T1IE OMAnA "DAILY BEE: SUNDAY,' RKPTlTimTTI 11.'"1D0. JT. V GRAIN AM) PRODCCETMARKET VaJne Hold t tjrlj Finn "Without Pr ' . tfcuUr Cing Either Wy. , WAIT FOR THE GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT Will Innjeat Esteat of Hast DnaC FI1 at Oa. aad Esaet , Conelftl. Generally GrU af Cioaslp. OMAHA. Brpt. VS. 1K4. The grain markets were the seen of quit . a contest between the bear and tne bull -"element today, nelthel tde making much headway, although the buna seemed to have a little the better of th position, ao far as wheat wi con cerned. There are many of the opinion that the damage will not be aa serious aa the re ports heretofore have suggested, but there 1 aleolutly nothing In the news of the day to justify this -opinion. The government erou report is due today, and thera la much Interest in Ita showing. That the market for wheat held as well aa It did la an evl dene that the hulls feel considerable confi dence In their position, and that shorts cov eted more ar less freely, inclined to the aame opinion In a meaaure. Tha government Showing will be much nearer a atatement of existing oondltlona than it wr a month or even two months earlier, for the ad mitted reason that there has been mate rially less change in crop conditions dur ing the last ten days thAn during the Ilka period of August or July. More harvest re turns are In. and this will add to the value of the reports. It Is not expected by the wise ones that there will be much of a aur- frlse on the part of the wheat traders In he crop news, but those who have been -pecting a change from the 87. eondiUon of corn a month ago may be fooled. It will be difficult to convince the trade that corn has gone backward during August and Septem ber, although there were some -ool days and cooler nlghf. August last year added HoOO.OHO bushels of corn to the crop. - The indicated crop of corn a month ago was . 4"7,0O0,0O0 bushels. "The report will be the first to show the actual damage from rust to wheat. Comparisons will be made with 6M.0o0.000 bushels a month ago. Oats a month ago promised 790.000,000 bushels, and the ahowlng thla afternoon should practi cally Indicate the correct harvest. ber wheat, 4c for December and c ror May., this being the strongest future throughout the aeselon. After the demand had been largely satisfied there was a turn toward lower figures, followed by another up turn and a close with partlnl retention or th gnlnjn the September and May de liveries. Cord wa weak early In the session, and declines of about Vi point were sustained In September corn, with December a run point off and May He lower. The bears op erated en the theory that 'the gjjvernment report Would be decidedly bearish, but they were not willing lo1 stay short until the close' and tha result wag an advance that rractlcally recovered the greater part of ha earlier losses. , Janes' Wheat r Statea. h Jonea. estimate by states, and it Is ohe In which the traders have a deal of faith,' It tallying very closely with that Of unnw. is a 101 lows: Ohio f ... . 1J.000.0O9 . tl. 000. 000 . 11,000,000 . 20,000.000 . I6.0O0.0n0 . 27,0uO.0t . , 000,000 . u.000.000 . K.OOO.d'-O : eo.ooo.ooo . 18,000,000 . 65,0110.000 . 46,000.000 vja,Qoo,ooo Missouri , Illinois 1 Pennsylvania , Okalahoma South Dakota ............... Washington Indiana .........;' Nebraska Kansas Callfrnla ' Minnesota North Dakota Iowa r. .. Total crop, 51t.OTO.ow Dujineis, Including ... 10 0GU.W0 bushels macaroni wheat, a02.0O0,OWJ ' ' spring and 812,00,000 bushels winter. -Beeelptaof wheat at primary Points. Wheat today, 818.000 bu, against WOO ba corn today. k00? bu.. against 797 0 bu. . Shipment: vy nwi .'iv.w t r V, lslooo bu.; corn. L1,000 bu., against 791.000 Ofritfha Orwln Inspections la i car. oats, ago. ' ." 'Oaaaka '- Cash Prleea. : -WrHBAT-No. t hard. tl.: No. I hard. 97c fftt 00- No. 4 hard, 80c: No. I spring, 11.08. 'coRN-No. . 47W-; No. . 47c; No. t 4te; no grlda, ci No Ty.llow. 48fco; No.? yel low.. 48c; No. I white. 47JiC , a. t white, sic ; No. t whit. o; standard, N. 810,-. Oaaatta Fatarea. Open. High, tow. Today. Friday 44A 44HAi 444A 444 44B .'. 46A 44 A 4A 44A 4ft B : Deo May . Car Lot Vecelata. Wheat. Corn. Oats. -.Chicago ..... 8ti lxuis. ... , Kansas City .. illnneaoolls 77 682 Ue 101 88 ' .Duluth 70 . Oipaha T e e4w ' ': -Oral Markets 8BIsw.sw. ' 1' Closing prleea of train toAxf and Ftt dayt the rvtrkete named wer as follows: -Wheat- .'. Today. Friday. ..I1.05H8 11.0M4 . September Drceinbet ,.v. ...... .. 1.08V , .. 1.10HB l.osS MOVi . Cora. . .- - . September ' , Decembr. ,J.f,....V May ,. Oata- . September ;,v... .............. . poerober . .I j'i 'KAjiaAS CITT. 62S8 61 B 4fB 31 4B 68 61Vt 9l 82 Vi 86 . Wheat December May Corn December May ...... .; Wheat-' " - December ' May ...... Corn December May ' Wheat December Mry ...... "Wheat December May 46 ' 46 BT. LOUIS. 1.11H . l.uv . . 1.104 1.18 48 Vi .48 ".!'.".;;!!"!!!!;.'!! 47$ MiNNKAPOus. . ........1.184 ., i-uvi DULUTH. . ' 1.1IH l.U ..w.,f, 1.1 1 l NEW YORK. -"Wheat December l.UVfc 118 l.U May ' Coaaasarvial Ga.sl. ' Oraln clearance for the day: Wheat, I4.OU0; flour. 84.0W: corn. 48,000; aU, 87, wheat and flour. 1U.UUU. ' Oeorge Adams Grain Company: St. Louli 'ay. contract stock wheat decreased U,w0 again yesterday. All kind Increased 11.000; nor wheal to go, out of contract grade. Sunderland aV I'pdlke. Minneapolis, say! ' Saw some very bullish wire and letter, from Now York this morning on flour. JPhey ay there has been more flour sold or export than for month, and stock Very low: - Minneapolis says light receipts due to fact that country mill, ar not letting wheat get away from them. Klevator men Just told m whoat that wa. headed this ' 'way I. being .hipped to country mill In ' stead. Ftataaelal Gaasiax. Wabash secure Pittsburg; bait Un. -Reading voting trust bow terminated. No early Incfea In Union PaclAo divi dend probebl. ' . . ' .Augliat earnlnga for Reading; expected to ' -Vxnak strong ahowlng. V' Steal amtngs for Sptmbt quarter will ir : approaimal 4ii.0ju.OuU. Chesapeake 4k Ohio earned 81 pet ont- on - t stock in pt year and la now la strong - physical ipoaitlwt. ' " New Xorti lank lost 88.4M.800 an week's " currency nwvement.' Banks lost s to aub ' treasury" sine JVIday. U8i1.00. . . 1 American Locomotive annual report ehw ,' ' surplus after preferred dividend of Miikl tn 1 A 7rt re A.nt nnMrinmnB Mtui-k . 1 tea a .as City '.fcsalai aad frasletoaa. KANSAS CITY, Sept. Jfc. WHtiT PiJy, September, 9, Vic: December. vtl .May. c. Cash; No. 3 hard, . No. 8. KiirStoj N. 4. rM!i No. 