(. TUT. OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. AUGUST 1004. J.RAIS AND PRODUCE MARKET Sharp Eallj in Wheat on 8hort CoYering, with Reaction in Last Hour. CORN STRONG EARLY AND WEAK AT CLOSE Omaha Markets Are Maw, with impo sition to Walt for More Settle Conditions Jones Oace More (p. OMAHA, August 25. irU The volume of business In tne grain mar kets was materially less than on yesterday. The Immediate opening In all mam was easier, but the trend chsnged st once to ward a partial recovery of the serious break of yesterday, the advance he Ins, In duced by the covering; of short sellers who were enabled to take in a few profits for once, a rather novel occupation lor wheat bears. The news of the morning was In line with the reports that have been com ing from time to time of rust and damsge, but from a few sections there were encour aging tales. The big drop of yesterday ma'ld quite a h&nge In the bid prices sent out from Omaha and there were but few acceptances this morning traders ahowing a disposition to wait fur a more settled condition of sffalrs. Omaha speculators hesitated and there was really nothing do ing In the mmket for futures, also cash prices sustained some break, but many held their sample on the market expecting a better rally and higher figures before the close of the week this was especially the case with wheat samples Jones wired from Manitoba, and his gos sip, published elsewhere, was In the same old Mraln that first started wheat on the up grade. Chicago commission houses were not disposed to. press for selling orders, but the speculative element favor ing at this timo that side of the market was ready for the first signs of weakness to go after lower figures. They did not have much chance until very lute In the session, when the shorts, having covered, left the market. Then, too, corn started down with considerable spued on the gen eral opinion against frost and especially the support this side of the question received from the weather man. The drop In this cereal started wheat on the slide again and lVc of the advance was lost. The May future was the especial favorite with the Chicago speculators, and the bulk of the business was for that de livery. Heptember was less active, but opened at ll.oaa 1.03', as compared with $1.0;!". yes terday's close, then rallied under short covering to U 06 V and In the last half bour droped back to $1.06. December, ll.MSIil -04 to 11.07. and back to 11 .; May, $1 WSVfll.07 to tl.lO' and back to Si. 09. Here la the latest from Jones on the situation In Manitoba: "Northwestern Canada has suffered se verely from rust In wheat. It is difficult to estimate the damage In bushels. In a sense, an estimate Is little better than a guess, as fields are In all conditions, from small damage to a total loss. In my Judg ment the maximum yield of Manitoba und the northwest territories will not exceed 42,000,0(10 bushels, as compared with 6.1,000,000 last year, and the damage may prove seri ous enough to drop the yield to 35,000,000. It csrtalmy will with frost, which Is possi ble within four days. The Canadian rail road officials and the 'man who has talked with the farmer' have treated rust news with contempt. These interests will re ceive an awakening at threshing." Corn started out with a sharp advance to 64Vc for September, as compared with 58e at yesterday's close on the fear of frosts. This Induced quite a little covering and then when the weather man expressed hla conviction that frost was not at all proba ble tonight, the bears got arter corn and hammered It down to &3"e again. Decem ber, which had been to bic, or lc better than on Wednesday, broke buck to fiSjc, and May from 62Hc to bc. Oats were rather slow, but comparatively steady and within Vo of the final figures of yesterday. Omalia grain Inspections: In 1 car No. 2 hnnl wheat, b cars 3 hard, 6 cars 4 hard: So cars 3 corn, 3 cars 4, 1 car 2 yellow, 7 cars 3 yellow, 2 cars 8 white; 1 enr 3 oats, 2 cars 8 white, 1 car 4 white; total, 48 cars. Out 4 cars 3 hard wheat, 1 car 4 hard, U cuts 3 corn; total. 11 cars. Omaha Cash Sales Two oars No. 2 white oats, 32c; 1 car No. 3 rye. 64V4e; 1 car No. 3 white oats, 2&H lbs., at 8H,c; 1 ear No. 4 barley at 41; 1 car No. 4 corn, 47c. Primary Movement. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat today Last week Tear ago 1 Corn today Last week Last year "oo,932 ... 783,l ...67,taA . ... 4'4,46 243,800 ... 496. 798 372.17S 490,613 195 ,04a $.15,947. 475,386 639,708 flour. Total clearances: Wheat. 8.408 bti. 9.757 bbla.; corn, 81.570 bu.; oats, 24,71 bu. wheat and nour. u.nt. I'arlot Receipts. Northwester-, carlot receipts: Wheat. Com, Oats. Chicago 109 167 203 Minneapolis 1-5 ... Duluth 75 Kansas City 233 82 13 Omaha U 35 4 Omaha Grata Qaotatlons. The range of futures on the Omaha drain exchange and the closings were; Corn Open. High, Low. Close. September 47 4K' 47 48V, December 48 4 47',, 47HI1 Cask No. 2 hard whent.... No. 8 hard wheat.... No. .4 hard whent.... 2 red wheat 8 red wheat 2 spring wheat.. 2 corn 3 corn 4 corn grade corn a Grain Market Omaha. R'.l (ill. oo ftS 85 Chicago 1.07 (fji.tj 1.08 4(1.06 43H 49 $ 45 if, 42 & yellow corn... on No. No. No. No, No. No. No No. No. 3 yellow corn. No. 2 white corn.. No. 8 white corn.. No. 1 oats No. 8 oats 81 No. 4 oats 31 No. t white oats..., 32 No. 3 white oats..,. 81 tl No. 4 white oats.... soHIr Standard oats....... Si Hit1 Grata Market Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Wednes day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Today. Wed'day. 4U 4(3 49 U 32 & ... . 1.10 l.OSUl.OT ... 1.15 50 65', iff 66 V 4!H 55 554 48 64 9 50 46 60 (ft 63 56 67 6ft &5i' 'U 65 . 6&H 31 33 32 31 S1H 84Hf9 S5V1 91 34 it 344 31S 334 84 33 34Vfc3- 344 Wheat Be ptember - December . May Corn Heptember Iecmber . May Oats September Decemlier . - May .. Wheat September December . Corn September M December . Wheat September December . Corn , September December Wheat- September December . Wheat September December . Wheat -Seirteinber December . Corn . September KANSAS CITT. 1.04 1.0ftB 1.07!, 63 49' B 82 $3 "4 ST. LOUIE 94 IH 48UB 46 V 1.03 1.04 634 62' 61 84' 86 W M 48 '. MINNEAPOLIS. t07 63 4D" 1.0 1 DULUTH. 07 NEW YORK. .. l os .. 1.00 1 1.08 1.04 1.0o 53 60 1.08 1.0? 1.08 1.04 1.09 1.0s 68 Ftaaarlal Gossip. Burlington crop report good. Loan market full of stocks. Hank of England rata unchanged. ' American stocks steady about parity. Regular dividend on boo common and pre ferred. Ranks gained from subtreusury sine Fri day tl'.'