Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Dopey Ball Flaying Partly Begponsibla for
, .... 'Lost, of tba Game, , r
fcfeCkesney Kaoeks Oat , Home Raa
'" ltk Two 11(1 ' Bases Omaka
. ' Starts Well, aat OiMi
- . i . ' ' Too Soon. '
' DES MOIKES, 'la., Sept. l.-8peclal Tel
egram.) Id a spirited game, which marks
the close of the Omaha-Des Molnea games
few tlte season, the politicians defeated the
Rourke family by a-score 'of 5 to I and,
lf.clJentally. made it three straight Dumb
pray - was frequent on the part of the
Omahana. The error. column falls short In
Its depiction of plays" that were enacted
by Omaha men at 'different stages of the
game:' '
.Poor . play . was not. solely accountable,
Jiowever, for the politicians hit at a, win
ning pace. McChesney's home run In the
third. Inning., which drove wo runs ahead
of him, wss the feature, along wltn Lie
field's ' pHctilna;, .which was strong at all
times. "Jack" Pfelster, . who worked for
Omaha, felt sorely the damper of poor
support, but can find no excuse In It.
.Like 'Wednesday, Omaha was fast at the
start. Howsrd got a . pass, scoring on
Welch's two-bagger after having reached
second on an error. ' Welch scored the sec
ond on Dolao's. scratch. The third Inning
brought another and final run for Omaha
on ThJcl's', pretty single, -Howard's walk
and Dolan'a. hit. The decision at the plate
ws close. : '.Attendance, 460. Score:
''' ,', DES MOINES.
AB. H. H. PO. A. E.
t. Clarke, cf -,,
3 1
l,obert..3h 4 1
Hoffman, ss 4 1
lcC'hsney rf ,.,-,.., S 1
Miller. If 3 0
6chlls, 2b ,J. 3 1
Connery 1U ...., 4 v 0
O. Clarke, c 4 0
Llefleld,' p (, 4 0
Totals .
......33 6
AB. R.
4 1
I 27 10
to: a: e.
Th'lel. If
Car r, rf
Howard 2b
Welch, cf '
Duian. ss .
3 ,
Thomas, lb
Schlpke.'fb v
Qondlng, o ,
Pfelster, p .,
Freese ......
Total '
.i: 31 .3
6 .34
Batted for Pfelster In'' 'the' ninth,
Des' Moines 4 1 0 0 0 0 J
Omaha, 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-3
Left en 'bases:' Des Moines, 7; Omaha,
C Klrst base on errors; ..Des Moines, 4;
Omaha, 3. , Two-base hits - Welch (?),
Horns run: ' UcChesney. Double play: Lo
bert to Connery, Fire'i-bose on balls: Off
pielster, 2; orf.Lleneld, 4. Hit by pitched
ball: By Pfelster, 1; by Ltefleld.X Struck
out: By LletleM, 8; by Pfelster, 4. Time:
l:'Ji. Umpire: Keefe, v v
Colorado ' Sartns' Takes Both. ..'
COLORADO SPRINGS. Sept. 1. Colorado
Sprlnga' continued 'its winning streak and
took today's double-header from Su Joseph.
There, weie no features. Score,, first game:
1 , RHli
Coh.' Springy. .4. 8 0 3 0,0 0 8 18 11 i
St. Joseph. ....,0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 2 0- 2 6:3
iBatterles: , Nash , and Baerwald; Torrey
and McConnell.
Score, second game: R.H.E.
Colo. Springs . 4 U 0 2 0 1 0 0 7 11 1
St. Joseph...... Q 00, 0. 0000 262
' Batteries: Boiler borgef and Messlt; Clark
and Uarvln. . , . '
I .' DeiaTer Gaps Postpoaedf. -'"At
Denver: Denver-Sioux City game post
poned: wet grounds.
J. . Standlaar of the' Teams. ,
' :( ,- . i Played. .Won. Lost.
Denver. U -,73 46
Colorado Springs .. 116. ' -69 . 4t
Omaha ...v. 121s ,66 . 56.
peal Moines ,,.v;.fcU4;ri M.-i, 60 I
St. .Joseph. .rw...,. US 48,.h , 70
Oame today: . Colorado Springs at Den
ver. . i : .. .. .
V' Xyaaa Shots-. Oat' Hawkeyeav- : -
. LYONS, 'Neb.,. Sept.- r.-Special.) The
Ivyons base ball team shut out the Hawkey
team from Sioux City today In a very fasc
. game by the score of -2 to 0. The 'feature
, cf the game was the stick work done by
the Lyons team. Cook getting a double and
two. singles In three times at bat. This
game makes the' seventh in which Cook
has shut out the opposing team this sea-
, son ' for Lyons. ficoret R.H.
Lyons .,..........,.,.,...3 0 0 0 0 0 2 8
Hawkeyes 0 0 4 0 0 0 0-0 6
. Two-base tilts:" Cook, Donohue. Struck
out: By Cook, 9; by Broatrlm, 8. Batteries:
Lyons, .Cook-and iCook; Hawkeyes, Bros
trim ' and Derllng. Umpire: Oehman. The
same teams play here tomorrow and a good
fast game is expeeted, as It will be ladles'
, day. (- '' - '
.St.- Loals Takear riaal Game of the
. " Sartes Irani Philadelphia.
ST. 'LOUIS, Sept. l.-flt.: Louis took the
flnsl aram from Philadelphia this after
noon, S to 2. McFsrlatid had the best sup
port. Aitennsce, ecore: t
rarrall. lb. .4 4, 4 .
bbaanan. K. . I I 4 u i.
