1 P0ST0FFICE NOTICE. anall cloaca hera Thursdays at 10:3 i. m.. wintered mall cloaes at I p. m. previous rlav. j r ' TvaapaelHe Malta, rrr(4 Oftr laad Datlr. The schedule of closing of ' t rsnspaclfte) ' malla ta arrane, on the presumption of 'their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The- flns.1 connecting , malla (em'epv rf-ar.sterefl .-1 rfcimpacjflo malla which clone at p. m. prevtoue (lay) -clos at tha general postofflca, New fork, aa follower , . JAPAN , (except ParceJa-poel malla), CORKA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE JBLANDS,- via Vancouver and Victoria, H. C. cloee at 1:30 p. m. August 30 for , dispatch vnr s.-s. Empress of China. JAPAN,- CORE A, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. August to, ordlsatch per a. a. Lyra,. - .VV.Vf ZEALAND, . AUSTRALIA ecpl Weat), NEW CALEDONIA. BAlfUA. HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San .Franoisro, close at p. m. September I for dispatch per a. a. Sierra. (If the " Cunard steajner carrying the British mall . for New Zealand does not arrive In Jme to connect with thla, dwpstch. extra malls . cloning at 8: a. m,:3 a, m. and 4:19 r. m.i Sundays at 1:30 a. m., J a. m. and :lu p. ru-wlll made op and forwarded until tti an-iat of tne I'unard steamer) HAWAII. JAPAN. . vVREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE jhl,ainlb, via Dan rran claco, eloae at P. m. Beptemoer t, for dispatch per a a. Coptic. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS. Via San Francisco, close at S:.T0 p. m. Sep- temoer tin tot dispatch per a. a. start- FlT"" ISLA Nr. At'BTRAt.IA excpt weat), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van--euver and Victoria, B. C, close at t;M p. m. September 10 for dlapatch per a, a. Manuka. .... HAWAII, via San Francisco, clos at :M p. m. September 12. for dlapatch per a. a. Alameda .... HAWAII. JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and specially sddresaed mall for PHILIP , PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco. 1 close at 6:38 m. September 15, fpr dla patch per a. a. Oorea. JAPAN. COREA.- -:H1NA and specially addressed moll for PHILIPPINE I8L . AND8, via Tacoma, clone at 4.30 p. m. September 23, for dlapatch per a. a. Wacliaon. JHILIPPIN15 ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Franclaco, clone at 4: JW p. m. Septem ber 26, for dispatch per V. S. Transport. WANCHURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA at ' present forwarded via Russia, Instead of via Japan, the usual route. MOTE Unless otherwise addressed. Weat Australia la forwarded via Europe! New Baaland via San Francisco, and eertaln i, places In the Chinese Provinces of Tun , tian, Kuelchow, Maenhwan and Kwangsi, j :vla British India the quickest route. . Philippines specially addressed "via Can 't ada" or "vir. Europe" must ba fully pre I paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is for ' ; warded via San Francisco exclusively. - . . . CORNELIUS VAN COTT. . ,.,.. , postmaster. ... lostofflce. Mew Tork. N. T., Aug. 26, 1904. GOVKHKMEJIT XOTICKS. OFFICB CONSTRUCTINO QUARTEH maater, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 31, 1904. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be. received here until 11 a. m., central time, September 29, and then, opened, for the construction of three (3) double aet of lieutenants'.- quarters, including plumbing, Healing and .electric wiring, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan, Bidders will ati)e In their bid the time1 in which they will complete the work, -as time will form an Jmportant consideration In the award. Full nrormatloh and blank forms of proposal .' furnished. on appliatlnn to thla office, . where plana and specifications may be seen. United States reaervee the right to accept or rejec erny. or all proposals, or any part thereof. ' Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro-Dossls-for Pdblle Bulldlne." and addreaaed to Major D. E. McCarthy, Quartermaster. 8 1, 2, S. 6, 27, 28 jvuvk; Tel. 6ii ... '.. BSENaEH' AND BAOGAOaV ' . 1-1411 Fartiam Btraat. OKI Tt-vJR BAGGAGE THERB , ON TUia. JMILWAY TIME CARD (JJIIOX STATIOlt TEN TH , AMD MARC Y. , . ; ' - . tpt elIal4,laoli ' ' T---(V ,' : T . ., . i, . Imam. t AlTtra. ttbleace ftayllcM tlaHM tl.Uia , CbtoaotpsrlishtlMaat .........a t Wmm t I'afs Cklcaa Mfrmm ... ,bU:01 pal a 1:11 m taa MoiaM Kipraas Je. ......a 4:M pm. sll:Maai talaase faa aUprass .....M t:4 pa1 a ka pal w , 1 i ,v WUT. Kaakr ateantata Units ...... ..m f:Waai a l:Ma Laaooln, Colorado BprUaa, Daa- r , , . vr,.VaaMa aaaVwaat .-....-a t:M pan a t 9 Cloaso Great 'W'aatarsi. ' J .' St. raal MlompoltaXlaUtae..a pat ,s T:t an It. Paul MiaaaapeUa BUpnas.a 1:Uaia a I M pa Cbloafo Llalt4 ,.! Mf alO :1 m CWom Kapraaa ..,,...;.l.....a 4:M aaa a 4:44 pat Vloa rasile. .