THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BATtJKDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1004. .r i t si I 1: V biggest saturclay at 10 a. m. we will sell thousands of yards of. fancy silks at 2 prices 29 .cents and 39 cents, we bought an entire stock of fancies under excep tional conditions .sufficient for you to know that you -will be able to purchased an e perfect silks at about 1-4 of ths real value. . goods . have been displayed in west window: and hundreds of ladies who have seen them will be in attendance., you will miss it if you are not on hand promptly at 10 a. m. $1.00 silks for 29 cents, $i.2!r silks for 39 cents, .tell your neighbor. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co, i LDMBERMES KICK OX RATES Local Dealers Launch Campaign to Mala Sailrmi 0om Down. DECLARE THAT DISCRIMINATION EXISTS i oaUA lutoi tuur lid, laylne; Tariffs As Low ud ' Fartnas BedaeUea. to Mot Warrant J. " Local lumberman bav launched a vigor ous campaign to break tbe rates on bulld ; big material Into Omaha. They aaaert the 'rates tA thla city from, th western and " southern lumber districts are ao high that they are unable to compete with ahlppera frbta the east. While a. large quantity of fir and, yellow plus) from the northwest finds lta way Into' the local market, moat of this material la. shipped In from the south, and, lumbermen aaaert the present rates are ezceaalve. They allege the mat ter has been brought before the attention of the freight managers of the various roads, and while the subject has been taken up a number of times, nothing yet has resulted. The rata from Tesaa to Omaha now Is 17 . cent! per hundred. Soma of tbe shippers art In favor of a car Instead of a tonnage rata, but thla plan the rallroada absolutely refuse to consider. They take the position thatth only profitable system that can be run upon business principles Is a rate made out upon a tonnage basis. Official Makes Statement, A Burlington official said: "A large share of the lumber shipped to. this point comes front, tba Texas dls V trloi. This Includes the cypress, gum and tHow pin varieties from Louisiana and Arkansas. We- get 17 cents per hund-ed for the haul to this city. We bring In some -snmbar from the northwest The north woBt varieties include spruce, flr and pine front Oregon Washington and Montana. Tba haul from those points to this city la as cents per hundred. The haul from north ern Arkansas and southern. Missouri is 23 cents. Tba lumbermen have made tha daim that the rate from these belts puts than In unfair, competition, with the . east ern shippers" The matter has 'been fought out several time at the. meeting of the freight representatives of tha various 3nes but we cannot sea our way clear to reduce rate that wa consider Is already as .low as wa can make It aadf leave reasonable margin of profit." Be carding ta question of tba livestock rata over which tber Is so much agita tion at present, tha speaker said; "Tha livestock man contend they are disarlminatad against and are tha vlotims ParsMmnh Will fftv iWanf mm1tm$ m-A amsTa . . a L Of how lansiandin; or . . . " , . - " , Xalnrsd'' and is for axtamsl . . , Uting. and often Doisonoos. . i , . , , htwmuj u is above. PiricamDA la a comhlmrUn J i .t.,' i ------ , v.u., uii Boumiuj, Bssxmg annsepua ous and 13 a crescrirte 1m endorsed br prominent Wgons and doctors now in hosrftal and prWpractica aUover thla coanrTttta a safe and effectual treatment for all farm. r .! c L -o n.- , -. .r"""? . applied to eutt and bums reUsves Instantly, heals without leaving a scar and always prevents blood poJsoni ltc In a tW.6Wy wtural w.7 and doc, not effect the, nervous svrtssa or apts the stomach, hWZSfi Bom through the pom of tha jldn directly tha aert of tha trouble, stop, ftVpata, reil thTconoT b, stimulating the circulation anddrswsout an Soreness, Few and Inflammation by Inducing cwuo" f "rT. n. iopw,ana a tMtioor mora of it should rCrv.JL hand, o, back, mamma "',-- t. . '7 oTL wHuu, v ihwuujui wiu oa tna iwsi claim. It itirrrTififii 2,000.000 Bottles Wcro Used r : . in IS03 by Smfferer, aQ over tha Country, and wfr.h "satisfying results ia avary case, as can p , you owa State and gaUoa oa rout Tba acLE BY YKS-DILLOn DRUG COMPANY, Ibthnd Fcrnam Gto., Omaha. silk sale of more unfair rates than other shippers. There Is no class of Miippers which does not make - similar ealms. The fact is, however, there Is nd( class of freight so mean to handle. WW have to - furnish first class accommodations and- cannot haul sa much freight ' to a car. It la a class ol freight. that hn'tebe handled almost as expeditiously ' as the passenger traffic. The losses are greater than Is the case with any other perishable freight and It has to be handted with more' care." JUNCTION