Tboisaa, cf... 0 0 10 0
Ulaaaon, Jbv 0 1 S i 0
Barlllay.. lb..' 4 IH 1,0
rata, a...., 4 o i i ft1
wolr-ion, Sb, 0 0 111
McOaa, rf.,.. I 10 0 0
Luah, lb..... I I III I
Tttua. It 0 I too
Hul.wltt, aa. 0 4 1 4 I
Booln, . a...., e 9 1 0.0, p.... 4 4' 4 I 1
MrLraa. a... 3 14 ID
Smoot. ol..Vi 1' 4 4 '0
UunU-ary, rt. 1 14 4 4
pursa, lb. . . s s I 0
Mlarlaad, l 4 T 01
"Total. I 4 17 17 ll , ToUla ... I 4 14 11 I
St.'Louls ........ .....0, V 1 0 0 3 0 0 0-6
Philadelphia ,....'.,..0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 02
Earned- run: SU Louis, .i Two-base hits:
McLean, Dunleavy, Lush. - Sacrifice hits:
Smoot.. JCuslk - Double play: McFarland to
Becklcy to. McLean a . passed ball: Dooln.
Stolen bases: -Titus 2). , Hit by pitched
ball: -JPyi Suthoff,. Smoot. Bases on balls;
Off McFarland, 1; off Suthoft, 8. Struck out:
By McFarland, 4: by Suthoff, 8. Left on
bases: St. Louis. ; Philadelphia, 6. Time:
l:3v, Umpire.; Johnstone, ', ,
.' Ctilnage Sbaa -Owt Brooklya. '
CH rOApQ. Sept. J. Lundgren's fine
(Itching, with perfect support, shut out the
Brooklyn team today. Attendance, : 900.
; ', . CHICAOO . 1 1 BROOKLYN.
' 1 a.H.O.A.C.r ' R H.O.A.B.
iaala. If..... I 1 4 4 4 Btraat, lb... 4 0 114
httn. lb.... 4 3 4 1 trillion, lb... 4 4(00
Chance, lb... I 4 3 & . 0 Gt-uler,. el. . . .4 114 4
krt'arthf. cf. 1 1 1 4 0 Lvml.y, rf... 4 4 I 4-4
O SallL e... 4 lit 4 Rhackar. II. 0 0 4 '4 4
Kvara, lb..... 4 4 11 4 Babb, aa 4 I 14 4
Jaaaa, rf..... t 0 I 0 Dargan, ..., 0 111
Tlokar. a.... 1 111 4 Jordan, lb... 8 1411
Lund gran. p. 4 I 11 4 Koukallk. , p. 0 4 4 1 1
TkUK h, 3 4 tf U 4 .ToUls ,.. I IMIl 4
Chicago... .... 1 0 0 10 9 1 , 3
Brooklyn 00000000 00
Left on' bases:' Chicago, 3: Brooklyn, 4.
Two-basis hits: Tinker, Jordan. : Sacrifice
liir-fclvera. Stolen bases: Tinker, Lund-
Dig Moals -
"i yBQ Rooms
l r Small Cost
. s.4 -v . - ' .'.
NotwlthsUndlng the malicious reports to
the contrajr, the I.-.alde Inn at the World'
Fair, St. Louts, has thoroughly sustained
the high reputation of Mr. K. M. Batler, ita
manager, -, for gHrlng! flrst-olass accommo
dations at'- reasonable' rates. . ,
Thanks to Its enormous also and wonder
fill equipment. It has bee a enabled to prop
arty i care for the enormous crowds whloa
have-sought Us hospitality, without over
crowding or dlsoomfort
Standing, ak' I i does, upon Kn eminence,
and surrounded by a beautiful natural for
ant. It ha enjoyed the popular verdict of
belrT the coolest, auul most dellctitful ilpot
In ail BC Lout. . . v
The aatraordlnay ooneetiUmce of balrig
right Inside th groundg and thereby saving
svll tireeome street car jourroys has been
pprectatad by fvary guest, and the msn
agenient have wea high prolsa for their sue
oessful efforts- la- aa taring to the eemfort,
safety and enjoyment of ach and every vis
tor. The rates, which are Very reasonable,
range from 11 to IS U per day Europeaa,
aad frvw 33.40 to 37.00 Ameiioaa plao, v
gren. Babb. Double ploy: Babb to Dillon.
Mrwk out: By Lndgrert 1: by Koukallk,
1. Bases on balls: Off l.undgren. t; off
Koukallk, i. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Moran.
Postpone baanes.
At Pittsburg: Pittsburg-Boston game was
postponed on account of rain, ,
gtnndlnaj ef the Teams.
Played. Won. Lest. Pet.
New York - U M 32 .724
Chlcsao lit 9 . 46 . SO)
Ptttsburz 113 ( 47 .. - .6M
Cincinnati 117 67 60
Rt. Louis lis 2 S '-'
Boston 117 ..- 44 73 . .J.6
Brooklyn 11 .40
PhilsdelDhla . 117 83 4 . 282
Games today: Brooklyn at Pittsburg.'
Washington Shats Oat Chicago la a
Well Played Coatest.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Washington de
feated Chicago today by a score of 1 to 0.
Wolfe held the visitors down to five hits,
while Hmlth was effective with men on
bne. striking out l'.-e batsmen Id the
seventh and eighth Innings. Attendance,
1.0(0. Score: .
R it O A .
rt.... t t t
O'Neill, ef... 113 0 O.Orees,
Hill. Ib 4
Bt.hl, lb 0 I
Huelaman, If t 1
raaaldy, aa.. 1
Donoran. rf.. 0 6
Miillln, lb... 4 I
riarka, e.J.. 4 I
Wolfa, p
Jonea, flf t 1 0
I 0 r'allahaa, If . 0 f 4 4
0 1 D.rlm o I 0
1 I T.nn.hlll. Ib 1 1 1
1 4Iball. lb.... 4 1 7 1 e
4 t Pundon, lb.. 0 1 0
1 4 UFarlana, a. 0 1 t
1 . Smith. a 4 t 1 t 0
Total. ... 1 Hill ll Totals ... I 14
Washington 10000000 -l
Chicago...... 00000 000 00
Two-base hits: Clarke.- Stahl. Three,
base hit: Cassldy., Stolen bases: Hill,
Mtlllln and Jones. Sacrifice hlta: Hill,
Tannehlll. Double play: Donovan to
Clarke. First base on balls: Off Wolfe, 1;
off Smith, 2. Struck out: By Wolfe, 3; by
Smith, 8. Left on bases: Washington, Jl;
Chicago, 6. Balk: Smith. Time: 1:46.