--(.. n overlaa UislUd i4 aaa a t-m pat Colorado Calltomia Ma proas., .a 4:14 pm a tut aa Chicasa-rortlana Spaslal -a 4:34 pat Bfiaetara Btxprass a 4:44 pa Columbua baaal t.,t....k 4:04 pat k :U aa Colorado. Bpaelat ..,..,......a tia4aat Cblaaao Special I Hia Bmtrtca Looal , .J(...,...k tit pa k 1:1 pa Fast Mali 4:M , 1:44 pat Catloaar a Xoftbvfastara, . , . ,' . FaatCkloase ., .. ...a 1:44 pat T:Maa Local Oktoaa ........ all : aaa Mall o.. a l ie pa 4.44 am light St. Paul. .,-....a T -jd am i oo pm CwxIlsM Chicago .....K...,.....a t: am 11:44 pm iJalUd Ckicaso .a 1: pm 4:14 am XxMal Carroll ....a 4:04 pm lata pas a. raai 'vUl"V''V'9 Z !T . "Via Laeai stoas uur a aa mii..i faat Mail .......... .......,.. a a w ) I0.lt aa M:M m a 1 U pm CUIoasa Bapraaa . Mortolka Boaaataat f :4 am Lle-ola a Lona Ploe ' b4:4am Doa4voo4 Uncolk ........a I M pa Carpar A wromias ........ .......4 3:40 pm HaatinsS-AIbloa .s SAf am Mlaaoart Paolaav.. ' at. Loull KBpraaa al: am a 4:M pa Kaaaaa Cltr a at. Loo.14 aapram .all : p T :(t J VVaria'a PaiSpaalal ............A l:4pm t)l:Hta tVfbaaa.:. t. Loalp Caasaa Ball ipraas..a 4:44 pa a 4:44 am plaw World'a rlr ...a 1:44 aa -a 4:4pm iaaU tram Ceaaell 81uSa.n...,i 4 .It am a i.at pa Illtaola Ceatral.'.' Ckiaaao gipraaa ................. .a t:44 aa 14:44 pm Chltaia Llaaltad .a 1:41 pa IHia auaaaapol'a a at Paal aMpraaa..b T:4vaa tl:M pa kUBKoaiiolla A M. faal Uialtaaa 1:44 pa a 4. at pa Chtoao, MHVraak.ee a MU Paul. Chloase Dayllskl Kipraas ....... .a 1:t4 aa aU:S4sa CoiUorala-UraaA atepraas .......litfra hum 0-laa4 Uaiiod .... 4:4 pm a 1 114 am Has aloiaaa 4 Oapbaif Sxraaa...a 1 M am S 4:14 pm HIWUNGTOH BTATIOK lOTH MA 1 0.1 Cblaaso, ' BarUaartosi a aiay. . . ' raleas tpscUt a I :M am a 4 :s4 pa Ckioaso Vaatlbalai'Baaraas a 4:04 pm ilUia Cnlvaaw Loual .-.fv..... a 4:14 am- aiii:e4 pm caicaau Umnaa ............ .a 4:04 pa a :- pa faatsUU S:tsa fJarllaartoa Mlaaoarl River. . . . Wraora, Baalrtaa Llaoola .....a i:te aa kU:44 pa Mabraafca aapraaa liMia l.o.ar Uiuilae -a 4ilpa a 4 41 aa kaak Uiiia Puaot Soaaa I4a..l:l4 pa a a oapa VouradM Vaailbvlad Ptym ...U a I s pa Llaaola Faat Mali ...... ..k I 4T pa all:aapa yort crook a Platuaouta .......a :4 pa k.4:taw ataiiavua A faat&a. Jaauiloa.. a 1 M pa t.a. aa ballavua a Paoiaa Juactioa a 4 . It am .. MallaTua aa4 fluuuuoU..v..kU:4 pm Kaaaaa city, at. JoaepU Coaacll . BlaaTa. ' Kaaaaa Clip Day iptapj tM',..'...a :U la a 4:11 pm to Louts Piper ..a 4:st pa all ot am ILaaaaa Clur Mlgbl Kapnas alU.aVpa a 4.4 am WEBITuB DEPOT 1TH at vVEBSTKlk Mlaaoaal Pacta.. - ' . .:. Malbraaka tooaL' Via Waging ' . T Watar j 4:1 pa atlipjpa Cktuaco, . at. Paal, Mlaaaapalia " , v Oataba. , , '. M fwla Cltr Paaaaocar ,A.k 4 4t am k 4:14 pm Clout City PaaMupar ...w ...a I M pa al! :t am tWtlaaa Louai .....4 4.41 pai IlUia a Dally- k THf ' wtMpt- 4Har. , 4 Dally .swept ptaUroay. a 1411 4ac.pt Mofas. ; " : OCEAU STEAMERS liOLLflfiD-ilL! ERICA LINE. i r.a 'laia.JMtraar Si-iara al 11,41 'ioua. . Vaw ' YoKK-KurrHtatt, iia liowco.. ftaUlaa TuaadaJ. at l4 A. M. , FotWdam ......Tsaiit,. Noxailaa, ......8opk M liMta ....,,... .tut 4J Biii.ud.ia. .... , r ' 1l'ata4aa.'....h Oat. 4 MOLLaNtKAMEaiCA t-INM 4a Uaarbora , .kl aao. lit. - Harrp Maaiaa. -taol- Pcraaa v , l" ' Bathatlort, )a4 (vaa as. . A K-jraoUa. Mat (araaa It. , i r,. . . When?You VVnte : ' to, Advertisers ... rawambcr it oely tuitaa an ratra stroke at two v Um pa ta mentioa UiS last tbat y ta Um aa la 'Iwa at. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL FACTIONAL FIGHT SOT OVER Congressional Contention to Sea BeTitsl of the Old Contest, PARKER AND HEARST FORCES LINED IP Former Desire X mlaatlaa Case Coaaty Banker, flail Latter Have Hat tailed aa a .Mam v Oppose Hlaa, - - Unless the different factions arrive at a compromise the democratic congressional convention of the Ninth, district r ba held in thla city thla afternoon looka vary much aa If It might engender a flht between the Parker men and the men who supported WllllAra Randolph Hearat. While it la conceded that tba Kinth district Is strongly republican and Congressman Walter I. Smith will be re-elected by an overwhelm ing majority, aa two years mo, thera are several willing to make the race against him. This willingness does not come from any hope of being elected, but from the prestige and chances of preferment that such candidate would enjoy In the event of the possible election of the democratic candidate for president. -' v 8. B. Morrisey, chairman of the demo cratic state central committee, who is j classed as a "K'd democrat" and a strong Parker man, arrived In tha city last even ing from Dea Motnea. He Is chairman of the Ninth district congressional commit tee, having held that position before his selection aa state chairman. Slrtce his ap pointment of state chairman he has dis posed of his busineaa In Harlan, Shelby county, and 'haa removed to Dea Moines. Chairman Morrisey admitted that ha fa vored the nomination of Hamilton Wilcox of Oriswold, Cass county, and