Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, PART 1, Page 5, Image 5

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.DISTANCE 200 rrcr
The only line landing all its passengers at its own station, main entrance World's Fair,
saving extra car fare, time and annoyance of crowded depot.
7x45 A. M.
8:00 A. M.
7i35 P. Jri;
7;50 P. M.
630 P. M.
6.45 P. M.
7rf0 A. Ai.
7:15 A. M.
Lv Omaha Arr.
Lr. Council Bluffs Arr.
Arr. World's Fair Station Lv.
Arr. St. Louis Lv.
8:20 A. M.
8i05 A. M.
7i45 P. 31.
7:30 P. M.
9(00 P. M.
845 P. M.
9:13 A. M.
QiOO A. M.
Compare This Time With Other Lines. . All Agents Can Route Your Via Wabash.
HARRY E. M00HES, G. A. P. D, Omha, Neb.
rnfo iw
HwmH.lf Hln w i iiuw.ii wil'imi u) u n my miffiwi jam
-".it :iair.f.:.:.f . i Lt. ,;a. ...-,. ;j.k-..
Want County to Appropriate Honey to
" . Ourb Platte Eiver.
Positioner. Ii7 Four Taoasaad Aero,
of Good Ball la Moaaaed by Stream
ad Herole Action 1.
The county commissioners are asked to
give aid in the sum of about $200 to prop
erty owner, in Waterloo precinct. The con
tinued encroachment of the Platte river
outhweat from the town of Waterloo, it Is
claimed, ha. damaged the farm, along the
river, and now threaten, to cut through la
everal place., to the injury and perhap.
ruination of about 4,000 acre.
A. L. Tucker of Wayne county, who own.
ome of the farm land in question, appeared
at the meeting and presented a petition
from twenty of the property owner, along
the river. According to Mr. Tucker, the
farmer, are willing to furnish timber from
their land, for - building fascine, such a.
have been used elsewhere in the Platte
with success, and also will do the work
of building them and placing them in the
river. They ask the county to pay only for
sawing the Umber Into plunks, which they
estimate will cost 200, the fascines requir
ing about 80,000 feet of lumber. Mr. Tucker
auld the river had taken about two acre,
this year, and at every rise Inundated a
large tract. . The farmer, already have
done much work in diking their frontage,
and ask the county only to help them In
tufting the current from the Washington
ouuty shore above them at the mouth of
the present cut-off Into the Klkhorn. The
board will take some action ivytt Saturday.
Tli. commlsaioner. granted a renewal of
the lease by which the Missouri Paclflo
keep, a coal shed on the ground, of the
county poor farm. They also moved to
admit George W. Hyde to the Nebraska
Soldiers' and Bailor.' 'home.
Bob. Coapoas Not Paid.
County Treasurer rink appeared with a
communication from eastern banker, say
ing the credit of Douglas county must be
bud, a. the coupon, on bonds were not paid.
He explained the bond, in question were
two of the 1118,030 H per cent, refunded
it JH per cent through Kelly Kelly of
Topeka. These two only were not obtained
and are held at Augusta, Me. Mr. Kelly
bad promised to secure them, but had not
don. so. The board moved to ask Mr.
Kelly to secure them at, once.
Arion Lewis and other property owners in
Elm wood addition appeared before the com
missioner, with a petition for relief from
the barbed wire fencing of Superintendent
of Park. Adam. These people complained
that for spite work the commissioner had
fenced across their exit street and alleys
and made It impossible for them to get In
or out. They said the fence was of no use
and much of the park on the eastern side
was unfenced. They asked the commis
sioners to exert an influence to have the
fencing1 removed. If this could not be done
they meant to ask for the opening of a
road north to Podge street. The lots are
at the western end of Leavenworth street.
The road commute will investigate the
Always comes promptly?
Ever faithful? Saved your
life? Then hold fast to him.
