TOE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER J. 1604. CRA1XAXD PRODUCE MARKET Weather Has a Strengthening Effect on Wheat and Corn. '.ORN MAY NOT MATURE. toftE FROST Ihorts Ortw rvees-Irice D r4 Fatare Pelat Higher Gossta the Sltaatloa Flaaarlal Seers. OMAHA. Sept 1, 1904. Grain markets arc nervous, but strong. , They arc likely to be euhject to fr-quent reactions sni nervous fluctuation until such time r accurate Information la at hand retarding (he crops o( the year. Corn. nl the present time la promising, but for the present cloudy, damp weather, which keep It gren, and feara are ex pressed that It may not harden aoon enough to get away from the froat. The weather lmi la a series of X a. meaning cloudy or rainy weather, and thla lino Interfere with threshing and adda further damege to wheat in shock or ruck. It la the matter of dareagft that creates nervousress. High price, admittedly ao. Induce natural bear 10 ihi weir ravonte ame 01 in l'lersei, but once a flood of acara news cornea in they ruah to cover, causing frequent nnd; erratic rallies, after which the market without the sustaining effect of the ahorta purchases, ehowa reactionary tendency. While these conditions prevail the i-ntlre altuatlon Is tinged with strength and prom ise of ultimate advances. Crop conditions aeem to warrant mis. ana tne situation at home and abroad confirms damage and short crop stories. The deliveries In the chief speculative centers en September coii tracta thla morning were Ineonatderable. and It Is not at all Impossible that theta may aim ne a nurry in mi montn oenv ery. Omaha futurea are adlv neglected. Speculators naturally seek a rather broader market, where action Is alwaya poaeihl. but aa a east) market, if the railroads will only treat Omaha with a decent amount of consideration, thla promises excellently. A car of good No. 2 wheat sold here today at 11.08 a very fai price for Omaha. In Chicago the bulk of the speculation waa In Decem'e- and May deliveries. Im mediately after a firm opening there was a alight recession, and then a turn for higher figures reaching a point on both the wheat futurea mentioned of to $1,094 for Decem ber and $1,114 tor May. v Corn gained 14e for Hep em her and a point on each of the deferred deliverle. The dealing in corn were quits large and the sentiment decidedly strong, for rea sons mentioned above. , Omaha Grain Inspections In: Terf care "No. I hard wheat, S cars No. 4 hard wheat, I cara No. 1 corn, 15 cars 'No. 3 corn, 1 car No. 4 com, 1 car No. 2 yellow corn, 1 car Mo. S white corn, 6 cars No. 1 white oats, 1 car No. 4 white oats, 1 car No. a rye; total, 40 cars. Out: One car No. t hard wheot. 5 cara No. S corn, 1 car No. t rye; total. 7 cara. Omaha, Cash Sales: One car No. t yellow corn. 49c, I cars No. J yellow corn, otic; 1 Vnr No. 8 white corn. 49c: 1 car No. J wheat, lbs.. $1.03: II enrs No. I white oata. Sic. Caali Grain Market. Omaha. ' Chleagc 1.04 . No. 1 hard wh-t.. No. I had wheat .... 9SS1.0 No. 4 hard wheat 80 9i No. I red wheat No. 3 red whe:it No. 1 spring wheat No. 3 apMrg wheal.. 1.02 No. 2 corr. . 49 - No. 3 corn 44 No. 4 corn 47i No. 2 yellow corn.... BO No. 8 yelloie corn.... 494 No. 2 white corn.,... . 49 No. 8 white corn 49 No grade corn 46 No. 3 oata - , No. I oata 29 No.. 4 oats. li No. 2 white oats.... 81 No. t white oats.,.. 90 No. 4 white oata.... 29 Standard oata 11 i!6"ei!ifH 1.05 61.09 1.08 431.14 LOT , M4fl 63 644 63 I 64 I 63i MVS M'i 55 Mi 53 82 SIS 54i 544 tO i& 314 834 4 a ss4 34 7 Omaha Kt7er. '.(-.... i . Close Open High. Low. Close. Wed. Wheat f Sept...... Dec....,4 Corn-- - Sept...... : . Dec May 1.00B l.OOB 1.00B 1.003 , MB 99B 90B 98B 4SB 48VB 4HB 4RVB 464 B 46 H 45 B 45 B 46 B 46 B 54 B 404B 11 t010 Nartkwestern Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oata. Chicago Tltnneaporia Duluth Kansaa City 9t. Louia.... m . THA iw 230..,, .;; 12 - 183 ' eo 11 153 " 64 67 12 30 7 Omaha Grata Markets Elsewhere. - Closing prices of grain today and Thurs day at the marketa named were aa follows: CHICAGO. ' T Wheat v September . .December May .Corn , September December May Outs . September i December May , Wheat . a September December . Corn September Today. Wad'day. J-06Ti 1.08U 1.U4 884 61(4 4 814 334 36 8T. iXUia 1.08 1.10H 51 48 Decern dot . Wheatr- KANSAS CITT. September . December , . Corn Septontber . . December ,. Wheat- September . ......... . 96T4 r4 47 5H 48 45 NEW YORK. lis 113H MINNEAPOLIS. 112 . 1.12 . 1U . uecemoer . Wheat i September December . 1.114 1.10 DULUTH. Wheat. September December 1.164 l.ii i.n l.lOTi Cvanaaerelal 6nasl, Broomhall save: "Our Argentine agent estimates the wheat shipments this week will be about 1,800,00 bu and corn Hbout 3, 800. UuO bu." Fitmary Receipts: Wheat, 767,000 bu; lost week. 67a,Q6v bu; last year, 620 000 bu. Corn, !.'.() bu; last week, 404,000 bu; last year, 4S2.000 bu. Shipments: Wheat, 46S,00 Lu; m ear ago, 292,ttuo. Corr., 617,000 bu; a year ago. Soo.ouo bu. Minn says: "Our advices are that theae rains keep corn growing Just as It did last year, and it gets no eiutnce to ripen until Croat ' strikes it. If we don't have dry weather very soon, am very much afraid frust will hit it betore it gets ripe. While the weather 'la warmer touay through the vorn bel'.. the complaint Is general that tha continued raina keep corn green and grow Ins, aud that it la no: maturing, and that dry, warm weather ia absolutely necraaary If it la to escapa frost damage. Cooler weather, with raina. Is predicted for tomor row throughout the corn section, which will further delay the maturing of the crop' Northwestern Miller (Minneapolis) says: "There waa an Increase In the ovtput of Minneapolis mills of UM barrels laat week. Tha quantity turned out waa 181,915 barrela, against 248.516 in 1903 and 3u5,0j In 1908. Al tnough millers did not sell aa much flour aa tncy made, still there were evidencea In sight that business Is likely to be a little better in tne near luiure tnun u nu oeen for a considerable time. Aa for the export trade. uIm of oaten t are uractlttally noth ing. Inquiries at home, however, are more numerous jusi now man iney nave ueen Tor many weeks, showing that the Hour Is seeded, If only tne prices were nearer what iome millers are selling their product at." Fiaaaclal Oeaalp. ; - Frisco paid off tne last of Its notes. Excessive speculation In wheat subsid ing. American stocks In London steady about parity. Soma improvement reported la soft coal trade. Wabash earnings equal ta per cent en debentures. New York banks lost to sut-treasury since Friday. tia.OuO, yndlcata puts up 838.000,008 for Chicago City Railway stock to consolidate all sur luce Unes in Chluago. Structura! steel manufacturers do not contemplate any reduction In price. Manu facturers resolve to maintain ateel price generally. i Mllwaakue Gralat Market. MILWAI'KKE, Sept. 1. "-WHEAT Mar ket lo higher; No. 1 northern, 81. 1601 IT; No. I northern. 81. 0101 .14; Deceanber, 11.08. rtYK-FIrm: No. t. 11.76. RA RLE Y Firm j No. 8. 68c; samples. 88 CQRN-Market o higher; No. t t5fi4o. Dalatsi Qrala Markat. Dl'LVTH. Sept. l.-WHKAT-OIt. o ae. I ... 