Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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Dart sells drugs
I,effert's glasses lit.
Stockert sells carpets.
Duncan sells the best school shoes.
Open Sundsy. Tucker's Bway studio.
Office boy wanted. Dr. Woodbury. SO Pearl
Duncan does the bt repairing. 23 Main at.
Western Iowa college fail term now oprn.
School paints, brushes and paper. Alex
ander's, 333 B way.
Commencing today the public library
will be open Sunday from 2 to t p. m.
A gospel meeting will be held this even
ing at the DeLong mission, 910 Avenue F.
Fred Flsht-r and Leona Weir, a colored
couple of thla city, were married last even
Ins by Justice Ouren.
Now la your time to atudy character
Impereonatlon In the Western Iowa College.
N. W. Coffman of Springfield, Mn., and
Etta M. Corey of Odebolt, la., were mar
ried In thla city yesterday by Justice
Thomsa Stanton, charged with assault
ing Albert 8lwl. a laborer at the Iowa
School -for the Deaf, was fined IS and costs
In Justice Ournn's court yesterday. He ng
financially Insolvent Stanton was ent to
the county Jail to board out the line.
New classes will be formed In the West
ern Iowa Collrge Monday.
A. Stelnhofel complained to the police
that a aneak thief had ato en a I air of
trousers from the dressing room at the
motor barn. In the pockets of the garment
waa a 20 g4d piece. The trousers were
found In the weeds near the power noue,
but the money had vanished.
Several student were enrolled at the
Western Iowa College Monday.
There will be a meeting of republicans
of the Sixth ward Thursday evening at the
county building, corner of Twenty-fourth
street and Avenue B, for the purpose of
organizing a Roosevelt and Fairbanks
marching club. A drum corps will be In
attendance to assist In developing entnua-
''Leftert'a fall and holiday sesaon new
gooda are arriving dnlly. Call and see them
and bring your frienda.
Andrew Peterson, an Insane patient at
St Bernard"! hospital, made hie" escape
yesterday morning and waa .found by a
keeper from the Institution In Bayllss park.
Feterson put up a stiff fight when caught
and the keeper had to secure the assist
ance of a policeman. Peterson was taken
back to the hospital In the police patrol.
Bee the "lies Mllle Fleur" (the "Thousand
Flower), the latest pattern In sterling sil
ver. Leffert'a prlcea auit.
The motor company will put on a ten
minute service from Pearl and Broadway
to Lake Manawa thla afternoon for the ac
commodation of those desiring to take in
the ball game between the Joe Smiths and
the Nonpareils of Omaha. The gate re
ceipts will go to the fund the Council
Bluffs firemen are raising for the purchase
of a ball-bearing racing wagon.
Just received", the finest line of hand
painted Belleek china in the wept. Leffert.
the Jeweler and Optician. '
Habeas corpua proceedings were Insti
tuted yesterday by William M. Irwin of
Cripple Creek. Colo., to secure possession
of his two wards, Mabel and Irene Hart
sock. daughters of James P. Hartsock. a
miner who was killed In the dynamite ex
plosion at the Independence mine lit
S - ..( ipAtMl nmlniil Inhn
klUIIV. . 1 r mil . a ........ n' -
(McCoy and wife and William James and
wife, with whom the children have been
making their home In this city. Mr. Irwin
waa appointed guardian of the children by
the Colorado courts and he Is anxious to
take the girls to Colorado and place them
In school there. To this John McCoy and
Mrs. James, unc'e and aunt of the chil
dren, are opposed. Judge Macy, before
whom the hearing was had yesterday aft
ernoon, took Ha case under advisement un
. til Monday.
A new line of rosaries, beads and cruci
fixes In amethyst, garnet, onyx, pearl,
moonstone and Jade beads. Just received
atj Leffert's.
latll Then a Vote AVlth Every Cent's
Worth at DeLong's.
Last night's vote:
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brown 38,703
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood 37.2
Mr. und Mrs. Jnmes Tullls 36.004
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mauer .... 31.611
If you have been wanting to give somo
couple a boost In De Long's married couple
voting contest you will have to get In line
quick, for It will be all over Monday night
at 10 o'clock. One vote ts 'given with each
cent of all purchases at the DeLong Print,
lng and Stationery company. 406 Broadway.
A painting of Council Bluffs In 1863 will be
auctioned off at t o'clock, the purchaser
to receive votes. The voting contest will
close at exactly 10 o'clock. Everybody In
vited. Servlcea at Churches.
At St. Paul's Episcopal church at the
morning service at 10:SO o'clock the rector,
Rev. II. W. Starr, will preach a special
sermon to parents. The offertory anthem
will bs sung by Mrs. W. W. Sherman and
Mlas Price. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock
will be resumed.
Rev. Harvey Hostetter, paator of the
Second Presbyterian church, will take as
the subject of his sermon this morning "A
Mind to Work." In the evening the theme
will be "Life a School."
.The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services In the Sapp building at
11 a. m. when the subject will be "Reality."
Sunday achool will be held following these
services. Mid-week testimony meeting will
be Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
The Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services In Woodman hall In the
Merrlam block at 10:45 a. r.n. The subject
will be "Reality." Sunday school will be
at 11:46 a. m. and the regular mid-week
testimony meeting Wednesday evening at
7:48 oclock. '
First Congregational church. Rev. Jamea
Thomson, paator. Hours of worship; 10:30
and 1:00 p. m., Sunday school at noon.
Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. At the morn
In service the paator will preach upon
'Should We Have a Revival?" In the even
ing the subject will be "John, the Beloved
Disciple." All are cordially welcome.
Trnnk Stolen from Car.
