Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1904, PART 1, Page 10, Image 10

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Silks On Bargain Squares
Worth nt Retail from 75c to $2.00 a Yard.
IO.000 yard- of new silks Just received. ' Handsome Shirt Waist Silks, black
and colored Taffetas, I.oiilene. and resti-de Bnle. Watsttrtg Silks. Lining
Bllk, yard wide. Fancy Bilk", worth retail at 'he to 12.00 a yard will b sold
Monday on our Special Bargain Squares at, yard
F.or Horse Show Costumes
For Ball Costumes ,
For Evening1 Affairs
For Theatre Wear
For Street Wear
For Negljee
25 c, 59c and 63c
We request the pleasure of your attendance tomorrow at our silk show. The most dab
orate collection of foreign and domestic silks that will be shown this year.
H V Tl II II I f
H 1 VS. For Theatre Wear 1
i y m a ) For Street Wear I
j our new and enlarged silk departrncnt I
U k iniiT tomorrow wo hold the very first a
rt TTVttT rt nTTW sT A XT TT H
of the highest class of Imported
It is the most superb assemblage of foreign and domestic
silks that has ever been seen in Omaha.
Special Silk Exhibit Horse Show Dresses
On sale tomorrow, ranging in price from 69c to $3
Armure ratrioionne in glace effects. Satin Mcssaline printed warp effects.
Chiffon taffetas, including all the new Paris shades. Onion kin term Cotta,
Franbroise new browns, Trench blues. A feuperb collection of single patterns.
Peau Dondola, Olga Poplins in street and evening shades. Trench Voile Ninon,
plain and printed chiffon cloth. Velours, chiffon, Dresden taffetas, etc., ranging
In price from GOc to ijjtf.OO a yard.
$2 Fancy Silks for Suits on Sale at 98c.
Ltru specdul fancy Nilks for suits. Sevpntj'-flvp pieces full J i -inch and yard
wide taffeta, i m pri im, put out in blues, lirowim, hollos. KVtn metal and
grceiiH. Made to retail for $-.00 a yard Monday only,
ut, yard
$1.75 Silks from St. Louis Exposition at 87'c
One fiw lot of printed tnffotas, Dresden and IVrsInn effects for, costumes, in a
beautiful raiiKo of coloring and i)atterns. Made in Switzerland for the St.
Louis Exposition.- We secured from an importing house 00 pieces at about -
their value. Monday's price on tills line collection, a yard
$2.00 Party Dress Silks at 75c
In white grounds, Mack grounds and colored designs French Grenadines and
chiffon cloth for party dresses. A great many are exclusive and the
colorings are all new. Monday special price,
per yard ,. . ,
85c Colored Lining Taffetas at 48c
1 (Ml pieces Italian finish colored lining taffetas. - Best 8Tc quality in the mar- ja
ket. They include over AO different shades, also white and cream. Here is a fa
chance to lay a Miity of taffetas for the season at about one-half the usual throf
selling price, per yard t
Black Silks. Prices for Monday only.
20-Inch Black Teau de Sole, per yard 39c , Yard-wide Waterette Taffeta, per yard..
1'0-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, per yard.
27-incli Black Chiffon Taffeta, per yard,
oti-lncli Black Chiffon Taffeta, per yard.
27-inch Black Teau de Sole, per yard ...
lnrd-wliip Peau dp Sole, per yard
50c Yard-wlric Phoenix Mills Taffeta, a yard.
69c Yard-wide Black Summer Silk, a yard...
95c 24-inch Black Crepe de Chine, a yard. . . .
6Vc 27-Inch Black "C J. Bonnet"
98c tearable Taffetas, per yard
. .39c
Oil Cloth and Linoleum
35c rior Oil Cloths at 15c per Square Yard
To close out our entire stock on hand of Floor Oil
Cloths previous to receiving our new Fall line, we
will sell all our 25c and 35c Oil Cloth at 15c IP
per square yard &M
$1.00 Linoleums for 39c per yard
To close out our entire stock on hand of all grades
of Linoleum. Our regular-prices on these were
09c, 75c, and 98c. We will sell them out previous
to receiving the new Fall line at 39c per square
yard. Think of it! Extra heavy Linoleum worth
$1.00 per yard at 39c. This is the greatest bar
gain we have offered for a long time. The
stock is not very large, and the best will go
first. We-recommend an early call C
Tomorrow we take all the best and finest
qualities and patterns in
:a J.
15 yards to each customer only.
98c J
Ever held in the west takes place tomorrow Monday.
