i THE OlIATIA DAILY BEE; ' SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1001. i3 i It . - - ! l v- 1 I"- ROR RENT HOUSES .WEST Of High school, nine-room modern house, beven-room cottage and barn, $17. Gannett, 611 Drown- blk. D M4 PAYNE-BOBTWICK St CO., cjiolce houses. Wl-tWs cw York Life Bldg. FhoneMl. Hf II n Prts tnsclty. The llUUjLJ o. F. UvU Co., (MS Uee bldg. THE Omaha V-n and Storage Co. pack. move arj store II. H. goods. Btoresouee, UM-.it s. uia. Office, 1611H Farnatn. Tel. Im'j. DIU WE MOVE tilanoe. MACgard Van Btor ar Co.. Tel. luU. Office 171$ Webster at. ' 1 124 IJni icpc In all parts of the city. K. a l .tera St Co., Be Building. u xzt RESIDENCE on Georgia ave., near Pa cific. 10 room, attic, basement: modern east front; fine grounds, 66x140; trees, Apply U4 First rat i uank juig. i-iat BEE CHRIS BOYKR, 22d and Cuming. D 127 FOR RENT and ready for occupancy, $ room and hall detached house, 2,01 Dodge street, near High school, 140. Every- . thing new and up-to-date In this house. Call for key at &KJ6 Dodge St., or tele- pnone ajsim. v-f-niii FOR RENT Just vacated, fine 8-room all modern house; Hanscom park district; rent low to gooa tenant. Address i ia. Ate. , v Mia NICE new house. 7 rooms, modern. KM Leavenworth st. D 611 4x HOUSES, Insurance. cRlngwalt,. Barker blk. . du NICE rooms, upstairs: sewer connection ana city water; no cnuaren. ztxsa uavcn port - D M190 127.60 New. strictly modern 7-room cottage, corner Thirteenth and Dodge. Westfield St Mill, 616 First Nat. Bank. umvm FOR RENT Now; line S-room cottage, 211 a. ma ave.; modern excepi iurnaoe; shade, etc.; key at 30 B. 2tu ave. D M217 4 132.50 Cor. 27th and Douglas, new 7-room house, all conveniences. $25.00 -r., modern house, Dundee. George O. Wallace, Brown block. uia FOR RENT October, 1, eight-room, tnod ern house. No. 1717 Park ave., $25. Also three-story, brick building. No. 1315 How ard street, suitable for wholesale pur poses. W. H. THOMAS, First Nafl Bank bldg. D-242 Ix nit xt a , a Dm.u ( tuit. toilet, furnace, gna. Newly painted and" papered. Tenant pays water. 130. S02 S. 29th St. 7 rooms flrst floor. Modern except furnace. 127.60. 7 rooms second floor. Modern except furnace. $26.00. 2309 Leavenworth 7-room cottage. Porce lain bath, toilet, wash bowl. gas. cellar. Newly painted and papered. Tenant paya water. . 2911 Leavenworth $ rooms above store. Newly painted and papered. Porcelain bath, toilet, gas. Front and back stairs. Tenant pays water. $20. 26M Capitol Ave. 9 rooms. Modern. Barn. Tenant pays water. $26, 1545 N. 16th St. 6-room flat. Bath, gas, city water. $15. - 1037 8. 20th St. 9-room. house. Newly painted and ' papered. City water In kitchen. S25. 2203 Cass St. 7-room house. Bath, toilet, city water, gas. $20. -26th and DavenportWben flnlJrhed. I fine modern bricks. See plans at office. 2626 Emmet St. 8 rooms. City water. . Large vard. $12.50. 1605 N. 24th St. 7 rooms upstairs. City wa- ter and toilet. $14. SSli N. 19th 8t (rear) 4 rooms. Well wa ter. $0. 4RJ Larimore Ave. 6-room house. $6. 2439 8. 20th Ave. 6-room cottage. Newly papered and painted. City water. $11. 2509 8. 20th Ave. 6-room cottage. City wa ter. $15. 2511 B. 2oth Ave. -room cottage. City wa ter. $15. 1811 Corby St. 7-reom house. City water. V $11 MCAfiUB INVESTMENT CO.. 1 1508 Dodge St D-MS30 TO LET FurnNshed, 9-room, modern house, near Ugh school. 8-roora house, new and strictly modern, nl;e lawn and fine location. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., .. - 1S20 Farnam street. I 961 BEVKN-room cottage, modern, near Han scorn park. M. J. Greevy, 414 Bee bid., phone L-2330. l-640 HOUHF8, 2 rooms and tin: also -INSURANCE. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D DUNDEE. . 9 rooms, modern, exeeot furnace. $20. 4940 Cltol ave. L. L. Johnson, Roorn 2. Bnr ker block. - D443 4x FOR RENT 8-room modern ho'ise. fur nished, $35 per month. Address v Bee. D72 4x - FOR RENT. $302315 8. 14th St.. 9-room strictly modern brick house, In fine repair. 40 21 2th st., S rooms strictly modern. $301504 Madlpnn Ave., 8. rooms, nil mod em, except furnace. 81S 2506 Dnvonnort St., modern, except fur nace. 7 rooms. D. V. Sholes Company 722 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. 4. D466 4 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 2224 Chicago St., good, 9 rooms, all modern convenience, nice location $40.00 2S30 Charles St., new, 8 rooms, detached, al! modern, oak flnlsh $;5.00 2660 Douglas, 10 rooms, modern $u0.00 624 S. 20th, 9 room, modern $35 00 2d64 Harney, 8 rooms, modern...,-. $32.50 2M4 Dodge, 8 rooms, modern JM.50 1342 S. 27th, 8 rooms, modern $26.00 1517 S. 26th, $ rooms, modern $22.50 Ifrti Corby, t rooms $15.00 810 S. 26th Ave., 8 rooms $18.00 2516 N. 31 Ht. 8 rooms, bath. ...... ..,,....$12. M 2212 N. 27th. 4 rooms: city water $6 QARV1N B RyU 8 . , 1601 FARNAM bT. . - x D M400 6 $182229 N. 18TH ST.; rooms, large yard; $18, 1619 Howard St., 4-room modern flat; $16. 28ft Burt St.. 6 rooms, modern, except furnace; $13. 90S S. 12th St.. 6 rooms: $12, 2221 California St., t rooms; $12. 2630 Dav enport st., 5 rooms; others. Rlngwalt pros.. Barker Blk D M2S1 4 215 B. 29TH AVE , MODERN'. !.$3 JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D 4154 FOR RENT Feu r rooms, first floor, S0)4 South 17th St. City and soft water. No children or dogg wanted. D 420 (x V HOUSES!N ' HOUSES1 HOUSES! 4102 Lafayette Ave., 8-r., strictly all mod ern, paved street, very fine $37.50. 1901 8. 29th Ave.. R-r., strictly modern, large yard, good barn, paved street, $35. 150& Madison Ave., 7-r., all modern, very de. sirnble. 646 B. 26th Ave., 7-r., all modern, except furnace, paved street, close in, very de si ruble. . - 1902 Cuming, t-r.. city water, bath and gas, corner lot, close In, $21. 1204 N. 2Uh, 6-r., porcelain bath, closet, gas, etc., $17. 80344 8. )Kth St., $-r., city water, cemented cellar, $3. 