Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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i i
Hanger with Brown in Box Too Much for
i-hrlelaB Buys that H Will Be
Out of Game tar Hemalniler ol
the Sea on Score loir
to One.
Several hundred loyal base ball fans
dinned overcoats and earmuffs and Jour
- neyed out to the Vinton street park yes
terday afternoon to watch Pa Kourke'a
lionny bunch begin the liuit jrrlos of the
t f-ason by taking another game from trm
rimourlans. While the muses were not
.f.rt-sent, there was more or lcs rnthUKlasm
nnd the spectators made the host of a
mediocre exhibition of bull playing.
, .While trying to steul second l.iise In the
, third Inning buck Thlel had the misfortune
t sprain his anklo at the bas-. He was
carried from the field and attended by Dr.
Jlf. J. Ford, w ho says Omaha s doughty
little left fielder will be out of the game
fur the rest of the season. Frese. who
was catching at the time of the accident.
wa put In left Held and Ciondlng replaced
Pa Hourke considers and Omaha fans
agree with him that the acquisition of
1 hlel in place of Dusty Miller, put new
llfo In the team and has been a vital fac
tor In the great spurt it has made, so his
absence will be keenly felt.
St. Joseph made Its one run In the first
Inning by Belden being hit by a pitched
l.nll, McBrldo sacrificing and Hartman
making a hit, Deldvn scoring on the hit.
.A hit In the third by Belden and one in
the seventh by Peer Is what the St. Joe
delegates did after the first Inning. Three
MtS and no walks Is what they did with
Mr. Brown. In the fifth Inning, Garvin,
Ilodson and Belden struck out In the order
Turned, which caused the little boy on the
fence to doff his overshoes and toss a few
lo uq nets to lirown.
The Rangers did not want to be rude
vlth their guests so they did not make any
runs until the fourth Inning, when a
jIa.toon of eight Rourke boys went to bat,
jmlllng down five hits, a sacrifice and
realizing four earned runs out of the In
vestment. At this point of the game the
little boy kicked two knot holes out of the
ff nee and Pa loaki-tl. crota at him.
Nick Carter got tils lorgnettes on the
fcall the first thlrg and t'ent out a special
delivery to center field, making second
base without being arrested. Howard sac
rificed, Welri hit r.nd Carter came in and
macto out his report fo.- one run. Dolan,
Thomas and Srhlpka . followed -with good
Mts, scoring Welch, Dolan and Thomas.
Hurlng the rest of the game the
Hangers made a few hits, which expire!
before the time limit.-
The Sainti had another new one, Romlg,
en third.
This afternoon the Rangers and Saints
ill go at It again. Attendance yesterday
as 435 besides I'mpire Kelly and the little
boy on the fence. The score:
J Mlf-l, i .i .. ... 1
C 'niter, rf 4
Jloward, 2b, 2
Welch, cf 3
iHilan, ss 4
Thomas, lb 8
Fchipke, 3b J
Kreesc, c and If 3
fcirown,- p.i., 3
Ciondlng, c. 2
favor of anv one, for It wants to see
Omaha t trie top snd hopes the Rntirke
team will win the pennant, yet the victory
must be without taint or suspicion. We
must have a pennant that Is without a
spot. If we have any.
To make assurance doubly sure, five men
spent three hours in The Bee office yester
day afternoon, checking over the files nf
the paper nnd tabulating the games as re
corded by the score and the decision of the
umpire, and the record kept by The Bee
from the beginning of the season Is vindi
cated ss aii-ura.e. Here are the detailed
figures, up to nnd including the games
played on Wednc.iday. September zi:
o t o n ffi
3 r. 2
2. " O
- 5
19 21
.. 16
53 .376
43 .314
Omaha 15 1 17 15 !1
Polo. Springs.... 15 .. 15 16 19 19
Denver 12 14 1"
Dee Moines .... 13 12 12 ..
St. Joseph 10 10 8 10
sioiit Pilv 9 6
Lost &9 67 59 68 88 94 436
According to this showing If Des Moines
plays out tho schedule with Colorado
Springs the team will have still two games
to go. Instead of being one over. As to the
relations between Omaha and Colorado
Springs, which are one game spurt, accord
ing to the Sexton table, the difference may
be necounted for In this wise: When
Omaha opened the season at Colorado
Springs I'mplre Brennan Insisted on the
pitchers standing with both feet on the
rubber when delivering the ball. Rourke
objected to this and protested against It
as being a violation of the rule. After the
second game had been played under pro
test Hexton wired to Brennan, telllnghlm
he was wrong and directing hlni to allow
the pitcher to work with only one foot on
the rubber. In face of this order from the
president the umpire Insisted on enforcing
his rule and made the Omaha pitchers
stand with both feet on the rubber. This
was vigorously protested by Rourke and it
Is not unlikely that the game has been
thrown out by Sexton. In this event the
record of Omaha and Colorado Springs
this morning will be:
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Omaha 144 M 68 . 597
Colorado Springs 139 82 57 . 590
The prospects of Omaha winning the pen
nant on the record of games kept by The
Bee depend on beating St. Joseph the five
games yet to be played. Colorado Springs
has but three games to play with Des
Moines to finish the schedule. Should Des
Moines win one it Is all off with the
Springs, but even if the Springs wins them
all Omaha can win because Omaha has
more games to play .
