arTJE 01TAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEifBEB 4 1804. 19 7 a ELU9TOXB SASK PLACE (Berry Ganwirn. N'rw la the time to Wx-k up that acre again. Gt our folder fully de--Tlinng the above new tract F on application. Set plat at offl'-e. it only takes t to Boa caart to buy the best of them. Soma an "4 and soma- are scr- lots, CHAi. E. lLLlA3TSOT CO. Ssles Department ieo. Marshall. Open Tuesday fin g. J. M. Weiehnrna. Mgr 0, M. E Tel. 6LI MESSENGER AXD BAGGAGE. 1813 Farnam Street. WHI, GET YGCR. BAGGAGES THERE ON TIME. Ma RAILWAT TIME CARD CIIOS ITATIOJ TK.1TH AID SAaCI. Chieeae, Back Island AJT. PeeiSe. Causa Der'istit UaUae ....a Itfia ....: iiin Ul wm ililn ....a m n ail Maa ....a l a pa a mm Ckltaae sienaa ... Da Sauna gipras i Fa wnr. Raray Moemala Limn Linolc '"-olorad serines. O tan Peakls aa M a !. pa a : pa Ckica Crttl WtiHra. m. Ptal kisasepaiis u ml tel. . a m mm a f T aa at. Pral Miaanapwia Eipraae.a taia a I a pa Ckiaes LiaiiH - ..a ta pa tua M M Catoaaa kisias -- a ( M a a aa taioa Paeifle. Tae Otarwaa- Lualte ...a I N i a (a aa Cotorade a cailtorsia fsxsraa...a 4 10 m a u Ckicaao-rniua apaaiai a 4.2S pa town sUwva a aa Caieatna Laal ..................a l-as pa m list la Caler-aSe Sperial .......a T:t aa Cbicaaa soecial a IM aa lawn Lawal .m I I'M fa i:iia tmt Hall a H ui l .tt pa Ikta-as A Itrawntira. Vat CTaiaase -a I M ma f-sjaa Leai caioae - all. a mm Mail ............ .a l.iu am at aa LVarllsttt at. PaJ .....a I .aa a U to pa Zariisut caicaaa .................a ?. ua U;a aa lallad Cairaes ... J I ta I is aa Uxai carrall -.a 4 im am i m aa a ac rati .....a i pa , a Wa! Bioaa OKy a aV Paat......a . aa a la aa rut Hail .. alia pa Cbicaaa aaprva ..... a l: pa Norfolk A Uaotstaai a fM aa lv afc aa Lianoa a uaui ria ...a a:a aa U-is aa Datwim luneaii ........4 I m I II Cuiw w-oaiDi ........-....4 ID pa a t u pa Baatinaa Albloa ........ .....a S.M aa a.u) pa Mlaaoart Pacta at. Leal apraa aio a aa a f wm Kanaa CRm. kaaia ipnaa .L1 a pa a f a pa Valt'i rau aaauai a i.m pa all M M Wabaaa. at- Wala Caonea Ball Sxpnav.a I N aa a aa ta Wa-ia'a fair ...a 1 u a a pa baaal rca Caaarti BluSa....... I.ia aa a .a pa Illlaala CeacraJ, Cklaca axpnaa .a T aa ait-M aa Ciiuaaa LiaiiMl a f t pa a :t aa aiaaasola at a..i Kjui a 7 Mr aa at: pa aiaaaarolia a St. Paul Llniilaa -a 1 pa a pa cauaiaa. stilwaaaaa av St. PaaJ. Caiaaa Oayilant aapraaa ....... IM mm all a pa Cauia-aia-uraaoa aipiaia .... a fc pa a t-.i pa Uarao4 l.iianaa ..a I at pa a t.n aa Paa una a 'Ir""! 'n-- 7 u "a al:ipa IBLUCiTQa STATI4IX lOTH a aaASQS Calaasa, Barllactaa a) 4ata7. Cklaaa apadal ....a 7 aa a I a pa Cfciaaa Vaaibalal lijira ....a :M aa a i n aa Gkicaaa Laaai ...a i l t pa Ckicaau I. imiiaa .......a I .a pa a rk pa m Mall - l:a aa Rarllaartan at Mlaaaajt Ml-rmr. Wraatau Baurtai Liaoaia ...a I Win bit a) pa Nmjtuu atrraa a l-aaa a T w pa Darar Liauua .1 .u pa a aa Baaa aUil a PMaat aoaaa aa..aUua pa. a a.u pa vetaraalu Vauimi tlrm .... a S:at pa btacau iknu u X .IT pa aix.w pa Van .ruc a FUamwata ....a l.k. pa aui.jft M Bailara. a Pacac Jauauaa a ; w pa a aU aa Baiiarua a f-ciao JiuuLm, a I J a Bailaraa aaa fiaimnoma ...ail.i aa City. St. Jaaepa a Comae ij aiatTa. Kama City Day Tiiiiaa a ! aa a ItM aa K. Lama rira- -a t pa all a mm Mil i CUy Mlakt luia aU.a pa a l.a aa WEBSTCB DEPOT 10TH WEBSTER. Ml aaa art Paalfla. aeana antra. ehraaa humU via Watatea Water k 4:11 pa U:a aa Calaaaa. St. PaaJ. aaaaa. abuMattUa k ID mm Ifsaa OCEAN STEAMSHIPS SeaadinaTian-ssris2 Ur.3. Paat Twta-lkiraw Paaaaesw Slaamem Direct ta lorwayj Swtdai and Danraark. Dlteat Conaertlna . t. WMt Sasla aad Eariany A. E. Jaaaaaa at Co.. I Broadway. Mew ToriL PRICE MUST CONTROL DEALS Calaaaja JadaTe Readera Iaaaartaat Daalatoa ta Beara a Trad Caae. CHICAGO, Sept. I. Acnrdlna; to a decl atoQ randerad today by Judsa Chytraaus o( the auperlor court. Board of Trade opera tors who aucoeeded In englneerlnr a "cor ner In wheat and other cnmmodltlea in which tranauctlona aro mads- on 'change have no right to compel payment of the manipulated price Instead of the actual value of the commodity at the time fixed for the settling of trail as. The caaa wai that of a number of flrma and Individuals againat Board of Trade operators and Jie Bask of Montreal, In wliich latter Institu tion was tied up netr!7 fc-AOOa. This money represented differences in prli-es for July oata, which was demand-d by the manipulators- of the "squeeze" and the actual market price. Waal Mara Stady far Naval Caaieta. WA3INCTOf. Sept. 1-Secretary Mop. ton tod received the report of the board at visitors to the naval academy, of w lit oh Rapreeentatlva it. J. Wedu . of Iowa is shairman, tlvln a full account of thi re cent inapectlon of the institution by the board. The board makes a number of im portant recommandatluna decided to In. - crease the efflclancy of the naval school. On of the recommendations is that, tha oouraa of study, now threa years and a halt be restored Immediately to four years. with art additional one year poat gradual course. Haras Be ports (3aad. Cress, HURON, S, D, Sept. 1-OpeclaX) Threshing la progressing in all parts) of this county and tha yield ot small grain is mora satisfactory than expected. Oata ga from thirty-two ta thtrty-flvs bushels psr acre and spelts from twenty-eight to fbrty flve bushels per acre. Oa the F oarer a Tbumpson farm spelts run fifty bushels psr ore and nmoaxonl wheat twenty-Bva, walls ether wheat Is yielding from eight ta fif teen bushels per acre, One farmer got seventy bushels of oata par acre and sold tha entire crop fcr 24 cents par bushel. Lie a tavis a Plays Straaure Freak. ABERDEEN". S. D., Sept. 2. (Special.)-. T. H. Fsua and Jamas Laathert. deputy collectors of Internal revenue, had a nar row escape- from briag killed by lightning while hunting praiiie chickens early lu the moraine;. A bolt completely enveloped them, (list striking- Mr. Faus on the left elbow and then piaytng about tha forefeet of the horsa they were driving, causing the ani mal to fall to Ha knees.. Tua victims of the lightning are nana the worae tor their experience. Eatrlee eg AWrdeea Kaad OAea. ABERJjEEN, S. D., Sept 1 Speclai.r Durtng tha month of August the Aberdeen land oifli-e received twenty-nine homestead enoius. compi-ieing ,31 aci-ee; Uurty henae stead proofs, eovarlng 4.7! acres; g,ld 2,d acres of land In Isolated tracia and received one reservoir declaratory atatamect. F7I Ilkamv term rata City fi na i ioua .iiy raaBaaa ......a aa pa tu aa Oaaiand Lal ..a i.a pa k l-Uaa a Dally. ' a Baity earapt snaaay. Dal aaaa anirnir e Oaila aaav Maukav CO JDIII05 OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jobbers and K ami fkc tort ri Eeport August BttsizLsa "Vtrj Satisfkctorj. EXPECT IMPROVEMENT IN SEPTEMBER Xarkrta la Saaa Baaltay Caaaltiaa, wttk laataattaaa r varakla far Tkalr Ra-aaatataa taa Way faa Sanaa Tlaaa. Auiriat. which Is fenerally conelderad one of the dullest months of the year In inanu racturlna; and Jnbblna; llnea. Is