Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Bean Bnry All Bay, Celling Earl tni
. . Oerering Before the Cloto.
Cars Waa a Pelat Leaver Early, !
treeger at rioeeOate Steady
Bears ' Rt1-1cw ' .
. aad Gutlf. -
" - OMAHA. Sept. . 1904
Grain markets were almost Invariably
lower and the declines were quite marked.
Sentiment waa distinctly on the side of
lower figures, Ibe bears pr? swing their ad
vantage and the bulla offering no serious
opposition. There Wn no particular news
Of a cnaracter to Inspire the bears with a
feallng of confidence, but they were nervy
and hammered away until, there were sol t
spots all through the list. Minneapolis did
not like the bearish tone In Chicago and
predicted that when the short sellers of to
day tried to cover they would find It much
mora difficult to buy wheat than to sell It.
Th anly really unfarvnrabte feature waa
the large recelpia, and this probably
started the movement on the down grade.
The receipts at Chicago covered three days'
arrivals and at Minneapolis four. Tnts
aupply waa greater tnan the demand ami
a a result concessions were made and this
followed by the exertion of pressure ny tna
bear had the effect of turning the list on
the down grade with corislderable celerity.
After the bears lad hsd their way for an
bour or mora and pounded down both wheat
and corn, the former to the extent of
on September futures and li on the de
ferred dellverlea and corn nearly a full
point, they became a little alarmed at their
position and endeavored to cover without
attracting much attention, but the bulla
were after them at once, and the covering
operations found prices practically where
they were on Saturday. The weather map
bothered them not a little, and fears ol
frost, together with a continuation of crop
threshing returns that wearied the beara
was responsible for the change In senti
ment. On the down grade September wheat
had reached I1.02H. compare with a
.close on Saturday of SVW4, and on the up
turn It closed at practically He net loss.
September at one time waa down to rt.KH.
but it recovered to within He of Saturday's
close whlsh waa at December
dropped to 1106V,, as compared with n.Wttfc,
Saturday's final figures, but it waa better
advancing later to tl.OStt. May dropped to
11.07 to lHo lower, but recovered all of Its
'"com sold down ateadily after the opening
and recovered to a alight Improvement. In
the closing bour. . ...
Oats wera comparatively steady despite
big receipts. The tone at the close of the
day waa distinctively better.
Chicago atock grain In regular ware-
Wbaat. L47S.0OO bushels; increase. 417.000
Corny 1,291,000 bushels; decrease, 64,000
bOaU. 1,837.000 bushels; Increase, 70.000
bushels. vw. w...k
Rye, 69U.O0O bushels; Increase. 14.000 tousn-
Barleyt 63.000 bushels; decrease. 4.000 bush
els. Worl,Bnlmea."
Wheat today. 40,280.000 buahels; Increase,
L8A4.000 bushels.. . , ,M
Week ago. 38.96,000 buahels; decrease,
1496,000 bushels. , - .
Year ago, ' 26,1,78,000. bushels; decrease.
L4K8.000 bushels. . , ,
Corn,. today, J,O54,0OO bushels; decrease.
US nno'bushals. -
, TWek ago. 19.243, 000 bushels; Increase.
X046.000 bushels. ,
Tear ago.: 22,84,000 buahels; Increase,
7M.OO0 bushels. ... . ...
Omaha cash sales: I cars No. 1 wIllte
oats, 80c; 1 car No. 1 white oats, 32c; 1
car No. 1 white oats. 80c: 1 car No. 4
hard wheat, 88c! car,Jo. hard wheat.
60; 1 car No. 4 hard, wheat, 88c: 1 car
No. t hard whe4tC 67 lbs.. 97c; 1
car No. rye. 7e: I car No. 1 1 rye. Uc 1
ear No. S corn, 4Wic;l.cax No. I yellow
Omaha grain In' atore: Wheat. 126.T09
bushela; corn, r 7W44 buahels; oats. 81.800
bushels. -
Contract grain 'in store: Wheat, ,45.58
buahels; corn. 6,000 bushels, , .
Oral Prices. '
Wheat-' '. - ; 'Omaha. ; Chicago.
No, t hard......." 61.00 $1.04 tl.0l .
No. 1 hard..., ss - i-vo V
. No. 4 hard. . Us 1
d..... M f ''. '. ViVilTii'''
No. I rea
No. S red
"Na 1 snrffig,
' No. t spring....
1.00 ill
No. I.
No. .
No. 4
1 48
...... ; 4714
No glads.
... 45
No. 1 yellow.,.. 494
No. I yellow
' No. S white.....
No. white..
No. t mixed
No. I mixed.
" No. 4 mixed.
' No. t white.
No. whits.
No. 4 white.,
Standard ...
s O
M9 91
4tO. .....
Omake. Katares.
Open's-. High.
Today. Sat y.
CsSZ.. 4 A l4 A A 4J A 4g4
,ssv:su au-tau-tssu z
Osaakta Grata laspectloaa.
In 3 cars No. 1 hard wheat. 14 cars No. t
sard wheat. 8 cara No. 4 hard wheat,, I cars
no grade wheat; 84 cars No, 8 corn. 1 ear
No. 4 com. 1 car no grade corn, 7 cars
No. 8 yellow corn, 4 cars No. 8 white corn;
io cars No. 2 white oats. 8 cara No. 8
white osyta. 8 cars No. 4 white oats; C cars
No. 8 rye-Uotal. 78 ears. Out- cars No.
t corn, 1 car No. 8 rye-4otal. 8 cars. .
Ceuf Lt ReeelBta. . 1 ,
Wheat- Corn. Oats.
EL Louis....
Kansas City
271 ,
....a. .....
.inuuin .....ft.....
MlnneapOlfa f.,
yialbla tayply.
Wheat increasea . "TlX"'jt . ,
W.0Q6 Mishels, oats increased ,!". "
els; lat week wheat decreased 834,000 bush
els, corn decreased 74S.0H0 bushels, oats In
creased 1800,000 bushels: last year wheat In.
creased 147,000 bushels, corn
000 buahels, oats increased 450.000 bushela
Grata Markets Etsewkere. V
Wheat Increased K7.000 Dusneis,
Closing prices of grain today and Thurs
ly at the markets named were as follows;
day at
September ,
teoember .
September Peoember .
May ....vr.
September ,
leoembar .
September December
September Today. Saturday.
... 1.0SAB
... 1.B
... 6H
... 61B
... iVU
... 81 B
... 86HB
1.0 B
4H -
... 106H , 107
Decern Der
September December
September' December
1 10
Kisssi City Orala cad Prevlsleaa.
Ixwer: September,-4c; December. 8c:
Wv. Wlt, cash. No, 2 hard. iefiKSc; No. I.
. Wii7o; No. 4 CMc; No. 2 red, U-OS; No. 8.
(1.01; No, 4, ue.
CORN Loaer; September. 47C; Decern
feer. esve; May. c: cash. No. 2 mixed.
4s404c; No. 8. 4c. H: 8 whl:, 4c; No.
""OATS-Steady; Na I white, S3C8Sc; No.
t mixed. avc. ' 1
HAY-Steady; choice timothy, . 11.60;
Choice prairie. 87.2M7.i0. .
KYB8teady at Tkc.
bl'TfKKSAeady; creamery. 14l$c;
dairy, IjHc.
BOOH Market axeady; MWeiourl and
Kansas, new No. 2 hit woo cases lo
cluded, Bc; rase fount, Vie; Crs re
turned. c leas per dos--n. " '
Kecelpta Shipments
Wheat." b..' i.Vw iud
Corn, bu .( 71
Oata. bu U,K4 ifl.CWO
Peoria Market.
v PEORIA, Spt. ft CORN Quoted lower;
Va ft, Utlt; No- 1 tw'Vy--; ftp grade. Mc. .
MlasissslU Grata Market.
tember. d-We. December.' H Oa'.j, May,
El O. 64
MH .65
64 O 644
82 O 82
31H n
S2H '
81.11: No. I hard. 81.14; No.1 northern.
41.11; No. 2 northern. 81 i
- BRAN In bulk, S14V3lS.0.
"eatres ( tke Trad lag a ad Claslag
Prices" ea Beard at Trade.
CHICAOO. Sept. 4-rHesvy liquidation re
Suiting from lower cables and rnereased
shipments from foreign countries caused
weakness in wheat hers todev. Lite in
the day a revival of damage reports from
the northwest, however, nearly offset these
bearish Influences, the Ieoember delivery
closing with a lost of only c Corn was
a sliade higher. Oats were off He Pro
visions were 8c higher to 17c lower.