HdKlnn, ti.. I 1 twiln. b....O isle
grhlel. r 0 0 1 fillbrrt. !!... t 1
Cnrronn, w 0 1 1 1 Wrner. c 0 0 1
Harrxr. p.... 0110 Taylor, p 0 0 4 0
Total!., ...."l "t It "l i Total! 4 2111 1
Cincinnati . ft 0 0 0 2 0 02
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
first base on errors: New York. 1; Cin
cinnati. 1. Left on bases: New York, 10:
Cincinnati, 1. First base on balls: Oh
Tavlor. 2; off Harper, 2. Struck out: By
Tavlor, 3: by Harper. 6 Two-base hits:
Browne. McCann. Sacrifice hit: Stelnfeldt.
Stolen basts: McCann. Gilbert. Double
plavs: Gilbert to Dahlen to McCann: Dolan
to Corcoran. Hit by pitcher: By Harper,
t Time: 1:20. Umpires: Catpenter and
tUndlni of the Teams.
Pittsburg .
Chicago ...
St. Louis ..
J3S P9 37 .738
132 79 53 . .5''9
134 80 64 .697
134 75 69 .5m
1?,4 m fi8 .4M
1X7 60 87 .3i"
13 47 M .345
137 44 93 .3J
Philadelphia . ..
Games today: St. Ix)uls at Boston, Pitts
burg at Brooklyn. Chicago at Philadelphia,
Cincinnati at New York.
Detroit 131 fit
Washington 135 33
No games today.
. 0 0
4 0 0
0 110 0
0 0 I 1
0 10 0 0
9 27
..H) '4
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Jeinen. ir 8 11
jvtctjrlrte, ss 3 0 0
Mnrtman, cf 4 0 1
McConnell, b ., 4 0 0
Peer, rf .....4 0 1
Webster. 2b 3 0 0
Romlg, 3b .,...3 0 0
t.urvln, c , ....3 o 0
Hudson, p 8 0 0
1 3 24 12
Omaha 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 - 4
et. Joseph 1000000001
Karned runs: Omaha. 4. Two-base hits:
Carter. Freese. Stolen bases: Carter Hart-ViHn.?-
Sacrifice hits: Howard. McBrlde
l lrst base on balls: Off Hodttnn 2 First on errors: St. Joseph, 1. Sfruck out:
By Brown. 8; by Hodson. 8. Hit with
Pitched ball: Belden. Ift on bases:
ire keily "P'1' 4- Tlme- 126- I'm
SIook City lints Oat Dearer.
SrOUX CITY, Sept. 21.-Today'B game
" Pitchers' battle, neither side having
the better of II until the last half of the
eleventh. Then Curley. the first man up.
lilt out a three-bagger, Fleming following a single, winning the game for Sioux
City. Score: R H E
Floux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 7 1
Denver ...0000000000 O-O' 7 2
Battpries: Sioux City. Kostal and Leslie;
Denver, Eyler and Lucia.
Colorado Springs Wins.
TKB .VTOtNES. Sept. 21 McNeely let Des
Molni-a down with two hits todav and Colo
rado Springs won handily. Score: R. H E
Des Moines.,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2 2
Colo Springs.. 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 04 9 3
Batteries: Lieflrld and G. Clarke: Mc
Neely and Baerwald.
. Standing; of the Teams.
Omaha f. 144
, ColoradoSprings... 140
Denver DO
Des Moines 14H
Ft. , Joseph Ill)
. gioux City 138
Uamrs today: St. Joseph .t Omaha,
Colorado Spring at Des Moines.
Lost Pet
58 .697
68 .66
69 .578
) .634
86 .31
95 .312
Ansolntely Arrurnte Flnrores on the
Iterords of Western I.enaine Teams.
Thousands of fans all over the west have
been thrown Into all kinds of a turmoil by
the figures sent out by President Sexton as
the olllclal record of the Western league
for the games played so far this season.
The Bee has been printing this tnble for
the lust few duys, but under piotest, be
cause the table disagrees with the records
kept in this office. A patent mistake in the
tatde Is In connection with the record for
J its Moines, for If that team plays off the
i K'troes It has scheduled with Colorado
Springs It will have played 151 games for
the season. If the Sexton figures are right.
Am the playing schedule only calls for 160
games the error Js apparent. The Bee does
not abate Its loyalty to the Omaha team In
i " Wlrae
We want to send you FREE, costing you abso
lutely nothing, a trial bottle of ''Drake's PU
ictta Wins." Drop us s postal snd 11 oomrs a-
Jiuminln. You know that 'way back lo bible
timesiplAtOuk wlue "for the stomach tisuke."