In ' thla he will ba aupported by tba delegation from Cbssj county,' which will ba .. Headed by Charles F. Chase of Atlantic. Mr. Wilcox Is a banker and la said to be In accord with Judge Parker on the money question. A number bf tha leading democrats of Council , Bluffs are anxious ta give the nomination to L. L. DeLano of Atlantic and a. strong fight for hla nomination, It was suld yesterday, would be made Others are said to favor the nomination of IT. B. Holsman, ah attorney of Guthrie Center, Guthrie county while there has been con siderable talk of naming Attorney B. B. Wadsworth of this pity. . That Mr. Wads worth la tha choica of the Hearst forces Is Unquestioned.,. Mr. Wadsworth, however, made tha race .once before against Con gressman Smlt,h and he is pot over anxious to meet defeat again. It was stated yes terday, however, . that' If ! his friends' in sisted, and they had sufficient votes In the convention be would not decline tha nam lnatlon. The convention will be held in the south courtroom of the county court house at I p. m. today and, will be compose of eighty two delegates, the nine oountles comprising tha Ninth congressional' district being en titled to tbe-.l'ollowlng- representation: Cass .... Audubon Montgomery ... Pottawattamie i , 20 10 Quthrle Shelby Harrison Mills ...-....;..... Adair .,.'.... Total r: -' -. Tor. Raat. .' .An excellent office location, fronting en Pearl street, bnly half sf block, from, Broad Way, with 4 -h'cfl "large .ahowwlndow which can ba uaed for display. Bee ofBoa, 10 Pearl street, .Council Bluffs. Real Estate Transfers. ' ' . These transfers were reported,' August n, to The Bee by the Title Guaranty Trust Co. of Cquncll Bluffs: . . ... Henry DeLong and 'wife to Dart- . mouth Savings bank, part lot 24, ' Johnson's. add., q. c. T. ..-.- 1.00 Cornelius Hannlfah et al. to Leo Ryan, wH sw 18-78-42, q. c. d 1.00 Snme to Michael J. Ryan, eV4 ivU 18-76-42. q. c. d.......:. .7 LOO Hnttle O. Hnrdln and husband to ' First National bank C. B. lot 6, block 0. Curtis & Ramsey's add., q. c d ? 1.00 P. J. Clatterbuck and wife to S. A. Clntterbuck. lot 23. block 31, Cen tral ' sub..- w. . a 1,000 Friend!:' Lucas to Florence Horton, part lot 3, block 2, Cochran's add., w. d.... 75.00 County Treasurer to Mary L. Ever ett, lot 21, block 85, Railroad add., "' t. A t..r- -. 53 Same to snme, lot J, tlockv 10, Rail road ndd.,vt. d. .......... '. 61 Snme' to same. lots 13," 14, black 12, Charlton add., t. d 3.44 Bame to same. Jot 6, block 2, Mayne's first add., t. d..... 1.71 Same- to' snme," lots 'X, 2, 3. block K, Perry's second add., t. d t 4.31 Snme to same, lot 18, block 6, Bay- llsa' third add., t. d. 100 Same to same,' lots 4, 5, block t, Plnlnvlew add., t. d . , 184 Same to snme. lots 1. 2, 3, 4, block 9, ' Webster's add., t, d. 8.12 Snme to same, lots. 17, 18, hloi k 14, Evans'-second bridge add., t. d. 4.08 Snme to same. Jots 6, 7, 8, block 8, .. Webster's add., t. d 8.9 Bame to same, outlot 1, Mill add., t.d. 11.21 Same to snme, lot 36. .block 33, Ferry add., t. d. 4., :..... , 2.64 Same to ssme, lot 13, block 14, Mill add., t. d f.35 Snme to same, lpt.l, bjock, 43, Ferry , add.', t. d... ,.-. . 50 Snme to snme, lots 2, 8,-4, (, 8, 14, . 1 block 45, Ferry add., t. d 1U Snme to same, lot 19, block. 44, Ferry . add., t. d .....t. . 60 Same to same, lots 7, 36, block 35, Ferry add.,-t. d. 2.42 Snme to snme, lota 8, 14, block .43, Ferry add., t. d 1.08 Some to same, lot 6, block 25, Rid dle' sub., t. 4 ' W W Snme to aafne, lots t 3,. block 37, Riddle s sub., t. d. 6.64 Same to snme, lota 2, 8, block 44, Ferry add., t. d. 1.08 Bame to snme. lot 10, block 23, Ev-, . ana' second brldare ndd., t. d 1.42 Same to sanv, lots 39,. 40. 42, 43, 44, . . 45, block IS, Wright's add., t. d 138 Twenty-nine transfers; total tl,lfl7.98 ' ' V . WedoUas; Gtfta. ' . Pictures make Ideal ones. . Alexander's Art ..Store ha a large assortment... 33 Broadway. N. T. Plumblnr Cn. TeK 30. Night, 7667. Harness , thoa Searched. ' The harness shop of Henry Arvls, netr the Junction of, Pearl ,nd Main street a waa partially destroyed by fir at 1:30 o'clock yesterday.' morning. ' The damage to the bul'dtng waa alight, bi)t th stock WESTERN IOWA . . , COLpEGE Kail term open Septt-mber 1." New Cat. alos-u and College Journal for the Mlg. ' W rtu. or call for Information. ; K. P. MILLER, Presidaatv , Haaaal Teas ale. 