TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1901. i f (.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Stininlated by GoTen.ir.ent Cup Beport, Eicitd tad Hightr. CONFIRMATION OF 125,000.030 ESTIMATE Areraa;e Gala ,( roar Cents Over alnrdar's Price Balls : Hard Work to Hold II. OMAHA. 6-pt. 12. The government crop repon. gien out lata Saturday stternoon. tixtut the o-c tnnrf of today wheat nitiKci at materially mther prices, it also pis.-ea the cnitel Blutee close on the dividing line between nn axportinii and an lutpoi u,g wneat cour tly, it It naialy within tue prooubiiitle.i mat It will be necessary to Import wheat, not t ii e crop ia snort that exports, or.e of the thief factor in the prespent of it.o countri, cannot be lurge. The governme.il figures also gave emphatic anil certain con nimatlon to the estimates of Jonta, Snow anil one or two other statisticians, but 11 vtttctually knocked out the estimate of th3 lilce Current and the Northwestern Miller. Jones' estimates of fco,tio,0UU bushels promises to be very close.- 'The government ngurea show l6,ooo,u00 bushels spring wnea:, wulch, with SUS.OiiiMAHj bushels winter, brines the total to U4.eu.W0 bushels. It require nearly this amount for flour and seed for In Iniled State alone. Henceforth until the final returns the government report will be tne one used In figuring on probabilities unci in future of market. The government uives North Dakota tU per cent, South Ia kota M per cent and Minnesota 69 per cent. lhe receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Duluth combined last week were less than half of the arrivals during the correspond ing week of last year. Total primary mat ket receipts were 6,446,000 bushels, aa com pared with 7,312,000 bushelo for the corre sponding week of last year. These figures and the government report are sensational Chicago considered It sufficiently so to ad vance Heptcmber delivery right off, the In stant the bell tapped, 2 cents, December lHc and May lc. After thin additional gains were made of Sc on September, a point on December und Vic nu May. From all section come reports of urgent and aitxloua buying of cnah wheat from millers, wbo now recognise the danger of upply shortage. Liverpool was decidedly strong anil higher and Purls price Jumped euiial to 2 cent a bushel. The corn situation la growing Interesting because of the race which maturity Is maklrur with frost. From Dea Moines nnd that vicinity frost reports were received, but not serious. The map did not show low ennough temperature, but It Is frequently the case - that there Is a difference In weather position and ground of 10 degrees. Corn, however, seems to have a hard time holding Its own on the exchanges. The Soverrimant crop estimate Is excellent, nnd esplta the strength In wheat, corn has hard work holding Its own. The condition was given ' as 84.6 per cent, as compared with a0.1 per cent thl time Inst year. The wheat market received a new Impe tus when th. visible supply was posted showing only an Increase of 300,000 bu., and Immediately the sellers of the morning be came buyer, and to this was added the sellers of calls on Saturday, the call price being; passed by nearly a 2 cent advance. Thus stimulated, September, where there Is apparently a sfior: Interest, advanced to 21. 0944, as .compared with 8106H Saturday; December to I1.12T4. as compared with tl Oft't. and May to II 14. or 44o above the clcslng lost week. These sensational ad vances were nearly all maintained right up to the close. Corn for September was MrC higher, De cember o and May Sc.. these advances coming late In the day In sympathy with wheat. September oats strong. December firm and May barely steady. Contract Grain In 'Store In Omaha Wheat. 43.089 bu: corn, 5.000 bu. All grain In store: Wheat. 77,427 bu; corn, 63.371 bu; oats, 103,210 bu. Omaha Cash Sales One car no grade wheat, 80s: 1 car No. 4 hard, test 61 lbs., Me; 1 car No. 4, test 60 lbs., at 88c: 1 car No. I corn, 48e; 2 cars No. 1 yellow corn. 48V4c: 1 car no grade corn, 46c: 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 304c; 1 car No. I white oats, 30e. Omaha Grain Inspections In: One car No. I hard wheat. 7 care No. S hard wheat, 3 cars No. 4 hard wheat, 1 car no grade wheat, 1 car No I corn, 14 cars No. 8 corn. 1 ear No. 2 yellow corn. 3 cars No. 3 yeliote corn, 4 cars 'No. 3 white corn, 3 cars No. 4 oats, 1 car No. 2 white oats, 1 car No. 4 white onts. Total, W cars. Out: Three car No. 3 hard wheat and 1 car No. t corn. Total, 4 cars. , ' ' .,0"iat Futures. . . Close Open. High. Low. Today. Bat'y. Corn Sept ...... 454B 4BV1B 4KB 4M4B 454,A Dee , 44B 44jB 44VjB 44V.B 44VA May ........44ViB 44V4B 44V4B 44V.B 44ViA ; Car! Lot' Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth ...... Ksnsas City St. Louis .... 120 1.118 - 224 61 447 297 21 34 27 17 1M Visible tapplx. Whest. tneresse fll,00 bu; corn, 77.000 bu: oats, J.SlS.OOO bu. Totals: Wheat, 12.815,000 bu; corn, 4.7O1.0CO bu; oats, 11,834,000 bu. (iraln Market Elsewnere. Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at the market named wers as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat. September December May Corn September Decamber May " Wheat December May Corn December , May Wheat- DecemUer May Corn December May Wheat December May Wheat December , May Today.8afy. 1.09-H 1.06H i.vt i.os'i 1.K uo 61 "4 SO' 61 49H KANSAS CITY. 1.01H 1.03V 46H 97 9 .44 46 ST. LOUIS. 1.1 JH 1.17 V 4S, 1.11V4 1.13' 48 48W MINNEAPOLIS. 1.1 1.1.V4 1.12 M3 DULUTH. 1 131i 1.1. 1.10 Commercial Ooaslp. Among the visitors on 'Change today were Vi 7. W. Powell of St. Louis. O. H. Kggleaton of Murdock. O. U. Baker of Kvvrett, Kan.; C. H. Mills of Mondamln, la., and W. W. Smith of Trsveiss city, Ml oh. ' . Ixigan & Bryan to S. A. McWhorter: We do not like the corn market. Comstock Is about tha best buyer. Kven the streiigth of wheat cannot keep It up. Until renewed buying of good character comes in look for easier prices. , Kdwurds-Wood Co.' wheat advices say: "London cables vloaud 1 to lu higher on wheat. Market opt-ned this morning strong, showing very little reoesiilona. Tins indi cate that the average trader doe not thor oughly understand the conditions that have prevailed since harvesting winter wheat ocean, and are still In force In the north west, and are. duHy reducing the yields of spring wheat. Crop Kxperts Jones and bnow have agreed on a total crop of wheat fur tha United Htatea at (14,uu0,ii0 bushels. This is in comparison with bM.OuO.ooO, 670. 000.000 and 740.utiO.000 bushels for MU3. 1U and 1901. Home consumption requires '500, 000,000 bushels. The government report of Saturday waa especially Important, and showed low condition on the principal crops at harvest time. The condition from every viewpoint Is jnusua!. and we feel that but one conclusion can be arrived at that wheat mud go a- great deal higher. The first good run of receipts will tell the true story, sod, we believe It advisable to buy wheat on all recessions. They add. aa to corn: "Corn continue to attract a good share of attention, with most successful op erators and strongest Interests represented on the long side, and there has boen somn buying for eastern account. State reports and reports from crop experts have been particularly disappointing. From this on It will be a rsce with frost. A good, prt 0 the corn acreage will be subject to loss from this source up to October 1. In any event, the percentage of soft and unsalable corn will be large.