. Wuttbo modern grape wine is nottrood either (or
stoqutob, brain or pooUau "Drake's Palmetto
Wluu" is vitally difleroot. It comes gushing
from the palm-fruit of our own sunny South.
It Is aupt-ru upietlzer. tonic and nerve-brauer.
It clean and purllli the blood and thus feeds
bruin and brawn. It builds up sluloies and
nourishes thinkers, i
Drake's Palmetto Wine
Is also a natural medlnlna. It is a wonderful
siieuific 'or conmipuilon. flatulency snd ail
ii kpuptlc troubles. It positively beal oatarrb
of iiosi throat, nlotcai-h or bowels. It regulates
pcrfeotly ibe liver, kidneys and hlitduur. For
woiuoii it U true Qod-ketid. A lubitwoon dose
dUy cures all those troublrn.Tbn wlnu bass rich,
appetizing ktuaclc mid pluck.i you up instantly.
We Provs all This by Sending You
a Free Trial Bottle en Request.
Dim roR-uu compiht, onm mi., ciku. m
Wine" Is 7b cent at drug stores for a lerga
bouiemuual dollar sue- but a trial bottle U
aaut to yen free au4 Pivpald it you. write lot lb
Philadelphia Wins Twice from Chl
csko, Second a Shntont.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21. Despite the
cold weather a good crowd today saw the
locals win two games from Chicago. At
tendance: z.iii). score nrst game:
il. HO. A. E.I R.H.O.A.E
Ttiomm, cf. .. 0
Oleason, 2b. .. 0
Mc!ee. rf
0 10 0!S(-hllt. If.... 1
0 11 llraiey. 3b 0
Koth. c 0
Duggltby. p.. 0
a 0
1 0 0
S 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
t i 0 OOhnncc. lb... 1 t
Lujh, lb 1 1 10 1 2,71I'-Cirth-, cf. 0 1 0
Tltu, If 2 I t 0 OJTIslrer, St.... 1 0 4
Hulawltt. 1 1 2 2 O'McCtlPinry. rf 0 1 1
Donnhuf, 3b.. 1 13 1 IVuri :b 11 3
0 C 2 1 Kilns, e 0 1 7
10 6 O.WMmar. D 0 0 0
"Barnr . 0 0 0
Total! 7 f zi 10 il
I Total! 4 11 24 1
Batted for Wclmer In ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 7
Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 04
Left on barest Chicago, 7; Philadelphia,
7. Stoien bates: Donohue (2), Thomas.
Two-base hits: Hulswltt, Schulte. Sacri
fice hit: Kling. Double plays: Hulawltt
to Gleasor. to Lush; Tinker to Evers to
Kling. Struck out: By Duggleby, 4: by
Weimer, 6. First base on balls: Off Dug
gleby. 6: off Weimer. 7. Wild pitch: Dug-
fleby. Hit by pitcher: Thomas. Time:
:68 Umpire: Johnstone.
Score second game: .
K.H.O.A.E.i R.H.O.A.E
Thomas, cf. .
Gleasou, 2b... 0
MrOee. rf.... 1
LuFh. lb 0
Tltua. If 0
Hulawltt, .. 0
Donobue. 3b.. 0
Donhi, c 1
Spark, p 1
0 10 0 Schulte, If.... 0 2
1 4 S OjCaaey. 3b 0 1
0 11 0 Chance, lb... 0 0
2 8 0 1 .McCarthy, cf. 0 0
0 10 0 Tinker, n 0 1
ISt liMcCheaney, rf 0 0
0 2 1 2b 0 t
t 6 1 0;O'Nnl. c... 0 1
1 0 '1 0 Lundgren, p.. 0 1
1 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
0 7 0
0 0
4 3
Totala 3 7 2716 i Total! 0 8 24 13 1
Philadelphia 1 2000000 3
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Left on bases: Chicago, 4; Philadelphia,
6. Two-base hits: Schultt, Lush. Sacrifice
hits: Oleason, Thomas, Titus. Double
plays: Oleason to Donohue to Lush; Lund'
gren to Tinker to Chance; Gleajson to Huls
wlU to Lush. Struck out: By Sparks, 4;
by Lundgren. 3. . First base on balls: Off
Lungren. 4. Wild pitch: Lundgren. Time:
1:30. Umpire: Johnstone.
Plttabara; Wins Both Games,
BROOKLYN, Sept. 21. Pittsburg won
two games from Brooklyn today. Only
seven Innings were played in the .second
game on account of darkness. Attendance,
l,8u0. Score, first game:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Gilbert, If.... 1 1 i 0 0 Dillon, lb.... 0 2 13 0 0
Beaumont, cf. 1 1 1 0 o neaaler. rr. .
Rite hey, 2b... 0 0 4 I o'Lumley, rf.
