20 CITY PROVES niS WATERLOO Metropolitan Life Too Swift for Citiien from Osceola. MAN TAKES UP WITH. WRONG FRIENDS tarts la Toar Omaha, bat Wlnde l la Dry Dock Befora Ba . Geta Half War Aroaad. Carl Teaaon, a stockman of Osceola, haa coma to tha conclusion that he la out of hla territory wher ha reachse Omaha. Ha says ha la able to find lila way about Osceola and South Omaha without a lan tern, but when he extenda hla Itinerary to tha date City ha forget the algnal code nd coca on the rocka. Teaaon arrived at the South Omaha mar ket laat Wednesday with three cara of cat tle, which he sold to "the Nebraska Live Stock company for $2,400, receiving a draft for the amount, leas about J25 for a little outing In Omaha. The Osceola cltlsen then hit the trail for tha Gate City and soon was basking 'neath tha electric lights of Nebraska's metropolis. Wednesday night and Thursday passed without falling In the police, but Friday was Teason's big day. According to tho story told at the police station-. Teaaon started at an early hour Friday morning to take sundry drlnka aboard, and finding the laat of the jf gone, he went to the live stock company for more ready funds. ' He was given 138 at the office and ' hla draft waa kept and for warded to hla bank at Osceola. Meets Two Companions. With tha W5 Teason returned to Omaha and took up with William Lamb, a paroled soldier, and Anna Smith, a paroled angel. Ths three went to Wlrth's emporium and became as chummy as three men In a boat. At this point Detectives Patullo and Mc Donald got aboard and watched the little orgie from a corner. Lamb and hit com panion finally managed to Inveigle Teaaon out of $15 and left the stockman alone at, the table. Lamb and Mlsa Smith were followed to tho street and arrested, and Teason waa held as a complaining witness. Lamb waa sentenced to fifteen day'a by Acting Folic Judge Bachman. while the Smith woman haa not yet been arraigned. Teason'a chief sollcltu.de yesterday, .which was "the morning after" for him, was the whereabouts of his $2,400 draft. He waa sure he had It with him when arriving at the station. When assured by Captain Hase that the draft had been tent to his bank the Osceola man waa much relieved. Special f outlay Ram t. (treat West. era Park, (tannine;. In. ' For the qnths of June, July. August and September, on every Sunday' except July I, the Chicago Great Western railway will sell round-trip tlcketa at one fare to Of. eat Weatem park, Manning, la. For fur ther Information apply to S. V. Parkhurat, geneial agent, 1612 Farnara at..' Omaha, Neb, Try Coltax Furox water. IN THE DEMOCRATIC ARENA Executive Committee of Parker-Da la ' Leaajue Appointed Congressional Committee to Meet. ' President Weaver of the Jacksonlan club has announced the members of the execu tive committee of the new Parker and Davis league, formed to work for the dem ocratic national ticket and nothing else In Nebraska. The committeemen are expected to be In authority-gifted nucleus in each congressional district for the appointment of county, ward and precinct leaders. They are as follower Flrat district, H. D. Travis, Plattamouth; Second, C. ,Q. Cunningham, Omaha; Third, Harry D. Miller, Stanton; Fourth, Qeorga W. Stubbs, Superior; Fifth, A. C. Bhallenberger. Alma; Sixth, W. D. Eastham, Broken Bow. ' Chairman Frank A. Broadwell of the democratic congressional committee haa called a meeting of the committee for Sep tember 9, in hla office, to make arrange ments for a convention to go through with the formality of renominating. Gilbert M, Hitchcock for congress. Mr. Hitchcock haa no opposition whatever. The delegates In Washington and Sarpy counties are al ready selected and Instructed for him. Re York and . Philadelphia cannot bo more pleasantly or conveniently reached thun by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh Va'Jey Route. Solid through" trains, mag nificent scenery, all trains run via Niagara Falia. x ' . Descriptive literature sent free on appli cation to Advertising Department. Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams St, Chi cago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A. Have Root print It. MERCHANT ' EXPLAINS CASE Says Chases la Freight Car Feo Does Hot Mean laereasa All , Along;. i Secretary Merchant of the Omaha Grain exchange, formerly of the Northwestern railroad, comes to the defense of the Union Pacific and other roada In tha matter of the , changea In charging for handling freight. He says: . . ."The .original rate waa $8 per car; the new rate la 1 cent per 100 pounds, with a jnlnlraum of $5 per car. Thia will make a alight advanoe on cara heavily loaded. Tha Union Pacific will take tta own grain across to Council Bluffs without extra charge. , Other roada should absorb the switching ' charges on grain originating on their lines. In cases where the grain la destined east air roads publish the same rates from Omaha as from Council BluSa, and ,wlll, of course, protect aatd rates. Therefore the switching charges referred to do not affect thta business. "A similar situation prevails at St. Louis and East SL Loula aa at Omaha and Coun cil Bluffa and the same ratea are charged. "As represented, there doea not seem to be anything radically wrong, and It Is be lieved that the railroads will In this case, aa in others, . treat the grain dealers and the Interests of Omaha fahiy. The Union Paclfio pledges their support In making Omaha a grain market. .1 feel that we can rely on Ita doing ail it can consist ently." ' Real estate loana made quickly. Caab on band. Geo. E. Turklngton, tut Baa. Cold weather will soon be here: then we'll be busv. Let us examine your furnace i now. Cos Bros.. 14 Farnam . Tel. 207 . Men'a clothing, hats, shoes, ladles' sulta, skirts, waists, millinery: cash or credit. People's Store. 16th and Farnam streets. ' Publish your Want Ads In The Bee. ma art or drt clkahikq. was Invented in the sixties, by a Frenchman named Judlln, In Warsaw, Poland; hence called French Dry Cluanlng, or as some people call It, ChHuiloul Cleaning. Since than the process haa been improved upon, and now In use In the whole civilised world. It Is the only way to clean fine garments or delicate materials. We are up-to-date in ail departmenta of this business, if not a customer already, give us a trial and you will become one. Twin City Dye Works, Ukh Pit. and Ave. A Council i I una, ... 'isi no. tia a nth it, Omaha. Tel. UU. JHtWWHS.BrM'.U.M.J'lt 'HP, . . I 1 . .. . . ---aaaaasi CLOWNS CLAIM THEY WORK To Bo Amnslnc He Mast Ba ts to Data with Hla Trteka and Accessories. Tha downs are tn busiest people around tha clrcua!" Sam Watson, the old tlms Merry Andrew with the Barnum Bailey clrcua, wiped the rouge from nis cheeks, gingerly extrscted a guttering spangle from the point of his grease painted nose, and sat down on hU dreaa- Ing trunk with a algn or weanne. "You m continued the Old clown, this fun making Is a mighty eerloua business Out yonder in the big hippodrome pavil ion there are between fifteen and sixteen thousand people, and they've got to be entertained. Life hasn't any too many laughs at the best, and people don't come to the show simply to have their feel Inga harrowed up. I'm not Baying a word against the sensational acts. Thrillers are necessary In the clrcua there are a. lot of folka who would go away feeling that they hadn't got their money'a worth If there were no twisting somersaulta up lrf ths air and If the chariots didn't come perilously c!oe to striking the quarter polea In the races. But the majority of clr cua enthusiasts come to the show to be amused. They want a good laugh, and It la the business of the clowns to see that they get it. "I've no doubt plenty of people think the fun making In the circus Is spon taneous, and that everything a clown aays or does. Is originated on the spot and for that special occasion. