THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TITCftPDAY, BEPTEMDEK 1. 1W1. T GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Grain Make Small Adruoot on Bhorti Covering Tradot. ' , DAMAGE NEWS CONTINUES TO CIRCULATE Wheat thorta Crow Kervoa ally, ant Hlgk Prleee Act aa Check t.Biar Gala Ceaamerelsl . Gassl. OMAHA, All. 81. 1901 Wheat and other gr,.n marteu ar In a rather nervous conaition. The manner In which speculative shorts will run on the lightest provocation is an Indication of the tenderness of their position and of the fact that ther are not at all sure of It. The prices on all grain are admittedly high, especially on wheat, and It almost rt-quire Continuous bull news to maintain prices. Even when the threshing returns ana the foselp reports are Of a character to sustain ha stories of damage to the northwestern crops the bulls Una It hard to keep up prices against a speculative bear movement, and it Is only when the latter undertake to cover that tne latest strength shows. The weather map la a factor of considers bis Importance this morning, rain In the sec tions where harvesting is going on, colder weather, poor harvesting returns and speo uuatlve operations were the dominant fac tors. 8ho(tlr-after the opening the mar kets were all firmer and about Ma higher, but .this waa quickly followed by a reaction of "Aq'AC tha ,nw point of the areslon. At this time the short began to show their uneasinerna and with, a good demand there was a steady advance over a point In wheat, tha deferred future extenuing the betterment to HA. . Local' receipts have fallen off materially and tha lower prices of grain its compared with a week ago have cheeked sntpmenta to this market. A high quality of any kind of grain would Induce buyers to pay good prices,' wut Nebraska elevator men seem to he sending only their poor stuff here or else they haven't got any better on hand. After tha first rush of short covering tha price on wheat sagged a little, but it turned ogaln In the closing hour under renewed covering and' a continuation of damage report of a serious diameter, and closed with n gain of. lo on September, Ho on December and Vto on- May. Iellverlos on Be;itember will be freely made tomorrow, but unquestionably there are many shorts In September that expect lower prices. Corn was decidedly strong; on tha wet weather and the fears of early cold. The advance.' In all the futures .-waa about VrflTHe. -." ' Oats sympathised with wheat and corn, nnd Improved WflHu. Omaha Qraln Inspections In; Three cart '.o. a hard wheat, 1 cur No. 4 hard wheat, .) iarn no grade wheat, I cars No. 2 corn, ,9 care No.' J eorn, I cars No.-4 corn, 1 car no. i reiiow corn, I cars NO. I yenow corn, I car r No. 2 white oats, 1 car No. 1 white oats, t cars atandard oats. Total, 30 cars. Out 1 Pour cars No. t corn. Omaha Cash Bales 1 car No. I corn, 4eo; S cars No. t corn, 4SMo. white Caah Grata Market.' ' ' ' ' . Omaha. , No. I hat-d Wheat.'..'.:. 98 (n 100 No. t hard wheat 87. (tt 99 No. 4 hard Wheat 86 05, Chicago. 107 lll 102 blilS o rea wneat...,..., ... No. red wheat......',.' ... No. I spring wheat...-. No. I spring wheat No. 2 corn..,.....,,. No. I corn No. 4'ooca. .'..',;..,,,.., No arado corn No. I yellow com No. 8 yellow corn- No. I white Corn No, I white corn,..,.. No, I oata.....,.,..;..... jno. a oats . . No. 4 oats No. i white oats,,,.. No. t white oata',. No. 4 white oats.;,,...;, : Standard oata.;?,.;;.',;;: Omahst Fatsires.' The following- opening, high, closing today and Tuesday on low and futures on ns umini uraui exenanas: Corn ; . . ; close Open," High. Low. Today. Tues y. Sept, . 44 1 46H ; 4 , ' 4 '. 48 , Deo. : S4H . i.vZ . ioi - mm. - mju. May v.. 45HB" 467.B. 45TBS 46'il ' Car Lot Reoelpts. . .Wheat. Corn, Chicago v...,., (9 ' 837 48 Oats. Minneapolis Q , , - ... Duluth ,..u,.u,.,u,u...2i,.. ... Kansas !ltjr...,.iw,... tf . ft . 18 Bt. Louis. .138 8 41 Prlsaarr Meveaneat. 1 , ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat today.... Last week., Last year......... Cera today Last week Last year 1.0MI.443 883,958 187.727 893,635 843.287 526,678 402,280 .... 823,7 .... ' 744.8H6 .... t070,0u0 861,m .... i6,780 Grata Markets Elsewhere. ' Closing prices of grain today and Thurs .day at the market named were as follows CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Tuesday. September , ;.. l.ocifc l.06 UOOUgi 1.06'4 i.m Deoemoer l.WH May 1.10 Corn ' September (8t4 December ..,.... . 614 May 4VV tVA 61 U 4i uats : . September 1 ,., 814 81 December S3 82? May V 36 ST. LOUia Wheat September '..108 ' v 107 December , 110 109 Corn ... September (u December .. KANSAS CJTtI' 48 Wheat- September . 96 December m ,.,..- 97 bu 'orn - "" ' "' Corn September .. December ,.. 47 4V 46 46- DULUTH. Wheat September .,....,1 , 111 December , 111 11: NSW -YORK. Wheat- September UJ 111 MINNEAPOLIS. wneat September ,v 111 December , i..t llu 111 Ceasatereial Oossl. Minneapolis says: "filg demsnd tor oash wheat here this morning! everybody after It. Largest milling company buying till spring and winter can get. "We are doing no speculating In wheat or any grain," aald J. Ogden Armour, "but It looks to me as though wheat was high enough. I would not be surprised to see corn sell'lower, even with n moderate frost. I shall be here all winter attending to legitimate business." J. 11. Ware to exchange Grain Co.: Price of wheat la high enough to need bad crop news all the time to keep It from breaking. Continued wet weather would be bad. of course. Spring wheat will be on In two weeks, and will weigh on the market Un til then look for scalping market. . Viaaaclal Gossip. American stock In London, steady about parity. Outlook for peace In transstlsntlo rat war good. ; , , London continue bullish on United State Btsel Issues. There Is a revived rumor of Russia bor rowing 8UA.OOU.000 In Germany. Manufacturers say there will " be no change la steal rail prices this year. Rumored merger of all Chicago traction companies, with 8M.000.UuO new capital Chicago banker believe outward move ment c( currency this year will be larger tnan last. Rported agreement been reached In steel matter snd some announcement may be made tonight. Preferred Steel very strong. New York banks have lost to sub-treasury sinoo last Friday $1,807,000. Five hun dred thousand dollars In gold shipped to ur to Argentine. bund house report buslnes this month ail up to July figure. Sharp decline In schauge InJlustca shipment ef currency svuth iw buy cotton bills. Wsstern lines expect to be In the market fur mure cars after the corn crop Is aj ured. Burlington offlclsls expect laffi ciu yields throughout their system. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. M.-BITTTER-rlrrn: guod demand: extra Western cream ery, ic; xtre ncurhy prints, Hu. . EOCiS-Bleady J fair demand: nearby first. V. at uarki eater n firs:, ' lUa-'Oc. at mar'.:. t . 1 CliKEiEU-fnchanged: ' New York full goodm"t2lc ' 'v,M4o: Mt Peoria Market. nP.cRlA-,A" .-CORN-Steady No. 1 . . do 1 grade, toe. Dalatk Orals Market. tl'LI.TlI. Minn', Aug 81 -WHEAT-' Wrtve; c 1 northern, II U.V! ui To fcortb- llOWaitftt ... 107 ,gaU 100 10s 106 OII4 4K 58 84 47V4 62& 88 1 48 60 & 53 49 65H& 56V 48HS 48 68 & 66 4 ' 63'f 54 . , 4K-V oJlaS 63 80 31 29 S0H ,.. 