4 complete sample lines of New York specialty house
of Morris Asittoff, 187-189 Mercer St., New York
representing every size from age 3 to 16 years in Knee Pants Suits
KNEE PANT.S SUITS worth $3.50
$5.00 avid 0.00, will be eold tomorrow
$1.98. Far less than Ihcir actual cost to make
rl $138
Special Bargains
One biff tnble 40-ln. lawn cloth
In mill lengths, worth Cr
15c per yd., goes at -
One blir table cambric lining
remnants, go nt, per ?C
yard "w
plain cambric glng-
worth 15c yd., go ut, yd,
One table
hams and nuttings, Qln
One table new dark percales,
full pieces, worth 12Vio fLn
yard vlw
One big lot of half wool plaid
dress goods, worth tlr
25c yard 1C
One table of dot drapery and
dress Swisses, worth 71
15c, goes at, yard v
One lot of new baby flannels.
yard, goes
$1.29 Deor Panels at 39c Each-One lot of new
lace Spachtol D,)r Pannel.-i, regular price $1.25,
goes, at. each
4 Great Sale of All Pure Linen Satin
Damask Pattern Table Cloths
$4.00 00x00 In. Table Cloths, each. .' 1.98
$5.00 2x2 yd. Table Cloths, each ' 2.50
$5.f.O 2x2 yd. Table Cloths, each...... .i 2.75
?.".75 2x2 yd. Table Cloths, 'each 2.08
?7.50 2x2Vi yd. Table Cloths, each 3.25
$S.X) 2x3 yd. Table Cloth, each 3.75
.3. 50
. 6 93
$7.r0 2'1!x:iVi yd. Table Cloths, each.
$10.0l 2Vix.12 yd. Table Cloths, each
$15.00 2'xaii yd. Table Cloths, each
5-8 and 3-4 Napkins to match nearly all Cloths.
35c Scotch Cream Table Damask, yd
75c Mercerized Table Damask, yd ,.
85c All Linen Table Damask, yd
$1.25 All Linen Table Damask, yd
$1.50 Full Bleached All Pure Linen Double Satin
Damask, yd 95c
$2 Extra Fine FulJ Blenched Double Satin Damask, yd... 1.25
$2.00 Table Nankins .' 1.25
$3.00 Table Napkins 98
$5.00 Table Napkins 3.98
$0.00 Table Napkins 3. 98
10c Turkish Wash Cloths 3c
loc lurge size Huck Towels 5c
20c Huck and Damask Towels I0c
10c Fringed Linen Napkins 2jc
25c Hemstitched Linen Napkins 124c
35c Tray Cloths and Hemstitched Centerpieces .". . 15c
$1.00 Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares 49c
$1.50 Hemstitched Scarfs and Squares 69c
to make it the greatest dress goods bargain day of alL
Twenty-ninth c nts a yaM for all
wool wulatlngs and double width
suitings, neat and
sightly elTects,
regulur 50c value,
at, a yard
cent a yard
Kelley-Stlger's 7Se finest
F'.annels and Walst
Ings In the desirable
Persian and smaller
designs , ....
for all
$1.00 Black and Colored Dress Goods for 49c
All Kelley-Ktijier's dress goods sold at $1.00, black
and all colors, stylish g-ooda for fall and winter, wide
and heavy fjolf cloths and plaids tailor suitings, etc.
$1.50 Dress Goods for 69c Yard
Kelley-Htiger's dress goods up to one dollar and fifty
cents, eery conceivable style and weave Armures,
Melrose, Granites, Htamines, street suitings,
black and colors, at
Our fall display now on the counters, surpasses anything previously at
tempted in Omaha for variety. and Mipeiior quality.
With a view to the coming Ilorse Show
we have for your inspection elegant and
dainty French stuffs. Ombre voiles,
chiffon crepes, chiffon voiles, $1 to $2.50.
Broadcloth for fancy street costumes
nnd semi-tailored dresses, $1.00, $1.50,
$1.75, $2.50 and $3.00.
'''JIaiupi'oof cloths, new ideas, miniature
checks and mannish effects. Cloths that
are absolutely waterproof and with the
right Tsubstance for the new long coats
and entire suits; $1.25, $1.50, $2. $3.50.
-Everything up to the moment. Heavy
and snug wool "cloths, Panamas, cheviots,
worsteds. For simple, yet attractive
street dresses.
S5o for 62-Inch Scotch mannish
suitings, brown, myrtle, navy,
Jiisper. rto. Now York
stores rell same -nt
fl.2'. nt
I1.C0 frr a rich tlky broadcloth In every color In
demand. Lis de Vln, ail browns
ehnmptisnes, navys, etc
Thin cloth sells' usually
up to J1.!, a yard ,
75c for French voiles and wire cloth, the fashion
for round length skirts and MSBK fS
cHr-f uml.t cnifra l-'vorv Im. ml
arlnable color. You will pay $1
In any metropolitan store fcr
this Drettv dress stuff
$1.00 for silk and wool Crepo Ondule, an ideal amf
extremely desirable dress 8trt
which will compare with gocds
of like, character sold at
$1.60 Every shade In
itock, at
Wo Imported from Germany and Enfflnnd
many choice and exclusive patterns In cloths for
fancy tailored frocks.
85 c
fir j
law Fail Street Shoe
and Press Shoes
For Ladies Wear.
