TIIE OMAHA DAILY I.EE: WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1904. y Jr - el t i if. m :i ; r-f i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Excitement and Sharp Adrances in Wheat and Corn on Weather. TOP PRICES SHOW TWO POINTS NET GAINS Frost and nedared trait EtllmtlM 4 f feet Cora Wheat Snorts geared ioat ef the Pits Brokers Vletvs. OMAHA. Beptember 20. 1904 . jntlment In the grain market charmed over night. When the cold wave came down trom the north It caused a shiver of anxiety to the short sellers of what and corn, to the trader who. at noon on Mon day were only too anxious to well Hnd sell line more. It also stiffened the baric bone of the nervy long who dared to hold on In the wave of srlllng that hit the market In the last hour of the aeaslon esterday. The weather map this morning completed trie shivers and shakes and brought the wheat and com shorts Into the pita In a wild rush to get under cover. Thf y did not cere for the fractional lose.es, grain was what they wanted and grain they would have or "rings,'' which Is the equiv alent (n the grain pita. They wanted all future, 8ptemher a badly at December and slay. The weather map showed actuul frost up In the north went, froat In the western corn belt, frost in the n6rthern and central Mississippi valley. Trie weekly gov ernment crop report contained the informa tion that corn In the eastern part of the belt needed ten to twenty duys longer to get away from the assaults of the north winds. This was coupled with reports that there were few that believed m Jonea' l.fvu.UXi.WO com estimate, but James J. Hill cams hack with an estlmnte of r.fiO. -WW.mo lees than the government estimate. A Minnesota man estimated that 80 per cent of the corn crop was out of danger and expressed the opinion that "a light frost would not hurt the real of It, while a heavy frost might " Then the millers started a lively competition for wheat and the whole market displayed n degree of strengm diametrically opposed to the dis play of weakness with which yesterday's .na.ket closet. Tha flrst sales of wheat for the Septem ber future were at an advance of Jo, or at $107, then at SLOT1,, after which It broke to ll.otv. rallying later to $1.07 again I.Jer.imber closed Inst night at $1.07 and opered thl. morning at $1.09V, going to tl.0S4. then to $l.uit!4. May waa active etween J1.10H anil $1.11 as compared with $l f at Monday's close. Corn advanced sharply tinder the un favoinble estimates and the actual ex Iste.ite Of frost In certain parts of the belt. September alerted with a 2' point Kaln to 63c and later sold off n point. De cember was ' points higher to 52c. sold to Efl'ic and recovered to 61c. May opened o better, advanced early from GOc to 6Hc, aold off to 60c and reacted to BCfcc. Chicago stocks tit gniin In mi position'!: Vhoat 4.414.(0.) hu., Increase 3.12 C")0 bu.: corn B.42S.O0O hu . Increase 1.li2.0"0 int.- oaf t.sM.OOO bu.. Increase 770.000 Int.; rye 703, CXt bu.. Increase 2S,0CO bu.; bnrley 1D7,(XK) bu., Increaso 13 000 bu. Omaha grain Inspection's: In 3 enrs No I hard w-heat, IS cars No. 3 hard whent, 0 tars No' 4 h.'trd wheat, 4 cits no grade wheat. IV cars No. 3 corn. 2 cars No. 4 corn. 1 car no grade corn, .". earn No. 3 yellow corn, 1 car No. it white crrn. 2 cars No. 1 v.h'te oats, 21 cars No. 3 wl l'e oats, car No. 4 while ontt. 2 vis No. f Inr'ev: total, 72 cor. nit 2 f r - . 1 br' wheat Omaha Cash Sole One car No. 4 whe't. B4 lbs.. 95c; 1 tor No. 3 wheit. flic; l car no grade wheit. f-.lo; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 62V4 lba., 03c; 1 car No. 3 white cats, 30c. Omahn l.'h Prices, No. 2 hard wh?at No. 3 hard wheat No. 4 hard wheat No. 3 spring wheat No. t corn No 3 corn No. 4 corn No grado corn No. 2 yellow corn No. i yellow coin No. t white corn 1.05 ili M (JJ95 1.05 474 47 41'. 42 4SV4 474048 ft 31 J9 28 31 30 29 81 No. t white corn...... No. Z mixed outs No. 3 mixed oats No. 4 mixed nts No. s wh:te ORtu No. $ whlto oats... No. 4 white cats Standard oats Omaha Ftitnre. Close Open. High. Low. Today. JJon'y Corn r Dec 43413 43HB 43VjB 48HB C'ar Lota. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago U4 639 207 Minneapolis 2'K Duiuth c"W Kt. Louis 110 83 St Kunras City ., ..606 49 35 Omaha 24 21 24 firaln Market EUenhere. Closing prices of gialn today and Mon day at the markets named ware as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Mon'y September 1.07 1.0J December 1.04 1,M May 1.1HB 1.09 Corn September 62SB t0 December 614 4H4 May 604 4'4 Ont September Jl'nD SI December 32 S2V May 34-tB 3H ST. LOUIS. Wheat December Ml 110H May 1.14 l.U Corn December ' 474 47 May 48 4 47V KANSAS CITY. Wheat December 99 "4 97 May 1.01 Corn-' Iecernber 4B4 ' 43 May toH 4414 NEW YORK. Wheat December 1.1S4 , May 1.124 1.11 Corn December 674 664 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat December' .' 1.10 i.(9 May l.m 1.1 NEW YORK UEXUHAL MARKET Qaotationa of the Day on Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 20.-FLOt:R-ReeelptB, Jo. 40$ bble.i exports, .7m bbls.; sales 4.20ii pkgs.. Th market waa dull and unsettled and a shade lower In some instances. Min nesota patents. $(i.0OHS.5O; Minnesota bakers, $4.b5U.u0; winter patents, $6.i5ii5.rto; winter straights, $6.1(K6 .to; winter extras, $4.35(9 4.40; winter low grades, $4.3jg4.90. live flour, firm; aalea, (0 bbls.; fair to good, $4.ti 4.io; choice to fancy, $4.t!.'ilj4.8u. COHNMICA1 Firm; yellow western, $1.11 61.13; city, $1.121.14; kiln dried, $3.10rl!3.1!i. ItVE N'omlnal. BARLl'JV Steady ; feeding, 47c in New York. WHEAT-Receipts, 1,9110 bu.: sales. 18.600 bu.; No. t red. $1.144 t- o. b. afloat; No. 1 Duluth. $1.234 f o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options w-et e generally strong all day. except for one reaction towards noor. on aalea for profit. Foreign buying, a had frost scare, higher cables and heavy covering of shorts . comprised the chief bull Influences, and the market closed l'ji&lTsc net higher; Mnv, JlUiift 113V,, cloned $1.1374; September, $1.144il.l44. closed $1.14; December. $l.liS 1.13 ll-K. closed $1.1.1'.. CORN Receipts, 8.600 bu.; exports, 102. ZW bu.; sales, 15.000 bu. futures. Snot firm; No. 2, fKo elevator and 68c f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow. tiHe: No. 3 white, 6Sc. Option market opened strong on the cidd weather care, reacted under Lear pressure and then rallied with wheat, closing 4irlHc net lilghtr: May closed Mc; September closed 6o; December, 6744i 674e. closed 67Hc OATS Hecelpts, Iol.uu btl.; spot barely ateady; mixed oats. lbs., 84H4i;lSo; natural white, SojSJ lbs.. JriSTHc: cllpiied I white. 36040 lbs., $7H&41c. Options nom inal. FEED Irregular; spring bran, $20.66; dllngs. $23.60; city. $22.(Hij27.0ii. HAY Uulet; shipping, 61o; gooi mid- V40; good to HOI'S Firm: state common to choice 1904. iifS Jtic; 1903. tilSc; olds lCc; pacific coast ltH4, 27fti3Jc; 190.1, 2631c; olds, 10jl6a. HIDKS Firm: Uulvejiton SO to 25 lbs., 17c; California $1 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry M to 50 lbs.. 14c. I. RATH KR Firm ; acid, twite PROVISIONS l.ef firm: family, $1100 11 In; mere. $x bona 60: beef ham. 2i:6c; packet. 