'i rei, tJ fal 07t.Nu. VllQul w, No. 4. e3. . C 'UN Lower; B.nut.r, 7c; I)tinber, Hi; Ma, At, Ca;iN. I uUaed, 4.'V.w . . ", t,, , hMt contracts, recelpte, was the chief reason for a small ,n.ri,.in. 2 22ZL, ttm iith the oosl decline throughout the entire list. The rA.r?r,n? ., SITSnint SnwinVmakhfg volume of traSlna; waa small. At the cloae iihlULL, ih21. iJ ? P?tlm2Sr Vfh"s w"5 the January products were each c lower, a radical change In aentlment. i ni rlt -i.ini- It tij 4714 lard at 17 12H and attended with an advance of o for ; Beptem- P"r.K.c'',n ira at ana ro. I hard wheat. 4 cars No. nltrd w,ne-? cars No. I corn. 4 cars No. corn. 1 car -NoT7corn. I cari No. wh(t; corn. I car ..No 4 white corn, I cars No. 1 white oata, 4 cars No. I white oaU. 1 car standard oata. h OnJf fh oar. Ko. corn. Total 86 cars. ... ;Omaba Cash B&-s .On , ear Nott.he.1 - '"l lbs. S7ei 1 car No. I wheat, BT lba.. 11.00, . ' ltC wheat, 6714 lb. ..$1.00; I cat No. I wheat. 60H lba., foo: T Oar No. I wheat, 69H . . . .bl1.0r? car No. i yellow corn o No. I oorn, 47140; 1 car No. 4 whit oata, So, --HrrNo. 1L 47e: No. t wtiite, ssue; No. a, B f . . . , W . . . . a UAis ssiwar; o, I wnita, nastu; ro. a lulled. :j32tta. . 11A I m, Mk ; r Ho Ice timothy, $9,404 oholc pre trie! 17 JK'7.50. - RYE steady t 16. , . ' 'EG44B Nteady; Missouri nd KenVss, new Hv $. whllewood case Included, 18c; can count. lc; cases returned, W lesa. HL 'iTfciH -Horeamery, listgwt; aairy. tflc. - Receipt. Shipments. ......i") 14.6"0 Wheat, bn Corn, hu... oata, iu.. sa.ouo 4,000 CHICAGO GltAl provisions Feat area aft the TVaalaar and Closing Frier oa Boalrd af Trad. CM1CAOO, Sept. 10 Y-t'nceMalnty to the ahowlng of tha forthcoming govern ment report restricted trading In the grain pits today, resulting In k festurelesa mar ket. At the close December wheat waa up lftlfec. Corn was dokyn VifeHc Oata were oft -aStc. Prevlaloiia cloaea with a loes of Bo.- . , The wheat market openedX a trifle eaaler as a result of lower cables land continued favorable weather, December being off V.'n'O.c at n.OKHtn-OHH. The delmand, which was very light at the Immediate opening, soon showed considerable Improvement. The demand was principally ror the De cember option, which Boon ros to $1.014. Trading Our I rig the remainder 4jf the se alon waa mainly of an venlng-up charac ter. The fact that the government report would b laaued late in the afternoon pre vented any great amount of new business, traders preferring to hold oft uritll the announcement of official figures on the new crop raa made. The market closed firm with December at Sl.tBHffjl.W.. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to bushels. primary receipts were 1,40 bushels, compared with l.OHO.Jno bushel a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported rorelpt of 131 cars, against 249 cars Inst week and 1 cars a year sro. Favorable advices regarding the conrll tlons of the maturing crop and fear that the government report would be bearish caused weaknesa In corn. December opened a shade lower to a shade higher at SlVr.lHc; sold between BOVtGtOHe and &c, and closed at 61a. Local receipts were to! cars, with 59 of contract grade. Oats were steady, with only a light trade. The market was Influenced largely by the action of corn. Considering the very heavy movement, prices -held remarkably Arm. December opened unchanged to H'ff'aO higher at S2J4C to tiU3Jc. sold between S2t32c, and closed at U&320. Local receipts were 188 cars. provisions were easier, selling or pit rlKa ft. tA mT Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 74 cars; corn, 788. cars; oata, 1&8 can; hogs, glow head. Th loading future, ranged aa ioiiows: Artlclea Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloee. Tes y M, AND 1 .hnrta . traders, aue to prospects or inoreasea nog Wheat I a Sept. 1 084 1 0S 1 OSVi 1 W b Sept. 10H-V4 1 06 1 06V 1 06 -Deo. lflS-Vk 1 09 1 0(tV 108Vr- May 10Wi-10 1 10 1 1104k-Vi Corn Sept. 63 634 62H 08 Dec. 51VMJ-H ' 61 61 May 4T-0Vk 60ViO 48t844l Oats Sept. . 81H 81H 14 81H Dec 82HSr 82. l 32viff May . Vi , 35V4 44 4' OctT 10 90 10 M 10 72H 10 82V4 Jsn. 11 60 13 66 U 47Vi U 47Vt Lard Oct. 7 12V4 7 12H 7 05 T Jan. 7 20. T 12V4 7 12V4 7 12H Ribs Oct, - 7 42H 7 42Vi 7 so 7 87V4 Jan. J 6 80 660 65 690 1 04 1 054, 1 (mH UOVs-W 63 azv 85 10 92U U62Vi tnvs 7 43H I 60 No 3. a old. b new. Cash quotations were aa follow.! FIOUR Steady; winter patents, $6,109 $6.80; straights. ,$4.90fi5 .00: spring patent.. $fi 2OQ8.90; straights, $4.6036.10; baker. $3.84 tj5 80. - W H BAT No. 8 snrlng. tl.llV: No. 8. $1.08 1.18: No. 3 red. $TO8He1.09V. UOHN-NO. I, bzc; iso. a yenow, OATS No. 3. aiVic-! No. -.3 .white, 3240 8SV4e: No. 3 white, fcVo. RYB-No, 8. 71Ha73c, BARLET-Oood feeding;, 87Vicj fair to choice malting 44Sle. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 3118H; No. I north western, $1.$7H- Clover, contract grade, $11.7611.90. - - PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per. bbt, t10.87V4Fm.A0. Lrd. ner 100 lbs.. S7.0Oi37.O2U, Short ribs s4de (looee) $7.86(27.46; short clear 1'les (boxed),. lHJ.a - . The receipts and shipments today wer a follows RecelDts. Shipments Flour, Dbls lfl,U0 Wheat, bu 178.000 Corn, bu. 787,no Oats, bu 884.700 Rye. bu 14.800 Bar'ev. bu. 81.800 It.UIIO 83.800 1.050, KO 87.810 88.000 ,800 On the Produce exchange today tn hut Ut market was easy; creameries, 1419c; dairies; lifilSo. Gggs. firm at mark; case. Included, 14ViS17o. Cheese, firm at 8S9c. It. Ijeal Grata aad Provisions. ST. IX1UIS. Sept 10. WHEAT Higher; No. 3 red. cash, elevator, $1 10V4; track, $1.1SS1.14; December. $l.UVi; May, 81.13V4; No. 1 hard. $1.061. 04. CORN Ijo wer: No. I cash. 49lej track. tlVMCAlfc; December, WHiQXSVto; May, Tc, OATS Lower; No. 3 caah, 32c: trac: C33Vjc; December, 3ZV4c; May, 34 Vi wnue. nwno. N FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. $5.85 6&.60; 10 to 86c higher for special brands; extra fancy and straight, S4.86Q5.30; clear, $4fi04.W. SBKIV-Tlmothy steady, $2.6508.75; prim higher. CORNMKAL Steady, $2.75. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 8SQ870. HAT Quiet; timothy, $5.00all.OO; pralrK $5.OO0?.O0. t IRON COTTON TIBS 860. , BAOaiNQ-7WJ7;. ' HEMP TWINE 70. PROVISIONS Pork lower; Jobbing, $10v2Vt. Lard weaker; prim steam, M.62V4, Bacon firm; ' boxed extra shorts, $8.(2vi; clear ribs. $8.76; short clear, $00. POULTRY Steady; chicken, iocs spring. llerllUc: turkey. I60; ee, 5o. BUTTRR Steady; creamery, 1630o: dairy. 1251o. - . EQOS Steady, 17Ho, caa count. iteceiDia. onipments, Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.y, 8.000 10,000 74.000 81.000 84.000 , 108,000 , 82,ono. , 48.000 Bostea Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept 10. WOOL-Th Com mercial Bulletin aays: The wool mar ket Is firm and quotations ar tend ing, upwards. The big rsductlon In stock through th heavy operation of manufacturer, extending over sever si weeks, baa put the supply at present for sale at the lowest point known at thla time of year.