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Everything has to be carefully thought out and practiced ahead of time, just as In a play or farce comedy. The successful and popular clowns are those who are always originat ing new Ideas and producing new effects, but even the cleverest of the circus fun makers are never sure of how a bit of comedy la going until It Is actually tried on the .audience. Sometimes clown acts that have been carefully worked up. and which have Involved (he expenditure of a large amount .of money for 'props,' will fall fiat, while some little thing that no one thought would 'catch on' will make a tremendous hit with an audience and be come the talk of the season. "My experience of more than thirty years as a clown has taught me that it Is the unexpected little thing that often cre ates the most amusement. For Instance, there is nothing especially funny about a rooster, but yet when my little ban tam jumps out of Its basket, flies to the top of the table and lustily crows, every body laughs. They . laugh because the thing la humorously unexpected. It's the same with the goose that follows me arpund the hippodrome track. -The goose isn't funny in itself, and it attracta no particular attention until I start to run and the big goose starts in pursuit. Then there hi. a roar all over the big tent "The modern clown, however, cannot af ford to depend altogether upon trained animals or fowls to keep the audience in good humor. He must work up his com edy and that means lots of time and per sistent application. "Spader Johnston and Harry Wentworth who contribute many laughable incidents to he general merriment and Frank Oak ley whose grotesque performances create so much amusement, discarded a doxen or more carefully planned clown acta at the beginning of the aeaaon befora they finally hit upon tha ones that the publla wanted and which appealed to tho crowds aa be ing real funny. This Is true of all the thirty or forty clowns with the show, and this experience haa been repeated In my career aa a clown hundreds of tlmea." The Barnum ft Bailey show will arrive next Sunday morning and will exhibit in Omaha Monday, September 11 We are showing a very large Una of fall suitings, overcoatings and trouserings, In cluding the' browns so popular this season. We have a large staff of first-class work men, and any garments you get from ua will be faultless In fit, finish and style. Suits and overcoata, $2S to $50; trousers and fancy vests. $6 to $15. Try us. Open even ings until 8 o'clock. McCarthy Tailoring Co., 804-806 South Sixteenth street, next door to Wabash ticket office. Phone 1808. Tho Close of the School Combination x Sales Idea. Last ' week we awarded prizes .to the boys. Monday. 5th, at 11 o'clock Mr. Ben nett will distribute the prizes to the girls. First prise. Irma'Fits Williams, ms S 28th at, pair of Dorothy Dodd shoes or oxroroa to nt. - , Second prise, Helen Crentlemen, 2438 8. 20th at., one box fancy atatlonery. Third prise, Mabel Irene Conlon, 3120 Jones at., one hat pin with1 monogram. Thoae entitled to prizes call at Mr. Ben. nett'a desk, Monday at 11 a. m. and receive mew prises. , ' THE BENNETT COMPANT. LOW RATES. ' St. Lonls and Rctarn. Coach excuraion tickets at very low rate of $8.50 from Omaha to St Loula and re turn on tha Missouri Paclnn in v n sale for all tralna arriving in Bt. Louie September and up to noon September 5. This in addition to every Tuesday and Thursday durinsr Aua-ust and 'Rntmisr For full Information call or address City Ticket Office. Southeast Corner of Four teenth and Douglaa streets, Omaha, Neb. F. F, Godfrey, P. T. A. BOMB VISITORS' EXCURSIONS . t v To Indian and Ohio. On September 6, 13, 20 and 27, the Mla aourl Pad Do will sell round trip tlcketa at verr low ratea to nolnta In . Indiana and Ohio, located on and weat of line drawn through Sandusky, Columbua, Washington, D. C, Wilmington, Cincin nati, p., and 'to Louisville, Ky.. and inter mediate points. For further information call on or address ay agent of company, or Thomas F. Godfrey, p. ft T. A., south east corner . Fourteenth and Douglaa streets, Omaha, -Neb. BODY OF NURSE GOES HOME Remains of Miss Mnllae, Who Loses Less on Railroad, Seat to '; Cose,d. ' The remains of Miss Alice Mallna, the nurse