111 Slal'i at, J r 7 THE Oil AH A DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, BErTEMBEIt 10, 1004. 11 1 f FAILURE HAMPERS MISSIONS Iovr Woman Boij Trying to Knk Good ' th Deficiency. ASSAILS INCORPORATION FEE LAW t . . . . People f Hawthorne Po Kot "baleet n Mavlnsi Their Town, " Walk , . .on Havlngr tha Changed. , (From a SUIT Correspondent.) PES MOINES, Sept. .-MIs Elisabeth IVarnon of this city. president of tha Des Moines branch of the Women's Foreign if: Missionary society of the Methodist Epis copal church, and other ' officers of tha branch, which la co-extenelve with the Des Molnee " conference, embracing all south western! Ibwa, arc engaged In an effort to raise & sped! lu'nd. of 17.000 with which to make good a loss of that amount by rea. son of a oariR failure last winter In Bom bay, Iuijia... Tho remittance, received nt Bombay Juat ?!; before tha failure waa to pay th anlartea ' of the missionaries from thla atate Misses Wood, Evans, MafktiU, Wells and Ellcker v, .with their assistants, and for the support of orphan and to oomplete buildings. Tha building operations lander way Include an . ( orphanage and hospital at Khandwa, In 'a' charge of Miss 'Ellcker, and the Stanley. Hustcn building at Hyderabad. In charge .... of Miss Evan. ,ln order to avoid great loea these building must be finished aoon. Try ta Defeat taws Iaw. - Tha petition waa filed In district court to day of (he Sioux City Gas company to re- r' .cover from the secretary of atate and other . ' atate officials 1,500, which It la claimed waa ,' collected from the company erroneously. ,"( ConsreMiman Walter I. Smith la attorney for the complainant, and it la set up that the luw under which feea are collected by -i . the secretary of atate for new lncorpora , j tlona Is not valid because It waa not passed . according, to the .terms of the constitution. The twenty-ninth general assembly amended th fea law by taking oft tha llmU. no that, instead "of $350 being tlie highest fea that'eoald be paid, there would ''be no limit at all, but fees would increase ',1 In accordance with the capitalisation. !th(( Kama of a TOwn. An Interesting question has been raised regarding the: rights of a railroad company In the moving of a town and changing Its name', in a controversy lrt Montgomery county. When the Burlington railroad was - located -it waa given a turn ao aa to go through the pioneer town of Hawthorne, but the town has never grown. Last year the company straightened its line and left Hawthorne .out .in. th country. . A new H - tawn waa platted recently about a mile and a half from Hawthorne and th com. pany has opened a station called Hebard, after the first surveyor of the line. . The - reason- for not calling the atatlon Haw thorn Is that there Is another Hawthorne on Ihe 'Burlington system, over in Illinois. , "Tk-: residents' of Hawthorn are invited to move over to Hebard and a movement haar' keen " started to have tha postoffice name changed trf ' Hebard, but some of '"the old-timers object. They say they do .not so much mind moving their town, but .".'' ..they do not want to give up such a pretty ' ame- for their town. "An 'effort is to be. made o, have the town of Hawthorne moved over bodily, to Hebard and the old t.'jlat be rabandoned. " i ,j - nUoa on Demurrage. .. Tha, "Iowa railroad commlHSlonera ar " , called ijtoo decide whether or not heavy and continuous rains excuse) a ahlpper tet from... prompt unoa.dJng of his, gooda.and will prV!n the- collection of ' demurrage ehargea-. by' .the. company. ; It la a" new t - QUestfon' in; relation to demurrage. . The ' attorney, general hu decided that the de- nurraga system !.! In. Iowa and that , the only thing required la that the charge - shall be reasonable. ' ' " , ; -'' .Eastern Iowa Polities. The ' tepftblican congressional committee a .for tha Second Iowa district has held a meeting and organised for the campaign with former Congressman 3. R. Laho as " chairman and headquarters In Davenport. ') Arrangements have been1 made tot the opening of the republican campaign in the interest of A. E. Dawson by meetings Sep- ' ',jambr: it, addressed by Secretary