Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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A'vertlsemeats far Ik eolm
will fce takes) III lfl m. fr ik
-dHlea Ml S v. m.
the mornlBK aad taadar snlo.
Rat, 1 1-Xfi m vrovd Bret Jasertlesi,
le word thereafter.- ' Nethlnar takea
for less taaa ao for arsi mm
tloau These advertisements taest he
tea eoaseeatlvely.
f Advertisers, fcr fmll aaia
dressed ta a aambrd letter la ear
r Tha He. Aaswers aa addressed
Will ba delivered oa preeeatatloa a
S C H'0'0 L
s Short Hand and
' Typewriting
16-717-718 New York Life Building
A n.clnliv arhool of shorthand, type
writing and omca practice.' Its students
are filling tha bt positions, from amanu
enels to court reporter. . .
The achool haa a. special demand for
bright, well educated young men 01
habits, and also for young women between
& - -. u. i 1,-.- iAahri ft has a. national
reputation for the speed and accuracy of
Ua atudenta and baa furnished expert type
writer opera tor for all th great exposl
tlona alnce tha Trans-Mlssissippl. Including
the Paria exposition, tha Pan-American at
Buffalo and the Great Louisiana j'urcnase
exposition. It teaches the Van Sant Sys
tem of Touch Typewriting, Which la In
use In the leading; Softools of the country
Thi ivumn has revolutionized the type.
Writing" of the world and about 2O.0u0 copies
r th lessons have been sold. The system
of shorthand used la th best so far de
vised. No new systems whlrh have never
produced a reporter are used in um kiiwh.
The people of Omaha have had enough or
untried systems, heralded aa great im
provements and afterward condemned and
denounced by the same Institutions.
AttonH a mhnhlA srhool more than V3
per cent of whose students during the
bast twelve years have made a success. If
it Is found a student cannot succeed the
tuition is refunded and the student advised
to take up some otner cauina.
Unnnv tnr iinnireil tuition will be re
funded If for any reason th student wishes
to leav the school.
A large amount of actual work Is done
In tha school by the students and the entire
compensation tor sucn worn is jjhiu to mo
tnrianta. Many have earned more than
tha amount of the tuition while' attending
achool and tha practical worn, aona witn
at sense of responsibility and under the su
pervision of a teacher, fits the atudenta for
tner rest stenograpuic pumiiuna.
A trial week free.
A. C. VAN BANT, Proprietor.
B 648 4
CUT-RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H.
PUilbln, la06 Farnam and opp. Union sta
tion. Tela. 784 and 1673. K .
CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
. R 980
EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommoda
ting; all business connuenuai. hoi jjougias,
R S1
16th.. Tel. 1778. .
Co.. 621 N.
EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and
.. storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1193. K-9S3
j.gee bldg. R-H84
-S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglna.
7VW. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N.aWi.. Tel,
147. . . , R 986
' Vrnam. R 9s8
tUt. IM). 17 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wks.
' R404
A. MURPHY & SON, horseslioers, carrU, general blacksmilhing. Tel. 11...
3 1410 Jackson. . , R-rM4S S3
.rd at. , R M767 810
MODELS and experimental machinery
built; patented articles and novelties
, for Inventors and others; model
"mkers' supplies, tools, castings, gears,
V . etc. -Writ lor terms. Alf. R. Gardner,
' .Atlantic, la. R M765 810
PT MELCHOIR, machine worka.
13th and
rill d. 11TH. ' "PHONE 264.
.Wliy carry your soiled linen? Our wagons
' cuil and deliver sains. Bills collected
e "monthly. K MUS 816
t"ha Omahit Warehouse Co., 609 Jones;
''.phone 1366; mile, storage and forwarding.
c ' K 193
HELIN & CO.. TAILORS, $17 S. 16th
R-M223 SSO
HORSES AND CATTLE to pasture. In
. quire at 43d and Center. Tel. Ash-37012.
' R 930 8x
COLUNS P'AWO CO.. wholesale and re-
tnl! musical . Instrument. Tniwinr- mn.
ohlnes, records exchanged. 113 S. 17th st.,H
J.8' .m 'ftall. Bend for catalogue 46,
Omaha, Neb. r
YOUNO MAN desires place to work for
.board while going; to school; experienced.
Boyle's College. 1984. A 963
WANTED, position as laundry manager by
flrst-clasa competent man; 4 years' exporl-
jnce in lurge plant; references. Address
t T 41. Bee office. A 2.0 6x
WANTED, position as traveling salesman;
1 year's experience In grocery line; Ne--brsska
territory preferred. Address Y 40
Bee offlco. . A !49 6x '
BOOKKEEPER of exVerlence wishes' to
keep books for small business evenings
and Saturdays. Address Y 46, Bee.
A-MS17 4x
SITUATION wanted by experienced collec
tor; local or traveling; references. Ad
dress Y 48, Bee. A-M307 4
$IAN 46 years old. (rood habits and ad.lreae,
-capable of operating lumber yard, general
' atore, keeping books, hilling or shlpnltig
clerk, wants position soon. Adilrets Y 54,
Bee. . 'A-i'Sex
TOUNO lady wishes position an sten
; oirraphr In Omaha or Council Bluffs; 4
: years' experience; not afraid to work. Ad
I dress Y 63. Bee. A
pENERAL office work with reliable busl
ness firm In city or elxcwhere: annia
tomed handling cash, a;ond long-hand
Writer, stenorranher. some knowledF
.'. bookkeeping 7 years experience. Ad
; drsa Y 62, Bee. A-438 4x
WANTKD About November lst permanent
poaltlon by younv lady stennKinrher;
eleht venrs experience In Krl work.