who died Friday evening on a 'train at Valley, while on her way to an Omaha hospital, were sent to her late home, twelve miles northwest of Cosad, this afternoon. Miss Mallne'a lege were crushed by a freight train at Lexington Thursday night She was on her way home for a reat after having nursed several typhoid fever pa tlents at Lexington. Both of her limbs were amputated below the kneea and she was being accompanied to Omaha by Dr. Qulnn when she died on the. train, ' lek la Name and Spirit. Clarence Sick, a guest of the Atlantto hotel and an employe at the electric light plant, has called at the police station to say, In substance, that he Is Kick, both In name and spirit. The cnune of his present IndlspoKlUon happened Friday night, when his room mate tart with (34.60,. a revolver and a shotgun, all the property of Elc-k. Mr Sick said he shovela coal at the "Urhthouse" by night and sleeps by day, and took unto himself a room mate as a matter of economy. Mr. Slck's Ideas of economy and human nature have changed, he avers, . A. H. Floatem Will Speak. A. H. Floatem, who enjoys the double distinction of havlna- been tmnr' thoe business men deported from the Colorado nilnlna- e'riWe district bv Bhermun an. I named by the socialists as their candidate for governor of that tat. Is advcrtlxed to adiiress a gwtnerlng In Omaha at Wr Ma ion ami lomgnt. THE OMAHA -a- I iir m i III II --V Patrons and Friends will please take "notice that -the General Offices of the Bankers Reserve Life Company OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA, now comprise the entire second floor of the Ware Block, 15th and Farnam Streets. Fifty additional agents wanted to sell the new in vestment policies. Liberal terras and choice territory available to the right men. 1 - B. H. R0BIS0N, President. jjp 11 II ll III Ill , r I l e . n n IS? MK "V JUW STORE ..UNTIL... Labor Day. Kindly arrange to do your shopping tomorrow before that time. J. L. BRANDEIS 01 SONS. iiiiwii iiii'iiiii,sfflnijH iim..ns ansMijs sijs sj $15 $15 $15 FIFTEEN $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 TAILORS..... FALL ANNOUNCEMENT $15 FALL ANNOUNCEMENT $15 . Our many customers will be pleased to hear that $15 we have now on hand our new Fall Suitings, and that $15 -,(- we will continue to make to your order from the cloth -g any suit In the store for . $15 $15 $15 NO MORE $jS,QO MO LESS $15 $15 We invite you to visit avsB 'P10 vnn fin1 tho mhppinl nri1 $15 yur order. We will guarantee to satisfy you as well $15 a any $40 tailor can and at $25 less. ' $15 Henry VY. Dunham, Jr Manager, $15 $15 ha o-.li- iffii. n..i $15 $i3 no oouin buiii, $15 $15 $15 FIFTEEN The Regent Shoe Co. Did Not Move They" Are Still at the Same Old Place, 205 I South J 5th Street! DON'T BEDEGEIVED The Original Regent ShoeCa's Shoes All Bear the Trade ; Mark, "ONIMOD." If you do not got the "Onlmod" you will surely et an inferior shoe. There aia many factoriea making Regent shoes In different parts of tha United States. In order to protect our customers from In ferior goods put on the market as Regent shoes we were compelled to adopt and copyright the name ,JONIMOD." .NOTICE. Wa wish to notify our many customers 'that we are still located at the same old stand, J6 Boulh 15th street, and don't ex pect to move, and do nut handle and are In no way Interested In sale or manufacture of the shoes being put on the market by the concern styling themselves the Regent Shoe Manufacturing Co. of Omaha. We guarantee to furnibh our customers a bet ter shoe, better in style, better In tit, better In workmanship and better In material used than the so-called Regent Shoe Manu facturing Co. of Omaha. Our prices are alwaya the eunie SI M and HfiO. REGENT SHOE CO,, - i Bauth ifitb Street. ' SAI HAT! DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER . 4. 