10 THE OMATTA DAILY HEE; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 190. SEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Tnt Latest Novel by Boss Cecil 0' Weill ii ' Unique Among Love 8toriet. "ROSE OF OLD ST. LOUIS," TIMELY VOLUME Jaaepk A. Yaace, Oitcaara IHrlae, Mers a Bolntloa for Faar laaport ut astis 1 His Book o - "Americas Problems." of Edwy." by Rose Cecil j .111 iha wAll.knnwn Illustrator, is 1 iiqnii i -- .. - . . ininna imam love stories, and a love story It I par excellence, following with perfect sureness of touch the romance of three In terlacing live from Its beginning In childish attachment to the flowering forth 01 i The Jane of the story I a wonderful creature, w-0 has all of the illusory charm which Is the soul of romance anA vet Is human to the core. She and her .rtl.t Inver. Junes, are both beloved by Edwy, who gives his name to the book, but Jugga, on account of a. disgrace whicn na xnim to him through his chivalrous devo tion to Jane, shuts his eyes to her obvious preference for himself, thus making way r.r FMwv-a wooing. The story.- In which (h central theme Is the mystery and pas alon of love. Is continually lightened by the play of a. luminous wit. Rose Cecil u reiii a characters are as real aa those of Dick ens, and as funny: while In her power of depicting the humor and the' pathos of childhood she Is without a peer. Aside from the story, the s'tty or more beautiful Il lustrations make ihe book a choice posses alon. Published by the Lothrop Publishing company. "The Rose of Old St. Louis' by Mary Dillon (the Century company), is a timely volume, as it deals with the period of the transfer of the Louisiana territory to the United States. The negotiations leading up to the treaty figure in the pages. The hero is a Philadelphia youth with Kentucky con nections, an admirer of Hamilton, but an assistant to ' Jefferson. He talks like an Englishman, thinks like a Frenchman, dresses like a fop and fights like a beau abereur. By a most peculiar turn of af fairs he is behind the scenes on both sides of the negotiations leading up to the treaty. Te heroins Is 'a French countess, full of humors and wit. The true lover and the dainty lady of his heart come to their own at last, after many perils, and the romance ends happily, as all romances should. : "American Problems," by Joseph A. .Vance: Winona Publishing company). The author recognises four Important ques tions before the American people, which he numerates aa "Tha Negro," "Labor," "The Liquor Problem" and "The Rule of the Cities." Incidentally he considers a fifth problem, which he admits is not con fined to America, and that Is "Vice." The ' writer is pastor of the Hyde Park Presby terian church, Chicago, and evidences of his environment are to be found through out the book. On the negro question he endorses the plan of Booker Washington; on the labor question he opens his remarks by saying that the United States is in a practical state of Industrial insurrection. He advocates co-operation aa a solution of the problem; the liquor problem he solves with a state dispensary law, somewhat on the South Carolina plan; municipalities he would conduct aa business enterprises, pla cing some 'successful business man at the head of the city with power to act On the subject of vice he can find no remedy more potent thar. the golden rule and the decalogue, which, by the way, are sup posed to contain solutions Mr every one of the questions he propounds. "The Twentieth Century' Money Law," by Timothy Wright (Peter Eckler), is not only a plea for flat money pare and aim pie, but it contains in the form of an act all changes in the laws of the United Btates necessary to put. the plan of the "National. Bank. Organization" (National City Bank of New Yorlc, la one of the few recent volumes dealing with business in the concrete. In the preface the publisher says that many technical questions have arisen aa to stepa necessary to convert tate banks into national banks under the present law and how