28 .., ,-. v 1 H3Hf 84 ' 1 , - On - ?L fh 3MA 29 I'LWQ 88 U 81 & iSi V im ern, 2L12V On trackt No. t northern. H-1SV No. I northern, New. to ar rive; No. 1 northern, tl.l4' No, I north ern. $1.1-M; September, $l.Mr December, tlt; Mar, 11.12V 1A18 On track and to arrive. ST a. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS reatarea the Trails; III Closlaa; Price a Boarsl ef Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. fl. The Influenes of poof threshing returns and unfavorable weather In the northwest finally gained the ascend ancy over liberal primary receipts today, and as a result the wheat market closed firm, with December up SVkc. Corn also was up NCHc. Oats showed a gain Of Ho. Provisions were Weak, closing with a lose of 7t to 30c. , Hevy rains In Manitoba and the Dakota Imparted some firmness to whest at the opening, December being lower to Ho higher, at 1107 to $ 1.0k 14. On the slight advance there waa liberal selling pr some o' the recent bulls, who were beginning to fear there might soon be receipts of new spring wheat In sufficient quantities to cause temporary depression, at least, In the market. Commission houses were fair buy ers, but the demand was not sufficient to sbsorb sll the offerings. Aa a result a weak tone developed, December declining to 11.07V Later the weather bureau, pre dicting continued rain In both the wheat and corn rerlons, revived the enthusiasm of the bull leaders. With the aid of shorts, who had taken advantage of the breek to cover freely, the market soon became strong, December advancing to 21.08. At the same time reports of poor threshing re turns had some Influence on trading. Much of the advance was lost, but the market closed firm, with December up HffHe. Sep tember ranged between II O614 and $1.07, and closed at 91.08, a net gain of Kc. Clear ance of wheat and flour were equal to 22.400 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.00,. 400 bushels, compared with 744,300 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis,' Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 294 cars, against 213 last week and 828 a year ago. Strength of the cosh grain and report! nf h ,etrwari1 condition of the growing I crop were the main factors that held the corn mnritet nrm ai a inir navnnce. 1 ne volume of trading was onlv moderate. De cember opened Hc to Htte higher, at 614 to 81c. sold up to 52c and closed at 6114c Local receipts were 837 cars, with 64 of contract grade. Oats were Arm aa a result mainly of the notion of corn. Trading was light. After opening unchanged to He higher, at 82T4to S3-. December ranged between 824fl'82',1o nnd S3U33c. and closed at W4C Local receipt were 200 cars. ' ' Indications of more serious complications In the strike situation caused free selling of nil hog products, resulting In a weak provision market. At the close October pork showed a loss of fJHflfcOe, final figures being st tn.imnn.lS. Lnrd waa down 12e, at $7.00: ribs were off 7c., at $7 87H- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, W cars: corn, 460 cars; oat, 208 cars; hogs, 11000 head. l 1 The leading futures range aa follow: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Yes'y Wheat I I a Sept. f 1 07f 1 b Sept. t 1 06 1 07 Dec. 1 OS 1 09 1 0TV4I 1 OB'A! 1 0H 1 06 1 mm 1 06 1 07 1 10 62 1 07 109 1 08 V May 1 10 1 11 1 10l Corn 1 1 Sept.. IBS ff 53fl Dee. 514 62 .1 May 4e t 80 , 6?V . 61 H .40 . 63l .5 61(H 49 81 82 Oats Sept. Den- 81 m 81l 31 H S3 i May' S5g 35 I. ,S!35 Pnrk -I I I ' I 35 Sept. 11 t 11 ? Oct. 11 48 11 47' Jan. I U 47! It 0 I T.rrt 1 I 10 90 11 10 10 V7W 11 IB 12 42' 13 37 Sept 1 197 Oct. 7 07 T 10 Jan. 7 10 7 12 85 7 00 6 87 7 00 j02; 7 07 Rthe 1 1 Sept, I 7 IT T 80 Oct. I 7 87 7 40 Jan." I 6 60 8 65 7 18 7 174 .7 82' . 60 ' No. 1 a old. b new. Cash quotations were a follows: ' FLOUR Wn quiet and steady: winter patents, $6O0530. straights, $46004.90! spring patents, $6 005.80; straights, $4,800 8.10: bakers. $3,104(3.80. ... WHEAT-No. t spring, $i:i0ffll.l4; NO. 8. H.0291.10; No. t red. $1.07f 1.06. . CORN-No. 1 63c: No. 2 yellow. 65c. OATB-No. X 88l83 : No. I. white, 84$ 84c; No. t white. 32033c.'. RYE-No. 2, 71 c . . BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 45tr68c. SEEDS No, 1 flax, 8118: No. 1 northwest ern, $1.26; prime timothy, 82.95; clover, con tract jpsde. $18,68. PROVISIONS Mas pork, per bbl., $1.00 311.12. JLard. per-100 Iba., $6.8o6.87. Short rib sides (loose!, $7.12G7.26. Short clear tide bqxed).(,$8.2$8.0 , t SMpinentaV of Saur.-and sraln wer as fallows:1 I '. Reeel1.Shlpment. Flours, 600 v 18.600 Wheat, bu........ ..4660 s 81,800 Corn, bu 88,600 178.400 Osts, bu...., 608 . 600 Rye, bu, ....114,700 U000 Barley. u 66,700 900 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firmj creamerle. 1419c; dallies, 12l8e. Errs, steady at mark, cases Included, 14&16e. Cheese, firm, 8QSc. t. Loala Grata a Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 81. WHEAT Higher; No. t red cash, elevator, $1 .11: track. $1.12 r.12: December. $140; May, $1.12; No. hard. $1.0ti1.10. . t . CORN Higher; No. 1 cash. Sic; track, 5252o; December. 48o; May, 48c. . OATS-Hlgher; No, 3 cash, 82c; track. $3934c; No. I white. 85c; December, 83c; May 83c FLOUR Steady; rwd winter patents. 8B.40 06.60; extra fancy and stralghta, $6.106.S6; clear. 84.404.70. SEED llmothy, steady at $.46lft. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 83g8c. HAY Dull to Arm; timothy, 86.00&12.00; prairie, 88.0OWl.60. IRON COTTON TIES 9tc BAOQING 77o. , . TWINE-Hemp, 7o. . PROVISIONO-Pork, higher. Jobbing, $18.07. Lard, lower; prime steam, $6.86. Bacon, steady; boxed extra aborts, $8.50; clear ribs. $8.87; short clear, $9.00. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10e; prlnge. 12c; turkey, 14or geese, 60. 16c. - EGGS Steady at 17o. esse count ..- ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls: t 14.000 14.00) Wheat feu-.....,.... 184.O0O,. -91.000 Sorn, bu 40.000 88.000 at, bu 42.000 86,000 Kaaaas City Oraiia and Provisions. KAN8AS CITY. Aug. 81. WHEAT Steady; September, 96c: December, 97c; Moy.V; cash. No. 9 hard. $1.00(81.04; No. 8. $7cfih.od; No. 4. 86ft96c; No. t red, $1.061.07; No. t, 8i.0O1.04; No. 4. 95cfi1.01 receipts, 218 cars. CORN Firm; SeptembeV. 47c: Deoember, 4Sip45c; Msy, 46c: cash. No. I mixed, 49g49c; No. 3. 48e49c; No. J. White, 49o; No. t, 481 ! 49c. OAS-8ieedy; No. I white, S34c; No. t mixed. rms7c. RYE Steady, at 76o. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $9.50; choice prairie, $7.25. ( EOOB Firm: Missouri' and Kansas, new No. t whltcwood case knoluded. 18o, case count. 16e; case returned. c le. BUTTER Creamtry, 14(ffl6c; dairy. 18c ' ' Receipt. Bhloments. Wheat bu.. 174.000 148.200 Corn, bu 64.000 48,400 Oats, bu........ 12,000 6,000 Mllwaakee Crala Market. Milwaukee;. Aug. . wheat-mbj- ket lo higher; No. 1 northern, fl.184tl.l7: No. 9 northern, tl.lO01.Mi December, $1.08 61.0fl bid. RYE Market higher; No. 1. TSe. BARLEY-Steadyt No. t, 68c; sample, 8Cc. CORN-Dul!; No. t. 6S05Sc; December tlo bid. Miaaeapolls Oral Market. MINNEAPOLtB. Aug. II. Wf4.VT-nn-tember, 1 11: December, 1.10) May, $1 18: No. 1 hard, fl.17; No. I northern, $.15: No. 9 northern, $1.12. . FLOUR First natenc. I6.1C98.90: se. ond patent. $8 Mft 08: first ;leara, . f4.604.80; second clears. $2. S3. BRAN In bulk. IK trtltlj; short, $18.00 01a.SK. , ' Liverpool Grata Market,'. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 81. WHEAT Spot nominal; future steady; September, 7 .d ; December, 7s 8 d. , CORN Spot steady; American mixed. 5 id; future quiet; September, 4 Td; De cember, 4 6d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Aug. 81. SEED Clovers Cash October and December, $7.45: alalke, August, $7.96;, timothy, September, 81.46 asked. , taaar aad Molaaae. NEW TORIC. Aug. n.-SUGAR-Market raw firm: fair refining, 111-18; rentrifugal, M test, 4o; raolasses sugar, f T-I60. Re lined, firm; No 1 4 80e; No. 7. 4.76o; No, t, 4 70c; No. 9. 4.85c; No. 10, UVxsi No. 11, 4.66e; No. 12. 4.60r NO. It, 4 46o: No. 14. 4411c; confectioners', J08o; mold. 1.05c; rut loaf, ItOc; crushed luc; powdered, f.tOc; oiM-q kettle, a.xwl to choice. tli:i7e. . VIOLA 8SES4 Market Steady! New Orleans Open settle, ruo.1 to choice, tie. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. XL !-St 'GAR Mar ket strong: nnen kettle, iifill-16; ren tiifngal, tHc; centrlfugel whites, 40 yellows. ti4s,; second (Re. MC' ME8-Mrlift polfvsl; open ket tu centrifugal, l01ic; syrup noml- aal. tcai&o.' , '.,- ' ' t SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Harkat Eather Irregnlat 'and Euinest lighter in Volume. NEW HIGH RECORD FOR READING SHARES tek at . Orala-Carrylaa . Read V Weaker Beeaase at Adverse Coadltloa AsTeetlac . , , Crop. NEW YORK, Aug. 81. The stock market touay bote tne usui ante-nolioay aspects, frice movement wtre rainer anu ousii.ess waa in lignter vo.u.db. ihixt tiaae.s who wer not really beailsh seemed Inclined to reduce tneir lOinml.ments lor a variety ot reasons. These tncluaea tne heaviness of internationals In londmi, wnere operations awlnaied to nominal pro portions. The reactionary tendency of Mis souri i-clnc anaaouil, Kansaa lexas, Atchison and coiorauo Southern proper lies, whoee earnings are Ilkeiy to tie ad versely anected oy any ser.ous damage to tha corn crop, aiso helped to cneck tne upwara course of the .1st. in some quarters, however, the weakness of Mis souri Paclilc and otner Gould stocks, ss well as Colorado Soutnem, was attrlouted to more important reasons. Tne wheit situation w again watched with ueusual Interest and the usettled condition of the cotton market was viewed with disfavor. Nevertheless stocks were not offered with any freedom and there was an absence of tne previous day's liquidation. Following the Initial decline there was early buying of Reading, Erie and St. Paul at Im proved prices, the first named advancing on a relative y heavy volume of trade to a new high record. The Metropolitan Issues recovered In a Inrge measure from yesterday's weaknesa United States Steel shares and Amalga mated Copper led the usual group. Aside from the Increasing strength Reading and several other active coalers' indecision marked the course of the market all through the early session. Erie common continued one of the few prominent' fea tures, several lnrge blocks changing hands at further fractlona! advenes, while Read. Ing lost all Its early advance on realising sales. ' No explanation was vouchsafed for the 6-polnt gain in Chicago Union Traction preferred, but the abrupt break In Chicago Terminal probably resulted from the very poor financial statement recently Issued. The preferred stock fell to a new low record. Erie was among the few notable exemptions, holding comparatively steady In spite of material recessions elsewhere. The weakness became -more pronounced at the close, and a great majority of the ac tive lasues made net losses. United States Steel preferred which rivaled Rending and Erie in activity, made a 1-potnt gain. Trading for London account aggregated about 60,000 shares, of which fully 40.0X) shares represented sales of Erie, Southern Railway and Reading. Old United States government registered 4 per cent borda advanced of 1 per rent and the samo issue, coupons, , while the new 4s dec'lned on call. Business In railway and speculative Ig'iuei was uausuaPy heavy. Total sales, par value, amounted to $6,746,000. The quotations on he New York Stock exchange ranged aa follow: , naie.nign.L,ow.uiose. tinn.LiOwxiniie. 81 . 80 80 PS ' 9S 98 87 86 86 Atcmson 10400 do preferred 600 Baltimore A Ohio 17700 do preferred , .. 92 Canadian Pacific 1300 127 127 127 Central of N. J 100 lBSWi 16tt lftS Chesapeake A Ohio.. .14700 39 38 3S inicago a Alton 910 iih 41 do preferred 100 88 . 88 41 82 16 Chicago A Ot. West.. 1100 15 15 Chlcaao A N. W. 200 187 1S6 16100 155 158 IKS 154 180 C, Mil. tt St. Paul.... do preferred Chi. Term. & Trans... lo preferred C. C. A St. L Colorado Southern do 1st preferred do 2d preferred Del. A H. ex. dlv Del.. Lac. A Western 1100 . 8 . 6 6 2600 14 11 12 'WO 18 15 15 lfW 50 49 49 1200 21 21 22 1800 164 .164 163 Denver A Rio 0 100 v do, preferred 800 Erie TWO do 1st preferred...... 7900 do 2d preferred .2500 Hocking Valley........ 700 do preferred 1300 Illinois Central.. Iowa Central do preferred... V C Snulh.rn 1000 . 137 100 21 300. 43 . do preferred,: 400 ,. 48 Louis. A Nashville... 1100 121 Manhattan L .100 156 Metro.. Securities 6A00 . 89 Metro. St. Ry. .......... 9300 120 .48 120 ion 5 ,,154 8 8K 9 119 88' 119' Minn. tt. Lrfiuis... M., St. P. S. Ste. M.. do preferred 55 lOO 72. 72 72 600 130 ... 129 128 Missouri Pacific-..,.... 8600 9: 96 96 22 21H 46 46 36 36 m . a t 1 900 .. i do preferred 2100 4 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 100 86' New York Central.... 1300 123 Norfolk A Western.. 1600 63' do preferred Ontario A Western.. 9100 82 Pennsylvania ...92100 125 124 P., C. C. A St..L. Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred... Rock Island Co...., do preferred ..97400 3 m .. 400 85 85 .. 400 76 ' 74V ..16300 26 95 1000 6i. Bt. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. 1300 Bt. Louis a W 1600 do preferred ,.. 3800 Southern Paclflo 16200 Southern Railway 6900 do preferred 700 Texas A Pacific....... 7300 T., St. L. A W........ 600 do preferred., 20 Union Paclflo 90200 do preferred....'.....-.... Wabash 600 do preferred 2900 Wheel. A Lake Erie. 200 . Wlsoonsin Central , 6X do preferred 100 Mexican Central 400 Adams Expresn Co ' 44' 19 19 89 88 17 17 11 American Expresa Co. , S. Express Co 1100 "119 lit V, "s-Fnrgo Ex. Co Anu'V copper 24100 Am. 1 , - A Foundry.. 900 do prfc'-rrcd Am. Cotton Oil ' . do preferred.... 67 18 American Ice; , do prelerred. ........ Am. Linseed OI..I.... do preferred......... Am. Locomotive do preferred Am. Smelt. A Ref... do preferred Am. Kngar Refining. Am. Mlnlner Co 200 800 800 800 20 90 6.100 64 1000 107 106 106 900 131 131 131 78 Brook. Rarld Translt.10700 54T4 54V4 54 86 198 18 8 Col. Fuel A iron.... Consolidated Gas..,. Corn Products ., do preferred Distillers' Beoiirltlet General Electric International Paper. An nref erred 800 87 96 400 196 196 100 13 13 800 69 69 800 166 164 1 100 JM int 2f 78 78 76 t! 92 101 .12 76 216 . 7H 4 17 88 44 7 86 69 19 74 ' ? 169 International PumpJ. 1700 80 qd pmnrni , National Lead North American Paoine Mail People' Gas pressed Steel Car..... do preferred.,, , Pullman PalBce Car. Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron... U. 8. Leather.. t do preferred TT. fl. Realty 1 8. Rubber do preferred eg dlv. 600 'lOO 40O 900 'ioo 600 93 98 2 2 82 76 7 43 82 44 7 86 69 1 7 12 60 , 900 100 1100 1D00 ton 10ft 700 ' 124O0 89 46 st 62 76 12 61 IT. B. Bteei. ' A An nref erred 75100 Westmghousa Electrle; .... Western Union , nw 90 90 Total sale for the day, 664.100 chare. I.oadoa Stack Market. ' LrONDON, Aug. tl.-ClosIng! Consols, mtmn It Nsw Terk rential.,..lMH a seoeuat, Oct.... Horfols A W TO Asaeonaa 4 pM HH Atchlsos M I Ontario A W iivt 00 si.., IrannarlTaala , us Baltlmora A Ohio..,. MS4 Itand Mines loH Caa. Pl6e ai-4 17 Readme tt rha. A Okie 41. oa lal pit. a-4..., rkWM fl. W ... 10 ao sa pta anu ...1U4 to. kallwar iu C. U. A it. T J"1 so. R.llw. ...iuaik 4a old aau Penver. A B. 0. H .'8b PaalSe ui do Bid 'UotaB Paella, ai4..10Ha Erie . o (d. os-t M do 1st p' V. I. Steal Iiu do td pld 414 do pfd )3 Illsoit Cautral Wakaao , lost lnila. A Naab ,1" do pfd 40 sj M , K. A T 3 tpaalak 4 17 SILVER Bar ' ateady, Md per ounce. MONBY-4i'8 per cent ( The rate of discount In the open markot for short bills is 918-162 per cent The rat, of discount In the ofen market for three-aienth bill 1 1 per cent. Forelsta Plaaaelal. IXJNDON, Aug 81. Money was In strong demand In the market today on the an nouncement of a new treasury bill Issue. Discounts strengthened. Operators on the Stock exchange wer ' almost exclusively occupied with ths completion of the tene ment, many being absent, anticipating Sat urday's holiday. Consols recovered from aa VjJMmJ Oedlaa. American opened, dull, r 25 26 77 76 76 2"! 97 98 65 84 64 41 40. 40 83 83 83 91 89 89 187 137 11 21 42 42 82 46' 130 rallied to above parity, beesm fneetlT nd Moe-ed higher. Foreigner were firm on Paris aupportlng RiiPslans. Japanese hardened. Imperial Japanese government 6 of 19"4 were quoted st 9H. PARIS. Aug. 31. On the Bourse today the tone wit firm, except for Russians, which were unsteady. Russian Imperial 4a were quoted at M 75, and Russian bonds of 1904 st 606. Rate of discount was 101 per cent. BERLIN, Ati. fl Trading on the Pour today waa quiet. Price were Irregular. Hew York Money Market. ' NEW YORK, Aug. tl -MONEY-On rail. eay, tfl per cent; closing bid, . offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, easy and dull; lxty day. 9 per cent; ninety day, 2; six months, 3. . PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-t-34 per cent. . . STERIJNO EXCHANGE Steady, with aotaal business In bankers' bills at 94 8.47'H 4.8756 for demand and at $4.S47K8f4 8480 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4 and $4.8: commercial bills. $4.844.4. SILVER Bar. 67c; Mexican dollsr 450. BONDS Government Irregular; railroad, Irregular. The following are the closing quotation on stocks and bonds: U. . fit- U M....lfMHMarfhattaB e. . s...i do coupon. 1S M ranlral 4a 41 do la. rc IK do let Ine 14 Minn. A St. U 4a.... t M . K A T. 41 1W do Is 1H N. R. R. ot M. i. 4s. T4 do coaaon lis1 do saw 4a. roe 111 , do w 4 mupoa..m 1 do eld 4a re 1 do coupon 107H K V C m. IV4S 14 Atchison se 4a 10Ha!N. i. C. . 4a ! da ad 4s is No. Pacific 4a l Atlantle C. L. 4i V0 No. Paclflo U 74V4 B. O. 4a. ml ! M Mr W ron. 4a 101H 8 IHa Central of Oa. 6a. do 1st Inc........ Cha. A O. 4Ha... Chlrai A A. IWa. ; H.K O. S. U 4a A pertle. Hla .111 renn. cost. aa... a, iBuju. n ia .V. .. M iReadln tan IM) .lOTTa st. l,. a i M. a. ta.lli . 7t St. L. A 8 F. ta 4a. M B. Q. new n n I. . w. la M. A St. r. t. 4a.tto Saanoard A. U 4a ... n r a. w w . ma I. Paplnn 4a.. aa C., R. I. A P. 4a'...'. 74'A.So. Railway lt do col. la.... 7 Tea. A Paclc la.... 110 crc. A St. U t ta .loiH Chicago Ter. 4a 74 Coa. Tobacco 4a 1" Colo. A So. 4a 4 Denver A R. O. 4a... 101 T s I. A W. 4a... TT Union Pacific ! do eonv. 4a VH4 V. S. Steel Id 6a W Wabaah la Erie prior lien 4a.... IH do date. B do an. i r. W. A D. MHiW. A t. B. 4a ii C. la...irawwia. Central 4a. ...... Hockln Val. 4Ha.... Colo, fuel coov ia... W U a N. nni. ran Boston Stock. Market. BOSTON, Aug. tl.-CaM loans, cent; time lonn, 384 per cent. ?S per jmciai closing of stocks and onnda: Atchison adj. 4s do 4a Mai. Central 4a. Atchlaon do pfd Rnatnn A A Boaton A Malna Poatnn Elevated F!tchburi pfd Max. Central . . MU'Weetlns. com. .101AdTantura .... , II Allouaa . Wi Amalaamated . . 7! American sine .tf.o Utlantlo , .lllBln(ham lal ral. A Hecla.... .114 . 11 .lit . 74 . H . 11 . 1 . 4 .ill ' .114 Centennial Ooper Range .... Pair West , Dominion Coal .. Franklin Orancv tala Itonl Man. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C... N. T., . NH. A H. Para Marquette ... Union Paclfle Araer. Arc. Chem do pfd Amrr. Pnau. Tuba., Amer. Sugar do pfd A mar. T. A T... 1I7 Amer, woolen do nfd .... Haloid Dominion ... mvoaoania Dominion t. A B 10 parrot Qulncr "Bdlann Blae Ilium. o . Oen. Klactrlo ,144 Shannon, el-d... , 13 Tamarack , II Trlnltr . 41 V. 8. Mining ... .104 V, 8. Oil $1 UUh , 10 Victoria Maaa. Electrto ... do prd Maaa. Oil United Fruit .... Unttad Shoe Maeh do pfd U. 6. Steal do pfd 1H wlnona . (1 WolTsrla Bid- Asked. New York Mlatagr Stock. NEW TORK, Aug. -Sl.'-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks Adama Con.. 16. Lit I la Chief .. I .154 ..136 ...14 .. 1 .. to .. 10 .. 26 ..lit Alice , Brunswick Con... Comatock Tunnel . Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Silver iron Stlrer Laadrllle Con... .. 10 ,. U ,. 14 . 14 .104 .166 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savage Slarra Nevada .140 Small Hopes .. I Standard Coadltloa of tike) Treaaary. ' WASHINGTON, Aug. Sl.-Today's state irlent of the treasury oalancea In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, show: Available caah balance, $148,titllJ gold, $48,583,527. ....... . (- . NEW YORK GBKBRAL MARKET (taotatlon of ' h Day oi Tarloa Comatedltles: . . NBW YOBK. Aug! txtFLbUR Receipt. 20.308 bbls.; exports, 186 bbls.; sales, 3,406 bbls. Market steady n but , dull; Minne sota patents, $5.90jti.8&r winter patents, $6.99 $5.60; winter straights, 84.9066.20; winter extra, W.454J4.00; winter ' low grades, 43.24 3.80. Rye flour, market firm; fslr to good, f 4.2604.60; choice to fancy, $4.654.80. CORNMEAL Market Arm; yellow western. $1.10f 1.18; city, H.14;tJ1.16; kn dried, $3.2OtJ3.30. BARLEY Market steady; feeding. 47c, c. I.- f.. New York.. . - WHEAT Receipts, 1 1.000 bu.; sale, 8.000,- 000 bu. future. Market spot. easy; No. 2 red 81.10 f. o. b. afloat;. No. 1 northern Du luth, $1.25 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Man itoba nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options opened weaker In response to heavy foreign sell ing, but on good support from the room talent quickly rallied, unfavorable weather and crop, news from , the northwest prompted further advance, but under realis ing the market gave way. finally rallying a little on demand from shorts. The close waa partly o net higher. May, $1.11 1 IS C1 loaz.. U..K.. ai I. 13. closed. $1.12; December, $1.101.12, closed, $1.11. CORN-Reoelpts, 47,800, bu.l exports, 129, 638 bu.; sales, 10,000. bu. futures. .4,000 bu. spot. Market spot firm; No. 9, 59c eleva tor and 69c f. o. b. afloat; No. f yellow, 61c; No. 2 white, 69o. Option market was steady all day ..on - leas favorable weather reports and prospects for lighter receipts, closing c net .higher. Sep tember, 6859c. closed, &6c; December, 57058e, closed. 