TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. 10 CORN NOT HURT BY FROST Too Far AdVanced to Suffer Except bj HTj Precipitation. WIND AIDS IN PREVENTING DISASTER ritffl 0er Sebrasksi Thermome ter Registers Mclotr Freeslas; Paint Oae More Cool MiKkt rreilloted. With one or two exceptions. Nebraska seems to have escaped the threatened dan ger from frosts and it Is now believed there will be little or no Ion to the corn crop from this source. Heports received from all over the state by both the Burlington and the Union l'acllte show there was very little frost and with the exception of one or two cases the frost was very light. It Is asserted that over do per tent of the corn Is out of danger and the rest of the crop will not be affected except by a serious Xrost and this Is now not expected. Strong winds prevailed throughout the state and this is given as the reason for the escape from serious consequences to the corn. On the northern division of the Burlington' a light frost was reported at I'almer and Harvard, and a heavy frost at Loup City but elsewhere In those territo ries no frost was apparent. Heavy frosts were reported at points on the Alliance division of the B. & M.. but there were no frosts on the Sheridan western and the southern divisions, although at scattering points the thermometer was reported at 88. Weather Man's Statement. "There were light frosts in the eastern Dakotaa and eastern Nebraska and aa far sou tli as northern Kansas," said Weather Foreca-ter Welsh. "In the central and western portions of Nebraska, the western Dakota, eastern Wyoming and eastern Montana the weather was below freezing and general killing frosts prevailed. Thus far we have had no reports of frost east of tho Missouri river. The weather con tinues cool in the western portion of the corn belt and likely will remain so tonight and we car. confidently look for light frosts, with growing warmer weather tomorrow. "The frost In eastern Nebraska was bo light as to do no material damage to com and from conversation with some well In formed farmers. I am led to believe Tues day night's frost In the eastern part of the tate was really more beneficial to the corn than damaging, as It will assist in matur ing It. It Is the opinion of some farmers that the corn was so far advanced In the central and western parts of the state that It could not have been seriously hurt even by the killing frosts." Gates Advises a Friend. John W. Gates entertained a merry party St dinner at one of the best known of the road houses out beyond Saratoga Lake the other evntng after the races. The liquid part of the entertainment furnished was rot wholly Apolllnarls water, and some of the men were feeling In a rather tangled condition when they left the table and started for home in the gray of the early morning. One of the lot was a horse owner with whom Mr. Gates is particularly Intimate, and who would Insist on trying to wear Gates' hat, which Is three or four slses too large for him. After the hat business was straightened out Gates sang out to his friend: "I say, John, you will see two carriages out thero at the door. Take the first one. The other Isn't there. Good night and trood luck." New York Commercial. Hew York and OTtriadetanle cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh Valley Route. Solid through trains, mag nificent scenery, all trains run via Niagara Palls. Descriptive literature sent free on appli cation to Advertising Department. Grand Trunk Railway System, 1SS Adams St, "Chi eaflo, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. i T. A. End of Week Excursion to Clear Lake, la. ,Vla Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday night and ail trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be sold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning on any train until the fol lowing Monday. For further information apply to 8. H. Parkhurst, general agent, 1612 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. CVsmten IWill reopen their School of Dating. S424 Farnam street. September 2S, compli mentary reception, by card only. Inspec tion of the academy 3 to C p. m. Dancing 1:90 p. m. For juveniles, Saturday, Sep tember 34th r dancing 4 tft 6 p. in. Appllca tlons may bs made now. Don't forget Miss Riley's millinery open ing Friday and Saturday. Second floor. Brown block, 16th and Douglas. Colfax mr Water, Bottled at the sprint. Gladstone Bros., 1308-1210 Douglas street . If MtcCarthy makes your clothes they're light Bee our display, 304-306 a 10th street Horse show novelties. Edholm, jeweler. 2 Welt Sole Shoes for Women Our Box Calf-Velour Calf Ideal Klet-Vlt-1 Kid and Patent Kid-Lace and Button regular and bluober cut any ana au at on price $3.00 Our expense Is so slight la selling this shoe that we are able to put better values In them than if we only old this one shoe. We have so many kinds of shoes that our expense Is a tittle on each kind. We give you your money bauk every Unto If you're not satisfied. Drexel Shoe Co, 1419 FARNAU STREET, Ciihi'i Ui-to-Di!i Shai Hsuii - -r yMllUIS M1LIII II lim ! Ili aSgWBBSIE m unaerwi ri ry id - I! I Thursday I frauds. Ladle Fall Underw'r at Vary Special Prices necial Soles B New Fall Jackets $2.50 Here are smart fall jackets made of late shades in coverts, cheviots, peau de soles FA nH tffta Thev are U J actual $B, $3 and $7 Jackets, at Fall Walking Skirts 2.98 Correct walking lengths new sldff pleats mannlsn cloths special at :2 13 HOW 2i LADIES' TOURIST COATS Ladies' Tailored Suits The latest military and tourist coat suits new col lars and sleeves right up to date, at , The popular tourist and traveling 7 C fl coats the swagger lengths at a jU a tourisi 98 75c French Flannels at 39c. Fine French flannels and waistincrs in the desirable smaller effects and Persian effects actually worth 75c a yard, at, a yard Bargains Greater Than Ever in Miss Terrilfs Dressmaking Stock The splendid goods from Miss Terrill's well-known also a huge stock from Mme. Monette, 556 5th Ave., 98c 69c $3 and U dress goods in fine dress patterns, etc., at tl.60 and K dress goods silk and wool goods, etc, at ... Terrill's and Monette's Laces a"tin .19c-39c-69c-98c Terrill's and Monette's lining taffetas, trimming silks, etc.. 27-inch silk worth up to 12, at Bvenlng brocades, satin and taffetas, worth to H. at SweKest nnd most exclu f Ef slve silks, yard I.kJU stock N. Y. 49c 69c 98c 1.95 Special Sale of Comforters Our Immense Fall Line of Comforters at Barraln Prices. Alao Special Sale of Materials for Comfort flaking. 16-oz. roll pure white cotton C worth 25o at, per roll Itt 16-oz. roll unbleached cotton 1Aft special rol 1 1 U C Hamilton's Robe Prints All new fall patterns for making c forts, in full pieces, at, ya Pacific and Hamilton Comfort Twills Splendid for comforts fast color in full pieces ?1 ' a yard 2C White Rone Qermantown Zephyr, Col umbia, Shetland Floss, in all colors, Just the thing for matting f comforts 15c, yours at, 1C skein w Tapestry Curtain Sale Monday Sept.19 A wonderful stock bought from a well-known Philadelphia firm some slightly damaged by water on sale Monday. See them In the window J. L. BRA NDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE MILLINERY OPENING EXHIBIT THURSDAY, SEPT 15TH INITIAL SHOWING Imported Model Hats FOR FALL, xm 7 HE most artistic array