Tnrr omaha daily bee: thuesday. September is. 100. 8 MRS. SCHRAH STAR WIHESS Woman Claiini"r to Be John Walker's Siitr Under Crosiflro. , INJECTS DRAMA' INTO UNIQUE CASE Relates Tain W Brraer'. AfTerttoa and Effort t Her Life HA Jean's litHlbnirt Tina Upt Mrs. Ioabel Srhrrtm nf-Onwida, claiming to be a sister of the late John Walker, the South Omaha -renins, who- died Intestate and with SU iiiwI up In ht elothing, in her attempt to secure a. share of the es tate, was the tar witness yeterday In the county court. On cross-examination Mrs. Schram sev eral times broke lown under the question Ins; of Attorney Breen. A number of pho tographs were shown her taken from the trunk of Wruker. She Identified the pic ture of Mrs. Catherine Herr and of two of the pictures supposed to be Walker In his xounifer-years she thought she saw a rfwmhlnncf, but. she would not say posi tively any of them was Walker. The mem ory of the witness appeared to be aa bad as to letters and oilier matters of recent date. In regard to the bos of pills, one of which killed the witness' cat, she said she had not noticed whether the stamp was Ameri can or Canadian. The bo containing the pills was labeled In Ink, "Take ana If In great pain and repeat In two hours If necessary-" f INJURED MAN AN ENIGMA iser Poavsl aa Street Refnaea ta (UVo Police -Any Informa tion of Himself. Charles Mason. Uiu stranger who was found by the police Tuesday afternoon on the sidewalk at Fifteenth and Douglas street .is- being held- a the police stalion for further Investigation and with hopes his assailant may be apprehended. Mason's story now la ha was struck In the mouth by a args man wearing a brow.i suit of clothes. Ha saya the blow felled him to the walk and bruised his head. Judging from his actions at the station It was- thought the man's condition was ser ious, so he was sent to the Clarkson hos pital, but after being examined at tha hospital it- was- learned there Is nothing wrong. with, tha man further than a few ordinary bruises. Mason has been returned to the police station. He maintains a stubborn alienee regarding, himself and movements. Ha carried, a I960 bogus draft when found on the street, . HOW EVANS SAW THE SHOW Sixth Ward CassgUnua is Mistaken for Crook by C Irene De tective, t Councilman Evans has- found a new way of getting free entrance' to the circus. He was standing near the big tent at the show the other night contemplating a short cut across lota home. A policeman had refused to let. him shorten his homeward trip and he was merely standing, .doing nothing when a detective belonging to the circus force appeared- and asked him what ha was doing. Evans told him and the detec tive asked him- If he did not want to sea tha show. The councilman politely de- ADVANTAGES THAT WlfcJL APPEAL TO ANY SHOPPER. n m Orchard 5 Wilhelm Carpet Company. Big Sept( tember F Allure Trade Sale The Saving Aver ages a Full Third mo IT BED Like Illustration, head stands fi"4 Inches high, made of best material, hand tlnlshed enamel in choice of colors, brass trimmed top. rails, spindles and knobs, bow foot, .Q5 ' September Trade Sale "'TWV- ROCKER Oak or 'mahogany finish, upholstered A RQ leather or tupesiry back, September Trade Sale rr.00 ROMAN CHAIR Oak or mahogany finish, finely 3uQ5 pollahtd. September Trade Sale f i " Many other articles including couches, library tables, parlor tables, Iron beds, fancy rockers and odd chairs. -' parlor furniture, bedroom furniture and den furniture in this big September Trade Sale at big price concessions. Hi 00 Hilt,, $0 St. Louis and Return Septembsr 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 27 and 29 The Burlington's St. Louis Flyer carries the hand somest chair oars (seats free). It is the only train from Omaha "stopping at Washington Avenue, the hotel and busine district of St. Louis, in addition to the Union Station. On return this train leaves St. Louis at the desirable hour of 9:00 p. m. Call on me for special World's Fair folders, for bertha, tickets, and for any assistance or information in connection with your trip. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. Ayent, 1502 Farnam St. Omaha. IKUUOLI liD Western IVlilitary fM Academy Usees Alton. Illinois. rllned. birr the dertertlvs" politely msistel. His Invitation grew exceedingly pressing md the cminrilman finally gave way. "The detective took me Inside and placed me In a bos with Captain Dunn of the local detective force and several other officers. Of eourse he thought he had ran acroe a crook of some kind and If be steered me Into some of the city officers they might recognize me snd take me up. Captain Dunn gave the glad hand and I noyed the performance a great deal. The detec tive faded away whi n he saw he had made a mlrtake." OMAHA PRAISED BY I0WAN Gate City sad Its Festive Klsg Amur tdmlratiea ef Oea Wolaea Hal. "During the laet fortnight I have Inter viewed most of your leading business houses," said D. B. Lyons, municipal and Industrial bond buyer of Des Moines. "As a guest at your Ak-3ar-Ben meeting I wbs royally entertained and Immensely amused. I took the sacred oath and swore allegiance with the rest of the boys, though with the mental reservation that it was to last only while In Omaha. Tour Ak-Sar-Ben Is great. You are facing Increasing prosperity. "Tour Commercial club Is only two-thirds aa big as ours, but I note Its commissioner Is planning an Immediate Increase In mem bership. "Omaha has some things that Des Moines might profitably copy. The reverse also is true. "We all rejoice with you at the final settlement of the strike. We are all citizens of the middle west and cat 111 afford to harbor petty Jealousies. Omaha is all right and deserves prosperity. ' COLD KILX9 THE GERM. Lientenanf Perry ay There Are Bald Heads In the Arctle Resrtoa. i The people who come back from Klondike testify to the fact that no native balds heads are there. The evidence Is that the cold climate kills the germs that cat the hair off at the root. Lieut. Perry, who went to the Arctic regions, gives the same evidence. Newbro s Herpicide has tho same effect as the cold climate. It kills tlia germ that eats the hair off at the roots, and the hair gmwa again. Herpiclde is the first hair remedy built upon the principle of destroying the germ that eats the hair off. Its phenomenal sale demon strates the correctness of the scaip germ theory. Sold by leading druggists. Pend 10c in stamps for sample to The Per-ilclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Sherman McConnull Drug Co., Omaha. Neb., special agents. Lww Colonist Rate Via Chicago Great tvestern Railway To points In Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and western Canua. Tickets on salo dally from September IS to October 15. For further information apply to 3. D. Parkhurst. General Agent, 1512 Farnum St., Omaha, Neb. Wnrrlnare Licenses. The following marriage license were Is sued up to noon. September 14: Name and Residence. Age. Anton Hoffman. Omaha 22 Louise Rasmusson, Omaha 11 Mad P. Madsen, Omaha 29 Amelia H. Anderson, Omaha, 22 Frank A. Brown, Omaha- 41 Alice Bever. Sourh Omaha. 37 Frank W. Pickering, Ashland 31 Letha Russell, Ashland 20 Charles L Barber, Aahiand 28 Emma E. Becker, Ashland 31 George W. McDonald. Omaha 22 Ethel M, Smith. Omaha r 21 13 K. Wedding Rings. Edholm. Jeweler. COACH ii .UU EXCURSIONS fULLEliEI. 