now at an end, ana with the bHlnnlnir of tteptirnber a murh better trade la lonked for. Taltine; "verytning; into conHlrlnrnticn. trade laar. montn wna rully an mil as cou l be fi- pi;tf.d In prsictiraliy all lini-. The strike at the pai kinir honees and the uncertumty of the com erep hail a tendency to make bueiness m-n rather conservative, but. still, much conflilenrs in future tmin wiis ex pressed, and with few exceptions whole salers and manufacturers repurt their total "ies fully up to the standard of last year. The high price of what and other email sraina. tog-ether with the favorable outlook for a (food corn crop; has now T:itIy improved the alt-jptlon. and unleea an earlv froat should niHt.rtally Uamnsn the corn crop, Jiihbers say tnat rradu from now on will be the best experienced in some time past. l Rere nave Been comparatively rew mar ket ohnnaee duiinar tha week uniler review. Groceries have fluctuated up and down to Mime extent, hut aside fmrn those, values are In much, the same position they were at last report. No verv radical changes are belns; predicted In any line, and aa a result wholesalers say that there is no reason why merchants should not feel safe in can-Tina; their usual amount of goods. oiiectwns are eUil reported only fair. The bettor movement of live stork, owtns to the Improved condition of the packing house strike. Is relieving the situation to some extent, hut no greet improvement Is looked for until rrain beslns to move mon freely. But while collections are not as onsn aa uiey might be, no serious com plaints ars. heard. Saigas Cs) Trtve) Csats. '" 'Wholesnle rrocers rport an active de mand fur their Una of goods, with their atups for August fully aa large as a yenr anil. The market la in a good, bealrJiy ron diuon, with most lines quoted rirm. dugur, in fact, is 5c higher than it was a week ago, ail lines of reOned being; affected. New York, refiners report more business, and some of them advise that they are behind In ailing- their orders. Raws are quoted higher, ooth in New York and abroad, and indications are considered favorable tor lusher prices In tha near future. the coffea market continues to harden, although but a alight advance went into effect last week. Desirable roasting grades are getting mors scarce every day, aa that holders are now asking heavy premiums over market prices on new coffee. It IS claimed that the new coffee grades are very poor, both as to sice of bean and to drinking qualities. Tho cheese market advanced again lust week, some grades being quoted as much as V81cper pound higher. JTruit Jars are In enormous demand, and aa they have sold freely ail the season, job bers say that it would not be at ail sur prising if a ahortage should develop during the next month. In the line of dried fruits, the market cn peaches last week made further advances. Not only that, but some of tha beat-known sti'crers nave withdrawn from the mo i set entirely, owtntf to their being unablo to se cure sufficient stock for their net.-d.-i. Aa a result, it looks now as though tub higher prices were legitimate and had comu to stay. This state of affairs, is not djc to a shortage In the crop, but to tha I'.ict that the crop ripened all at one time, and as a result It was Impossible to handle me fruit that cams forward, and much was lest. That, at course, made tha season short, and account for tha scarcit of ill led truit. The market oa spricots la also very strong; u iii crop has proved smaller than at first anticipated.- California, packers of canned- fruits have experienced considerable difficulty in se curing lemon ding poaches, also apricois of high gradj and pears. Soma of tha heaviest packers have withdrawn all quo tations on lemon clings, while gallon pie geaches are out of packers hands after elng marked up SO cents, over opening prices. Baltimore packers have alao ad vanced their prices on peaches under the influence of active Inquiry, and alH because of unsatisfactory receipts. Tomatoes arc reported In poor condition in. Delaware, Maryland and Indiana, and aa a result prices have been advanced and futures cannot be obtained except at an advance of l"s cents above opening prices. Utlier staple lines of groceries ara selling In much tha same notches they were a week -ago. - Dry Gaada TMas Satisfactory. Xot as many dry goods buyers were on the market iaat weea. as tha week before, perhaps owing la part to the tact that special rates werernot in effect, and a. so ta Uie fair at Ljiicaio. bouse trade, mough, with local Jouoers, was quits satisfactory, and with tha orders from traveling sales men anu uiose airecrvrrom mejMiiams ine " volume ui uuuiiiu wmi tu, uu aa , vuuiu reaauuiujiy ua expecieu. a. giK.u, steady demand la looked tor from now un til Aa-oar-rten weea, when there will ba an enormous trade and Jobbers expect their total aaiat of tail business to be tuily as good as a week ago. Tha market for cotton goods has not changed, notwithstanding an advance of neariy 2c in the price of raw cotton during the last thirty days, Mmiutauturera ami claim that they are parrying very light stocks and any lruprovec. ni. in the de mand would very likely cause a stronger market The distribution of dry goods throughout, the country has been very large, particularly fur the last sixty days. ana as a result U market is well cleaned up an practically all lines. Heavy Vasvesaeas v Wire aad Sail. Owing- to the reduction In freight rates on wire and nails tram Chluagu ta western points local houses have been doing an enormous business. Every merchant who could possibly do so hra oaught a carload and taken advantage of the cut In price and Oinaha houses have sold more stuck for through shipment than fur many months past. Announcement of the with drawal of the rata on September I baa been mads -and up to that time Jobbers expect to do a rushing- business. Altar that date tha rates wul bs the same aa previous to the cut There have been no material changes In the hardware market during tha weea un der review. There seems to be a good healthy tone to the trade and those who uught to know say that the market la in good sliapa, wiiii proa pacts of its remain ing tliat way tor some time to come. Pres ent Indications are that tha market on wire and nails wiU strengthen at no very dis tant data. Trade with local Jobbers Is all that could ba expected. Fail and staple lines are mov ing out at a rapid rate and sales are fully aa large as they wero a year ago. There is nu special teature to tha trade, as the aemanu is general tor ail seasonable lines. Implement dealers report a good demand for ptowaand farm wagons are aiso selling freely. Just as soon as a good corn crop is sssured they look for a very lively de mand. Tha same ia true of ail tools used in tits marketing ot the crop. Ustaer Csads' aUl- Walt The demand for boots and shoes is also in good atutpe. There may have been times m hen trade was more rusning than at -jt aa ent, but still tha demand la in verv .air shape and no cuinpluinta are heard en that score. Jobbers look tor a good buiia thi-curhuul the season, and see no reason why iney should not do tully as wjll as they did a year ago. They are rather fig uring on a good demand later in the season than is generally experienced. 