OFJU THE PARKS Isah la Scheme Soaarfct la Perfecting '. Central Bonlevasd, Nvt Par tially Completed. . t i . . ... Chairman Evans of tbe Park board has announced that Central boulevard haa been completed frem Farnam to Davenport streets and.wlU be. opened for travel. He la confident the driveway will be put through northward to Burt street before winter. . Negotiations now are pending with Count Crelghton for the donation of a strip two blocks long north of Cuming from Thir tieth, to Thirty-second streets, which is needed to connect the Central with the Lincoln boulevard and Bemls park. Count Crelghton is said t be favorable to the donation. This Is the last link necessary to make a continuous drive from River view to Bemls park, via Hnnscom and Curtis Turner parks. After the ' work is completed the Park board Intends to project a continuation north and east through the city to Kountxe park, which In turn is reached by the Florence boule vard. A full circuit of beautiful drive ways, with views that command every part of Omaha and vicinity, will then be pro vided. . .. Woodmen of the World Special Train to St. Loals. The Woodmen of the World havrj ar ranged, with, tba. Wabash, to ma ly special train, leaving Omaha Union station at 8:(5 a. m.. Council Bluffs 9 a. in., Simday, Sep tember 11. A very low rou--trlp rata, 18.60 from Omaha. IS. 25 from - Council Bluffs, with correspondingly low rates from ail statlona Everyone invited to Jtn special train. Insist upon your ticket reading via Wa bash,, the only line wl'.n Its own station at main entrance ot Vorld's Talr grounds, thus saving time. e, tra car fare and an noyance. For all information call at Wa bash city offloe, 7B01 Farnam street, or ad dress HARRY . MOORES. O. A. P. . Wabash Rallrrd, Omaha, Neb. -Patrick tbe Second. Henry ran of Parkeraburg, W. Va. had a large ."o on hand Thursday night when frre"if t by OfBcer Hudson in the rear of the Nebraska National bank. Dean was charred at tn- police ptation with "drunk and , 'snakes," At the time of the arrest r J 1 ' 1.000,000 Bottles Free to offerers from an of the many forms ot fwttea, Ecitma-Tatler, Asthma, Sir l5L?r l"''.. tBcras, Cata, Bnds, OH Sore or any U&cm that UgSaa Z7r" JT " W . " .nnBiaocr, jraracsmpn u ins "lrst Aid to th annlin.tu. . . i c S - .. . w u - -t v w a urosi, ana Internal r4;. vi,l ' . "Z-v 7 r.C w . pixion, ana en provea py jsctera tnxn pslie&U Hving la County. Siga tba Coo poo and send ft tana immediately, and Pools will ba yours in short oriar with no cost or 'oblU part, only that yea promise to try ft. 23c,50c aad U at all goad DrstgWa Pcrrc&iuph Compsny of all!. Dean Imeglned he wa Bt. Patrick driving snakes out of Nebraska. He thought the alley, his clothes aid all around him was .a mass of reptiles, that he was putting to rout with a stirje. RECEPTION IN0LD CHURCH Cordial Meeting Tendered Dr. Jeans in, San Francisco by Former Congregation. tr Edwin Hart Jenks, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, who has r turned from his visit to California, preached one Sunday In his old church, the First Presbyterian of San Francisco, and, as a surprise to htm, his friends tendered a reception at the church Wednesday even lng when he attended for prayer meeting. Dr. Jenks was tor several years pastor of that church and. the mcetllng of his old friends there was a source of much gratlfl cation to him. Returning from the coast. Dr. Jenks stopped off in Wyoming to' while awsy a little time on a ranch. His vacation was cut short, only being three weeks In all. HAPPY RESULTS OBTAINED. By the t'se of the Hew Scalp Aatl - , septle. . It wouldn't take long to number the hairs In the heads of some people, the reason being they haven't many to number. In most Instances, however, the fault Is their own. A germ at the root soon plays, havoc with the most luxuriant growth and causes it to fade and fall out. A remedy for this has recently been discovered, called New bro's Herp'clde, that acts by destroying the germ that does the damage, besides re moving all Impurities tfrom the scalp. In addition It permits new life and vigor to enter the scalp, and happy results are sura to be obtained from Its use. Try It, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The" Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Colfax Pnroa Water, bottled at the springs. Gladstone Bros, 1808-1310 Douglss street Hamilton Hotrt t'ottagee, St. . Loals. . . A permanent hottt, three minutes from World's Fair. Rooms BOO per day op. Booklets free. Address W.,F. Williamson, Manager. ' ...... End of Wtk trs-oarsioa t Clear Lake, In. Via Chicago Great Western railway, For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be sold at one far t Clear Lake. la. Tickets good returning on sny train until the fol lowing Monday. For further Information apply to 8. H. Parkhurst. general agent, UU Farnam street, Omana. Nab. i Try Colfax Purox water. with Faver. SwoElna ' - . "!?r. " taxes me ptscs oz many Irrb ' . reum to trouDies enumerated . . be in every home. As afsmflw may havseuralg,., g oeoy rever, ear T&ioat n ajg f ' TluiJSil. Cut out this coupon at one. CU oat the blanks and mall to THE MMKPH CO., UnlSfilll, Kf. My disease Is I have never uaed Paraaamph, but If you will send me bottle free ef oost t will Ut It.