THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SUXDAT, SEFTEMBETl , 1904. IVe Close Monday Labor bbyat Noon. Dress Goods Bargains for Monday and Tuesday More Dress Goods than all ..' Monday commences our t;oods.' Here are the prices: " W piece Navy' Blue Voile, refular pric $1.60. tl.SH. tl C and - 82.60 only on pat ; tern Ao customer . KQp .. at, yard...,.., OVW So piece and pattern of CourtaJdf Eng ' Hah -inch Black Bilk ami Wool Ontna 't dine and Granadin KnHM, sold at 13.H, w UM and 37.W yard only on pat- 7Qc tern, to c ua I omrr at, yard ' J0 pieces of Imported and Domestic New - Pall Novelties, some 46 Inch wide, some W and M Inche wide, worth LW and , 12.40 your choice for Monday QB. only at. yard VOW "7 tdocr of Frond New 1904 Zlbetlnee, In all . trie new fancies and plains, regular price ... 81.88. 12 to and trw. ail will go 1 OK. at, yard '.tO PIf:CES OP NEW FALL MOHAIRS, IN PRINTED WARPS. MIX ' TCRES. METALICS. KTC. ' M Inch wide Priestley's make, t at yard 44 Inch Bradford. England, manufacture, at, yard 1.98 .1.50 FALL . EXQUI8ITE COSTUMES-Direct capper, of Imported designs on sala OB fifl at $35.00 and...,..., , , ,3.UU i EARLY FALL COATS r . JUST THE THING FOB COOL EVENINGS. SILK COATS In three different styles I LIGHT WEIGHT COATS In great variety ,, tourist, box and belted back R ffl o( tolor- taffeta and satin ij ttft your choice at..., -CJ.WJ lined -hnic i.OU TOURIST COATS In handeoma fabrics and newest. designs. 46 Inches long., made to and Tuesday pelal Inducement for early buying, choice. Monday - - J QQ ' OTHER Sf ECIAL OFFERINGS "iN TOURIST COATS AT $10.00 $15.00 , $25.00 'r - EXTRAORDINARY SKIRT OFFER t WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS Worth ! WALKING AND DRESS .SKIRTS Worth -r - - M IIW l -"1 : 22H2fi coic.1...8. . mr. SNAPS IH SUMMER GOODS , 1.60 Women' Lawn Waists, at .tTT;. ......... 69c W.00 Women' Waists, ; OSc $5.00 Women's Waists, . fl rQ $1 Women' Wrappers, 98c Half wool .fancies at 10c .15c 19c 25c Half wool fancies ,.. ... Black' fancies at All wool dress goods double fold at , POVERTY WINS IS CLASS i Goea in Paoing Baca Against 07 F and ' 1 : JSfannie. Lm. . MYRTLE BOY AND EDDIE D LAND - Fsatar! of the Day Art Twa Rai !( Kavees la Whlck floss Lively ' Ar Made aad Ex. ) cltemeat Relajaa. . . ' - . ' W. C Ruaseir mare. Poverty, waa. the ' , animal that got the cheers yesterday aft f ernoon at. the regular .matlne at the Sprag-ue street driving park. She was run f nlng with Roy F. and Nannie Lee in the Class, A' pacing and lost the first heat by . breaking, but the little mare warmed to her work In the second and third heats j and won both after exciting races. In the second heat of this race all three started In splendid shape and rounded the corner neck and neck. .Nannie Lee broke and the other two . forged ahead, with , Roy P. leading. Poverty, on the outalde, repeated her performuac In her previous race and, creeping on a level with Roy F.. made a beautiful spurt on th home dash and won by a couple of lengths.. In the third I heat Nannie Lee broke when a short dis tanco from th judge' stand, and the race was between Roy F, and Poverty. Poverty got . the pole and after a hard frugal defeated Mr. Iman's gelding. Myrtle Boy took two straight heats in 't t: Class B trotting and Eddy D. did th ; asm in the Class C pacing. In this last ' race Michael Angelo, who was booked to t run, . waa scratched, and his place . was t?keivty Ned O'Nye, a new horse, that ;,had not th ghost of a chanca In any of . th beats. ' .Th features which really caught the , -crowd war the two running raeea. Th first of these was one-eighth of a ml' dash and. -was won by A. Tift's horse, Billy. Dick Estes' Cricket took the lead at th start. , with , J. 8. Iman s- Tricks pounding along a close secuud. Billy, who bunched with Plnkey .and Whiter, got tclear of' them and, maneuvering to the fence, won th race by half a length. In - th second running race, for a quarter-mile daah, there were alx entries, and all got ' away In beautiful order. Plnkey led by . half a length at th bom corner, with th ' reat in a bunch. Th boy on Tricks started to fanning d crept to second plac. Art Smith, riding Whitey, got an opening and, creeping te a