to conduct them thereafter.. This volume supplements a vol ume dealing with government bonds here tofore issued, "Advanced Bridge," by J. B. dwell (Charles Scrtbner's Sons), la a volume deal ing with, the more Intricate plays In the game of bridg whist. It la aald to be the nrt book of the kind published In America. "The Penetration of Arabia," by David George Hogarth, M. A. (Frederick A. Stokes company). The purpose of the vol ume Is to describe the explorations of In and Arabia, and this la done In a com mendable manner, the text being illus trated by outs and maps. "Tha Psychological Year Book," edited by Janet Young (Paul i Elder St Co.), is a book of quotations gathered from many writers, foreign and domestic, ancient and modern, each thought being set opposite , the day of the year when, in the opinion of tha editor, they are moat psychologic ally appropriate. Its motto may be taken from a thought by Balsao, therein quoted: 'When a human soul draws Its first fur row straight the rest will surely follow." "Character Reading." by Mrs. Byrnes Tbe SaalAeld company) la a work on physi ognomy laying down rules for the deter mination of the character by that features. An alphabetical guide to apeelal character latlee la given.' "Port Argent." a novel by Arthur Cotton Hnrjr'Holt at Co.) la a atory of today, and almost any western city, not excepting Omaha, may aee type of the characters represented. There Is a political boaa," who Is not nearly aa bad aa he la painted; n emotional degenerate, a sensational preacher, a number of auooessful business men, a few'polHIdana with axes to grind and the Inevitable heroine, who doea the right thing at the rlghf time even when aha dees the wrong thing. There Is polit ical Intrigue, murder, a spice of grafting LIS) Chair Free With Each $10 Suit m 0 3 we" j.-JS Rocking: Chair Free With $10 Overcoat Embroidered Flannels 59c $1.50 White Silk We place on sale today about 150 pounds of various kinds of fine white silk embroidered flannels, some in scallops, some hemstitched; some worth 75c per yard, some $1.50 per yard. They are the odd pieces of a well known embroidery flannel bouse of New York. We bought them very cheap, and will sell them today, at per yard 59 A Great Special Sale ot Yarns At the recent New York auction sale of the Franken btrg stock we were very heavy buyers buying nearly 5,000 lb. of all kinds of yarn at about one-half their regular worth. Superior Ice Wool Large loo balls at, ball , Eiderdown Wool Regular- 1(r ly worth. 2oc ball, at, ball....IUL The Best Oradea Spanish f f Yarns Regularly worth C 2i)c go at. w White Rose Oermantown Zephyr, Columbia Shetland Floss Uto- m pla Saxony, Id all colors, reg- J) ular 15o yarns at, skein Utopia Qerman Knitting; Yarn- Regularly worth 25c per skein at 6 Icq In a . 15c 2k Fall Underwear from Kelley-Stiger Ladies, misses' and children's Tests and pants and union suits medium and heavy Vl-Sfl weight north up to ?1, at OMAHA MATHER REPORT-Wedatsdir Pnbablf Fair. nTv T7n TT Tl TT TFhR ISFiLil U ii U iJsa It rfTi F E It BIG TAPESTRY CURTAIN SALE. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH. Fine tapestry portieres couch covers silk tapestries, etc., bought from a well known Philadelphia firm some da mused by water. On sale at enor mous bargains. SEE THEM IN SHOW WINDOW. Smart Walking Skirts at $3.98 Made of mannish materials Oft new side and kilt pleat skirt jft.yO correct weight for fall, at". LADIES' TOURIST AND CRAVEN ETTE COATS Perfect protection against rain very fashionable for gen eral fall -'wear all the newest and smartest effects tor' fall wear made with plaited backs, broad shoulders, etc. The riost Popular Coat for Fall. JvM 12.50! 