- Receipts have been lib eral, but cash and shipping demsnds were splendid, and the corn taken In has been shipped east, much of It for export. All things Indicate a much higher market." Plaasielal "Gossip, American stocks In Ixmdon Irregular and mostly below' psrlty. New York bsnks lost to subtreasury on Friday SI. 823.000. Southern Railway has sold S3.9M000 4 per cent equipment note. Kansaa City Southern will show 4 per cent earned on preferred stock for the year nd I per cent on common. Canadian Pacific earnings for first week of September increased )6.uut. Toledo A Ohio Central for first week of September decreased 317.674. Circular sent out September to Metro politan becurltlee eudicate offering M per the syndlcste to re- CHICAGO ORAM AMD rROTAIO Prices aa Board of Trade. CHICAOO, 8ept. 12. Official confirmation of alarming rust damage reports caused 4 cents sdHiice In the pi ice or all deliveries of wheat here toduy. The volume of busi ness was large, wltn an abundance of buy ing orders from outside speculator. The close was practtrallv a: tue highest point of the day. Corn finished with a gain of S. Oats are up ViiifV-. Provision prices are unaltered. from the 'tart the wheat market was ex ceedingly strong. The feature of para mount Importance wss the government crop teport. Issued Iste Saturday afternoon, con firming In a great degreu the alarming sto ries of damage by rust Inflicted on spring wheat. According to the official figures, tho total yield of both winter and spring wheat Is 623.fluo, bushels, an amount claimed to be barely sufficient to satls.'y home con sumption. As a result of the exceedingly poor showing of the American crop, ull European grain markets were higher. This fact helped to Increase the demand here for wheat when trading begun. In addition, re ports from the northwest Indicated that fresh damage by frost had been Inflicted upon the spring wheat crop. With such alarming news at hand, horts at the open Ins made a frantic effort to cover sales. The demand was so urgent thnt Initial quo tations on oil deliveries were up nbout 2 cents, con. fared wltn Saturday s closing quotations, December showing a gain of "su1 lc to lTtm'c. at I1.09W91-HH. Higher prices In all outside markets helped to stimulate bullish enthusiasm here. Reports of Ijrge flour sales In the northwest also ad'led strength 1o the situation. The high pr.lnt on December was scored at SI. 127k. which was 4w!M4tc above the close on Saturday The sensational strength was maintained up to the last minute of trading, the mar ket closing almost at the highest price, ith i.f.nihr at 21.1264. May ranred be lt ween $1 HH and VM nnd closed nt S1.I4H rhe current month sold between S1.07 and Sl.oSH. closing at the highest point Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 84. 30ft bushels. The amount on passage in crased 568.000 bushels. The visible sup ply decreased I.OM.OiiO bushels. Primary re ceipts were 1.198,fn0 bushels, compared with 1.331.800 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 62S cars, against 189 car a year ogo. Liberal receipts and a bearish government, crop report hud a depressing Influence on the corn market. Strength of wheat, how ever, held the market In check, causing a moderate advance In the face of heavy liquidation. Some of the big holders were flee sellers early In the day. The market closed Arm. December opened Vi to c higher, at 61Vijl-Tc. sold between 61 nnd 61ic. nnd closed at 61Hc. Local receipt weje 1,118 cars, with 65 qf contract grade. As a result of moderate selling by several of the bull leaders, sentiment In tha oats pit was somewhat easier earlier In the ses sion. Tbe strength of wheat, however, hed a similar effect as on the corn market, all of the loss being Tecovered. December opened V to higher, at 32V to sold between SiW and 32V. and closed at 324c; Local receipts were 224 cars. Provisions were firm at the start under the influence of hlsher prices for hogs, but the market soon weakened on selling by local longs and by some of the packers. The close was steady, with January pork up 7Hc. at S12 40. Ird and ribs were un changed, at J7.12H and 36.56. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 316 car; corn, 70S cars; oats, 279 cars; hogs, 18.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Safy. Wheat a Sept. a Sept. Dee. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Torh Oc Jan. Lard Oct. Jar.. RJb Oct. Jan. 1.1014 1.12 1.10 1.07; LOBS,!' 'i.nt 1.12I 1.08 1.06 1.07tfi 1.09 i.os l.OOWS'i 1.12 1.10'.. ..'.... ,121.08'S ! 1.08 14T.10Va I 1.10 I 62! 52 61i 61 60:493 l.llJr, 1.14 l.iz 63 634 62 61 51! 61 60Vi,l 60: 49 31 3131ft 31 8-"4,S2(jr- (4343S. 34 32-, 36(&Vi 35' 10.95 12.00 7.U 7.20 7.40 6.62 10.86 12.80 7.15 7.20 10.66 10.65 12.40 10.82 12.47 76 7.12 7.87 6.60 12.37, 7.02 7.07: 7.10 7.35 7.1 7.42 6.62 7.40 6.55 .62l No 2. a old. b new. Cash quotations were aa follow: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, S5.10SJ 35.20; straights. S4.80&6.0O; spring paiento. S5.20iSe.lJO; straights, S4.60&6.10; bakers, Sa w 3.8u. ... WHEAT No. 2 spring. S1.1201.1S; No. 3, S1.05gl.l6; No. 2 red, Sl.lliSl.13. CON No. 2, 61!oSc: No. 3 yellow, 64c OATS-No. 2, 81 c; No. 2 whlte, 32 33c; No. 3 white, 81frS2o. RYE No. 2. 73e. BARLKY Good feeding, 37(ff40c; fair to choice malting, 444Sc. SEEDS No. 1 flax, S1.20; No. 1 north western, S1.28; clover, contract grade, Sll.75 611.90. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. S10.60 910.70. Lard, per 100 lb., r.07.02. Short ribs side (loose). S7.367.45; short clear sides (boxed), S8.2Mf8.50. The receipts and shipments yesterday were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Osts, bu Rye. bu ... 13.900 14.0iu ...114.900 24. OilO ...743.900 787.4W ...213.2H0 46,900 ... 40000 Barley, bu.... .. 60,900 24, On the Produce exchanso vesterdsv tha butter market was steady; creamery, 14 18'c; dairy, 1216c. Kggs. steady; at mark, cases Included, 14al7c; firsts, 17 17c; prime firsts. 19c; extras, 21c. Cheese, steady, S9c." . . St. I.onls Gralu and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 12 WHEAT-Largely higher; buying excited by government crop reports; No. 2 red cash elevator. S1.14: track. S1.16fel.16; December. 31.16; May, I1.171.17; No. 3 hard, 31.971.08. CORN-Higher; No. cash. 60c; track, 62i&G2fec; December. 48c: May. 48c. OATS Higher; NO. J cash. 31c; trck, 82Ji33c; December, 320; May, He; No. 2 white. 34'034c FLOUR Aotlver red winter patents, S6.S1 456.80; 10 to 36c higher for special brands; extra fancy and straight, S4. 9635.30; clear. S4 60-A4 6). 8KKD Timothy steady, S!56e3 75; prime higher. CORNMBAIj Steady, S2.7S. BRAN Firm; sacked, eat track, SiitfSSo. HAY Uncharged; timothy, Si-OOflrlOO; prairie. S6.009.00. IRON COTTON TIES-460. BAGOINa-7(37c. , HEMP TWlfE-7c. PROVISIONS - Pork lower; ' Jobbing, $10.76. Lard unchanged; prime steam, 18.52. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, IS. 62; clear ribs. S8.76: short clear. S9.0u. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs, llftllHr: turkeys, 15c; geese, 6c. BITTTER Firm; creamery. 