level with Tricks, and then in a beautiful rush, won the race. Resells f h Day. Track good. Attendance, auu. Th following were the reaulta: Clas A. naOng. First beat. Time: lui, THE UUABLB fTORJC the other Omaha stocks combined. early fall sales. Examine the 41 Inch Bradford. England, tnaunfacture, at, yard 41 Inch Bradford. England, tnaunfacture, at, ar4...,....v... ' Wool Walstlngs .1.25 ...989 Wool walstlngs are In the lead Wool Filling Mercerised "Warp. at, yard Silk and Wool. SO shades, at, yard '. All Wool 811k Figure, at, yard. SUM. 86c and this year. 60c ...59c ...75c French Flannels and Challles Finest grade of Imported French Flannels, regular TSc goods, ftQp at, yard JVl Best 75o Challles made. AQr at., yard FOR POFVLAR PRICKD DRESS OOOD8 SEB DOMESTIC ROOM. STYLE SHOW Monday and Tuesday In Our Great Cloak Dept. More beautiful than ever are the new fall styles in women's ready-made outer garments. Hundreds of handsome gar ments Suits, Skirts, . Waists, Coats, etc., now on display and new goods arriving daily ; TWO GREAT LEADERS A BEAUTIFUL SUIT Tailor-made -throughout) lined with Skinner satin, made to sell at 826.00. The' most remarkable value ever shown In Omaha, JQ gQ TOURIST COAT SUIT Of Lyman' wool cheviot, taf feta lined throughout and made to sell at 20.00. One of the very nobbiest of this season' styles. f 50 I up 10 iu.w. r .ftj at . .10 8.98 I "a? .Wc!?'' Wpappr". ' rqc Black Sataen Underskirt. . Af $2.00 Moira UndersklrtaV at 1.00 IX ALL COLORS AND BLACK. , POPULAR PRICED Imported 0rmca plrnid 39c 69c fa.ncle .39c "to nl fLOO mohairs, clbelinea, ladle cloth Scotch mixtures and other ' Af goods, will be closed out at........4C BE SURB, AND ATTEND OUR FAMOUS htI F" wn Nannie Lee second. Poverty Becond heat. Time: 1:06V4. thTrdVertJ' WD Ry F' eo,nd' Nannl Lee Third heat Time: l:l&Vfc mritny WOn" Roy F' "eoon,. Nannie Lea I lo!" B trotUn'' ' nn heat. Time: Myrile..Bojr won General Nuttingham second. Medium third. . Second heat. Time: 1:10' Uyrl1.B?,y won General NutUngham econd. Medium third. V: Pcln" Mrst best Time: 1:14. fc.ddle D. won. Johnnie second. Lady Ball third, Ned O'Nye foith. .yv;a u Second heat. Time: 1:14. ' .v.v'!.'11.-1'; won- L"dy Bu eooond. Johnnie third. Ned O Nye fourth. Clasa D, free-for-all trotting and pax-lna to four-wheeled road wagons. Time: I zi w Mary Mundy won, Robert second. Lady Hawkey third. . Second heat resulted in ame order. Time: 1:72. Special exhibiting contest In saddle horses, with Prince, owned by T. H. Per fleld, snd Miss May. b RusseU Inman, and ridden by hia D-yearold boy, Rtf&selL waa won by th latter. Running race, H-mlle dash. Tim: 0:14. Kill won. Cricket second. Tricks third. Second running race, Vmlle dash. Time's 0:80. . Whitey won. Tricks second, Prtkey third,' The program which waa arranged for Labor day has been cancelled, as many of the members will .0 unabl to attend. EVENTS OJI THE R1H!CI3IO TRACKS Stalwart Wl.i ajto,(XX Ceatary fltak at Bkeepsbeaa Bay. NEW YORK. Sept. 8 -Before a crowd of ,000, Stalwart, at te X won tbe tX.OUO Century lakes, one mile and a half, at Sheepshead today, defeating the 11 to n) favorite, Ort Well.. In one of the clnaest finlbhea of the year. Short Hose waa third, eight lengths back. The time. 3JU14, la a new track record, two-fifths -of a second faster than the prevloua record, made by Water Boy last year.,- - - : - 7 The Century stakes la a . welght-for-age race and high class fields faoed the starter. The Drake-Gates combination bet a srasll fortune on Ort Wells, the Drake repre sentative forcing his pric down from 4 to 6 to 11 to 20. Thomas, in ths meanwhile, wa placing his money on Stalwart, whose price dropped from 4 to 1 to t t. Th frlce of the others ranged from ' to 60 to The start waa prompt, and Delhi rushed Into the lesd. followed by Ort Wells snd Major Dalngerfleld. Passing th stand th first lme Delhi waa leading by one length, with Ort Wells second and tbe major third. Making the hrat turn Delhi was atlll lead ing and going verjr easily. In th run down, the back stretch th position re mained about the eame, except that Stal wart raced Into third position. After round ing the tar turn Delld began to stop and 0 Nell sent the favtylt. Ort Wells, Bp and Into the