1 here is nothins nw in rubber g-KKls. Trade is very quiet and probably will be until after the first eold wave and sniw it'.rm. Jubhsrs are busy shipping out their advance orders, Vratte aaet Vegetables. One of the moat popular lines uf fruit en the murket at toe present time Is Colniado peacho. Tbey are arriving in carload lots ami sail from sve ta tl U per bit, or j.S4 par aix-baaket crate. The quality la pro ui unced very good. In a short time it la expected that the supply 'will maiiraily Increase, and that pi una will tail ? .t J r reapondlng drop, which means that the canning uuaun will shortly be in full away. Genuine Rocky Ford melons are now on tha market, and are as popular as eve. They eeil fur U per orate. Cayenne pina. s pi n's aia lielng ulterod in Untiled uun.l ra at H ser urate, ijtl.rr lines are about tha sur.-e as they were a week ago. Via tu n Is true of vegetuoles. and the ii'i-iiatioiis oi the different varieties will be tounj in another column. !aUIweake Grata Hafkat MILWAUKFE. Sept 2. WH FAT Mar ket lu ;oer; N 1 northern, 2LU,ul 16, No. i northeru. .UiLl2; Detimbar, bid. H TE Firm : Nu. L, 7T. BltLk.V-Jtady; No. t 52c: aumple. lie-. Cc-ltN Steady; No. 2. WWMc 2. twerp eel Grata. .Market. LrVERPOuU fpt 3. WHEAT-Spot: Market 000111'. Fuiurea: Market steady; Beiitunilwr 7a d: Deiwmher. 7a Od.- Cdi-t.N tiiiot; Alarket eiaady; A-uerlcaa mixed, is Id. Futures: Market quiet; September. 4a 7Hd. iatremtar, s ttd. HAH A WBOLKSAXB BASKET -Ceadltfaa at Trade sad 4,aaatlaaa aa Stasia a ad Faaary Pradaera. EGGS Receipts moderate; candled stock, ISC LTVE POULTHT-Hena ac: roosters, (c: tui keys, lue; duraa, Vgas; geese, u; aiirtiig Chickens. U.'-rtiiao, HL'TThlR racking stock. tlSU'Vc; choice to mncy aa:ry, utii; separator, i. il.c FHEdFl FlijH Trout. li; pickerel. ic; pike. Inc. percn. 7c; biueflsn. lie. whlteflsh, life; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, lie: loonier, green, Jc; lobster, boiled. Jftc: buiihenda, lie: us t (Is ii. 14c ; black bass, JOc, bailout, loc ; crappiea, lie; roe shad, SI, huffaio. To; white baas. Lie. frig legs, pet dus., J&c a SA.V-Per ton. l.i. TttLar Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers association: Choice o. 1 upland. IT .'J; .V 2. I9.ju; medium. Si coarse, I6.a0. Rye straw. S.50. TheM prices are lor hay of good color and quality. OtdTER3 New York counts, per can. 4c. extra selects, per can, 37c; standards. per can, Sc. 1'BOPICAX. FRL.-IT3. ORANGES Va:encius. large sizes. 7u9 4.J6: smail sizes f4.Joa4.5U. LEMU.N9 Caiifornia tancy, 270, 300 and Soil. 4. Hi; choice. ja.aiMiiro. i-I-MiS Jr loriila, per 9-oasket crates. t4.SH. FIGS California, per lu-ib, carton, auc; lmpurted coiyrua. i-crowa, Ic; a-crowo. 1c; 7 -crown, 15c B rer medium sized bunch, C00 6U-oi; jumoo. tL,f,(jXj6. CA.fKSXiL f LNiiLfPLS 1U and 20 alas, per crate, frt.bu. FBITTTS. APP7LES Home grown, per bu. basket, sjytiuc; per bbl., Cuwaiii. i-E.ALaa Canturiiia jUbertaa and Sus queuunnas,; home grown clinga, per io-ih basket, &e; Colorado, per 6-baajiat urate, tl.uv; Colorado, per box, tfuctl-iu. fi-CMip Caiiloruia gross prtiiie. Tragety, tl a, liauan prunes. i.Ji; Lisa sad Colorado plums and prunes, mi-ail 10. PEAitS Calhornia BurtleiL, per box, 6--XI, Colorado Flemisn 3eauty, LiU Colorado. Utah and Oregon tiartletu fLM ((i.76; California B. Hardy. ti-iA. CANTlU-OLi-E Arkanhas Mil Indian Territory, per crate, JLjuiiL7j. senuiau Colorado Rocky Forda per crate, ZLM. WATERMELON'S Per II. tvratcd;. In. CELERY Per dus,. lijuc GHAPfcs-Hume grown, per 8 to 10-lb. basnet, UatfUc; Calllornii Tokay, per case, ti.;s. CRAB APPLES Per bbl., CTuSltB; per market basket, ooc. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Mew hums grown, in sacks, per bu., 45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. Or5-00. ONIONS Home grown, in sacks, per bu., stmTua; Spanish, per crate. SLX. TOMATOES Home grown, per market basket, li-s -Ja. CABBAGE Home grown, per 100 lbs.. 8Sa CL'CL'MBEKS Per auz.. lfc. TURNIPS Home grown, per bu., 4fgO0c BEETS Home grown, per bu-, siigiuc. PARSLEY Per di.s., 3c. WAX BEAN'S Per market bafket. 5fle. STRIN'r BEANS Per market basket. oOc GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket. .. SQCASH Home grown, per dnx., BOc . EGG PLANT Southern, per dox., tLSO. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per market basket, SO&tJOc; Virginia, per UuL. t3.Juit3.50. i SnS:ELLA NEOU3. TTEW HONEY Per 2 frames.3.50. MAPLE SL' GAR Ohio, per lb., luc CHEESE Wisconsin twins.- full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, lii'iflTc; "Wisconsin brick. 134c: W isconnln limherger, 13c. HIDES No. 1 green. 7V: No. 2 green. 6Ho; No. 1 saitad, c; No. 2 saltedf. fk:; No. 1 veal cslf. I to 13 lbs.. 9c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs.. 7c: dry salted, S12c; sheep pe.ts. J4r.c; norse nides, si, a. NUTS Walnuts. No. U soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., ISc; No. ! hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecan a large, per lb.. 12c: small, per lb., 10c; peunuts. per lb. lie; roamed peanuts, per 11)., Sc.; Chill wainuta, per lb.. 12-5 Lic: larsre hickory nut, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 15c: hard shell. 12c; ahellbarks. per bu., t2.00; block walnuts, per bu., Kaasaa City Grain aad Pravtstnas, KANSAS CITT. Sept. I.-WHFAT-Lower; September, 94"c: December, SnH1? 9o"c; May Hc: cash. No. 2 hard, 9firJ8c-. No. 3. Wyidc; No. 4. 'fefMn: No. 2 red. tLii fel.Ofi: No. 3. iLOltLOa. No. 2, &bj; re ceipts. 2MS cars. CORN Steady; September, 4T4c; Decem ber, 4Spc; May, eSHrc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4vc; No. 2, 4fcic; No. 2 .white, 49c;. No. 1, 4ec. OATS Steady; No. t white, 32Sic No. 2 mixed. 32VS33C. HAT Steady: choice timothy, $8.30; choico prairie. i(7.25Q7.jl RYE Nominal at 75c, EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansts new No. 2, whltewood cases Included. ihc; cnee count, IfiVtc; cases returned, z less per dos. BUTTER Creamery, 14H$18?,c; dairy, Recelpta. Shipments. Wheat, bu. ;...i. Ht2.iX) lKO.tmo Corn, bu 27.2J) SS.iWO Oats, bu 13, GM 6.000 Philadelphia Prsdoss Xarke. PHILADELPHIA. Sept 2. BUTTER Quiet but steay; extra western creamery, IDc: extra nearby prints. 20c K.