Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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Lore of Children ii Not Dying Out in Tbii
Vigorous Eireptlna Taken to the As
sertion that Amerleaa Mother
Do ot Want to Rear
One rnn scarcely pick up a paper or a
magaslne of late without wring something
In regard to "Rare Suicide," most writers
Inferring from statistic presented that the
majority of American married people, are
averse to hnvlng any children, nr want
but two at most, declares a contributor to
Harper's Weekly over the signature "A
Modern Mother."
From these articles one would be led to
believe that the love for children Is dying
out of our race, that the fullest meaning
of lovr, marriage and home Is not being
If this Is so, how hard, cold and selfish
are we becoming.
No doubt there are many who have In
their hearts and Interests no place for that
most beautiful and wonderful thing In na
ture a little child and could never appre
ciate such a gift.
There are others whose experiences have
been such that they never had the op
portunity to observe the beauties of child
hood and the Joyous side of parenthood.
But It Is difficult to believe that one who
has once experienced the thrill of Joy in
hearing the first cry of her own babe or of
holding In her arms that bundle of hu
manity which binds her closer to her hus
band, and has seen the answering love
grow In her little, one, ran be averse to
welcoming others without very good rea.
Limits Xot Always Prom Choice.
From the doctors one set of statistics Is
gathered, which show that many, from
choice or necessity, wish to limit their
There Is, however, another set of statis
tics which can never be gathered, for they
are heart secrets. In many cases not di
vulged to the doctor even. For many peo
ple consider their wishes in regard to this
subject too sacred to be spoken of. .
The world never k.iows how many child
less couples long for a little one.
The world never knows of the many who,
having one or two, long for more, but are
dented It.
Many there are who from Ill-health or
lack of means, feel that a crime would be
committed if they brought another life Into
the world.
I know a mother who must content her
self with two children; as the youngest
grows out of babyhood she looks with
hungry eyes" at the mothers with little
babies. As she lays away the outgrown
baby clothes a lump rises In her throat
and a mist Is before her eyes as she thinks:
"I suppose I shall never use these little
garments again. I suppose I can never
have my ideal family of four or five."
Hut of this she never speaks.
She, with her two children, would doubt
less help to swell the statistics proving
that Americans do not want more than
two children.
And how many there are like her!
It makes such mothers Indignant to con
stantly read such statements as: "Women
are so interested In society and club life
that they don't want to be bothered with a
Spme there are, of course, that feel so.
4tut more than we think are quietly and
happily attending to their families.
Children Ilenew Mother's Youth
In the society of her children the mother
is renewing her youth; she Is learning
more wonderful new things and relearnlng
more beautiful old things than all the club
woman's books and lectures can supply,
She knows tliat all too short will be her
days with her little ones, and all too soon
will come the level stretch of middle life.
when she may return to her active place
in society and club.
inese mothers are seldom heard from.
Doctors agree that the small family of
tne present la due In great measure to clr.
cumstances over which we have little con
trolclimate, diet and the modern mode of
It Is due largely, also, to the greater feel
Ing of responsibility now felt for provid
ing for a family and the greater require
ments ior such provision.
Again, It Is In very many cases due to
tne love and consideration o! AnwrUn
husbands, who do not wish to endanger the
jives or tneir wives.
Let us say. then, that the small American
Tamny, instead of indicating selfishness,
iniiness ana a dislike for children, really
indicates a great amount of self-denial, a
deep love for children and conscientious
thought for their welfare, and tender sollcl-
iuue ror tne wife.
Let us believe that Eugene Field, In his
uuiuui poem or "Plttypat and Ttppytoe "
has voiced the sentiments of the majority
of American parents:
Plttypat and Tlppytoe.
All day long they rnme and go.
Plttypat and Tlppvtoe.
T.i?l'?r,nt" ur "n1 ,nwn h hall.
Plsvthlngs scattered on the floor.
v Ti mxr'marli" alon h'
Tell-tale smudges on the door.
mv these presents you shall know
rittypst and Tlnnvtoe Know
Greatest f'ereiaaalal of All Time.