.oW Soma Improvement reported In West Vir ginia coal trade. J. J. Hill denies rumor of plan to pay Northern Securities dividend. Iron Age says lower prices for steel prod ucts making buyers cautious. London expects temporary- hardening of money over settlement beginning Monday. Cesnauerelal taeasle. MetcaJf. large exporter st Montreal, Just wires that bis Winnipeg office Informs him that the grain dealers and bankers Jut txuk from a trip through the wheat coun try ri..rt an eatimate of the Manitoba crop at 44.tMJ,iM), as against 63,0u0,uuu last year. Fkllaaelkl Proline Market. PHI DA DELPHI A, Aug. 25. MUTTER Market tirm. god demand; extra western creamery, ln.i UK-.; nearby prints, tue. Kiii8-Mai kei steady, firm demand; ierby firsts, lnc at niark; western ftrta, ClikJK-Maiket Arm aud a' shale higher; Nr Tork full creams, choice to fancy, Sfj9c; fair to good, Mi8c. CHICAGO GRAM AD PltOVIIO Peatarea ef Ike Tradlas; sart ( Inslag Prices na Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Auir. 26 The wheat market experienced a frost scare to.lav, whd h, wh'le It lasted, lifted prices 3'o to 3c over the previous close. Fln.il quotations, however, showed pet galno of but He to kIi. Corn Is off c to e. Oats closed S5V down. Provisions scored losses of 2o to lc. At the start there were bulls In the wheat trade who maneuvered for a further break snd so managed their manipulations that prices dipped below those of the pre vious day. September started with a ow of ifS!e. snd December fir off. The weakness was only temporary, and buying at the lower prices soon rsllled the mar ket and set It on an advance that carried September to 81 0f and December to $1.07. Temperatures In the Canadian northwest were regarded 'as close enough to the dsn ger line to make It advisable not to sell. Toward the end of the session the market weakened on heavy profit taking. Ijte weather reports Indicated rising tempera tures for Ftldav'in the frost -menaced districts. The break In corn prices re acted upon the wheat market. All operated to reduce the advance to modest dimen sions. September closed at 11.04 and De cember st tl.0Kl31.W. Jhe tlnal torie was easy. Clearances of wheat snd Hour were equal to 54.300 bushels. Primary receipts were 23.000 bushels larger than a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 241 rars, against 243 cars last week and 3M rars a year ago. Corn was easy at the start, under the Influence of favorable weather conditions, lower cables and a crop estimated at 2.n"0. 000 bushels, barring an early frost. Sep tember started unchanged to c higher, at 63e to 63c. December was off c to c, at 62c to 52c. As In the whent market, frost waa a contingency that caused un easiness among nervous shorts and later In the dav messages from Omaha told of the likelihood of freeslng temperature In that vicinity tonight, the market had a sharp reactlom. The upturn In wheat prices also added motive power to the ad vance Septemlwr at Its best touched 5oc and December 54c. Late, reports on the new crop were of an emphatically bearish nature and Induced liberal selling at the top prices. The result waa a loss of more than the early advance, and a weak tone at the close. September finished at 63c, with December down to 61fu61c. Local receipts were 167 cars. Oats did not seem to catch the bull spirit which prevailed In the other grain markets. Trade was not large and was chiefly on the selling side. There was a continued selling pressure by cash houses, notwith standing receipts were only moderately heavy. September started unchanged at S.10 and December unchanged to a shade ofT, at 34e to 34iS34c. Roth deliveries made a small fractional sdvance, but closed at the bottom prices of 'the day, September at 32c and December at 83c. Looal re ceipts were 203 cart. Provisions were Inactive and without ma terial changes In values. Packers gave some support to the September deliveries. hut offerings were more than adequate and final ouotatlona showed September pork down 7?10c, at $11.60; lard off 2-a5o. at $ 90(fixt,92. and ribs down 2(&5c, .'J'- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: W heat, 112 cars; corn. 272; oats. 232j hogs, li.OOO TThe leading1 futures ranged a follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlh. Ixw. I Cloaa- I T ff Wheat a Sept. b Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. Jan. Riba Sept. Oct. Jan. 1103- 1 06 1 04' 1 OS I 1 04-4l 1 07 1 0-7 1 lWii 63"r 62fl 61ft 83 65 1 03'4 1 04 1 04 1 05 1 04 1 05 1 06 1 07! 62l 53 64 61,615 62 49B 4U 8341 22 82 34(ii 34fii1 83l 3 11 7 ii 77; 13 00 95 7 05 7 10 7 37 7 67l 82l 11 75 11 85 13 06 ( T! 7 in M 7 12 11 fiO 11 7 12 86 90 7 02' 7 07j 11 0 11 57 12 87 I 6 t? 7 02l 7 07 7 42 7 85 7 35 7 62l 7 47 7 47 6 82 6 75 75 No. t a Old. b New. Cnsh quotations were as follows. FLOUR Market steady: winter patents, 85 0CK&5.20; straights, Mte4.90; spring pat "nt7 8SOOF5.60i stralgbtsTl4.SO(B5.io; bakers, WHEAT-No. spring. $1.10; No, ,8, 1.008 OATS No. 2 31c; No. 2 white, S4&35c, No. 3 white, 33Mrrt34c. RYE No,. 4, 34tT4e. " - BARLEY Good feeding, 40(&43c; fair to Choice malting, 47fi53c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.19; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.28. Timothy, prime, $2.80. Clover, . . rwra Am ll W unovtsioNti Mess Dork, per bhl.-, $11.89 1170. I-ard. per 100 Ins.. $B.9iK&fl.9i:. Short ribs sides (loone). $7.30(97.40; short clear Bides (boxed). $8 (W8.26. Shipments of flour and grain wars as Rece nts.Shioments. Flour, bbls lS2.ftno . IS.fuO Wheat bu 14tv0 28,() Corn bu . . . . 178.800 247.0K 0 bu.! Mg. 1J3.J5 Rve hu 7.000 14,2.10 Barley, bu 143.000 9.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries- 1318e; dairies. Kfil3c. Es, steady, at mark cases included, 13'61fic. Cheese, firm, 8 9c. H. I. on Is Grain aa4 Provisions. ST. LOIT18. Aug. 25. WHEAT Higher; No 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.06; track, $1 l'orl.l2; Beptember, $1.0; December, Il.O7(S1.08; No. 2 hard. $1.05&1.07. CORN Lower; No. cash, 63c; track, 64c; December, 4!tc; May, 48c . OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 83c; track, u4 C34c; December. 34c; May, 36c; No. I white. 85&Jrtc. FlX"llTR Uncertain. Red winter patent. $6 406. 00; extra fancy and straight, $5.10 ti.36: clear, $4 40j4.70. SES:D Timothy, steady; $2.90(33,00. CORNMEAI-Steady; $2.76. PRAN Lower; sacked east track. 8SS?V. HAY Moderate to dull; timothy, $6.00 (6 12 00; prairie. $S.0or.6O. IRON COTTON TIES S6o. BAOOINO 7cifrrc. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork. ' lower; J"'". $11 80 Lard, unchanged; prime steam. $6.40. Bacon, steadv and unchanged; boxed ex trs shorts. $8.60; clear ribs, $8.12; short "ptH'LTRY Unchanged; chickens. 10c; springs. 12c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 7c; geese. 5c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery. 1419c; dairy. lOcfflSc. - EOQS-Steady. 17. enae count. , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls . Kit ao,""r '.i-'v bU;:.::::: 73,000 23.000 Corn Oats Kansas City Grata mud ProTlalons. KANSAS CITY, A.tg. 15. WHEAT Mar ket higher; rk-ptember, 94c; December, 4V,c; Miiy. 97W,.r',c: cash, No. I hard. Bc 6 $1.01; No. 1 1. 9c(fi$1.00: No. 4. 87iS0c; No 2 led, 1.05tfl.O8; No. 3, I1.0'f 1.05; receipts. 443 tRCORN Higher; September, 48c; Decem ber. 46c; May. 4So; cash, No. 2 mixed, 51c: No. 3, 6oi60c; No. 3 white. 61c; No. "OAT8-Flrm; No. i whlto, 86(3Sfic; No. 1 mixed, S4.15c. . , Hl'TTEIl-Oreamery. 14(ffl6c; dairy, 12c. KOOS Firm: Missouri and Kansas new. No. 2 white wood coses Included, 17c; case count. 15c; cases returned c less. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $8.5O3.00; choice prslrle, $a 5'V(i.00. RYE Steady at 7o. ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 19 000 141.600 Corn, bu 26.60 Oats, bu 10.0"0 .Oo) Mlaaeapolla Grata Market. ttfuvri not to In. 9K W1IKAT Ssn Jl I .1 1. I ' ' I".', n.an- . - ------- - w.. - tiAtifi- Tw.mW tl OT'h. : Mav. No. 1 hard. $1.13: No. 1 northern. vi- a ....... U tl (.