( A . S I nnhunBal nirhv flewta VIA at mars; western nrsts, iic at mark. Tsoal Market. BOSTON", Sept X WOOL Of the wool market the Commercial Bulletin says: "The wool market is quieter. There have been fewer buyers In attendance, but a good many transactions closed last week have been made public, and the volume is, therefore, larzs. Blocks of Montana and other territory in the original packages are the prominent features of transactions. Holders are firm and won't concede a frac tion. This prevents speculation, as the speculator is given little opportunity. All efforts ta break prices prove futile. Foreign markets in decidedly firm, and advices from London and the continent agree that the tendency Is toward fine wools. An ad vance In Merinos at the next London auc tion is expected." The sh laments of wool from Boston to date from December 3L Wi. according to the same authority, are 14s.249.26s pounds, against L54,iKI,oiil pounds 'at the same time last year. The receipts to data are 248,014. -422 pounds, agninst 3Ti9.3aO,d3 pounds for the same period last year. LONDfV. Sent 3. The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of auction sales amount to 79.832 bales, including 22.Txi forwarded direct to spinnecs. The Imports of wool this week weret New South Wales, 849 bnles; Queensland, IS; Victoria, 2M; New Zealand. IMG: Cape of Good Hope end Na tal. 1,73: Marseilles, LOC: Havre. 550. ST. LOTMS. Sept .V-WOOL Steady : me dium rrutn, combing and clothing;. 2v7r?6c; Ua-ht fine. ItVfKXic; heavy fine, 124jltje; tub-wnehe-1. 2WSC. NEW TORE, Sept. WOOL Market i wheat firm; domestic fleece, 22821c. gapcem Evaporated A spies aad Dried Fralta, NEW YORK. Sept X EVAPORATED APPLES Market unchanged. former prlqrs still representing tho trading basis for all qualities. Common were quoted at 4i6c: choice, (niawif: fancy at 737.7. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCTTS-Prunes were inactive, and mure or less unsett'ed, being somewhat In buyerV, favor. Quota tions range from 2 to 5c. according to gradai. Apricots were in some demand, but buyers appear about a quarter of a eent under the marker; fancv sold at llfip 13 Peaches are offered aparlnirly from all quarters and the undertone of the mar kef has considerable flrmnes In view of this fact Extra choice are still quoted at S cents, and fancy at 9vJ10a Csctoa war tret. LrVERPOOL. Sept 2. rrTTOcf Soot is In fair demand: prices 18 points lower; American mlridllne fair. 72d; good mid dling. .;d; middling. .4d: low mlddllnir. .2od; good ordinary. tOsd: ordinary, i41. Furores opened quiet and closed quiet; American middling, g. . e., September, 5 id; September and October. 5.-d: Octo-bee-November, 5.D,d; Novemher-December, SMrt: Januarv-February 55id: Fehrusry March. S.jf'd: March-April. i.aed; April-May, S.51d; Mar-June. 551d. ST. Li )OH. Sent lrOTTOV Quiet Ho lower; mlddllns, ifl. Sales, none: receipta, none;-sr.lpmeuts. none; stock, 5.5U bales. Metal sarttt XTW YORK. Sent L METALS In ad dltlun to the usual Saturday dullness, met a'a were Influenced by the holiday and verv little business transpired In any df partment Prices were sil practically un ehsnged from the previous dav. Tin, 227. i:V!nt Cnpner, lake. H2.tl2v3T1?.75: elei-trolvt-.c til 5oit11 75; casting, r2-TTVkiif 12 rJ). Lead, t ti4.3a Sneltey, t4-ltaLJi Irn. quler and unchanged. ST. LOUIS. Sent 1 METALS T-ead, quiet t4.i2j4.15. Spelter, easier, (4.32 Dry Gaode Market. NEW YORK, Sent. 1 DRY GOODS Total imports of dry goods and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending today were valued at 212 51172. Exports of specie from New York for the weea were tl. ts.4. lit gold, snd ml6 silver. Imports of sneoj. at New Y.irk duHne; the week were silver and let 30 Sold. . I Elsla Battev Market. EXUN. 111.. Sept. X BUTTER Cn the board of trade today butter was quoted nncminged, at 19a a. ptuind Sales tn the dlatiict tut Uie week wars 720, aM pKiiuula, CRAB A5D PRODUCE MARKET 8pemlatcd Futures Are Ail Easier Cash Grain is ia Demand. WHEAT FUTURES ARE NEARLY A POINT OFF Cera aad Oete Srassjathise 4ews ea Crese BaUlsh Bollday Xeaday Bs strlrts eaieeaa Gessie el s( Chteace Pits. OMAHA, sept 1 1904. All American gra,n exchanges have ad- jnurnea anui Tuesday morning- next Tnls adjournment was responsible for rat nor quiet marketa today and some uisponuun to even up trades over the huildaa. Aa a rule The grain markets acted ratner tired, not oniy in Chicago, but elaawnere, al though there was at times considerable ac tivity. It ia a case ot necessity on the bull side of the market necessity tor fa vorable news ail the time to maintain the currt-nt high prices. The speculative ele ment cannot realise that the damiige stories can poasibiy be true In their entirety and la therefore persistently aetl.e on the Dears side, with ever-- sign of nesltauon on me part of the bulls over their position. Ail the news that is coming nr Is of a char acter to inspire confidence on the part of ine-ouua, damuga reports following one after the other closely. Theron Logan of Logan ft Bryan, Chi cago says: "I oau see nothing In ths re ports from the thresiiing machir.ea. taken as a whole, to materially change expecta tions so far as our wheat crop in concerned. A feature not apparently appreciated, I think. Is the la, k of flour-making qual ity, caut-ed by shrunken, blighred kernels In the northwest. I can see nothing. In present conditions that does not warrant prevailing prices for wheat. I am of tha opinion that no radical decline enn take Xlace at this time and ceileve that any ip should be taken advantage of to buy wheat here." Cwrtf JnIr w,tn f,,,cn Pices as these there is little opportunity for grumbling and the elevator men should find Omniu the beat market for their shipments. No advances In bfidr tOlla tO Camnettn PBllPn.,1, nan affect rates, all roads maklna the trsiirnt 12 cents from here to Chicago. Anv lnterrnad war must he serried hM, it can. but Omaha la protected on grain rate-i and has an open show with St Louie or elsewhere. In C hies so tho bulk of t- business was in December and Mat ettun, Tn,m..ii. ately after the opening there was a sllsht raJly, but It did not last long. The liquida tion of long wheat yesterday was enormous and the change put the trades Into weaker hnnd.e. Immediately following the openirg the list turned earier. September broke from 21.061 to tl.Mt-. December from tl.7i to tLilf.i. aad May from tl.ilH to ja.OS. The low nrlces ore veiled at the anil at short session. Corn was at one time sllnhtlv higher thin at the close yesterdny. but the advance was not maintained snd the final closing was, c lower. Oats lost SejVc I his view of Uireshma retuma la aenee. ally taken, but. Just the same, the specula tive fraternity im bearish and cannot he brought to change, except bv being caught short on a quick upturn, and then it is no tlmo till ttiey try and try again for lower fig ires. This Is Induced bv, the record of years past that crop expert rarely guess right Tho weather map. while clear, Is rr.ther cool for com. but excellent for heat threshing-. This encournarea tha bears In their position. With- eorn it is only a matter of a frost or not- If the eold weather will hold off until October 1. which draws nearer every day, there will be nothing the matter with the com crnn of l'fi4. and there should be quite a break in the present hlsrh schedule of prices. Desnlto the tendency of speculative values to seek a lower level, the cash grain prices continue satisfactory. No. 2 wheat sold in Omaha today at 0.01 a bushel and No. 3 at :)7j9Sc. Omaha Grain Inspections Trf. Thirteen cars No. 3 hard wheat 3 cars No. hard wheat. 