Jamea Masslck and H. E. Jordan, two
brldgemen In the employ of the Burling
ton, reported to the police laat evening that
a trunk belonging to them had been taken
from a work car at the Burlington round
house. In the trunk were several suits of
clothes, two gold watches, a silver watch
and l In mopey. An old man seen In tho
vicinity of the roundhouse Is thought to
have carried the trunk away In a wagon.
The police have a good description of the
aupposed thief and Ills arrest Is looked for.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterd
ay to
the following:
Name and residence.
Samuel E. Brown. Cedar Rapids, la
Edna M. Hoch. Council Bluffs
N. W. Coffman, Springfield, Mo
Etta M. Corey. Ouebolt. Ia .N
N. Y. Plumbing O Tel. 9t. Wight, Flej.
For Sent.
An excellent office location, fronting on
Pearl street, 'only half a block from Broad
way. With nice large showwlndow which
can be used for display. Be offlce. 1
Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
Fall Term now open. Students enrolling
every week day. Write for catalogue.
E. P. MILLER. Pres.
Ma anal Tempi. 'Phono '801 4.
It Pearl St. Council Bluffs. 'Phone IT.
Chief Kicholion and Marion 8UTeni Vio
timi of Accident.
Gas Company Had Thrown It Oat t
Ditch and Failed to Have Danger
Light Pot Oat Injuries Not
Fire Chief Nicholson and his driver, Mar
lon Stevens, were thrown from their buggy
while running to a fire on Garden street
about 2 o'clock yesterday morning. Both
were severely bruised and aliaken up.
Their Injuries are not thought to be seri
ous, but It several days before
either will be able to leave his home.
The accident occurred on South First
street at the Intersection of Pierce street,
where the gas company has the street
torn up while laying new mains. The earth
irom tne anon wnicn tne company naa
excavated was thrown to the east side of
the street and driving Into this caused the
accident. Seeing the danger lights over the
excavation. Stevens drove on the east side,
only to run Into the mound Of earth which
waa not protected with lights. The buggy
waa not upset but the force of the Impact
with the mound of earth threw both Chief
Nicholson and Stevens out of the wagon.
Stevens was stunned by the fall, but
Chief Nicholson was fortunately able to
call out In time to warn the driver of the
chemical engine which was close behind
them, and thus prevent the heavy wagon
running over them. The chemical engine
was pulled up astride of the mound of
earth and a few feet only from the pros
trate men. The accident delayed the chem
ical engine several minutes In reaching the
scene of the fire.
The fire to which the department was re
sponding destroyed a small frame cottage
on Garden street, owned and occupied by
Mrs. Anna Egbert. Mrs. Egbert had no
As a result of the accident. Mayor Mac
rae yesterday Instructed Chief of Police
Richmond to summon, the gas company
Into court for falling to comply with the
city ordinances by not keeping a danger
light on the mound of earth. Manager By
erly of the gas company states that a
watchman was on duty at the excavation.
Grand Jary Returns Indictments.
indictment charring them with murder
in the second degree were returned yes
terday by the district grand Jury against
Robert Ii. Turner and Andy Hill, the
negroes held for the killing of George Chll
son, president of the Boilermakers' union
of Omaha, on the night of July 14 last.
An indictmen. charging him with larceny
from a building was returned against Nor
man Taylor, the Omaha youth who broke
Into J. K. Cooper's house at 1029 Fourth
avenue and stole a pocketbook containing
Chester Egbert waa Indicted on a similar
charge, he being accused of stealing two
carriage cushions and two carriage lamps
from T. N. Peterson's barn at the corner
of Fourth and Story streets on August H.
The value of the stolen property was placed
at 125.50. His bond was placed at 1300.
An Indictment was returned against
Hnrry Robinson, charged with stealing
several suits of clothes and other property
from the rooms of guests at the Neumayer
hotel on July 14. The Indictment chargea
breaking and entering a building and Rob
inson's bond was placed at 1500.
The only other Indictments made public
were against Jack Murphy and John Wil
son, charged with stealing a quantity of
tools, the property of H. F. Keller, from
a building at the corner of Fifth avenue
and Seventeenth street on the night of
June 21. Their bonds were fixed at MOO
ench. ,
It Is understood that the grand Jury re
turned In all gvbout fifteen Indictments, but
the others were not made public, as the
defendants are not yet In custody.
Tho grand Jury reported that the county
and city Jails were both In good condition.
This Is the first time In several years that
the grand Jury has made a favorable report
on the city Jail.
Dies of Broken Neck.
Dietrich Varthman. after living for three
weeks with a broken neck, finally suc
cumbed to his injuries yesterday morning
at Mercy hospital. Varthman's case waa
a somewhat remarkable one. Hla neck was
broken by a fall from a load of hay. When
brought to the hospital here Dr. F. T.
Seybert, the attending physician, under,
took on' operation for the removal of the
fractured vertebrae, but Varthman waa un
able to sustain the anaesthetic and the
operation had to be abandoned. A stretch
ing process was resorted to and for a while
Varthman Improved conalderably and hopes
were entertained that he might partially
recover. Varthman was a single man and
It Is not known If he has relatives In this
section of the country.
The funeral will be held Tuesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock from the German Lutheran
church In Keg Creek township and burial
will be In the township cemetery. Varth
man waa 62 years of age and had been
a resident of Pottawattamie county for
thirty-two years. He leaves one brother.
Albert Varthman of Keg Creek, and one
sister In Germany.
School paints and paper. Alexander's.
Ohio Societies Picnic.
About 200 persons attended the picnic of
the Ohio societies of Omaha and Council
Bluffs yesterday afternoon at Falrmount.