Shaw. Tha first will be at West Liberty In the w ntternoon and the second at Muscatine the " same, evening.' ' October 1 big barbecu 'for Scott -county will be held at Eldredire. addressed by Speaker Cannon. lie will b also epenk In Clinton. . i. t - Donbt Death,, of Banker. . , The grave of George b. Woods, banker, of -Culfax la to b opened to determine 2" whether h really died or not. The rtimor has been prevalent, some time and ia be lleved by many that he did not. kill, him- . self at ejll; at Colfax last winter, but waa v spirited away when It became known his bank was looted. The estate has sued the BU Brotherhood of Yeomen, a fraternal order of this city, for the Insurance, amounting to $3,000.' and the society has replied that Wood,, Is hot deud at all, but that another u was burled in his- place. He was cashier of the Cltlsena" bank and killed himself in t , 'hi room. It la alleged. He was very pop ular ami waa supposed to be very rich, but m -th bank's affairs were in a hopeless tangle, ate. i .. i V . 'Work IleaiMrd on School. . t Vork On the new $i;i,X State School for r4he Deaf at Council Bluffs has been at a ( coraplve rtnndstill for Home time. A strike of the workmen employed on the founda tion' caused the' trouble. Henry F. Llebbe, ('"'architect for fhrf State Board of Control, returned Thursday from .the seat of the trouble, anil Ircporta that mattera have been 'Ju8toU sn4 work' begun again. ,t" . ' J Doil BtKitar 4 Moar, , 8IULKV, la., Sept. (.(Special Telegram.) William Henry White, - a atranger af- 'Yllctcd wlth St. Vltua (Jance, a solicitor of v .alms,.-. was, killed, this morning at th Rock t- Haod, track Just wt of town., He had a grip and several hundred dollars In drafts and cash. - The verdict of the coroner was J (that death-resulted from his effort to board a 'moving tralu or to get off a train In motion. ' . . ; , lnth to- Make Fight. t DAVENPORT, Ia Sept. .-Speclal. Samuel Francla Smith, son of the man who wrote "America,".' la coming west from Newton; -Msv to attend ' to matttrs of litigation lu Davenport. He states he will fight .to. the Just ditch to save . h old homestead rotfi creditors, also that h and his wife have already given up IK). 000 to satisfy poaalbl shrinkages In estates he baa handled. ' ' - - )! with Bold Thieve. BOONE. ' la.. Sept. 9.-(8pecial.)-Thre thieves entered the home of Joseph Gra ham, a railroad man, at 10 s'clock this morning. II was st home apd asleep, but waa awakened by tha noise. The burglars tired three time at him without effect and scaped. There have been many bold rob beries of late and the city authorities are out scouring the country for the men. Port Doaaro Ban n Winner. S"ORT DOrXJii la-, Sept. t (Bpeolal Tel egram.) In the band contest at the Modern Woodmen of America national convention held at th St. Louis exposition today first prise was awarded the Flfty-alxth Regl ipent baxu of this city, .Detroit second. This insures th horn band a plaoe at the head t ef the pafad,at Vt aatktital convention noat year. B ' '&traft U Grocery Dept. ladder in the grocery business. Best goods. Lowest prices. s f2Tt Forty O4.0C) In S. H. SEvFTT-'I I Ore en Trading Stamps witn quan Dome niooa of the - eni Orape out Thirty (3.0fi) "8. ft H." Green Trading Stamps with three- pounds finest Java and Mo- if ch Coftee Twenty (2.0) "S. ft H." Green Trading Stamps Tea'.1!?!1."1. 38C Ten (llVnoV'S. H." Oreen Trading Stamps with lb Bennett's Capitol 24.C Baking Howder... Ten ai.00) "S. A H." Green Trnaing mamps y ?!lhcC4..N: 20c Baking Soda, rPk"" lapl Cream, cake 60 Peas. S-pound can 70 String Beans, J-pound can so Jlomirr'. 8-pound can o Table Syrup, 2V-pound can 100 CandyDcpt. PURE STICK. CANDY -such ns our grandmoth ers used to give us Saturday we will place on ante 2,000 boxes of this delicious lOr article, box I WW 1 And ten (11.00) "8. A H." Green Traaing oiamp" free. Clg-ar Department Closing out a few popular brands oi 10c straight clear Havana and Domestls clirnrs. Saturday only, 2 for 15c IMPERIAL, BTU GIES, 100 I i( for JU And thirty (tS.OO) 'S. A H." Green Trading Stamps. Fresh Meats andProvisions FREBH -LSAr LARD FIFTEEN POUNDS FOR.. FRESH DRESSED SPRING CHICKENS per pound 1.00 1 144c 7ic .25c .25c 25c FRESH DRESSED ROOSTERS per pound. Good Shoulder Roast . - four pounds tor... Shoulder Steak four pounds for... Round Steak Three pounds for. Mutton Chops---Three pounds for. Spare Ribs . . four pounds for... 25c 25c Three-pound pall of White Ribbon or bon or 25c , Silver Star Lard for Morrell's Iowa Daisy Brand Bacon narrow strips per ' ' 120 Morrell's Iowa Hams small 14. If slsea per pound Rex or Winchester Bimi!