- temher li (: M H: FLf)UH First patents, $ 2"8 80: second rvatents. IiiUq 10: first' clears. $5.00i6.1o; second clears. $2.85 - BRAN In bulk, $16.0O4il .26; shorts. $19.00 19 50. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug 21. WHEAT Market feverish; No. 1 northern. $1 14; No. t north ern $1.071112; December. $106 asked. RYE Higher I No. 1. 74'il75c. BARLEY Firm; No. 4, Wc; sample, 53.ft 66i CORN-Ixwer; No. 8, 56fo56cj Decem ber, 61tl.2o hhT A Iulath Grala Market. DULUTH. Aug. 85 WHEAT To arrive: No. I northern, $112. On track: No. 1 northern. $1 12; No. $ northern, $1 1. New. to arrive: No. 1 northern, $1 lt; No. t northern, $1 ; September, $l.iyi, Decem ber. $1 o; May. $1 ". OATa-On traik. 8Jc; to arrlva. 83c. Liverpool Grata Market. L1VERIH OL, Aug. 2.-WHEAT-8r.t. nominal, futures, easy; beptember, 7s 2d; December, 7s 4d. CDHN-Spot, hrm; American mixed, is tdy futures, steadyi eilcuilr. i J, De cember, 4s !j1 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market rirra and Higher on Farorabla Adricei u to Crop Fropcta. PENNSYLVANIA AND B. & 0. RISE SHArfLY latos Paelne aal Suathera Paelfle Ceaaaarat Irely Iaaerlre for tke First Time for Several Daj a. NEW YORK, Aug. 2i. More favorable aavicas ls to crop t.ropecis, parUcuiariy tor corn ana cotton, lmpttrieu a nriu iouc to too ay a iw inaikei, tnouga Lne trid ing w.in again in mouenite vuume ana of profeioiiMi character, ll waj rviuent. too. mat mncn 01 lne recent Ujk ot damage to wheat in tne portowett was exaggerate! and circulated largeiy tor speculative erfect. .Nevertheless, on iresh repurts of irost In Manitoba, wneat aovancou srvaruly m the early afternoon. In the mock list a noteworthy feature was the advance to new high records tor this mnvervw-nt t . .. . . . .. . . m,ch .ni . ' Wlth ''tntal gains in i. ii.T . . "eauing, cne.iapeake r7,.lyo!ln', Northwestern, in fact, Nor i ,k ",''1,,ern one of the moat active ,ne IwtM. Uouids were strcMig at a vancea, especially St. Ixuls Southwestern, ffhUr"1, ti,anM? Texas also scored t further gain. Ixmdon hotu. talcing a mderate quantity. For the first tlm" in some diivi I n n i ., . , - -. vanriTr ?"mP"r"-t'vely Inactive. The ad- on Ht P. T."' ao.verso etie.-t . irTiuig sates at mill- aZL M . to, produce a lower level. Some demand for Union Pacific In the late eea- ii k. . ' . "'"l K "V 10 it recent h gn b,,t- '"where the list showed a tendency to sag. After some hesitation the market once more beewme strong In spite of further profit taking, and the L'i.'i"!"'!.' hnnh bpl'w the best of the day, Bhowed few marked recensions. Union Pa cific lout some of Its late advance on "" Steady strength was dis played by such Issues as New York Cen tral. Jersey Central. Illinois Central. DH ? Hudson and Southern Railway. J . ,.T"r l"Pwnrd movements In such specialties a foletlo. St. Louis & WeeJern preferred Wisconsin Central prerred and isansaa tentral preferred, but they failed ner wl n'on. Amalgamated C,, 5m-W f ,hp mo" "'""ble stock of the in-?ntr'?'-frOU';- i'onlon whs an unimpor tant factor, trading In less than Anon rii.I . e.rn'y market has made little rj-T to.,n,, conditions arising from the shipment of currency to the Interim fKn ,,.xfor ca" lo 1vanced a fra tion to 1 per cent, but soon fell back t 1 per cent. Two additional shipments of crop moneys were announced L $500 Ooo mTelcb" -m ,0 New Orleans ' Ster? ?xc?ne "'came weaker later in the Unoel InVn'ifXfaV1: demnr"1 for theTd 4a nA,rliPlHSf,PR,vtri1ment bonds Jvn ii "dyanced one-fourth of 1 per cent ?iIa!L i way ""no held Arm Total soles, par value, were $2,685,000 . OW ine quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: TO Sales. Hlirh. Low. Close. .16.000 81 81 81 . 2.500 9S 9 90 .20,700 87 86 80 J01X . 3.000 1 27 127 127 . 100 107U. 171i la . o. r v on ' . 200 40 Atchison do preferred Baltimore & Ohio... do preferred Canadian Puclflc . Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio ".' Chicago A Alton.... do preferred C. & O. W. ... C. A N. W ."" C. M. A St. P do preferred c. Term. A Trans... do preferred C..C. C. A St. Ii.... Colo. Southern do 1st preferred .. do 2d preferred .. pela A Hudson Dela T.nlr jb. itrA Denver A Rio Grande l.lno do preferred 6no Er.l 11.800 do 1st preferred .... 2,fioo do 2d preferred ....1.000 nocaing valley do preferred . Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do preferred . K. C. Southern do preferred . I, A N Manhattan L." 40 88 89 .... 80 15 15 , 1.000 15U 200 1K4U. 101 tc 18.H00 162 161 152 100 mo 1.500 1.200 1,000 400 15 79 15 40 21 Id 70 14 48 20 2.400 154 1S3 4,000 000 2S 75 27 63 8 83 137 20 41 23 44 178 14 58 15 49 20 ll!4 273 25 2 27 8.1 39 73 83 138 20 41 23 44' 3 154 164 -P0 90 122 122 72 '7 23 48 65 72 71 128 9 W 22 23 48 4S 3.800 i22 12i 121 4.700 8.100 2.600 , 1.000 1,500 200 210 200 122 66 '32 67 84 74 25 67 60 19 45 67 29 94 30 28 43 !! 39 18 18 42 65 65 "si 31 124 14 68'4 82 74 25 67 69 19 44 57 29 94 30 2S 42 9W 94 19 38 18 2fi 75 27 64 40 73 4.100 139 500 21 700 41 200 23 4(io m 1.000 121 130 121 . - ..... .l.O ,...1I.W Metrop. St. Ry 7.2f) 122 i; kDL coins Km m si. r. et rj. Ste M. 400 do preferred Mo. Pan 27'.8o6 Mo., Kan. A Texas... 8.900 do preferred S e0 in. n. rt. or M., pra New York Cent Norfolk A West.... do preferred Ontario A West Pennsylvania 37,fiOO 128 Mtts., c. c. & St. L. 800 73 Jteaaing 8,100 5814 do 1st preferred .... 100 do 2d preferred .... 1.100 Rock Island Co 11,800 do preferred 1.600 St. L. A B- F., 2d pref .3n0 St. L. Southwestern.. 7.000 do preferred 8,100 Southern Pacific 31.200 Southern Railway .,..20.7(0 do preferred 1 ) Texas A Pacific lti.onO Toledo, St. L. A West. 1,200 tin ni-a(d.iQ i ... Lnloi Pacific 31,2i0 lOuai waoash i.no do preferred J.noo Wheel A Luke Erie.. 100 W laconsln Cent do preferred Mexican Central .... Adams American United States Wells-rargj Amalgamated Cop .. Am Car A Foundry. do preferred Am Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am Linseed Oil do preferred Am Locomotive u' ifiriruvg rfwjr Am Smelt A Refining 2,o0 -. a , - - uo prererrea A m O, ....... CMnl,. A iihi uutiti wining cu. 1,11) m Brook Rap Transit... 6.500 64 , , 1 . . TJ,. . 1 a I -. - -1 t.-., Ulll 1" UTI fx Consolidated Gas .. Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Secur .... General Electric International Paper do preferred International Pump do preferred National Lend North American ... Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Cr .. do preferred Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn Coal A Iron V. S. Leather do preferred TT. S. Realty IT. 8. Rubber do preferred V. S. Steel do preferred Western Union 90 89 Total sales fur the day, 550.900 shares l.oadoa Stock Market. LONDON, Aug. 25. Closing: rontoli. money .. (7 11-14 N. T. Contral 1M to in-ounl Norfolk a W CT Anamnos Atcl a Batttmor 67 84 74 24 67 58 18 43 67 28 93 2W 27 39 99 95 19 38 18 17 40 11. 223 210 25 121 121 230 5ti 6H 18 18 79 79 82 82 ..... 91 6 28 2t 1 .25,600 67 . 300 19 . 100 79 . 100 32 '. '260 4i0 2i . 1"0 11 11 10 . 100 32 32 31 . I,9n0 20 30 20 ISI 1st HO 64 63 63 W 10 107 107 101 a i.khil i.il'a 79 79U 63 63 196 10 H ja .... 08 .... 