of millinery conceptions ever presented by us. This display, in point of authoritative style and masterly design, Kill equal any display in the country, l'he same superb creations that you- find in renowned millinery salons 0 Paris, London and New York. Special Exhibit of Horse Show Hats Special designs for important social events. MILLINERY DEPT., 3RD FLOOR. i' -j uf n. k ire Sale OF MEN'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS AND SHOES The loss from our recent Are has been adjusted and all goods damaged by smoke and water will be closed out at unheard of prices. Sale opens Thursday morning, September 16. at 8 o'clock. Aa most of our fall stock was en band at time of fire this will be an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss. Men's now Men's now Men's now Men's now Men's now Men's now Men's now SOME SAMPLE PRICES: 2.00 Shoes. $3.00 Shoes, $2.00 Hats, E. & W. 1.W Shirts. Underwear, Handkerchiefs, . ... . ............ ....wm, 25c Neckwear, $C50 Suits. JQ iiaw suits, 3 48 $15.00 Suits, 4 98 &00 suits. " 9 98 $2!o6'paii'ts.' )3.&6 Pants, Jb.00 Pants, .98c 198 Men's now Men's now Men's now Men's : now Men's now Men's now Men's now 93c 124 10c .33c ...10c Ic ...2c PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE, 1321 DOUGLAS STREET. I Near Fourteenth Street. Look for the Sign. Reopening of Mr. and Mrs. Morand's Dssclsi Physical Callers I Usees For children on Saturday. September U. fickliiners, 10 a. m. Terms Season, Septem ber to May. !& Advance, 110. Adults' classes begins Tuesday, September s, I p. m. Private leusnns dally. Opening as soinbly next Wednesday, for particulars call or telephone Ml. Cerate r flfteeatth as 4 Uaraey Streets A DEAUTIFUUY0ESIS1 imperial Hair Regenerator try . U at i a. W the ely (um n4 fcawUit rady sW ettaWr, cha ON H ArrLiLATlO i. aVamil ml hair a1sbms1 fcaaV IWUtlAl, CHEMICAL MHL CO. Ill W. lis tC, Mev Verfb snitruiMa McConnou Orun Cu oiuuiut. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I ('arm Payer Jakserlfee lew. OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Thursday Fair and Warmer. Lw liiwli u ii u iMsd ii It S9 G RAN D Millinery Opening For Horse Show and Ak-Sar-Ben For strict leadership in 1904 fall Millinery Ben nett is IT. For eiclu siveness, distinctiveness, individuality, elegance and style, there can be Z no possible eclipse it's the poetry of the artistic millinery sense of the world. Every lady is herewith heartily invited to attend our Great Millinery Reception Thursday. Second Floor. Grocery The up-to-date gTOoery. lowest prices. Best goods, Thirty t3) "S. & H." Qreen Trading Stamps with S lbs finest Java and Mocha 4 Cifi Coffee Thirty ($3) "8. ft H." 3reen Tmdlng Stamps with pound ggg Twenty (12) "8. & II." Green Trading Stamps with Cnr gallon jug Catsup -VW Klve (60c) "8. & H." Green Trading stamps with three boxes On Parlor Matches Ten (Jl) "8. & H." Green Trading Stamps with can Bennett's 'JAr Capitol Baking Powder New Dill Pickles each 1c Caudy Department Ten ($1) "8. ft H." Green Trading Stamps with box pure sugar Stick Candy 10 cents JdLp-A-Lac THE GREAT FLOOR STAIN Holds Its polish and uniformity of coat-finish four times longer than any other floor stain, makes old wood work look like new, Is suitable for all purposes to which wood stain is put. Jap-a-Lac comes In three slses: Half Pints 25c One Tint 40c One quart 75c Window Olass and Oils White Lead and Dry Colors Varnishes o( all kinds We have been long enough In the business to have had experience with all the so-called "bet paints." We K:1 Sunshine paints. 'Nut saldl Cvnes in three sizes; Quarts 38c Ilalf Gallons. . . 