Bren Break mt Boaten.
BOSTON, Sept. 1. The earlier game was
practically decided In the second Inning,
when the visitors bunched hits after two
men were out and scored three runs. The
second game was characterized by Boston's
heavy batting. Attendance, 18,384. Scores:
Klrst game
Hay, ef 4 1 I 0 0 flelbach. If.. 1 I I 14
Braillay, lb.. 4 1 1
0 Parent, aa... 0 8 1
HM.hl. ef....; 0 10
4 1
Fllrk. rf..... 4 1 I
Lajola, lb... 4 4 I
8iot.1I. lb... 4 1 11
Lush, It Ill
Turner, as. .-.1 1 4
Duelow, o.... Ill
Rboadaa. p... 4 I 4
4 0
I 1
4 4
I 4
t'olllna, h... 0 1 I
Fraeman, it.. 4 11
LaChanea, lb 4 4 11
Kfrrla. lb..., 4 4 1
Crlsar, e..... 4 4 4 0 0
Tannahlll, p. 1 S 4 4
Totala ...4 14 17 11 1 Total. ...1 4 17 1k I
Cleveland............. 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-4
Boston....;...... 10000004 01
Two-base hits: Buelow, Flick, Stovall.
Three-base hits: Lush, Tannehlll. Double
play: Selbach to Ferrla to LaChance. First
base on balls: Off Tannehlll, 1; off Khoades,
1 Hit by pitched ball: By Rhoades, La
Chance. Struck out: By Rhoades, 8; by
Tannehlll, 3. Passed ball; Crlger. Time:
1:42.- Umpire: Dwyer.
eecond game .
, . R.H.A.O.R
Bay, ef...... 0 0 1 1 C
Bradley, 36.. 1114 0
Flick, rf 4 1(00
Lajola, lb... 4 4 13 0
Stovall, lb...'0 4 14 4 0
Luah. It 4 1 I I 0
Turnar, aa. . . 4 0 0 1
Salbach, If... 1114 4
Parent, aa..".. 4 I 1 4 0
BUM, ef 114 4 0
Colllna. Ib... 1 I I I 0
Freeman, rf.. 4 14 4 0
Larhanre. lb 0 I I V 0
F.rrta. lb.... 11110
Farrall, e.... 0 111 0 Buelow, e..
Olbaon. p.... 0 4 4 I 0 Oonohue. p
0 v t 1 1
0 4 4 4 0
, Tot. la ...I II 17 I l Totals ... 1 3 44-14 1
Boston....... 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 1 8
Cleveland.... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: LaChance, Bradley, Flick.
Three-base hits: Stahl (2), Farrell, Collins.
Sacrifice hit: Farrell, Stolen base:' -Freeman.
First base on balls: Off Olbaon, 1;
off Donohue, 3. Struck out: By Gibson, 8;
by Donohue, 8.. -Passed ball: Buelow.
Time; 1:42. Umpire: Dwyef. -',
. St. Loots Shats Oat Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1. Tw doubles
and two- singles in the ninth woo -today's
game for St. Louis. Up to thatrtlme Wad
de'.l . and Olade were Invincible. Burkett
was benched In the first Inning by Umpire
Sheridan. Attendance, 4,960. Score: .
R.H.O.A.B. f R.H.O.A.B.
Burkett, If... 0 10 0 O H.rtael, It... 0 110 9
Pelty, If 0 0 4 0 01 Pickering, of. 0 I 1 1 0
Hemphill, ef. 0 0 1 0 0 Davla. lb....O 14 3 0
Wallace. aa..O I I I 0 L. Croat, lb. 0 0 4 1 4
Hynaa, rf.... 1 1 1 1 0
Boybol.l. rt... 0 1 x 9. v
Murphy, lb.. 0 0 110
Jones. If...,. 1100
Partdeii, 2b.
, 0 1 1 1
M. croai, aa. u o i i u
Moran, lb,
8ugdCQ, 0
OUda, p.,
Shreck. c... 0' 0 10 1
Waddell, p... 0 10 4 4
,4 4 0 1 0)
Totals ... 4 4 17 14 0
. 1 187 J i , " . -. m
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
St. Louis
Philadelphia .........0 0 0 0 0 0,0.0 0-0
Two-base hits: Hynes. Davits. " stolen
base: Hempblll. Left on bases: St. Louis,
6;. Philadelphia, 6. - First bass on balls:
Off Waddell, i Struck out: . By Glade, 6;
by Waddell, 5. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Sheri
dan. , ,
Nerr York Beats Detroit.
NEW YORK, Sept. 1. The locals fielded
perfectly, while the two errors made by
the Detroits were responsible for two of
the four runs scored by New, York. At
tendance, 1 4,062. Score:
,---rf R.H.O.A.B.
Barrett, ef... 4 .1 4 0 0
Mclntyra".' If. 0 0 4 1 4
Couihltn, lb. 0 4 13 1
Crawford, rt. 0 4 I 0 0
Doufherty, Mil 4 4 0
Keeler. rt.... I I l o o
tlbart.ld. aa. 1 0 1 4 0
Andaraon. cf. 4 I 1 4 0
O.nwl, lb... 0 1 11 0 -
Hickman, lb.
110 0
Wllllama. lb. It 0 1 4 0 Havilla. a 1 0 1 1 1
Conror, Ib... 0 111 0 Lowe. Jb....i 1 I 0 I 0
Klatnow, e... p, i u u'Lurr, aa.. u i i
Pow.ll. p....0'0 0 J jouovan. p.. I Vv 0 0
Total! ... 4 7 17 11 c Totals ...1 M 4 I
New York ..J.......V 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 i
Detroit ..0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2
' Left on bases: " New York, 4; Detroit, 4.
First base on balls: Off Powell, 2; off
Donovan, 8. Struck out: ; By Powell, 4;
by Donovan.' 8. Three-base hits: Ander
son, Hickman, Lowe. Two-base hit:. Lowe.
Stolen bases: Conroy (2). ' Time: .. 1:36.
Umpires: O'Loughlln and Connelly. ,
Staadlna of the Teams.