While the attendance was smaller than
had been expected, the affair proved a most
enjoyable one. H. W. Robert, superintend
ent of the Iowa School for the Deaf, pre
alded at the exercises held In the glen near
the band atand, and made a short opening
address. Short speeches were made y
President Howard of the Omaha society,
Judge J. "R. Reed and C. M. Harl of this
city, and Hon. John L. Webster and Judge
Slabaugh of Omaha. Covalt's band fur
nished music during the afternoon. At the
close of the spcechmaklng atid before the
crowd scattered for the basket picnic, a list
of Ohio counties waa called and those from
the different counties grouped together, re
newed old or made new acquaintances.
While gathered near the band stand, a
group photograph of the party was taken.
Plumbing and heating,. Blxby ft Son.
Baby Show Works Well.
Several score of babies accompanied by
their mothers and elder alatera. gathered
yesterday afternoon ,u the club rooms of
the Loyal Temperance legion, on Fifth ave
nue, where the women of the First Con
gregational church had announced a "baby
ahow." with prises for the prettiest, plump
est, best natured. etc., baby. Many were
dlssppolnted, however, when they discov
ered that Instead of the prises being
warded by Judges they were vivan tn ths
little one receiving the largest number ef
votes. Incidentally these voles had to bs
purchased and ths much advertised "baby
show" proved, in fsct. to be a somewhat
clever scheme of the church women to raise
money for the church work. In all, seven
teen prises were swarded.
Mrs. Martin Wants Divorce.
Cr.el and Inhuman treatment, failure to
support and desertion are the charge made
by Mrs. Bertha M. Reed Martin In a suit
brought yesterday In the district court for
divorce from Charles E. Martin, to whom
she waa married In this city on June f,
199. The defendant Is city ticket sevnt
of the Great Western railroad In Omaha.
In addition to the divorce Mrs. Martin asks
the custody of their 4-months-old baby
daughter and 15,000 alimony. Attachment
for 11.00) against the property of the defend
ant was Issued by Judge Macy.
Several Weddings of More Than t'snal
Miss Anna Sperling Is visiting relative
In Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Martin are vis
iting friends In Ohio.
Mrs. C. F. Spauldlng and son, Lee, are
vlfitlng at Coin. la.
Miss Ethel Orlsp returned Tuesday from
a month's visit In Boston.
Mrs. J. P. Haske of Benton street, Is
visiting friends in Chicago.
The C. M. L. club will nVet with Mrs.
George L. Tlnley Thursday.
Mrs. Nina Smith Is visiting friends In
Marshalltown and towa Falls.
Mrs. Anna Darraugh and Miss Darraugh
left yesterday for Pasadena, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Glllet of Glen avenue
rewtrned Monday from St. Louis.
Mrs. George Carson and daughter, Jean
ette, left Wednesday for St. Louis.
Miss Gertrfede Hough returned Wednes
day from a week's visit at St. Louis.
Mrs. Josephine Thomas lpft Mondny for
a few weeks' visit at Rock Island, III.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sperling have for
their guest Mrs. Koehler of Newark, N. J.
Mra. M. A. Fletcher and daughter. .Mrs.
E A. Hess, are In St. Louis attending the
Miss Edna- Keellne. who has been spend
ing the summer abroad returned home
Miss Emma Potter and Miss Blanrhe
Arkwrlght are spending a week In St.
Miss Addle Ganson of Kearney, Neb., la
the guest of Mrs. A. F. Glllet of Glen
Miss Helen Runyon will leave tomorrow
to resume her studies at Brownell Hall,
Al'an Dudley left JYIday for Columbia;
Mo., where he will enter the University of
Harry Joslln left Friday for Lincoln,
where he will attend the University ft
Unity guild of Grace Episcopal church
will meet at the home of Mrs. R. H. Har
ris Friday. '
Mrs'. Lou M. Graves returned Wednesday"
from California, where she had been spend
ing the summer.
Master Carrol O'Donnel entertained a
number of his little frienda at a house
party Saturday.
Mrs. George Bebblngton and daughter
left Thursday for a week's visit at the
St. Louis fair.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Runyon and daughter?
Edith, left yesterday for a few days' visit
In -Blair, Neb
Mrs. Woolsey and daughter. Pearl, of
Onawa. Ia., spent the past week with rela
tives In the city.
Mrs. I. Mimel and mother, Mrs. W. G.
Morris, left Friday for Portland, Ore., for
a six weeks' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harcourt left
Wednesday for Fremont, Neb., where they
will spend the winter.
Mrs. John Dick and daughter Mildred
of Plsgah, Ia., are guests at the home
of A. M. Hutchinson. .
Mrs. W. W. Wallace and daughter. Miss
Helen, have returned trom a visit with
relatives at Ludington, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Crenelle of Florida were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hun yon the last week.
Miss Conkllnr who has been visiting her
stater, Mrs. H. A. Woodbury, has returned
to her home In Chicago. .
Mrs. Thomas Treynor and children of
Sioux City are visiting Mrs. Treynor's par.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Slyter.
The attendance at the Boat club dance
at Lake Manawa Friday evening was large,
about ninety membera and friends being
Miss Lucy Richards, who has been vis
iting friends in the city for the past
month, left Wednesday for her home In
New York City
Mrs. Charles E. Woodbury entertained
at a kenslngton Wednesday afternocn com
plimentary to Mra. Paul Bhepard of Texas.
The rooms were beautifully decorated In
astors. a large bowl of the blossoms form
ing a center piece for the iable. About
twenty-five were present.
Mrs. Donald Macrae, Jr., will hold an In
formal reception at her home Wednesday
afternoon from I to 5 for the members of
the Woman'! Christian" association and
rhelr friends to meet Miss Jennie Cottell,
the new superintendent of the Woman's
Christian Association hospital.'
