Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
lull Scores of Longuc
Ganios in ThoHco Only
19, 1871.
iyrreepondent wit ido's Amy De
scribes Early Cai t in Manchuria.
Ciar's Infantry Maks Poor Showing at
Marksmtn Lose Good Positions.
Remarkably Quick Work by Engineers in
Stijoging Wires.
natulan Fight mt Head of the Col
umn, While Japanese Oversee
Operations from the
TIEN T9IN, Manchuria, Aug. -(Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) The
lessons of the campaign are a text con
stantly before the eyes of the military ob
servers with this army. They have made
no revolutionary discoveries thus far; In
deed, the chief lesson has been the over
shadowing Importance of that complete
preparation which has made every oog of
every wheel of the great machine slide
quietly into It groove at the appointed
minute, and the attention to details for
lack of which, the servants of the cxar
are wasting so mucn brave food for powder.
The work of the Russian artillery early
on tho list of July commanded the highest
praino from everyone. It was In strong
contract with the showing made at the
Yalu and was In every respect a credit to
that arm of the Russian service. Their
gun positions were selected by engineers
who appreciated the possibilities of the
country, as they had failed to do at the
Many statements have appeared In Euro
pean newspapers about the superiority of
Japanese guns, but their work so far has
Illustrated the western aphorism that "Suc
cess is not In holding a good hand, but In
playing a poor hand well." It Is conceded
by the experts who have seen their work
In the field that the Russian guns are bet
ter than the Japanese and that the ratio
to insure equality should be about six
Japanese guns against four Russian,
Russian Infantry Poor.
But the showing made by the Russian In
fantry leaves much to 'be explained. If
their trenches had been held by marksmen
llks the Boors there would have been no
quentltm of the Japanese reaching them
without l-.eavy loss. If at all. They were
dug 1st splendid position In the sides and
summits of hills, and the approaches across
the valleys and up the hillsides had little
cover except patches, of corn. Tet the
Russian defense was remarkably weak or
only a demonstration, because the Japanese
of the central division hit by their fire
numbered only a score or tw Moreover,
there weraT the "same blunders lu manage
ment that marked the Yalu. The infantry
In front ot the Japanesa left fought well
and maneuvered skillfully. But late on the
night of the battle two Russian battalions
appeared north of Taowan In front of the
Japanese right flank and then retired with
out opening fire, and the purpose of their
movement remains a mystery. At Hen
jllng,' where 1,000 were cut to pieces and
where, as at Hamatan, they had a braHS
band that left its Instruments In the field,
they gave 'one of the finest exhibitions of
futile bravery witnessed during the war.
They were marching in close column of
fours under a destructive fire, and although
men were cut down by squads, they never
broke ranks nor retreated. The useless
iiprs of the sacrifice was as eloquent as
Its courage and the credit for the former
belonged to the officers.
. Russian Officers Fight in Front.
The great number of casualties among
the Russian officers, and particularly their
generals, while no Japanese generals had
been hit. Is due largely to the different
theories of generalship followed in the
armlea. The generals of tho Japanese are
directors, while the Russians cling to the
old Skobeloff tradition of a commander at
the head of his men, leading and fighting.
From the Japanesa lines we can see the
white ooated Russian officers riding con
spicuously before their troops, while from
tli Russian aide It must be hard to dis
cover the Japanese officers, because their
uniforms are like those of the ranks and
bocaust General Kurokl and the lesser geu
erals usually are somewhere behind the
fighting line managing their battles by tele
graph and telephone.
' Japa Direct Rattle by Wire.
Probably electricity hus never played so
great a part In warfare before as It does
with the Japanese, livery general of bri
gade In the field is, like a modern am
bassador, "at the end of a wire," which
tils divisional commander controls and the
generals of divisions are In touch by tele
graph or telephone with the corps com
mander. The engineers run wires after the
column with marvelous rapidity. Filing
Is beard somewhere at the front; a detach
ment of engineers emerges from head
quarters with pack ponies carrying bundles
of light bamboo poles, while coolies and
carts follow them with colls of slender
copper wire. The poles, which have pointed
ends, are quickly planted, the wire spread
out as fast as men can uncoil It, and a field
telephone la at work. No evidences have
been' seen as the army advanced Into the
enemy's country that the Russians employ
the telegraph extensively. There are no
traces of wires or pules except the old
Chinese line from Antung to Ptkin.
Glory wCbuit Publicity.
The Russian generalship Is more spec
tacular and perhaps Inspires the soldiers
with greater Courage, but the Japanese is
more business like. These generals do
not play to the galleries at all. The cen
sorship which they enforce, tends to de
prive them of their Just dues in reputation.
Often correspondents are forbidden to men
tion tho names of the leaders in daring and
lmportunt fights because the names might
give the enemy a clue to the Identity and
therefore to the strength and the charac
teristics of the organisations opposing
them. How unpopular a censorship that
excludes exploitation of generals would be
certain other armies, Is appreciated
y correspondents who have accompanied
those armies.
