.TIIE OMAIIA DAILY REE: BUND AT, SEFTEMDEIl 11, 1901. u s si .1 I it if f 4- ' r V 0 fir,. UV s ef- -01 -Olt C4 I -k'. if- i t rf"- it' inn; toV ,a ;o i .tt r '. : n V4 SPRINGS TARE FIRST CAME Millionaires Burt Out Tbli Time with Omaha Winning. HARD FIGHT REQUIRED TO . DO IT ganders Fields Brilliantly, Cutting; Oft rat Rons -with Nine Assists and One PWtont at Crit ical Times. Mr. Ryan of Colorado Springs an4 Ma band of Millionaire cam to Omaha yes terdsy and In tha afternoon played a Kama of bane ball with Pa Rourke's family on tha Vinton street preserve, defeating; ' tha home guard to 4. The defeat waa a bit ter pill to awallow, considering Sanders' i.-eiiOia work both In the box and fielding, ejander certainly corered himself with glory, making nine issslsts and a putout. the latter being particularly brilliant. Band era1 quick return balls fooled several of the mrn from the foothilla. The defeat of the rangera really happened In the fourth Inning by a aeriea of unfor tunate circumstances. A little more ginger at aeverol critical points would have aaved the day and won five cents for the little boy. who alta on the Renter field fence and tellfl tha great outer world what la going on Inalde the gatca. The fatal fourth opened like a political rally. Nlll and Ryan presented their can dldacle for acorea by making a pair of fine hits down through center field. Big Jack Thornton, the third man to thrust himself Into the fray, sent out a foul fly, which fell Into Qondlng's hands and that waa the last of Jack for a brief spell. Blake then waa nominated for a term at bat and was In the running by getting to first on a hit. Blake stayed on first by the skin of his teeth and If Dolan had used a little more headwork at thin point of the game either Ryan would have been caught on second, Blake at first or, more probably, both on a double play. As It waa Dolan attempted to cover second base to catch Ryan, Instead of throwing to Howard, then threw the ball to first after Blake had reached that point This made three men on bases, only one out and Graham to bat. Graham sent out a light grounder and got to first on a fielder's choice, Nlll going out at the plate by a throw from Ban ders to Gooding, the latter forwarding the ball to first to catch Graham, but the ball hit the base runner and before the smoke cleared up Ryan had scored. Baer wald kept up the good work for his team by making a two-bagger and Blake scored. Thus the visitors made four hits and scored thrloe in the fourth. . Seven base hits waa the best the Rangers could do with Mr. Nash. Welch began the exercises for his pals wHh a two-base hit In the second Inning. He scored when Dolan sent out a single. Carter made the only three-base hit of the afternoon. A double header will be played with the Springs this afternoon, the first game be ing called at 2:30. Attendance, 2,000. The score: COLORADO SPRINGS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Kahl. Sb 5 0 0 2 1 0 Congalton, rf S 11 1 0 0 niii. 2b i o.;i 1 1 0 Ryan. If... 5 11 1 0 0 Thornton, lb 5 1 1 IS 1 1 Bliike, cf 5 1 I f 0 0 Graham, as 4 112 6 0 Baerwald, o 4 0 2 0 1 0 Nash, p 4 0 0 0 2 0 Totals 8 ( 12 27 J2 1 OMAHA. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Thlel, If 1 1 0 0 0 0 Carter, rf 4 1 2 2 0 0 Howard, 2b 4 0 12 10 Welch, cf 4 1110 0 Dolan, as 4 0 12 10 Thomns, lb. 4 1 1 18 1 0 Schlpke. Sb 3 0 0 0 2 0 Gonding, c .........4 0 1 5 0 0 , Sanders, p 8 0 0 1 0 .. Totals 83 "I "7 27 14 "5 Colorado Springs ....0 0030200 14 Omaha 0 200010104 Earned runs: Colorado Springs, ; Omaha. 1 Three-base hit: Carter. Two-base hits; Baerwald, Congalton, Welch. Sacrifice hit: Schlpke. Stolen bases: Congalton, Rvan (2). Blake, Howard. First base on balls: Off Nash, 1: off Sanders. 3. Struck out: By Sanders. 3. Left on bases? Colorado Springs, 9; Omaha, 4. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Kelly. ' Dcaver Beats St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 10. Denver won to day's game by superior battery work. A three-base hit by Hartxell In the sixth Inning netted) Denver two runs. Score: R H E Denver 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 03 10 2 St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 6 1 Batteries: Denver, Cable and Lucia; St Joseph, Dlehl and Garvin. Dm Moines Wins la Twelfth. DES MOINES. Sept. 10. It took twelve Innings for Des Moines to win from Sioux City today. Score: R.H.E. Dos Moines 0 2110000000 1-6 7 8 Sioux City 0 2000200000 0-4 11 2 Batteries: Des Moines, Stlllman and Towne; Sioux City, Cadwallader and Leslie. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. ....130 79 61 ....120 75 61 ....131 72 ,69 Pet .606 .696 .649 .52 .403 .809 Denver Colorado Springs Omaha Des Moines ...... St. Joseph ....... Sioux City ....135 71 129 62 ....123 38 64 77 86 Games today: Colorado Springs at Omaha: Denver at St. Joseph: Sioux Cltv at Des Moines. THREE-I LEAGIE SBASOK ENDS gprlna-fleld Wlaa Peaaaat with Ds. ktatt Secoad, Cedar Rapids Third. BLOOMINQTON. III., Sept. 10. The sea son In the Three I. league closes Sunday. The positions were determined by the re sult of Friday's games. Springfield wins the pennant with the other clubs In the following order: Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, AVeekaffha Wcrld'tUFalr for $21.00 ta m Salsadla Hotel Right Iaadde tha Gveanets Ho Carxaura--Nt Klxtras . Bosorratlou Aoeoptsd Now. '' The owners ef slander pockttboeks eaa top all worrying over unknown coats and