110.00'fi 11 o; city extra India tness, $14 6"7l6 00; cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. W (Will 00. , pickled shoulders. $7.0u4j7 i'5; pickled hams, $10.Wi 10.25. Lard, firm; west ern stemmd, $7.66; Hej'tember closed $7 65 nominal: continent, $T.T6; refined, firm, pork, firm; famllv, $18 60; short clear, $13 60 (1I66O: mea. $l2.75'fil3 .16 TAI.LOW-Steady; cltv, $200; per pack age, 4ic; country (packagea free), 440 4O. lilC'Jt -Steady: dumestlo fair to extra, i't fi5ier Japan, nominal. PorLTKY-Alive. easy; western chlckr ens. 12c; fowia, lii'e: turkey. 12c. Drt-d, weak; weterr ihlrken. 12titilSc; fowl. ,jkv: turkeys. 14tlic, ' BUTTKH Firm; street price, extra rreajtiery, 19H?194c; ofnclal price, state dairy, common to extra, li$jl$Vi- fc .OS e irrn ; western mm.,, .elected, TUty 22-; average best, 2rr"ilVc. IrltEtiE-State full cream, small col ored, tancy, (c; small white, good to fancy, Vu i large colored and White, good to fancy, V4'US. CHICAGO GRAM AKD PROVISIONS Feataree of the Trad Ins; and Cloalaa; Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Active covering by shorts an the result of a cold wave In the northwest caused a net advance of lc In the price of both wheat and corn here to day. Oats are up fee. Provisions, show a gain or uvuHc. Reports ot general frosts last night throughout the Dakota and western Min nesota gave a strung start to the wheal market, there being a lively demand alike from shorts and commission houses. The December option opened with a gain of to UlSc at $ltl.u!V May waa up 9vo to IVulNc at $i.lutil H1- Vac tors that contributed conMderaole strength were the comparatively smalt receipt In the northwest and the exceeding low grad ing of the fresh arrivals. On tne resulting auvance there was considerable selling by pit traders, causing the loss of the Initial gain, December declining to $1.0V. Mean time May sold off to $1.104. The reaction. however, was only temporary, with bullish reports coming from the northwest, price started upward again. The hlt;h point of the day waa reached at $1.09'4 for Decem ber. May sold up to tl.UVal.12. The mar ket closed strong, with December at $l.u9S Final figures on May were at $1 lmul HV Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 67,9oO bu. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, Increased 1,301.000 bu. Primary recelpta were 999.S00 bu., com pared with 1.07S.7OO bu. a year ago. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of X13 cars, against 671 cars last week and V3 cars a year ago. Predictions that the cold wave In the northwest would swoop down upon the cornfield of Iowa and Nebraska tonight, give Bhorts a big fright at the opening of the corn market. At the opening bide on the December option were made at an ad vance of Hi'82'Sc over yesterday's closing figures, the initial price being at 6Ka62c. Aft.-r touching 62HC. the price gradually eased ofT a trifle, declining to 507c before the end of the first hour. The market closed decidedly strong, with December at 61Vud1-V:. Local receipts were 639 cars, with 63 of contract grade.'' As a result of the strength of corn the oats market held firm at a slight advance in prices. Trading, however, was very quiet. Drcember opened 4o higher at Zc, sold between 3214c and 32S4C and elided at 32Hc. Local receipts were 2o7 cars t'tovlslons were strong, with the market exhibiting considerable activity. Continued light hog receipts and stronger grain mar kets were the principal Influences. Local packers were the chief buyers. At the clovo January pork was up 5iVjc at $13.271,4 Lard was up 22Hc at $ 1". S6'0 1 37. Ulbs closed 22HS25C higher at $ti.".Hi6.il. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 77 cars; corn. 208 cars; oats, 92 cars; hogs, 22,000 head. I'ne .cauir.g futures ranged as follows: Aftlcles.l Open. Hls;h. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat a ?ept. b Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. MnV Oats Sept. Dec. May fork Oct. Jon. Lard Oct. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 1 1 Wi 1 10-4 j 1 07 I 1 07V 1 09 fi-i'iie ff 1 0!V 1 09741 1 10M1I tlVsi 1 11m 1 11V4! 1 094 1 09V 1 08U 1 f'4l 1 07 1 054 1 04 I WWl ".(rf I ! 1 "S 1 10!1 1U',ff' 1 10 I 1 11H B3 I S2V 50V 50 I 60 49' i 31 ! 3m' 91 32V,! 22V 32 3l3l-"i;"(, Stttff 10 90 111 32Ms'i 10 Ti 12 87Vii J3 27H( 12 75 7 07V 7 17HI 7 0?H M'4I 5m: f 1 !H,I 50 I 31V.il ! 82V 3ivi 32HI 36 I 11 35 13 2714! I344fc'4 10 90 12 874 7 07HI , 7 13 I 7 4IS I 72ii 7 1714; 7 871 7 7i 690 I 7 15 ' 7 374i 7 V- 7 40 7 55 99 7 S5Vj 6 C5 2V4I No. 2. .1 Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOt.'H Steady; winter patents, $5 30 5.60; stralshts $4.90(jr).20; (-priiis patents, $.'i.4'T6.0ti; straights, $4.705.5); bakers, $3.40 ?ru. WHEAT-No. Z sprlne:, $1.16; No. 3, $1.0 1.16: No. 2 red, $l.n$1.12V CORN No. 2. i2;'ri52V4c; No. I yellow, DATS-No. 2. "Uc; No. 2 white, 337J23Mtc; No 3 white, SSffSKc. RYE No. 2. 73c. BARLEY Good Ceding. 37'53?e; fair to choice malting, 44S50c. REED3 No. 1 t!ax, $1.15H: No. 1 north western V2S: clover contract grsde. Xll V. -PROVISIONS-rMess rork, per bhl $11 J7H fill. 50. Lnrd. per 10 lbs. $i.lO(fr7.1S Short ribs sides (lcose 7f07.75. Short clear aides (boxed). $S.25i3.50. Receipts nnd shipments of flour and gratn were as follows! Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 11.900 31.610 Wheat, bu 95O0-V P4.2O0 Corn, bu I...M1 200 ?38 20 Oats bu 3fi.300 10.nt Rve. bu 19.400 2 300 Barley, bu 190.700 17.600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa Arm; creameries. 14g19c; dairies. 12V&16C. Eggs. Arm; at mark, cases Included, H8l7iCj nrsts, lfc; prime firsts, 2oc; extras, .ic. Cheese, firm, V89c. tit. Lonts Grain nnd Provision. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 20. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.10; track, $1.16; December, $1.11?&'1.12; May, $1.14; No. 2 hard, $1.(5110. CORN Higher, en froat predictions; No. 2 cash. 51C; truck. eZ'i'tfSSc; December, 47T 48c; May, 4SV448,c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 31V4c; track, 82M 33140 : December, 32c; May, 34c; No. 2 white. 84f&3Sc. FIX)l'R Firm, business more restrlctel; red winter patents, $5.00U'5.SO; extra fancy and straight. $5.054i5.35: clear, $6.&0iij7.O0. SEED Timothy. $5.55. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.75. BRAN Quiet; sucked, east track, 86tfT91c. HAY Almost no market; timothy, $5.00 12.00; prairte. $5.00(jS.OO. IRON COTTON TIES 96c B AQO I NG 7Mf 7c. HEMP 'nVINE 7c. rHVISlONS Pork 1 Igher; Jobbing, $11.42V4. Lard, higher; prime steamed, $6.70. Bacon, higher; noxed extra shorls, $9.1214; clear. $9.25; short clear. J9.37V4. POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 10c; springs, 124c; turkeys, 15c; geese, 15c. BCTTTER Firm; creamery, 16820"4ic ; dairy. 124i'16e. EGGS Firm, 17Hc, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12.ti0 17,010 Wheat, bu 110.0 0 0XI Corn, bu 10.000 5VO0 Oats, bu 54.000 33,000 Kansas C'ltr Oraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 20 WHEAT Higher; September, 99o; December, 99Hi 9!c: May, $1.03i(1.03V4; cash, No. i hard, $l.01(ti.; No: 3, 99ci&Jf.02'i: No. 4. 