15(520c; dairy, i2aic. BOGS-Stfindy: 17c case count. , Reuelots. Shipment. FlouV. bbls H.OnO 3 001 Wheat, bu 2"2.000 ll.'O) Corn, bu 27.0iO 43,00) Oats, bu 127,000 33,'X) Kansas City Grata and Provisions KANSAS CITY. Sent. 12.-WH EAT-34MO higher; September. S1.6l; December. Sl.''l; May, 31 us. ah: No. 3 hard. Il.01iil.04: No, 8. 97HcS102; No. 4. s!Mi97V!C No. 5 red ii.widi.w: .-no. a. u.oiOTi.aft. CORN-Hlgher: September. 47c: December 45c; May, 4oe. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 48c: No. 8. 48&4Sc; No. 3 white, 48fi49c; No. n. 48fl'48c. OATS-Stendy: No. I white, 32fl33c; No. J mixed, 82ff32c. HAY lower; choice timothy, S9.M; choice prairie. S7.25f7.50. KVF Nominal at 70e. EGOS Steady; Missouri nnd Kansas, new No. 2, whltewood cases included 18c; case count. Iiic; cases returned, c less. MUTT ICR Creamery, 14'olc; dalrv, 12o. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu a7.i I8l.90i Corn, bu 31.ro0 V.' Oats, bu 17,000 4.000 Visible apply ol Orala. NEW YORK. Sept. 12. -Th 1 vIslMe sup ply of grain Saturday, September 10, as compiled by the New York Product ex change, whs as follows: Wheal, 13,115.000 bushels; Increase, 301,000 bushels. Corn. 4,701,000 bushels; increase 714.000 bushels. Oats. 11,834,000 bushels; Increase, 2,328,000 bushels. Rye, 1.194,00 bushels; tncresse, 158,000 bushels. Barley, 1,179.009 bushels; Increass, 371,000 bushels. Mlaaeapoll Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 13.--WHEAT-Bept ember. SI. 16; December, SI. 16; Msy, Si. 17; No. 1 herd. 31 21: No. 1 northern. Sl ltHn: No. 3 northern. S11V FIXiUR-Flrst patents. S6 20Kj6S0; enn1 patent. S3 8SjJ M. first clears, 34 15(74X6, wood: second rleara. S3.OfKa3.16, ' f. o. b., Minneapolis In wood. SHORTS S17 00; middlings, 319 SO330.O0. Tele leea Market. TOLEDO. Sent. 12.--SfTEDS Om-ir rsh and October. 17 10: December. 17 IS: ! k September, 7 65; timothy, September, S7 0- ehar? for their stock, main In existence. IT1!! 1'finr PTftrrf tVT DAVIM' NEW 1 ORIv STOCKS AND BONDS Slump in Prices Canted bj Misgiring Orer Crop and Money Outlook. MARKET IS IRREtiOLAK AND FEVERISH I less la laaetlve . J Weak, with Srt Losses Ksaglaa Iroai use to Tan sulute fur tbe Day. NEW YORK. Sep.. A decisive Impris- iui luu ttia tia.e iu tiiiiy uuj le lilLTr.ng uUIvien L-4 MMira io Unl ptOui3 ,l'oniokuu Ly ine nil.g.vtuss uvt-i in co uu iiiuity iiu.iooik. vi uouilt.uiit 11.. yrsa.oii c.taieu o.. ilio uc.loii ut 111c cany tiuunet Has urn cnuoueu evleiicv 01 u.t ueiijiug slttliati) una ue treat aoaoiotlke po rl'. inn number of shares which changed nanus nu iuii up to ijo.uuO In tne buuis to iiuou huu in li.ni t.me the iiir-t r.aa luaue stuiu iai.,cb uhaiiist tue mioaus (.poll ti.e p. lies sou nau pui 101 til su.nain li.g puliita 01 eiieiigt.i in special sti.cn:) in io way wn.cu iiua uevuiiu laiiiuiar uur ing the long SuVaiiLo. A tue uay wore on uieae susia.iung puints uecaine itwer and aiBo leas ttiectiv on tne sriuiraent heiu toward tho market at urge, numor u very Duty aouut tne ucaru room vlth tho iueiitily of ihe ulg sellers ami tears galnoj giuunu tnai the skinful speculative lead ers i.ad bOiQ out to a largo extent so tnat tnelr trained tacilcs for tne londuct of tne irddlng m.gnt not be reilec up-n any longer to proicct ihe raaraet and stunu.ate its ad-vuiit-e. eiuco a reaction is in nisi at.er an extensive rise, ana it has oeen watched Icr by proiessional traders lor many cays past. Tne haste to rover shorts at small conr saions and the volume of buying or ders slightly below the existing price kept the oany Hading today teverisn and uncer tain and showed the doubts of the bear that the tlm for reaction had come The consideration of the government crop report, coupled wltn the weather news from the grain belt, dcclue.1 the course of prices downward. The value of exports or breadstuffs for August tails to o.33o.4:i, compared with Sl3.02o.713 In August of )sc year.. Reports of frosts Inst night also gave the grain markets a fright and though reaanuring advices were received t,rom the corn belt, fear are felt for a sudden dam age to that crop and the uncertainty over It tends to keep business dull In the west. In the weekly canvas of the traffic by railroads la easily dlscernablo a note of dis satisfaction, with the rate of Increase of movement of merchandise westward, which ia attrlhiitel to corn iincertalnt.es. The grain movement, however, continues larg. The market, closed inactive and weak, with net losses running from 1 to 2 points and Unwarri In somn nmmln,nt o n d a - Bonds weakened In sympathy with stock; total sales, par value, So,5n0,000. United States registered and 3s coupon declined 1,?ml-th 29 to'ipon per cent on call. The following were the quotations on the Stock exchange yesterday : Sales. Hle;h. Low. Close. i fnh an . ilj. a, la, n.t.unv.l flV.TV PJ'.. do pfd 900 99 Baltimore ft Ohio ,...13.lo) R,'i do pfd 100 94 Cansdlan Pacific 1.600 120 Central of N. J 1.600 l.t?iZ Chesapeake & Ohio... 1.700 43 Chicago & Alton...... 200 42 do pfd Chicago Ot. Western. 3,900 17 Chicago St N. W 8.300 190 C, M. & St. P 34 90 ICa do pfd inn lmiZ "14 1 Vi 98 98 Nt! 88 94 93 125 125 17S 178 42 4! 40 "i 188 157 184 0 14 80 1ft 48 22 108 280 26 79 30 , o 45 41 82 188 157 185 6 14 T8 1C 48 22 las r9 iii.-uko Ifrm. k 1... iu do pfd ' 900 C. C7, C. & St. L 300 Colo. Southern I.SV10 do 1st pfd 50 do 2d pfd 1.2ii Delaware & Hudson.. 1,700 fi'4 15 81 49lj 22 IH9.4 280 27 80 81 68 47 Dei., iack. West... 800 Denver & Rio Grande l.ioo 2i 78: 00 pin 700 Erie 64 9iV) do 1st pfd 7.5O0 do 2d pfd 8,700 30V W 4 81 87VJ nocking valley .... do pfd , Illinois Central , Iowa Central , do pfd K. C. Southern , do pfd , Louisville & Nash.., Manhattan L Met. Securities , Met. St. Rv Minn. & St. Louis .. M.. St. P. & S. 8. M, do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo Kan. ft Tex. a... . 100 . 1,900 . f . 60 400 . 9IX) 87 13S 23 45 20 3 87 138 23 43 22 42 25 26 4tl 47 122 122 158 150 81 81 120 120 65 55 T24 72 130 1n . 3.800 123 . 700 157 .28 800 . 88 .14,7fi-) 1J2 - 200 .65 . . 700 74 . 100 130 ,27.300 69.. 97i 97 do pfd , 2.0 49 -t 47 47 401. 40- ML1 N. R. R. of MX. pfd.. l.Of'1 cs. t. central Norfolk & Western. do pfd Ontario & Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C, C. & St. L... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd 120 124 124 8 St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 1.9 v Si. Louis S. W l,8c. do ofd 1.300 Southern Pacific 8.3.200 Southern Railway. ...214,900 an pia Texas ft pacific T., St. L. ft W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E.... Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Mexlcnn Central .... Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex Wclls-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 38.000 Am. Car ft Foundry.. S.'WO uo pia Am. Cotton Oil., do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locofnotlve do bfd 7. Am, Smelt, ft Refng.. 6.400 do pfd 1,100 Am. Sugar Refng 8.400 131 180 130 a-. IiaCIIIIUS m . IU.a.... i.Wft 86 64 S3 Brooklyn R. T i...l7.oof 50 . 54 64 43. 40 1 Colo. Fuel 1 Iron..,.. 6.8no 43 14 " 175 . 14 76 31 ' 76 24 92 S6 101 s; 61 " ConsoMdsted Ga .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. 