General Kurokl Is a quiet and unassuming
gentleman, rather of the Moltke type than
the theatrical general who rides about ex
horting and cursing his men. His type is
appaiently tho prevailing one in the Jap
anese service. Sometimes It appears that
be has worked out his plan of battle so per
fectly before the event that he can sit
down confident of Its fulfillment, and takes
little further Interest In the proceedings.
(CoalUued en Third Page.)
Departure of the Expedition of Ob
servation Set for Septem
ber LHAS3A. Sept. 14. (Delayed In Trans
mission.) The departure of the British ex
pedition has been fixed for SeptemlH-r 23.
The weather Is already cold and there h:is
been hard freezing. The men are 111 sup
plied with winter clothing and are likely to
suffer in crossing the passes on the way
to Cyangtse, where there are some stores
of warm clothing.
By the emperor's orders the Chinese
amban hns proclaimed, lama of
Shlgatse, to succerd to the spiritual digni
taries of the dalal lama.
The proclamation records at length the
shortcomings of the dalal lama, ending with
his flight, and odds that he will not be
permitted to Intervene in any civil affairs.
It is understood that If he continues con
tumacious, the temporary disposition will
be made permanent.
Italian Minister Answers Petition of
Mayor of Tnrln.
ROME, Sept. IS. The mayor of Turin has
telegraphed to Slgnor Giolittl, president of
the council and minister of tho interior,
In the name of the socialist aldermen of
Turin, expressing the desire of the work-Ingnu-n
that Intervention of troops in
peaceful conflicts between capital and la
bor be avoided. Slgnor Giolittl Immediately
replied by telegraph that for three yeurj,
as minister of the Interior, he had con
stantly supported the principle of absolute
liberty of worklngmen to strike and that
It was not the duty of the government to
Intervene and adding that he Intends to
follow the same principles while he re
mains In power. The minister adds:
"The painful facts are to be regretted
by all that In one case soldiers used their
arms In self defense after being attacked
and wounded, and In another instance acted
without orders from their superiors.
Therefore these soldiers have been put
at the disposal of the Judicial authorities
while an inquiry Is going on to ascertain
the responsibility for the occurrences"
Slgnor Ololittl's dispatch ended as fol
lows: "In administering my office I shall ul
ways remain within the law, but shall per
form my duty and be respected by all. I
tnererore hope the socialists will recom
mend culm behavior and avoid deplorable
PARIS, Sept. 19. The Journal's Genoa
correspondent reports that he had traveled
to Nice In order to forward the following
uncensored dispatch:
"The situation throughout Italy Is most
serious. At Rome the council of ministers
has called out two classes of reserves In
order to reinforce the authorities. Premier
Giolittl has postponed a Journey to Rac
conlgi, which he had Intended to make for
the purpose of extending his personal con
gratulations on the birth of the crown
prince. At Porto Novo crowds of people
stopped the railway trains, many children
lying down before the engines.
"The troops were powerless. One person
was killed and several were badly hurt In
a collision with soldiers at Genoa, where
the strikers prevented the departure of
trains. .Railway tracks were also torn up
near Rlvarolo. No trains left Milan Sun
day night."
of Government and
Bealn Neirotlatlonn.
BUENOS AYRE9, Sept. IS. Advices re
ceived here today from I'ruguay stati that
Baplllo Munoz. successor to General Apar
arlclo Saralva, as the head of the revolu
tionary forces, has written to President
Ordonez of Uruguay, expressing his belief
In the futility of further bloodshed, now
that Saralva Is dead, and asking the presi
dent to propose conditions of .peace. Prest-
dent Ordonez renlled that, while fleslrinir
a cessation of the struggle, the government
was not prepared to make conditions,
though It stood ready to entertain reason
able proposals. Delegates representing
each party are now negotiating a basis of
peace, but owing to the many previous
failures, the public has little faith in a
successful Issue of these negotiations.
According to dlspntches received here' the
revolutionists of Paraguay are concentrat
ing their land forces at towns parallel
with the railway and have cut off supplies
and ammunition from Asuncion. It is evi
dent that tho revolutionists 'are plunnlng
to make an early attack on the capital
,,, ,. , v,. ... . , ,
or to starve the government Into submis
Ice Forcea Abandonment of Search for
steamer America.
TROMSOE. Norway, Sept. 18. W. S.
Champ, secretary to William Zlegler, and
who was lu charge of the relief expedi
tion sent out to search for the Arctic ex
ploration steamer America, arrived here
this afternoon-et 1 o'clock on board the
steamer Frithjof. The Frithjof reached
latitude 79 degrees, 10 seconds north.
Mr. Champ, In a statement given out
here, says:
"I regret to report my failure to, reach
Franz Josef land. The lee conditions were
Insurmountable and the approaching winter
and the heavy frost compelled us to aban
don further effort to get north."
