10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, IQOf. I . 1 , , IJ1M..IJSW t m"m Alia . ii;mrum OCOADT ru.(iu Cf U UmHnM irttiritn ntrvrti iuwua i an. u nraMffTC gERYlriyEj' JIB IS Grocery Dept. 8 jf:4lfv1?feil To buy your groceries of B if ?lilPh Bennett'a is to buy right. g !l WaHvati3l'& fVI - Forty (41 "fl.'fc H." Orren f'yA B Thirty fi "9. 1' S tamf.- B v aZti'S Oreen Trading Btnmr jKV?t H Uncut Mnrha & .1 1 rT-nT J H KO SURPRISE OVER JEFFREY Appointment of Gould Man on Weitern Pa oifio Discloses ecrt. SHOWS IDENTITY OF LATTER'S BACKERS Csiltni rrTio Htmon that Goald Wu rromctlns .Roid, Despite Ills SUtrmriU to the Contrary. Th announcement that E. T. Jeffrey has been made director of the Western Fiaclflo occasion no irreat surprise In local railroad clrcules. Engineers have nearly commoted the survey of . the new line be tween Ban Francisco nnd Salt Lake and It Is believed before the end of another year construction work on the road will be well under way. For a long Urn mystery surrounded the identity of the promoters. It was sus pected Oould interests were behind the enterprise but such rumors were persist ently denied. George Oould himself denied he Ws Interest! In the road upon the occasion of one of his la-t visits to the west. He even afTeetcd surprise that such a line hd been . projected and he pre tended It was a matter of news to him. In the meantime, however, valuable har bor fights were bought at San Francisco, where it was announced to bo the Inten tion of expending tl.bm.OW for the purpose of building docks and reclaiming submerged water fronts. Property of Ilttlo apparent value was quietly bought up In Oakland end rights of way obtained. Suddenly It was discovered the road had a clear title to right of way through Oakland. Gould Needed nn Outlet. It was well understood Oould needed an outlet to the Pacific, and that it had been his ambition for years. At one time It was believed Oould Interests eventually would secure control of the new San Pedro road, which had been tied up at Calientes as the result of litigation with the Harrlman Inter ests over the question of right of way. When Senator Clark closed negotiations for the purchase of the southern extension of the Oregon Short Lin It was generally un derstood an Interest would be retained In the road by the Harrlman syndicate. This fact discouraged other lines to hope for an outlet to the. coast Independent of the Har rlman Interests. Subsequent events Indicate Gould and his advisers had foreseen the outcome of the Harrlman-Clark deal, for they began the purchase of the harbor and right of way privilege. "The, appointment of Jeffrey, Gould' right hund man, to the position of director of theroad- no longer leaves any reason able doubt as to the promoters of the new coast lino which will connect the Atlantic and the Puclfio with a chain of Gould lines and doubtless It means also the establish ment of a Hystem of ocean steamers to compete with t,ho Harrlman Interests for the constantly increasing Oriental trade," eald a local railroad man. Motive Power for the West. A battery of locomotives of the standard make, which are' standing in the Union Pacific railroad yards, have attracted some curiosity.. The engines were formerly used tt th passenger service of the Union Pa clflo, but they are too light to haul the heavy trains of the present day and they have been superseded by a heavier class of locomotives. The light engines have been thoroughly overhauled and have been disposed of to other lines of the Harrlman system. , Four of the locomotives will be sent to the Oregon Railway & Navigation com pany, while thirty-four of the engine will be turned over to the Southern Pacific to be used on branch line, where they oan be pressed into service for lighter work. The engine are part of a let which were sold to the Hick Locomotive works of Chicago Just before the Union Pacific trlke. "When the strike broke out the company found