Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1904, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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i mt in L
Six Happy, Joyous Days
Sept. 5
(Labor Day)
Sept. 10.
MONDAY-Labor Day TUESDAY laying cf the Corner Stone of Public Library and Old Set
ter's Day. WEDNESDAY -Republican Day. THURSDAY -Democratic Day.
FRIDAY-Children's Day. SATURDAY-Everybody's.Day.
Positively I lie Grri(rt CurnlvHl Jubilee Kver Attempted by Any City Several Tlnica Its Site.
Dull Moments Erased
from the Calendar
of Time.
Gaskill's Grecian Stadium
I Trained Wild Animal Zoo
Prof, Wood's Equine Actors
A Carnival devoid of immoral
me following Committee lias the festivities in Charge:
II. ASEARI.E. President, directors:
W. A. MAKUMK, Vice President, shuhk, victor k. bender,
L. A TKOuTAlAIV, Secretary. w. a. maimer, k. a. troltmax.
mixor MKsnoji.
Davis tell drugs.
Leffert's glasses fit
Stockert sells carpcta.
Schmidt's new studio, 400 Broadway.
Swell photos at shrunk prices. William.
Tucker's new ll'wuy Studio, still on the
round between Pearl st. and postofllee.
Statuary, candlesticks and urt novelties,
Alexander's 333 Broadway.
Miss Anna H. Moore Is home from u
trip to the cant and a visit to the. St. .Louis
John Li .Smith, president of the carpen
ters' union, has been selected as chief mar
shal for the- Labor day parade.
The Junior Loyal Temperance legion will
hold .1 meeting this afternoon at the Bro id
way Methodist church at 4 o'c'ook.
The Knights and 1-adles cf Security will
hold a special nieetiiiK Tuesday evening in
the uttlco of Dr. W. E. Heller in the Sliu
gart b:ock.
Council Bluffs tent, Knlghts-of the Mac
cabees will hold another open mcciini
next Wednesday evening. Prominent
Speakers will be present and thero will
bo a musical program.
Residence, 9 rocnis, modern conveniences
except furnace, will 1 added if ten
ant itetires, hu ge yard, .l"il III avenue, neiir
high school; $.j.oa without furnace. Also
store room, 1 by 5m feet, on Main street,
near Broadway, $;0.UU.
As Superintendent Clifford of tho city
nchools is nut expected home, until next
l-'iiday, no meeting of tho Hoard of Eduiyi
t Ion, It Is said, will be held to us.-iKii
teachers tar the coining school year, until
after his return.
A. H. Jaiiutth of Omaha states th:v ex
cavation work for the huge grain elevator
which he and his associates picpose i reel
ing on South avemiM will be coinnjejieei
Monday. It has been decided that piling
wlH have to be driven for the sutifoun la
tlon. At a meeting of the Senior I.oynl Tem
perance legion yesii-rday arrangements
were compu ted for a reception, to be held
Monday evening in honor of M s: Hirl,
wTio will lcav.e for Chicago to en, or a
deaconesses' training schoo'. The reeep
tlon will tie held at the new duo rooms
of the legion on IVnrl and Main streets,
which will be formally opened that even
ing, i
Eriest G. Tnlluian of Sit Henton street
has been noiitied to appear at Chamber
lain, H. 1., lietolur 2H, whom a hearing
will bo held to determine the ownership
' of a piece of !:md on which Mr. Tc.lhnun
tiled in liHi-'. Mrs. Naomi Hampton bus
since settleil on ti.e land and alleges that
Tallman permitted six months to tlajwe
without going upon or making any im
provements upon his land.
l''or Itent.
An excellent ofilce location, fronting on
Pearl street, only half a block from Hroad
way. with a nice large showwlndow which
can be used for display lice office, 10
l'carl street, Council Hluffs.
Ur. W If, liirniis tile.
Dr. W. H. Parsons died at the Women's
Christian association hospital at lo o'clock
last n'sht. lr. Parsons was 61 years' old,
und leaves a wife, three sons and one
daughter. He was a member of Calvary
Baptist church, Omaha, from which tho
funeral will he held nt 3 o'clock Tutsduy
nfternoon. Interment at Forest I.twn ceme
tery N. T. riumbinc Co. Tet. SO. Night, FiJ.
Kail term opens SepUmber 1. New Cat
alogue and CollegH Journal for the asking-.