'Phane B-flli. Coaaell BlaaTa, la. . LEWIS CUTLER MOBT1CIA1K. kt Pearl St., Council bJuda, 'Pfcona 97. TIIE OMAHA BLUFFS was considerably damaged, prtndpall)' by Smoke and water. It Is supposed that-tha blase originated from a kerosene lamp left burning In the store during the night. Tba fire department within a few minutes after Its arrival on the scene had tba fire ex tinguished. Jaaltora Waat a Raise. In view of the fact that the new rules formulated for their government will Im pose additional duties upon them, the Jani tors of tha public school buildings will present to the Board of Education at Its next meeting a petition asking for a uni form scale of wages and an Increase of 10 per cent. The petition has been signed by all the male Janitors. The Janitor at the Eighth avenue school, who Is a wo man, and two teachers, who also act as Janitors of the small buildings where they teach, have not algned the petition. The extra work which will be ' Imposed upon the Janitors under the new regula tions, they say, should entitle them to In creased pay. Some of them In charge of the larger buildings' Insist they will have to hire an assistant, as they now have an the work they can attend to without having additional burdens placed upon them. 1 The salaries of the Janitors range frcra )35 a month at the Eighth avenue school to 3126 at the High school. In asking for a uniform scale the Janitors suggest $20 a month with 35 additional for every room In use. This scale is partly In force. An other thing that the Janitors ask Is tho privilege of meeting once amonth at one of the school houses to discuss methods of taking care of the buildings and other matters of interest to them. Dlea of Alroholle Dementia. A. R. Ehlers. proprietor of a small hotel In Mlnden, this county, was brought yes terdnr morning before the. commissioners on Insanity and by them aent to St- Ber nard's hospital for obaervatlon. Within two hours after his admission to"tha hos pital Ehlers was dead.' Ehlers, It was stated, had been drinking heavily fcr some time past, and was suf fering from alcoholic dementia. Testerday morning he became-extremely violent, and It required tha united efforts of three men to place him on the train, Dr. Auguatln, the attending physfclan, having, decided that It wna a case demanding the consid eration of the Insanity -boatrd. On the train Ehlers collapsed . and relapsed , Into almost unconsciousness. Arriving at tha depot, he had to ba carried from the train to a hack, . hi which, he was conveyed to th courthouse. The commissioners, recog nising, bis condition, ordered his removal at onoe to th6 hospital, where, two hours after, he died without regaining conscious ness. : Mra. E. H. Louaree Dlea. Mrs. 'Cornelia Lougee, wife of Eldln H. Lou gee, died last evening at tha Wom en's Christian association hospital, where she underwent Tnesday a severe surgical operation. Mrs. Lougee was tha daughter of the late John Hanthorn and was born In this city January 30. 1870, and was there, fore 34 years of age. She was married to Mr. Lougee May to, 1891. Besides her hus band -she Is survived by her mother, Mrs. CorneMa Hanthorn. sister, Mrs .Lyman T. Shugart, and brother, George Hanthorn, all of this city. Announcement . of .. the funeral, will be made later;. .;. -, Prohibition Con ventloa -Cnlleat; Tha"prohlbltlonlsts of Pot!(awatlamle county will meet in convention at Carson Friday September 9, to place In nomi nation a county ticket, of, which Dr.. C. F.. Diets of Carson is chairman. John H. Leader of Oakland secretary and William M. Whitney of Carson la treasurer. The other members of tha county central com mittee are: J. C. Uhle of James township, B. f; Morris of Washington township, C. B. Snapp of Carson township. M. Johnson of Kane township, H. B. Knowles of Gar ner township and A.- Dowd of Tork town ship. , - For Rent. Residence,, nine . rooms, modern conve niences ftxeept furnace, which will ba added If -tenant desires; large yard. Fifth mvsnue, near High school; 325.00 without furnaee. Also store room 18 by 50 feet, on Main street, near Broadway; $20.00. . ... . A. A. CLARK A CO. Plumbing and heating. BIxDy'ft Bon. . MlJtOR MEKTIOIT. Davf aella drugs.' "'. . Left erf glasses fit Stockert sells carpets. - Schmidt's new studio. '408 Broadway.' ' Swell photos at shrunk prices, William. . Western Iowa college opens September L Tucker's new B'wsv Stum, stm on tha ground between Pearl at and postofflc. Bneclal attention given to pictures for wedding gift. Alexander, 833 Broadway. Mrs. K, J.' Robinson and granddaughter. Miss Nell Gross, are home from an ex tended western trip. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to P. A. Johnson, aged 42, and K'len John son, .aged ,26,-both of Omaha - , Word has been received here of the death Of Miss Gertrude Dykstra,- formerly of this city, at Orange City last Monday. At the meeting of the Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association this evening officers for the ensuing year wlll.be elected. Found Purse at Lake Manawa, with Initials , on purse, "M. V. C." Owner please aull at Bee office, 10 Pearl street, A special meeting Of the Senior Loyal Temperance Legion will be. he)d this even ing in the new club rooms on Willow avenue.