Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1904, PART 1, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
0 10. I
Bepublio 8ecure Vast Territory in North
western Psrt of Dark Continent.
Finds Land of Great Promise in Bear of
tspsaish Possessions.
Tribe of Pare Berbers Dwell In Passes
Bich in Grain.
Part? Will Nturt In October to
Brio People Into doner Touch
with Mew European
PARIS, Sept. 17. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The steady and systematic way
Jn which the French colonial office Is pro
ceeding to open tho 8ahara passes unno
ticed on the boulevards, but It Is a manifes
tation of French energy which ought not
to be allowed to escape notice abroad. For
some years the whole vast country between
the Senegal and Niger and . the French
North. African possessions, that so-called
desert Blnterland of Morocco, Algeria and
Tunis, of wh!ch when It was ceded to
Franca Lord Salisbury spoke as disdain
fully as did Voltaire of the snow fields of
Canada, has been explored in all directions
by French officers, who are gradually re
vealing the varied and active commercial
life existing throughout the region of the
The web being thus silently woven in the
country behind the Atlas is gradually en
veloping Morocco. The work, to be sure,
has Just begun, but when one recalls the
speed with which French posts have beeft
pushed forward from Flgig to Igll and then
from Jgll to Tldlkelt It Is Impossible not to
admire the tenacity and continuity of
French colonial policy.
A French occasion for admiration Is now
offered In the announcement of the mission
with which the colonial office has entrusted
a French officer, Captain Thevenlaut, Jn
the region of Adrar. The country which It
is now hoped to sweep into the Frenth
west African colonial net Is In the Hinter
land of the Spanish possessions of the Rio
Oro, a mountainous region on the caravan
route between Senegal, southern Alicerla
and Morocco. Uurs-blooded Berbers live
there In several famous and rich passes
that are the center of an excellent trade in
Spain Claims the Country.
Spain has always had pretensions here,
hoping one day to- make this upland region
an eastern glacis toward the desert. But
no serious claim to the regions could be
put forward by It, and In 1892 the sultan of
Adrar gave a friendly reception to the rep
resentative of France sent thither by the
government- of Senegal. Last- month the
governor of West Africa. M. Ro'ume. V.-as
In Paris, and, according to the Petit Jour
nal he waa able to convince the chiefs that
the moment was ripe for a definite and
serious effort to extend the French protec
torate over the Adrar highlands. The min
ister. Me Doumergue, decided that a mis
sion should be entrusted to the above
named French officer to explore the Adrar
coses and trade routes and to sign a treaty
with the sultan. It la understood that the
expedition will set out In October from St.
Louie. Captain Thevenlaut, it should be
aid, has only Just returned from a bril
liant tranasaharan exploration, the object
of which waa to link the northeaatern posts
of the French Sudan with those of South
Oran. It Is his experience in thla success
ful expedition that haa won him the honor
of selection by the colonial offlot In this
fresh effort to plant the French flag In
West African region, where Jt had not
hitherto been seen. .
Aa Result All Members of Harem Are
Marched Through the
CAIRO, Sept. 17. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) There la much excitement here
over the sensational abduction of the beau,
tlful young daughter of Sheik El SaddBt
by the Sheik AM Joussef. who is the pro
prietor and editor of the principal native
Journal. EI Hoyed.
Ail Jouasef, It appears, who was deeply
In Jove with the girl, hnd taken the ex
treme measure because the girl's father
who la the sole living descendant of the
prophet Mahomet, haa refused his con
sent to his daughter's marriage with All
Joussef on the ground that he was not n
fit person to be the husband of a girl of
such noble lineage.
All Joussef. having abducted the girl and
placed her In his harem, her father ap
pealed to the Egyptian government, with
the result that a detachment of armed
police was dispatched to All Joussef.
harem to demand the restitution of the girl
Their request being refused, the police
made a focible entry to the premises, and
rn order to be sure that they had taken
possession of the person wanted, they
ordered all the fair denlsens of the harem
together with their attendant, and servants'
to follow them , a velled ppoe.,.,"
the house of Sheikh EI Saddat. where hi,
of the women and detained.
All Joussef ha. now commenced proceed.
mT. Sit th' Brt,"h "horltle. a ha.
obtained the aervlce. of . English Uwy.r
T'- i Clerk. ,.,
Work to Better
J'v8!1?- 17-BPIJ Cablegram to
Th. Bee.yTh. city cf Cork 1. rare with
out a labor strike either .mall or geat.
anJ at present two .uch disputes are In
progress A few months since a strike took
place in he building trade, th. men de
mandlng Increased wages, whloh the em
ployer, , did not their way to comply
with. Buslnewv In thla trade haa .inc. been
IniJ ! .tlm at t"UU. while
Had trades have suffered aa well, and
"m" no hop ot n arly
Thla weak a strike began In the drapery
trade, the counter hand, going out of one
or the large firm, because the services of
on. of their unmber were dispensed with.