lead. Aa Delhi began to drop back Stalwart moved to second place and Short Hose ran Into third position. At ths head of the stretch sMaiwart waa at the sloe of Ort Wells. In the stretch both boys began to tide hard with whip and ai'urs and gradually drew iwny from the field. Slowly but surely Redfern (arced Ms mount Into tbe lead, and In a drivlr.g finish, lu which both horses war extended to their u cm out. Stalwart won. Previous winners of the Century were Water Color, sillies snd Water Boy. Sliney reset . Tradition, that ran second to Artful In the Futurity, today easily captuied the tlO.unO Klatboeh slake, sevtn furlongs, of the Futurity course a She was hea'lly played, being banked dftws from 1 to 6 to 11 to 20 st post lime. Results: first race, tsep!ecba, full cours4 Great Sale of Silks Monday and Tuesday Frotn the immense purchase of over 700 pieces black and colored silks from the Samuel Eise man Co., Grand St, ew York. We bought these silks at about half price and are in a position to make lower prices on silks of all kinds todaj than anj other house in this part of the country. GREAT LOTS OF BLACK TAFFETAS, BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, BLACK CBEPE DE CHINE, fane j waist and dress silks, light brocade, plalu ilessallne and plain colored taffetas all will be SOLD AT SENSATIONAL LOW FIllCES. ' Silks That Would Sell at 50c, 75c and $100 Will Go at 25c An 'ImmwM lot, pv-rTmps s?rtr& thou wind and many brocade on aal at, yard . Silks Over 10 pieces Taney stripe, check and novelty silk for suiu. In blue, brown, gun-metal, shades, worth up to (1.00, en sala at, yard Fancy Silks for Suits Worth up to $1.50 In choicest and handsomest styles, all the latest colors for fall wear, many In the wide 87-Inch widths, over 109 pieces In all, also including the new Chameleon effects, all on sal at, yard, 69c, 55c and GREAT LOT PLAIN WASH SILKS-In 27 and M Inch widths, nearly ail colors, worth up to 86o yard, on aale JJQg G R FAT ' 'Lot ' 'plain ' 'colored ' TA F FETAS The finest grade, made to aell for 75o and 86c yard. In white, cream and all colors, on sale A fir' ot, yard .VC CREPB DK CHINE 24 Inches wide, pure silk, black and colors, worth 1100, on yard."!..n.,y.' ;..59C BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, 20 Inches wide, worth 76c yard, on sale IfJn at, yard OVW RUGS RUGS RUGS STOCK RI'OS MADE FROM THE BEST AXMINSTeV WIL rON VELVET AND BRt 8SEI.8 CARPET On sale Monday nd Tuesday, Sept. 6 and . SUCH RUGS HAVE NEVER BE FORE BEEN OFFERED IN OMAHA AT SUCH A LOW PRICE. Make your selections early. Rugs displayed on Third floor. EVERY RUG MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 4x8-8 Azminster Rug , 9 00 txi Axmlnster Rug g 75 WiM Aaminater Rug "." " 11.25 IxioU 'Axmiiuiter' Rug " " JJ 25 xiTwriton" Velvet' Rug " 7.50 lo4xio-i wiiton''veivet'Rug its eyee at... MOmda -Sxi Wilton Velvet Rug 1 1( gQ x' Wilton Velvet 'ftu'g " 9.00 xii "Brus'seis"Rur " . " 00 -$xU-4 Wilton Velvet Rug " ' . l-lx- Wilton Velvet Rug S-txii-l' 'Wilton' Velvet' Rur-I" xii''whton'' Velvet' Rug " 6x 'Brussels "Rug " 8-2x9 Brusseis Rug - l-SxS Brsse'ls 'Rug """ -Jxii BruVseie'riug " " Great Autilmn Grocery Sale Monday READ THESE PRICES 8 pounds Hsnd Picked Navy Bean for..20o 8 pounds Good Japan Rice for 2&o' 8 pounds Breakfast Rolled Oats for ....c 4 pounds Fancy Pearl . Tapioca, Saco Barley or Famla for 16c Large Sack Cornmeal UVfcc The best Laundry Soap,- per bar 2Vc 8 bars Wool Soap tor 100 1-lb. package Fancy Macaroni Tftc 8 packages Yeast Foam or On Time Yeast lOo Quart cana Fancy Oolden Table Byrup.8 1-Sc 1-lb. can Fancy Alaska Salmon c Fresh Ciiap Soda Oysters, Butter or Milk Crackera, per pound 4c The beat Bulk Laundry Starch, per lb..JVi5 IX L. Elaatlo, Electric or Celluloid Starch, per. package .X0 1-lb. package beat Cora Starch o t-lb. cana Ear!y June Sifted Peas 70 (-lb. cans Faiioy Wax, String or Lima Beans : 7H 8-rb. cana Monticello Rhubarb THo 8-lb. cans Oolden Pumpkin 7Vio J-lb. cans Boaton Baked Bean 6 l-3o WOOL DRESS GOODS 8 HOUR SALES-FROM TO 12 Wa will sell wool dress goods 1 wool dress goods OKp m 7bc to 81.8 yard at 4 p. m., w will sell wool dress wortn irom From 2 to Royelle (8 to 6) won. Dromedary second. Amur third. Time: 