.Played. Won. Lost,
nwiun , ...... ....... ji iv
v - V..I.
Chicago .....
Cleveland ..
... r
..... 112
St. Louis
aamea todav: St. Louis at Philadelchla.
Detroit at Ne w York, Chicago at Washing
ton. Cleveland at Boston.
Kansas City Wins a Tes-Isnlag Con
test from Hooslers.
KANSA8 CITY. Sept. l.-Kansas City
won in the tenth Inning through a base on
balls , and two singles, The pitching of
Durham was the feature. Attendance, 600.
Score: .
R H .O .A,. ' K.H A O E.
Rothfuaa, rf. 1 .1 I 0 0 McOraary, cf. 0 1 0 4 0
Nanca, If ... 0 110 0 Magoon. aa.. 0 0 I 4 1
Hill, cf 4 4 0 0 0 gwander, If.. 0 I I 0 a
Bonner, lb... 0 114 4 Carr, Ib 4 4 14 4
Maaaey. lb... A I 11 0 4 Huarl.var, lb 4 0 110
Lawaa, aa.... 0 111 V Dicker, lb...O 411 1
SullWan. Ib...0,4 I 4 0 Heydon. c... 1 4 I ' I ,4
Butlrr. e.... 4 114 O.Phlllppl. rf., 4 0 I 0 0
Cutbam. p... 1 4 0 1 4 All.maas. p. 4 4 4 I 4
. Totala ...3 414 t ol i TotaU I 111 11 1
Roth funs out, hit by batted ball; Durham
out on bunt atrlkej two out when winning
ran scored.
"Phlllipl out on bunt strikes. ' - ;
Kansas City 0O1000000 13
Indianapolis. ..J... 0 00001 000 01
Twiw-buse hits: Nance, Bonner, Swander.
Sacrifice hits: Durham, Phillip!. Double
Bitty: Dickey to Mugoon. Bases on balls:
ff Durham, 1; off Allerrutng, 4. Struck
out: By Durham, 6; by Allemung, 4V Wild
pitch: Durham. Hit by pitched ball: Bon
ner. Left on bases; Kalians City, 10; In
dianapolis, 2. Time: lit. Umpire; Baus
wine. Postpone Games.
At- Milwaukee: Milwaukee-Toledo game
postponed on account of rain. There will
be a double-heuder tomorrow.
At St. Paul: St. Paul-Loulsvilla game
postponed; rain.
At Minneapolis: Mlrneapolls-Columbus
game postponed, rain.
Standing at tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
. .600
St. Paul
Milwaukee .
Columbus ...
Louisville ...
Indiana polls
Kansas City
Toledo ,
No games scheduled for today.
Gones-a I'aafcle to Hit tha Ball.
BEATRICE, Ncb Sept. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) Geneva opened a serine of two
games of ball here this afternoon with
Beatrice and lost because of their Inability
to bit Morse, the Buatiice pltuher. The
score i R. H. E,
Beatrice..... a 01 00603 11 i
Oeneva OOyOOOtOO 1 '
Ballerina Morse and Miller for Beatrice;
Rubeaky and Stquln for Geneva.
, Beatrice Team Breaks I p. - "
BUATRICK. Neb., Sept. ' 1 tSpeclal.
Jolin Bender, shortstot,; "Bill" Wilson,
first baseman, and "Kid" ' Bennett, renter
fielder, all members of tha Hemrloe til
leant, have severed their connection with
the orgnnlxatlon and Intend to visit at lh?lr
hflime for a few weeks, after whtc'i they
will enter the Htate utuvrr.l.y. llrnder left
todsv for his home at Sutton, but Bennett
and Wilson will plsy with the team the re
msinder of this week.
Harvard Jcorea a Shntont.
HARVARD, Neb.. Sept. l.'-tfrrfcUI.) The
strong Kochrow nlna was defeated here
yesterday In an errorless game, by a score
of 6 to 0. Score: , R.H.E.
Harvard 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 - 6 0
Kochrows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 0
Struck oitt: By Ling, 10; by Kochrow, 15.
Batteries: Harvard. Ling and Rosenbaum;
Kockrows. Kochrow and Hendresky.
Parcbasrs and Drafts of Players Are
Generally Approved.
CINCINNATI. Sept, l.-The national
base ball commission mef here today In
Its snnual session with President Herr
mann of the Cincinnati National league
club presiding. Secretary Bruce presented
the list ot ptayers purchased by the Na
tional and American leagues from minor
leagues, which the commission . wl I pass
on. The National league has purchased
fifty-two and the American fifty, making
101 cases for the commlsxion to settle.
Herrmann wss re-elected as president
and Bruce secretary.
The purchases of the Chicago and Wash
ington American league clubs were ap
proved. The purchase of Sullivan by Detroit from
Minneapolis wan approved. .
The Cleveland American league club was
given until September 20 to phv one-third
of the purchase money for Player Kali'.
The other players purchased by Cleveland
and which were approved are: Jackson of
St. Paul. Curtis of Fort Wayne, Hickey,
Malarkey and Frlel of Columbua
The purchase of Player Fairbanks by
the Philadelphia Americans from Provi
dence was approved.
The cases of Players Olmstesd of Colum
bus and Strlcklett and Orimshaw of Buf
falo to the Boston Americana . were left
open. - c
The St. Louis Americana Were given until
September 20 to file one-half of the pur
chase price for -Players Smith and Swann
of Shreveport.
The New York American was given until
September 20 to ray one-hslf of the pur
chase pHce for Players Yeager - and Mc
Manus of Montreal.
The purchases of the Chicago National
leu rue were approved.
The purchases of the Brooklyn Nationals
from Jersey City were thrown out, no
agreements of sales having been-received
by the com ml talon.
The Clncinnat' club's purchases were ap
proved. The St. Louis Nationals were triveh until
September 20 to pay one-th4rd of the pur
chase price for layer Haverhill, and the
purchase of SwImVll of Butte, Mont., was
Pittsburg was gl,tn ten days to fllo Its
list of players purchased. '
The plavers purchased by the New York
Nationals from the Springfield club were
The following players were drafted by
the Brooklyns: Frank Hershey of Ullon,
William Lauteborn of Syracuse. J. P. Vols
from Manchester.