1.104 ... 6374 ... " 6H ... 82Vi ... 83 ... 364 . 1.W4 . 1.114 . C14 494 No. 1 northern, $14; Net. I'tiarth-I CtTRN Srt arm- Aee4en rrl-et. l, $1,164: on track: No. 1 northern. $1 tOj I Kuttirea, aleady; September, 4a 7J; De . to arrive: No. I northern, Sl.17; No. Icombar. 4a Jd. ern, tew, I northern. fl lS"t: Septemher, $1,164; De cember, (i iot,: May, n nt. OATS On track and to arrive. tZc. Chicago rai Ann raovitioss feat area of tk Treatag aa Closla Friers Boar ef Trad. CHICAGO, Sept. 1 Additional ralna In the Red river vailey and. firmness of foreign fraln marketa caueed strength In wheat ere today. At the close December wheat ho wed a gain of c Corn was tip c. Oata were o higher and pro vl alone from to to 17Vt up. The opening In wheat was somewhat un settled, December being down 46e to 44c higher at 11 08 1.08V No news of a positive character waa at hand and as a result traders were somewhat at sea. During the tmrly cart of the session the market wsa erratic, small trades affecting prices quite material!, in spite or nrm cables, there was considerable disposition among pit traders to tska Droflts with the result that during the first hour sentiment favored the bears. A firmer feeling de vel ped toward noon and for the remainder of he session the market held at a fair advance. Housea with north weat ct-nneC' tloma were liberal purchasers, thua snvlrg more lorce to the bullish advices rrom mai section. The high point of the day on De cember waa -reached Juat before the ciose, when the price touched 81.09H- The close wss strong, with December at ll.CWn V Clearances of wheat and flotir were equal to 68.400 bu. Primary receipts were 7ff?.)0 du., against tim,9on bu. a year ago. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 322 cars, compared with 241 laat week and 111 a year ago. A strong tone prevailed" In corn through out the entire aesslon. Deliveries on Sep tember contracta were light and aome ac tivity was imparted to Duns py inai iaci. In addition, forelrn markets were strong, Austria-Hungary was aald to be again a buyer of Argentine cargoea, and Rou manla was reported to have taken off tha Import duty on forage crops. December opened unchanged to He higher at 61V tle, sold between 51So and A2T4,e and closed at 624c. Local receipts were 624 cara, with 108 of contract grade. Small recelnta. an imDorted export de mind and strength In other grains caused a Arm tone In oats. December opened a shsde to He higher at sywc, ranged Be tween XVifSSWc and 83V33, c and closed at H1c. Local recelcta were 180 cara. Small September deliveries accounted for a moderate demand tnrotignout tne pro visions list. Strength of grains also had aome Influence. At the cloae October pork waa up 16 174c at 811.80. Lard made a galrv-of Klkc closing at 87.12H- Ribs were up oc at .uk- Estlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 04 cars; corn, 864 cara; oats, 223 cars; hogs. 14, "i head. The Board of Trade will be closed Mon day, September f, Labor day. The leading futures range aa follows: Articles.) Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y Wheat a Sept. b Sept. 1 08V 1 09V 1 084! 1 09 108S 1 064 1 08 1 104 1 06a Hi 1 07V, 1 u l tie 1 06 1 4 Dec. May Corn Sept. , Deo. May l owti i uw 1 101 1 11 1 104 i ny I 54t 63 i B3'4 i51,il 62i .61 62 W 6 60S494li 49 Oata I Sept. Deo. May Poi k Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. Jan. Rlba Bept. Oct. Jan. 31'A S2l 81V 824 33H 31V 834 35H4 343&4& 11 10 11 35 11 3a 13 76 700 7 15 11 074.1 11 15 11 30 10 974 11 15 12 424 11 124 U2VI 6 874 7 024! 11 12 24i 18 734 ,1 I 874i 8 9741 6 87 7 0241 7 l?i 7 V 7 W74 ,7 22V4 I VIM! I 4N 7 074 7 17V4I 7 274 7 174 7 25 7 4o 7 85 7 25 70 I 6 62Vil 674 7 174 7 874 7 624 BU 'No. Ir a old. b new. Cueh n notations were aa follows FLOCK Was quiet and steady; winter patents. t6.0062O; straights, 8404.90; spring patents. 85.0O5.60; straights, I4.30 6.10; bokera, t3.10$f3. WH EAT No. 2 Bering. S1.1CK1.14; No. 3, Sl.02tfl.l0; No. 1 red. Sl-9o4iTH.Cv CUrtN imo. z, mc; in o. i yeuow. ojthuw;. , OATS No. 2. 324c; No. S whke, 84c; No. 3 white. 32434c- ' - KIB-NO, Z, 714C- . , BARLEY Good feeding. 373S4c; fair to chnlre mnltlna. 43S.62c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. S1.184; No. 1 north western, Sl.25; clover, contract grade, J12.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., Sll-30 4J11.35. Lard, per 106 lbs., 86.9747 00. Short ribs sides (loosei, 87.2597.374; short clear sides (boxed). 88.25.60. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour,. bbls....,A;-,X.... 18.900 ; 20.800 Wheat, bu.... 170,000 30.900 Corn, bu 412.700 30.500 Oats, bu .-. 253.800 173.100 Rye, bu. 9.000 Barley, bu 49.200 - 8.700 On the produce Exchange today tha butter market waa firm; creamery, 14tfl9c; dairy, 124&16c. Egga ateady at mark, caaes In cluded, 1444fl6c. Cheese steady, 8&9c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET " (emotetlaas' ef tha Day oa Varlaaa Commodllles. NEW YORK. Sept. l.-FLOtR-Recelpts. 19.146 bbls. ; exports, 23.648 bbls.; sales. 2.4(0 bbla. Market ateady but dull; Minne sota patents, So.9o64.S6; winter patents, 85.20 t6.60v winter strslghta, 34.906.20; winter extras, 13.464. 00; winter low grades, V2.26 473.80. Rye flour, market firm; fair to good, S4.26&4.S0; choice to fancy, 34.55fr4.80. CORNMEAL Market firm; yellow weatern, 311001.13; city, 1.14,(ffl.l6; kiln dried. S3.3S.30. BARLEY Market steady; feeding. 47c, c. I. f-. New York. RYE Nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 28.7(0 bu. Spot, firm; No. S red. Sl.11. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern. Duluth. 81-26. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steady and soon advanced on further bullish news on spring wheat conditions, together with small southwest receipts and t. scare among ahorta. The ciose was 12le net higher; May, 81.1240 1.134. closed S1134 September. S1124' 1.134. closed Sljs; December, S1.13tfl.l2. clored S1124. ' ' ' i ' . . CORN Receipts, O-'.zD du. spot maraei firm; No. 2. 69c, elevator, and &c, r. o. D. afloat; yellow. 61c; No. S white. 60c. Op tion market firm all day, but very quiet here . rloeine- 4ka&c net nigoer; aenivmoer. ESOftKc. closed 69c; December. 66i684c, niTa ncelnta 67.700 bu.: eXDorts. 7.938 bu. Spot market dull; mixed, 26 to 33 lbs., 4tf3c: natural white,. 30 to 32 lbs.. 874t, 8t4; clipped white, 36 to 40 ina., 40nua. Options, nominal; September cioeed llc; Uecemoer, (ic. we.n Irreaular: spring bran. 320.00: September shipment; middling, $22.25. HAY Market quiet; shipping, 674c; good to choice, S6a HOPS Market steady: state, common to choice, isoa, 2736e; old. 713c; Pacific coast. 1S0J. 24?mc: old. 713c. I HIDES Market ateady; Oalveaton, 20 to It lbs.. 17c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 80 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Market steady; add, 292Ge. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $10.50 (rll. 50: mesa, $ 5o4i9.00; beef hams, $22.00; packers, $9.5'al0.50; city extra mesa. $14.00 16.09. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bel lies, 89.00tfll.00; pickled shoulders, $6.6m(r7.00; pickled liama, $10(X810.50. Lard, firm; weatern steamed. $7.66; refined, firm; con tinent. $7.65; South Amerloan, $8.26; com pound, 85874tf0Q. Pork, Irregular: family, $15 .'X15 60; ahort clear. $13 6oei5 ; meaa. $12. 7b!S 13.26. TAL1X1W Market, dull; elty, (St per pkg ). 4c; country (pkga free). 44c RICE Market quiet; domestic, fair to extra, Vm'q&c; Japan, nominal. PEANUTS Market dull: fancy band picked, 64c; other domer-tle, S0y64e. BUTTER Firm; state, dairy, common to extra, lg18c; renovated, common to extra, lx?164c; Imitation creamery, common to choice, wniijc CHEESE Steady; state, full eir-atn. small colored, poor to fancy. eVqS'ic; large white, fancy, fair to fancy. 74u8V4c. KGOS Steady to firm; western fancy e leod. 21c; western average best,' 1941T20O ' POULTRY Alive, steady: western chlck enr 14cr fowla, 13c: turkeys. 13c; dressed. Irregular! weatern ehlckena, 14tf 164c; fowls, 134vl4c; turkeys, ll&lbe. . Kaaaaa City Grata mm Pravletoaa. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 1. WHEAT Higher; September, M?4c; December. 964c; May. fiocS: caah. No. S hard. Sl.OOtfllll; No. S. 9649c; No. 4. 94c; No. S red, fi.l 1.08: No. . $1.024T1 04. CORN Higher; September. 48c; Decem ber. 4&c; May, 45Vc; cash. No. 3 mixed. oc; No. i 494c: No. S white. 494c; No.- 3, 49c. OATS Steady; No. white, 83433Hc; NOs t mixed. 4)!4c. HAY Firm: choice timothy, $8.50; choice prairie. 87.3pr75o. K Nominal at 76c. EOOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3. whltewood caeee Included, lS4c; caaa count. )Uc; cHt returned. Uc leas. . - BUTTER Creamery, 1440164c; dairy. Recelnts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1. rajo Corn. bu.... 4(mo 30.oa Oata. bu 17.000 6400 Llveraaal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 1 WHEAT SpM. nominal: futiires. quirt; September, 7s Jd; (trrfniiwr, jn-n. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tone of Market rirm, but Operations Are Larjalj Profettionl. aaawaaaagawaa f TRADING IRREGULAR AND LARGE IN VOLUME (I Preferred aa4 Raaaaer at tka Leadlas Western Rail, way tkarea Arm Higher. . NEW YORK. Sept l.-WMle the ton of today's stock market wss firm In the main wan distinct Improvement In a number of Issues, operationa were again largely for professional account and in moderate vol ume. Trading waa characterised by soma Indecision and contrary movements, Read ing, for several day a market leader, be ing subjected to pressure. ihe governing factor was the crop sit uation, concerning which a great deal of news, mostly unofficial and of doubtful value cams to hand. Dispatches from the west Indicated favorable conditions for ma turing corn and it la believed that much of that commodity la now aecure from se vere Injury. Oenerai crop advices from the Canadian northweat were of the same tenure. Yet report a of froat were effective In advancing both wheat ond corn here. Unauthorised statements that tha prevail ing prices for steel beams and platea would be maintained, coupled with other trade reporta of a favorable character helped to give renewed strength to the ateel atocks. L'nlted Statea Steel preferred regletered an other aubstantlal advance, although the stork waa sold here by London. Michigan Central also took profits In some of the ether Internationals. Opening with an Ir regular tendency, the local market soon made recovery under the lead of St. Paul. The amart advance In thla stock waa aided by reporta of the company's agents tell ing of the rapid progress that Is being msde In the harvesting of cropa. Other features of strength were Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Southern Railway, St. Lcula Southwestern preferred and the Rock Island Issues. There waa a renewal ot the previous day's operationa in Con solidated Tobacco bonds, but the buying waa again atrongly anggcatlve of manipu lation. St. Paul declined on the publication of the July rrport, showing a heavy decrease In net earnings, and the balance of the active list manifested a reactionary tend ency. In the late trading there waa a further buying of Steel preferred.' Rock Island common and Erie. Steel preferred cioeed a fraction below the top price of the day. but the balance of the actlva list made more material concessions. Develocments in the money market were unimportant. A number of railroad reports were loaned, chief among these being that of Cincinnati, Chicago A St. Louis road for the year -ending June 80 showing a loss in nefc earnings of over $381,000. St. Louie Southwestern reported a net Increase for July of about 141,000 nnd- ror tne aame month Louisville and Nashville reported an increase of $21,500. In the government bonds, old 4a registered declined 4 per cent and the coupons per cent on call. Railroad bonds were strong. Total salee par value aggregated $8,645,000. a marked increeae over recent dealing. The quotations on .he New York Stock exchange ranged aa followa: Ofliea.nign.iKj w.vioo. Atchison 8.700 100 4J0 814 80 do Dfd W4 S 874 864 944 87 93 Baltimore A Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacltic .. Central of N. J Chesapeake & O Chicago & Alton ... 1,500 1244 1241 1244 16l 3,700 384 884 1,100 414 414 .B'a 414 U 164 174 15.4 183 ,6 13 784 14 49 214 1634 270 25 7S4 284 P5 41 82 S94 13.4 22 42 234 do pfd Chicago Great West. 1.400 164 164 Chicago & N. W.... 600 187 187 Chicago, Mil A. SL P.20.9U0 156 154 1 pro Chi. T. A T 200 H do Dfd 1.000 13 mt C, C. C. ft St. L.... 200 78 78 Colorado Southern... 600 18 18 do 1st pfd do d Dfd 300 214 2174 Delaware, & Hudson. 2,000 164 163 Del. L. & w..., D. 4k R. O, 400 300 48.800 , 4.4110 . 3.700 247 764 294 64 414 84 89 244 76 4 644 404 81 4 do Dfd Erie ,. do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Hocking Val'ey .... 400 200 do Dfd SS4 Illinois Central ..... 1.500 1374 137 Iowa Central SO0 224-22 300 424 424 do Dfd K. C. Southern ...... do pfd 1.800 4W4..454 44 Louisville Nash.., 1.300 1214 1204 1H4 Manhattan U Met. Securities 400 15 1644 loM 16.300 8 874 874 16,700 120 .1184 1H4 Met. St. Ry .... Minn. A St. Louis..., M.. S. P. & S. Ste. M. ZU0 64 W 65 6(W 734 "24 is- 129 9.' 22 47 4 1224 do Did Missouri Pacific M., K. 4 T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western.. 6,300 9.500 1,100 22$ 47 ' 87 964 214 464 its' 400 1,100 123 122 2.400 6i4 674 do pfd Ontario A Western. 900 814 81 814 Pennsylvania .1,J0 1254 124 12Mk P.. C. C. & St. L. 68 Reading .19.300 624 614 614 844 734 27 64 69 4 424 6H4 .294 9 8-4 284 46 9S4 93 1H 39 17 13 r6 21 18 230 68 184 784 84 do 1st pid do 2d Dfd . 300 .67.300 744 74 694 l4 3i4 434 674 294 96 31 f7 99 894 434 74 254, 64 f84 19 404 664 284 914 3i4 28 48 ' 974 i4 38 jj" Rock Island Co.. do pfd 8.900 St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. 8.800 St. U 8. W 3.000 do Dfd 2.000 Southern. Pacific 22.700 Southern Railway ...2o.I0 do Dfd 1.000 Texas & Pacific 4.600 T.. St. L. A W 300 do Dfd 500 Union Pacific 19,600 do pfd Wabash 6 0 do Dfd l 1.200 Whaling 4 L . E Wisconsin central... RflO do Dfd 6.100 Mexican Central .... 1.900. 12' Adama E tor ess Co .