Write or call tor Information.
K. V, Ml I.I Kit, Prcsldeat.
Itasoule Temple. 'I'buue ll-tl,
t'ouucll IllafTs, Iu,
1 B Part St., CuuauU Hluffs. Taoas 7.
Six Dalijiitful Pleasant Nights
A friii factory having: recess.
You can't alford to miss it and
be happy, so get in line.
A Vcek from the Calendar
of Tims Wreathe J in
Fun and Merriment,
$10,000 Mystic Maze
7:00 P. M.
i . ! j .
I 1 i i i
i, Af !' i$ ?, a M'il i :i i
m U ' 3n: t r-tllSMife ft hi 4 J
yHjf Tin
Big Crowd Accepts the Invitation of Com
modore Weaver.
Throws Muil nt u Hate anil with Sns
tained 1'iiner Wklfh 'Would Muke
a Cuuiiittlgn Orator Turn
Green with Envy.
Quito a crowd gathered yesUrday after
noon on the banks of Indian creek in re
sponse to tho invitation of Alderman
Weaver and the members of his commit
tee to witness the operations of the new
$4,M)0 dredge. Despite the fact that there
was not tho slightest shelter offered from
the rays of the sun, the crowd Kpont over
two hoius watching the big machine scoop
big chunks of dirt from tlio bottom and
sides of the creek. That the rapidity
with .which the dredge worked was a com
plete revelation to most of thoso pre. on t
was evident.
Tho scow which carries the dredge was
formally christened by Miss Eleanor Gil
bert, tho llaxcti-haiicd little daugiitcr of
Alderman Uillart, the "vessel" being
named In her honor. With considerable
8.1 ng froid for a child of her tender year,
little Miss Gilbert broke a champagne bot
tle not a bottle of champagne over the
scow's how, announcing to the crowd that
it henceforth would bo km vn, olflcl lly and
otherwise, as the "Kleunor Gilbert" and
incidentally would so appear upon the clty'B
The crowd win led to believe
whole bottlu of champagne was
that a
over the scow's hows, but it was not so.
Friends who were with Alderman Gilbert
when ho, purchased the bottle of wine ob
jected to it being wasted in the slime
of Indian creek and Insisted that the cork
be drawn and the contents drank. This
was done and the bottle relllled with
seltzer water, Alderman Gilbert being
consoled by his friends with the sugges
tion that the tcmpcance people would not
be able to raise any rumpus about wine
being used at the christening. '
Attorney Kmmct Tlnlcy and Victor E.
Render made short speeches and Alderman
AViaver thanked thoee present for testify
in:? to their Interest In the work by their
presence. In recognition of his M-rvlers,
AetltiR Mayor Tinley announced that Com
modore Weaver was promoted to admiral,
Captain Gilbert succeeding him as commo
dore, while Ueulenrnt Yoimkerman would
henceforth he Justltlel In attaching cap
tain to his name.
The scow was handsomely dreoiated with
Hags and bunting and, recngniiirg the Im
portance of the cccr-slon, worked wl'hout
a hitch.
Zlocli Fell fror.i Train.
Evidence Introduced at the Inquest held
yesterday over Joseph Zloch, the striking
South Omaha butcher who was killed Fri
day night on tho Hu-lingfon tracks near
the local passenger depot, showed that the
man had attempted to lent his way to
Glenwood by stealing a ride on pass-nger
train No. 12, leaving here at 8:S4 p. m.
The principal testimony was that offered
by I. N. l'ari-xjns, local agent of the Bur
Hrigtcn road. He raid that he had re
ceived a telegram from Superintendent
Stewart at Creton stating that a frag
ment of clothing had been found on one
of the brake beams of the mall car on No.
12 and ui that Engineer Allen of that
train had reported that two (ramps beating
their way on the train Imd told the fire
man, when slop wis made at Hasting
j ior water, that a "ium" who wa slso
. beating his way on jho train had fallen
beneath, the wheels ihortly after lcavln
All Crowded Into the Week
Held In Beau
tiful Bayliss
Park and on
the Adjoining;
J Streets the
Site Made Fa
mous by the
Great Autum
nal Festivities
The Crow ii ins Sensation
Creation tha Beautiful
Hetter llinu a circus anil you
don't have to use the children a
an riiune for coming.