Leach, 3b 1114 olsherkard, If
Met orm k, n. l i j o truabb, aa..
Cleveland Defeats St. I.on4 In a One.
Sided Contest.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. a. Cleveland defeated
St. Louts here today In a one-sided game
by a score of 9 to 1, Glade was knocked
out of the box In the second Inning. Brad
ley batted out a homo run, double and
single during the game. Attendance, l.l&i.
R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E.
Ixiah, If 3 0 1 0 0 Burkett, If 0 0 4 0 0
Bradler. 3b... t t 0 0 0 Heldrlik, cf.. 0 0 10 0
Flick. 2b 3 t 3 3 0 Wallace, as... 1
Ronaman, rt..l 110 0 Hynea, rf..
ricmlt. lb.... 0 3 10 1 Jonea, lb..
Turner, aa ... 1 0 0 3 0 redden, 2b
RhoidM. cf... 0 1 2 0 0 Moran. 3b.
Buelow, G.... 0 0 12 0 0 Suden, c 0 3 3 0 0
Heaa, p 0 1 0 3 0 Glade, p 0 0 0 0 0
Morgan, p.... 0 0 0 3 0
Totals 10 27 I 1 'Varenhorit .. 0 0 0 0 0
Total! 1 7 27 1
Batted for Morgan In ninth.
Cleveland 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-9
Bt. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Karned runs: Cleveland, 4. Two-base
hits: Kossman, Bradley. Three-base hit:
Rhoadee. Homo run: Bradley. Sacrll.ce
hit: Rossman. Double play: Wullace to
Jones. Hits: Off Glade, 7 in two innings;
oft Morgan, 3 in seven innings. Hit by
f Itched ball: Hlnes. Wild pitch: Glade,
'irst base on balls: Oft Hess, 'i; eft Glade,
1; off Morgan, 2. Struck out: By Hess. 11;
by Glade. 1; by Morgan. 1. Left on bases:
St. ixiti Is, 10; Cleveland, 6. Time: 1:28.
Umpires: O'Loughlln and King.
Boston Wins Both Games, '
BOSTON, Sept. 21. Henley weakened In
the nfth Inning of the first game and his
faulty control was largely responsible for
Boston's run getting. The second game was
an exciting battle down to tho close. At
tendance: 8.476. Score first game:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
0 0 1 0 0 Hartsel, If.... 1110 0
13 10 0 Bruce. 2b-cf.. 0 12 0 0
0 1 2 0 O L rrnn, 3b.. 0 2 2 2 1
Tea tress Wins riatlanda Selling
Stakes at Gravesrnd.
NEW YORK. Sept. il. Teacress won the
FlatlanriS selling stak.s at Gravesend
toJ.iv. Getting ort almost lust sho was re
peatedly shut off, but tound Hn opening
next to the rail in the linul eighth and on
driving by a ln-pd from Cauuira, who In
turn whs a head In front nf Hank.
Topnght, with C. Kelly up. fell In the
last race us the field swung into the back
strttch. "Kel.y ricelved a compound frac
ture of the left arm and a severe shaking
up. Results:
First race, about six furlongs: Invincible
t7 to D won. Divination second. Shotgun
thhd. Time: l:lli.
Second race, steepiechnse, about two miles
and a half: Good and I'lenty (1 to 2) won,
Bonllre second. Head .Muster third. Time:
Third race, the Flatlands, selling, five fur
longs snd a half: Teacress won, Camara
SLM..nd, Bmk thitd. Time: LOMfc.
Fourth raw, one mile and a quarter:
Hurstbourne (11 to 6) won. Champlaln sec
ond, Short Hnse third. Time: 2M.
Filth rice, llvo furlongs and a half, sell
ing: Gold Kiw (tj to I ) won, Calmness sec- j
ond, Delusion third. Time: 1 :! I
Sixth race, one mile and a Flxteenth. sell
ing: Phantom (even) won, H'-n Crockett I
second, Princess Athellng third. Time:
CHICAGO, Sept. 21 Results at Harlem:
First race, rive furlongs: Bonnie Prince
Charlie (z to 1) won. Padre second. Black
Art third. Time: l:04fc.
Second race, six furlongs: Ghatts, (7 to 1)
won, Rag Tag second, Muresca third. Time:
Third race, seven furlongs: Nannie Hodge
(7 to 1) won, Katie Powers second, Felipe
Lugo third. Time: l:32t5-
Fourth race, five furlongs: Useful Lady
Ol to in) won. Azellna second, Dundail
third. Time: l:05Hd.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Cutter (5 to 1)
won, Ram's H'rn second, Moorish Damsel
third. Time: l:19?u.
Sixth race, one mile: B. V. Chance (!) to
5) won, W. Frlck second, Llda Lclb third.
F. Moore of Iake Geneva, 7 up ( to play.
The draw for tomorrow:
I. von agnlnst Lambert. Ph-'lps agalnht
Newton. Mt'Klnnlc against Sawyer, and
Allen against Egan.
t'OI.I'M ni 9
(f Sale Ten Million Boxes a Yea
Time: 1:19.