8 800 1,800 i'.fiOO 9i 10 200 2"5 J044 13' 13 "ii:: ' t 27 General Electric International Paper... do pfd Interne tlonal Pump... do nfd 172 J4 74 31 76 ' f3V P2K 32 101 34 60 171 14 73 30 7 3 90 S2 102 34 80 . 21" 47 8!1 10 74 15 65 162 900 200 Natlnnsl Lend ... North American . r-iclfic Mall People' Gu Pressed Steel Car 6,'00 ?O0 3.500 2.1V1O 2,800 do pfd ullmHn' Pnlnce Car.. 900 Republic Steel lO.onn do pfd S.no rn'l ber Goods 8,700 do pfd 48 20 '49" '4 44 19 Tern. Coal & Iron V. S. l eather 8.400 5,800 1.4O0 ST 96 63 19 75 V. fl. Reslty A Imp... goo 53 u. E miDoer a. I'm do pfd 100 76 U. S. S'eel 43 810 18 15 do pfd 136.700 fiH4 65 Westlnghnnse Elec.... 700 14 vl! Western Itilon 600 91 91 Total sale for the day, 1,299,000 shares Boston BOSTON. Sent. Meek M.i-. 10. Call loans, 2H3 per cent; time loans, i4 pr cent, umciai closing of storks Atrhtans sit. 41.... do 4. Me. c.ntrsl 4s At. hlporv 4 pfd Rnton h Albssr... SAvtoq A Msine...., Itnatnn KlsrsteS ritehbnrs r(4 Mis. I'entrat N T.. N. H. H. TVpe Mrqutts tTnlsn s-sfflfto Amer. Arse. Thsn.. a pf1 Amir. Fneu. Tubs... Amr. Sugsr io rd Amer. Tel. Tel... Amer. Woolm do r Pe-nlnle- T A RSlne r.tt-r. Ill os. rielrtc Mm. Fltotrlo a pi Mki () 1'nlte Fruit I'plteS SHos Mtrh... .In ft T. f Steel Bid. Offered. sna onnas: . "i I do pfd s .imu, IWmtlnsh. conunoo .. 1 . aavainnf . S'H Allouei . MuJAmilKimateS. tFu latrnerlrtn Zinc ... .11 Atlantlo .1M ninshsl .11 Ciiumet a Hsckls . 1sHifn!nnll ., ,14, r.il West ...... . T4 Dominion Cssl..., , Sfw.rrsnklla . Orsnrr . Itevtl . mni Mlnlns .W Mia-hlssn .1 .Mobiwtt ,v Old Dominion . is; Oftcsoit , . l4 e-rrol . H QttlBff r4 Sh-snim .Ill Ttmsrsrl, . H4tTrr. , 1'4 . IS7H . II . 18 ' .... rru :::::! p f .... 1H .... m .... - :::: ?. .... Tilt .... K .... M .... 4 ....111 .... U .... f4 .... 11U .... 40 .... 'i :::: .5 . i4 I' Ul-itnt . 49H v. a. oil... .1"4H '') . Vlrtofls .... . in wtnans .... . H WoWer'.is .. Asked. Forrlga riaaaelal. LONDON, Sept 12 In the market today the upplis of money were large and the demnnd was small. Discounts were easy. On the stock exchange prices were steady, but trading was Inactive, owing to the mining carry-over. Consols sagged a frac tion. American opened firm and grew firmer, mainly on New York buying. Boutherl Paclllc wa strong, hut United State 8tel was th featur. Prices closed below the 90 . 4.3O0 33 32 82 .54.80 129 1 27 127 . 10 69 . 60 68 .94.201 68 66 6TU . ,300 86 85 85 . 200 77 77 76 .62.6r'1 80 28V 28 ft IVH 74U. 71 71 60 59 69 21 20 20 , 45 44 . 44 67 . tH ' M 34 82 Al 1.800 9 954 95'X 25.400 81 31 ' 81 100 29 29 28 IO0 48 47 4rt 67,800 100 98 98 I. 000 93 93 92 2.H00 22 20 20 II. 500 42 41 411.', 400 18 17 17,i 1.610 20 19 li, 800 45 44 44 9, LOO 15 13 14 234 208 U 230 69 67 67 24 2.' 28 .. I ll J fli'ii 81 81 .. 830 33 32 82 .- 90 .. 500 6 6 .. .100 . 26 ' K 26 - 12. .. ..... - 31 t. 29.200 25 , ?4 S4 I.tVlO R7' OS 67 68 60 10044 1 10RS4 . 100 I best quotations of the Any. Russians were sr'sKS m wXn 6. PARIS, "pt. 12 The tone on the Hours today mas firm thrntighout. AmcrlcHn rail roada eecurltie were notably stronger. Russian Imperial Is were quotcost 4i and Kursian bonds of 19"4 at j"3. The private rate of discount was lVa'1 Tet cent. on the Botirse today on mth domestic and lorvign si, arcs. Xew York .Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 12. -MONEY On call, easy at trl per cent; closing bid. per cent; offered. per cent. Tlmo loins. steadv: 6u days. 2fi3 pr cent; o days per rent; 6 months, ?'S3 per cent. PR1.ME MERC A. NT I Lab. PAPER 3tj at per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady nt de cline, with actual buslnesi In bankers- bill st 4.MI for demand and 44 MVit 8li6 tor rio-day bills; posted rites $4.y(& 4.fc8; com mercial bills, S4 84VtM.t4 SILVER Bar, lWc: Mexican dollnrs, 45'c. MONL'S Government, weak; railroad. weak. The following are tho closing quotations on stocks and bonds. f. ref. Is. rag... .1044t Van. fnn. cold te -.lS do coupon l'H't Mrx. (fatral 4 K14 T. S. J r 1 1 do lt Inf 'elt io coupon 1M M. A St. L. 4f to V. 8. new 4a. re ...IJ!t X4 . K. T. 4 lioS do coupon Hl do in 1 V. 8. old 4a. re 11 ! V. R It of M. c. 4a T!' in coupon 117 1 N. V. C. cn. Hia .KWS Atihlwis sen. 4a 1SS N 1- Tantral I M..133S do adj. 4a Si iNortheru Pacific 4s. .-H Atlantic c. L. 4a.... '4 do in 74S D A O 4a l4 Nerfolk W e. 4a . 103 do St n4i Ore. s L.. 4a and part Cantral of Oa. la 1I0V fann. conv. JUt... do lit lnc 84T4 Rradlni sen. 4a 1KH fhea A Ohio 4ia.. .los-4 St. U A I. M c. (a.Ii;s t.hlcaso A. Jb.... TH St I.. A 6 r, fg. 4a. M r., B. A Q. new 4. . 7 .St. L. t. W. ja f , M A St. P. g. 4a.t"Vear"'ird A 4s ... 3V4 T. A N. W. con. 7a. .13" ISouthcrn Paclllc 4a... 4 ',. R. I. A P. 4a.,.. T Konlhcm Kallwar ta.llTH do col. la 17S Teiaa A Pa-inc la . .in err A St. I,. 1. 4a..llH Tol , St. L. A W. 4. T9'4 fnlon Pacific 4v I'H do eonr. 4 Ii4lt Chicago T 4a 74" t'on. Tobacco 4a 7t Colo. A Southern 4a. Kl P 8 Pteel id ta D. A R. O. 4a Ills Wabaah ts... F.rit prior Hen 4a n do deb B. . 111 T.rt sen. 4a IV,W. A Lake Krle 4s.. SIS Ft. W. A D. C. li .loa Wla Central 4a. M Horning Valley 4"a..!n 1 eolo. Fuel con. 6a.. i L A N. unified 4a..lWtl Bid. Offered Asked. London Stork Msrke'. LONDON, Sept. 10. Cloplna. Conaola, money.,.. . 5-14 N. V. t'entral do account M 7-14 Norfolk A Weatern. Anaconda 4S do pfd At. hlaon -. . Ontario A W do pfd.. lHH Pannaylvanla , B. A O Hi'.. Kaud Mlnin Can. PaclBc ,...iai-j Headlns , Chca. ft Ohio 44-4 , do lat pfd bicaso O. W I7l do M pfd C. M. A St. P IM 80 Railway .1J44 . V . f. . 33'. . tS . 1". . 3(Va . 44 . SI . S4S . M4 . H4 .may. . . isv. . ex's . . 4!Ht . 8m neHeera 1 do pfd D. A R. o...: do pfd Krle do lat pfd... da 3d pfd.... III. Central.... L. A N . n ft Pacific . 824 Vnlon Faulflc .t da pfd . CH f. 8. Steel .48 do pfd .142 Waharh )., .12 do pfd . :i Bpanlrh 4k M . K. A T. SILVER Bar. aulet. 2b'iid per ounce. MONEY 1'&1 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bit s 2 per cent; for toiee months' buis, per cent. Neve York IHInlnK Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. The following are tne closing prices on mining tuoens; Adama Con. 26 il.ltlle chlet ...05 ...350 ...120 ... 14 ... 11 ... IV ... J'l ... Ji ...IN Alice 1 Breece Hrunawlrk con..., comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn silver .... Iron Silver Leadvllle Con.... Offered. .... t :::: 1, .... 10 ....ion ....lot ....115 .... :. : Ontario ,Ophlr Phoenix Pntosl 'Bavnga Nterra Nevada. ISmall Hopea .. -Standard NEW YORK (iEKKntL MARKET (notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. 12.-FIaOUR-Recelpts. 12,73) bbls.; exports. 6,645 bbls. Market was stronger and higher with good oemsnd, winter patents, k)2iVff5.6o; winter straights. S5.00ia5.25; winter extras, S3.46$t4.10; winter low grades, S3.2553.90; Minnesota patents, S5.86?tj.40: Minnesota bakers'. S4.40t4.70. Rye flour, Arm. Sales, 600 bbls. Fair to good, S4.364i4.55: choice to fancy, S4.60S4.?6 CORN MEAL Quiet; yellow western, Sill 61.13; city, fl.lifrj 1.14; kiln dried. 3.H3.:o. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 46c, c. I. f. New Yorke . WHEAT Recelpt.4 . 