- v Tha Bunday school of the Flrt Christian church' will hold It annual picnic thla afternoon In r'alrmount park. The tart from the church will be made at 1:30 p. m. The South Bide Improvement club will meet thla evening at Seventh street and Sixteenth avenue to elect-officers for tha ensuing year and- to arrange for the- win ter campaign. ' Albert, son of Custodian Hansen of the city hall, suffered a fracture of an arm Tuesday evening as the reault of a fall from the hayloft of John Hlggln' barn on South Tenth street. B. E. Troyer. chief clerk In the Illinois Central freight office In this airy, left yea- tarday for Chtcnajo, having been promoted to ui position 01 traveling auaitor. no is succeed.-1 hero by W, f. Gibson from fn- Th building In which ths new heating filant of the city hall, Jail and patrol build ng baa been Installed has been completed and City Welghmatr Hlggesbn. who oc cupies tha ground floor, took possession of his riew quarters yesterday. During the 'month of August 130 convey anoes of real estate were filed In the office ef the county recorder with a total con sideration of IKAIHl.W. In August of last year 118 conveyances were recorded, with ti n aggregate consideration of 1117,2k Sa. St. John's English Lutheran church will have special full opening services nest Bunday morning and evening. The pastor, Rev. u. W. buyder, at both aervlcea will preach sermons appropriate to the occasion and the vented choir slll render special musical programs. - - Articles of Incorporation of Tha New Bpecialty Manufacturing- company of this city were filed, yesterday. Thei capital slock hi placed at frVGou and ths Incor porators are V. 3. Jifrr. C, E. Wood bury, A. C. 'Walker, J. B. Oretser and O. K. teliibaugh. t ' ' . ' , 1 A young man from ' Emerson, Is , whose name was Mot learned, was buncoed out of M Tuesduy evening by two confldcnoe men on 8u(h Main street. The sharpers worked th ancient padlock gamu en tha youth and then) took the car for Qnutha before ths police heard anything about It. A report of the affair reached tha police Indirectly, as rhe tnierson youth. rallt-l that he had bea-n maul an example of Burnuni famous snvlna and made no complaint at head- uuiora, but took th Mai train for noma, DAILY BEEi THU11PDAY, STATE CHAIRMAN TOURING Cornea to Goftsoil Bluff for t Oonfereno Kext Wek Wedfleidsj. J IOWA SPEAKERS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND Javealle Coart Law Being lain are Becanse Lealslatnre Failed to Pro vide tha Machinery and Fane Reader It Kffeetlve. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Aug. 81.-(Speclal.)-Chlr-man Spence of the republican state com mlttee and C. L. McNeeley, In charge of the speakers, started today for Waterloo, Where tomorrow they will hold the first of a series of eleven conference with republi cans. They will be at Waterloo, New Hampton and Cedar Rapids this week; then next week will go successively to Ottumwa, Creston, Council Bluffs. Bloux City and Fort Dodge. These are conferences by con gressional districts. The meeting at Coun cil Bluffs for the ninth. district will be on Wednesday at i p. hi."- at tha . office of Wright & Baldwin. At these conferences it Is Intended that all the county chair men and district committeemen will be present, and as many of the local candi dates for office as possible. The matter of finances for the campaign will be talked over and organisation work started, also the desires of the districts In regard to speakers. The commute Is Just now push ing the matter of organising campaign club In all parts of the state, the old fash ioned campaign clubs for marching pur poses with torch flights and uniforms are coming Into vogue again. A large number of - Iowa speakers are being given dates in other states and It Is doubtful If the campaign will commence here as early as previously indicated. Gov ernor Cummins .Is especially in, demand In the states of the west.t He has accepted Invitation to speak In Minnesota, Indiana nd in Illinois, and rny, deliver addresses in some other states, but desires td devote most of his time' to Iowa.- Secretary Shaw will give but one date to Iowa thin year. Secretary Wilson and" others have been called to Maine and Congressman Cousins Is to have one meeting In Philadelphia. There Is demand for some of the Iowa speakers In .Missouri ;nd tn Nebraska. The state committee was! gratified to re ceive Information today that Speaker Can non and those who will tour the country with him will give two meetings to Iowa during -the campaign. They will be given one In the second district, sr. eastern part of the state, and one In 'the central part of the state. The committee also received word from Governor Van Sant of Minne sota to tha effect that he' would speak tn the. state. . .. Many Anto Tfambera Ont. ' Secretary of State . Martin today Issued No. 754 in the registration of owner of automobiles having' a rght to go upon the public highways of the state. The owners of vehicles of this clasvare applying rap Idly for state " registration which makes them immune from any, local license fee or regulation. The state "-keeps a record of the numbers and Vequlres these numbers to be conspicuously displayed. The useful ness of thla provision Is becoming known in the state and Inquiries reach the sec retary o.f state everlv w'rek as to who ha certain number. " In one northern Iowa county a reckless dnvrjbf. n automobile went through the. cjiiipty tjolng much dam age, without stopplns-'frpdlaclose his Ident ity, but farmers road note ol his-number and will prosecute him on this1 alone. Invest n oaH Dnkota. A company has been, . formed ( of . Des Moines business men.