90(&97c; rejected, 834i94c; receipts, 193 cars. CORN' Steady; September, 4r.V4c; Decem ber, 4514c: May, 45Hc: cash, No. 2 mixed, 4S4i4SHc;. No. 3, 4Sc; No. 2 white, 4SV4c; No. 'OAT 8 Tiwer;' No. while, 2SSc; No. t mixed 8IV4C. HA YSteady; choice Jniottv, tS.K; choice prnlrle, $7.00h7.60. It Y E 70c. EGGS Lower: Missouri ann Kansas, nfcw No. 2 whltewood cases included, 17V4c; case' count, 16c; eases returned. He less. HITTER Creamery, 144fflV4c; dairy, 12 Vic. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 462.300 204 400 Corn, bu 39.200 35.200 Oats, bu 36,000 3,000 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's, show the following changes In available supplies of grain aa compared with last account: Wheat. United States snd Canada, east of Rockies, Increase. 801,000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe. Increase. l.OOO.OoO bu.; total supply, Increase, 1,301,000 bu. Corn, United States and Canada, east Rockies, Increase. 1,;J,000 hu. Oats. United States and Canada,-east Rockies, increase, 336,000 bu. The lending decreases reported this week are 4X2.000 bu., at Omaha; 70.000 bu., at St. Joseph, and 66,000 bu., at Coteau. Stocks held at the Chicago private ele vators Increaaed 65,000 bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20. BUTTER Firm. Vo higher; extra western creamery, 20c; extra nearby prlnta. 21c. EGUS Steady; fair demand; nearby firsts 21621VtC at mark; western firsts, 22c at mark. CHEESE Firm; good demand: New York full creams, fancy, New York full creams, choice, fratv,c; New York full creams, fair to good, NVt&SSc. ' Liverpool Craln Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 30.-WH EAT-Spot, nominal: futures, firm; September, 7n4Sd; Deeemher. 7s 6d. CORN Spot, American mlxei. easy, 4s 'd. Futures, firm; September, 4s6-4d; De cember. 4s 6'd. Unlath Grain Market. DULUTH. Sept. 20. WHEAT To arrive and on track: No. 1 northern. $1 13V4; No. $ northern. 1.094: September. $1.1J4; De cember. $1 tUl v: May, $1.I2V CATS On uack and to arrive, SIVtC. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sharp Advance in Corn Cause Decline in Granger and Facifio Eailwaj 8harei. MONEY MARKET CONTINUES TO HARDEN Some Brisk Rallies Oecar loiter la the Day, bat the Cloae Is Feverish and ln settled. NTTVV YORK. Sept. 20. An expert esti mate of l,9oo,0uO,0OO bu. of corn which was given to the public yesterday caused a momentary Jump In the corn market, but whhjh was more than lost before the dav wa over, while the corresponding decline In stocks was partly retrieved. But that estlmste waa reinforced today bv the ex- Sressed credence of President Hill of the reat Northern railway, and was thus given renewed Influence on stocks. The consequence was a decline In prices which affected not only the corn carriers, but the stock carriers, th grangers, Psclflcs, coaler, trunk lines and In fnct every de partment of the railroad list. The scare over the corn crop probably had a lafge shsre also In the weakening In the Indus trial list, although there were special causes also at work In that department. Another source of uneasiness seemed to be (he announced cut In steel billets and other steel products which was snnounced after the stock market closed yesterday, although this action had been clearly fore seen and accurately foretold for many days past. In fact some of the recent strength of the steel stocks has been based on the advantages expected to follow this cut In attracting belated orders and fixing the stability of the market. Amalgamated Copper offered some temporary resistance to the decline, due to an advance In grades of copper, but ultimately yielded. A more effective resistance was offered by Union Pacific, which was 14 over last night nt one time late In the day. It was argued that the Union Pacific's corn territory was comparatively safe from frost damage. It could not be learned that there was any actual calling of loans rn the Stock exchange, but the tone of the money mar ket continues to harden and the prospect of retrenched credits were undoubtedly a factor In the liquidation of stock holding. Declines were fairly uniform at between l and 2 points, but wide declines In a few high grade Investment stocks were a fea ture. Missouri Pacific's poor showing of net earnings for July cost It an extreme decline of 2. Union Pacific wss turned against the bears when they bevan to cover to take profits In the final dealings and some brisk rallies resulted, but the closing was feverish and unsettled. Bonds were week. Total sales, par vnlue, $3,965,000. United Slates bonds were un changed on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged aa follows: Sales. High. Low. Cloe. Atchison do preferred Baltimore A Ohio. do preferred .... Canadian Pacific . Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. do preferred .... Chicago O. V Chicago & N. VV.. C, M. & St. P do preferred .... Chicago T. & T... do preferred .... C, C. C. A St. L.. Colorado Southern do lsit preferred. do 2d preferred.. Del. & Hudson ... Del.. Lack & W... Denver & H. G. . . . do preierred .... Erie do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred.. Hocking Valley .. do preferred .... Illinois Central .. Iowa Central do preferred .... K. C. Southern ... .43.600 Sl'4 80 804 1.300 SMs s yx- 8,4"0' 39 87r4 8.1 4 .. 300 9 M 934 .. 3. KM 1J74 126 U.-H .. 2'K 178 178 177 .. 6,400 424 414 424 .. 41. 39vi 3X4 81 .. 3,000 164 15!, lb '4 .. l.lvM 1m., 1M IM'i . .26.600 157 15)4 12 .. 1.6.0 64 64 H .. 1,300 1i4 lo lvt .. l')J 704 794 78 .. 4."0 194 IH'y, 14 .. l.Oi) si 4 004 5o.4 .. 4.400 28 26 2; .. 1.80 1664 16)4 lo4 .. 600 280 4 274 280 800 ZVt Z74 2? ... 400 ...63.3:1) ... 3.200 ... 2,6 0 ... 100 814 31 t 64 80 2 4 6 44 78 81 3v4 6tj 444 49 78 87 2i0 87 87 1,300 1SS 1374 1?8 2u0 2.14 23 224 424 234 1.400 46 45; 45W do preferred Louisville & Nash.... 6.6D 123 -12oi 1214 Maohattan L 400 1&3 1&3 1524 Aiet. eeounties 4.000 804 74 80 Met. Street. Ry Minn. & St. L 6,600 1214. 1204 1214 tri 74 1294 i4 46i M.. St. P. & S. S. M do preferred 100 18) 13) Missouri Puclllc 27.400 974 Vo Mo.. Kan. & Tex 6.900 244 234 do preferred 2,700 ' 474 46 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 300 394 384 N. Y. Central S.800 1204 Norfolk & Western.. 6,600 694 67 do preferred Ontario & Western... 2.400 S2T4 35U 994 125W 874 90 324 Pennsylvania 104,200 134 1294 129 P.. V. C. & St. L. Reading t 6?,4O0 66 644 do 1st preferred 200 854 844 do 3d preferred 100 754 764 Rock Island Co u.610 274 264 - do preferred 2.800 704 694 St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. 700 69 684 St. Louis 8. W 900 204 204 do preferred l.fOO 444 434 Southern Paotftc 66.410 554 614 Southern Railway ....26.1C0 82t 314 do preferred 600 R4 95 Texas & Faclflo 6,000 314 804 T.. 8t. L. A W 900 324 31 do preferred 1,200 624 604 Union Pacific ...61,700 99 964 do preferred Wabaeh 700 21 204 do preferred 2,500 414 404 Wheeling & L. E 600 174 I64 Wisconsin Central ... 600 194 19 do preferred . 