-. 12 ic .COUNCIL CARNIVAL DRAWING WELL Yesterday's Crowd is Estimated at at LeJt Fifteen Thousand. CHILDREN OUT IN FORCE IN AFTERNOON Eaarles Whoop Things tp at Night ad Swell Paid Attendance for j . . the Day I Over Eleven Thoosaud. Children's afternoon and Eagles' night at th street fair and carnival yesterday at tracted the largest crowd of the week. With over 11,000 paid admissions.' and no count kept of the children, who were ad mitted free. It is estimated that 16,000 per sons, young and old, passed the carnival gates yesterday. In the afternoon all children under li years of age, and it was surprising how, young the children of Council Bluffs can be on such an occasion, were admlttetl free, and the-ohildrea - of tha Christian Home and the Associated Charities' crech were special guests of the management. The 'grounds were literally! covered with' the young folk and It undoubtedly was a Ved letter day in many of their young lives. At all of the attractions reduced rates" were ' made for the little folks and as a result of this concession all of the shows were liberally patronised by those youngsters who had a few nickels or dimes to spend. To the child not thus provided the free shows and other outside attrac tions sufficed. There was a large attendance of Knglea at night and-they helped to keep things moving, especially the confetti, barrels of which, designated by the -spielers as "orien tal face powdor," found a ready and steady market.. Tonight, which will mark the close of the carnival. Is expected to witness, a record breaking, crowd provided the weather clerk la aSj generous as he has been the rest of the week, BAPTIST ASSOCIATION t'OMIfla Espeeted to Brlasr Over Oa II and red Delegates. . The annual meeting of ths Southwestern Iowa Baptist association, to be held In this city September 3 to 16. Is expected to bring 100 delegates to Council Bluffs. There are twenty-or churchea In the district, and each Is entitled to be represented by thre lay delegates besides Its pastor, with an ad ditional delegate for each twenty-flve mem bars. ' The membership of the twenty-one churches la something over 2,500. The sessions will be held In the First Baptist church, the congregation of which Will provide free entertainment for the vis iting delegates and pastors. Rev. F. A. Case, pastor of the First Buptlst church of this city. Is moderator, and will proslde over the session. Rev. W. I. Cole of Ham burg Is secretary of the association. j On of the important matters to come be. fpre the meeting will be that of providing special collections for the benefit of the Baptist Young People's union In the stat at large. The plan proposed Is to taks up uoh collection once every year In each church In the state. The question of how to strengthen the wesker churches will also, come up, as there are aeveral which need outside assistance' In 'order to'-malntalq their organisation. . v The churches in th association 'entiled. WwVarwVW Ta. , Hp sMgoBBSHSB -J 11 C330 Snaps in Crockery Decorated English Porcelain Teacups and Saucers for set of six cups and and six saucers sale subject OQc to stock-on hand yw Y hlte Hasburg China 100-plece Dinner . Seta nothing but the best selections price for Saturday Q J Decorated Limoges China cups AQr and saucers per set of six....."-'"' Imported German Steins with nlcs metals covers a 75c value- 1Qr Saturday only IlW Heavy Glass . C Mustard KIsImss.OC And ten (11.00) Little Green Stickers. Sale , subject to stock on hand. Heavy Glass Jelly or Bon Btn Dlehes ' with handles llr each lJK And 20. (100) Little Green Stickers. Nice Cuspidors at 9Sc, 75c, OClr 48c, 3Xc, 3c and... "Vt 'And 60 (15.00) Little Green Stickers. Rich American Cut O HU Glasa Bowls. . 