expendlturea In seeing the big exposition at St Loula, The Inside Inn, the enormows) hotel built under the supervision of the World's Fair management right Inside tha grounds; la making special seven-day con tracts on the American plan for 121.C4. This will cover lodging and three meals and daily admission to the grounds after the visitor has beoome a registered guest. By taking advantage of this very liberal offer pros pective visitor can figure exactly what their expenses will be before they leave home, merely adding transportation and personal Incidentals. The Inalde Inn la a new depart are !a World's fair aoooramodatloaa, It la three stories high, 400 feet wide, 800 feet long, has 1267 bedrooms and a dining hall with a seating oapaolty of 1600. Ftre-preoOng material has been used throughout snd most extraordinary and elaborate precau tions hare been taken against Bra. It Is run on both the European and Amerloan plana, under the parsoiuU supervision and managtcaent of Mr. EL M. Statltr, the well known restauranteur ef Buffalo which feot alone guarantees the high quality of the oulsln and service. Rates range from 61-60 te 86.M per say European and 88 04 to 87.0 Ametioan sUo, Including admlsessa In both olassss, The comfort and conven ience of thus residing right within the grounds and the doing away with ell weart aorne Journeys to aa4 fro each night and morning will be oevtoas te alt Intending visitors should writs at ones for Intense tog booklet giving full details. Address Ths Inside Inn, Administration Bids,. effsrbTa fair Orounds, U Isula, Ms. : , Bloomlnrlnn.fperatuT. Rock Island, Daven- pnrf and Hoourora. The annual meeting will be held In Springfield the rrst week In October. Presi dent Hollan'l reports . shout 15 WO In the treasury. Changes in the otrciilt are likely next year, an effort blng made to dis pose or Korkrord one to poor attendance. ana suosutuie imnviue or reona. GAMES 11 THE KATIOSAL I.KAGVB Plttsbnrg Takes Both froaa Chicago with Comparative Ease. PITTSBURG. Sept. 10 Pittsburg took both games- with comparative ease. The second game was called at the end of the seventh to let the players catch a train. Attendance, (.(SO. Score, first gsme: PITT8BORO I CHICAOO. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.g. bMrk. Sb.... t 1 i 0 C'fl. 1 1 1 t MiTorm'k. itt I I tiwijiieme. . l i e t I mtehey, lb.. I t HSirry, lb 0 1 t 1 Wetner. ef. .. 1 1 1 MrCarthr. cf. t t t Rranafleld, lb lit I Kilns, I 1 Krawr. aa... I 1 I O B", lb.... till U Smith. If.. 4 t 4 Jonea, rf 1 Phelpa. liTlnker. St.... Stilt Rob lie. .... til Welmer, ... 1 I ToUlt I mil ll Totals 1 4 M 10 I Pittsburg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Stolen base: Wagner. Base on balls: Off Robertsllle, 2. Struck out: By Robertaille, 6; by Welmer, 6. Double plays: Kruger to Branafleld to Phelps; Rltchey to Bransflcld; Slagle to Barry; Tinker to Barry. Time: 1:2a Umpire: Zlmmer, Score, second game: PITT81IURO. , CHICAGO. R H O A E. R.H.O.A.g. LMi-h. lb.... 111 t SI. le. If 1 0 t Mcrorm'k. rf t 1 t Wllllama, lb. I t I ( Rltchey, lb.. I I 1 4 Barry, lb. ... t 1 1 t Wagner, cf.. 1 lit 9 McCarthy, ef. t 1 Branaflekl. lb 1 (11 0 O'Neill. C....0 tilt Kruger, aa... till linn, lb t t I 1 L. Smith. If.. 4 4 1 4 Jonea, rf 4 0 Phelpa, .... tit 0 Tinker, te... ' lilt Archer, e. If t 1 I 0 Lundgren, p.. 1 1 1 lui, p 4 4 4 1 4 i ToUlt I I II 1 Tottlt I 7 21 11 01 Pittsburg Chicago ..2 0 0 0 0 2 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Wagner, Kruger. Sacri fice hita: McCormlck, Williams. Stolen bases: Leach. Tinker (2). Double play: Rltchey; Kruger to Bransflel. Base on balls: Off Lundgren. 1. Struck out: By Case, 3; by Lundgren, 6. Time: 1:30. Um pire: Zlmmer. Etci Break at Boatoa. noSTON. Sent. 10. Boston and Brooklyn broke even here today. Both games were IchmmIv lilavcd In tne first game Cannoli sprained his ankie. 'Ihe second game waa called at the end of the tilth inning by agreement Attendance, il.TSo. Score, firat game: BOSTON. BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.B.I R.H.O.A.g. rtalar. ef o r 1 1 t Straits, lb.... 4 1 0 1 Tenner, lb.rf I 0 5 0 0 Dillon, lb.... 1 tll.l Abbat'o, to... 117 1 0 Otiilfr, ef... 1 1 1 t t Cooler, It ... . 0 lit 0 Lumler. rf... t 0000 Delrhantv, lb 1 1 1 I 1 Bneeaara. n. i a Moras, lb.... t t 0 0 Babb, at lilt Cannell. rf... 0 1 I 0 Bergen, .... 1 4 4 I 1 Willie, lb.... 1119 1 Jorum, in... i a a i e Need ham, o.. 1 1 4 1 0 Mitchell, p.. 11111 rittlnger, p.. I t 0 1 1 - r fTotalt f 114 II I Totala I I 17 I 4 Winning run made vAth two out Boston 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 34 Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 V 1.2 0 13 Two-base hits: Cooley, Delehanty, Need- ham (2. Three-base hit: Babb. Sacrifice hits: Plttlnger. Mitchell. Stolen bases: Jor- plays: Geler' to Needham; Abbat'tlchlo to Tenney. Firat base on balls: Off Mitchell. 4; off PIttlnger. 6. Hit by pitched ball: Gassier. Struck out: By juMicneu, s. Time: 2:00. Umriie: Carpenter. Score, second game: BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.E BOSTON. R.HO.A.E. Oeler. cf 1 0 1 0 t Tenner, rf... I I I I I Abbatt'o, at. . 0 0 3 4 4 Cooler. I!.... 0 I 1 0 0 Delehantr, lb 0 I I I 0 Moran,' lb.... 0 0 110 Willie, lb.... 0 0 110 Needham. t.. 0 I I 4 0 Planer, p 4 0 1 0 0 Strang, lb.... 1 1 1 4 01 Dillon, lb.... 1 1 I I Oeeeler. ef... I 1 t 0 0 Lumler. rf... 1 1 0 0 0 Sheclurd. If.. 14 110 Babb, aa I 0 I 1 1 Rltter. e 0 1111 Jordan, lb.... 4 0 14 1 Relating, p... 1 o l l Totala..... 