654 644 7o 26 694 584 21 434 664 324 95 304 314 6O4 934 914 3oV 4H, 16 184 43 134 230 203' 119 235 674 22 V 80 324 6 264 12 31 26.. 97 644 Mexican Central .. Adams Express .... .. $.600 134 IS American Express U. 8. Express Welia-Fargo Exp Amal. Copper eO.O 694 674 Amor. Car & Foun.. 40o 224 224 do preferred 1) 814 80 Amer. Cotton Oil 800 334 33 do preferred American Ice 100 64 64 do preferred 400 264 264 Amer. Linseed Oil do preferred Amer. Locomotive ... 8.700 267, 254 do preferred 200 974 97 Am. Nmeit. & rienn...lo,7TO 64 uu preierreu Amer. Sugar Refln.., Anaconda Mln. Co... Brooklyn Rapid T.. Colo. Fuel & Iron... Consolidated Gas ... Corn Product a , do preferred Distillers' Securities General Electric International Paper 700 107 106 106 7.900 1314 K94 130 5,800 88 94 95 9.7W 554 634 644 4.700 844 $24 334 2,400 203 202 202 4 144 14 144 70V 70 70 900 284 Z7 28 S00 170 1894 1694 15 74 304 do preferred 100 75 75 International Pump. 100 8t4 304 do preferred National Lead ... North American.. Pacific Mail People's Oaa , Pressed Bteel Car do preferred .... Pulman Pal. Car . TOO 234 234 24 91 400 S14 1.600 "102 314 32 IO04 1014 32 32 784 7 4 214 $4 8H 600 324 100 784 ion' 21A4 4Vt a.aT Repuhlln Steel 1.200 84 do preferred ........ 1,000 Rubber Ooods do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron.... 4.000 U. 8. Leather ...26.400 do preferred 1,200 V. 8. Realty. Imp.... 100 U. 8. Rubber 100 do preferred 4o0 IT. S. Steel 59.000 484 424 424 icaT 81 474 4 87 62 194 74'Z 174 464 94 8 62 194 734 16 864 161 90 4t 94 8G4 61 194 74 14 6",4 161 0 do preferred 147,800 674 Westlnghouse Elec... S00 162 Western Union 300 ) Ex-dlvldend. Total sales tor tba day. 84.000 shares, Iondon Stock Market. LONDON. Sept. SO. Closing: rensoli. neur.... Bill N. V. Ctntnl nn do aci-ount U Norfolk ft W To(4 Ansronda I f do pfd ,j Atchison tltt Ontario ft W, M 4 P' 101S Pwnylnl u Raltlmor A Ohio.... MH Rtnrt Mlno iu Canadlm Pacific HI Hasdlng 134. Chaa. ft Ohio 4S do lat pit itZ Chlraso Ot. W t do td rfd m2 C . M. ft Bt. P ltl4io. Railway Jj2 HaBaar US do pfd iu bwrar ft . Q t So Pacific M.4 do pfd lm Union Pacific 10044 rla IH. do r-fd r,va o lat rM U. .'tlt it2 do id pfd 47 do pfd t Illinois Cantral 144 Wabaah ft Loiila. ft Naah It do pfd 4fU. k . K. ft T M gpanl.h 4a , tl C. VktStv ."l ,,; ,,MO'r' 7-iBd per ounce. MONEY IS 14 per cent. 1 ne rate or ais scount in the nn.n m.rir.i for Short bills Is 2Vfl 6-18 ner em- en. three months' bills, 2 6-16Q14 per cent. Foretsra Financial. T AVnnW Qar. SA iar.VTESr T 1 ' . ample supply In the market today, the de mand V.l 11.lf.t AMf4 Ml.. T.r& n n f. , counts were affected somewhat by a con siderable Inquiry for itold In the open mar ket for shipment to Berlin. Operators on the 8toik Exchansre were Idle and prices were Irregulur. Consols were harder. Americans opened dull and Irregular, owing to the uncertainty regarding the tone of the New York market, recovered a frac tion to above parity, reacted and closed weak, especially I'nlted Hi ilea Steel. Japa nese were firm. Imperial JaDanese Govern men fis of 1904 were quoted at fct',4. Rus sians were dull. PARIS. 8pt. 0. The tone on the Bourse today ass feeble In the mrly dealings, but Improved towsrda the elns. Kusalun Im perial 4s were quoted t sj.iJ. al Ktisalun bonds of 1904 at 5.A! The private rate of discount wss 14i514 tff cent. BERLIN. Sept. 20. Trading was listless on the Bourse today. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 20.-MON EY-On call, firm; highest. 1 per cent; lowest, l per cent; ruling rate, $ per cent; last 1' an, 3 per cent; closing hid. 14 per cent; offered at J per cent; time loans, slightly firmer; slxtv days, 34 per rent; ninety days, 34 per cent; six months. 4 per cent; prime mer cantile psper. 4'ftS per ceit. STERLING EXCHANGE-Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.86;5 4 !. for demand snd at $4M64$40g for slxty-dav hills; posted rates. $4.85 and $4.974; commercial hills. $4 83414 84. SILVER Bar. 674c; Mexican dollars, 464c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. The following are the closing quotations on stocks and bends: U. a. rat. la. ra( do eoupon do Sa, reg do eoupon .... AK' Manhattan c. s 4...107 .101 t Mi. f'cntral 4s MS .10t do 1st lm i5'a ,1U64 M ft St. L. 4t S4 .1JI M.. K. ft T. 4 UK' V. 8. now 4a, do coupon. V. . old 4a. do coupon. Atchlann gen. lo ad). 4a.. Atlantic C. L. Hal. A O. 4a do 3 Ha Cantral of Oa. rS .iaiv do t " .1W1 S. H. R of M c. 4a 77 4 .1074 N. V. C. I 14 14 10SS N 1. C. a H U . K.t,,.N. Pad Ho 4a 114 4a. . a 1 aa 3a 7 .lisUff. A W. t. 4a 1014 fSVn S. L, 4a A par w Ra muPann rnnT. 4a 9T do lot tnc luadlni n. 4a...,..lo4 Cha. A Ohto 4Ha ...10H4M. L. 1. M. f a..in Chlcaao A A. IV.. T9 St. L. A 8. f. f. 4a. 4 C. B. A U. n. 4a.... fiV SC L. . W. la.... C, M. A St. P. g. 4 Iff iScaboard A. U 4a.. C. A N. W. con. ta..l2'H'o. Pacific 4 C. R. I. A P. 4a ... 7 So. Rallwar 6a do rol Sa Taa A P. t CCC. ft St. b. g. 4..1H1VT . St. I.. A W. 4a. Chicago Tar. 4a TSI fnlos Pacific 4.... Con. Tobacco 4a TI4I 4o conr. 4a Colo. A So. 4a M if. B. Steal Id 6a... D. A R. O. 4a 100V,;Wsoah 1 Brio prior lien 4 r I do db. B do (ran. 4a M"4 W A baka Krt 4a. r. W. A D. C. 1B..1M iWla. Central 4a Hocking Val. 4Wa. . . .lm'i Colo. Fual c. M ... L AN. unl. 4a lool . n . N4 .117 .114 . 11014 .1044 .103, . i'4 .111' . 4 . (4 . ttO, . 75 Boston Stock Market. BOSTON. Sept. 20. -Call loans. 24SM4 per Cent; time loans, 4 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison ad. 4a M Waitlnah. common... 91 do 4a 1U1V4 Advrntura tS Met. Central 4a 4'4 Allouci 114 Atihlsnn M AmalMmsit'tl 6)V do pfd 4 American zinc 11 Boaton A Albany t Atlantic 124 Bo.ton A Mama 1U 'Bingham 24 S Boston Elevated li Cui A Hccta 010 Mfx. Central 13 . Csntennlsl S N.. V, N. H. A H....191 Cnppcf Hants Hi1 Pere Marquette "4 Daly" West Inlon Faclnc H immlnlon Coal 6v Amer. Arge. Chem ir. Krauklln 8 do piu Ill Grant y 1: Amer. I'neu. Tube... 6 I lale Koytl 17H Amer. Sugar UOV, M" Mining 4t do ptd 13J .Michigan 4 Amer. T. A T 13 IXchawk 4 Amer. Woolen 134 Mont. '. A C 8 do pfd a1 Old Dominion 14 Dominion I. A 11 iParrnt J4 Kditon Elec. Illu....25 Uulncy General Electric Itiv.j shannon ' ,M.u. Klectrk ... 13S Tamarack 114 do pfd 0 Trinity T4 Mass. Gas 414' l S. Mining 14 United Fnilt 1(4 V. 8. Oil 11 I'nlted Shoe Mach.... (2 t'tah S94 do ptd S041 Victoria 4 V S Steel lv,'Wlnona do ptil 68 I Wolverine 17 jiiu. "Asked. ew York Mlnlna Storks. NEW YORK. Sept. 20. The following are the closing prices on milling stock Adams t on Alice 4u Breece 14 Brunswick Con 12 Comstock Tunnel 10 Con. Cal A V 105 Horn Sllrer 1W Iron Silver 130 Lead vl lie Con 2 Little Chief ... ( ...3W ...216 ... 15 ... ... ...27 ... 2S ...IX) Ontario Ophlr 'I'hnenix PctOSl Savage Sierra Nevada :Small Hnpea . Standard Treasnry Statement. WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund exclusive of $1&U.IM),W10 gold re serve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $148,C&,048; gold, $riO,8u;,7SO. OMAHA WHOLES. 1, fc. MARKET Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple nnd Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts moderate; candled stock, lS4c LIVE POULTRY Hens. 94c; roosters, 6c; turkeys, lPc; ducks. 