 1 COW 850 20 teer..12!7 1 steer liV 29 steer. . 116 1 steer... .lOoO 21 feer.H7 2 teer..1160 A. S cow 918 I eni.. 94 1 COW... 8VS 2 T8 1 calf 170 J eow 10O0 I 10 I 60 $ 85 8 M t 60 a 70 8 15 w. u I 1 bull!'. 1 bull.. 710 linn ibull steer.. steers... J 3) 1160 fer..1381 21 eow... 841 Qealy Neb. 7 feeders. , S10 I feeder... M0 I (seders.. 1045 D. Adamson Neb. 18 steer.... 1164 8 80 10 feeders.. 8KS t 90 8 steer.... 8 10 1 stag 1160 2 60 14 feeder,. 963 I 30 W. F. Wyatt 8 D. 45 feeder.. US 9 8 feeders. .1130 3 00 T. McClelland-S. D. 22 feeder.. 171 I S3 O. Hattley Neb. 14 cow 948 2 66 1 2 steers. . .1038 I 26 Ronrett tt Sons Neb. 15 steers... .lfH6 2 85 I feeder.. 878 ! So 16 steers.. ..!? I 1 feeder... 8ro 2 ! J steers.... 977 2 2 cows 926 2 70 steer... ,10M I 80 6 steer. ... 968 8 80 A. W. Lease Neb. 4 row R6 125 10 feeders . 520 2 00 1 cow m f 40 10 feeder.. 820 I Oil 1 cow lo0 I 26 1 teer 700 2 26 1 cow 1110 2 40 1 cow 1000 2 50 A. Targan Neb. 81 feeders, inf. 1 8 45 6 feeders.. 872 I 00 4 feeder.. 1'T.l 1 On 27 cow 981 2 SO J. B. Spencer Neb. 5 feeders.. 8 40 20 cow 937 2 60 O H, Sander S. D. 48 steers.... 929 2 95 J. H. Bleser Neb. 13 feeder.. 11S3 2 60 28 cow 1028 2 83 feeders.. 12i6 8 25 J. E. Pellne-Neb. 28 feeders.. 955 8 20 8 feeder.. 885 3 20 E. Ruben Neb. 29 feeders.. 10.13 .120 1 heifer. . ..1000 ISO Bennett Irwin Neb. 48 feeder. .1053 3 95 J. Montague Neb. 15 feeder.. 91.1 8 86 J. L. Furnan Neb. 1 feeder.. 7o 2 60 28 feeder.. 928 1 30 19 feeders . 1023 3 40 Thomas Murray Neb. 18 feeders.. 1036 2 95 1 feeder. ..1170 140 2 feeder.. 10C.O 3 40 6 feeder. . 871 2 96 P. P. Waltman Neb. 2 feed era.. 100? 2 76 22 feeders.. 1002 3 30 F. M. Gros Neb. 13 calves... 829 3 00 George Russell Neb. 88 feeders.. 949 I SO A. B. Russell-Neb. 10 feeders.. 917 8 00 William Harris Wyo. f steers ... 1019 8 05 80 heifer.. 897 2 83 1 steer 12W 3 05 1 teer 1320 2 05 1 steer 1340 305 100 steers.... 1028 3 06 1 steer 1260 1 06 1 steer 980 3 05 1 steer 1130 8 05 A. J. Barnes Wyo. 11 feeders.. 99 3 15 3 feeders.. 1016 2 SO 1 feeder. ..1100 8 15 5 cows 900 2 40 EX C. Hatfield Wyo. 11 feeders.. 768 8 00 2 feeders.. 615 2 60 M. K. Parsons Colo. 190 steers... .1240 880 1 eteer 1300 3 85 HOGS There was a falr'.y liberal run of hog here thl morning and with unfavor able reports from other points th market opened none too active and mostly a nickel lower. Buyer picked out the better loads first and after that wus done the market became very slow and weak and ut in closo wan fully 64IO0 lower. Salesmen wer not willing to take oft that mucu and ut noon there were still several loads in first hands. Heavy hog and particularly those of common quality were tlu hardest to move. Common grass hog were also slow sale, some of them selling a low aa $6.66. Heavy hogs sold largely from $5.70 to $6.75, mixed and medium weights from $5.75 to $5.85 and choice light and butcher weight from 85.86 to $5 90. Representative aales: No. ,' av. sk. Pr. No. A. Ik. Pr. IT 7 ... I 00 71 rt 40 ( Tt 11 M( 110 IU 4i tU N 111 II 14 10 I TO 44 121 10 I 71 61 lf.1 140 I 70 16 m ... I TI 46 10T ... I TO 41 ill 110 I T6 6T 30t 40 I 70 . 14 2.14 ... 6 77 "4 86 241 SO I TO ( 2 1 10 I 17 H (0 10 40 6 TO 40 217 ... I 77S4 71 VI ... 1 70 04 1.15 liO 6 77 40 164 10 TH 4 14 10 I 1Tn 84 Ml 140 6 71 1J I0 140 8 TT 6 Ml 110 I T2 67 126 0 I 77 6 HI ... I 71 II 121 40 6 T7 TO let 40 I 72 14 266 10 6 77 12 (14 ... 