67o. OATS-Recclpt. 723,000 bu. Market spot dull; mixed, 96 to 32 lbs., 85(6'36o; natural white, to to 33 lbs,, .74J38c; clipped white, 86 to 40 lbs., 403420. FEED Irregular; spring bran, . $20.00; September shipment; middling. $22.28. HAY Market quiet; shipping, 67c; good to choice, 96o. HOPS Market steady: state, common to choice, lftot,T27636c: old,.7l3c; Paclflo coast, 1903. 2431o: old. 713c. HIDES Market steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 17c; California, 21 to 26 Iba, 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 90 lbs., 14o. LEATHER Mnrket firm; acid. l496o. . PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family.- $10.60 11.50; mess, $8.60j9.00: beef hams, t24.00i3 95.50:- packers, $9.50i91u.$0; city extra mess, $14.004f 16.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel lies, t9.0OSiU.0O; pickled shoulders, 8tl.5oC7.00; pickled hams, 110. 00 10. 60. Lard, firm; western steamed, $7.40; refined, steady; con tinent, $7.60; South American, $7.26; com- Sound, $5.874i6.00.. Pork, easy; family, )4.60r(fl5.M; short clear, fl2.(015.60; mess. $13.00ftl3.26. TALLOW Ms rket, dull; city. ($2 per pkg.). 4c: country (pkgs. free), 4i$4c. RICE Market quiet; domestic, fair to extra, Vtfate, Japan, nominal. - ' PEANUTS Market dull: fancy x hand picked, 6o; other domestic, HfjAc. BUTTER Firm; state, dairy, common to extra. 12(g 18c; renovated, common lo extra, 10i6c; Imitation creamery, common to Choice. ISdvltc. CHEESB1 Steady; - stste, full croati, small colored, poor to fancy, 6fi8o; Urge white, fancy, fair to fancy, T8o. EGGS Steady to firm) western fancy se lected 21c: western average best, WtiiXxs. POULTRY Alive, steady ; 'western chick ens. 14c; fowl. 13c; turkey, 13c; dressed, lregular; western chickens, 14i&16c; fowl. 13S14oi turkey. 18S16o, . Cotttra Market. NEW YORK. Aug. $l.-COTTQN-Spot closed quiet, 16 point decline; mlddllnr tip land. 1160c; middling gulf. 11.76c, Sale., 4.800 bale. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 91. COTTON Market easier. Sale, M0 bale. Ordinary, 13.16c : good ordinary, 16.16e; low mlddl'ng. II. lfio; good middling, 18 16c. Receipts, 8.982 bales; stock, 9.200 bale. Futures stesdv; September, 10 n10 63r: October, 10.58 10.59o; November, 10.67?10 6e ., 106lvi0.62c; January. 10 9&io.47o; February, 10 7o4J10.72c; March, lO TTe bid. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8i.-COTTON-OuletJ middling. Ho. Bales, none: receipt, none; Shipment, none: stork, 8.842 bale. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 81 COTTON-In I'rht demand; price 18 point higher: American middling, fair. .Md; good middling, (84d; middling, 6.7M; low mlddllntr. L50I : good ordinary, 6.84d; ordinary. 4 lid futures Opened steady and closed barely stendy. ! American middling, g. . c, Pentember, 8.18d; September and October, t.95d; Octo ber and November, 6 86d; November and Peoember, 6R2d: December Bnrl January, .80d; Jennary and February. 6.78d: Febru ary and March, t.Tfcdj March and April, 6 7fa; April and May, o.T8d; May and June. $.784. . . ' ' . Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. tl.-COFFEE Market I for futures opened stesdy at an Advance j of 10 points on September and I points on other positions. Demaad did not seem to be active, but the foreign markets were stesdy. Later In the session the market eased off. closing steady to 6 point higher, i 6m lee wer M bu) begs, including September .80416 88c; December at 7.0og7TlOc; March at 7 8r.ti7.40c: May at T,5O(fn.S0c. and July at I 7ft7.75c. Spot Rio sited; No. I Invoice, 8c; mUd steady. . J i (MARl LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle EeoeipU Light And Priot Held Tally 8tdy. HOGS. SOLO CONSIDERABLY LOWER Active Deraaad tot Sheep aad Laanbs fron Botk Paeker aad feeder aad Tradlasr BirUk, vtltk Prlee Steady ta ttreas All Aroaai. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 91, 1904. Receipt wef.i Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Offiolal Monday 7.404 ,ol Offlclnl Tuesdsy 9.149 11.191 10,e46 Official Wednesday 2,5.0 tM0 7.IWU Three day this week. ...11.138 Sam days week.... 9.4J9 Same day week before. .11.61$ Same three weeks go.. 7.23 Same four weeka ago.. (.994 Same days last year. ...18.110 28.710 U.852 la, 44 k0,81t 11,448 aa.38 l0.i37 It. 79 160.9O4 181. .44 1KI.M 138.539 161.241 lU.tol) 80.6H1 46.8J 92 8.18 82.8 , ll,sl y, ,ij ' 4a. 47 1.4?S lH,b.lfl lo0..l 13.74 Kf"8 12,006 Total August, 1704 61.448 Total August, 1906 76,1 jU Total August, 12.. .. 96.1K2 Total August, 19ol. Total August. I). 1901 72.796 ........87,817 Total August, 1XMV 84,442 Total August, 1 77.7.3 ?Otal August, 1897 72.013 otal August. 196 66.911 Total August. 1896 78,1180 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at boutn Omaha tor the year to data, with comparison with last year: . 1904. 1908. tno. Dec. Cattle 644.676 ' 641.111 96.539 Hogs l,64i,3l l,62.t2 9.721 Shsrp 9ti8,lo5 HZ2,m 85,339 Avers g price paid for bogs at South viniana iwr in lavs aevetaa u a with i-uiu-Sanson: Data, 1804. lsOt.lM.180t.llflM.iaW.lM. August l. august 2. August 8. 99 4 821 4 a ftfcl 97 Mi I I 411 I Ml I a6 4 18 8 I. te I ) 4 a 84. 4 48 i U 4 41 8 71 4 88 4 ; t st 4 tl 1 1 i 7 6 Ml I 'is 1U a iui AWarusx . August t. August . t w T 29 i V4I I IW t Mil 7 tl aui 04 6 tv 14 4 6 lui 78 4 04) August August August ai W1 August 1U ! 7l li I 6 a l T 04 111 W 4 99 74 6 771 4 43 s 4 97 78 Hi I ti 4 3 4 j 8 48 I 9 54 AUguall 11 August 12 August 1 August 14 4S7 1 4 81 I 6 U 781 4 lo 4 81, e i f 4 Ul AUgUSt 11 August 16 August 17 e jdi a w I 4 44 3 76 4 a'l 8 78 I 77 4 98 841 f 00 4 tax! 4 a lunn 12 6 02! 6 Hi 4 8vl I 74 August U August ln August 201 18 8 - a 1891 I 6 87j s i e u-l Sll 8 VI; 6 91 4 97 4 4. I 46 4 tali 3 67 12 141 16 80 X4 . I 76 4 43 ' 4 44 2 6 4 41 t 74 August 11 August aai August 28 August Ausust 25 1 August III f Ul 99 0S, 5 IH 6 IS e 40 b all e , 4 4xi 4 M 3 S3 2i f 93 7 10 4 40 8 73 6 4 7 ti 98 4 88 t 7: August m August 281 August i August. 90 4 6 81 I 26. 17, 7 K9 7 281 Oil OOl 4 98: 3 70 2 70 6 021 M 5 0U 06 4 401 6 W 03 4 11 1 12 4 42 I 7 26; 4 40 8 72 August 81 5 83 4 27 2 63 Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of atock brought in today by each road waa Cattle.Hegs.Sheep.Hrs's. C, M. ft St. P 4 .. ., Missouri Pacifla 4 1 Union Paclno 20 24 ' 6 2 C. & N. W 1 .. i .. , E. AM. V. H. R..4H 40 21 t C, St. PM. & O ... 8 14 8 B. at M 23 2i t 1 C, B. & Q t 9 C, K. I, 4 P., east 1 .. C O. W ! 4 Total receipts 102.. 181 20 14 The disposition ot tne day's receipt was a follows, each buyer purchasing the num. Per ot heaa inalcated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co...., hwitt and company Armour et Co cudahy 4-acking Co Vansant dt Co.... Carey at Benton Lobman at Co... W. 1. Stephen , Hill 4k Sou Lewis Huston A Co Root Hamilton A R Sol Degan -. Haiygerty Buuen at Klein North P. A P. Co Wolf A Murnan Other buyers Ager Paoklng Co... Lelghton Cuoahy Bros. Boyden 8. St S - ftl tUl 861 Ml 1,246 8t8 861 l.alo 1.