In fine hand turn -and welted
soles, in plain Vici Kid and dull
Kid Skins, all sizes of heels, all
sixes and widths
(Every pair guaranteed.)
Eangera Take First Game of Series with
. Dea Moines. I
i '
Carter et Three Safe lilts and
I Jack Th o man llnnK Out Ilia
Howe Hun with Dolan
on Base. ,
. In a terrific slugfin match Omaha
' won Its first game with XJes Moinen
'jealeriiay, tlie first on its arrival from the
; west, and Bturted the ball rolliiiB for that
pennant winning windup.
Brown and Munition were hit for
twelve and ten Bute - ones respec-
lively, but lirown forlunutely kept
, ills more scattered thun his opponent.
At that Dcs Moines Jumped In in the eighth
I inning,' rapped out five hits, for a total
j of four runs. Vp to this time the score
,iwas I to 1 In favor of Omaha and when
' the Prohibs cut loose with that string ot
' Ititj things began to take on a blulah hue.
f Brown had held the lowans down to
live hits up to the eighth. That tuning
. Josh Clark, Lobert and lloffmun singled,
. ilcChesney lined out a three-bagger and
Dusty Miller, the one-time "high man" on
' pa's payroll, got back with a home run.
. Dusty drove the ball down Into right-center
Held and Welch could not find It In time.
That was the only hit of the game for
Dusty. Dusty managed to drop a fly off
Qondlng's bat In left. - Several ot Des
Moines' hits were of the rank scratchy
order, but fate made them count for hits.
Omaha I'.t up a glided game and brought
forth many u round of rich applause from
tho 2,500 fans who were glad to greet the
team on Its home-coming. Save one little
error by HoVard, which counted for noth
ing, the team played a faultless game.
Start nuns at Flrat.
Tho Itnnrer started In on run getting
At the Ural. Thlel gut a Imao on a unrh
on the arm. Buck mude u uoimlful t"al
tif second and went to third on n inlicld
hit bi' Carter. Welch fiew nut to center
and Thlel scored the first run of V V t
It was one, two, three In the second, but
In the third Omaha admlnlxtered such a
drubbing to Mr. Morrison as few pitches
forgot, lirown was the first man up. Ho
fanned. Thlel then drove the ball to left
for two bases, uJ Curter singled. How
ard scnrad.both of them with one of his
characteristic three buggers. Again Welch
fiew out to center, bringing in u runner,
Howard. Doltiu singled. Then Jack
Thoinai came ud smiling.
. yitoue ruu," ) tiled some enthusiast who
had heard that Jack could knock home
runs at such times.
"Whang," and tiie ball lit just outside
the left held fence, and Dolan and Thomas
Just to make things good, Pa's boys
thought they had belter tack on another
run or two, and so in tho fourth, before
their fever went down, they lined out two
more. Singles by Brown, Thlel and How
urU were instrumental In '.'lining the trick.
, Bobby Curter was out with the hickory.
In four times at bat he got three safe hits.
Brown ticlded a great game. It took a
redhot und mighty wide one to get past
him in the box, and he supported Thomas
at first in suiterb fashion. The team all
round showd up in excellent style, playing
with vim and system which bodes ill for
those other UHKirants for flag honors.
The samo teums play today; game called
at 3:43. Attendunce yesterday, 2,5otf. The
AH. R. H. P.O. A. ir
Thlel, If 2 i 2 0 0 0
Carter, if 4 - 1 3 0 0 0
Howard, 2b 4 12 14 1
Welch, cf 4 0 o o 1 0
Doiun, ss 4 1 1 2 g 0
Thomas, lb 4 1 1 15 II 0
Schipke, 3b 4 0 0 1 0 0
Uonaing, c 4 1 0 6 3 0
Brown, p 4 1 1 2 6 0
Totals So 8 10 27 20 1
A H. It. H. T.O. A. E.
J. Clarke, cf t.. 5 1 2 4 0 0
Lobert, Ub ... 4 1 1 1 4 0
HoiYman, ss 4 13 16 0
Mcl'hesney, rf 4 1 2 2 0 V
Mil er, If 4 1110 1
Scliilz, 2U 4 0 1 2 0 0
Counery, lb 4 0 0 8 0 0
Towne, c 4.0 1 4 0 0
Morrison, p 3 0 113 0
Totals 36 6 12 24 13 1
Omaha 1 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 8
Des Moines 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4-6
Earned runs: Omaha, ; Des Moines, o.
Home runs: Thomas and Miller. Three
base hits: Howard and McCheaney. Two
base hits: Thlel and Hoffman. Stolen
base; Thlel. Hit by pitched bnll: Thlel.
Left on bases: Omaha, 5; Des Moines. 6.
llrbt base on balls: Off Brown, f; off Mor
rison, 1. Struck out: By Brown, 4; by
Morrison, 4. Wild pitch: Brown. Doub'.e
plays: Dolan to Tlinmas; Brown to Omul.
lng to Thomas. First bane on errors:
Omaha, 1; Dea Moines, 1. Time of game:
1:26. Umpire: O'Keefe.