Much has been written by correspondents
and others concerning the Durbar which
took place st Delhi before the Viceroy snd
Vicerlne and the Duke of Connaught as
representatives of the present ruler of the
British Empire. But notwithstanding this
there are few who really comprehend the
wonderful Character of that unparalleled
entertainment. For It was not possible to
describe Its overpowering grandeur In
words. The cost attached to the affair, as
a whole, has been vsrlousiy esumateo. ai
between eighty and one hundred million
dollars, and this fabulously rich and gor
geous procession passed in review before
the officials and native ruling chiefs of
every province In India, and was pro
nounced by all witnesses to be unequalled
by anything of a like character in the
history of the world. It is the magnificent
entertainment, to which the whole world
sent represents tives, that Barnum & Bailey
have choseli to duplicate this year with
the Greatest Show on Earth, In order that
the rvstrons of this Ins'ltutlon may get a
fair and comprehensive Idea of the sump
tuoiis magnificence and lavish splendor of
the Orient. AH these and more are truth
fully and faithfully duplicated now In the
Barnum & Bailey Show this season, and
it is safe to say that for wonderful display
and stupendous, imposing elegance nothing
was ever conceived to equal it. The whole
magnificent affair Is given as a prelude to
the regular performance without extra
charge, and Ic another conspicuous ex
amDle of the liberality of the Barnum &
Bailey management. It will all be here
entire and undivided on Monday, Septem
ber 12.
Follow! Heat, Milk, Goal and
Necessaries of Life.
Returns from the East.
F. J. Fitzgerald returned Thursday with
his family, who were on an extended Visit
east through Ohio, New York, Canada and
Vermont, his old home. They enjoyed their
trip very much, especially up among the
Thousand Islands In Canada and Oswego.
N. Y., and come back very much refreshed
by the rest. Mr. Fitzgerald says that the
eastern people are talking very flatteringly
of the way Nebraska Is forging to the front
and Is destined to become one of the best
states In the union.
Ittypst and Tlppytoe.
Mid when dav Is st an end
Tiwr, "V ",,Me durt" ""end.
Ii.. lflWl" are strangely torn.
tt in l ii. urn reveal.
Utile hose but one dav worn
in hi roe snd heel!
Hudelv yawn
S..7.JL'. V0J'j;,0l'' work such woe.
1 '"jl'ni im i ippyioe.
Ttiit when comes this thought to ma '
"Pom. there sr, that chlldlesi be. '
,,!t,,1,n. to th"ir ' beds,
With a love I- cannot snesk.
Tenderly I stroke their hesds.
Fondly kiss each velvet cheek
Ood help those who do not know
Tlttypat and Tlppytoe.
Special San.lay Rates ta. njreat West,
em Park, Mnaalaar la.
For the months of June. July, August
snd September, on every Sunday except
July a, the Chicago Great Western railway
will sell round-trip tickets at one far to
Great Western park. Manning, la., For fur.
Iher Information apply to S. D. Parkburst.
general agent, 1511 Farnam st.. Omaha, Keb.
Children's day at the Woodmen of the
World Carnival, at Courtland Beach, Mon
day, Sept. 29. Admission free up to
p. m- .
Big plates Ice cream. 4c People's Store,
t. LoaU and Tletarn.
Coach excursion tickets at very low rat
ef H. CO from Omaha to St. Louis and re
turn on the Missouri Pacifle will be on
sale for all trains arriving In sr. Louis
September 1 and tip to noon September a.
This In addition to every Tuesday and
Thursday during August and September.
Far full Information call or address City
Ticket Office, Southeast Corner of Four,
teenth and Doaglas streets. Omaha, Nes.
F. F. Godfrey. P. T. A.
Men' clothing, hats, shoes, ladles suits,
klrts. walsla, rr.illinerr; cash or credit,
people's btore. 16th end Fariuun streets.
Cold weather will soon be here, . then
we'll be busy. Let us examine your furnaoe
now. Cos Bros., W4 r'urnatn. Tel. 2Ua7.
slave Root print It
Heyn's New gtndlo.