Seventh race, one mile: Great Eastern (fi
to 1 won. Benson Caldwell second, Plautua
third. Time: 1:4.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 21. Results at Delmar
P"rk: . . .
First race, six furlongs, purse: loca (u
John Taylor Htii Sensational Victory
from lir. Mronar.
COLUMBUS. O.. Sept. 21. -John Taylor s
vlctorv over the noted Doctor Strong was
the sensntlonnl feature of the third day's
Grand circuit racing. Tickets on the de
feated horse sold at til) lo o for the en
lire Held. It took five heats to decide the
race and In each the two horses raced like
a team for the enllre mile. With the ex
ception of the fourth heat. In which John
Taylor broke ten lengths awny from the
wire, e.ich heat was decided by a neck or
even less. The time mnde In the race n
rlow. for a heavy wind blew straight down
the backstretch.
On account of these unfortunate condi
tions Major Dclmar's) trial ngalnst the
Ciesccus record of 2:02'.4 was postponed
until tomorrow. Results:
2:19 trot, ihiee In live, ruroe $1,000 (three
heats Tuesday):
Brownie Wilton, b. h.. bv Wilton
(Saunders) 4 2 111
Mainland, b. h. (Hudson) 1 12 2 2
Ji s.e O, ro. g. (Geersi 2 12 3 5 S
Miss Jeanette, blk. m. (Deckers). 3 6 7 S 3
Getaway. Belle C. Brilliant Girl, Direct
vtell, Walter ricrce. Winnie Itlglit. Truth
ful Chimes. Princess Derby,. Aylwin, Bal Dorothea, Martha B, Harry Simmons
and Harry McKerron started and finished
In ordt-r named.
Time: 2:14i4. 2:14'i. 2:14'4, 2:10H. 2:12"i.
2:19 pace, stake, three In five, purse 2,nol):
Morning Star. b. g. (A. McDonald)....! 1 1
Lady May, b. m. (Hussey) 4 2 S
Baron Gratton. b. g. (Geers) 5 3 2
Bad News. b. g. (D. Wilson) 2 6 6
Eutlora, blk m. (Snow) 3 4 4
Time: 2:07V 2:07H. 2.0r,V4.
2:10 trot, stake, three In five, purse $2,000:
John Tavlor. e. g.. by Dlstmte
(D. Wilson) 1 1
Doctor Strong, g. c. (Spenr) 2 2
Lady Gall Hamilton, blk. m.
(Hudson) 3
fftobert Mc, b. g. (Jolly) 7 4
John Mc, b. g. (Geers) 3 5
( onsuela S, b. m. (DeRyder) 4 t
-SlaV J a - ' as
td li IT! ' J "! V ' J ill . Mllf it 4
tic. 506.
, Norrle. b. g. (Shaftk)
6 7 4 7 6
Billy Foster Boy. b. g. (Frailer). ds
Time: 2:00'. 2:1(H4. 2:u9t4, i':10i, 2:10'4.
2:10 pner-. three heats, each heat a race,
purse $1,000:
Belle Mc, b. m., by Pilot Wilkes
1 1 .iilnl i 1 1 1
to 1) won. Fenian second. Rhyme and Rea- Bud Posey, b. g. (VanAulsteln) 2 3 4
son third. Time: 1:21. , Monntit, blk. g. (Ervln) 4 2 6
Selharh, If.
Parent, as..
Ktihl. cf....
Collin., 3b.
1 0 4 0 0 SerbolJ, rf... 0 0 1 0 0
Freeman, rf.. 1 1 0 0 OlMrkerlng. ff. 0 0 0 0 0
LaOhanra, lb 0 1 1 OiMurphy, 2b...O 0 0 0 0
. 1 1 6 2 0 Nuonan. c... 0 0 1 0 0
. 1 0 S 2 0 M. Crona. !.. 0 0 3 6 0
Ferris, 2b.
Crlgor, c.
Dtneen, p
.. 0 0 0 1
..6 7 27 12
Sc hreck, lb. .. 0 0 14 0 0
llenlf). p.... 0 0 0 4 0
Secoml rne. live furlonirs nnd a half:
Annabelle Lee (12 to 1) won. Kind's I'l'ldo
second, MrJctta third. Time: 1:174.
Third race, one mile and twenty yards,
selling: Behoove (9 to 2) won, Wnrthing
ton second, ila'amsellf third. Time: 1:54.
Fourth race, six furlongs, purse: Allen
Avon (i to 1) won. Jungle Imp second, Ar
lena third. Time: f:21V
Fifth race, six furlongs and a half, sell
ing: Potiuolr Pas (;1 to 4) won, Orient sec
ond. Iaura Hunter third. Time: 1 :S'il4.
