THE OMATIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1001 .SEBKiSH'SMEMreBUCAS TMrtj to Tift Thousand for National Ticket, aj MorrilL , ' SAFE ALSO FOR MICKEY AND THE-REST Carter' to Be Asked lor ' Ratines tlea lrkDimorriU Coatlaee Their . Factional Flsht In City i, Affairs. C. H. Morrill, national republican com rnltteeraan from Nebraska, came up to aUta headquarter from Uncoln Friday to confer with the other campaign manager prellmlr-sjy to making a trip to Chlcag nxX.week to discuss generl poll'lcai mat ter affecting the state with tiie western bureau of the national committee. "I have been out over the itats a jrent deal," Mid Mr. Morrill, "and condltlona, from a republican standpoint, are Improving all the time. It la generally conceded Itoosevelt will carry the atate by a ihj (jorliy ranging Horn 30,000 to 80.000. Re publicans everywhere feel conn-lent the tat ticket Is sare and will be victorious, though t? a majority smaller than that certain for the national ticket. "The legislative ticket ia the only doubt ful Issue we have now, and doubtful seems too strong a word in view of the fact that every move made by the democrats and pops seems to be originated to help us. The Issues are not yet denned In many legislative districts, owing to the fact that a large cumber of the nominations have not been made, while others n.ive just been made. An active campaign has not ret been opened Alng this line throughout the state. Thta will be really the work of the state committee to see that the legislative ticket Is properly looked after. : Ho Geaalne Fusion. "It is clear the democrats and populists are having, great trouble in effecting a genuine article ( fusion this year, as wit nessed In Lancaster county, wKere demo crats are threatening to- cut Berg If the pops do not quit attacking- barker, end also In Custer county, where the two tur tles failed to fuse altogether. "Everything the democrats and populists have done from the national conventions to the present has been for the good of the republloan party. One might almost say the enemy la conducting the campaign against Itself better than we could do it. . "While It la true the democrats and pop ulists are trying their best, under the lead ership of Mr. Bryan, to mass on the legis lative ticket, indications are that the ef fort will be unsuccessful and they cannot get together even on this single point." ' Will la'rtte Gorier to Speak. Officers of-the Bixth Ward Republican club are going to make an. effort-to In- Saturday is Boys' Day . Wo always prepare for the boys on Saturday by having extra sales men who are able to take care of all the boys who .come for our $1.50 shoes. We're mighty proud of this shoe, for it gives such good satisfaction. Saturday we give away "Bub bles," (bubbles without soap) with our boys' shoes. Drexel Shoe Go 1419 FARNAU STREET, Omaha's Up-to-Dati Shot Hons! 't sCri yr-."....--i. ' Mgf FALL STYLES ARE HERE Don't purchase Fall Clothing till you. have seen the Styles at this Store. The stock this .-season will be much larger than ever before, while the prices will match those of cash stores In every department. Why Si ; In ever gantly 7MW LMji U LiW 1008 Hi mm fir ur W. T. nl!r ta VOX or tnr re tirement he assumed voluntarily after the primaries Saturday and make a- speech at a meeting to be held In Idlewlld hell Sat urday night. It Is proposed to make, the gathering a ratification assembly of the nominations of John L. Kennedy for con gress and Howard Kennedy, Jr., for dis trict judge. . Jit the convention Tuesday Mr. Ourley caused a great deal of talk by falling to be present and make a speech as the other defeated candidates did. Even his closest friends Were disappointed. Pres ident Ostrorn of the Bixth Ward club Is confident th-it Curley will help to make the meeting rolld for the nominees. Both the Kennedys are to speek and A. W. Jeff el Is, Nelson C. Pratt snd other orators are on the program. Candidates before the county primaries have been Invited generally and a large attendance la prom ised for the meeting. v Democratic Flsht Gee Oi. Members of the democratic city commit tee who ordered the delegates of the mu nicipal convention of 1903 to reconvene to nominate candidates for the Water boara and the Board of Education say they pro