14.85 IS not Misses', Junior and Children's Winter Cloaks. Full Stock of Over One Thousand Cloaks to Select 'From, ages 4 to 14 years; Colors, Navy, Ked, Tan and Mixtures; Prices $8.93, $7.93, $6.95 $5.95, $4.95 and 3.95 Ladies Rain Coats. New Mackintoshes, $5.50, $4.25 and 2.95 Cravenette Rain Coats, $23.50, $15, $12.50, $9.90, $8.93, and 7.95 Misses' and Children's liain Coats, $3.50, $2.95, $2.45 and 1.48 Women's Vests and Drawers. Fall Weights, heavy fleeced, all sizes, special Wednesday and Thursday 25c Art Pillow Tops. An immense assortment of new designs, 50c, 25c and 19c Dress Goods on Bargain Aisle. Heavy Mixtures, full double fold, shades brown, black, navy andgreen. Values 50c. Price 39c Specials in Curtain Dept. Third Floor. Mill ends of Curtain Swisses, In 4 to IB-yard lengths worth 18c 7 ic special at yard i..... av ROPE PORTIEREB. Valance for top of doors and f QQ windows special a.J $5.00 Rope Portieres for full size doors, and extra heavy, In i J () colors, especially cheap at each i.c v Borne remnants of Swisses and Sllk olinea for fault curtains and squares of tapestry for pillow tmcks. AU worth as high .as 25c and 60c. Olc While they Uut each.... ...... . .. 'J w REMNANTft OF SILKOLINE Two cases of mill ends. In. 2 to 6-yard lengths, worth lc special 7Ac per yard M RATTLING BARGAINS IN CROCKERY. Grand Millinery Obeninp X " WEDNESDAY September 14 Your presence u requetted at an initial showing of Imported Model Hats FOR FALL 1904. Also charming productions from our own corps of artistic designers. As an ex position of artistic styles this display will equal any in Ameri ca. You will see the same ex quisite hats here as you find on , display in millinery salons of Paris, Reno York and London. A SPECIAL Exhibit of Horse Show Hats The prevailing ultra fashionabU modes in Parsifal blue, caschon, coque deroche, etc., revealed in our millinery dept., THIRD FLOOR. THURSDAY September 15 WEDOEWOOD HISTORICAL PLATES Old historical scenes on rich blue plate from that famous pottery of Joshua Wedge wood & Co., COr. each.... OUW And Fifty ($5) Little Green Stickers QUART MASON FRUIT ECr JARS, per doien OOW And Thirty ($3) Little Green Stickers. FINE NICELY FINISHED 8-. OUNCE TUMBLERS, Of per dozen And Twenty (2) Little Green Stickers on condition that you take them with' you. No extra stamps where this article Is delivered. Japanese ' Salt and Pepper Shakers, each 10c And Ten (1) Little Green Stickers. and the man-lags which ends all things wall, except tha political machine, which la in full operation when the book ends. Tha characters are fairly well sketched and the book will repay reading during a holiday afternoon. Tha Mother's Manual," by Emelyn I Coolldge, M. D.. visiting physician In tha Babies' hospital. New York. Published by A. 8. Barnes at Co. ' "Tomaso'a Fortuna, and Other Stories," by Henry Betdn Merrlam. Femininely ex pressing It, thesa are tha "dearest" stories one will find In many a day. Thera are no. other characters Just like those word painted by Henry Beton Merrlam, and In hla death tha story telling craft lost ona of Ita beat tnsmbera. Published by Scrlb-nera. Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 12 Bouth Fifteenth street . tiki mm J WT lrtttV Mesh uiuivipp underwear claimed by makers to be the only pure linen gar ments made and to excel In durability, appear ance, fit and flnlab. We are bole Oruaba -agents for ladies' garments. This underwear possessing good absorbent properties, takes up excretions and moisture quickly; evaporates them rapidly; thus, keeps body at all tiroes surrounded by , dry fabrics and dry air. It may be disinfected by boiling It cannot shrink. It never chafe the skin. Approved and recommended by many eminent physicians and physical culturlsts,' who claim it hardens the body, strengthens the nerves. good health, energy and rigor. Two-plqce suits Let us show you this promotes $3.00 per garment Union suit $4.50 each Hygienic Underclothing. MRS.- J. BENSON, 2I2 Soith-Wlli Stitef Fall Fashions in Fry shoes Our fall lines are now ready for Inspection, andi aa always, we lead tha shoe trade of tha west In up-to-date, snappy and tatihionable atylea aa wall aa In tha perfect fit, Una finish and high quality of our shoea. $3.50 a $5.00 No othar shoes at thaaa prices contain so much value In tha juallty of material, the perfect St and elegant appearance of tha hue, aa tha lines we are show lug this fall. Call and aee tha latest. nnransa 1 TWISTED WHITE CHINA SALT AND PEPPER, SHAKERS, each Ti:... W Limit of one doxen. No delivery. 