Rev. and Mrs. Stratten of the Broadway
Methodist Episcopal church were delight
fully surprised last evening by a number
of their frienda at a farewell party. The
high esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. Strat
ten are held was shown by the elegant set
of sliver spoons presented to them.
Miss Lucy and Master George Spooner
entertained a number of young friends
Wednesday. The rooms snd tables were
beautifully decorated with nasturtiums. A
merry evening was spent In games, prizes
being won by Florence Squires and Chester
Dudley. Dainty refreshments were served.
Mrs. Gunnoude of Willow avnue enter
tained Monday evening for Mr. Thomas
Rooney and Miss Frances Kelley. An ele
gant six-course d'nner was served. Those
B resent were: Miss Franeea Keller, Miss
:ate Sullivan, Miss' Ida Gunri of Denver,
Mr. Thomas Rooney and Mr. Martin
The kitchen 'shower given by the women
of the Broadway Methodist church Tliurs
day evening was a decided success, about
100 being In attendance. During the even
ing the following program waa rendered:
Llda McFadden, vocal solo; Earl MoCon
nel, violin solo; Edna Orcutt and Florence
Lougee, duet.
Mrs. Nina Smith entertained Informally
Tuday evening In honor of Miss Hay
Carter, who will leave today for Columbia,
Mo., where she will enter Christian col
lege. Light refreshments were serve.l.
Those- present were: Miss Hazel Plpj.ln,
Miss Ethel Shubert, Miss Bertha Wheeler,
Miss Ida Pippin, Mies Elizabeth Crane
and Miss Bay Carter.
Mrs. M. F. Rnhrer gave a delightful ken
slnglon to about twenty frienus Monday
afternoon. The guests of honor were Mm.
E. A. Rlsser. who will leave shortly lor
Des Moines to make her home, and Mia.
Frank Shepard of St. Joseph. During the
afternoon several musical selections were
rendered by Mrs. Mullis and, greatly ap
preciated by the women present. Refresh
ments were served.
The social given by the Junior I,. T. L.
club Friday evening was very largely at
tended, about 100 members being present.
The program was as follows: Ktta Bulrd,
Bin no solo: Mary McConnel, vocal solu;
enevleve Ward, piano solo; Grace Utter
back, reading; Lola Klzee, vocal solo; Miss
Meneray, piano solo; Harry and Arthur
Evans, mandolin duet: Laura Robinson, vo
cal solo. After the entertainment Ice cream
and cake were served.
Mrs. Nat Shenard of avenue F entertained
about eighteen frienda Tuesday afternoon In
nonor or Mrs. Paul (She;iard or Texas. As
ters and clematis vine were used in the
decorations of the rooms and tables. Dur
ing the afternoon a number of musical se
Iwtlons were rendered, among: them a vo.
cut solo by Miss Emma Beeue. A dainty
course luncheon Was served. Mrs. Shepard
also entertained a number of friends Tues
day evening complimentary to Mrs. Frank
Shepard of St. Joseph, Mo.
The meeting of the women of the Asso
ciated Chnrliies, held Monday at the home
of Mrs. R. H. Nichols, waa well attended
and specially Interesting. Several relief
esses were brought up snd plans made
for enlarging the resources ' and work
Many applications for the admission of
children make Increased needs of bedding,
especially for regular sized beds, snd
clothing of all sizes from infants' to girls'
and boys' of 12 years. Clothing is needed
st once for four little girls frnwi ( to 11
years of age. A nursery committee is lielng
organised to provide directly for the in
fants' department and will meet on Mon
day next at the home of Mra. W. J. Daven
port at I o'clock. After the regular busi
ness meeting the social hour followed and
lluht refreshments were served by the
committee. eonelMIng of Mrs. Metzger, Mrs.
True and Mrs. aims.
One of the prVttlest weddings of the week
mas that of Miss Frances Kelley snd Mr.
Thomas Rooney, which took place Wednes
day at I o'clock at St. Frauds' Catholic
church. The ceremoiy waa performed by
Rev. Father Smyth. 'The bride 'was lovely
in her wedding gown of silk net over white
taffeta, and carried bride rosea. The brides
maid. Miss Kate Sullivan, was gowned In
pale blue and carried La France roses. Mr.
Martin Hughes acted as best man. The
ushers were Horace Pierce, Will Hermsen.
Euc-ne Sullivan and Joe Oespecher. Fol
lowing the ceremony a five-course pink and
white breakfast was served to the imme
dlate friends and relatives at the home of
the bride, which was artistically adorned
with cut flowers and palms. Mr. and Mrs.
Roonev left for St. Louis, Denver and other
western points. They will reside In Council
A pretty home wedding occurred Wedn
day afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of
the brides parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Aten, on Olen avenue, when their daugnter.
Miss Carrie Aten, became the wife of Mr.
Thomas L. Hall. The ceremdny was per
formed by Rev. W. B. Clemmer, In the
presonce of the relatives and Immediate
friends. The bride was, charming In white
batiste over wlrlte silk, with trimmings of
V'nlenclennes lace, nnd carried white bride
roses. The rooms were elaborately deco
rs ted In roses nnd hydrangeas. In the din
ing room, where the wedding dinner was
served, asparagus and white clematis were
used In profusion, ropes of asparagus en
twined with the clematis being suspended
from the chnndeller to the four, corners of
the table. The bride's golng-awsv gown
was navy blue voile, with hat and gloves
to match. Mr. and Mrs. Hall left for a
wedding trip to Ashland, Neb., and will be
at home alter October 1 at 621 Washington
avenue. . ' I
Campaign In Marshall Conntr Opens
With Rousing Rally.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia., Sept. 17. (Spe
cial Telegram. ) The republican campaign
for Marshall county was fittingly opened
today by a mass meeting, addressed by
A. B. Cummins, governor of Iowa.
Crowded streets greeted the governor as
he cnme; before s local audience for the
first lime in ten years. J. M. Parker made
a few' remarks as he. Introduced the
speaker, calling attention to the fact that
the meeting waa not only the opening of
the campaign, but might be called a semi
centennial of the birth of the party, reach
ing from Lincoln to Roosevelt.