1410 N. 17th U.. S-r., city water, $9. , We have others. Bee our list before you move. Payne, Bostwick & C o., . ' D-464 4 HOUSES FOR RENT. . -$75 3721 Dewey, 11 rooms, modern. 60 Douglas, ( rooms, modern. 46litil B. &Mh St., 10 rooms, modern. So 63S Park Ave.,i rooms, modern. 2j mh und Webster, large well arranged rooms, located In Dundee. Look at 1L .you will like It. 26-2024 Wirt, C rooms, modern. . 17 aaj Wirt, i rooms, modTn. 17 4vU N. 21. I rooms, city water and gas. R. C. PETERS & CO., . t Ground Floor Bee Building. 15 494 4 , , t-r,' houxe. all modern, and barn, 954 N. 25th. 8-r. houee, all modern, 2W1 Farnam. t-r, house, all modvrn. 3ol9 Lafayette ave. i-r, bouse, all modrrn, and barn, 119 8. 19th. 5-r, house. Jo. N. 2sih ave. k ; F. D. WE AD, liU Douglas. D 430 FOR RENT, g-ioom house iior Hsnscom ierk; modern except furnace: $-4. Ad dress Y Hi. lit e. D-47 4 FOK BAIJO OK RENT, modern 13-room iwiuee and barn, located neur Minfi school, C'lilrtigo; rent. I) per mi nth. In- Ot JV. IU lirimiil, 4iJ N. 261 h st All BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED A perry with some capital to enter tns rurnsce and stove business entirely new system most scientific out especially constructed to consume soft and hartf cowls, also wood, etc. ; construe tlon on the principle of a horlsontal re turn boiler one which, will polarls the neat or errect variable expansion; pat entea. k. h. Yeoman, Omaha, iveo. Y 116 4x SECURITY AND PROFIT - ' are Ideally represented In our method of Investment In Cotton Contracts. They are the two qualities which particularly recom mend this form of Investment to those who desire to procure tne isrgesi reiume i.u patlble with safety, for, In addition to pay lng over 4 THE METHOD INVOLVES NO SPECULATION. n. hniinui la one of Investment, pure snd slmDle. and the risks which attend ar,nirivi ventures are completely ellml nated. Dividends. payable on 1st and lbth of every month. Funds withdrawable on demand. Regular semi-monthly dividends average 2'4 per cent or.4V per cent per month. These together wltn the extra quarterly dividends amount to over 60 per cent per annum. Investors who appre ciate a medium In which funds are se curely protected will be Interested In the particulars of our business which will be ireeiy iurrunt.u ujnm a.jiii;aiivii iu ELLIOTT KINGSBURY & CO. COTTON SPECIALISTS, 90- VALL STREET. NEW TORK. PROFITS AMOUNTING TO THOUSANDS of dollars are divided every month among Investors by the Storey Cotton Company (Incorporated, capital and surplus $202,000). Are you getting your share? Write for narticulars. T. 11. Oulnlan. Treas.. f8 The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. Y-379 4x ARMOUR AND HIS CLIQUE are making millions In wheat Why not vnu? It is the onlv dollar and sense mailing nf nhtnininr n lnrKs monthly reve- mia nnnn a small Investment. The small Investors who lack the capital to deal sepa rately In large transactions can co-operaie with each other and accomplish that end by using us as a medium through which n An it dill nartteulars with booklets free by dropping us a letter or postal card. W. H. Liatimer, Mgr., ii wamui adeiphla, fa. ot Sholes-Armstrong Company, '' 722 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. TEL. 49. ' HOUSES FOR RENT " FLATS One of rooms; very central loca tion, $600; one or IB rooms, near ziin ana TTamnm verv hnnrlBOme furniture. SOO. THE BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN IvH THE MONEY 18-room Doaramg nouse, prominent corner, most central location In town, chean rent, first-class furniture; this la gilt-edge; will bring in $2o0 per month rent; speak quick; several good ones. Write and tell us what you want We have a large list and will give you prompt attention. , Sholes-Armstrong Company, - Y UP-TO-DATE stock of hardware and gro ceries and istore building in uoioraao Springs, Colo., to exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa property. What have youT Address 829 Colorado avenue, Colo rado Springs, Colo. X 44 4 ROOMING HOUSE- THAT PAYS. Owner's bank account proves It but must take medical treatment, and sell quick. Large, modern, downtown brick. Ask at once for BARGAIN. We have furnished flats, hotels, large and smau. . , Fine business openings. WILLIAMSON-WELSHOUS. Ground Floor U. ti. National Bank Bldg. ' Y 469 4 T " v HOTELS FURNISHED 50 rooms, modern, $2; only house In fine Nebraska town; does most excellent bus iness; well furnished;. $2,500 will control It; cash, balance easy; rent, $75. Thla la a. rain nnnnrtunitv. Investigate thin. 40 rooms, modern, $2, well equipped; is THE HOuSfe, in a splendid iNeorasaa town,; MONEY MAKfciR; ' $1,500; substantial cash payment, balance easy. Here's your chance. V " A number of others of smaller capacity. in good localities and are all rlgnt propo sitions. J. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. LIFE. Y M52S 4 OFFICE MANAGER - WANTED - Large manufacturer ataple line' of goods desires to engage active man to manage Omaha branch; palary $100 monthly and commis sions; reference and $600 required. Ad dress the Le Malre company, 211-213 Mad ison street, Chicago. Y 624 4x MEAT market. Done $1,100 business month of August. Have slaughter house and complete set of tools and fixtures. Here Is a bargain If you want 'In the butcher business. Must sell. Good location. Ad dress Y 53, Beo. Y-48 4x FREE Six months' suhsciiptlon to -our Bulletin and Mining News, ir interested In mining, write Knve. DeWolf & Co., 89 Cortlandt St., New York. Y 432 ix FOR SALE Stock general merchandise in voicing about $5,000, doing about $19,001) business a year, in the 'best cattle and alfalfa valley in Nebraska. Too much outside business interests reason for sell, ing. Stock and location Is a bonanza for r some pbrty with the cush. Best trade in town. No trades wanted. Addrean, Y 67, Bee. . YJ41S-4 CHICAGO party now in Omaha will finance Sood busineas proposition or patent. Ad resa Y 68, Bee. Y 428 4x NEED money and must sacrifice 6.000 shares stock Black Hills gold mine at 2o per share; company s price, boc; and 20.000 ' shares oil stock, 10c, regular price 25o; will sell In lots of 1,000 shares upward. Address A 8, Bee Y M654 4x FOR SALE, best small laundry In Iowa. F. W. Hough, Newton, la. Y M227 7 WIDE-AWAKE merchant wanted, with $4,000 stock of general merchandise; flour ishing town; fine opening. Address Y 60, Bee. Y-M320 8X YOU can never profit by busineas chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a . savings accounts with J. L Brandeis A 8ons, Bankers, 16th and Doug las Sts. Asset over $400,000.00. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee returned. Bend model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for illustrated GUIDM BOOK and list of Inventions wanted; finest publication Issued for free distribu tion; contains valuable Information re garding patents, trade marks and copy rights, how to obtain and sell them, 100 mechanical movements, eto. Patents se cured by us advertised free in- the Patent Record; sample copies free. Add rets Kvsns, Wtlkins A Co., Registered Attor- , neys. S08 F St.. Washington. D. C. Y WE CAN sell your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and prloe. Before buying a business or prop erty of any kind, anywhere, write us. We nave, or ran get, wnat you want. N. U nunx Commerce Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. y EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to purchase nne of the swellent apartment houses in San Francisco; 220 rooms; low rent; $5.6C a ronnt; highly profitable. Rigid Inveett atlon. E 62, Columbia "Building, San 'ranclsco. Y FIRST-CLASS grocery , business, Omaha; established 16 years; great opening for right party. Hutchinson-Bollurd Co.. 1623 Farnam st. , Y 444 4x PATENTS manufactured and sold, royalty contracts made, money loaned on pat ents. Oood salary to experts; send 6c for reply. Investor's Mfg. Co., Room 9 t'orby Bldg., St. Joseph. Mo. Y 359 4x OLD established butcher shop, with gro cery department; ice box and fixtures and tools; good house, with ( rooms upstairs; large storeroom und cellar; daily rereiuts $.16; this must torn sold; $1.4'0 cash takes It. Omaha Real KUt and Business L'i- ioe . AKoiit-y, t New York til building. 'l ho..e $7tO. T 4U 4 BUSINESS CHANCES j. H. Johnson, The Real Estate and Business Chan: Man Has For Sale ' or Exchang;; QEN'L MD8E. STOCK $5,000 to $16,000, ciesn, up-to-date; good Neb. towns; for B'ua improvea rarms. GROCERY STOCKS $2,000 to $3,000, city and country; fine propositions; will sell right. i HARDWARE-l42,5rt0 to $7,000, city and country; fine opening. DRUGS $2,000 to $fl.uu0, clean, up-to-date siocks; country towns considered. ' LUMBER AKTi 1'nil. $5,000 Stock only one in good; western Iowa town; fine opportunity, good business, but owner has other Interests also requiring III nitenuun. FARMS FOR GENERAL MDSE. 130 acres imp., Sarpy Co., Neb., $75. 160 acres imp., Douglas Co., Neb., $R0. 720 acres Imp., Sherman Co.. Neb.. $18. And many other good ones. Csn use $10,009 to iin nnj storks. Pend me full details. ROOMING HOUSES-In city, a few good ones at right figures; fine location's; see us s bout them If you are Interested. MY list Is full of good business proposi tions. All inquiries answered promptly. J. H, JOHNSON, 843 N. Y. LIFE. Y Mu21 4 DRUG stores bought and sold, every state; special plan. F. V. Knleat, R. P., 701 N. x. L. bldg. Y 992 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you in or out oi Dusiness imi SHQLES-ARMSTRONO CO., 722 N. Y. Life. 'lei. v Y 994 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange Jour property or business quick, see J. H, ohnson, 842 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. . Y 995 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sen real estate see umana Keai Estate and Business Chance Agency, 406 N. Y. Life bldg. Y 996 BUSINESS CHANCES FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANY, 822 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG., 'PHONE F2855. Y 907 COUNTRY MERCHANT. Do you want to retire from business T If so we nave an exceptional proposition 10 sud mlt. THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., First Floor N. Y. Life bldg. Y-S38 WHEAT Is very strong and advancing rap idly, orrenng unexcelled opportunities lor splendid prollts; $20.00 margins 1,000 bu. 2 cents; send for free book, explaining op tion trading. ' The Osborn Grain Co., Min neapolis, Minn.. Y 364 4x FOR SALE, at a bargain if taken at once, a first-class stock oi general mercnenoise, Invoice about $10,000. Good town In north ern central Iowa. For a quick sale for cash will make a. very low price. Address Y 32, Bee. Y 406 4 STOCK OR BOND ISSUE. Reputable corporation, mining, lndustrlil or railroad wanted, nave every laciuty for selling same on commission. Give particulars. P. O. Box 1463, New York City.. Y 402 4x YOUR MONEY PROPERLY INVESTED BY A COMPETENT AND EXPERI ENCED COMPANY WILL DOUBLE IT SELF IN ONE YEAR. Our system accomplishes this and gives you a mommy or semi-montniy orawing account at the rate of 8 per cent per month. Particulars, with references and testi monials furnished free upon application. Address: INDUSTRIAL GUARANTY COM PANY, Suite 1040, First National Bank Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. Y-381 ti CORPORATION whose products are han- aiea Dy leading wnoiesaie ana retail dealers want competent man to take management of branch office; salary $2,500 per annum and corn mission. Energetic man should earn $6,000 per annum. Must invest from $1,000 to $5,000 in stock of eompany. Unquestionable references as to ability and Integrity required. Ad dress, Box 