Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Bayi He round Strong Populist Sentiment
in New York.
(laratloa to Wkflhrr Ifar Hon Ship
Nebraska la to Hare it ranch
jldwl la AKltatlaat Oonic
Tibbies, CR.r.rlllat for vice pr. Mont c.n th
populist ticket, returned t' Lincoln this
nmrnlnn from New York, tlc nt
of his nomination was broken to him.
Though he hud been preparing: for the
hock ever slme he Springfield conven
tion, Mr. Tibbies whs agreeably aurprl.sed
t the enthusiasm shown by the New York
populists when the secret waa finally out.
Cooper t.'nlon was Jammsd and packed he
aald and thn enthusiasm for the populist
ticket and populist principles waa even
greater than wa the denunciation of
Mill, Helmont ami others, wlilc:i lie said
was something fierce.
"The populist ticket will poll a large
vote In New York," aald Mr. Tibbies, "an J
most of the votes will come from demo
crats who supported Bryan In 1396 and
19A We will get all of the Henry George
following, for they havf bolted the demo
cratic ticket almost to a man. These will
amount to somewhere near 168,000 votes.
At our meeting great fce;:ns ug.irnst Hill
and his followers was ahown and thous
ands and thousand of democrats will
refuse to longer follow the old democratic
"I found In the west a most unsettled
condition and everywhere In New York
the authorities were fearful of an uprlHlng
of worktngnittii. The condition Is awful
and la all due to the gigantic bond deals
Unit have been pushed through by pro
moters and by which the middle class of
Wage earners have been defrauded out of
a billion-and-a-half dollars. Thousands of
men are out of employment Just because
of these Illegal deals, whereby a few men
made millions and small property owners
have lost their nil. This will have an
effect on the election, but Just what effect
even the people in New York seem not to
"h fouTld another thing In New York,"
continued Mr. Tibbies, "and that Is cranks
grow as thick as ten to the acre. They
forced themselves Into my room and out
lined hundreds of schemes whereby they
wanted to raise millions of dollars to help
out the cause. One stylishly dressed
woman called on me and wanted my as
slstance in organising woman'a clubs all
over the country to work In the interest of
the ticket. When I told her she should
consult the national committee she was
not satisfied but she wanted me to take
the stump and help work out her plans.
On all sides we were attacked by cranks
and It took strenuous work to get away
from them."
It is the Intention of the national com
mittee to put a populist state ticket in all
the eastern states -as well as ilie western
states. Another big meeting will be held
in New York some time about the first
of October, and Mr. Tibbies will be pres.
ent at this and make a speech.
Folk to Help Fusion.
Joseph W. Folk, democratic nominee for
governor of Mlsouri, will assist the fusion
forces of Nebraska "during the present
campaign. A letter was received from him
this morning stating that he would gladly
(111 at least two engagements In the state
at a dal,tnh be fttl; by-th state commit
tee. It Is probable that he will speak at
Omaha and Lincoln some time during the
first Cays of October.
Chairman Allen of the democratic state
committee is expected home tonight from
his vacation trip to the west and at aa
early date the committee la expected to
decide upon a hotel at which to locate the
committee headquarter Next week, the
democratic county committee and the spe
cial committee of populists will get to
gether here and agree on a county and leg
ialatlve ticket if they can. The impression
still prevails that the fusion forces will be
centered on one candidate for the senate
and one for the house Instead of a full leg
islative ticket being put up.
Punch Bowl a Problem.
Will the silver service to be designed
for the battleship Nebraska number among
its pieces a punch bowl, the symbol of
Gambrlnus' revels among the Juniors of the
ward room? Some of the more far-sighted
Ncbraskans are already beginning to con
rider that question. Most silver Service
of the magnitude proposed have such an,
accessory of the most generous proportions,
and the committee which Is to be named by
the governor to take the matter of rals
inij funds and selecting designs in charge
will have a difficult time of it.
Another question that la already being
dlscusted In the design. There is a general
sentiment In favor of the adoption of some
design which will be distinctively Ne
braskan In every way. There are already
No Extortion
in St. Louis
Liberal leonramnillont at Moderate
Hates Aaeared lij the Admin
istration. The management of the St. Louis World's
Fair is determined that visitors to the
great exposition shall enjoy ample accom-
modatlona at reasonable rates, hence under
Us auaplcea an enormous hotel, called The
Inside Inn, has been erected Inrlde the
grounds of the exposition.
This splendid hostelry Is three stories
high. X feet wide aud 800 feet long. It
contains spacious parlors, reading rooms
and reception rooms. Its dining room
and restaurant seats 2.500 people at a time
and It contains 2.2J7 sleeping apartments.
All visitors to this hotel enjoy the same
sorvlce and the same excellent table,
tho range of prices being determined
Pimply by the location and ala
of the rooms. The hotel Is run on both
the European and American plana and
ratea vary from $1.M to 15 M per day,
European, and from M OO to 17.00, American,
Including admission.