pose to go ahead with the convention Snt urday night, despite the mandamus direct ing them to do otherwise, secured by James P. Connolly, candidate for the Water board, and others. Secretary Elllck and other members of the committee have not yet been served with the copies of the writ. They have been advised by C. J. Smyth and other lawyers that thels action In arranging for a convention Is entirely within their pre rogatives as a committee and that the Con nolly suit can have no effect. The hearing la set for Saturday morning before Judge Day. The eleven members "of the city commit tee who composed a majority of the twenty-one who fixed up the convention for Saturday nlrht, with delegates from the old Howell nominating convention. In order to cinch the Water board nomination for Dr. A. H. Hippie, figured that with these delegates Hippie' would have enough lb his favor to pull through without a struggle at the primaries. A new development, how ever, threatens to change the conditions, so that the nomination doea not look so sure. This Is the announcement that Warren Swltxler, a well-known attorney. Is a can didate for the place. Governor Boyd has brought him out, and says he needs him ri the board because of his legal ability. With the retirement of T. J. Mahoney only one lawyer, I. E. Cong-don, will be left i the board, and the chairman thinks there should be two. In view of the complications Involved in the ' purchase of trie water plant and its appraisal. The democratic eongresslorval committee at a meeting held Friday afternoon in Con gressman Hitchcock's office decided to hold a convention on October 1 ia Omaha. The apportionment will be 100 delegates to Douglas county, twelve to Washington county and eight In Sarpy, The call, direct ing how the delegate shall be chosen, will be announced later. The committeemen devoted the gVeater part of the meeting to discussing the hopelessness of defeat ing John L. Kennedy, the republican nom ine. A WOMAN'S GRATITXDE. A Mountain Wemaa Writes In Praise of Newbro's Herplclde. "For several years I have been troubled with dandruff, causing me much 'annoy ance, and my hair became very thin. I have used Newbro's Herplclde for a month and the dandruff naa entirely disappeared and my hair la becoming much heavier than formerly. New hair : growing where there was none and I am very thankful to you for the benefit I have received from New bro's Herplclde. Very truly yours, MRS. C. B. FOSTER, No. MS Utah Ave., Butte, Mont. . Sold by leading druggists. 'Bend lOo in, stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mloh. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co., special agents. . Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands, Ad irondack mountains, Saratoga, Berkshire hills and many other famous resorts are located on the New York Central, the nat ural highway of travel between the west and the east. No other line, offers such varied scenic attractions or reaches so many beautiful and popular health and pleasure resorts. Temple Israel. Seats for holidays September 10 and Sep tember 19 may be obtained at Morits Meyer Cigar Co.; Bach's Cigar Co.; A. Mandel berg, the Jeweler; J. L. Brandeis ft Sons; Nebraska Clothing Co., or of the secretary. 638 Bee Bldg. v Marrlasre Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued up to noon September 9: Name and Residence. Age. Harry P. Cote, South Omaha U Florence M. Grundy, South Omaha........ Zjl Charles W. Parsons, Omaha 410 Edith B. McAulay, Omaha Kenneth Thompson, Omaha 16 Blanch Campbell. Omaha it 18 K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, Jewstler. not open a charge account and begin the season with New Clothing. LADIES TAILORED SUITS Our sr owing of Ladies' and Misses' Suits sur passes in elegance and variety any ' we havr ever shown. All the new effects popular material is here. All ele- llored and priced low. $10 to $30 HOYS SCIIOOL SUITS ' Strong, long-wearing Suits In handsome patterns for big boys and small boys, sewed with strong thread and guaranteed through out. All Styles. Fall Clothlnij, Hots and Shoes For Men, Women, Children Ci, txfciL.A Oodgo. EAST SOLID FOR ROOSEVELT Wall Street Sham Parker for Fear of a Bryan Congress. CAPTAIN PALMER GIVES OBSERVATIONS ays De-aaeerats May- Cevrry Wlseoasta