On the stage with Governor Cummins
was Joseph Tuffree of this city, 94 years
of age'and a life-long republican.
Governor Cummins referred to the prog
ress and development of the republican
party, outlined his views on the tariff
question and told plainly what he stood
for. "Iowa Just now need fear but two
things, frost and democrats. The one I
pray against every night and the other
I speak against every night," said the gov
ernor In opening. Governor Cummins spoke
In high praise of N. S. Ketchum of this
city, nominee for railroad commissioner,
and said he was pleased to know he had
entered the ranks of the party. T.he ad
dress was closed by the statement that
Iowa :vould turn out a republics n majority
of 150,000 for Roosevelt and Fairbanks.
Modern Woodmen Picnic at Little
Sloaz Is Largely Attended.
LITTLE SIOUX, Ia., Sept. 17.-(Speclal.)
A large logrolling and picnic of the Mod
ern Woodmen of America occurred here
today. The program was rendered this
morning at Little Sioux's famous, park.
The address of welcome was made by J.
J. Adams. Then Hon. George W. Egan,
an attorney of Logan, the orator of the
day, was Introduced. In closing his short,
well rounded speech, Egan said: "Any man
or woman who lives the highest life be
lieving In equality before the law, one
laW for rich and' poor, fearlessly and hon
estly administered that man or woman
stands on Plymouth rock. When Joseph
Cullen Root organized the Modern Wood
men of America, with Its great blessings
to thousands of widows and orphans
making It possible for the great body of
common, men to carrv Insurance as a herit
age to their wives nnQ children he, he I
say to you, stoed with both feet on Ply
mouth rock."
Miny sports and races for which prizes
were offered occurred In the afternoon. A
balloon ascension was made at 6 o'clock.
Mapleton Saloons Enjoined.
ONAWA. Ia., Sept. 17.-(Speclal.) Judge
Wakefield today In the Monona county dis
trict court called up the Mapleton saloon
case, all parties being present, J. F.
Joseph of Sioux City appearing for the
plaintiff and C. Cooper of Mapleton for
the defendants. By agreement no defense
was made to the application for writs of
Injunction to prevent the Illegal selling of
liquor and Injunctions were issued against
H. E. Kuerney, L. Wllhelm. John Men
hennlck, H. F. Cook. Alex Motherly and
Minnie Cook, Christianson & Rutzler, J. C.
Christlanson, John F. Putzur and W. R.
Rogers, who are the proprietors and owners
of the three Mapleton saloons. The costs,
amounting to about 147.50 In each case, were
taxe(J to and payable by the defendants,
who will now have to conform to the pro
visions of the mulct law or be liable to a
fine of from $300 to $1,000.
Ko Ftroat Jit Onawa.
ONAWA. Ia., Sept. 17.-(Speclal.)-There
has been no frost In .this vicinity or In
Monona county to do any damage. Wednes
day morning the thermometer recorded
41 degrees, Thursday morning 43 degrees,
according to Observer Perkins. The
weather is fine for corn and the crop Is
now practically made. Although a week
or ten days will help some of It. the ab
sence of frost means many thousands of
dollars to the people of Monona county.
Iovrn News ntri.
SIBLEY, Sept.' 17 Methodist Missionary
Llshop J. M. Bashford and wife, after a
farewell visit to Iowa family relatives,
have started to China and will establish an
Episcopal residence at Shanghai.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Sept. 17.-The fol
lowing young people left today for col
lege: Cyrus Cole, Hugh Cook, Ross Mc
Laughlin, Charles Rainbow. Harold Cook,
Orlo Edsecomb, Rush Lahman, Guy .Cox
and Harry Boies.
SIBLEY, Sept. 17.-G. A. Shepherd has
sold the' Decatur, Neb., Herald to George
F. Morley. The Presbyterian Monthly at
Jefferson, Ia., has suspended publication.
J. B. Townsley has become editor and man
ager of the Larchwood Leader.
WOODBINE. Sept. 17.-. Woodbine repub
licans have nominated the following town
ship officers: Trustee, S. M. Blackman;
assessor, R. L. Oliver; clerk. E. R. Hetlin;
Justices of the peace, 8. C. Eshelman and
L. Crane; constables, S. S. Cadwailer and
A. S. Rule. C. U. Klefer was elected town
ship chairman.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Sent. 17. -Six Mis
souri Valley women have been chosen to
assist In the exercises at the Ak-Sar-Ben
ball as follows: First maid of honor, Edith
Amen; second maid of honor, Ella With
row; first lady of the court. Mrs. R. C.
Hills: second lady of the court, Mrs. Emma
Harrie-Russell; first lady in waiting. Mis.
Clarence W. Kellogg; second lady In wait
ing, Mrs. George A. Kellogg.
Hotel at Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI, Sept. 17. The Bristol ho
tel was damaged $,000 by fire today, caus
ing a panic among ths nnety guests, who
were aroused from sleep. All escaped. Mrs.
8 J. Smith of I-os Angeles, Cal., and two
others were taken out unconscious from the
effects of Smoke, but later- recovered,. Sev
eral were temporarily prostrated from
Indiana rVnltentlsry Buildings.