789c; geese, V; spring chickens, lie. BCT'i'KR Packing stock. 114e; choice to fancy dairy, 15c; separator, liiftlSc. FRKSU FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel. Sc; pike, 10c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 12c; whlteflsh, 10c; salmon, 14o; rcdsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 20c: lobster, boiled. 30c; bullheads, lie; cattish, 14c; black dims. 20c: halibut, 10c; croppies, 12c: roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7c; white baas. 11c; frcir lugw, iper dor., 26c. BRAN Per ton,' $1; HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale rvler' nssoclntton; Choice No. 1 upland, $7.00; No. 2. $150; medium, $6.00; coarse. $5.50. Rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for hny ..t good color nnd quality. OYSTERS New Tork counts, per can. 45c; extra selects, per enn, 37c; standsrds, per can 32c; bulk standards, per gal., 11.35; bulk extra selects, per g'll. $1.75; bulk New York counts, per gal., $3 00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGEd Vulcnclas, large sises, $3.75y 4 25; small sizes, $4.2614.50, LEMONS Calif orniu fancy. 270, 300 and 360. $4.00; choice, $3.50'M.75. DATES Per box ot 30 l-lb. pkgs., $2.00. LIMES Florida, per 6-ba?kei crate3, $4.50. FIGS California per lo-lb. carton, 50c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $2.00 2.50: Jumbo, $2.7i.W.:i.'.,5. CAYENNE PINEAPPLE 1G and 20 size, per crate, $4.00. FRUITS. APPLES Home-Krown. ner bu. basket. 40(&tj0c; per bbl., $S.0u&'2.25. PEACHES Home-grown seedlings, per btl., 9iM"i$l.U; Colorado, pi-r H-basket crate, $1.25; Colorado, per box, j(iii76c; Utah, per box, 65'a'70c. PLUMS Utah and Colorado plums and prunes, 75ig8Ec. ' PEAKS cal. fornln Bartlett,' per box. $1.90 (B2.00; Colorado Flemish Beauty, $1 6fi: Col orado, Utah anu Oregon Bartlett, $1.6K2i 1.76; California B. Hardy, tl.C CANTELOUPE Genuine Colorado Rocky Fords, per crate, $2.00. WATERMELONS Ptr lb. (crated), lc. CELEKY-Per dos., 263o0c. GRAPES Home-grown, jr 6 to 8-lb. basket, 1416c; California Tokay, per case, $l.t,ifffl.65. CRAB APPLES Per bbl., $2.75f3.00; per mftrket basket. 40c. CRANBERRIES Cnoe Cods, per bbl., $7": ner box. $2.65. QUINCES-Callfornla, per box, $L60. VEGETABLES. FOTATOES New home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 46c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.9002.00. ONIONF Home-grown, in sacks, per bu., SCK&OSc: Spanish, per crate, $1.75. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket. lS2uc. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., S5c. WAX BEANS-Per market basket. 50c. SWEET POTATOEB Home-grown, per market basket. 40c; Virginia, per bbl., $2.76 fJSOO. GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket, $1.00. SQUASH Home-grown, per dos., -60c. EGG PLANT Southern per dos., $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR OhlL. per lu 10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, IMjITc; Wisconsin brick, 124c; Wisconsin limberger, 13c. NUTS WnlnusB, No. 1, soft shell, per lb., Uc; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hitrd shell, per lb., 12c; feians, large, per lb 12c; small, per lb., Oc; peanuu, per lb., Sc; roasted peanut, per lb.. 12c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12tfl3Vc; Urge hickory nuts, per lb , 11c; almonds, soft shall, per lb., 15c; hurr. shell. 13c; ajiell oark. per bu., $2.0o; bis. a walnuts, per bu., $1.26. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. 20. WOOL A resumption of the activity noted last week In the wool market Is one of the features of this week's trading. There Is a good demand for terri tory grades. Foreign wools are steady. Quotations: Territory Iduho fine, 18'jlS4c; heavy fine, 154j:i6c; line medium, 18i&184c; medium. 19920c; low medium. 21io32c; Wyo ming, fine, ltifil7c; heavy fine, ljjj'16c; fine medium, 174fl8e; medium, 204r21c; low me dium, 22&23c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 173 174c; heavy fine, 15gl6c; flna medium, 174 18c; medium, 20t521c; low medium, 2iS23c; Dakota, tine, 174l8c; fine medium. 17lSc; medium, 20(g21c; low medium, 22&23c; Mon tana, fine choice, 2&'21c; tine average, 199 2"c; fine medium choice, 2ot21c; average, lH'SOc; staple, tlftjCic; medium choice, 'OH 23c; average, 21c. LONDON. Sept. ). WOOIy-There was a large attendance at the opening of the fifth series of the wool auction sales today, Competition was spirited. Fine lambs and superior clips were In strong demand and rales were made nt an udvunce of 6 per cent. Cape of Good Hone and Natal sold steadily, line long greasy In sellers' favor and short greasy at a slight decline. The offerings numbered lo.sirs bale. Following are the sale in detail: New South Wales. l.ftoO bales; scoured, 9dtls fed: greasy, 6'.d ti's !41. Queensland. 1,700 liales; scoured. Kdtfils M ; greasy. 74'l'ls. Victoria. 700 bales; scoured. lldiWla 91; greasy, 74dtGs 4d. West Australia, 4'" bales; greasy. 1.4 fiud. New Zealand. 4,Vi bales; scoured. l4d1S1s 4d; grensj. 7d'nls 2d. Cape of Good Hope 11 nil Natal, 71 hales; scoured, 7d'if1s .d: gr.-esy. V;f(SV,d. Falkland Islands. 1,100 b.iles; greasy, C4994d. Brit ish Columbia, lOj bales: crensy, 74(i;ti.d. ST. ItUIS, Sept. 2o. WOOL Steady; me dium grade, cninblng. nnd cluthlng. Ztft 21c; light fin.v 'Jefti'tc; heavy Hue, Kfil.c; Ub-ishod, 3tQ36a, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oornfed nd Weitera Bteen Steady; Cowi Weak and Feeder Strong. HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL HIGHER rat hee Aboat Steady, Bat Fat Lambs Were a Trifle) Lower, fleet Feeder Steady, Oikera a Little Slow anal Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 20, 1904. ' Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6.524 I.C 26.48$ Official Tuesday 6.709 6.600 .600 Two days this week. ...13.4 8.2 46 Same day last week.... $.157 10.5S9 40.6t.i0 Same dsv week before.. s.W 10.046 16.677 Same three weeks sgo..1V(K9 1 4.710 24.933 Same four weeks ago.. 6.7w 16,552 lo"!! Same dav last year....l4.95S 4.782 41.W) RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts fit cattle hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with lsit year: 104, 1908. Inc. Hee Cattle .... 699.744 708.311 106.667 Hogs 1.727.26 1.731.642 4,371 Sheep 1.046.390 (78,1641 67.024 Avorage prices paid for nogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with com parison: Date.; 1904. 10O.TTl.ll9OLl$.ll8r4J.ri8$. IX I 274 1 6 Ml 7 Ml 4 $0! $ 61 14! 3 f 5 ?n 7 421 6 101 7 861 I 42 7 S3 6 47l 7 4n 6 121 I $34 6 081 6 16 6 26i $ 841 6 80 a I 6 S7 I 401 6 891 6 471 6 621 6 6' 6 cs' 6 761 I 77! I 66 t 06 S 0! 1 061 5 08 6 101 I B 221 6 i"0i B 01 6 l .W 6 6 18 6 19! 