Mlnnehan of Birmingham was stricken
from Its list, It being shown that Mlnne
han had been purchased by Cincinnati.
The Boston Nationals drafted Player
Young of Concord.
The- Chicago Nationals drafted Clark of
Bridgeport. Pennell of Mllvaukcc ar.d Ma
tonry of Minneapolis.
Cincinnati gets Blackensheet from Seat
tle. Egan and Overall of Tacoma.
The following players were drafted by
the American league:
New York, Ivls-nf Baltimore, Whitley
of Vincennes. Hcgg'of Spokane.
Detroit, Yeager from Montreal, Anderson
from Little Rock, Graham from Colorado
Philadelphia. Murray of Toronto. Kohler
of Atlanta. Frisk of Seattle. Stlllman of
Des Moines. Weaver of Minneapolis. Rock
enfleld of Spokane, Bttchanor. of Oakland,
Vansnnt of Nashua, N. H.
Washington drafts Gilbert of Little Rock.
Cleveland, Aklln of Keokuk, la... and
Jackson of Fort Worth.
The commission adjourned tonight.
Major Del mar Falls to Lower Trot
ting: Records.
PROVIDENCE, R. I.. Sept. L-Elght
thousand persons attended the Grand Cir
cuit meeting at Narragansett park today,
the big attraction being the attempt of
Major Delmar to lower the world's trot
ting record of 2: 02 '4, without a wind shield.
He made a complete failure,- Although ho
was at the quarter In 0:30V,, the half In
1:01 and also stepped the third quarter In
0:29, in the home stretch his speed fdlled,
and or. ;jhe Uast, fifty , yards,; he dropped
bac.'c to a 2:30 gait, making the mile in S.ui
1 First on the card 'was' tne unfinished 2:14
pacing class of yesterday, " In which the
three starters' had two heats each, Baron
Grattan Was favorite. Don .Carr put up a
sturdy fight, with Geers trailing with the
favorite. At the three-eighths Bad News
made a bad break and Geers moved up,
catching the leaders at the head of the
stretch -and winning.
The surprises of the day came In the
2:10 trotting race. Norrle was barely the
choice of the talent, and Direct View,
with the balance of the Held, little con
sidered. The grey- gelding, John. Taylor,
from Indiana, who last year won the M.
& M." stake at Detroit, but who since , has
been of little account as a racehorse, won
the first heat and gained a new record of
2:08V4. The .second neat and the race was
won by John Taylor also. Summaries: . .
. Class 2:14, pacing, purse l-'.ooO. three in
five heats (six heats raced Wednesday):
Baron Grattan, b. g., ty
Grattan (Geers)
Don Carl, blk. g. (Clark.
. and Curry) 1
Bad -News, b. g. (Walker). 4
Dewey! ro. g. (Dfckcrson) 2
Nancy ti, blk. m.. (Hudson) 6
TTniinra hllc. m (Sno W . . . 3
1 6 5 3 1 1
1 2.3 2
3 12 3
24 ro
6 5 ro
4 ds
Time: 2:08. 3:uiA. z:utt.
2:ll4. 2:074. ' -. I
Class 2:24, trotting, purse 31.000, three In
five heats: -
Knoi'i Gelatine King, b. g., by
Knight (Trout) 1 11
Brilliant Girl, b. m. (Goodrldge) 8 2 2
Ruth C, g. m. (Curry) 2 3 5
Direct Well, blk. h. (DeRyder) 4 4 3
Flondrau, b. g. (Geers) 6 6 4
Time: 2:13. 2:11, 2:13.
Class 2:12, pacing, purse 81,500, two In
three heats: , . . -
Hettie G, b. g., by Egg Hot (Murphy). 1.1
Albert, ro. g. (McDonald) 3 2
Dan R, ch. g. (Splane) , 2 4
Major C, b. h. (Geers) . 4 S
Time: 2:G6Vi. 2:6Vi.
Class 2:10, trotting, purse 82,000, two In
three heats:
John Taylor, g. g by Dispute (Wil-
son) -.. I -1
Snyder McGregor, ch. g. (Bcnyon) 2 2
Direct View, br. h. (DeRyder) 6 8
Norrle, b. g. (Shank) !
Grade Keliar, br. m. (Nuckolls) 4 4
Authoress, blk. m. (McDonald). 8 6
Hive, b. m. (Geers) 7 6
Putchen Maid, b. m. (Starr) 6 7
Metallas. blk. h. (Andrews) 8
The Roman, b. g. (Snow) ds
Time: 2:08. 2:00.
Against time, to beat 2:02. trotting:
Major Delmur, b. g . by Delmar (McDon
ald), lost. Time: 2:03.
Onawa Horse's Good Showing.
ONAWA, Is, Sept. I. (Special.) In the
2:09 35,000 pace at Providence. R. I., 'yester
day, another one of the Onawa Park farm
horses showed up to good advantage , Guy
Catou, by Parker, was fourth four heals.
In the fastest time recorded for the event
In the first heat. The time of the hats
was 2:04. 2;M. 2:06 and 2:04. Gay Cuton
was sired by Parker at the Onawa Park
farm and after being handled a little with
out showing much speed was eold to T. B.
Bkldmore for 3100, who in .turn . sold him for
33U0. In 19u2 he was campaigned very suc
cessfully in the west y GUI Harrison, tak
ing a mark of 32.10. In 1903 he Was not
campaigned, but this spring was taken
east aid Is now handled by the veteran
driver Charley Doble, and seems able to
cet a place in any kind of company in the
Grand Circuit. He la still owned by Mr.
Robinson and ought to be able to win a
few "firsts and seconds"' later on. With
Frank Yoacum and Guy Caton making
rood down In the Grand Circuit and Alns
worth (2:10) at Baltimore, It would appear
that Interstate Commerce Commissioner J.
D. Sioman's Onawa Park farm la all right,
for breeding winners.
Olympic Tennis Tournament.