Portraits made the present day by the
up-to-date photographers are products of
constant study and application, not only
In the essentia, but artistic furnishings
and surroundings, the best of classes, latest
backgrounds, accessories, material and
mountings, all help to make a successful
portrait, and such facilities are at the dis
posal of Mr. Herman Heyn, the well known
photographer, who ias Just completed his
new studio at 318-320-322 South 16th street,
which Is a model of comfort and elegance
and ranks second to none In the west.
A beautiful tiled entrance appropriately
decorated with late effective photography,
leads up to a spacious reception hall, from
which one enters Into the office, art room,
retiring, dressing and operating rooms.
Everything Is artistically arranged for
comfort, convenience, as well as to please
the eye. The decorations, draperies and
furnishings are all In beautiful harmony
and give that indefinable something which
words cannot express. Furthermore, not
less Important are the fine specimens of
the latest effects In photographs which
tend to the scheme of decoration, such as
"Mezzotones," Sejnas, Platinums and An
geleotypes, which are all exquisite for their
rich tone of soft effect. Mr. Heyn's object
Is to give the public something entirely
new In photography, and he has certainly
made an excellent start.
Card of Thanks. .
We wish to thank our many friends and
neighbors who assisted us during our sad
bereavement In the Illness and death of
our beloved husband and father, especially
to thank Washa lodge, I. O. O. F., the Fra
ternal Union of America, Banner lodge No.
11 and Carmen's union.
Modern Woodmen of America.
Special Train to St. Louis.
The M. W. A. have arranged with the
Wabash to run a special train leaving
Omaha Union station at 8:00 p. m., Council
Bluffs 8:15 p. m. Saturday. September S.
A very low rate, $8.50 from Omaha, $8.25
from Council Bluffs with correspondingly
low rates from all stations.
Everyone Invited to Join special train.
Insist upon your ticket reading via Wa
bash, the only line with Its own station
at main entrance of World's Fair grounds,
thus saving time, extra car fare and an
noyance. For all Information call at Wa
bash city office, 1601 Farnam St., or address
G. A. P. D., Wab. R. R..
Omaha, Neb.
Another RIb- Elevator Comes to Omaha
It Is reported that Chicago parties have
secured an option on ground located near
the foot of Poppleton Ave. and will soon
erect a large elevator providing arrange
menta can be made with railroads In re
gard to trackage. The grain business of
Omaha Is making great advances and with
this and others already under way, Omaha
as a gain center should be firmly estab
Colfax Pnrox Water.
bottled at the springs. Gladstone Bros.,
1308-1310 Douglas street
Nebraska State Fat at Lincoln.
For above occasion ..Rock Island System
will sell excursion' tickets dally August 29
to September t from all stations In Ne
braska on basis of one fare for round trip.
Tickets limited return September 8. , Trains
leave Omaha 7:24 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 6:25 p.
Inquire Rock Island agents for further
Modern Woedaws of the World.
Special, Train to St. Louis.
The W. O. W. have arranged ' with the
Wabash to run a special train leaving
Omaha Union station at 8:46 a. m., Council
Bluffs a. m. Sunday, Sept. 11. A very
low round trip rate, $8.60 from Omaha,
$8.25 from Council Bluffs, with correspond
ingly low rates from all stations.
O. A- P. D., Wab. R. R..
Omaha, Neb.
Ta Indiana and Ohio.
On September s, IS, 80 and 17 the Ml
sourl Paclflo will sell round trip tickets
at very low rates to points In states of
Indiana and Ohio, located on and west of
Una drawn through Sandusky, Columbus,
Washington, D. C, Wilmington, Clncln.
naU. O.. and to Louisville. Ky.. and Inter,
mediate points. For further Information
call on or address any agent of company.
or Thomas F. Godfrey, P. T. A., south,
east corner Fourteenth and Douglas
streets, Omaha, Neb.
Real eatat loans made quickly. Cash
on hand. Geo. E. Turklngton. tub Bee.
- Case Is Transferred.