6 221 4 19 4 V 4 !l 4 90 4 80 4 29 5 24fe 3 61 1 61 8 6$ 8 60 8 67 8 24VI 6 47 7 l R 44l I 8 601 7 46! t 44 7 611 6 64( 7 471 6 661 7 661 ' I 7 M II 681 I 6 63 7 67) 6 6' 7 66' 6" 7 4t' 6 641 7 48' 5 70 : 7 38I I 7 89; 6 S141 6 8041 5 SSttl I 6 6141 6 6141 6 4I 6 664J f. 65 I 6 6041 I S 741 t 80 I 4 Ml 4 221 3 77 4 261 $7 4 il 88 4 $3 3 7$ 4 311 8 68 I 8 68 4 321 4 331 3 74 4 31! $ 71 Indicates Sunday. Th official number of cars of stock brought In yesterday by each r"ad ws: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. A St. P 7 8.. Wabash J Missouri Pacific 1 1 Union Pacific 74 16 27 C. N. W - F.. E. dt M. V 1.10 ! C, 8t. P. M. A 0 4 6 B M Ry 66 ti 18 C. B. Q 11.. K. C. & St. J 2 1.. C. R. I. A P.. east 1 $ C R. I. A P.. west I Chicago Great Western s Total receipts . 271 88 76 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs, sneep Sept. 1.. Sept. .., Sept. $... Sept. ... Sept. 6.. Sept. 6.. Sept. 7 . Sept. .. Sept. I... Sept 11.. Pept. 12. Sept. 13.. Ppt. 14.. Sept. 16. Pept. 16. fort 17. Sept. IS. Sept. 19. Sept. 20. N 67 bill 1,206 1,213 t,il 1,827 839 1.7.1J 973 1,458 3,3X 4a I 164 218 ..... 112 49 , 62 10 44 88 184 104 Armour & Co Armcur & Co., 800 Clt; Vansant & Co Carey A Benton Lobman A Co McCreary A Carey W. 1. Stephen Hill Lewis Huston A Co Hamilton A Rothschild L. F. Huki Wolf & Murnan Mike Haggerty Sol Dcgan lelghtoit A Co J. B. Root A Co Squires F. A S Ager A Co Hodden Other buyers 260 141 t '192 81 '2611 19 570 223 913 16.011 Totals 6.723 6,871 23,972 CATTLE There was another liberal rur. of cattle here this morning, but the de mand was In good shape from all sources, and a fairly active and about steady mar ket on most grades was experienced. The bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season, though of course It was rathe. lute before a complete clearance was made. There were several bunches of corn-led steers In the yards and some of them were of good quality. Packers all seemed to be anxtoua lor the well finished grades and such kinds could safely be quoted act ive and steady. Warmed-up stun, the jrame as usual, was slow, but about steady. Tho big end of the receipts was again made up of. western rangers and a good many of them were fat enough for killers. The market was active and steady on any thing at all desirable. As high as $4.00 was paid for a big string. Common stuff waa perhaps a little slow, but still prices were steady all around. A large share of the offerings consisted of cow stuff and most everything was from the western ranges, very few corn-feds be ing offered. The market on the choicer grades waa about steady, but the medium grades if anything were a trifle lower. Can tiers were steady to a shade lower. Trad ing was fairly active all around and 1t was not long before the bulk of the receipts was out of first hands. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show enough change to be worthy of mention. The demand for heavy feeders was brisk this morning and prices stronger. The de mand from the country yesterday showed considerable Improvement, so that specu lators were all anxious for fresh supplies. Country buyers, however, in most cases want cattle of good flesh and weight, so that the lighter weight cattle were only about steady, except perhaps where the quality was exceptionally good. Repre sentative sales: BEEF BTEKRS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Ft. 1 (89 4 76 IT 1170 I M 1 1174 4 It C4 ISM ( 50 4t 11M 4 K) 71 144A 6 45 1MH i M 74 14M i M U Iltl 6 M COW8. II T $ 3S 18 781 I 40 8M IN 1 778 I 40 It MS I 40 11 10tl 1 71 BULLS. 1 1180 I iO 1 1110 I M 1 10 I M 1 1700 1 86 1 lttO t IS 1 14W I it STOCKERU AND FEEDERS. 1 840 1 ti 17 720 1 IS NEBRASKA. 20 cows 1045 2 t6 1 stag 1560 3 26 U steers.... 85i8 1 40 42 feeders.. 467 2 15 11 steers.... 913 2 06 62 feeders.. 481 2 76 14 steers.... 7u7 $ 60 26 cows 1007 2 a. 81 steers.... 917 S 60 98 cow 978 2 55 23 steers.. ..1166 8 35 Scows 1114 3 00, 40 steers... .1163 3 40 22 cows 620 2 40 ' 21 mixed... 760 3 06 1 cow 1180 116 1 bull 820 2 40 4 feeders.. 417 3 40 $ bulls 1435 2 40 20 feeders. . C78 3 16 $ calves... 1 113 5 60 1 feeder... 610 2 25 lcalf 190 6 00 9 feeders.. 68 $70 8 steers.... 74C 2 50 2 heifers.. 820 3 00 1 cow 910 1 85 $ heifers.. 620 2 00 1 cow 480 175 16 cows 905 2 30 Scows 772 2 00 70 steers. ...1298 125 10 feeders.. 908 3 10 26 feeders.. 1098 2 75 8 tedders. . 988 1 16 59 feeders. .1032 S 30 22 feeders. .10 3 16 4 feeders.. 440 1 00 60 feeders.. 1075 $ 26 2 feeders.. 9.50 2 75 28 feeders.. 726 3 00 40 feeders. .li98 3 46 35 steer.... 815- 3 20 2 feeder.. 1175 2 66 24 steers. ...1146 $ 60 61 feeders. ., 9T0 3 15 19 feeders.. 866 2 50 26 feeders, .lot.0 2 56 feeders.. .45 2 80 11 feeders.. 6i 2 60 WYOMING. 42 steers.. ..1346 3 70 23 steers.. ..1222 3 90 18 steers.. ..11:42: IH 22 steers. ...1145 $45 A. Gunderson Neb. 20 feeders.. 899 2 90 2 cows 935 3 46 1 feeder... 800 Z 25 5 cows 842 3 45 t feeders.. 683 2 76 12 cows 895 2 45 4 .feeder.. 637 $76 10 cows 871 $36 2 feeders.. 68j i 76 14 feeders.. 706 3 76 T. J. Thompson Neb. $cow 983 2 65 1 feeder... 1090 $76 2 cows "6 $16 1 feeder.. .1330 $85 lcalf 210 3 75 12 feeder.. 11 :M $35 lcalf SCO 6 00 26 feeders.. 9( 8 8. 82 feeders.. 1020 $ 76 2 feeders. .Ilu6 $35 A. Hergman rseo. 2 calves... 330 8 75 2 cow 1000 $25 1 calf 270 $ 00 11 cows 94 8 66 1 calf 150 6 60 36 feeders.. E9o $ $0 lcalf 810 8 26 1 feeder... 970 2 10 W. M Wslch-Neb. 1 cow 940 $ 46 2 feeders.. 1000 $25 1 steer 830 t 70 1 cow 780 t 10 1 steer 910 $ 70 $ cows..,.. 913 2 10 $ steers.. ..1024 $70 ll cows 1081 2 46 lcalf $ $76 ID cow..!.. 878 $46 8 calves... 2('$ 6 26 19 heifers.. 8 2 46 1 calf 230 4 60 9 steers.... 628 $ 46 36 cow 890 $ 66 1 cow 6ii0 2 66 C. H Tully Neb. 18 cows 797 3 60 4 faedirs., 896 3 06 Icow 1000 3 60 8 feeders.. K6 $25 K. E. Thompsr n Neb. 4 cows 937 1 90 8 bulls 1463 1 Do 15 cow 90 2 40 R. M. Lee-Neb. 13 feeders.. 902 $ (to t f eiders. . 68$ $60 18 feeders.. 6X8 3 86 J. Robinson Neb. 4 cows fc'7 t 10 1 steer 1400 $ 00 II cow 1042 2 60 M'ry K. Nolsn Neb. 18 cow fit $00 lcow $rl $01 atobert Boer Neb. . 18 cows 8?2 2 45 12 fe-d r?.. 811 2 81 J. L. MahafTy-Neb. 3 feeder.. 823 t 60 14 feeders.. 755 $ 6) E. M. Searle 61 Snn Neb. 20 cows 96 2 Ho 21 cow 1006 2 5 Roberts A McC-Neb. 14 cows 13 2 H National Live toek C.-Neb. 44 steers.. ..Ki 3 40 S. W. Chesnut-Neb. 76 feeder.. $ $ jo W. H. Wearer-Wyo. 60 steers. . ,U9i $ 70 6 cows 1116 $00 steers ...Hid $15 lcow 10) $60 97 steers ....1166 $ 70 Gibson Cattle Co. Wyo. 181 feeders. 70f $ 40 101 feeders.. 810 $ SO 6 feeders.. 707 $ 00 6 feeders. . 810 $76 L. Moore Wyo. 40 steers . ..1063 $20 . 1 steer 1160 $$0 47 steers . ..1071 $ 20 T. A. Phaw Wyo. $6 feeder.. 124$ $86 19 feeders.. 1210 $86 1 feeder. ..1160 $ 00 J. Hltchlns Wyo- 1 feeder... lOX) $60 1 steer ISoO $00 6 feeders.. 1146 $60 $ feeders. .1113 $60 1 feeder... 1140 $ 00 Insley A Reader Wyo. 181 steers ..IS 4 05 $1$ steers... 1213 4 00 Mitchell Cattle Co. Wyo. 46 feeder . 1161 $ 76 3 feeder. .1300 3 00 W F. McFarlsnd-Wyo. 41 feeders . 