Man have been brought from Glasgow to
fill the places of thce who went out
Cash Co.. of which Sir John Arnott h
j chairman, are determined to control thslr
own bualneea, and to resist any undue In
tarferoao from Uada unionist rganls.
I tlonax "
Pari. Reports a Story of Hypnotism
and Lunacy Without
Parallel. n a i ci i I r.u
The Bee.) A great sensaH
created In Versailles an ' oV
country by a story of hot which
the central figure la a cert ' .ne. Chrlst
mann, well known In the lfwallty aa a pro
fessional hypnotist anil masseuse.
She had for some months past exercised
great Influence over a wealthy widow
named Fleury, who Is staled to hare paid
her a considerable sum of money. In return
for which she promised to cure her of an
Mme. Fleury paid her dally visits for a
month and subsequently was prevailed upon
to convey her daughter, who was suffering
from sn Incurable disease, to the place for
treatment by magnetic hypnotism.
As the two women failed to return home
the police entered the house of the mas
seuse. In a room which was draped In pur
ple velvet and ornamented with golden
stars and moons, with grotesque masks
grinning from ' every corner, they found
Mme. Fleury saying her prayers.
Near her, extended on a couch covered
with roses and other flowers, by the side
of which burned two Immense wax candles
In silver .candlesticks, lay the dead body,
almost emaciated to a skeleton, of her
The masseuse declared the girl waa not
dead, but was in a state of transition
while undergoing the process of renovation,
of which she herself had the secret.
Mme. Fleury, who showed symptoms of
having been hypnotised, repeated the mas
sense's story, and declared her firm deter
mination to remain watching until her
daughter's body should be completely re
stored. When the doctors were summoned they
declared that the girl had been dead for
more than twenty days, but that decompo
sition had been delayed owing to the body
having been treated with a atrong chemical
Mme. Fleury was with difficulty per
suaded to believe that her daughter waa
dead. When at length ahe did realize It
she made a sudden violent movement and,
quickly taking a silk handkerchief from
her pocket, attempted to strangle herself.
She was prevented from doing so by the
doctors and conveyed home.
Both Mme. Chrlstmann and Mme. Fleury
were examined by a specialist In mental
disease, who has come to the conclusion
that the former Is Insane. Mme. Fleury Is,
he stated, a woman of weak Intellect, who
haa been greatly Impressed by the other's
supposed wonderful powers.
Both women appeared really to have
thought that by Incantations and the like
the dead woman would have been brought
hack to life.
Both Mmo. Chrlstmann and Mme. Fleury
hive been ordered to hold themselves at
the disposal of the police.
Promise, to Supply Much of
British Trade In Short
LONDON, Sept. 17. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Ireland la making a bold bid
for a leading position In the British fruit
markets. Orchard cultivation is being en
couraged by' the authorities and arrange
ments are being actively prosecuted for the
drying and packing of fruit. In American
fashion, for exportation.
"Only last week," said Mr. Garcia of
Covent Garden this week, "a government
official Interviewed me on the subject. The
effort la undoubtedly serious and should do
much for Ireland. The fruit grown In that
country la among the finest in the world.
I myself am going to give the fruit a trial.
"I do not think that London will be much
affected. The larger supply will be, sent to
the north of England."
A leading Jam manufacturer expressed
the view that Ireland's fruits would not bo
likely to Injure English growers so far as
the Jam-making industry Is concerned.
"Our firm," he aald, "uses none but the
fruit that la near at hand."
Blackberries are beginning to come into
the markets in small quantities and rather
high prices as much as 35 a ton are re
alised. These prices, however, are not
likely to be maintained when the season is
more advanced, as the crop Is expected to
be exceptionally heavy.
France U ahead of us In point of time
and dealers there are supplying large quan
tities to English manufacturer, and sales
men. Blackberries are also expected frpm Ire
land, and, as the trade for the food is gain
ing in popularity, the shippers stand an ex
cellent chance of finding purchasers.
New Form of Sport Attract. Fashion,
able People at French
' ' - Resort.
AIX-LES-BAINS, 8ept. 17. (Special Ca
blegram to The Bee.)-The latest attrac
tion for the "smart set" at AIx-les-Baln.
is a rat pit, where fa.hionable foreigner,
gather on Sunday afternoons to witness rat
and dog fights.