a State Officers, bat Certainly Will Vmm It em national Ticket. Postmaster Henry E. Palmer has re turned from a two weeks' visit In the east where he went to meet with the board of trustees of the National Home for Dis abled Volunteers, of which he is a mem ber. Captain Palmer said In reference to political condltlona Id the east: "Everything Is for Roosevelt and Fair banks. They are practically elected now. AH that Is needed Is to count the votes and Inaugurate them. The conditions tn New York are materially changed since my Inst visit to that city. "While the WsU street Influences admit Parker Is a good man, yet they are not disposed to take any chances of a Bryan congress. They figure it that If Parker Is elected, a demo cratic congress naturally will follow. They do not want that kind of a congress. This feeling Is very manifest among the leading business men of New York and the east generally. They are a little displeased with the stand Roosevelt has taken against the trusts, but tbey are. far more distrustful of a democratic coagress and do not pro pose to take any hancea. Peculiar Status In Wisconsin. "The condltlourj In Wisconsin are rather peculiar. It la barely possible the demo crats will eait-y the state on state officers, but It Is vey generally conceded the state will go republican on the national ticket. I had a talk with George W. Peck, the democratic nominee for governor of that state. He lk confident of his own election, but 'a very noncommittal as regards the national ticket. The fight on state Issues la very bitter, but the republicans are ittanlmous on national Issues. "Indiana Is safely republican. I was In Indianapolis half a day and talked with several of the political leaders there and they all agree the state will go republican by a big majority. Tom Taggart Is a great worker, but with all his popularity In In. dlana it will be Impossible for htm to swing the stats for Parker and It Is conceded by democratic leaders that the stats of Indiana Is hopelessly republican. "The greatest of enthusiasm prevails in Ohio and that state will roll up one of Its biggest . majorities for Roosevelt. There are no factional differences among the re publicans there." GOOD TIME AT TERRE HAUTE Sixteen Haadeed Old Boys and Girls Renew Associations After Long Separation. Mr. and Mrs.V 3. D. Weaver and Miss Weaver have returned from Terr Haute and St. Louis, attending the reunion of the "Old Boys' and Girls' association" of the Wabash town, and the World's fair, respectively. "Some 1,600 old residents of Terre Haute, who had scattered to the four corners of the world, attended this reunion," said Mr, Weaver. . "It was a unique affair and the most enjoyable I ever attended. We had been away from Terre Haute for twenty- seven years, Mrs. Weaver and I, and we met old friends we had not seen In that length of time, and there were any number Of other such meetings. You can. imagine what pleasures sucta -reunion -brought: M"n and women with their families oame from east, west, north and south; one couple from England, and everybody came tilled with determination to have a good time and make .everybody else have a good time. , - ' v - "The old town was simply at our com mand. ' The people did everything possl ble to make us feel at home, and they sue. ceeded, too. We were royally entertained. There was one general headquarters where every visitor registered, and by that means a general meeting was possible. The weather was fine all the time." The other Omaha Terre Hauteana who attended the reunion have not yet returned. One-Way Rates. ' Each day from September IS to October 15, 1904, Inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell one-way tickets from Missouri river termi nals (Council Bluffs to Kansas City, -Inclusive) as follows: J20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. ' , $30.00 to Helena and Butte, Montana, 122.60 to Spokane and Wenatcbee, Wash ington. $2160 to Huntington and Nampa, Idaho. 128.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. 126.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $26.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oregon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho points. v Through tourist cars run every day on Union Pacific berween Missouri river and Pacific coast; double berth 16. 