THE OMAITA' DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 5T5 OPENS CAMPAIGN IN OMAHA Secretary Ehair Will B Welcomed to Omaha Wednesday. SPEAKS IN BOYD'S THEATER AT NIGHT General Raaoblleaa Meetln Plaaaea for Colored Mm Fnntaaelles Say Thoy reatht lastead of Jam inated a Ticket. Becretary of the Twiamiry Leslie M Show will be entertained In a manner fitting his office and the hospitality of Omaha when he arrives Wednesday for his political speech at the Boyd theater In the evening. The secretary will arrive at 10:60 a. m. over the Missouri Pacific, coming from a tour In Missouri, and will be met at the train by Howard H. Bnldrlge, president of the Douglaa County Roosevelt and Fair banks league and chaJrman of the com mittee In charge. Senator Millard and O. W. Wattles, president of the Nebraska Republican league. Theae men will act as hoata at a luncheon at the Omaha club at midday. In the evening Secretary Shaw will be entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. Wattles. 330 South Thirty-seventh street. The Invitation lists have not been made complete. The second general republican meeting of the campaign In Douglas county la to be held especially for the colored voters. Chairman Bigg of the state speakers' bu reau has announced that he has secured Jr. W. T. Vernon, president of Qulndnro college, Kansas, to speak on political ques tions on the evening of Saturday, Septem ber 24. Dr. Vernon Is called "The Booker T. Washington of the west." He will be here this week to attend the conference of the African-American Methodist churoh and has arranged to give up one evening to talking for the republican cause. The de tails of the meeting have been placed in the hands of a colored committee, which has not announced the place of the meet ing. "Reports that the Fontanelle club has endorsed certain candidates for state sen ator are not correct," said a leading mem ber of the organization. "The meeting Sat urday night was a scrap from start to finish and nothing was done. There are so many candidates and so many influences at work that it seems Impossible for the board of governors to develop anything like a unanimity of sentiment. The matter has gone over until next Saturday night, when the indications are there will be a bigger tussle than ever. So far the club has not taken up the question of endorse, ments for county offices." A meeting of the State Republican leaguo was to have been held In Omaha at the Millard yesterday to reorganize and get In shape for the campaign, but It was not held owing to the postponement of the date to September SO. By extending the time op portunity is given for the organization of many more local clubs and the reformation sf those now In existence. President Wat tles and the other officers of the state league are working towards this end and to have a full representation on the last of the month. Even the Parker and Davis league, that organization of anti-Bryan, anti-pop demo crate which waa to do nothing but look out for the two leading candidates. Is languish ing. Operations seem to have stopped short with the appointment by President Weaver of the Jacksonlan club of a committman for each congressional district, who was to be the organlzer-ln-chlef of his ballwlck. Some of the men who headed the move ment are deeply disgusted and say the management has been vested In the wrong hands. In Douglas county a sub-committee including Euclid Martin. J. J. O'Connor, Charles H. Brow.i and James E. Boyd waa . appointed to get busy, but so far has seemed to be, absolutely dormant. Even the date of the proposed ratification meet ing at the Boyd has not been set and the only thing done Is to get Congressman Llnd of Minnesota to promise that he will be here on the occ.Tion, if there ever Is any. and make a speech. Leonard Goodwin, former president of the Hamilton club, the