Divide at tht Springs.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Aug. 27 Colorado
Bprlngs won the first gmue from rtloux City
today by better all around playing. None
of their seven runs, however, was earned.
In the second game the visltms turned the
tables und won without an effort. Scores:
Kirst game: R. H. E.
Colorado Springs . . .2 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 S 1
Sioux City 0000 0 01 00-1 8 6
Butteries: McNeeley and Buerwald; Jar
rctl and I-eslle.
Second game: R. II. E.
Colorado Springs ...0 3 0 00 1 0 0 0-4 4 4
Sioux City 0OJ 0 2 0 1 O1-6 10 2
Batteries: Torrey and Messltt; Kostal
and Leslie.
Denver Heats St. Joseph.
DENVER. Auk. 27. Rut ons (tame wns
Vlaj'td today olng to rain. BL Joseyb
lost because of poor fielding and Inability
to hit Kenna. Score: ,
R. II. E.
Denver. T 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 -3 5 .2
St. Joseph ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 3 0
Batteries: Kenna and Lucia; Clark and
Standlnif uf the Teams.
Pluyed. Won. Lost. Pet.
Denver 114 68 4i .59H
Colorado Springs ...107 2 45 .679
Omaha llti lit 52 ..5,")2
Des Moines 119 00 59 .5ul
St. Joseph 110 i 2 AM
Sioux City ICS ai . 73 .3U
Games today: Dea Moines at Omaha;
Sioux City at Colorado Springs; St. Joseph
ut Denver.
Pittsburg Wins n Tbirteen-Innlnsi
Ganie from Brooklyn,
PITTSBURG, Aug. 27.-Jordan tied the
score in the eighth with a three-bagger,
and from that until the end of the thir
teenth the game was stubbornly fought.
McCormick won It with a three-bagger fol
lowed by Phelpa' long drive to left. At
tendance, 4,230. Score:
K.H.O.A.E.I H.H.O.A.K.
Learn, 3b 0 111 0 String, 2b.... 0 112 1
Dillon, lb.... 0 1
Beaumont, cf. 1 2 1 1 0
Kllrhey. lb.. 110 6
Wagner, aa... 1 0 4
('arisen, lb... 1
Kruaer. rf 1
M( oru'k. If. 1 2 2 0 0
1'helpa, c 0 1110
Flaherty, p... 0 1 1 1 o
9 0
9 II 2 0
1 1 1 01
(ieRaler, cf... 1
Luoiley, rf... 2
She Itard, If . . 0 1 1 0
Uabb, aa 0 1(1
7 0 1
1 & 0 1
2 4 0 0
UtTgen, c 1
Jordan, 3b... 0
Joiiea, p 1
0 7 10
2 10
13 0
To'.l. 12 3 26 o Total! ( 113S 10 4
None out when winning run was scored.
Pittsburg 0 10103000000 1 1
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-4
Two-base hits: Strong, Oessler. Three
base hits: McCormick, Jordan. Bacritlce
hits: Beaumont. Dillon. Stolen baiHu:
Sheckard. First base on balls: Off Fla
herty, 3; off Jones. 4. Struck out: By Fla
herty, 4: by Jones, 6. Wild Pitch: Fla
herty. Time: 2:36. Umpire: Emitlie.
lteur York Wins Easily.
ST. IXJl'lS. Aug. 27. New York took the
opening game of the series from St. Louis
this afternoon In easy faalilon, 9 to 3. St.
Louis' only runs were made In the opening
Inning. After that Matliewson held St.
Louis safe. Taylor was hit hard. The
fielding of both teams was poor. Attend
unce, 7,3110. Score:
but FYazer held them down at critical
times. Attendance, 6,500. Score:
K.H.O.A.E. R.H
Tli imas, cf... a
rilpaRun, 2b. . . 1
Wulverl'n, 3b 0
MuKee. rf.
Lush, lb
TUub, If
Donahue, aa.,
Dooln, c
Fraaer, p...'..
0 0
0 0
0 S.agle, If 0
( aery, 9b l
Uarry, lb 0
McCarthy, cf. 0
Totals t I 27 12 4
Kvera. 2b.
Jones, rf.
Tinker, ss
Qllggs, p.
.. 0
.. 0
.. 0
, 0
l.unl;rren, p.. 0
.. 0
1 2
11 0
I 0
0 1
sp-a.l- I 97 II
Philadelphia a 0 1 0 1 0 0 ,0 15
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12
Left on bases: Chicago, 13; Philadelphia,
1. Two-base hits: Donahue, Dooln, Lush,
Gleason. Home run: Dooln. Sacrifice hits:
Wolverton, Gleason. Stolen bases: Jones,
Slagio. Double play: Casey to Barry.
Struck out: By Briggs, 2; by Eraser, 3.