4.000 bu. Market for spot strong, No. i red, SI. 18 f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 northern, Dnluth. S1J7. f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option were - generally active and strong all day; from the effects of higher cables, a. bewltsh government crop report, ' frost . in Manitoba and large flour sales, -closing 3?ig'4e,net Higher. Sales In cluded No. f red, -Mtty. 81 :13V., (51.16, closed SI. 10: September, SI. 15ri l7. clrsed SI. 17; December 'Sl.Ug 1.16. closed 81.16. CORN Receipt. 42.600 bu.; exports, 61, 179 bu. Market for spot-steady; No. 2 yel low. 62c: No. 2 while, 5Sc. The optlcn market opened firmer on a cold weather scare, eased off sharply under b!g receipts and then rallied again with wheat, clos ng c net higher. September., 68i4ifi5Sc. closed 68c; December. 67f$58c, closed 67o. . OA 1 neceipts, lio.iea. du.; exports, i.vo bu. Msrket for spot dull; mixed oats. 28 to 82 lbs., SfiSSWC. natural white. 30 to 82 lb., 3637ve; clipped 'white, 36 to 40 lbs., H(fH0p. Option, nominal. HAY Quiet; shipping, 67c; good to choice. 85c. HOPS Firm; late, common to good, 19.13, 27ft35c; Olds. 713c. Pacific coast, 19U3. 2if 31c: olds. 713c. HIIiES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 17c; - California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19a; Texas (drv). 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. PROVISIONS Peef. quiet: mess, $8 Sfi 9 30; famllv, 315 raVolS 70: href hams, f 24 Ofl fi25.50; pacVet. S9.Mvfi10.5il. city extra India mess. 814.0C(ij 18.00 Cut meats, steady; rlek led bellies, S9.00flll.00; pickled shoulders. S7 00fi7 25; pickled hams. 8li00 Lard, steady, western steamed, 87.60, refined, quiet; con tinent 37. 7S; South America. S8.;5; rnin- found. S5.876.00. Bork. firm: fnmllv, 15 f0; short clear, 813.5015.50;. mess. tl2.r9 13.00. TALLOW Stendv; city t2 per pkg ). 4c; countrj- (pkgs. free). 4ff4c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 2 (SWc: ,Tspan. nominal. BUTTER Steadv : street prices, extra Creamery, 19'ac: offleinl prices creamery, common to extrs. i?-ril9c; state dairy, com mon to extra. 12(filSc. CHEESE Steady; stnte full cream, small colored fnnoy. 8e: white, good to fanev, 8V,(ij!Sc: lnrae colored, poor to fancy, SH Ste: tnrg" white, good to fancy. Rifi8o. EGGS Firm: western fnncy selected, 22 22-c: nverse-a best. 21ff21e. POULTRY Alive. notnlnsl; dressed rsFler; western ehleVens, l?(ffl3o; fowls, 13 (S13c; turkeys, 13tfM5c. '- Boston Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. 13.-WOOI. The Com mercial Bulletin say: The wool in.ir ket is firm and quotation are tend ing, upwaru. The big reduction In stocks through the heavy operations of manufacturers, extending oiei- teveral weeks, has put the supply at present fir sale at the lowest point known ut tils time of year. It Is estimated that close to 9o per cent of Boston's allotment of Mon tana wool from the clip of 1904 was Irana ferred to tho control of manufacturers. Other territory is also well sold up. The situation Is very strong and iOc. scoured, for tine territory Is predicted. The week's deliveries exceed the receipts by over 1 000, 000 lbs. The shipment of wcol from Ut ston to date from Decnmber 81, 19(3, according' to the same authority, is 153.43f.217 lbs., against 159,372,:87 lbs. at the same time last year. The receipts to date- are .52, 142.778 lbs., ' against 2.9.026,94(1 lbs. for Uu same period last year. , LONDON, Kept. 12 The arrivals for th-s fifth scries of woo' sales closed today, The total arrivals for this series were as fol low: New South Wale. 12,447 bales; Queensland, 12,008 bales; Victoria, 6..19 bales; South Australia, 34 bale-i; West Aus tralia, 1.C.9 bales; Tasmania, lis hiil-n; New Zealand, tt.990 bales; Cape of Good Hopi and Natal, 15,6i8 ha'es. There were l.yO bale from Australnrla and 6.000 bnles from the Cape of Good Hope and Natal for warded direct, miking the total number of bales 71.000, Including 7,500 hales which werj held over from the last series. ST. LOl'IB. 8?pr. . 12 WOOL Steady ; medium grades comblpg and clothing. 20 (j 86c; light floe. 16W20c; heavy fine, U'llocj tub washed, 22feS5e. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 12 -COTTON-Closr d quiet und unchanged; middling tinland3, lO.bOc; middling gulf. 11.16c, soles. 842 hales. lal-VEKPOOL. Sept. 12 -COTTON-Spot in moderate, demand, prices 2 points lower. American middling fair. 702d; good mld dllr.g, C.EOd: m'ddllug. 6.7-id, low mlddlintr. 6 Std; good ordinary. 6.32d: ordinary, 6.ti8j. Futuree opt neu gulet and closeiP o.ulet; American middling g. o. c. : September. O.teld; September and October &.58d; Octo ler and November. 5.49d; Nov ni her and December, D.4td; December anc. January, 6 44U; January and February. 6.41,1, Feb ruary and March, J42d: March and April, 6 4Td; April and May, 5.43d; May nd June. I 43.1 ST. LOl'IS. Sept 12 -COTTON-Qulet and unrhanaed, middling. 10c; salts, 6 bales: receipts. 14 bales, shipments, 66 bales: stock. 3.492 bales NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 12 COTTON Steady: . ouotatlons - revised: sales. 2.300 bales', ordinary, T4jc: good ordlnarv, S l-lik : low middling. 9 1116c; middling hike; good middling. lu:c; middling fair. 10 11-18c. Fu Vires. stetdy; Scpiember. 10 20c; October. 9 04r95c; Novrn-her. 9 9rifl9.-; December 9 9frilic: Jvntiary. 10 OMflo.Otic; February! lC.Wc; March. 10.1010 l'v. . .' ,u,u" OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Modertte Beoeipti of Ctttle, and Prios Held Fully Bteadj. HOGS GENERALLY A DIME HIGHER Heaviest Receipts ef Sheep and Lambs for the Sraaoa ta Date, bat Goad Itaff olJ Atoat Uteaaly, with Others WeaU. SOUTH OMAHA, 8ept 12 19A. Receipts v,re: Caittie. tiog. Sheep, uincial itionuay J. bsine day iacl wees i.oo-. eame uy week Oelore.. i.aerl B.me tnr.e weeks ago... 4.,1 WKina tour weens ago.... 4.i','j Same day list year i,4.s KECElf j 8 f'OK THE YtahH ,.-o k.2s7 S.oJ ft.n4 .14 8,l4 1-l.afcM .. 4.ue i:,71o IU DATtu. -lie loilowing tabic snow the rece.pu oi came, nogs i.nu sneeu at buu.h imal.a lor tne year to uatc, with comeiHon wlm m a i year; 1914 19. Inc. Cattle 06..44 678,011 Hog 1.6M.il 1.7i.8j Sheep 949. 700 91.fc).i 13.366 Dec. 111,04 IU. 054 Average prices paid lor hogs at South Oinai.a tor the iasi several das, with com parison: Date. 1904. 1S0J.1902.1W1. 11900. U.1IS August in August 16 August 17 t t.11 O.'Wl H-Al 4 Mr, 0 lui 12l i 1 02, 103, ) u , 6 U j .- i ai t ii -i ii 16! 1 it) "e1 5 46 6 46 5 it, 6 S3 6 aii 5 8S A iHi 6 201 5 80 6 4J 6 471 ( 47 6 44 5 60 6 441 6 64( 6 661 ( t ((e 9 ! e ', 6 80 'l 7 10 7 Sii 7 29i 7 26 6 '.8, 4 i 6 77 4 98! 6 84 S 00 IN 6 89; I 6 67 I 03 i( ., Ui ,! vi & 111 4 S7 t, i, s v., i 0i 5 9$. k ill, 4 99 4 441 4 ih 4 4 (Ul 4 42 4 4', 4 411 4 4 4 40 443S 4 40 4 4.-I 4 40; 4 27 4 auj 4 I 4 DO, 4 'Ml 4 2! 4 :8, 4 2i 76 3 U 3 71 August 1 S 44 aukusi ia, August 20 August 31 AutiUkt t August 28! August . August 2S AllgUSt alt,j Angus: th Auirusi 2S August 29j 3 7 7S 3 0 I 74 : 3 ' 3 ' 3 ' e 9 iU-t a i.4 a 6 00: I 02 S uJ, t w m oo (31 7 ia 7 26, a August so August 31 6 17:4, 6 13i 6 06 6 04 3 tU I 61 a 69 Sept. J 13 7 83i 8ept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 6 27 6 33-Jta 7 42! 7 7 831 6 121 8.. 4... 6.., .. 7... S.., 9... 11.. 12. 6 OS IS 02 3 ii 16 6 Ob i 6 M B 0t! 34 6 05 l 30 5 D 6 10 37 I 6 40, 5 2:( 6 aV 6 20 S 24 t 24 tk 7 40 3 63 7 46 3 Cd 6 21! 