largest republican or ganization In Chicago, has been secured by the state committee for a series of speeches In Nebraska for the week heorln ning October 3. Mr. Ooodwln will talk at Lexington, Gibbon, Bradshaw, Oresham Utlca and Greenwood. Recent filing with Secretary Tuttle of the republican county central committee for the primaries October 7 are: For county attor ney, James C. Klnsler; for state senator, John T. Cathers and Harry Fischer; for state representative, John C. Lewis and Henry Ehrenfort. " The Fourth Ward Republican club Is planning for a monster meeting next Thursduy evening In Royal Arcanum hall, Harney and Sixteenth streets. Invitations have been generally extended to all the candidates to come before this meeting and express themselves on local conditions. A favorable response has been received from nearly all of the candidates. Specials for Horse Show Wear Great Sales of Ladies' Kid Gloves, Veils, Handkerchiefs, Belts, Purses and Jewelry. 1 all the 1! J lt BIG SPECIAL SALE Ladies Kid Gloves at $1.00 The "Irene" the best kid glove that thatv ever sold for $1.00 a genuine $ 1.50 quality glove, in white, black and latest correct shades for dresa, evening and street wear splendid assesoitment, at .... . . . Finest Quality Kid Gloves at $1.50 and $2 The Reynier fast black suede. Pen-in"- Lnmure, Perrln's first quality. c .,i runxu-nrd hrnnils porno with two targe ronrl olnups many of the litu'st hiph quality kid gloves that are made in glove department, at 1.50-$2 Dainty $1 Handkerchiefs at 25c & 39c Very fine handkerchiefs all linen embroidered hand embroidered initial also dainty lace edged many sheer linen worth up to $1, at 25c & Ready-made Veils for Hat Drapes All silk chiffon and crepe silk with fancy spots taffeta silk ribbon borders new greens, blues, champagnes, C 1 black, etc., all go at 48c, 69c and vJJl Beautiful Belts tor the Horse Show Imported belts studded with eteel points C A A red, tan, green and brown, at vpW Ladies Crushed Velvet Belts-In Jt S 7 ( orange, green, red nd brown, FC OK Imported Opera Bas-In dainty evening fQ colors-the fashionable Dreaden de- . giMmgrS signs, at Jet Necklaces and Collars -Necklaces in 'tlO QR straight bands and bodice pendants-also T' mJ-'J Imported French Pearls All fize9 for necklaces and strands A f -worth up to U, 'VZC at. Pearl Jawelry- Gold plate, on sterl ing silver, in pretty designs including horse heads, worth up to J5.00, at 398 Watch our windows Las'mhs go? .ji.iimM; 'mt Sr., Watch our in winuvws f OMAHA mATHER njifftt1 I -J I mi lipjA u ii U itassi ii 11 tssv I Teas I The dry goods and women's and children's wear bar gains advertised Sunday are good for Tuesday. Mail or ders filled from the entire advertisement up to Wednes day evening if goods are un sold. Your Eyes Perhaps they are troubling you, or other troubles headache perhaps are pro ceeding from defectively fit ting glasses? Rotter see our optician at once. Prices cut close. and Coffees for the best la and Spice at Headquarters Teas, Coffees lowest prices. Special Tuesday Offer Fifty. r$3) "S & 11" Green Trading t?mm.'s nun in.a ify.T-, pounds 01 infl um-si. Java & Mocha C Coffee P Forty, ($4) "8 & H" Green 'Trading Stamps for one , pound of Tea (atiyfiRr kind) UOC These Two Oilers for Tuesday Only. VJ -AJtfV "Mr ssast tmroATmu.'D roiioLT Team mn." ? J ATT, J vr WW, HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS ROM ALL POINTS ON MISSOURI PACBFEC RAILWAY.' e GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST,s INDIANA, WESTERN OHIO, LOUISVILLE, KY., AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. ALSO HAWESYILLE, POWERS, LEWISPDRT AKO OWENSBORO, IT. September 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th and October 11th. Return limit, 30 days. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To visit the old home and tern your friends of other dare. TOR PARTICULARS, INQUIRE OF COMPANY'S AOtNT, OR n. C TO W3iK0, Ueacrat 1'iuKtisr and Xloke A sent, St. Loal Ha. PHOTO SUPPLIES Everything for the Camera at Cut Prices Developing and Finishing is our long suit. Prices right and work expertly done. , Sheet Music! Sheet Music! Moved to Art Dept., 2d floor, adjoining pas senger elevators the latest mu sic at bargain I hit prices. See Our Uth St. Window Display. WIS THE RELIABLB ITORB. See Our Uth St. Window Display Hand-Made Renaissance Center Pieces. Dresser Scarfs, Doylies, Less Than Half Price Tuesday. $3.26 Rpnoif fwnow drwisor urarf 9, i tT each 1 $4.( HensJsnancw ilrfwr scarf, fo Mch I. VC5 DOc new Ihcs stock collars. rach KHdM :W TO 11:30 A. M. T1F8PA Y. 25c B0o fsncy 01r doilieB 11.00 Rpnal.iftiinrF center plpce, Ofir each OJ tl.'Ji Renaliance center pieces, l(4r each FOUR PRESS OtJODS OPrRTUNITlE3 At.r. WOOL.. SII.K AXD WOOL DRF.HS OOOHS AND MOHAIRS. TAILOR 81IT INOS, VOILES. ETAMINES. SUBLi M ES, 8ICIMANS, ORKNAUINBS, etc., that Bell at from II. W to 13.50 pt-r ) aril Tucixlny from $f.30 till AOr 11:30, at, ynrd w ' Ltmlt of one pattern to a customer, only ono clerk In attendance. ,No peddlers or dealers supplied. . , IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. From 8 to 9 a. m. $1.00 quality women's petticoats 49c v From 8 0 to 9:30 a. ra. 75c quality women's waists 2oc From 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Women's flannelette wrappers 49c THREE R0USIHQ BARGAINS IN FURNISHING GOODS. LADIES' VESTS Sleeveless and short I SAMPLE SHIRTS For men and hoys sleeved with fancy yokes Er flannel and flocce lined worth fClr worth 15c. at kJ I up to $1.50-choioe J J LADIES' HOSE In plain and fancy colors a samp'e line worth from 1f)C 15c to 25c per pair at ivw Real Laces, Lace Gowns, Spangled Robes, and Dress Trimmings, Direct Parisian Importation, Now on Display. See Them Tuesday. PEACHES! PEACHES! PEACHES! PLUMS! PLUMS! PLUMS The balance of rar of this delicious fruit froes on snlo Tuesday. This will be your last opportunity to buy this beautiful fruit at the following- low prices: Large boxes fancy Colorado yellow Free Stone Peaches,, 70c per box , Large baskets fancy Washington Greengages, blue or red plums, 2.Zc per basket The Dried Fruit Season Has Commenced. Gran d Opening Sale Tuesday. New Virginia Raspberries, per lb 21o ( Fancy Vostinle Cleaned Currants, lb..l'V A prelude to the horse show Our horse show windows l When fast paisenirpr train service across the eon- 1 1 11 tlnent was adopted by the f I JJ UNION PACIFIC 11 the first train was named "The Overland Flyer" a dally train; the secoud was named "The dolden Gate Soeclal" weakly train. These trains have given way to a great transcontinental train, l "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" F running every day in the year II II . This famous train via Omaha rsachet J l the Faclflo Coast sixteen hours quicker ft than all competitors. tl Va. moumi of jf ' I CITY TIIUKT OFFICE, 1324 FA H NAM STREET. Ij 'Phone 816. . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Western Military" Academy Upptr Alton Illinois. iWth year. New fir proof building. Modern equip nu'tit. ueiiguiiui iwatioD. nutnnor iiiniMo. rcrong facultj. Thorough military and aoadetnlo depart- mont. Xjorai rteroncps. Col. A. M. JACKSON.A. M . flnpt Special Notice. Mr. Albln Johnson, who for fifteen years has been In the employ of the clothing de partment of the Nebraska Clothing Co., wishes to announce to his many friends that he has severed his connection with tha above firm and can be found now em ployed by the Berg-Swanson Co. Mr. John, son's long experience In clothes retailing, backed by the unflinching Integrity of the Berg-Swanson Co. and the character of their high art clothes, assures you abso lute satisfaction with every transaction in every detail. lO.TS to St. Piul or