- It 1 eatlmated that dose to M per cent of Boston's allotment of Mon tana wool from the clip of 1M4 waa trans ferred to the control of manufacturers. Other territory 1 also well sold up. Th situation ia very strong and 70c, scoured, for fine territory I predicted. The week' deliveries exceed the receipt by over 1.000,. 000 lb. Th shipment of wool from Boston to date from December 81, 1W8, according to the same authority. Is 163,487,217 lbs., against 168.878,987 lbi. at the- same time last year. The recelpte to date ar 262. 148.778 lbs., against 8i,02S.4t , lba. for th same period last year. LONDON,. Sept. 10. WOOL Th ton o' the wool market 1 steady. Yorkshire ha been rather more active lately, finer grade being In stronger demand. Merino, are re ported In better densand In German center, while business tn the north of France la dull. Th arrival, of wool for th fifth se ries of auotlon sale amount to 64,611 bale. Including 24.000 forwarded direct to spinners. Imports this week were: New South Wales, U bales; Victoria. S7 bales: New Zealand, 4.873 bale: Cap of Good Hope and Natal, 88 bales; Calalse, 1,444 bales; Antwerp, 674 bales; elsewhere, 414 bales. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 10.-WOOL-Julet: me dium eradea rnmhlnir and rlnthtnir ftjAfitei light fine, livnauc; heavy fine, 124jl60 tub- waaneo. zaovao. Mlaaeapatl Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept 10.WHEAT-Sep-tember, 41.1SV December, $1 llHSl.LA.: May, IMS; No. 1 hard. $1 17V4 No. I north ern. $1 164; No. I northern. $1.12V1. FLOUR First patents. $6 Hk&4.26: second patents. 86.80U4.M; first clears, M2fc4.S6, wood: second clear, $2.86ijll6, wood. 8HORTS-17.Ktri7JS; middlings, . I13604J 30.0. - Mtlwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 10 WHK AT Mar ket Vfc" higher: No, 1 northern, 17V4: No. 3 northern, $1.16; .December, U.uSiUVi asked. RTK Market easier; No. 1, . BARLEY Market ateady anU actlv; No. 8, 6m; sample, 87iiUO. f . CORN Kasy ; No. J. t4V4c; Doembor, $19 6IH0 bid. - . v , IJvriol Praia) .Market. - LIVERPOOL, SPt. 10l WHEAT Spot, market nominal; futures, market quiet; September, 7s December, T 44d. CORN Spot, market easy I . American BiU.l. 4a yt, futures, market quiet; IWp t:nler 4s kd; December, 4 4d.' ' ' ' . . Pearl Market-..-, ''! ' PEORIA Bept ia-CORN-Lowrj No. , lio: No. 4. fciwc: net araila. klVo. WHIKY-4la(iy oa tif bael of 81.28 lor outeuea good. SEW TORE STOCKS ASD EOSDS Market Uores Bather ImrUflj, but th ' UsdartondiFIrnL - WESTLKMMIROAD SHARES ARE STRONG ' . ' - .' Price Waver Slightly Pblle tla l ask 8ttmt, Which Shawa Heavy laereas la NEW YORK, SepL 10.-A. a result largely of further heavy prodt-taklng stocks moved rattier Irregularly today, though th under tone waa undeniably firm. Th tendency of many Issues waa toward a higher level. Indeed, severs! of th more active Issue, such a I'nited State Steel preferred and common, touched new high records for the preeent movement. Business for the brief session waa unusually heavy, though not wl-Jrly distributed. Southern Railway wa the festur of the railway group In th trading. Later St. Paul. Lnlnn Pacific, Atchison and other standard railway . issues became rery strong, but elsewhere In th list the activity waa confined chiefly to th minor railway and Industrial shares. Th tobacco Issue wer but little affected by the proposed merger, though some realising followed th early tdvance In Consolidated Tobacco 4s. Metropolitan securities, concerning which there waa many , new and Improbable rumors, made an early gain, but closed practically unchanged. The market wavered slightly on th pub lication of the bnnk atatement, which showed an unusually heavy Incrsaa In loan and a cash loss which slmost ex reeded th hlgheet estimates. The grand total of loans and deposits Is now at the highest in the history of the associated banks. Reports that the government report on corn would be quite reassuring gave added stimulus to the list In final trad If,, and the closing waa active and strong. In stlte of further heavv Droflt-taklna. A feature of the day was the heaviness kf Reading, which failed to move up with the other active railway stocks and closed with a net loss of one-half per rent. A yery substantial advance In Colorado Fuel waa not accompanies Dy any specinc ex. Klanation. Total sales of bonds were $3. O.Onw. . ' ' The quotation on the Mew York stock exchange yeaterday ranged as follows: 8ales.Hlch.L0w. Cits. Atchison 14.8O0 Mv tH g."i do pfd hsu w si Baltimore It Ohio 4.900 8334 88V4 89V do tfd 9il Canadian Pacific 8.800 174 126 mvi Central of N. J.. Trt) 17SV4 17S - 174 Chesapeake Ohio... 4,fi00 43 43 44 Chicago dt Alton 200 41 11 Vi 41 do rfd R2i Chicago Gt. Western. L400 17V Chicago A N. W 600 191 C, Mi V St. P 8,000 16 do pfd , Chicago Term, a T... l.ono t4 do bird 400 15 C.. C.tC. A St. L 900 Colo, southern 600 do lilt pfd 400 do M Dfd 100 Delaware Hudson. v 400 IflCKi r VYWl... ..... Denver! A Klo Grande 2O0 do pfB 800 Erie ... lfkEno do 1st pfd .1 $.8110 do 3d nfd 1800 Hocklnt Valley ' do pfd Illlnol Central 704 Iowa Central 100 139 do pfd 1 100 K.-C. Pduthern........ 200 do nfd I.... sno 4V4 tfu Louisville & Nash 1.1O0 123V4 123 Manhattan L 2no 167T4 157 i Met. Securities 7.ft0 87V 85Vt Met. BU Ry 11.400 12CV 121 Minn. & St Louis.. 100 100 65 Vi ravi ft M , St. P. 4 S. 8. M ' do pfd Missouri Pacific'"... Ho. Kan. A Tex.... do nfd 900 tno 1.400 N. R. R. of Mez. nfd. 110 N. T. centrnl ' 3,800 12s1 Norfolk 4k "IV.tern... 800- 69 do pfd 125V4 1?5V Ontario Western... .609 884 XI Pennsylvania P.. C. C A St. L .81.100 120Vt 128 100 70 rteaaing , , 1.600 200 sno 14.600 , 1.200 , 1.3O0 800 , 1.800 8.000 68.700 Sno 9.600 snd , 800 ,23,400 . 100 , ,600 . 1300 , 100 1,400 , 400 , 6,400 00 1st pro .. m. ....... do' 3d Dfd ..v Rock Island Op - do pfd , St. U A S. F. Sd pfd. 78V, &3 St. Louts S. W do pfd Southern Pacific ..... 67 68 Southern Railway . .. do pfd ( Texas A Pacific ..... T., St. V. A W 31V 82Vi t14 do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash , do pfd i . Wheeling A L. E 47 loou 921 21 42H IS! 144 833 2 US' Wisconsin central .. do Dfd Mexican Central Adams Bx American Ex United State Ex 100 no Wella-Fargo Ex....... Amal, Copper ..: 11.301) Am. Car A Foundry..-1.900 230 $94. 6V& 69 83 23 ' 23V4 83 80H gnu 32V. J2V4 . 32V( 80 evt 4 20!4 zsTi 8nvi .... S3 36 ti UK 93 92 93H 68 67i 7"4 do prd 1,800 Am. Cotton Oil.. 900 UU (IIU ..... Am. Ic 200 do pfd 100 Am. Linseed Oil 1.... do pfd Am. Locomotive , t.600 do pfd 1,000 Am. Smelt A Refng.. 2no do pfd ,.. Am. Sugar Refng Anaconda BA. Co tin ina ini ins-Ji t, 182H 1314 183 400 86 . 