68c Oallons 1.30 Hardware Section Basement. THURSDAY SHOE SAL E 2,500 pairs of ladies' nice warm slippers, at prices A from $1.50 to J UC 3O0 pairs ladies' sample shoes, worth $4 00 2 48 And fifty (16.00) Little Green Stickers. 340 pairs men's Velour Calf and Vici Kid, doublosole, English Welt Shoes, worth 13.50 j And fifty (15.00) Little. Green Stickers. NO RINGS Like our Wedding Rings 18K and 14K Tiffany and Oval, arrow arid broad. AU sixes with our personal guarantee tor quality. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Doufc-Us St. New Idea Fashions for October just issued. The most popular and relia ble publication of patterns. This New Idaa Fashion Sheet we give free. Dry Ooods Section. FURS! FURS! FURS! Our mammoth stock of new Fur Coats, Fur Jackets, Fur Blouses, Fur Scarfs, Fur Collars and Fur Muffs is now on sale. - This will be the greatest showing of Furs ever made in Omaha. Fur Scarfs from $35 to $9.90, $8.95, ! $ 7.95, QOr $6.95, $5.95, $4.95, $4.50, $3.95, $3.50, $2.95, $1.09, . . . VOL Special mention is made of our Sable and Isabella (? AC Fox Scarfs, at d7U NEAR SEAL COATS, at $25 MEXICAN BEAVER COATS, at .$55 BLENDED SQUIRREL, Foreign Dye Box Coats, at. . .$98 ALEUTIAN SEAL SKIN COATS, at $98 HUDSON BAY SEAL COATS, at $175 NORTH SEA OTTER COATS, at $125 ALASKA BEAVER COATS, at $95 Every garment guaranteed. HANDSOME NEW VELVETS ON SALE THURSDAY Fancy velour velvet, heavy quality in shots, scrolls and dot designs on pretty shades in plain velvets, 7fS special Thursday, yard JUL PRETTY NEW SILKS Just received a handsome lot of new brown silks. Also navy, greens, grajs and black and whites, nobby, up-to-date style Thursday, K0r at, yard 0C BLACK SICILIANS 10 pieces 54 inch black Sicilian the right fabric for shirt waist suits, beautiful silk finish, strictly dust proof, our regular $1.00 quality, CJ0r Thursday, yard vC NEW FALL DRESS GOODS We place on special tables 100 pieces handsome new fall dress goods, all the latest styles, newest colorings in Scotch and English Tweed, zibennes, Venetians, also a Dig lot or plain and fancy pa Mohairs. Lots of swell stuff in this big lot, Thursday. 3UC Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM RJXra&SK DENTIST 'PHONB 1736 Tooth Extracted With The most seoaltl out Palo. nerves removed wltfc. OS ftr A t I- .1. a- Fillings Crewaa-... rhx Wertt Get Our Prices MAInifl See Our New Furniture. -JllllS Carpets. TUB ItCLIABLB STORK. Unequalled Values in Women's Suits, Coats, Skirts, Furs. Etc. 4.98 WOMEN'S SABl.b SCAUF-for HANDSOMB BEAVER COATS Oarmonts that wnulfl ordlnnrlly noil for S6.V only a fw If ft which we will R7 Cf self Thursday at O.OW EI.KOANT NEAR SEAT. COATS With collars, cuffs and reveres of mink, marten and Denver -ff ff pX).iO values-nt U.Ut-J WOMEN'S KRIMMER COATS Regular NOW ON VTS riAV IN Ol'R MAMMOTH CliOAK DEPAKTMKNT. Thousands upon thousands of beautiful (tHrmcrl for fail and winter. Style to please your fancy prices to please your pocketbook. As spoclnls for Thursday we are showing HANDSOME TA1UK Bl'lTP In all tlie riew iiianniHh materials, 12 different sty es with three different length costs, gar ments you could not duplicate elsewhere for less than 20.0o It 7a our price - WOMEN'S Sl'ITS In a great variety of liiindsome, stylish fabrics, 2R different styles to select from our customers tell us they would cost I27.W Q Qf) !ewliere our price J.rr EXyl lSITE FAI.I. Sl'ITS In tho very tlnent of materials suits that would or dinarily cost you Mo. flu to HO.10 don't fall to wee them Tlinrsdsy OQ 7 our special-price A WOSUKRKl'L VAIA'E Women's tai lor stilts in 15 different styles, newest materials and designs made to sell at 115.00- U Q() our xperiAl price ..m FIHS FritS Kl'R& The moot complete, stock ever shown In Omaha. We purchased early and In large quantities, thus securing a very low price, and gunnintee to you a saving ot 20 per cent it your money back. WOMEN' S FI R SCARF 80 Inches long with six fine tails, an excellent value at 2 OS our special price -M $?.00 values- 35.00 Women's eiderdown sacques 49C at Women's black sateen un derskirts at $1.00 lawn waist at Women's 12 moire petticoats at Children's fall dresses at ..... . 