A local paper, describing the affair, state,
that at Sunday', fight the grand stand
facing the ring was packed with screaming
women, who seemed to revel in the pro
ceedings. Inside of the ring was a man
who let out of the wired cage so many
rats for each dog.
Borne of the rats were already ao feeble
that they could scarcely crawl, and had to
be kicked toward the dog that killed them
Scores of rata were left half dead and lay
writhing, while the well dressed sight
seers shrieked with excitement
Mr. H. V. Barnett. an Englishman, who
was present, ventured to protest against
the cruelty of the affair d waa promptly
turned out by the police.
Former Ruler of Spain will Provide
' for Girl. Born In
MADRID. Sept. 17.-6peclal Cablegram to
The Dee The queen mother of Spain ha.
undertaken to provide for the maintenance
of girl trlpleta. the children of a Madrid
working man.
The case attracted a good deal of at
tention In military clrclea, aa Ortla, th.
father, had "formerly served as a soldier In
Cuba and had fought In tha Spanish-American
war with considerable distinction.
Being In reduced circumstances owing to
scarcity cf work, he applied to the parish
priest for assistance. Two day. later
telegram was received from San Sebastian
by the commandant of the Civil Guard In.
forming him that th. queen mother had
decided to take th. children under her
s Ministers Take 8teps to Oorreot
Laws Are to Be Made Granting Wider
Territory for Eesidence.
May Visit Places Heretofore Impassible
Under the Government's Orders.
Alienation I. Made that Sew Law.
Are Constructed to Permit Petty
Persecution by tho
BERLIN. Sept 17. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee ) The Cologne Gazette learns
from St. Petersburg that the Russian min
isters and heads of departments recently
assembled together under the presidency
of M. Wltte to discuss the revision of a
number of erroneous interpretations of the
laws affecting the Jews. The erroneous
verdicts of the courts of record had re
ceived the force of law by degrees of the
senate or of the council of the empire.
Th finding of the ministerial conference
was drawn up by M. Wltte and has been
submitted to the csar. who Is understood
to have assented to 'the resolution.
The reconstituted statutes, which will be
promulgated during the course of the next
few weeks, deal chiefly with those Jews
who were already In a so-called "privi
leged" position. Thus the wives-and chil
dren of Jews who have received a uni
versity education or who are members of
the first-class merchant or craft guilds,
receive express permission to continue In
their respectlv. places of residence or dom
icile during the absence of the head of the
family. These same "privileged" Jews are
also to be permitted to live In villages and
are accorded the specific right there to rent
a dwelling house, shop or workshop. The
present laws only provides that "Israelite,
have the right to live In villages," but no
mention Is made of the right to rent dwell
ing places or workshops.
Furthermore the Jews are to receive cer
tain mitigations of the legal difficulties
which obtain against the keeping of Jewish
servants by Jews. The duration and valid
ity of the traveling permits and passes for
first and second class Jews are also to be
extended. Hitherto these persons have
been prohibited from visiting more than
twice any place In which they held no
right of dwelling. Now, however, the
"pale" will be extended, and they will be
allowed to travel outside the zone. But no
Jew Is to spend more than 180 days in one
year outside the authorized zone.
The correspondent of the Rhenish organ
adds that In well-Informed quarters In St.
Petersburg the new ordinances are com
mented upon In a sceptical spirit upon the
grour.d that nu,oober of Inaccuracies have
been allowed to creep In which will afford
an opportunity for capricious and discre
tionary Interpretations of the revised stat
utes at the hands of the provincial authori
se Whatever Justification there may be
for the foundation of these fears. It is
certain that the large mass of the Jewish
working classes, who are most of all sub
ject to oppression and to persecution, have
received no alleviation of their lot
Mother. Will Try to 1 Unravel the
Tangle In a Family
SAN SEBASTIAN. Sept. 17. (Special Ca
blegram to The Be.) The Identity pf two
babies which have been born in the forest
near Cabezon, a small town in 8a n tan da r
province, has to be settled by a council
of the families of both.
While the mothers were taking a walk
In the forest the children were born, both
being boys. A number of women from a
neighboring village, who arrived on the
scene, took mothers and babies home on
Unfortunately the excited women handed
the Infant, from one to the other, and in
the confusion that followed It became Im
possible to distinguish one child from the
By way of temporary arrangement each
of the two mothers accepted a baby with,
out troubling herself as to whether it was
her baby or not.
The families of the two women have de
cided to hold a Joint meeting, at which
efforts will be made to Identify the babies
by some distinguishing family character
Ella Molee Would Compromise Five
Language to Create a
New One.