00 And 100 (110) Little Green Stickers. Best Ironstone China Large Size Plates set of six 29C And 10(11)' Lit tie Green' Stickers. COIPON. This conpon presented on Saturday or Monday only en titles the pvrchasrr to 83-1-3 Iter cent discount on watte .hlna for decorntlnar. f Mo coupon, no dlsconnt. Una lot of Havlland A Co. Decorated ' Limoges China Bread and Butter, . Tea, Breakfast or Dinner lQr Plates while they last each... L. Bcrnardand 4k Cle Decorated Li moges China 100-plece Dinner Sets, fine French china, new shapes, full large sixes for Saturday - J .Q Inspect our strong line of Dihner ware. We have goods for every taste and every purse, from Alfred Meakin's English porcelain at HM to Havlland at Co., from 1.50 all the way to 85 00. New lines of Havlland A Co. Just received includes many new things shown In this fine ware, which In richness far outshines anything ever ' exhibited in the west. Havlland A Co. Whit Ranson Tea cups and Sauce .slln-.tt of Ofir slx-eaqh Dig Demonstration on Main Flootv Become en Artist In Five Minute. Fur those who do embroidery, burnt wood, burning leather, de signing, etc., this Is one of the most wonderful discoveries. Bring the children, we can teach them in the same time, you tan buy your own designer. To Introduce the preparation we will make an f?afi introductory- ills' price of ......i..,....'vl an4 Twenty $2.00) - "S, &' ,H." Oreen Trading Stamps. V. Good Saturday only Free les sens to all purchasers. . ,-' BLUFFS to representation at the meeting are: Cla lindo. Council Bluffs, Emerson, Olenwood, Hamburg, Mt. Olive, Malvern, Mllford. Morthboro, Perclval, Pleasunt Valley, Red. Oak, Rawla township, Riverton, Bclola, Shenandoah, Sidney, Silver ' City, Tabor, VUlisca and Mt. Zlon, the latter a colored congregation of Council Bluffs. Harvest Services. Special harvest home services will be held morning and evening Sunday at v Grace Gplncopal church. An elaborate program of music will be rendered at both services by a choir of fifteen voices, which has been rehearslns for several weeks under the leadership of Prof. Yardwood. The church is being decorated with ripened fruits, veg etables and grain of different kinds sugges tive of harvest. The programs for the two services follow: MORNING SERVICE. , Prologue, "We Plow the Fields"... Dresden Venlte, Chant 15 and 16, ' W. Crotch and R. Woodward Te Deum Iaudamus In C C. E. Stephens Jubilate Deo ..........Fred Schilling Solo and duet. Mrs. Pryor and Miss H. Luster Verslcles and responses (festal). Hymn 463, "Triumphant" J. W. Elliott "Gloria Tibit" K. Hall Hymn 193, "St. Oeorge's Windsor," Q. J. Elvey Anthem, "Ye Shall Dwell In the Land," Sir J. Slolner Solo. .. .Dr. L; L. Pustan and Mrs. Pryor Presentation, holy offering. ...R. Redhead Recessional, hymn 191, "Harvest Home," . . - A. J. Stover ', EVENING SERVICE. Prologue, "We Plow the Fields". ...Dresden Responses (festal), Gloria, (a) Crotch (b) Schilling Cantale Domino, chant 199 Anon. Benedlo Anlrrta Mea chant 299 J. Gosa Verslcles and responses (festal). Quartet, "Boftly Now itii Light of. Day," , ' F. Schilling Solos Misses A. and E. Fuller Tenor and bass, Mr. Yurwood and Dr.,1. L. Postan Hymn 477, "Almsgiving "........J. B. Dykes Anthem, VYe Shall Dwell In. the Land' Sir 1. Slalner Bolos Dr. L. L. Postan and Mrs. Pryor Presentation, holy offerings. ...R. Redhead Sevenfold amen, "After Benediction," Sir J. Slalner Responsive, hymn 463, "Dulce Carmen," M. Hayden Plumbing and heating, fciKby a Boa. Matters la District Coart. Th greater part of yesterday's session of the district court was occupied by the hearing In th suit of Joseph L. Rlchs for divorce from Julia E. Riche. The Riches were married In this elty Octobsr 4. 