75. For full Information call on or address City Ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone SIS. We-odmen of in World special Train to St.- Louis. The Woodmen of the World have ar ranged with the Wabash to run a special train, leaving Omaha Union station at a. nv. Council Bluffs t a. m.. Sunday, Sep tember 11. A very low round-trip rate, IS.60 from Omaha, 18.25 from Council Bluffs, with correspondingly low rates from all stations. Everyone Invited to Join . special train. Insist upon your ticket reading via Wa bash, the only line with its own station at main entrance of World's fair grounds, thus saving time, extra car fare and an noyance. For all Information call at Wa bash city office, 1801 Farnam street, or ad dress HARRY E. MOORKS. Q. A. P. . Wabash Railroad, Omaha, Neb. Shrlaerst ShrluersI Bhrtaersl All Shriners who are members of the Knights et Ak-Bar-Ben are expected to be present at the den Saturday evening, Sep tember 10, to meet visiting Shriners from Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dee Moines, eto. Shriners not members can petition at any tiros before the meeting. Wear your fea. CARL E. HERRING, Potentate. Hell Far to Sloes City and Retarav. ONLY .U ROUND TRIP To the Interstate Stock Fair and Rao Meet. September I to 10, Via C, N. W. By. and C. St. P. M. O. Ry. Offices, 1401-ul Farnam St. .Webster 8t. station, Union depot Mr. Kelly, voice teacher; studio ISO! Far nam; now open. ' A. B. Hubermann, diamonds; own Importer. ElWeara Looking; for Knapa. City Clerk El bourn has gone to Bonestecl, S. t . representing a syndicate of city hail officers and employee who drew big num bers and little or no land In the contest for the undeveloped riches of the Roaebud aucy. Information has reaohed the city hall that a man on the spot can pick up good barmUns In quarter sections discarded by suoct-Mful contaetanta. Therefore El bouru has been sent to Uie market end is expected to bring back some titles, deeds and things. LONG FALL AND NO INJURY Fenr-Year-Old Child Drops freaa Third Story Wit boat Being? ertoasly Hert. Marguerite Vincent, the 4-year-old daugh ter of Fred Vincent, living In the TImard block, at Twenty-rhird snd Davenport BtreetJtr fell from a third-story window st her home Thursday afternoon to the side walk and escaped any serious Injury. The child struck fairly on Its head snd, aside from a slight bruise or two, Is none the worse for Its frightful fall. In falling, the little one struck the awn ing over the ground floor and bounded oft onto the stone sidewalk near the curb. The accident was witnessed by several per sons, who at ones hastened to the child, but it already was on Its feet and crying from fright when the rescuers reached It. A physician was promptly summoned and an examination developed the gratifying fact that no bones .were broken and, aside from a slight contusion on the child's head. It had not suffered any perceptible Injury. Little Marguerite Is running' about and playing as usual today. In apparently as sound and healthy s condition as any child in Omaha. - Her parents are thrilled with gratitude over the fortunate outcome of so perilous an accident. WADE COMPLETES HIS STAFF General Secretary of Y. M. C. A. An nounces Karnes of His Assist ants for Year. General Secretary' Wad of the Young Men's Christian association has completed the appointment of his official force for the coming year. It will consist of A. Elmer Turner, assistant secretary, succeeding K. M. Brockman, who accepted a position In Missouri; J. C. Pentland, physical director, Arthur Jorgensen, membership secretary; W. C. Hosklns, office secretary; L. Ward Mailley, boys' secretary. These are busy days at the association. Plans for an aggressive work in all de partments are rapidly taking shape. The night school promises to be the best in every particular the association has ever conducted. ft err York and Philadelphia cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh Valley Route. Solid through trains,' mag nificent scenery, all trains run via Niagara Falls. Descriptive literature sent free on appli cation to Advertising Department. Grand Trunk Railway System. 