LONDON, Sept 17. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Yet another attempt Is made
to construct an International language.
It haa been christened "Tutonlsh" by it.
originator. Dr. Ella. Molee.. and Is a com
promise tongue of Saxon, English, Teutonic-English
and German words, with a
small blending of Scandinavian and Dutch
words. It Is to be phonetic In spelling,
perfectly regular In grammer and self-explaining
In Its vocabulary.
The first commandment, according to
"Tutonlsh" would be thus rendered:
"Daur shal have no audr gods before ml."
It Is claimed that the English, German,
Dutch and Scandinavian languages have
so many word. In common that If It were
not for the difference. In spelling, Inflec
tion and pronunciation the Teuton, could
easily learn to understand each other after
a few days' practice, and that If all Teu
tons united In one tongue other nation,
would be compelled to study It. v ,
Serloa. Crime, and Slight Forgetful
nes. Bring Vary Ins; Sen
teueea to Soldiers,
' i
BERLIN, Sept. 17.-(8pectal Cablegram to
The Bee.) For cutting down with hi.
word and afterward stabbing a drunken
man who had made fun of blm, a German
noncommissioned offloer named Bruckner
hua been sentenced by a court-martial at
Nuremberg to forty-five day. imprison
ment, i
The same tribunal passed sentence for
four months Imprisonment on a privet,
in a cavalry regiment who had forgotten
to feed hia horse after being ordered to do
Band, of Insurgents May Break Into
Open Warfare at Any
VIENNA, Sept. 1". (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The stillness which has come
over Macedonia Is, unfortunately, not a
sign of substantial Improvement In the out
look. The bands are marking time and
only fight when attacked; the Turks give
comparatively little cause for complaint,
but there seems reason to suppose that
some of the European officers who were
sent to reform the Turkish gendarmarie
hav. come perilously near to falling' out
among themselvees.
Not only does the spirit of hearty de
votion to a common task, which would have
been an Indispensable condition of suc
cess, appear to be lacking, but In many
Instances there seems to be a positive
dislike and dlsfrust of General Glorgis.
Information given me today by a' traveler
who has Just returned from Macedonia,
where he had opportunities of studying
the situation, not only at Salonlca, but at
Monustfr, Drama and fskub. goes to show
that the European officers have no faith
In the success of the reforms, and that ex
cept In one section their efforts to Improve
the gendarmerie are producing results more
apparent than real. The Austro-Hunga-rlan,
accuse General de Glorgis of being
more Turkish than the Turks and Insinuate
that he has either been influenced by
I Turkish blandishments or Is striving to
promote a good understanding between
Italy and Turkey at the expense of the
European solidarity.
Henri Dunant Now Lie. Friendless
and Poor In Swiss
GENEVA, Sept. 17.-(Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) M. Henri Dunant, the founder
of the Red Cross league. Is dying friend
less, poor and alone In a hospice In tha
Canton of AppenzelJ, Switzerland.
He It wao who. In his work, "Un Souvenir
de Solferlno," suggested the organization
of such a society.
The horrors of Solfrino made such an Im
pression on his mind that he wrote the
wonderful little pamphlet describing the
suffering of the wounded and calling upon
the nation, to alleviate the worst horrors
of war by the formation of an International
hospital service.
The book attracted much attention and
resulted In the Geneva convention of 1864,
which established the neutrality of the hos
pitals and ambulance services, and In the
founding of societies in every country with
an international committee at Geneva as
a center.
In 1901 Dunent shared the Nobel Peace
Prize with M. Frederic Passey, receiving
a sum of 4.000. ' He Is, however, a poor
man In spite of It, since he has spent large
urns in the humanitarian causes he has
Say. Exception. Taken to Anglo.
British Agreement Are
Not' Sound. '
BRUSSELS. Sept. 17 -Speclal Cable,
gram to The Bee.) Lord Rosefoery'a refer
ences to the Anglo-French agreement are
the subject of general (Comment In the Bel
gian press, and have been received, for the
most part, with disapproval not unmixed
with surprise. The reciprocal arrangement
aa to Egypt and Morocco has always pre
sented itself to the Belgian point of view
aa having effectually removed the most
likely cause of possible trouble In the fu
ture, and Lord Rosebery's fears are
thought to be 'not merely exaggerted, but
devoid of any serious foundation. The
Independence Beige, in declaring that Eng
land has In no sense lost by the exchange,
says: "It is really Inconceivable that a
statesman professing liber?! principles
should, condemn a conventicfi which alms
at achieving such an object, and criticism
of this kind comes at a singularly inoppor.
tune moment. The noble lord will fall to
secure the sympathy of either party, and
the moderates whom he professes to lead
will certainly refuse to subscribe to the
opinion he haa formulated."