1904. ' - Win) v A l . per OPEN DOLLARS $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 us "have a look" and if $15 nnttppn thnt suits von. lpnve Hear uuugias $15 D0LLARS-$I5 $15 $15 SCHOOL SHOES FOIL BOYS AND , GIRLS $.50 will buy your boy or girl a pair of shoes at this store that will surprise you with their good wear ing .and fitting qualities and with their good style and comfort. You'll never get the best $1 &0 school shoe until you buy them ber. . , $2.00 will buy your girl or boy 'a pair 7 of shoes at this store that will wear longer, loolt nicer and feel better than any other shoe you can buy at the same price or even a' little more. rr,A in and see now much money wa can save vou on snoes iur juur vlrls and boys. bchmii begins soon; ouy uieiu now. CRYilI0ECa tin " z... Something Doing at SCHOLLER & MUELLER'S Being right in touch 'with the great piano factories of this country, we often have splendid chances for getting the rarest bargains. A Lucky Strike Indeed was the 100 new, upright pianos we place on sale tomorrow. They are new and perfect. They show their quality In every way, tone, action and and rich casings. They are fully guar anteed and we price them to you in three groups. Group One Medium slse pianos in plain cases of French walnut nnlsh, mahogany finish or English oak. Choice of this group below maker's cost at $148.00. Terms V cash and $100 per week. Group Two Cabinet grand pianos In carved or Colonial cases. Fancy mahogany, walnut or golden oak. Al tone and action. The $300 to $360 kinds, now a goodly saving for you at $196.00. Group Three , Concert grand upright, Bpecial made, built for exhibition purposes. Intended to aell at $4G0 and $600, some even, to $600 are the most pronounced piano bargains ever offered to this commu nity. Choice tomorrow $290.00. Terms of $10 to $25 cash and $5 to $10 per month. Don't lose a good piano and Iota of money by neglecting these offerings. Pianos moved, pianos tuned and pianos repaired by the best' skilled merchanlca, . with prompt service and reasonable charge. THE Bid PIANO HOUSE, SGHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO MAKERS. , 1313 Farnam St, Tel. 1625. . Branch Stores, Lincoln, Council Bluffs and Slona City. "Getting done brown." ' Lots of folks are letting us do tbem up brown Just now. ' For brown Is "It" a,mong hues of Fall Suitings. We've Nut Browns. Hick ory Brown, Russet Browns, Tale Browns and Tobacco Browns In Cheviots and Worsteds. All brand new. Dame Fashion will smile but faintly on any color other than Brown this Fall. Come In while the as sortment Is unbroken. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 04J0i . lota At, Next dear te Wabash Tleaet Offlsa Phase list. Drus and Toilet Goods Sale Monday Morning Commencing Monday morning at 8 o'clock we, shall sell for Monday only: 50c rozsonl's Powder 10c 25c 4711 White Rose Soap 9c White itibbon Bath Soap, 7 for 25c Big bottle Household Ammonia for. 5c 25c Egg and Olivtar Shampoo Soap., 11c 50c Rhine Wine, quarts, for 25c Goods marked with star one package only to customer. 50c Syrup Figs (Genuine) ,..43c $1.00 Malted Milk (Horllck's) for.... 67c l ib. Mule Team Borax for 10c 1-2 pint can Sherwin-Williams paint 15c 5 gal. can Sherwin-Williams paint. $7.75 $1 Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey for 75c $1 Squlbb's Harsaparilla fox 75c f 2 Succus Alteraus for . ,$l.r8 Good Sulphur Candle 10c, 8 for. ...25c $1 Liquoione, we sell 70c Small Apenta Water for 10c Colgate's Pansy Blossom Perfume, ounoe for ,,, -. 25c Write for our new 100-page catalogue. It contains 10,000 Items of interest to Physicians, Hospitals, Factories and you. Slierpan&McGonnsHDru. Co. Car. tfc sm D4e lu SiuU. WIS TUB RELUBLI STORK. WE CLOSE MONDAY, LABOR DAY, AT NOON. NEWEST FALL STYES IN BOYS' and CHL DREN'S SCHOOL SUITS. LOM 1'AxNTS SUITS In all and fabrics, including both single and double breasted suits, in Scotch cheviots, fancy worsteds, fancy cassimeres, blue serges, black clay worsteds, black thibets, unfinished worsteds and many other desirable fabrics. Don't fail to see our suits before buying. Special showing Monday, at . $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8.75 and $10.00. Don't Fait to See Our Magnificent Line of Hart, Shaffner & Marx High Art Hand Tailored Clothing. Unquestionably tWe best ready-to-wear gar ments on the market. Men's Underwear In Fall and Winter Weights, nil wool and fleeced, the entire sample line of two manufacturers, slightly soiled from handling, but worth up to $1.00 on sale Monday and Tuesday, 25 C Shawl Fascinators In all colors, beautiful natterns. tha entire sample line of a large manu facturer, slightly soiled but worth up and Tuesday, at SEE DISPLAY IN HAVDEN BROS DR. BRADBURY 1506 Painless Extraction , Without Oas. . Fillings......... 