636, Madison, Wisconsin. Y-372 4x INVEST your money in a safj, legitimate ousiness enterprise, ann get Dig returns. No mining or get-rich-qulek scheme. Legitimate and dignified. Write today for particulars. Hameless Horse Collar Co., Caro, Mich. Y-380 4x FOR SALE Good law library and business; a srlap. Joshua Palmer, Friend, t Neb. Y-341 4x FOR SALE County rights for patent Au tomatic Stick Pump; great seller lor pat ent right men; exceptional terms. James Doughty, Sioux City, la. Y-346 4x CASH for xour real estate or busineas, no matter where iocatea. ir you aesire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agencv, D 812, Bank of Commerce Building, Mlnneano'is, Minn. , Y FREE lots to ndvertlso New York suburb; send stamp for one Int. oceanvlew; hlgn elevation. Seaside Co., 231 Bioodwav, N. Y. Y 427 4x FOR SALE Or trfide for good land In Iowa or adjoining stnies: Laae ana rur nlture In flnelv furnished 40-room steam hented brick hotel, Jefferson, Greene cotintv. Iowa, a county seat town of S.OOO. situated on two railroad". The only $2 a day house .within a -radius of 80 miles. Cash price. $4,000. Owner of building will also sell or trade. Address Frank Crocker, Pror.. Jefferson. Iowa. Y 437 4 PATENTS H. J. COWGILL, 430 Paxton blk., Omaha. PATENTS H. A." Sturgls, registered attor ney, patents, traue-maras. copyngois. No fee unless successful. 517 New York Life building, Omaha, Neb. M1000 SUES & CO., Patent Lawyers; advice rree. Three offices: nee Dunaing, umana, 184 Dearborn St., Chicago, HI., and 1003 F t Waahington, D. C. Tel 1623. , , $C9 S2tix YOU can't afford to start to take out a pat ent for a vuluauie invention witnuui urei writing me; you caji save money and get a better patent. A. W. Crossley, 802 F St., Washington. D. O. PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. As patent experts we represent eighteen manufacturing nrms who are juunaiK ir improvements In their line. The firms wa represent manufacture the following classes of goods; Household artlc'es, electrical devices, woodenware sundries, corking machines, harvesters, -paints and varnishes, automobile parts, grinding ma chines, wire stretchers, cash registers, medical appliances, office appliances, ad vertising novelties, agricultural Imple ments, feather dusters, pipe covering, college goods and rubber goods. Jhe in ventions must have been properly secured by patent and prices aaked for the same must be based upon actual values. Ad dress, Sues A Co., 1S4 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Branch offices In 1 Omaha, Neb., and Washington, D. C. .-4814 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans; low rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. I W 143 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith St Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-144 MONfiY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-14S I PER CENT Farnam. loans. Garvin Bros., 1G04 , W-146 , LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W- 147 MONEY to loan on real estate at t and 6H per cent W. B. Melkle, 206 Ramre bldg. . W-148 FLORISTS HESS St 8WOBODA. 1414 Farnam. lit L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnsm. Bend for r price list of rut flowers and plants. -1 ALFRFD DONAGHUE, JR., 1607 Farnam. lei. sr.. in SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING VAN BANT'8 school, 717 N. Y. Llfa. -luO FAC SI MILK Utters, envelopes addressed.' Boyle CoUege, 1UA J FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND safe cheap. Farnam. Deris ht. 11 Vt 164 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co.,. Omaha. Q 16i FOR SALE Several scholarships in a first class standard school in omana, compris ing complete course in business, short hund and typewriting. Inquire at Bee of- nee. w bo TELEPHONE poles: long fir timbers cheap chicken lence. $01 Douglas, y 166 WE RENT Sewing machines, i5c week. We repair and sell parts , for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 5.0D to 810.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phono 1663. Corner loth and Harney. Q 167 FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany-top bank or cashier a llxttire, in good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose- water, room 100, Bee bldg. Q &4 SECOND HAND MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered before, and If at uny time witnin ene year you want to buy a new mat nine we will take the old one tick at exactly what It cost you. The following Is a partial list ot what wa oner tor sate tnia week: , 1 Domestic $ 4.00 1 Domestic -. 10. 00 8 Singers, high arm 12 00 1 Singer, new Improved 16.00 1 Household 10.00 1 I nlun 1 White 1 White 1 Wilcox & Gltbs... 1 New Home 1 Singer, shoemaker 8.00 6.10 80.00 10.00 20.00 Modern.,, drop-head machines. slightly Used, at one-half the regular Dries Wo rent machines at 75 cents per week or n per montn. inese are modern, ud to-date machines, with all attachments. We sell needles and Darts for and reDalr every sewing macnine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. 834 Broad wnv Pnunrll TtltilT " BRANCH OFF1CE-626 N. 24th, Bo. Omaha, UiiOKUE IS. MICIvEL. rhone. 1663. Manager. Q 4V3 4 euatTRltj nickel In slot. Peerless plnno piayers ana negina musio boxes, big inuiiev numers, cneap ior casn or timo. SchmoUer & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel 1625. Q 163 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TLbl'LAK BOILERS FOR HAI.R Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, Dutt and strap Joints insurance company permits of pressure of 126 'pounds. They are now in use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 2t. uu or aaaress w. n. linages, engi neer, uee Dunaing, umana. y M1KJ2 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnl ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. ztfiu y 169 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans bargains in goods in pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q 170 FOR SALE Second-hand Brome. Apnly a. j. Simpson, ifii uoage. 