use for them and did not turn them over. r It has been rumored that the Santa Fe has been negotiating for some of the en gines,, but this is strongly denied. It is de clared that the Santa Fe has not been obliged to turn to outside lines for help Bince the emergency created by the strike. The locomotives will be sent to their destination in lots f two, three and four until they have all been delivered to the new owners. EAST WATCHING THE CROPS Alfred Darlow Bring Word of Great Interest in Western Con. J' dttlons. Alfred Darlow, advertising agent for the Union Pacific, has returned from a trip to the east. Mr. Darlow says that the para mount; subject In the east is the prospect of the phenomenal crops in the west. The greatest' importance is attached to the harvest, which Is regarded as the key-note of the. commercial operations. Mr. Darlow said: "The east I banking on the crops in the went. The utmost confidence 1 placed In the outcome this year, for It 1 believed that with a good harvest another year of prosperity Is assured In all channel. The Interest shown In the agricultural affair The Burttons of fJodorn CSvUlzmtlon. , Normally a woman should have no d)s Comfort ao fax a feelings of diacomforf ra concerned, at ach recurring; , period. But mod ern crrilitation tils added it con 4ltioma of erer- .' present Buffering io a large nropor ition of American women. The Igreat bulk of ' uch cases is duo to inflammatory : or congested con jditiona within limited territor- ; tea which can be jerercotna by the tright treatment. ;Ol course, this local irritation is , followed bri . headache. back." . aches, nervous-. nea. irritabilltr, !and. indeed, often results in 'nervous prostra tion or co Us pea which might )hre been ao Tid ed by proper treatment. $500 REWARD FOR WOMEN who CAMMor m cokbd. Backed tip by ever a third of a century ef remarkable and uniform cure, a record inch as a other remedy for the disease - And weakaesee peculiar to women ever ttaiaod, the proprietor and maker ef Dr. Vierce' Favorite Prescription new feel fully warranted ia offering to pay $ in ' 'legal money of tbe United States, fur any case of Ltucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All tty ask is a fair and . reaspnabl trial of their mesn of cure. VVOKLO' I1IBNAIT MnpiCAI. AseO CUiWWt frvprisWia. jsuAila. bL kV . u 1 1 i in iii i rnrn)rrns3 Today's Exceptional Bargains in Terrill's Dressmaking Stock Highest Class Dress Goods. Silks and Trimminrs from Omaha's Foremost Dressmaker, also, from Mme. Monette. 556 Fifth Avenue. New York. $3 and $4 Dress Goods at 98c Yard Dress Pattem of Chiffon Voile, Illusion Voile, Crepa Eoliene, Crepe Ordula, black, cream, champagne, brown, onion skin and blue dress fabric.4 of a hundred kinds at, yard '. $1.50 and $2 Dress Goods at 69c Yard Sheer silk arid wool dress stuffs, Crepe de ff (T Paris, chiffon crepe, eilk voile, broadcloth, m'V um 1 Ctl VI 98c Sicilians, mohair, etc., etc. at, yard Fine Silks From Terrill & Monette Stocks 27-inch silks, Dresden Loulsenes, etc., worth up to $2.U0 yard at All Terrill & Monette lining taffeta, fancy trimming silks, ir fancy velvets AiC at, yard TV SwelleU and most exclusive silk novelties many 35 inches wide at, yard Terrill' and Monette's Lscps It". . 19c-39c-69c-98c 46-Inch Black Silk Costume Nets S'i.f.? 69c-98c-1.98 69c Eveninsr brocades, satin and taffetas worth up to 14. w at, yard. 98c 1.50 and 1.95 Miss TerrlU'e plain and fancy dress trimmings. 5C" IOC-I5C-25c98C All filik Mednillons In blsck. white nnd atn.c..c.!!?"' 5c-10c Blankets and Comforters Are Here The new fall blankets and comforters are ready. You feel the need of them these chilly nighta. A neat va riety now on dale in our basement TWO TUESDAY JEWELRY SPECIALS Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Sample Watch Fobs at 49c 4SC Entire, stock of stylish watch fobs fine silk and with , gold and silver fob lockets nearly all samples and scarcely two alike this gives a remark able variety rich and dressy in appearance and worth up to $2 each, at Big Sale Men's $1.50 Link Cuff Buttons, 25c Link Cuff Buttons of rose gold, gunmetal, bright finish gold, etc., many heavy enough for monograms all guaranteed not to tarnish In five years we will replace any pair of these buttons that prove unsatisfactory worth $l.BO and $2 pair . ........ v . 25c Bid SPECIAL SALE KELLEY-STIQER'S FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR At the most remarkable bargain all tbe men's, ladies' and children's high grade medium weight underwear. Watch our Windows V Vsb& i-f t ft Ml EJ T - tv aic n our Windows () Beautiful Wedding Days We are Bhowing Beautiful Wedding Gifts in sterling silver Meat Forks, $2.0U, J2.60, $3.50 and up. Sale of Tea Spoons, em id weleht. 14.50. S5.00 and W.00. We also have a hand some line of new, nobby pieces In Cut Glass you ought to ! see them. looK lor the name. S. W- Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. Photo Supplies These are lovely days for picture taking. Come and see our stock of camera supplies. Everything i n Materia Photographia af cut prices kodaks, cameras, films, film packs, solutions, papers of all kinds. DEVELOPING AND FINISH ING done by onr export. Take no risks of spoiltnR your pictures by failing to develop them properly, but send your films to us and so be sure of perfect finish. THICKS WAY DOWN. S. E. Corner, Main Floor. Twenty () "8. A H." Green Q Trading Stamps with pound fill P. Ten ($1) "S. A H." Green " fading Sainps with Ih, isrw YorK Lrcnm Cheo Ton ($1) "S. & II." Green Tr.iding Stamps with dozen boxes Piirlor Matches, for Ten (tn "S. & II." Green Trad ing Stamps with pound whole Pickling Spices i. 20c B 12k 25c Candy Department Ten (JlOftt "8. & H. Green Trading Stamps witn nox pure sugnr Stlrk Candy, at 10c Dry oods bargains advertised ii Sun day papers are good for Tuesday; Mail orders received on the whole ad vertisement up to Wednesday eve. Have you seen the Horse Show Windows IT WAS AH IRISHMAN, WHO SAID: "The rich can ride in their chaises, but the poor can walk be jabbers" or words to that effect. You've undoubtedly heard It before. But have you thought that If the poor man had SAVED his MONEY, as the rich man did, that he also .would have been rich? That's the whole thing in a nutshell SAVE. 1 It's not what you MAKE, but what you SAVE that makes you rich. Don't get away from THAT! WHEN shall you BEGIN to SAVE? NOW. Where shall you deposit your savings? Where they will draw the largest returns, and yet be absolutely SAFE. And this Is In the Omaha Loan and Building Association, 1704 Farnam Bee Building. O. W." LOrittftat, President. . G M. WATTIttGER, Secrftarr. of Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas and other western states is surprising. Politics ia warming up in the east and banners are floating over the streets. It Is of course one of the absorbing topics, but no alarm is manifested over the outcome as in other years. People seem to be satisfied at the result and they feel that no matter which way political fortune turns there are no Issues up which will have any serious effect upon the business affairs of the country. "There seems to be a large and growing movement toward the St. Louis fair and people are much Interested in the exposi tion. The labor troubles have caused some uneasiness, but it has apparently had no appreciable effect on business." WORK OF COMMERCIAL CLUB Aggressive Action ' d by Commis sioner Member Sfili Winning' Fight for Omaha, The executive, committee of the Commer cial club will meet Tuesday noon In th parlors of the club. Commissioner Me Vann will present hl report for the first three months' of his administration and detail of effort In the direction of ad vancing the interests of Cirt ha. The com. merclal club has 3S6 members in good stand ing and is admittedly one of the most potent factors for the commercial growth of Omaha, Said on of the