The Inside Inn Is under the personal
kupcrvltdou and management of Mr. K. M.
Btailer, the well known restauranteur of
lJuffalo. which fact alone guarantees the
high quality of the cuisine and service.
Tte comfort and convenience thus af
forded vlsltora in not having to go outalde
the grounds or of Incurring the trouble
and crushing of street cars and suburban
railway service cannot be overestimated.
Once a vlfltor la registered at The Inrlde
Ina no fuither admltulon fee to the exposi
tion la charged, and after a tiring morning
or afternoon one cun readily return to their
room, wash and rest up, refresh thenV
sthc with a flrst-claa meal aad tt.ert
turn out and enjoy the pleaaure of the
evening In tho exposition ground.
The enormous rapacity of The Inside Inn
enures good accommodatlona for all. no
mutter wlu n or in what numbers thry come
but thoie who prefer to reerve their
rooms In aulunr can do so now.
Full dVt.ilU (lf ruu-s and reservations ran
be hud by s.i,dlng a poalal card to The
Inside Inn. car. of Administration Hid.,
World's Fair UrouiuU. 0'
suB-sestions lhat the golden rod and the
anteloi-e ought to be worked Into the de
sign, althmigh opinion leans also toward
the use of the Juffalo an the primitive
prairie aa the basis for the drslarn.
QiMtlon of Venae.
Where Is the venue of the crime of wife
abandonment? If a man goes visiting with
his wife a- 1 while away from his resi
dent'" abandons the woman, Is he to be
prosecuted at the place where the couple
oiourned, tr l,i the county of their resi
dence? These are the questions which Ed
ward M. Cuthbertaon, now under sentence
of six mohths In the Douglas county Jail,
wants to have answered by the supreme
court In the hope that It will hold that
the abandonment is t crime at the place
At the date fixed In the Information as
the time of the abandonment, Cuthbertson, i
who had been employed by a rill way con
tractor, waa at Chadron, w'.iere he was
visited by his wife, and on that day the
couple quarreled and he left her, going to
Missouri. The question now Is, where
did he abandon the wife? Was It at Chad
ron or was it U Omnha, where the couple
had resided before he went to Chadron?
Omaha Man (ieta Place.
F. M. Coleman of Omaha has been ap
pointed bailiff of the supreme court, to
take the place of Henry Lavltt, who will
leave the office September 1. Mr. Coleman
began this morning to get himself familiar
with hla work. He has been a bookkeeper
In Omaha and has held several Clerical
positions. Mr. Leavltt haa not decided
what he will do.
Knard Officers Go to Srhool.
Adjutant General J. H. Culver stated
this morning that the seven guard of
ficers who had made application to go to
the Fort Ieavenworth military school had
signified their intention not to go. The
work begins September 1 ' It Is supposed
that business reasons or unwillingness to
take the examinations required at entrance
have led them to take the step. There
will be a good, attendance at the school
from other states.
Wanted In Illinois.
Governor Mickey has been asked to ex
tradite A. S. Whitman, now under arrest
at Hastings, who Is charged with having
worked a confidence game on the Knox
county bank at Galesburg, 111. He rep
resented himself to be a menvber of a Chi
cago firm, and presented a draft on the
Central Trust company of Chicago ' for
$350. He cashed It on the pretense that
he was using the money in a real estate
deal near Galesburg.
Uanaet Praises Guards.
Brigadier General Daggett Is well pleased
with the showing made by the Nebraska
National Guards at David City and today
he gave out this statement:
"The encampment was a success. This
success was due In the first place to the
very wise prepartions made by General
Culver and his very efficient staff, and sec
ondly to the hearty support and intelligent
work of the colonels and their line officers.
"The first parades and guard mounts
were rather poor and ragged. The last one
were good. The improvement in drill and
other exercises was remarkable. I noticed
comparatively few mistakes; the worst
ones I made myself."
Police Score Once.
The police scored today against the Trac
tion company, which recently Issued an
order that the members of the department
had to pay fare the same as ordinary In
dividuals, by arresting Conductor George
Mann for obstructing the streets for more
than ten minutes. Mann runs a freight
and express car out in the suburbs and as
has been hla custom, he allowed the car to
stand across a street for quite a while this
morning. An ever vigilant policeman
swooped dowrl and arersted him. The city
prohibits cars standing on a street crossing
more than ten. minutes, and Mann stated
that tie would, plead guilty to having left
his car for more than an hour. He ealuN
he did not know there was such an or
dinance to existence. At least some good
haa resulted In the war between the pe
nce and the Traction company. That is
that no longer three cars come down the
streets about ten feet apart at a break
neck speed. The ordinance provides that
can shall be run at least 100 feet apart,
and the police are seeing to It that every
city ordinance Is observed, even the one
that specifies the cars cannot be run more
than seven miles an hour.
Prison Association Work.
The good work of the Nebraska Prlaon
association has attracted the attention of
the national committee located at Trenton,
N. J. This, morning Dr. Martin of the local
association received a letter from A. M.