14111 SOLD ON PAYMENTS. Bicycles at special low prices, to make room tor pnonograpns. 1 Flescher, 1623 Capitol Ave. Q-M945 5 BAR IRON AND STEEL. Pennsylvania Iron A Steel Co., jobbers in merchant bar iron ana steel, selling very low. it win pay you to write ior prices. 801 Farnam, Omaha. Q 204 S16 FOR SALE Lot of second-hand fire brick. Inquire engineer uee Dunaing. J M314 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; bar nxtures of all kinds; easy payments: send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, '407 8. 10th St., Omaha. Q M562 S23x FOR SALE Furniture ,of 9-room house. 1509 uavenpon. vi miss ex POOL TABLES and show cases. 1407 Har ney st. Q M187 FOR SALE 600 opera chairs, fine condi tion, low price. Address X. Si. C. A., bioux jity, is. n jmusb FINE oak china clset. 2-9x12. art snuares one extra ffooa cninonier. one dresser. one fancy Irdh bed, two child's Iron beds. nne manogany comoinHir'u Dooxcase, rocaers, aisnes, cooKing "nsus, etc. must be sold. 2210 Burt s. Q M205 4x ENTIRE CONTENTS of a 6-room flat. downtown, $175 cash; cost over $400. Ad- aress x A, uee. y M203 7x ELEGANT golden oak library table and beveled glass bookcase, all new, at n bar gain, x 4, nee. vfr msih 4x FOR SALE OR TRADE Gas and electric light plant. In rant-growing, countyvseat town of 3,500 population in Missouri. Ad dress Y54, care Bee. Q 326 9 FOR SALE A Douglas st. No. 1 cow and calf. 1909 Q 327 6x FOR SALE Good -a new. Art Garland base burner: will be sold at a barsaln can be seen at 2124 Douglas sf. Tel. 1405. 176 4X TELEPHONE poles of Idaho cedar from z 10 m reel long, delivered at buyer's station. Write me for prices. T. L. Churchill, Heron, Mont. Q j63 4x SIX-Holed "Welcome Globe" range cneap. (jail arter 4 p. m. 2221 Lathrop st, Q 400-4 x MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. 162 , 1 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, Iroirr any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 16Uft Dodge St., Omaha. 163 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samurltan Sani tarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. . -626 8T.1 JOSEPH'S hospital; everything mod ern. Tel. 117. M4.S8 Sex LADIES, Anterior Regular; sure; $2.00 box. The Columbia, Co., Clarinda, la. M430 83X PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th. 3d floor; tel. 3569. M582 824 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the beat. Hate, reliable. Take ne other. Send 1c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Pblladelpnia. Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist of women and children; 30 years' practice. Office, 22U5 Cuming. Residence telephone, 8666; office, 3667. LADIES When In need send for free trial of our never falling remedy. Relief quick ana sare. l'arls Chemical co Mllwuue kee. Wis. AGNES V. BW EATLAND. M. D special ist in women's diseases, female medlt Inea. Ladies suffering from female Iroulilo send stamp for advice. Consultation free. 1,(8 Douglas. -518 4 CLAIRVOYANT GYLMER. plsnlst, 714 North Twenty-third. Telephone B3244. 8-149 YOI'R FORTUNE told by the mon reliable clairvoyants. Send blrthdate, dime and stamp Prof. Carr St Rollin, 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. 8303 4x BUSINESS MEDIUM, loenth st. 718 North Seven 8 MG59 86x , DON'T WORRY! Mme. Gylmer Can Make Yon Happy. If in trouble see this wonderful woman; she can put you on the right track to hap piness. She can and will give . you ad vice that will be beneficial regardless of the cause of your trouble. Can tell you what you are best adapted tu, how to succeed. In fact, anythlug you desire to know. Will Instruct concerning matri mony. Blie is the recognised leader cf SCIENTIFIC PALMISTRY. Parlt-rs, 715 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MORKARTY, Atfy., 437 Paxton. Tel. A26S3. -10$ JOHN M. MAOFARLAND, New Tor Mfe bldg.. rooms 04 and 81$. Tel U6X. lu4 PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, Rill 1506 Fam.im, U Itti DETECTIVE Cs pt. Cormack, 517 Karbach block. Tel. A Z&J. u 104 W ir.MCTlP treatment St baths. Mme. miiL, 1 Smith, 118 N. 15. I fl. R. 1 u ew bix TRY KELLEY 8 LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8&30. u l&e TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women ana children. 14U8 Farnsm St. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. , v U-157 "VIAVI," way to health. 350 Bee Bid U 168 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. T20 8. 13th. , . u u DON'T fool with your eves: be careful who examines them; we test eves free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE HT J. PENFOLD CO.. Leading Opticians. 1408 Farnam. U-160 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES, UULUMAN FLtAiJAL. CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 1936. U 964 DR. J. S. ALEXANDER (Homeopath). Bee Blog. Teles., office, 161; Office 446 res., 804. , Li 691 Bi LADIES 25o in stamps will remove freck les, tun. sunburn, etc.; not a toilet article; a medicine to apply eacn nignt. Myers- union Drug Co., umana, Meo. U-M598 86 FRANKLIN Tailoring 1754H Leavenworth. System taught. U 46 blS STUDY ART LEARN TO DRAW Join Mr. Case's class. Studio 301 Boyd's theater U flliyli IMPORTANT Wbv nav more? Guaran teed spectacles ntted, 81. Kenais optical CO., 308 N. 16th. U M206 BM OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramg Blk. U-M2.1 WOULD like to correspond with, educated ana renned young woman previous to personal meetlntr: am In fair circum stances, below middle age and regarded as entertaining. Address X S7. Bee. U M232 4x I AM a handsome blonde widow, thirty- nve, worth 840,000, and wish to marry a young man. F. O. Box 90, 8ta. B. Mil waukee, Wis. . U PERSONS suffering with constipation and pnes cuiti!L (kui;. in oroer to prove it we will send you an order on the drug- gift ior a 25c bottle. American Pharmncal to., Jivanston, lnd. Box No. 806. U WANTED Sensational high dive and pay snows. Aaaress j. h. -enn, Ravenna, HANDSOME American widow, worth .to,wju, wants to marry good, honest man. Money no object. Address, Mason, Ohio mock. Chicago, III. . U 375 4x NURSES' College, Pueblo, Colo.; complete course six weeks; diplomas; open Oct. 1. U-340 4x ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS, LADIES! 