LAPORTE. Ind., Sept. 17. Fire today
destroyed five five-story buildings Inside the
state prison walls at Michigan City, caus
ing a loss of over $100,000. The fire started
from a dry kiln chair factory, according to
g statement by the authorities, slthough
rumors are In circulation that the convicts
fired the buildings.
Charged They Bought Oopirs of Medical
Examination riper.
Former Professor rt tho University
Brings the Charge Van Sant Is
to Speak In Conncll
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 17.-(Speclal.) The
State Board of Medical Examiners Is pre
paring to make an Investigation of ac
cusatior.s against the last class of student
examined before the board, to the effect
that they had purchased copies of the
questions before the examination. The
charges were filed by Dr. L. Schooler, for
merly dVan of the college of medicine con
nected with Drake university, from which
most of the students came. He wrote the
board stating that the lists of questions
printed were purchasable before the last
examinations and Inviting investigation
The board asked htm to appear and lay
before It the evidence be wad In his po
session, but he declined to do so. Ths
board has now cited him to appear before
It at the next meeting, next month, and
will otherwise Investigate. The examina
tion' questions were printed at an office In
Des Moines, and members of the board are
unable to understand how copies could
have got away. The students and others
who were up for examination are indig
nant that the charge should have been
Van Sant to Go to tho Bluffs.
Ths state ' committee has Insisted that
Governor Van Sant of Minnesota snail fill
his date for a meeting at Council Bluffs
and he has been formally assigned to speak
there October 14. There was some opposi
tion to this because of its nearness to the
time of the Fairbanks meeting In Omaha,
but the state committee felt that this
would not Interfere. The Minnesota gov
ernor speaks the evening previous at Le
Mars and the next evening at Clinton. He
had intended giving a whole week to Iowa,
but could not do so.
Stick to Conventions.
The republicans of Marlon county, In
convention at Knoxville, refused by an
overwhelming vote to go to the primary
system for the making of nominations In
the county. The following were nominated:
For county clerk, George W. Long; for
auditor. Bent Ruckman; for recorder,
George Inlow; for county attorney, W. H.
Lyons; for member Board of Supervisors,
Leopold Lllke.
Paper Mache Factory.
There was Incorporated today with the
secretary of state the National Paper
Mache works of Clinton for the manufac
ture of articles from paper. The capital Is
$o0,000; F. C. A. Richardson, president; Otto
Luedeke, secretary. The company Is the
first of Its kind In Iowa.
Other companies incorporated today were:
The Sloan Land and Cattle company, with
$50,000 capital; the Swarts Cigar company
of Ottumwa, with $5,000 capital, and
Char'es A. Wellman &.. Co.. Ottumwa,
$50,000. The Shaw Land and Timber com
pany of Davenport gave notice of lncrears
of capital to $300,000.
Boys Get Sentences.
Two boys were sentenced by Judge Elch
elberg at Charlton to five years each in the
penitentiary. They were Harley Waynlck
and Henry Schottev and they confessed to
having set fire to buildings last summer
which caused a $30,000 loss. An ex-chief of
police, Grant Shelton, Js under Indictment
for having employed 'the boys td set the
fire. ' - -pj . "
The warden of the Fort Madison peniten
tiary reported today that the term of
Frank Shercllffe will not expire until a
week from today instead of today.
Floyd A. Mesne,
HARVARD, Neb., Sept. 17. At the home
of his brother, seven miles north of this
city, where he was temporarily stopping,
after only about thirty-six hours' sickness
from heart and stomach trouble, Floyd A.
Megrue passed quietly away at an early
hour this morning.
Mr. Megrue was a young man about
thirty years of age and unmarried, mak
ing his home with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Megrue In this city, his par
ents having been residents of Harvard
close to thirty years.
Although for some years subject to the
attacks with which he died, he was taken
with this one Wednesday evening after re
turning from a day's work In the hay
Edward Llewellvn Kmmmm
CHADRON. Neb., Sept. 17. (Special.)
toward Llewellyn died at the home of his
brother In this city. He came here nm
two weeks sgo from the cyanide mill at
Terry, 8. D., his whole svstem nolaoned.
He waa a graduate of the Chadron High
school and had lived here since 1857. A
brother from Portland. Ore., was present
at his death, besides Dr. P. T. Barber of
Omaha and several other specialists who
naa Deen sent ror and had done what could
be done to save the man's life.
Kben P. Tufts.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Sent. 17.-rSDeclal Tel.
egram.)-Eben P. Tufts died at his home
in ins city last evening after a long and
distressing Illness from tuberculosis of the
bowels. Deceased was a native of Ohio,
where he was born October 10, 1830, and
had been a resident of Kearney for the
last twenty-one years. He served for four
years in the United States army during
the war of the rebellion, being a member
of the Fourth Iowa cavalry. A wife and
three daughters survive him.
Henry S. Moody.
Henry 8. Moody, a resident of Omaha
for thirty-seven years, died at 5 yesterday
morning. Mr. Moody's last illness was of
a week's duration and he passed away at
St. Bernard s hospital. Council Bluffs. The
deceared was 68 years of age. Is survived by
a widow and three eons, T. W. snd A.
Moody, of Omaha and C. W., a resident
of Kansas City. Funeral will be held at
t o'clock Sunday afternoon. '
Dr. Henry nidgley.
DOVER. Del.. Sent. 17. Dr. Henrv Ttfriv.
ley, president of the Farmers' bank of Del
aware and one of the wealthiest and most
prominent citizens of the state, died today.
His death was directly xdue to hiccoughs.
He was 93 years of age. The Delaware leg
islature appointed Dr. Rldgley to represent
the stste In the peace congress held In
Washington In 1861. '
' West Pointers Wed.
WEST POINT, Neb.. Sept. 17. (Special.)