-. American Kxpresa Co u. B. Kxpress to Wella-Farao Ex. Co, Amal. Copper .16,80) 674 19 794 824 664 184 794 324 Amer. C. & F. 600 loo 100 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil... do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed OH... do pfd Amer. Locomotive . do pfd Amer 8. R. do Dfd1 i. l 64 264 264 S6 4 124 100 90 204 894 64 84 104 l'H 1314 131 80 774 644 6'4 ?64 364 1964 196 1.100 21 7W l'rr Amer Sugar Ret..... 8.000 131 Anaconda Mil; Co.. l'O 80 Brooklyn Rao. T....15.S" 65' Colorado F. A 1... Consolidated Gas . 600 864 1.000 194 Corn Producta 200 13 i3 13 do pfd 70 Dlatllfera' Securities. tXiO 264 General Electric 600 168 International Paper . 600 14 do pfd 1.10ft 75 International Pump . ft) 29 do pfd National Lead 300 34 North American Pacifle Mail 69 26 16 H4 74 28 264 165 H 284 71 23 234 '4 f8 People's G. ........ ISO!) 10?4 101U 'lrj Pressed Steel Car .. 2X 374 324 324 an piu iw tifa 77 rut man raiart tar Republic Steel 1,900 7' 118 4! w4 48 74 '6 . f4 14 84 1A9 do pfd l.l'o 44 Rubber Ooods ... do ofd 100 Tenneeaee C. A 1 1,"0 4M4 ll-O 100 444 4 864 64 184 U. 8. Leather rO 74 do pfd 100 884 T. S. Realty 0 hfi V. 8. Rubber '. 600 19i do pfd IT. 8. ft reel 1 4v 14 do pfd 10,300 83 Westtnehoiiae Elec.i .... 12T4. 7A Wwtern Tinlon 1.400 SOW SO 90 Total sale tor tha day, 671.I0O share. Ex-lnt. . x Loadaai Stark Market. tX)NDON. Pept. 1. Closing: Conaola, sonay....M 8-14 Naw York Central. .18 do aoeoont ... aa wortolt t W ... I so pfd Anaconda Alchltoa do pfd Baltlmora A 0. Can. Paclna...,' Chaa. A Ohio .. Chicago O. W.. e f M. A ft. P. DeBeera 1anyor A R. O do pfd ... 824 Ontario A W. ...l&Ht FennayWanta n t.f... 81 44 104 ... aa aaae Hlaaa ...1'H Baadlog ... I do let pfd ... 15 da 84 pfd. ...1U go. RJlwy ... 14 do pld , ... ti So. Paoinc ... 1 I'aloa Parlaa , ... r4 do pfd ... 44 V- 8. Stoat ... 414 a (..., ,,.14u4 Wabaaa ...U.' da pM ... Ii gpaalak 4s 1 : . n .100, . 84 . 4 30 1 Erie So 1 pro da M pld Illloola CHrl. Lsula A Naak.., M.. K. T $7 SILVER Bar, aleady, S(-16d per ounce. MON E Y 84 lr cent. The rale of discount In the Open market for short bills la 344X2 8-1 per cent. The rat of discount In the open market for three-montii btlla la 213-13:4 per cent. foreign Flaaarlal, LONTXIN. Sept 1. Rate for money were easier In the market todiy. Over $17.600.0u0 In Interest and dividends waa distributed. I'iaoouiXa eased ' sllgiillv. Tiadln ou the 81. M k exchange waa quiet and prices were Irrogular Consols were firm, being helped by yeaterday'a influx ef gold Ui U. Lank of England. Home rails war dull on' ad verse, traffic returns. Americana opened weaker, rallied to about parity and closed firm. Grand Trunks weakened on the rail road aceident at Quebec, Japans were easier, pending the result of the battles at Llao Tang and Port Arthur. Imperial Japaneeee government 8a of 1904 were quoted at ,. BERLIN, Sept. 1. Trading on tha Bourse today waa comparatively quiet. PARI8. Sept. 1. Prices on the Bourse to day opened unsettled and heavy owing to tha situation at Llao Yang. Mew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. I-Money on call easy, 4?1 per cent; closing bid and offered 4. Time (oana ateady; sixty days. S per cent: ninety days, 84; six months, $4- PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKR-3494 per cent 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual bualness In bankers' bills at $4 8735ft 4.8740 for demsnd and at $4 4tf4.S470 for 60 day bills; posted ratea, $4 85 and $4,884: commercial bills, $4 844. SILVER Bar, 674c; Mexican dollar. 464c. RONDS Government, ' easy; railroad, strong. The following are the closing quotation en etocaa.ana Donas: C. . nf. 8s, rag. .. 1M4 Maahattaa . . 4s se eeupaa lvMi. Cantral 4s...., 4a U. ri lot s 1 Inc , coupon A St. U 4s..., ao in 4a, rg 1S1,M., K. T. 4a.... 1044 41 144 1044 sew 4i coiiDoa..lll de U nm 01a s reg ins So eeupea IT K. R. R. ot at. c. 4a. 14 rt. T. c t"- ms.. i'" N. J. C. . 1S4 Atrklma sa. 4. ...M4 So adl 4a ts 'No. PaclBo 4a 10 Atiantte C. L. 4a.... 14 do la 14 B. A O. 4a 101 N. A W. eon 4a 10)4 de 14a WH O. 8. k. 4a A Bar. 4 Central of Oa. 4a.... 11 1 H Pann. eon. IH i do tat Ise MVItasdlna m 4e..-....l Com. A Ohio 1M4 it. LAI. M. e. (a. 1114 Chicago A A. IHi ... 7 Ft. U A . T. fs, 4a. M't C. B. A O. now 4s.. 7 8t L. I W. la 74 C, M. A St. r. s- 41.1104 Seaboard A. L. 4s.... 414 C. A N. W. e. 1a....llH so. PacISc 4a M C, R. I. A P., 4a... 74 So. Railway K 11T do col. t ' Ti A FaclAe la. ...114 CCC. A St. L. f. 4a.. IO14 T., 8t. L. A W. 4a. -1 Chicago Tar. 4a H t'nlon pacine ! Con. Tobacco 4a 71' do conr. 4t 104 Colo. A Bo. 4a 14 I'. 8. Stool Id ta.... f DonTor A R. O. 4a.. .101 IWabaib la U Brio prior lien 4a M I do deb. B 4 do (as. 4a M4iW. A L B. 4a 1 r. W. D. C. la.. .1054 Wis. Central 4a W Hocking Val. 4m....l IColo. Fuel con (a... T34 LAN. anl.- 4a 10044 Ex-lnt. Bostoa Stock Market. BOSTON. Sept. l. -Call loans. 234 ' per cent; time Imna, Sig44 per cent. Official closing or siccus and oonua: Atrhlaoa adj. 4a ft Weatlng. Com.. Adventure Allouea Amalgamated .. Americaa line . Atlantic .... 71 .... 14 .... 114 .... 54 .... 11 .... H4 r.o w ioih 'Hex. Central 4s.. . 41 Atchlaon do ofd . N 'Boston A Albany.. "Boston ft Maine . 16Z Bingham ....144 Boat on Elarated ... rttchburg pfd Mei. Central N. T., . NH. A H. Pera Marquette .... .152 Cal. A Hecla... .184 Centennial . 114 Copner range .. .11 'Dalr W'eat . 74 nom!nloa Coal .... t .... 57 .... 144 .... 67 I'nlon ParlBc . rranauo ....... .... 84 .... J4 Amer. Arga. Cbem... 134 Orancy do Dfd 74k Ile Roral .... lt Amer. Pnu. Tuba. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amor. T. AT Amor. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A 8.. P.dlion P.lee. 111.. Gen. Electric Maaat Rlertrle .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa l'nlted Prait . 4 Maw. Mining . .KlS MIchlgio .153 VMotik .17 I Mont. C. A C. . 13 Dkl Dominion . . D4 Oarenla . 11W Parrot .HO IQulnry .144' Shannon, ex-4., . UK.Taaiarack . 41 Trinity , . 414 V. 8. Mining .. .... 84 .... (4 .... 49 .... 44 .... 4 .... 714 .... 24 .... 84 ... 44 ....110 .... 74 .... 1 1WI V. S. Oil .... 111 United Shoo Mack.... lovrtah .... 41 do pfd Jo1' Victoria V. 8. Stool 11 I Winona . do pfd.....' f2HWolTrtne Bid. Asked. ... 84 .... -4 .... nu Hew York Klnlaar Stacks, NEW YORK. Sept. l.-The following are I no closing prices on mining stocks Adams Con ii jUttla Chief Alice lb Ontario Breoco 17 lOphlr Bmnowlck Con 1 Phoenix .......... Comatock Tunnel .... 10 Potoal Con. Cal. A Va......ins ISaTaga Horn Bllrer 15J sierra Nevada ... Iron Sllrer 150 flma!l Hope LoadTllle Con 1 - Standard . I .8U .i40 . II . 14 . 80 . 40 . 2ft .155 Weekly Statement Bnak of England. LONDON, Sept. 1. The weekly statement of the Bank of England show the fal lowing chance: Total reserve decreased 141.000; circula tion increased, 37&.oio; bullion Increased, V34,Z32; other securities increased, a.2.196. 000: other denoslts. Increased. 2.380.0IX): public deposits decreased. o24,0uu; notes reserve aecreasea. out), government se ...