50c 110 Oold Crowns $3.50 op Bridr Work $2.60 tip Lady Attendant . DENTIST. Results Tell We claim to be the best clean ers and dyers in Omaha and are here to prove it. Our methods and machinery are the very latest and our workmen the best that money ian secure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fad ing or shrinking and guarantee not to injure them in any way. Try us the next time and if you are not perfectly satisfied it will not cost you a cent. , We also alter and reline jack set and do all kinds of altering and repairing for both ladies and gentlemen. ; -T II E- PAKTORIDI 407 So. 15th St Tel. 961 P. 5. Out of town buslnea re ceives prompt attention. Write for a price lUt. ' . Reopening o Ur. and f.lrs. Merandj's Dancing and Fkraleal Caltara Classea .. For children on Saturday, September M. Beginners, 10 a. ra. Terms Season, Septem ber to May, ' Advance, flO. Adults' classes begins Tuesday, September 6, I p. m. Private lessons dally. Opening as sembly next Wednesday. For particulars call ox telephone 1041. Corner fifteenth an Harney Streets DKPUTT STATU VETERINARIAN. , t CITY VBTBRINAItlAX. H. L. rMMACCIOTTi D. V. Si OMAHA. NW TeUohone Uf. Office and Infirmary, tsth and Mason Sts. Win BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS WE CLOSE MONDAY, LABOR DAY, AT NOON. are now ready for your inspection In our chil dren's clothing department. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of high grade children's garments ever shown in the city and our prices are truly pocketbook pleasers. KNEE PANTS SUITS In sailor blouse, Rus sian blouse, ' Norfolk, double-breasted and three piece styles, in serges, worsteds, cassimeres, chev iots and all other desirable fabrics. Tb,e very nob ,biest of patterns and designs, many of the pants have double seats and knees special showing for Monday, at $1.50, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50, $2.95 and $3.50. . ' the newest, most up-to-date styles Sweaters In heavy cotton and light wool. 250 dozen of tbem In aH'alzes, from 16 Inch boys' to 44 chest In men's, worth up to $2.00 choice Monda-y and It Tuesday J to $1.50 your choice Monday CA. s j 16TII STREET .WIND OW. ARE YOR READY For Your Fall Suit, Overcoat or ' Extra trousers? .' Wa are ready for you with the handsomest line of pop ular prfced wooleus aver shown by any Omaha Tailor. .The Una consists of over 2,000 PATTERNS, In both foreign and domeatlo woolens. It will pay you to call and look over our Una, "' (IRFSHPR 1515 MRNAU'STREET UllkU lltaitlj TELEPHONE I8S7 OPEN EVENINGS Too Busy Making Clothes to Close. Farnam Fourteen Year Sam Location TEL. 176. W. positively remove nerves from teeth with out the least particle of pain. Plate $2 up. t Open Sundays 10 tell WomeiYs' Fall Shoes! - - - 1 Jl. . i.i nft I- I- - PI uur (ruicii vuuri line mu imi v in In our womena' patent ideal Kid and Colt $3.60 shoes. Theae are both in turns and welts. This leather will ba the1 moat popular this fall and We have taken special 'cara In selecting these so as to give our oustomera tha greatest values ever give In shoes. These ahoea will be on display Mon day and Include all the new style lasts, Including ths New Potoy, Drexel SIiob Go. 1413, FARNAM STREET, Onshi't Up-to-Diti Shot Houss Swell Suitings and Goods We have them In tha latest pat terns, highest grade Imported materi als, and we make them to lit and look well till they are worn out Our prices will ault you. Helgrpn & Gradmann. TAILORS. ace so. ieth st Tel. vm.