' first class reference. Address Y 61. Be.
, A 119 x
WANTED, situation' by rnmpntent watchl
iP'nl'n ad lewe'er. oui'"t"ed n drn
clerk.; no r'vltcred In Nebraska d.
drens Y 66. Bre. A 1111 6
WANTKD Blfiintlnn by corretint wntch
. maker and Jeweler: ou'lned as rlrns;
. ' rle'k 'no rerlstered In NebrnsksV Art
f. dress Y CS. Bee. A M(!7
yt'N ledy desires position In doctor's
office; rood wrt'nr and very neat Ad
c -drees Y 67, care Fee. A 6W (x
Crounse Block, Coinnr of
ISth 8t. and Capitol .
.PRINTERS. 1103 rarimm. To deliver
work ehvn promised la our hobby. U1
jr M. IIIRPLK83, reliable prlnti; estatu
llnhed 11 years. Lu Mouth Thtrtexnth
St., Omiit" , 11
On Building Brains
-. . For Business.
' ' . -.No. 4.
In "The Darling of the Gods," that famous Belasco play, Zakurl. th vlllaitv re
marks. "Nothing for nothing la given here."
That comes very near echoing the sentiments of the business world.
And though get-rlch-qulck schemes promise a million for a mill there seems to
be a lamentable lack of folks, who are glad that they put their money. Into those
It's Just the same with Business Colleges. Tou can't get a business education
and a house and lot, a term of fres tuition, or any other present, for the price of
the business education alone', and still get the same course, the same attention, the
same Individual Instruction, the same training that you will get for the money you
pay If you didn't get that present.
The cost of that present Is taken oft the value of the course. You pay for It.
That would be all right If you were BUYING PRESENTS. But you pay your money
for a business education-
You pay your money for the sound sensible, thorough education that will be ln
fused Into your brain by the Boylcs method for the dexterity and accuracy that will i
be borne In your fingers after you've received the 'Boyles training for the position
In the business world and the respect of business men that the prestige which Boyles
College has gained among the .best business men in this entire section of the country, -
necessarily gives to Boyles graduates. '
That's what you want to pay your money fotv-and nothing else.
We advise young persons seeking a business . education to shun that class of
schools which allow discounts from published prices to secure patronage and make
the price of tuition a subject of "dicker." NO PRINCIPLE OP BUSINESS IS BET
, - i
' v.
H. B. BOYLES, President,
WANTED FOR U. S. AlOdi Able-boditd
unmarried men between ttges of XI and In;
citizens of United States, of good cnarac
ter and teiapeiute hubits, who speak,
read and write EiiKlin. for Infi rrna.lon
apply to Recruiting Omcer, 18th. and
Douglas sts., Omaha, JUncoin, Ntb., or
Sioux City, la. B-M207
DRL'Q employes, managers, salesmen, etc..
ior any state, jr. v. jvniest, xt. r yuj
N. Y. L. Bldg. . B-974
SALESMEN who are celling groceries to
rancners to nanaie our guoas. Aoaress
Chicago Grocery Co., San Francisco.
B Mtlti S12x
WANTED Tinner and furnace man.
Steady Job for the right party. Address
N. W. Deering & Son, Atlantic, la.
B M-J67 4x
WANTED Boy with horse to deliver The
morning aee. oau at circulation uepi.
Bee office, S p. m. B M184
BOY wanted, grocery store. C. W. Shroder,
ia ana ionao. uaxta
MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail
road fare upon pur failure to convince
you of this being the BEST and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United States. Write for catalogue
today. Western Barter's Institute,
Omaha, Neb. 1 B-M267
bench men; steady work, write or wire
at once. Electrlo Shoe & Rcpnlr Factory,
Sioux Falls, S. D. B-M268 6X
WANTED Two experienced clothing sales
men; none Dut tnorougwy experiences
clothing men need apply. Mgr. Clothing
Dept., J. L. Brajiaola & Sons. B ; M315 6x
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to
attribute circulars, aav. matter, men
signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. B M314 4x
WANTED An experienced salesman that
is n nustier to nanaie iNeorasKa iraus;
three-year contract; oommlHilon; one ac
quainted with grocery trade preferred.
Address, stilting experience and refer
ences, Minneapolis Cereal Co, Minneapo
lis. Minn. B M308 4
SALESMAN for Nebraska; must be hus
tler and well urewefl; sajary a a weeK,
expense and commission. Address Mam
moth Mercnntile Emporium, 2"8 E. Mis
souri ave Kansas City. Mo. B 324 6x
WANTED Young man with some talent
to learn cartooning. Excellent opportu
nity. Address E. C.. this office. B
To All positions as managers. Accountants,
aavortising men. salesmen ana ooonjceep
er: also technical and xeeutive men.
high trade exclusively. We have offices
In twelve cities. Write for plan and
booklet. HATOOODP (Incorporated). Ml
Chemical building. St. I.Ouls. B
FOR age and want save while you may.
no morning sun lasts tnrougn tna oay.