172 n 247 10 ITT 14 til ... I 72 W I4S 40 I 77 44 297 140 I II 76 140 1(0 6 10 41 til 80 6 TI 64 233 111) 6 III 71 241 ... I 71 42 261 W I 10 61 244 ... I 76 19 231 120 6 SO M 24 ...'17 41 224 10 I 10 41 lit ... I 10 16 3S4 ... I 10 I 121 0 t M t UO ... I 10 62 141 210 I 46 71 240 10 6 10 1 Ill 10 I 71 II 211 10 I 60 71 171 10 I 75 72 236 110 6 10 64 144 110 I Tt 71 231 40 I 10 II 2t ... I 71 76 240 10 t M IS 16 114 I 71 17 236 10 I ll6 I .141 40 I 76 S3 til 10 6 i'j 61 100 10 6 Tt 71. , 19 ... 186 14 127 II t 71 71 Jl ISO 6 85 11 VIS ... 6 76 70 70S 140 6 S5 17 227 10 6 76 13 M6 40 I 86 0 ...ti t0 S 76 67 244 40 1 16 49 17 ... I 78 20 IM 6 16 76 '..1S4 to t 76 61 Ill 40 6 17 lrt 1SI 41 I TI 71 224 80 6 T SHEEP There wa a good-Ued run of heep and lambs here this mcrnlng. but there did not seem to be uny too many 10 meet the requirements ot the trade. Pack ers were all out at an eifly hour and everything desirable soon begun to move toward, tne scale. Kaes nnd wethers mixed sold as high a 18.50 and yearlings $8 70. The market could safely be quoted active and ateady to strong. The demand tor fat iambs was also In good shape and desirable gradea sold readily enough at good steady prices. - A bunch of nath lambs sold as high as $5.35. The more desirable grades were out of tlrat hands In good season. There were quite a few feeder buyer on hand, o that although recelpta were lib eral the market showed practically 110 change from yesterday. Lninbs. of course, are a little lower thun they were a week ago, tho decline amounting to at least 10 15c. Quotations for grass sheen and lambs: Good to choice yearling. $3.76414 00; fair to good yearlings, 83.60ft 75; good to choic wether. $8.358.65; fair to good wethers, 13 254J3.X5: good to choice ewes. $3.25i3.50; lair to aood ewes. $2.75(cf3.25: srood to choice lambs, 84.755.00; fair to good lambs. $4.50 4.75; feeder yearlings. $3.60'Si3.76i feeder wntheis, $3.25&3.60; feeder ewes, $2.O0fj 2.50; feeder lamb. $3.7694.60: breeding ewes, $3.04 (fi'3.26. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 6 Nebraska bucks 103 $1 CO Zi Nebrasait cull ewes by t uo 2.16 Nebraska feeder ewes 77 2 40 17 Nebruska feeder ewes 75 2 40 2o NetiiHHka feeder ewes K6 2 60 137 Nebraska ewes 9-1 2 75 93 Nebraska ewes 91 2 10 131 Nebraska yearlings 08 uo 6 Nebraska yearlings 04 8 0u 67 Nebraska yearlings Hi 3 26 23 NebrusKa wethers 79 3 40 548 Nebraska wethers and ewes lo 3 00 13 Nebraska ewes 144 8 60 12 Wyoming feeder lambs 48 3 86 150 Wyoming feeder lambs 47 3 Do 28 native cull lambs 63 4 00 6 native yearling 121 4 25 66 native lamb 83 6 36 13 native cull ewe 109 8 00 18 weetern ewes 110 3 26 250 Wyoming feeder wether.... 98 3 31 17 Wyoming feeder wether.... 108 8 8,Vi 85 Wyoming feeder wether.... 98 8 81'Va 6011 Wyoming feeder wether.... 87 8 37V 616 Wyoming feeder wether.... 112 3 37vi 79 Wyoming bucks 61 3 60 169 Wyoming culls 48 1 8 7 862 Wyoming feeder lambs 83 4 36 843 Wyoming feeder lambs C3 4 :s6 92 western lambs 69 4 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Cattle Steady to Higher, Ho Steady and Sheep 'Strong;. CHICAGO, Bept. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 11,000 head; Texnns, 3,00) head; western, 2,6oO head. Market steady to 10c hlghe.'; good to prime steers, $5.65f(fl55; poor to medium, $2.60'J5.8O; Blockers and feeders, $2.25(&4.00; cows, ll.604TI.5o; heifers. 2.0frg 5 50; canners, $l.fVit2.l6; bulls. $2.00 l.-O; calves, $i.fiO$6.50; Texas fed steers, fl.50(.( 6.60; western steers. $3.0001.80. HOGS Receipts, 17.000 heud. Market wa steady; mixed and butchers', $5 i. 15; good to choice, I5.9t'xfjd.20; rough heavy, lo.rvxfjs 6.0; light. $5.65yJ.10; bulk of sales, $5.75 S.00. fcMEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20.000 head. Mnrket for sheep strong, lambs firm; good to choice wethers, $4.00tj:4.50; fair to choice mixed, $3.3'83.70; western sheep, 2.7V(f4.10; nstlv lambs, $1.00.00; western lambs, $4.6CJj5.35. Kansas City l ive Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 22.-CATTT.E-Re-celpts, 10,000 head, including 7ui southerns) corn-fed steers, 10c lowtr, others Until; choice export and dres ed beef sietrs. o.W fi-S.oO; fair to good, $3.75j5.iX: wesiern, lei fleers, $3.75(cf5.60; Blockers anil feeder?, $2.5u 4(4 00; southern steer, 2.5a3.Gj; southern cows, $1.6a2.i5; native eowa, $1.6 43.75; na tive heifer. $2.ut4j4.76; bulls, l. 754436'; oalvr. $2o4ij.60. HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head; mrke 51?10o lower; top, $o.9j; bu.g of ail', $5 Surf 5.17V, ; heavy, $5.807r-'.8); pucker. $j.o04f 90; 1 1 a and lights. li.Ti o.5.8',H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Rece pts. 7 000 head; market steady; patlv lamb'. Ji.eoTt 5.26; native wethar. 13 2 423 90; na ive iwm, $3.Dtff3 iO; western lambs, 4.0 .' 10; ve t rn yesrl)ngs. S3.b04i4.Sl: wattern fh'ep. 4c.. 60 1.60; stockers and feeders. $3.604H.OO. Stoek la flahf. Following were th receipt! rf 'Ive s'o-k st the six principal western rl'les ye tr day: c-ttle. Hora. fche-"v fcouth Omaha B.SC0 0.900 18.700 Kansas City lo om l.ioA 7.C 0 Louis 6.000 T.000 3.600 fit. Josepn S .ro 4.V4 t.rt Chicago lt.rrvi n.roo 20.COO Bloux City 5.C00 1,500 Touts SS.200 4J.8TM 46,524 t. r.oala LIT Steek Slvrket. ST. LOUIS, Bept. a.-r'ATTLE-Rerelnf. 1.00 head. Including 2..W Tein: mark' teedy; native shipping and DTt sir 14.75591; draed Veef an4 botche- st-r-, 4.15ii5..V); steer under 1 Oi lbs.. $.1 Sot 85; tni-kera nd fedrra. $2.0caJ3 1o; rows ed heifer $2.35(33.36; ctnnera, $1 tii&2.26; e-u'l VlVVitiSt; calve. 3 6O'q.O0; T;xa and In dian tr. 82,3548.48; cows ond arlfera $i.7iw; 50. UOGt$-Rc1pia, 7.00) baud; taarlut lower; Pig and lights. 84 ScJfl; packer. ' o 8.0T; butchers end brat heavy, $S9tS10, PHEKP AM) LAMBm Receipt. 3,.W bead: mnrket stetdy: ratlve muitons, tM 4i.ti; lambs. W.u..V-; cull and buck. 81.113.71; stockers, U. Tfi 1. 16 ; Texana, 81. 00 4P4.0U. St. Joseph I. Ire Stork Market. ST. JOSKWI. Pept. 2:. CAT ft. E Re ceipt, S.4'0 head. Market steady to strong; native. $3.tii6 !: cr ws and heifrs. $l.aJ 618; stockers and feeder. $2.5i'CJ.78. HOGS Reii t. 4 6 head. M-irkot weak to 5 lower: lig'it $5MHd .9-.i; medium and heavy, $'v"7tii j.KV FHBE1' AND LAMP? Receipt, S.ltl head. Market steady to strong Slonx rttr Stoek Mtrket. 8IOVX CITY, Sept. 22.-(Spelal Tele, arum.) CATTLE Kf celpts, 0 head; mar ket unchanged; beee., 8i6 6 ; cows end heifers, 8.iu3.25; stocker.-t and ftedar, $2.,S""i,t 70; caives and year, Ins. $2 2.dl U. HoGS Receipts. 1.500 head; market weak se ling at $;.o.