ST. LOl'IS. Sept. 1. The Olympic lawn
tennla tournament, played today on the
Stadium court, brought out strong compe
tition. The results of the games follows: t
Olympic championship singles; A. 8.
Bell. Los Angeles; Heals Wright, Boston;
E. W. Leonard, Newport. -
World's fair singles, semi-finals; E. W.
Leonard, Newport.
World's fair doubles, semi-finals: C. C.
Crlasom, Sa Antonio, and Senipt Russ,
San Antonio
Olympic championship doubles: Robert
Leroy, Newport, und A. 8. Bvll. Los An-
galea; C. C, Crlasom, San -Antonio, and
enipt Rubs, San Antiwlox '
, ' ' , ... ll' V i .- :
Jew Pacing; Record fader Saddle.-
WINFIELD, Kan., Sept. l.Symboleer.
owned by J. j. Johnson, paced- a half mile
today under the saddle in 1.-06. breaking
the world's record for a half mile.
If you have anything to trade, advertisa
It In the This for That column la Tha Bee
Want Ad Pegca, . .
rirst Half of Oljmplo Program Ooreri the
Participants with Glorj.
M. J. Sherldaa of Sew York Lowers
the World's Record for Dlscaa
Throw Over Fonr
ST. LOCI8, Sept.' 1. American athletes
held the center of the stage today the
fourth of the Louisiana Purchase Expo
sition revival of the Olympic games and
to their pluck and grit belongs the credit
for creating one world's record and three
Olympic records. One of the greatest races
of the 1904 Olympiad was the ,800 meter run.
The. distance In American measure Is 874.89
yards. Entered In the race were repre
sentatives of the fnlted States. Germany,
Canada and New Zealand, but the first
four places were claimed by men running
under the colors of Chicago, New York
and Milwaukee Athlete clubs. James D.
Llghtbody of the Chicago Athlete associa
tion lowered the Olympic record by five
and two-fifth seconds
'The world's record for the discus throw
wai broken by W. J.- Sheridan of New
York, who made a mark of 132 feet. The
previous record, which was held by Sheri
dan, was 127 feet t Inches.
H. U Hlllman of the New York Athlete
club maintained his reputation as the fast
est man In' the world over hurdles by
breaking the Olympic record of 2f seconds,
made by A. C. Kranseleln, University of
Pennsylvania, at Paris In 1&00. Hlllman
went the distance In 24 seconds.
M. 'Prinsteln of the Greater New York
Irish Athletic association . broke the
Olympic record In the running broad jump
on his fourth trial, with a distance of 24
feet 1 Inch. The record was formerly held
by A. C Kranseleln, University Of PenVi
sylvanla, who Jumped 23 feet 6 Inches at
the Paris olympiad in 1900.
There are no ' events scheduled for . to
morrow, the day having been set aside for
the competing stblete to rest and prepare
themselves for the final events which will
be contested on' gattirday.
Summaries: ''-.
Two hundred meter hurdle: H. L. Hlll
man, New York Athletic club, New York,
first; F. Castleman, Greater -New York
Athletic association, second; George C.
Poag, Milwaukee Athletic club, third;
George M. Varnell. Chicago Athletic as
sociation, fourth. Time: 0:U.
Throwing flfty-six-pound weight: E. Des
marteau, Montreal,' Canada, first, 34 feet 4
Inches; John Flanagan, Greater New York
Irish Athletic association, New York, sec
ond, 33 feet 4 Inches; J. S. Mitchell, New
York Athletic club, New York, third, 33
feet 3 Inches; C H. Hanneman, Keokuk,
la., fourth, 30 feet 1 inches.
Two hundred and twenty-yard hurdle
handicap event: L. G. Bikes, Milwaukee
Alnletlc club, Milwaukee (10 yards), first:
William ll. McUann. Chlcaao Youna- Men's
Christian association, Chicago (6 yards),
second; E. J. Saddington, Young Men's
unristian association, Brooklyn (scratch),
third; no fourth. Time: 0:27.
. Running broad jump: M. Prinsteln, Greater
New York Irish Athletic association.
New York, first, 24 feet 1 inch; Dan Frank,
New West Side Athletic club. New York,
second, 22 feet 7 Inches; R. 8. Strang
land, New York Athletic club, New York,
third, 22 feet 7 inches; Fred Englehart, Mo
hawk Athletic cAuo; New .York, fourth, 21
feet 9 Inches.
Throwing flfty-aljt-pound weight, handicap
event: Albert A. Johnson, Central Young
Mens Christian association, St. Louis (11
feet), first, 25 -fept S Inches; C. Chadwlck,
New York Athletic club. New York (8 feet!
second, 28 feet; L. L. Heyden, Marly land
Athletic club, Blttrnore (10 feet), third, 26
feet 11 Inches; B. Desmnrtea.u. Montreal,
Canada (6 inches), fourth, 24 feet 10
Inches. Distances are actual throws.
Chicago first. H.-W: Valentine of New
York second. E." C. Breltkreuti of Mil
waukee third. TTme: 1:56.
Running-' hor. ihoap' and Jump? M. Prln- i
Stein of New York -ftrat, 47 feet ; Fred- En
glehart) of Mohawk Nv, Y-second, 46 feet 1
Inohest R. 8; Qtrangland of New York
third, 43;.feet 10 lnches. '
. International tug-of-war, final, teams of
five men, unlimited weight: - Milwaukee
Athletic club defeated New York Athletlo
club. Time: 1:44. ,
Throwing the discus, handicap event: M.
J7 Sheridan of New York (scratch) firbt,
132 feet; John 'Flanagan of New York (6
feet) second, 123 feet 11 inches; John A.
Blller of Newark. N. J. (24 feet) third, 104
feet 3 Inches.
220-yard run, , handicap: James D. Mc
Gann of Chicago (10 yards) first. J. T.
Lukeman of Montreal. Can. (10 yards) sec
ond. Charles H Turner of St. Louis (2
yards) third. Time; 0:22.
Anramaster Wins the Reapers Stakes
at Sheepshead Bay.