Father Agios Consecrated Bishop of
ROME, Sept. 18-Father Aglus, the newly
appointed apostolio delegate to the Philip
pine islands, was today consecrated arch
bishop of Palmyra. The ceremony took
place in the Benedictine church of St. Am
brose of Matslma, Cardlnul Merry Del Val
officiating, assisted by Archbishop Chupelle
of New Orleans. Members of Father Aglus'
family, who had come from England and
Malta to wltrrcss the consecration of their
relative, were present. Father Aglus
omitted the usual luncheon after, the cere
monies of consecration, giving instead a
generous sum for the poor people of the
British Fleet In Greek Waters.
ATHENS. Sept. 18-At a luncheon In
honor of the officers of the British fleet.
Admiral Domville. commander-in-chief of
the Mediterranean station, announced that
the whole ' of the Mediterranean fleet (1J0
vessels) would be shortly concentrated and
Bpend the whole of the winter In Greek
Breaks Anto Instead of Record.
Lpl'ISVILLE. Ky B. pi. K.-The attempt
of Ixnils I. Doerhnefer. a weulthy remdeut
of IiulHvllln, to break the world's twenty,
four-hour automobile record of Ml miles
was frustrated by an accident which
wrecked the machine aud it-suited In the
In.tury of his assistant Frank Kats an
exprrt aulmiiohilUt. i;!lnld bv du.-t, k'mi
steered wide at one of the turns of the
Douglass park trotting track and went
through Ju fences at t ju this nmrnlua
Kats will probably recover. At the tlins
Mr. Doerhnefer had nous 360 luilus lu ten
hours and fifty minutes.
Son of Famous Iron Chancellor Passed
Away Yesterday Morning.
His Father Reared Him for His Suc
cessor and Advanced Him Rap
idly Leaves a Great
FRIEDRICHSRUHE, Sept. 15. Prince
Herbert Bismarck died this morning at
10:15 o'clock. The end was painless.
Since he ceased to be foreign minister
on retirement of his father In 1S90 Prince
Herbert Bismarck had taken part In public
affairs only aa a member of the Reichstag.
His attitude had been that of ft man not
appreciated by his sovereign and who was
waiting Jn the back ground for an oppor
tunity to resume his career.
His delivery as a parliamentary speaker
Improved year by year. He always declined
to Join any political group. His imperious
manners in early life when he was ever
conscious of the fact that he was the son
of the most powerful statesmen In Europe,
softened In later Ufa.
Prince Bismarck's father trained him for
his successor as chancellor of the German
empire and advanced him rapidly In the
diplomatic service. At the ace of 40 he
was minister of foreign affairs, in which
position he took part In nearly every im
portant International transaction.
An incident that nearly wrecked Prince
Herbert's career and that caused the old
chancellor great annoyance was Prince
(then count) Herbert's elopement with
Princess Carolath Beuthen, the wife of
Prince Karl, the head of that distinguished
Slleslan house. The princess was of the
Hatzfeldt family and young Bismarck at
the time was his father's private secretary.
Count Herbert lived with the princess In
southern Italy for a few weeks, and then,
at the command of his father, returned to
Germany. The princess afterwards was di
vorced and has since died.
The title of Prince Bismarck and the
large fortune of the deceased will go to
his 7-year-old son Otto.
The late Emperor Frederick gave to
Chancellor Bismarck extensive forests at
Frledrlchsruhe, which have since Increased
in value, and the chancellor gave to Prince
Herbert 12,400,000 in securities and cash. The
estate Is now estimated to b worth 14,000,
000, exclusive of the landj.
Prince Bismarck's Career.
Prince Bismarck was born In 1849 and
was the oldest son of the late Prince Otto
Bismarck, the great chancellor of the Ger
man empire. He studied law In the Berlin
and Bonn universities; served In the Prus
sian army as a lieutenant of reserves dur
ing the Franco-German war of 1870-71 and
was severely wounded at the battle of
Mars-la-Tour. In 1873 Horbert became an
official of the Department of Foreign Af
fairs and wau assistant to his father, then
chancellor. He was attached to the Ger
man legations at Berne and at Vienna from
1874 to 1877. Later on, the deceased be
came councillor of the German embassy
In London and subsequently occupied the
same position, at St. FeUtraburg. In 1884
he was appointed minister extraordinary
at The Hague, and In 1S86 he became under
secretary of state In the Department of
Foreign Affairs. This post he held until
the cMsmlssal of his father from the chan
cellorship, when he left the service of the
From 1884 to 188T the deceased was a
member of tl.e German Reichstag and also
from 1893 to the time of his death. He was
married In 189.! to Countess Margaret Hoyes
of the Hungarian nobility and after the
death of his father, he inherited the title
of prince. The deceased had only one sis
ter, who Is the wife of Count von Rentzau.
His brother William died In 1901.
Prince Herbert leaves five children two
j glrls and three boys- Hls brother William
had four children, all of whom are stil
alive. The Countess von Rentziu has no
Objected to Chance of Rosses When
Show Goes Into Receiver's
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18. Three hundred and
fifty Indians, cowboys and men repsssent-
I 'ZVTZ0 emplyed
with the Cummings lid West show on
the Pike at the World's fair struck today
an will- leave for their homes. It Is an
nounced. Everything Is quiet at the
grounds, no outbreak of any sort resulting
from the strike.