4 to n incnes at nome, witn, ur. Conway s Bust Tabloids, at trifling cost; 31,000 for a case we cannot; those developed In past 17 years prove 'tis permanent: sealed facts 4c stamps. - CONWAY RPRr-lPHn ro is p Temple .Place, Boston, Mass. U 353 4x MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage dl- - rectory free;- pay when married; entirely now pian; sena no money. Address ti. A. orton, at-pt. afi, xekonsha, Mich. U-396 4x PROFESSIONAL gentleman with fine nrac. uce ana very weauny, desires capable ana deserving wife. Address Mr. Brown, 85 Hudson ave., Chicago. U 393 4x FOR MEN ONLY Every man who Is fee ble can add many years of happiness to nis-ure by using cactua cure; it cures all vital weakness, nervous debility, atrophy, varicocele, etc.. by stimulating the blood supply; it feeds and quickly builds up new tissue; .that's Cactus Cure; gives great vigor to an men; an outwardly ap plied serve- which rejuvenates and per manently sustains; one application proves I its merit. Write for free trial box or send 60 cents for one dollar box. Cactus Product Co., 1339 Sibley building, Phlla- aeipnia, ra. u x MARRY wealth and riches; descriptive list free, box zbs Madison square, New York. U K 4X E. L. LOVBJOY will repair your sewing machine ana warrant it. 2016 spruce at. U 471 4x SMALLPOX plttlngs removed. Simple home remedy; used successfully by thou sands; leaves face entirely clear; never fans; sent ror i. ur. Bione, rian 1-1 in it.. noiyoxe, mass. u fi 4x POKER PLAYERS, write me for free par. ticuisrs regarding tne most vaiuame in formation ever given on draw poker. Ad dress F. R. Rltter, 1152 E. Main, Colum bus, unto. . u 483 4X 100 PRESENTS free to bovs and glrln. Bend name and address, c B. M. Pre mium Co., Lock Box 122, Kewnnee, III. U 416-4X OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of naste for- all nurnoaes Tel. A-2662; 2210 Cuming, Established m. U 447 4 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rafes. Bcnmoiier & Mueuer, uu rurnani. Tele phone 162S. U M486-03 WANTED Saloonkeepers to know about the automatic electric pump. U 165 4x SUPERFLUOUS hair; warts and moles Dermanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Aliender, 422 N. x. Life. U 614 4x M. J. Could not answer Thuiwday,- but would like to meet you; write again. Address A , Bee. u 4x . LADIES "Never Wiggle;" that's our newH Datent Kve Ulass: "Can t shake em off.' We grind our own lenses, make our own I names optical headquarters. Huteson. ii a. i6t n at. u-moj us INHERITANCE Formerly Mia . Ehrn. strom, by your mother. Address 70t w. 60th St., Chicago., U M3&0 6x CORA X. wouia like to near from you. U M3DU 6X WANTED The present address of Charles Cleaver, formerly a real estate and loan agent, Chicago. Communications to be sent to Fullngar, Hulton, Bailey & Co., solicitors, ttoiton, cngiund. u-Maa ox WANTED AGENTS AGENTS $5 day, easy, selling new Com. -tuna tlon docket Knife; two blades, cigar cutter, glass cutter, corkscrew; sample and wholesule prices, 25 cents silver. Continental Jewelry Co., Dept. 13, 146 East 23rd St., New York. J 4S5 4x AGENTS wanteT for extensive Una of brand new houshold specialties. No other nrm nannies mem. samples Bt-nt trust worthy men or women. Wilte for cata logue, rease wrg. Co., uuflalo, n Y. . J 421 4x WANTED Agents to sell high-grade whls- xies 10 eitner tne consumer or retailer, on commission, 60 cents per gallon. Address liox 14, carroiitorr. Ky. J 430 4x AGENTS $60 a week guaranteed; auto matic wusliers sell themselves; agent writes: .xnumea ssnr.pia to ten women; took ten orders." Time, 46 minutes; profit, over $50; guaranteed to do a wash ing in 90 minutes; furnishes its own 1 power; requires no labor; costs less than any otner machine free samule and ex clusive territory furnished. AXitomatlu tracnur iu., Diauuu u t-mcago. J-126 4x LADY AGENTS A chance to make money, anopivnty 01 it, is wnat Mme. rale, the celebrated beauty specialist. Is offerlug women of good address; opportunity for traveling or home work, us preferred; many are making $60 and upward weekly, For particulars address MME. YALE. Flattron BulldliiK. Broadway and Twen ty-third St., New York City J BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for $3 to 16 a dosen: cheaply raised In only tour weeksi write tor our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Hock Suuab Co.. $69 AtlanUo Ave.. Boston, Mass. J-v OUR PLAN for starting beginners In profit able Mall-Order uualness Is very success- full. We are pioneers In this neld. Bo 1110 we started three months ago rocelve 100 letters daily and are making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply Cov Kansas CKy. Mo. WANTED AGENTS WANTED Men and Women to se'l coffees. te.is, spices, etc.. to the family rraae in communities of from 1.000 to l't. POO popu lation. Only such ss Want permanent employment need apply. Cash commis si n paid. Energetic persons can make big weekly earning. For further par ticulars address Bodenhelmer Coffee and Tea Co., St. Louts, Mo. J LADY AGENTS WANTED. Mme. Yale is now offering lady agent great inducements for selling her famous line of facial remedies and toilet prepara tions. Mnny of her agents are making $j0 and more a week. "Hemity Books'' trMt actuauy sen tne goods are furnisneu agents for free distribution. I hey never lail to Interest ladies to the extent of placing sn order. A rich harvest can now be reaped nt the different summer resorts. Visit the seaside und mountains and take your occupation with , you, combining business and pleasure. 