Bennett O. Wl'.lls of Oman a ha brought
stilt In the United States circuit court for
$40.0(10 damages against the Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis at Omaha Railroad com
pany for Injuries received while he was an
employe of that road as a brakemsn. The
Injuries complained of constitute a frac
tured ekuli. a crushed foot and others
which he says are of a permanent char
acter and were caused by his lumping
from a train of the defendant road at
Hasklns. Neb., September 10. 1HOS. The case
Is transferred frout the district court of
loulas count.
So Far, However, It Is the Re
taller Who Pays the Extra
Charge and Sot the
Meat, coal, milk and a few other necessi
ties of life having gone up, now it is bread
that Is to be advanced. The bakers of
Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha
have issued their edict and on Monday
morning they will deliver twenty-five
loaves of the staff of life for 11, Instead of
the usual twenty-eight as heretofore.
According to their theory the loss of
three loaves to the retailer will not be an
especial detriment to the consumer, as the
former will continue to charge 6 cents a
loaf, but It will cut off the six for a quar
ter and make it a straight rate of a nickel
for each loaf In any quantity.
In their own defense the bakers claim
they have been long suffering and patient
during the steady advance In flour, .keep
ing pace with the skyrocket movement In
wheat, and have not raised their prices,
even In the face of Increases of $1.60 a
barrel in flour, but they have arrived at the
limit and now with flour at $6.90 to 8.25
a barrel they have decided to sell less bread
for the same money.
All in on the Deal.
Council Bluffs bakers held a meeting
Friday afternoon and decided It was time
they were meeting the steady rise In flouri
They discussed the matter and Anally
agreed to make the advance. Bakers on
this side of the river were called up and
so were the South Omaha bread makers.
They were ripe for the rising movement
and said so.
It Is a fact that every cent advance on
wheat means 6 cents a barrel Increase in
the price of flour. Wheat has advanced
during the last two or three months over
30 cents a bushel.
"No reduction in the weight of the loaves
will be made, the law requiring a full
pound to each loaf," said a leading baker.
Town Lot Bale. .
The new towns! te of GUUat, Pottawatta
mie county, Iowa, on the Chicago Great
Western railway, will be opened to the
public by an auction sale of lots at the
townsite Tuesday, August 30, at 10:30 o'clock
a, m. For plats and full particulars ad
dress Edwin B. Maglll, manager, Townsite
department Chicago Great Western railway,
Fort Dodge, la.
that the former prestige and popularity
of the savings bank has been suc
ceeded by the unprecedented growth of
of the life insurance company? The
modern policies of the
Bankers Reserve Life
combine the principles of life insurance
and of the savings bank.
Additional agents wanted on extra liberal terms
B. H. ROBISON, - - President.
$8,500 stock of Clothing, Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods, slightly dam-
aged by water,
close buyers,
to be slaughtered for almost nothing.
No reasonable offer refused.
good opportunity for
Peoples Clothing: Store, 1321 Douglas
Try Colfax Purox water.
Danlap Day.
September 1st Is recognised as Dunlap
day which means that the new fall style
Dunlap hats are ready for your Inspection
at the headquarters In Omaha C. H. Fred
erick & Co. If you want to be right in
it for headgear get a new style Dunlap
Sept. 1st. They are showing all the latest
blocks In both stiff and soft hats. 1504
Farnam Is the number.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks
to our many friends and neighbors for
the kindness and sympathy shown during
the death of our beloved husband and
father. MRS. FRANKLIN. .
18 K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
We are prepared for the school
children with a new supply of
our popular high grade $1.60
school shoes In all slses and
Tou would have to look a long
time to find as good $1.60 shoes
as you will And In this store.
They are sold in but one store
In each city only at this store
in this city.
They are made of solid leather
throughout and are made on
that easy fitting, nice looking
last that has made them so
popular with the girls and
But It's the quality that makes
them popular with the par
ents. No other $1.60 shoe will
wear and look weel so long.
THE most complete
and elegant line of
Suit Cases cyst offer
ed In America, and we
name the very
We have In stock atl stytos
and quMUes to suit you.