6:14. , Second race, six furlongs: Waterside (10 to 1) won, Lady Amelia second, Adloa third. Time: 1:12. Third race, the Flatbush stakes, 810.000, seven furlongs: Tradition (11 to 20) Won, Olaeau second, St. Belluir third. Time: 1:25. Fourth race, the Century stakes, 830,000, mile and a half: Stalwart ( to 2) won, Ort Wells second. Short Hose third. Time: iXlVk Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Carlngorm (7 to 2) won. Councilman sec ond. Bluecher third. Time: 1:06. Sixth race. -mile and a sixteenth, on turf: Wud Thyme 3 to 1) won. Leader second, Orey Friar third. Time: 1:47. DETROIT, "Sept 3. Results: First race, six furlongs: Arrah May (5 to 2) won, Peggy Mine second. Jungle Imp third. Timet 1:17. Second race, one mile: Rachel Ward (3 to 6) -won' Hlgheels second, Artemesla third. Time: 1:44. Third race, mile and a sixteenth: Banks Trot (3 to 1) won, Free Admission second. Harney tturk third. Time: 1:4. Fourth .rue: .the Michigan stakes, six furlongs: Pretension (12 to 1) won. Rusk econd. Good Cheer third. Time: 1:16. Fifth race, seven furlongs: Mlngore (6 to II won, Saro Ouard second, illuminate third. Time: 1:81. Sixth race, short course, steeplechase, handicap: Sam Parmer (6 to 2) won, Urey Cloud second. Navigator third. Time: 3:5. CHICAGO., Sept.' 8. Results at Harlem: First race, six furlongs: Mayor Johnson (8 to 1) won, 811eat Water second. Sad bam third. Time: 1:13. Second race, six snd a half furlongs: Don Domo (11 to 2) won, Matador second. New Mown Hay third. Time: 1:11-. Third race! six furlongs: Big Ben (13 to 1) wo. McGee second, Irene Lindsay third. Time: 1:12. Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth: Port Royal (( to 6 won, liusaah second, Bragg third. Timet 1:47. Fifth race, five turlongs: Belle Kinney (3 to 1) woo. Subtle second. Intense third. Time: 1:00. Sixth race, one mile: William Wright (even) won, Foncasta second, Branca third. .Tim: 1:40. Seventh race, mile and a sixteenth: Havllard (4 to 6) won. Celebration second, Ben Chance third. Time: 1:4s. . ST. LOUIS. Bept. 8. Results: First raoe, .six furronga, selling: Scotch Dance (7 to 2) won. Pinochle second, Oudon third. 'Time: 1:14. Second race, five and a half furlongs: Tim Hurst (3 to 1) won. Picture Hat sec ond. Hi Worship third. Time: 1M. Third rac, six furlongs, selling: Joe Ooss (8 to l) won, J. W. O'Neill second, Sid Sliver third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Otto Stifl (6 to 1) won, Ioe Water second. Tally II third. Time: 1:14. . Fifth race, sl&aad a half furlongs, purse, 8-year-olds ard up: Juat So (8 to 6) won, Mlas Doyla. second. King's Trophy third. Time: 1:21. Sixth rsce, rr.lle and a sixteenth, selling: Tbe Bugaboo It to 1) won, Hubbard sec ond, Ayie Lewis third. Time: 1:47. Seventh race, mile and three-sixteenths: Mia Eva 411 to W won. Mesanthrope sec ond, Freeslas third! Time: 3:03. BUFFALO, 6pt- 8. A fourteen days' meeting began at Kenllworth today. Re aulta: r First race, six fflrlongs: W. R. Condon. 3 to 10, won; lira Frank Foster second, Hippocrates third. Time: 1:1. Second race, five furlongs: Merry George T to 1, won; Chlcarra second. Hound Relay third. Time: 1:. Third race, mile and forty yarda: Tama Christy. 3 to 1, won; Hobaoo's CYiolos sec ond, Remittal third. Time: 1:60. Fourth race, lull and . sixteenth: Palm Urdu, and Include white, colored hd fancy , for Waists and Suits In Great Variety at 59c BLACK PEAU DE SOIE $7 Inches wide, worth 11.60 yard, on sale QCr at, yard OOC BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, 86 Inches wide, won n yara, on sate at, yard BLACK TAFFETA Pure silk, , wide, worth 60c yard, on sale at, yard BLACK TAFFETA Pure silk, wide, worth $1.00 yard, on sale at, yard , BLACK TAFFETA Pure silk, wide, worth $126 yard, on sals at, yard , 85c 1 Inches ...29c 24 Inches 59c 17 Inches ...69c ALL LEATHERS LATEST STYLES WORTn $3.00, $4.00 AND $5.00 PER FAIR CHOICE 14,25 g Q0 g QQ "15.00 8.40 6.60 " 7. 45 """" ." " Q yg 7-Inch Dinner Plates, An each .. 