- Nam - .. Street Addreaa. M...... County and Bute . . i ...... ...,........ . ....... fmmm (Qlre full aadreas, Writ plainly,) USCOLN-OMAHA ISIERDRBAN Mrw Idas Is Being idra&oed BsTtmHilet of Grade Alreadj Laid. WILL JOIN CAPITAL AN0 GATE CITY Boat Takes In Sooth Omaha, Pa llla, Sprlagweld. Ashland, Waverlf, Enterlag Osaaha Hear Haaaeaaa Park. Promoters of the Omaha, Lincoln A Beatrice Railway company, declare Omaha the commercial metropolis, snd Lincoln, the capital and educational oenter of the state will be connected by an electrlo Inter' urban railway before many seasons shall have come and gone. Seven miles of grade from Lincoln to VPnlverslty place already have been Completed and Mr. E. C. Hurd secretary of the company and local man aging engineer, la now In St. Louis, ar ranging for equipment tor the first seven mile of the new road. It la expected cars will be started from tbe capital city to University place before Christmas. The Omaha, Lincoln A Beatrice Railway company was organised a year and a half ago by Ohio . capitalist, men of reputed experience with Interurban lines and men of ability and standing. Henry Robinson, a prominent financier and manufacturer of Akron, O., is president of tha company, and his brother and Mr, Muaser, also of Akron, are Interested In the , new Una . Tbeae men, together with Mr. Hurd, have gone oyer the ground here carefully and are fully convinced tha con. dltlons are ripe for a suburban1 line be tween Nebraska's capital ant) th Gate City. ' .. During the last year and a half several surveys were made. The perfected survey goes from Omaha to Bouth Omaha, thence to Papllllon, Springfield, Greenwood. Ash' land, Warerly, easterly suburbs of Bethany Heights, University Place and Lincoln Franchise rights already hsve been se cured In Papllllon, Springfield, Ashland, Greenwood, Waverly, Bethany Heights, University Place and Lincoln. The state ment Is made that V? per cent of the entire right-of-way of the line has been con traded for and many thousands of dollars already expended. Considerable track ma. terlal has been bought and Is being dellv ered. The next Important move the company expects to take in hind Ss the arrange ment for terminal facilities in Omaha, which will be done, It Is declared, as soon as practicable. Then the east end ot the line will be pushed from Omaha to Papll Hon A number of prominent Omaha and Lincoln business men are interesting them selves In the enterprise, now that th line has passed the paper stage. It is the declared Intention of tha officers and promoters to make the line first-class In every particular. Hourly aervlce. It la said, will be inaugurated on the completion or the road. Just where the Omaha terminal will be located Is yet undecided, but It Is expected the line will enter th city near Hanscom park. It la the Intention or Dr. G. L. Miller to have a stub line run from the main line to Seymour park, , his. former home, snd convert the park Into a pleasure ground. Two Superintendents Now. A change of considerable importance In the management of the Burlington system west of the Missouri will go Into effect In a few days. This will be the division of the line Into two districts. Th com pany operates iJpO miles of railroad west of the river snd, until now the lines have .been, under tha simspdslon of one general superintendent, ejgrowlng Interests of me roaa in yie, territory., affected by the cnange naa oecome. too, much for one head and a division pf the western system was decided upon as the best solution ot ths situation."" " ' With this end Iri View General flnnr1r- tendent Calvert was promoted to the posi tion of chief engineer with headquarters at Chicago. Two general superintendents will be placed In charge of the district over which he formerly had exclusive charge. Assistant General Superintendent Rhoades, who has been located at Lincoln under Mr. Calvert, will assume charge of one division with headquarters at Alliance. Harry C. Byram, now with the Northwestern at Lincoln, haa accepted the position of gen eral superintendent over th second divi sion with headquarters remaining at Lin coln. ' V, Mr. Rhoades has been with the com pany for a number of years. Mr. Byram began hla career with the Chicago. Bur