-Including S.' C. Lee, William Ma.shan and J: R. Sheeley, which has secured a francBIs in Sioux Falls, S. D.f for-the operation of a street car sys tem and the establishment of a treating; plant In that cliy. Thelty' formerly had a street car system, but Jt has been aban doned. The De MoinesK capitalists expect to build a new and better system, to be operated by electrlcl.ty. lYevr Test of WelL Chairman Robinson of the State Board of Control has received word that the con tractor who was engaged to filter the water at well No. 2 at the state hospital at Cherokee, has made good his promise and remedied the' detect found after the first trial.. The well Is' now to be given a' second tMt, which will last for thirty day, to determine if the Improvement, of the well 1 permanent. . . ,yr' ' ' .. Pytalaaa Have a Reanloa. Dr. T 8. Waud of GermaniR, grand chan cellor of the Knights o'f Pythias of Iowa,1 paid an official visit to the .lodge In Dea Moine last night and today went to Block ton, in th sduthern, part of the -state, where the Pylhlans hold .a reunion, and he will be one of th speakers. At a meet ing here, largely attended, the report of Senator C. C. Dowell. supreme representa tive from Iowa,- on the- work done at the Louisville supreme; meeting was "outlined and that -part relating- to the official rec ognition of - the Rathbone sisters, was warmly received, This1 ha long been fa vored by the Jowa Pythian. Cental af School Children. Th Iowa school Census will be taken-in the next teif Jy, State Superintendent Rlgss has Just lent out to all school officers a .circular urging that the census be more carefully taken than usual and showing by tha return made to hla department In FOR Women's ILLS BErTEllBEH 1, 1004. recent year that th census ha been very Imperfect. - The apportionment of Interest on the permanent arhool fund I mad on tha basis of enumeration as shown by th census, but despite thi many thousands are not enumerated. It I expected tnat thla year the work will be don better than before, laaare Jnvenll Coart. Tha new Iowa law In regnrd to estab lishment of a Juvenile court ha utterly failed for lack of mmey with which to establish places for th court to meet and for car of those who a- committed under the law; and here in Des Moines Ihe' Hu mana society, acting in conjunction with others, ha adopted the plan of ignoring the law entirely. The Juvenile offender are dealt with outside of court and are being sent to ocletlea where they are eared for or placed out on adoption paper. It 1 the plan of those. Interested to move on the next legislature with a view to Improve ment of the Juvenile court law so a to make It operative. Guardsmen Are Passled. -The review of the two regiments In camp here today by Governor Cummins and staff took plac this afternoon. A peculiar complication arose in connection with the review. In one regiment, the Fifty-fifth, commanded by Colonel J. Rush Lincoln, the new army tactics, which have not yet been put In force In the regular army, have been used and th companies have been drilled under them because of the fact that General Lincoln was one of those who wa called upon to prepare the tac tics. In the other regiment, the Fifty third, these rules are unknown. At first It was feared there would be complications In the matter, but they were settled by all following the old regulations so far a possible at the review. Demoeratle Candidates. At Cedar Rapids today the' democrat nominated J. A. Green of Stone City, Jone county, aa candidate for 'congres In the Fifth district against R. G. Cousins, ji Is understood that In the pixm district there Is some doubt as to whether or not S. A. Brewster, who was nominated at Oskaloosa, will accept tho place offered. Swedish Methodist Conference. Forty Swedish Methodist ministers from the states of Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska, Colo rado and Missouri, comprising th western conference, are assembled in Dcs Moines In the annual conference of the churches of this denomination and nationality. Informal meetings of th ministers who are present were held last night and this morning In th Swedish Methodist Episco pal church, Kast Dee Moines, and tomor row morning at 9 o'clock the first regular business session will be opened. Bishop W. F. McDowell. the youngest bishop In the conference, Is presiding. Drilling; for Coal at Creaton. CRESTON, la., Aug. 81.