Stnrt a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sens, bankers and receivers. 4 per
cent Interest on your savings. B
WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, sumpies, etc.;
no canvasslnir; good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B
Betting Commissioner Wanted
Man of a-ood address having wide ac
quaintance In own locality, to place wagers
on preeJrlentlnl election. Cash commission
paid. Write fully, giving reference. Address
P. O. Box 1708, New York. B
WE prepotw yod quickly as lllustrstor, car
toonist, lawyer, pnarnmcisi, stenogrupner,
bookkeeper, Journulist, ad writer, corre
spondence man, banker. Write for free
book "Fronts of Knowing How" tells
everything. National Correspondence
Schools, tC When., Indianapolis, U. S. A.
WANTED Men who are ambitious to qual-
ny ior civu service opportunities, There
are thousand o positions In the Unltd
UtHtes Civil Service which must be filled
within a year, from those who pass the
esanilnHtlnns. Good salaries are paid by
the I'nltt'd Btates government and op
portunities for promotion arc frequent.
If you are an American, over 18. we can
qualify you to pass examinations, with a
high percentage. Write now for our free
Civil Service Booklet. Clve age. Inter
national Corres. Schoo!, Box 1"72. Reran-,
ton. Pa. B-SIli 4s
WANTED Experienced, clonk salesman.
l'l'i urunaeia at eons. U MjlO 8
WANTED Manufucturer hss opening for
good man to travel In Neb. ; staple line;
experience unnecessary ; 120.00 ner week
and expanses paid weeklv; enclose ad.
rtraed envelope. Dept. F. 62 Konrhnrn,
Chicago. B 85 4x
WAN! Kl"V-Everywhere people to copv let
ters at home, spnre time, and return to
us: srond pav, mnterln'" spnt fre: no
milling or canvassing. Enclose addressed
envelope for nartlculers and wn- vn
pnv. Guarantee Co., Dept 3S9, PM'udel.
phla. Pa. 85 4x
WtNTm men to learn barbsr trade.
Short tlne completes. Can nesrlv earn
expenses before finlMhlns'. fln-clil liuluce-
, menta offered at present. f'l or write,
Moler t urbor College, 1303 Doiigles Ht.
B-M401 X
WANTED, person to call on detail tride
for manufacturing' bonse, local terr'tory:
sulsry t , patd w-elilv; expense mnney
advanced: nrevlooa experience nw-pfpm-nirv.
American House, Star Bn'tdlrg,
Chicago. , B3V9 4x
WANTED Enorifotlo trustworthy man or
womnn to work In Neb., representlns;
larr mnnufactnrlns; eomnap'': snlarv. Q
to WO per month paid wtekly: expenses
advanced. Addra with slur . J. H
, Moore. Omaha. Neb. 4x '
MANAGER wanted; every section to ap
point agents for now sclentlno game re
placing forbidden slot machines in publio
places; evades law everywhere, played
with nickels, finish beautiful, like cash
register; rented or sold on easy pay
ments; sample sent on 30 days' free trial.
Proposition will please you If we still
have opening in your section. Independ
ent Cash Register Co., Department S7,
Chioago, 111. . B 350 4x
WANTED Ten men In each state to
travel, tack signs and distribute samples
and circulars of our goods; salary 60 pei
month, ii per day for expenses. Kuhl
man Co., dept. A-6. Atlas block, Chicago.
B 33 4x
HART wants 60 salesmen to send tl for his
list of positions now open. K6 N. Y.
Life. Omaha. B 454 4x
DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary;
experience unnecessary. Interstate Detec
tive Agency, Milwaukee, Wla. B
WE are again after people with "GRAY
MATTER." We can always find a posi
tion for this class. If -you have both a
position end "GRAY MATTER," you
doubtless desire more money for your
brains. Wo have vacancies which will
pay, if filled by the proper parties, as
high aa Io,vo0.l0 per year. Are you the
party 7
Per Year.
Manager large corporation.... 16,000.00
Traveling salesman H.OOO.uO
City salesmun l.sUO.OO
Secretary Coal company 1000.00
Credit man 1,500.00
Per Month.
Stenographer , 176.00
Dry goods man 65.00
Cloak saleslady 65.00
Grocery clerk, bill clerk, collector, hotel
clerk, solicitor for printing company and
others too numerous to name.
840-41 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
B 468 4
DETECTIVE Can you spare part of your
time for profitable detective work? No
experience needed. Write American De
tective Association, Indianapolis. Ind.
B 391 4x
ARE you out of a position? Send fl to
HART and yet his list (high grade). 626
N. Y. Ufe, Omaha. B 166 4x
WANTED A first-class cleaner and dyer;
must be an expert; steady job for tha
right man. The Pantorium. B 3:9
BRANCH orTlce; manager; honest, ener
getic; experience unnecessary; (75 month
and expenses: small capital necessary.
President, 1601 Manhattan building. Chi
cago. , B 424 4x
LOCOMOTIVB firemen wanted; able-bodied
young men desiring a position should
write at once; experience unnecessary : no
strike. Ceijtral Railroad Bureau. Chi
cago, 111. , B 484 4x
ARE you too proud to ask for a position?
Send l to HART. He will put you next.