2 cars No. 2 corn, 11 ears No. 3 corn, i cars No. 4 corn. 1 car no grade corn. 2 cars No 3 yellow corn. 2 cars No. 3 white corn, 2 cars Na 2 whlti oats, I car No. 2 white oats, 1 car No. 4 white oata. 1 car no grade oats. Total, 41 cars. Out: Four cars No. 3 hard wheat t cars No. 3 corn. Total. 6 con. Omaha Cash Sales Two' cars No. 3 corn. 4F1m:: t car No, 4 white oats. 30c; I car No. 2 white oats, JfiHc; 1 car No. 4 oats. 2RHc; 1 car No. 3 wheat, 94c; 1 car No. 3 wheat 3Rc; 1 car No. 3 wheat 00 lbs.. tl.Ti; 1 car No. 3 wheat 57 lbs.. 99c; 1 car No. 2 wheat, 56 Iba. 98c; 2 cars No. 2 yellow corn. 4i'c; 1 car No. 3 rye. 67c; 1 car No. 3 rye, 87-j. , Omaha Fatharee. Cfoslnsr. Open'g. High. Low. Today. Frl'y. Wheat Sept fflBBHMBSB 9liB Dec 38HB 98"tB 98I4B 984B 9S Corn- Sept 4RH 4H Hi 4n4 Dec 454 461, 4SV, 46 H 4&H Caaa Grata Karkei. Omaha. Chtcajra. No. 2 hard whei. l.i 1.04il.u8 No. 3 hard wheat HV&V . Sfifl.0 No. 4 hard wheat 86iu?4 No. 2 red wheat I.ObMtI IO No. 2 red wheat l.Otwil.10 No. 2 spring wheat.... LOS'tfl.14 No. 2 spring wheat.. ....1.02 1 05 No. 2 enm 49 54 ig54 No. 3 corn 4t4 fl4 No. 4 corn 47Hi 52HS?4'4 No. 2 yellow corn 4d' SBMmsi No. 3 yellow corn........ 49'a, 551 No. 2 white corn 49 54 S.rtl No. 3 white corn 4Sii 64 No. 2 oats 30 SHJ No 3 oats 29 31 No. 2 white oats 31 14 XK Standard oats 81 32 No. 3 rye 67 Car Lent Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City. St. Louis Minneapolis Duluth Omaha 705 34 ltf 2S7 .. 241 .. 104 .. ISO .. IS .. 15 13 52 Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Thurs day at the markets named wars as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. . Friday. Sept 31.tH 11.1(1 Dec 1.0fci 1.07 May..- liB I.0954 Cnm Sept 53 53 Deo 11 51 May - 411 Oats Sept 31 31A Dec 32 38 May a ST. X-dt lO. September ..O.0T .. 1.09 21.08 1.10 48 DecemDer . Decern oar . Wheat September December . Corn September December . Wheat September December . 48 . a EAXIAS CITT. K -a- 48 NSW YORK. 1-10 MiNNEAPOLLS. LUH LK Wheat September December , l.a i.n l.us7 LU Cessoieretal Geeels. Primary Receipts Wheat, 778.000; corn, 834,tiu bushels. Snip men La Wheat, 4b7,i: corn, 621.iA)u busLeia. Minneapolis Stuck Wheat, December, 2U.UOU buxneis; touai ad grades, 2.2a.uiu buanels: Nu. i northern. L 4.3U0 buaheuk, F'.sjc. U0.423 buabsia Some of the wtee onee are connecting the big purchase of May corn by Siienuer-Den-rustun (about 7ai.iku bushels ail lold witn Valentine, who has jusi rsiurned Irom Eu rope today. Plaaaeial Goaa's, The bank statement dues not cut much ice, witn a surplus of nearly tta.uou.uoii, as compared with tii.uOb.uuS last year. The ,n creaiMt in loans is due to Southern paciuo payments of t20.uOO.iAU. which was uua on the Drat The statement Is a favorable one. SEW YOBK GElIiUl, MABKJCT kaetatleae e the Day ea Tartsas Csaaaasdltlee. NEW YORK, Sept X FLOUR Receipts. IT.tTS bbla; axports, 12. HI bhls. Market dull and nominally unchanged; Mlnaeecta pn'.anis, t.Ju4.i. Minneaoia bakers, H-Ju 44.70; v Her patents, m.JJttto Bu; wlniar straughia t4 initio J), winter sxtrss, ti bjy 4-iai: winter low grades, faXjuiaj. Rye flour duil: fair to good, t4-Jtj4.jU, choice to fancy, t4.i..u4.Kn. COKN'MEAL Steady; velluw wastrn. n uutla, city, Ii.l4wl.16; kiln dried, 2-i X. , R Y7E NV.-minal. BAHLiiY d'-ady; feeding, 47c, In New Tort- iv HEAT Receipts. 32,100 bu. Spot mar ket, easy; No. I red, nominal, elevator, 11 , t. o. b. afloat: No. 1 iioruwrn. Duiuth, tl 34 . f. q. b. ail oat; Na 1 hard Manitoba. Hum, nai. f. o, b. afloat. Options were weaa and lower because of foreign selling, eaaier cables, we tern bear pmssure. e'lranng auruiwesl. auiisg aad Dtvmymtim foe tpsavy receipts next week. Near the close they ra.lled, however, with com and left oil raiher steady at Sa net decline. May, l.u, closed Il.U'a. September, UXVil.U1 closed ti-lis. December. iLU, sioeed tLlktS. CORN.-aereipta, a.5fi bu.; exports. 41.112 ba. Spot market steady; No. 2, Sac. ele vator and fV- f. o. n. afloat; No. 2 yel low, HI1; No. i white. . The option mar ket was quiet all dav bat well sustained on cold weather through the belt, closing partly o net higher. September. aS'sO oVj. closed 5c; December closed fSCHc. OATS Receipts. T5 bu. Spot market easy: mixed oats. M to 32 iba.. 35 i; nstural white. 3u to- 17 lbs.. 3TviJk'Tc; Clipped white. SS to 40 Ihs.. iti42c. HAY Dull; shipping, IT.sO: good to choice. a&c. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, W'S. 27'35c: olds. 7f13c; Pacitlc coast l-2. 231c: oids, 7'SUc. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 2 to S Tba. 17c; California. 21 to -6 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs . 14c LEATHER Steady; acid. 24fo?Sc. PROVISIONS dteadv. Pork. family, 2K.a4gU.jH: mess. ts;m9.iT: hams, ftl.o- 2S 5m: packet. t.atvjlii Mi; extra India me:a, ffl4.iX"fjlij Cut meats, tirm; plrkied bel lies. t9.tntjll.00: pickled shioildirs, 7.iOd 7.25. pickled hams. tin 'all. on. Lsrd. steady; western steamed, refined, firm, continent. 27.70: South America. Wi.-o; com pound. 2t STitHAHl. TALLOW Dull : city '12 per pkg.), 4c: country ipkai freei. sfi4'c. RICE Market quiet, domestelc. fair to extra. 2T4-'iric; Japan, nominal. POULTH Y A.ive. nominally firm: spring chickens, 14c: fowls. 13c; turkeys, 13c. Dressed. Irregular; western chickens. !41 l1rc; fowls. 14c; turkeys, western turns and hens. 1251150. BUTTER Steady, unchanged; small col ored, fair to fancy, vri-vc. CHEE3T5 Firm: small colored; fair to fancy. Nasc; small white, poor to fancy Si2Jc; large colored, fair to good. seiHc; larae. white colored, fair to good. i"'Sc. EGGS Steady; western fancy, selected. sea-ac. CHICAGO GBAH A4D PHOTISIOtS Feararee e the Tradias aad Cleelast Prteee ea Board ef Trade. CHICAGO. Sept 2. Official forecast of clearer weather in the northwest and weak ness of foreign grain markets caused a de cline in wheat i)rt"a here toduy. At the clone December whoat was down a c. Corn and oats were eech off c. provi sions were a shade to li'Wc lilgher. From the start sentiment In tiie wheat pit was weak. At the opening the market was Influenced by lower cables, liberal smp ments from Australia and prospects of bet ter weather in the northwest December was a to -Vi lower, at .07V!rL07s"s. The volume of trading was exceedingly light, a holiday In eastern marketa being partly responsible for the small interest mani fested here. The ract that the locai ex change will be closed Monday also tended to hold tha market in check. Throughout the entire day trading was largely of a scalping nature. Some reports of small threshing yields were received from the northwest but little attention was paid to them. As an offset to these advices a re port from Ui Pacific coast asserted that the atatea of Oregon. Idaho and Washing ton would, raise from ten to fifteen million bushels more wheat this year than they did a year ago. Prices declined gradually throughout the day, the market closing weak and almost at the lowest point on an options. Final figures on December were Sl.iseS'trLiWfc. after the prlco hart toucnea tLOSH. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 81. MO bushels. Primary receipts were 722.00m bushels, compared with a holi day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 294 cars. ajrainat 280 cars last week. In spite of the weakness of wheat the corn market hold steady. The sustaining Influence was the Kansas crop report showtns a decline of 5 points in the con dition of the growing grain. The volume of trading was light December opened a shade hlirher. to W-ic lower, at ainiii-ux sold between 51l''aiU.,c and 52HC, and closed at 51H3.M-o. Local receipts were 785 cars, with of contract grade. Oats were Influenced mainly hy the ac tion of corn. Comparatively few trades wero transacted. btiHiness being of a holi day character. December "-ac lower, at 33a, sold between 33ia-'1v, and closed at 331c Local recelrts wre 237 cars. A continuance! ot the strike at the stock yards restricted trading in provisions, tha market being extremely dull, with prices showing little change. October pork closed a shade mgner. at jii-io. L-am wu up i.-?-, at 27.ltKaC.L2H- Ribs were up 12MsC at t7.42i-. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat 87 cars: corn, 1014 cars; oats. 278 cars; hogs, 12, "o' head. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: ArtlcleB. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y Wheat a Sept b Sept Dec May Corn Sept Doc May Oats Sept Dec, May Pork Sept Oct Jan. Lard Sept Oct. J.ui. Ribs Sept Oct Jan. I.07il LOT-! LOT I LOT J 1.07, 1 047,-a l.i3 1.04 1 1.041 1.16-4 l.t'-aii-uiTM j-.i-o-a .."- si Liaw i.w.u i.a i.wy?i A.m. s raw 524 ri2-3S2l 53h! 531 ;E1HI -4. 52 MVak.alsW-ilj alTi-; 4DitltfWli fa","-") n Sl-s! 21H.31eiHl 21 3S-.i 3211 fBiai i3Hi 33 11.00 11.10 11. so u.oo U.OO 11.00 no. 11.10 U.OO U.1U Li.oO g 35 7.10 7.15 7.17H 11.12Hu 12.5741 12-62li. 7 (W 7.10 7.15 7.17H, 7.12S1 7.10 7.15 7.12i i. la 7.27H: T.17H 7.32, 7 r, 7.42, 6.82i T.32--4I .2Vm 7-42-S1 6.tS 7.32 u w No. 2. a old. b new. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLaJUli Steady; winter patents, SS.iOtJ 5.20: straights. t4.80qo.0'i: spring- patents, t5.2Ui2B.iM; stralgtus, H-jo5.1U, bakers, tS-JOj 2.S0 WHEAT No. 2 spring, n.l0JL14; No. 2, 21.U2?51.U; No. 2 red, a.(ii(ijl.08, COHN No. 2, 5c; No. 2 yellow. &c. OATS No. 2. mc; No. 2 white, 33323c; No. 3 whit;, 32333r RYE 70c. BARLEY Good feeding, 3f3fa3fic; fair to choice malting, 441 00c. . SEEDS No. 1 flax, 21.19s No. 1 north westcrn, 2L26; clover, contract grade, 272.25 012 SE. FR VISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 211.00 tpU 12 Lard, per 100 lbs., r.t5iaV707. Short 'lbs sides (loose'. 27 2537.37; short clear sides (boxed, W 2-'ffi8 50. The receipts and anlpments today were as follows: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbl Wheat bu Com, bu. .......... Oats, bu Rye. bu ... 23.1'WI 21.209 ,..lrt5.0fw 122.5'C ...Hn.i 440.5" ...3K6 4tai 25,2J0 ... 18 (Ml Barley, bu 4U909 14.700 On the produce Exclianm today tha hotter market was steady; creameries, 14019c; dulrles, 12416c Egtra. steady, at mark, cases included, Ujdic Cheese, firm, 8 9c St. Leal a Grata aad PrsvlainaB. ST.i LOUIS. Sept S. WHEAT Lower- No. 1 red cash elevator, 11.07; track. SL10 VI U; December, O-0!i; May, 0-11. No. 2 Biuii, CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 51 o; track. i2c; December. 4so; May. 42sc uAia Lower; No. 2 caali. JLc; track. 33& S3c; December, a2c. May, Jac; No. i wiute, 35c. - FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. S5.4O0 B-ou; Biira laiiuy ajm sixaigai, tO-iOTtfC-aai Clear, p.niv.,u. SEED Timothy steady, JXltXa, CCiRN MEAL Steady, 12.75. BRAN Higher; sacked, east track. 8?.JE 84c. HAY Dull; timothy, tfi-0012.50; prairie, 2B.ov-ue.5u, lKuN TOTTON TIES aia. EAiJGINi"-77"c. HKMP TWIN i 7c. PROVISIONS Pork lower; Jobbing, OLSO. Lard higher; prime steam, !n.5a. Bacon steady: boxed extra shorts, tk.27, clear ribs. H.50; short clear. 18.7a. METALS Lead quiet, Ki2g4.15. flpelter eaaier, t4 92. POULTRY Steady: chickens, 10c; prinirs. 12c; turkeys. 15s; geese, 6u. BUTTEtt Firm; creamery. Iia2uc; dairy, 12 1!. EGGS Firm, 17c case eount ttsceipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls Wheat bu Corn, bu Oats, bu- U.oiV J.0l41 37.IIUU 4h,iaj .104. .UK) . 4tj.0"S . U4.JU0 DsJatk Grata Markaw. DCLUTH, Sept. X WHEAT Old to ar rive: Nil. 1 northern, ta.12. No. 2 north ern, O.uL On track: No. 1 northern. CIS; No. 2 nortnem, 11.11 New to arrive: No. 1 northern. 01B; No. 2 northern. tl.11; September, 11. 12; December. LU7; May ffl.ur. OATS On track and to arrive, 32c Mlaaeasells Graia Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Sept X Close: WHEAT September. 0.09. May, O ln; No. 1 hard. 2L1U; No. 1 nurtiiein, 1LI. No. 1 northern, X11. FLOUR Flrt patent IklOuAJO:- second paiania, tt.--a "5 nrst eleai a, I4.ju44.d1; second clears, 82.82. . , BRAN In bulk, 04.2S. TOLEDO. O.. Sept. X SEEDS Clover, cash, Ix-lober and Deimber. 17.27 bid; September alsiaa, 7.ue. Tlmoihy, Septem ber, tl 4k resets Marks. PEORIA Sept X CORN-Higher; Jtsr (, 54c; Na 4, SJe, ao (Tada, 52a. mm LITE STOCK MARKET Corofed ateeri About Steady for ths eek, Vefftwa BangTS Little Lowar. HOGS VEHY, UNEVL1 ALL THE WEEK 9aply s Skees aad Lassbs A beet Eajsat ts Deasaad trsaa Paehere aad Little Ckssc ta Prleee Seted Feeders Fatly Steady. SOUTH OMAHA Sept. 1 1904. Harsipts were: prr.ctai Monday Offlclal Tueauay Otflciul Wednesday ... Orticiai Thursday .... tflcial Friday Official Saturday Total this wek Total last week Total week before Same three we-ks age Same four weeks sa. Same week lsst year. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 7.4M Xai 14-a ... 2441 11.191 UUtf ... 2. H.tOl i ... 1,542 4.373 7.0B0 ... 98 4.51 10.4 ... 220 A4.7 LU1 ...IS.,S 27.213 SP.Xi ...IXiSO 41.578 S.M ...15.U0 0.581 SO.t.94 l...lU.tilH S0.2S41 w.j:'4 ... ISH72 12.:'N1 ...20.4h2 37. 8 J til.ahl RECEIPTS F-'jR THrt TtraB Td DAT E. The following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, witn comparison wua lest y""r" 19"4. lX Inc. tec. V."1 547.301 K2.4ffl 1U5.148 H's l.S.'.5.78 Ltiro.;44 7S2 Silarn 8J21 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parison: Data 1904. 1903. 1902. 1OT.:1900., 1839. .llflsl. August 1RI 2 Mkl 251 8 SSI 5 781 4 87! 4 441 "?i August ll I 0fi I ( 68 5 771 4 ' 4 8 7" August 17) 4 I SI I I 841 t Wl 4 3fi 1 71 August LSI 4 99, 6 181 S 1 4 9ai 4 471 3 a8 Anaust 131 5 1i 5 121 8 731 S SOI 4 5ul 1 7 August 201 I 12, 5 L5I ( 8ti' 5 871 I 03 I 2 75 August 211 1 5 241 87! 8 7SI 5 0J 4 421 August 22! 8 or;' 5 21 : 7 01 : s vn S .11 4 '. t 8 August 231 I 03J i I Ml 5 Sil 4 971 4 411 1 74 August 2'! S iH I It 481 1 5 111. 