-(8peclal.) At th Invitation of a number of men who are Interested in the finding of coal .In Union county, Prof. T. E. Savage, one of the assistant at the office of State Geologist Calvin, at De Moine. arrived In the city yesterday. Drillers have been at work for some time at a point east of the oity searching for coal, with encouraging re sults. Prof. Savage said that the Iowa coal fields were too. uncertain to predict the nature of the vein In this county, but he advised the continuance of the drilling, and thought it probable that at a sufficient depth a rich vein of coal might be struck. The matter Is creating widespread interest In this county. . Entertaining- Lather Ut. CRBSTON, la., Aug. 81. (Special.) The Swedish Lutheran church' of this city Is today entertaining the Luther league of the Stanton district Delegates arrived on th, mornUig train and repaired to the church, where all the services were held. About sixty delegates from the different towns in the district were In attendance. Good music, stirring addresses and a veryJ great enthusiasm Insured the success or ail session. Rev. A. Norrbom s arrival was a pleasant surprise to all." Mr. Norrbom Is president of the district, and had not ex pected to attend. . i Goes to Kebrnaka Charge. CRE8TON,' la., Aug. 31. (Special.) Rev. Foakctt, who has been pastor of the First Baptist church of tills city for several years, delivered his farewell address Sun day and left thl morning for Fremont, Neb., where he will take charge of -the church. Mr. Foskett's ministry in this city has been very successful, and he takes with hint to his new charge the best wishe of the community. - ' Bare Care for Drink Habit. MONTEZUMA. Ia,, Aug. 81. (Special.) Because he wa unable to quit drinking Charles Holry. laborer living five mile south of thl city, placed a stick of dyna mite In his vest .pocket and exploded It. The effect was horrible. ' His heart and one lung were blown, from th body. . He leave a family destitute. Confirmation Service at Creaton. CRESTON, la., Aug. ' 81. (Special.) This morning at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Bishop Morrison of Davenport conducted a very beautiful and impressive confirma tion service. The large, attendance was at tentive and the muslo waa of the best.. A communion service followed. , Good Corn Prospects. SIBLET, la., Aug.. 81. (Special.) The outlook for a good crop of corn In north western Iowa Is fine, provided there Is no heavy September frost. . - ' ' - K3Km d5gge tXAMaRATION SUPfKISJlOfloSO. !awuB a soie sv I CrATIAKCJCAo.ltlCCj J , PUnAU0OCA,TtMN. 1 ROBBERS MARE BIG HAUL S - awanaaaa . . Bold Up. Express Apent and Guard at Xem merer, Wyoming. TAKE THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ItaUread Men Are Beaten lato la sensibility with Bntts of Onna . tad Highwaymen Make .Their Escape. ' SALT LAKE CITT. Aug. 31.A special to the Tribune from Kemmerer. Wyo., aaya that three mashted men held, up the ex press agent and armed guard Just as train No. 6 on the Oregon Short Line wa en tering the station early today and took from thnm 813.000. which had been shipped her to pay off the miner. Th robber beat the railroad men Into Insensibility trltK the butts of their guns and escaped. flay Amount Was but SIMM). CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 81. Upon the arrival of the Oregon express on the Ore gon Short Line at Kmmerer, Wyo.. at 2 o'clock this morning, four men stepped out from th shadow of a building near the depot and as soon as the door of the ex press car was opened by th messenger two of them held him up. while two other stood oft the station agent. A package containing 3900, to pay off the employes of the Kemmerer Coal company, wa "de manded and wa given to the robbers, who disappeared. Sheriff Jamea and Deputy Jones of Evanston went on a special train to the scene bf the robbery and are now in pur suit of the robbers. The robbers are believed to be employes of the coal company, who knew c the ar rival of the package, as they made no fur. ther search for further plunder. A package containing 813,000 for tile Cumberland Coal company was not disturbed. Th scuffle attending the robbery 1at night attracted the attention of the station telegraph operator and a number of switchmen near by. They rushed toward the. express car, but were compelled to throw up their hand by he robber. After securing the money the robber marched the express agent, operator and rwltehmen Into the express office and locked them In, and disappeared.' EXPLOSION IN POWDER MILL One Man Instantly Killed at Pnnxan. tawney, Pennsylvania, and 1 Three Injured. PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa., Aug. 31. Eight hundred kegs of powder exploded today In the press room of the Laflln A Rand Powder works,-two miles east of here, in stantly killing Leonard Bair, seriously In luring three others and causing, costly de struction of property. The cause of the explosion Is not known. Kew Weed Barner. SIBLEY. Ia., Aug. 81. (Special.) A new railway weed burner has- been patented which uses gasoline to produce the con suming flame.