Minneapolis and Return from Omaha. The Chicago Great Western Railway will on September 28, 19 and 30 sell ticket at above low rates. For further Information 'apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, gen. agt. Omaha. Miss Margaret E. Perkins returns from St. Louis on' the lath Inst., and will reopen her studio at 1843 N. lth street. Mr. and Mrs. rvsnttn WU1 reopen their 8chool of Danng. KM Farnam street, September a, roinpll mentary reception, by card only. ln?u. tioa of the academy I to i v. m. Dancing l:3t p. m. For Juveniles, Saturday, Sep tember SMth; dancing 4 to p. m. Applica tions may be made now. Low Colonial Rata Via Chicago Great Western Railway To points In Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and western Canda. Tickets on sale daily from September II to October U. For further Information apply to B. D. Parkhurst, General Agent. 1511 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Horn Visitor's Racar.loaa Fair, Tuesdays In September and Oct. 11. Good thirty days. Half fare plus 2. Many points In Indiana. Ohio and Kentucky. Inquire at the Northwestern Line Offloe. 1H and ltof Farnam 8t., Omaha. For Rant. An excellent office location, fronting on Pearl street, only half a block from Broad way, with a nice Urge show window which can be used for display. Be offloe. 10 Faarl street. Council Bluff 80 Per Cent Shrnrfer's of the cases of appen dicitis are due to con gested bowels, and the formation of alvlne poison . Shrader's Evaporated Fig Pow der absolutely pr- vents appendicitis by seeping tht bowels In a natural bealtby condition. Fijc Powder Trial alia, 10c. gampla Frea. Lars alaa. Mo. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Diatributcra. For aala br all drugitata. anmaaaIBBBaaaBaaaaaaaaBBMasianansnanaT A SKIN OP BRAUTY IS A JOY FOREVEr" DR. T. FKI.IX OOrKAt'ti'3 ORtW.NTAI. CUEAsl, OK MAGICAL BKAU'llHEB KetnoTM Tan, Plmplrt.FrecslPS, . MuUl I'alcliPa. iluh. and Hkm E- f j (Z 1.' Oiaeaaea, aij ytiy blouilli J?!.rr5ill fToa beauty, ami 36'3 VxLt M w3Jl"fl-'detllon. It P 5i li KJfofM years, and U r5l3 $r -J Vso hsrmleaa wa S 3 K3 VJ FT taBto it to to anre II u properly inaUe. Accuptno counLr felt of almllar aania. It. L. A. Bavra aaid to a of Uia bauU ioa (a pttueut)! 'At yon ladles win um mam, l raooiamead 'Gaunud'i Cream' as the leaat harmfal nf alt I ha skin nraiarattona." For aala by all liriiKflaia aud Kauoy OooOa Daaiers In Hio U. 8., Canatlaa. and turoiK-. FLRQ. T. HOPKINS, Prep'r, (7 Grsat Jons 8t, tL t, je?' ""'fl """' amMBtMsaanMiMfgisaBjw W3 WHY TAKE DAINTY CARE of your mouth, and neg lect your pores, the myriad mouths of your skin? HAND SAPOLIO does not gloss them over, or chemically dissolve their health-giving oils, yet clears them thoroughly, by a method of its own. i TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oail DOLLAR A YEAR. Women's Gymnasium Shoes We have new a lot of the regulation Gym Shoos adopted by the large ath letic clubs throughout the country. Hand turn soles, kid tops, front gor ing at $1.50 Another Is the Oxford style soft kid tops, rough turn soles the can't-sllp kind at $1.00 These two styles are what you have been waiting for and we now have them In all the sties and widths. Oet the right kind they cost no more. Drexel Shoo Co. 1419 FARKAU STREET, Omaha's Up-to-DaU Shot Houst - TE22QBS3 1 Stoves Reopening off l?,r. and Mrs. Morandl Dnaclnif and Physloal Cnltnre Classes For children on Saturday, September M. lieulnnera. la a. m. Terms Season, fceptem tier to May. 116. Advance. $10. Adults' classes beKlns Tuesday, aeptember , I p. in. Private lessons dally. Opening as sembly next Wednesday. For partloulars call or telephone 104L Cwrast Flftecata ana Uavrney llreats Accurate Oven Thermometers There Is a certainty and satisfac tion about the baking done in Moore's Thermometer Ranges that U unequalled. Thousands of these ranges are in use and they are especially in favor with particular housekeepers who have a reputation for good cooking. . Yon are Invited to call and whether you wish to purchase or not, we shall be pleased to show von the wnrlrlnor nf tha thermometer, the Hing ed Top, the Controller Damper and the many other points in wnicn'. Moore's Kanges exceu an ommai' NEBRASKA rURNITORB AND C AtV.t"lL 413-415 No. 24th SU South Omaha. PREMATURE QRAYNESS 'a la ata af a young sua. i i.i ii.!. n .....i.