5 0 ' 4 4'-'l l A'JTist 25i 5 H I S l T MM I 5 051 4 401 S 73 AugUHt 281 I 22; 5 331 7 31 5 9"! ! I 381 1 72 A'is--tst 7i 5 4 1 " 7 "ii m. ("' ' 8 78 August 281 I 5 3S1 7 !8I 8 On' S 0J! 4 ") Atteust 291 I Ml t 321 7 191 8 031 5 4 4"l 2 70 Auaiist 301 5 yH 7 3ki 111 5 tl 4 0' 8 7 August 31i 5 I7ij 8 23I I 4 12! 5 05, 4 271 3 GJ Sept. 1...J 5 18 I 8 91 T 83! I 5 041 4 3ftl 3 81 Sent 2... I 5 27X1 8 n 7 42' 121 1 4 141 8 9 Sept. 3... I 6 32j 5 301 7 36 6 OBj S 0Z I 3 tu TnrTlcBtes Surdsy The offlclal number of ears of stock brought In today by each mail was: Ca t U a.Hogs. Sheep. H" r1 s. C . M. St P 5 Wabash 3 M'ssourl Pacific 8 1 Union Pacific System. 2 8 4 .. C. NT. W 4 F.. E. M. V a C. St P.. M. A 0 5 B. A M 12 C, R. I. P . east 2 C. R. I. P., west 1 Illinois Central 1 C G. W 4 Totals 10 84 4 The dlstJriBitton of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated. Cattle. Hoss. Sheen. otnina racking co Swift and Company ..... ... 1.258 L224 803 I L198 "ia. II 'Hi x" lLu Cudahy Packing Co Armour Co 50 Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C... IBs Leightoa Co B. a Co i Root 3 Other buysrs 1 Totals .. 220 CATTLE There were a tew cars of cattle reported this morning, but not enough to murks a market Fur the week receipts snow an increase over last week of about X600 head, but aa compared -with ths same week of last year, tnere is a tailing oft 01 about 4,&uM head. With the exception of the nrst of the week, when receipta were too heavy, the market haj been in good shape, witn trading active. South Omaha packers ana commission men are tuning up the question of distributing the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep more evenly through the week, with the object of pre venting such radical fluctuations tn values. Commission Arms are sending circulars to their customers advising tiiem to make preparations to have more stock on the market toward the close ot the week ana less at tha opening. The market on corn-fed steers this week has been, in a vary satisfactory condition. jrtces eased on a little the nrst or uie week, but the loss baa since been regained, and the demand for desirable grades is active. Warmed-up cattle, such as come in ccmpetiuon witn westerns, are. ot course, more or less neglected: " to choice steers may be quoted from 15.50 to 11.00; fair to good. K.00 to to. 50. snd ths common and short-fed kinds from 24.00 to (4.75. Heavy receipts of western grass beef steers the first of ths week caused a big slump in values, but with moderate offer ings the latter part of the week most of the loss has been regained. Something strictly fancy would perhaps sell as well as at the cloae of last week, but the gen eral run ot cattle ara around lia!Sc lower for the week. Good to choice cams could be quoted from 1X90 to 14.50; fair to good. 12. f to 23.75. and common stuff from 12.75 down. The cow market suffered a severe decline on Monday and Tuesday, owing to heavy receipts, but as the supply has been very light since that time, most of the decline bos been regained. As compared with the close of last week, prices are perhaps still a dime lower. Most everything being of fered Is grass stock, not enough corn-fed cows and heifers coming forward to tell much about tha market Good to ciioice grass cows sell from 22-80 to 23.08; fair to good from 22.25 to 12.50. and eanners and cutlers from tl-75 to 12.25. Bulls ara rather slow sale, and not much different from what they were a week ago. Corn-feds sell from IXo to 1X50, while grass bulls go from 12.00 to tX5v. Veai calves are selling in much the same notches they have for soma rime past There has been a good demand for stock ers and feeders ail tue week, and ss a result the market has not changed to any great extent closing prices being much toe same as those in tores the latter part or last week. Good to choice grades sell from 12.40 to 13.80: fair to good from W.uo to t3.4u, and common stuff under 12.00. Moat ail tne feed ers coming forward are from the western ranges. Representative sales: Huffman Bros, a D. Neb. S bulls 1) 2 30 4 cows ii-95 1 SO 27 cows 1023 1 00 HOGS There was a moderate runrjf hogs in signt UHs morning and as souis uf ins Uicai buyers were quits aaxloua far sup plies the market opened fairly active and around a nickel higher than yesterday average. The demand, though, su chiefly tor nogs 01 gooa q.uiy ana not too neavy. Mixed and medium weights solo largely from 25.30 to fc.o and choice lights and butcher weights from t&.40 to 15.50. The heavy hogs had to sail from s 30 down. After some of the more urgent orders were tilled the market suddenly came to a aiand stlll and whit rew bids were placed were so much lower that it was some time be fore Much of any business was transacted. About twenty loads were left when lbs market weakened. For the week receipts are about LOW head leas than for laat week, but not much different from the same week of last year. The market has fluctuated up and down at a rapid rate. Thursday proved to be the low day of the week, when the average was down to 15.1a. and the early aalea this morning- were the highest of the week. At noon todsy there were still a good many hogs left In first hands and none of the buyers seemed to be at all anxious for them, so that prospects were favorable for some of them being carried over until Mon day. Representative aales: Pr. R I i f I if I St I I M I m r-t 1 n 4 at I 4 I 4 I 41 I a 1 a I 4Z 1 ts I a 1 u SHEEP There- ware a few ears, of sheep on sale this morning and they' cnauged hands readily enough at about ataauy prtcaL W einers and yaarllnga brougnt M.75, ewes a.s and lambs 8.uu. For the week receipts have been about I. mo head heavier than Iaat weea. but aa compared with the same week ot last year I more is a lai ing oir amounting ui about U.oue bead. The demand (rum local pack era fur fat stuff has bean Juat about equal to the supply, so. that while tnere have been some weak and some strung spots the prices ruling at tha alose of trie week are not enouga different Imra those In force s weea sgo ui be worthy of con sideration, it is simply a good, steady, active market for all deairaiiia grades or bom sheep and lainbe T.-ia feedvr trade has also been In verv satisfactory condition. A large number uf buyers have bean on band ail tha week and every amis' good has sue, wllk ready Na. Av. 8k. Pr. Ma. av. Bk. an 217 S9 t 10 M ct ... 1-1 Its is I at 71 ta 44 Al tl 7X xa ,. U m US I ITl T4 Ml si at a is a bi t t :i is I la 4 w w si a I m at. 24i 7 -tmT .. I M ' U H4 .. r. t IH I ac tut T Ui S I IH Hi 23f a a ta .. IS) Tl 221 .. m nr m t m w jus .. t Ml N I M W 201 .. a 4 tat I m u tm tt) 2K1 - I M BT 2IS .. at .ta us 1 as at tot r 2M M IM 71 41 .. IM T8 117 .. t M 41 I IS T4 til 78 2a 4 f 11 'a U . .. 2U 41 ZM .. I I!- Tt til US sal at fully steady prices. Chmsena kind are sot so brisk as the good ones, but atlil prices have held steady. Quotations foe. grans sheen and lam her ' Good to choice yearling. t 75474.1; fair ts) good yearllnirs. fe.aenj.i. 75; gnn to choice wethers IX joqXTa; lair to gixtd wethers, 23 2njJ 5: gno to ehiilrs ewes, C2543-j: ' fair to good ewes, 12.7oiiX25; good to choirs lambs, io.itjS.oii: fair to good ,ambs, ta-TI-w 5.00; feeder yarllngs. 