Fish, chairman of the committee on dis
charged prisoners, of the national commit
tee, asking for a copy of his report on thlb
matter to be Incorporated in the national
Dr. Martin is well pleased with the prog
ress of the Nebraska association In its
work and with the growing membership,
which at this time Is almost 500. The com
mittee Is constantly after new members,
for upon the membership la dependent the
finances of the association, each member
paying a fee of $1. The association will
meet In Lincoln a week from Tuesday, at
which time the reports of the various com
mittees will be received.
two Insane Men In Custody.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. at. (Spe
cial.) An old horse trainer, a stranger,
who claims to hail from the east, was
taken In tow by Sheriff Taylor on a com
plaint from the village of A I da, and
brought before the commissioners of In
sanity. There is no question but that the
olJ gentleman is mentally unsound, but
his skill with unbroken horses Is aald to
be murvelous. He gave the name of For
sythe. While In the city a 4ew days ago
he gave an exhibition of lighting a cigar
with an 1180 note.
Albert Johnaon, another stranger, was
taken charge of by the authorities last
night Just after stopping train No. 6 as it
was pulling into Grand Island. Johnaon
hhd, a few moments before, at the Union
Pacific depot, Jumped out on the track,
given two whistles und a high ball, and
Imagining he was an engine started out
west, running like a mod hare. About
half a mile west he saw No. 6 coming on
the same truck, In an opposite direction,
aud promptly flagged it. The train Blacked
up and had neurly come to a atop when
he appeared to observe that the double
track permitted him to pasaA He started
out afresh and some men took after him
on a hand car. When he waa overtaken
he protested against this Interference with
the schedule apd alleged t) it he was due
In North Platte tn two ho.'s and a half.
He appeara to be from Iowa, en route to
Kearney, and will be sent to one of the
two places.
Flagman Has n Close Call.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Aug. 28 (Special Tele
gram.) George Smith, a I'nlon Pacific
flagman at the Central avenue rrosslng,
met with a painful accident, and at the
same time had an. exceedingly narrow es
cape "from being crushed beneath the
wheels of a locomotive Thursday evening.
He attempted to step upon the pilot 'of an
approaching locomotive and missed his
footing. His foot whs caught beneath the
pilot, and while he held on he wns dragged
for aome distance, his foot being turned
aud the side and top of it ground Into the
gravel beneath the pilot. He waa rescued
from hla perilous position and taken to
his home. It was found that In addition
to a severe abrasion the ligaments had
biwu badly strained.
Catholic Priest at Winnebago Eeerration
ii Made Defendant in Law Bait.
deration of Alleared Illeatal to
Indiana May Ite Heard In Case
Pendlnsr In Tharatoa
HOMER, Neb.. Aug. 2. (Special.) His
Interference Vn behalf of the Winnebago
Indians, whom he says are being robbed
by ungrrl,pulous spectators, has got Rev.
Father Joseph Schell Into Justice court as
defendnnt. Complainants are Charles.
Thomas and George Ashford, bankers and
general merchants here. The case la In the
nature of a test.
Father Schell recently called the Indians
together In council and secured their In
dorsement of a plan whereby an auditing
committee should handle the Indians'
money, paying It out only to those to whom
It was really owing. Father Scliell was at
once mada the agent of the Indians to do
this. He refuses to pay bills until they are
itemized, and only then when the charges
are reasonable. In the case now In court
the Ashfords claim that George Rice Hill
owes them 1199 nnd that Father Schell Is
preventing Its collection. They refuse to
submit an Itemized bill and it Is said they
told Father S hell:
"You will never live long enough to find '
out our business with the Indians."
Father Bchell haa armed himself with a
score of affidavits In which numerous peo
ple are accused of loaning money to Indians
to buy whisky for which the borrowers
were compelled In each Instance to give
notes for double the amount of the loan.
Heretofore It has been easy for the holders
of these notes to collect their money, for
they would appear at the agency on pay
day and Compel the reds on penalty of
getting no future favors, to pay them the
face of the notes, which were always pay
able on demand. This practice has been
stopped by Father Schell. He Is working
under the instruction of Bishop Scannell
of Omaha and Mother Drexel of Philadel
phia. At the agency the other day he confronted
the whites gathered to collect their money
and called out by name the men he believes
to be defrauding the reda He told the
Indians that and were grafters.
A heated altercation took place before all
between Tom Ashford and the priest.
N He is interesting genuine settlers in the
heirship lands which are sold from time
to time and has now on deposit in a Homer
bank 2.S,000 with which to bid on these
lands. He has practically driven the land
speculators from the field.
Veteran Nebraska Editor and Phys
ician Talks to Old Settlers.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Aug. 26 (Special.)
The attendance at the twenty-third an
nual reunion and picnic of the Pioneers
and Old Settlers' association held in Clinton
park, adjoining this place on the west, to
day, was estimated by competent Judges
to be not below 8,000. The day was an
Ideal one and the early morning trains
brought large delegations from nearly ev
ery town between this place and Omaha.