Chamberlain'. Fiscal Reform Will Be
Taught In the West 1
LEEDS, Sept. 17. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The supporters of fiscal reform
are agitating for another visit from Mr.
Chumberluln, and though no definite ar
rangements have yet been made two great
public meetings about Christmas are In
contemplation. .
The Tariff Reform league, which Is In
close touch with the Liberal Unionist asso
ciation of tho country, has been making
leady headway In the Wesi riding and an
active autumn and winter campaign in fa
vor of the views of Mr. Chamberlain la con
templated. In no part of the riding is
there more divided opinion on the tariff
reform question than at Leeds, crowded as
It Is with merchants and manufacturers;
but Mr. Chamberlain, it Is admitted, haa
a large following In the olty. The fiscal
question will largely Influence the next elec
tion in both the city and the riding.
British ' South African Colony Find,
it Necessary to Red ace
CAPETOWN. Sept. 17. (Special Cable
gram to The Lee.) Owing to the serious
decline In the Cape revenue the govern
ment has decided upon a scheme of re
trenchment in the civil service, which in
volves a temporary monthly deduction from
ulnrles PnMnt mlni.Ur. ..a
I ' ...... u w PClliUg a
j good example by cutting" down their own
In case of the' railway employes the bonus
of S per cent granted some months ago
will be withdrawn. The rumors of cabinet
dissensions are unfounded.
Chamberlain Say. He Would
to See Young Men la
LONDON, Sept. 17. (Special Cablegram
to the Bee.) In response to a suggestion
by Mr. C. T. Grant of Glasgow that some
of the younger spirits In the colonies should
volunteer and come over and find seats at
Westminster and proclaim their views from
their own lips, Mr. Chamberlain ha. replied
that he would be glad to welcome colonial
statesmen to the House of Commons.
The ex-colonlal secretary points out that
there 1. nothing to prevent any British Sub
ject from being elected
Admiral Goodrich Will Leave One Vessel
When Squadron Goes to Practice.
Saa Prancisco Collector Will Be Able- to
Preserve Neutrality,
Several of the Ozar's Cruisers Reported
. Beaming Around the Pacific
Disposition of the Crew Ha. Not Yet
Been Decided Officers and Men
Wish to Return
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. Instructions
were Sent to Rear Admiral Goodrich at
San Francisco today directing him to de
tach one ship from his squadron when he
leaves for Magdalena bay to hold the
autumn target practice. The vessel de
tached will remain in the vicinity ot San
Francisco, prepared to enforce neutrality
should other Russian or Japanese vessels
put in at the Gulden Gate. The Wyoming
also has been ordered to remain at Bre
merton In readiness for the same duty.
The department has no official information
that there are other Russian cruiser,
bound for the Pacific coast, but there Is
talk to that effect around Sun Francisco
and it was thought advisable to be ready
for any emergency.
Marblehead Remains In Hnrbor.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17. The armored
cruiser New York, flagahlp of the Paclf.o
squadron, the protected cruiser Boston, the
gunboat Bennington, the torpedo boat de
stroyer Paul Jones and the collier Nero
sailed from the harbor today for target
practice at Magdalena bay. The cruiser
Marblehead remained In port to protect the
Interest, of the government. It Is stated
that the New York will meet the Chicago
now enroute from the Atlantic station
and that Rear Admiral Goodrich will trans
fer his flag to it, the New York continuing
Its trip to the New York navy yard, where
it Is to be repaired.
The other vessels, with the exception of
the Paul Jones, which la to be stationed
at San Diego, will return to this city.
The Chronicle says that from a re
liable source it has been learned that
the Lena is not alone In its wand
erings in the eastern Pacific ocean
and It is stated with authority that some
where east of a line drawn from the Ha
waiian islands to Unalaska, In the Aleutian
chain, at least two of the czar's cruisers
are roaming the seas and apt at any time,
singly or together, to seek the safe haven
found by the Lena last Sunday. Whether
the Korea Is one of these two vessels
known to be near the coast, or whether it
Is a third vagrant orulaer, is not settled.
It is generally believed In naval circles
that the cruiser, referred to are converted
auxiliaries; like the Lend, but there is a
possibility that they are regular men-of-war,
which, .like the Lena, were forced to
escape to the eastward.
Lena's Fate Not Decided.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 17.-6 p. m.