Base on balls: Off Briggs, 3; off Fraser, 6.
Hits: Oft Briggs, 7 in seven Innings; off
Lundgrcn, 1 in two innings. Time: 1:15.
Unipiro: Kennedy.
Cincinnati Defeats Boston.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 2". Plttlnger's wlld
ness and Boston's inability to hit Harper
caused BoHton s defeat today. Attendance,
3,915. Score:
I H.M.U.A.B.
Kelley, lb.... 0
Seymour, cf.. 0
Bebrlug, rl...0
Uriwell, It.... 1
Btrtnfeldt, 3b. 1
Corcoran, aa.. 1
Huggina, 2b.. 3
PelU, c 1
Hhrper, p.... 1
H.H.O.A.K. I
1 0 Oder, cf 0
0 0 Tenner, lb... 0
0 0 Ab'tkblo. ss. 0
0 0 Coolry, If
I 0
0 0
o 'A
Delehanty. 2b 0
canneil, rf... 1
Moran, Sb. ... v
Maruhall, c... 0
Pittluger, p.. 0
2 0
1 2
flee hits: Mclutyre, Coughlin, M. Cross
Stolen base: Lawe. Left on bases: De
troit, 8; Philadelphia, 6. First base on
bails: Off Donovan, 1; off Plank, 2. Hit by
Bitched ball: Murphy. Struck out: By
lonovan, a'; by Flan!:, 8., Time: 1:45. Um
pire:. Sheridan.
Boston Wins Close Game.
BOSTON, Aug. 27. In the presence of the
largest crowd ever a--semDled at a ball
game 111 tins city Boston uelettted Chicago
today, 2 to 1. Alter the first tuning, the
game, was a pitchers' tattle, in which
Owen excelled, but the sharp fielding ot
the home team aided Tunnelilil. Attend
ance, 20,600. Scoie:
II. H O.A.E. IHolmes. rt.... 1 3 u
1110 OUonea, cf 0 2 2
2 0 Callahan, II . u l s
0 0 Davis, SB 0 14
4 0 Ibll, lb.... 0 0 10
0 OlL.Tan'hlll, 3r 0 0 1
Salbach. If.
Parent, as..
Buhl, cf....
Collins. 3b.
Freeman, rf
12 2
0 0 2
0 0 2
0 12
Lac nance, lb 0 0 11 3 0
Dundnn, 2b... 0
.. 0
Owen, p.
Green ..
0 1
0 2
1 1
2 fl
0 0 0 0 0
Ferns, lb.... 0 1 2 4 0
Crlger, c 0 1 6 4 0
1. Tan'hlll, p 0 1 0
Totals 2 7 27 21 0 Totals 1 7 24 10 0
Batted for Owen in the ninth
Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Three-bo so hits: - Freeman, Davis, Holmes
(2). Double plays: J. 'ninelilll to Collins
to LuChance; Crlger 1C LaChance; Ferris
to Crlger to l.aChan.ce; Davis to Isot-ll.
Struck out: By J. Tannehlll, 4; by Owen,
2. Time: 1:25 Umpiie: O Loughlin.
Cleveland glints Out Washington.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 27.-Donohue and
Hughes .had a pitchers' battle today. At
tendance, 2.000. Score:
R.H .O.A.E. I K.H.O.A.E.
feld and Gtuzel; Wallace, Padden and
Jones. Hits: Off Orth, 8 In 4 innings; off
(Jrittlth, 2 In 5 innings; olT Hynes, 4 la 3
Innings; off Pelty, 6 in 6 Innings. Umpire:
Dwyer. Tune: 1:40. ,
Score, second game: ' '
K.H.O.A.E. K.H.O.A.E.
nurkett, U...0 0 3 0 0 Dougherty.. If 2 3 10 0
Hetdrlok, cf.. 1 0 0 0 0'Kueler, rlt..O 11 0 K
0 0 15 UAnderson, lb. 0 2 17 1 1
umerrein, sb.. v v i i
Hansel, 2b.... 0 110 0
( unloy, 3b.... 12 0(0
Hemphill, rf. 2 1 0 0 0: IJIberfeld,
Jones, lb 1 3 II 0 0
Padden, 2b... 0 1 4 4 0
Moran. 2I ... 0 0 0 4 1
O'Connor, o. . 0 0 2 1 0
Budhoff, p.... 0 1 0 3 ill
Totals...... 4 27 17 0
Fulti, cf.
Mcouire, . o
Chesliro, p.