At the mart the wheat market wts de
cidedly weak, the December option being
down fc6 to (?le at 8l.06tfl. TUe
Initial decline was due to general selling
with only a moderate demand. Lower cat
bles, heavy aworld s shipments and liberal
receipts In -the northwest were the influ
ences that broupht on the selling pressure.
Heavy 1 offering by an Influential operator
was a feature of the early session, but
traders were apparently disconcerted by
the action of the big holder and the result
was quite free profit taking. Before the
declining tendency could be checked De-
cemoer soia ott to ii.oshc. uunng ine
day reports were received from Minneap
olis to the effect that rains In the north
west were much more general thn Indi
cated by the weather bureau reports. Dur
ing the last hour of trading most of the
early loss was regained on covering by
shorts, December advancing to 81 0KS. The
merket closed firm with December at
8l.m1fii.OSH. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to 144.5 bu. The amount
on passage Inrreased 1.HM.0H0 bu., while the
visible supply showed an Increase of 8Z7,0tO
bu. Primary receipts were 1,868.600 bu..
eompared with 1,404 7 a wo days! a year
ago. Minneapolis. Diiltith and Chicago re.
ported receipts of 1,008 oars, against 421
cars last wek and 1.M1 a year ago.
During the first part of the session a
weak undertone waa manifested in corn,
the depressing Influence being liberal re
ceipts, lower cables and Improved weather
conditions. The weakness of wheat also
Increased the selling. The market rallied
sharplv on a report stating 4at Kansas
snd Missouri will not raise half a crop.
The weekly weather bureau report was an
additional bullish factor. The market
closed firm at about the beet price of the
day. December opened SfiHc to 6c
lower at 50'tr614c sold between 60c and
UVTSlc and closed at 61c. Local re
ceipts were 1,671 care, wt(h 248 of contract
Oats held steady with a small range.
Trading was light, with soma selling cred
ited to a big holder. December opened
unchanrad to He lower at SSigSgHc, ranged
between l??2c and 83Hc and closed at
83c. Local receipts were 308 cars.
Owing to a break In the ranks of the
striking stock. yards employes there was
more snap to traa'ng In provisions than
had been manlfcate1 for some time. The
market was firm eVrly, but eased off on
realising sales. At the close October pork
was dpwn 17c at 810.82. Lard waa oft
2tfSo at 87 07. Ribs -were up 2Hc at
87.46. Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat, 147 cars; corn. 1.118 cars; oata, 419
cars; hogs. 21,000 head.
The leading faturea ranged as follows:
Artlcles.1 Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close, Bat y.
a Sept.
b Sept.
May .
Sept. Deo.
Sept Dec.
Sept. Oct.
Jan. ..
Sept. OoL
, Jan.
1 OS f 1 06 1 07
1 02 1 03l 1 04
1 6Hil06-Hll06-H
1 10
1 03
1 03-V
1 w
1 o
107V108-1 08-
(2Hf 6SHI
82f ' 63 63
s m5ifc
48 48! 4tr
49aHHI 4
. 86
10 80
26y86Hl H6.
11 00
11 00
10 73
11 00
11 1
U 62
7 00
7 12
7 27
7 42
11 12
11 17
10 He
18 40
10 2
12 80
7 16
7 17
7 02
1 1
T 17
7 07H
7 10 I
7 22
t 46
1 Z7H
7 so
No. 2. a old. b neaa, "
Cash quotations wera as follow:
F1K)UR Dull and easier; win ted patents,
$6.1066.20: straights. 84.41106.00; spring pat
ents, S610IH690; straights,. 84J06.1Q; bak
ers. 83.2OiH4.B0.'
WH E1AT No. 2 spring. t1.109i.lB; No. t,
81.02fi1.ll; No. t red. $1 .06.U.
CORN No,' X 63e; No. I yellow, 649
SaTS-No. 2, 81crNo. I white, 22'
JHcj-No. 1 white. 21Jc; . ,
B ARLBVOood fVedlng,' r88cj fair -tjjo
choice .malting. 4460c s
BBKDS No. I llax. tl.19; No. 1 north
western, 81.26; clover, contract grade,
PROVISIONS Mess pork, tr bhl., 810.80
C10.80. Lard, per 100 lbs., 17-00(37.02. Short
ribs aides (loose). - Short clear
sides (boxed), B 12H4W.2S,
The receipts and shipments today were as
follows: . ' Reeerpta. Shipments.
F'oui, bbls 21.800 17,000
Wheat, bu. ...i.21.oo ' M.100
Corn, bu '.8a.oon efiO.OOO
Oats. bu. u444.00 M 000
Rye, bu. 21.009" 8.7O0
Barley, bu. . 47,100 . 11.600
On the Produce exchange today the buttar
market was stesdy; creameries, 1419c;
dairies, 1216. Eggs, steady, at mark,
cases Included, 14t16o. Cheese, firm,
64lc. ...
St. Loala Grata sal Pravlsleas.
ST. LOUI8, Sept. . WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, 81.07; track, 81.CS
trl.10; December, 81.08; May. tl.Ui No. 2
bard, tlWi&l.QJ. 1
CORN Lower; No. t cash, 60c; track,
61H662c December, 48c; May. 4'c
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 32c: track,
834332c; May. 86c; No. 2 white. 86c
FlX)URtedy; red winter patents, 83.25
6-46: extra fancy and straight, 8a.10iSo.36;
clear. 84.40fi4.70.
SEEDS Timothy, steady, 82.80; prims
CORNMEAL Steady, 82.75.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 8SR4c "
HAi-nrm; umotny, e.wou.w; praine,
PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing.
611.02 Iard, weaker; prime" steamed.
84.62. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts,
88.27: clear rlha. 88.50: short clear. 88.76.
POULTRT Quiet; chlclnftts, 10c; sprlnga,
12c; turkeys, 1Sc: geese. 6c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 15820c;
dairy, 12616c.
EOGS Steady at 17c, case count
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 17.&W 8,000
Wheat, bu 241.000 245.0M0
Corn, bu 124 000 .
pats, bu 43.000 28.000
' ': Milwaukee Oral Market.
ket lc lower; No. 1 northern, 8114; No. I
northern. 81.10C1.12; December, 1.(1.06
, RYEJ-Msrket le lower; No. L 7474c.
BARLET Market lc lower; No. 2, 679
6c; sample, 38966o.
OATS Market o lower; standard, 83c.
CORN Market Io lower; No. t, (4o66c;
December, 61 c. asked. :
Pklladelpkla Prodaee Market.
Fair demand: weatern creamery, 19c; ex
tra nearbv prints. Sua.
EOGS Firm and active; nearby firsts.
S0c at mark; western firsts. 80c at
CHEESE Firm and In good demand;
New York full creams. 9610c.
Liverpool Grata Market.
nominal; futures stesdy; September. 7a
ISd ; December, 7s 3 6-ed.
CORN Spot, steady: American mixed,
to; futures, quiet; Septenrbef, 4s 8d; De
cember, 4s 8d.
' ' Teleda Seed Market.
TOLEDO, Sept. ft SEEDS Clover, cash
and October, 87.16 bid; December, T.17
bid. Alslke. September, 17.80. Timothy,
September, 81 40.
Cattaa Market.
NEW ' TORK. Sept. 8 COTTON Spot
closed qule" middling uplands. 11 10c; mid
dling gulf. ll.Sac: sales, 751 blea
Increasing demand and 10 points higher;
American middling, fair at ft76d; good mid
dling. ftSd; middling, 6ud; low middling,
4td; good ordinary, 8 lid; ordinary. i.8&A.
Futures opened steady and closed very
ateadv; American middling, good ordinary,
closed: Bentember. 4.0M;. September and
October, - a. 77d: October and November,
6SM; November and December. 8 4d; De
cember and Jsnuary. t4d; January and
February., t.ttd; February and March,
ltd, Mxrch and April. (.31 April and
Mav. Vlkkl; May and June. 6 d.
PT LDl'Id. Sept ft COTTON Quiet;
middling. 10c; aalrs. none! reortpie, nuns)
shipments, none; stock. 4.844 baiea.
Wklsky Market.
CHICAGO. Sept ft-WH18KT-teady, oj
btsls of 41.18-
Pkoki A. Sept. ft WHISKT On a bails
of I: 3 for f nished goods.
ST. LCL'1B. beivt. 8,-WHlSKT-Staady,
on a t-iets ef 81 -V
basis vt fttta for finished goods,
, , . 1 .....
Market Active sod Prioes of Fearlj All
fihftres Are Higberi . .