Sixth race, one mile und an eighth, sell
ing: Lubin (7 to lo won, Dollnda sicond,
Mainspring third. Time: 2:07V.
Total! 1 4 24 12 1
..0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 5
..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Stahl. Sacrifice hits;
Double nlays: Collins.
unassisted; Ferris to LaChance. First base
on balls: Oft Dineen, 4; off Heniey, 2.
Struck out: By Dineen, 4; by Henley, 1.
rime: !:.. empire: tsneriaan.
score second game
Three-base hit:
LaChance. Bruce.
Srlnarh. If.
Parent, aa..
Stahl. cf....
Collins. 3b .
Freeman, rf
0 1110
0 0 0 2 0
2 110 1'
0 10 2 1
12 10 0
Hartael, cf.... 0 2 2 0 1
Pickering, cf. 0 0 0 0 0
llrmo. If o 1 1 0 0
L. ('rots. 3b.. 0 1 1 2 1
Seybold, rf... 0 0 1 0 0
Murphy, Sb... 1 2 6 1 0
Noonan. c 2 2 C 1
M Cross, as.. 0 0 2 2 0
S hreck, lb... 0 0 S 0 0
('oak lev. D.... 0 0 0 3 0
Plank, p u o u u u
Bransfleld, lb 1 2 14 0 0
Krugor, aa.... 0
Phelps, c 0
Leevar, p 0
1 0
2 3
1 0
7 0i
1 1
1 0
Totals ( 10 27 17 1
'Batch, 3b 0
Bergen, r 0
Jordan. 2b.... 1
Crnnln, p 0 0
Ritter 0 0
& 0
1 0
2 0
1 2
2 0
1 0
1 0
2 1
0 0
I Total! 1 7 27 0
Batted for Bergen In the ninth.
Pittsburg 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 15
Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Sacrifice hits: Ritchey, Bransfleld. Stolen
bases: Gesaler. Jordaa, Batch. Left on
basea: 1'lttsburg. 4; Brooklyn, 7. First
base on balls: Oft Leever, 2. Struck out:
By Cronln, 1; by Leever, 3. Time; l:3j.
Umplrea: Moran and OIDay.
Score, second game , In,
Gilbert, If.... 0 0 1 0 0
Beaumont, cf. 0 0 1 0 0
Ritchey, 3b... 0 1 1 3 0
Leacb, 3b 0 0 I 1 0
McCorm'k, rf. 1 t 1 0 0
Prananeld. lb 1 1 12 0 J)
Kruger, aa.... 0 0 1 10
Phelpi, 0 0 2 1 4 C
Flaherty, p... 0 0 0 8 1
Dillon, lb..
Oeaeler. cf..
Luroley. rf . .
yhtokard. If
Babb. aa....
Batch, 3b...
Hitter, c. ..
Jordan, 3b..
IcelsJIng, p.
0 14
0 3
1 0
0 1
0 0
0 3
Total! 3 I 21 13 1 Totals 1 220 13 1
Gilbert out; lilt by batted ball.
Pittsburg ..0 1 0 1 0 0 02
Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 O'O 0 1
Two-base hit! MoCormlck. Sacrifice hits:
Beaumont, Sheckard. Double play: Leach
to Bransfleld. Left on bases: Pittsburg. 4;
Brooklyn, 3. First base on balls: Off Rels
ling, 1; off Flaherty. 2. First base on
errors: Broklyn. 1; Pittsburg, 1. Hit bv
pitched ball: By Relsling, 1; by Flaherty,
1. Struck out: By Relsling, i; by Flahertv,
1. Time: 1:12. Umpires: Moran and O'Day.
Boston Wins front St. I.onls.
BOSTON, 8ept. 21 The locals won from
St. Louis today by hitting McFarland
freely In the sixth and seventh Innings.
Attendance, 180. Score:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.E.
Oeter. rf 1
Han lay, If... 0
Tenney. lb... 1
Ab'tlchU), aa. 1
Delrhanly, 3b 3
Moran, c 1
Lauterb'n, 2b, 0
O'Hara, rf.... 0
Fisher, p 2
0 O olMurch, Sb.
0 O'Htll. If 0
;B.vkley, lb.., 1
4. tii Brain. 3b 0
3 lSmoot, rf 0
2 0 bunleavy. rf. 0
I osiiay. as 0
0 Oitirady, c "0
0 0 MuFarland, p. 0
0 1
0 1
I 10
1 0
1 4
0 3
1 4
0 0
Totuls 14 37 it 1 Total! 1 7 24 7 2
Boston 0 1 0 0 0 S 4 1 9
St. lxiuls 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits; Moran. Fisher, Oeier
Three-base hit: Delehanty. Home run:
Fisher. Stolen bases: Smont t2), 1'nle
hitnty. Double plays: Lauterborn to Ten
ney; Hmont to Shay. First base on balls:
Off McFarland. 2i oft Fisher, 4. Struck
out: By McFarland, 3; by Fisher, 6.