W N. Y. Ufe, Omaha. B 456 4x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, samps, and advertising
matter. Good pay. No canvassing. Co.
Operative Advertising Co., New York.
B-413 tx
WANTED Salesman to sell high-grade ln
VHstment on commission. Address Y 61,
Bee. B-493 4x
HART doesn't ask you flO to $26 for a po
sition. He charges 81 for his list (high
grade). 626 N. Y. Life. B 467 4x
WANTED Competent furniture and carpet
salesman. The Omaha Furniture and
Carpet Co., 1213 Farnam st B 485 4x
WANTED Man In every county to repre
sent real eetate Arm; hustlers; 876 to $100
monthly; experience unnecessary; new
plan; references. Wlckert & Newell, 413$
Cottage Grove, Chicago. B 476 4
HART has 100 vacancies now open. Are
you competent to Mil high-grade positions?
I can save you $10 to 826. I make no
charges to employe. My men are con
stantly on the lookout for you. Send $1
and I will mall you a list of positions.
Address Hart, 626 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
B-4o3 4x
WANTED Woman who understands , re
puting and altering men's end women's
clothing;, steady position. The Panto
rium. . C M51J
Managers, Salesmen, Bookkeepers and
Technical nion. , Salaries $1.000-86, 000.
Write for free list and plan. Business
Opportunity Co., I Union Square, N. Y.
B 847 4x
to distribute samples, tuck signs, eto.. at
83 00 dally. Porhianent. No canvassing.
Continental Distributing Service. Chicago.
B 352 4x
WE HAVE M0 applicants nied with us for
positions: If you want any kind of help,
pon t fall to send In your order at once,
tic x Employment Bureau, 2613 Q at., South
Omaha, Neb. Tel. 271. BL44. 4
- Read the For Sale Miscellaneous column if you are looking for
bargains. If you want to rent your room put your ad in the
Furnished Room Column of The Bee.
Omaha Commercial
17th and Douglas Sts.,
New Class Organized in All Departments.
By All Means Enroll at That Time.
The Attendance Will be Unprecedent.
- Students have Been Enrolling for Several Days.
Our Night School runs four nights each
branches taught In the Day School may be had In the Night School.
COURSES OF STUDY Regular Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy,
Penmanshln and Pen Art.
GYMNA81ITM Fully equipped Gymnasium, free to every student. In addition to
free admission Into the Gymnasium, students are permitted to enjoy, free, other
advantages, itererence is made to our Lecture Course, Literary Society, rublio H,n
tertainnients. Board of Trade. College Band and Colleae Orchestra.
BUS1NE88 COURSE Aftfr' many years
planned. It Is most thorough and complete In every particular. Our Bookkeeping
represents the cream of two systems. We are prepared to give a student a course
of instruction which will enable him not only to secure, but to hold, a first-class po
sition. The Omaha Commercial College Is the only school in the city employing a
professional penman. All of our teachers are experienced.
The Principal of Our Business Department has been In our employ for more than
eleven years. We will take great pleasure In showing you through our School and In
explaining our courses of study to you. Instruction is given both In cwijs and Indi
vidually. Every student is permitted to proceed In the work as rapidly as his (iDinty
will permit.
TELEGRAPHY This course Is thorough and comprehensive. This department Is
equipped with all necessary apparatus. We employ a high-grade teacher. The de
mand tor telegraph operatora la strong. It will pay you to take a course in Teleg
raph v.
MOSHER SHORTHAND It has passed the experimental stage.N Many stenogra
phers employed in the largest business houses of Omaha write this system. If inter
ested, we will send you a booklet containing cuts of ex-students who are dally bear
ing witness to the efficiency of this system. We clnlm It to be the most rapid and
most lesrlble of any system now In use. We are ready to compare and discuss the
merits of this system with any other. Anyone who desires to see it written at a
high rate of speed can do so by calling at
or other material with you you wish to
thins- in the Enellsh Inn mill te.
In our Shorthand Department, and, In fact. In no department do we secure some
"wonder from tn east" at the beginning of each term to teach for tis and then dis
miss him inside of three months In order to secure another. The Principal of this De
partment has had charge of It tor more than seventeen years, una Mrs. Mosner nas
been his assistant for more than seven years. Both nre practical, experienced In
structors. It will cay you to learn Shorthand and Typewriting under teachers of
such experience and ability, it teacners
College stands second to none.
For Advertising Literature ana tun particulars, aaarees
ROHRBOUGH (BROS., .Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Good male cook. Apply at once,
Gentry Bros." Circus. Lincoln, XNeo. Ap
ply 4, S and . B M 4x
WANTED Good plumbers and steamfltters
at once; no labor trouble. Modern jtieating
and Plumbing Co., Mitchell, S. D.
B 426 4x
WANTED Experienced salesman In silk
department. Apply J. Jj. jiranoeis at
Sons. B Moll 6
WANTED A country printer; steady em
ployment; cash Baiurctny nignt; staie
qualifications dnd wages. The Leader,
Neligh, Neb. B M522 6x
WANTED-A bright boy to work In whole
sale house. Apply at mm q. latn st.
I B Mod 4x
1904 Fall Term Begins
fonrinv. October 3.
Special Information and catalogue fur-
nianea on appncauon i
T. J. MAHONEY, Dean,
Crelghton College of Lew.