-J2I US 1,643 e79 m lii 60 ...... 102 1 26 48 32 .... . .... tl .... . .... 14 . 67 .... 67 637 40 .... 262 ' .... 829 .... S,9SV 102 1.677 220 212 Carey & Carey 89 .... ...i Total 2,702 8.654 8,862 CATTLE Ther was a moderate run, of cattle here this morning, only about loo car being reported and of those 12 were billed direct. That left the actual number on sale rather small, so that the market held up In- good shape. In spite of the 23,000 head of cattle in Chicago, where prices broke 15 25c. The decllt.e there, howeve:, was caused largely by the strike of tne stock yards employes and the fear that other union men will be called out on a sympathetlo strike. The market on corn-fed steers was active and fully steady here this morning on any thing at all desirable. As high as $5.75 was sgaln paid, and the better grades changed lianas, in gooa season, wnen it came to marmed-UD cattle, however, the market was slow and very uneven, the same as Is generally tha case on that class of offer ings. Packers seem to prefer the grassers. and aa a result warmed-up corn cattle sell about the same as grassers. There were not u great many western grass beef steers In the yards, and ths f rices paid looked very much the same as hose In force yesterday. Desirable grades sold without much trouble, but common stuff was naturally neglected to some ex tent. I With a llgtyt run of cow and heifer and a fairly good demand, the mnrket ruled quite active and steady to strong. There were a few corn-feds Included In the re ceipts, but not enough to make a market, most everything being from the western ranges. With the exception of something very common an early clearance waa made, . Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold fully as well aa they did yesterday. There was not an excessive supply of stockers and feeders In eight, and as the demand from the country has been In food shape, the market ruled active and uilv eteaSv on desirable offering's, with others slow, but about steady. Representa tive sales: BEEF STEERS. No. II... 17... ... ... 84... 8.... 1... 8... 1... I. .. II. .. 10... 1... 4... 8... 1... 1..., 1.... ft v. ..1111 ..1.47 ..1474 ..1414 Pr. 4 24 4 44 4 74 8 74 ....1114 ....1114 ....1K4 I 14 6 W it. i.. 44., .1400 .UM 4 M 4 U buinJhS ANU COWS Ml A aa 4ti aa) ...( ...1481 8 98 cow a. ..104 ..lilt .. M4 .. M ,..1144 ... 07 ,..1110 ... IM ..1444 ,.IIM 1 tt I. m ..1104 .. 443 ..1011 ..1144 ..1104 ..1174 .1300 8 18 3 44 3 44 2 4 3 44 i V I TI 8 40 1 40 I 04 8 14 3 11 I 14 ll'l 3 3 K 1 BULL. ' "stag ' 9 84 CALVES. .1040 .8 I:::: 4 84 4 60 1::::: I - v J L . -U- J4 8 04 BTUCKKHS ATiV FIDEHB. 8... 88... 6.. 411 t 40 8 10TI 9 T8 , 47 8 40 8 471 9 4 .1114 1 41 17 1071 8 M NEBRASKA. I feeders.. 470 1 IS cows 967 9 cows 7i$ t Cows 1098 4 cows 892 1 Cow...... 9H0 9 cows 857 It feeders.. 1080 feeder. .1080 7 feeder.. lwO t feeder., 784 t feeder.. 718 4 feeders.. Hot 2 feeder.. 1288 1 feeder.. .1120 24 feed era, .1060 2 laa,...llj6 I cow liuO 510 00 00 1 26 J 26 i oo i 90 i 60 1 feeder.,. 1000 ' 2 60 I heifer.. 680 4U 10 10 60 78 00 16 00 60 60 10 06 60 06 20 I heifer 1 heifer. 1 cow.... j cow.... f cow... 1 bull.... 1 stag.... 942 . 810 lido , 930 .1050 13(i0 . t50 20 feeder 17 feeder.. liat 1 bull 1640 27 feeder., tit 1 60 t 2 If 2 90 1 feeder... ai 1 stag 1444 1 cow 1H20 14 feeder.. 681 106 Ira Morris Wyo. 1 heifer... 887 2 76 steer 1050 f 60 1 steer steer.. ..1106 I 10 ...1260 1 10 S. W. Johnson Wyo. U heifers... 4M x 4 heifers., ,730 ,i3& .1144 a rer.... 7W I heifers leaders.. 6-8 I W..1I t 7 co v a wu.i.,., ie lcow..., 96 Mercure Neh. cows Iui6 9 94 feeder.. 672.1 l. I. .1 cow.,., cows., cow..., Sows. . leer., tear., steers, bull.... ..lOftO 1 66 I feeder .1180 9 90 2 00 ioo 9 90 .190 967 I I It feeder. 94 1 feeder.. .ItMO 1 reeoer.,.12;l0 10 feeder.. 779 9 steer. I Ox ttt ...10 9 80 ..LW0 1 90 1 bull. 1.149 L C. Lewla-Ntk. IS ew...ri'jao tu J. r. Koalsr-Neh. 1 cow :o t C 17 feeoer.. 88 I 1 1 cow 1020 2 28 1 bull..... .1(00 2 80 C. R. Howard 1. D. 16 tows ioi6 2 40 78 steer.... l(r 8 14 steers... .1124 2 06 1M steers... lf2 80 1 steers.. ..1150 3 80 2 steer . ..1156 I M) 88 steer.... 1154 9 80 101 steer a. 1090 9 80 Hermosa Cattl Co. S. D. 1M steers. ..1127 2 00 H. V. Rowe-Neb. 1S1 feeder. 746 2 1 2 E. Motrls Wyo. I feeder.. 1047 2 76 27 feeder. .1047 ttt H X18 Ther was only a fair run of hogs her this morning, but at Chicago there were 26.006 head, snd price at mat point broke 16428c. The strike situation there, together with the big run, seemed to cause the market to go to pieces in bad shape. As a result prices here also inhered to quite an extent At the start some of the light hogs sold around a nickel lower, but report from Chicago kept getting worse, and buyers here grew more and more bearish. After the first round light hogs were mostly fcglCe lower, while heavlee were all the way irom 9sf' tu lower and very slow at Ihe decline. Pack ers wanted to buy the heavy weights from 9610 to $6.10, mixed hogs from 96.10 to 96 nd lights Isrgely from 96 20 to $5 30, and a high as 85.40 w paid for a voir choice light load. The market dragged along and at noon ther were still good many hogs in first hinds and buyers were very Indlflerent, so that prospects were favor ?ble for several loads being carried over or Thursday's market Representative sales: No. At. H. Pr. Ha. At. 8b. Pr. 47 144 .. I 44 t4 til 40 I 14 44 Ill 1 Ml lOO" I .t 1 lit II .Kl 110 I 40 tl Ill 140 I I) 47 144 .. I 44 ! tit It IN ea.. ji lao I oo 2M 44 4 to 1T ,. 104 II I4 .. I tO It J" HIM 41 M .. 4 tO 47 "! ., i OT, M 147 It IN 41 IM 140 I 07 t X4 10 I to .. I 10 41 fM ..IN II I" .. I 10 74 IM .. I M 44 170 .. I II ti M .. H 4....... tM .. I 10 tt t ..IN II 1U I 10 7 1H I tO It l 10 I II tl Ml .. I to 41 US 140 I II it 147 K0 I t II 49 I IS 148 40 I 10 it ki leo i io is r? to i K4 10 Ml 40 I 10 17 IH .. I lii 70 1 10 I ItH 71 141 .. tl4 17 tt 40 I It 4 140 M I llv, Tl It 40 I IIV, Tl 141 .. I ItH tt m 40 I ill, II 121 40 I Mst 7 Kt It) I liv, 71. ......., .. I 1)14, It t4 10 111 II 141 .. it; 11 t74 110 I ItH 71 Ill 130 I 13 15 Ml 11 I itu II .. I tl 41 141 10 I 11 71 t0 IN I H t .ttl lto 111 11 ;;s .. 1 15 T7 100 I UM 4 I0 10 I fl M ttl .. I II II Z7 110 I N 41 tS4 40 I II 74 Ill 0 I 36 74. ...... .114 1M 4 11 ST,.., tit IN I M 71 Nl 14 I II IS 7IU 120 I 11 7 103 140 I II 75 114 .. I I7V4 10 2l .. I 11 . M 14 .. 1 r 71 til 1W I II 17 t .. I 10 71 141' 140 I II 41 171 40 I 10 Fl IAI 40 I II II 141 110 I S3 4t 7i n 111 i in .. 1 10 '71 t45 44 I II II 117 .. I 10 II. 1 Ml .. I II 77 it 110 I N 3 151 .. I 11 M 231 10 I V) IS 141 .. I it 71 Ill 40 I 10 74 t21 IM I mi 73 MT .. 3 10 75 JtO 10 I 17 71 M4 IN I 10 II til 40 8 17 7S lit .. I 15 73 tl 110 IH 71 Ill .. 8 40 IT I3S 10 I to SHEEP Receipts of sheep were fairly liberal this morning for tli time of week, but none too large to meet the require ments of the trade. Buyers were all out in good season, and trndlng ruled active from stnrt to finish on all desirable grade of killers. This wns true of both sheep and lambs, and the enrly arrivals were soon dls posed of. As compared with yesterday, the mnrket could safely be quoted steady to strong and active. Ther was also a brisk demand for feed ers, and the prices pnld were fully ns good as those In force yesterday. A Dig string of lambs sold for $4.35, and some yearlings brought ?3.75. Common feeders Were per hops neglected to some extent, but still, even there sold to as good advantage as they have of late. Quotations for gross sheep and lnmbs: Oood to choice yearlings, $3.7&J4..0(; fnlr to good yearlings. 