Our All Leather
Hand Rlv
Bult Cai
BU1RT fold
Harness Store
1210 Paraam Street
loom yCostlseatsI Block, I3t ft Dotflif
The firm of Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co., were yesterday receiving the congratu
lations of their friends on the completion
of their fifteenth year In the drug business
In Omaha. The growth of this firm has
been truly remarkable and Is an object
lesson In what may be accomplished by
faithful devotion to one's business. On
September 28, 1889, this firm commenced
business at 1513 Dodge (about 100 feet east
of their present location) with a very small
stock, and using only the front half of the
ground floor now occupied by the 99-cent
store. The growth and development of the
drug business of the firm of Sherman &
McConnell was something phenomenal from
the first. "They gradually acquired more
room until the entire floor at 1513 Dodge st,
132 feet in length, together with the two
floors above, were used. In January, 1900,
they moved to the more accessible location,
corner of 16th and Dodge, now occupied by
them, which Is a veritable bee hive. This
firm now have twenty-five employes and
occupy the choicest business corner In
Omaha. Their warehouse and wholesale
department Is at 1514 Dodge st., where all
shipments are received and made. The
business of Sherman & McConnell, while
primarily that of prescription and family
druggists, has gradually developed into that
of physicians' and hospital supplies, and
the regular wholesale line. While no trav
eling men are employed many druggists
throughout the west have found It advan
tageous to draw their supplies from this
No room for dissatis
faction here.
Thpue , J u b t unpacked
14 Fall Fabrics afford no
lodging for complaints.
Only worthy goods from
reliable woolen Importers
have been selected. And
every inch of them has
been subjected to n rigid
ackl test. They are ALL
WOOL the test ritOVES
it Both smart weaves
and conservative patterns.
Fabrics that lend style
and an aristocratic air to
the wearer fabrics with
with that distinctly better
look. ,
Suits, $25 to f.V). "
Trousers, (5 to $12.
MacCarthy Tailoring
joe-jo a. iu 5:.,
Meat deor Is
Tsbash Tlos.t uOea
Phase IMs.
was Invented In the sixties, by a
Frenchman named Jurilln, In Warsaw,
Poland; .hence called French Dry
Cleaning, or as some people call it.
Chemical Cleaning. Since then the
process has been Improved upon, and
now In use In the . whole civilized
world. It is the only way to clean tine
garments or delicate materials. We
are up-to-date in all departments of
this business. If not a customer
already, give us a trial and you will
become one.
Twin City Dye Works,
Kth St. and Ave. A.
Council Bluffs.
Tel. $10.
tit 8. 16th St.,
Pnr Dent 270I Dodge Street
ror item Nar ni(h Chooi
This house has larse reception hail. car.
lor. dining room, i mine. rliPKcin hjiJ pmte
racs, library with art window, four bed
rooms, bath room, nickel plated plumbing;
kitchen, pantry and china chisels; base
ment concrete floors, new furnace, nines
and toilet, all new snd strictly up-to-date.
paptr, paint, varnished floors, plumbing,
electric and gas fixtures. Will be pleased
to show this nne home. Rent, $40 to the
right party. Call Dodge St. or tele-
This fall we are able to srive better
in these $1.50 shoes than ever before
every merchant naturally praises his
own goods but we have such confi
dence in this shoe that we will guar
antee them to every body.
ma in Lnce and Hutton.
Box Calf in Lace only. .
Young women's sixes, low " tf
heel, 24 to 6 .VlU
Misses' sizes, low heel, 4 en
lltt to 2 ...I.OU
Children's sizes, spring heel, i)e
fafjto u ;;,;,I.D
Drexel Shoe Co.
Omaha's Up-to-Dats Sboa Housa
Not at South Omaha, but
at 312 South Sixteenth St.,
iriTHt5kJ0fAXSM0t X
300 pairs Ileal Regent samples,
regular . 50 v 0 rr
quality, at $mDU
fhis is just a starter to let you
know what good values we are
going to give you , in the
future. Watch for our ad3.