0 inty. Thumuah mihun iM ihhiii Cel. A. M. JACKSON. M iirt RIGC MATTER TO COME UP Appointment to Be Considered by hVjrab licaa lute Committee. BLiRKETT ALSO GETS CONSIDERATION Only Wants His lame Appear Oart on Ballot anal the Sena torial osainntion Pnt Of. A general meeting of the state repub lican committee and the executive com mittee will be held at the state headquar ters at the Murray hotel Thursday night. Some of the candidate also may be pres ent. Anong the matters that may come up la the action of Chairman Burgees in appoint ing Charley Rlgg as chairman of the speak ers bureau without the approval of the executive committee and the number of times Congressman Burkett's name will appeal on the ticket. The congressman a friends says he does not want his name to go on except for congress and wishes to have the senatorial nomination by the state convention left off. Others have pointed out. however, that If this is done there will be nothing morally binding on the members of the legislature to vote fur Burkett for senator next winter. The question still is pending and the committee may attempt to have it settled. Republicans who called at the state head quarters Tuesday included W. H. Harri son of Grand Island. R. J. Kilpatiick of Beatrice. Captaia McLaughlin of Beatrice, Frank McCartney, postmaster at Ne braska City; Charles E. Smith of San Diego, Cal.; John D. Pope, formerly of Friend, now of Chicago, and Judge E. M. Coffin of Lincoln. Fred .Emning has filed his petition as a republican candidate for county commis sioner from the Second ward. He Is the second to file from this district, the former being Tom McVlttle, who wants the same office. Harry Fischer, business ngrnt and sec retary for the Retail Grocery Dealers' as sociation, has announced himself as a can didate for state senator before the repub lican primaries October 7. Chairman Alter of the democratic oounty committee has announced that the local campaign will be formally set In motion September 30. ' when headquarters will be established at the Jacksonlan club, with himself in charge. AGED WOMAN BADLY BURNED Mrs. Johanna Knlgbt Tbongbt to Bo Fatally Injured from Fire. At her home, 15:4 Ohio street, about 6 yesterday morning Mrs. Juhanna Knight 03 years of age, was seriously If not fa tally burned from the ignition of her clothes while getting breakfast over a gasoline stove. In an heroic and successful effort to extinguish the burning garments of his grandmorher William Knight, with whom Mrs. Knight lives, sustained several burns about one foot and leg. Tho young man's burns are not severe. Mrs. Knight was burned more "r less from head to foot and it is believed by the attending physician she inhaled some of the flumes. She is being attended by Dr. W. H. Hobbs. At the time of the accident Mrs. Knight was arranging the morning meal for her grandson, who "Is "In the empfby of tho Paxton & Gallagher company. William Knight was In bed at the time and was first apprised of the accident, by hearing his grandmother scream. Rushing from his bed in his night robe, the young man found his grandmother trying to smother the flames in some bed clothing. She then was nearly enveloped In flames. Young Knight succeeded in smothering the burn ing clothes. Mrs. Knight has lived in Omaha nearly fifty years. Her husband died about thirty years ago and was a contractor In Omaha. One of Mrs. Knight's daughters. Mrs. P. O'Connor, lives at 3011 North Twenty-tirst street. The othor daughters, Mrs. O. J. Sherry of Horace, Kan., and Mrs. James Wilson of St. Louis, have been sent for. The property loss on account of the Are was nominal. WIFE AFTER RUNAWAY SPOUSE Woman Wires to Have Mnrrlas of Has band and His Steaogra Prevented. A telegram from Mrs. Alice Rogers of Chicago to Acting Chief of Police Mostyn, .of Omaha, says William H. Rogers, tne woman's husband, and Miss Naomi Spen cer, Rogers' stenographer, are headed for Omaha where they Intend securing a mar riage license and becoming man and wife. The aggrieved wife appeals for the police to prevent the wedding, but Uie police say they are not at liberty to take action merely on the authority or advice of a civ ilian or until informed by an officer of the law. The train on which the runaway couple is said to huve left Sioux City arrived In Omaha about 3:46 