84 84 T.W0 67 6fi4 Wi 4.900 44 V4 48 8.000 104 1,000 184 I8V4 r 200 70V 7nVAi 70 TOO 28 27V 274 100 174V8 174V$ 172 Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Consolidated Ga. .... Corn Product. do Dfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. 741 74 600 I.3A6 100 8.1"0 39H WV. ao pra ., National Lead ....... North American nvi 88 Pacific Mall People' Gas Preaaed Steel Car..., do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Good. do Dfd 85 84 3.n0 in4( W 104' 04;; 84V v X.4O0 600 lono taw .. SuO ir'ioo 1,400. 800 784 DO 314 "Hi 19V4 86V ivi 18 "rni 86V4 iU 744i 14i 64i W 81 Tenn. Coal A Iron... V. 8. Leather 484 84, M4 63 l6 St wu. do pfd tj. 8. Realty ......... U. 8. Rubber An nfd 409 100 74 U. 8. Steel rT.800 15Vi do pfd ,.61,000 66'J Weetlnghouae Elee.... i0 14 western un'cm ....... 100 ! Veatera V"lo, 1X '' W Total sate, for the day, 670.400 .hare. 1H Kew TrkMsy atavrket. NEW YORK. Sent. 10. MONEY On call. market nominal, no loans; time loan, un changed. PRIMS MERCANTILE PAPER-SHBSH per cent. Bl tiHunu r.i rt A.nja. Harxex areaay. with actual bualnesa ia bankers' bills at $4.87uva4.8710 for demand and at $4 84EO 4.8460 for 60-day bills; posted rates, $4.86Vi and $4 88; commercial bllls $4.MV4. bilv t;n Bar, 06c; Mexican collars, ONDS Government. market ifteady; railroad bonds, market Arm. Tha following ar tn closing Quotations on stock and bond.: " V. g. tel. ia. r. 4o eovnaa ..UNWi-Man. oa. goia 4S...10S .,lo( 4 Mnleaa Central s.. M ..lo Mmu Ob. 1st ins..., ..IWU'm.. A St. U 4614 C. 4. is rt ooupon V. I. saw 4s. rag ..lSlHi St.. K. A TV 4s 100V4 ee aoapon. . . V. 4. old 4a. re. no set ,. bom N. R. at M. eon. 4a. Tlfc H. X. C. . I4....1W) ao amines.. Atoblaos lean. 4a da aajuatatant 4 Atlantic 0. L. 4s It. A O. 4s n. t. a. jit. u.., Nortbarn Pulse 4s o M N. A W. esa. 4s., ..1M4 ..ltH .. t4J ..1011a ,. 1 a Bo ma... u m. 1. m m par.. c. et uar(la Is lldi Pens. eenv. !!io5 i..Ut $ So lat Ina Bt i R4ln. .as. ta..., C. A O. 4Ha wlM U I.M.eon.ia C. A A. ( t 181. L. A 4. K. fa. 4a. IC C , B. A Q. saw 4a.. M. U Botn lata..,, C.. M. d tt P.s 4a.lua..aboar A. L. 4a.... tii C. A N. W. oon. 1S..IM .outkars Paelfla 4a... M C., 8. t 4 f 4a..... tl otoer Railway aa.HTK ia el. ta MS4 Tua A Paelfla lla HHt C.. C, O M L.4a.llST . at. L. A W. 4a. 71 rhlcaso I'nloa PmtlBc 4a lot Con. tofaneao 4a.. Col. A goutkara D. A R O. aa... Be Mat. 4a m V. .. Btaai M 6S.... tlSi Wabaah lata Ill 4a da. B 4tI -W. AUg. 4s.... -i Wla. Canlrnl 4a so H4 Krla prior Ilea Ela san. 4a H'a W. A D. C. tU lOTSa acklas Vallar 4taa.luS Oslo, P. as, ts aart. L. N. unlflwl ia Bid. v (Tared Bkd. . Jrrlg Flaaaclal. LONDON. Sept. 10. Money waa auper abundant In the market today, and dis counts were easy. Influenced by a further shipment of guld from .India. It la ail niaUd that about $U.360,u la now on th way to London from various quarters. OB th Stock exchange th movement wer Irregular, aod tin. ling waa rather dull on te approach of the settlement, minimising operations. Consols wee o.uleL Hume rails war weakened by th proposed Issue) ef five mlliiua 4 per ( Nwriti brltUh eon. vertlbl irfereiic slutk, Ariibiluans wer firm oa New York support. Th local os- ..104 ..101 ..iH ..-Wi erf1on"wr- ohfwportant. Coalers were most la request. 4'nlted State Steel waa the feature. Trading rloeed Qtftet. Japa nese were slightly steadier. Imperial Japa ne govemmeni a at 4v4 wer quoted at 36V Kueslana were firm. PARIS, 8pt, 10. rrice on the bourse to-, day wer flrmt the war, calm favorably In fluencing International. Russian Imperial 4a were quoted at 84.16' and Russian bonda of 1904 at-a no. Tn privat rat of dis count waa W rr rent. BIORt.IN, Sept. 10. On the bourse today Russians wer higher; Americans firm. T ' sta Itneb Market. BOSTON, Sept. 10. C4II loan. 8VrlH bar cent: time loans, 446 per cent, umciai closing of stock, snd bonds: Atrtitnon adj. 6 AtUMIa 1IH as a Mailraa Central 4S. .iniainakam n . St raluawt A Maakln...(U Atrhlaon U WaMlnfhoua earn.... 81 4a pfd... H Adnnters 1 1 taatM A Alhanr .... Alla 1 toatoa A Malna ltl Amalamnte4 4S4 Roataa Boatea glerated ....UIH Amarioan Una Pltrhbsr. sfd 117 Catitannlal .... Mailras Cantral . HHC"HT Rnnfe K T . N. II A R..1MH naif Waat .... pare Maranatte T4 ;ronlnlon Coal It .... M .... IT ::::: M s t'slon Part. lOOH Praaklla Anaer. Araa CBass 14 Oranr 1 sou l.ia Rnraie 17ij de pfd .. SOU tal I A mar. Pee. Tab. A mar. 8n(ar da pfd Ann. Tal. A Tel. Aiaer. Woela .... do efd .. 4 Mas. Mining nsicklsas ..lMHlMokavk ,.14H4,atont. & A C. .. 14 1 1 lid Pom In loo . .n ... 47; ... 4 ... 1H ... H tS4 Oarenla I)onilnlon I. A 4 ::::rliH ,...1TH Parrot ... ia ... si Krtlaon Blee. til a-Qtilnry Shannon Tamarack .... TrlnKr r. .. Mining t'tah Vlrterta Ornaral Rlantrta Maaa. Xlertrtn t ... 4V . 1114 . M .let .. tl . 9nH ...111 ... 4H ... Ml ... 4t o- ( rutted Frott United Shoe Maeh. do pfd C. 4. steel ... 4 11 Winona ... .Ml do pfd Wolrartna .... ... SI Bid. Offered. Asked. - Londoai Stack Market, LONDON, Sept 10 Closing. CaaanU. nM U 1-11 Na York Cantral ...IK de teemu. J.U-U Kerf oik A Wester... 704 Anaconda 4S da pt4.... II awhlaon 14 Ontario A weatar .. 14 4 de pfd.., 101 Ponnarhranla Baltimore A Ohio.... 1H Rand Mines 1S Canadian Paolnc 1IH Raadlst W rbeeapeaka A Ohio. 41, de lat pfd 4k Chloaio u. w . ith ao M pre .11 Bontkara Rallay . 11 do pfd . 17 H f outharn PaclAo . . n t'nlon PaolOe C. M. 4 ft. P.. l DaBeara t) . A R O da pld Brie do 1st pfd da Id aid II I do nfd. 4814 V. 4. fetaal n ... v. . steal aid ...14IV6 Wabaah ll "i I. '..t'4;: - : Illinois Central L. A N M., K.-A T. .. Ik. m I c, opanian o aia B1L.VCK uar, quiet, igya per ounce. MONEY lVtfclVi per cent. The rat of discount In the onen Tiarket for short bil'4 In 3V4 per rent: fofuTre month' btlla, 2V$ 63 8-14 per cent. Kew York Mlalag Itoeka. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Th following are the closing prices on mining stock.: Aoasas ....M ia uiti eniar .. A I lea 10 Ontario Breeoe II Ophlr Brnnavrlck Con 14 Phoenix Comatork Tnnnal .... 10 PMoai Cob. Cal. A Vn 10 4aTaa '.., Hon) Rllver 1H Blarr KkTada iron Sllvar 171 Small Ropes ., Laadvllls Cos 44 Bundard Offered. ..160 ..111 .. 14 .. 18 .. M .. II .. M ..IN Clearing Horn Average. NEW YORK, Sept 10. Th statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week show; Loans, $1,130,486,200, Increase, $13,243,600; deposits, $1.2217709.400, Increase, $4,26.400; circulation, ilO.CV.6.800, Increase, $1,086,100: legal tenders, T8.5O3,0O0, decrease, $2,004,606; apecle, $26, 462,600, decrease, $5,902,3C0; reserve, $343,866. 600. decrease, $7,808,800; reserve required, $6,427,360. increase, $1,166,360; surplus. $38, 438,850. decrease. $9,066,160; excepted United Stat, deposits, $44,278,200, decrease, $9,066,326. KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Haetatlea ef th Day mm Varlaa Commodltlee. NEW YORK. 