We believe in doctors. Ask
yours tbout Ayers Cherry
Pectoral for hard colds,
coughs of all kinds, asthma,
bronchitis, and other throat
and lung troubles. For 60
years doctors have used It.
M I btvt utd Ayeri Cherry Pectoral
tot 82 year.. just a jim, 0f t cures
cold and. ,,opt ft cough." A. C.
" -i unia, VJQIO.
C .Tt CO, Laws anas.
MUltla Not to Blame at David City,
ay. Cnlver sad Jenkins
After Investigation.
"We have been making a searching in
vestigation into the David City encamp
ment case," said Adjutant Oeneral Culver
last evening, "and we find very little In It."
The adjutant was in the city from Lin
coln. He added:
"Quartermaster Oeneral George E. Jen
kin, and myself remained at David City
two day. after the enoampment of the
National Guard, closed to look Into the
matter and found the charges to be very
greatly exaggerated. Our observations
during the encampment were' that the
National Guard, conducted themselve. de
corously. There was a solitary case of
one member of the Guard, conducting him
self Improperly and he has been severely
disciplined for It. The facts are there
was a street fair In progress at David
City during the time of the encampment
and it was conducted In a manner deserv
ing the severest censure. Many of the mis
demeanors charged against the soldiery
were committed by the hangers-on of thl.
street fair. Our subsequent investigations
hvae confirmed this opinion. We are still
looking Into the matter and propose to go
to the bottom of these, charges to clear
the fair name of the Nebraska National
Guard. With the one exception noted-,
nothing has as yet been ascertained that
can connect the members of the National
Guard with any such scandalous practice,
as have been charged by the David City
Quartermaster General Jenkins reiterated
the statement mad. by Oeneral Culver
and added:
"The whole story Is an exaggeration and
Is baaed upon the lawleaanea. committed
by the gang of hoodlums connected with
the street fair outfit. The on. case of a
soldier being Implicated In the transac
tion, has been grossly and maliciously
magnified and even hi. participation had
nothing to do with the charge, that wo
men had been Insulted."
Irftoal Flrat Is Seed.
A civil suit Involving 18,519.04 ha. been
begun In the district court against the Van
Court Winn company by the Flick A
Johnson Construction company of Daven
Dort. la. The lea-al dlaoute arlaea from the
grading of the Zupibrpta-Farlbault branch
or the Milwaukee road In Minnesota. The
plaintiff had the contract and let it to the
local graders In May, Uk. The Davenport
firm alleges Van Court & Winn did a part
only of the 139,874.17 work and then aban
doned the contract, leaving the lowans to
finish It, making an overpayment of Sb.62S.04
Oraad Rapids Bribetakers FMaed.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. Sept. 17.-In
superior court today Judas Newuharh sen
tenced James MrCool and J. Clark Slorum,
who pleaded guilty to bribery In the Lake
Michigan water deal at the last terra of
court, fining them !5u0 eaeh. This Is the
amount of the bribe they were charged
wUa taking.
Delegate! to International Peace Congress
in Omaha Sunday.
Notables Who Are Guests of Inlted
Statea Number Three Handled and
Are Eacorted by Congress
aaa Bartlioldt.
Omaha will this morning entertain
very briefly representatives of nearly every
European nation. The foreigners are mem
bers of the International peace congress
which came here to visit the St. Louis fair.
The distinguished tourists, who number
nearly 800, will arrive from the west on two
special trains over the Union Pacific, be
tween T and 8 a. m.
.The visitor, are the guests of the United
State., which appropriated 150.000 for the
entertainment of the representatives of the
foreign governments. . The strangers, who
are in charge of Congressman Bartholdt
of Missouri, are being given a birdaeye
view of the country.
At Denver the visitors spent considerable
time and made a trip to the summit of
Pike', peak. They were royally enter
tained by the cltlsen. Few of the stran
ger, speak English, outside of the delega
tion of twenty from England. - Owing to
the difficulty In making themselves under
stood many. of the delegates have experi
enced more . or less difficulty with their
luggage. The hotels have kept track of It
by marking tha number of the room upon
the trunk or other piece of baggage as
soon as It was extricated from the pile
upon the floor.