-j1..; bulk, 5. 7tfv?. OMA1I.1 itiioirstit. MARKET Coadltlna of Trade nnd tlaolatloa 00 Staple and Fancy Prod are, EGGS Receipt moderate; candled stock, lSVc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. ri!V; rooster. 5c; tin key, loc; ducks, T'jjDc; geese, 60, spring chickens, lomllc. BUTTER Packing slock. HWl rholof to fancy dairy, 16c; separator, lililSo. FRKoti FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel. ej pike, loo; perch, 7c; hlueflsh, 12c: whlteflsli, leo : salmon. 14c; reilsnaptier, lie; lobster, rteen, 20c: lobster, boiled. 30e; bullheads, lo; csttlsh, 14c; black bass, I'V; hullbut, 10c; croppies, 12c: roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7c I white bass. 11c; froir legs, per do., 3o. BRAN Per ton, $16. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale D'slers' association: Cnolco N. I upland, $7.00; No. 2, $0 60; medium. $6.00; rosrse, $5.60. Rye straw. $6.00. The price ara for hny ot good color and quality. OYSTERS New York coonts, per enn. 45c; extra selects, per ran. S7c: tandBnls, per can S2c; bulk standards, per gal . II.'; bulk extra selects, per jral. $1.75; bulk New York counts, per gal., $2 60 TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGEo Valeticlas. lurgo slses, 33.754S 4 26; small sues, 14.1ji4.5iX Li-.NJONS Caillumu fancy, 270, 309 and 31. .(M; choice, $3.5ft3 DATES Per box 01 30 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00. LIMr.s Klorldu, pr b-bnrket crutes, $4.50. FIGS '.'.'iMfornla per 10-lb. carton, 60c; Imported Smyrna, z-rrown, 12c; 5-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS lr medium sized bunch, $2.0 t.'.ni. jtinioo, $2,7643.25. CAYENNE P1NEAPPLE-16 nd 20 all, per crate, U.OO. FRUITS. APPLES Home-grown, per bu. takt, Utyiiuc; per bbl., U wCg- -. PEACHES Homr-grown " seedlings, per bu., rc?i$H0: Coloraao, per -baket crate, $1.25; Colorado, per box, ioi'i6c Utah, per box, Oo'U'Vlc. PLt'AiS Utah and Colorado plum and prunes, ",6!jyific. ' I'biA its Chi. forr.ln Bartlett. per box. $1.88 2.00; Colorado Flemish Beauty, $1 66: Col orado, Utah Hint Orction liurtlett, $l.l9 I. 75; Cnllfornui B. Hardy, 11. CAN i'KLoUPE Genuine Colorado Rocky Fords, per crate, $2.uo. WATERMELONS P?r Tu. (cratd). lc. CELKKY l'er do., 264150c. GKA PES Home-grown, rer t to S-lb. DHBket, 1410c; California Tokay, per case, H.w-Wl. 66. CRAB APPLES-Per bbl., $2,7543.00; pef market brisket. 40c. CRANBERRIES Cape Cod, per bbl, $7 ik; rer box. $2 5. QUINCES-Callfornla. per box, $1.60. VEGETABLES. FOTATOES New homo-grown,' in sacks, per bu., 45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.90472.00. ON ION? Home-grown, in sncKs, per bx, 6U4r7ofic; Spanish, per crate, $1.76. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market besket, 1520c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lb.. 860. WAX BEANS Per market basket. 60c. fWEET POTATOES Home-grown, pef market basket. 40c; Virginia, per bbl., $2.74 as i. GREEN PEPPERS Per Bushel bskt II. oo. SQUASH Home-grown, per do., 50c. EGG PLANT Southern per do., $1.60. MISCELL.4 !E US. MAPLE SUGAR Ohlt. per It).. lOo. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; bloc 14 Swiss, new, 15c; old. 164217c; Wisconsin brick, 12',ic; Wisconsin limberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, per lb., 1 in.nl ihell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecan, lui0'e, per lb., 12c: smull, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 8c; roasted peanuts, tier lb., 12c; Chili walnuts, per lb., 12tfi:iy:; large hickory nuts, per !., 11c; almonds, toft shell, per lb., 15c; hnrc shell. 13c; shell onrks, per bu., $2.00; bla walnut, pa bu., $i.2. Susrar and Molasaes. , NEW YDHK, Sept. 22 SI 'GAR Raw. quiet; fair refining, Zc centrifugal, 91 test. 4 6-16C. :TUo'ici sngne, Jii-e. R-Oned, quiet; No. , 4.85c; No. 7, 4.80c; No. S, 4.i0c; No. 9, 4 65c; No. H, 4,tn-c; Nv. 11. 4 60i:; No. 12. 4.45c; No. 13, 4.40c; No. 14. 4.40c; con fectioners; A, 6.10c; mold A, 6.6O0: cut loaf, 6.95c: crushed, 6.95c; powdered, 6.85c; granu lated. 5.25c: cubes, 5.60c. MOLAPKES F rm: N- Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 314130. NETW OrlLRA -. 22 "'r p. Strong; open kettle, StiJHc; centrifugal, 4i4Hc centrifugal whites, 474c; yellowa, 44i4,c; seconds, "ISWc. Liverpool firn Market. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 22-WHEAT-Spot, nominal. Future, firm; September, 7s6-.d; Dw.ember, 7 04d. CORN Spot, easy; Ame lean rrlx:d. Cd. Futures, quiet; September, 4s('a; Decem ber, 4sVid. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Sept. 22. SEEDS Clover, cash, 37.1&H; October, $7,174; Docember. S7.17V. bid: March, $7,274, bid: olslke, September, $7.80, bid; timothy, September, $1.35, tU: REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. Deedn filed for record September 22, 1904. as furnished by the. Midland Guarantee ond Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1U14 Farnam street, for The Bee: A. Hill and wife lo P. Wetael, lot 2, Cottage Terrace , $ J75 H. R. Talbot lo J. E. Talbot, lots 56 to 00, block 2. Llrkhauser St Blund er's subdivision 175 Maria D. Rhelton et al to Speneer, lot 6. block 1, Windsor Terrace.'..'... I E. Glllln and wife to J. J. Gllltn. lot 7, block 3. Mahoney dt Mlnnl hnn'n addition J Wlnnlfred M. Heyden and husband to Laurlta Johnson, lot 16, Dewey Place ct.i..... 1,650 EllsHbeth Hamlin et al to S. S. Gold strom. part lot 4, block 624...,..., 4,800 Elizabeth Hamlin, executrix, to S, 8. Goldstrom, part lot 4, block 83.. ' 1 Kate Swllxer to J. O. Stearns, lot fi. block "M. South, Omaha $10 Alice M. Brown ant hunband to O. fi. Montgomery, part lot 3, Mock 2, Parker's nddltion 2,500 II. A. Beck to Rose Pollard, part of lot 2, block 2, Isaao AY Beldon's. .-. . . 750 N. Mergen to Brigltta Mergen, nw4 , of 1-16-11 10,600 United States Real Estate and Trust eompnny to M. J. Mulvihlll. part lot 27, block 2, Armstrong's 1st addition .. ,LW MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAIN Office "Ifth and Robert Sti., ST. PAUL, MINN. (i!coroTBn) DtALCFttl N Stocks, Grain, Provisions Dou tit and sold ctsh or carrlod ,n m onabt omra-ms upon whkb titrr 'old b a uaargv H graiu. nil stock Wriu lor our marlut itti. ' COKMIEIICI ntRCHANTI IM CAR lOTt Ship Your Grain To Us BaT FaCILITir. PaoMPT KtTtrssa I.iussat. AnvANct . DULUTH Ilraoeh Oftlee, 1143-111 3onrd of Trade. Phono 314. OMAHA, Hen, 03IAIIA. CRAIN BUYERS and SHIPPERS Mamberi: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas DU and 61. Louis Exchanges. Wy Transaction for fulur deliver atn rsreful attention. -- 316 Board Trade BldaV Ti, ItMHL loodv - SOn