'Sept. 10. FLOUR Re ceipts, 17.000 bbls.; exports, 20,284 bbla Market Arm, with better ' demand; winter patents, $5.2u$4.60; winter straight, $4,969 6.26; Minnesota patent, $6.86'cwl.3u; winter extras, $a.4o4.00'; Minnesota bakers, $4.3(.'tf 4.70; winter low grades, $3. 2..80. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.264.aO; choic to fancy. M.H 64.86. COKN MEAL Steady; yellow western, tl.lltrl.13; city, $1.12,L14; kiln-dried, $3.1i i. . RYE Nominal. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 44c, c I. t.. New York. WHEAT RecelDts. 34.400 bu. Soot mar ket Arm; No. 3 red, $1.134. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $l736gl.364, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat options were generally firm and higher today on covering Impelled by a forecast of froat In spring wheat State, together with aood foreixn buvln of De cember. Near the close a partial reaction occurred, following a break In com, and last prices were only HV4c net higher. May, $l.llei.l2,, closed at $1.11; Bep tem ber. 11.13VWU.18V closed at I1.13V4; De cember, $1.13V.1.12 7-16, closed at IL12H. CORN ReceLots. 17.676 bu exoorta. 49.7nO bu. Spot market barely steady; No. 3. 5o elevator and 6740 f. o. b.. afloat; No, 3 yellow, elVtci No. 8 white, 60c. Option mar ket waa dull and easier. September closed at 68Vc; December, tQ&fc. closed at 6"Vc OATS Receipt. 184,600 bu.: exports, 4.000 bu. Spot market easy; mixed, 28 to 33 lbs, 34336Vc: natural white. 80 to 32 lba. seat 37Vc; clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs., 8S4340ViO. - HAY Dull; shipping, 67Vc; good to Hora-Firm; state, common to good, 1908, 27rf35c: olda. 7ffl3o. Pacific coast 1908. '2&& 81c: olds, 7313o. HIDES Steady; Oalveston.i 30 to 26 lbs.. 17o; California, 21 to 24 lbs., 19c; . Texa vuryi, ia 10 iw ID., 40. LEATHER Steady) add, 24p2e. PROVISIONS Beef, etendv: fntnllv tlKnn 16.70; beef hams. 824 0Ofi26.6O; packet. $9.50 r10.60: city extra India mm: ru ofvfri to Cut meats, qtvlet: pickled bellle. 89.A04D11 '$0; m-nieu inouiarra i.i"n.i; picgiea nnm. $10.00. Lard. sfed": western steamed, $7.60; relned. oulet; cop (nent, $7 76: South Amer ica. 88.26: com no. i ti tlfCUMAfih PmI, quiet; fnmllv. $16.60; short clear. $U.50ftl6.6o': roes. 81S MV813.00. . - . TALLOW Stead vs dtr (tl ner nkarl. ikn' countrv frvkgs. free). 4,4dc. niui-oieaay; anmntic, ralr to extra, Vk 3V4c: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, 19P19v4o; official nrlcSta creamery, uummun in extrn. i.wtmkj; state, dairy, com mon to ewtra, l2J18e. EOOS Firm; western extr fancy, 830 82Vc: western average 'best. 20ane. POULTRY Alive nominal: dressed weeV western chickens, lSrfl4c; fowls, 13V414o; turkeys, 14816c. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. Bents 10 OTT.lrvnn..4 barely steady; prime crude, nominal; nrlme yellow. 29c. Petrole-tm. a ted v: . refined. X?a VamU ar tM. . HIT.. , . " iJ"". -' rnnauaipnia ano Maui mora. 87.80. Turpentine, eaay. C6U(554o. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, 82.80. , 8AVANNAJT Oa., Sept. 10.-OIL Turpen tine, nteadv. 6!Hc ROBIN Firm- A. B and C, r. $j.iri. E. 33 66: F. $2.70: O. ,: I, 48.16; K $8 78 M. 12V4: N. 84.37V4: W. O. 14 a7Ui w w $4f7H. ' ' ' OIL CITT. Pa., Sent. 10.-OIL Oedlt bil snces. $1.63: certificates, ao bid; averse- shipments, 71.419 bbla- average run. 73120 bbls.; Lima, average shlnmen's. 64,524 bbla; umia, m Tcnigl runq, Ol.ao DDIS. Iisar .aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Sept, lo.snoAR-Uw. Arm; fair refining. 84c; eentiiftigal. 86 test 4 4-1c. Molasses sxgnr. 3V4 Peflned. steady: No. 4.8N-; No. 7 4.80e: No. 8 4.pv; No. 8. 4 66c: No. la 4.60c; No. 11. 4.60c: No 18., 4.86c; No. 13. 4.40c; No. 14. 4.40r: confection er' A. (60c cut loaf. 6 96e: rrtehed, 66e; rowdered. S.8Sc: BTanulated. I Sc: rahu .$0c. ' ' ' ' MoLASSWS St-esdv; New. Orleans open kettle, good to choice, mrS7e. NEW ORLRANS, fent. ia-r-8T?aAR-Bteadv; onen kettle. t48i.4e: onen kettle centrlfur"!. NHci centrlfnml white, Viei yellow. im,r seconds. 8l8;e. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle. $or: centrifugal, 1016c. Syrup, nominal, rnfiJSr. ( CoBTee Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 10 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at nn advance of rWj 10 polata. closing net ( points higher on Sentember and unchanged on all other positions. Sales were onlv about 4.000 bags, Including October at 4.70e; De cember, 4.804J6 86c; March, 7.1"?7.16c; May, 7.80c. r Snot Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice, 84ic Mild, steady; Cordova. 10r?l8e. PHILADELPHIA, Bept 10.-BUTT6R-Flrm, quiet; extra western creamery, 10 19V4c; extra nearbv prlnta. 20c. EOOS Steady, but quler: aearbv flrsta 814, at mark; western firsts. 80f30Vo. at mark. CHEE4JD Quiet: New York full creams, fsncv. 9V4jc; choice, $8vic; fair to good, 8V4&M.O. Ilalstk Orala Market. DULtTTH. Sept. 16 WHEAT No. 1 hard, new. 8117: No. 1 northern. $1.1H: No. I northern, tl.l3V4 To arrive: Od No. 1 northern. n.lKVt: No. 8 northern. $1.15. On track: Old No. 1 northern. 81 18V,: No. $ northern. $116; Sentmbr, $l lVi; Deeem ber. 31 16Vi; Msy. $1 13H. , OATS On track and to arrlvs, 8to, Tld Markai. TOLFDO. " O.. Sept M.BKED41 Clover, rash. $7 U: October. 87 16; December. 87 80; flci tember aulke, 87 45; September timothy, $1.44 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Comp4ftiT6ly Little Cling in Frioea for Gatth Dnrint; the Week. HOGS AT HIGH POINT OF YEAR TO DATE Market far Fat taeea Straw aad Aetlv aad Good t .a sabs Steady, $ Others Flfteea t a Qaarter Lawcr, wltk Feeder Strwag. .-. . ' SOUTH OMAHA, Bept. 10, 1904. " Sheep. 8.2S6 It i3 Official Monday'....:, Official Tuesday , Official Wednesday., Official Thursday..., Official Friday Official Saturday...., ..... Cattl. Hogs. 3.WI 4.614 7.748 6.4H4 4rti 4.9 4.6H5 4.464 4,680 Total thla week 16,328 89.8! 4S.n4 Total laat week 16.866 87.211 60. WM Total week before..... 13.230 42.674 43.064 Sam three w'ks sgo. 16.110 33.61 20.694 Same four Wks ago.. 10.614 60.2V8 16.834 am week last year. 23,363 87.322 66,748 RECEIPTS FOR til K V KA ft Ttl.nATB. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep for the year to date i souin umana, witn comparison who laar roar; lm 1903. Inc. Dec. Cattle 63.6.10 Hoga l,8Mi.774 Sheep .... sse? 477.2R9 11S.4T.8 1.6VS.928 ' ..... 4.156 831.07S 1491 Average prices r '-sy adxiajl IVI Iivaa, m 67W"i maha lor th laat several day with com parison: Data. 1804. 11903. 11802. 11801. 