' NEW YORK, Sept. 1. Aurumaster, at 20
to 1, won the Reapers' stakes, for 3-year-olds,
at Sheepshead Bay today, defeating
the odds -on favorite Ormondes Right by
a head, l.yne rushed' Ormondes Right Into
the lead and led to the stretch and was ap
parently, winning easily, when Crlmmtna
brought Aurumaster up and won. -
Wild Mint won the Dash stakes In a driv
ing finish by half a length from Council
man, with the .favorite, . Dreamer, third.
Councilman was' disqualified and Phillips
was suspended for six days for rough rid
ing. Dreamer was placed second and
Hndseara, third. Results: '
First race, five furlonss: Zala (3 to 6)
won, My Buela 'second, Raiment third.
Time: 1:01. 'Coupled.
Second i race, six furlongs: Alan-a-Dale
(2 to 6) won, Flying Ship second, Trameter
third. Time: 1:13. . .
Third race, Dash. -five furlongs: s Wild
Mint (8 to 1) won, DreHtner second, Hand
sen ra third. Time: 1:00.
Fourth race, the Reapers',- one mile and
three-sixteenths:-- Aurumaster, 103 (Crim
mlnsl, 20 to 1, won.; Ormondes Right, 107
(Lyne). 7 to 20, second; Ed. Tierney, 106
(Burns), 8 to 1, third. Time: 3:00.
Fifth race, the .Hempstead handicap,
eteeplechase, full course: Libretto (7 to 1)
won. Horizontal second, Daffodown Dllly
third. Time: 6:25.
Sixth race, selling, one mile and a six
teenth on turf: Eagle (7 to 1) won. The
Lady Rohesla second, Prince Chlng third.
Time: 1:48. e..
CH ICAGO, Sept l.-Resulta :
First race, five, furlongs: Useful Lady
(11 to 6) won, Dlxelle second, Effle M. third,
lima- I fllU
8Mond rji-e, six furlongs: Comrade (4 to
1) Won. Norel eecona, Agn orennsn
third. Time: 1:13.
Third race, one mile: Foll (16 to 6) won,
Port Royal second. Prince 8ilver Wings
third. Time: 1:39.
Fourth race, six furlongs: Robin Hood
(13 to 1) won. Mad Mullah second, Hager-
Ann third Time' 1:1.1
Fifth rsce, five furlongs: Belle Kinney (11
lo () won, t'rince jtnnus scrwnu, iwia-
nmith third Tim 1 :l4.
8ixth race. one mile: Brand New (2 to
1) won. Atlantlco second, uociie intra.
11 nif 1 40s
Seventh race, one mile: Great Eastern
(8 to 6) won. iJingford James second, Llda
Lelh third. Time: 1:41.
DETROIT, Sept. 1. Results:
First rare, one mile: Mlffarn (R to 1) won,
Squanto second Duncan third. Time: 1:42.
Second race, five furlongs: Zlgsng (2 to 1)
won. Marino second. Iron Tall third. Time:
Third race, one mile: Suhador (8 to 1)
won. Four Leaf C. second. Rowland M.
third. Time: 1:45. ,
Fourth race, fve and one-half fur.ongs:
Chancy (8 to 1) won, Lerlda second, Mul
doon third. Time: 1:11.
Fifth race, mile and seventy yards:
Benckart (1 to 21 won. Scortle second.
Burning Glass third. Time: 1:60.
Sixth race, steeplechase, short course:
Spring Water (8 to 1) won. Navigator sec
ond. Trenct the Mere third. Time: 8:56.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 1. Results:
First race, six furlongs, purse: Tally M.
(10 to 1) won. King Roe second, J. W.
O'Neill third.. Time: 1:13V.
Second race, one mile: Check Morgan (S
to 1) won, lymon Olrl second. Judge Cant
rill third. Time: 1:42.
Third race, six furionas. selling: Scotch
Dance (S to 1 won. Triple Silver second,
Kiowa Chief third. Time: 1:14.
Fourth race, six ftlrlona-s. 2-year-olds and
up: Bas D'Or (3 to 1) won. Commodore
second, iJisnaoiiie intra, lime: i:t.
Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Aggie Twls (7 to 21 won Bllasful second.
Never Such third. Time: 1:47.
Sixth race, one mile, selling: Second Mate
(8 to 1) won. Flyer second, St. Slmonlan
third. Time: 1:4L
Junior Tennla Tournament.
.The Junior tennis tournament for the city
championship was continued yesterday with
the following results:
Ovltt beat 'West, 8-6, 6-4.
A. Lee bent D. Barkalow, 6-8. 8-6, 6-8.
A. Potter beat C. Potter, 7-6. 6-8.
Doubles '
Ie Rnd Dinning beat Davidson and
Bllsh. 6-0, 6-1.
Hoel and Neeley beat Smith and Havens,
6-1. 6-3. '
8. Lee and West beat Hlne and Mandel
burg. 6-4, 6-2.
Consolation Singles
Leonard beat Rlnswalt. 6A 6-0.
Leonard beat Bllsh, 6-1, 8-0.
- Dinning heat Montgomery. 6-0. 6-1..
Dinning best McCulloch. 6-4, 6-2.
Lee beat Storey, 6-2. 7-0. .
Pearl and Dillon Each Report New
Discoveries ot Par Dirt.
PEARL, Colo., Sept. 1. (Special.) One of
the old time prospectors known In this
section as Cherokee Charlie, came Into
town with some very fine specimens of
bonlte ore which, when tried In the assay
ed furnace, made a very high . assay.
Charlie refused to tell where the claim was
which he had staked out, but he has been
aeen working on a little creek three miles
southwest of Pearl, and there has been a
rush made to the district and numerous
claims are marked out in that neighbor
hood. This Is a rich find for - the Pearl
district, for the ore seems to be In good
quantity and of a very rich kind.
DILLON. Wyo.. Sept. 1. (Special.) Rich
gold rock has been found on the Solo claim,
one of the Jack Pot group of mines. The
find was made some days ago, but has
been kept quiet until the returns from thn
assays could be ascertained, and they have
now been checked and rechecked, and show
over 8200 In gold and fourteen ounces of
silver. The ore is free milling In character,
concentrating readily and oh one run, con
centrated seven Into one, the values in gold
were $760.