Many titled people are In the party, in
cluding a count and a marquis from Italy.
Twenty members of the German Reichstag
are In the party, besides representative,
of the Chamber of Deputies, France; The
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden
and Switzerland. There are also repre
sentatives from Hungary and the disturbed
province of Roumanla which was con
vulsed by the murder of Its king and queen
and which is .till In a state of political
geventy-flve representatives In all are
from Hungary.
Personnel of Party.
Those composing the parliamentary party
Denmark M. V, Krabbe, vie. president
of House: William Bluhme, member of
England Hon. P. Stanhope, M. P., presi
dent or group: W. Kandttl-Cremer, M. P..
honorable .secretary of group; Samuel
KVans, M. P.: Corrie Grant. M. P., and
Mrs. Grant; Colonel Pryce-Jones, M. P.;
Thomas Lough, M. P.; Sir John Leng, M.
P., and Lady Leng; General J. W. Laurie,
M. P., Mrs. Laurie and Miss Laurie; J. A.
Thomas, M. P., and Mrs. Thomas; Dr. E.
C. Thompson, M. P., and Mrs. Thompson;
Sir Howard Vincent. M. P.: J. Wilson. M.
t mnA TLlrm 171 1 ... r. Tt V Dl-l. W Tl
and Mrs. plrle; J. Bryn-Roberts. M. P.,
and Miss Bryn-Roberts; J. Caldwell. M.
P.. and Mlsa Caldwell: Alfred Davie.. M P.,
and Oliver Dhv1b; Fred Maddlaon. ex-M.
f.: William u uunertv. M. v. mibs (t no.
ex-ju. r , j. jv. Dialer ana jura, uialer;
W. P. Bylea. M. P., and Mrs. Bylea; Dr.
Q. B. Clark, ex-M. P., and Mrs. Clark;
J. W. Spear M P., Miss Bpear and Mlsa
Ida tipear; air wuuam Holland, M. P., and
Mlaa Holland; J. Pordan, M. P.; Provost
Und'.av. M. P.. and Mlxa Flndlwrt Arthur
Pr'etly. M P : Herbert Whltelev, M. P
France M. Cochcry, deputy and president
of French group; Paul Strauaa, senator and
vice president of French group, and Mine.
Straure; Ir. Delbert, deputy and vice presi
dent oi r rencn group; as. Armet, aeputy;
M. Ayrel, M De Bee-nla, M. GHsauvtelll,
deputy; O. Chastenet. deputy; M. J. Co
chery, Jr.. M. Delesseuex. M. IBfargea,
Alf. Duchauflour and Mme. Durhauftour.
M. Falllerea, general secretary; Forge
rnol de Boatquenard, senator; M De
GoerTr. de Chabrtnac; M. G. Gerald, 'dep
uty; M. Gotteron, senator; M. Baron dc
Urandmalson, deputy; M. Janet, deputy;
M. Paul le Roux, senator; M. Dr. LachauJ,
deputy; M. P. Laroze, ex-deputy; M. Lan
dry, Mme. Landry, M. Mabllleau, M. Noel,
deputy; M. Roch, deputy; Mine. Roch, M.
Kigal, deputy; M. De Saint-Crolx, secre
tary; M. Thulllier, senulor; Mme. Thull
ller. M. Thulllier, Jr.
Germany M. iSzinula. M. Pachnicke, M.
von Maltzan, M. von BohlendorlT. M. Uroc
mel, M. Dr. Arndt, M. Dr. Paasche, M. v.
Grabskl. M. Dr. Goldschmldt. M. Prof.
Hoffmann and M. Gertenbertjer, members
of Reichstag; M. Dr. Hauptmann, M. Dr.