Last Tuesday the show went Into the
hands of a receiver. Attorney J. F. Mc
Intyre, who was appointed receiver, put
Captain Vlsser, formerly of the Boer war,
another show on the Pike, In charge. In
place of Colonel Cummings. Today when
the Indians, cowboys and soldiers drew
their pay they were asked to continue at
work under the new management. This
they declined to do. It is stated. Arrange
ments are being made tonight by the strik
ers to leave the show here and return
home. It Is proposed, before doing so, 4o
give a benefit to raise enough money to
send the Indians back to their reservations.
In the party there are 170 Indians, repre
senting fifty-three tribes. Among the num
ber are eleven chiefs. The Indians and
men struck, they said, because they did
not want to work for anybody but Cum
Joseph Ranker Is Thrown Aajalnat
Carbine and Skull Is Frac
tured. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 18.-Earnest C.
Hartwlg. cashier of the First National
bank of Buchanan county, was' probably
fatally hurt In a runaway tonight. While
driving the family team, It took fright and
became unmanageable. The conveyance
came violently In conUct with the curb
ing, precipitating Mr. Hartwlg onto his
head on the pavement.
He la unconscious, and his skull Is be
lieved to be fractured. Mrs. Hartwlg was
slightly hurt. Mr. Hartwlg Is a aon of
Major H. R. W. Hartwlg and has been
prominent In financial circles In St Joseph
for fifteen years.
Movement of Ocean Vessels Sept. IN.
At New York Arrived: Arabic from Liv
erpool: Bluecher from Hamburg; Pannonla
from Trieste; United States from Copen
hagen. At Moville Arrived: Bavarian from Mon
treal. At Bnlougne Sailed: Potsdam for New
At Glasgow Sailed: Laurentlan.
At Liverpool Sailed: Geurglc for New
York: Siberian for Bt. John's. N. F. Ar
rived: Lake Manitoba from Montreal.
At Bremen Sailed: Freldwich dr Orosse
for New York via Southampton.
At gueensttiwn-8alled: I'mbrlu for New
York. '
At Dover galled: Pretoria for New York.
At Southampton Walled: Frederich der
Qrosse, from Bremen, far New York,
International Co Jar ess of Arts and
Sciences Opens nt World's Fair
Grounds Tomorrow.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18. Some of the most
Important educators, specialists and inves
tigators of the world have arrived and
others are coming on every train, to a'.
tend the International congress of arts
and sciences, which will open tomorrow and
continue In session during the week. It is
declared by officers of the congress that
It will be the greatest end most Important
gathering of scholars In all lines ever held.
The program Includes addresses by 2i"i
scientists, students of language, literature
and arts, jurists and other scholars. The
opening session, at which Howard J. Rog
ers, director of congresses for the Louis
iana Purchase exposition, will preside, will
be held Monday afternoon In Feltlval hall
at the World's fair. Throughout the re
mainder of the week the 115 sections, into
which the congress is divided, will have
separate meetings. Seventeen halls on the
exposition grounds have been provided and
there 160 meetings are scheduled to be held.
Each section has a .chairman and a sec
retary, and speakers have been alloted to
make addresses on the particular subjects
covered by that section. The administra
tive board of the convention Is made up of
the following well known men:
Nicholas Murray Butler, president of
Columbia ' university, chairman; William
R, Harper, president of the University of
Chicago; Henry S. Prltchett. president of
the Massachusetts Instutute of Technology;
R. H. Jesse, president of the University of
Missouri; Herbert Putnam, librarian of
congress; Frederick J. V. Skiff, director
of the Field Columbian museum.
The officers of the congress are: Presi
dent, Simon Newcomb, retired protessot1.
United States navy; vice presidents, Hugo
Muenstenberg, professor nf psychology In
Harvard university, and Albion W. Small,
professor of sociology In the University of
Chicago; honorary vice presidents, Right
Honorable James Bryce, M. P., of Eng
land; M. Gaston Darboux of France; Prof.
William Waldeyen of Germany, Dr. Oskar
Backlund of Russia; Prof. Theodore Ks
cherlch of Austria, Slgnor Attlllo Brunlaltl
of Italy; executive secretary. Dr. L. O.
Howard, permanent secretary American
Association for the Advancement of Sci
ence. Many social functions have been prepared
for the entertainment of the delegates.
Monday evening there will be a grand fete
In honor ef the congress and a special Il
lumination of the grand basin of the ex
position. Seventy delegates to the Eighth Inter
national Geographical congress, which has
been in session in Washington, arrived
today from Chicago. They were met by
a number of prominent educators, among
whom were Chancellor W. S. Chaplin and
Prof. C. M. Woodward of Washington uni
versity, and escorted to the Hamilton ho
tel. The geographic conlrress will participate
In the opening exercises of the World's
Ccncrcss of Arts and Sciences and take
part In some of the divisional sessions on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On
the last day, before final adjournment, the
congress will hold a general session, de
voted to the reading arid, discussion of pa
pers, and will listen to an address' by
Commander Robert; E. Penry. United States
navy, president of the congress.