Deellae la tbe Price at Steel Seads
Dew a t'alted States Steel Pre
' ferred Traetlea Skarea
' Arc OST.
NEW TORK. Sept ft The stock market
gave a good account of Itself tods y and
contounaod Its unfriend y critics by ex
tending its already considerable rise and
by an increase in the volume of ae.lvliy.
1 he market waa under" suspicion of manip
ulation, as It has been for some time, but
the advance In prices was effected with
out bringing out any Insupportaole burden
of genuine selling.
Toe market was spotty all day and dur
ing the early part ot the session was Irreg
ular on account ot several weak points,
but the tone gained In strength during the
course of the session and the earlier points
of weakness wefe ovarcotns-
The principal supply of stocks for sale
came from lxindon and waa large'.y on
arbitrage account owing to the more rspld
advance here than there. There was some
depression In London, however, attribut
able to the disappointment at the prospect
of a prolongation of war In the far east,
with Its buraens on the world's msrktt
United Statea steel preferred was also a
center of positive depression. The decline
of a point In this security was presumably
due to the prospect of a reduction in the
prices of steel products, the effects of
which upon the net earnlegs of the cor
poration is dreaded. The local tractions
were unsettled by the threat of a strike
on the Manhattan system and formed an
other effective center of sympathetic weak
ness Not only the Interborough rapid
transit stock on the curb, but the Metro
politan traction stocks on the exchange
were rather aeutely effected.
Commission house business remained at
a low leve'. and the poor bank statement
of Saturday Induced some selling from this
sourfe. The general newe of tbe day was
rather more favorable to values than has
been true recently, but there was no spe
cial nwa to explain the disproportionate
strength and activity of a few stocks.
Reading was the flrat Of thee to dome
Into prominence followed by Erie. This
was clearly an extension of last week's
campaign In those stocks, which tied no
other apparent basis than the Inaugura
tion of the winter schedule ef prices for
snthrsrlte in September. j
The Pacific took the leadership of the
!eter market. The speculative presump
tion on the part of followers of the move
ment was that the newly returned hed
of the system was embarking additional
capital In his properties as a result of the
matured reflection of the period nf Ms
holiday. The demond for Erie was sotisht
to be assigned to the same source. Stre'S
was laid upon the verv cheerful tone of
ral'road traffic official rerorts.
The money market was unruffled by the
unexpected Inroads upon the surplus re
serves revealed by the Saturday bank
statement. The good progress of the corn
crop reported by the weather bureaus"
weekly bulletin was a factor In the
strength of the grangers and Pacifies, and
the reported deterioration of the cotton
crop seemed not to be taken account of.
The bond .market was quite broad and
firm. Total sales, par value, SMTO.WO.
United States bonds wera unchanged on
The quotations on the New York Stock
exchange yesterday f'f$g?Zo,
Atchison -.19.700 sH
do preferred 3.4O0 8
Baltimore Ohio ....19.001) 88
do nref erred ........ .
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J...
Chea. aV Ohio
Chicago & Alton .
do preferred ...
Chicago & G. W..
Chicago dt N. W..
C. M. dt St P...
.... ,vw
.... 600
. 2.300
. 4"0
184 '
. 78
" 26
.80,400 lai
do preferred
Chicago. Ter. AT...
do preferred
C. C, C. tc St. L
Colorado Southern...
do 1st preferred
do 2d preferred
Del. & Hudson
Del.. Lack. W....
Denver R G......
do preferred
Eric. v..,.. .......
do- 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred,:....
Hocking Valley
do preferred .......
Illinois Central .J
Iowa Central
do preferred ..'
K. C. Southern
do preferred
Loula Nah. .......
Manhattan L
Met Securities
Met Street Ry
Minn. &- St: L
M.. St. P. 8. 8. M.
do preferred
Missouri Pacific
Mo.. Kan. dt Tex
. 100 184
, 700
65 '
400 46
4A . 454k
8.000 K3 122 123
700 156 154 1564
, 4.200 89
13.900 120
. 100 67
. 800 78
300 129
3,300 98
1,800 22
do preferred
N. R. R. of Mex.. pfd.
New York Central ....
Norfolk at Western...
1,710 4
200 17 .
J.8O0 124'
do preferred ,
Ontario ft Western....
P., c. c at L ,
Reading ,
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred
Rock Island' Co
do preferred
St. L. ft 8. F. 2d pfd.
Bt. Louis S. W
do preferred
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway .
do preferred
Texas ft Pacific ....
Toledo. St. L. ft W.
do preferred ,
Union Pacific
do preferred ......
do preferred ,
Wheeling ft L. E..
Wisconsin Central .
do preferred .....
Mex. Central ,
Adams Express
American Express .
V. B. Express
Wells-Fargo Exp...
Amal. Copper
Amer. Car ft Foun
do preferred ......
Amer. Cotton Oil .
do preferred ,
American Ice ,
do preferred ,
Amer. Linseed Oil.,
do preferred
Amer. Locomotive
do oref erred
Amer. Smelt, ft Refta. 4.600.. 66
00 preferred 400 Wi
amer. eugar nenn,...
Anaconda Mia. Co.... , 8
Brooklyn Rapid T 27.900
Colo, r-ifl ft Iron 200
131 130 130
80 80 . : so
64 65 65
87 , N 36
)Ti 181 197
14 13 13
70 70 70
27 . . K 24
171 170 189
14 - 14 14
74. 74 - 74
2 29 SO
74 74 "
8 ' t WH
M fit ta
H 29 SO-
108 101 108
88 88 rt
Consolidated Gas 4.800
Corn Products 600
do d referred ' 400
Distillers" Securltles.8fl0
OeiWal Electric l.WiO
Internatlonsl Paper.. 600
do preferred
Internationa) Pump,
do preferred ......
National Led ......
North American ....
Pacific Mll
People's Oss ,
Pressed Steel Car ..
do preferred
Pullmsn Pal. Oar..
RtubJle Steel
d preferred
R"bber Goods
do pfd.. e-lv
, V
- 170
. ion
, 100
.. :v.. .....7T
600 IK 7 7
S0 142 142 M7
r KH 4t K4
tr". Cost ft Iron ..
V Leather..
,...-3. ma
VH 'a
,ej eefe.,eed
H mi
B tt(
tT. te-tv. Imal.... "
,TT. s Tti.bVe- rvi
4n r '.Tel
V. - "i
A nrerre4 ...40 )
etie4ee Elec....
T-ve- r-r - : se
4 - nt sit
ie i , iaii4
' Si
Total sales for the day. 646,000 shares.
Sew Yark Mtalaar Stacks. ',
NEW YORK. Sept. ft-The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks: .
essias voasMiostea.. si iuuw i&M ......... si
krsMSrtrk Cos..
CesjkstfH'S Tasnsl
Cas. ("!. ft Vs.
Mars Sllw
La4rtlla Cas...
.... if
'Oskw ..
rbosnls 14
'Fotoel i :
I rate u
I llrT Nri t
iSmstt Nopas M
isaaue tM
Farelaa rtaaaelal. .
LONDON. Sept. ft-Money was sbundant
snd In active demand In the market today
for repayment to the Bank of England be
sides meeting vsrtous calls amounting to
nearly 86.000.000. Discounts -were easy,
trading tin the Stock exchsnga was quiet
and prices were Arm on the cheapness
of money, consols benefltlag by the expec
tatiua that It would continue for some
tltna Home rallsy slso Improved for the
same cause. Americans were Idle, pending
the receipt of New York's opening quota
tions, after which they Laroened. became
active and rinsed below (lie beet prtcae of
the dsy. Jspsnese wers Irregular, wing to
tsar of Oensral Houropetkla's escape. ba
874k 87
119 120
67 63
73 ' 72
128 129
97 S
22 . 22
48 48
87 37
H 123 124
B 68
l'.& 'ivi ' 32
1.200 126 125 124
18.300 67 64 66
2.100 , 08 85 85
8,000' 76 75. 75H
26.100 28 27 27
.800 '71 70 71
600 69 69 69
600 22 ' 20 22
1.200 45 ' 44 44
76.700 69 67H .681i
...20.i0 29 2 29
... 400 95 95 96
... 3,600 '81 81 81
... 900 29 29 29
... 1,000 4S 47 47
...76,600 101 99 101H
... . ,. " 93
ftooo 'H 20
.. 11.100 41 40 40
... S00 17 17 18
... 800 19 14 19
... 700 43 42 . 43
... 600 It. 12 12
... 100 214 2)4 210
. eeea eases aeefa. 118
...12.000 68 87 67
.. . 1.500 19 19 19
... 200 79 78 .. 79
... 200 S3 S3 82
... 100 92 92 91
... . lo
... 800 26 S6 2
.... tOO 21 U 21
3 65
107 107 -
rallied - later. Imperial Japanese gov
ernment s of 1904 were quoted at le. rius
slsns were Di-mer. .