8-INCH JARDINIERES, HIGH GLAZED, RICH IN COLORS, worth .......50c Grocery OUR GROCERY IS SECOND TO NONE BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES. ' ill j Ten ($1) "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with 2 lbs. Pearl AC Tapioca s-w Ten 1) "S. ft H." Green Trading Stamps with 2 lbs. Japan tA.n Rice Ten ttl) "8. A H." Green Trading Etamps with 2-ounce bottle Ben nett's Capitol . fQri Extract SOW Five (BOc) "S. A H." Green Trad ing Btamps with each package Diamond Crystal tfin Salt ,Ut Five i50c) "8. & H." Green Trad ing Stamps with 2-pound 24c can Blueberries '"I Five (50c) "S. & H." Green Trad ing Stamps with 2-pound 2a-C can Raspberries aaw NEW DILL PICKLES, c each w Quite the most gorgeous and magnificent of store windows west of Chicago is the Horse Show window at Bennett s. Exquisite Silks for Horse Show GOWNS. THE RELIABLE! STORE. Exquisite Silks for Horse Show C0WNS. "A Knight of the Round Table" time. We urge you, therewre, to buy That was in the old dy, but round tables are now considered the pror"r thing In a well ordered dining room. It Is more homelike to gather "round'' the table. Ton may need a tatile soon: may warit to change from the square to the found. We ofTer for tomorrow this hsrdsoaie Oak Table, golden finish, top 46x4a, four-Inch fluted leg, east'ired. for the six-foot. t.:.".; -foot. .t.28 'We do not put this out as the cheapest round table, but an excep tlonollv good artlclfl usually selling for at IvHut URo more than our price. A saving, think you? IN A I. THB TOWN NO SATJR I.IKR THIS applies to everything In our niiim moth Furniture Department Just at this now, when jrou can do so at a saving. There's a Lot of Satisfaction in Knowing Your Clothes Are Right Wa are showing a special line of men's P you may be sure are Just right. you m ?'OU can be sure of clothes correctness J n a HART. 8CHAFFNEF & MARX Ha sure. Single or double-breasted styles blacks and fancy mixtures, in cheviots. steds, all hand tailored, self-retaining fronts, best of linings and trimmings every suit guaranteed special for Wed nesday MEN'S CRAVENETTK COATS-An elegttn and patterns at $16.00, $12.60, $10.00 and... MEN'S TOP COATS at fifteen dolars, twe and nit for Wednesday at $12.60 and SI B-W which ay not be a Judge or correct, siyiee, oui tyl ust the Kame. Com" to us; we II fit you nd Tailored Suit. The surest way to bo In the new shades of brnwn and gray, plain thlbets. caeslmorea, unfinished fancy wor- 12.50 m. 15.00 t line In all the nobbiest colors 7.50 Ive dollars and a halt ff flfi Two Wonderful Values 29c 75o LADIES' RIBBED VESTS 'AND PANTS 29c Light fleeced, medium welnht. nienlv finished snlendid value at 75c choice Wednesday $1.5U to $3.00 MEN'S SAMPLE SHIRTS 60c AND ftsc Elegant silk striped French flannels and heavy Woolen Shirts, double-breasted, In light and dark fiQoQSc colors, worth $1.50 to $3.00 choice .'..". v zrjt SEE DISPLAY IN SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOWS. Jruitsl Fruitsl Peaches, Pears and Plums The balance of far of this dellcioue fru It shipped to us direct from tha grower will be placed on sale Wednesday, as follows: Iluuhel boxes fancy large Duchess or Flemish Beauty Pears JJR per box m " Large boxes fancy large Yellow Freestone Peaches QOC Large baskets fancy blue, red or Green Gage Pluma , 2lc Tinr KailfAt ....... The only store that shim direct from the grower. guarantee with It I Everything we sell carries our EXTRA SPECIAL WEDNESDAY TEN BARS BEST LAUNDRY SOAP ORrj for SOW G-.AYDER9 BROS, mm Rook wood Pottery Offers unlaue presents In artistic pot tery. Visit our art rooms ana aee our Deauuiui All the new shapes and colors. A nice piece would be M.tiu annrrl,tH hv the hrlde or oraduate. 