Passed ball: Grady. Time: 1:40. Umpire:
t'lnelnnntl Wins Two names.
NEW YORK, Sent. 21. New York lost
two games to Cincinnati today. The sec
ond game was called by agreement at the
end of the seventh Inning. Attendance:
8,ti!. Score first game:
LaCname, lb 0 0 14 1 0
Ferris, 2b 0 0 2 6 0
Lloran, c 1 2 8 0 2
Gibson, p 0 0 0 3 1
Farrell 0 0 0 0 t
Total! 4 7 27 IS :
Totalc 3 8'26 12 3
One out when winning run made
Batted lor Gibson in ninth.
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 23
Two base hits: Stahl, Bruce. Three-buse
hit: Doran. Homo runs: Freeman,
Noonani Sacrifice hits Gibson, LaChance,
Noonan, Bruce. Hits: Off Coakloy. 5 In
eight Innings; oft Plank, 2 in one inning.
Stolen base: L. Cross. Double plays: Fer
ris to LaChance; Parent to LaChance to
Ferris to Doran. First base on balls: Off
Coaklcy. 5; oft Gibson. 4. Struck out: By
Coakley, 6; by Gibson, 5. Passed balls!
Noonan, 2; Doran, 1. Time: 1:40. Umpire:
Washington Dniiclies lilts.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21 .-Washington
bunched three hits In the eighth Inning on
Clarkson today, scoring two runs nnd de
feating New York. Donovan's fielding and
timely hit were features. Clarke was put
out of tho game and off the grounds for
objecting to Umpire Connolly's decisions on
strikes. Attendance:- 1,500. Score:
O'Neill, cf... 0 0 0 0 0
Hill, 3b 12 3 11
Buhl, lb 0 0 11 0 0
Huelsman, If. 1 0 2 0 0
Mullln, 2b.... 0 0
Caasidy, as... 2 2
Donovan, ri. . u
6 4 0
1 4 0
2 0 0!
Clarke, c 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0
1 3 1
Dougherty, If 1 2 0 0 0
Koeler. rf.... 0 10 0 0
Klbcrfeld. la. 0 2 1 6 0
C'onroy, 3b.... 0 0 14 0
Williams, L'h.. 0 0 2 0 0
Anderson, lb. 0 1 10 1 J
Fultl, tf 0 0 2 0 0
MHluire, c... 0 1 1 0
Clarkson, p... 1 3 0 1 0
Total! 2 10 21 12 1
Klttredge, c. 0 3
ratten, p 0 0
Totala 4 7 27 14 2
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4
New York 0 0 2 0 0 0" 0 0 0-2
Two-base hits: Hall, Anderson. Stolen
bases: Cassldy. Elherfeld. Sacrifice hits:
Klttredge. Keeler, Rlberfdd. Double plays:
Mullln to Stahl; Elberfeld to Anderson to
McGulre. First base on balls: Oft Patten,
1; oft Clarkson, 1. Hit with ball: .Clark
son. 4. Struck out: By Patten, 2; by Clark
son. 5. Left on bases'. Washington, 7; New
York, 6. Time: .1:50. Umpire: Connolly.
C'lilcairo Beats Detroit.
CHICAGO, Sept. 21. Two singles, an er
ror and a sacrifice hit gave the locals two
runs in the second inning and two doubles
and an out Bcored two more In the fourth.
Detroit could not hit successfully until the
fifth, when three singles, a huso on balls
nnd an out gave them their only runs.
Tannehill carried oft both the batting and
fielding honors. Attendance 2,0uo. Score:
Green, rf...;. 0 0 1 0 1
Jones, cf 0 1 3 0 0
Callahan, If.. 0 0 3 0 0
Davis, aa 1 0 3 2 0
Sullivan, c... 1 1 2 0 0
Tannehill. 3b. 2 t 3 2 01
Isbell, lb 0 0 10 2 o!
Iiunilon. 2b... 0 2 3 1 0
Altrock. p.... 0 0 1 n
Rarrett, cf. ... li 1 1 0 0
Milntyre. If.. 0 2 1 0 0
('oughlln. 3b.. 0 12 10
.llevllle. lb ... 0 1 13 1 0
Crawford, rf . 0 0 1 0 0
Drill, c 0 0 4 1 0
Lowe, 2b 1 1 0 4 0
Iloblnson, ss. 1 2 1 2 1
stovall, p.
0 0 14 0
Totala 4 27 13 I1 Totala t 8 24 13 1
Chicago .....' 0 2020000 4
Detroit 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02
Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Detroit. 7.
Two-base hits: Sullivan, Tannehill. Sacri
fice hits: Sullivan, Altrock. Hit with ball:
Green. Struek out: By Altrock, 2; by
Stovall. 1. First base on balls: Off Altrocki
1; off Stovall, 2. Time: 1:25. Umpire:
fttaadlna; of Hie Teams.
flayed. Won. Lost. Pet.