1800.U8?4.18SS. August 16 Aucust 18 6 0?V August 171 August 18 August 19l August 30 4 84T4 4 sou August 31 Aua-uat 12 $ 084 August 23, August 24 Avgust 36 Aurust M s m 6 IS August 871 a n Aurust 28 August 29 I UK 1 1741 August 80 August n oept 1:::, 6 la Sept. Sept Sept. Sept Sept 8ept Sept Sept. Sept. 8.. 4 . I.. 4.. h .. 10. t Hk C 844 $ U $nvi 6 8041 ISvtl 'nrtlcstes Surds1. The official number of car of brought In today by each road was: CatUe. Hog C, M. St St. P. Ry 3 Btock H'r's. 23 i waoasn Missouri Pacific Ry Union Paclllc System ... C. At N. W. Ry F.( E, A M. V. R. R a, Bt P., M.' A O. Ry.. B. A M. Ry C, B. 4k g. Ry.. .'.;..... C, M. 4 P, Ky east. Illinois Central '4 i Chicago Oreat Western Total receipts ( 71 24 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der or neaa indicated: Buyers. . Cattle. Hog. Sheep. ...... 676 Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company . Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co... Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. Hill A Huntainger .... Cudahy Bros. Co...... 8. A a. Bashln ....: 8 -13 1.239 447 1,486 243 .94 I 892 Mi 224 Other buyer 60 ? Ota I 164 4,604 246 ATTLE There were a few cattle re ported this morning, but they wer practi cally all billed direct, bo there was no mar ket For Uie week receipts show a very slight Increase over last week, but there Is still a big falling oft aa compared with the same week of laat year, th decrtaso amounting to about 7.U00 head. As will be seen from the table of receipts above, sup, piles were much more evenly distributed through, the week than usual. With the exception of Friday and Saturday there from th heaviest day, which wad Tuesday, to th lightest day, which was Wednesday. it l also noticeable that prices nuctuatea back and forth much less than usual, which bear out the, prediction made by trader that If shippers would distribute their ship ment through the week a much more even and satisfactory market would be experi enced. There has been a fair anrinkllnar of corn fed steer In the receipts, and while price strengenenea me nrst or ine weea ana eased off a trifle toward the close, there ha not been much chance all the week. Oood stuff may be quoted steady with the close of last week, while common and warmed-up cattle may be Just a shade weaker. The iange, though 1s so small a to be hardly worth noticing. Oood to eholce corn fed steers may be quoted from $5.26 to $6.86; fair to good, $6.00 to $6.25, and common to rair from 44. to f4.vo A large ni-ODOrtlon of th offerings all the week consisted of western grsas beef steers, but the demand waa ir anytning in excess of the supply. Prices strengthened gradu ally all the week and closed fully a quarter maner man tney were the weea Deiore. ana some of the more desirable grades were as mum as auiifloc nigner. uooa to cnnice gradea may be quoted from $8.76 to $4.36, and something striotly prim would bring considerably more than that. Fair to good. $3 4063.70, and common to fair. $3.7663.26. l tiers wer very tew cornreo cows ana heifers on sale, most everythltig In the butcher stock line being grassers. The market strengthened and weakened to some extent from day to day, but at the close of tn week oncca oa ine medium ana oncice grade ar about steady with the cloae of laat week, while cannera are a little hlghor. backer are now operating tneir canning departments to some extent, so that from now on there will be a demand for cannera which haa not been the case since the pack ing house strike wa called. Oood to choice f raa cows are quotable from $3.00 to 43.26: sir to good, $2.36 to $2.60, and canners and cutters from $2.00 to $2.36. Bulla are fully steady for th week. grassers selling largely from (2.00 to $2.60, while veal calve have shown an advance of fully a quarter. Oood to choice grades Bell from $6.00 to $6.60 and commoner kind mostly from 84.00 to $6.00. The demand for feeders has been fullv equal to the supply and In fact has been sufficient to advance prices IfxTjSOe nn choice heavlea and choice yearlings, cattle weigh ing from 1.060 to 1,200 pounds seem to be In ine greatest aemana ana cnoice yearnnga com next. The medium weights and com mon cattla of all weights are no more than ateady for the week. Oood to chute feed ers are quotable from u w to S3 86: fair to good, $3.15 to $3.40. and common stuff largely from $2.76 to $3.00, MOUtt There was only a rair run or hor here this morning, and as the demand from both shlDDer - ana - Dackera waa In aood snap, the market ruled, active and stronger on desirable grade. With th exception of heavy hoga the market could be quoted strong to a nickel higher and fairly active at the advance. There were no strictly prime light weights offered, o that th top Is no better than yesterday. Medium and moxea nogs sola largely from n.wus.46 and choice llghta 4rom 35 46.6 60. Heavy hog old mostly from $6.26o.to, or only about steady with ' yesterday. It waa rather a peculiar market, aa aome of the salesmen Bald that they never could get the market for their nogs and were quoting It no higher. The extreme close of th macket was, if anything, a little weaker. For the week recelDta have been verv light, there being a decree aa compared witn la a i weea amounting to about 7,ouo head, and aa oomDared with the aame week of last year there is a falling off of about 7.000 head. The demand has been In good shape, and with, light receipt price have movaa upward, ai compared witn th close of last week there 1 a net gain of tmuo. inis carries prices to me nignest point of the year to date. Representative saxes i Me. - Av. 4. rr. .. 4 74 N IB Ha 71.. t.. M.. 47.. It.. II.. Tl.. 10.. 40.. Tl.. II.. M.. II.. is., it.. ii.. Av. Ba. rr. ...i4 110 $ tS ...Ml ) 6 4f ...Ml no 6 44 , .,.144 lit 41 ...141 40 I 44 ...m m in ...Ml ... I 41 ...141 ... 41 ...144 ' 40 III II.., 14.. a., i.. 44.. 41.. 45.. 44.. M. 1.. U.. ,...1M ... ....til 4 ....147 ... ... l M I 6 M 4 M .14 ) is .Hi Ml .0l it I so 144 ... I ta ...Ml ...171 ...111 ...I.I ...Ml ...111 ...110 44 I 41 ... I 41 IK ... I M - .tal 44 4 M .111 H IN H4 14 I K . tal 44 4 M .140 ... I T .us ... Inst 6 41 4, I 1 41 4 a 4 44 W1 4M ( 44 14 M 4TW 41, 174 48. I 40 4T. ii ' I a II tal ... 40 4T tal ... I 4 It Ill ... 144 M 1M 44 I 40 II Bl 41 144 tl l M 4 44 Tl 140 44 I 40 II .XI 4 6 40 44 tl - to 40 47.. tal 140 $ 40 M .......M0 M I 44 It ,.l'l ft 4 41 t .....'.14 ... I 41 i M at W UK II.. IT. 01., .17 I 47t 12 .M .III 14 . 10...;. ...141 tl ill II 114 14 HI- at IU 1 Ml U 44 I M 14 I M ... I M ... 144 I M Mt ... 4 44 tl 14 4 4 14 .. 8.0M .. 8.694 .. 