About 500 people from Sioux ""ity were
here. The day was an Ideal picnic day
in every respect, a bright sun, but the
air being cool.
The) program of the day was opened by
Reed's Fourth Regiment band of Sioux
City giving open air concert on our
streets, and about 11 o'clock the exercises
commenced on the grounds, the meeting
being opened by prayer by Rev. Bennett
Mitchell of Sioux City. Hon. George D.
Perkins of Sioux City, by request of the
president of the association, Horace Dut
ton, presided over the meeting. The ad
dress of welcome was delivered by Sena
tor William P. Warner of this place. Hon.
W. F. Norrls of Wayne, " Neb., delivered
the oration of the day, hla subject being,
"The Phllllpplnes," from --Men country
Judge Norria has Just returned on a va
cation. Dr. George L. Miller of Omaha
delivered a short address. The afternoon
was devoted to horse racing, ball games,
shooting matches and other sport, all wind
ing up with a ball In the court house hall
in the evening. The best of order was
maintained throughout the day and only
one accident occurred. It being that of the
8-year-old daughter of Prof, and Mrs. O. R.
Bowen having gotten its finger smashed
between two boards.
Bind Over Alleged Horaethlef.
COLUMBUS. Aug. 26. (Special.)-W. F.
Carter, who is charged with stealing a
horse and buggy from George Wlnslow,
a liveryman here, had his preliminary ex
amination before Judge O'Brien yeBterday.
He admits that he engaged the rig and
after driving about town awhile concluded
he would go to Fullerton. Arriving there
he concluded to remain and offers as a
defense that he took the rig to a traders'
camp and gave them a silver watch to re
turn the horse and buggy to Its owner.
Carter was found working In the hay fields
In Merrick county, lie was held to the
district court In the sum of (COO and in
default of ball was sent to Jull where ha
will wait until November.
Platte County Republican Ticket,
COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 26. The repub
lican county convention was held at the
court house here yesterday. R. W. Ho
bart was named for county attorney and
Joseph Henggler for representative. Mr.
Henggler la a prosperous farmer living In
Blamark township. Delegates were named
for the senatorial and float representative
conventions. A resolution Introduced by
C. J. Garlow was adopted. It was
in effect favoring a movement to au
thorise postmasters to open letters
and telephone the contents to the
parties addressed when the letters were
stamped with a certain stamp provided for
the purpose, much after fashion of the
special delivery stamp now in use.
ranting Republican 'Ticket.
WEST POINT. Neb., Aug. 26 (Special.)
-The regular delegate convention of the
republican ) rty of Cuming county .met
yesterday atternoon with a full represen
tation. The utmoat harmony prevailed and
the convention was very enthusiastic. The
following nominations were msdo: For
county attorney, M. McLaughlin: for rep
resentative from the Fifteenth district, D.
C. OlfTert; for coroner (to fill vacancy). Dr.
W. L. Crosby, of Beemer. Mr. McLaugh
lin Is a candidate for re-election. He la
the nestor of the Cuming county bar and
has conducted the affaire of the office
during hla first term to the entire satis
faction of the people regardless of party.
Snnriay School Convention.
NEBRASKA CITY. Aug. .-(Special )
The Otoe county Sunday school convention
was held In Dunbar yesterday. A big at
tendance waa present from every precinct
In the county. Several addresses were
made by prominent preachera of thla city
and county. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: President.,
Mrs. Nelaon Overton, Nebraska City; treaa
urer. Henry Kruse, Dunbar; secretary,
Miss Minnie Stooker of Dunbar: corre
sponding secretary, M. C. Joyce, Nebraska
Oil Barns In RrUUm,
ANTWFHP B-lglum. An V- The oil
lans st Hohoken thre ml'es from here,
containing shout JiVWnftno a-Hlon of petrol!
eum. are ahlae. tntbr- wl'b all the ihnli
j wagons and paraphernalia. The fire started
at the Russian company's tanks, thrnnarh
the Irrnltton of escaping jras. and the flames
quickly spread to the Standard Oil Com
pany a tanks. A hlsh wind fanned the fire.
Troops are assisting the firemen to localise
the onflasratlrm.
llrirr of Xrnrnaka.
TECl'MSKH. Aug. 2fi The r.eglsten at
Rulo ha suspended
publication. Cause,
luck of support.
PLAT! SMOl'TH. Aug W While playing
with n revolver Wesley Henner had one
thnmh shot off.
PI.ATT8MOI TII. Aug. 28. Mrs. Lutl K.
Hatch from Jacksonville, III., is visiting
her al'ter, Mrs. A. W. Atwood.
REATRICE, Aug. 26. The ll-yer-old
son of Rev. and Mrs. ,J. R. tlertys
fell from a tree yesterday und oroke ma
right arm.