0 0 IS I ll ToUlt 1 411 I I Brooklyn 0 0 8 0 14 Boston 2 0 0 0 01 Three-base hit: Lumley. Stolen bases: Qessler. Lumley. Double plays: Sheckard to Strang; Jordan to Babb to Dillon. First base on balls: Off Relating, off Fisher, 6, Hit bv pitched ball: Gessler. Relsllng. Ab- battlchlo. Struck out: By Fisher, 2; by R.lInT. 2. Wild pitch: Fisher. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Carpenter. New York Wins Both Games. NEW YORK. Seot. 10. The Phlladel- phUns gave the locsl Nationals two hard battles here today, but they were beaten in both games. Attendance, 15,250. Score first game; , NEW YORK. R.H.O.A.E PHILADELPHIA. Il.H.O.A.E. Brtanahas. cf 1 I I 0 0 Thofnaa, cf... 1 0 1 0 0 Browne, rf... 0 0 0 0 uieaeon, lb.. 0 1 I I 1 McOee, rf.... 1 1 1 t 0 Luah, lb 4 1 I 1 0 Tltua, If 1110 0 Hulawttt, s I I I I I Donobue. lb. 0 0 1 1 I McOann. lb.. I 0 11 1 0 Mertea, If.... 1 1 I 0 0 Datilen. at... 1 I I f 0 Dunn, lb 0 0 110 Gilbert, lb... 11110 Warner, e.... 0 0 I I 0 Wlltae, p.... 0 1110 Dooln, e 0 1 I I 0 ButthoS, p... 0 0 111 Donila .... 1 0 0 0 0 Totala. 4 m ii 4 ToUlt f T 17 11 01 Two out when winning run waa made. , Batted for Wlltse in the ninth. New York 0 0001202-6 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0-4 First base on errors: New York. 2. Left on bases: New York. 6; Philadelphia. 4. First base on balls: Off Wlltse, 3; off Sut hofl. 6. Struck out: By Wlltse. 1 Home run: Hulswltt. Three-base hit: Dahlet Two-base hits: Bresnahan (2), Dooln. Sacrl- nce nit' Warner, moien bases: Gilbert. Thomas (21. Double Dlavs: Warner to Dahlen to McGann. Donahue (unassisted). Hulswltt to Lush. Passed ball: Dooln. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Moran and Ken nedy. ecore second game: NEW TORK, PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E. Thomat, ef.. 14 10 0 Oleaaon. lb.. 1 1 1 1 0 MoUee, rf.... 0 0 10 0 Luah, lb 0 0 10 0 Tltua, If 1 I I 0 1 Hulawltt, it. I I I I I Donohue. lb. 0 1 0 I 1 R.H.O.A.E Breanahan, ef 1 '1 I 1 01 Browne, rf... 0 0 1 0 o! MoOann. lb.. 0 1 0 1 0 Mertea, if.... I 0 0 4 ,0 Dahlen. at... 0 1111 Dunn, lb 0 0 1 1 0 Ollbert, lb... I I 4 4 ll Bowerman. t, 1 I I I 0' Roth, e...... 4 0 18 0 Taylor, p. 0 4 0 4 O Colwell, p... 4 14 8 4 Total! 4 I 17 17 11 ToUlt I 1 14 10 I New York 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 Philadelphia 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 t B First base on errors: New York, 4; Phil adelphia. 2. Left on bases: New York, 9; Philadelphia, 8. First base on balls: Oft ?aylor, 4; off Colwell, 3. Struck out: By aylor, 3; by Colwell, 6. Home run: Bower man. Three-base hit: Ollbert. Two-base hit: Bresnahan. Sacrifice hit: MoOee. Stolen bases: Mertes, Dahlen, McOee. Double play: Breanahan to Dunn. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Kennedy and Moran. St. Loots Defeats Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, Sept. 10. Poor support rather than the large number of base nits aecured waa responsible for Harper's de feat at the hands of St. Louis today. Tay lor was hit hard In spots, but managed to pull himself together at the finish, holding the locals when they looked moat danger- uua Auenaance, S.ALU. ocore: CINCINNATI. K.H.O.A.P1 IT. LOUIS, R.H.O.A.E. Psrrall, lb.., I I 4 I 1 Shannon. If., l s t a Keitoy, lb.... 0 0 7 1 0 Dolan. ef 1110 0 Sebrlng, rf... 0 110 0 Ortw.ll, II.... 10 4 10 Stelnfeldt. lb I 4 1 1 1 Beekley, lb.. 1 I I I 0 Brain, lb lilt Grady, e I I I a torcoran. aa.. 1 I I 1 Smoot. ef. . 1110 0 HuKelna, lb.. 1114 1 Pelta, a 4 0 111 Harper, p.... 110 10 Scbltl 0 0 4 0 0 uunleary. rf. 1 14 0 0 Shar. aa I t I a a Taylor, p 1 I 1 1 o Touit lo unit 7 Total! I 1 tt U 41 'Butted for harper In ninth. Et. I,uls. 00181018 1-10 Cincinnati 10010040 0 Two-base hits: Harper, Taylor. Shannon. Three-base hits: Dolan. Grady. Beekley, Sebrlng. Stolen bases: Sebrlng, Odwell (2), f arrell, Shay, Dunleavy,-Shannon, Brain. Double plays: Corcoran to Hugglns to Kel 'Y' P?m" t0 Corcoran, Taylor to Berkley. First base on balls: Off Taylor. 2; off Har-P'r'- ,ruck out: fiy Harper. 4; by Tay. lor. t Time: 1:65. Umpire: Johnstone. Umpire: Johnstone. taadlagc of the Teams. K v-u PUy'.l. Won- Loat New Tork ivs oe Pet .T3S .m .591 .CK5 .Coo .;m .S67 . , - - - 60 60 64 44 M H Cincinnati 124 7) St. Louis 128 c Brooklyn l?5 . 45 Boston lai 45 Philadelphia 124 M to Dea4w4 Wlaa la Teata. FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 10. (Special Tele gram.) The Dead wood base ball team de. featSd the Fremont Origlnula this afternoon In a well piaysd game ol ten innings. The boys from the hills found ' Eada In the tenth snd run In three scores, which gave them the victory. Cheatwood pitched a great game, striking out ten man. Fremont did good work In the field.- The score: R. H SX Deadwood .. 800000000 14 12 4 Fremont .... 000080000 8-4 1 Struck out: By Cheatwood. 