Corner 14th and Davenport Sts,
B-M542 4
WANTED An experienced saleslady In
oloak department. J. L. BRAN DEIS St
SONS. C M509 6
T 1 nv .A ..faH nA- an t
ary $21 per week; expenses advanced. The
juauoationai -o., m ueuroorn si., u.
cago. C 386 4x
WANTED Competent general house girl;
no washing; to per ween. - 11s r. win oi.
C M490 4
GIRLS to learn millinery trade. Apply
Millinery Dept., Bennett's. C 4b 4x
WANTED Good girl for general house,
work. 2406 Farnam. C M339 6
WANTED An experienced saleslady I
silk department. J. S. BRANDEI9 .
SONS. r C-M608 6
T.AniRS Hiwlns- fanev work to sell, dot
lies, centerpieces, battenberg, crocheting
and drawn worn, also to ao oraer worn,
send stamped envelope to lauies tux
change, 34 Monro St., Chicago.
C 855 4x
WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslnff.
manicuring or facial massage; positions
waiting graduates; top wages; can nearly
earn expenses before completing. Call or
write, Moler College, lata Douglas m.
f C-M4O0 9X
LADIES 130 Thousand copying letters; no
mailing to friends or rurnisning ad
dresses; stamped envelope particulars.
Select Toilet Co., Dept. 843, Chicago.
C-368 tx
LADIES Those acquainted with dress
makers and milliners send for big money
making offer quick. 4os Relbold, Dayton,
Ohio. C 370-4 x
LADIES Earn 825 per hundred wr'tlng let
ters. No canvasslna. Particulars for
stamped envelope. Wilson Specialty Co.,
Benton Harbor. Mich. C 371 4x
LADIES to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from 87
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 84 East Monroe St., Chicago.
C 396 4x
LADIES $20 per thousand paid copying let
ters at home; no mailing or canvassing:
materia sent free everywhere; stamped
addressed envelope brings particulars.
Howard Co., 1289 Broadway, New York.
C-388 4x
WANTED An experienced lady book
keener to take charge of office; must
write good, rapid hand, be correct on fig
ures ar.d have Al references; one who
owns and can operate a typewriter pre
ferred; state salary wanted. Address Y
47, Bee. C M309 4x
WANTED Good second girl.
Rogers, 1120 Park ave.
Mrs. T. J.
C M323 6
WANTED One chambermaid, dining room
girl; $15 per month, board and ludg'ng.
Address Commercial Hotel, McCook. Neb.
C M321 t
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family; good wages. 8009 Marcy.
C 328
WANTED Young lady to take private les
sons In stenogranhy; fine chance. Ad
dress E. C.,' this office. C
WOMEN to do plain sewing at home; 20
cents per hour easily made; experience
.unnecessary; material sent free every
where. Addressed envelope for particulars.
Stephens Specialty Co., Stamford, Conn.
. C
WANTED, girl for general homework:
family of 8; no washing or Irnnlnr 416
N. 20lh. C M224 4
WANTED Experienced second girl; good
wages. Mrs. Wllhelm, 2241 Howard.
GIRL for general housework. 2301 D""txls.
C-2S6 4x
can attend either Dny or Nlrht School.
week, from 7:00 p. m. until :00 p. m. All
of experience, this course has been
the College. Bring any newspaper article
have written. Our students will write any
matte a scnooi, men tne uinana commercial
M GIRLS; Canadian office, J5th and Dodge.
1 AtA
O. K. American-German employment office;
oldest, most reliable In Omaha. 1524 Dodge.
C Mtito
WANTED Girl for general housework;
four in family. Apply 3027 Marcy.
C 923
WANTED Girl - for ceneral housework
four In family.' Apply 3027 Marcy. C 923
WANTED, salesman to sell cigars In Ne
braska; experience selling clgurs on road
necessary; state age and reference; resi
dent preferred; trade established. John
P. Hanson & Co., 3ol Milwaukee ave.,
cnicago, in., manufacturers. ue btx
SALESMEN make II 00 a week. Best staple
side line carried. No experience required;
pocket Bample; good testimonials; fltteen LARGE front parlor; also single room, ele
days for test after arrival of goods. E. gantly furnished; modern; detached
W. Merck White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. house; lawn; 'phone. 28 N. 20th.
WAWTlCn mnlHnir e.oiintrv
Towna 111 oarrv atimn p nr ion nrinrincr on
commission. Barks' Commercial Print,
Ansley, Neb.
440 4x
CAPABLE? salesman to cover Neb. with I FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeep
staple line: high commissions with ad- j lng. 615 N. 20th. E M271 4 '
vance of 3100.00 monthly: permanent po- I 1
, Sltlon to right mail. ..Jess il. Smith Cp.,
Detroit, Mich.
897 4x
SALESMEN calling on country store trade
can make $25 to $50 per week carrying
our line on tne siae; pocKei samples.
r airiax Kenning uo., Cleveland, u.
867 4x
SALESMEN wanted for Nebraska; must
re competent ana experienced; no sales
man in our employ paid below 2to a
month; permanent. Redfleld Co., ' Box
1063, St. Louis, Mo. S66 4X
DA-iAjuoaiiLiix nAfliai-Por c&iciueni Bnu
easiest side line, or exclusive! sell dealers
only, or consumers for" Introduction;!
dozen live prospects in smallest town.
oecy. janaer, Jirquitame mag., bu juouis.