The representations between the United
States and Russia relative to the disposi
tion of the Russian auxiliary cruiser Lena
at San Francisco have not yet been com
pleted. The request of the United States
that the crew be Interned at Mare island
until the end of the war haa been trans
mitted through the Russian embassy at
Washington and is being considered by the
admiralty, where it is desired that the crew
be allowed to return home under an agree
ment that the officers and men are not to
fight again during the war.
The admiralty has no confirmation of the
reports that the Lena had been engaged in
a fight in the Pacific.
Dismantling; Begins 7onday.
VALLEJO, Cal., Sept. 17. Official orders
have been issued by Captain Drake, ord
nance officer at the Mare Island navy yard,
to Gunner Shuttleworth to commence dis
mantling the Lena on Monday morning.
The breech locks of the largs guns, all the
.mall arms except the officers' aldearms
and revolvers, ammunition, ordnance store,
and torpedoes will be removed.
Judge Kitelle on Staff of Commander
of Grand Army of the
BOSTON, Sept. 17. in a general order
Issued " today Commander-in-Chief Black-
mar of the Grand Army of the Republic
announces several additional appointments
on his staff. The list Includes the follow
ing: Lee S. Estelle of Omaha, Neb., In
spector-general; James T. Schoonmaker of
Pittsburg, Pa., senior aide-de-camp and
chief of staff; J. Henry Holcomb of Phila
delphia, assistant quartermaster-general
and custodian of records; W. F. Martin of
Decatur, 111., and Samuel Wright of Boston,
national color-bearers.
A general order ulso announces that the
commander-in-chief, the adjutant general
and the quartermaster general and the following-named
members of the national
council of administration will constitute the
executive committee of the national council:
Thomas G. Sample, Allegheny, Pa.; George
W. Cook, Denver, Col.; William H. Arm
strong, Indianapolis; L. W. Collins, St.
Cloud, Minn.; John W. Ileraey, Springfield,
Mass.; S. G. James, Centervllle, la., and J.
Cory Wlnans, Troy, O.
la a "Tank Scrap" at Pnrdae I'nlvers.
Ity Several Are Severely
LAFAYETTE, Ind.. Sept. 17. After one
of the roughest "tank scrap." ever held
in Purdue university the sophomores
danced about a group of X freshmen,
bound hand and foot and fastened to a long
chain. The annual clash between the fresh
men and sophomore clashes resulted in
thirty Injuries, some of which are thought
to be serlpus.
Seriously Injured:
Fred Haas of West Lafayette, a sopho
more, collarbone broken. .
McNeal, freshman, kicked In stom
ach. Jacobs, freshman, kicked In head.
Trumbull, sophomore, wrenched spine.
Ear! Chandler, freshman, Injured about
the head and client.
s McCoy, sophomore, Internally Injured.
A complete list of Injured students Is
difficult to obtain, as the Information Is
withheld by their friends.
The faculty I. much disturbed and the
leader, will be arraigned by President
tone on Monday.
Fair Sunday, and Cooler
Portion! Monday, fair.
In South
1 France Gets Rlr Slice of Africa.
New Law. for Jew. In Rossis.
One Warship to Watch the Lena.
Armies Knee Harh Other In Fast.
3 Watson rays Respects to Bryan.
Serious Wreck on l,nke Shore.
3 News from All Part, of Nebraska.
Rrrjce Opens the Fusion Campaign.
4 Democrat Afraid of Kennedy.
Nebraska Pay nt St. Louts Fair.
8 Waterloo Farmers Ask for Aid.
Noted Psrlr to Stop In Omaha.
H Past Week In Omaha Society.
T Results nf the Base Ball fiamea.
M Council Bluff, and Iowa News.
9 Three-Year-Old Pacer Shows Well
Miscellaneous Sporting Events.
10 Condition of Omaha. Trade.
11 Reunion of Crocker's Rrlaade.
Woman In Club nnd Charity.
Life of the British Soldier.
13 Amusement, and Music.
1.1 Weekly Review of Sports.
14 Editorial.
IB Nebrsskans at St, I.ouls.
(onilng Horse Show at Omaha.
10 Financial and Commercial.
21 to 99 The Illustrated Bee.
Temperature at Omaha Y'esterdnyt
Hour. Oca;. Hour. Ilea.
S a. m MI 1 p. m KJ
II n. m Oft 2 p. in 84
T n. in O-l A p. m fM
Ha. m AT 4 p. m NO
fta-m Tl ftp. m Kft
tO s. m 7ft e p. m 84
11 i, TH T p. m 83
12 m SO
Japanese Expected to Attack Tie
Pass' and Port
Official news from the seat of wsr In the
far east is still lacking, but the Wat office
at St. Petersburg appears not to anticipate
a great battle in the Immediate future.