13 IB AND DOUOLM J J. SOLAR OAK CLEANEST HOFT COAL STOVE MADE. All we ask for It Is $3.00 down and three dollars per month or its wholesale price for cash. Mr. Devriee of 963 N. 25th St. says: "We have used a Solar Oak two winters and And It a clean stove because it has an ash Dan and the coul la nut through a front door In.stead of from the top. It keeps fire over night as easy as a first-class Buse Burner, i have made it a point to nna out how much coal our stove burns In compar ison to other stovees and I have not yet found tha atove that takea any less than ourt. The reason tlu Solar does sucn perfect work Is because the bottom Is cast In one iece and it has a screw drart wium makes t air tight and It has an ash pan." STOETZEL STOVE CO., T14 S. letb Street. DIAMONDS Wa have them in all sixes at correct prices. Wa have made Diamonds a study for the past twenty years snd are willing to give you the result. witn eacn purchase rrom us ws give contract lo lane It oaca hi any uinv wm within one Year leas tun per cent of I the price paid. Rings from $5.00 to $500.00. 15 SIS ia 18 SIS 1 ie is is 18 18 IS IB 10 18 sns iff flB 18 flS flS lf $19 1B B BIB 1 IB f IB FIFTEEJI 15 f IB DUNHAM & DUNHAM TAILORS It's a good time now to order your fall suit. We can have It ready for you by the time you want It. Wo only have one price. NO MORE $15 NO LESS made to your order, from selected woolens. An easy saving of $20 to $26. Henry W. Dunham. Jr.. Manager. 118 South 15th. Near Douglas fts flB 818 15 FIFTEEN B15 15 BIB Home Mi sitors Excursions -VIA Illinois Central R. R. ROUND TRIP RATES FROM OMAHA Hammond, Ind S15.85 Ft Wayne, Ind S19.20 Bouth Bend. Ind S17.30 Logansport, Ind S18.2S Kokome, Ind 118.65 La Fayette. Ind 117.85 Terre Haute, Ind 8185 Vlncinnes, Ind 118.35 Evansvllle, Ind tl8.50 Indianapolis,. Ind S19.40 Richmond, Ind 121.00 New Albany, Ind $21.25 Muncie, Ind S19.90 Elkhart, led S17.75 Sandusky, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Columbus, Ohio.. Dayton, Ohio.... Cincinnati, Ohio. Lima, Onlo 123.00 121.25 823.10 S22.00 (22.50 121.00 Springfield, Ohio.. ...... $22.50 Marlon, Ohio.' . $22.50 Flndlay, Ohio $21.55 Gallon, Ohio $22.75 Louisville, Ky 821.50 Owensboro, Ivy 824.90 On sale September 6, 13, 20, 27, October 11. Return limit 30 days. Correspondingly low rates to many other points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Ontario, New York. Ken tucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. Full particulars cheerfully given at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write, W. H. BRILL. Dlst. Pass. Act., Omaha. Nob Reopening off Mr. and Mrs. Llorand's Daaetag; asd Physical Caltsura Claases For children on Saturday, September 24. beginners, 10 a. m. Terms Season, Septem ber to Msy. $15. Advance, $10. Adults' classes begins Tuesday, September 6, S p. m. rrivate lesions aauy. opening aa sembly next Wednesday. For particulars call or telephone 1041. Corner Flrteeatb aad Haraey Street a V v:- .i zprzs 4LFALF 15 It has been discovered that the Z j . PLATTE VALLEY j I bib traversed by the UNION PACIFIC 1B Possesses immense wealth in alfalfa greater than all tha 18 grasses and clovers combined. As a source of revenue V f is alfalfa exceeds all other products. Ita growth is simply enormous. Three, and sometimes four tB I I cuttings are made a year. flB IS I f I J EVERY FARMER CAN RAISE ALFALFA I 10 I 1 Aad if he raises that, he can also raise cattle, I ib 1 1 sheep, horses and hogs. ,1B Illustrated publication "Alfalfa on Union Pacific," Bi" free on application. J f " NX. CITY TICKET OFFICE, IW4 FARNAH ST, i at n X. ... ... f 'k. 'uhn.a ill. v T For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkoJoiv Bros. BOOK SHOP. Tc;. 02234. 1612 Fsrmso SI. PKPUTT BTATE VETKRINAKIAN. C1TT VUTBRIMABtlAK. H. L RAMACCIOTTI D. V. S. OMAHA. NEB. Taiaoaoaa Ita. Offloa aad Inflrmary, tit a an4 llasoa Ita, When the weathers hot, nothing tasted as tlood as GoldToj -UICF '"Will u"i'i. 5 n i'. " ... ! fin .-.tri c i j ti i r. ' u 4 , x m nil 3rM ,.."" sv r 1 i imni ' i H 1 tixr ill J l .-on".:. T . v lu SC. Oma, . I yn 0 "I I