'Write for terms end books of iarticulars. Address Mme. M. Yule, Flattron bldg.. New York U. AGENTS for "Mechinlcal Rosebuds." NPwest and btst campaign novelty offered. Send dime for samples. National Tool and Mtamping Company, Philadel phia. . . J AGENTS, get out of the rut. Why not own your own Business! uuicit suies; larne profits; ssmples tree. T. M.. Saymhn, 2141 to 21ul Franklin Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. J BEGIN business for yourself, stop work ing for others; we stnrt you in proninme mail order business at your home; pleas ant work, immense profits; unlimited possibilities; full information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Kansas City, Mo. CAMPAIGN BA8 RELIEFS; new des'gn; a winner; agents wanted everywnere: inc for samples, both candidates. The Kas ton Co., 314 E. 6U1 St.. Dayton, O. J AGENTS wanted, household necessity every home opportunity ior saie; every sale a day's work profit. Write Kokomo Iron Co., Kokomo, Ind. J MEN willing to work positively make $2,H) to swou per year selling our just pieniei machine. Eagle Tool Co. natl, Ohio. , U 4, (. incin J 356 4x AGENTS can sell our Christmas goods in every home; no cnah or experience neces sary; write for free outfit. Iliff A Co., Chicago. J-3S9 4x $75 WBEKLT and expenses easily made, writing Health and Accident Insurance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fra ternal Union, St, Louis, Mo. J 390 4X 1 AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle "Novelty Sign Cnrds; every merchant buys from 10 to 100 on sight; nn varieties,; catalogue free. Suliivnn Co., IT39 Maple wood Ave., Chicago, 111. J 360 4x 250 PROFIT. Quick sellers. Dnme-shaped perroratea skiuet covers; no greasy stoves to clean; steam escapes; things fry nice nnd brown. Cat. free. Am. Nov. Works, Reading, Pa. J 376 4x OUR MEN make $3 to $10 per day fitting glasses; our z4-p. inree it,ye book ic-i an about it. Write Jacksonlnn Optical ol- lege. College Place, Jackson, Michigan. J 373 4x SALESMEN For sutomatle copying books. bill reelsters nn-t rnn o"e -t -itles. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend. Tn . , J-342 x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall petting our nneral orter; oany sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse... N. Y. Mention paper. J 351 4x "BEST YET" knife sharpener; perfect, . new; beats all; sells like fury; sample and terms 26c coin. J. Woniinii c . , Emerald, Ave., Chicago. 111. J 344 4x AGENTS wanted for Omaha to handle gum machines: machines absolutely free: nw style; triple combination: send stamp for reply. Uncle John, 3455 State St.. Chicago J-8 4v MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Has there not been times when it would have been worth more than 100 cents to you? It is our busi ness to supply you with money when you. need it and allow you to return it in small weekly or monthly payments, as may best, suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock and other chattels, and we make salary loans. Our 1 terms are as good as any and better than many We are the oldest concern In our line in the city, with all-around consistent dealings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board Trade Bldg. Tel. 2195. ; (Established 1892.) 306 S. 16th St. - 1 XV-131 3 P . C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loans -on your personal note al 8 puk cuint r&a iisak. aii good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman & Co., 1108 Farnam, Omaha. . . , X184 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 N. Y. Life. I . X 135 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity uigu on DALiAmcn. low tuttes. easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service.' Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X-141 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley iioan i;o., lou r arnam St. . Ji LM SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, X137 212 Bee bldg. Tel. 1904. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. 1ew- eiry, norsea, cows, etc. c, r . need, i B.J utn. . . a 138 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-12J MEN HOLDING BEST POSITIONS sometimes need money. We can supply the need without publicity und at the low est rate, and the. loan can be renal, 1. bv small weekly, semA-wtekly or monthly pay- I iiieniB. we loan on xurniture. Pianos, etc. without removal; also on salary by giving us your personal note. Honesty is the chief requirement, and you will receive a fair and square deal. Don't borrow until you see 'us. Open Tueaduy and Saturday evenings until 8 p. m. J. A. niilTOH, 614 rAXTUN BLOCK. X M209 1$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 THE MONEY . THAT YOU WANT 7 AND FIND IT HARD TO GET can be had on HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, PI ANOS, etc., without remov ing same from your posses sion, or on . plain note, if steadily employed, at reason able charges and liberal terms. You repay the loan In eusy. weekly or monthly payments best suits your convenience. If paid sooner thai) promised a liberal RE BATE or DISCOUNT al lowed for time saved. We do no mlHleadlng advertising. Hundreds of satlatied custo mers can testify to our tony, Inexpensive, confidential dealings. Our office tilted up for privacy with private 6 interviewing rooms. 