1,344 261 I 481 I 78 4 371 4 441 3 74 4 48 77 4 881 4 811 8 T4 $31 e .1 841 1 1101 4 84 3 74 I 181 4 8 i 861 4 47 8 64 6 12' 4 78 89 4 60 3 7 tl648087IOS $71 6 24 4 87 $ 741 4 na 4 4J & 81 7 01 87 6 0V 4 41' 8 r,f (88 I 61 4 87 4 411 I 74 5 44 8 81 6 Oi 4 421 3 81 8 46 7 10 10644018 7$ $337 81 888 4 38 8 73 ?79401 48 I 3 74 183 7 Kl 4 001 6 Oil 4 4nj I S3 T 181 4 08 $ 031 4 471 I TO 7 l 4 11 I 00) 4 401 8 71 $83 IU l IT 1(1 4 S8IT 881 $ 04 4 301 $ 61 $ 20 7 431 4 1 2 4 141 3 (80T36$u9B03 I 63 42 T 83 6 16 ( 08 4 19 6 47 7 401 4 8rt (08 4 22 3 61 I 47 7 46 4 84 f OS 4 fc 8 61 (44 e (80(084303 63 601 7 46 .(10 4 So 8 60 6 441 7 61 4 V 4 89 3 67 6 67 7 49 4 45 ( 16 3 48 Do You Want to Make Money? THE VESUVIUS COAL COMPANY OPTCBATINO A COAL. MINK. Fff.I.T EgfirrED WITH A MOIV FRN BTKAM HOIS! I NO ANP EIJ-XTRIC MININtJ PLANT. WITH HOI CKS, STOHE AND BOARDING Ht.H"BB FlH MEN, 14 MILJC8 FROM DENVER Will Sell 25,000 - Shares of Its Treasury Stock (.PAT. VAL.VE 1109 PER PH ARE) AT 40 CKNTS TER SHAKE. IN block" to uriT rrmnAJi;iis, for the prRi-ofE ok mak- JNa IMPROVEMENTS REWI IRK!) TO INCREASE OfTPl'T TO MEET I'NMMITKD DEMAND FOR THIS. THE ONLY 1.ION1TE COAl. THAT CAN HE. SHIPPED TO KANSAS AND NliUHASKA ANY "EAHON OF THE YEAR A STRAIOHT. CLEAN BCPINEM PROPOSITION. WRITE . FOR FI RTHER INFORMATION TO . THE VESUVIUS COAL CO., COOPER Bl ILDIG DF.SVBR, COLORADO Highest Reference Caa Be nivea. J 141 to I 41 T Ml 4 4 41 U 4.141 10 I 41 . 41 224 N 4 40 SHEfcP There were practically no iresh receipts of cattle thla morning and conse quently there was no market. For the week supplies have also been light, there being a decretive as compared with last week amounting to about 7,0W head, and as compared with the same week or laat year the falling off amounts to about 12. uw head. The demand from this point has been In good ahap from packers, and as a result the market on most days has been reason ably actlv and no great change In ruling price for eheep has been noted. On Borne days the feeling was a little stronger tlntn on others, but at the close of the week there la very little change from the close of laat week. Puckers seemed to b4 anxious for supplies so that In reality the market may be quoted as closing strong. Oood lambs have also held steady for the week with the demand active. In the case of the fair to good grades, however, receipts have been rather liberal and. owing to severe breaks at other points, the mar ket her on that cine hug eased off ns much s 1&H25C flood stuff, however, haa old well all the week. The same as haa been the case for some little time there have been more feeder buyers on the market this week than sell ers. Everything In the way of both sheep and lamb that was at all desirable met with ready sale at good, strong prices. There has also been a big demand for breeding ewea at what looked to b strong prices. Quotation for grsrs sheep and lambs: Oood to cholc yearlings, $.1. i5a4.0O; fair to good ysarllngs, t2.60iu3.75; good to choice wethers, 43.S64jt3.6e; fair to good wet ner, 43.2R4j4.86; good to choice ewes, $3.3.50; fair to good ewea tt.7b433.25; good to choice lambs, tS.OoSC.M; fair to good lambs, f4.7fi'9 4.00; feeder yearlings, 4.i"4'7; feeder wethers, tS.2tVf3.50; feeder ewes, 2.0ftr2.5v, feetlpr lambs, 13.704.50; breeding ewes, 43.00 tjj.25. ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET CattloTsteady, Hog Flv Cent Lower aad ghee) Steady. CHICAGO. Bent. 10. CATTLE Receipts. SGO head; market steady; good to prime steers, ao.uutt.uo; poor to medium, w.k 1.25; Blockers and feeders, K2.2&&3.HO; cows. 1.50S4.36: heifers, 2.Xg6.00; canners, 1.60 .26: bulls. 12.00a4.15: calves. S8.50ii4.5u; Texas fed steers. I3.0CxB4.4O. western steers. 2.7684 40. HUU6- Receipt, 7,000 neaa; estimaiea Monday, 26,000 head; market 6c lower; mixed and butchers. 46.3WU6.85: good to choice heavy, S6.4CkiJ6.76: rough heavy, S4.9& 6.36; light. S&.4od.&r; bulk of aale. 16.46(9 6.60. y . ' SHEEP and LAMBS Receipts. I.OW head: sheen, and lambs . steady : good to cholc wethers, H.6O134.I6; fair to choice mixed, S3.25(fj3.a0: western sheep, S3.0Oi4.15; native lamb. S4.004.26: western lamba. 4.50g)6.75. Kansas City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head, ' Including 400 southerns; market steady; cnoice export ana aressea beef steers. S6.OOtfiU.00: fair to good, 43 760 6.00; western fed stcersy S3.76(85.&0; Blockers and feeders. S2.50W4.25; southern steers, S2.50 f a.75; southern cows, S2.0Cxg3.00; native cows, 1.&04J4 26;. native heifers. 2.50J4.80; bulls, 2.004)350; calves, S2.SCKg6.0O. Receipts for the week, 65.800 head. HOGS Receipts, 1.500 hend; market steady; top, 46.60; bulk of sales, S6.45C5.60; pigs and lights, S5.47(S5.60; receipt for week, 14.000. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominally steady: native lambs, S4.655.75; native wethers, S3.26(j4.00; native wes, S3.004j3.76; Western lambs, S4.50ii3.45; western yearlings. S3.9X5i4.00: western sheep, S?.40S'3.75; ewes. S3.00fe3.K. Receipts for the week, 16.700 head. St. Loot Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 400 head: market dull, steady: native ship ping and export eteers, 4.&05.75; the top for fancy; dressed beef and butcher steers, S4O05.26; steers under 1,009 pounds, S3509 6.00; stockers and feeders, S2.04t3.5O; cows and heifers. S2.254l4.25; canners. 4125&2.50; bulls, 42. 600 J. 75; cows and heifers, 12.2&&3.00. . HOGS RecelDts. S.500 head: market strong, higher; pigs and light, S5.3046.95; 1 packers. 46.604(6.86; butchers "and best heavy, I5.75fr6.95. ! BHfa.h.r' and LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market quiet; native muttons, S3.503S5; lambs, S3 764(6.a6; culls and bucks, l:&t Hoax City Live Stock MarkI. SIOUX CITY, Sept. 10. tSpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE! Receipt a. 100 head; mar ket steady; beeves, 13.604(6.50; cows, bulls snd mixed. S2.2O4J4.50; Btockers and feeders, 2.7B 70; calves and yearlings. S3.50Q3.25. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; selling, 2.604j4.50; bulk of sales, 3.504.O0 St. Joseph Lira Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Sept. 10. CATTLE Receipts. 430 head: market steady. HOGS Receipts, 3.879 head; market steady to 6c higher; light, S5.6C4iS.65; me dium and heavy, S5.404fj.60. SHEEP Receipt, none. Stock la Sight. I Following ware the receipt of live stock for th six principal western cities yester- aay: Bcuth Omaha Sioux City Kansas City.. St Loula Bt Joseph..? Chicago Total Cattle. H05S. Bheep. 28 4,a85 .. HlO I.U11O ..1.2IH) S.&00 .? 4J0 S.5U& 1.000 .. 434 S.8T9 .. 8U0 7,000 1,000 .. 2,&94 24,464 6,000 Cotton Market. WBW YORK, Bept.' 10 COTTON-Futures, closed ateady; September, 10.8ec; Oc tober, 10.07c; November, loose; December, 10.11c: January, 10.14c; February, 10.16c; March, 10.19c: April, 10 21c; May, 10 2Sc. Spot closed duir; middling upland, 10.80c; middling gulf. 11 15c ; sales, none. NEW ORLKAKS, Sept. 10.