The Band
The Joyous Shouts
The Carnival Whoop
All train and road lead to
Council Bluff's week Sept. S to 11).
Afternoon and Evening.
the depot In Council Bluffs. The remains
were taken to South Omaha for burial,
Sunday Services,
At St Paul's Kpiscopal church at 10:30
this morning the rector. Rev. H. W. Starr,
will preach on "Hypocrisy In Our Indus
trial, Social and Religious Life." Miss
Scott will sing the offertory solo. Holy
baptism will be administered at 4 p. m,
At the First Baptist church this morning
Hon. C. G. Saunders will speak on "The
Need Young Men Have for the Church."
Services will be at the usual hours.
"A ti'rlke at the Law" will be the sub
ject of t.ev. Harvey Hosletler's sermon this
morning nt the Second Presbyterian
church. There will be no evening ser
vice. Regular services will be resumed today
at the First Congregational and First Pres
byterian churches.
The First Church' of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services this morning at 11 o'clock
in the Sapp block, when the subject will
: be, "Man." Sunday school will be at the
' close of the morning service. Tho regular
testimony meeting will be held AVednesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
! The Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services this morning nt 10:15
o'ch ick In W oodman hall in the Mcrrlam
: block. The subject will be, "Man." Sun-
day school will be at 11:45 a. m. The mld
j week testimonial meeting will be held
AVednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
Drill Team Off for Exposition.
Tho drill team of Hazel camp, Modern
Woodmen of America, of this city leave
this morning for St. Louis to spend a week:
at the AVorld's fair and take part in the
drill competitions. The team Is composed
as follows: E. P. Graney, captain; O. D.
Phephard. first sergeant; Clayton Baum,
J. P. Bench, J. Cull erton, L, M. Colwell,
II. AV. Frohnrdt, M. Hoist. C. llardesty, K.
Hardesty, Harry Knde, M. Olsen, Thomas
Tlerney, George AVaddell, L. AA'ade, P.
Wade and '. AA'ade.
Major M. T. Tinley will accompany the
team aa Its manager. D. AAr. Selby of
the rounty treasurer's office will nlso form
one of the party, but not a member of the
team, lie goes to attend the Modern
AA'oodmen of America wok at the exposi
tion as a member of tho ptaff cf Mnjor
General Mitchell, commander-in-chief of
the uniformed rank of the order.
Maner nnl AVed Ahead.
Last night's vote Jn De Long's Married
Couple A'otlng Contest resulted as follows:
i Mr. and Mrs. C F Mnnr in o."S
; Mr. nnil Mrs. n. F". Weed .14.N4I2
i Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Rrown, 14.200; Mr. and
; Mr. M. S. AVnlker, lTftTti; Mr. and Mrs.
j AA'alHce Benjamin. 8.7.15. The contest closes
Monday evening. September 19. at 10 o'clock.
leaving only nineteen week days lietween
now and the finish. The two couples having
thn most votes at that time will get tho
World's Fair trips. One vote Is given with
evory cent of all purchases at the t)e Long
Printing and Btntinnary company, 400
Broadway, on the Plket
Plumbing1 and heating. Rlxby ft Son.
Number of Pretentions Hmnmrr
Events Mark the Time.
Wins Charlotte Taylor Is visiting In He
trolt. I ewls Cutler of Bluff street Is visiting in
La Porte. Ind.
Mrs. R. H. Smith and son are visiting In
Denver, Colo. t
Mrs. r r. Crockwell is visiting friends
In Des Moines.
Miss Charlotte Taylor Is visiting friends
In Des Moines.
Georse F. Cnfrip is snendlng two weeks
at Pipestone, Minn., fishing.
Mrs. F. C. Knslgn and children are vis
iting relatives In Red Oak. Ia.
Miss Llixle I.ehmen left Tuesday for a
visit with friends In Denver. Colo.
Mrs. T. R. Reve of Cleveland O.. in the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. AV. AV. Looml".
Leo Heywood and Miss Grace ll.ywood
aru In HI. I.ouW taking In the World's fair.
Miss Chrlstul Dingle Is home from a
visit with friends in Chicago und St. Lcul.
Mrs. Coultney and daughter, who have
bevu the utta of ', J. fciUutfurt und fun-
Big Fall
Sept. 1st
Wv do not hesitate
to ay that we have
the best school in
the west.