PARIS, Sept.) ft The tone on the Bourse
today waa stesdy. but Internationale were
slightly .-esker. KiiMlsn impersll 4s were
quoted at 93.06 and Russian bonds of 1"4
St 507- The private rate of discount was
ljl per cent .
He.ti.LilS, ft On the Bourse today
prlcea tn most ot the departments were
' Hew Yark Moaey Market.
NEW YORK. Sept ft MONEY On call.
easy; highest. 1 per. cent; lowest 1 per
cent; rate, l'per cent; last loan. 1
per cent; closing bid, per rent; offered
at 1 per cent 'lime loane. steady: u days,
2 per cent; 90 days, Jhi per cent; t month.
3 ter ctnt.
per cent.
actual business Id bankers' bills at 84 8715 J
4 8720 for demand and at 84.84714 8475 for
go-day bills; posted rates, 84 8j snd S4.8S0
4.88: commercial bills. 84MaQI.M
SILVER Bar, S6c; Mexk-an dollars,
c. .
HONDS Oovernmcnt, steady; railroad,
The following are the closing quotations
on stocks snd bonds:
C 8. rrt ta, rvc.-. l'HS.'Man. ron. ttl4 4..1M4
rttuses V Mm. Central 3Sa
C. 8. ta. reg 1 Mn. remral lat Ise. 1
4o emipos IKS' M. ft 8t. I,. 4a SH
r g. new 4a. fg....1l,s1.. K T. 4a 1W1
so tomwm ..1ti4k
as saa. "r"a
I". N. old 4a. rr....lo
-n. n. r.otm enn.4a. T
N. N. T.
an coupon 17
At'klsni ransral 4a..ll4li N. I. C. era. ta....l
o aajuMment 4a.. imlN. V. 4a 1
Atlantic C. U .... , o la 7t
B. A O. 4s 1 1st. W. cm. 4i....fl
1 tHa tKH'O. a. U 4a antl par. rr
C. ef eOwia ta lUS.rein. eon. JH MM
Io lat Ine RaillTit rn. 4. M4
r. O. 4e im ','St. U ft Sa.lKS
r. a. uta i ,pi l s r. f. 4i m
C , PJ. Q. new 4a. . St. U South la 74
C.,Sl. t. P. t. 4a 104 Seal.,- A. l 4a....
C. A N. w. eon.'ta lr4 B Pi-lnr 4a 4
C. n. I. P. 4a.... 7 s Hy. la 117H
so eol. ta T ft P. lata Jidv,
C. C. P ftW.Ut.4i.10lS T . St L. ft W. 4s. JTt
rniram T. 4a t.h rtnioa Pacinr 4t...
Cos. Tohacre 4a 714 4n con. 4
Col. a Southars 4s.. 4
i.. .itwi zrj aa.
. nt.
. KH
. WH
. S
. 7S
r. a R. O. 4a J01
Frta lat lien 4a
"aha-li la.
no d.h. B
W. ft L. T. 4i..
Wla. Central 4a ...
Colo. F. Co. ..
Erie g"ral 4a 71
r. w. a n. r.
Hnrklng Vall.y IHi M
L. ft N. nniaM ..iv
Bid. "Offered. Ea-dlvld"nd.
B08TON. Sept.
rent; time loans,
closing of stocks
Alrklaoa 9). 4a
an 4a
M.xlcas Central 4s..
Atnhtaos -
So pf s
P.oaton A Alhanr,....
Boatos A Mains...
Bnatoa Rlaaated.......
Fltchbttrg ptA
Mexican Central ....
N. Y.. N. H ft H...
Para lfarqaette
t'nlos Parlsc
Amer. Arsa Cham...,
6b pM
Amer. Pnae. Tabs..,
A mar. Sugar
do pra
American Tal. ftTal.
Amar. Woolas
do pM
Pomln. 1. ft g
r.-11on Elr. Ill
Oenaral Rlartrat ....
Maas. Rlectrio
do pfd
Maaa. Oae,
I'nttod mflt
laltad 8hoa Mark....
do pfn
T. S. Steal ..........
do pfd ?
Bid. Offered.
Stock Market.
. Calf loans. 2(53 per
3t per cent Official
and bonds:
M 1 Waattnsnovaa com.... 40
lltl-1 Adveirtura 14
an Allmioi 14
tft. an,ni.eiste4 7ta
K!mrif Sine .... II
ill j Atlantic 1H
in ninanasi rn
lMICalumat ft Harkla..t0
USoporr Rant .
ISHa'Dalr Weat
74 TomlntoB Coal
101 (yranltlln
SDSt.Iale Rorala ....
4 Man. Mining ..
1104a: Mlrhltan ........
Ill Mohawk
lmtlMnnt. C. ft C...
iiS'oid rtonlnion ...
11 DaceoU ,
71 1 Parrot
IK Oulsar
lftt Iphannon
Itt4; Tamarack
40H, Trinity
4t r. 8. Mining ..
inMtir. i. oil
W"t; rtah
8e4' Victoria
laWlnnna ,...v...
a wslrarlss
. ll4
. . vt
. '4
: 1H
. 4T
. 4
. lSi
. 74V,
. rsH
. H
. "t
, 7U
. rivt
. iih
. 91
Lesioi Stock Market.
LONDON. Sept. t. -Closing:
Coniola. moo y H
do sorount US
Anaeonds 4 i
Atchison 8
do Ida 101
Baltlmora ft Ohio. . V4
N. v. Central
S. A W 7H,
oo pia m
Ontario Westers.. lt
Pennaylranls 44
Rsnd Mines 1014
Canaaiaa PaclBt 11 Raadlaa
.. ISVi
.. 4SV,
.. IH
.. I"4a
.. n
.. t
.. M
.. 14H
.. t
.. II
.. 418,
.. Kl
Chaaapsak ft Ohio.. 4H t do- lat pfd
Chiracs O. W 11 do li pfd
C. M. ft St P In4 Southam Rallwajr.
DeBaan inito pfd
D. ft Rio Orsnds.. 16 'a Squtharn Parlflc .
dO Btd
fnlea Paclfio
sTrla ....j....,
do lis pt4 r.
do Id ptd Central . ...
. WV 4 pfd.-
. 7 If 8. Steal ...
. 41 do pfd.
.141 . Wabaas
Uxilartlla A It.
.ins P'4.
K. ft T ,. IT .Kpanlah 4a
SIL.VER Bar. auiet S d ner ou
MONEY-lfcl per cent. '
The rate rif discount fit the open market
for short bllla is 2HS2S Pr cent. The rate
of discount in the open market for three
months' bills Is 2V3i 91-18 per cent
Qaotatloaa ef Ike !Os
,' Commodities,
NEW YORK, Sept. 6 -F!XTJR-Racelpts,
21,400 bbls.; exports. 3.6W bbls. Market dull
and unsettled; Minnesota patents, 86.90
4 25; Minnesota baker', , 14.8064.70; winter
r stents. ts.2G66.50; winter straights, S4.90
20; winter extras. 18.454.00; winter low
grades, t3.3&f?8.80. Rye flour firm: fair to
good, t4.2.S4 60; choice, to fancy. 84.6iti4.85.
CORNMBAI Easy; yellow western, 81.11
fJl.lS; city, 31.141.16;.kflnlrled. 83.20(.30.
RYE! Nominal.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 47c, In New
York. . . ...
WHEAT Receipts. 111,700 bu.; market.,
spot easy; rwo. 2 red, r. o. o. anoat;
No. 1 northern, Duluth. tl.24 f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 bard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b.
afloat Options opened easier owing to
weak cables snd big world's shipments.
The market then rallied on covering and
less favorable news from the northwest,
closing partly He net higher. May 81 .Sfl
1.104. closed tl.lOH: September. 81.KX81-10S.
closed 31 10S; December, 810951.l0 8-16.
closed. tl-lOH.
CORN Receipts, 77.000 bu.; exports. 145.
015 bu.; market, spot easy; No. 2, 58e ele
vator and 67c f. o. b. afloat; No- 2 yellow.
62c; No. 2 white, 60c. Option market opened
easier with wheat, but eventually rallied on
poor crop news, closing Vtc net higher. Sep
tember close 68Hc December 66f7'c,
closed 67Hc.