135 Adams St., Chi cago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. A T. A. Homeeeekers' Ratca to north Dakota. Every Tuesday until October ZS the Chi cago Great Western Railway wlU sell round trip tickets te points In the above named state at a great "reduction from the usual fare. For further information apply te Geo. F. Thomas, general agent, 1&U Far nam street, Oman. Neb. Low Colonist Hates Via Chicago Great Western Railway To points in Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and western-Oanda. Tickets on sale dally from September 15 ' to October 15. For further Information apply to - 8. D. Parkhurat, General Agent, 1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. . ii ... nr. and Mrs. Cbamhera Will reopen their .School of Daujng 2-124 Farnam. street. ..September 2C, lompll mentary reception, by card only. Inspec tion of the academy...! to S p. m. Uanaing 8:30 p.. nv For Juveniles, Saturday, Sep tember 24th; daocin&Jjto.S p. m. Appilo tlons nay. he maadenaew, --a - ' - -' Home Visitor'' Eacnrsiona Fair. . Tuesdays In September! and Oct. 11. Good thirty c days. Half r fare - plus 2. Many points In Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Inquire at the Northwestern Ltoe office. 1401 and 1403 Farnam St., Omaha. A. B. Hubermann,i Jeweler since 1866; 13th and Douglas. Absolutely - reliable. Bnlldlna; Permits. Building permits have been Issued to the Mctx Brewing company for a $4,000 brick business building at- Twentieth and Pierce Btreeta; W. H. Clark, $1,800 frame dwelling at Twentieth and Blnney, and to Hans Pe terson for Ave S00 frame dwellings at Twenty-fifth and Green streets. Big Meals Big Rooms Small Cost Notwithstanding the malicious reports te the eontray, the Inside Inn at the World's Fair, St. Louis, has thoroughly sustained the high reputation of Mr. E. M. Satler, Its manager, for giving first-class accommo dations at reasonable rates. Thanks to Its enormous size and wonder ful equipment, it has been enabled to prop erly care for the enormous crowds which have sought its hospitality, without over crowding or discomfort. Standing, as It does, upon an eminence, and surrounded by a beautiful natural for est. It has enjoyed the popular verdict of bting the coolest and most delightful spot In all St Louis. The exfraordlnay convenience of being right Inside the grounds and thereby saving all tiresome street car Journeys has been appreciated by every guest, and the man agement have won high praise for their suc cessful efforts In catering to the comfort, safety and enjoyment of each and every via tor. The rates, which are very reasonable, range from $1.50 to $5.60 per day European, and from 13.00 te $7.00 Amorioan plan. .Walk- Overs The Proper Shoes for Men. If you Uke dressy footwear, Just a little newer In style. Just a little snappier in effect, just a little better In quality and Just a little easier fitting than any other shoe to be had for $1.60 and $4.00, wear the Walk-Oveir. Decatur Shoe Co., 1521 Farnam St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. " . telt-r . - v Nettlttoas aa4 Walk-Overs fKlulely. rflrnam ? -s raiudui. Men Who Want Fine Fall Suits and Overcoats Tako Particular Notice of tho Following Suggestions 1L Mpp . - te mm ' ill life ifef $& jjr If " Taw Fifteenth and Farnam Orchard Wilhelm garpet Go y SPECIAL IN DRAPERY DEPARTMENT For Saturday Only Curtain Swiss Ruffled Border, stripe and dots, Tambour. Embroidery Swiss colored Swiss nil goods worth 15c to 20c per yard, spec . lal for Saturday, not over 25 yards to a customer, special IVjC yard. (5-lnch Bobbinette, whUe and Arabian color, special per yard, 13tyc yard. Battenberg edge to match, whjte or Arabian, special 3c yard, Couch Covers 60-inch Bagdad couch cover, fringe all around, extra long, special Saturday 1 60-inch Bagdad couch cover, fringe all around, special for Saturday each A good window shade, S by 8 feet, each A good extension rod, no sag, highly polished, special each September Furniture Trade Sale Follow the Tags SEPTEMBER FURNITURE TRADE SALE Regular. Price Sale. Price i Store open Saturday GRAND OPENING 12 p. m., Saturday, Sept. Dth. At the Ak-Sar Ben Ice Cream Parlors, 1405 Douglaa street, with a full line of fine candies, bon-bons, . home-made ba ker's goods, ice cream and fancy drinks. Ice Cream Soda, 5c. Music all day. Be Sure It Is Photographer, Then You Are Alright. 