Fred Dewlti and Miss Paulina Schnltsky
were united In marriage at the German
Lutheran church, Rev. W. J. Ayers of
ficiating. The bride Is ths daughter of
Louis Schnltsky of Wlsner and the groom
the son of F. F. Dewlts, an old settler of
Sherman township. The couple will reside
at Wlsner, where the groom Is In business.
Conrsd Bernhardt, a former resident of
this place, was married at Orange, Cal., to
Miss ."arris Crlddle. The groom was born
snd educated In this city. They are spend
ing their honeymoon here with the mother
of tbe groom and wlU In a (ew weeks re-
iMes Heart
Woman's Body Rescued
From the Grave.
Felt Dead and Lifeless, But Blood Made to Flow Through Veins Once
More By Strange Man's Mysterious Control Over
Disease and Death.
Makes flesh arrow or disappear at will. Recalls strength of organs worn ail
by disease or age. Renews vital energry, stops pains, straightens
crooked bones, removes onncers, tamers, sores, and unsightly,
growths, and performs other seeming miracles.
And threatens to apset modern medical practice by healing hopeless lava
lids of diseases prononnced Incurable by physicians.
Says there Is no disease ho nir not cure and offers free services and homo
treatment to the sick and afflicted to prove to all mankind the marvels of
his power Distance does not hinder nor doctors' verdicts dlsconrago.
NEW YORK, Sept. 15. (Special Corre
spondence.) By his mysterious control over
disease and death Dr. Wallace Hadley,
the eminent thaumaturgic panopathlst of
this city, has made the human heart beat
again In the body of a woman rescued from
the grave. And as a result of his success
ful experiments he makes the startling
statement that no disease should cause
death. He claims to have discovered the
vital principle of life Itself, the dynamic
force that creates and maintains existence.
Since making this discovery the cures
made by. this man of science have been
so remarkable, the restorations to life and
health that he has brought about have
been so marvelous, that he la credited
with possessing some power over disease
and death not given to ordinary mortals.
He seems to have absolute control over
human life and the diseases that control
It. Time and again he has taken men and
women pronounced hopelessly Incurable
and on the verge of the grave, and restored
them to life and health In the face of such
apparent Impossibilities that he Is credited
with working miracles. The wonder Is In
creased by the fact that he performs these
cures without the useless drugs dispensed
by doctors, and that he gives freely of his
services without charge to all who are
sick and afflicted, saying during a recent
Interview: .
"I believe that It Is my duty to God and
man to help all who are in need. I am not
millionaire, but I am well able to afford
to do my share toward relieving the suf
ferings of mankind and driving disease
from the earth. And since It Is my power
to cure and drive out disease I feel that
I must not use this gift wrongfully. I
have no right to deny a poor man the boon
of health, nelthej do I believe In making
mm waste nis money on useless aruii.
It Is not only that medicines often do
more harm than good, but 1 have "found
something as much superior to them as
the sun is to a candle. As evidence of
this my experience has proved that there
Is no disease I may not cure since making
this discovery. 1 do not care how severe
tho case may be, how chronic, how long
standing, what other men have said or
failed to do, or whether the patient has
been pronounced Incurable or not. I am
Just as ready to cure consumption, cancer,
paralysis, Brlght's disease, organic weak
ness and other so-called Incurable diseases
as 1 am to cure stomach and bowel trou
bles, rheumatism, nervous prostration,
blcod disorders, catarrh or any of the
other ills that human flesh is heir to.
1 have done so many times over. Without
Intending to boast, I may safely say that
I treat more patients In a year than the
average physician does In a lifetime, and
among these are numbered casea that are
probably among the worst In the country.
And I cure because I have at my com
mand a power over disease so great that
Its extent can hardly be realfsed. For
Instance, read thia letter from one of my
patients, Mrs. J. G. Whitfield, of Norfolk,
Va., who writes:
' 'I was so near crossing the Great Val
ley that my body felt dead and lifeless;
but you made my heart beat again and my
blood flow through my veins once more.
I was very despondent when you came to
my rescue. My stomach, liver and kldneya
were In such a bad state I waa afraid I
couldn't ever be cured, and In addition I
was afflicted with varicose veins and ulcers,
that I thought could not be cured. I was
In despair when I wrote to you feeling that
It was a chance for life and health. I suf
fered untold misery, but now I can shout
for Joy over my restoration to life and
health. I don't feel like the same person.
I do feel so thankful to you. May God
ever bless you.' And this from Mr. E. C.
Bess, of El Campo, Tex., who says: 'I was
as good as dead when you came to my
rescue with your most wonderful discovery.
I was suffering the -torment of the damned
turn to California, where they will make
their future home.
Herbert Walter Howell was married at 4
o'clock Saturday afternoon In All Saints'
church to Miss Laura Cordelia Hunter. The
church waa nicely decked for the occasion.
Rev. T. J. 1 Macksy performed the cere
mony After the ceremony all went to
the' reception at the home of the bride's
parents at Twenty-fourth and Capitol ave
nue. Later In the day the bridal pair de
parted for New York and Canadian polnta.
where they will spend a honeymoon of
three weeks. The father of the bride Is
L. A. Hunter and the groom Is traveling
freight end psssenger agent of the Mil
waukee. Mr. and Mrs. Howell will make
their home In this city.
Omahana Splice at Plattsmoat a.
PLATTSMOlgTH, Neb., Sept. 17.-(Speclal
Telegram. )-Rev. A. F. Ploets, pastor ot
the Oerman Presbyterian church In this
city, united In marriage this afternoon
James S. Jenkins snd Miss Anna Belinger
and this evening Charles Anderson nl
Miss Josephine Schmidt, all residents 01
targeon-Ullbreth. -
M IN DEN. Neb., Sept. 17 (Special.) Rev.