22U 1,600 197 190 1TS 400 164 UK) 14 4(0 72 J. ooo 1.2o 24 92 30 lt4 1K3 14 14 72 72 32 70 23 23 91 81 C4 3 6,100 102 101 101 3: 100 77 . !"0 . 2"0 . 100 .'. 1700 ,. 2n0 .. 100 .. 4.700 ,. 100 . 300 ,. S.SO0 .14,700 TV4 4P 1S 7 86 51 19 75 12 59 77 '7 42 18 44 J 86 49 19 75 11 68 70 218 7 42 18 79- 44 7 86 60 19 75 UTi 59 158 89 4 I do rd rhla.ni M4 Ontario W IJ'i An pfd W"i Pannnylranls illlmor Ohtc... 41 ttand MlliM 10 11044 hraitlna JV do lat pfd lilt1 do Id ptd 11.6 8n. Railway . !' do pfd ... tci 80. Pad Br .. 77 I'nlos Pa.lflc 11 do ptd ... j I 8. Stael... 4CH to ptd .... 14" Wibain US'-, do pfd ... fi Spanlah 4a . .- SILVER Bur, dull, 26-16d per ounce. MONEY 2 ler cent. 1 The rale of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 13-16u2 per cent; for three months' bills. 2 per cent. Cauaillan Parttlr . I hsa a Ohio . rhino ot. w c . m. a St. P rBara pan o do ptd Brla do lat pfd... do td ptd... Illinois Central Louia. St Naah. la , K. St T. .. t4 . . il . i . Wvt .101 . 7 . sovj . ! . Ma Ferelaja Flaaarlal. LONION. Aug. 26. With the completion of the dtslurnient of railway dividend! rates for money were steadier In the mar ket today. Trading on the Stock exchange was mora cheerful, operators regarding the political (MUlixik as Iwlng niomly quiet, t'onaols rallied and were In fair demand. Hmiii rails In firm demand Americans t'i-ned steady and hardened to a shade above parity, Denver A Itlo Grande and Missouri Pacific being the features, while KMUllns reached the highest this yer. Japaocse were In better demand. Imperial Japanese government of 1904 were quoted ' ' ... The weekly statement 01 me nans 01 England shows the following changes: T .tal reserve. Increase, l..t.i"0; bullion. Increnses 74x.41: other securities. Increase, ai3.i; other deposits, increnee. nubile deooslts. increase. 214.'""; notes in ,.rVe. Increase, l.l:8.iTi; government se rurltles unchanged. The proportion of the bank s reserve to liability tms wee is .ti, a comi'sred to 46.11 last week. I'ARIS. Aug. 25. Business on the bourse todav was llrm and slightly stronger. Rus sian Imperial 4S closed at anu riussian bonds of 1904 at HBRL1N, Aug 25 Trndlng on the bourse today was extremely quiet. fw York .weaey Market, NEW TORK, Aug 25-MONEY-On call, essy at Ttl per cent: closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at 1 per cent; time lons, mod erate demand and thoroughly liberal sup ply; sixty da vs. 2'a2 per cent; ninety days 2 per cent: six months, 3 per cent; prime mercantile pnper, 3$4 per esnt. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills st $4 87Pff 4 87HO for demand and at $4.852rvfi4.853o for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $.H6 and $4.f; commercial bills. $48674.80 SILVER Rar, 67c; Mexican dollars, 46e BONDS Government, strong; railroad, firm. The following nre the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: V. 8. ref !s, re(....l4 .Manhattan r. g 4a. 104 do coupon 1"S Mra. Central 4a 41 do la. re lot 'do 1M Inr lf"4 do coupon 10 Minn, a 8t L. 4a 1 do new 4a. rf . .. tJl11 M.. K. a T. 4i inn4 do coupon 131 i do Sa 70 do old 4a. rf 17 IN R. R of M e. 4a. tl do coupon 1"7 N. T. C. . ISa 1"0 Atchlaon fen. 4a loss N. J. C. (. (a 13?H do art) 4a Kii'Nn. Pacific 4a l4't Atlantic f. L. 4a....louSI do 3a T4H B A n. 4a...., im X. A w. c. 4a loivt do ava o 9 L. a par M Central of Ga. a 1101 Pcnn con. H. do lat lne H ,Rradln( fan. 4a H' Chaa. A Ohl 4Wa...lo7 ;st. L. A 1. M. c. a .117 Chlcaso A A. IV ... 7' 8t. L. 8 F. fg. 4a. SB C. B. ft Q . 4a. .. 7;$i. L. 8. w la 7 (' M A S P. a 4a. . 1 09 Seaboard A. 1.. 4a ... 81 e. 7a....lH 80. Paclflc 4a 4 71' So Railway tia 117 4'4 Teaaa A P. la 11 H"1 S 8 . St. U A W. 4a. . 74 C A N. W C. R. I. A P. 4a.. do col. as CCC. ft 8t. L. 4 Chicago Tar. 4a.,. Con. Tobacco 4a... rolo. ft So 4a n . n a. 4a Erie prior lien 4a. do gen. 4a F. W. ft D. C. la Hocking Val. 44a. L. ft N. nl. 4a... Offered. 74 Union PacIV 4a KH . 4iv do conir. 4a I04H , 4 V 8. Steel 2d 4a 7H .10OV4 Wahaah 1 117H . Sl do deh. B t1 . a(4W. ft U F. 4a HI .1 Wla. Central 4a n .104 t'oh. Fuel c. 6a 764 .1011 Boston Stock Qaotatlons. ROSTON, Aug. 25 Call loans, 2tT3 per cent; time lonns, 8174 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon adj. 4a. do 4a Met. Central 4a Atchlaon do pfd boston ft Albany.. Boaton ft Maine... Poetnn Elo-rated ... Fltchburg pfd Me. Central N T.. N. H. ft H. Pere MarquHla .... I nlon pacific MW.Adrentura .101 V Allouei , ai Amalgamated ... . HIS' American Zinc . S Atlantic .UH'i Bingham .141 iCal. ft Hecla.... .IbO Centennial .137 Copper Rang .. . ltn nal WmI .1814 Dominion Coal . 74 I Franklin .109 Orancy "m Arga. Cham... 144 "lala Royal .. do pfd 404 Maaa. Mining ,. A mar. Pneu. Tuba.... 4 Michigan Amer. Sugar .131Mohawk do pfd A mar. T- T Amar. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion 1. A 8.. Edlann Elec. Illtt.. Oenaral Electric .. Maaa. Elactrlc ..131 Mont. C. A C. .AM (lid Dominion .. .. lis Osceola 7i parrot .. 10H . .zan .. 144 Qulncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity do pfd Ilti t;. 8. Mining.. Maaa. Oaa .... 4vJ:iT. 8. Oil I'nlted Fruit 108 fan tJnlted Phoa Mach.... (" Ivictnrla do pfd 10 Wtnona V. 8. Bleel ll'4 'Wolverlna ... do pfd Ht Bid. Asked. .... M .... 14 .... M .... 11 .... im .... ....620 .... K .... 64 .... IS .... 61 .... .... .... 14 '4 .... 44j .... 42 .... 4V .... II .... 6 .... 14 .... 6 .... J ....100 .... 744 .... IH. in .... 40 .... 1 .... .... 82 Kcw( York Mlnlnsr Stocks. NEW YORK, Aug. 25 The following are the closing prices on mining stocks Adama Con ill I Little Chief Allca , 10 Ontario Braec , 10 Ophlr Brunewlek Cos ....... 16 I Phoenix Comatock Tunnel .... 10 iPotoai Con. ('!. ft Va 106 !8asge Horn SlWar 10 : Sierra Nevada .... Iron Sliver 170 Small Hopea Lead rll la Con I Standard .. 1 ..ISO ..130 .. 14 .. 14 .. W .. 60 .. 10 . .180 Condition of the Treasury, WASHINGTON, Aug. 26.-Today's state ment of the 4reasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150.000.0i0 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $148,203,045; gold, $44,699,736. - MEW YORK tiEMSHAL MARKET (iootatlons ot the' Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 2W--PIrjt'R-Recelpts, 7,983 bbls.; exports, 8,517 bbls. ; market un settled, with business Inactive; Minne sota patent, $5.90(.40; Minnesota bakers, $4.41X34.86; winter straights, $5.00 5 30; ex tras, $3.4634.00; low grades, $3.2Sft3.80. Rye flour, firm: fair to good, $4.25(4.50; choice to fancy, $4.56S'4.80. CORNMEAIr-Sieady: yellow western, $1.011.12; city. $1.12(61.15. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 47c, r. L f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 18,600 bu.; spot firm; No. 2 red nominal In elevator and $1.08 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.24 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nom inal f. o. b. afloat. Options opened weak and lo lower on account of foreign sell ing and a severe break In English markets. Then It Jumped 4c a bushel on a bullish Manitoba report, followed by a final brenk under profit taking and new short selling. The close was partly c net higher. May closed at $1.09; September. $1.07?siai.l!. closed at $1.09; December closed at $1.08. i CORN Receipts, 16,256 bu. ; No. 2. 