6-inch Dinner Plates, r each ,OC J-lnch Dinner Plates, On each Fancy decorated Jumbo Cups and Saucers, 22C FRUITS, FRUITS. FRUITS. Just arrived for Monday and Tuesday sales, one car of fnncy large yellow Colo rado Fre Stone -Peaches, which we will place on aale at, per box Stic Do not healtate, the peach crop is short and prices will advance rapidly. TEAS AND COFFEES. . Choice) Santos Coffee, per lb 12Ho Fency Marlcaibo -Coffee, per lb lac H. B. C. Salvador Blend Coffee, lb ....Kfto Choice English Breakfast or sun dried Japan Tea, per lb 25c Fancy Spider Leg Japan, Ounpowder, Ooloruj or Ceylon Tea, per lb 83 l-3o BUTTER, BUTTER. BUTTER. Good Country Butter, per pound 12Hc Choice Dairy Butter, per pound 15c Fancy Separator Creamery, pound ..Vhkc The very finest Creamery made, lb ,...2t'c Everything guaranteed absolutely pure. Ws hav no license to sell you any sub stitute. I roods, worth from 60a to tl.M ...15c ..17ic a yard, at All wool challls - I worth 6O0 at .... , Reader 6 to 1, won; Brier second, Cheboy gan third. Time: 1:53. Fifth race, steeplechase, about two miles: Imperialist, even, won; Mystic Shrtner, I to J. second; Day leaf ord, 4 to 1, third. Time; 4:82. Sixth race, mile and forty yards: South, ampton, 6 to 2, won; Justice, V to 1, second: Widow' Mite, 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:49. COOK WIXS WIMBLE DO X CIP Resnlts of the Interstate Shootiag Toaraasseat at fleasirt, N. J. 8EAOIRT, N. J., Sept 3. The most dm portant Individual competition thus far of the interstate shooting tournament In prog ress here for the Wimbledon cup was won by Oeorge E. Cook of the District of Columbia, who until a few weeks ago was a member of th National Guard of the national capital. Cook's score was 88 out of a possible 100, a lead or three points over William A. Tewes of tbe First New Jersey regiment. He will hold the Wim bledon Cup for one year, receive a me.lal and also U6. Tewes' prise Is 316. The prise of 310 goes to Captain William B. Martin of the Second New Jersey and the fourth prise. 86. W Caotaln C. B. Winder of Ohio with scores of 83. Shooting conditions during the tatter part of the match were very unsatisfactory. Th light wa poor and Just prior to th wlndup a drenchlr g rain, fell. The winner of the air-comers' squadded revolver match, also shot late today, waa unuvcimni i. n. oajre or ntw l orK. the first prise is 816 and a trophy. The second in, iu, goes 10 coionei 1 nomas Ander son of Massachusetts, and the third, fourth and fifth prises of 85 each to C. F. Arm strong, Major S. J. Fort of Maryland and Major O. B. Young of th District of Co lumbia, respectively. OLYMPIC LAW If TENNIS GAMES Wright aad Leonard Wlaa Worid' Doable Ckasnpioasbip. ST. LOUI8. Sept. 3.-Tha Olympic lawn tennis tournament which has been in progress on the Stadium courts all week, closed today. Th weather was Ideal and a large crowd of enthusiasts mora nnuni Real Wright and Eugar Leonard, both of nuaiun, won me wonu s Olympic champion ship doubles. The game was marked by brilliant plays, which met with frequent applause. Results: World's Olympic championship (doubles), finals: Beal Wright and Edgar Leonard, both of Boston, defeated Robert Leroy of Columbus university and A. E. Bell f Los Angeles, 6-4. 6-4, 6-i. World's fair (doubles), finals: Ralph Cresson of St. Louis and 6emp Russ of San Antonio defeated Dwlght Davis of St. Louis and Ralph- McKlttrlck of St. Loula. 8-4, 4-4, 6-2. 4-. Louisiana Purchase exposition (singles), finale: Dwlght Davla of St. Louis defeated O. V. Vernon of Kanaaa City, b-1, 6-3. World's championship (singles), finals: Beala Wright of Boaton defeated Robert Leroy of Columbia university, 6-4, (-4. Worlds fair (singles. finals: Edgar Leopard of Boston defeated A. S. Bell ot Los Angeles, 4-4. 4-4, -l Sattl Creak Kin Meet. BATTLE CREEK. Neb.. Beot. 8 (So. ctal.) Yesterday witnessed the first day race or me intra annual meet of the Bat. tie Creek Driving park association. Tli meet should have begun Thursday, but sa prevented by rainy weather. Kesultsi First race, 8-mlreute trot or Dare: nrlxe. 