executive committee la discussing the club and Its commissioner: "If Mr.Mo Vann had done nothing els but conduct a vigorous and practically a win ning fight against the- railroads on the matter of the increased tariff on coal, he would have earned his salary for many years. Yes, I consider the coal fight prac tically won, for not only have we received a concession from the August rate and much coal that will come In the near future will be on the low rata of 90 cents a ton. But Mr. McVann has vigorously contested other fights for the welfare of this city commercially and has attended to the routine business and the arrangement of trade excursions. The fight against th advance in coal rates Is not ended nor will It end short of a complete restoration of the tariff In force In Jjily. If the Com mercial club can bring It about th rail roads and ell other corporations doing busi ness with Omaha will do it so that Omaha stands ' on an equal basis in commercial competition with other river town." FORAKER STARTS THE BALL Ohio Senator Open Campaign In Lin. eoln, Speaking There on Wednesday Right. Special effort are being exerted at republican state headquarter to make the crowd that will hear Senator . Foraker at Lincoln Wednesday night a big one. . The speech by the distinguished Ohloan really will open that kind of campaign tn the state this fall and ' the manager are especially anxious to have the affair suc cessful In every way. By way of ad vertising and direct appeals to. local leaders wifhln easy reach of Lincoln nothing Is being overlooked that Is cal culated to have a good effect on the Foraker meeting. Chairman Burgresa this week la putting forth especial effort to help out th state ticket whloh most of those In authority ay la la no particular Bed of It, but will not be hurt by a little activity along that line. Headquarter visitors "yesterday Included R. A. Smith, nominee for representative from the district composed of Burt and Cuming counties, Dr. McKee of Wayne and H. Hucklns, editor of the Shelby Sun. . COOLEY NOT TALKING JUST NOW Expert Say It 1 Not Wise to Dis ease Detail of Appraisal at Present. 1 Engineer Cooley, who Is precarlng expert testimony for the city for use at the water works appraisal next month, absolutely de cline to give out any information regarding the riprapping along the Missouri near Florence or the result of any of hi in vestigations. "I do not think It wise to talk for publica tion," aald Mr. Cooley. "I am subordi nate to the city officer who have charge of the work and must refuse to discuss the work at alL I may say, however, that it 1 progressing satisfactorily. "J IT IS FOB LADIES, TOO. They Can Stop Their Hair Falling Ont with Herplclde. Ladles who have thin hair and whose hair Is falling out can prevent the hair falling out and thicken the growth with Newbro's 'Herplclde." Besides, Herpicide Is one of the most agreeable hair dressings there 1. Herpicide kills the dandruff germ that eats the hair off at the root. After the germ Is destroyed the root will shoot up and the hair grow long a ever. Even a sample will convince any lady that New bro's Herpicide la an indispensable toilet requisite. It contain no oil or grease; it will not stain or dye. Sold by leading druggist. Send 10c in stamp for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sher man & McConneil Drug Co., Omaha, Neb., special agenta. , i a m 1-3 twin vi if a v uMi i rm n I H $3 I Homo Visitor' Excursions Fair. Tuesday in September and Oct. 11. Good thirty day. Half fare plu S3. Many points In Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Inquire at the Northwestern Line Office. 