TECl'MSEH, Aug. The annual county
Baptist association meeting Is being held,
at Crab orchard. A good program Is being
carried out. A number from Tecumseh are
In attendance.
GRAND ISLAND. Aug. 26. Contracts for
the erection of the new dormitory of the
Grand Island college have been let and
work will be begun Monday morning. The
new building Is to cost
PLATTSMOl'TH, Aug. 26 James PrlT
Itt, who had his left leg crushed In a
threshing machine on the f:rm of I'hirles
Spangler, had that member amputated
last evenlnc between trie ankle nil,". Knee.
HASTINGS, Aug. 26. A new depot Is to
be erected In Hastings at once, li will be
a large brick freight depot and will be
put up by the H. & M. Railway company
Just across Its tracks on Burlington avenue.
HASTINGS, Aug. 26. Hastings Is to have
another Incuoator manufacturing plant. It
will be owned and operated by Mrs Anna
L. Plnkerton, J. A. Gardiner and M. Waller.
The plant will be able to turn oui 1.6u0 ma
chines monthly.
HUMBOLDT, Aug. 26. Dale Parsons, a
lad of 15 years, living north of the city,
cut the third ringer from his left band wliii
a hedge knife while trimming trees yes
terday. The Implement became caught on
a limb and the accident resulted.
TECUMSEH, Aug. 26. Elder O. H.
Loomls has completed his pastoral work
with the Advent Christian church and re
turned to the home of his parents In Ham
burg, la. He will attend college the coin
ing year. His succeattor haa not yet been
TECUMSEH, Aug. 26. The elevator of the
Central Urananes company at Graf, tnis
county, was damaged by tire to the extent
of Insured. The complete loss of t lie
building was prevented by quick work on
the part of a bucket brigade. Cause ol fire
not known.
TECUMSEH, Aug. 26. At a business
meeting of the members of the Christian
church here Elder C. W. Cooper ol iielli
any waa re-electod the church s pastor, to
serve half time until next spring. Elder
Cooper will attend Cotner university the
coming year.
BEATRICE, Aug. 26 Foke Frltzen, a
prominent Uerman farmer living east of
this city, sustained a broken coilar bone
yesterday. He was riding a muie. which
stumbled and tell, throwing him violently
to the ground. He is 61 years of age and
a veteran ot the civil war.
BEATRICE, Aug. 26 J. B. Smith of this
city, who took a bunch of fine Jersey
cauie to the na situe mil ut uen Isomer.,
has taken seven first premiums, three sec
onds, one third and one fourth In the
awards. Mr. Smith will go to the Is'e
braka state fair at Lincoln from Des
BEATRICE, Aug. 2C After having his
wife and a man giving the name of W.
A. Cable brought to tills city from Wy
more on the cnarge ol adultery. Dr. Mc
Crosson withdrew tho complaints. The
couple agreed to forget and forgive and
are now living together again In tills city.
NEBRASKA CITY, Aug. 26. Joseph
Kramer bus rejKirled to the police that
sneuk thieves stule a iu gold van li from
him las night while he was asleep on
his front porch. Kramer hung his visi on
the porch and the laieves ivn.T.ckea tin:
pockets, taking the wutcli und threw the
vest In the street. All this was done within
ten feet of the sleeping man.
FREMONT, Aug. 26. A plan to improve
the Platte river by turning the current
which now washes against tho earth bank
west ot this city over Into the channel
running south of tho inlands Is beinj; con
sidered and will likely be brought before
the county board In the near future. It
Is proposed to place fascines In the river
west of the city, extending them well out
Into the streum.
COLUMBUS. Auir. 26. Two carloads of
frrasahoppers went through here this morn
ng over the Union Pacific. They were
billed from Greeley. Colo., to Milwaukee,
Wis. They were snipped tn pouiiry cm.i
and were crated In small wire crates.
Many of them were dead but some were
very much alive. They were the large,
yellow-legged kfnd' and were very much
larirer than the ordinary grasshopper.
TheJk attracted much attention.
FREMONT. Neb.. AUK. 26. (Special.!
Debrest Doerr, la 7-year-old son of John
Doerr or tnis city, win noi enjoy
the balance ot the curnlvai as lie rtiu in
the earlier part of it. Yesterday while he
and some other boys of his own age were
playing carnival and had dressed them
selves in paper suits ot their own make,
his suit caught lire, and before It could
be extinguished he waa badly burned.
His Injuries are very painful but no seri
ous results are apprehended.
FRMaIONT, Aug. 26. Tne case in which
Lizzio Renter sought to have Hugh
Schweitzer, her foimer lover, placed under
bunds to keep the ptc c.ui.e iu u sud
den ending after a number of witnesses
ltad been examined yesterday. Village
Marshal Seidl of Scnbner acted as a peace
maker between the contendl'ig factions
and the girl withdrew her case. Con
siderable bitterness had developed and
some facts were brought out not' pleasing
to either party.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Aug. 26. (Spe
cial.) Jay Par, aged 16 years, while he was
fooling with some other boys at the home
of Mr Dunn; slipped and fell upon a wire
fence and cut a gash about two inches long
on his left breast and one about the same
length In his right arm near the elbow.