OATS-nRecelpts. 267,200 bu.; market, snot
easy; mixed oats, 26iiv33c; pounds. 364j3ne;
natural white. 8032c; pounds 8738c; clip
ped white, 8640c; pounds. 394J41C
MAY Dull; shipping. 17.60; good to choice.
B5a . ,
,tOP8 Firm: sute, Ecommon to choice.
1903. 27036c; olds, 7&13c; Paclfio coast 19uS.
2631c; olds, 713c.
HIDES Firm ; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.,
17c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas,
dry. 24 to 80 lbs., 14e.
LEATHER Steady: acid, 2426c
PROVISIONS Steady. Pork. family.
tl0.60311.b0: mess. 38.6f39.00: hams. $2.Wi
25.60: packet. ti.60&10.60; extra India mees,
814 OdeSlftOO. Cut meats steady; pickled bel
llea, 89.OOiffll.O0; ' pickled shoulders, 87.003
7.86; pickled hams, 810.001100. Lard,
steady; western steamer, 87.60; refined,
barelv steady; continent. 87.60; South Amer
ica, 38.25: compound. 8J87i.00.
TALLOW Dull; cicy xe per pkg), 4Sc;
country (pkg. free 444Sc. -
RICK Market quiet; domeatelc, fair, to
.extra. y6c: Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Firmer; street price, extra
creamery. 1947190; offlr-Jal prices, creamery,
common to emtra, 18rjl9c; state, dairy, com
mon to extra. 1218c.
CHEES& Firm; state, foil cream, small
colored, fancy. 8e; small white, poor to
fancv. Hi&Vc; large white, poor to fancy,
fc-OGB Firm; western - fancy, selected,
tm lie: western, average best 19430e.
POULTRY Alive, firm: wesUrn chickens,
144il5c; fowls'. 14; turkeys, lSc: dressed. Ir
regular; western ohics-sos. 13H14Hc; fowls,
14c; turkeys. 134.16c,
Waal Market.
BOBTON-, Sept ft WOOL Market active,
most of the large-buyers - still being In
evidence. The Montana wools were well
grown this season, sn unusually large
amount having gons directly to the con
sumer without being sorted. Manufactur
ers report that the woolen goods trade
Is In better condition than a year ago and
the Isrger mills have been prominent la the
market. Prlcea here, which are held firmly
are as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX
snd above, 84T3Ac; X, Soft 81c; No. 1. 83
34c; No. 1 tvoJ4c: fine unwashed, 24j26c;
unmerchantable. 26j44c: unwashed delaine,
BSdjrnc: Michigan X and above, 2Ttt8c: No.
1. 80631c: No. 2. 2-tr .'.; fine unwashed. 21
fi22c; unwsshed delaine, 255: California,
Humboldt and Mendocino. XitfCTc; northern
choice. 22iac; average, 17l9c: middle
counties. 17t18c ; southern. 14lee: terri
tory, Idaho fine. 18iS18Hc; nvV 16
18c; fine medium, 18tfl8Vc: medium. 1920c;
I'tah and Nevada line, 1717c; heavy fine.
18ilc; fine medium. 17Hlac; medium. 80
tTIlc; Montana fine, choice. ti21c; fine
average. 19Hic: fin medium, choice. J04
21c; average, IMTJOc; Colorado fine. 1314c;
fine medium. lMiJSc; medium, 164117c; fulled,
Scotired. fine basis, 152Sc,
. ST. LOUIS, Sept. ft-WOOL Market
steadv: medium grade combing and cloth
ing. 20828c; light floe, lnfiaoc; heavy fine,
12$ 14c; tub -washed. CfiJic.
I 4
Oils aad Blesla.
NEW TORK. Sept ft OILS Cottonseed,
oulet: prime crude, nomlrrsl: prime ye'low,
flic. Petroleum steadv: refined. New fork.
87.86: Philadelphia and Baltimore, 84 90. Tur
pentine. eaiy. 65H6i6e
SAVANNAH. O-. Sept. ft OILS Tur
pentine, firm. 64c.
ROBIN-Ftrm: A, B. C 82t0; V, 82 80; K.
F. tl .46: (4. 32.7A: H. U.7&: I. tl.31'4; K.
UTS'x. M. t406; N. MS!S: W O. K6,V: W
V. 4.t)TW . '
OIL CITT. Pa., Sept. 6. Credit balincea.
$14; certificate-, no bid; atilpments 196 fcu) averse. st.2l bbla.; runs. i.M3 bh's .
average 64 871 rl : shipments Unaa. 19441
Ul. averaaa 6 Tvt Wi'i.; run. Lima. 110.107
bbla, average 42.781 bbls. .
Cattle Beceipta Hot ticesgirt and Pricet
Held Genorallv Stesdy.
aad Lataks, bat with Llgkt Beeelpts
Prices Held A boat Steady Feed,
ers Active aad Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. ft I.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monder 8.88 t.iil 8.4
Ufflclsl Tuesday 8.M7 7.704 S.8U
Two days thlsiweek... 7.818 in.01 lt3
Same ds Is at week....l0 14710
Same two weeks ago..... .7 1S.W4 la.0'
Ssme three weeks ago. .'' 7.837
Same four weeks ago... 4.837 16.7t) 8.61
Same days last year.. ..18.79 11.844 Z1.1W
The following table show the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for
the year to date, wlm comparison with last
J sr; 194. If A Inc. Deo-
Cattle 655.117 t&o.W lOO.tMl
Hcgs l.tW6.877 l.ex4,3 1.614
Sheep 801.851 8oO.7 21.754
Average prices paid for hogs at South
Omaha for Lbs last several da s with com
parison: Date. , 1801 U9M.180t1901.1800.lD89.iat
8ept. 1
Sept. I.
Sept. I.
8ept. 4
Sept. i
Sept. 6
f 01
t 02V
8 G8 f 781
4 r
4 441 t 78
t 681 I 771
4 8
4 t? I 78
4 88,
8 21)
18f I
I 00) 4 84) I 74
6 10,
4 4
3 7
t 78
a 1Z
t 7S t 81
4 60
S 12i
t 80
f r f 01
L fl'l 4 42
6 78
i 11,
t 48
t 4S
7 01
a k
S 1,1 1 1 4?
8 8) til
4 87 4 411 14
s ot
4 Ut
4 4 '
7 101
i 05
4 .
( ft?
t 78
t 72
3 70
3 71
i 22
5 881
7 SI
7 "
7 26
7 1
7 26
S 98
t 81
4 01
t 00
8 03
t 11
t 12
t 121
6 08
4 4"t
I '2l
4 4
8 33
S Ml
8 20!
S 177Z,
6 00
6 0S
t 02
8 On
6 08
t 05
4 40
4 271 8 61
8 18
i Z7.
7 i
4 20 8 61
7 4?J
7 3
7 S3
7 411
4 14
8 09
I 66
i 33
S 24
5 30
8 42
6 47
4 19
t 26
4 22ft 62
6 24 t 47
7 461 t 34
t 61
''ndlcatee Surds.
The official- number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road wee:
C..'M. St. P. Ry. .. 7 4
Mo. Pac. Ry 1 1
U. P. System 24 17 It
C. ft N. W. Ry 9
F.. E. ft M. V. R. R..74 27 4 3
C, St. P., M. ft O... .. ..
B. ft M. Ry 65 29 .. ..
C, B. ft Q. Ry. ...... 1 t
K. C. ft St. J 2
O. R. I. ft P. (east). 3 t . .. ..
C. R. I. A P. (west). . I
Illinois central I .. ..
Great Western
Total receipts 182
' The dlsDosltlon of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tbe num
ber of bead Indicated:
Cattle. Hog". Sheep.
Omaha Packing company. 04 oss wi
Swift ft Co.
. 628
. 54
. in
. 118
. lit
. 86
. 94
, 94
Armour ft Co
Cudahy Packing Co.
Sol Degan
Vansant ft Co
Carey & Benton
Lobman ft Co
McCreary ft Curey ...
Hill ft Son
Huston ft Co
Hamilton ft Rothschild-
L. F. Husz
Squires A Co.
Cudahy Bros. A Co. ..
Wolf A Murnan
Lelghton ft Co. .......
A ger Packing Co. ....
Hagerty ,
Bttller A Cllne
Other buyers
Tota's ......... :.: 4.240 7.178 7.29S
CATTLE There were more cattle on sale
here this morning then arrived yesterdsy,
but at Chicago -there were only 6.O0O head,
while at Kansas City there were 15,000
head. The local demand was In good shape
so that an active and-abdut steady market
was experienced' all .around. There were
about ten or a doxen loads of corn-fed
steers on sale and they could safely be
quoted active and steady where the quality
was at all desirable. As high as 35.75 was
paid for several bunchea of good quality
and everything In sight sold at an early
hour. ,
There were between thirty and forty cars
of western grass beef steer on sale, but
most of them were only of fair quality.