. 0 3
.. 0 1
, 0 0
1 0 0
12 0
1 ' 3 0
. 0 0 0 0 0
. 2 11 27 SI 2
K .H O A B.I
Rreanahan, cf 2 2 3 0 1 Shay,
llrowne, rf . .. 1
M.'Oann. lb., 0
Mertea, If.... 1
lahlen, ss.... 2
lievlln. 3b..,. 1 1
Ullbert. 2b... 0 1
Huwerutan, c. I 0
Malheweon, p 0 1
Dunlin. If..., 0 0
... 0 0 3 4 1
10 0 Shannon, r( . 1 0 1 0 0
1 11 1 0 Ueikley. lb.. 1 0 10 0 0
10 0 0 Orady, c 1 1 i 1 0
1 1 i 0 Binoot, cf 0 1 t 0 0
1110 Karrell. 2b... 0 0 111
111 2 Hanlay. II... 0 0 1 0 4
2 10 Hurke. Ib.... 0 10 10
1 2 O.laylor, p 0 0 0 1 1
oo u
Total!.... I 4 27 11 4
Tolala 11 27 11 l '
New York 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 4 09
St. Louis 3 0000000 0-3
Earned runs: New York, 8. Two-base
hits: Snioot, Bresnahnn (2), Merles, Dahlen
(2, Mathewsoui. Sacrifice hits: Browne,
McGann. Douiile play: Bowerman to Mc
Gnnn. Stolen base: Gilbert. Hit by pitched
ball: By Mathewson, 1; by Taylor, 1. Base
on bells: Off Mathnwson, 2. Struck out;
By Taylor, 4; by Mathewson, 2. Left on
bases: St. 1-oul. 7; New York. 6 , Time;
1:3a. Umpires: Zlmmer and Johnstone.
Philadelphia Bunches Hits.
CHICAGO. Aug. 27. Philadelphia bunrhed
hits to advantage and euslly won. The
locals had incu uu bases lu every Inning,
Totals 7 27 Total 1 3 24 13 1
Cincinnati J i 0 0 1 3 0 0 '-7
Boston ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1
Two-base hits: dtelnteldt, Moran. Svolen
huKor Ci,nnrn. Double dlavs: Tenney and
Marshall; Canneil., Marshall and Moran;
Abbattlchlo and Tenney. First base on
bulls: Off Harper, 3; oft I'lliinger, o. Birucs
out: By Harper, 6; by Plttinger, 8. Mld
pitches: Plttinger, 1; Harper, 1. Time:
1:4a. Umpires: Moran and Carpenter.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
New York U0 78 82 .70
Chicago 110 W 44 .W0
Cincinnati IV t 47 .50
Pittsburg 1"9 o3 4i .677
St. Louis U3 W W .6,11
Boston 113 43 0
Brooklyn ill " .42
Philadelphia 112 32 80
(James today: Boston at Cincinnati; New
York at St. Louis; Philadelphia at Chicago.
Philadelphia Takes Ten Iuuluss to
Beat Detroit.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 27.-In a ten-ln-nlng
game today the home club won the
lust of the series with Detroit. Donovan
weakened in tho tenth. Attendance, 10,9i4.
K H O. A. B.I R.H. O.A.E.
Hartsel. H... 0 1 2 0 0 Barrett. cf.:..0 14 1
Plrkerlng. cf. 4 1 0 0 1 M ln(yrs. If.. 0 110 0
Davla, lb 1 0t2 1 0 Coughlin, 3b. 0 0 1 1 0
L L'ruae, tb..O 1 1 0 Crawlord, ri.. t 10 0 0
he) bold, rf... 0 1 . 0 0 Hlikiuau, lb. 0 1 15 1 1
Murphy, lb... I 1 4 2 0 Hevllle, C....0 0 12 0
at CroH. as . I 1 3 0 Lows. 3b 1 1 0 1 1
rower., c.... 110 0;O'Lary. aa... 11(21
plank, p 0 1 0 1 iDouuu, p... 0 1 1 1
Totala 4 10 W 12 l Totals 1 H
One out when winning run was made.
Philadelphia. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-1-4
Detroit 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Two-toss hits: L. Cross, Murphy. Sacrl-
Bay. cf
Luah. if
Flick, rf
Blovall, 2b..
Bradley, 3b.
Carr. lb
Turner, ss...
Bemia, c
Dunobua, p.
1 0
0 (
0 0
1 0
1 1
1 10
1 (
1 (
0 0
0'O'Nelll. of.... 0
0 Hill, lb 0
0 Caaaldy, aa... 0
0 Hulheman, If. 0
0 UcCorra'k, 2b 0
OlDo.iovun, rf.. 0
Herrlng. lb.. 0
O'Kltlredga, o.. 0
OlHughea, p.... 0
1 2
0 1
0 4
0 10
Totals 1 ( 27 U 01 Totals 0 4 27 IT 0
Cleveland .......... ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Washlugton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hit: Stovall. Stolen base:
O'Neill. Sacrifice hits: Hughes, Flick,
Stovall, Donohue. Double plays: McCor
mick to Cascidy to Herring; Donovan to
HID; Bemia to Bradley. First base on
balls: Oil Hughes, 2; off Donohuu, 2.
Struck out: By Hughes, 4; by Donohue, 4.
Left on bases: Washington, 6; Cleveland, 2.
lime: 1:45. empires: Connolly unu kuii;.