83.5Cai75; good to choice wethers, $3.5CiS3.7J; fnir to good wethers, 93.25I&3.50; good to Choice ewes, $3.253.20; fair to good ewes. $2.75ffi8.25; good to choice lnmbs, $5.00$)S.&0; fnlr to good lambs, 94.7549 5.00; feeder yearlings, $3.4008.65; feeder wethers, 83.00!8'3.36: feeder ewes, $2.02.S0; feeder lambs, $3.7694.60. Representative sales: No. Av. Fr. 26 Wyoming cull ewe f9 2 25 177 Wyoming ewes 99 2 30 386 Wyoming yearling ewe 70 3 60 212 Wyoming yearlings 72 3 75 673 Wyoming feeder lambs 67 4 15 835 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 4 U 10 Nebraska cull ewes 90 2 00 60 Nebraska ewes 96 2 90 29 Nebraska buck lambs 76 4 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Receipt Large and Market I laevenly Lower. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. CATTLE Receipts, 22,000 head, Including 1.600 Toxana and 7.006 western: market unevenly lower; good to prime steer, 15.404(0.00; poor to medium, f2.60iS6.00: stockers and feeders. $2.(0m8 7j; cows. $1.85tf4.00; heifers, . 76(54. 50; caneri, ll.S5S2.ifi; bulls, $2.00if?4.00: calves, $3.6oa6.r; Texas fed steers, $2.5G33.50; western steeis, $2.6O4.00. HOGS Receipts, 26.0(0 head; estimated tomorrow, 16.000 head; market lOQUc lower; mixed and butcher, $5.10(5 60: fair to choice heavy, f5.20tf6.60; rough heavy, $4.60 (55.00; light, $6.2535.65; bulk nf rale. 15 3o 5.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 25.000 head: lower; good to choice wethers, 1 3 60 4.00; fair to choice mixed, f3.Offr3.40: wrs ern. sheep, $2.75(94.00: native lambs, $4.C04j6.76; western lambs, $4.00ff5.75. Kew York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 81. BEEVES Re. ceipts 1,42; market, steers slow to 10c lower; bulls dull, hut bologna bulls full steady; cows unchanged; steers, w.owa'i.Mi; Texnns and half-breeds. $3.6ix84.$0; bulls, $2.25(4.35; cow, fl.20a8.40. Liverpool and Iiondon cables quoted llv cattle alow at l'Ul?Ho per pound, dresied weight: hsn ateady. Shipments, 2,60 quarters of bcf. CALVES Receipts, 2,811 head; market firm all around. Veals, $6.50(83.60; top $8.80; culls. $4,001,5.00; grassers and butter milks, . $3.6O4.00; westerns, $6.':u5.85: dressed calves firm; city dressed veals, 94 13c per lb; country dressed, 8l2c; dressed grassers end buttermilks, 6H&ie. HO38 Receipts, 7,206 head. MarKot firm and 15c higher than Monday, Mixed west ern hogs. $5.15J5.70. I ..... SHEEP antf LAMBS Receipts, 8,9i5 lvnd; market,,-sheep' steady; lambs steady to strong. Top grades shade higher; about all sold. Sheep, $2.0KrV4.2&; culls, 2.0o; lambs, $o.04J7.00; culls, 84.00. ' Kaasa City Llva Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 81. CATTLE Re ceipt, 9,000 head, Including 1,200 southern; market ateady and strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, fi.00&.9.; fair to food, $3.7605.00; western fed steers, I3.7'4J 60; stockers and feeders, $2.60(4.00; south ern steer. $2.5053. 75; southern cow. $1.60 $.00; native cow. $1.WVS3.C0; native heifer, $2.6Mi4 40; bulls. $2.0Piu!t5; ra ves, $2.oa.60. HOOS Receipts, 8,000 head: market, 10 15e lower; top price, 85.40: bulk of Bales, 96.9IW6.I5: heavy, 95.9CS6tO: packers, $6.2) 5.85; pig and light, $5.106.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1.900 head; market steady; native lamb, UMTt (.80; native wethers, $3 504 00: ewe, iroxft 8.86; western Umhs, $436.76; western yearlings, 93.904.00: western sheep, $3.26 2.75; stockar and feeder, t2.6C2.). tt. Leal Llv Steek Market. -' ST. LOUIS. Aug. 81. CATTLE Recelptg, 4.600 head, Including 1,800 head Texan; market steady to strong' native shipping and export steers, $4.6)6.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.00.(7 50; steers under 1.000 !bs., 83.5tK&.a5; stockers and feeders, $2.0004.60: cows and heifers. $ 2'$4.tO; can ners. Il.26ifl3.26; bulls, $2.00j$ .6'); calves, 84.0006.76; Texas and Indian steers. 12.00(9 2.60; Texas cows and heifers, $1.76TS.O0. HOOS Receipts, 7,600 heed; market dul'. and lower; pig and lights, $6.COrj5.9; pack ers. 85.90(33.60; . butcher and best tlsavy, $54047665. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.501 head; market dull and steadv; native mut tons. $3.25p 86; lambs. $4.004Y.6O: culls and bucks. ll.rt.T6; Blockers, 82.0Oi58.0U; Tex ans. fS.00(tN.O0. . tt. Joeepk Live Staek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.058 head; market steady: natives, $3.4014.86; rows and ht-lfers. $1.104.71; tockers and feeders. $2.76ift86. HOOS Recelnts, 7.444 head; market 10W 18c lower 1 light, $1. 256. 45; medium and ifv. IV104OO88. SHEEP AND LAMBS RecMnt.' 4 048 head) market dleidy; western lamb, tS tX Stark la tlaht. Following sre the receipts of llv stock for th six principal western citle yester day! Ll' IH. aTl'JrjsJ, purru South Omaha ftloux City l.Oirt Kansss (Sty 9.0 St. Joseph 9.. St. LoulB j.lrtj Chicago 9.000 7.900 4.000 8(V) 7 444 7.600 26.0i)0 Hon 8 044 l.5"l tt.000 Total. 41.089 81.144 U.440 tleaa City Lira Stoelx Market. SlOl'X CITY. Ia.. Aug. 8L SeclA5 Tel gram.) CATTLE ReoeTpLa, 1 000 head; market weak; atorker strong; beeve. 13 1) 66.25; cow, bull and mixed. It 9u.$.2o; lacker and feeder, ft.76a9.6o; calve and yearling. $L5tvf32. HOOS-Recelpta, 4.fy head; market lfto lower. iUug at $A0Ciiu6.U), bulk. $6 llf U, OMAIIA WHOLES ALffi . MARKET Caadltlea at Trade aad taetatleaa aa Staple aad Faaey Predaee. EOOS Kecelpte moderate: candled stock. 18c. , LIVE POt'LTRT Mens. tHfflOci rooiter. Ec; tin key. I.c; ducks. 10; geese, C; spring chickens. liHfll.V UU I 'l'KK-r afRlni stock, lie; choir to fancy dairy, Isolde, separator, I'vliso. PhEStii r'ltJrt Trout, luo; pivk.'tei, He; pike, lie; percn, 7c; feiuenen. Lie; wnitiflsh, no; salmon, lc; redsnapper, Lie; lobster, green, c; lobster, boiled. 90c; bullheads, lie; catfish, 1; Mark bass, jiV; halibut, li-o; erapples, lie; roe shad, ll; buftslo, loj white bass, llo; rog legs, per.doa, 96c WHAN- Per ton. $18. tlAt Prices quoted by Omah Wholeal Dealer' association: Choice No. I upland. $7.rv; No. :'. 4 6w; medium, $.0; roar, 5 6o. hye straw. 96 60. These price are tor hay or good color and quality, OVS'i'ERS New York counta, pef ean. 45c; extra selects, per can, lie; standards, per can, t2c. TROPICAL FRUITS. t)RANOIua-Valencia, latgt) !. Itt64 4.s; s.nau uises 4 ;4 aO. . . liCmo.nS 4. ailfornia luncy, 270. 20O and 3tu. h.w; choice. Id.tsiajt. 16. LlMES-r lorlda, per e-oaiket crate. $4 9ft. rfnao cauiumia, pur lv-lo. carton, 6O01 Imported b.nytna, a-crown. 12c; 4-crOwo, 44c; 7-cioan, 15e. 14 VNANAa-i .r medium sised bunch, $10t tu , ;umoo, IJ.i54ja.w6. L'AifcNNiv i'I NIPPLE 18 and 20 Use, per crate, $1.00. rRlITS. APPLES Home giown. per bu. backet, 4o0c; per bbl., $2.uwtl2.25. a oAviiiw veuiurni. fcioenae inn aue quenannas, II. hi, home grown cling, per 10-Ilk basket, 86c; Missouri, per 9-besk! viato, i.Im; Colorado, avo41.i0. PLUMa Cahlornla groaa prune, fl.aO( Tragiy, $1.J6; Italian prune. $1.26,' Utah anu voioraao pnims a no prunes, nufjii.TO r-KARH calliornia Hart lot t, per boa, 81.94 ft:. iv; Colorado r'lemlan ' Beauty, 81. M Colorado, I' tan and Oregon Barilett, tLM til. 16: California H. Hardy, $1.4. CAN '1 ULoUi-'K Arkansas and Indian Territory, per crate, $1.6o$1.76; genuins Colorado Rocky Fords, per crate. 