This statement
bears investigation
WE have the largest and most pleasant rooms in this part of the country. Our
equipment is superb. Our courses are as strong as they can be made. Our
faculty is stronger in education, experience and ability than the faculty of any similar
institute in the west. We have a class of bright, ambitious students who pos
sess ability and character. All of our graduates are- placed in good positions. We
secure positions for them. Could you exoect any more of any school? Watch us.
We lead. Send for new catalogue and College Journal.
Masonic Temple. 'Phone B6I4. E. P. MILLER, Pres. ii, is mi I a
jyijj... "-'-"
lly, returned to their home In Berwyn
Miss Kate Riley left Thrusday to 'visit
friends at San Francisco and Los Angeles,
Miss Nellie Ralley, of Horton, Kan., is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. AVliliam Grone
weg. Mrs. D. S. Cook will leave Tuesday for
a six weeks' visit with friends in Denver,
Colo. '
Newton M. Little is home from Larned,
Kan., where he spent the summer on a
Mrs. J. Molder of Manson, la., Is the
guest of Miss Bennett of 31 North Sixth
Mrs. Ed C. Brown and daughter, Hazel,
are visiting Mrs. Brown' parents in Karl
ing, Ia.
Miss Helen Dudley returned yesterday
from Boston, where she had been visiting
Mrs. Margaret C. Jones of Sterling, Colo.,
was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Louie.
Miss Georgene Bebbington and Miss May
Crane are members of a camping party at
Blair, tyb.
Miss cftrrle Evers and Miss Carrie Rede
are home from a visit with friends in Clo
quet, Mltm.
Mr. and Mrs. Freel arrived Thursday
from California on a visit to the family
of J. AV. Kirk.
Mrs. Belle C. Barclay Is home from Chi
cago, where she visited her daughter dur
ing the summer.
Miss Nellie Johnson had for her guests
Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Tank, of
Missouri A'alley, Ia.
The Misses Hale and Croft, of Pittsburg,
Pa., are the guests of Miss Eltie Miles,
on Oakland avenue.
Miss Ella RoBenfeld has returned from
a three months' visit to Denver, Manltou
and Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Josephine Thomas of Oakland ave
nue has as her guest Miss Maude Haw
thorne of Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. AV. G. Ray and son, AA'llliam, of
Grlnnell, Ia., are visiting ut the home of
F. F. Everest and family.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and dntighter spent
last week at Des Moines visiting relatives
and taking in the state fair.
The C. M. L. club was delightfully enter
tained by Mrs. James Smith this week. Mrs.
John Mulqueen won first prize.
Miss Evelene Edgerton, who has been
spending the Hummer at Spirit Lake, is
the guest of Miss A'elma Peck 1
Miss Emily Webber, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, left
tor her home in Pittsburg. Pa., Friday.
"Mrs. L. Kettenhuri; of Pleasant street Is
enjoying a visit from her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles IVh kmann i f Knlerlm, Ia.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchcock and fam
ily and Miss Maud Cochran formed a merry
company party at the lake the last week.
Cadet George Diiiley, who vlsjted his
mother, Mrs. Mary K. Dalley Fourth
street, returned last week to West Point.
Mrs. W, O. Ray and son, AVIIlard. of
Grlnnell, la., are gimsts of Mr. and Mrs.
F. F. Everest, en route home from Manl
tou, Colo.
MiHS Edith Williamson, of Superior, AV'ls.,
and Miss Xnna Harper, of Duluth, Minn.,
are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Reynolds.
Mr. and Mrs. AV. E. ..Meek, who have
men guists at the-honieVif Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest E. Hart, returned to their huine
In California Friday.
Miss Anna Harper of Duluth. Minn., and
Miss Edith Williamson of Superior,. W Is.,
are visiting the family of Mrs. J. M. Rey
nolds of Charles street.
Miss Emily Webber of Pittsburg, Kan.,
who was the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
George Carter on Washington avenue, lett
Tuesday for her home.
George J. Meyers, recently promoted to
ensign In the L'nlted States navy, arrived
Wednesday on a visit lo his mother, Mrs.
Lmma Meyers, of Park avenue.
Dr. T. R. Lacey, T. B. Lacey, Jr.. Mrs.
J. ii. Atkins and Henry Atkins arrived
hon.e Friday evening from Spirit Lake,
where they spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Pauline Erb,
to Mr. J. P. Zimmerman, of Omaha, the
wedding t 'ake place In Uctolier.