ACTIVE traveling salesmen; good men are
now earning $3,000 annually in commis
sions; best side line offered. D. T. Weir
White Lead Co., St. Louis Mo. 864 4x
TRAVELING Salesman, by large wholesale
nouse; to sen general stores in Ne
braska: position permanent. P. A. Wat
son, Sales Manager, No. G6 Fifth Ave.,
imcago. mi x
WB WANT to employ three traveling
miesuien to represent u in nrBi-ciuas ter-
rltory. Salesmen who sell special lines of
goods only are wanted. We are manulao-
turers and our products are sold all over
the United States. State age, give refer
ences, former ana present business con
nectlons, also experience. The F. E. Sari
born Company, Omaha, Neb. 406 4
HUSTLING specialty salesmen for Ne
nraska selling grocers and general stores;
easy sellers; new proposition: our salrs
men are making )'0 to $20 per day Ex-
ccisior Mig. Jo., sue iuiton bt., cn.'ci
'ulton St., Chlcigo,
. T;a I
BAlvKHMlCM wanted, good ones every
where, quick. Klnloch Paint Co.. 8;.
Louis. 397 4jc
WANTED, by eastern manufacturer, a
capable salesman with undoubted rail
road influence to handle cotton and wool
waste on liberal commission. Reference,
Waste, P. O. Box 1592, Philadelphia, Pa.
TRAVELING salesmen to sell our new
series advertising needle cases and match
and mirror designs; 25 per cent commis
sion; send 25o for full samples prepaid, or
write ror particuinrs. American Adver
tising Co.. Lexington. Ky. 374 4 x
SPECIALTY salesmen. Sell patent medi
cine to trade, r lne proposition for right
party. Bererences required. Box 655,
Chicago, 111. r 369 4X
SALESMEN Local or traveling, to sell fire
proof sates to business men snd farmers;
experience unnecessary; quick sales; big
pronts. Aipine oate lu, Cincinnati, onio.
848 4x
TRAVELING Salesman One good man for
each state; experience unnecessary; ust
nustiers permanent; good tiny: liberal
running expense account. E. M. Arthur
Co., Detroit, Mich. 349 4x
WANTED First-class specialty salesman
to sen attractive proposition to general
trade: commission or one man for one
month over tTGO. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co.,
Ueair Jlapl.m, la. S94 4x
SALESMEN John Sexton Co., Importers of
teas and correes and wnoiesnie grocers,
16 to 22 State at., .Chicago, want experi
enced, honest, energetic, high-grade men
to sell farmers and other large buyers;
we are the largest grocery house In Amer
ica engaged In the business, and the orig
inators of honest ad modern methods of
conducting It; we hsndle the finest goods
and guarantee quality and quantity of
every article; no aapitai required; ex
elusive territory given; in each an estab-I
Hshed trade insures fine Income. We are
Farmers Headquarters In Chicago.
802 4x
SALESMAN wanted; most profitable sta-
ne: arte I ne' no aa molts: nest noon on
ever offered for live men; write nulck for I
territory. Holland White Lead Co., Chl-
BRASS and aluminum casting, nlrkel plat
ing snd finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co..
N. Main St.. Council little.
Nebraska Business College
A. C. ONG, A. M., LL. B., Pres.
N Fall Term Opens Tuesday, Sept. 6th,
Instead of the ith. In Deference to I-abor Day.
New class will be organised In all the departments. Many hav alreidy arrange-!
to enter. Student" may enroll any day. . Home nre coming hundreds of miles from
Michigan. Minnesota and the Dakota on the north and from Texas on tne south.
When young people learn of o;ir suprrtor facilities and advantages they cross the
state to attend our school. Come and obtain an education that will Insure your
success In life.
25 New Remington Typewriters, Latest Model,
have Just been purchased, giving ns nearly 60 machines In our Typewriting Depart
ment. The. students of thU Institution are constantly supplied with the latest and
best of everything.
Given Free Y. M. C. A. Membership for One Year,
Valued at $10.00.
t every young man who enters for a full term. No auch offer was ever made by any
school. This full membership entitles ou to eerythln (JYMNASIt'M, BATHS, Al H
Given Free-Y. VV. C. A.
to every young lady who enters for a full
ETC. ,
REMEMBER there Is NO extra tuition
tola oenent to every young laay wno may ne so rortunate a to poesn our. i on iu
membership gives vou every privilege granted by the organisation; such as the KRE.lil
memberships, the co.-u being defrayed by the school. The object. Is to give every
young man and womnn who enters this Institution the Incalculable benefits of tha
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., where they can enjoy the elevating Influence) of tha
best elements of society, morally, socially
woman who Is thinking of entering a busl
exceptional offer. Rneclal Y. M. C. A. and
More schools are teaching- this rvstemt to day than any other three systems combined.
Never since the first system of shorthajwl was devised has there been such a uni
versal recognition of superiority in any. system Be that found In the Gregg system.
The verdict on every hand Is that the system is well-nigh perfect, and so far doe It
ecllnse all others that it Is destined to become the universal svstom. of the English-
speaking people. We recognized the great advantages of thl system years ago, and!
this Inslltutlhn, by careful, conscientious trnining, has sent into tho commercial world
hundreds of its pmduates who are now enjoying splendid salaries as fruits of their
labor while In school. FOR VERY GOOD R BASONS the N. B. C. Is the only gchool
In Omahathat la making a specialty of this system.