Mr. Sturgeon, pastor of ths United Prssby
tarlan church, has returned from Tarren-
Beat Again
from rheumatism, liver and kidney disease,
and dropsy. It Is hard to tell which was
the worst, as they all set me almost crazy
with pain. 1 did not know a comfortable
moment free from pain. It was like having
toothache all over my body, and all going
at once. Doctor after doctor had given
me up to die, left me dead, and could do
nothing to relieve me. But you brought
me back to life. I suppose you know how
you did It, but I don't and I don't much
care about the how, as long as you did
It so quickly and permanently. The man
I am now could whip three of the man I
"Then here Is another from Mrs.' E. J.
Shepherd, of Colfax, Iowa, which reads:
'i sm one of those poor unfortunates whose
many years have been spent In bodily
affliction. My troubles were bronchitis,
kidney disease and catarrh of the head,
stomach, bowels. I am 64 years of age,
and In those years have tried dosens of
doctors, and hundreds of remedies, trying
to get well, but nothing cured me until I
took your Force of Ure. I was confined
to my bed and coughed continually. I was
In the Jaws of death and felt that the end
was near, but you rescued my body from
the grave and gave me back the health
that 1 have not had since my youth. Now
I am strong and well, and thankful to you
and the kind providence of our Divine
Helper." These are only random examples,
but you see that they all tell the same
story of restoration to health In the fnce
of what seemed certain death. But these
and the other so-called 'miracles' that I
have been credited with working, are not
miracles In the same way as those de
scribed In the Bible. They may seem Just
as wonderful to the witnesses, hut they are
In truth simply scientific phenomena that
demonstrate and prove the great value of
the discovery I nave made, a dlsctvery
that bids fair to unset modern medical
practice, since now no case may be con
sidered Incurable."
"What la this discovery?" was asked.
I have discovered what creates life. I
have found what, creates disease and death,
and how they may be prevented. A case
of disease Is no longer a mystery to me.
whatever It may be to othera. I can see
through It as through clear glass. I see
the cause and I know the cure. Cases have
como to me that have baffled some of the
best physicians In the country; where one
doctor has said the trouble was with the
stomach, another snld heart. Mill another
diagnosed kldnev disease or something else.
But In each case I was able to see the real
cause, snd by removing It I restored the
patient to perfect health. I have known
stomach trouble to be diagnosed as heart
disease, and heart disease as rheumatism,
and countless other similar Instances.
When these mistakes are made and the pa
tient is treated for the wrong disease, how
can the sufferer hope to get well? It Is as
If you tried to tfure deafness by wearing
eye-glasses. One Is Just about as sensible
as the other. But I make a careful diag
nosis of each case that comes to me and
treat the real cause."
"You spoke of giving your services free?"
"Yes, that is right. Anyone who is 111 In
any wap and wants to be cured merely has
to write to me. addressing Wallace Hadley,
M. D., Office 876A. 708 Madison Ave., New
York city, telling me their greatest pain
or trouble, their principal symptoms, age
and sex. and I will dlagnoae their case, and
send them a course of home treatment
absolutely free of charge."
"Do vou mean that anyone who ts sick
can write to you to be cured without pay
ing you any money?"
"Yes. I mean Just that. Both my services
nnd the treatment I send are free. I want
to prove tA the whole world the value of
my discovery, and, as I said before, I feel
that it is my duty to give health to all the
poor sufferers that I can. And I am epe
cUllv anxious to cure those who have
been told thst their case Is Incurable,
that there Is no nope ror tnem to res-sin
th'lr lost health and strength. If ' they
will write to me and let me treat them
there Is not onlv hope, but an almost sb
solute certainty that they need be sick no
longer. And It makes no difference wher;
they live. A letter does Just as much good
as a personal visit. I can cure them In
their own homes ss easily and surelv as If
they came to me or I went to them.
Very Important
All plumbing is Important snd essen
tial to tho malntenauce of health, but
perhaps kitchen sanitation Is most Im
portant of all, for foul odors may spoil
and make dnngerouH most articles of
food. Beware of the defective or leak
ing kitchen sinks. Perhaps we'd brtter
bare a look at all the pipes In your
kitchen f,rwltb for defects.
J. C. Bixby & Son,
202 rial At., 203 Pearl St
Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 93
town, Pa., where he was united In mar
riage to Miss Missouri H. Gilbreth. A re
ception was held this' evening st the home
of Mr. and Mrs. ,W. S. Wlmmer to welcome
them home.
ADAMS, Neb., Sept. 17.-8peclal.) At tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jteve Shaw their
daughter Ada was maf'led to Mr. Me
Knight of Pleasantdale. Miss Shaw has
served several terms In the city schools
and has proved to be a competent teacher.
Mr. McKntght Is a well-to-do liveryman of
Arrivals st New York.
NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-MaJor Rohald
Ross, the well known authority of the mos
quito theory of malaria, arrived here on
tne steamer Lucanla from IJverpool today.
Major Ross will visit St. Ixiuls anil lecture
before the scientific congre-a and later will
go to Panama and Jamaica.- Among the
other passengers on the Lucanla were
Rt. Rev. bishop Ferguson. Pro estant Epis
copal mlxslonary, returning from Lltxrla,
and Captain W. H. Brownson. commandant
at the I'nlted States Naval academy at An
napolis. Two Other Alleged Lynchers Jailed.
HUNTSVILLK. Als.. Sept. 17 -Silas Wor
ley snd Josh II. Mitchell were lodged In
Jail today for alleged connection with the
lynching of Horace Maples. There Is a
rumor that additional troops bar pseit
ordered her to guard the jalk