Strictly a Horns Product.
Regent Shoes The Shoe that Satisfies
3I2 South Sixteenth St.
Board of Trade Building Between Farnam
i and Harney,
Specials for Monday
Milk's Emulsion
Dr. Carlstad's Liver Powder
Graham's Khampoo
50c- Bnth Brush
LTip all ni'lHtlA Hair Brush ...
Wine of Cardul
$1.00 Barsaparllla and Celery
While Hose, Violet, Lily of the Valley,
tarnation. Heliotrope, Jockey Club,
Crab Apple and Lilac IVrfurues
SSe Ol !CE.
When You Write
to Advertisers
remember It only takes an estra stroke or
two of the iq to mention the faet that you
saw the ad In The bee.
A. B. Hubermano, diamonds; own Imp,
the Great
Shoe Sale
hi o
i i w ii ii i
iu r
the Great
Shoe Sate
Replenish ihe Boys' Wardrobe
Our New Fall Stock
Boys' and
Children's School
Clothing .
Is now ronijtlrlo in every detail and ready for
your inspection. Our buyer lias t riven, and we
believe not in, vain, to make this the very best
collection of Hoys' and Children's Suit? ever
shown in the city. Quality lilfjh, prices low,
unexcelled in workmanship and style. You
can't help but find just what you want at just
the price you want to pay.
Norfolk, Russian Blouse, Bailor Blouse, Douhlo Breasted. Throo-pleoe, In fnrt every
style Imaginable, in the very best of materials and groat variety of colors and
nHtterns. at
$1.50, $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and Up
Great Clearing Sale Men's Summer Suits
Continues Monday. Don't neglect this opportunity to secure an excellent summer
See Our Line F F f))fj See 0ur Line
Before Buying $3 oUU Before Buying
In full IJsle thread with, lace and fnney
yokes, worth up
to 2oc
In plnln nnd fanny colors. Manufacturer's
surDlus stock
value at 25c
The greatest snap of
200 dozen of them. In the very latest fall patterns.
the sea Hon regular ouc values
choice Monday
We set the pace and price when it conies to. cleaning
and dyeing in Omaha. We want all our customers to under
stand that they are entitled tq as good work as can be had
in Omaha or any other city, and we don't want you to ac
cept any work that is not perfectly satisfactory. Below are
some of our prices.
Cleaning. Dyeing.
Cleaning. Dyeing.
Flannel Waists ...I .50
Silk Waists 75
Oolf Skirts 75
Lined Skirts 1.25
Jackets (short) 1.60
Automobiles 2.00
Newmarkets 2.50
We also clean Oriental Rugs, Lace Curtains and all kinds of Housefurnlsh
lngs that require care and skill in handling. All work guaranteed. Be sura
and try us next time. x
J1.00 Suit 11.60 $2.50
1.00 Coats - . .75 1.23
1.50 Vests 50 .75
1.50 Pants 50 1.(0
1.50 Overcoats 50 2.50
2.60 Gloves 10 ....
3.00 Neckties 10 ....
P. S. Out-of-town business receives prompt attention.
Write for price list
FALL 1904...
We take pleasure in informing you of the arrival of our importations
in SSuitings, all the patterns for Vie ensuing season, including ...
Novelties and Specialties
from the most noted makers. We trust that you will give the same due
consideration and favor us with your order.
HELOREN & GRADMANN, Merchant Tailors,
S09 South Sixteenth Street.
TO l
I California
and Return
lug. 15 to Sept. 10- inclusive J
l Slitimbourtqalokirthantnyttbirllaib II
th Paolfle Coast.
For fall Inform&rlon call or writ J J
CTTT TICKET orFlOD, II4 Farnam Street. Jr J
p Going to the Fair?
Then why carry a "shabhy" grip or suit caseT Take ad
vantage of our TWENTY PERCENT discount sale and gt
one that will last a lifetime and always look well. It will
cost you no more than the cheap grades 'sell for elsewhere.
Omaha Trunk Factory,
Tclephons 1033 1209 Farnam
Bee Want Ads Produce Results