Laborer Stabs Farmer.
SALEM, 8.: D., Sept. I.-(Speclal.) Henry
Kotx, a farmer, was stabbed by Fred High,
a transient. u a, quarrel over wages. Kotx
Was stabbed, twice pn the -neck and once
on thtfarm.VjHe may live... High attempted
to get! away, but was overtaken by-W. L
Bolt after a seven-mile chase. LeBolt fired
three shots at' the fugitive, the last taking
effect In the foot.
Modern Woodmen ot America.
; ' Special Train to St. Louis.
. The M. W. A. have arranged with tba
Wabash to run a special train leaving
Omaha Union station at 8:00 p. m., Council
Bluffs 8)16 p. m.'. Saturday, September 3.
A very low rate,- 38.50 from Omaha, 88.25
from Council Bluffs with correspondingly
low rates from all stations. ,
Everyone. Invited to Join special train.
Insist upon' your ticket reading via Wa
bash, the only line with its own station
at main entrance of World's Fair grounds,
thus saving time, extra car fare and an
noyance. For all information call at Wa
bash city office, 1601 Farnam St., or address
G. A. P D., Wab. R. R.,
Omaha, Neb.
Special Summer Tonrtst Rates to Ken
tacky, Tennessee,. North Caro
lina and Virginia.
The. Chicago Great Western Railway will
sell special round trip tickets at very low
rates to Crab Orchard, Ky. ; Middlebor
ough, Ky.; Tate Springs, Conn.; Olive
Springs, Tenn.; Aaheville, N. C. ; Hot
Springs, N. . O. ; Roanoke, Va.; Glade
Springs,- Va.; Radford, Va., and . other
-points. Tickets on sale dally, good to re
turn until October 31. For further Infor
mation apply to 8. D. PARKHURST, Gen
eral Agent, 1612 Farnam street, - Omaha,
Neb. ....
New Mint at Denver Opens.
DENVER. Sept. 1. The new United
States mint in this city was opened today
with a president's salute of twenty-one
guns and raising of the American flag over
the building by George E. Roberts, director
of the mint, of Washington. The mint will
not begin coinage until July 1, 1906, as no
appropriation has been made by congress
as. yet 10 cover me cosi oi coinage.-
Hgw to Judge
"BRILLIANCY Clsrttv and nollah.
proving perfect aWewing and fa-r
"CLEAN " TASTE The absence of
a aumgreeable fore urn or after
taste," proving scrnpuloas cleanli
ness daring the brewing precessv
fallible Indication of body, age and
escallenoe el, brewing saaunial.
"rUrtrrY" laapoaalbW to And la
aaeat bottled beers, because their
preacrvatioa is gained ttarengh
cbeaaksal edoltersttoa.
FLAVOR The distinctive Indf.
. vassal characteristic of say sever-
agi as pecnUartoMsloaeasisits
dor 4a the reee. A delietoas and
nroaoaaced hop areata . la tha
highest standard.
A. Da Cs
aa the ONLY bear that possesses all
4 theae essential aaaltflcationa.
Its parity Is abeolatriy narsaleed
Vr its saakera. It is the ONLY beer
that csa be so guaranteed, beeaaee
it la tha ONLY beer bottled ends
sivety st the brewery.
mt, IXHJU, Va Sa Aa .
f H. MAY tit CO.,
of New Hampshire comes .
Soft, light, and absolutely pure.
w ; -v.
Many men are working every day, who are not sick, but have a. peouliar
weakness. These men are weak, nervous, debilitated, slow, poky, languid and
' tired out. They lack courage, self-confldence nnd have lout the fire and
strength of youth. Thousands of men Hre prematurely old and diseased
through exeesHes or unnatural drains, which sap the very foundation of life,
destroy their health and strength, leaving them a physical, mental and sexual
Borne men contract disease by belns indiscreet and others Inherit weakness
and suffer for the shortcomings of their parents, dragging themselves through
a life of decrepitude because they are trying to conceal the serious errors
committed. Htrength can no more proceed from weakness than pure water
from a polluted fountain, '
Mental activity, muscular strength and vital power are essential to success
in life. Nature Intended you to be strong, robust and healthy.. You have the .
physique, the constitution, but perhaps' you have transgressed nature's Immut
able law and are paying the penalty and are not Infiltrated with the vim, vigor
and vitality to be expected In a person of your age.
For the speedy cure of the diseases that so Insidiously destroy the Intel
lect, strength and very manhood, secure the services or the eminent specialists
connected with the State Medical Institute. They will stop these unnatural
drains with their terrible results and restore to sound health the pitiable vic
tim of nervo-sexual 'debility, brain fatigue and wrecked manhood... . ,
Stricture. . Varicocele. Emissions. Nervo-Sexual Debility,
. Impotency. Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases' and weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil habits, self-abuse, ex
cesses or the result of specific or private diseases.
rflMvlll TITIM FRPF If yu cannot call, write for symptom blank.
banoULIAIIU" met Office Hours-e a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
1308 Fftrnaa St. Bat. 13th aol 14th AtrMt,,. Oraahi. Nek.
Round Trip Half
(PLUS S2.00)
To all points In Indiana, points in Ohio and Ken
tuckysold every Tuesday in September and October 11.
Special Homeseekere' Excursions South September 13-27.
St. Louis and Return Tuesdays, Thursdays, also Sep
V tember 3, 4 and 11. ,
X:: $13.80
St. Louis and Return Daily.
Baltimore, Md., and Return September 9 and 10, j?
Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return Daily.
..V.'--. $21:50
Detroit and Return Daily,
' ' $20.00 -
. Chicago and Return (one way via St. Louis) Daily.
' ' S33.O0
Montreal and Return Daily.
Long limit find stopovers allowed. The Wabash is
the only line with its own station at main entrance
World's Fair, saving time, extra tar fare and anoovance.
All World's Fair maps show Wabash station at main
entrance. Insist on your
All information at Wabash
address HARRY K. MOORES, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
0 .''!
tickets reading via Wabysh.
City Office, 1(501 Farnam, or
. V.-v