Mrs. Bruce Heals,' who has been the
guest of her parents, Judge and Mrs. E. E.
Aleswort)i on Glen avenue, returned tn
dy to her homo in New York City.
A number 'of friends gathered at the
home of Airs. Victor Jennings, on North
First street, Monday night to witness the
opening of a night blooming cereust
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Heecroft, Mr. and
Mr-". 8. lisgetisV Mrs. D. S. Cisk, Miss Hee
croft and Miss Nellie Heecroft formed a
picnic party at the lake Friday night.
The Misses Daisy und Frames 1'Iumer,
who have been visiting at the home of their
aunt. Mrs. George H. Richmond, returned
to rt-elr home In Silver City Saturday.
' Mrs. D. W. Bilhy and Mrs. Charles Halley
are visiting In Des Moines. They will he
uccompanle home by Miss Adelaide Helby,
who has been the guest of friends there.
Mrs. P. Gonnoude entertalpad Tuesday In
houur of Mr, aud Uf a., liumrlckiiouoe, ut
i ., , .. ; . .
V .- ' ' '
; . '-,'.- ' . -'.
' -'' ' . '
.nil I mi um ijiaiuwMi IIHLIWJW ill j Jill
j'-r-"imiisiiiMiiiiiaii i usaiTii minnnm
Cincinnati, O. An elegant six-course dinner
was served. Covers were laid for twelve.
Miss Miles and Miss Kelly, the two senior
nurses of the Woman's Christian associa
tion hospital, gave a chafing dish supper
last evening, complimentary to Miss Penny.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kissell, formerly of
this city, were the guests lust week at the
home of E. B. Edgerton, on their way
home to Denver, Colo., from the St. Louis
Mrs. AV. M. Frederick and son, Roy, re
turned Friday from the east, where they
have been spending the summer' with Mrs.
Frederick's daughter, Mrs. E. Ray Little
ton, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Denver Smith and daugh
ter, Fay, left Friday for Chicago, where
Mrs. Smith and her daughter will visit
until the middle of September. Mr. Smith
expects td return home after a few days.
A number of friends from Omuna par
ticipated in nn enjoyable surprise on Mr.
and Mrs. Jones, lauo Fifth avenue, Thurs
day evening. The evening was pleasantly
spent in music and games. An eluborato
luncheon, prepared by the guests, was
One of the pleasant affairs of the week
was the party given by Mr. and Mrs. Dell
G. Morgan AVednesday afternoon lor their
daughter, Grace, In honor of her sixteenth
birthday. Sixteen young women were pres
ent. The afternoon was spent in games
and tea was served on the lawn at 6
Mrs. William E. Balnbrldge entertained
last Sunday at a luncheon In honor of her
son, James McCargar, who will make his
home in Chicago. Those present were John
Keith of Omaha, Dr. Claude Lewis, Leslie
Kynett, Xenopheon W. Kynett. Mr. Sheriff
and Mrs. Ix'wls. The afternoon was pleas
antly spent in music,
Joe Spnulding was pleasantly surprised
at 1:14 home on Oakland avenue Wednes
day evening by about a dozen friends.
The evening was delightfully spent in play
ing pit. Refreshments were served. Mr.
S'.iuuidlng let t Thursday for Denver, Colo.,
for a two weeks' visit with his wife, whose
111 health requires her to remain In Denver
for the present.
Miss Gertrude Hulette gave tho fourth
of a series of kensingions Tuesday. Thk
afternoon wus pleasantly Slant in games
on the lawn. A dainty lunchon was served.
The iiest of honor was Miss Clitoris
AV'oodnng of Carroll, who Is the guest of
Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Those present were
Hie Misses Chlolis Woodrlng, llaxel Cook,
Olive Arnd, Hose Ward und Mable Mur
dock. ,
One of the pleasant affairs of the week
was the picnic given at the lake by the
married matrons of the Women's Chris
tian association hospital graduate
niMses in honor of Miss Penny,
the retiring supei .ntendeiit of the hospital.
An elaborate picnic lunch was served.
, Those present were: Mrs. George Green,
1 Mrs T4,.l.ur C.i'.i.n Ii- niul l cm A ii
GIllM-rt, the Misses Penny, Tate, Rohrer,
Turkr Dement, Hunter, Miles, Forsythe,
Hrennan, Scanlou, Kelly, und Messrs.