- Jm imperial nair nbgonsidiui hl'h laaiatutly rrauir"a Italr tu Mr .iUr or .t,.,l lmralia. laatlllC slid laavas ttif blr, autt and a?";. ONI APP1.IOATION Ii ONT u a ban ula of hair eulirral fro 1 auiud ti I frirauy aaaurwl.' UUnJOlCMUUULIU.Ut.iU1il.U4H.,hnmk. We enable every housewife In Omaha to bn the proud possessor of the finest cook ing apparatus in the world. Our Long Lasting Steel Range All we ask for it Is $5.00 down end $5.00 per month, or the wholesale price lor cash. 1 mi When people buy stoves of us they are always so thoroughly pleaed with them; thev lltterally Hood us with testimonials. (Mrs. Heath, 2018 Ames Ave., says: "It is a pleasure to recommend the Steel Range we bought of you, as it has given us per liTt satisfaction.") We have never been so strong on Steel Ranges as we are this fall and we never sold as many as we are selling this fall, notwithstanding that we have the largest stove trade In Omaha. The Sfoclzel Stove Co., ONLY EXCLUSIVE STOVE STORE WEST OF CHICAGO. THE SAME KIND THAT THEY HAVE IN ALL THE LARGE CITIES. 714 8. 16th St BEAUTYm rvr i i. ..n ..i,. rt uMi. ' - at Icomplf ' n. lK not allow un tleluly pi. at. blackliaaJt. Ian, kr Ireckla .j blvmlah your akin. Derma-Royale w will remove these like sialic (.urea bcirma ana lauer, I arl with DbRNA-RoVAUS Soap, a perl act akin Is Insurf i. SOLO BY DRUOOISTS, ar aiar ba vtacfad dttacc Derma-Koyale, 91 per bottle, express paid. Derma-Royals Soap, 29 Ccats, by snail, hotbtn ene package, l.tB, express paid. Puctiaia auJ la.ttnMalala arat c Mqucat. THE DERMA-ROYALE CO- CinclniitU. a ehaeler'a Cat Price Dvaas (. Choice California I'runes, per lb Fancy Italian frunea, per in Select California Peaches, per lb ... Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb Fancy Crawford Peaches, per lb.. English Cleaned Currants, per lb . Choice Grecian Currants, per lb ..... .3.n Choice Muscatel Raisins, per lb 5o ....c Fancy Muscatel Layer Raisins, lb ...."Ha ....7'fccl Fancy Moor Park Apricots, per lb ....12HO ..8 1-3c New York Crab Apples, per lb 6o 9c Fancy Oregon Nectarines, per lb 100 ....7Vc Fancy Pitted Plums, per lb 12Ho ...8 1-3c 1-lb. Package Seeded Raisins ,n Ta HAYDEE3 BROS. r "FOLLOW THE FLAG" 3oii9 isifoFs' iHcarsioris ound Tii d Half Fare (PLUS S2.00) To all points In Indiana, points in Ohio and BnA tncky sold every Tuesday in September and October 11. Special Homeseekers' Excursions South September 13-27. $8.50 St. Louis and Return daily except Friday and Saturday v SS3.80 St. Louis and Return Daily. $27.5 Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return Dally. $29.50 Detroit and Return Daily. $20.00 Chicago and Return (one way via St. Louis) Daily. S33.00 Montreal and 'Return Dally. r i: 14. j .,..a ollnn'd Tim TVahnhh f.S AjUIlg U.IUH, itllU Skuuuicia anjT.. .. ' " mm the only line with its own station at main entrance J World s iair, saving ume, exira car larc uuu bihjujouv. All World's Fair maps, show Wabash station at main entrance. Insist on your tickets reading via Wabash. All .nf7.rmnt.nn at Wabash Citv Office. 1601 Farnam, or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. pnmwaB', J NO WATCHES ?i"ld CasA. up-Klgln and Walt ham XrTtu't Have you sen m oi y "-,i V" ..... name j.uid a few minutes In our store. Louk for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1816 Douglas St. Bee Want Ads Produce Results i