Cohn, M. Nadbyl, M. Rosenow, M. Schmitx,
M. Stychel, M. Gerber and M. Reeb, mem
bers of Landtag; M. v. Truenfels, M. Rog.
V Bleberstein, M. Dr. Zwlck.
Hungary Count Albert Apponyl, presi
dent Chamber of Deputies; Aristlde Ua
Desiewffy, secretary of Hungarian group,
and Mile. Sophlle de Deasewfty; Bela Ku
bik, deputy; Geza de Latlnovlts, deputy;
Louis Levay, Dr. Georges Lukacs, Michael
Maurer D'L'rmoH, Paul de Mesclenyl, dep
uty; Dr. Louis Ileinrlch, Dr. Alexandre de
Monay, deputy, and Mme. de Muhay; Dr.
Charles Nemethy, Joseph Novak, deputy;
Dr. Geza Pap, deputy; Denis de Pazmandy,
deputy; Baron Louis Flret-Blhaln, mem
ber Upper House: Joseph de Plukovlta, dep
uty; Dr. Aludar Rajk, deputy; Dr. Bela de
Rudnvanszky. deputy: Geza de Salamon. Jr.,
deputy; Bela de Bar:i;xs, deputy, and Mine,
de Barabas; Count Etienne Bethlen, deputy,
and Countess Bethlen; Francois Blaskovli'S,
deDutv: Bela de Bottku. deputy: Jules ae
Csorghee, deputy; Alexundre Dobieczkl,
dfinutv: Klmer de Domahiay. deputy; ruui
de Domahldy, Andre Gyorgy and Mme. Gy
orgy. Abbe Jean Hock, deputy; Baron Jo
seph Inkey, deputy; Leopold de Kallay,
deputy; Elmer de Kallay, Dr. Francois
Komlossy, deputy; Dr. Francois Krasznay,
denutv: Dr. Alexandre Slmonyl-Samadam,
deputy: Jules de Szajbely, deputy, and Mile.
fcisie de HzaJDeiv: nr. jjesiro ae ozuiyov-
szky, deputy and Mme. de Szulyovszky;
Ferdinand Jjurmancxy. deputy: .oiian ae
Zmeekal, deputy; Bela de Vermes and Mme.
de Vermes, Count George Karolyl, deputy;
Ladifilaus de Hamory. deputy: Francois
Steimer, deputy; Aurate Csatho, redacteur.
Italy M. Marquis di San Gueliano, presi
dent of Italian group, deputy; Prince B.
Odescalchl, vice president, deputy; Prof. K.
liruiiiam, vice preHiuem, aepuiy;
Brunlnltl, deputy; M. Giuseppe Bracci, dep
uty: Murnuis Canece Minutolo. denutv:
Prof. E. Clccotti, deputy; Colonel Marquis
U. comnans. deputy; Marnuis u. comnans.
deputy; M. F. dl Palma, deputy; M. Gailettl
01 (jadlnac. deputy: M. r.uoarao uaneo,
deputy, and Mme. Edoardo Daneo; Count K.
lucernan, deputy; M. u. ui aterano, aeputy;
M X. Vlsocchl, deputy; M. X. Pavls dep
uty; M. G. Cerrutl, deputy; Marquis dl San
Vlto, deputy: M. Marosl, secretary; M. Pel
legrini, secretary.
Netherland M. de Ras, deputy; M. Tyde
man, deputy: Joseph Mutsners, deputy; C.
V Gerrltsen, deputy, and Mme. Gerrltsen;
M. Bouman, deputy; Mile Bouman.
Norway M. John Lund, oeuuty. nna Mile.
Ragnlld Lund; M. Brandt, deputy, and
Mme. Brandt; M. Bernhard Hansen, deputy.
Portugal M. de Palva, ex-deputy.
Roumanian Stanislaus Clhoskl. demitv:
General Constantln Pllat, Constantln Fotln,
George 8efendake.