1000 $ 66 $ feeders. .1000 3 00 Joe Henry Wyo. 19 CCWS 995 $ 90 M. Rlordan Wyo. 44 steers... .1180 $ 36 H o There was another light run of hogs here this morning and aiao at othet points. With a good demand from all sources the tendency of price continued upward. The market here was fully a nickel higher and some of the more de sirable loads sold 61910c higher than yester day. Trading was fairly active and prac tically all the early arrivals were dls- rosed of In good sesson Some of the rains were late In coming In which de layed the close to quite an extent. Heavy hogs sold largely from $6.70 to $5 0t mixed and medium weights from $6 80 to $5 86 and choice lights and butcher weights from $5 86 to $6,924. Both shippers and packers were liberal buyers of the early arrivals and there did not seem to be enough hogs on sale to go around. There was no particular change In the close of the market, the late arrivals selling in much the same notches as the early ones. Practically everything In sight was disposed of by noon. Repreeentstlve sales: No. at. 8k. ft. No. at. sx. Tt. ti 4 ... I 00 71 IM 1. t S 19 811 I TO 4 la ... I 10 1 810 ... I t HO 40 6 80 67 8M ... I TO . 148 80 I 80 44 3(9 ... I TO 86 148 10 I SO t J7 140 I TO 76 146 10 6 10 D lilt 140 T4 68 81 80 I 10 80 ISO '40 I TIM . 110 I 80 bt 801 110 ( 71 TB lt M I 10 61 176 40 I T6 71 Ml 110 I St 1 $4t 110 I 80 61 ITS 111 0 64 IW IN in tt 40 6 10 IS 141 ... I T6 11 10 I "t4 7ti r4 40 I 76 "8 13 ... H!H II ID ... 6 71 IT 177 10 I 814 68 Ill 10 6 T6 M IM ... I IJ'i 0 Ill (40 I 76 M 141 W I 824 61 0T 110 I T8 TO Ill M I 114 66 Ill 40 I T6 66 HI ... . 66 10 80 I T6 T I"! I M T6 JM M lit 41 Ill 4 I 86 6T m 10 6 T6 M 7 .. . I M 6T IM 40 I 76 It I4T 40 6 J I Ml ... Ill IT Ill ... I J$ 0 ! ISO I T6 TI Ill I J6 66 Jll K I T6 61 114 11 110 10 6 Ttv4j 71 144 0 6 86 M 171 ... I 7TV4 lJ W 74 62 Vt ... 6 TT4 Ml ... 74 48 111 ... 8T4 66 M6 ... I JO 61 807 ... 6 80 II IM ... I 0 61 Ml 160 I 10 6t ! J" 16 16 ... I 10 I 61 HI M 70 J4I 80 6 80 II 107 40 I JO 40 161 ... 1 80 00. ...... .184 ... JJJ 71 148 160 6 80 81 4 40 I 80 88 174 110 8 80 68 Ill 40 I 114 SHEEP AND LAMBS There was an other good run of sheep here this morning which makes the supply for the two days considerably In excess of the same days of last week as will be seen from the table above. The demand, though, was liberal, so that prices did not suiter to any ex tent. , . . , . The market on fat sheep could safely be quoted active nnd generally steady. All the buyers seemed to have heavy orders to fill, so that In reality there were none too many sheep In sight to meet the re quirement of the trade. The more desirable bunches were disposed of In good season. When It came to fat lambs, however, trading was not so brisk, and while th choicest bunches sold about steady others were a little slow and a trifle lower in most coses. Salesmen were all asking steady prices, so that It was late before much business In that line was transacted There was a fairly good demand for feeders, but In view of the liberal re ceipts for the last two days buyers were Inclined to pound the market to some ex tent. Some of the best grades may have been about steady, but others were weak to a dime lower. Thl was true of both sheep and lambs. i.i... Quotations tor grass sh"J 'I3 Oood to choice yearlings. $3.i64.00; lair to good yearlings. $3.50it73.76; good to choice wethers. $3.36a3.65; fair to good wth": $3.26-8.36; good to choice ewes, $3.6t'a3.60. lair to good ewes, $2.763.26; good to choice lambs. $4 765.25; fair to good lambs, 4.76; feeder yearlings. $3.6033. 16; feed" wethets, $3.25Cti3.60; feeder ewes, $2.0O2.6O. feeder lambs. $3.75tf4.60; breeding ewes, $3.04 3.25. Representative sales: No ' Av- 7 Nebraska cull ewes J ? B71 Neb. yearlings and wethers.. 66 I 80 1006 Wyoming wethers 12 J go 260 western wethers J "I 244 western wethers ' J 7- 425 western yearlings 83 3 7o 220 western yearlings 81 J 7j 81 Nebraska cull ewes 4, 1 z 45 Nebraska cull ewes 84 2 26 44 Nebraska ewe. W J 1 Nebraska buck " J g 21 Idaho ewes IjJ ! 68 Nebraska lambs 46 8 75 68 Nebraska lambs 69 8 75 113 Idaho wethers 123 s 86 273 Wyoming feeder ewes 91 2 40 165 Wyoming ewes 94 3 10 119 Wvomlng ewes and wethers. 101 3 3A 96 Wyoming ewes B2 8 35 826 Wyoming wethers 96 8 600 western wethers 92 3 60 84 western wethers 90 IM 471 Wyoming wethers 83 3 60 1240 Vyomlng yearlings 78 3 60 2M Wyoming wethers 96 3 68 210 western wethers A yearlings 81 J 76 70 Idaho wethers and yearlings 116 3 86 312 Wvomlng feeder lambs 90 4 15 364 Wvomlng cull lambs 54 4 88 16 Wyoming lambs 82 4 60 779 Wyoming lambs 67 4 R5 19 Wyoming lambs 68 4 86 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MATIKBT Cattle, Boa's and Sheep Steady- Lambs Weak and Lower. CHICAGO, Sept. 20.-CATTLE Receipt 11000 head, Including 900 Texons and 4 000 westerns; market steady; good to prime steers $2.20C2.50; stockera and feeders. $2.25 4 00; cowa, $1.504.60; heifers. $2.0OM.2.v fanners. $1.602.40; bulls, $2.00S4.10; calve.-. $S.00tf(6.2B; Texas ffed) steers, $3.5tigu.0j; western steers, $3.25(p4.65. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady; mixed and butchers. $5.70tJj6.S24; good to choice heavy, $6006.20; rougli heavy, $5.6fW).90; light, $6.758.30; bulk of sales. $5.85(86 .10. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 26 001 head; sheep, steady; lambs, weak; good to choice wethers, $3.-4.1.r;,falr to cho c mixed, $3.3063.76; native lambs, $4-Ofo3 3.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.500 head, Including 600 southerns; market steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, $3.7o5.50; blockers and feeders, $Z.MKn4.ot); soumern s eers, ;.tvw ao- southern cows. Il.60CdJ.75: native cows. $1.50573.76; native steers, $2.5f4j4.75; bulla, 11. vutpi.a", rmvci", a-.""ti'"' HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; market 10ff IRe higher; top, Sfi.OJ; bulk of soles, $5.85(9 $.95; heavy. $5.8;vg5.96; packers, $o.8r4.0b; pigs and lights, $4 fOfflfl.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000 head: sheep, steady: lambs, 10c lower; nn tlv lambs, $4.2W5.BO: native wethers, $3.2x0 4.00; native ewes, $3.(4$j.3.6; western la-rbs, $4.0"TG.26; western yearlings, $3.40t&3.9i; western sheep, $3.26(3.60; siockers nnd feed ers, $2.505,4.00. St. Lonls Live Stork Market. 6T. IXM.'IS, Sept. 20. CATTLE Receipt, 7,600, Including 4.500 Texan; market slow snd lower: native shipping and export steers, $4.85w6.r6; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.944 95; steers under 1.000 lb., $3.63iS4.10; stockers and feelers. $2.00113.10: cows and htlfer. $2.4C31.26: canners, t.0tft $.15; bulls. $2.4003.26; calves, $3.0CJ.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.1t43.66; cow nnd heifers, $1.76(33.00. HOGS Receipts 6.5tO hrart; market strong to a shade higher; pigs and lights, $4.00fo'600; packer. 5.80&il.l0; butchers and beet heavy, $ 9fl.:0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reee pts, fV heal; market strctig; native muttons, $3 6 fi ;.""; lamb. M.OO&o.OO: cull and buck, Vi.'fXif $.36; stockera. $2.0ft3.$O; Texan, 3.(XljI.C0. took in riant. Following were the receipts of Jive stock at the six principal western cities yester. day: Cattle. Hons. Shn. South Omaha 6.701 6 n $",50 S'oux Cltv 1.900 1.500 Kansas City 2' 6O0 7f0 13000 St. Louis 7.601 6.500 50 St. Joseph 4.425 .7i 4.0's Chicago 11.0i0 12.00 15.014 Totals 62.825 36.361 6?,0'$ St. Joseph I.'ts Stork Msrket. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 2 CATTLE Pe teh'ts. 4.425 hesd: market reidy 'o strcne-, natives. $8 60fr 6 to ; cows and hel'e-, $1.W 4.75: stockors and feeders, $i5t'3.7j. HOG8-Recelnt. 