(. I A- .... . I The proportion of the oank's reserve to naniiiiy tnis ween is w.iu per. .cent.. Jast week It was 66.66 per cent. Coadltlon ot tsc VTreaaury. WA8HINOTON. Spt.H. Today state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive or tne $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division, or redemption, shows: Available csab balance, $147,975,304; gOia, !9,D12,ZVt. Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept. 1. WOOL A firm tone mark the wool market.. Domestic wools of all kind have sold freely and though the volume of sale Is not heavy, some thing of the activity of a month or more ago ia prevalent. A fair call for territory wools continues. Pulled wools are quiet. Foreign grades are nrm wltn a moderate Business under way. Quotations -are. Territory. Idaho: F ne 18fil84c: heavy fine. lsfilSc; fine medium. lS2l84c; medium. l&S2Gc; - low medium 12 CT"0. Wyoming: rine, injiic; neavy tine, IS16c: fine medium, HHiglSc: medium. Wit 21c; low medium. 22(gS3c. Utah, and Ne vada: Fine. 17fil74e; heavy fine l&S16c; fine medium, 174n8c; medium, 2f"lc; low medium, 22fiSc. Dakota: Fine, 175'18e; fine medium, 1718c; medium, 2VS21c; low me dium, 228c Montana: Fine choice. 20 21c: fine averace. 19320c: fine choice. 2021c; average, 19'Oc; staple, 22 a.6c; men urn cnoice. azwisc. ST. LOlTIS, Sept. 1. WOOL Steady: me dium a-rades combing and clothlnr -IVvaito light fine. lftS20c; heavy- fine, 12 16c; tub washed, zzgc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 1. COFFEE-Market opened steady at a decline of S points un der moderate liquidation in the absence of Important demand. European markets were well sustained, but the primary mar keta were easier and with rrclpts liberal prices here gradually worked off a little and the market waa finally at a decline of 610 points. Sales were reported of 42.260 Dags, including nepiemDer at e.iotro. .00; lie. 7.2037.26c; May. 7.40i97.4ic; July. l607.6ic. Bpot hio ateady at iu.c; invoice, 4c. St. Lanta Grain aav Provlaloms. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 1 -WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. $1.14)4; track. I1.114Q1U; No. S hard, Sl.u6Bl.u4; De cember. $1,114; May, $1.13. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 614c; track. S2Vic; Decern oer, 494c; May, 484c. OATS Higher; No. .3 cash, 4c; track, nic; No. 2 white, :-6c; December, 334c; May, 3&4&36c. KLOl'H Market steady; red winter pat ents. $5.4C4S.tiO; extra fancy and straight, $SJu't?"36; clear, $4.404.70. SEED Timothy steady; offering $2.60 !.9i. . CORNMEAL Stendy, $2.75. BRAN Dull; sacked. eat track, 833S5c. HAY Firm; timothy, .uO&1ZiU; prairie, $6 00438.50. ... IKoN COTTON TIES. S60. 4 baogino, 774C. . ; HEMP TWINE, 7c. ; t ; PKuVratONS Pork lower; jobbing. $11.40. Lard higher; prime steam, $6.45. Bacon steady; boxed extra shorts, $8,374; clear ribs, tS.K); short clear, tf.16. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10c; spring, 12c; turkey, loc; geese, 6c. BUTTER Higher; creamery. 154220c; dairy. liiloC. EdQS Steady, 174t, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls....,, (..., lO.OVr) 9.000 Wheat, bu,,: J52,0rt) 79.000 1.000 1.000 Corn. bu. ...... 66,000 82,000 Oats, bu...... 68.000 80,00t Grata. sa Pravtsloaa' at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 1 the following are the atocks of breaaatuffa and provla.ona in Liverpool: Flour, 14I.0O0 sacks; wheat. 1.416. 000 eehtals; corn. 253.000 centals; bacon, 6.000 boxes; shoulders, 1.300 boxes hama, S.tuO boxes; " butter. 11,100 cwt. ; cheese. 70 fO) boxes;' lard, '9 00ft tierce of pt!ne weatern team and 1,850 tierces of other kind. Mlaaeaaalla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 1 WHBAT-Sen-tember, $1,124: December. $1 13; May, $1.13 01.134; No. J hard. $1,194; So. i northern, $1 144- - . ' FLOUR F1r4 patents, $.V8.S0; second patents. SSfttat.nS; first clears. $4,6044.80; second clear, $i.86. . ' ' PklUAelpbla Prodaea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 1. BUTTER Firm, good deaiandT extra western crearn, erv. lc. extra nearby prints, 20c. eaOaFirm; nearbjr firsts, 36 t mark; western firsts. 30c at mark. . iCHEEBE-inim, fair demand; New York full creams choice to fancy, 88w4c; fair to good. aj34f. ' ; Yaleao VraA Market. . TOLEDO, Sept.. 1 8EEDS-4 'lover, caah. $7 40; October and December, $7.59. Prim a aike. 8-ntemher, $7 90 bid. Timothy, Sep tember. $1,424. . , -- r 1 . i1 . ''Ierla' Market. PEORIA. Spt. 1 CORN MlghAri N. 3. Mc; No. 4. t3c; no grade, Ue. IMAH1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctttla Booeipts Ligkt and Trtdinj Actire, with Prioei Staadj to Btrong. HOGS STEADY WITH - THE CLOSE he aadl La sabs fa Aettva Deaiaad at tteady ta 'ftreag Prlees traaa Botk Paekere aadl Feeder Bayers. BOCTH OMAHA. Spt 1, 1904. Receipts went,; Cattle. Hoga- Sheep. Omclal Monday 7,49 ,al9 14.a8 Official Tuesday 8.1 U UJ1 10.646 Official Vi earesiay ...... . i ,4v omolai Thursday Lswi ,aoi 1.U4 Four day this week.,.14.n 2x.l.U 3D.791 Same day Iaslweek....l0,ti 18.37S S3.W Same days Week before.. U.V97 j,4 lo.8it Mame three weeks ago., t.'iti 48,-s U.xla Same four weeka ago.... 7.M8 18.uu9 9.673 Same day laat year..,.17,7ad 38, 64.8i6 RECEIPTS tOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following UDie snows in receipts u cattle, nogs ana sneep at aoutn umaha (01- the year to ttata. with comparison wltn last yegu-; W4. 180S. Inc. Dae. Cattle 4o,i0t vt.0 es,i Hogs l,bw,tt 1,,IU8 4.167 Bhevp oia,i4a ajv.oM ln,w Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha lor the last several oa with com parison.: Oats, I 1901 U903.;i02.l1901.jl900.llt9a.jU98. August 16 t vl4 6 l 6M 6 -, 4 ll 4 44 I is August lt 6 W4 ta) 6 77) 4 9 4 Ui 8 79 August l. 4 ket 6 21 ) I M 6 (W 4 I0 8 14 August 1 4 e4, 6 lo 68 4 Dai 4 4. S 46 Aukusi ls a lu, s m ii I 89 I 4 eui 3 67 August 201 6 li4l t 16 8 eUj 6 87 t 03' J a 70 Auust 1 , M, si ia a 4 4J -August 6 tli, o aii 1 tiii a,. 6 Oi, 4 S 63 August 23 S 084 8 99 6 91 4 97 4 41 3 74 AUUBl i, j v, August Hal 6 13 6 44i " 1 b. a 4 SI 6 46l 7 10 6 061 4 40 8 73 !U I 3i 6 9S I 4 3 S 7J 6 2xi V 1.9: d il I 4 f8 1 3 7 6 33 7 26 8 00! i 02 4 40 6 Sl 7 ltf UJ, 6 t 4 4. S 7J I 7 k 8 11 6 W I 4 40i 3 72 6 Zli 1 131 6 0. 4 27 3 J 5 Ut 7 33i 6 04 4 30 S tfl August mi i u4 august zii e .4 Aoaust 28 August 1 ( 31 August 30 6 August all t 1., Sept. l... 6 13 indicates The official number of car of stock brought in today by eacn road was: n . Cattle.Hogs.8beep.Hra'. C., M. 8t. P. Ry 1 .. Vvabash i I . .. Mo. t-aelrlc Ry 2 Lnion i-ac. cJjstem.. 19 10 24 2 C. at N. W. Ry 1 .. F., E. 6t M. V. R. R.. 17 ti ... C. t. P., M. O.... 8 4 B. A M. Ry 17 13 2 .. C. B. dt VI. Ry 1 1 .. C, R. J. oc f., east.. .. 8 .. .. C, R. i. ox P., west.. .. 8 Illinois Central 1 .. .. . Tout receipts ....65 The d.pouiun of uie day's receipts was a follow, each buyer purchasing th num ber of iiead Indicated; Cattle. Hoga. bneep. Omaha Packing Co 47 604 Bwlri and Company 2U as cuaauhy Packing Co loo l.OJl 2.559 Armour at Co l.o.i Vansant ec Co .liw .... carey et Benton..... McCreary A O. ...... W. 1. blepnen Hill A tiuntslnger... Huston ol Co Hamilton A K. ...... L. Huss Cudany Bros. A Co. Norm P. ot p. Co... Wolf A Murnan Sol Degan Lelgnton 61 Co htaaden Root Haggerty a 80 M W i 44 2a soo .... 