13Hj J.ts, feeder--wethers, tX-XiaiiJi: leeder ewes. C-'ai.jt. feeder lambs, ta. 7oia4. jo, Repmseniauv- No. in Idaho cull ewe 477 Idaho yearlings 128 Idaho ewes 197 Idaho lam tie 208 Idaho feeder Iambs .. Av. Pr. . .97 2 78 ' .I' 2 SS .84 6 oft .57 4 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Market foe All Classes ef Stoelt Iteady; with Bogs Hlakar. CHICAGO. Sept J CATTLE Receipts, -t.l head, marker steadv; good to prims, steers. lfi.404Jii.10: poor to medium. U . Jl " S.16; storkers and feeders. 22.iinjS.tl0; cows, tl -54. 10; heifers. 21.."i4.Jt: eanners n.2f( 1'8I; hulls. tt.Noi) .; calves. tS.5ii7tJ.2o; Texas fd steers, S.tVdXTS; western si ears,, HtsJS Receipts. SP0 hend; market strong., mixed snd butchers. 15.lf.vf6 H2; good t chmce heavy. K,.i",7fi.)5: rough heavy 14." "15 15; light,. bulk ot sales, IS.25 5l4S 8HET AND TMBSRerelpta. 4KB head; market steRdy; good to choice weta ers. 12 5uq4.i5; choice mixed, t 25aNi.u; ern sheep. 23.7T.tr4.2i; nntiva lambs, t4.UMi . western lambs. t4. J( i.u0. Kaasaa City Live Steak Market. - KANSAS CITT. Sept. X CATTLE Re ceipts, m head: market unchanged; choice add dressed beef steers, X5.J5d8.jB: fair to gcod, tXTr-.45.Ofi: western fed ate-rs, tXTI-i 7 saw; rtockers and feeders. IXSH.iO; south- -em stetrs, t2.50d4.Jti: stiuthern cows, 11.75 93.00: native cows. n. 5" 14.25, native heif ers, C.S4J4.7o: bulla 12.initt3.25: calves. 12.59 5 .30; receipts for Uie weuk. 4x0011 bead. HOGS Rttcelpts. X509 head; market steady: top, to to: hulk of sales, ti 27VJ 5 35; heavy. 25.27? 5. 35; packers, t5.25ri6.4n; r pigs and lights. ta.JfXr5.40; receipts for th week. 38.100 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; " market nominally steady: native lambs, 14.5imii6.: native heifers. t3.2Sa4,iW: native ewes, t3.25-u3. 75: western lambs. 13.505.85; weatern vearllngs. t3.5'ti i.ii; western sheep, O 26 T X75; stockers and feeders. 22.50Q4.uu; ' receipts for the week. lB Kiki bead. St. Lasla Live Steels Market. 1 ST inr-ia aunt n riTTt R!nuHilria - Tt head; market dull, steady: native ship- i ping and export steers, 24.ioiift.75: the top for choice i'oung cattle; dressed beef and butc.her steers. steers under Loos pounds. 12.5015.00; stockers and feeders, 22.50 v 4. iVi: cows and heifers. fI.25iti75;. can nets. t2.26i52.50: bulls. CuOiiiati; esives. IXOfl ''a-S.i': Texas and Indian steers. t2.75iaX40. HOGS Receipts. 1.200 head: market -strong: pigs and lights. I5.noa5.40: packers, 15.305.55; butchers and best heavy, to. ft? 5.f5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 450 head: market steady, dull: native muttons. C.2S gJ.tiS; Iambs. 12.755.00: culls and bucks, Liii4.oo; stockers, ti-JOSXii. Texans, (S.Ukf 34.08. ffew York Live Steele Msurksrt. - NEW YORK, Sept 2. BEEVES Re ceipts, none, uressed heef, steady, at 8 39c per pound for natives. Exports today. -1.750 head of cattle, and 8,050 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 775 head. Market quiet and steady: nothing prime offering. Indiana veals sold at 17.50 per loo pounds; ' city dressed veals selling at 8y-12o per pound. c HOGS Receipts. 14.4S4 head: none for sale. Market feeling nominally steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5 8-fl head. Market for sheep, slow and about steady: lambs. 25560c 'nwer. Sheep sold at t2.5--U4.J0; lamba, 4. 77(6.50; culls, 12.U0J ., 2X50. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 3.-CATV TLE Receipts, 420 head. Market un changed. - HOGS Receipts, 2.405 head. Market -steady to 5a lower: light 25.345.40: medium and heavy, t6.20fjo.36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. L3f3 head. Market active and steady to strong; . western lambs. .(; western sheep, 23.90. - . Stonx CUT Live Stoelc Market. SIOCX CTTV, Ta.. Sept. . SpenltU Tele-", gram 1 CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mnr-: -ket steady; beeves, cows, bulls and mlxd, "-2.20rqj.25; stockers and feed ers. (.754X50; calves and yearliugs, (2.&U-47 HOGS Receipts, 2.2TO head: market weak! selling, (5.0&30-J0: bulk of sales, t5.1&j5.2u-, Srsek ta Slsikc. ' 1 Following were the receipts of live stack -for the six prln-Jpal western cities yenter---day: Caitle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha . 220 4.447 L1U Sioux City 1O0 Kansas City 200 St. Joseph 420 St. Louis 350 Chicsgo XOsO 3.208 2,508 2.4S6 U4 - L200 46sv- 300 4,181 Totals 4.320 14,141 crrz LONDON, Sept. 1 Today Is a holiday on the Stock exchange. Bar silver, steady, at 26d per ounce. Money. lifl Per cent;, discount rates, short tills, 2 11-lti per cent; three months bills. 21 ner cent . BERLIN. Sent. 3. Exchnnge on London, 20 marks 44 pfennigs for checks. Discount- rates, short blilst, 2 per cent; three months bills, 2 per cent. PARIS. Sent X Three per cent rentes, 98 francs 47 centimes for the account Exchange on London. 26 francs 24 centimes for checks. Prices on the Bourse today ' were unsteady. Internationale were lr- . regular. Russians were weaker and at the close were Irregular. Russian Imperial 4e , were quoted at 98.05, and Russian bonds -of 1904 were 50.70. Cleartae; Basis Averages. NEW YORK. Stpt X The statement oC : averages of the clearing' bouse banks oc . -this ritv for the week shows: Loans, r 21. 117.242. ft"""; increase, 0H 1FS.400. Deposita. 21.217 0S4.O00; Increase, f". 781. 300. Circulation. 228.980. 7i': increaee. $1.2iti . Legal ten ders, fftfl 50J.5OH; decrease. 81.llZ.iUU. specie,. .. r.-TI.:1.: decrease, g.H.. Reserve, t351 774.40: decrease. 17.42S.7iA Reeerve re quired. K4.27!.oon; increase, t21.44:i.3(. Sur plus. H7 503.400: decrease. sTi-k. Ex United States deposits, i 344,525; decrease. ,875.27a. Whisky Market. CHICAGO, "tpt I WHISKT Steady; tm bnsls of TL28. PEORTA. Sent. . WTISKT On a baaia of 1.7-8 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS, Sent I WHI3KT Steady",, on a basis of fn.32. CINCINNATI, Kent t WHISKT-On fa- basis of 2L28 for finished goods. Oils aad Roalau ' NEW YORK. Sept 3. OILS Cottonseed, -quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 2PHc. Petroleum steady; refined. New York, 27.85: Philadelphia and Baltimore; 24.90- Turpentlna normal. 55i5c. ' , ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, -22.71. . The Bee Want Ada Are the Best Business Boosters. 7. Farnam Smith h Co. tTOCKlg BONOS, (-91 VESTMENT SECURITISt. 1320 Fzrnin. St. Tel. 123 W e tj nd :e!l Zcuth Omahm Union Stock . Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, sct. U, S. Dtsaaitorr Capital and Surptus. 1600.000 FlaKC kUlrrrV. Pres. UJIMta StAIUi. Caiewr. riAltt T. laklirog. 4at Cue la. Saalve aaeauiita at tanks, aansaa, oarpia Miuaa, sraa aa4 uiilivieuate aa tsvarawe tariajL iv.iaisa Exiaajiae bausiit aa4 eli taivra at it .t immumi. availaule la all ferca ui Ih. worts, liuerw pais oa Tiaa ratlOraiai at Daasa, I'uilMaiiaa aada ir-ui(,i ,r aaa wa whiim