30 -4,1 6 Haiti I 6 61i i 7 46j 7 61 3 53 3 60 3 6, a 3 7" 7 4 7 66 Indicates Sunday. Tho official number of car ot stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. R'ses v .. ni. st. r Missouri Pacific i Union Pacific 33 C. & N. W F., E. & M. V 19 C, St. P.. M & O.... 2 B. ft M. Ry 91 K. C. & St. J 4 C, R. I. & P., cast 7 .. 2 'fl 68 Us a ? 1 6 10 1 i !! 31 99 81 Total receipts ..152 The disposition of the day's receipts was a follows, ewe h"vrr purchasing the num-oet- of head Indicated: Buyers. Oinn.,a backing Co switt and coi.ipany.... Armour at Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour oc Co.. doo City Carey & Benton Lobman A Co MeCreary & C'lurk W. I. Stephen Hill & Hutitisinger Hamilton A Rothschild L. K. Husa Wolf A Murnan Lewis , Root Hu-ia A K Haggerty , Other buyers i a I tie Hogs. Sheep. M 3,8 787 OOll LOJ 8. 3lt 4K , 935 1,936 bit lo 1.JJ1 'l 9J 238 28 48 " 109 23 6j 30i 17 141 13 37 497 .... 6,797 nJr-H-V ,C99 J-256 cai 1LE 1 here was a modeiute run oi cattle here this morning, but at Chicskc ,neI? J'eri; vSJ nead n- Kansas City 1,000 head. The demand from pacKers at this point was liberal und an active and a fully steady market was experienced. There were only about seven car of cornfed steers In the offerings this morn 'n.? nd the bet,er grades ensnged hands readily enough nt steady to strong prices, as high as 86.86 being paid for a bunch weighing 1,684 pounds. The common and warmed-up cattle sold without much dim euky at -good, steady prices, Quite a large proportion df the receipts consisted of western grass beef steers, but as all the packers were -liberal buyers, Ihe market could safely bo quoted steau to strong and active on anything at al! desir able. Packers were out In good season and at an sarly hour the bulk of the better grade wa -iut of first hand. The com moner kinds were not so brisl.. but still they commanded ateady prices. The cow market was also active and steady to strong The demand waa genera: for all kinds, from canner to the choicest grades. Most everything offered was from the western ranges, not enough corn feds being on sale to mske a market. Trading was active from start to finish, and a good clearance was made before noon. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold freely at fully as good prices as were paid the latter part of last week. There was an active demand for good, heavy feeders and also for choice vearllrgs ot steady to strong prices, ss compared with last week's close. Tho demnnd for the medlu- weight and medium lo common cIhss of cattlj waa none too brisk and some sales looked barely steady. There waa a good demand, though, for the desir able grades and everything answn.tng to that description was soon disposed cf. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Ii'.', , At. ... til ... UO ... teo ...lit; ... 7K ... 170 ... IU) ... 140 ... (40 ... 740 ...ltoo ... (20 ... 470 ,..1M0 Pr. t 40 3 00 0u No 13.. .. 17.. A. Pr. 11 4 60 ,,1111 4 W i oo 6 M ..IKS ,.1444 40 0. COWS. 1 0,1 1 ,5 4 ... too ... 130 ... 470 ...1040 ...1140 ... 2i ...1010 I 111 I 40 3 41 I 40 I 4.1 I 40 9 00 1 75 t 00 1 00 t 01 I 0) I 10 HEIFERS. li 4 BULLS. 3 II CALVES, i 15 l 4 00 1 4 25 1 761 3 f 1 1 1 so 110 100 .. 110 4 m 10 I 40 i :o I... STOCKER8 AND 10. I.. FEEDERS. 1 7M 1 IW B Ml ttl IS 107 2 IS 744 8 16 S7i i NEBRASKA 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 bull... 1 bu.l... 920 870 810 1 10 3 75 3 10 2 35 3 00 3 46 3 46 2 40 2 40 2 76 8 05 2 86 3 15 3 63 8 75 2 75 3 50 3 80 2 76 3 60 3 80 3.86 8 75 8 16 8 15 2 75 2 70 2 90 8 46 3 46 3 7J 3 75 S 76 8 75 8 70 1 75 1 SO calf.... . 820 . 460 . Iul .- HOC .10M) . 875 .1193 . !20' .10,0 . 670 .1240 3 75 4 00 2 oo 2 10 2 10 2 60 2 60 2 .6 2 40 V 55 2 15 s so 3 6-1 2 6) 1 96 8 45 4 00 2 2", 2 70 1 60 1 70 2 65 t 70 I so j 70 i 40 t 45 5 46 8 75 8 75 3 76 8 75 8 70 M 1 7 t 40 1 calf... 10 feeders 3 cows... 1 cow.... 4 cow... 8 cows... 1 cow..,. 2 cow.., 1 cow.... . .1300 9 feeder.. 760 19 feeders.. 1024 13 feeders.. ll'S7 8 heifers.. 943 1 heifer... COO 6 heifers.. 938 1 heifer. ..1070 4 steers.... 660 11 feeders., brti 27 feeders.. 1016 1 feeder... 1140 4 feeders.. 1075 46 feeders.. 1075 17 feeders.. 645 2 feeders., 645 29 feeder.. 1069 28 feeders.. 96 21 steer.. ..1150 2 steers.. ..115.', 16 feeders.. 831 1 bull... 1 bull., 7 cows 18 cows 10 cows ..J460 9-4 928 664 14 steers... .121 2 lcalf...... 90 1 bull......l2T0 12 cows 971 t cow 1042 6 cows 8X2 25 cows 1078 4 cows 918 8 cows 932 80 cows 998 6 cows 962 rows 9-8 3 cows 866 13 cows Ml 12 steers.. ..1118 9 steers.. ..1233 1 steer 1120 1 steer 1270 1 steer 1230 105 teers....lliO 5 cow fc:n 1 cow 8 , 20 heifers.. 616 21 feeders.. 848 8 feeders. 8 cow 648 973 978 22 cow, 1 steer. 1 steer. ...1170 ...1140 8 steers. 1 steer.. J steer., steers. 82 steers. 10 rows.. 1 row. . , ...1213 ...1310 ...1280 ...1015 ...i:66 . .. IKS ...100 4 heifers. 8 heifers. 657 800 COLORADO. 26 heifers. 1 heifer.. j feeders 81' feeders I feeders 23 calves.. 1 calf 26 heifers. 8 cows."... 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 6H9 4f0 9u6 764 470 326 320 728 2 40 2 00 S 60 8 00 2 SO 8 75 3 00 81 cows... 21 cow.., 21 calves.. 6 calve.. calve.. 3 bull,.. 2 bull... J 00 J ... S17 Hertiler Wyo. 2 70 1 cow.. .. 94 ...1190 ...13M) ...1C80 3 60 3 50 360 8 60 8 60 8 60 3 50 3 50 3 60 8 ro 3 60 8 60 8 tO 8 00 S CO 8 00 3 00 3 60 3 60 8 60 I W 1 cow.,.. 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 1 cow..., 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 1 eow ... 1 cow..,. 1 cow.... 1 row.... 1 row.... 1 cow.,.. 1 cow.,,. 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 1 row..,. 1 cow.... 1 cow.... I cow.... 1 tow.,,, 1 steer. 1 steer. ...1560 1 steer... 1220 1 stter.. 1 steer.. 1 steer . 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. .1200 ..1070 ..1180 a.lM-fl ..10 ..12CO ..1040 1 steer.,. 1 ateer... 1 eteor... 1 ateer... 1 steer... 1 steer... .1330 .1080 .1110 . 960 1(H4) 1 steer 11t 1 steer l'io 1 ateer 1040 P. L. Hsrper Neb. 28 cows st I 40 II feeders.. 93 S 3 t 4 W 1 cow lOiu low J. feeders.. Hie 1 feeder.. 1 cow 21 heifer. 1 heifer... 1 heller.., tun t Ml 1 feeder... 1U60 3 35 It. Neal Neb. i bud 91 ! bo 18 steers.... io 410 8 o 1 25 iu J. B. Kendrlcks Wj o. II cows mi 1 steer lwo L. W feeders.. 9el 4 feeders.. ,40 A 17 heifers... 714 V, li tew 92 H lw so steers.. ..1143 1 65 8 76 H Harris-Neb. 8 Iu U cows S12 2 45 2 so Crowell Neb. i a 16 h, her... 63 2 40 . Mat ten- Wyo. 8 o 8 cows 89i 1 40 H. Knott- wo. 3 4 .c,.... (95 3 30 Broalllette a. O. U steer.. ..lot A. 15 feeder.. l.Yl 4 40 14 cows loss z ;u 1 bun la0 2 10 !6achary A Conway Neb. 1.9 leeders.. 96$ 1 lecder... -o 18 feeders.. U; a 2u 3 00 8 lo 2 2 10 11 leeder.. aul 1 feeder... 9iu U cows stvl 12 cows st 8 10 S 10 2 o"i 2 44 I 61 k leeders.. ct Kit. ii 111 HI cows. cows..., 23 steer.., 33 Steers.., 3 steers.., 17 cows... 24 leeders i teeners 1688 j.endrlcii A B. Wyo .1110 8 to 2 cows ... J. E. Kugg s'yo. . H',0 4 50 il cow.... .1U0 3 10 Pat o Deay-Neb. .1H9 I iO 1 cow .101u 3 :6 3 Steers .. . ' Ba .1 ',5 .1060 . 5t .1000 . DiO 1 50 S 16 2 00 3 (0 J. H. VlntonNeb. ?2 cows., 1 cow... .. !S4 ..1030 78 1 cow 2 76 , 1 cuw 2 16 2 25 2 -i 1 cow 4 feeders. 2 steers... 78 leeders. 1 cow..... 5 cows.... 11 cow.... 1 cow..... 14 cow.... 1 feeder.. i feeders. .. 7o0 O. Gampert Neb. 501 i 11 cows ... IDAHO. . 