That had a tendency to make the market
appear rather slow, but still the prices
paid showed no quotable, change from
yesterday. A choice bunch would prob
ably have so'd a little stronger, as all
the buyers seemed to be anxious for chci-.
There were around 86 cars -of cows In
cluded In the offerings, and the same as
usual of late, they were mostly all west
ern rangers. The market ruled fairly active
and steady on the general run. Some of
the choicer grades, in fact, looked a trifle
stronger. The change .though, was hardly
worth mentioning. A good clearance waa
made by the middle of the forenoon.
Bulls, veal calves and stags could not be
quoted anything but about ateady with yes
terday. , ...
There Is not an excessive supply of Block
ers and feeders In sight, snd with a fairly
good demand tha market ruled quite active
and fully steady with yesterday. Some of
the better grades were In good enough de
mand to bring a little stronger prioes. Com
mon stuff was somewhat neglected, but
sold In about yestta-day's notches. Repre
sentative sales:
Vr. 41 14
FT M 1174
I 80
4 44
8 60
i M
6 7
6 71
6 Tt
8 7
4 41 II 1!M
4 M 11 1MI
I 00 11...... lit
I 00 1414
I 00 14 MM
I Of ' - M .4144
4 -cows.
1501 II inn
ad cows -
I iftffi
1 11 f
g M
8 48
I 41
8 M
1 70 , 1 1170
IK 1 1100
8 41 1 1470
....1100 IT - .
.... 841 I It 1
1044 4 4
18 IB
,..1060 tt 66
11 feeders.. 818 83 10
t feeders.. 813 1 00
1 cow
1 cow
820 I 16
t feeders.. 806
6 cows 1060
3 eows 1130
t feeders.. 842
t 16
6 cows.
t 60
t 76
t 00
t 40
t 10
t 26
1 cow 930
1 feeder... 80
1 feeder... 630
1 bull IOsO
61 heifers... 898
67 heifers... 9
1 heifer.... 820
61 cows...., 846
1 76
t 60
1 26
t 00
t 00
t 60
2 60
10 steers.... 846
8 steers.. ..wis
1 steer,
8N0 t 36
1 steer..
I steers.
. 680 3 60
,.10)6 t 00
to cow..
..1117 I 60
67 cows.
24 cows,
1 80 2 steers.. 7.1283
t 75
t 20
t 76
t 38
t 70s
3 00
2 00
J 00
t 00
26 steers.... 92
66 steers.. ..1017
3 steers.. ..1014
79 steers.... 944
i steers.... t94
3 bulls.
4 bulls,
t bulls,
t bulls.
10 feeders. .1000 t 26
H. V. Rowe-Nab.
M feeders.. 766 I 16
Ubuamr iive ovoca a. rrjro.
7 feeders.. 814 3 16 w
A. A. Cornell Neb.
J8 feeders.. 9ot 8 25 6 OOWS. .1073 1 tt
1 leeuer-M s
F. Dorn Nab.
14 feeders.. 4 t 00. I cow.... 181 in
1 bil l, i ii '"" a ? y
H steers 168 t 80 6 feeders. .1064
li cows-inK8 tto I feeder... mo
I 10
I 26
17 feeders 181 I 26 . It COWS..... t 160
1 feeder. !
J. Call-Neb. '
t 70 7 feeders, . 686
170 13 feeders.. 8!i0
t 76 21 feeders.. (L7
t SO
Chaffer S. D.
8 26 10 feeders.. 11M
t cows 1053
1 cows 4V0
t cows louO
1 feeder.. .1100
1 SO
8 34)
t 60
I Tt
t 80
1 75
tl feeders. .11'
t cows,
BX 1
W. QUlnJV B. D,
1 cows.,
t eows..',
t cows..,
tt cows..
1 steer..
1 feeder.
.. 974
1 80
1 1
It feeders. .1071
t feeders. .1126
tt feeders.. llt
t feeders. .1008
II feeders.. 1128
t 60
2 6.
3 00
A. Zutaven Neb.
36 cows..
Wat 46
J. Monaban Neb.
860 8 7 16 feders..lG4l t 40
I 85
t eows..
t cows..
S. M. Coooer Neb.
8 feeders.. 851 t It 1 bull...... 880
1 86
1 feeder... "60 3 16 1 cow 11S0
4 feeders.. las 3 40 ' Scows ka
riirutn Bros wyo.
t steers... .1"40
1 steer 1V
1 steer 1 1 V
1 steer 10i
1 steer l!4fl
1 atee 10
4 steers. ...1'2
1 steer UsO
1 35
1 str
, !,
.. K1
8 28
t U
t 24
1 26
t 26
t 86
I 26
1 96
t r.
t s
1 steer..
t steers.
1 steer. .
1 steers.
18 steers.
3 steer.
12 steers. ...103
86 steers... .1149 111
1 steer. ...110 t 86
1 steer 110 3 26
11 steer.. ..l'TM 2 80
6 cows 971 3 84
feeders. .! 3 88
18 feeders.. 962 3 15
3 feeders. .11 i 76 - lrow.... M t
1 Teeder... 7i 2 60 8 cow8.....Ki IN
8 feeders.. 88 Sit ' 1 row ... 1010 3 84
3 feeders.. 903 1 2 4 cows. ... JOU S 80
W. D. Heating Neb.
It feeders.. 868 3 26
T. F. Beard Wyo.
t feeders.. 76 8 16 feeders.. M t
14 feeders.. 8J6 t 3 feeders.. 950 3 69
1 feeder. ..1130 2 60
C. W. Stusrt S D.
11 feeders.. 11 8 00 I cows 94 1 m
lbull 1340 3 08 12 cows 93 1 tt
fleerge Luts 8. D.
14 feeders.. 113 1 50 4 cows 919 t 65
t feeders, .tit 2 1" 4 cows 1013 110
11 rows 100 IK 8 steers. ...108 t 70
25 cows 954 I 86 t- steer sat 9 65
211 feeders. 94 3 68 20 cows . . . 976 t 80
H 940 1 78 31 mixed.... 75 166
1 heifer.. 470 3 80 It feeders. .1060 I 10
1 feeder. ,.ln t 10 1 feeder. ..1070 1 10
1 frder...l0JW t 10 1 feeder... 10 t 10
1 feeder... 880 too 1 feeder... lmo 100
f feeders.. 1041 S 00 1 feeder... 1190 1
i feeder. ..1140 3 00 1 feeder.. .1020 100
J. C. Shaw-Wyo.
trows loss 3 00 1 feeder... 78 IM
1 cow 100 2 00 1 feeder... 790 t 00
t cows KM 146 I calves... 186 t 00
H. A. Johnson Ws-o.
tl steers.. ..1187 t 40
Alex. Ohent-Wyo. '
1 feeder... 970 t 20 10 cows 1000 1 f
14 feeders.. 854 1 90 1 cow 1009 1 00
1 feeders. .1000 1 76 48 COWS 960 1 80
24 steers. ...1690 3 to
W. W. Merchant Wyo.
60 steers.. ..1066 too
W. M. Barld-Wyo. .
41 teera....lll3 8 15 3 cows 900 1 9 .
2: steers. .117 8 16 13 cows 94 1 90
St steers. .lt I Ju 26 steers.. ..1072 IW
1 steer 1860 t So 1 steer 1230 3 30
HOG 8 There waa only a lair run of hogs
In sight this morning and tne market here
opened tents Mtttiy on nood llgnt and
butcher welghta Trading, though, was not
very prink, as ouyers seemeu tu be unusu
ally cautious. Tne eany sale of mixed
hogs went largely from 36.4V to 86 80 and
lignt and choice butchers sold Irom ti 30 to
85.40. with a top at 36.46. The price
was paid for a prime load welguing 207
pounos. When It came to the heavy nogs
the market was extremely slow snd 6tflc
lower. Packers wanted to buy thrm all ths
way from 86.00 to 8616. and aa salesmen
were not willing to sccept the prlcfs. It wss
rather late teiore much business was trans
acted on that class.
The situation grew worse Instead of bet
ter; or. In other words, packers practically
stopped buying entirely.' At noon there
were fully twenty-five loads still In first
h.tnrts, and on the heavies salesmen could
get no bids at all. On some of the good
medium weights buyers would bid t6.16. but
that waa so much lower then the morning
prices that saleamen would not cut loose.