49c 49c 98c '98c Wool Dress Goods Sale. Extra Weights in 62 In. Mannish Suitings worth J1.-5 at 190 Extra Fine Zlbellne at , 200 Broadcloths at POPULAR PRICED DRESS GOOODS Handsome New Tailor Effects 49C 75c 98c 1.25 75o Scotch Mixtures nt 75c All Wool Suitings st 76c Granite Suitings at All Wool Challles U all Wool Walstlngs it 49c 25c 39c 25c 29c GROCERIES GROCERIES. GREAT CEREAL AND DRIED FRUIT SALE Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans, per ib. Fancy Pearl Tapioca, per lb t?oo Japan Rice, per lb 3 The -est Flake or Pearl Hominy, per Ib 34 Fancy Pearl Barley, Sago or Farina, per lb J 1 lb package Fancy Imported Maccaroni 1 lb. package Best Corn Starch 4 The Best Hulk Laundry Starch, per lh..34 3 bars Wool Soap for 10 EXTRA SPECIAL DRIED FRUIT SALE Choice California Prunes, per lb 3V Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per lb 0 Extra Large Black Italian Prunes, pr lb m Choice California Peaches, per Ib 7 Large Choice Mulr Poaches, per lb..... 8'4 Fancy Large Yellow Crawford Peachea, per lb M English Cleaned Currants, per lb a lun Cleaned Currants, per ler 10 o er lb.... 7 lb 12 r lb S' lh Fancy Vostuna Cleaned Currants, per lb "J rhnlre 3 Crown Large Raisin, per lb 5 Fancy London layer iiaisin, pe Fancv Moor Park Apricots, per N.u' YnrW Imnnrted Annies, oer FRESH KKUli rBltM. Fancy Large Colorado Freestone Peaches per box Yellow. Red or Blue Plums, per basket. 23 Cape Ci (1 crnmberrles, per lb 71 Large, Juicy Seeedless Lemons, per dos.. 12 1 lb. package California White Figs. .......6 HAVDEN BROS. JO L ma i Thursday Will Be Special Bargain Day in Men's Fall Suits It is time for your new fall Suit or Overcoat. Early buyers have the advantage of the widest possible selection, and we give you the added ad vantage tomorrow of a very special bargain price. Men's Swell Fall Suits at $10.00 Made in the latest materials all wool- new single and double-breasted cut form-fitting thoroughly tailored the best suit ever sold in Omaha at the price..... earned cut; $!0 wmm "Ml Early Sale of Men's Over coats & Top Coats at $10 The styles this fall are ultra stylish and B especially becoming a C t B great variety of brand new coats right up to date a special , myiisn ana $!0 Given Away Free With Every Suit or Over coat at ten dollars or over Fine Oak or Willow Rocking Chair "Perfection In Man's Apparel" Hand Tailored Clothing The finest ready-to-put-on clothing that eaa be made In style and finish it Is perfec tion all the appearance and all the satis faction of made-to-measure clothing at naif the price Brandels Spe cial Buns & Overcouts .. .ae-io-measure doming at $15-17.50 Rogers-Feet Suits ' Finest in America and Overcoats 17.50-$40 Men's Fall Cravcncttes . 7.50-$25 BOSTON STORE The most popular co i for fall swell in ap pearanceperfect ain protection at J. L. bRJ ND IIS '& SONS IF IT COMES FROM MILLER'S IT MUST GOOD 1 F1" 11 j I li:iler r7 HILLEH'S PURE KYE, full quart ...r.80o Hiller's Old Private Stock, full quart. ...... $1.00 Ililler's Old Standard, full quart ..$1.25 BOTTLKD IN BOND. (We control Distillery No. 300, Fifth District, Louisville, Ky.) GKEEN TRADING KTAMPtf ALL TllE TIME. 1309 Farnam Stroot, Omaha Moll ordera Bolidkd I v J