A party of at least eighty chemists, rep
resenting the chemical science and Industry
of Europe, reached here today over the
Vandalla from New York. They will par
ticipate In the World's .Congress of Arts
and Science, and will constitute the chem
ical section of that gathering.
Sovereign Grand bodge Opens nt San
Francisco City Ascaln, in Gala
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 18 The sover
eign grand lodge of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows and auxiliary organizations
will convene tomorrow. From all quarters
of the United States representatives of the
fraternity are coming into the city, which
Is again In gala attire. Most of the dec
orations and Illumination used during the
recent triennial conclave of the Knights
Templar are again employed, with the ex
ception that the emblems have been
changed, the maltese cross having given
place to the three links. All of the of
ficers of the sovereign grand lodge are
present except Deputy Grand Sire Wright,
who Is 111 at his home In AUentown, Pa,
The crack drill company of the order,
Canton Washington No. 1, Is doing some
hard drilling In the hope to again carry
oft" first honors.
For the next meeting of the sovereign
grand lodge New York nnd New Orleans
have already made bids.
Referendum Vote Will Be Taken Upon
the Eltrht-Hour Proposi
tion. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 18 In accordance
with the resolutions adopted at the recent
8t. Louis convention of the International
Typographical union, that organisation will
within a few days begin a referendum
vote of the members, which will determine
whether or not the organisation shall
pledge Itself to the eight hour day.
The resolution provides that the unions
shall begin the eight hour day January 1.
1906, at which time a demand for such a
concession will be made on all employing
The vote must be returned to headquar
ters In this city not later than October 21
of this year.
Directors of the General Federation
Finish Plana for Two Years'
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18-After four days
spent In tiresome routine work, the board
of directors of the General Federation of
Women's clubs, has adjourned, having com
pleted the mapping out of the next year's
work and having appointee" all committees
for the ensuing biennial period.
A call has been Issued for a meeting of
the council at Chautauqua, N. Y., in June,
1900. The council consists of nearly 300
members and is composed of the board of
directors and delegations from each state.
The business to come be-fore the council
will relate principally to the preparations
for the biennial convention In Bt. Paul.
Hidden City Found In Crete.
NEW YORK. Sept. 18-Mlss H Boyd
who wss sent out by the Pennsylvania
Archaeological snolfty to make InvestiKu
tlons and excavations for ancient cities In
Crete wss a passenger on the steamer I'an
nonla. which arrived today from Flume
Trieste and Palermo. Miss Boyd said she
found a hidden city In Crete aud bad
brought with her many specimens for the
sncletv. Tbla la her second trip for exploration.
Congressional Campaign Languishes for
Lack of Sinews.
All Probability f Carryings the Lower
House Appears to Have Been
Abandoned at Early Staae
of the Game.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. (Special.) The
democratic congressional committee Is
facing a crisis, according to reports from
the inside of that organization. The na
tional committee of the democratic party,
Intent upon carrying the doubtful states
for Judge Parker, has almost abandoned
the congressional committee, and In conse
quence there exists among the members of
the congressional committee wholesale dis
gust over the situation. Chairman Cow
herd la being pressed on all sides by nomi
nees of the democratic party In doubtful
districts for aid and assistance In carrying
nn th. work of saving the lower house of
congress for tho democratic party, but Mr.
Cowherd Is at a standstill nnd It looks now
as If the democratic congressional commit
tee would be compelled to give up the light
for the lower house because of the parsi-.
mony of the democratic national committee
In setting aside sufficient funds. The con
gressional committee is absolutely handi
capped for want of money and a deep
seated look of disgust pervades democratic
Just why this condition prevails Is not
knnn.r, hut there are surmises that Mr.
Belmont and the treasurer of the national
committer, Mr. Peabody. are largely re
sponsible for present conditions. So Intent
Is the national committee upon carrying
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and
Indiana that all the money available for
campaign purposes is to bo put thos
states for the democratic electoral ticket,
and the fight for congress Is relegated to
the rear. Old politicians say that there
never was Just exactly a similar condition
as now confronts the democratic party.
It has become an axiom that the lower
house of congress holds to the same polit
ical complexion as the president, but they
cannot figure out a majority in the lower
branch , of congress even though Judge
Parker should be elected. Since the civil
war the. house of representatives has held
to the political complexion of the president
except In the single case of the Hayes elec
tion, when the house was democratic.
Cowherd Has Experience.