59c In elevator and 59c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 60c; No. 2 white, 59c. Option market opened easy with wheat, rallied on rumors of frost In Nebraska, hut finally declined under talk of rising temperatures and closed weak at (&lc net decline. Sep tember, 58fiOc, closed at 68c; Decem ber, 574i69c, closed at 68c. OAT3 Receipts. 89,000 bu.; exports, 8,819 bu.; market for spot barely steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 36g.?7c; natural. 80 to 32 lbs.. 383Bc; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 41 44C. HAY Dull; shipping, 67c; good to choice, 96c. HOPS Firm; common to choice, 190S, 27pi'36c; 1902. nominal; olds, 7fUo; 19u2, nom inal; olds, 78P13c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 26 pounds. 17c; California, 21 to 25 pounds. 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14c. LEATHER Firm; acid, UQMr. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $10.60 fit. 50; me, $850ro00; beef hams, $24.00 25.60; pnrket. js.6Ow10.06; city extra India mess, $14.0H6 16.00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $9.0010.50; pickled shoulders, $7.00; pickled hams, H0.0tfffl0.50. Lard, firm: western steamed. 7.6; refined, firm; continent, $7.50: South America, $8.00; compound, $5.87'7.12H. Pork, steady; family. $14 SO 16.00; short clear, $13.60fil5.60; mess, $13 26$ 13.75. TALLOW Easy ; city. 4c; country. H9 4c. ' RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3 C6Vc; Japan, nominal. PEANUTS Dull; fancy hand-picked, e; ottier domestic, 886c. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, 18ig:18c. Official: Creamery, common to extra l.vgiSc; state dairy, com mon to extra. 12(917c. CHEESE Easier: atat full cream, large colored falrto choice, 7(5Sc; large whits fair to choice, 7(g8c. EGOS Steady; western fancy, selected, 21c; extra', average best. 194i30c. POULTRY Alive steady; western chick ens, 14c; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 13n. Dressed firm; western chickens, 1416o; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 14til5c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 28 COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. 11.20c; mid dling gulf. 11 45c. Sales, 200 btles. NEW ORLEANS. La., Aug. 26 COTTON Market firm. Sales. 750 bales; ordinary. I l-liio; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 10c; middling, I1c; good middling. 1lf-l6e; mlddllnr. 11 ll-lc. Receipts, 1,0; hales: stock. 24,959 bales. Futures strong; August, ll.DOni11.62e; September, 10.88ifil0.90c; October. 10.7Mr1fl.73c: November, 10 SMrlO 70e; December, 10.70fft10.77c; January, 10 74(rJl0.76e; February, 10 78folO 8flc; March. 10 83c bid. ST. I-Ol'IH. Aug. 26 -COTTON-Bteady. o higher; middling, 1(C. Sales none; re ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 8,844 balee. L1VERPOOU Aug. COTTON Spot market In moderate demand; prices 10 points higher; Ameil.-an middling fair, 6 7tW1; good middling, 6.&M: ml. idling. I60d; low middling, .S4d; good ordinary, 6.12d. Futures opened barely steady and closed steady; American middling, g o. e., August, 8 28d; August-8eptemler. 6 07d; September October, 6H5d; October-November, 6.74d; Novemter-lecember, 6.70d: Iecemher-January, 6 67d; Jsnuary-Febrviary, ItiSd; February-March, S6td. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 26.-COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at a decline of 64(10 points In response to easier French cable and continued liquidation. There waa further active switching from Sep tember to he late positions and while the. primary markets were firm and re ceipts moderate, a further decline In the French market toward the close leaving prices thers net franc lower, weakened the local market, which closed steady at a net loss of !"-''! 10 points. Sales were re ported of 131 HA bags. Including December 5iaj !t5c; March. 7 ir'67 25c; May. 7 SboJ 7 4hc; July. 7 b6ai.66. . Much of the liquida tion in coffee seemed due t Selling out by parties short of cotton. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctttle Receipts Light and Trading Baled Activs, with Frioei Steady. HOGS 601D MOSTLY A DIME HIGHER Mack Smaller Raa ef heea aaa Lasses lhaa Anticipated sad with a Good Dean aaa Mark of Wedaesday's Decllae Was Regained. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 25, 1904. Receipts wen.; Official Monday .... Oltirlal luesday ... official Wednesday Otrlcial Thursday .. Cattle. Hog. Sneep. , 4..wi. a, . a,418 li.iMI 6.41 , 1.8,0 7.3"1 17.418 10,861 ?9.2;g 33.610 13, ,9 19.446 lo.l MM 4a.4.J li.9. 7.8 18i9 9.0(3 lu8 b.6.14 9,7 23.936 ,62 TO DATE. Four days this week. Same days last week.. Same week before .... Same three weeks ago. Same four weeks ago.. fcame days last yea r. . . . .14,04 RECEIPTS IX3R THE YEAR The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at aouth Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last ye&r; 1904. lo3. Ino. Dec. Cattle oH.ofli 627. 41 98,:7 Hogs LoO.i.371 1.509,9, 5.4W Bheep 8J6.8X 811. s 14.4o8 Avsrsge prices paid for hogs at South Omaha lor the last several aas with comparison: Data. 1 is. ijoi.i(3.ijfn.iiM.;7f.inf. 681 C 151 6 71 I 181 6 7I I 16 1 t 101 6 84 6 80' I M 6 tkil 6 14 i bf" 6 15 t 73 6 04 i4i 6 t0 August 1. 1 4 M I 4 171 411 Ausust I I 4 2j 1 7 141 AUtfust 1.1 4 tJ 4 M August i 6 06 i 6 031 7 38 "' p-l IWI i 04 7 !U 6 84 August . 6 07 t Ml 7 14 6 80' I Ml August 7.1 1 6 (all 7 271 August n I 6 10 6 u 7 18, August I t 06 I 7 U August 101 6 1 li 6 191 1 nuguMi 111 ( 1 p 41 1 041 14 tW august U 4 81 5 20 6 78 6 71, 14 3.) August 1J 4 4 6 16 1 6 fcl 6 771 4 43 1 August 14 I 6 il 6 73, 6 73 4 S"7 4 431 August 161 6 01 6 ioi M 6 7hl 4 67 1 4 441 1 76 August 16 i 02U I ( 68 6 77 4 98l 4 321 3 78 August li) 4 ittvk.1 6 211 6 84 6 00 4 W 3 74 August 18 4 99 6 18j 6 68 4 95 4 4i 8 66 August 19 6 losti i Ui t T.ii 6 891 I 4 601 8 67 August 20 6 12 6 161 6 80 6 87) 5 03 3 75 August itl , o Z4 Si 1 0 7, 0 01 4 42 -August -fit 5 02, ( 811 7 tin o ft 01 4 3 Ki August 23) t 03, I 6 99 6 9l) 4 97 4 41 3 74 August i (H 1 6 46, 1 o t, 0 v., 4 441 01 .M August 25 i 13 1 6 45, 7 10 6 06 4 40; 3 73 4 11' I la J6 I T 4 M, 1 87 4 48 t 61 4 44. I 71 J I 7 4 381 4 87 8 81 4 I2 I 7 4 28, 3 til 4 291 I 3, 3 48 a 4 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each roud was: Cattle.Hoirs.Sheerj.Hra's. m. or 01. I 7 Missouri Pacific ... 17 V. P. System 4 C. & N. W 2 F., E. & M. V 28 C, St. P., M. & O. 1 B. 4 M. Ry 29 C. R A U K. C. & St. J C, R. 1. A P., east 3 C. O. W 1 6 Total receipts 97 8 6 13 8 20 7 18 I 1 8 82 6 1 me disposition or tne day's receipts was s follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co.... tswiii ana company Armour & Co Cudany Packing Co Cuaany t'o. trom K. C. Cudahy Co. from 8. C... Hwitt and Co. trom St. J. Carey A Benton Lobman A Co Cudahy Bros Hill Root Hamilton & KoUieohild. L. F. Husa Klngan A Co Won A Murnan Other buyers Agen Packing Co Bodrten Haggerty Sol Degan 226 812 224 413 34 102 2i2 it 80 si 49 4.1 93 'io 83 240 1.1(3 1,648 840 892 166 3.