10; by 'Carta. I Batteries: Deadwood, Cheatwood and Mitchell; Fremont. Euda and Strong. y Victory tor Field Clab. The Field club trounoed the Pa ton A Gallaghers yestorday. Chase waa effectlva , throughout and while the oppoelug pitcher was hit. hard and often the batting of Abbott and Crelghton were the features. The score: R.H.E. Field club 0 I 1 4 112 1 P. AO 0 0 4 0 0 0 16 3 Batteries: Field club, Cbae and Crelgh ton: Paxton A Gallaghers, Jones and Hunter. Two-base hits: Abbott, Crelghton, Martin. Three-base hit:. Abbott. Home run: Chase. First base on balls: Off Chase, 8. Struck out: By Chase, I; by Jones, 8. Umpire: Buch. GAMES 1 THIS AMERICA LEAGVH Detroit ta4 St. tals Teens Bhat Kaeh Other Oat. DETROIT, Sept. ' 10. For the third con secutive dsy Detroit and St. Louis broke even In a double header. Detroit winning the first and losing the second, snd the odd feature todsy waa that both were shutouts. Kllllan was Invincible In the opener and won his own game with a three-bagger. How evef. his support was great and two double rlaya killed what chancea St. Louis had. a the second game Detroit could do noth ing with Pelty, and, while Kltson pitched great ball, an error by Robinson made St. Louis' lone tally possible. Wallace, O'Learr and Lowe did the stsr fielding, while Mclntyre's batting In the first game was exceptionally good. Attendance, 3,000. Score, first game: Detroit. iT. Lons. R.H.O.A.g ! B.H.O.A.B Barrett, ef... t Mclntrra, If.. 1 Rnhlnson, lb. Hickman, lb. 4 Crawford, rf. t Drill, e t Loire, lb O'Learr, ta.. I KUllaa, p.... 1 Burkett. If... t Heldrlrk. ef. t Wallace, tt.. t Hrnea, rf. ... Jonea, lb 0' Padden, lb... t Moran. lb.... 0 Burden, e.... t gudhotf, p.... 4 1 I 1 14 Totala 1 T 17 I ll ToUlt 9 I 14 II Detroit 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Mclntyre (2). Jones. Three-base hit: Kllllan. Stolen base; Hick man. Base on balls: Off Kllllan, 3; off Bud ho IT, 2. First on errors: St Louis, 1. Left on bases: Detroit. T. Bt. L.ouis. o. Struck out: By Sudhoff, 2. Double plays: Robinson to Lowe to Hickman; Lowe to Hickman. Time: 1:26. Umpires; Coughlln and Howell. Score, second game: T. LOUIS. I DETROIT. R. HO. A. B.I R.H.O.A.E. Burkett, If... 0 0 1 0 II Barrett, ef... 0 T 1 0 0 0 0 Mclntyre, If.. 0 110 0 Heldrlck. cf.. 0 11 Wallace, at.. Ill 4 0 Roblneon, lb. 0 1 1 I 1 0 0 Hickman, lb. 0 0 11 U 0 0 0 Crawford, rf. 0 0 0 0 1 0 BeTllle, e.... 0 0 110 I 1 Lowe, lb... 0 0 I I 0 0 1 O'Learr. tt.. 0 0 14 0 1 1 Kltaon, p 0 10 11 Hrnea, r( ... til Jonea, lb 0 0 11 Padden, lb... 0 1 0 Moran, 3b. Kehoe, t... Pelty. p... 0 0 1 0 4 7 0 0 0 Totala 1 I 17 11 I! Totala 0 I 17 11 I St. Loula 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Sacrifice hits: Robinson. Hynes. Stolen bases: Robinson (2), Barrett, Wallace, Hynes. Base on balls: Of Pelty, 1: off Kltson, 1. First on errors: St. Louis, 'i; Detroit, 1. Left on bases: St. Louis, 6; Detroit, 6. Struck out: By Pelty, 6; by Kltson, 8. Double play: O'Leary to Lowe to Hickman. Time: 1:35. Umpire: King. Cleveland Takes Both Games. CLEVELAND, Sept. 10. Cleveland won two games from Chicago this afternoon. In the first Bernhard was hit hard In the ear lier Innings, and Chicago secured what 1.1... A wlnnln, I..H PlAUAlanil linn. luuncu line c ,. .... n - - - ever, batted out a victory In the ninth. In I the second game Cleveland hit Smith hard. Attendance, 6,927. Score first game: CLEVELAND. CHICAGO. R.H.O.A.E K.H.U. A. IS. Bar, ef 0 1 I 0 0 Bradley, lb.. 1 1 I I 0 Flick, rf 110 0 0 Green, rf. 1 I I 0 1 jonea, el o Callahan. If.. 0 Davie, aa 1 Sulliran. e... 0 Lajole, lb.... 1 I I 1 0 Storall, lb... 0 1 11 1 0 Luah, It 0 0 10 0 Turner, tt... 1 1 1 0 1 Buelow, o ... 1 1 I I 0 Bernhard, p.. 0 1 0 I 0 Tanneblll. lb 1 Donohue. lb.. 0 1 14 I 0 Dundon, lb.. 0 Altrock, p... 1 Totala. 10 17 It 1 ToUlt.. 4 124 IS I On nut when wlnnlnsr run scored. Cleveland 10 000100 88 Chicago 00003110 04 First base on errors: Cleveland, 1. Two. base hits: Lajole (2). Buelow. Tannehill. Altrock. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan, Tannehill. Stolen bases: Tannehill (2). L,cft on bases: Cleveland, 6; Chicago, 6. Struck out: By Bernhard, 6; by Altrock, 2. Time: 1:66. Umpire: O'Loughlln. Bcoro secona game; CLEVELAND. CHICAOO. I R.H.O.A.E. Bar. el 0 0 10 0 Bradley, lb.. 1 1 I 1 0 Flick, rf 4 I 1 4 1 R.H.O.A.E. Green, rf 0 0 1 jonea, ci v 1 1 Callahan, It.. Ill Lajole, lb.... I I I 4 0 Tarr. lb 1 I 11 1 0 Davla, aa 14 1 Sulliran, e... Ill Luah. If 1 I I 0 Oi Tannehill, lb 1 4 4 Donahue, lb. 1 1 11 Dundon, lb.. 10 1 Turner, at.... 11111 Oetdlek, t.... 11110 Moors, s 0 0 0 0 0 Smith, p 0 10 Heat. B 4 0 110 Totala.. I THU I Totala 11 11 17 U 1 Cleveland 71010800 11 Chicago 0 0 0 8,0 0 0 0 86 Kits: Off Moore, 2. In four innings; off Hess, 6, in five innings. First base on er rors: Cleveland, 1. Two-base hits: Carr, Lush, Flick (2). Three-base hit: Ostdlek. Sacrifice hit: Green. Stolen bases: Brad ley, Flick, Lajole. Double play: Lajole to Turner to Carr. First base on balls: Off Moore, 4; off Hess, 4; off Smith, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Smith, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, E; Chicago, 7. Struck out: By Moore, 1; by Hess, 2: by Smith, 4. Wild pitches: Moore. 2; Hess, L Time: 1.50. Umpire: O'Loughlln. Evea Break at Ifew York. NEW TORK, Sept. 10. In today's double header the Washington and New York Americans broke even. Attendance, 7.200. Score first game: WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.E. NEW YORK. R.H.O.A.E, CNell, of.... 1110 0 Hill, lb 4 1110 Btahl. lb 1 1 IT 1 0 Huelema.il, If. 4 I 1 4 0 Mullln, lb... 1114 0 Dougherty, If 0 I 0 Keeler, rf.... 0 10 Elberfeld, aa. 0 0 I Anderaon, ef. 1 1 4 Wllllama. lb. 1 0 1 Caaetdy. at.. 4 1 I I 1 paniel, lb.... 4 1 II Douoven, rf. . 0 I 0 1 V Clark, t 0 4 110 Hushes, s. .. . 0 1110 coaroy. an... v a MeGuIrt, o.., 0 0 4 uams, p. Orth, p.... ..001 ..404 Totala. I 11 M 11 11 ToUlt I 10 M 17 I Washington 1 00000001 18 Now York 0 00100100 0-2 Loft on bsses: Washington, 11; New Tork, 10. First base on balls: Off Garvin, 2; off Hughes, 2. Struck- out: y uarvin, 1; Dy Orth, L Hits: Off Garvin. 