The blame for present conditions should
not be placed upon the shoulders of Chair
man Cowherd. He has wider political
knowledge than any chairman who . has
preceded him in the last ten years. When
he was chosen chairman of the committee
It was expected that a very strenuous effort
would be made to wrest the control of the
lower house from the republicans. The
new chairman was assured of tha hearty
co-operutlon of everybody formerly con
nected wilh the congressional committee
and he was also assured a very liberal
campaign fund. Mr. Cowherd has had the
hrts eo-onYJuJ of his democratic as
sociates in congress, but his repeated visit
to New York In quest of money has virtu
ally been unavailing. Visits from day to
day to the headquarters In the Riggs house
demonstrate how the hands of the com
mittee are tied. The callers In most part
have been almost wholly from the south
who need no money help In their congres
sional districts. With the lack of funds
the democratic candidates for congress In
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut,
New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illi
nois. Nebraska and Iowa are in the main
shifting for themselves, They may get n
little help from the national committee or
possibly from their state committee, but
not v.hat Is necessary to elect a democratic
house against the generalship "ot old cam
paigners like Chairman Babcock of the
republican congressional committee, Con
gressmen Hull, Overstreet, Loudenslnger
and others who have beaten the enemy on
many a well fought field.
Little Is Being; Accomplished.
It was generally supposed that the demo
cratic congressional committee this year
would be a tower of strength compared
with the feeble organization of the last
three or four campaigns. But there is
sufficient evidence at hand to question
whether the present democratic congres
sional committee Is accomplishing as much
as was accomplished two years ago, or even
four years ago. It Is not to be inferred
from this plain statement of facts that the
congressional committee of the. democrats
is wholly destitute of campaign expenses.
The committee has enough money to pay
clerks' salaries and printing blllB. but they
haven't any thousar.ds of dollurs loose to
throw Into close districts where the change
of a few hundred votes would mean the
election of a democrat over a republican.
From present indications. In view of the
apathy that prevails at democratic head
quarters in this city, It would not be at all
surprising If the republicans had twenty
five majority In the lower house of con
gress on the face of the returns when the
fifty-ninth congress organizes on the first
Monday of December, 1905.
Washington's Moral Censor.
Russia, and Japan may talk all they want
to about the work of their press censors,
but they don't bold a candle to the moral
censor which Washington possesses. Ho
Is a creation of the district government
and Is a grey whiskered captain of pullce.
He bum an office at police headquarters and
holds court in a room of much floor space
In the top story of that building. All over
the floor are neatly laid bill posters, ad
vertising cards and on a table there are
works of art such as are found in art
stores. These give him little or no trouble.
His greatest worry comes from the posters
of theatrical companies which feature the
female form divine. It is no unusual thing
to see upon the dead walls and billboards
of Washington a stunning female in gaudy
apparel red, blue or brown, without legs,
strips of white paper having been pasted
over the picture below the trunk, this cruel
mutilation being d"ne at the Instance of the
moral censor of Washington, who Is under
Instructions that the pictures of the ladlus
must nut be exposures of a suggestive na
ture or show any likeness of limbs above
the knee. But Mr. Censor of Washington
does not stop there. He draws a 11ns from
arm pit to arm pit on the bust and the pic
ture must be dressed up to this line. If
there Is a few Inches of clothing missing
below this point the poster must always
place a sticker with tha name of the the
ater and date of the play over the offend
ing part. With the limbs obliterated by
stickers and the bust blotted out by plain
paper the creature looks like a wreck from
the Liao Yang field hospital.
Kays City Runs to Fads.
"Tights? Why, my friend. If I should
let a poster go through here with the lady
rigged up In the skin clothes I would be
4CouUaued on Second Puge Jt
Fair Monday. Cooler In nrth Portion)
Tuesday. Showers anil Cooler.
Temperature at OmiVla Vcaterdayl
Pec. Hour. Hf.
. nn i p. m Ta
.as a p. m tii
AT 3 p. m
, tVtt 4 p. m TO
. B p. m
. n p. m Tl
. T T p. m TT
.70 H p. m Til
O p. nt T.'t
a. m .
a. m .
a. m.
a. m ,
a. m .
a. m .
a. m ,
lit m
So Official Information of Advance
of Japanese on Muk
den. St. Petersburg continues without official
confirmation of the report that the Jap
anese are advancing north of Mukden and
the statement Is therefore not credited at
the Russian capital. General Sakharoff re
ports that there was no Hunting In the
vicinity of Mukden Friday or Saturday, but
notes the arrival of reinforcements for the
Japanese along the whole line of the Jap
anese front.
The Interval of quirt has afforded Oen
eral Kouropatkir. opportunity to strengthen
his defenses and he has received large re
lrfortements since his retreat to Mukden.
Tnere are Indications of a revival of the
struggle for the possession of Port Ar
Russians Do ot Expect Such Move
for Some Days.
ST. PETERSBURG, 8ept. 19. 2 a. m.
Tho reports that General Kurokl Is push
Ins on northeast of Mukden are not borne
out by official telegrams that have been re
ceived here. According to the latest ad
vices the Japanese forces continue to In
ctense nt Bianupuza and Kental. A de
cisive advance In the direction of Mukden
is therefore not expected to occur for some
dnys. Meanwhile, indications Increase of the
probability of the Japanese meeting with
The Russian forces at Mukden undoubt
edly are very large and every day's delay
enables the commander-in-chief to perfect
his defenses. A private dispatch from Muk
den reports the' arrival of an Immense train
filled with convalescents returning to duty.