(9 216 828 699 4o0 6ui 1,559 Totals ..2,397 6,483 3,539 Ln ji,,-iiiere was uiiviher tight run ot catiie on raie tins morning, cars ot tne receipts being lonsigiicu unrcc to local packets, uuyers were uu in goud Kawn ana trading was active irom ui t to I111U11 ana an cny clearance was inaae. ine tew cars ot curn-feo ateers mat ar rived on the market changed nwndg at Just auoui steauy puces. As ulgn as ao.go waa paia for soma cattle, but they were ot good quality and well flnlsneu. in view of ine limited nuinoer of came on sale, even, the short-fed kinds sold without dnricuuy at good, steady prices, but packers were mucn opposed to paying more thdii tney did yesterday for any kind. As compared with lsst week, however, the market is all the way from lOftftfdc higher There were Just a tew cars of weeterr. grass beef steers and they also sold in much the same notches they did yesterday Trading was quite active ail along the line and It took only a short time tor every thing offered to change hands. For the size of the receipts there were quite a few cows and heifers on sale, but none too many to meet the requirements ot the trade. As a general thing the market was a little stronger than vesterday though of course there was more or leys unevenrieasi so that come salesmen did not quote It more than steady. As compaied with the middle of Inst week, which was the low point of the season, the market is now 60c per hundred higher. Canners can bo sold now, which was scarcely the cf.T? a.uwe'.'; "80,' 'ho"Ph ,he demand is still rather limited for that class of cattle Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show any particular change from yesterday. The feeder market was hardlv as Arm today as It was yesterday. Choice heavy feeders sold readily at etesdy prices, but aside from those the market was not so active and In sjme cases prices looked a little lower. The fact thst it Is retting toward the close of the week doubtless weakened speculator to some egtent. Rep resentative salee: BEEF STEERS. No, 41 to 14 0 1 II....' It No. At. Pr. 1 OOO Tf 14 1041 4 10 M 4 4 40 M U4 4 14 1 1140 I 00 41 1244 I 00 to liifl I in M ltl I 10 C 4 10J7 1 M I....'. 1104 1 40 1 144 1 M 1 117 t 00 1 100 1 on 1 1 140 t 0 1 110 I 00 I Ir I 10 f WO I 14 1 I0 I 10 1. 100 I II M 1010 I ft 1 1440 i II At. .1X1 Pr. I 20 .1110 I ft .1114 I K .1394 .1400 I 5S 8 7f '.M4I I TS .1461 I IS COWS. it'.'.', id'.'.'. 14.'.'.' ... 7il ...1000 ...1070 ...ions ... f,0 ,., ... 141 ... 110 ...1010 . . .loan ...12.14 ...im 1 to ...10kO i 00 I ft I so 10 I 40 t 10 I AS I M t 10 I 10 I M I ID Ml I 74 HEIFERS. 1 10 . 1 I BUU.B. I4S0 i K 1 I r 1 1 41 It 90 700 I ft . .1440 I 10 ..1R0 t ..1110 ..mo ..1M0 TS I JO I 86 CALVES I M0 I M 1.... t o I no 1.... 1 IM IM 8TOCKEK8 AND FEEDERS. 1 1010 I II 1 1010 1 10 1 107 I 40 7 1044 I 40 1 4C I IS NEBRASKA. 7 heifers... 850 12 80 t feeders 24 cows 851 I 80 12 feeders tunes A 11. wyo. 24 steers.. ..1240 I 66 Robert Howard Wyo. 61 st. cs .1018 3 30 Rates Pnrk Sheep Co. Wyo. 80 feeders.. 914 3 45 21 cows 1128 16 steers.. ..1082 1 86 1 steer 1280 Cole Creek Sheen Co. Wyo. 58 steers. ...1183 8 50 25 feeders. .1091 2 steers... .1330 8 60 1 feeder... 1080 J W. White Wyo. 24 feeders.. 11(4 176 3 feeders. .1103 12 feeders.. 904 I 70 1 feeder.., W. E. Ingraham Neb. It feeders.. V 1 20 1 heifer... I feeder... 1O50 I to Scows.... 1 feeder... KdO 1 60 I cow 1 cow 1140 t 40 1 cow It I M ftO I 10 m $2 75 1003 3 45 t 80 3 66 8 70 1 00 1 26 1 00 J 75 1 70 1 75 t 720 670 954 0 ..10.0 26 HOGS Receipts of hogs mere lighter than generally expected this morning and with a normal demand from both shloners and packers the market ruled active and higher. At the opening of the market the advance amounted to a big nickel or to 5fS10c, and later on when It became evident that both packers and shippers had liberal orders the market gained in activity and strength and was generally a dime higher. It took only a short time for everything In sight to change hands. Heavy hoga sold largely from 16.06 to 85.10, with some of the better loads as high as 16.16. Mixed loads went from 15 10 to 85. JO and prime lightweights No. 40.. IT.. II. . bl. . 44.. 41.. 14.. 14 . 1 . 4 . 41 , 44.. AT .14 ..t7 . tel ..' . IH . .la ..'4 . JU .174 Kit .III ..III Bh Pr No. At. Sh. Pr. 110 I 00 ii ran an 1 if, a 6 on 4a 44 I 124, ... I 4 II IU 120 I 12V, M 6 04 U jua ... I 124, 140 I 06 U JM ... I :sa HI I 8 II ... t 14 IM I 06 71 141 ... I 11 WIN II llo 40 I U ... IM Tl K.I II') I 11 ... 10 11 144 H I 11 IM I 04 11 IM K I 11 ... 6 till la M Its) I 11 . r" . 2l . 7 . 24 . I7 .141 . : . ta . in . ;si . . ist ..i'.S ..271 ..l0 . 271 .141 ..14 .240 ..177 . .24 ..!! ..241 ..140 .lib . 2 it . .i'71 . 176 ..HO . 2(1 2(4 10 I "TV, I nv, I 07k, I T, 8 "W ... 4 M 1 fl I 10 ... 6 10 ... I 10 ... I 10 0 I lu 1(W I 10 Ml 10 ... I 10 . . I 10 no I 10 to I 10 4') 4 10 40 I 14 It, I I 10 44 I 10 lao I 10 10 I ID 40 I 10 40 I 1" W 6 10 ... I 10 40 I 111, SO I IIS I lil u 4 1 uo. ii 211 u a 41 (2 - 4.1 1 .2:1 140 I It .. I ... I la ... a (a - .4 4,' a ,a ... a ll .jm a.t a 1 .. , . a . s ... a i.'t 41 a 1 , 1 ... . . . . a mj . . . to 40 6 ... 4 1U 40 I kvf ... 4 x ... IN IU IM . . . I 0 I III . . . 6 iv ... I l'i 40 I 114 .114 . 144 . -Ill . 211 .1,1 . . IK. . II . . IP . .141 . - HT . I-t . .1,4 ..it: ..244 6 M 6 22., 4.' I -O 40 I 26 . . I 24 M I 26 kiit i. 4-rhr2 aaa a verv light run ot heep ncre this morning, oniy rive cars be ing icported. A much iiiotc liberal rtin was generally anticipated and as packers all wanted a few tne market ruled active snd stronger. The prices paid tor the belter grades were much the same as those in torce on Tuesday, though some of tne com moner kinds tm.y not nave been quite as high as on that day. A good clearance, though, was made at an early hour. There were Just a lew teeders on sale and the supply of desirable grades was far short of the demand. The teeder market can safely be quoted active and steady on anything at all decent. M'jotations lor grass sheep and lambs: Good to choice yearlings, i3..o4.oo; lair to good yearlings. .).5ohij it; good 10 choice wethers, tvl.tviu 3.',a; talr to good wetheis. I3.26a3.6t); good to choice ewes. &2MjJ.2u; lair to goon ewes, 2.,6'n3 J5; good to choice lambs, 66 00(i6 36: fair to goon lainhd, H.'U (W; feeder yearlings, 3.2Vii.vto; feeder wetners, 83.0OU3 25: leeder twes. 2 0ntl2.n0; feeder lambs, 43 7684. 00. Representative sales: 4 Wyoming culls 87 2 60 8 Wyoming culls 84 2 5i 67 Wyoming culls 86 2 50 Wyoming culls 81 i 0 48 Wvomuig ewes 80 2 7o 319 Wyoming ewes 8( 3 uO South Dakota ewes !i 3 IM 158 Wyoming ewes 87 3 0) 8 Wyoming ewes 90 300 2. Ki Wyoming feeder ewes and wethers 109 3 S3 249 Wyoming wethers 9. 3 40 3. Wyoming ewes and wethers. 1 1 at 3 4a 1.12 South Dakota wether 112 3 4.) 23 Wyoming teeder yearlings. 91 3 56 5 Wyoming feeder year.lngii.. 92 3 55 376 Wyoming feeder yearliiiks.. N 8 55 172 Wyoming leeder yearlings.. o 4 l 82 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 49 4 15 V Wyoming bucks 11 4-5 117 western ewes lol l'J 2 western bucks w 2 85 29 Wyoming bucks ( 'it 4 2o 1 Wyoming buck 50 4 26 618 Wyoming feeder lambs 58 4 46 fi Wyoming feeder lumba 58 4 4. 86 Wyoming lambs 58 4 61 174 Wyoming lamba w 4 50 318 Wyoming lambs 58 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Strong: to Hlher Sheep Steady to Strong. CHICAGO. Aug. 25.-CATTLERecelpts, 7.500 head; Texans, 500 head: westerns. 