318-320-322 S. I5lh St.y WEST Side of the Street. DEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L. RAMACCIOTTI 0. V. S. CITY VKTERHARIAW. Oflloe and Infirmary, 28tb and slason Bts. CUAKA, NKB. ITalepbone US. JUU ?C JIV v UVV U s,v e,a, ' " - a,' clothing There are still a few who haven't. Maybe you never buy clothing ready to wear. Maybe you think we can't fit you as well as your tailor. To those who entertain these thoughts we have this to say; We want you to forget all previous opinions of ready-made clothing and eonie .pre pared, to get Borne new ideas when you ' tye our new Fall Suits and Top Coats. Look over our handsome line of Suits the beautiful patterns try on the Coats and pee how smart and fine fitting they are. Then decide for yourself whether it is worth while to pay your tailor $20.00 more. The making of our fine Suits that we sell for S!'',.00, SI5.00, SI8.00 Is practically the same as custom work. There Is the same careful handwork in building up the lining and staying which produces shapeliness. The hand-made 'collars and hand worked button holes give the smart fit and finish that you expect only in custom work. Smart Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats $12.00, $15.00, SI0.00 to $25.00 New Fall Shoes for Men, Women and Children Men's Velour Calf Lace Bhoes, made with double soles and extension jdges, on the Broadway last, at Men's Satin Calf Lae Bhoes, good plump soles, on London toe t : B6ys Youths', and little Gents Casco Calf Lace Shoes, with food, . heary soles, solid ss a rock Blses to IS ', ' at Blses UVi to I at Blses JVi to 64 at Special Ladles' Vlcl and Donola Kid Military and Cuban heels, srod heavy soles with extension soles with extension edges, worth and sold by others at $2.50, our price.,. n.f !. nn children's Donsrola and Box Calf Lace Shoes, good heary double soles to heel, for hard weir, Blzea 11 to S at ' o . sift m mm $2.25 $2.75 . 25c .. 19c Tht SEPTEMBER FURNITURE SALE means jusl this, that ws have $100,000.00 worth of furniture ia this one store. Sod that s vast perl of th stock was planned snd fathered for this sate, and thai oo sll pieces marked with s tag like this, tii surma mims 1 mi TIII19. Qf course much furniture here is at regular price even duiv ing this sale. Follow the tags they lead te economy, snd the hold the facts correctly stated. - tatr sralwrao, ORCHARD & WILHUM CARPET CO. 1 1 i evenings until 9 o'clock FREE. J 0,000 bricks of Neopolitan Ice Cream, from 10 a. m. to BEAUTY TO took well Uke cart of yoer complexion. Lo not allow un lightly pimples. blackhMdi. Un, tr IrccklM te blesiith your .kin. Derma-Royale will remove tints Ilk. naftc. CurM .nd Tticr. I'tri with EA-RoVM.S Soap, a ssrtsct kin la Insures. SOLO BY DRUOOI8TS, Derma-Royale, SI per bottle, express paid. Derma-Royal Soap, tS Cents, by mall. Ketb la ene pecks, Sl.t. express paid. roctiim u4 nMmmUIi mm I cm taivmL THE DERMA-ROYALE CO. Cincinnati 0. ekeefer'a Ct frlee nrasT For Menstrual Supprcjsion'. XSLTSSSi PEN-TAN-GOT MI4 tn Oauhs bf Iknwi a MConnll Drus O . ala4) vrra lUmi. Tnim .uat I :ixt It iHS Fifteenth and 1 w sBwr" sr fim "WhrnftkA.9 for rour $2.50 $1.50 05c $1.10 $1.25 irlarht tnrrtaa Lace Ehoes, with dun ana ongnt topn. ss - $1.90 $1.26 slses 8V1 to 11 at ' $1.50 Fifteenth an. Farnam SBBSsSCSS 15 1B 15 FIFTEEPS 13 . fill f 15 13 ' 1S ::: dun h a m ::: DUNHAM a :"'.: DUNHAM TAILORS 10 fie f 15 16 15 15 IS 515 515 15 15 15 15 SIP 18 18 13 J 13 IP i' 13 13 1" ' 13 15 10 - -. -. 15 Don't you think you have seen the best until you've seen 1B tho new fall materials we aj a als using In our .; IS made to your order' suits, in 1 rauy suvlng of from $20.00 to sx5 4A.w lu fuu, .iuiu yuu koi a tailored suit that fits you. ! 18 15 1" 1 18 18 10 15 15 15 Henry W. Dunham, Jr., Manafer. 118 South 15th, Near Douglas 18 15 15 F1FTEKM 15 18 15 She Best of Everythirig The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago ' ONLY $10.00 $10.00 ONLY -TO- . . DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS AHD RETURN f SEPUMBER 12TH ONLY $15.00 DEAD WOOD, LEAD, 5. D. AND RETURN September 3,6.10, Mini 17 Clty Offices 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA - . TEL. BSA.SM - : (' 15 NO MORE NOllis TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' e laaaele Ceyjf 4