1900, and, according to th allegations of the husband, Mrs. Rlche deserted Mm in De cember, 19P1. Riche Is an old soldier and receives a pension of (300 a year, half of which under a recent order of the depart ment In Washington Is paid to the wife. The suit was vigorously fought by Mrs. Rich and It developed during the testi mony that Rlche had been arrested at his wife's instance on a charge of disturb ing the peace and bad been put under bond not to molest her or go near her hou for a whole year.' This being th case th court held that a charge of desertion had not been proven snd denied Rich the di vorce asked for. In th Suit brought by J. L. Whitman and other against A. J. Larkln to hav certain tax deeds to property made subject to'a Hen to protect a Judgment secured by th plaintiffs agalnat Larkln, the lattsr yetrday filed an answer In which hs states that on August 21 he filed S petition In voluntary bankruptcy and had sine been adjudged a bankrupt snd that this being th case the petition- of the plaint tiffs should be dismissed.. To allow th claim of Whitman, It I contended by Lar ill OMAHA WWHER FRIDAY-Probably Showers and Cooler. Kaufmsxn's Orchestra will give a con cert on the balcony Saturday Evening from 7:30 to 10. Come sxnd enjoy it. SATURDAY MORNING Bargains in Cloak and Suit Dept. White Lawn and Fine Gingham Rf- . Aprons, extra value Jr Special Ladies' Tourist Suits, -$10 . C values at Special Tourist-Coat, $10.00 value , CJ) New Dress Goods sUic Saturday T.wo thousand yards of fine new dress goods, including' Sicilians, Zibelines, Trudo Suitings, Nicolette Clothes, Creponettes, Scotch Tweeds, Pf ' Inamo Clothes and Billona Clothes prices,' yaiO $2, $1.60, 1.25, $1, 89o and .... v Oyting Flannel The best 12k out- Q 1 ingjn the market, S..1.... VJC Great Saturday Sale Blankets, Comforts and Batting. Ladies' Point Venice Collars, Newest Designs, in Cream and Ecru worth up to 25c, 1 "SK: ?L - - lUC NECKWEAR COUNTER. Lace Curtaias A clean up In odd iaco curtains for Saturday only. . We will wll ' all our odd lace curtains, together with two cases of . manufacturers' odd pairs which ws bought (or this sale they bav been sorted out in five lots snd will not. last ions; at these prices, which is about one-tenth , of their vslus. Lot 1. Odd sample lenirtna and full f 1 Mirths, curtains worth up I P. to U pair, each Lot 2. Consisting; f Nottingham ourtalns, some sngnuy aamaaea, iu . worth -hs high a tic . pair, each 19c L6t 3. Cable net curtains all full length, . manufacturer's, odd . : Plrs, L I" ZyC each ,., L6t 4. Conslttlns; - 6f AMblah Brussels, Irish ' Point and rufflefl nets, som slightly ach All odd pairs, Brussels Cluny, Iris!! Point, Cable- Nets; worth j Q kin, .would, give him , 'preference over the other creditors. Board Works on-Bills. The Board of .jCourity' Supervisors put In another Friday allowing bills and consid ering claims for tax; refunds.. A question of, Soldier's exemptkyi. under the- new state law came up before the board and after being referred to .the .county attorney waa decided. - Application for exemption was made by an old soldier who owned less than tha prescribed amount of realty In this county, out who, It Was shown, pos sessed several thousand dollars worth of property in other, states. Tha board held that the applicant- under the circumstances was not entitled' t6 exemption and he will be required to . pay ..the full amount of taxes. The three sons' of K. H. Mlchelsen were ordered sent 'to the home for soldiers' or phans at Davenport Jor. one year, Michel sen paying to the board J216. the cost of their maintenance, at the Institution ; for the twelve months. ' ' Mlchelsen up to tha time of his wife's death, a short time go, lived at Mlnden, this eounty, but has since moved elsewhere. ' It' ' ' The board expects' to complete the busi ness of . the September session today and adjourn. " ' Baby Skew Cosaes Neat. The women of the First Congregational church are Inviting trouble for themselves. They have planned to give a "baby party" Saturday afternoon. September 17, at the club rooms of the Loyal Temperance legion on Willow avenue. Prises will be awarded the plumpest, tiniest, .bluest-eyed, bluckest-eye-1, curliest-haired, best-natured and every other kind of baby. Only babies I years of age and under are eligible to enter the contest. The Judges hav not yet baa named, but that they, will have their hand full of a kinds of 'trouble goes without saying, as It Is a well known fact that every ( mother thlnkj her babe the pret