3.7ft) hed; market 511103 h'ghe'; light. C5.85(5ii6.CO; medium and hnavy. h.Kit ft... SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeepts. 4.043 hesd; market steady to 10c lower; lambu, $6.60. , Slfljg 'City Lire Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Sent. $0. (Hner-lsl Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts. l.JOO head; inir. ket. steady; stockera. Hie hlsrer- beves, $3 togs t; cows, bulls and mixed, $2 073 26, stockers snd feeders. $:.264f.l 28; ealves and earllngs, $i.on3 26. , HtXirt Receipts, l.fco head; market 1Q 16c higher: selling St $4x(4 86. bulk of sales. $t.70!.75. Sugar and Molaae. NEW YORK, Sept -rOAR-TUw steady: fair refining. 3c: centrlfupal, $.1 test, 4 6-lfc. Molasses stiaar, 14c Reined, steady; No. 6. 4.S.V; No. 7. 4sc; No. $, 4.70c; No. . 4 6Cc: No. 10. 4Ae: No. 11. 46-V; No. 1$. 4 46c: No. II 4 40r; No. 14. 4 4'"c; eon. fectloners' A, 6 bV ; mold A, 5.60c- cut loaf, $ 9fc: crushed. $ fc: powdered. s-Soc; (rami Isterl, $ 25c; cubes. 8 fcVc ' MOLASSES Kit": N' Orleans open kettle, good to choice. $15M7c. NEW OKLKA!4. ' $0 SUfAR Strong; open kettle, $41r8c; centrlfugtl, 4i44c cntrlfugal whites, 44 yellows, 444-4ic; seconds, 24174c. MOLASSES-Nomlmil; open kettle, 20(9 26c; ecntrllusal, lcj7i5c. STHUP-Nomlna). Oils and Hosln. NEW TORK. Sept. 20 OILS Cottond, firm: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 29.w:94c. Petroleum, steady; rellned. New York. $7.85; 1'hlls.rlelpl In and Bal.imore. $; 8t; In bulk. $4 X Turpentine, quiet, 644 ROSIN Steady; strained, romnton to good, $2 86. OIL CITY. ra.. flfpt. $0 Credit balance. $1 63; cerilflcalfs, no bid. Shipments, Penn sylvania, W. &9 bit is., aversge 73.146 bb's ; runs, Pennsylvania, 45.986 bbls., average 70, 83 bbls.; shipments. Llms. 86.126 bb'a, average 73.450 bbls.; runs, Lima, 32.381 bbls,, average 65,616 bbls. Coltoa Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 0.-COTTON-Spot. stesdy, $0 point advance; middling up lnnda. 11.10c: middling gulf. 11. 36c: ihs. 49.1 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Sept, 20-COT n V Flrmer; sales. 6.160: ordinary. 8 l-16c; good ordinary, 94c; low middling, 10c: middling, 10 9-lftc; good middling. 104c; receipts, 1,46 bal'-s; stock, 41.178 bales. ST. LOUIS. Sept. Jo. COT ON -Steady; relpts. none; shipments, none; stock,- $.17 boles. Whisky Market." CHICAGO. Sept. 20 WHISKT-Steady on basis of $1.38. PEORIA. Sept. $0. WHISKY On basis of $1.38 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS Sept. $0 -WHISKY Steady on basis of $1 324. CINCINNATI. Sept. 20-WHISKY On basis of $1.28 for finished goods. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 20. WHEAT -September. $1,114; Dei-ember. $1.107; May, $1,124; No. 1 hard. $1,164; No. 1 northern, $1,144 No. 2 northern. $1,104. FLoCR Receipts about the same; Gold Medal, $6 2pt',.Sii; straights, $6.10; first cleirs. $4.6Mtr4.75; recond cleats, $3.06Q'3.30. BRAN In bulk, $15.716.00. MIlTvankre tJraln Market. MILWAUKEB. Fept. 20 .-WHEAT 10 higher; No. 2 northern. $1.13tfil.l5; May, $111V RYIV-Flrm: No. 1, 7740. , BARLEY Sleady; No. 2, 57c; sample, $7 56c. CORN-14C higher; No. S. 64fi55c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Sept. 20 SEEDS Clover, cash, $7,124; October, $7,124: December, $7.15; March, $7 26: alslke. September, $7.75; timothy, September. $13.60. Prorla Market. PEORIA. Sept. 20. CORN Higher J No. $. 624c; No. 4. 014c; no grade, 504c. , " REAL ESTATE TRAXSFRRS. DEEDS filed for record September 20 as furnished by tho Midland Gtinrnntee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: L. A. Spearman and wife to A. P. Bwanson, part of w4 of section 82-15-13 $1,200 Imperial Investment company to R. D. Pollard, lot 6. block 2, In first sub of Grlffen A Smith's add 1,600 W. A. Pnxton, Jr., nnd wife to H. B. Bovles. lot 1, block 144. city 8,000 L. Mlnott et nl to Arthur East, lot 14. block 10, In sub of block 30, Al bright's Choice ' Ill S. F. Burtch to B. Gross, lot 1$, block 14, Bedford Place 1,400 MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAIN OFFICE ruth and Robert St.. ST. PAUL. MINN. (iHcosroaATaa) DCALEM iN Stocks. Grain, Provisions Bought and sold (nr cash or carried jo rtiaonabl, margins, upon which there will b a caarge of J4 of grain. H oa stock Write kronr market lettu. . 1 O k COMMItSlOl MERCHANTS IN OAR LOTS Ship Your Grain To Us Bbst FaciLirtFS. PsostrT RxtcVns. Lisbsal Advancb. DULUTH WINMiniCO Branch Office, M 1 1 Beard of Trade. Phone 3S 1 4. , OMAtls. N31 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, !Nct. . U. S. Deeoikery 1 y Capital and Surplus, $600,000 f RAKK MUIPIV. Pras. LUTHEJ MAKE. Cstkktf. FRANK T. HAMILTON. Ant. CsMar. Jlaostv seoounta of banka, banker, rorpoe tlona, Una and Inlvi4uala ea favorable terma. Vuralca Kirhieaa beught an 8nld, Latura of r-n.ilt latuad, aallabl la all parta of tha wnrlo. lnteraat pal oa Tlma OartlHeata of Deposit. Collection maaa promptlr and acoaonlcatlf. Wa ruet coitaapondanc. GEO. A. ADAriS GRAIN CO. OMAHA. CRAIN BUYERS and SHIPPERS Members: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City and bt. Louis Exchange. Transactions for tutur delivery given carelul attention. $11 Doard Trad Bids. Tel. 1004J. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PKOFOtSAtB FOR FKE8II VKGKTA bieo uiui-t t-urrnasing C(,mnil-rry, t. b. A. my, titnana, Nejiaska. ciepiemoer w, Sealed proposals in triplicate will bu received nere unul 11 o clock a. m.. central standard l. me, Octoter 10, lo4, and then opened puunciy, tor turrlthlng and dtjllvery of such quamill.a ot po.atoes and onion as may Le required by tha uubsisttnce De partment at oinuna. Neb.; Kcrts t'rouk,. islobrara und Hooinsoii. Nebraska; Fort Meade, feoutn Dnkota; Forts I). A. Kusseli, Mackensle sr.d Wanbukl', Wyo. Propi sa.s will also be received and opener by tuu Commlsratles at Forts Koblnson and Nlo In ra, Nebraska; Fort Meade. South Da kota; Forts tt. A. Uussell, Mackeisis and Waahakle, Wyo.. until 10 o'clock a. m , mtiuntaln standard time, each i:omralary receiving proitoaaU for his own port only. The right lw reserved to r-'ject any or all proposals In wh le or In part. Blank pro posals snd specification, shewing In detsll the articles and quuntltl" required, and giving full Information s to conditions of contr c will b fu-niered rn spoliation to nnv of t"e aboce-mentioncd orflceri. En velopes should be markd. "Proroesla for Fresh Vegffh'es. to be opened October jn. 194." and addrens'd to the undersigned or commlrsary nt poet anhnrle1 to receive rr-r.r,.nig, T B. "ACKER. C-ct-ln ''o-i-mlssary, I. 8. Army. B-fi-a -:$ I.BSAL NOIICF,. NOTICE AND CAUTION. The ,1nt debt of A n rw con- trncted before August 20, 1904, will, belnit dulv certified and inesented wltluti re-mou-;ible time, be rnld y rce. AH persons. ire, however, warned against trusting or loaning sold Guv Andrew on my account or cashing check bearing his name. sv-. cause, save as above, I will not liquidate any Indebtedness by him Incurred. K. HEN. AKDRBWi, ..v.uin, Neb., Sept. 7. 1M4. SoptSdrHj. Udod Go