2, OOu head; market steady; poor to medium, $3.50i(5.00; stockers and feeders, 12.00-0 3.90; cows. Il.50fi4.50; heifers, ll.75ji4.75; canners, 11 tVK(,2.50; hulls, !2.00fa 4.15; calves. M.OOp 6.25; Texas fed steers, !3.0081.3.iO western steers. 13.Kra3.50. HOGS Receipts. 19.000 head; market strong to higher; mixed and butchers, 15.10 tfl6.66; good to choice heavy, S.i.30(fjo.4r; rough henvy. 14.8r,fi'5.46; light, 15.30'ti60; bulk of sales. $5.254i5.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20.00(1 head; mnrket on sheep and lambs steady to strong; good to choice wethers. !3.fti( 4.26; fair to choice mixed, J3.26ii3.7u; west ern sheep, t3.25(T14.25; native lambs, 14.25 6.00; western lambs, 14 Oufij'l-W. New York Live Stork Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 25-BEEVES-Re celpts, 4.444 head; market firm on reported light receipts for tomorrow; dressed beef steady; native sides 7 to 9 cents per lb.; Texan beef, tvi6c per lb.; cables firm; ex ports 820 cattle. CALVES Receipts. 888 head; market steady; veals. 15.50fy8.25; tall end. $4.50 8.00; grassers and buttermilks nominal; city dressed veals. 8il2c per pound; country dressed, fryllc per pound; dressed grasxers, f,igr,o per pound; dressed but termilks, etie per pound. SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 6.630 head; market good; sheep strong othets steady; lambs. 25 to 50 cents higher on scant supply. Common to good sheep 13.00 4.00: culls. 12.00; common to prime lambs, $6,00f$7.75; one car. 18.00. HOGS Receipts. 1,125 head; market feel ing a trifle weak; no ales reported. Kaasas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Aug. 25 CATTLE Receipts, 6,500 head. Including l.OuO south erns. Market steady to 10c higher; closed easy; choice export and dressed beef steers, 15.26(86.00; fair to good. 13.754i5.00: western fed eteers, I3.761j5.60; stockers and feeders, $2.25(?i.10; southern steers. 12.60ft4.25; south ern ( .'. !1.75(u3.00; native cows and heif ers, .0'ij4.76; bulls, 12.00(53.00; calves, 12.S5 (96.(0. HOGS Receipts, 8,400 head; market 6?iinc higher; top price, 15.35; bulk of sales. 15.17 &5.30; heavy, 15.106 .20; packers, 16.15rn6.30; pigs and lights. !5.0o(n5.35. . SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 5.000 head; market steady; native lambs, 14.(Ktt 6.50; native wethers, t3.501i4.00; nntlve ewes. 13.O0ffi3.5o; western lambs. 14.00ra6.50; western yeiirltnge, 13 6or(f4.00; western sheep, 13.25ffi 3.70; Blockers and feeders, t2.IMXa3.60. St. I.ools Live Stork Market. ST. I5CI8. Aug. 26. CATTLE Receipts, 5.000 hend. Including 2,800 Texans. Market a shade lower. Native shipping and export steers, 14.76415.36; dressed beef and butchers' steers. 14.25fi615; steers under 1.000 Ibn., 13 75(ii4.35: stockers and feeders, t2.00ffi3.tl6; cows and heifers. 12.40iM.76; canners, 11.5011' 2 16; bulls, 12.2o'W3.60; calver. 14.00.00; Texas and Indian steers, 12.50(33.75; cows and heifers, tl.16(&2.75. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady to 6c higher; pigs and lights, 15. own 6.60; packers, 16.10ft6.46; butchers' and best heavy, 15.80(85.60, ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.000 head; market steadv; native muttons. 13 50 i3.75: lambs, 14.165.50; culls and bucks,; stockers. 13.153.20; Texans, 13.50 it 4.00. St. Joseph Live Stuclc Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 26.-CAT-TLE Receipts. 2.275 head; mnrket steady to 10c lower; natives, 13.60ffi6.10; cows, and heifers, tl.251i4.85; stockers and feeders, 12.75(34 00. M , 4 HOGS Receipts, 3.412 head; market steady; light. 15.10fJ6.55; medium and heavy, lo.l(V(i6.22. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Rf celpts, 1,000 head; market stronger. Sloes City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Is , Aug. 25 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 300 head; mar ket steadv; beeves. 13.5OSi6.50; cows, bulls and mixed, 12.26((j.3.26; stockers and feeders, $2.75413.60; calves and yearlings, $-'.Wf(3.2.". HOGS Receipts, 2.000 head; mnrket 10c higher, selling at $5.05ffjS.2S; bulk, $5.H 65.15. Stork In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester d" . .... tattle, nogs, oneep. 2.4'.S S"0 6.500 , 6 000 2.275 7.500 23.998 of the eld rrop rf prunes are rather smaller, than genrallv supposed the msrket shows sn esy tone S(Kt nue'fltlon range from i'rtfi'ac according to g-an Apricots are ettrsctlng some axpott attentl'Mt from the coast and rule Arm. Choice are quoted at t'U.4il0c; extra ch"lce. Ui'W10V; fancy. 11 (.,1V. reaches ate In moderate demand. Extra choice are hrld at Sc a-td fancy at 9Stiltc. .MARKET OM 4.HA WlltLEA.Ii 6.420 1,216 2.00 8,400 6.000 6. WO l.OXI 8.412 l.OiO 19.000 20,000 43.232 30,215 South Omaha .... filoux City Kansas City St. Loula St. Joseph Chicago Totals Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 26 WOOI The position of wool In the Boston mnrket Is firm, al though the demand Is not heavy. The mills are well supplied with slock for the present, but dealers believe that the goods market will ha favorable and that the mill owners will be obliged to stock up again. Values are generally well maintained on all grades of wool. The prices of domestic wool In this market are based on actual sales, as follows: California Northern, choice, 2-fi 23o; middle counties, 17lilc: southern, Hfp 14e. Idaho Territory, fine, 19rJl)c; fine me dium. 18fai8V,r. Wyoming fine, 16(fV17c; One medium. 17M)18c. 1'tah snd Nevada r'lne, rfilTc; fine medium, 15(16c; roarse, 16Cf(17o. ST. LOriS, Aug 26. WOOIMarket steady. Medium grades, combing anil clothing, 26Vb26c; Ugh' liOc; heavy line, 15'alfio; tub washed, ,il'LVr. NEW YORK. Aug. 26 -WOOL Market firm; domestic fleece, 3jvfj36c. Whisky Market. CHICAOO, Aug. 26-WHI8KY-Bteady. on a basis of $1.28. PEORIA. Aug 26 WHISKY On a basis of 11 28 for finished goods ST. LtHUB. Aug 26-WHISKY-Steady, on a basis of 11. 8. CINCINNATI. Aug 25.-W HI8KY-On M basis of $1.28 for finished goods. ICvaaoratrd Applra and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. EVA BORATE!) AITLES-Market qulal. but firmly held; new fruit for future delivery Is quoted from 47, as to tlm; spot quotation are aittu ut iiuotabl changes: common are held st '6Vc; iirlm at 6a0'lc; choice, 6inic; fancv, Trjle. CALIFOHNlA DRIED Fit CITS-Whlle rtpuits frum the coast stale thai supplies Condition ef Trade and Qantatlnas ear Staple nad Faaey Pradnre. EGGS Receipts moderste; candled stock 18LIVE POI'1.1 RY Hens, 9Wc; reostere. 6c; turkevs. 13c. ducks. 1c; geese, be; spring chi-hens.' WHfiliV. lU'TTEft Peeking stock, 11c; choice to far. v rt.ilrv. U'-i 14c, separator, 174il74c. FRESH FISH 'iSout, 10c; pickerel, 8ei Pike. I'" ; M'lc Jo: lii.n 1- : wnneflalt, 10c: silmon, 14c; redsnapper. He; Iobter, Niteti. -i ln.ii.ier t.fiieo. .oc; bullliend. 11c; cntnsh He. hlrtrp bis 2(v: nIIPtf. 10c; ri'npplet, 12o: roe shad. 11; bufalrt. 7o; white bass, lie; frog legs, per doa , 25c. )-K..-i er toil. HAY Prices quoted bv 0:nahn Wholesale Delers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 17 00; No. 2, 16 60; medium. 