yesterday afternoon over ! the Northwestern. Here is the telegram: CHICAGO, Sept. 11 1H. Chief of Police, omuna. Stop wedding nt William H. Hugers. He is manager of Chicago Newspaper union. Stoux City, go ing to marry Naomi Spencer, hia xteno grapher. Rogers is not divorced. I m nla wife and reside at 3437 Rhodes avo. itogers may claim to be divorced, but if ne nas a divorce it was fraudulently pro cured and I have notified attorneys at Sioux City to have proceedings begun at once to set atdde any decree he may have. Wedding to take place September 14 at home of one of his sisters. SlBters are Mrs. Ed Brait or Mrs. Maurice Harrington. ALICE RtXiERS. The sisters referred to are not known to the pollen and their names do not appear in the city directory. VAIL ON CROSS-EXAMINATION Pnt to Rla-IH Teat By Attorneys for Paekera In Federal Coart Hearlns;. The hearing In tha strike contempt cases was continued in the United States cir cuit court yeaterduy morning with Stephen Vail still on the witness stand. He was sub jected to a rigid cross examination, with the apparent view to Identify him directly with tacit violations of the Injunction or der. The witness said at all times he had counseled and advised the strikers to live wholly wtthla the law, refrain from vio lence and not to gather in crowds. A protracted argument waa entered Into between the attorneys, as to the court's explanation of the paragraph In the re straining order pertaining to the prohibi tion pf picketing and the relation that it bore to the construction placed upon the Union Paciiiu Injunction relating to pick eting, and aa to the technical definition of actual and constructive oontempi. I The only witness In rebuttal was Fred ! A. Robinson, foreman ef the Cudahy can nlng department; who testified aa to the orders gU'en the men of hia department going out at the time at Uie sulk muA their subsequent return, and the endeavor to Identify Mr. Vail with this order. BOY RULES AT DCG POUND Color Lad Pnnlabed for Tpeottln Peaee anal Dlanlty of Canine Detention Burns. Walter Reed, a colored boy, has been lined J10 and costs in police court, where he was arraigned on the charge of assault and battery on Henry Cleveland, an em ploye at the city dog pound. According to the story told by Pnundmaster Laugh land and his staff, consisting of Ora GIN belt and the Cleveland boy, the Reed boy took umbrage to the- retention of his dng at the pound by beating the Cleveland i boy. who was in the office while Laugh- land went to the kennels for the Reed dng. Poundmaster Laughlnnd testified that his life had been threatened by young Reed and his father and mother, and. In fact, the general peace and dignity of the dng pound has been In Jeopardy for some time. One Way Rates. Every day from September 15 to October IS, 19ii, tne Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist tickets at the following rates, from Mlcsouri River terminals. Council Bluffs, to Kansln City Inclusive; S20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. D0 uu to Butte. Anaconda and Helena. 122. jO to Spokane and Wenatcheee. Wash. fcS.JO to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Vancouver, and Victoria, via Huntington and Spokane. KS.tfO to Portland and Astoria; or to Tacoma and Seattle, via Huntington and Portland or via Huntington and Spokane. to Ashland. Roeeburg, Eugene, Albtiny and Salem via Portland. Ca.iO to San Francisco, Los Angeles. San Diego and many other California points. For full Information call on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1224 FA R.N AM ST. 'Phone ilti. Special Snndny Rates to Great West ern Park. Manning. la. For the months of June. July, August and September, on every Sunday except July 3. the Chicago Great Western railway will sell round-trip tickets at one fare to Great Western park. Manning, la. For fur ther information apply to S. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 1512 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. For Rent. An excellent office location, fronting on Pearl street, only half a block from. Broad way, with a nice large show window which can be used for display. Bee office. 10 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. Home Visitor's Excnrainna Fair. Tuesdays In September and Oct. 1L Good thirty days. Half fare plus C Many points In Indiana. Ohio and Kentucky. Inquire at the Northwestern Line Office. 101 and 1408 Farnam St.. Omaha- Diamonds I Diamonds:: Diamonds::: Edholm. Jeweler. Try Colfax Purox water. Klmman Ready with Veto; Acting Mayor ZImmnn says that while he has not fully Informed himself on the matter, he thinks he will veto the anti sidewaik merchant ordinance passed bv the council Tuesday night. Says he thinks the sidewalk venders do no particular harm and thnt the nriltnnnce merely affects the down-town district, therefor discriminating aa to localities whers they are proscribed. DIED. BONE Cliarle A., September 14. at his late residence. 131 California street, aged 31 years. Funeral SatuHay September 17, 2:30 p. m. Interment Proppeet Hid. i, '" Be Sure It Is Photographer, Thewi You Are Alright 318-320-322 S. I5lh St. WEST Sidn of tha Strcal. BREATHE HEALING BALSAMS Hj-omel'a Xovel Way Carina; Ca tarrh Sherman X McConnell (iurutet a tare. This novel treatment for catarrh can ists of a hard rubber Inhaler of a aire con venient to be carried In the vest pocket or purse, a medicine dropper and a bottlo of Hyomel. By Its use it la possible to breathe while at home or at work, air which is almost Identical with that of the mountains or health resorts where the air la ladden with healing and health givlng balsama. No other medicine gives such prompt 1 relief aa Hyomel In the treatment of ca tarrh. The first breath soothes and heals the Irritated and smarting air passages, and its regular use for a few days or weeks , will cure the most stubborn casen. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., corner ltith and Dodge streets. Omaha, will e!l a Hyomel outfit for 11.00 with their personal guarantee to refund the money If It does not cure. Tou run no rtsir whatever In buying Hyomel. for ynur word decides the question aa to whether you pay the remedy or not. -Sorosis- The Perfected American Shoe The Ideal Comfort Giving Shoe for Women It fits all feet because ' it is made in all shapes. Only the deformed foot must now have them made to order. The Price $3.50 Catalogue Sent Free Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frtsk WUcox, Mgr. m 1ft Asntn mrl at in CGUiii aim Faroam'. No t Moore's Oven Thermometer shows exactly the heat of the oven. It's use does away with guessing, and makes baking a sore thing. It takes 210 degrees to fcaka sponge cake. Ten degrees either way and the cake is spoiled. Can you always guess it close enough ? Moore's Thermom eter tells in plain figures. Saves a lot of uncertainty and never makes a a I er I mistake. A pleasure to show it to you. Also the Hinged Top, Con troller Damper and the many other ff points in which aioore s Kangi Aexcell all others. NaJSilAsitA m v i vi AHO CARPtI CO. 413-415 No. 24th SL, South Omaha. Made of the flnpst selected Barley and Imported K '.'iniian bops. CABINET THE BEER YOL LIKE. Ia unexcelled as a tonic. It la nr equallert for invalids and convalescent. Young mothers will find It superior to any other beer for its milk, producing qualities. Sold en Dlnlns; and Bnffet Cars, Fred Krug Brewinj Co. Omaha's Vndal Brewry Telephoned. OMAHA Walk-Over The one Man's Shoe that fits Men's Fer. In ail the shapes and all the leather. Whether far store, shop or street, the conuort and style Is certainly found In the Wak-Over at 13 io and Decatur Shoe Co., 1521 Farnam St. Frank Wilcox. Mgr. Sellers of K. F. Ncttlst oat sod Walk Over Shoes tiff!) W Moore's v j Stoves : Please JL I Is shz Guessing? 