lington & Quincy, He became chief clerk to ueneral Superintendent Beeler. Subse quently he went to the Great Northern snd was made general superintendent of the Montana division of ths line. He left the company to go with th Rock Island, but returned to the road and was located at Kansas City until a short Urns ago, when he went to Lincoln. George W. Hoidredge, general msnasrnr of the Burlington In this city, said there will b no change In division superintend ents, ss has been reported. The latter will report to the general superintendents ss before. That awHehlasT Fee. It Is asserted by ths Union Psoiflo offi cials of this city that the new switching rates to be put In force by ths company do not represent a deliberate Increase, but a change in the system of charges. As a result of this chsnsc some of th switch ing will cost less, although there will be sn Increase on heavy cars, the minimum price being $5. One of th traffic officials said yesterday: W are simply putting th switching rates on a business . basis. Wa for. merly received 14 per car for the haul from . Omaha to Council Bluffs. II must be remembered, however, that the sis of me gram-carrying cars havs been Chanced. Tha capacity of one of the cars used to te ao.oco pounds, &ut they have been grow ing In else in the last few years. "Under the new system, ths minimum rats will be IS. Ot course it will exceed tbst on a oar of over 60,000 pounds burden. The tonnage system Is adopted for the car rat which Is not a fair basis to work on. The change. It easily seen, f works both ways. Under ths old wsy there was n difference In the switching rats for the neavier car, out on th other hand, it coat Just as much to move ths light car. The system has been In use at Dcnvw for several years and It is th only fair snd business like way to hand! thla claaa of work. There Is o Intention to discrim inate against sny ons In th matter and me change was mad because modern eon. dltlons Justified It The change will make a difference of U on an SO.ooa-pound car, pui on a smau car in rate will b below th present ons." Raw York cannot b mow pleasantly or conveniently reached than by th Grand Trunk-Lehigh VaUey Route. Solid through trains, mag nlncent scenery, all trains run via Niagara Falls. Descrlatlv literature ant rr annii. eatlon to Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Railway Bystem, IS Adams BL, Chi cago, Oeo, W. Vaux, A. O. , T. A. rieada to Ja la Vain. srred Lauar of Tent and Iouslaa street. has been nnea so ana rosia in police court, where he was arraigned on a charge of as sault snd battery preferred by Ussia Kuw tsrs of Ninth and Iousiaa atreeia Lauar made a plea Tor ciamency, arguing ini th. Kueatcra women haa a hobby of set ting man arrested end seeing then fined er antenoed. Laoag declared sh a $4 Boys School Suits at $2.95 One Pair of Extra. Boys Knee Pants Absolutely Free With Each Suit. Saturday we will place on special sale six hundred boys' school suits, made up in the new double breasted jacket style, sizes 6 to 16 years of age in four of the newest fall color ings to select from. They are strictly all wool and high grade materials and worth every cent of four dollars our special price tomorrow will be $2.9?. 'We will give away absolutely free with each suit a pair of extra knee pants that matches suit The free knee pants are free Saturday only. School Shoes for the Children. Here are some shbe values for the children that should interest you. School opens September 6th, and the children must have new shoes. Here is a list of shoe values that we have prepared for Saturday Read every item The savings that follow should bring you here with the children bright and early. - Boys' Satin Calf Lao Shoes good p'.ump soles: Blses t to U KJ 13H to I $1.10 Sires 2 to 6H 11.25 Boyi' Casco Calf Lsce Shoes double sn'.e and extension edges; 3lee 8 to 13 -.11 fllses UH to Fifteenth and i Farnam. L .a .v. .rrt nf r.ot less than four men In the last few months. His argument had no weight witn me iun. GOOD WORDS FOR L. E. C00LEY City Englaees Hasewater Coeaaaenda Expert from Chicago aa On of the Beat. t..u, !. is. Cooley. In company with City Attorney Wright, City Engineer Roao water and Assistant City Engineer Craig, inanantMl the water works pumping station at Florence Thursday afternoon. Mr. Cootey has begun work examining the plant and checking over the maps, schedules and i..inriH fliad bv the water company. City Engineer Rosewater speaks in high terms concerning his acuity. "Mr. Cooley comes from a family of hniojtl xnarta.M said ha "He was th ohlef engineer In charge -ot the Chicago glneerlng cansl, one of the Diggesi worm of Its kind In the country. In th 801 he was government engineer In charge of the Missouri river from Nebraska City to Sioux