16 00: coarse, 15 50. Ry straw, 15.60, These price are for bav of good Ior apd quality. OYSTERS New York count, per can, 48c; extra select, per can, 17c; standards, per cun, 32c. TROPICAL FRCITS. ORANGE8 Valencia a, all slies, 4 OtVff I . LEMONS California fancy, W, lov ad KO, 4 '((4.l0: choice. JPOMO? LIMES Florida, per 8-baakel crate. $4 hi. I 'll is Ciilifot inn. per i"-,o carton, t"i-; Imported Smyrnn, 2-crown, 12c; 6-crown, He; 7-crown. l$c. BAN AN A 1'er medlum-lsed bunch. $2.W Qi.i; Jumbo, $2.Tnii3 25. FRUITS. APPLES--Home powii, per bu. basket, 4X"5u0c; per bbl., $2.25 1 t,Ai,i t, cu.i.ornla Elbertns and Su. queliaunus, $1.10, home grown cling, per 10-lb. basket, 25c; Missouri, per l eket dale, 61 86, Colorado, iic(U61.1l). 1'LL'MS California gross prune, $1.50; Truscty, 11.26, Italian prune. 11.25. PcArtS Cailiornni Lailiett, per box. 11.90 (fi$2.oo; Colorndo Klemlsh Beauty, 11 5i; t olorado, I'tuh and Oregon Bartlett, $1 60 4i 1.76. CANTELOITE ArkanKHS and Indian Territory, per crate, $2.i4Hti2.26. W ATEi'.Al bil.o.xy lJei' It. (crated), lc CELERY Per dos.. ZtSaMic. GRAPES Home grown, per 8 to 10-llj. basket, 8t"it35c. CHAR APPI.KS-Per. bbl., $2.60. VEGETAUUEfl. POTATOES New homi grown, In sacks, per bu., acuttje. NAVY BEANS -Per bu., $1.90'fj;.00. ONIONS Home grown, in sacks, per bu.; 6011750. , '. TOMATOES Home grown, per mark! biisket. irVd2oc. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb.; Hio. CL CL7MBERS Per do.. 16c. Tl'RNlPS home grown, per bu., tOflW: BEETS Home grown, per bu., 6flf&ti0c. PARSLEY Per doi.. 26c. WAX BEANS Per market bssket. 60c. STRING BEANS Per market basket, 1W0. GREEN PEPPERS Per bushel basket, SQUASH Home grown, per dog., 60c. EciG PLANT Southern, per dos.. $1.60. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, pet market basket, Soft-Mc; Virginia, iter bol., $3.25fi(3.50. MISCELLANEOUb. NEYV HONEY Per zi frames. $3.60. MAPLE Sl'GAR Ohio, per lb., loo. CHEESE lscunnlii twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, new, 16c; old, nlle; Wisconsin brick, 13Vc; Wisconslu Hmberger. 13c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7Hc. Mo. I green Ctc; No. 1 sall?d, l'c; No. 2 malted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry salted, 8fjl2c; sheep pells, 241127c: horse hides, $2.76. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; smsll, per lb, 10c; peanuts, per lb., 12c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., UnjUc; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, 13c; shellbarks, per bu.. ?.00; black walnuta, per bu., $1.25. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. ;6 METALfl-Tln w higher, spot closing A.U3 fid In London and futures tneie were quoted at U8 15s. Lo cally spot is quoted at $26.95fti27.10. Copper was a little higher for future delivery In the London market, with spot closing at 57 7s 6d snd futures at 67 7 9d. Locally copper was unchanged. Lead was un changed at 14.2tKti4.25 in the local market, but was higher at 11 15s In London. Spelter also advanced slightly In the for eign market, closing at 22 15s. but remain ing unchanged here at $4.85(5 4 95. Iron closed at 51s 9d In Glasgow and st 43i In Mlddlesborotigh. Locally Iron Is more or less unsettled No. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted at 113.75 14.26: No. 2 foundry, north ern, at 113.25(913.75; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No, 1 foundry, southern, soft, at $13.50 ST.B" LOCI8. Aug. 25 -METALS-Lead, firm, $4.0QS4.06, Spelter, higher, $4.8044.05. Iondon Sheepskin Sale, LONDON. Aug. 2S.-BHF.EPSKIN8 A sales of sheepskins was held In Mincing Lnne today. The offerings numbered 1.19ii bales. There was a large attendance and competition was unimated. Practically all the skins were sold. Merinos were, un changed, short wooled being In lees favor. Americans paid the highest rates for suit able qualities. Following are the siles and prices obtained for clothing and combing: New South Wales, 46 bales at 3V(iSW,d; Vic torla, 7tl bales at 4.?i8id; South Australia. 419 bales at 3ftd; West Australia. 18) bales at 3'yfi8Vd. Tasmania. 438 bales at 4' CoNd; New Zealand. 775 bales at 4f(19id; Pttnta Arenas. 434 bales at 6V(SSd; Buenca Ayres, 846 bale at tift 8'4d. Sugar and Molassra. NEW YORK, Aug. 25. SVGA R Raw. quiet; fair refining. 3 11-liie; centrifugal. 9 teat. 4'2jc; molasnes sugar, 8 7-lfie; refined, quiet; crushed, 8. 90c; powdered, 6.30c; gran ulated, 6 20c. NEW ORLEANS, Ls.. Aug. 26.-8UGAR Steadv; open kettle centrifugal, 3Sc; cen trifugal whites, ic; yellows, 3ft4'c; sec onds 2'f('3fHiO. MOLAK8E3 Nominal; open kettle, 20 25c; centrifugal, 10&16c. SYRL'P Nominal, 2oa26c. . Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 26 Buying shows a slight Improvement, with a stronger tone, to prlcea for dry goods. The course of tha raw material Is not clarifying the situation; on the other hand, the buyer and seller are becoming more confused. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Aug. 26 SEEDS Clover, cash, $7.50; December. $7.62. Prime alslke, $7 60; August. $S.70. Prime timothy, $1474; Bep temlrfT, $1.4"V4- Peoria drain Market. PEORIA. III.. Auff 2.-CORN-8teadrS No. 3. 64c; No. 4. 63Hc Sees Spots 01 the Moon. CAMBRIDGE. Muss., Aug. 25.-A tele gram has been received here from Prof. W. H. Pickering, who Is at the Lowe ob servatory. California, tending to confirm an observation of a spot on the moon, made by him last month. He saw a hazy patch In the large lunar crater, Tlato, which had not been detected before. It was again seen on August 2 snd 1. It had then grown dork, measured about two Inehas In diameter and resembled a small crater. The object Is said to coincide In poiltlon with a previously recorded craterlet, but Is apparently btrger. Renewed scrutiny In the last few day reveals the continued existence of the feature, which now meas ures three miles aero Two other tiny craterlets nd a dark snot on the floor of Pluto, not previously reported, also are announced by Prof. Pickering. Welnselntrr I'leads .Vot Gnllty. NEW YORK, Aug. 26 Phillip Weln elmer, president of the Building Trades alliance, under Indictment on a charge of ext .rtlcn. entered a plea of not guilty to the Indictment In tin court of general ses sions today. His eiitinsel made three dis tinct and separate motions for dismltsfil and delay, oil of which were overruled. Welnselmer w released ou $2,000 bonds. Publish your Want Ads In Tlie Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deed filed for record August 26, a fur nished by the Midland Guarantee Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fa mam street, for Th Bee: John K. Graff to Georg C. Smith; part lot 31, block A. Kountxe's $ 600 Gertrude M. Itnge to Cornelia h. Bonewlts. part lot 13. block 1, Hlme baugh A Patterson's Sub to Frederick Rualln and wife to Clayton A. Pratt; lot 23 arid 24, block , Hanacon Place 4.000 John G. Kelly and wife to William J. Brennan; lot 6. block 9, south Omaha 1.100 A. I. Cull to John D. Daley; lot 14, block 7, Central Park 500 Francis J. Collier and wife to Mftr- arc-t J. Prltitlce; part lot 14. Mock I. Dut'iifit Place Louis W. Weymuller to Stors Rreelng company: lot 4. block 4 Collier Place Sheriff to S. D. Mercer; lot 11. block 8, and other property In Walnut Hill.. Richard H. t'alklna to Anton Fiakaj lots 1$ to 16, block 1 YYiivO Add.... 600 OOO too