76: Won hy Frank, owned by June Howell of Albion, lime: 2:15. Second rsce, J 35 trot or pace; purse, 3100i Won by Masaie McNeil. -wned bv Pat Cavenaxgh of Niobrara. , Time: 2:8. inr-lwr-aJl rtuuilim caos, Voa by Dora tMh silk, plain and novelty silk 25c wine, green, peacock and other 39c 49c Inches 98c BLACK TAFFETA Purs alls, wide, worth $2.00 yard, on sale at, yard BLACK MESSALINE The new Bilk, 17 Inches wide, worth $1.26 yasd, 7C, at, only, yard a u BLACK MESSALINE The new silk, X7 Inches wide, worth $2.00 yard, no at. only, yard .VOC NOVELTY BLACK 8ILK 36 pieces will go on sale at, yard A lot of about 15c SALE OF CROWN SAMPLE SHOES Continues Monday and Tuesday IF YOU DO JfOT SECURE ONE OR MORE PAIRS OF TIIESE SHOES YOU HAVE MISSED THE GREATEST BARGAIN OP PORTUNITY EVER OFFERED TO YOU. 1.96 See Sixteenth Street Window Display A Big Smash in Crockery Prices Cups and faucers. each , Fancy decorated Tea Tiles, each Fancy decorated Verona meal and Fruit Dishes, each 9c Oat- 6c each Cuspidors, QQq Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings .., .ur P?c,lBj on Heating Stoves. When complete w will hav the great tvl tZ& f ''n,e ot Heating Btoves ever brought together In on house In Omaha. VJ FhIav . '" to WO kinds to select from. BtfST hav" bout 25 lnds-all of standard make. orvr.!h. OV ES V e carry three complete Unes-about 66 kinds. All our stoves are " . y. S fartory.R" well as by us. As we bought late we had the advantage oftn Teat flnt now on in steel of getting bottom price and will sell accordingly. Com in and see HOW MUCH YOU CAN SAVE. 2Jc-S WHAT Box Wax, Tapers, at Wire Soap Stand, a t ,2,c 2ic Machine Oil Can',' V" 2ic at , Large Box Tooth Picks, at Large Tipped Tablespoon, ,2ic 2ic 2,c H I . Sink Cleaner, at Large Casting Spoon. t 2 boxes Shoe Nail, ,2ic ,2ic at Vegetable Crusher, at FLANNEL DEPARTMENT BARGAINS. 860, 4 white wool flannel at. yard 15c 10c 16o cheviot shirting ai, yara , , O., owned by Robert num. tin Tiw. ft ,1 Rice of Dixon; The day was ideal and the track In ex cellent condition. A large crowd witnessed th sport. A trained dog performance was an attraction at the track. At the close a balloon aacenslon and parachute leap by a dog attracted an Immense throng. In point of attendance, weather, track and interesting races the third day was the beat In the hlatory of th association. Results today: County pony running race, purse 860: bX B, owned by T. 1. Preec of Battle Creek. Best time: 0:64 kt?..?1" fac 1:40 claa Pur VVon by Little Mack, owned by Kelso of West Point. Best time: 2:80. Trot or pace 2:25 class, purse $100: Won by Minnie Wilkes, owned by Woods of Stanton. Best time: 2:26. FTee-for-all pony running race, purs 860: Won by Kitty O. owned by Smith of St. Edward. Best time: :50. . Free-for-sll trot or pace, purse 8300: Won by Bhadeon. owned by Kay Bro. of Ne Uffh. Beat time: 3:21. Ttllewilss. Gas lab Active. Th Yellowstone Gun club held Its regu lar meeting at Fred Hoye's horn Friday even 1 n it ni,nn,ln, r m-,. , the fall shooting season. Jude-e Ike Hri,iir the old-time sportsman of Gretna, will be In charge. Tho club ha a lurge laland lo cated In th Platte river, with a large club house thereon, and all th paraphernalia essential for the comfort and convenience of the members. Th clubhouse is to be change. A number of the members. In cluding Le Bridge. George Nlcklan. Ed Morris and Fred Anthea, go today to th Gain preservation f one of th club' hobbles, and the following resolution wa adopted pertaining thereto: "Whereas, The protection of gam birds and water fowl Should be the object of device Intended to Increase the slaughter " soouiu oe pronioitea py taw: there fore, be it T "Resolved. That th Yellowstons Gun 1,lR k.r.l... 1 .. ,. I , , 1 1 -" " .. . uciu, vm nmniL uuequi vocally opposed to any firearms that permit of - '.w iiirvjsiiis iiauKnier or game; and this club Is particularly opposed to what is known as the "automatic gun," believing Its destructive possibilities in imical to lefcitlnvit sportsmanship. Be it further "RerolVvNl, Th- i the omrer of this club bring the tr.atler to the attention of mem br!.2? Jh" fom'n legislature and urge the prohibition by law of th use of the 'auto matic gun' in Nebraska. HOYE, President. ED. MORRIS. Becretary." Deable-Header Moaday. This evening the Omaha base ball team will return from Sioux City to slay th rest of th season at home, sll th other foreign games having been transferred to the Omaha ground. On Mondsy afternoon two games will be played for one admle slon, th first gam being called at 2:30 o'clock. Sioux City will plsy here every dsy until next