12.08. WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), la. CKLKKV Per do., 5fyJbOv. ORAPKS Home grown, per 8 to 10-lb, basket, 9ue. CRAb APPLES-r-er MH 3.60; per mar. ket basket, 40c . VECJETABtAES. POTATOES New borne grown. In sick, per bu., 45n. NAVY H IT A Vl Per bu.. tMOfttM. ONIONS Home grown, In sack, per bu., 60(H7Bc. 'IOMATOE8 Horn . grown, . per market basket, 15ff20c. CABBAOK Horn growtl.'per 100 Iba. 80. Cl'Cl'M HERS Per do.. 16c. Tl'RNIPB Home grown, per bu., tOifMOa, BEETS Home grown, per bu., 60tfoOc.; PARSLEY Per do., 26o. WAX BEANS Per mrket basket, 0e. STRING BEANS Per market basket, 90a QREEN PEPPERS Per bushel bssket, fl.OO. SQt'ASH Home grown, per do., 60c . EOQ PLANT-Southern, per do., $1.60, SWEET POTATOES Home grown, pet market basket, 50&60c; Virginia, pr bbL, I3.26-&J.50. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW llONKY-Per 24 frme,23.. MAPLE Bl'OAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, llo; Wisconsin Young America, ltd! block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 16l7e; Wisconsin brick, ISd; Wisconsin llmberger, 18o.' HIDES No. 1 green. TVaCl No. 2 green. 8Hc: No. 1 saltod. 9c; So. tsalted( tct No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No, 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted. JQllc; aheep pe'ts. 24$2ic; horse hides, 43.78. NCTS-Welnuts, No. 1. soft shell, per lb.. joc; nsra sneu, per id., mc: io. 1 son sneu, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 19c fiecans, Inrge, per .lb., 12c; small, per lb., 00; peanuts, per lb., 12c; roasted peanuts, per lo., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb 2(913.c; large hickory nuts, per lb., llct almonds. large nicxory nut, per id., iici aimonas, soft shell, per lb., 15c: hard shell, lto; hellbarks, per bu $2.00; black walnuU, pe bu., $1.25. . .4 soit sneu, she pe- Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 81. WOOL A firm tona marks the wool market. Domestlo wools of all kinds have sold freely and though the volume of sales is not heavy, some thing of the activity of a month or more ago Is prevalent. ' A fair call for territory wool continues. Pulled wools are quiet. Foreign grade r firm with a moderate business under way. Quotations are.. Territory, Idaho: Fine, lMiWic; heavy fine, 15016c; fine medium. IStilSiio; medium, 18rT20c; low medium. 12 22c. Wyoming: Fine, lftJTlTc; heavy fine, 15!j.lrte: fine medium, lmltcj medium, 20J 21c: low medium. 22(8 23c. Utah and Ne vada: Fine, 17&17Uc; heavy fine. 16(ffl6o; fine medium. 17V418c: medium: 30ffno low medium, 22(ffi3c. Dakota: Fine. 1718c; An medium. 1718c; medium, 2021ct low me dium, 22$ 23c. Montana: Fine choice, 900 21c; fine average, 19320c; fin medium choice, 20iS21c; average. 1920c; atapla. a tTiSe; medium choice, 22W23ct - ST. LOUIS. Aug. 81 WOOIe-Steadr: m. dlum grades combing and clothing, 204j98c; light fine. K'20c; heavy fin, 1214c; tut washed, 220350.1 Metal Market. NBW-3ORK, Augt 31. METALS Tin wsi firmer In London, an advance of over, a pound being reported, with spot closing: at 123 17s Id and futures at 124 10. Tha local market remained quiet, but was Arm, In sympathy with prices quoted at a con. slderable advance. Spot I held t $27.07HS 27.30. Copper advanced to 57 6 3d for both rroi ana iutures in tne tonaon ! Locally It remains teady, with Ink quoted 1 at $12.62V4j3i:.75: electrolytic at $12.6312.78 and casting at 4U.87H312 .50. Lead waa nrm nut uncnanjea, at 4.ra4 u in ins new York market. In London, however, prices were a shade lower, at 11 12 6d. Spelter advanced' to 22 12s 6d In London and was also a little firmer In the local, market, which closed with spot quoted at $6.00(9 I.12H. Iron closed at 61s 9d in Glasgow and at 41s in Mlddlrsboro. Locally Iron was un. changed. No. 1 foundry northern. 913.76a 14.26; No. 2 foundry northern, $11243)12.76; No. 1 foundry southern nnd No. t foundry southern soft at $13.60(818. Tt.' - ST. LOUIS. Aug, $1 METALS-Laad. steady at I412H. Spelter, strong At $6 00. i 1 . , ... - Oil aad Rosla.- - NEW YORK, Aug. tl -OILd-Cottotiseed, firm; prime crude, nominal; prime ye'low, 2Hfi9e. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York, $7.86: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.80; Philadelphia and Baltimore In bulk, $4.90. . Turpentln. steady, 6966Hc. ROtIN Firm; strained, common to good, $2.70. ... OIL CITY. Aug. M. OIL-Crdlt bal. a nee. $1.60; certificates, no bid. Shipment. 61.0G8 bbla.. averare 71,197 bbl; run, 119.112 bbls., average 78.242 bbls. Shipment Lima, 60.710 bbl., average 66.282 bbla.i run Lima, 86.614 bbl., average 12.231 bbl. . SAVANNAH, Aug. 21. OIL Turpnttn. teadv. 8HaC. "' "' ROS1N-A. B. C. 22.47H: D. 22B2H: F. 97.67H: F. M 42H: 5, $2 70; H. $2.76; I, $8.; K, $3.66: M, $4.20; N, $4 25; W. O., $160; W. W., $4.86. ;t W ..- t Dry Good Market. ' ' ' NEW YORK, Aug. $1. DRT OOOD9-Th market till sh'.ws slight Improvement, with buyers operating with more freedom for spots, which ar wanted Immediately. Soporta from wetcrn renter are that, lob r are doing a fair bualnes And ".that when thev com Into the market they will And It difficult to secure good whan w,nt1- i ill Wklsky Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 81.-WHISKT-adys Oft basis of $1.28. 1 ' ' PEORIA, Aug. 81.-WHISKTt-On A bl Of 81.28 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31.-WHI8KY-Stvdy, on a basis of 91.82H. , CINCINNATI. Auf. II. WHISKT-nO a bail of $1.28 for flnlahed good. . - Evaporated A pale aad Dried Fralt. NEW YORK, Aug. 81 EVAPORATED APPLES Market held at recent figure. Common are minted at 4tlHat prime. 6HfJ 4c: rhnlc. 4WaC. nnd fancy. 77Vf ... CALIFORNIA DRIED ' FRUITS Prune are more or less unsettled, and prices show a considerable ranz a to aellers; spot ouotatlon rnng from 2 to fc, according to rrad. Apricot ar In Increased de mand. , REAL E8TATB TRANSFERS. . peed filed for reoord Aukuet 21. a fur nlahad by th Midland Ouarant.. and Trust Company, Bonded Abstracter, laid Ftrnam street, for The Beer . . Geo. Karll to Winter H. Nochols, lot 16, block 1, McOovack A O Keefe ' d j ,.,. , Bnnker' Savlnj A Loan Ass'n to Susie A. Cottrell, lot i, block 6, ' Corrlgan place...., :: 900 ilury Jackaon et al. to Anna C, Nlel en, lot (1, Oise'a ad., and other property , 10,009 Anna C. Nielsen to Lucy Jackson, sum property.,...,.,,, lo.OOt Surah V, Van Camp td Edwin A. French, lots 9 end I,, block 2, Sun- -rl' ad ,..,.,. '..,-. i.......t -.. ) Frederick P. Wnlte? to Chrlstln Lund, part lot 10, block 1, Park . place ' 159 Oeo. A. Morton and wife to Ernest , Sweet, part nf hlnrk I, Morytvlll. O. Wolf to Jno. Wolf, part of block ' 90 and tl, first add. to Corrlgan ' ' place , ' 200 E. A. Balrd, trustee, to R, W. Pew ers, per of loi alocg t, Lowe second . . 1,238 W. J. Connell and wife to Imperial Improvemtit Co., part of let 10 ta ' . 14. la block b aad other r(ueru.M t