Sweden Hon. urnsi Hecxman, aeputy;
Alfred Woods Becknmn and Miss Berk
man; G. O. V. Llnrtgren. deputy: Daniel
Unrieren. Hvnlmor Iindaren: John Olason.
deputy; M. Blaert, deputy; Hugo Tamm,
Switzerland ur. uodbi, aeputy. ana mue.
Gobat: Ch. Klnzelbach: Alfred Brustleln.
deputy: Herman Gruelllch. deputy, and son;
li. tcnerrer, aeputy; ur. Aiueri uiuaer,
Executive Secretaries E. O McDowell,
section 1; Henry Raymond Hussey, sec
tion L
No plan, have been 'made for the enter
tainment of the party In Omaha, Senator
Millard la out of town snd Congressman
Hitchcock has not been officially informed
as to the movements of the delegation.
Ir r- ill
Work at Federal Building.
Rutherford A Jensen, decorator., of
Omaha have been awarded the contract
for decorating and repainting the interior
of the east wing of the federal bulldlna
snd for repollxhlng the woodwork of both
court rooms at a total cost or 6 wa. The
bond for the contract has been forwarded
to the Treasury department at Washington
for approval, and It Is thought that the
work will be finished In ninety days.
Petition tor Bankruptcy.
The creditors of F. E. Brown, a mer.
chant at Athlon, have filed a petition In
the United States district court asking that
ho he declared a bankrupt. The nrlnelnul
credltora are the Kingman Implement com
pany, wnicn nies a claim ror several notes
with Interest, aggregating S6.6M n, and the
Klnirman Plow company, which flies a
claim for ti.67t.S3L la the form of a note
with Interest.
"Joseph Entanitlcd" ut the lloytl.
Mr. Henry Miller and company In "Jo
Senh Entangled." a comedy In three actn.
by Henry Arthur Jones; under the direc
tion oi (nariea .rrohman. The cast:
Sir Joseph Lacy Mr. Henry Miller
Hardolph Mayne, Lady Verona's hus
band Mr. John Glendennlng
Harry lavender Mr. Frederick Tlden
Gerald ranmere. Lady Joyce s husband.
Mr. J. Hartley Manners
Jermyn Piecroft Mr. Stanley Dark
Prof. Tofleld, Jnbsonlan professor of
moral bhllosonhv Mr Walter Allen
Knapman.... Mr Frederick Tyler
oiauoon jar. Bertram Harrison
Footman Mr Frank Wlllard
Lady Verona Mayne Mis. Hilda Spong
Lady Joyce Fanmere, Lady Verona's
sister Miss Grace Heyer
r. Harry -ra vender.... Miss Jessie Busley
Mrs Knapman
Mrs. Maggie Ifolloway Fisher
Mr. Henry Arthur Jones ends his latest
play rather tritely; he succeeds In getting
his hero and heroine Into almost the same
predicament that Mark Twain once landed
a pair of Ms fanciful creations, but pulls
up short Just at the psychological moment.
and allows common sense to lead to a very
commonplace ter ulnatlon of what promised
to be a most Intricate situation. A per
fectly Innocent, and hot at all Improbable,
circumstance arose, involving the wife of
a gentleman who was more than a little
Inclined to be Jealous with a former lover,
and becoming known to a circle of gosslp
ping friends, was soon town talk, and only
the worst construction wa. put upon the
situation by any. "Honl sol," etc., was
entirely forgotten, or. in fact reversed, and
even the husband who fancied himself in
jured declined to accept the explanation
because it seemed altogether too prob
able. The situation, develop, as a matter
of course, the seriousness of the predica
ment depending entirely on the evil con
struction placed on the facts by the worldly-wise
people Involved, until the husband
Is about to send to his lawyer and com
mence proceedings having a divorce for
the ultimate ending. Th. wife, Ju.t at thl.
Juncture, announce, her Intention of leav
ing th. home and going with the man
whose name ha. been coupled with her..