This may be regarded as good evidence of
a large concentration of troops at Mukden.
The samo correspondent, describing the
scenes at Tie Pass, notes extraordinary ani
mation there. The great concourse of vis
itors there, nnd the fact that theatrical
performances and oacn-alr concerts nre of
daily occurrence hardly indicate that tho
town is expecting an immediate attack. '
Dispatches from Vladivostok And Sak
halin make no mention of developments
there. The citizens of Vladivostok scout
the Idea of a siege and many are return
ing from their country villas. The long-
promised Japanese operations against Sak
halin and Vladivostok, which were expected
to act as a diversion for General Kurokl's
udvance, are not yet in sight.
Neither the admiralty nor the foreign
office Is Inclined to attach much Importance
to charges of a breach of neutrality over
the supply ot Welsh coal by German steam
ers to Vice Admiral Rojestverisky's squu
dron and to Russian cruisers in the Baltic.
It Is declared that there can be no breach
of neutrality In coaling Russian warships
outside ot Russian territorial waters. This
whole question was thoroughly discussed
by eminent Jurists at an earlier stage of tho
war and resulted In the admiralty's decis
ion not to seek coaling facilities in neutral
ports, which might lead to complications,
but to adopt the Independent course of
coaling warships at sea'. This course docs
not lay either Great Britain or Germany
open to the suspicion of favoring Russlu,
for though German-colliers were used on
the occasion in question the responsibility
of the German government was not in
volved, as is shown by the semi-official
note In the Allgemelne Zeltung, and, obvi
ously. Great Britain Is unable to follow
up every departing collier. If Japan feels
aggrieved, officials here say, she has the
remedy in her own hands and can send out J
warsnips to intercept the colliers.
The disarming of the Lena at San Fran
cisco Is accepted here as having been In
evitable, In view of the considerable length
of time required to repair the vessel's
boilers. The Ruse editorially points out
that the United States' declaration of neu
trality expressly ' provides for vessels of a
belligerent power using American ports for
needful repairs, tiut admits that Russia
t;ould scarcely expect to be allowed to keep
a warship eight months In a neutral port
without disarming.
The Bourse Gaxette, In this connection,
recalls tha fact that a Russian fleet put
in ana was repaired at Mare Island in
1876, Just before the Turkish war, and adds
the remark that the repairs proved costly
but thorough. Similar results, the Bourse
Gazette adds, might have been expected
In the rase of the Lena.
The question of the disposal of the Lena's
crew Ms no nearer a solution so far aa
the admiralty and the Foreign Office are
concerned than it was before, both those
departments being closed on Sunday.
AH Quiet at Sakhalin.
SAKHALIN, Sept. 18.-Llfe here Is pro
ceeding as usual. The population Is busy
harvesting crops, which are good, owing
to an abundance of rain in July, but the
Ashing Is unsatisfactory. Captain Bchultx
and some other officers of the cruiser No
vlk, which was sunk after the sortie from
Port Arthur, have arrived at Alexander
station. They were entertained -at the club
and received with the greatest enthusiasm
everywhere. The crew left on Septem
ber 13.
Shell Russian Positions.
LONDON, Sept. 18.-U Is asserted In a
dispatch from Toklo to the Express, that
the Japanese are vigorously shelling the
Russian positions at Mukden, preparatory
to a general advance and endeavoring, by
a wide turning movement, to cut off Gen
eral Kouropatkin's retreat. The Japanese
armies, the dispatch adds, are disposed In
the same relative positions as In the fight
ing before Llao Yang.
Seeks to Purchase Railroad and
Terminal Property la Salt
.aVe City.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Sept. 18The
Western Paclflo Railroad company has of
fered $750,000 for the Salt Iike A Los
Angeles railroad and the Saltulr Beach
property, according to the Tribune. The
offer was refused by the owners, who have
determined to hold out for $l,WX),0O0. The
railroad and beach pavilion are said to
have cost about 1287,000 ten years ago.
The property which the Western Psclflo
sesns to acquire consists chiefly of fran
chises and thirteen miles of railroad, ex
tending from Bait Lak City ta tjj gUyra
of the Great Salt Lake,
Japanese Keep Russian Ontposts Bmj to
Conceal Their Real Mores.
Both Sidts Assure Chinese Tombs At Muk
den Will Be Respected.
Heavy Bombardment of Russian Position
for Several Days Past.
Hear Nothing; Direct Since Mewe ot
Japanese Capture of Neighbor
hood Fort Near Golden
Hill. s
(Copvrlght, by New York Herald Co., 1904
8T. PETERSBURG, Sept, IS. (New York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to
The Bee.) Men, stores and ammunition
are pouring Into Lino Yang from Yin Kow
r.nd the Japanese In the meanwhile are
puKhlng forward constantly, following their
old tnctlcs of engaging the Russian out
posts to divert attention from the real
movements, which demand a long line, ex
tending to Sin Mln Ting.