453 .... 79 S ia) 216 63 18 Otner buyera Sua .... 1,824 Totals 1.827 6.U6 6.743 CATTLE ReceiDta of cattle we. a lia-ht here thla mornlnv and nticea he.d ud in good shape in spue of the tact that reporta I mm nth., m a u at m K .1 r- a - j , K ,1 ,- . 1 , r- aging. Chicago reported only J.ouO, but tne n.arKet was uuii ana steady to a dime lower. The market here on corn fed steers waa falrlv active thla nornln. t l.a.r an r aa aealrable grades were concerned, and just about steady prices were paia , for everything; In Bignt. - A there we.e on y A few incluued In uie receipt It wa not-long before a clearance waa made As h gt) a $6.d5 was paid, against a top of $a.75 yester day, but there waa nothing on sale today as good as th top cattle of yesterday. Western grass biet ateera were In small supply, the tame as Is generally the case toward the close of the week. The demand seemed to be in good shape and trading ruled Quite active, with Duces steady to a little stronger. Everything changtd hands eariy. . . mere were around a aoxen loads or cow on sale, but buyers all wanted a few and atarted out In good season, bidding a I t 1 stronger prices than they paid yesterday. Salesmen cut loose freely and the market soon came to a ciose. Even the common cattle aold to better advantage, though of SHEEP and LAMBS Receipts.' 15.000 course the demand waa greatest lor tha head: market steady; good to choice weth better grades. era, $3.50g4.C0; fair to choice mixed. $3.? No. particular change in the market for 3.40; native lamba. $4.005.75. bulls, veal calve and stags was noticeal le. ' Aitnougn tne na or uie wees , is cose at hand, sdccu atora took hoid of the stock cattle tiat arrived and bought them up In short order at teady to strong prices. JThe demand from the country lor the list lew daya has been quit brisk, so that tpecula- tors are more anxious for cattle than they were a short time ago. Reprctentative sales: BEEF 5TELEKB. At. Pr. No. 1 Av. Pr too 4 00 10 Hit I to 1... ... . ,...111 4 M 0 1NM t 61 ,...IKI I II SSI 4 tt ...,1130 t t U 15t4 4 at ,...1M1 I 40 U. LM i U ....llal Itt ttixuRa AND HEIFERS. ....11U 4 65 COWS. II.-.. 84... 86... 14... 9... ft 1 Tt t 10U I 10 till 1 40 1 44 7 115 t 10 1 U. t 40 11 ,.. 84 t 4 It 1000 3 44 I tU I 50 14 lull 50 1 Ill I 50 1 644 It 1 1000 i 0 1 llt I It 106 1 tO 1014 1 10 luM I 04 I 4 1130 I It 7M t 80 1040 3 tt 101 3 14 1980 IN Cuvb AND HEIFERS, TM I 6 fiEIFERS. ., 14 3 It t BULLd. 144 1 60 1 1620 1 to 1...,. 1:10 t oo ' i..... ... 116 3 N ...11M 10 ...1140 I 10 ... 810 J 50 CALV CO. . I3S t 00 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 iou t it 1 IM I tt 1 M IN t tut I It I i. 771 I 11 1 714 I 11 1 1000 I It 1 114 I If t 640 I 10 M0 t 50 1 tan I 60 II 141 I tt I6t 3 00 It NEBRASKA. 1 cow...'... o0 2 0v 1 feeder... 760 8 20 lrow 9.0 SCO 1 feeder... 840 1.6 12 feeder.. 81$ S HO 14 feeder., bol a 15 16 feeoer.. 743 X 8 feeder.. V1J 3 00 3 feeder.. 880 3 15 28 feeders ti cows... 1 cow.... 16 cow... 1 cow.... '7 cow... 10 heifer. . 720 S tt ;. 9a) S 45 . .0 2 40 .926 i 60 .910 1 60 loll 2 31 10 steer.. ..HIS $06 1 cow 11 JO S 10 10 cow 907 3 40 28 cow 85 2 80 S3 cows fc3 X 60 16 feeder. . lV9 S 06 15 feeder.. 7b8 t 30 16 feeder.. 671 S 16 742 2 60 1 heifer.... 700 S 00 7 lietfers...7 63 S 36 1 teei,....1040 t 75 1 cow 860 1 26 12 steer.... 898 so 7 steer.... S 06 1 cow; 1080 i 36 1 cow 980 1 60 6 feeder.. 743 S 10 6 cow 918 S 00 1 cow... .. 830 I 00 ... 948 S 26 ,. 940 I 25 ,. 735 1 26 .1080 2 45 10 cow.. S3 cow.. 8 cow.. 1 cow... J. J. Johnson, Neb. .915 S 00 8 feeders.. 880 $15 . 870 i 80 12 feeder.. 89 S 15 S cow.. 1 cow... 10 cow.. K5 1 60 1 cow U10 S SS W. V. Mathew Nb, 11 feeder.. 788 S 10 11 cow 984 1 SO 4 feeder.. 780 3 to J. M. Cattle Co -Neb. lteer... $ 2 60 40 B'eer... .1228 185 O. Loranger 8. D. ter....273 $55 f heifer.. 950 t SO 4 steers.. ..1140 S 20 I feeder.. 933 S 10 $ feeder.. 91 $ $5 J. Mrty-Wyo. 16 cow 863 2 8 1 .eer....l240 J61" Scow h. ti 3 steers.. ,.1W aJ 1 cow, 1 cow .. 9u0 3 16 feeder.. Wl liAl ...1um 3 ta 8 leeders.. Mil f uu i feeaar.. kii It4. cow... teer. ., A 3 910 J 60 A. O. Kindred-Neb. a feeders.. 914 S 36 27 cows M It) 4 feeder.. 914 3 16 26 heifer.. 863 3 60 t feeder.. Ut 8 to N. xnorwion weD. I cow 880 8 40 9 feeders. 881 S 16 1 cow 1030 3 80 S cows lurt S 40 1 feeder... Hkl 1 kit 11 feeder.. l ill 1 eoa k4 ll C. C. HaniDton Neh. 14 feeder.. luM $ 30 7 cowa... 9S S SO S94 in to 1 M J., ueboner Neh. 14 feeder.. 668 8 10 13 ccwa... J. K Grower Neb. $ heifer.. 65 S 10 lrow.... S heifer., av) S 10 - I cows... V4 1 I S heifers.. Tit 1 10 3 feeder.. 6il $ 00 heifer.. 616 126 $ feeder . t-A 8 J cow 768 1 si I feeder... 6J $00 W. H. CArtetwNeb. 1$ feeders.. 71 SIS 8 rows 893 16 8 heifer.. 4.1 t 26 3 cow Iu3t 8 60 Jo Maykock Wyo. leaw loeft o 1 feeder... 830 S 70 11 cow.,... JM 10 1 bull.. ... 1.50 ) 1 cow to tm f steer.. ..1U1 140 1 Steer 1040 S 00 T. H. Dom Neb, ' feeders, l(k S 76 88 feeder. .1017 S 40 huUS There was n unuaual.y light run of -Jiogs her this morning, but at t'h.cago there were 2".0oo, and a decline, of 6$iCo was reported. That, of course, made local buy. era a little bearish, but still as compared with yesterday the market held up ialrly ?rell. About IS load were carried over mm yesterday, which brought the actual number on sale up to about 80 car. A compared with yeeterday' mean close the market today was steady to strong, but a little lower than yesterday morning, or yesterday's general market. Heavy weights sold largely from $6.00 to $8.10, mixed and medium weight from S6.10 to $6 20 an choice lights from $6 35 to $6 30. Trading wbb slow, as packers did not bid freely and salesmen were holding for rather strong pnees; stui tne nuiK ot in arrival was old In fnlrlv aood season At noon there were only a few load left in nrsi nana, ana no particular cnang in the market waa noticeable. It was mostly th hesvy hog that were left, for which the demand was rather limited, the same as waa th case all day. Representative sales; Ha. At. Sa. ...m .. ...807 ., ...81 rr. 1 t 0 I St He, At. ta. FT. 11.. .. l.. ti.. 54.. ft.. ..819 I U ...848 ...f'l ...1.14 ...861 ...144 . IM ...K't .. I It N ill (til .. 8 It .. Ill .. I II N 111 ...21 8 I..., 44.... t... 77.... 41.,.. 5. ... 54.... 4.... U ... 80.... 60.... 41.... It... 80.... 76.... 7.... 70.... 87.... Tl.... 78.... a.... 80.... 71.... 5!.... 68.... TO.... 74.... ,.tS 309 I 084 .81 .. It 44 58 14 14 I Ot o4 .. 1 at 45 1X8 Its I OS ..rt i 1 it too 1 11 ..141 10 I II ..111 140 I 174 ..864 10 $ 174 ..141 180 t 80 ..864 .. IM . Ii4 18 I 8 .884 ..itt ..ill 10 It) ..tit 180 I 80 ..816 tO $ M ..14 .. t tO .111 .. I W ..121 180 I M ..100 140 I 80 ..IM 140 I tO .118 .. I 80 . 844 ..III ..tit ..116 ..147 ltd t If ..111 40 6 86 , .ll .. t to ..Ml 80 074 0 1 074 40 I 0H ..M ..808 . f0 . ro 80 I I4 SO I S7V. K I M4 .. t IS 44 I 10 .. I 10 I 14 71 114 44 Ml 54.. 44.. rri 10 s io tO 80 I 10 144 ItO I 10 . jao 1 8 10 f to I 10 ri .. 110 .841 14 I 10 .IHI .. I 10 .t5 40 I 10 .ru .. tit .144 M I 184 44.. 5.. 54.. 71.. 70.. 