The wounds were dressed by Mrs. Katie
Civer of the Masonic home,, where the
boy and his mother are stopping, having
come here from Omaha. It Is thought the
wounds will not prove serious.
BEATRICE, Aug. 26. An examination
of the personal effects of Brent K.
Neal. alias Olney D. Smith, by Asttiatani
County Attorney Spaftord yesterday, dis
closed the fact that Neal had written let
ters to himself purporting to be from
State""""- ' om various parts of the coun
tr" . ouiiio of these letters were used by
Neal here to aid him in working his con
fidence racket, which he did to the tune
of about $1.6o0. He Is In the county Jail
on the charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses and his case will In nil
probability be disposed of by one of the
district Judges In chambers within the
next few days.
COLUMBUS, Aug. 26. J. C. Fraxellc has
brought suit In the district court here
and seeks to recover $1,1K)9 from the Union
Pacific railroad company. He states in
the petition that In the month of Novem
ber, 11io3, he waa In the employ of the de
fendant company In the capacity of swltchr
man; that while In the discharge of his
duties under direction of the foreman he
sustained permanent injuries by having his
left leg broken and crushed; That he has
since been unable to perform it.iy manual
labor und that he lias expended much
money for medical and other treatment.
He charges that the Injuries he received
were in no manner due to any negligence
on his part.
STELLA, Aug. 28. M. J. Clancy bowled
up on red liquor yesterday and proceeded
to abuse his family, driving them over to
a neighbor's for protection. About supper
time he became so enraged because tne
children had gone to the neighbor's that he
Btarted across to get them, when Mrs.
Korner, In whose premises they had taken
refuge, met htm with a drawn revolver and
apprised him of the fact that if he stepped
on ier premises he waa a dead man. The
village marshal was sent for and he waa
placed in the cooler over night and thla
morning a complaint was filed by a neigh
bor. E. W. Jeffries, and the Justice of the
peace gave him a ninety days sentence In
the county Jull. Thla makes the second
time he has
sent to Jail from Stella.
Throat Rest
Tickling in the throat.
Constant desire to cough.
You know about it. Feels
uncomfortable through the
day. Keeps you awake at
night. Doctors prescribe
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for
this tickling. A dose at bed
time puts the throat at rest.
"I hve used Ayer's Cherry Pectortl
for 40 years. It is splendid family
medicine to keep on hand for all throat
and lun troubles." Mrs. J. K. Nor
cross, Valtham, Mass.
UU.jaa.M.a V C a Y LA t0. Uwtil. Kaaa,
warj-Era, RICH ad p
It is Essentially a Successful
home Remedy and Is
Taken it Home.
Invalid Women Apply by Thous
ands for Dr. tlartman's Free
Home Treatment by
Women are everywhere talking about
"To be healthy," Is the slogan of women
everywhere. The busy days have not a
moment to be given over to Ill-health.
Everyone Is seeWng a remedy that will
Peruna, because there are no narcotics
used In Its composition, Is a cure, not a
Women tell each other of the wonders
Peruna has wrought. Not only do they
tell, but write of It. and hundreds of let
ters, that necessitate a large force of
clerks to assort, reach Dr. Hartmnn every
day from grateful have-been patients, but
who are now well.
The reason that Peruna la such a special
favorite with women Is something more
than all this.
Women are subject to petvlc catarrh,
This condition haa been called nil sorts
of names nnd Is often referred to under
the general phrase, female diseases. Pe
runa cures these enses. Peruna cures them
because It cures catarrh wherever located.
The nature of most of these aliments Is
Catarrh Is liable to attack any organ of
the body. It Is especially liable to uttnek
one or more organs of the fe nale pelvis.
No wonder women talk about Peruna. No
wonder they think It Is the greatest medi
cine In the world.
Pe-ru-na Brought Health and
Miss Nellie South, late of Manch
England, writes from 86 Prince Arthur
street, Montreal, Can., as follows:
"Peruna has mule sf vrondrrful
chance In iny life. It has bronsrht nie
health nnd happiness. Since my
seventeenth yenr with female com
plaint and Irregularities my sjcneral
health offered. I had pains In my
back anil lower limbs, my ctcs were
dim, nnd I became ninro nnd in.
reasonable. Mother souarht the ad
vise of our family physician, who
prescribed for me, Vut I strew no bet.
ter under bis treatment. I then rend
of Prrnno nnd procured n bottle.
That one bottle waa worth 'more than
nil the doctors' medicine I had pre
viously taken. I felt ao inoeh better
nnd kept on tnklnar It for alx weeks
with marked Improvement in my
health. I cannot express my urrntl
tnde. I'crnnn lins been a great bless
ing; to me." Miss ellie South.
Po-ru-na Cures Catarrh of the Bladder.