70S . 8UU 3 4o 1 bull .1370 t 50 3 00 T. Norfolk Neb. .1080 .1048 2 23 li cows 1019 X io 8 cow 1041 J. Uonpert Neb. .940 2 sj id teedur. 873 3 15 .1170 2 26 C. J. Anderson Neb. . 548 2 10 1 cow 1020 2 00 2 25 60 3 35 1 bull 1AX 849 8 10 J. J. Jessup Neb. 3 feeders BOO 3 15 3 bulls.. ...1360 ...10J0 ...lt.tO 1 T5 2 75 2 t 3 45 3 00 3 00 3 73 2 15 2 15 2 15 6 cows 14 ! 60 6 cows.. 2 2 1 cow... E. Jessie Neb. 8 cows 1101 S. 4 cows 900 10 cows 994 A. 128 feeders. 114 F. 2 15 11 leeders.. 1111 2 60 1 feeder... .1100 J. Abbott-.Nelv 8 60 4 feeders.. 1158 Corrothers Neb. 40 feeders 1168 3 76 41 feeders.. 1168 James Baxter Neb. 18 feeders 5 feeders. 1 cow 1 cow 4 steers.. 3 26 1 bull. ...1169 . 732 3 28 .KOO 3 15 . . ISO 2 10 Acker-nan .1090 3 40 .1040 3 00 1 cow.. 1 cow.. . 610 .1130 k B.-S. D. 1 steer 930 35 steer. ...1032 3 00 3 40 6 steers. 14 steers... .1049 3 40 HOGS There was a very light run of hogs In sight this morning, much smaller. In fact, than was generally anticipated. As the demand wss of nbout usual proportions, the market ruled fairly active and generally a dime higher than at the ciose of last week. Owing to the fact there were oniy about 26 load on sale. It took but a few minutes for a clearance to be made, and there was no particular change In the mar ket from staft to finish. Heavy hogs were scarce, nnd could be quoted from 35-40 to 35.60, while medium and mixed loads sold from 85.50 to 85 60 and choice lights from 35.90 to 35.70 It was very evident that all the packers had liberal orders and shippers were also looking for supplies, and conse quently ther were- not near enough hogs to go around. The scarcity of heavy hogs today helped out the appearance of the market on paper to quite an extent. Rep resentative sales Aa. 9... 4... 42... 4 A. at... it... 34... 44... 14... 74... I... ... 84... 17... No. 49... 67... III... ... 81... 6... H... -... SI... 41... ... ... 18... 4S... AT. ...140 ...Ml ...S71 ...117 ...144 ...lit ...175 ...170 ...84 ...110 ...141 ...171 ...170 ...141 ...131 8k. 140 Pr. I 40 4 40 i 42 I 44 t CO 5 M 60 I 40 ft tvO t to 5 40 I 60 t tl'a ( 61 At. ...141 ...111 ...241 ...241 ...114 ...ill ...144 ...244 ...17 ...lit ...195 ...214 ...IRS ...141 8k. 6 110 200 '40 80 Pr. I (5 t :n t f.5 i l ( 0 I to 6 40 I 0 I 48 46 I 10 70 t 70 S 70 110 10 130 40 0 aa 8HEEP The heaviest run of the season to date arrived this morning, but In spite of that fact the market was in good hap, and. all things considered, very satisfactory prices were paid. The proportion of f.it sheep to the total receipt was not large and as a result the better grades sold without much trouble at good, stesdy firlces. Common kinds were perhaps a ittle slow, but still they did not se.l much different from last week. The big end of the 'receipt consisted nf lambs of only fslr quality. The , stvm. ss was the case with shesp, th beMcr grades of killers were about steady, while the commons? kind were a little alow and In some case perhaps a trifle lower. The change from the close of last week how ever, waa not very great. The quality of the bulk of the offerings wa not anything extra - There was a good sprinkling of feeder In both the sheep and Iambs, nnd the more liberal offering made buyers a little slow about taking hold and they were, of course. Inclined to be a little bearish. They hid to pay Just about stetdy prices for the desirable grades, however, and If there wss my chsnge at an it was on tne commoner kinds, which were a little slow snd per haps s trifle lower, Quotations for greet sheen and Ismbs: Good to choice yearling. 83.754.00: fslr to good yesrl'ngs, 33.60Cu3.7S; good to choice wethers. S3.3."fi3.65: fair to good 'e r-. f3.23Ca3.35; good to fhn'w ewes. 9 2""i -fl; fair to good ewes. 32.76(718.25; good to choice Ismbs. 86.00125.50; fair to good lambs, M.'brf 5.00; feeder yearlings. S3.o.i.i5: feeder wethers. S3 25i3.M: feeder ewes. S2.f"W2.50: feeder lambs S3 7VW4 60: breeding ewes, $6.00 073.26. Representative sale: No. 131 Neb. yearlings and wethers. 93 Neh yeerl'nss rd wethers. Av. . 87 . r .. 82 .. 91 .. 90 ..102 .. 75 .. 81 .. 93 .. 98 .. 92 .. 98 .. 96 .. 64 . 87 .. 66 .. 57 9 M 2 35 2 35 '8 00 8 26 8 26 3 60 3 60 2 60 2 60 8 fO 3 85 4 20 3 75 4 86 4 35 838 Idaho feeder ewes 814 Wyoming feeder ewes 103 idnno ewes 74 Wyoming ewe .' 75 Wyoming eweo 17 Idaho wethers 80 Idaho sheep and yearlings.. 10 Idaho cull ewes 86 Idaho cull ewes 329 Ids ho ewes. loo Idnho yearlings 816 Idaho Inmbs 238 Wyoming wsther K,0 Idaho feeder lambs 106 Idaho feeder lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET ttl Steady and Lovrar Hog Higher Sheep' Steady. CHICAGO, Sept. 1?. CATTLE Receipt. 1.000 head. 3,000 head Texan, t.ivco neixn eterns; market steady to 16c lower; good prime sicers, so.su-rto.av, pooi- iu inrwiuui, ,506.60; stockers and leeaers. ji.aotus.w; iws. 41.50(1,4.50; heifers. 32.0Ofi4.90: csnners. I.W'iZ.zb; bull, sz.uun-4.tu; caives. w.rwo.,.., exii steer, SLSOfoS-OO; wastc-rn ateer, $3.00 T4. HOGS Receipt. 21. 010 head; market 10U ! hlnher: mixed and butchers. 85.46rii6.00; 15o ..J a A.AA. l,n .... A'Ar. p.i,vll esvy, S515ff6.45; light, $9.50(96.06; bulk of Sles. 5.O0&5,60. A, SHEEP AND LA MBS RecelntS, 26.000 heid; market for sheep steadv. for lumps a-ker: good to choice wethers. 83.rtjf,i4.a). ISir IU lllt'irr IllJJa.r-u. e.,"'""."-' sheep. 83.00(14.00; western lambs, $5.007,6.23. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANRAfl CITY. Bent 12 CATTLE Re ceipts. 23,000 head. Including 4.000 southerns, tne largest receipts since uci"-r, it... msrket steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed hoef steers, S6.OOaT8.00; fair to fooj, 83 7513.76: western fed steers. 83.75 50; stockers and feeders. 82.2634. 15: south, em steers, S3 60tr3.75: southern cow. 82 OOtfji 8"0; native cows. $1.7644.00; n4tlve heKers, $2 50t4.86; bull. $3.00e 26;-calves, 82 60456.00. MOtio tveoemts, Jt.ww ner.a; ninmni nc higher; top. S5.; bulk of sMes. 8:.67a'i.S6; heavy, 6"; nackera, S5.61sB6.C5; pigs and llrhts, S5.30if6.5. SHEEP Anil MH f to iieeeipis. ii.ixfli head: sheep ruled steady to 15c lower- nn. tlv laroha. $4.2635 60: nstive wethers, S3 2f 4.00; native ewes, SS.0O4W.7S: wetern lml. 84.5,50: weatern vearllna. 83.66174. 01; weatern sheen. S8.22.75: stockers and feed- era. $2.50flS.0. St. Jaaeph Live Stock Market. ' ST. JOSEPH. Sept. it. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4,366 head; market u?dv to 1 o lower: native S3.764io.76; cow and heifer. 1164 60 ;tockera and feeders. S3 I 81 HOGS Recelnts. 8 n hesd; ma-kt 6liV) higher; light, S6.K(5-S 70; medium and heavy, l5.KfMrft.gV SHEEP AND LAMBS Re.oeipts, S 81 heed; market ateady lo loe lower; lamba. $5.50. Ions fl live Mock Market. SIOUX CITY. It.. Sept. 12. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1.800 head; market lOo hleher: s'ocker. active- b"ev 8?K0tlSS0: cows, bulls and mixed. S1.206t 8.25 stocsers inn .e-n-rs, t..ivtfi.,u; caives o.rllnai 11.5043 26. and u-u-iae-alnta 1 1 head, marbef 10c higher, selling at J5 3-Vd V50: bulk,. $6.460o.SO. St. Louis Live Stack Market. ST. LOUIS Sept. 12 CATTLE Receipt, 7.000 head. Including 6.000 Texans; market steadv; native shipping and export steers, $l&-frS.f.0, drened beef and butcher steers, $4 36-fti.lO; steers under l.OffA lbs., S3 85 54 60; storker snd feeders, 83 00$ 8 60: rows an 1 l,elfer 83 r414 2A; Conner. $1 3642,2 60: bulls. S2.504j3.aO; talvea, VJOO'it.CO, Texas and In- dlsn steer. S3 0O1JS.78; row no helfera, 8i2f.tS. 1UJS Receipts, S.Kho hesd; msrket 8fflV" higher; pigs snd lights. M.rWiS9V packers, S5k-6S6; butchers and best heavy. 