Thl. bring, the husband to his senses, and
he suddenly reverse, his attitude and begs
for forgiveness where but a moment befors
he had been denouncing In a flood of in
dignation, and the wife agrees to forgive
him, while the man who has the entree
to all th. club, promise, to tell everybody
that It has all ended happily, and that
there wa. nothing to the story he had
been caught retailing In "the sanctity of
the club smoking room." It Is only fair
to wife and suspected lover to say that
they had a chance to make good on her
threat to leave home, and didn't take It.
Th. piece la, a. all the Jones pieces are,
smartly written, the conversation being
genuinely clever, the wit clean and th.
satire keen. He has gone even further In
the way of reform than be promised In
"The Whitewashing of Julia," and ab
solutely denies himself the delight of a
sermon, despite the fact that several oc
casions arise where he might easily preach
one. In fact, he offers a character who I.
a most delicious caricature of the man
who spends hi. whole time correcting the
moral, of others, and who confesses that
he ha. mad. only enemies by hi. firm
stand for principle and truth.
Mr. Miller gives a fairly satisfactory
characterisation of Sir Joseph Lacy, whose
reputation Is so well established that his
best friends decline to believe him when he
tell, the flat truth about hi. dealings with
a woman, and beg him to glv. them some
other excuse than "that d d silly story."
Mr. Miller seems rather fond of that word
"damn," for ha uses It on a number of oc
casions where his. speech would be as Im
pressive end a. elegant If bt omitted the
expletive. He Is a little stiff In manner and
carries repression to too great an extent,
One would excuse him, nay, even admire
him. If he exhibited a bit of natural indig
nation at the time when his friends are
politely Jeering at him for the lameness
of his story and ridiculing It, while at the
same time imploring him to Invent some
more Involved and consequently, from
their standpoint, more plausible He to "save
a woman's reputation." They scout hi.
pledge of honor; In fact, he admits to tha
husband he doesn't recall how many time,
he has given the pledge In similar cases,
and that he would surely give It, no mat
ter If the woman were guilty. In his
scenes with Miss Spong Mr. Miller warms
up much snd finally reaches the Impas
sioned. His declaration of love in the first
act Is fervent, and his change back to hi.
armor of frivolous talk Is a fine touch,
while In the second and third acts he quite
win. his case with his apparent sincerity.
Miss Spong Is more than charming In her
role, which Is not an easy one. She Is de
lightful, and as the action of the play
gives her opportunity to develop the part
she seizes on every chance, and easily sus
tains the excellent Impression she made
here on a former visit. She ha. an excel
lent conception of the requirements of the
role, and her methods are of the plastic
order, so that she affords a quite effective
foil for the somewhat standoffish qualities
of the stsr. Even In the tempestuous scene
that Immediately precedes the close of the
piece she la quite natural, and her hysterics
are but the Inevitable result of the giving
away of nerves to the strain. She certainly
shared the honor, with Mr. Miller last
The minor characters of the cast ar. .11
such cs call for very careful treatment.
and this they receive. The company I. a
most capable one, and the performance
seems well-nlght perfection. The not very
large audience that witnessed the opening
performance last night was a little cold at
the start, but long before the end of th.
first act It had been aroused from Its crit
ical attitude and wa. enjoying the piece
greatly, and by the time the curtain closed
the play It had been stirred to the point of
a body are not now members of th. club.
The Idea Is to establish a committee of
fifteen men, representing the banks, public
servloe corporations, large property own
ers, larger business interests, and In fact,
all of the principal Interests of commercial
Omaha. This committee Is meant to deal
with the large affairs with which the club
will have to deal.