Against this General Kouropatkin In
tends retreating, but fighting every step.
Both sides have reassured the Chines
government that the places of the grave
at Mukden are not to be disturbed.
Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovltch
goes to LlbHU to represent the emperor
when the fleet sails. The Kamchatka,
transformed Into a floating workshop, Is
to Join the fleet, so that repairs can ba
made at sen.
The lack of news from Port Arthur since
the report that Fort Neighborhood, on
Gold. n Hill, had been taken, causes much
4kanlt on Port Arthur.
if CHE FOO. Sept. 18.-(Mldhlght.) Local
students of the military situation ui run
Nthur, basing their deductions upon re
cer.t developments there, are of the opinion
that another grand assault Is either oc
curring at the present time or Is Imminent.
This opinion is based on the very heavy
bombardment ot the Russian stronghold
that occurred on September 16, for such,
a bombardment forms the usual prelude
to an assault; on the arrival here of In 4
portant messengers from Port Arthur jajM
a time when tho running of the blockade Is
extremely perilous; on a recent authorita
tive statement that the Japanese slegs
works are completed and on reports from
Jupanese sources that at Port Dalny an
assault was expected to take place in a
few days. These reports were , received
last week,
In addition to the foregoing there is the ,
common knowledge that the Japanese re
alize that their continued Inactivity in
creases the resisting power of the Rus
sian garrison, and their consequent desire
to make such period of inactivity as brief
a possible.
Chinese, Russians and Japaness here all
agree that the Japanese vessels blockad
ing Port Arthur are paying particular at
tention to Junks which for some time past
have been trying to smuggle supplies into
the fortresses, and that when they are
caught the crews are roughly treated. The
Junks generally are sunk. and the men on
board taken Into Port Dalny. By mis
take the Japanese sunk a Junk which was
carrying delicacies to General Nogl from
an admirer, but a part of the cargo waa
Expert Fight at Mukden.
MUKDEN, Sept. 18. The armies having
recovered from the effects of the recent
fighting before Llao Yang, an early devel
opment of the situation may be expected.
A mysterious movement eastward is on
foot on the part of bands of Chinese suit
able for military service. All the leading
young Chinese, who have aided the Rus
sians, are leaving Mukden.
Jap Advance Posts Reinforced,
ST. PETERSBURG, Sopt, 19.-GenersJ
Sakharoff has reported to the general staff,
under date of September 17, as follows:
"Tho Manchurlan army was nowhere en
gaged in September 16 or 17. The arrival
of considerable reinforcements Is notice
able at advance posts, along the whole of
the enemy's front and especially near the
village of Blaniurousa and east of the rail
way toward the Yental mines."
It Is announced from Mukden thnt both
the Russian and Japanese generals have
promised to respect the tombs and palace
Japanese Capture Russian Stores.
TOKIO, Sept. 18.-Noon Marquis Oyama,
commander-in-chief of the Japanese forces
In the field, telegraphed this morning that
General Oku had reported having captured
thirteen prisoners at the battle of Llao
Yang. He also gave a detailed list of the
Russian stores which General Oku cap
tured, as follows:
Thirty horses, 2,288 rifles, 127 ammunition
wagons, 6,S:i2 rounds of artillery, 659,900
small arm cartridges, great quantities of
timber, flour, rice, forage, engineering Im
plements, clothing and accoutrements.
Marquis Oyama, commandsr-ln-chlef of
the Japanese forces in the field, reports that
the' armies under Generals Kurokl and
Nodzu made no prisoners In the fighting
before Llao Yung. General Kurokl cap
tured forty horses, 800 rifles, S00 rounds of
artillery and UoO.ono rounds of rifle ammuni
tion, telegraph apparatus and various mis
cellaneous Implements.
General Nodzu captured 400 rifles, 1,064
rounds of artillery and 37,880 rounds of rifle
ammunition, three heliographs, telephones,
tools and lurge quantities of foodstuffs and
General Oku captured sufficient timber to
construct railroad depots.
Russlaua Deny Spoils Story.
BAR HARBOR, Me., Sept. 18-The Rus
sian embassy has received the following
communication from the general staff at
Bt. Petersburg:
Tho official report of Marshal Oyama re
garding the occupation of Llao Yang after
a severe fight, is not exact, as Oyama
could not name any quantity of prisoners
or guns captured by his troops and without
this his dispatch would appear too meager
for the Japanese public, which was awult
ing news uf Immense spoils having bcn
captured to atone for the tremendous
loss'-s sustained ut the battle by the Japa
nese uriny. The Japanesn commander-in-chief
Invents the following facts: Two
old railwuy cars and several broken-up
commissary wagons are referred to b
Oyama as "an Immense supply of pro
visions and railwuy material," several
empty ammunlilon boxes are designated
"a great quantity of ammunition loft by
the Russians in the entrenchments snd
forts." As to the dum-duin bullets, they
are simply our well kuuwa asovoalsd
sulvtwr LuiUts ' ,