The officials believe that the Japanese will
not hurry on an engagement with General
Kouropatktn, owing to the fact that the
latter has had time since the evacuation of
Llao Yang to strengthen his forces ma
terially and that the next movement of
the Japanese will be directed against Tie
Public interest is again apparently being
contered. on Port Arthur, and the reports
that the Japanese are tunnelling the for
tification, there are received In the Rus
sian capital with some credulity.
Suit of Attorney Who Wants 92OO.0O0
from Inited Mine Worker.
Come. l p Monday.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Sept. 17. Presi
dent John Mitchell of the Mine Workers
arrived today and attended a conference of
the lawyers engaged for the defense of the
suit of A. D. Wales, an attorney from
Blnghamton, N. Y., who has instituted
against President Mitchell and the Mine
Worker, a suit for $200,000 for a suggestion
whlci- he claims he made to Mr Mitchell
and which he alleges waa the means of
settling the great strike of two years ago.
Mr. Mitchell declined to make any state
ment, but at the trial It 1. alleged he will
make a denial that he acted on any sug
gestion made by Mr. Wales. Mr. Mitchell,
accompanied by the anthracite district
presidents of the Mine Workers, will go to
Blnghamton Monday morning, the trial be
ing set down for that day.
Among the Important witnesses subpoe
naed for the case are Governor Odell, Sen
ator Thomas C. Piatt, J. Plerpont Morgan,
President Baer of the Philadelphia & Read
ing railroad, President Underwood of the
Erie and President Truesdale of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna & Western.
President Roosevelt has not been subpae-
naed, as rumored.
I'nldentlfled Man Carrie. 20,000 from
San Francisco Bank Money Re
covered, Robber Escape.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17.-Just at
the close of banking Hours today, a man
in the lobby of the First National bank of
this city, observing the cage door leading
behind the counter ajar, , pushed it aside,
walked in and helped himself to a bag
containing 130,000 In gold coin, made a rapid
exit. He immediately slowed down his
pace and walked Into a side entrance of
the Brooklyn hotel, which leada to the
dining room, closely followed by C. K. Mc
intosh, an employe of the bank, who had
witnessed the theft. Seeing he was pur
sued, the thief turned into the hotel office,
where he was overtaken and seized by Mc
intosh. When asked to turn over the
money he said it was his own. The bog
was taken from Mm, however, and Ita con
tents found to have been undisturbed. The
daring robber, who is about 35 years of
age and well dressed, called on the peo
ple in the hotel office to see If he had not
told the truth by accompanying htm to the
bank only a few feet away. He walked to
the corner undisturbed, boarded a street
car which was passing and soon was out
of sight He is now being searched for
by the police.
One 'Killed and Three Injured In
Collision Near St.
BALLWIN, Mo., Sept. 17. In endeavor
ing to turn out to avoid a farmer's wagon
an automobile containing two men and two
women was precipitated down a thirty-foot
embankment near here today, killing ono
of the occupant, and Injuring- the others.
The dead;
JOHN KALLEEN of New York City.
The injured:
Edgar Parkhurst of Bal'wln, seriously.
Miss Lou Morqulti of St. Loul, ST ously.
Miss Nellie Murqulls of St. Luult, sllgmly.
The party had been for a pleasure trip
and was returning to Ball In when the
accident occurred. The automobile wa.
moving at a rapid rate when, on turning a
sharp curve, Kalleen, who was acting as
chauffeur, noticed a farmer', wagon com
ing toward them. There appeared to be
room to avoid Hitting th. wagon and Kal
leen turned out, but the out.lde wheel,
topped and' the machln. .lid down the
embankment, turning over several times.
Kalleen wa. caught beneath the automobile
and crushed.
The Injured wer taken to Ballwln, where
they were attended by a physician. It Is
believed Parkhurst and Miss Lou Marqults
will recover.
D. I.. Crosby Ooe. to Northern Paclno.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 17. The Northern Pa
clflo railroad announce, that B. L. Crosby,
for many years a prominent bridge engl
nser In ths west, has basn mads principal
assistant engineer of the ayaicia at Taeoma,
Indications Movement to the Eastward of
Mukden is on Large Scale.
Prospect Big Battle Will Be Pought Boon
in That Vicinity.
Boast They Are Beady to Occupy Han
churia When Russians Leave.
Heavy Gun. Sent from Japan Now
Mounted In Capturrd rosltloa
and Are Belnc Vsed with
(Copyright by New York Herald Co.. 1904.)