9 In eight In nings; off Orth, 8 In two innings. Time: 1:10. umpire: Sheridan. Score second gsme: NEW TORK. I WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Dougherty. Ill I I I 0 O'Neill, ef... I 0 I 4 0 Keeler, rf.... 1114 oRlll, lb 1114 0 Elberfeld, ta. 0 1 I 4 0' Btahl, lb 1 17 4 1 Anderaon, of. 0 4 I 4 1 Huelaman, If, 1 1 I 1 0 Wllllama, lb, I III 1 Mulllt, lb.... 1 0 I 1 0 Ganaal, lb.... 0 I 14 4 OlCaaaldy, aa... 1 I I I 0 Conroy, lb.... I I I I OlOonoTaa. rf.. I I I 4 4 McGulrt, t... s e a Kiurease, c, 1 v v Orth, p 4 111 4 Wolfe, p 4 14 14 ToUU.....4 Titt U ll T ota, la 4 1110 I 1 Two out when winning run waa made. New Tork 8 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 1- Waahlngton 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 fi Firat base on errors: New York, 1: Wash ington, 1. Left on bases: New York, 7; Washington, 7. First base on balla: Off Orth, 1: off Wolfe, 2. Struck out: By Orth, 2; by Wolfe, 2. Three-baae hite: ' Huela man. Csssldy. Two-base hits: Btahl, Dougherty. Sacrifice hit: Elberfeld. Stolen bases: Anderson, Keeler. Double play: Cassldy to Mullln to Stahl. Wild pitch: Wolfe. Passed balls: By Kittredge, 8. Tims: 1:86. Umpire: Sheridan. Philadelphia Wist Good 'Game. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 10. In the finest f ame seen on the local grounds this season he home team. In thirteen Innings, de feated Boston by a score of 1 to 0. Attend ance, 14,004. Score: BOSTON. I PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E. g.lbach. If... 4 114 0 Harteel, If... 0 14 0 0 Parent, St.... t t I a t rica.rinf , ci. t Stahl, ef 4 4 1 4 0Noenaa, lb.. 0 Colltne. lb.., 4 114 S L. Croea, lb.. 0 rreemaa, rf.. 4 I I 4 ( Beybold. rf... 4 LaChanoe, lb 4 4 11 4 0 Murphy, lb.. 1 Ferrla, lb..., 0 I I t 0 M. Croea, tt. I Crlter, t 4 4 11 1 0Povera, 0.... 4 Youns. P 4 4 4 4 tlPlaok, p 0 4 1 1 11 ToUlt I I'M 11 01 ToUlt 1 THU I Two 'out when winning run was made. Phlladel. ..0 00000000000 1-1 Boston ....0 0.0000000000 0 0 Two-base hit: Collins. Three-base hlti Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Stahl, M. Cross. Double play: Murphy to Noonan, Left on bases: Boston, 10; Philadelphia, 4. First base on balls: Off Plank, 2. Struck out: By Young, 12; by Plank, L Tims: 2:16. Um pire; Connolly. StaadlatT at the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. .619 613 .507 .662 .601 .418 .416 Boston New York .. ...... .126 78 7 68 Tt W 61 El 21 48 ..114 ..120 ..128 ..123 ..122 ..11 ..124 48 62 64 64 71 72 Philadelphia Chicago Cleveland St. Louis Detroit Waahlngton M .240 Games today: Detroit at St. Louis. Cleve land at Chicago. Chlekea Plekera Beat Wonders. GENEVA, Neb., Sept. 10. (Special Tele gram.! The Kansas City black wonders and the Geneva chicken pickers played a second game today. The acore: R.H.E. Wonders 00001004 1 088 Geneva 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 1 18 1 6 Batteries: , Wondvs, Gray, Jonea and Dawson; Geneva, Hrubesky and Burke. Diets Wis aad Lose at Tekassaa. TICK AMAH, Neb., Best 10. (Special.) Tekaaoah twat the C. N. Diets team of Omaha here today In one of the fattest antes of the season, the score standing IS K B -B is noted lie -Axk cafe . the 8 to 1. The score was 1 to 1 up to the first half of the ninth, when a two-bagger and three singles netted two runs for Te kamah. The work of the batteries for both sides was superb, especially that of Tekamah, Beardsley striking out six men and only allowing one hit. The batteries were: Tekamah, Beardsley and Copnle; Diets, Tonaman and Knight. Umpire: OUn Hopewell. Score: Tekamah .' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 C. N. Diets 1 0000000 0-1 The game yesterday resulted In the score of 0 to 8 in favor of the Diets team. The batteries were: Tekamah, Bucklln and kock; uiets, Faoer and Gibson. Umpire Singhsus. . GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Minneapolis Defeats Kansas City la a Slow Contest. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 10. Minneapolis today defeated Kansas City In a slow, un interesting game. Attendance, 2,100. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. Kansas crrr. R.H.O.A.E R.H.O.A.E. Maloney. rf.. I Aitkin, lb.... 1112 0 Freeman, lb. 4 Coulter, If... 1 Oremlnger, lb 1 Weaver, e.... 1 McNlchola, et 0 Fox, lb 0 Oyler. aa 0 Thomat, p... 4 Nance. If 1110 Hill, ef 0 0 1 '0 Bonner, lb... 0 1 1 I Maeeer. lb... 0 1 11 0 4 Lewee. rf.... 1 1 I I 0 Sullivan, at.. 0 0 I 0 Butler, e 114 1 Frantat, p... 4 111 Totalt I It 17 14 it ToUla 4 10 14 I Minneapolis 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 Kansas City 1 10 0 1 1 0 0 0-4 Two-base hits: Gremlnger (?), Thomas, Bonner. First base on balls: O.T Thomus, L Struck out: By Thomas, 8; by Frantee, 6. Double play: Freeman to Oylcr. Wild pi ton: Thomas. Passed ball: Butler. Sacri fice hits: Freeman, Weaver, McWlchols. Stolen bases: Maloney, Aitkin. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 6: Kansas City, 6. Time: 1:40. Umolre: Hart. Break Even at Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 10,-The last game or ne aeason in inaianapous resulted in divided honors for Columbus and the locals. The first game was a pitchers' battle. Hey don's ethree-bsse hit In the ninth, which brought In two men, won the game. Qules ser, a local amateur, pitched good ball in the second, but received ragged support. Attendance, 1,800. Score first game: INDIANAPOLIS. COLUMUBUS. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E MeCreery, ef 1 Magoon, tt., 0 Swauder, It.. 1 Davie, rf.... Martin, If... Frlel, lb.,.. Kihm. lb.... Yeaaer, e... 1114 4 Carr, lb I Hogrlever, rf 1 Heydoa, lb... 1 Berry, t 4 Cromley, p.. 4 Flaher. lb.... 4 Olymer, ef.. wrieley, lb Brldarell, aa.. 1 Malarkay, p.. 0 ToUlt. I 11 17 I l ToUla. 4 lint 1 1 Two out when winning run was made. Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 S Columbus 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 04 Struck out: By Cromley, 4; by Malsrkey, 4. Sacrifice hits: Frlel, Brldwell. Hit by Ditched hall: Bv Malarkey. Carr. Three- bate hits: MeCreery, Heydon. Double plays: Berry to Carr. Wrlgley to Klhm. Left on bases: Indlsnapplls, 11; Columbus, 10. Time: 1:65. Umpire: Klem. , Score second game : , COLUMBUS. .R.H.O.A.E. INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.E. Davie. rf...i 0 0 11 MoOeery, cf. 0 Magooa, aa... 1 Heydon, lb.. 1 Carr, lb 0 Hogrlever, rf 4 Martin, If.... Frlel, lb Klhm, lb Abbott, 0.... Clymer, ef.... Wrlgley, lb., Brldwell, at.. Porner, p.... 1 1 I 1 I 1 VI I I 0 1 I 10 Dickey, lb... t Swander, If.. l4 Qui r, p.. ToUlt I I It 14 1' Totala I I 17 11 I Columbus 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Indianapolis ,.. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-8 Struck out: By Qulesser. 1. Two-base hit: Csrr. Home run: Heydon. Sacrifice hits: Martin, Brldwell. Double play: Brldwell to Wrlgley to Kihm. Stolen bases: Klhm (2), Davis. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Klem. LonlsvIIle Deteate Toledo. ' LOUISVILLE, Sept. 10. The locals scored enough runs In the fifth inning to win to day's game from Toledo. Boliannon hurt his side In throwing to second base In tha second inning. Attendance, 600. Score: LOUISVILLE. . TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E Korwta, rf... lilt oBrow. a..... till! Hillman. If.. 1110 0 Friable, ef.... I I I 0 0 Coffee, ef.... till O Lee. rf 0 1 I 0 I Spangler. lb. 4 4 4 4 01 Mortarlty. lb I 1 0 1 1 Deater, e 1 0 I 1 1 Hammer, lb. . 4 114 0 Braahear, lb. 1 I 4 I 0 Burna. lb 4 4 4 1 0 Moulg'ry. lb. 1 4 1 I lO'H.rm. If.... 0 114 0 Qulnlan, ta.. 1 I 1 I tifllngman, tt. 1 0 I 1 I Bohanaoa. p. I 4 4 4 0 Morton, p.... 4 4 4 4 4 Cain bell. p.. I I 4 0. I Totala I 711 I 4 Tattle 0 tni 11 ll Kemmer out, hit by batted ball. Hallman out for Interfering. Louisville 00007010 Toledo 11001000 01 Two-base hits: Hallman, Kemmer. Three base hits: Hallmun, Brasheax. Hits: Off Boimnnon, I. in ons and one-third Innings; off Campbell, 4, In seven and two-thirds In nings. tMolen bases: Friable, Hallmsn. Bonus on balls: Off Bohannnn, 1; oft Camp bell, 6; off Morton, 1. glrurk out: By Campbell, 2; by Bohannon, 1; by Morton, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Campbell, 1; by Morton, 1. Iouble plays: ilrashear to Qulnlaad to Spongier, Burns to Ksmmer. BETTER. THAN OTHER- BEER. S . ecau.ee eacli Lrew kax of JTORZ a. master perience in Germany- and A TT I ' I ecause we uxe artesian water exciuxively w tor ltx sparKling purity and health giving t JJecaure our brewery ii mod ecduve our orewerv u inoaern ana JcrutmxouJiv cienn. Becauye we apfke Leer in kermetically sealed v&ix, fliercty avoiding ils corninof in con(acl with Oic air, an J preserving lis life and flavor. Becau.se we put il m toUles Qiat kave leen wasK eJ seven tiwe tefore fiUmrf, stenlixecl anJ Paxlreur- i after. for Jlor-z. BI T Keep ii in your lion ' e-r-i aistmci . 1 tors Bine Rlbboa eontalos nor (only S.03 per eent) thsa any O M AH A Left on bases: Louisville, 4. Time: 2:00. umpire: tsauswine. St. PanI Beats Milwaukee. ST. PAUL, Sept. 10. Stricklett was bad In the sixth inning, and the locals scored seven times. Manager Cantlllon assaulted Umpire Shuster in the second Inning, and was led from the grounds by a policeman. Attendance, 2,000. Score: BT. PAUL. I MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E. Jonea, ef 0 111 4 Stone, rf..... 110 0 0 Jarkaon, rf.. 1 Wheeler, lb.. 1 Flournoy, If.. 1 Kelley, lb.... 1 Martin, lb... I Marcan, aa.. I Sullivan, n... 1 111 0 Schaefar. ta.. 0 0 0 1 0 1110 Batematf, lb. 0 I 11 1 0 1110 O'Br'n. lb. lb 1 I 1 I 110 0 Clark, lb, aa. 0 1 I 1 0 1111 Hemphill, of. 1 1 1 0 0 110 1 Penneli, if... 0 1 I I 0 110 0 Reltt, lb.... I I 1 I 0 10 10 8 lattery, e... 4 0 111 Beealoaa, p... 1 . Btrtoklett. S. 1 I 1 I I ToUla 11 l3t 10 1, 1 ToUla I 14 17 11 1 Penneli out, hit by batted ball. St. Paul 0 0 1 1 0 7 2 0 11 Milwaukee 1110010206 Two-base hits: Penneli (2). Sacrifice hit-. Wheeler. Stolen bases: Marcan, Jackson, Kelley, Stone. Double play: Clark to Helta. Wild pitch: Sessions. First base on balla: Off Sessions, 3; off Stricklett, 6. Struck out: By Sessions, 7; by Stricklett, 4. Time: 2:06, Umpire: Shuster. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost Pet. St. Paul 136 90 44 .bt2 Milwaukee 139 79 60 .6tt Columbus 136 77 69 . 6u6 Minneapolis 133 73 60 .648 Louisville 136 72 b3 .633 Indianapolis 142 66 77 . 458 Kansas City 134 66 81 .406 Toledo 139 37 102 .66 Games today: Columbus at Indianapolis, Toledo at Louisville, Milwaukee at SL Paul, Kansas City at Minneapolis. Diets Team Wine at Tekamah. TEKAMAH, Neb.', Sept. 10. (Special.) The C. N. Dirts team aefeated the locals here by a score of 8 to 3. Batteries: C. N. Diets, Faber and Gibson; Tekamah, Buck lln and Kock. Hits: Diets, 8; Tekemah, 6. EVENTS ON THE RI'H.NIN'G TRACKS Redfern Wins the Champion Stake at Shoepshead Bay. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Stalwart, with Redfern In the saddle, and second choice In the betting, won the 826 0JO Annual Chain- ion stake at Sheepshead Bay today. Mujnr alngerfleld was second and Broomstick, the favorite, third. A poor held of handi cap horses faced the starter in this race. Broomstick was alwaya the choice and waa heavily played, his price dropping from even money to 0 to 10. Stalwart wus a steady second choice at 8 to 6, while the prices HAalnnt Major Dalngerneld and Africander were 12 and 8 to 1, respectively. Tradition, the favorite, won the Great Eastern handicap. Results: First race, steeplechase, nbout two snd a half miles: Good and Plenty (4 to 6 won. The Ragged Cavalier second, Daffo Down Lilly third. Time: 6:08. Second race, six furlongs: Hnndsnrra (11 to 10) won. Shotgun second, Flying Ship third. Time: 1:13. Third race. Great Eastern handicap, six furlongs: Tradition (11 to 6) won, Snudria second. Burnt Hills third. Time: 1:11. ' Fourth race, the Annual Champion stake, value 126.001). two and a Quarter miles: Stalwart. 116, Redfern (8 to 5), won; Major Dalngerneld iiz 10 i secona, uroomsucK (9 to 10) third. Time; 8:644. Fifth race, selling, five and a half fur longs: Teacress leven) won, Jerry C. sec ond, Niblick third. Time: 1:06. Sixth race, one mile and a furlong, on the turf: Flexion (6 to 6 won, Ed Tierney second. Prince Ching third. Time: 1:54. DETROIT. Sept. 10. Results at Highland Park: First race, six furlongs: Benmora won, Aden second. Silver Heels third. Tims: 1:16. Second race, five furlongs: Darthula won. Mister Karl second, Truffle Hunter third. Time: 1:024 Third race, one mile and a sixteenth: Marshal Ney won. Harbor second, Rachael Ward third. Tims: 1:604. Fourth race, international steeplechase, full course: Trenct the Mere won, Bnlsac second. Prince David third. Time: 4:24. Fifth race, six furlongs: Louise Elston won, Anna FUshugrt second, George ferry third. Tirue: 1 :15',. Sixth race, six furlongs: Burning Glass won, Lady Carlot second, Optional third. Time: 1:161,4. BT. LOUIS, Sept. 10. Results at Delmar: First race, six furlongs, purser Felix Mosses, 117, D. Austin 2 to 6), won; Tom Howe second, Fannetta third. Time: 1:104. LJ t A . 1.-1 owu,iu 1 ..... 11,, mm 1 a. . , ,..... selling: Jack Moran (7 to 2) won, Mellwood secona, tique intra, lime; i:ii. Third rsoe. one mile and seventy yards. selling: Lemon Girl (I to 1) won. Triple Silver second, Athena third. Tims: 1:474. Fourth rnce, one mile and an eighth, handicap: Taby Tosa ( to 6) won. Just 80 second, Jsck Young third. Time; l &My rirtn race.- six ruriongs, nurse: ireiia M. (even) won. Fruit second. Layson third. Time: 1:144. Sixth rnce. ons mile and three-sixteenths: Never Buch (4 to 6) won, Iubln second, Mainspring third. Time: 2:0W. eevanm race, six ana a nair ruriongo, sill 11s: Mlns Manners (10 to 1) won. Clime seoond, Purquol Pas third. Time! 1:12. CHICAGO, aept 10. Results at Harlem: Firs race, sit furlongsi Determination flic perjonal supervision. Lrewcr of 30 veaiv ex &e United Jille j - I tee. i wt r ' ' '1 1 af yoyxr Tkeres liome elcplion.e 12.60 . nttrlnest and less aleohol other standard beer. 4 (4 to 1) won, Durbar second, Ghats third. Time: 1:134. Second race, five furlongs: Kurtxmsnn (2 to 1) won. Belle Kinney second, The Mist third. Time: 1:00. Third race, Tecumseh handicap, one mile and three-eighths: Fonsoluca (in to 1) won, Bragg second, Brancas third. Tlme."2:19. Fourth race, six furlongs: Mad Mullah (6 to 2) won, Robin Hood second, Silent Water third. Time: 1:12. Fifth race, six furlongs: Big Ben (7 to 6 won,, Don Dome second. Nannie Hodge third. Time: 1:12. Sixth race, five turlongs: Silver Skin (13 to 6) won. Janeta second, Ravlana third. Time: 1:00. Seventh race, one mile and a sixteenth: Dungannon (8 to 1) won, Dr. Stephens sec ond, Telephone third. Time: 1:46. BUFFALO, Sopt. 10. Results at Kenil worth: First race, six and a half furlongs: Raw. hide (6 to 1) won, Yeoman second, Hobaon's Choice third. Time: 1:21. Second race, six furlongs: Kittle Piatt (7 to 10) won, Corn Blossom second, Win chester third. Time: 1:14. Third race, six furlongs: Rusk (3 to 1) won. Right 'and True second, Brigadier third. Time: 1:13. Fourth race, one mile and a half: Palm Reader (6 to 1) won. Conkllng second, Che boygan third. Time: 2:35. Fifth race, steeplechase, two miles: Opun tla (4 to 1) won, Mystic Shrine second, Charley Moore third. Time: 4:0D. Sixth race, one mile: Norbury (8 to 6) won. Lord Badge second, La u nay third. Time: 1:42. CHICAGO GETS A NEBRASKA MAN Bora; to Enter Lnn School and Play Center on foot Ball Eleven. CHICAOO. Sent 10. (SDeclal Telegram.) A real foot bail -man with much gridiron exuenence in the oerson of O. Bora, w.is announced by .Captain Speck today, ths new addition to the University of inlcago after two years as center on the University of Nebraska, eleven. Borg graduated lrom the western uni versity and will enter the Chicago law school. He succeeded John Koehler at Nebraska and. according to the statement of Koehler, was the best center his school ever naxi. . no piuyea in an tne tig tame for the last two seasons, having been largely responsible for the showing of the Nebraska learn in the Minnesota game two years ago and the Illinois contest last season. The center DOHltlon left vacant when "Shortv" Ellsworth craduated should now be filled satisfactorily, unless Coach Stsgg dcclde-athat Borg shall continue to follow