1401' and 1403 Farnam St., Omaha. Special Snaday Rate to' Great Weit ern Park, Manning, la. For the month of June, July, August and September, on every Sunday except July 3, the Chicago Great Western railway will aell rounA-trip ticket at one fare to Great Western park, Manning, I a. For fur ther Information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 15U Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. MASS CONVENTION IS SURE Dissatisfied Democrats Only Walt Action of Conrt Before Proceeding, Democrats who opposed the action of th Jarksonlan machine In forcing Dr. Hippie a the nomine for water commissioner by revivifying th last city convention say they will wait until a, decision Is mad on the Connolly-Gellus mandamus ault before doing anything toward holding a mass con vention to put up an Independent candidate. They intimate that they will do this If th decision goes against them, and th city comnutt to not compelled to issu avcaU. Accurate Oven Thermometers There U a certainty and satisfac tion about the baking done in Moore's Thermometer Ranges that is unequalled. Thousands of these ranges are in use and they are especially in favor with particular housekeeper who have a reputation for good cooking. You are invited to call and whether you wish to purchase, or not, we shall be pleased to. show you th workinar of the thermometer, tne Hing ed Top,, th Controller Damper and , the many other point in. which NEBRASKA nmNITURS 413-415 No. 24th SL, South Omaha. Get Our Furniture Prices Before Buying. Witt TUB RELIABLE STORE. See Our New Fall Patterns In Carpets. $1.50 TO $3.00 SAMPLE SHIRTS, 69c AND 98c. Men's Negligee Shirts in Both Light and Heavy Weights Heavy Woolen and Handsome Silk Stripe French Flannels in Great Variety of Colors and Newest Fall Patterns.. .. 69c PiND 98c THE ENTIRE 8AMPI.B LINK OF A LARGE MANl FArTl UKR, WORTH FROM J1.50 TO 3. f'KR OAR-MBNT- YOrn CHOICK TI'ESDA Y, AT SEE DISPLAY IH SIXTUHTH STREET WINDOW. BEST TAFFETA VALUE. For Tuesday we offer 100 pieces of Pure Silk RriRht and Rustling Taffeta In all the loarilnR mret ana evening snsaes. im bmk is imp or me strongest una Drr-i wearing made and you can buy any quantity u all are in full pieces. The iQn regular selling prioe is 69c. Fur Tuesday we place them on sale, at, yard TUESDAY IN OMAHA'S GREATEST DOMESTIC ROOM. CLOSING Ol'T ALL WASH GOODS AT A TRIFLE OF THEIR COST Your choice of anything we have left on Tuesday of all our summer wash goods, worth up to 15c yard, 2ic at, yard Closing out summer prints, at, yard... 19c Flannelettes, at, yard 15c Flannelettes, at, yard 10c Flannelettes, at, yard ..2ic 12c ..7ic ... 5c Wool Dress Goods for Children's School Dresses. 39c 75c all wool .extra weight Novelties, Zlbrllnes. Beotrh Mixtures, etc., AQn mi khIp. nt. vard. .............. " w 66c Novelties, go St. vnrd All wool Walstlngs or Tricots, OQr worth Wc vard. at. yard w M-lnch Sicilian, worth (1.00, at. yard Wool Dress Ooodri, at. yard, up from.... ...... FROM 9 TO 12 NOON All Wool Challlps worth toe yard, at, yard... 200 ... 49c ...10c 15c Just Received by Express New Fall Suits for Tuesday's Selling, Alsd 500 New Fal Coats and Jackets. VISIT OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT TUESDAY. HAVE YOU PRESERVED Y0URnpMc?3 AND THE SEASON FOR THIS DELICIOUS FRUIT WILL SOON CLOSE. Ve are Just in receipt of another car of Fancy Colorado Freestone Peaches and Fancy Larae. Juicy Bushel Boxes . Flemish Beauty and Duchee Pears, wh.ch w will sell at the following prices: . LARGE BOXES FANC COLORADO FREESTONE PEACHE8, . Qf)C o r Knv .... utiinlMititiillM BUSHEL BOXES DUCHESS AND FLEMISH BEAUTY PEAR8, 1,35 STORE THAT SHIPS XUUBCT at box. NO LIMIT-ALL YOU WANT. THE ONLY ffiOM THE GROWER, HAVDEft) BROS. diinfe 4 for primaries and another nominating con vention. They say that they will have the numbers to contrive the Independent move ment In good style and to elect their man. The hearing on the writ of mandamus Issued against the Jncksonian democrat was again postponed yesterday afternoon In the court of Judge Day. C. J. Bmyth, at torney for the democratic leader .served, asked for a further extension of time, owing to hi connection with the trial of the South Omaha cases in the federal court. A soon a he la at