tiest, best 'riatured., tc. Mrs. .William Leverett, who is one of the leading spirits arranging the baby show, announced last evening that she had already received twenty-flve entries : Head of Pythlans CamlasT. Thomas S. Waud, grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythlaa of Iowa, haa written the secretaries of the local lodges that Jie will pay them an official visit next week. Monday evening he will visit St. Alban s snd Tuesday evening he will visit Con cordla lodge. The grand ehirtcellor writes that h hopes thers will be a full attend ance of both lodges on ths occasion of his visit.. H will make his headquarters at the Grand hotel, where he will be pleased to meet any and all members of the order, This Is the grand chancellor's first offlclul visit to Council Bluffs and both lodges ar planning to glvs him a royal reception. Heal Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Be September 9 by the Title Guaranty and Truat company of Council Bluffs: Llllle Clark, guardian, to J. D. Vorth- mann. part ne4 24-74-42. q. o. d t SSS C. E. Swanaon and husband to D F Dryden, lot 1, fclock 1, Olendale add . w- d 4.20ft Two transfers, total .. t 6.064 MINOR MENTION. Davis sells drugs. Leff art's flasse- nt. Slot kert sell carpets. ' Open Sunday. Tucker's B'vay studio. Swell photos at .shrunk' prices. Williams. .Western Iowa college fall term now open. New classes will be formed in th West ern Iowa college Monday. Bpeolal attention , given to picture for wedding gift. Alexander. 133 .Broadway. Attorney George H, Stillmsn and family are arranging to remov t Chicago la ths Jewelry Dept Bargains for Saturday in Waist Sets Waist nets, gilt or O silver, per set OC And Five (50c) "S. 4 H." Green ' Trading Stamps. Parl waist Bets 19c tickers. And Tea ($1.00) Little Oreen Stickers. 80c waist Beta at 29c And Ten ($1.00) Little Green Stickers. Wake Up! Alarm Clocks 75c Guaranteed for oue year, on Bale . Saturday, at ' T t only i DC A.nd Twenty (J2) Uttle Green Stickers. near future. Mr. Stlllman Is at present In Chicago looking up business and residence locations. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to William F. Hart, aged 41, of Colorado Springs.. Colo., and Florence T. Coyne, aged 31, of this city. Herman Smith of Nehawka, Neb., is the Suest of Charles Wind and family on South eventh street. He Is still suffering from severe Injuries recently received In a corn shelter accident near Plattsmotith. The hearing of Norman Taylor, the Omaha boy arrested Thursday for enter ing the residence of J. K. Cooper and steal ing a pocket book containing fc.60, waa con tinued In police court yesterduy until to day. The boy's parents have been noti fied. Tlie funeral of the late Hugh W. Gobs will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, 908 Third street, and burial will be in Falrvlew cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. A. B, Burlff, pastor of Trinity Methodist church. Edmund Riddle of Dow City has filed a petition In voluntary bankruptcy in the United States court here. His Indebtedness aggregates $61,700, while his assets consist of real estate valued at 5,00O and personal property of . the value of 43S, the latter be ing exempt. , Henry Green was yesterday adjudged in sane by the commissioner on Insanity and committed to St.Bernard'a hospital. The young man, who lives with his parents on East Broadway, has been several times be fore the board, each time being committed to the hospital. Rev. Henry DeLong will open his new mission north of Broadway Sunday. Pend ing the building of the proposed mission hall he has Tented the store building at 910 Avenue F. Sunday morning Mr. ueLong will organise a Sunday school and In th evening at 8 o'clook services celebrating the opening of the mission will be held. D. F. Dryden, member of the Board of County Supervisors, who recently owing to ill health had to withdraw his name from the republican county ticket, he hav ing been renominated, will shortly remove his residence from Hardin townBblp to tnl city. He has purchased the residence Of C. hi. Swanson on Park avenue, k Fred Fowler, janitor o the bhugart-Beno block, whose