-COTTON Quiet and steady; sales, 4.Z74 bales; good ordinary, I-16c; low middling, 911-16c; middling, 10 6-16o ; good middling. 10c; mid dling fair, 10'c receipts, 026 bales; stock, tZ.Mi bales. Futures, steady; September, 10.0610.07c; October, .9imM2c November, 4h Wo; December, 9 79 Wc; January, 10.06rtlO.Mc; February, 10.0610.llc; March, 10.142 10 16c. LIVERPOOL, Bept. 10. r"OTTON Spot in fair demand; prices unchanged; American middling. 4 76d. Futurea opened easier and closed quiet: American middling, g. o. c. Beptembcr. 6.0'd; September-Octohcr. 4.5M; October-November, t.oud; November-I-cember, 4.47d; December-January, t.45d; January-February, t.4Hd; February-March, 44Sd; March-April, 4-4ld; April-May, t.44d; May-Juno, 4.44d. 4JT. LOUIS. Bept. lO.-COTTON-Qulet, He lower; middling, 10' ,c; sales, none; re ceipts, none; shipments, 166 bales; stock, S,M3 bales. OMAHA WIlOLKIAI.aa MARKET Condition of Trad aad annotation on Btanl and Faaey Prod nee. BOOS Receipt moderate; candled Btock, 18o. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9Hc; roosters. 4c; turkeys, 10o: ducks, 7j4c; gees. 6o; spring chickens. lS&12VkO. BlTTTER-Vacklng stock. lUTHHc: cholc to isncy aairy, 4niac; separator, i no " FKESH FIBli Trout, luc pickerel, 4c filk. 10c; perch, 7c; bluensh, 12c: whilensh, lie; salmon, 14c; redsoanir, 11c; lobster, green. S0c: lobster, boiled. SOc; bullheads, lie; est nan. itc; niaca uaaa, sue; naiiuui, 10c: cropplvs, 12c : ru shad, SI; buffalo, 7c; whit baas, (lo; frog legs, per doc, Z5o. . BRAN Per ton. SIS. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Pealers' association: Cholc No, 1 upland, $7 OA; No. t, S4 60; medium. SC 00; coarae, SS40. Rye etraw, 46.60. Theae price ar for hay of good color and auuHty. OYBTERB New York counts, per can. 4 40c; estra eeiecta, per can. 3.c; stanaarna, per can, 42c; bulk standards, per gal., 1 6o; bulk extra selects, per h1 , $1 0; bulk New York counts, per gal., SI 00 TROPICAL FRl'ITB. ORANOES Valine Is s. Urge alsea, 11719 416, small slses, 44 ItWKaO. I.EM.(Na-C alirornia fanoy. tn, S00 and S40, H 0; choioo, 4J.iW4.74 Spendthrifts T Investors I vr. What can you get so quick and stir a New York City building lot in th line of growth t Lot from N75 to 800 each. Lot 29x 100 and S7i z 100 feet, $10 down aach, and J6, $3 and 10 monthly. Two hondred idU lion it being spent to Irnprov transit facilities and beautify Greater Nw York. Do yoo want to reap th bene fit of others' effort T All we ask you to do is to InvMtigat. If w do not satisfy you that you caa male 100", in three years do not invest. W allow your fares up to 3000 mile to and from Nsw York to inipect th property g discount from your pure has prioa. All representations guaranteed. WM. H. REYNOLDS, President, Westminster Height! Co; Berougs rsrk C. BesssBrl 0. Combined Capital, ft00,000. Combined Surptut, $ ItofiOO. Stocikeloers aad Beard f IMrectersi W m. H. BarsotM, PraaiiVnt ef the Boroaga Pars Co. and lieiwonharat Co. Chiikcit M, Dsraw. V. 4. Seaaoor tram titw York Caalnaas B'4 INntotofs M. T.C. cf' iStVau Vloo-Preo. nraoklya Bapld Tranalt Co. Os. ysAkrta T. Oir. Now Tori City. Joss Oaaisocon. Meurei- . Eiioi Witi.aa. Pre. Kranklln Hank 4eU Co. C K. UoxMLios, VIoF-Piaaidaiaof ta O. 4) M. Cliannray Co. of Hrooklyn. fvunaiat CMlLOa, IlarrettWfrCo, . . Bckhki li.. Treaanrer of too II. 4s m. Channcer C. of hrooslyn. Jasos Aaoa, Ex-Uajor of Sxraoaaa. 277 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITT, V. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, BONDt. VESTMENT SECURITIES, (320 Farnam St. Tel. 108 We b try ird all Scvih Cm aha Union Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb.. U 1 Bieotltsry ' Capital aad Surplus, $600,000 RANK MUiriV. Pfta. -LUTHER DIAjtE, Catslsr. riANI Y. RAMILT0N. 4ut. Caakler. Staoatve seeeeats e basks, baakara, eorpor- atlona, flnaa su4 ladlvl4aalo . aa favorable tarsia. a roralrn Biehasca seacbt a4 sold Latum at crodlt Isaaad, avaUaMs la H farta of tha verlO. Intaraat seld e Tlsse Certtflratas oi Dapoatt, CoUactloaa nuda promptly aa4 eooaeipically. Wa r, least serraspeodaaoe. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO, .OMAHA. CRAIN OUYER5 aod SHIPPERS Member: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas Clt and 8t. Loula Exchanges. . , Transactions for future delivery gives careful attention. SIS Board -Trad Bldgr. ' Tel. 1006. LIMES Florida, per 4-basket crates. $4.50. FIOS California, per 10-b. carton, 60oj Imported Smyrna, a-crown, 12c; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium slscd bunch, 43.04 WISH-, Jumbo, S2.76ffi:i. CAYENNE PINEAPPLE-IS and 20 all, per crate, S4.00. FRUITS.' - APPLES Home-grown, per bu. basket, 4060c; per bbl., S2 0u 26. PEACH F3B Home-grown Clings, per 10 lb. banket, 26e; Colorado, per 4-baaket crate, 11.50; Colorado, per box, SOr&Sl.OO. PLUMS California gross prunes. 11. SO; Italian pruner, S10(:ffl.l0: Utah and Colo rado plums and prunes, VOcSl.lO. PEARS California liartleit, per box, SI 40 ftl.OO; Colorado Flemish Ilenuty, S1.60: Col orado, Utah and Oregon Hurtlett, )l.6XKP 1.76; California II. Hardy, SI C CANTKLOVPE Oenulne Colorado Rocky Fords, per c-Bte, $2.00 WATERMELONS-Prr IK (erated), lo. CELERY Per dus.. 26j00c. . GRAPES Home-grown, per 4 to 10-lb. basket, toj'Q'Sic; CuiTfornia Tokay, per caa, $1.6iffl.05. CRAB rXPPLES-Per bbl., 42.Te&3.O0 pf market basket. 4(X!. CRANBERRIES Cape Cods,- per bbt $7 00; per boa, $2 64. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 4&c, NAVT MEANS Per bu.. SlUVWOOi ONIONS Home-growa, In sacks, per btl owiiac; Diianisn, per crate, 1UMATIIK8-HOI tome-grown, per market biiskrt. lMfOOc. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., 86d, Cl'Cl MHERH Per do., 15c.. TURNIPSHome-grown, pr bu.. 40500, BEETS Home-grown, tier bu.. bufluc. PARSLEY Per do... zio. WAX BEANS Per market basket. 60o. STRING BEANB Per market basket, 600, GREEN PEPPEHSPr. bushel basket. $100. BQUABH Hrtme-grown,' per dog.-,' Sac. KO(l PLANT Southern, per dus., $1.60. SWEET P41TATOE8 lloina-grown, per market basket, tut; Virginia, per bbl., $1"S 4JI.00.' ' MISOBLLANEOTTB. ' NEW HON K Y Per 44 frame. $81$. MAPLE Bl'GAR Ohio, p.r lb.. Im. CHKESB-WIsconsIn twins, full cream. 11c; Wisconsin Young America, lie; blocki Umla-f, new, loo; old. 16417c; Wisconsin brick. 12'4r; Wisconsin llmberger. 13c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shell, per lb., lie; hard shell, per II... 14c) No. I soft shell, per lb... 13r; No. S hard shall, per lb., Ucj iiecsns, large, er lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 4c; roasted pen nuts, per lb.. Ike; Chill walnuts, per lb., llfcriSVoi Urge hiituiry cuts, per lb.. 11c: slinonSs, soft shell, per lb,. 15c; hard shell, lie: hell barks, per bu., $2.00; black waiaiain, p bd., 41-2&.