Koehler's footsteps. Koehle played oenter on the Nebraska eleven, but the maroon conch converted him Into one of the beit trcklen that ever reoresented the south side school. Two Americans Win. LONDON. Seot. 10. In the final for the two kilometers amateur championship race at the Crystal Palace the result wsa: Mar cus Hurley, the American amateur cham pion, first: ''Al" Reed of London, the holder or 1 tne cnampionanip, secona, and j. a. Benyon, Englishman, third. Time: 7 min utes, 7 seconds. Iver Lawson of Salt Lake City, won his heat In the semi-final of the two kilometers professional championship race, defeating Otto Meyer of Germany and Blxio of Italy. Time: 6:68. In the final of the two kilo meter professional race the result was: Iver Lawson, first; Ellegaard, Denmark, second: Henry Mayer, Germany, third. Time' minutes, 3 seconds. Ellegaard was ths holder of the championship. Omaha Cricket Clnb. All ex-membcrs and others Interested In the game of cricket have been Invited to attend a meeting at IV Howard Itreet Tuesday evening end also to consider the Advisability of sending a team to Bloux City next Saturday. The Sioux City team will be rnptalned by Charley Lennon, formerly of this city. St. Lonls Plareon Wins Race. ST. LOUIS. SepL 10.-A bird owned by E. C. Klerkers of St. Louis today won the young bird "champlonnhlp of North America from a field of 200 homing pigeons. The flight Was 48.28 miles, and the time of the winning bird was 1:29:65. Pigeon fanciers Sale Ten Million HKLWIW 3 The BEST HOT WEATHER HEDIOIM CANDY CATHARTIC ft SO PREVENT ALL tUEKEH BOWEL TROUBLES p7 . tti liuV oualitm - clu.t or kealfK CO of the United States, Canada and Mexico had birds in the race. IOWA'S FOOT BALL PROSPECTS Many New Men Seek Position oat the - 'Varsity Team. AMES, ifa.,1 Sept. 10."-(Special.) Football prospects for the Cyclones this season are bright, notwithstanding that a number of last year's .team will not be. back. Work under Coach . Rlstlne Hai commenced In earnest, there being about sixty men out In suits every evening on the gridiron working for positions on the 'varsity. Jack Watson, the famous Grlnnell athletic trntner. Is on hand and Is taking an active part in aiaing uoacn Kisune putting mem through their work each evening. Watson will condition the men and expects to have them In good trim for the fray by the 1st of October. The work the past week has been of a nrellmlnarv nature, slow and easy, the practice of falling on the ball being the main feature so far. The men were lined up for the first time Saturday. The tackling of the dummy was alao com menced Saturday. Those or last year's team that will not be bock are: Williams, who played left tackle; Buckley, right guard: Dreher, center; Eber- sole, left guard; Telller, end; Eller, hair back; Mattlson, end; Cave, end; C. Scott, end, and A. Scott, fullback. Those ef last year's team that are back and will try for their old positions sre: Daniels, who cap tained the team and played quarterback; Worden, who played right end; Jorgensen. left tackle; Hennlnger, right tackle; Lyman, guard; Stoufer, fullback; Hadley Smith, tackle and halfback; Mack, half back; Nichols, halfback; Tener, halfback, and Cave, who played halfback, may piny for center this year. Deahler, the stsr sec ond baseman on the base ball team, who played two years sgo, will play fullback. Those of the second tesm who may mskt ths 'varsity this year are: Biller, Mable. Ludwlck, Robertson,' Burk and Daniels, ' who played quarterback. "Dig" Cole, a third year veterinary student, who was member of - the Ames High school team, win be a candidate for the vtrslty. llus all will alto try for a position. Beskiies old material to seleot from, ther Is a goodly lot of new on hand. Among the now men who are likely to make a good showing there are S. Jonea of the btate Normal for end or half back; Janeen, oen ter or quarter back, who was captain of the Des Moines high school two years ago; McElhenney of the State Normal Is another man that wlii be a oandiuate for end or tackle. E. H. Packer and E, E. packer will try tor center and promise to bo strong candidates, both being heavy weights. Watts, anotner heavy weight, will be a candidate for center. The first two games of the season will be playea at Ames at the time of the an nual harvest horns excursion to the col lege and will undoubtedly be witnessed by large crowds. The schedule as arrungou is as follows: Sept, 29-Hlghland Park at Ames. SepL 80 Still college at Amss. OoL 1 Coe college at Ames. Oct. 8 State Noimal at Ames. Oct. 16 University of Minnesota at Min neapolis, uct. ks Bimpsor. at Ames. Oct 29 State University of Iowa at Iowa City. iov. 6 Iowa college at Ames. Nov. 12 Own date. Nov. 18 Cornell college at Amea Nov. 24 Drake university at Des Moines. Republican Candidates to Confer. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept 10. (Special.) A meeting will be held In this city next Tuesday by ths nominees on the repub lican congressional and state Vkcket, and the members ot the republican state cen tral committee, for the purpose of consult ing and completing arrangements for car rying on the fall campaign- At the meet ing the time for establishing state head quarters will be considered and the char acter of the campaign to bs carried on until the polls close In November will be outlined. ' If you have anything; to trade, advertise' It In the This for That column in The Bee Want Ad Page. Boxe9 a Year. -4 DnsxUts 84 ' i 4