71.. Tl.. 4k.. ISO iss 1 1H 154 110 I It 48. ttt 10 6 80 SHEEP Receipt of sheep and lamb were rainy uoerai ror toe time or week, but the demand was also In good shaDe. nnd r.a a result an active and steady to atrong market waa experienced. Buyera wire all out in aood season, and tradinc soon began, and It waa not long before most of the desirable grade of killers were moving toward the scales. Some of the part fat kinds were neglected, but still even thore sold to a good advantage aa they did yesterday. There was no decrease In the demand for feeders, ao that although quite a few were Included In today' arrivals, a steady to strong ana active market was experienced, Quotations for araaa sheen and lambs: Good to choice yearlings, $3.7o454.00; fair to good yearlings, 63.&0&3.76; good to choice werncrs, j.otn)i3,7s; lair to gooq, wetners, $3 26&3.o; good to choice ewes. $3.25433.60; fair to good ewes, $2.753.36; good to choice Inmbs. .oo6.60; fair to- good Iambi, $4.75dj 6.00; feeder yearlings, $3.40418.65: feeder wethers, 83.0OHj3.35: feeder ewes, $2.0O2.5O; feeder lambs, $3.76'4.60. Representative Bates: 8 43 Idaho ewes 110 139 Idaho ewe , 112 9 Idaho ewes 108 31 Idaho buck lr.rabs 50 93 Idaho wether 108 28 Idaho yearlfriga 92 1 Ideho yearling 80 223 Idaho yearllnirs . 83 3 Idaho yearlings 80 17 Idaho feeder iambs. 35 60 Idaho lambs .-. . 81 279 Idaho lambr 63 157 Idaho lambs M 1 Idaho yearling 70 1R2 Idaho feeder inmbs 62 875 Idaho feeder lambs 61 31 Idaho feeder lambs 67 223 Idaho feeder lambs 63 148 Idaho 'feeder Iambs 58 380 Idaho larhha . 02 93 Idaho lambs 60 140 Idaho Inmbs . (12 60 Montana cull ewe 83 100 Idaho ewes and wethers 94 S6 S 50 S 60 S 60 S 65 S 85 S 86 S 85 8 86 4 30 4 50 5 13 6 23' S 60 4 35 435 435 436 435 600 600 600 2 25 2 50 2 50 3 26 $ 25 2 70 5 25 3 25 S 15 S 60 ' 3 60 3 60 3 60 1C4 Montana ewes." ....104 67 Idaho ewee...... .... 98 .... 88 ,...103 ....lot ....108 .... 90 .... 64 ....107 .... 85 ....106 3 Idaho ewes.. I"J"J? uder ewes.. ' "s; " I Idaho ewes ;. 4i MonUna ewes.... TldahO buck Iflmba I Idaho ewes and wethers 51 Idho ewe and wether ' 26 Idaho ewes and wethers CHICAGO . LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Anoat an Average,' with All ; Classes of Stock Steady. CHICAGO. Sent l.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 7.600 head; market steady; good to prime steers, $5.40436.10; poor to medium, $3,603? I 6 fO: atockera nnd reedera. t2 7ftift3 ?&! eowa ; nnd heifers. Jl. 3.104.50; canners, S..852.2o; bulls. $2.fl04?4.0O; calves. 3J.6ftfi6.36; Texas fed steers. S2.50i3.60; western steers, $2.604.00. nous Receipts today, heao; mar ket, mixed and butchers, $5.105.55; good to choice heavy, $5,2516.50; rough heavy, t4.w-irfi.00; light. 13.2C&'.6j; bulk of sale, $5 2661V43. Kansas City Live Stock Market, . . . . . . I ,, 1 W tiV rrfSi'ini i nt. Sfil'SP.'A J," 'n- "5,22? A,. ?J?A rli VfLl J S,r52Sadne'lj '.'. l0lS6.?2:i.,r,,?I12i.d: tockers and feeders. $2.254.(0; southern steer. $2.6o4.0O: southern cows. 1.60g8O; native cows, $1. 604.26; nstlve heifers, $2.50 434.75: bulls. J2.OVfl3.26: cslves, 2 504T6.60. HOOS Receipts. 9.f00 head. Market was steady to 5c lower; top price, $6.80; bu'k of rales. 15. 154 S. 26; heavy. $6.1075 .20: packer. $6,1545 80; pigs and lights. 15.00(55 81. . SH EEP AND LAM US Receipts, 2 (V0 head. Market steady: native lambs, $4.fOfJ $80: native wethers. $S.Vi4.00: na'lve cow. $3,0013.76; western lambs. $4.5T$iS.76; we-tern vearllngs. 13.6094.10: western sheen. $32& 3.70; Blockers and feeders. $2.5033.90. St. Isoala Lire Stock Market., . ST. LOUIS. Sept. 1. CATTLE Recelnt. 2.600 head. Including 1.400 Texans. Market ateady; native shipping and export s ers, !4.6v&5.75; dressed beef and butcher s'eers, $4.eO46.60; steers tinder l lb., 3f0?6.?0: tockers snd feeders. $2.0074.rO; cows and heifers, $2.25fV.OO; canners. $1.254$S.:S: bu la, 2.603.00; calves, $3.?bJ7.00: Texas end In dian steers, $2.25'8$-50; cow and heifer. $2.0063.76. HOOS Receipts. 6.000 head. Market wa lower: pig and lights. 3.OC3T3.50; packer. 5 75:35.56; butcher and beat heavy, $S.&9 6.f. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1 SfO head. Market ateadv; native muttors, 83 6') ?4.60; lambs, $4.0nrK: euU and burke. $2.0) 63.50; stockers, $2.753 .20; Texans, $2.We4.CO. St. Jaaepk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. 8ept. l.CATTLF Re ceipt. . 1.323 head. Market ateady to 10c lower: natives. $.1.6035.75: oowa and h"lfers, $1.25f4.85; atockera and feeder. $3.00i4.a). HOOS Receipts. 6.576 head. Market 6tfl0o lower: light, $5.1i(j5.J5: medium and heavy, $6.S6. - " SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 4.100 head. Market stronger: western wethers, $3.05; western lamb. $5.60. Sloaa City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Sept. l.-(8pclal Telegram.) CATTLE Receipt, 100 head; market steady; beeves, 88.6CMr6.26: cow, bull snd mixed. $2.20til.2S; atockera and feeder, $2 761$ 60; calve and yearling. $2.9t3.2&. HOOS Receipt. 2.000 head; market steady; selling. $5 006.16; bulk of sale. $5.0585 10. ,. taek la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for th six principal westeiyi cltits yester- aay; . Csttl: Hers. Sheep. 1.530 4.S0O 7.018 100 t,m 4.600 S.VH i.rA) t.5X) 6.0O1 1.500 1.372 8.57J 4.1'9 1Mi 20.0W 1S.0W) ' 17,651 47,37$ 2S.8 South Omaha., Sioux City Kansa City.... Rt. IOiils. ....... St. Joseph Chicago Total Cotlaa Market. NEW YORKr- Sept. 1. COTTON "pot closed quiet; middling uplsnd. 11.60c; mid dling gulf, 11.76c. Baler. I.ii6 balr. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. l-COTTON-Market for futurea waa qut; September, 10.719lO.74c; October. lC.6ifilO.06c; Novtmbcr. 10.6r,2lC.6Gc; December. H'.aB(ulO.70cj Jan" ary, 10.72yi0.78c; February, 10.77e , b d; March, 10 .84410.80. 8pot steadv; siles. bales; ordinary. 84c; good o d nary, tlo-l-ic; low middling. lfVl4c; rrKdllrg. 11 lic; good middling. 114c; middling Mr, UV- trr.. LOUTS. Sept. l.-COTTON-Oulct anl unchanged: middling. 114c. Bales, nore; r celpts. 16 bales; shipments, 611 bn!e; ttcck, l,f4 bales. - LlVk-RPOOL. Sep. 1 COTTON Spot In Increased demand; prices 1 point lower; American middling fair. 69bd; cold mid dling, t lid; middling. .70d; low nilddli- g. 4 54.1; good ordinary, t.SJd; oidinary, (Al Futusr opened steady, aad tioeed quiet; American middling, g. o, o., S"p'emrwr. S.21J; September and October. 6.6i!; Or iotr and Novmber, 6.67d; Novemhe and December, 1.63d; Utct lubw and January, 1814: January end febmtry. S7MiJTeSra. sry and March. S7M; March and Apr.l, I 7M; April and May, 6.7M; May and June, iViSd. MAHA WHOLESALE) MARKET Caadltlea of Trad aadl Qaetatloaa a tapl aa4 Paai Pradere. EOO S Receipt moderate; candled stock, LtVB POULTRY Hena, SfflOc: rooster, Sc; turkeys, l.'c; ducks, fc; geese, Sc; spring chickens, I244)13c. - DUi'TKR-racking tock, Ue: choice to fancy dairy l"il4c. Separator, 17017HC- fittsu I18H-Trout. ni. pitaerei. sc; Pike, 10c; perch, 7c; blueflsh. ljc: wnltefish. 10c; saimon, 14c; redsnapper. llv; looeter, green, 3oc; lobster, boiled. 80c; bullheada. 