liberty Judge Day will bear the case. Mr. nnd Mn. CUnhen Will reopen their School tt Landing Z4M Farnam street, September 23, roinpU mantary reception, by card only. Inspec tion of th academy 1 to S p. m. Dancing I. to p. m. For juvenile. Saturday, Sep Umber 14 th; dancing to p. m. AppUca. tt(ts may be made now. Mortality Statistics. The following birth and deaths have been reported to ths Hoard of Health dur In th forty-elgth hour ending at noon Monday: Birth, Joseph A. Wlthte, 015 North Tweutx-Aftb avenue, boi Jueph 0'X.eeX, The New Patrolman's Shoe Mailmen and patrolmen will find thl the most comfortable walking shoo ever sold in Omaha. It' so new that nothing like It has been seen here before. Plump box calf, plain box toa, double loles, wide bottoms and low flat heel. .50 make It desirable and we guarantee latlsfactlon every time step in and !ook at them. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Up-to-Dati Shoe Houst Cabinet THE BEER YOU LIKE. Thoroughly agod and pasteurised la one of the flnest beer brewed. For home consumption, either as beverage or tonic, nothing surpasses It. Nursing Mothers can find nothing better. A a milk pro ducer It ia unequaled. It comes in cases either quart or pints. Try on case then you'll order another. old on DlnlaaT and Bpffet Car. Fred Krnn Brewing Co. Onsaka'a Model w y. Telephone 430. OMAHA 904 North Thirty-second avenue, girl; Simon Rokussck, 2U20 Farnam, girl; Josipli Henry Desterhouse, 115 South Eighteenth boy; Andrew Crulikshunk 923 North Twenty-beventh avenue, girl. Deaths Charles Henry Moody, 907 North Eighteenth, I; Btaulc J. Cupp, till Webster a month, HomeMisitors Excursions VIA Illinois Central R. R. ROUND TRIP RATES FROM OMAHA Sandusky, Ohio. ....... 123.00 Toledo, Ohio.. .M... $21.25 Columbus, Ohio. .$23.10 Dayton, Ohio... $22.00 Cincinnati, Ohio 122.50 Lima, Ohio...... $21.00 Springfield, Ohio $22.50 Marlon, Ohio -$22.50 Flndlay, Ohio .-$21.55 Gallon, Ohio.,... $22.75 Louisville, Ky $21.30 Elkhart, Ind $17.75 I jOwensboro, Ky ...$24.80 On sale September 8, 13, 20,' 27, October 11. Return limit 80 day Correspondingly low rates to many other points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Ontario, New York, Ken- tucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia. Full particulars cheerfully given at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write. Hammond, Ind.. .-$15.85 Ft Wayne, Ind $19.20 South Bend, Ind $17.30 Logansport, Ind $18.25 Kokome, Ind $18.65 La Fayette, Ind $17.85 Terre Haute, Ind $18.35 Vincinnes, Ind. I $18.35 Evansville, Ind $18.50 Indianapolis, Ind $19.40 Richmond, Ind.... ..$21.00 New Albany, Ind $21.25 Muncle, Ind $19.90 W. H. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha. Neb !" 3C COLORADO AND RETURN EVERY Ttwsday and Sata. , day from Auguet 16th, to Sep. tember 17th, InoU -with final. ' return limit Oct. 81.U 1904, via Union Pacific $16.00 FROM OMAHA JJ mm your tick read w Union Paoiflo. Inquiro 4 . , TICKET OFFICE, 1334 Farnam St. 1 Reopening of Mr. and Mrs. EtlorantTs Dancing nnd rh steal lelture riasse For children on Saturday, September 34. beginners. 19 m. Terms Beasun, Septem ber to May, S15. Advance, 110. Adults classes beins TuesUuy, September , S p. m Private lisnuns dully. Opening as sembly next 'Vi-dnsday. ITor' particulars call or telephone lu41. Corner nfieentn and Harney Streets DEPUTT STATK VETHTHtN AKIAN. CITY VtCTKRIKARIAK. H. L RAMACCIOTTI D. V. S. OMAHA. NEB. Ttlaonone Us. .Office aiid luAriuary, Mth and Maaoa Bt. BEAUTY TO look well Uh cart of you complexion. Ixrtwt allow un flthily plmpl. blclihl' tr frscklos to blcmlth yuiir Kin. Derma-Royale will removs thus Ilk mgic Cures Eci"i na Vtei Wllh UrMW-H'W Soap, a striccl Wn is Insurri. OLU BY DBUtKllSTS, Derma-?u)l. l Pr kottl. pres p'' Ierm-wyaU Soap. t$ Cents, by naU. Huts I on packsK. il.lf. express paid. rurir.lt. tiid IdtmcMiUl. tnt o. rurit. THE DERMA-ROY ALE CO.. Cl-clmtf. 0, chafr'a Cat frleo Drufl itor.