absence- Wednesday and Thursday from his post caused some em barrassment owing to the fact that he had with him a number of keys belonging to the building, returned yesterday. He stated he had been In Omaha and that there was no foundation for the sensational story that he had mysteriously disappeared. A pet squirrel belonging to a family living on East Washington avenue, which had e caped from its cage, became enraged when teased and created considerable excitement Thursday afternoon among the members of aeveral of the families in the neighbor hood. The little animal resented all at tempts to recapture It and finally Officer Planner was called upon to shoot It. 'Mrs. Cowles of Washington avenue, and sons, Edward and Carl, returned home yes terday from Sidney la., where they went to attend the funeral of their daughter and sister, Mrs. W. A. Penn, which waa held Thursday In token of respect to the mem ory of Mrs. Penn district court adjourned and the business houses ot the town war closed during the funeral aervlces. , The funeral of J. N. Davis, jr., who died in Sacramento, Cat.,, was . Jieid yesterday afternoon from the family residence, 212S Sixth avenue. The services were conducted by Rev. J. N. Graves, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church. Burial was In Prospect Hill cemetery, Omahu, Mr. Davis was a member of the machinists' union, Omaha, and about fifty of the members es corted tne remains iron) uuiana tu i Lie cemetery. Fted Stone, colored, until recently pound roaster of this city. Is under arrest In Omaha according to advice received by the local police yesterday. Stone Is wanted here on the charge of drawing a revolver and threatening to kill some man with whom he had a dispute. The police were Informed that Stone declined to retura without a requisition. It Is understood Stone's case Is now before the grund Jury at present In session. Henry Manning, aged 46 years, died yes terday evening at the Woman's Christian association hospital from spinal meningitis after an illness cf two weeks. He resided at Fifteenth street and Avenue G, and besides his wife is survived by his mother, na. C'offman of Monroe, la., and Iwo sisters, Mrs. Lucy Walker of this city and Mrs. Llssle proctor of Red Willow county, Ne braska. Deceased was a member of th Council Liuff tent of Maccabees. Gran Jury Finds Flv Indictments. ONAWA, Is., Sept. o.-(Spciul.)-Th Monona county .grand Jury adjourned for Jaa.terai today. Five Indictment war SATUR SHOE 400 pairs men's Sample Slioes, Good- rear welts, worth .50, at And 50 (f 3.00) Little Green Stlckera. . 160 pairs of misses' and children's Dougola Lace Shoes, won U Up lO iwo uiumrs, t Aw .at And 30 (f3.00) Little Men's Corona coltdnll top, larpc button, . Goodyear welt soles, Waldorf cap worth $3.00, for Exclusive Agents for the Dorothy Dodd Shoes. 30 styles for ladies. Also the R. S. Knox Specials for men. 15 styles. Clothing Department I Why not make Bennett your tailor? Today tailor . made clothing ready to wear is reproduced by the very best cutters. Why? The best talent and brain designing for the wholesale tailors. You will find no such clothing Brokaw Bros, an'd Bennett's Special. In the west Bennett now leads. : We invite all to look over our fall lines. If you have in mind Suit or Overcoat buying, we guarantee to fit you as well as your tailor at one-half saving. Brokaw's, $25 to $40 Bennett Special, $12.50 to $22.50 found, but aa parties ate not put under ar rest their names are not mude public. Far -Rant. An excellent office location, fronting on Pearl street, only half a block from Broad way, with a nice large showwindow which can be used for display. Bee office. 