Mrs. B. C. Appleget, Royal Center, Ind.,
"Ijist winter I was troubled with catarrh
of the bladder. I tried several different
remedies, and also went to n physician,
who said I would have to go through nn
operation. But I objected to that, so my
husband got me a bottle of Peruna to
try. It did me so much good that I got
Four Weddings t Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 26. (Special.)
Four marriages occurred in this city yes
terday. At 7:30 a. m. at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. H. A. Qlddlng, was
solemnized the marriage of Mrs. Susla
Shreve to Mr. A. Calhoun. The youns
couple will make their home at McCook,
where the groom Is employed on the Bur
lington railroad A double wedding oc
curred at the home of Mrs. S. H. Dole at
10 o'clock, the contracting parties being
Mr. Fred Van Boskirk and Miss Ella Dole,
and Mr. Elbert J. Dole and Mrs. Sadie
Ann Crumpton, Rev. O. W. Crofts officiat
ing. The first named couple will llye In
Kansas City and the latter at Lincoln. At
11 o'clock Rev. D. L. Thomas pronounced
the words which united the lives of Mr.
J. W. Cnlgrove of Odell and Miss Delia
Smith of Table Rock. They will make their
home at Odell, where the groom is en
gaged in business.
Ht'MBOLDT. Neb., Aug. 26 (Special.)
James Ayers, tho editor of the Nlms City
News, yesterday went to Burchard nnd was
married to MIrs Daisy Welnernger, the
ceremony taking place at the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. Ayers enjoys the dis
tinction of being the only newspaper man
In southeastern Nebraska who has accumu
lated enough money to enable him to own
an automobile, by means of which machine
he, Is taking his wedding tour.
Saturday Will Be Fair in Nebraska
Sunday Fair and
For Nebraska Fair Saturday; warmer In
east and south portions; Sunday fair, cooler
In west portion.
For Missouri, Iowa and Kansas Fair and
warmer Saturday; Sunday fair.
For Indiana and Illinois Fair and warm
er Saturday; Sunday increasing cloudiness,
light south winds increasing.
For Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Mon
tanaFair Saturday and Sunday.
For North and South Dakota Fair and
cooler Saturday; Sunday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Aug. ati. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the past three
years: 1!X4. lllw. lyo2. l!Ml.
Maximum temperature... 7t so 70 ini
Minimum temperature... 5i 67 68 6i
Mean temperature 68 74 64 78
"Precipitation 00 4.64 T T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this ikiy since March 1, l'jui:
Normal temperature 74
Deficiency for the day 11
Total deficiency since March 1, 1904 287
Normal precipitation io Inch
Deficiency for the day 10 Inch
Precipitation since Al irch 1 11.71 Inches
Deficiency since March 1, 1904.... 2.R6 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 19H3.... 2.13 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1SW3 lie inch
Heyorta from Stations mt 7 in.
H 1 S t
. r
Omaha, clear 731 7a Mt
Valentine, clear 841 tij .110
North 1'latte. clear 78 841 .011
Cheyenne, cloudy 7it 84 T
Bait Iike City, part cloudy 801 8o T
Rapid City, flear 8! 4I .00
Huron, clear KM W .00
Willlston, part cloudy 8ti H .no
Cblciigo. clear Ml 6! HI
St. Iouls, clear 7U1 74l M
Ht. 1'aul, clear 76, 78; .(
Davenport, clear 7n 741 .00
Kansas City, cUar 7-1 74! .
Havre, clear M 88 .H)
Helena, clear fco 84
HWioulck. clear 841 ft'.'l .u
Galveston, raining 71' 88 .00
T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
IV A, WLLUH. Local l' urecaster.
t l ' icy
l r x . 1 OS iwj 'W
iv LiLi' mi
Xifiiji&il MRS. LIZZH: REDDING. U L V :-:fe ' J
Mm Lizzie Redding, 3131 n Clifton Place, St. IOuls. Mo., writes:
"I found, nfter trying many tllfl'crrnt medicines to restore me
to health, that Pcrnnn was the only tlilnu which cnuld he depended
upon. I bcan taking; It when I win In a '.'eclrne, induced by
female weakness nnd overwrouiiht nerves. I began to feel atronsrer
dnrlnar the first week I took Pcrnnn and my health Improved dally
until 1 mil in perfect health and enjoy life na I never did before."
r MIIS. 1.IZ7.11C ItlMMMVt;.
two more, nnd by the time I Imd taken
three bottles, I was well. I think Peruna
Is a fino medicine nnd would ndv!e nil
people suffering with cntnrrh to take Pe
runa. I cannot thank you enough for what
you have done for me." Mrs. li. C. Applf
get. Dr. Hartman' Correspondence.
In view of the great multitude of women
suffering from some form of female dlsense
snd yet unable to find any cure, Dr.
Hartman, the renowned gynecologist, hns
announced his willingness to direct the
treatment of as many cases as make np
plicatlon to him during the summer months
without charge.