Green ami Rohrer.
Mr. George E. AVhite was agreeably sur
prised Friday evening by thirty of his
friends. They presented Mr. White with
i handsome chair In honor of his sixty
sixth birthday. The evening was pleas
antly spent In games and social chat. Re
freshments were served. Those present
were: Messrs. and Mcsdames G. II. Jack
son, L. Hammer, R. Ii. Huntington, James
AVilliams, A. D. Cook, C. A. Atkins, Der
rick, Bute, Fuller, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Ward,
Mrs. Jut-vis. Shoemaker, mid the Misses
Jarvis, Shoemaker und Fuller.
A speclul meeting of the Women's
Christian association graduate nurses
was held Monday afternoon at the
home of Miss Tate on Washington
avenue. They reorganized, and elected the
following officers for the coming year. Miss
Turk, president; Mrs. Robert Green, Jr.,
vice president; Mrs. A. U. Gilbert, secre
tary; M'.ss Tate, treasurer. Interesting as
well as profitable talkb on how to improve
and broaden the hospital work were given
by the different members present. A social
session was held after the business meet
ing. Light refieshments were served. Miss
Tate wus assisted by Mrs. Wesley. Those
present were: Miss Gibson, Miss Turk,
Miss Rohrer, Miss Tate, Mrs. Robert
Green, Jr., and Mrs. A. G. Gilbert. The
next meeting will be held with Mrs. Rob
ert Green, jr. The meetings are to be held
the lirst Thursday of each mouth.
A'ery dainty Indeed was the lawn party
given Friday afternoon by faster G. .1lh;n
AVesterdahl at his home, I'J? South Sixth
street, to his little playmatfu. It being at:
ideal autumn day outdoor games, so dear
to childish hearts, were played. Refresh
ments were served, each round table speak
ing its own individuality by Its particular
autumn flower. After refreshments the
little guests were entertained by Mr. Frank
Starr, who la a guest of his brother, Rev.
H. W. Starr, rector f St. Paul's church,
with stories of Ihe "Sunny Southland." bis
former home. Each guest received a pretty
souvenir ss a memento of ttie occuslon.
Those present were: Jim Harstow, Dick
llurstnw. Hob Barstow, Harold Ross, I.cwl.i
Rosa, Ralph Wexterdahl, Thomas W. Harri
son, Ralph AN'esterdahl, Dorothy Posey,
Mary Birch Htillman. A'lrglnlii Stubbs,
Gertrude Tlllki, Eisla (Tluluy and BUrlt-y
j UarrUun.
to'"1? -
f U .t ,
f v,
. -'V
MIUII I l '. HIJI 1 1 . "'; I
.... .1-..
New Law Has Evidently Not Ended the
Litigation Over Them.
Number of People Seriously Poisoned
by Eating; Veal Pie Fair Board
of Directors Winds I'p
Year's Iluslueaa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Aug. 27. (Special.) Gov
ernor Cummins and the state executive
council today took up for Informal con
sideration the reports of the engineer em
ployed to survey certain lakes or ponds
in Iowa which it is desired to drain and
sell under a new law. The case of what
is known as "Island lake" In Hamilton
county was first 4aken up. The lake com
prises 141 acres and was sold ten years
ago to the county for J1.210. The case went
into court because the owners of othor
land near by, who had desired to purchase
tho lakebed, protested, and this litigation
was carried on untU quite recent'y; when
the secretary of the interior confirmed the
state's title to the lake. In the meantime
the legislature authorized the governor to
quitclaim the lake to the purchasers. Now
the whole question is opened as to whether
or not it is in fact a lake, and whether
it is desirable that it shall e "drained.
Just now the lake contains much water,
but three years ago was all dry. It was
evident from the Informal hearing of In
terested persons today that the case will
be fought through the courts again and
the whole law will be attacked. The coun
cil, after hearing both sides, determined
that a formal hearing should be given
after due notice by publication and the
taking of additional evidence. The. case 1.4
being made a test case, for there are other
similar cases in the state, and It is desired
that the precedents be set so that other
case may be disposed of easily. Iowa lake,
also In Hamilton county, which' contains
800 acres, Is In possession of persons to
whom It was sold years ago, and they will
ask that a quitclaim deed be made to them.