- The Omaha line will employ It on a twenty-mile weed patch near Worthlngton. The Bee Want Ads Are ths Best Business Boosters. lotva Instructor for Lead, . D. LEMARS. Ia., Aug. 81. (Special.) Prof. Blgelow of Lemars goes to Lead, S. D., as city superintendent of schools at a sal ary of 32,400 per nnnum. Asthma and Hay Fever Cured. Tho truly marvelous cures of Asthma, .which aro bolng effected oy Dr. Schifl rn ami's Asthma Cure certainly call for notlca. ' Rev. O. L. Taylor, of Washburn, III., says: ' "Some 7 years ago my wife used several packages of your Asthma Cure which resulted In a permanent cure." . A Hay Fever sufferer writes: "Ihava been a sufferer from Hay Fever for over 20 years, and it seemed harder every year. The first night I used your Asthma Cure I was greatly relieved. It cured my cough after using a few times. 1 shall recom mend it to all sufferers of Hay Fever." Mrs. MarthaSlmerson, LalnKsburg.Mlch. Sold by all druggists at 60c and 11.00. Bend 2o atamp to Dr. K. Schlffmann, liox Hdft, St. Paul, Winn., for f, free trial airkage. i'no l onio Par Excellence. (A Wine Oordiai.t The best specific remedr for .Malarial and Tvohold . , aT" . : a ' W BVHr AT J3oldef A nfl uenza, fco. ,jf sea swi ur-na ex lr... aM-aWI A BEAUTIFUL V?CI.UM 1 S)aaa) oMraaaad hr Cray J aa aadir ei.acal Hah-. Imperial Hair Regenerator wlUremnlrthU. Any ahaa from Blak to the ltKhtnat aaa Blonde produced. Colors are (torabla-J-'aally applied. Ab solutely barmlra. Sample of bair l oredZree, Corr-apondeuce conrtd.ntial. FBt'l.tTa-"-! 4im.f1.tM " 1 ".,- Va-fc. Sherman ft MrConnell Prua Co.. Omaha. Ft1 -77 '?f55s . . liiL au.- I I I DRUGGISTS SELL. 0 1.00 BOTTLES. t. ' -U-., Si-i TEACH the: children , A delicious- dentifrice makes tha tooth brush lesson easy.' SOZ0D0NT l a fra grant liquid cleanser, penetrating that Uttl -crevices of .th teeth It purifies Ihorn. SOZODOWT TOOTH POWDER polish th delicti enamel,, but doe not scratch, thua It prevents the accumulation of tartar, without Injuring; tha ' snarnel, a property found only In SOZ0D0NT. ' 8 FORMS: LIQUID, POWDER. PASTS. Uf)e Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Only $15.00 DEADW00D, LEAD AND DAKOTA H0TSPRIHGS AND RETURN v Tuesdays and Saturdays Till September'U, inclusive $27J CLEVELAND. TORONTO. BUFFALO AND RETURN 1 ;it jr. Offices 1401-1403 FAR NAM ST. OMAHA , o TEL. 684-661 ' - i .i'.'iii' i ii a, isi in i ami i n imhh-,', mn r-ii" BEAUTY, TO look well take cure of your complexion. Do not allow un sightly pimples, blackheada, tan, kr freckloa to blemish your akin. Derma-Royale will remove these like magic. Cures Eciema and Teller. ' liaed with Dfrma-ROYAlS Soap, a perfect akin Is Insured. OLD BY DRLiaaiSTS. or m.y ba orrierad direct. Derma-Royale, 41 per bottle, express paid. Dcnns-Royale Soap, 2S Cents, by ansH. Both In one package, tl.tS, express paid. Frtraibi and tnttinoiitala tent DO teuett. THE DERMA-ROYALE CO., Cincinnati. 0. Schaeier'a Cot Prlca , Drair , btara. MEN AND WSMESe 1,'aa Bl( 44 for unnatural dl.rheriee. inflammation, irritattone it uloarnrloert T assess maaiDranaa. Palal.M, aad sot strin gent or aolaonous. S)ald Jrclsts, . or aent la slain wrappes, tor ei.preee, prapal. tar SI. 00. or 4 botl.a.74. Cireulax aaat "a raaavaat. MARVEL VYblrlina Spray n Tb rww TaflaM ftyHaar. ty-ic- ifvtJufM etymon. nmBx 1 1 HiWIUM l.atrllj. ttfc m 4 ran It t ft ( lv 4-unnuiBupui n .-annul aupply tho IMAM ttij, swept no other, but aand atamp fo' ua. ItiWsa lull paiilenlaraand dlimloni In. Valuable to ladles. MJSVKLtO,, S arara aww. ae w a era - -' For saM try ICHAKrBR'S UHUU--STORES, 14th and) Clilcaso 8ta.: 80. Omalia, 24th and N bis; Council Bluffs, ith and Main Bts. KUHN eV CO.. lU;sraat iMiuaUaa Straat... SEARLE5 t SEARLES -- Omaha. Neb. ' CURES 6 U ARAN TEED Quicker and (or LESS MONEY , - 1 thao thar . SPECIALIST Cures fill aneit-laJ rlla. ease of mn kidney, bladder an4 .dlaeasaa of women.. Blond Polion ' c.ur?d ior lity 8oo-vr BIUVU rUIIUU ,lBn symptom,' sores on body, In mouth, tongue, throat, -bair and eyebrows (failing- out) disappear .completely forever. ' VirlfilKfl Vlln rupturejd, enlarcad ana IlllbUiB I Bins knotty veins cured withoiii cutting, pain or loss of time. Never faaiav Qulokest cure In the world. ' Weik, Neriflut Mealia nervoua debility, early decllna. lack, oi vlror and strength. Treatment by mall. H'TEARg1 OF 8UO CEBSFUIj PHACrriCE IN OMAIIA. cor ker af 14th and Doulaa- sr aat ta uriatara. r- H Fmkik C.nUaW" jfl fHt EVAMS ONEM I0MC4. CIsOIIIPUTI.I).nTJ .SKEvorif 7oman V.-AWVa ' ia lntanated and should know -YOM'rSI 'vSULli "4 ' ahoia the wo-dartul aaw Va m '"'''A A '.', sT ' a mm )) 1