Saturday, Friday will be ladles' day. Th teams; moux city. Omaha. Messerly ..nrst esse Thorns second base Howard ..third base Schiuke ..Shortstop Uolan Curiey Hutchison Kelly Iiwler Fleming Fremer 1-eslle-Coe .... Cadwallader . Jerrett Kostal .left field Thiel field Welch .right field Carter ....catcher.. Gondlng-Freese ....pitcher Quick ....pitcher Brown ....pitcher Sanders ....pitcher Quick ....pitcher Companion Llndemsn Newmeyef .... Publish your Waal AA In Th B, lit! TUB RBL1ABLB TORaV Monday Will Be Big' Our Linen and READY-MADE BLEACHED SHEETS IV4 yard wide and IV, yarda long regu lar foe value, without seams, Ktr and wide hem et kJxJK, READY-MADE PILLOW CASES 41 and 45 Inches wide hem and well rajade reg ular 10 values . 12ic on aale at each 16 YARDS BLEACHED MUSLlN--ln. wide regular Hc valats ff Monday, 15 ysrd for PURE LINEN TOWELINO 18-ln. wHs resular 12Vtc value 71n on special sale, at yard Monday and Tuesday uomestic noom. Opening up new fall cotton goods In this dv-tment. In almost every Instance, these goods are worth double what we ask for them. All the remainder of our high priced wash mnrulm will wf . t ft 1 a yard .V.." 10c fleece lined goods dsrk colors 5c 16c percales c 74c at 26c pcrcalei at 12He extra weight flannelettes 7C 15c flni'fleec lined goods 10C lo and " fio extra, fine Imported fleece We r now offerln everything In thFurnlture line at rat rsductlom nt solicit your patronage. A a sample of what "we are doing- ws Introduce you to the above DRESSER, The style la modern. The site of the baa la 8x48 and the end are bent, thus replacing tha old tyl panel ends. Ths front 1 serpentine and w can give you either genuine mahogany ( veneer or blrd's-y maple. The mirror la a 22x2 pattern French bevel. This dreeaer Is worth $l.00. You can NOW buy on for $10.$6. Th same dresser with a serpentine, full swell front $1.00 mors. No charge for showing you. Come and ae. IMPORTANT NOTICE W hav sold during the past season part ol a great many I and 6-pleos Parlor Suits. This leave ua ,wlth a large number of odd piece and we hav put these all In one plae and turned th "pric cutter" loose among them! RESULT Th chaoc of a lif tlm for YOU. Cll early and et on f th choice pieces. Pictures and Frame NOW below cost. IT BUYS-2c Steel Paring Knife, t Slxon Stove Polish, 2rC ,2ic ,2c a 1 Wire Coat Hanger. ai Machine Screw Driver, at , Spragu Can Opener, 2ic ..2ic at ( picture Hooks, at .2,c .2ic ,2tc 2,c 2 piece Ironing Wax, a 1 Asbestos Mats, at Nutmeg O rat era, at 25c comforter satin at, yard 10c r4"vw 81c 16c 83-lnch wide, extra heavy. Shaker flannel at, yard 16e light and dark ouUns; flannel at, yard ' 8ic iw BED SPREADS. 83.60 colored, genuine Marseilles bed spreads cornea in pink and white, blue and white, whit with beautiful raised SEVEN ARE KILLED IN WRECK Wabash Train Strikes 8nbarbaa Street Car at 8t Iionis. NINETEEN PERSONS INJURED, TWO FATALLY Bed See of Viettaa scattered Along th Track for Two Haadred Peet Arrestee t ST. LOUIS, Bept. 8. Seven person were killed and nineteen injured, two probably fatally and nin seriously, today by th collision of a Wabash World' fair shuttle train with a suburban electric car at th Sarah street crossing. There were twenty five passenger in th car and none escaped Injury. Th dead: JOHN W. WILSON, Klrkwood, St. Lout county, aged 70. GEO RGB W. MAJORS, aged 60, St. Louis oounty. HARRY B. CTJLP, 80 years, St. Louis. ANDREW MCKINLEY, It year old, St Louia. M. B. BRISTOL. 80 year. Webster Groves, MO. TWO UNIDENTIFIED WOMEN. Fatally hurt: M. B. Bristol, aged (0, Webster Grove. SL Loula county, rib broken and Internal Injuries. H. B. Culp, aged 60, St. Louis, skull frsc tured. Seriously Injured: Raymond Relster. aged , St. Louis, right leg lacerated and body bruised. Mrs. L. R. WllsorvSt. Loula, body bruised and cut and face cut. Mis Mary Buddenslck, St. Louis, right leg broken. C. E. Schumacker, St. Louis, cut and bruised about body. R J. Coleman. Old Orchard, St. Lout county, left lea; broken. A. B. Wilson, fireman, St. Louis, slightly Injured. L. R. Wilson, severs Injuria. Alfred Jennings, cuf on Xac and body injured. , John Gillespie, Klrkwood, St. Louis county, internally injured. Crowd of people visited th morgu In n endeavor