The treatment will be conducted by cor
respondence. The -doctor will prescribe nil
medicines, applications, hygienic and
dietary regulations necessary to complete
a cure. The medicines prescribed can be
obtained nt nil drug stores. This offer will
hold good only during the summer months.
Any woman can become a rugular patient
by sending a written statement of her age,
liilliHik 'HPSin.MSI'l I1HJ"I W UUHIUMiMMSMWi,'
fZZ iuJJsJ , L.
To Denver, Colorado Springs and Tueblo and return
the Burlington sells tickets at $(5.0t) Tuesdays and
Saturdays until September 17 SS$ than llSlf'r&tB
There is no summer region more attractive than
Colorado. ,
tionately low excursion rates are made circuit tours
which embrace practically the entire scope of the
grandeur of the Boekies. Yellowstone Park tours cost
less this year than before. With the Burlington's
high grade passenger service to Denver and Billings
this road is a conspicuous portion- of any general tour of
the West.
Let me supply you with folders, list of hotels, board
ing houses and camping places, and otherwise help you
plan your summer trip.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass.
l'ruuiutes the growth of the hair and ,
gives ltthelustre aodallklne&sot youtn.
When tbe hair la gray or faded It '
It prevents Dandruff and hair falling
and keeps toe scalp clean and healthy.
TO look well tke rre of your
complexion, JJo not allow uft
tlf'htly pimples, blac kheads, tan,
H freckle to blemiin your skin.
will remove theae like m;lc
Cuiek lAt'tii anil Tetter.
I K'd with 111 UMA-ROVAIB
iSoap. a purled kin Is
Insured. ,
or may t or.lcred Ulfect.
Dcrma-Royale, $1 per bottla, express paid.
Oertna-Koyale Soap, 29 Centa, by mall.
Itololn one packaga, $1.25, cxprcis paid.
Portraits and tctiinontait imt on request.
THE DERMA-ROYALE CO.. Cincinnati. 0.
aclaaefer'a Cut l'rlce Drutft tuit.
When You Write
to Advertisers
ramarnher It only takas an extra stroks or
two of the pen t mention tha faol that ton
aw tiis ad In Ttis U:
condition of life, history and symptoms of
iter deraiiKeiueuts.
All cases of femalo diseases, Im ''.ding
meiu-'tt oui Irregularities, displacements,
ulfcrutloiyi. Inflammations, discharges, Ir
ritation of the ovaries, tumors and dropsy
of tbt! abdomen, should apply nt once and
become registered as regular patients. All
correspondence will be held strictly con
fidential. No i .'tie knows better than Dr. Hnrtmaa
how much the women suffer with diseases
peculiar to their sex. No one knows hot
ter than he does how ninny of them sufTer
with such diseases. Putlently, hopefully,
wearily, nnd often silently, they cko out a
miserable existence, year nfter year.
We have on file ninny thousand testl
mnnl'iU like tho one:i given nlMve. Wa
can only give our renders a sllrcht glimpse
of the vast nrray of unsolicited endorse
ments we are receiving frvery month. No
other physlclnn In the world hns received
such a volume of enthusiastic nnd grateful
letters of thanks as Dr. Hnrtman for
Agent, 1502 Farnam St. Omaha.
Aatjnrn Tints, ao aonoeabi a mono; TDtOa
lonakla wuwaa, ar iiruducsd only If,
Imperial HairRegenoratcr
h eleanMl and most toting: natr r.,1.
oriii. It ta eautlT appllert, sbauiDtelr
liarmleaa and ONE APPLICATION
LASTS MONTHrl. Barnilf of hair Co,
rod free, ttend tor tamptilet. ,
' wr-FRt Al C"r:MiCAL MP0. CO. IU W. Hi St.. Ntw Ysrk.
Sherman & MrConnell Druir Co.. Omaha.
PalnlMi. aad not aatrlSM
a ant r sotaoauot.
v. a. a. jt
Omaha. Nato.
Qulokor and for
than othar
tira ailapaoial dlaaaita
,! utsu aUala. b!4iat
id olMia of woraa
womb, tongue, toroat. ruur ana oywrawa
Uullinf out) c)lptar cowpiaialy fwovar.
fuicosi viiu r.":.:
tui(, pain wr loss of lima- nsvar
Cultkex siai la la world.
km, ivtm kia 1""".'.
aaoiiiiy. Mur nan llin la,.u ol vlaoc aa4
Traaimaut by mail. 14 yrars OF UCN
Mr X liUi aad iKmslaa-
4 bo licat Meekly
4T, ,Tl'atfciOV I V mtr"'"nl"s
' toltaSSarA dlarhartM Uflaiyawt joa.
J UaaraauU J lrrUtlu .r uloratk4
mm i ..muuiiri" of iDiieoaa maabraaM,
0 JTyT b? Aarmwnaaa
1 ,f a sraaa. arapai. tt
Ml l ao. nr I bntti.aaj.ra.
r"1 Cirauiu saaa (saBast.