City, and hla familiarity with the stream will aid him In his work on the water works plant." Honteeeekers Hates to north Dakota. Evry Tuesday until October SS the - wtarn Railway will sell round trip tlcketa to polnta In tb above named Stat at a great reduouon irora om uu far. For further information apply to Oeo. F. Thomas, general agent. ttU Far nam street, Omaha, Neb. Batldlav Poraalta. . . . . . I . ...... A kn, n la.ii mm lows: O. Uliieh. $3,000, frame dwelling at Twentieth and Clark; Mrs. Mary B. Dona hoe, $1,600. frame dwelling at Park ayenue and Shirley street; T. E. Olsen. $1,000. frame dwelling at Thirty-third and Ohio. Act for Jada Berks. Justice of the Pesee Charlee M. Bachman has been appointed as acting police Judge during the absence of Jurtjre w-rka. who has gone to California and the World s fair for a month. Marrlaaje Licensee. The following marriage llcenaes wr Is sued up to noon September 2: Name and Reeldenoe. Age. Bert Fllnn. Omaha....... Km ma Douglas. Des Moines It Ray N. Towl. Bouth Omaha JJ Julia Z. Renwlck, Bouth Omaha.. 26 II K. Wedding Rings. Ed holm, jeweler. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. A. S. Jonas, who has been at BL Mary's hospital. Rochester, Minn., under, going an operation, haa returned, showing considerable Improvement In health. l l-u-s. ul-l .1 i,i inns3aaeM Visit the New Studio Finest In the West. ' PHOTOGRAPHER, 8is-so-ss a. lstk at. WEST Bide of Street B Sure It l II. HE YN. 'mm ft) fcr Sizes IH to BH .. n. Hoys vici air i Indestructible Shoes with wlra sole for hard weari Slsea to II -...$1.45 Sixes 1SH to I JIM Sites V to 64 U.ii Boys' Veal Calf Indestructible Shoes Calf Shoes good heavy soles: Blies to U .. , $L46 Largest Showing iiv Omaha of the World Famous Stetson Hats. At least sixty styles of the very newest fall and winter crea tions in soft and derby shapes correct colors in all proper dimensions and sizes WE SELL 'X Cfl STETSON'S HATS FOR .' ,. OUR MEDIUM PRICED UATS O CH AT $1.50, $2.00 AND..... --JU Are the talk of the town. They are as good even, better than some hat stores sell for 2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. They are strictly warranted to be the greatest hat values in this city. ."" aan-. -iwssfii i w SsssTV sT - Are you staggering under the burden ef a secret weakness which Is a Slow but sure drain on your strength and vitality T In your pnesent condition ar you fit to hold a responsible posttlenT Can anybody rely on you or can you rely on yourself? Is your body almost wrecked and your brain In a whirl? It la terrible to be in thla condition, but It la still worse to allow It to continue and become more aagravated, for It will then fill your whole life with failure, mis ery and wo. Ther are thouaanda of ruined and cheerless homes, filled with discontent and unhappiness. lacking In love and companionship, - through th sexual weskness and physical impairment of men whose years do not justify such a condition. . . . . We make puny, weak men strong, and every vital organ perfect. Infiltrat ing that old feeling of youthful fire, vim and courage. Do you want to b strong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength In every muscle, am bition, grit, energy and 'endurance. In order to make your life complete? W have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and middle eged men who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of phys ical manhoood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. WC CURE QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY. Stricture), Varicocele, EmUalons. Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impo'- tency, Blood Poison feyphllls. Rectal, Kidney, r and Urinary Diseases, snd all diseases snd weakneeses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, excesses or the result of speclflo or private dlseaaer. rAalCIII TATIAU fDFF I' you cannot call write for symptom blank. IVKoLLI AIIUil I HIX 3fAce Hours a. m. to I p . m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I JOS Farnam St.. Bat lit h and 1 4th Stsv. Omaha. Nab. -J ? a 111 I , U Ha Ssll Stationary and Doea ENQRAVINQ - JDQP VARIETYa ifin? Parnnfri Street. SIB A BURLY BOY t"a is a marvelous piece of machinery. -When properly adjusted he Is capable of great things; after he learns the use and obuse of the dollar, he becomes a frequent depositor. Correct influences should surround him, we want to become acquainted with him. CITY SAVINGS DANK 16th and Douglas Sts. mmmm Sizes 13H to I .,. Blses I to OH .... ..$V7i ..$!. MISSES' AND CHILDRKK'B SHOES Good heavy Ytcl Kid Bos and Kan garoo Calf Lece Shoes with double tolea to heel, for hard weari ' Blses fH to 11 fl ft Vises UV, to S $LM Fifleenth and Farnam., J for PEQ Souvenir Postal Cards I HAVE A a a it V i !