St. Louis Wins Both Games.
NEW YORK. Auk. 27.-SI. Louis won
two games from New York today. Both
Orth and Hynes were batted from the box
In the first game. Paddeu's two-bugger
won the second game for the visitors. At
tendance, 24,465.
Score, first game:
i K.H.O.A.E.I K.H.O.A.E.
nurkett. If... 10(00 Dougherty. Ill I I g l
3 4 V 0 Keeier. rf 1 3 I 0 t
2 ( t ) Anderson, lb. 0 2 II 9
2 2 0 Obloerfeld. ss.. 0 0 1 4 0
. 0 I 11 0 0 (laniel, 2b.... 0 1 1 2 1
0 14 (I ( onroy, lb ... 0
1 O'rults, cf 0
llelilrlik. cf.. I
Wjba.e. aa.. 1
Hemphill, rf. 2
Junes, lb
Psdden, lb. ..(
Moran. lb....'0
Hugden, c... (
Hynes, p
Pelty, p
0 4
1 0
0 (
0 0
0 U
1 1
Klelnow. e... (
orih, p 0
Orlffith, p 0
I 0
0 4
Totals 7 10 27 11 l Totala 2 ( 27 11 1
St. Louis 0 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 07
New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
First base on errors: St. Louis, 2. Left
on bases: New York, 7: St. Louis, . Firt
base on balls: Off Orth, 2. Struck out:
Hy Orth, I; . by Griffith, 2; by Pelty, 1.
Three-base hits: Keeier, Heldrlck Two.
base hits: Anderson, Heldrlck, Wa'lace (2),
UemphlU. Double-plays; Anderson, jilLtr-
Batted for Chesbro irynlnth.
St. Louis 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
New York 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 13
Struck out: By Chofbro, 2: by Sudh'off,
1. First base on .-errors: St. Louis, 2.
Left on bases: New Yrk, 10; St. Louis, 6.
First on balls: Off Chesbro, 3; off Sudhoff,
1. Home run: Dougherty. Two-base hits:
Anderson, Padden, Sudhoff. Sacrifice hit:
Burkett. Stolen bases: Anderson, Held
rlck, Hemphill. Double-plays: Gauzel,
McGuIre, Conroy, Chesbro and Keeier. Hit
by pitched ball: By Sudhoff. Umpire:
Dwyer. Time: 1:50.
Standluir of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost
107 66 42
, HJ6
New York .
Philadelphia ,
i Cleveland
St. Louis
No games tuduy
Kansas City Wins from Toledo in the
Tenth Inning.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 27,-Lee tied the
score in the ninth Inning with a home run.
Kansas City won In the tenth on Massey s
hit. For tne first five innings the gum
was a pitchers' battle. Attendance, 1,200.
Score :
K.H.O.A.E.I R.H. O.A.E.
Rothfuss. If.. 1 1 2 0 OO'Hara, If.... ft o 1 o 1
Gear, If 0 0 0 0 0 Burua. 2b 0 0 1 ( 0
Hill, cf 1 1 4 1 0 Lee. rf 114 0 0
Holiner, 2b... 2 2 2 1 1 ('lineman, aa. 0 0 0 4 0
Maaaey, lb...O 1 10 2 O Keinmer. lb.. 0 0 12 ( 4
Lewee, aa...,0 0 1 4 0 Mnrlarlly, Ib. 0 1 0 0
Sullivan, lb.,0 110 1 Friable, cf..,. 0 (3(4
Ruder, c 0 0 7 1 0 Clark, s 1 I (
Frants, p 0 112 O.Morton, p.... 110 10
Totals '4 7 10 11 11 Total! 1 (20 12 l
Two out when winning run was made.
Kansas City 0000002 1 0 14
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 01
Earned rjns: Kansas City, 1; Toledo, 1.
Two-buse nils: Hill, Bonner, Clark. Home
run: Lee. Sacrifice hit: Gear. Stolen
bases: Hill, Fiants. First bue on balisi
Off Morton, 1. Struck out: By Frants, 1;
by Morton, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Sulli
van. Morton. I-ft on bases. Kansas City,
8; Toledo, 6. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Klem.
Milwaukee fills Phillips Hard.
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 27. Milwaukee
pounded Phillips hard throughout the game
and won with comparative ease. Attend
ance. 2.000. Score:
K.H.O.A.E. H. 11. O.A.E.
Si one, rf 1 I 1 ( OMoCreery, ef. 0 ( I 1 0
Sneer, c 1 14 1 OCrnmley, rf .O 1 1 o 1
McKay, p.... 1 14 7 oPhllllpa. p....o 1 4 4 1
Totals 12 17 27 14 4 Totala.... . ( I 24 12 7
Milwaukee 2 2 0 2 2 2 1 1 12
Indianapolis ..1 100000805
Two-base hits: Pennell, Carr, Reitz.