A half, dozen other lakes are to he drained
If the state has the uuthorlty, and the land
be used for agricultural purposes.
' Appointed n Judge.
Governor Cummins today appointed Ar
thur P. Barker of Clinton to be Judge of
the district court In the Seventh district,
to succeed Judge P. B. AVolfe, who re
signed after twelve years' work on the
bench. Mr. Barker has already received
the bar nomination for election to the
vacancy. He will go on the bench Sep
tember 1.
State Superintendent J. F. RIggs has re
turned to tl)e city ufter completing his
lecture engagements with the county
teachers' institutes for the year.. Ho lec
tured In thirty-four counties during the
Rural Carriers Ret Increase.
Postmaster McKay of the Des Mwlnes
postofflce today received an order to raise
tho pay of 606 rural mall carriers In Iowa
1 -fe',
These departments
are overseen b y
teachers trained
from the best col
leges in this coun
, try.
to 1720 a year. Others hnd previously been
Increased in pay, so that of the entire
number In Iowa only fifty-six are now
getting less than the sum panted.
Fair Directors Meet.
The State Fair Directory Board held a
meeting today and closed up business for
the year. It found that the receipts ag
gregated $59,170.61, which may be Increased
some by returns not yet made and by re
funds. (
A -meeting of the Swine Breeders' asso
ciation was held and officers elected as fol
lows: President, W. J. Swallow, Booneville;
secretary, C. C, .Carlln, Des Molncs; vice
presidents, S.M. Pedrick, Ottumwa, rep
resenting the Poland-China breeders, and
AV. D. McTavish, Coggon, representing tho
breeders of Berkshlres; executive commit
tee, L. C. Reese of Prescott, A. G. Mason
of Maxwell and G. S. Prine of Oskaloosa.
It in claimed that the hog breeders will
demand a larger judging pavilion and bet
ter accommodations for tho exhibitors
themselves at future fairs. They insist
that they have been neglected for tho
other classes of exhibitors, while they
bring the best show of all to tho fair.
Fort Dodge Hand for St. Loots.
FORT DODGli, Ia., Aug. 27.-(SpeciaI.)-Arrangements
have been made whereby
the Fifty-sixth regimental band of this city
will lead the Foresters' parado at the St.
Louis exposition September 4. The band,
consisting of thirty-six members, will head
the parado of the members of theOrder
of Foresters. Governor Cummins will be
the orator of the day and an invitation
has been tendered by him to the bund
asking them to give a concert at the Iowa
building at the exposition In the evening.
The entire band is without doubt the larg
est and best musical representative that
Iowa will have at the exposition.
Rebekahs Will Hold C invention.
ONAVVA, la., Aug. 27. (Special.) Thn
northwest Iowa association of Rebekahs
will hold a convention In Onawa August
30. A very Interesting program has b aA
proposed. The address of welcome will h
given by Mrs. Laura Churchill of Onawa,
response by Lena Matthews of Sioux City,
president of the association. Dinner will
be served at 12 o'clock In the Congrega
tional church. The convention will ha
culled) to order nt 1:30 p. m. The first pa
per will be nn "Practical Charity," by
Flora Burgrss, Elsie lodge, No. 222, Onawa.
Life Loses Its Charms.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Aug. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Frank Itnucok. a Bohemian
laborer, committed suicide here by taking
an ounce of chloride of zinc. He was
49 years of age and leaves a wife and
four children. Desponden"y and Inability
to secure employment, together with fall
ing eyesight, was thn cause. He left a
pathetic letter, iii which charges were
made of broken promises regarding; prom
ises of work.
Former Clerk l.envea Hospital.
SIBLEY, Ia., Aug. 27. (Special.) Ed R.
AVood, former 'clerk of courts of O'Brien
county, is paroled from the state hospital
for the term of three months from August
20 and given Into the rare of his wife.
Ren AVant Ads Produce Results.
A Joint Advantage
fB our patrons and ourselves Is a good pleca
of plumbing well done our patrons are
satisfied und our reputation Is enhanced.
A Joint rdvatitage" of plumbing as wa
lo it consists in good work and low price.
AVe have exeniplilU-d the truth of the old
Ullage. "Honesty Is the best policy," for
we hold our trude. Shall we get yours?
J. C. Bixby & Son-
UO-J Main Street and itOU Pearl ftraat,
Council Blaffa, la, Tl, 1U3,