At time of going to press Indications were
very favorable for a good many hogs being
carried over until tomorrow. Representa
tive sales:
. av. Ft. Re. 1 A. IV. .
1 in ... 6 I t4S 130 4 li '
II .., i 11 II tl7 ... 8 II
M 4 ... I 1 TO Ut 4 I M v
1 1M ( li SO H 4 1 I
I 17 40 I II ..... ...14 ... 6 IJ
43 . .144 110 I 1 44 144 4 6
61 10 ... Ill It 14 ... I
II 17 SO I li K I4T 44 I W .
im iro 1 li 7 in Witt
44 2M 40 I li 4 IH N IK
16 Ut ... I 10 64 IU H I II
ZU i ITSi (7 . .12 ... in
74 11 40 I ID . HI U0 I I7H
U.. rol 40 I 10 7 143 44 6 17
10 M - 4 tlO 44 i 1714
4 !M 140 I 10 41 M ... t .
8 Ml ... I M 71 It 40 8 M
170 40 I 10 71 ItO M 0
14 IM H IN 14 IU ... i I
M t ... I 90 71 ? ... (
64 141 )M I 10 Tl .41 . 90 I IB
7 ttl 80 i 10 " 10 til ... 10
70 ITT ... M 71 M I M
trr 110 1 t:u 7 im o i bo
40. 171 0 I ZJV, M tU ... I 1H
71 Ill 10 I 11V, 71. ...... till ... IU
.- 17 1 11 (I Hi ... 18
4 2M ... ill 71 101 ... i M .
II ts to 8 3$ II, Ill ... I H
o :n 10 ii it iii wi'
7(1 14 10 i M 71 ttl ...
tn. ...... .in 40 1 M o: ft 190 w
44 144 40 I li U. ...... f7 ' ... 141
SHEEP There was a moderate run of
sheep and lambs here this morning and be
sides that the big bulk of the ofteilngs Con
sisted of feeders. Packers, however, did
not seem to be quite as anxious for sup
plies as they have been on some days and
were inclined to be a trifle bearish. Owing
to the small number on rale, however, they
had to pay lust about steady pnees for
everything at all desirable. A siting' of
about 1.200 lambe sold for 86.35. with a cut
of 64 heed. Wethers sold for 83 4j and ewe
63.25, Most of tha good stuff sold in fairly
good season. .
Tha demand for feeders' was active and
fully steady prices were paid .for the tet
ter grades. Something en the common of-
der may have been a little slow, but there
was not mucn cnange in tne prices paid.
As high as 8t.7t snd 81-76 was paid for
feeder yearlings.'
2 Wyoming ewes ....' 90 1 00
93 Wvomina wethers .. 1(B ' 1 45
18 Wyoming yearlings 88 ,' 70
71 Wyoming yearlings 90 J70
178 Wyoming- 'yearling 88 170
It Idaho feeder ewes 97 i X
1S7 Idaho ewes 102 t 25
60 Idaho feeder lambs 42 4 10
355 Idaho feeder lambs ,.... tl 40
637 Idaho feeder lambs 61 4 30
336 Idaho feeder lambs 68 " 4 25
El Idaho lambs 68 4 85
878 Idaho lambs ' 66 4 36
222 Idaho lahbs 68 4 35
800 Idaho lambs 63 4 75
390 Idaho lambs 65 6 85
200 Idaho Iambs 64 f 85
420 Idrtho lambs 45 f II
Cattle aad Sheep Steady Hogs Flra
aad Hlaker.
CHICAGO. Sept. 6. CATTLH Receipts,
1.000 head The market was steadv;
beeves, tS.lSfft.tO; cows and heifers,
Sl.SOfft.SO; stockers snd feeders. 83.003.80;
Texans. 13 If!. 25; westerns. 83.76fT4.tO.
HOGS Receipts, 1.000 head; the mar
ket was IValOc higher; mixed and
butchers. ta10tji5.75; aood heavy. t5.IVr6.70;
rough heavy, 84 70J5 05; light. tS 304.80;
pigs. 85 10Q5 5O: bulk of sales 15 90a.7
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 22.000
head; the market wss steady; sheep, 12.60
tj4.20; lambs. 34 0006 00.
Kaasas City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts. 16,800 hesd. Including 8.000 head
southerns; market steady to 10c lower;
choice export and dressed beef steers, 85.26
tXist; fair t3 good, tS.764i5.O0; western fed
steers, 83 75ti6 60; stockers and feeders, 82.60
15 4. 20; southern steers, 32. 6084.20; southern
cows, 2.00fr3.00; native cows, 11.604(4.15;
native heifers. 12.604.60; bulU. t2.0(ra.26;
calves. t26O&.00.
HOGS Receipts. 8.100 head; market
steady to 6c higher; advance tost; top, 85 60; j
heavy,; packers, o.oj8.4u; pigs
and lights. 36 253.6u.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.600
head; market strong: native lambs, 14 60t
6 80, native wethers. 88 264.00: native awes,
t3.UOlSiS.76: western lambs, I4.6utui.76; west
ern yearlings, 836064.10; weatern sheep,
83.40iS-3.76; stockers and feeders, tl 0034 W.
St. Lewis Llva Stack Market.
BT. LOUIS. Bent, t CATTLE Receipt,
6.0 head, including 1.600 Texans: market
active, steady to strong and higher; native
shipping and export steers. 14 606.90;
dressed beef and butchers' steers, 34.u04j6.60;
steers under 1,000 pounds. t3.60itC.36; stock
ers. S2 263r4.T5; canners. 1.26t82 25; bulla,
12. 25&3.60; calves, 83 .60(81.26; Texaa snd In
dian steers, 3.0o4.66, cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts. 4.000 hesd; msrket
strong, higher; pigs and lights.. I8.0bfa4.60i
packers, ti.3O4j6.60; butchers aad best heavy,
6.6"i5.76. ..
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ' 1.M0
bead: market strona; natives. 83.t0A3 90
lambs, 8440.6e; -culls gad bucks. 82.009
4.36; stockers. 82 00000; Tsxaas. 83.00..
St. Jaseph 1.1 v a Staak Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Sept. t. - CATTLE Re
ceipts, 1,630 head; msrket mostly lOtHlfco
lower; nativas. t8 65&6 66; cows and heifers,
I1.6094S5; Mockers and feedera. $30093.8.
HOUS Receipts, 4.414 head: market
steady to strong; light. 85 005.44; medium
and heavy, 85 25.40. 1
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.739 !
head; marvel steady 10 loc lower; range
wethers, 13.90.
laas City Llva Stack Market.
SIOUX CITY, 8ept. t (Special Tele
gram) CATTLE Receipts, 1.000 head:
market steady: beeves. 33.1064,60: cows,
bulls and mixed. tt264M.2t; Blockers and
feeders. t2.76at 60; calss and yearlings,
3 bi 26.
HOOo Receipts. 1.406 bead; market
steady; selling. t6.06f.3O; bulk of sales,
tack la Sigkt. '
Following were the receipt of live stock
for ths six principal western cities yester
South Omaha ,
Sioux City ..,
Kansas City ..,
St. Iuia' ,
St. Joseph ....
Chicago ..
1 steer... -..!n t tH
24 feeders... 11 t 86
1 feeder... W 8 85
. Cattle. Hog. Bbeea.
,.... 1947 7.704 t.tU
.... 1.0C4 t.U
,..,.16.800 tJiiO 1600
1 000 4.0U0 l b
,....rM 4.44 I.7M
.... 1,000 t.OuO L2U0
84,867 3468 tt.OU
Dalatk Grata Marka-t.
Dl'Ll'TH, Sept. t. WHEAT New No.
I northern, tl No. I northern,; to
arrive: old No. 1 northern, lilt; No. t
northern. U-UH. oa track; old. No. t
norihera, tl II: No-. I northern, 81 OH; D.
cefcioer, 41. us; May, 61 It.
OATS on track and to arsivei He.- 1
Caadltlaa at Trade aad 4eatatteaa era
tapla aad Faaey rradaea. '
BXJOS Kecelpta moderaie: candled atoek,
LIVE POULTRT Hees, He; reoetara. Ui
turkeia loc: ducks. ifjSb; geose. eo. sart
chickens. lJgUSc.
etc l h,h-i-avaing atock. U47HV: ckolcg
to fancy dairy, laie; separator, .flis0-
PKKMH FISH Troat. ptcaerat. ea;
pike, lc; parch. Tc: biueflah. UCi waitenea,
tc; salmon. 14c; reo snapper, lie lobeter,
green. t; lobster, boileu. 8uc: baaibeada.
lie; c-atnsn. lc; t4ack bass. 0e; haliout.
loc; erapptea, lie; roe shad, 81; buOato. re;
white bass, lie; trog legs, per doa. 36c
h KAN Per ton, lis.