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 17. (New York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to
The Bee.) The Japanese are deliberately
developing another extensive movement,
their object being to reach Tie Lung. Thla
time they are circling to the east, availing
themselves of the Llao river, leaving an
Insignificant military force at Llao Yanf.
but employing every available Chinaman
to repair and still further fortify th
Japanese rolling stock, said to com from
America, has appeared on the Manchuria
railway. Communication ha. been estab
lished between Dalney and Ohln Khw. A
Ghln Kow-Liao Yang train arrived at Muk
den yesterday, delivering a score or more
of wounded men from General Mlstchen
ko'a foroe, which Is fighting and retiring
towards Helng Lo.
Meanwhile the Chinese are adopting a
sullen, antagonistic attitude towards the
Snow has already fallen at Irkutsk and
at night the thermometer falls to one de
gree below aero.
The Circum-Balkal railroad will be
opened In six days.
A court circular states that th Grand
Duke Nicholas Nlcolalevltch will take com
mand of a second large army, which Is
being sent to tho front, and Is principally
formed of soldier, from the Odessa dis
trict Now that it Is almost certain that
General Kouropatktn will retire to Har
bin, koen anxiety la felt regarding tb at
titude of the Chinese, who are known to
be much elated by, the promise of the Jap
anese to give Manchuria back to them.
I ne governor oi oiuauen wuu is uu to
have large supplies of arms, has of lata
barely manifested politeness toward th
Russians, while the Peking government
boasts that its army Is ready to occupy
Manchuria when the province is handed
A special dispatch to the Novo Vremya
says that the Japanese are appropriating
all possible sorts of revenue In Mauohurla.
Perpetual fighting continue, at Port Ar
thur. It I. scarcely likely that the gar
rison can hold out another month, a. re
quested by General Kouropatktn.
The buoyancy of the Bourse has been
noteworthy during the last few day.
Expect Battle East of Mukden..
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
MUKDEN, Sept. 17. Via Peking, Sept. IS,
1:55 a. m. (New York Herald Cablegram
Special Telegram to The Bee.) A Cossack
officer entered General Mlstchenko'a out
posts yesterday after being a fortnight la
the rear of the Japanese army. He WO0
sent on a reconnoiterlng mission before tb
battle of Liao Yang, and being cut off, had
to march by night and hide by day. H
say. the Japanese army is south of Pakeat
and that Japaneke activity north of Liao
Yang is mere'ly a demonstration. All the
Japanese forces and transport, hav gon
ea.t. Hence I expect a great battle ea.t
of Mukden. Rank officials and the hos
pital staff have returned to Mukden. Th
army ha. recovered Ha spirit
Advancing- on Both Flanks,
MUKDEN, Sept. 17. The Japanese ar
reported to be advancing on both flanks
from the east, southeast and southwest
The outposts are closely engaged twenty
mile, southeastward, there being almost
constant skirmishing.
Indications point to another great battl
In the vicinity of Mukden. Russian trodp
occupy all the surrounding villages.
Refugees are Mocking into tu cur Chi
nese among them complain of severity on,
the part ot the Japanese.
Oyanm Report. Activity , -
TOKlO, Sept. IV i p. m. Field Marshal
Oyama reporis that ituaatau cavalry ouo
poalu, with uuba at Panchlagao, Hanllnpao
and "laaanchluu u, ar dally scouring
southward In th vicinity uf Wulltaiicu and
Menfulutal, over a twelve-mil front, and
to Jlntang, thre mlla. from Tatanghaa
pao. "
The Russian cavalry are changing the.r
clothing to gray and black, their winter
Kurokl Confront. Russian Outposts.
TLUS IN 'iliE FiHLD, Sept. 14. (Via Fu
san, Corea. Dept. 17. j The Japanese Lont
ia now some inlL. north of Llao Yang, al
most half way to Mukden, and confronting
n I i-I, t . . t . it,.,,..
vgouuia, nuui lain vuiw,t l , l, VJ. .
General Kouropatktn, it ia believed, I re
moving his headquarter, to Harbin. Both
armies are satisfied to suspend hosUlltiea'
for a time. They are apparently exhausted
after th. battl. of Llao Yang.
Japanese Bombardment 1. Terrldo.
CliU FOO, Sept. 17. 4 p. m.-A Japanss
who arrived here today reports that th
cltlsen. of Daluy on September 16 expected
that th general attack on Port Arthur
would bu renewed upon th following day.
11 has reliable Information to th effect
that the Jupunese sleg works at Rlhlung
shtn and Klkwanshan wer computed od
September 15 Both Chines and Japan
arrival, agree that th bombarding of
Port Arthur tecam terrlfle at dawn of
qftfttmbar li and oontioutd until la for.