New York 131 S3 51 ,6.'n
Boston IV M 53 .13
Chlrago 137 "9 58 .576
Philadelphia 130 73 67 .562
Cleveland 134 72 H2 .517
St. Louis 135 S ' 77 MO
j . - . . . ;
.1110 1
. i a it
. 0 t 1
. 0 10
Seymour, cr .o 1 4 0 0 t)onlla. If...
Kelley. lb.... 1 1 7 0 1 Browne, rf...
reonug, ri... i l a o o Mrtisnn, lb.. 1
OdwelJ, H....0 0 1 0 1 Wertes. cf....
Stelnfeldt, 3b 1 I 3 0 0 Dahlen. M....0
Hujtijlni, lb . 1 10 2 Devlin, b....O
Pelts, e 1 13 3 1 Gllntil. Ib.... 0
Corcoran, aa. 1 I I I 0 Bowennau. e. 0
Habn, p 0 t 0 Maihewaon, p 1
"Dunn o
Totala t t 17 10
1 Totala 4 t 37 13 I
Batted for Mathewson In ninth.
Cincinnati 0 0 I S O 0 0 J o fl
New York ....0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 04
First base on errors: New York, 1. Left
on bases: New York, I: Cincinnati. 4.
First base on halls: Oft Mathewson, 1; off
Harm. 1. Struck out: By Mathewson. 5;
by Harm, 1 Home run: Felts. Two-base
hits: Donlln. Mcrtes. Seymour, Kelley,.
Stelnfeldt, Corcoran (2). Stolen base: Seb-
Ing. Double play: Pelts to Hoggins. Hit
by pitcher: By Hahn, 1. Wild pitch:
Mathewnon. Pasted ball: Pelts. Time:
1:45. Cnipiros: Eruslle jid Carpenter.
Score second game:
R H O. A B K H.O.A B.
Si-yniour. cf.O 0 10 I Do. I In. If ... 3
Dolan. lb.... 3 0 Brawn. rt....
(.(bring, rf.,. 0 2 0 01 Mrdiui, lb. O t 11 1
(dwell. It.'... 1 1 - ! Marts,, rf.... (10 0, Ibl t I I iDaul.u. h..,. 1 I
Are the best proof of the value of any
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Three Snrvlvora of Third Round Are
from St. I.onls.
ST. LOCIS, S-pt. 21. Three of the eight
golfers who will meet tomorrow in the
third round of the Olympic Klf rham
plonshlp hnil from Ht. Louis. Chicago rep
resentatives to the number of three also
have survived the strenuous thlrty-slx-hole
competitions, while Canada and Seattle,
Wash., claim the remaining contestants.
Results of the third round:
O. S. Lyon of Toronto defeated Etuart
Stlckney of St. Louis, 11 up t to play.
A. H. Lambert of Glen Kcho defeated
Ralph McKJttrick of St. Louis. 1 up.
Mason K Phelps of Midlothian defeated
Arthur Huvemeyer of Deal Beach, 12 up
10 to play.
F. C. Newton of Seattle. Wash., defeated
Allan Lard of Washlnpton, 6 up 5 to play.
Burt MeKinnle of St. Louis defeated 11.
E. Hunter of Midlothian, 7 up to play.
Ned Sawyer of Wheaton defeated Simp
son Foulls of Wheaton, 2 up 1 to play.
H. W. Allen of St. Louis Field defented
W A. Stlckney of St. Louis, 4 up 8 to play.
II. C. Kgan of Kxmoor defeated Nathaniel
Aha Rose. b. h. (Weatherby and
Snow) 5 5 3
B-n F. Katie H. Hamilton. Sweet Bay,
Baron B and Czarina started and finished
in order named.
Time: 2:w!4, 2:08, 2:0!H4.
nnclnwr nt Wyniore.
BFATRICK, Not,.. Sept. 21 (Special Tel
egram.) The Wymoro race meeting opened
this afternoon for a run of three days.
Wenther cool and attendance light. Sum
ma r;-:
2:2ii trot, mllo heats, best two in three
Nellie 1 1 1
Tom Wells 2 dh 3
3 dh 2
6 5 5
4 4 4
.4 4 4 3 2
3 12 2 3
1 2 3 4 4
Mabel L
Tho Medium
Time: 2:2.Vi. 2:2TV6, 2:2;H
2:35 pace, best three in live
S. S. All
Med ford Vincent
Retl Harry
Time: 2:7'4. 2:2R4. 2:27'4. 2:2H4. 2:31.
Running race, three-quarters mile and re
peat Montezuma, '. 1 1
Yellow John 2
Black Joe 3 3
Time: l:22i. 122.
End of Week Kxcnrslon to Clear
Lake. In.
Via Chicago Great Western railway. For
trains Friday night and all trains Satur
day of each week round trip tickets will be
sold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets
good returning on any train until the fol
lowing Monday. For further Information
apply to S. H. Parkhurst. general agent,
1512 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
We have been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to
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