H A 1 Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No.- 1 wotswd.
;.t'l; No, 8, MM; medium. tS-OO; ooars.
86 60. Ry straw, 14 ta. These price are
lor hay of good color aad ouallty.
OTsiERS Msw Tor reusLS, pef eaa.
45e; extra selects, per caa. Ifer gtaadards.
per can, 3c.
tropical mum. ' ' '
ORANGES Valencia, larf alsea, tliifl
4.8k; small sixes 84.ai4M. - . ,
LEMO.NS California fancy. 278, tot and
SbO. 4 taj; choice, t46wj.7k
LIMES Florida, per -bkt crates, 14 to.
i'lat California, par 10-1 b. car tea. sue;
Imported bmyrna, 8-crown. 13c; t-arwwa.
lc; i -crown, 16c ;
B tN AN AS Per medium alsed btinch. RW
a J0; jumbo, 816tj.A.
CATENNk; FlNsiAPPLB-16 and St atxa,
par crate, 64.00.
APPLES Home gt own, per iu. 'basket. .
sftuc; per bbL, tluut3.3s.
Pa.ACrth3 csifiortita Alberts aad Sua
quehannaa, 81.10; borne grown clings,
per lv-io baskft, ac; Coloraao, per t-baaket
cstte, 11.60; Colorado, per box, suc041.4al.
rtL'Me-Cainornla gross, prana. 41.69;
Trageiy, tl.A; Italian prune a 81.34; Ctah
and Colorado plums and prunes, 9Mottt-t.
PF.AUB CaUiornia Hart let t, jr box- til
8-J.tAi; Colorado r'lemlsh . Beauty, M.M
olorado. L'tah and Oregon BarUett. ti.9
ttl . 6; California H. Hardy, p.. . , .
CAN'IKLOLPE Arkansas and ladles.
Territory, per crate, tl.6uttl.76; genuuM
Colorado Rocky Forda per crate, 444. .
WATERMELONS Per 'b (crated). Io.
CELERY Per do.. 3s4740a, -
tiK APES Home grown, par t a 10-lk.
basket. 26c; California Tokay, per cas 81. 7t.
CRAB APPLES Par bW., U.&aH par
market basket. 0c '
POTATOES New home grown, la aacka,
per bu.. 46c.
NAVif BEANS Per bu.. tl.90J108.
ONIONS Horns grown, In sack, par bu,.
609i7fc; Spanish, per crate, tifu.
TOMA'ioes Horns grown, per. market
basket, 164J 2oc, -CABBAUK
Home grown, per 100 Ibe., Hp.
CUCUMBERS Per dos.. lie '
TURNIPS Home grown, per bu., 40f24Ca.
BEETS Home grown, per bit.. KitpjOc,.. ,
PARSLEY Her dog., 25c. .
WAX BEANS Per market basket CM.
STRING BEANS Per market basket. 60e.
GREEN PEPPERS-Par bushel . basket,
tl 00. . .
SQUASH Home grown, per doa., too . :
E1G PLANT Southern, per doa., 11.18.
SWEET POTATOES-Horas grown, per
market basket. 60c: Virginia, per bbt., tt.09.
HONEY Per 24 frames, tl St. .
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb, ioc
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
lie; Wisconsin Young America. 12e; block
Swiss, new, 16c: old.. 1617e; . Wlacoaaia
brick. 13V6c: Wisconsin llmberger. 18c
HIDES No. 1 green. 74c;"No. I green,
4tc; No. 1 saltod. tc; No. fsaltd( let No. 1
eal cslf. 8 to 18 lb., 9c; No. 3 veal calf,
12 to 18 lbs., 7c; dry salted. Jltct. ahe
pa is, ztojzic; norse niaea, i.
NL'TU wainuta. no. 1. sort snail, per in.,
ltc; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. t soft stitU.
per lb., 13c; No. t hard shell, per la.. 11c;
J'ecana large, per lb.. 12c; smsll, per lb.,
Oc; peanuts, per lb., lie; roasted peanuts,
per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, par lb kfi lilac;
large hickory nuts, per lb., fie; almonds,
soft shell, per lb., 16c; lsrd shell, lie;
shellbarks, ber . bu., . I2.M; black walauta,
per bu.. 11.21 1
Visible-Saaplr ant rals.' -
NEW TORK. Sept. 6. The visible gup- .
ply of grain Saturday,' September 3, as
compiled by the New York produce m
change Is follows:
Whtat, 12.811000 bushels; Increase, t36.00
Com. 6,887,000 ' busnels; Increase, tt.ett
bushels. '
Oats. 1606,006 bushel; Increase. 8.170.0W .
Rye. 86.000 bushels! decrease. 43.000 true,
els. - ' -
Barley, 901,006 bushela; - Irtcreasa, 94.669
bushels. '." .. ... .. '
Deeds died for record September 6. 1964.
as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and
Truat company, bonded abstracters, 1614
Farnam street for The tee: . . 1 s
Effle Raed to C. G. and Elisabeth Lar- -
son, lots 3 to 11, block t, Lakavlaw...! t3t
Philadelphia Mtg A Tr. Co. ta M. j
Klssne, lot L block 1 Vandercook
terrace ..,......... L6"t
Amanda Davis to E. Davis, lots K, It
and 17, block 3, Mlrtourl ava. pa's..,. 100
W. B. Carter to O. H Payne, lota It
- and 17, block 1. Avondale park 1
F. W. Andrews and wife ta W. K. Tib. - -
bltts, lot 14. block 4. Albright s annex. 3,009
Sarah A. Bullard to D. O. Jonea. U
n wu and new nwU and nwlA naA or
oi9-ia m. .. . a
H. E. Hardin to J. 1. and Mary Par- -rott,
lot 7, block 11. Hansom plaee.... 1,600
D. L. Johnson and wife to J. 3. Dodds,
lots 10, 12 and It, block lot, Dundee
piece LtBO
Grace M. Seymour to J. P. Macauley,
part lot 1 block 10, Parker's sdd....n t.66
Lixxle Meseersmlth and husband ' to
J. T. Brammann. lot 17, In re-plat ,
of block 3, Bemls-park tW
W. Farnam Smith to E. A. Wlekhorst
lot 31, block I. Brlggs place 1.600
Almlra C. Millard et el. to Luke Me
Grath. lot 1 block 1. Kountae plaee... 1
W. A. Rogers snd wife to Annie Lie- .
men, part of lot 37. block t, Brlggs
place . MDf
W. a. Ltndes and wife to Cassis
Thompson, part Of lot 34, block I,
Campbell's add l,V
South Omsha Land Co, to Anna -Bkarda,
lot 1. block tt South OmareV 40
Emily J. Mcintosh tn Fannie A, Tol- :
lansbee. part of lot 10, block 4. Bos
A Hills... ta7
i'K It. It I 9 97 "I
I Mtf rat 88 asd
U6 del
rifUi and Rsbart St
Stocks, Grain, Provbioru
Beagbt aad Sold tw gasbar carried .el wtasaabls A
srgaaa,assa wbkOi taare wtu taacaanjaol Ma
grstts. U aa stack sa4 U sn Oa. . , j i .
W rlts lar am surkei Wtt. .
9 " '!..
Ship Your Grain To U$
Sssf raciurtas. Peoatrt Ssrvsasi -
Brsnch OfTlos. I 6V 1 1 Baard 4 Trade.
cfboaetSlt. OMAN A, Nil
The Merchant'
National Dank
of Omarttt, Na. .
. . ssei.nary
Cspftal tsd SurtBt, JWO.OOtJ
?UM 9MsfT. IVsa, v
UlTUt taUat. CsstsW.
rum t. I4SHT9W. tssj. CasMw.
Snail 1 aaasssts t Waba, Saab a. hit 11
stteaa. Srsst a4 iaeinSasJs es tsrsas
rn Bssasass ssssM asd ss,
Lattsra s sraea laaai. ssMlsM la s
pans st Iks warl4.
yitaotiasaSM ea araei
ceo. 1. wins CsUia'C3r
. OMAHA. . , .. ,
Members: Chicago. Omaha, Kaaeas City
and St. Loais Eaobangaa.
Trsnsactkxis tat (uutra delivery gtveaj
careful atisotlori. -
S la Board Trada M. Tal. SAOd.