10 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. ' N. T. Plumblne Co. Tel. 2SC. Night, TSSL Mills-Fremont County Ditch. SIDNEY, la.. Sept. 9. (Special.) The Board of Supervisors of Mills and Fremont counties met at Bartlett, la., yesterday In Joint session to consider the question oi digging a, ditch through a part of Mills county and Into Fremont county and acrocs the latter to the Missouri river. This ditch has been under discussion and consideration for about a year and the laws passed by the late Iowa legislature concerning the construction of such a ditch has compli cated the matter more or less. However, the survey has been made and at this joint meeting of these boards the question may be definitely settled. . It Is believed the project will go and If It does great and lasting good will arise, from the fact that the most untlllable land will be drained and made to raise .heavy corn . crops, and also; the sanitary conditions will be greatly Improved. Conntlcs Confer on Ditch. ONAWA, la., Sept. .-(8peclal.)-The Joint dltoh meeting of tho two counties of Monona and Harrison will be held at Onawa Saturday, September 10, at 10 a. m., and there is a large attendance expected, as there Is much Interest taken In the pro ceedings. In addition- to the Board of Su pervisors of the two counties there will be a large crowd of the Interested land owners, both for and against the ditch. About S100, 000 In claims for damages have alreudy been filed In case the ditch Is established as prayed for, Both sides of the controversy will put up a hard fight and the hearing Is likely to last a good part of next week. The $40,000 cluim of Judge Addison Oliver for damages is the largest .claim filed. Street Fair Draws Big; Crowd. SIDNEY, la., Sept. 9. (Special.) The street fair and merchants' carnival which began- at Hamburg, la , "yesterday Is having enormous crowds. The weather Is fine and the farmers have their work well up and are taking a rest and a short time for pleas, ure attending the carnival. The merchants ar putting fort hi extra efforts to make this a suocess. The streets are well decorated and the town is 'receiving Its guests roy ally. All the concessions are doing well. Th carnival will close Saturday. ' Magnolia to Have Town Hall. MAGNOLIA, la., Sept. 9. (Special.) In response to a public petition a meeting of cltliens waa held at the town hall last night In tho interest of a town well. W. C. Dewell was selected chairman and J. V). Btuarr secretary, A committee consulting of John Goetscbe, I. - W. Depue and J. D. Stuart was appointed to let the contract for and supervise the construction of th well, for which work $100 waa subscrlbed. Taxcs 1m Harrison County. LOGAN, la., Sept. . (Special,) '1 he Har risen county Board of Supervisors has made th following tax levies for the coming year: State, I mills; university, .2 mill; college, .1 mil); normal, .1 mill; county, 4 mills', county schools, 1 mill; poor, 1 mill; Insane, I mill; bridge, 2 mills; bonds, 2 mills, soldier relief, .2 mill. Woodbine Methodists Active, WOODBINE, la., Sept. .-(Speclal )-Ths Mthodlst Episcopal church of Woodbine has appointed th following committees to - DAY'S SALE Good- 1 QfrsCsT i . . . . M)li Green Stickers. 4.00 is as serve during the coming year: Board of trustees. J. 8. Van Scoy, G. H. Klbles, I. A. De Cow, I. D. Hull and H. F. Johns; board of stewards, W. ll. Sweet, W. C. Mc Wil liams, Thomas Kelger, Mrs. Belle True, Mrs. J. .Kelfer, ,Mrs. D. Snyder, J. S. Van Scoy and G. H. Klbles; temperance, H. F Johns, F. M Smith and Gertrude Hubbard. New Store at Woodbine. . WOODBINE, la., Sept. 9.(SpecIal.) C. J. Osier has opened a new general store at this place. He has purchased a stock of merchandise in Carroll and shipped It to Woodbine. ' . WhatGasIilVill Do at Brown's C.O.D. Market 128 W. Broadway. Telephone 05. 3 lbs. Porterhouse Bteak. . . 3 lbs. Sirloin Steak. 3 lbs. ltound Steak. i lbs. Shoulder Steak............ BoilinK neef, 1)1' pound, . . . ; , . ;"2 Roast Ueef, pound 4c to 5c Sprinjj Chickens, pound. ........ v . . 14c A full line of lunch meats, home made pork Hausage hams, bacon, lard and salt pork, at away down prices WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Fall term la now open. Classic are forming. Students sre enrolling every week day. riace for young men and women to work for board. Writs for catalogue and College Journal.. Call or phone for Information. Offices open evenings. B. P. MILLER, resident. Hasoalo Temple. . Then B-6M. Conaell BlarTs, la. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN U Fearl St., Council Bluffs. 'I'hons 7. r