to Identify th bodies of th dead taken there. After temporary assist ance by physicians at th cen of th wreck tho most seriously hurt were taken in ambulance to th city hospital, whll ths other received attention at their homes. All th victim except two, th physician ssy, will recover. Car Cat ta Twa, The shuttle train was returning to th I'nloa station from th World's fair IVe Close Monday Labor Day at Hoon. Special Sale Day in Domestic Dept. HALF BLEACHED NArKtNS-imr tinea large else regular $1 value QQfJ at per dasen w Ta-lnoh TABLE DAMASK satin flnlsh Irlah linen. In eeveral beautiful pattern, regular $1.00 vard values 70C on special sale, at yard ENGLISH IX) Ml CLOTH $ laches tM regular Uc values 1.08 1 yards for !z INDIA MNON DOTTED SWISS CHECK DAMASK -regular 100 values fif -vard "v at in Omaha's Greatest II. trl, nna Ptnilt f .1 vets, - cotton velours and other goods worth up to $6c all new style f 2G rich oloring ysrd .................. "V v. V TR A. SPECIALS. 60 gray cambric linings at tic mercerUed lining Mack Hc prints-fuii standard at Ho Indigo blue prints ;..ic 5c .....2,c 34c He black' and' w'hlte'prints- ' 3lC at Apron cneca gingnama . rC. ItHc dress ginghams KO sk t ...... Aba a mm ilil.t If It Is a Matter of Price That Has Been Hindering t t t You From Buying Furniture You Need Not Wait Any Longer IVe Save Your Eyes We Save Your Money BUY YOUR GLASSES AT HAYDEN BROS OLD ESTABLISHED OPTICAL DEPARTMENT 1 patterns, larg l I.Q8 ech i UM genuine whit Marseille bed spread thl I something fin aad th beat we hav In the house ' f "O Extra larg six ItOO whit fringed bed' spreVdi. Marseille Datterns. having knotted fringe, cut cor ners, 86 Inches wlda, 2 yard 0 Ions each ... ......-' ground at th raU of about twenty mile an hour. It la stated. Th street car. which) wa on IU way to th suburb with v oad of people returning homaiT stopped dlrwotly in front of th ngjn and was cat In two. The truck ol th oar were knocked .HO feet away, whll part of lu roof wa car ried 800 feet further by the train. Bodies of th dead and Injured, with wreckage of th dismantled car, were scattered alone th track for that distance. A. W. Burbank, engineer of the shuttle train, who blame th motorman of tb electric car for th accident, aid; "I wa within 100 yard of tb crossing wbe I ssw tb suburban car start aero th track. It looked to me as If It had ampl tlm to get across." Th watchman and th . flagman at tho crossing- and some of tb passenger oea Arm th statement that th car stopped, started aero the track and than toppd where It wa struck. No satisfactory ex planation ha been given why th car topped In tb mtddl of th track altor II started serosa Fred Utx, tha gateman at tb crosalnjr, aald: "My order hav been not to us tb gates, although ther r gate her. "When th car 'approached I saw It and rantf th crossing bell. Th car (topped, th conductor want to th front and thaw I aaw th car start again and stop In tao middle of tb track. It seemed to k dead." Car Craw I'ader Arro. Theodora Cook, th motorman, who boulder was fractured. I held a prisoner at tha city hospital, and th conductor f . th suburban car, Patrick Sheehan. ha been arrested. Conductor Sheenaa said of th accident: "Th motorman stopped th cat at' tho ccoaslng and I went ahead to so If tho wsy wa clear. I saw th train waa a p. proachlng, but th flagman said "Com on, hurry up, you can get acros,' ad w had often got across when train wa a good deal nearer than that ana t th signs! for th motorman to com rfid. n tartd ahead and I walked back toward th rear of th ear ti sarin. on th rear platform a th ear passed m. in car aid not stop on th era sing-, it wa going kcross slowly whew it truck," . -J u Baa Mall at Martk Law. v?RT,H Ullp- --Spal )- i . i, .1 , "T, ..." . Mtr sou uaiiini. weea. cm Wednesday they p tayed 7 l" l"T , "own. a oolored team from Bhelbv. K.n .nA jt .t . . team .left to , On' Th-rVrt.V "'"'"'J ri!?",,.WJt,,,.dl.,',r.'nt.r'"'1 h taasn ho visi," .r., . .v." Anr " , tTW . t . " "! aui over tli. field, but la th second cam the couldn't hit Howard . twl.t.r Y?trda? North Ijuo played on lb Ord diawond and war defeated. 1 to 0. 114 If you hav anvthlna- ta trwda. i It in th This for That column In Tlss I4 want Aa rcv