Three-base hits: Pennell (2), Base on
bulls: Off McKay, 8; off Phillips, 4. Sac
rifice hits: Sluttery, O'Brien, Sueer, Hey
don. Wild pitch: Phillips. Struck out: By
McKay, 7; by Phillips, 4. Double plays:
O Brlen and Slattery. Left on bases: Mil
waukee. 8; Indianapolis,- 7. SUlen. bases;
Stone, O'Brien. 'lime: 1:40. Umpire: Hart.
St. Paul Wins Fast" Game.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Aug. 27. St. Paul de
Seated Columbus today -lir a short, fast
game. OlmBtead was wild and the locals
took advantage of his weakness. Attend
ance, 2,2uo. Score:
Jones, cf..
Jarkeon. rf
Wheeler, 8b.
0 12 4 0
1 1
1 1
1 0
0 0
Fleurnoy, If., 0 0 110
Relley. lb.... 0 0 11 1 1
O'Brien, aa... 0 0 1
Marcan. 2b... 2 2 2
Sullivan, o.
Ferguson, p
0 2
1 1
3 J
2 o
1 u
I 1 27 14
0 I 10 1
Klhm. lb.
Martin, If
Friel. lb.
Davla, rf.,
Abbott, c 0
Clvmer. cl.... 0
Wrlgley, 2b.. 0
Hrtilwtll, as.. 0
Olmsted, p... 0
Yeager 0
0 0
1 1
Blatter, lb.. I 1(4 1 Magooo, aa.,.1 ( 4 I t
, lb...l S 2,1 ISirauder, If... ( 11(0
(' Hrlen,
Pennell, aa ... lilt K'arr, lb 1 1 I ( (
Hemphill, cf. 1 4 ( IHogrlsver. lb 1 ( ( I 1
' iif-r, iff l 1 ( starker, ib... I tio.i (
Kelts, to I 111 eMayoos. ....( I
Totals 1 I 24 12 0
Batted for Olmstead In ninth.
St. Paul 0 1 1 7. 0 0 0 0 -3
Columbus 0 0 0 ') 0 1 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Marcan, Davis, Clymer.
Sacrifice hits: Flournoy, Abbott. Stolen
base: Marcan. Dr.uble plays: Marcan ami
Kelley; Ferguson, O'Brien and Kelley:
Wrlgley and Klhm; Wriffley, Klhm and
Brldwell. First on bulls: Off Olmstead,
6; off Ferguson, 1. Struck out: By Olm
stead, 2; by Ferguson, 2. Wild pitches:
Olmstead, 2. Time: 1:19. Umpire: Bause
wlne. Louisville Wins Slugging- Match.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 27. Louis
ville defeated Minneapolis In a slugging
match here today. Attendance. 2,800. Score:
H.H.O.A.K. I K.H.O.A.E.
Kerwln, rf .. 1 110 Maloney, rf . . 1 2 10 4
Itallman, If.. 4 114 4 Freeman, lb. 0 1 7 0 0
Hart, lb 4 1 11 0 4 Coulter, If.... I 10 0 1
Ca'phell, cf-p 1 I ( ( Or.mlng'r, lb 1 ( 4 I 0
Schrlever, .. t I 1 ( (Weaver, c 1 I 4 1 0
Rraahear, lb. 1 I I I 0 M Nichols, cf 0 0 I 0 0
Monlg'ery, lb ( 1 0 I O'Leary .... 0 0 0 0 0
Qulnlan. aa...0 111 Km, 2b 1 1110
Bun non, p-cf 10 110 Oyler, ss I 1 I 2 0
Morgan, p.... (0010
Total 10 II 17 12 I ford, p... 1 0 0 & 1
I Totals ( II 27 12 I
O'Leary batted for McNIchols In ninth.
IxmlaVlUe 7 16 1 0 0 1 0 0-l
Minneapolis t o 0 t 0 0 2 1 0 i
Two-buse hits: Maloney, Coulter, lino
shear, Schrlever. Three-base hits: Maloney,
Fox. Sucrlflce hits: Ford, Hart, Brashear.
Bases on bulls: tjff Morgan, 2; off Font,
2; off Bohannon, 4. Struck nut: By Font,
2; by Bohannon. 6; by Campbell, 1. Hlti.j
Off Morgan, 6 In one Inning; off Ford, I
In eight Innings; off Bohannnn, 15 In eight
Innings; off Cumpbell, 1 in one inning. Li ft
up bases: Minneapolis, t; Louisville, C
Time: 2:u6. Umpire: Klllen.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Tct.
Ft. Paul 124 M 43 ,J
Milwaukee 122 72 60 .l0
Columbus 123 68 66 .tV.3
Louisville 123 6X 66 f-3
Minneapolis 120 3 67 ,r:5
Indisnupoll 120 67 69 .4.1
Kansas City M 4 71 .4o4
Toledo 123 13 Do
Games today: Columbus st Ut. Paul,
Toledo at Kansss City, Indianapolis al
Milwaukee, Louisville at UlnusajyvUa.