8o.7V9 SO" SHEEP AND LAMPP-Rerelpts. 3 A he,id; msrket steady: nstlve muttons. 3.1 JS (3 76; Ismbs. S3 7D1.i t; cmiII n4 ; bucks, 2.rt'fr3.8S; stockers, S"I(uj.1j. Tcxsns, S3a) 1.00 Stork In flftht. Following were the-reeel, of Itva sloe for the six principal wetern cltle Veater- aay: Cattle, Ho-. Sheen. 2.1S2 20,17 South Omaha. Ploux Cltyt.... Ksnn City.. St Louis St. Joseph Chicago Total 8.719 !.8'K 12.0HO 7 vv 4.283" .!.. 61.786 3. fr 2.179 Sooo 4.330 6. -4) 38.241 47.504 MARKET OMAHA WHOLES' l.y rendition nf T-no snd Qaotallene oa Staple and Fancy Prortoee. EGOS Receipt moderate; candled tock, 15c. LIVE roui.TRY-Hen. 9c; roosters. 8e; turkeys, 1(Y: ducks, 7fl9r; geese. 5c; spring cMrtena, 12(?f17o BUTTER Parkins stock. H4Sir- cholca to fsnrv dnlrv, HfftJnc: separator, 17?l7o. FRESH FlSH-Trout. lc; pickerel. e; pike, l)c: perch. 7c; Muefish. lfic: whltefish, loc: salmon. 14c; redsn-ipper. 11c; lobster, f:ten. 2V; lobster, boiled. Sue; bullheads, lc; catfish. 14e; black bass. 20c; hnllbut, 10c; croppies, 12c; roe shad. Si: buffalo, 7cl white bess. 11c; tree legs, per do., 26e. PR AN Per ton. HAY Prlres quoted bv Otntiha Wholesale reler' sesocl'-l'r,: Choice No. t upland, $7 00; No. 2, SO 50; medium. 86.00; coarse. 88 60. Rve strtw. 86.50. These prices are for r,sy of ecod eoler and rnmllty. - OY8TFRP New York counts, per can, 4ce; extra selee, r.er csn. 37c: tndr,1s. pee can. !r: built standards, per al . 81.60; bulk extr selects, per wsi . 81.90; bulk New York counts, rer gal., 82 09 TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGE8 Valenclas, lurge alze. 3.7o7J 4 25; small sizes, SI.Sttt4.So. LEMONS Cnllforiiin fancy, 270. . 300 and SO). 84.00; choice. J3.5U4J3 75. . , LIMES Florida, per 0-bsnket crates, 84 fA FK1S Callfornlu. per 10-lb. carton. .W; Imported Smyrna. J-crown, 12c; 6-crown. 14c; 7-crown, l.",c. BANANAS rer medlum'elzed bunch. S2 M f!'.W- Itttnbo. S2.7.e3.. CAYENNE PINEAPPLE I an4 20 alie, per crate, $4.00. FRUITS. ' APPLES Home-grown, per bu. basket, 40ttfrc; per bbl . S2.tJSj2 25. PEACHES Homo-grown clings, per 10 lb. basket, 26c; Colorado, per 6-htsket crate, 81 50; Colorado, per box. 90c; Oregon, per box, 75495c; Utah, per box, itXjfSOe. PLUMS Callfornln gross prttne, 31 50; Italian prunes, ll.Ofijil.ld: i tuh- and Colo rado plums and prunes.. 90o8 Jl.CO. , PEARS California Hnrtle.t. per box. SI 90 (fii.OO; Colorado Flcmfsh Benttty; 81.60; Col orado, Utah nnd Oregon Bsrllelt, SI KS 1.T&: l anrornin M. naray, i.r.. CANTEIXIUPE Genuine OolOl lorado Rocky Ftrds, per crate. S2.00. " WATERMEI-ONS-P.-r Jb. (orated;, lc. t'ELEKY Per do.. 2."tIiOC. CRAPES Home-grown, ter " 6 to 8-lb. basket, 1820c; California Tokay, per case. tl..Vffl.65. CRAB APPLES-Per bbl.. S2.75W100: por I market brisket. 40c. $7.00; per box. 82.65. , . VEGETABLES. . POTATOES New home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 31.SOfli2.0t. ONIONS Home-grown, In sack, per bu., CO75r; Roanlsh. rer crate, 81. 90. TOMATOES Home-grown, - por markot basket. 15(&20c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs .850. CUCUMBERS Per dos.. lie. TURNIPS- Home-grown, per bu.. tndJiOo. BEET8 Home-grown, per bu., 50fl40c. P A RSLEY Per dos.. 25e. WAX BEANS Per market basket. 50c. STRING BEANS Per market besket. 60c. GREEN PEPPERS-Per bushel basket, li.oo. . PQUA8'I Home-grown, per.doi.. 50c. I EGG PLANT Southern, per do.. SI. 50. SWEET POTATOER-Hrtme-grown, per market basket. 60c; Virginia, per bbl.. $i.7S Q 3 on MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HONEY Per 24 frames. 88 25, MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, fjjll cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new. 16c; old. . 16tfl7c: Wisconsin brlek. 12c: Wisconsin limber ger, 13o. 1V1JTS Walnuts No. 1. soft shell, per lb., 15c; bard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 bard shell, per lb.. 12c; pecan, large, per lbv. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, 'ttrfi It?-. 8o; roaeted peanut, per lb., 12c: Chm wflnut, per lb., fzmsvic; large hlrkor nut, per lb..' 11 r; almond, soft shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., . $2.00;. black walnuts, per Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL 6ept, lt.-WHSAT-8p0t. nominal. Futures, steady; September, 7s 4d: necemher, 7s 4d. CORN-Spot. easv: Anieriean tnlxed. 4s 8d Futures, quiet; September, 46d! December, 4s 6d. Peoria Grain Market.' PEORIA, Ill Sept. 12-CORN-Lower; No. 8, 62c; No. 4. 61 c; no grade. S0e. REAL estate: trasfbrs. Deeda filed for record Monday, September 12, 1904, a turnlfeiied by the ialdlkuu Guar antee and i runt company, bonaea alt-bUfeViei- .ot i fc iui.. Emma J. S.tufotd and husband , to Auuie li. .viaascy, tot i". block 14, 'Oicnurn Hill ..,...",....$ 1 C. Fair and wife to "sinlly O. .Clll woitn, lot 16. block 7, Minside No. 1. 8,612 El. en r. I. isicaerson to same, lot 14, Mock 7. Hillside No. 750 Flist National bank of Omaha to Maria D. and rsathan J. Shtdtoh, lot o, block 1, And other prope. ty In VvlndBr terrace 1 W. u. Morrow and wife to' Peter iveraon, nutlot 232, Florence ...it:.':.. I Florence Land company to tkame, sa.n iroperty 1 Pettr lserson und wife to O. W. Had lock, asjiie property .v.. 650 May Hannan und husband to Mar garet E. Uengen, ui)ilv of pert of lots 7 and t. block 90.. city, of osoaha 1 W. C Nnirls to H C. Brekmann, iot SZ, Bluff View ........r..., .... 560 If. W. Cartnlchnei and wife to J. Crews, lota la end 16. block-12,, Hal con Heights ... - .....v--,.... 1 C. W. Wilhclm and wife to lleorir VnnDusen, )ots 1 and 4, block hi, Florence i 450 J. L. Brown and wife to, H, 8. Thomas, lota 1, S and 14, . blook 184, Florence ..,.. I J. Ciews to Elisabeth J. Hockln.. lots 13 and 16. block li. Halcyon Heights 1 G. F. MlkuleM to Anna Doyle, lot M block 2, .Morrison's sdd..., 1 lane Plcksrd to tne Calvsry Baptist church, lot 7. block N. Lowe's nda:. 600 Ellxuheth Dufrene to 8. W. Herring, part of lot 3, Shaw's subdlv I.35S Eilxubeth Dufrene to A. M. Herring, nut property 1 Mary E. Chapman to W. G. DeLe. lot S block 118. Dundee Place 600 Rota Hoffman and husband to T. J. Cooley and wife, part of lot. 7, bibek 836. South Omaha 750 A. E. Howell to 8. A. Searla, lot 21. blook 10, Hanscom Place 1.000 MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAINQFIOC, "irth and Robert SU ST. PAUL, MINN. (lscekroKATBEi DaCAltRt N Stocks, Grain, Provisions Boorbt snd sold Se sh or oarrtad .aa nt aaaable aiargrus,upon which tberewiu be acaargvot Vta grata. H am stocks and 44 en das, Writ loc our market Wttu. COMRIISIIOI HERCHANTI III CAB LOTS Ship Your Grain To Us Bsst FaciLiTiaa. . Psomrr Ksrvams LlSRSAt, ADVSNLbS. DULUTH WINNIPCO llrsach Ofllce, 1 10-1 1 1 Besrd et Trsde. PheneJJie. - r OMAHA. NB) GEO. A. ADAUS GtlMH CO. . , . OMAHA. . CRAIN DUYERt and SHIPPERS Members: Chicago. Omaha, Kaoaaa City and St. Louis Exehsnge. Trsnsurtlons for future delivers given tsreful . attention. i . S10 Beard Trade Bid. Tel. J04HI. - ' - - . '.. '.' -V ' . a4Vl