Night School Now Open.
Apply for catalogue; finest ever published by a business college, to the
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 10th & Chicago
J Xuo
DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam
jii iue
11.23 PER WEEK, Doran house. 4-2 S. ISth.
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms,
lauies cate, private dining r. ; open nignu.
E lu8
THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam streets.
ju iu
Midland Hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable.
JU lit!
SUITE of three elegantly furnished rooms
ior nouseKeeping; parlor noor; hibo rooms
for gentlemen lizl Douglas. J M278
TWO fine rooms for two or more gentle
men, iseaj Davenport. ji Mit
DESIRABLE front room, modern house,
nil capitoi ave. taMiiii x
LARGE and small rooms; all modern. 115
d. zutn si. fti-id ex
NICE ROOM, private family, reasonable.
ant is. zutn. tu aiMi ex
I LiAnur.. uieHsanc rooms: moueni. utrini. nvu
I house; fawn; flrst-clnss board. 1S18 Cap
ttol ave., convenient to city. E M270 4x
duiuc ana largo lurnisneu room. ji,u
heat; modern. 316 N. 17th.
2332 FARNAM Furnished
rooms; steam
E M273 4x
heat; top floor.
DESIRABLE front room in private family,
near high school; gentlemen preferred;
E 2S8 4
pnor.e t -a.
$ ROOMS; housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th.
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 116 N.
Zotn. taasi urn.
nv .... . - . ,
"';" S v viaiie Rx
"e manor. B14 N. 23d. I-M3U6 5x
SOUTH front parlor. 2024 St. Mary's ave.
LARGE, nicely furnished rooms; steam
heat. 2234 Farnam. B-Ma ox
FURNISHED rooms, reasonable. 807 N.
18th. K M3W ax
FURNISHED rooms; steam heat; house
keeping privileges. 'Phone z.sw ar-
nam. E-M301 6x
NEATLY furnished rooms.
23"1 Douglas.
E M302 ix
i vir-PT V furnlahed oleaaant rooms
rurnlsned Pleasant room"
B-M30S ox
TWO coxy south rooms, new, all-modern
house; best location; near new soutn
Omaha High school; gentlemen or lady
teachers: hoard it desired. - eiennone
Mr. Ellis, 661. E 444 4x
NICE front bedroom: gentleman pre
ferred. 1911 Blnney. 'pnone B2t2t.
is 102 10
or 4 FURNISHED rooms for light house-
tot U.... U rn.uint.flrot oa.
626 South Twenty-first ave.
E-M337 6x
NICE, clean, all front-view rooms. 1M0
St. Mary's ave., second floor. E M328 6
THREE pleasant, partly furnished rooms.
modern: can do arranged ior nowretoii"
ing; references required. 2701 Woolworth
ave. n pao ia
BTEAM-HEATED nicely furnished front
rooms; poroemin nntn, gas; warning uib-
tanco; excellent tocarion; rrammniN.,
tlcmen preferred. 226 Farnam, va nnor.
MODERN stonm-hented room., The .Dun-
eany. inquire. rnono ami. & mu,w v
TWO front rooms, elogantlv furnished;
lree modern storehouse, j'none n-mn.
2423 Cnss. ' E M536 03
LARGE front rooms; also single rooms; all
modern conveniences, m . mn.
Us MM( 0
EAST front rooms, newly erected modern
brick store. 6U a. am. xataosa ox
FOR RENT Piano, unrlght; ebony case
$3 month to respnnsioie jjariie". wnou
children. 115 S. 30th. E-6S0 4x
TWO lnrire rooms, elegantly furnlnhed: ev
erythlng mooorn; ntumo m nose: larxs
porch and lawn. 808 S. 20th. E 632 4x
SUITES of furnished or unfttrnlshod ronms
for housekeeping, itrw nowira. n; mwi
STEEPING rooms, nicely furnished 1K21
Leavenworth. K-MMl s
O. M li. TEL. till.
THURSTON HOTEL; cool, outside rooms,
$1.50 to $4.00 tier week: board. $3.50.
Midland Hotel, ISth Chicago; reusonnMe.
FURNISHED rooms, modern
626 8. 19th. F-M10O S4x
VICINITY of High school, modaui south
front rooms, including bourd, hi per wren.
240 Cass. 'Phone A2. W. F u7
WANTED Koomiuate, by a ynunt; man- of
11 years or age; must be young, weli-at-
teu rluK and lenpertuble; housu is strictly
list-class In every rupwt: bourd vood
and room lurge mid well furnished; rates
$25 per month. Address Y 29. Bee. F-960
MARRIED couplo cr two gentleman, ole.
sunny furnished front room, e". erythlng
modern; 'i-licin. 2323 Harney
r mjiu ix
THE CAPITOL Large, well-furnished
south front room, suitable for two young
men, with iy without board. lsth and
Capitol ave. F-638 4
DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and
cold water lit rooms: also large rlosets;
board; rules tttasoiiable. 6i U. 19th.