1 RELIABLE CJiEDIT CO., ROOMS 307-8 PAXTON BLK. X M4B1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY to loan at I per cent on personal .... . .1 A I XT IJ . II .1... la. X SEE FULLER,, 426 Paxton block, for loans on svaicnts, .uiamouus ana jewpiry X 140 FINANCIAL A $1,600 A YEAR INCOME INSURED from 6 shares (acres) In our B.ouo-acre rutin r Clantatlon In Mexico. Dividends earned efore monthly payments are rompleted. Beat faculties, write ror prospectus. Connervatlve Rubber Production Cu.a 120 Purrolt Bldg., ban ranclsco, cat. When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yen saw the ad la Tbs be . MASONIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Muaoalc Temple, lUk c Capitol Ave. CAFITOL LODGE. NO. $. A. F. A. M.-. Regular monthly burtness meeting Mon day, Sept. 6. at 8 p. m. R. V. Cole, Master. COVERT LOnnE NO. 11, A. F. A. M Regiilnr business meeting Important- Wednesday, Sept. 7, 8 p. m. Work 'every Wednesday during September. Visitors welcome. Allan 8. Romans, Master. v ST. JOHN'S IX1DGE. NO. 25. A. F. St A. M. Special meeting Thursday, Sept-, 19w4, P" "Albert P. Johnson. Master. Carl K. Herring. Bec'y. NERRASKA IODGE. NO. 1. A. F. $ A. M. Regular communication. Tuesday even ing. Sept. 6. 1904, 8 o'clock. Visitor cor dially Invited. . W, C. McLean. See'y. BF.L1.EVUB CHAPTER. NO. T. R. A. M -. Regular convocation Wednesday evening, Bept. -21, 8 o'clock. Visitor welcome A. T. Ayers. Sec'y A A. SCOTTISH RITE. MT. MORIAII Lodge of Perfection No. 1. - Claude I Talbot, Ven. Mastef. BRMPER FIDELIS CHAP. ROSE CROIX, No. 1. M. F. Funkhotiser, ' Wise Master. ST. ANDREW'S PRFCBPTORY, NO. 1. Vm. B. Summers. Ven. Preceptor, NEBRASKA CONSISTORY, NO. 1. W. H. Munger, Master of Kadosh. Regular meeting Monday, Sept. 26, 7:30 p. m. Business or grave Importances T. Burke, Bec'y. MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER, 158. O. E. 8.- Regular meeting Sept. 10, 1904, o'clock, p. in. Carl E. Herring. Tatron. Ada Thomas, Worthy Matron. VESTA CHAPTER, NO. , O. El 8. Special meeting Saturday evening, Bept. 17. Visitors welcome. W. Wallace, Bec'y. A. A. O. N. M. 8.. TANGIER1 TEMPLE' Regular meeting Friday evening, 8 o'clock, September 23. 1904. Carl E. Herring, Potentate. MT. CALVARY COMMANDERY. NO. 1. K.- T. Regular conclave first Friday In each month. Eben K. Long, Recorder. omaha Chapter no. i, r. a. m. Regular . eonvncitlon Tuesday evening, Sept. 6, followed by work in the Mark Master degree. A. Hugh Hlpnle, Pec'y. THIS FOR THAT The Abbott-Cowan Co. First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone 3905. Weekly Bulletin of Exchartges: $:o,000 stock oi general mdse. doing $60,009 per year ,to trade ior iarm iana in east ern Iowa or western Nebraska. 209 acres near Missouri Valley, la., clear, to trade for gen 1 mdse. stuck. Price $4u per acre. $20,000 drug business and building In South UHkota, county seat, to trade for Iana. Big business. 640 acres of land 14 miles west of Columbus, -' w - 0.1.-1 o wwu, w uuo iw stock of merchandise. I n - Meet market in good railroad town in No- braska. doing about J11.000 pet year. Price $1,300. Would trade for western Nebraska land. The finest farm in Nance' county of 1,120 acres. Clear of encumbrance. Price $35 per acre. Fenced and cross-fenced; 700 acres In crop this year, balance pasture. All hard clay soil, not a spoonful of sand on farm. Some timber; $ good houses, 3 good barns, cattle shed for 800 head; hog shed for 600 head; granary, capacity 10,000 . bushels: blacksmith shop on farm; tele phone In house, etc. Would take $10.00) stock of general merchandise; balance must be cash or mortgage back. If you have anything to sell or trade, no matter where located, or how big It is, write us. We will get you in or out of business. .Write today. The Abbott-Cowan Company, First National Bank Bldg. Z WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. x Z-172 WHAT have you to exchange for a plann? Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. Tel. 701. Z-173 IF THERE is nothing in this column you want, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. . Z-153 FOR TRADE Half section, Woodson Co., Kan., in oil belt; good Improvements, all fenced, orchard, grove, 100 acres, In culti vation, 120 acres meadow, 100 acres pas ture; leased for third of crop and $1 per .acre cash, oil lease with royalty. Price, '$40; will consider trade ln desirable Omaha residence or rental property. W. Farnam Smith St Co., 1320 Farnam St. 55 M815 GOOD, improved farms and western lands- for stocks merchandise, hardware, Imple ments, clothing; all kinds trades and ex- ' chnnsres. Address H. R. Woodall, Nor tolk. Neb. Z 441 4x FOR SALE OR' TRADE, 108 acres,. 6 miles from northwest Sidney, la.; tu acres irt cultivation, balance timber pasture; '-4 mile to school house; equity $2,000. Will trade for good, clear property. Address P. O. Box 625, Sidney, la. Z 407 4x TO EXCHANGE Farms,' lands, merchan dise, hotels, business and residence prop erties. Over 4.000 propositions for ex change. Send us full description of what rou have for exchange and we will match, . t for you. R. Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. - . , Z 417 4 TO EXCHANGE Money or land for mer chandise. List your business with P. CL Caldwell. 2517 N Street. Bouth Omaha, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent. Z 458 4x WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv ing or drnrt horse. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Z M487-0 WILL exchange high-grade piano for type writer. Bchmoller & Mueller. i:u rar nam. Telephone No. 1C25. Z-M488-OS Horse SKow Goods V?'re heudquarterg. Time , flies. Almost before you know it tlie borne show Will be here, .prepare for It now. Look over our handsome, stylish and ser viceable Carriages, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Bits, Chamois, Ppongea, Pressings and relish. You'll find plenty to attract you, more to interest you and ever. thing to tempt you, and-they'rg reliable when sold by a Drummond 18th an4 tiarncy -I XlittU I 1