10c; crappies, Ue: roe shad, il; buffalo, 7c; whit baa. 11c; frog leg, per doa, 3&c. BRAN-Per ton, $l HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholeaala Dealer' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $700; N6. t. $460; mdlum. $8.60; coaraa, $6 60. Rye straw. $6 60. Theae price at ior nay or gooo color and quality. OYSTERS New Tork count, per c. 4Sc; extra select, per can, 37c; standard, per can, 32o. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOL-vii.cja. ia.e ite, U7C4I Asa; raaU sise ti.uxQi.tO. UCMOA8-cailtornia lancy, 370. 800 and $u. tw; choice, tia.v3.15. LIMES slorlda, per -okt crate, 14 60. Ftvio Cailtornia, par lo-io. carton, 60c; Imported a.nyrna, e-crown, 12c; A-crawa. lu; i -crown, tfa . B INANAa r-er medium sited bunch, $2.0 O'-M jumbo, $3.i64r-A. CAt'kANt. f IN ikA PPLE IS and so. sis, per crate, ft.Ou. . . FRUITS. APPLES Horn grown, per bu. batkat, Oiutiuc; per obi., . . fklACttKS California Jlberu id Bu quehannaa. $110; horn grown cling, per 10-1 b. basket, 26c; Missouri, per 6-basset crate, tl.ts; coiorado, r r .. PLCMo Cailtornia groaa prune,, $1.50; Trage.y, $1.6; Italian prune. $1.26; - Utah . anu Cojoraao plums ana prunes, x4JW iv. pliARS . alliornla Bartlvtt, per boa, $1.90 (jl.uu; Colorado Flemish beauty, tl-SO Colorado, Utah and Oregon oarilett, tloD U1..6: California B, Haroy, $1.66. " CANT KLO UPC lArkanaa and Indian Territory, per crate, 1; genuine Colorado Rocky Forda. per craie, M.00. WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated, le. CELERY Per doa, 15tf60c. GRAPES Home grown, per $ to 10-lb. basket. Sue. CRAB APPLES Per tbl., $3.60; per mar ket basket, eOc VEGETABLES. POTATOES-New home grown. In sack, per bu., 45c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.90t00. - ' ONIONS Horn grown, in sacks,, pec bu., 604375c. lOMATOES Horn grown, per market baaket, 154J20c. CABBAoe Home grown, per 100 lb..,SSc. CUCUMBER-Per do., lie. TURNIPS Home grown, per bu.. tOTjJOo. BEETS Home grown, per bli., WCOe. , PARSLEY Per do., 28c. WAX BEANS Per market basket, SOe. ' STRING BEANS Per market basket. 60c. GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel baaket, $1.00. SQUASH Home grown, per dos., 60e . . EOO PLANT-Southern. per dos., $1.60. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per market basket, 60S 60c; Virginia, per bbL. $8.2&4JS60. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 NEW HONEY-Per 34 f ramea.$3.80. ' MAPLE SUOAR-Ohlo. per lb.. 10c. -CHEESE Wisconsin twins; full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, lie: block Swiss, new, 15e; old. 16frl7e: ' Wisconsin brick, 734c; Wisconsin llmberget, 13e. HIDES No. 1 arreen. TUc: No. 1 areen. 84c; No. 1 salUd.c; No. 3 salted( Sc: No. 1 real calf. 8 to 12 IB.. c: No. 3 vetl calf. 13 to 16 lbs., 7c: dry salted. 812c; sheep pe ts, 24&zic; horse hides, 12.75. , . NUTS Walnuts. No. 1- soft shall, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; Jiecans. Urge, per lb.. 13c; small, per lb., Oc; peanuta, per lb., 12c; roaatel peanuta, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. igl34e; large hickory ntita, per lb., 11c; almonrie, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell. 13c; shellbarks. per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, pe bu., $1.25. Metal Market. ' ' NEW YORK. SeDt. l.-M ETALS Tin waa higher again today. London cabling an ad vance to tizt ta ior spot ana a.124 u for futures, while spot closed at $27.20(827.40 In the local market.. Copper wag easier In tha London market, closing at. 67, 15 for spot and 67 2a 6d for futures. Locally copper wa unchanged With lake quoted at il2.624S12.75; electrolytic at $12.5031175. and casting at $12.37012.60. Lead wa Un changed at 11 12a 6d in London and at $4 30 434.30 In the local market. Spelter closed Arm at $5. 0046.254 In the local market, but was a little dull In London, where it closed at 22 15s. Iron closed at 61a M In Olas- ' sow and kt 42 104d In Mlddleaborough. Locally Iron wa aulet. No. 1 foundry northern Is ouoted at S13.76A14.26: No. 3 foundry northern, 113.25(13 75; No. I foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $13.5041 13.75. Exports of copper for th . month- according to the New Tork metal exchange were 3. 437 tens, for ' ths . year 157.9G5 tons, against-82,886 tons for ths ssm tim last season. - 1 BT. LOU1B. Beot. - 1- METALS Lad steady, $4,1244.16; spelter firm, $5.00. - . Oils a ad Stasia. NEW TORK, Sept. I. OILS-Cottoneed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. J!&;9c. Petroleum, steady; refined. New . York. 87.85: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.8fi; Philadelphia and Baltimore In bulk, $4.90. Turpentine, quiet at 664jf64c. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 1 $1.70. SAVANNAH. 8ept 1- OIL Turpentine, ateady at $6.32. ROSIN-Firm: A. B, C. $2 474; D,; $2,624: E. 12.674: F. $2,624: O, $2.70; H. $2.80; I. 835 K $3.70; M. $4.06; N. $4.30. y &- 14 60; OIL CITY. ' Sent. l.-OILSOedlt bal- Lances, $1.63; certlflcalea. no bid;, shipment, f n. kUI. . A .. Tt ATA 1.1.1. . ,U . 837 bbls.: average, 79,796 bbls. Shipments, Lima,. 76.083 bbls.; average. 66.964 bbl.; run. Lima, 93.076 bbl.; average. 63.248 bbls, 9arai aal Molasses. '. - NEW -YORK, 8pt. l.-fllTOAR-PIrm; fair refining. 3c; centrifugal, 96 teat, 4 6-lSo; molasse sugar steady; refined steady. No. 8. 4.86c; No. 7. 4 80c;' No. 8, 4 75c; No. 9, 170c; No. 10. 4 8c; No: 11,4 86c; No. 12, 4.55c ; No. 13. 4.50c; No. 14. 4.46c; eon. feet loners" A, 6.60c; mould A, S.Onc; eut loaf, 6.95c; crushed. 6.95c: powdered, S.Soc; granu lated. 6.25c: cuheh, 6.60c. MOLASSES-Market steady; Nf OrleAnf oren kettle, good to choice. 31c. - NEW ORI.EAN8. Sept. 1 SUGAR Strong; open kettle. S43$ 1-1 6c; do ceotrlfu Jal. i'Wc, centrifugal whites, - 44c; yel ows. SMHe; seconds, 243!4C' MOLASSES Nominal open - kettle,' Ktf SKc: centrltugnl, 104316c; syrup nominal, 20 ft2c. - . - - ' - , - 1 '.'1 i Dry Oaods Market. -NEW YORK, Sept. 1 DRY GOODS Market condlt'ons are improving snd sell ers sre ssngulne that the nesr future will show K more general and decided request for goods which It will be hard to satisfy If for Immediate delivery. The jobbing trade Is just beginning tQ sppreclste the condition and buyers Are commencing to test th market, . r t . ,1 ; .4, Whisky Market. CHICACO. Sept. l.-WHISKY-Steadv; on basis of n,28. - PEORIA, Sept. l.-WHI8KY-On A basis of l-28 for finished goods. BT. LOUIS. Sent. 1. WHISK Y Steady, on n heals of $1,324- CINCINNATI", Sept.' l.-WHISKY-On Si bast ot $128 for finished goods. 1 . . , - Evaporsled Apples aadl Dried Vrslta. NEW YORK, Sept. 1. EVAPORATED APPLES Market stendlly. held, "not with, standing the light demand; common ar quoted at 4j6c, prime at 60-4c, cholca at 64364c and fancy at 71774c. MINNEAPOLIS 'OMAHA mm Uood MAittorriec "Uth sail Robert Slt ST. PAUL MINN. (iscosrosATsnt OCALtnS iN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bouaiit sad sold far cash or carries . n tenant ' arirlna,upoa abkht her will baaarg4 H grain, M oa stocks snd tt v Oaa. , Wriukar ear market Wttw. . . . , a) ' OCniSIIOI MtCCHAITt II CA Uili Ship Your Grain To Ui, BssT FaCILITia. PsottrT RerOBaa, !! at. ApVAMiisa. ,-r: (l DULUTH . " WINNIPfO Branch Offlca, 1 10-11 1 eardef Traaa. 'Pfea 114. OMAHA, NB' . ... . 1