1 19 I ! l New Fall Custom Tailored Suits for Women. Here is two very special suit values for womenWe do not think there is another, house in Omaha where tha women can buy strictly custom tailor suits Made from ex clusive fabrics such as only the high priced tailors show at anywhere near so low. WOMEN'S NEW COAT SUITS Made of the very best new etamlne eheww lots. In black, blue and brown comes In fitted back and also new hutcher hark roats. new plaited round length skirts, 11. 7 C perf-t In tit ami workmannh In "11. iJ SPECIAL PRICE - - WOMEN'S NEW SWELL TAILOR-MADE SCTTS AT C7.50 In thls-aesnrt-ment you will find 75 different styles to select from, tn the very newest mode s. made by the best stilt makers In America the new Ps.rirl suit new i-lnch tight fitting suits with vest fronts, with PA rir--t trimmtnes suits that would be cheap at H6.0" A. ..ill SPECIAL PRICE , Two Specials n Women's Walking Skirts for Thursday. 250 WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS Made of all wool meltons, chevloto and all wool fancy mixtures. In several new. up-to-date M Qfl styles perfect tn fit and workmanship skirts made to retail Ht'JXM at t7.50-SPECIAL THLRSDAT 300 WOMEN'3 WALKING SKIRTS Made of this season's swellest mate rials, plain and mixtures, a.l new rhe proper hang made to retail at SPECIAL. THCRSDAI AK-SAR-BEN CANDY GIFT BOX Our Own Manufacture. Purity and Excellence Guaranteed $1.00 DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. Send a sweet remembrance to your out-of-town friend. BALDUFF, a-.u ,... . mi. . s 1,m1, jii.ii u uu uls ph.i.i h nil .11 , . ..wmrmm Dewey & Stone Furniture Go. 1115-1117 Farnam Street. NEW LINE ii ii We have just receivetl a big line of the latest patterns of the above goods, made of selected quarter-sawed oak and and finished equal to the liaest goods made. Examine Tliese The Toniest Goods Shown This Season Hotel Vict Broadway, Fifth Avenua and 27th St., New York Is a modem, nrst-claes hotel, in the center of the whopping district. Complete In all lis appointments and ahsolutely fireproof. Furnishings and decorations entirely new throughout. Accommodations tor 5tt uests: IM suites with baths. Hot and cold water and telephone In every room. European plan. Cuisine unexcelled. Rooms tl.oO a day up. with bath S2.S0 up. The only hotel In Manhattan fronting both on Broad way and Fifth Avenue. GEORGE W. 8WEENKY, T CVCTTC UOTCI - - VsaVi under the same management. Every 7omah IS limn nml .ml maul. Know .Dual Ui. woMrfiu MARVtL whirl ino Sprs? MM .rrM. Ill .t- UIMI It be fsniMMPplf tlie Ham.. do Ulmmmi wi-miU Itetv fun ii.ni0Ui.r. ui ii I! . ill" ITi. lo iMlt. MASVKLift run nw. mm w s For sale by SCHAErER'S DRl'U STORES. 16th and Chicago sis.; Ho. Omaha. 24th and N sia; Council Bluffs. 5th and Main sis. It L" H.N A CO., lliih and tiouslas street. tSESiHOWQ&Sni. Ua. Bl( lor aaBatara licMM.ininiiii.n IrnlMUM if uluwMMae er sol. IS aw . ar ihi is puii r.p .r mt ro.i.. I . t UMtlxSl.T. l-h . ... t. L t I B m mm i. wiiwi fTeY1 t"1 liWilCi. Fif fs antn and Faraam. shnpea cut full with t. Clfl 110.00 D.-U - ...... V OF BUFFETS i Quartered Oak Buffets, at - S26 Quarter-sawed Oak Buffets, at S33 Quarter-eawed Oak Buffets, at ... 3S Quarter-sawed Oak Buffets, at 4I Quartered Oak Buffets, at Quartered Oak Buffets, at $SQ Proprietor. BrmLO, MEW TOHK, KARLE & SEARLES O win hat. rb. CURES GUARANTEES Quicker and for LESS MONEY than other SPECIALIST Cures mil special dlsw eases ef mail kidney, bladder and rtlsssea of women. " 1 sign, symptom, suras on soey. la mouth, tongue, throat, hair aa4 er. brows (fulling oulj disappear aompietniy larevOT. VirlCMi Yilos Rrn-'luii:.' eiitting. pals or loss of time, flever faila. Quickest oure in the world. Wiit lint-us Met lrJ,, 'JiS: nervous deoillty. enrls dauTlnav !. r i sur ana strength. Treat meat by mall. It TCaR4 OS SJTTtV D 0 CTQE3 IHIIIH I