The committee will report its proceedings
to the executive committee at the regular ,
meeting Tuesday and will suggest the
formation of the public affairs committee
and will submit a list of names for the
same. The membership campaign further
Includes the refurnishing of the club and
the Installation of a new restaurant service
equal to tha standard of club. In other
cities. '
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hour, ending at noon
Birtho Gerhardt Kuehnert, T733 Parker,
girl; G. V. Hall. 2719 Dewey avenue, girl;
Guatav Berg, 1316 P1ne, boy; Nels J. Nel
aon. Fifty-first and G rover.
Deaths Mary Arondet, Fortieth and Pop
pleton avenue, 74: Dnixella Wilcox, lilt
California, 64; Joseph Hosklna, 18T Ohio. S
mootlu; Mxs. L. Fornaah, fit. Joseph's hos
pital, ZL
nk Rrearrd la Broken.
NEW TORJC. Sept. n. New high records
for grand aggregate of loan and deposits
were rctrlatered by clearing house bank,
this week. The total ef leana, tU40.l6ti.eOU,
Is about t1O.0UO.0OO In excels ef previous
figures, while deposits of tl.E4.J04.000 are
several millions greater than before. Bark
en In touch with prevailing conditions a.s
crtbe the week's heavy Increase of loans
largely to currency shipments to southern
and western points, chiefly tha farmer.
Present Membership Will Be Asked
to Hnstle for Other
Ak-Sar-Ben hustling methods have been
so successful that they wfll be copied by
the Commercial club In Its membership
crusade. The committee appointed to deal
with the problem of Increase has deter
mined to make ths entire membership a
committee to bring In outsiders. The com
mittee, which 1. composed of Major R. S.
Wilcox, president; W. 8. Vrlght, chairman
of the executive committee; Euclid Mar
tin. J. F. Carpenter, W. M. Glass, F. W.
Judson and Commissioner McVann, met
with a full attendance last night In' th.
club room, and spent several hours In a
discussion of th. best manner of procedure.
The plan as outlined contemplates the
printing of a list of the present member
ship of 400. This list will be sent to each
member. With It he will also receive a
list of 400 eligible men who are not In the
club, a copy of the first quarterly report
of Mr. McVann, which is now on th.
press, and a letter explaining what is ex
pected In ths way of hustling work. Each
of ths 400 eligible, also will be sent a let
ter Inviting him to Join the organisation,
and telling him of Its advantages. A spe
cial committee will be selected to see that
each of this number Is visited personally.
Ths second Idea developed at the meeting
I. for a new committee, to be called th.
public affaire committee. Thl. I. not
to b. named until th. membership
hag been enlarged somewhat, a. many of
th. man oonaldered most valuable to eucb
Columbus, Ohio, May 19, 1903,
Some four veers ago I waa suflering
from impure blood and a general run-down
condition of the system. I bad no appe
tite, was losing in flesh, and bad an all-gone
tired feeling that made me feel miserable.
I began the use of 8. S. 8., and after
taking seven or eight bottle, my akin was
cleared of all eruptions and took on a rud
dy, healthy glow that assured me that my
blood had been restored to it normal,
healthy condition. My appetite wa re
stored, as I could eat anything put before
me, and as I regained my appetite I in
creased in weight, and that "tired feeling"
which worried me ao much disappeared,
and I was once again my old self.
I heartily recommend S. 6. 8. as the best
blood purifier and tonic made, and strongly
advise it tue to all thoM in need of uch
medicine. Victor Stubbik.
Cor. Barthman and Washington Ave.
8. 8. 8. ia a standard remedy for all blood
trouble and a most invigorating tonic
when in a debilitated, run-down condition.
If there is any taint, humor or txjison in
the blood, it searches it out and removes
it. For disease due to a polluted or disor
dered blood nothing act. so promptly and
effectually as 8. 8. 8. It is a purely vege
table remedy, containing no mercury,
potash, arsenic or other minerals. If
you nave any symp
toms of disordered
blood write us
about your case
and our physicians
rul advise you
witoout charge.
On' book on
blood, and ski a
Uaeasec sent free.
Tbi Swift SpeclOo Company, Atlanta, Go