T i'-Mi34
A. J. LOWBT, Prln., 17th and Hariiey St.
Membership for One Year
term. Such a membership will be or tin-
nor expense to tne students wno noia tnese
and physically. Every young man ana
nee, college will certainly appreciate this
Y. W. C. A. literature sent on application.
LARGE south room, nicely furnished, with
first-class board; 'phone 621 H. 18th.
F M275 4
NICELY furnished rooms, with board, Z1
S. ISth. F M298 61
EAST front with alcove, for two persona.
The Pratt, 210-212 S. 25th St. , F-361 4x
ROOMS, all newly furnished; flrst-elnsg
board; all modern conveniences. 2039 Har
ney; . . . F M531 6x
3210 CASS ST. Two south rooms, partly
furnished, suitable for lighl housekeeping.
5 ROOMS, 2619 N. 16th.
G M181 6x
THREE or four desirable housekeeping!
modern. 2212 N 19th St. G M214 8x
THREE or four desirable housekeeping!
modern. 2212 N. 19th St. G M516 6x
WANTED, two or three rooms with board
in strictly private fatally, for the winter,
by young man, mother and daughter;
must be private family and reasonable
price. State particulars and terms in re
ply. Y 42, Bee. K 3S8 6x
WANTED Board end room In steam
heated modern flat by young man work
ing In 80. Omaha; must havo breakfast
by 5:30 a. m. , Y 43, Bee. K M268 4x
WANTED Small house, with furnace, near
Farnam or Park line. Mrs. H. G.
Miller, 301 N. 23d St. ' K 291 4x
WANTED Board and room In private fam
ily by gentleman; 16 minutes walk from
16th and Farnam; references exchanged.
' Address Y 44. Bee. K 285 4x
6 TO 8-ROOM furnished house for 8 to B
months; In good condition. Byron R.
Hastings, 1609V4 Farnam. K 281 8
WANTED By young couple, without chil
dren, three or four furnished rooms for
light housekeeping, In private. Christian
family and quiet, home-like surroundings:
must be south of Davenport and west
of 20th st.: reference exchanged. Ad
dress Y 45, Bee. K 203 4x
WANTED By young couple, without chil
dren. 2 or 8 furnished rooms, with or
without tnblo brard, In orlvate. Chris
tian fnmllv; mjst he south of Davenport
end west of Sh St.; referencea ex-
, changed. Address P. O. Box 8P9.
. K-292 4X
YOUNG msrrted couple want board and
room" with small private family pre
ferred; will pav up to $H0 per month;
location, surroundings and aceommodi
on must be very nice. Address Y ML
Bee. K 3S6 ix
WANTETV A furnished house for the win
ter; references. Address Al B office.
TC MK4 r
Lire, pays nignest price ior dookh. Tel.
8036. N 114
HIGHEST prices auid for furnished flats,
S 84, Bee. N 114
WANTED 10O cars of bones: also buy
scrap lion, tinfoil, rubber, copper, brass
and all kinds of junk; tun also furnish
sajih weights, any amount. Samuel M.
Hey, 14U0 Indiana, Kansas City, Mo.
Write me. N M765 SlOx
WANTKD To buy stocks of general mer
chandise. Answer Theodore Mayer, 201 3,
26th St., Omaha, Neb. N M238
WANTED Second-band engine lathe. Call
on R. E. Patterson, Bee composing room.
Bee building. N M31
FIRST-CLASS piano cheap Xor cash. Ad
dress X 61, Bee. N 611
CASH fo your horses. Melchlor's Livery
Barn. , N M254
WANTED To buy two secondhand pool
tables. Address, John Frits. Dow City,
Iowa. N 413-4 x
WANT to buy a home In Wett Farnam of
Hanscom park district at 82,000 to $5;
price must be right. Y 63, carro of Tha
Bee. , N 492 4
HOUSE 7 rooms and barn, and pay whole
or part In shares of stock earning 7 per
Address Y CO, Bee. N 477 4x
HIGH-GRADE rubber-tire runabout,
slightly soiled, at half value. Also good
top buggy and harness, cheap. Johnson
& Danforth, a). W. Cor. lvtit & Jones Sts.
P 174
16 NEW UTILITY WAGONS below cost.
1 axios and wnecis, e-it. Doay, nuggy
top on seat. Snap, $68.00 each. Drum
mond, ISth and Harney. P M778
IF YOUR WAGON needs fixing take It f
J ront. jie nxes. inn and Leavenworttu
FOR SALE Horses ror city driving or de
livery, four livery trade solicited in
either buggy or carriage work. Mel
choir's Livery Bam. P M2e0
IF you need a cow, horse, buggy, wagon
or Harness, nna wnat suits you snu 1
will buy It and Kell It to you on monthly
payments; I have a Junje stock always
on hand; If you cannot tlnd what cu
want I will procure It. BOWEN. 708
N. Y. Life. P-M9 t
FAMILY mare, buggy snd harness. This
mare rears nothing; goco looaer. ims is
a rare chance In a thousand to get a fam
ily horse of this kind. 43d and Center.
Tel. Ash S7042. P-429 4x
TWO-SEATED extrnslon top carriage, al
most new; nle siso rur one uorse; win
II cheap. Bee U. F. Winn, 1 Far
nam st. P-MM9 10
Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg, T. Ifit
. . -17
MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathy Phy.
SlCiaili uuiot, uuaiaa uiut. J, S, ,rs.-J
KTRy nervous disess-.
tot J'aXlOO.